
Viper550so, what ideas do we have for Lubuntu?01:34
Viper550I kinda had a "frost" idea02:19
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Viper550I had some ideas for the Lubuntu look16:50
coz_Viper550,  hey guy../.sorry  I am in the middle of icon editing :)20:24
Viper550I'm trying to inquire about GTK engines and low-end computers20:35
Viper550troy_s, can gtk engine choice effect system performance?21:03
troy_sViper550: "System Performance" is relative. Yes, but no.21:07
Viper550troy_s, so a gtk engine with a cairo backend won't effect performance on say, the kind of computer we're targeting Lubuntu for?21:08
Viper550cause I'm working on a GTK theme for a mockup based off the Lucid desktop21:09
troy_sViper550: I have no clue. Is there a baseline system? I doubt it. But I have no clue. And don't really care.21:09
Viper550*Ubuntu Lucid theme21:09

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