
doctormohello czajkowski, when do you fly? (do you?)07:20
jussigood morning all!08:02
czajkowskijussi: howdy08:03
jussihiya czajkowski, excited to be leaving soon?08:03
jussiczajkowski: dont forget my tinwhistle!08:03
czajkowskitomorrow morning08:03
czajkowski90 min flight08:04
czajkowskijussi: tin whistle is packed my dear08:04
jussiexcellent :D08:04
doctormoI leave today at 7:30pm, get there for 11am08:35
nigelbI guess a lot of folks are in air or bound to airport today11:13
AlanBelltomorrow for me11:17
AlanBellbut going on the train11:18
nigelbAlanBell: wow!11:18
* nigelb <3 trains11:18
nigelbAlanBell: I'm so so jealous :D11:18
AlanBellgoing through http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_Tunnel11:18
nigelbAlanBell: how long is the ride?11:23
PendulumAlanBell: I'm jealous you're getting to train. I really liked the Eurostar the time I took it11:25
nigelbPendulum: free at last huh?11:25
AlanBellnigelb: no idea, I think we have plans for a podcast recording to pass the time11:25
nigelbAlanBell: wow, rocking :)11:26
* nigelb really needs to get down and renew passport11:26
AlanBellPendulum: planes are good too11:26
AlanBellalthough long flights are hard work11:27
nigelbI dnno, there is something about trains that I love11:27
Pendulumthey are, but given the choice I'd go with the Eurostar (admittedly I also ended up in first class on a cheap ticket because there are only 2 wheelchair spots on the train and the other was already booked)11:27
AlanBellI hope you get well looked after on the plane11:28
AlanBellwho are you flying with?11:28
nigelbAlanBell: you, popey, and daviey?11:29
Pendulumwhich could be okay or could be horrible11:29
Pendulummostly annoyed because I really wanted to sleep in this morning as I don't sleep on flights, and instead my body decided that this was late enough and I've not gotten loads of sleep :(11:31
nigelbwhat time is the flight?11:31
Pendulum7PM tonight11:31
nigelbhow much of a TZ difference do you land up in?11:32
AlanBellI think someone has broken https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M/Attendees11:32
nigelbits displaying okay for me so far11:32
AlanBellthere is a second arrivals and departure section11:33
AlanBellwith different data11:33
Pendulumugh, transatlantic flights are expected to run 90-120 minutes late today due to ash :(11:34
Pendulumand that's not "late" as in leave late, but "late" as in be that much longer11:35
AlanBellyou will still be there well before me11:35
nigelboh, slower11:35
Pendulumyes, but it means potentially 10.5 hours in flight instead of 8.511:35
Pendulumyeah, they're having to reroute around it, I guess11:35
Pendulumand I'm always first on and last off so figure I could be on a plane for close to 12 hours11:36
AlanBellthey have to divert south from the great circle route to go round it11:36
nigelbwell, at least better than being grounded at least11:36
Pendulumyeah. i'm glad i was already planning on taking loads of pain medication11:37
jussiPendulum: make sure you have your prescriptions with you11:38
* nigelb was just about to say that11:38
nigelbjussi: you're flying or taking a train?11:38
Pendulumjussi: I know. And I never remove from the prescription bottles (which also have it written on it) as well11:38
jussiahh, yeah11:38
nigelbjussi: btw, I entered your channel out of curiousity ;) No big deal11:39
* jussi almost got done for drug running with morphine...11:39
PendulumI don't have morphine :(11:39
jussinigelb: i was asking how you found it11:39
nigelbjussi: well, I have this script that does a whois on whoever PM's me11:39
jussiyes... but I have +i set... ?11:39
nigelbyeah, it wasn't you :p11:39
czajkowskinigelb slightly stalkerish11:40
jussioh, mind telling me who so I can slap them into +i? :P11:40
nigelbczajkowski: it was entirely innocent.  someone told me its a nice script to have11:40
jussimind, I can guess who...11:40
Pendulumbut I know one of my meds isn't available in europe at all (and if they confiscate it, I'm screwed since we're in Belgium and not Holland since the non-synthetic version of the same chemical is cannabis ;-) )11:40
nigelbjussi: you should be able to guess whom I might PM on *that* list ;)11:40
qensePendulum: What's the med?11:40
czajkowskinigelb ah tis11:40
Pendulumqense: marinol. it's a synthetic THC11:41
nigelbczajkowski: like some random person pm's you and you want to associate with what the heck he/she is talking about11:41
qenseYou could quickly jump the border and fetch some. :)11:41
qenseAlthough there have been crack-downs on drug tourism lately, tourists cause almost all problems.11:41
Pendulumqense: I am aware that if I absolutely had to I could. Just would be a PITA.11:41
qensePendulum: It would be odd if they'd confiscate it. Do you have papers for them?11:42
* nigelb had to google for PITA11:42
qensePita bread!11:42
nigelbjussi: sorry I stalked your channel though :/11:42
czajkowskinigelb i get a lot of random pm being freenode staffer11:42
nigelbczajkowski: yeah, I get a lot during classroom sessions or during patch day11:42
Pendulumqense: yeah. so I think I should be okay. just a little paranoid because it's the main thing I have to manage pain.11:42
qenseI had to take a Schengen Declaration with me for my medication when I went to Greece (inside Schengen-area), but I was never asked to show it.11:42
Pendulumyeah, I've never actually been questioned on meds anywhere11:43
czajkowskiback later11:43
nigelbPendulum: they'll most probably not ask you11:43
jussinigelb: no problems, not much happens there, just was curious how you came acoss it.11:43
PendulumI just get paranoid because of how bad it would be if they did decide it wasn't acceptable11:43
nigelbjussi: hehe, btw a lot of people have the ##<nick> channel11:43
* nigelb doesn't11:44
nigelbtoo many channels, irssi doesn't have enough space until end of UDS11:44
qenseI'm already in 15 channels on Freenode and in 7 on GIMPNet and the UDS hasn't even started yet.11:45
nigelboh grr, when I /whois my other nick, I can't see what channels its on11:45
nigelbwell, at least the +i works great :D11:46
nigelbAlanBell: bah, its only 2 hours11:49
PendulumI suspect UDS is going to be the first time I'll really ever wish I ran irssi in a screen11:49
nigelbPendulum: you don't run it off a server?11:50
Pendulumnigelb: nope11:51
nigelbPendulum: screen is mostly useful when its running on a server and you keep connecting to the same session11:52
nigelbwhen its only on your laptop, not really that useful, you can always open another terminal, not possible on a server though11:52
PendulumI know. This is why I don't run screen11:52
nigelbPendulum: chris offered me a user on his vps to run irssi :)11:53
PendulumI could probably set it up on a friend's server, but I've not asked if he'd be cool with my setting it up on it, and he hasn't offered and it's too late to ask now :)11:54
nigelbPendulum: you can ask a lot of folks around, they'd be happy to set it up for you :)11:55
jussichannels.... hrm, Im in like... errr... 70ish?11:57
* nigelb bows11:58
nigelbjussi: ever used putty?11:58
nigelb(the ssh thingy)11:58
jussioh, hang on,its more like 110...11:59
jussinigelb: yes...11:59
nigelbjussi: can I PM, I need help with that11:59
jussinigelb: Im quite busy at the moment, do they not have a support channel?11:59
nigelbjussi: no clue12:00
jussi/msg alis help12:01
jussinigelb: ^^^^12:01
nigelbabuyaay!, it works12:10
nigelbabuI fianlly managed to ssh into my irssi session12:10
AlanBellPendulum: you can run screen on one of my servers if you like12:28
qenseGuys, you did all notice ubuntulog is now idling in this channel as well?13:00
=== jussi changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Welcome to the Community Team || ROCK THIS: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-community.html - DONE Makes Bacon a Happy Boy || This Channel is logged ||
jussiqense: i do beleive it was asked to come in.13:14
qenseI did13:14
qenseWith Jono's approval, of course.13:14
jussiqense: ok, please make sure the channel topic gets updated if you do that in any other channels. we have a legal oblgation to notify people on join that they are being logged.13:15
qensejussi: I didn't know that, thank you for doing it.13:15
qenseI hope the people idling yesterday won't sue.13:15
jussiand let me know if you see any cahnnels that are logged without an appropriate topic or entry message13:16
jussiqense: :D13:16
qensejussi: Will do, thank you for pointing me at it!13:16
qenseDammit! More airspace troubles because of ash.14:11
qenseBut the pictures at Iceland! They look so awesome.14:11
qenseI mean, look at this: <http://www.volkskrant.nl/binnenland/article1377447.ece/Vliegverkeer_ondervindt_weer_hinder_van_aswolk>14:12
qenseAmsterdam Airport said that travellers to North-America and South-Europe should expect delays and even cancellations.14:12
qense(_maybe_ even cancellations)14:16
Pendulumyeah, i'm getting nervous14:17
JanClooking at cloud maps it looks like Amsterdam, Brussels & London airports are safe for now, I'm not so sure about Paris (but I'm not a meteorologist ;) )14:17
PendulumI can't decide whether I wish my flight was earlier or later14:17
JanCclouds are blowing NE to SW over Belgium currently, while blowing the other way over Spain & (part of) France14:19
JanCand currently airports are closing in teh north of Portugal & Spain and south of France...14:20
Pendulumnigelbabu: ^^ do you want to say what you just told me?14:23
nigelbabuwell, someone had their chicago -> brussels flight cancelled14:23
* nigelbabu goes to hunt for scroll back in -devel14:24
qenseThe ash came back just a bit too early.14:24
qenseI'm happy I'm going by train and I've already got my ticket; no ash troubles for me.14:24
PendulumI wish it would hold until Monday14:24
PendulumI don't really care if I get stuck *in* Brussels14:25
nigelbabuscott ritchie i suppose (YoKoZar)14:25
JanCqense: unless it's a steam train  ;)14:25
qenseJanC: It is the NS after all, who knows. ;)14:26
Pendulumoh dear, if your'e right, then that's a whole bunch of people14:26
Pendulum(I count 12 people on that flight according to the wiki)14:27
nigelbabuPendulum: he rescheudled to paris and then train to brussels ;)14:27
nigelbabuouch, 12 people14:27
Pendulumhopefully the rest can, too. I know at least one is probably at the airport already for flight to Chicago14:27
JanCnigelbabu: there are no assh problems in Brussels for the moment, but maybe his plane got stuck in Spain or Portugal or such...14:28
nigelbabuJanC: dunno, I just heard in -devel when trying to catch who pinged me14:28
JanCnigelbabu: I know, read what he told14:29
nigelbabuJanC: so, all those people will be affected right?14:29
Pendulumhuh, according to the website for the airline, the flight is still happening14:29
JanCI guess the airline companies will try to reschedule them somehow14:29
Pendulumoh, wait, I take that back14:30
Pendulumit's cancelled14:30
JanCPendulum: any reason given?14:30
Pendulumjust says cancelled14:30
Pendulumand it's not until this afternoon14:30
JanC<paranoid-mode>Microsoft offered them some money?</paranoid-mode>14:30
Pendulum(like the flight wasn't even supposed to depart Chicago for another 7 hours)14:31
nigelbabuJanC: lol14:31
JanCPendulum: sounds like thay know their plane is stuck somewhere and won't be in Chicago in time for the flight14:32
Pendulumthat's what I'm hoping14:32
Pendulumfrustrating that this is a saturday so probably can't reach travel agent :-/14:32
JanCPendulum: let's hope your plane doesn't get stuck  ☺14:32
qenseAs long as the air space stays clear for tomorrow.14:32
JanCI expect no problems for Brussels airspace14:33
nigelbabuakgraner is supposed to be on that flight, I hope she knows :/14:33
JanCbased on the direction of the wind14:33
Pendulumokay, just talked to my airline and they currently don't have any plans14:40
Pendulum(to cancel)14:40
Pendulumsadly final decision will be after I'll need to have headed to the airport, but we'll see14:40
qenseSomeone just twittered he left Salt Lake City Airport.14:41
JanCheh, Paul Sladen is coming by bike + ferry boat?  ☺14:41
nigelbabuJanC: yeah, rocking itenary14:41
nigelbabuJanC: nick barcet is better14:42
nigelbabuentirely on bike :)14:42
JanCnigelbabu: taht's somewhat impossible from the UK  ;)14:42
JanCunless you rent a "water bike" to cross the channel :P14:43
nigelbabuJanC: or send it via train?14:43
JanCwell, then it's not "entirely by bike"14:43
nigelbabuhehe :)14:44
JanCand biking through the Channel Tunnel is not allowed  ;)14:44
nigelbabuunless you happen to bribe emergency personnel on both eds14:45
PendulumI wish I had an earlier flight so that I didn't have all this wait time now!14:45
PendulumI think I'm seriously going to go to the airport waaaay early just so I'm not in my flat14:45
nigelbabuPendulum: :)14:46
qenseJanC: Were you planning on attending or not? I keep forgetting. If so, by car or by train?14:47
JanCqense: I'll be there on mon-tue-wed & fri14:48
qenseYou can probably sleep at home. :)14:48
nigelbabuI wish it were in asia for once14:49
JanCand by car, but I sleep at my uncle & aunt's place on mon-tue & tue-wed14:49
qensenigelbabu: In your house!14:49
nigelbabuqense: haha14:50
JanCqense: it's a bit too far to sleep at home, especially as the first 3 days are workdays in .be & the traffic around Brussels is killing then  ☺14:50
qenseHow much rooms do you have?14:50
nigelbabuwell at least it will be extremely touristy14:50
qenseJanC: Belgiums isn't Luxembourg.14:50
qenseIt's larger14:51
JanCright, but the main issue is the traffic around Brussels during peak hours14:51
qenseWho doesn't hate rush hour.14:51
JanCit might take 2h to travel 50km or so, in case of bad luck  ;)14:52
qensecjohnston! You're still here!14:52
cjohnstonwhere else would i be14:52
qenseHalf the people are flying already.14:52
qense(Or stuck at the airport )14:53
JanCpeople who are used to going to work in brussels told me I should drive to Brussels before 6am   :-/14:53
cjohnstoni dont leave till tomorrow14:54
cjohnstonhave a wedding im in tonight14:54
qenseJanC: You can merge the LP account 'janc-lugwv' into your own, did you know that?14:55
JanCqense: huh?14:55
qenseI was looking for you on Launchpad and saw there were two Jan Claeyses14:55
qenseOne as janc-lugwv14:55
JanCI don't even know where that one comes from...14:56
qenseJanC: https://edge.launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge14:56
qenseJanC: translation import, according to LP14:56
JanCow, that's possible, maybe14:56
JanCfor some translations I made *ages* ago14:56
JanCand not in Ubuntu14:57
qenseclaim the karma!14:57
nigelbabuupstream perhaps14:57
JanCprobably my libgtkspell translation14:57
JanCugh, and I don't own that mail address anymore15:00
akgranerhi all17:08
akgranerCan get to Chicago o'hara  - but on standby for flight tomorrow17:08
nigelbabuakgraner: good to know17:09
nigelbabuwe heard your flight got cancelled17:09
akgranerfound about an hour ago - flight to London, Paris, Frankfurt, Brussels - closed  - UbuAsh17:09
macoso basically only the europeans who go by train are making it17:10
macooh, and sladen17:10
macowho i believe is going by ferry17:10
maco(just because he likes to travel in as convoluted ways as possible)17:10
nigelbabudont tell me're all gling to remotely attend frm airports17:10
akgranerthe one today did  - but was able to get last seat standby for a flight out tomorrow from 0'hara providing ash clears17:10
PendulumDelta seems to still be running flights17:11
nigelbabumaco: and the indians :D17:11
bencrisford_maco: ferries are the best :D17:11
* bencrisford_ dont like flying17:11
Pendulum(at least from NYC as I'm not cancelled yet)17:11
nigelbabuvish is going to make it :)17:11
macobencrisford_: sladen lives on a boat, so if it involves using somethng less-common than a plane or train, he's probably going for it17:11
nigelbabumaco: lives on a boat! whoa!17:12
macolike..i dont know... ferry to one place, bicycle a few towns over on his brompton... then grab an eagle's talons and fly the rest of the way?17:12
nigelbabueagle's talon lol17:12
bencrisford_ferries aren't that odd, I have got a ferry to france more times than I can recall17:12
bencrisford_even to spain once17:12
akgranerPendulum, I talked to the airline was told Delta cancelled theirs as well17:13
akgranerI'm at Charlotte now17:13
macoi took one from palermo to napoli once. wow that was just /weird/  --- first class = a room full of recliners that dont really recline very far so sleeping is tough and theres no leg room17:13
maco2nd class has actual rooms O_o ???17:13
akgranermight want to actually call them17:13
Pendulumakgraner: yeah, I think I will. I wonder if it's because it's from NYC and not Chicago?17:14
akgranerPendulum, American tried to get me on another airline17:14
maconigelbabu: yes17:14
nigelbabumaco: wow17:14
akgranerare you flying direct?17:14
nigelbabumaco: are you sure you didn't confuse 1st and 2nd class :D17:14
macoalso, i didnt think. i only took one book with me, and it was half-read when i left. so by the time we reached italy ... or um actually i think before the plane left the US... i finished17:14
maconigelbabu: yes17:14
maco(normally i just buy more books while i'm travelling. going to a country where i dont know the language, that doesnt work so great)17:15
nigelbabumaco: ick, train sounds much better17:15
bencrisford_whoa, i'd forgotten how slow usb 1.0 was17:15
Pendulumakgraner: my flight is still okay17:16
akgranerPendulum, sweet!17:16
PendulumI wonder if flights from NYC use a more southernly route anyway or something17:17
Pendulumso it might be easier to reroute than things from chicago17:17
akgranerPendulum, they tried to route us through JFK today but we were told those flights were cancelled as well :-(17:18
akgranerI hope you are able to get out17:18
Pendulumhuh, I did just talk to Delta who said they were fine (although overbooked)17:19
JanCheh, Brussels airport is still open with almost no cancelled flights according to latest news?17:19
Pendulumalso my flight doesn't come from Europe, so dunno if that makes a difference17:20
akgranerczajkowski, hey17:20
JanCthey said there were some cancelled flights in Charleroi (aka Brussels South Airport)17:20
akgranerare you going to make it in?17:20
nigelbabuczajkowski: already in brussels?17:21
akgranerJanC,  yeah we were told Brussels was closed for today17:21
Pendulumakgraner: the airport is definitely still open17:21
Pendulum(in Brussels)17:21
JanCakgraner: Brussels airport is definitely *not* closed17:21
JanCunless that happened during the last minutes somehow  ☺17:22
akgranerPendulum, they were telling us for arriving flights after 5pm today17:22
akgranerso not sure what info all these crazy airlines are getting17:22
akgranerlooks like all information would be the same -  but.. :-(17:22
czajkowskiireland flights are closed to spain and canaries17:23
czajkowskiso far I've been told to go to the airport17:23
czajkowskibut this *may* change17:23
Pendulumyeah, I'm still getting told to go to the airport17:23
Pendulumakgraner: so where are you?17:23
akgranerPendulum, Charlotte getting ready to head to 0'hara17:23
Pendulumfrom what I've been reading it doesn't even make sense that Belgium would be considering closing airspace :-/17:24
akgranerin Chicago - then I'm booked on a flight tomorrow arrive Mon morning to Brussels17:24
akgraneridk - that's just what the airline told me I arrived today17:24
Pendulumit's also possible that no one really knows what's going on so they're saying what they think is going on rather than what they know for sure ;-)17:25
czajkowskiPendulum: the cloud is over 1000KM long and is spreading17:25
czajkowskiso it's depending on the flight path and winds is the issue17:26
macoakgraner: its after 5pm there...17:26
akgranermaco flight leaving US after 5pm17:26
czajkowskiaye it's 5:26 here17:26
czajkowskiand they're an hr ahead17:26
Pendulumhuh, my flight is at 7:05 tonight17:27
JanC08:00  Chicago O'Hare  17:27
JanCAmerican Airlines  AA08817:27
JanCScheduled 08:0017:27
JanCso apparently the airlines didn't officially cancel that flight yet at the arriving airport?17:28
macoakgraner: oh17:28
JanCczajkowski: meaning planes have to take a northern route over iceland instead of a more southern route?17:29
akgranerJanC, it's cancelled :-)17:30
JanCakgraner: it was supposed to be cancelled hours ago, so I wonder why they didn't inform the airport authorities in Brussels then...17:31
akgranerJanC they cancelled it at 7:30am17:31
Pendulumthey need to bring back ocean liners17:34
czajkowskijussi: where you now?17:35
jussiczajkowski: helsinki17:35
jussiI leave tomorrow17:35
czajkowskijussi: flight ok?17:35
jussiczajkowski: haent looked..17:36
jussiI scared..17:36
nigelbabujussi: do you have a train option?17:37
nigelbabuJust in Case  (tm)17:37
jussinigelbabu: not really17:37
jussiferry + train.17:37
jussisimilar to those in ireland.17:38
JanCPendulum: if you have 3-4 weeks the time, yes  ;)17:38
nigelbabujussi: well, much better than nothing17:38
PendulumJanC: apparently it only takes 5 days for the Queen Mary 217:39
Pendulumhmm... eurocontrol's twitter says Brussels airport will be open tomorrow morning17:39
JanCit's open all the time17:40
JanCthe problem seems to be how to fly around the ash clouds  ;)17:40
Pendulumwell, specifically, that it will be open at least for flights out17:40
czajkowskiit is brussels international or the other one ?17:40
czajkowskiand wtf is gwibber broken17:41
akgranerczajkowski, not having troubles with it here17:41
czajkowskionly on this lucid machine17:42
czajkowskiit wont shagging launch17:42
JanCI think only RyanAir and such fly on Charleroi17:42
czajkowskiand when it eventualy does it's all greyed out17:42
czajkowskiJanC: ah ok17:42
JanCand some other cheap companies & charter flights arrive in Bierset (Liège), Ostend or Antwerp17:43
czajkowskisitting in the back garden in the sun, heavenly17:44
JanCczajkowski: expect 10 °C here  :P17:44
JanCand rain almost all week17:44
JanCI guess that comes with the "no ash clouds here"17:45
czajkowskiok plan B) relocate UDS to Ireland and flights can get here and there is no rain17:45
Pendulumczajkowski: transatlantic flights can't17:45
czajkowskiPendulum: :(17:45
Pendulumwould be worse than Brussels for those of us coming from the US, in fact17:45
PendulumGreece, maybe17:45
czajkowskinah too many riots there17:46
Pendulumwas just thinking locations with less ash issues17:46
JanCwell, Finland would be fine too  ;)17:48
JanChttp://www.brusselsairport.be/en/flightinfo/arrivals/ for those who want to monitor arrivals17:49
bencrisford_I don't get why all you US peeps are getting so worked up :P, just swim :)17:50
bencrisford_I'm gonna go eat something, hope you get all your travel problems sorted :)17:53
doctormoEveryone excited18:00
czajkowskiok pleia2 just tweeted she's boarding18:02
czajkowskiitnet7 is on im and has been told his flight is off till MONDAY18:02
doctormoyou mean dented ;-)18:02
czajkowskidoctormo: no I mean what I said. she tweeted.18:03
doctormogrumpy pants18:03
czajkowskidoctormo: no, just don't correct me when you'r the one who is wrong :)18:03
Pendulumczajkowski: he was originally on the same flight as Amber, it looks like. So I wonder if that's when they were first able to book him in next18:04
doctormoI was wrong18:04
Pendulumdoctormo: we're all worried about not actually making it... it dampens the excitement18:04
pleia2yeah hopefully i wont get stuck in chicago :)18:04
czajkowskipleia2: *hugs*18:04
Pendulumpleia2: did you call to check?18:04
czajkowskidoctormo: that didn't kill you now did it :)18:04
pleia2hugs :)18:04
doctormoI'm going to Gwibber my hug, hang on18:05
doctormothere we go18:05
pleia2Pen: this is a chicago/brussels flight, wont know unti18:05
pleia2l chcago :/18:05
Pendulumpleia2: you couldn't call the airline and ask?18:05
doctormoFunny I asked specifically for a flight through Heathrow instead of New York18:06
pleia2its still on as of now18:06
czajkowskianyone heard from cjohnston18:06
Pendulumczajkowski: he's at a wedding today18:06
Pendulumpleia2: okay, so I'm not the only one still getting told their flight is on!18:07
czajkowskihows his flight looking?18:07
Pendulumhe doesn't fly out until tomorrow18:07
Pendulumso probably okay for now18:07
JanCczajkowski: heh, isn't pleia2 flying over Chicago too?18:13
PendulumJanC: she's got a connection there18:13
Pendulumapparently it's that they're greatly limiting flights because of the rerouting that needs to happen18:14
JanCyeah, I know see her flight number is listed twice in the arrivals18:14
JanCI now *18:14
jussimy flight appeas to be ok18:15
JanCPendulum: right, so there are traffic jams on the northern fly-route?  ;)18:15
jussiI just checked in18:15
PendulumJanC: southern18:15
Pendulumthey can't fly up because the ash is too dense18:15
Pendulumerr.. fly north18:15
JanCheh, north of Iceland there is no ash18:15
JanCmaybe they can fly on some heights in the southern routes too18:16
czajkowskiDR. WHO!!!18:17
JanCanyway, traffic jams in the air sounds funny  ☺18:17
Pendulumone of those times when it's good we don't have our flying cars or jetpacks?18:17
JanCPendulum: I doubt those would have any issue, ULM planes and the like never stopped flying either18:18
doctormoczajkowski: Aye, getting now.18:18
Pendulumdoctormo: so where are you now?18:18
doctormoPendulum: Er, Boston.18:18
pleia2boarding, wish me luck :)18:19
Pendulumpleia2: will keep fingers and such crossed for you!18:19
doctormopleia2: *hug* have a good trip18:19
Pendulumdoctormo: ah. you were talking as if you'd flown and I was getting confused :)18:19
doctormoPendulum: No, just checked, looks like my flight is canceled18:23
doctormoOf course no information from anyone.18:24
Pendulumdoctormo: :(18:24
czajkowskidoctormo: feck18:24
czajkowskidoctormo: when were you due to fly?18:24
Pendulumdoctormo: what airline?18:26
doctormo(this is why I always fly Virgin)18:26
doctormoflight 10818:27
Pendulumanyone else notice that so far the flights we know are canceled are AA?18:27
czajkowskidoctormo: I don;t think airlines matter in this case18:27
doctormoczajkowski: This is my first attempt at flying with AA, they're not impressing me.18:28
Pendulumeither the rest of us are about to get massively screwed over, or AA is getting bumped way down the priority list when it comes to what's being allowed to fly18:28
czajkowskiI don't think it's airline related it's the same flight plan18:28
doctormoI actually have no idea what I'm supposed to do.18:28
czajkowskican ye mail your travel agents?18:28
Pendulumdoctormo: call the airline18:29
czajkowskithe advice over here is call your airline18:29
czajkowskias that's who's dealing with it18:29
JanCczajkowski: can't you do some celtic rain dance so that the ash gets rained down into the ocean?  ;-)18:36
czajkowskieh we have sunshine here, it's an odd one .18:37
czajkowskiwhen we had the rain all our airports were closed.18:37
JanCczajkowski: if it would rain in Ireland and/or Iceland, that would help to literally "clear the air"18:37
JanCwell supposed the ash clouds are below the rain clouds of course  ☺18:38
doctormoAirline can't get me on a flight until Monday evening18:49
doctormoTo get into Brusseles tuesday. Bleh, horrid18:49
jussidoctormo: aww, that sucks!18:50
doctormojussi: Sucks is a very light word for what it is18:50
jussidoctormo: :/18:51
Pendulummy flight is still supposed to be on18:55
Pendulumi'm leaving in the next 30 minutes18:55
Pendulum(for the airport)18:56
Pendulum(also nice man at Delta is looking up for me info on what Delta is/isn't cancelling)18:57
czajkowskiPendulum: fingers crossed18:58
czajkowskiPendulum: you have my mobile number?18:58
Pendulumokay, Delta just pretty much said that if it isn't going into Glasgow, Shannon, Lisbon, or Madrid, their flights are pretty much happening, if delayed due to rerouting18:58
Pendulumczajkowski: yes. do you have mind?18:58
czajkowskiI know I did18:59
czajkowskibut cannot find it in new phone18:59
doctormoJust booked a flight for 6pm on BA, $1.6k cost :-(19:03
jussidoctormo: cripes!19:03
JanCpff, can't sabdfl fly to the US himself to pick you all up?  ;)19:03
jussidoctormo: I hope you areflying business...19:04
jussiJanC: lol, that would e cool19:05
doctormopremium economy19:05
JanC"premium economy" sounds like "leg space is 5cm less than I need but I get a 15cl bottle of champagne"19:06
czajkowskidoctormo: lordie that;'s some crazy price19:09
czajkowskidoctormo: is that the airline rebooking or a cost to you/canonical?19:12
doctormoczajkowski: That's cost to me as far as I know19:16
doctormoczajkowski: AA were terrible at trying to rebook onto BA19:16
czajkowskidoctormo: ugh,19:16
czajkowskiover here theyre saying if you cancle your flight you can't claim any cash back at all on it19:17
doctormoRight, AA said they'd refund if I canceled, but I need the Belgium leg of the trip19:17
doctormoSo it looks like I'll eat the cost19:17
cjohnstonczajkowski: yes?19:18
czajkowskican you not just wait for AA or your travel agent to sort it out19:18
czajkowskicjohnston: any word on your flight?19:18
cjohnstonummm... what about it19:18
doctormoczajkowski: They're idea of sorting it out was to get me there by Wednesday19:19
czajkowskicjohnston: most USA flights are not taking off19:20
Pendulumczajkowski: it's not most19:20
czajkowskidoctormo: lotta expense tbh.19:20
czajkowskicjohnston: the ash!19:20
Pendulumcjohnston: there's more ash issues19:20
doctormoDamn pokemon!19:20
czajkowskiPendulum:  a lot...19:20
Pendulumczajkowski: I've only actually heard of 2 separate flights cancelled19:21
czajkowskiPendulum: akgraner doctormo itnet7 kev and 2 others19:21
czajkowskiPendulum: how you getting ti airport?19:21
Pendulumakgraner and itnet7 were supposed to be on the same flight (I dunno about kev)19:21
Pendulumczajkowski: taxi19:21
czajkowskiwill he come and get your bags?19:22
Pendulumnope. gotta go flag taxi on the street. can't call and book one in NYC19:22
doctormoSame in Boston Pendulum19:22
Pendulumanyway, I'm going to go. see some of you soon, I hope! catch the rest of you online later or tomorrow!19:23
czajkowskiPendulum: okie dokei19:23
cjohnstonczajkowski: Pendulum mine is still showing on time19:24
doctormoOK time to go to the airport, suspend and battery don't work so I'll likely be offline until I get there.19:26
cjohnstonbye doctormo19:26
czajkowski1. Please contact your airline to check the date and time for your trip19:47
czajkowskiand any connections to see if any of your flight are affected.19:47
czajkowski2. If your flight is delayed, you may need to be re-book it - you19:47
czajkowskishould coordinate this with your airline. IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are19:47
czajkowskiunable to arrive at the UDS venue (La Hulpe, Belgium) on or before the19:47
czajkowskievening of Tue 11th May 2010, do not fly, and instead contact the travel19:47
czajkowskiagent you used to book the ticket with and coordinate a refund.19:47
czajkowski3. IMPORTANT: If you are unable to attend UDS, please let me know so we can inform the hotel know to release your room. If you make your flight eventually and your arrival date has changed, please let me know your new date asap.19:47
czajkowskimail just in folks19:47
qensehttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8625813.stm doesn't look promising :(20:15
qensethat's the old map20:15
qenseThis is: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8669610.stm20:18
JanCczajkowski: who's supposed to have got that mail? (maybe i didn't get it because I don't travel by plane?)20:24
JanChm, AA088 is still scheduled to arrive at Brussels Airport  :P20:25
JanCsome other flights from the US are marked as delayed (which is better I guess, at least the airlines forwarded info about those...)20:27
qense JanC: All sponsored people got the mail.20:28
qenseI know from Twitter that at least Ken van Dine's flight was cancelled.20:29
JanCah, might have been more useful to send to people actually taking a plane I suppose...  ;)20:29
qenseor VanDine, I've got no idea how the Americans abuse surnames.20:29
JanCqense: if he was on AA088, there were 12 peopel on that flight  :-(20:29
qenseJanC: Good news that that flight did fly!20:30
JanCwell, it didn't ;)20:30
JanCexcept, Brussels Airport is still expecting it to arrive  ;)20:30
qensePoor Brussels Airport.20:30
JanCit's bad management from AA20:31
doctormoOK at airport, got in to flight on BA and I will get to brussels for tomorrow morning :-)21:20
doctormoAt cost and American were completly useless, I will be sure to avoid them in future.21:21
doctormoBut BA were great, they got me on that final leg from Heathrow.21:21
czajkowskidoctormo: mail was sent from marianna to all UDS attendees21:21
czajkowski 2. If your flight is delayed, you may need to be re-book it - you21:22
czajkowskishould coordinate this with your airline. IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are21:22
czajkowskiunable to arrive at the UDS venue (La Hulpe, Belgium) on or before the21:22
czajkowskievening of Tue 11th May 2010, do not fly, and instead contact the travel21:22
czajkowskiagent you used to book the ticket with and coordinate a refund21:22
JanCsounds like ash cloud issues are getting better22:01
czajkowskiour airports shut tomorrow from 2 in some places and 4 in others22:01
cjohnstonJanC: they are?22:08
cjohnstonsomeone keep me up to date.. heh22:08
JanCcjohnston: they said they expect less problems tomorrow22:09
cjohnstonI hope so22:09
cjohnstonill be upset if i make it to the layover and then stuck22:10
czajkowskicjohnston: you got the mail from marianna so you know what to do if there is any issues22:12
czajkowskiJanC: is there a Swedish Ubuntu community ?22:21
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se22:25
czajkowskiAlanBell: cheers22:25
qenseafaik there are now cancellations for Amsterdam atm22:27
qenseanyway, I'm off to bed, see you all tomorrow!22:28
czajkowskiyay pleia2 has made it t Chicago22:39
akgranerI'm in Chicago too22:43
akgranerczajkowski, is pleia2 still a go for her flight tonight?22:44
cjohnstonim in st pete.. im going backwards!22:44
czajkowskiakgraner: her tweet says she's landed there22:45
akgranerahh not checking all that22:45
jussicjohnston: where?22:45
cjohnstonst petersberg22:45
akgranerI forgot to turn my phone off on the plane :-(  gotta charge it22:45
cjohnstonwhich is west of where i live22:45
jussioh lol22:45
cjohnstonbad akgraner !22:46
jussiI was thinking russia...22:46
akgranerwell it happens22:46
cjohnstonoff to go see if i can find a printer22:46
* pleia2 lurks in chicago23:01
pleia2akgraner: oh, are you at the airport?23:01
akgranerpleia2, nope :-(23:01
akgraneris your flight still a go?23:01
pleia2canceled flight?23:01
pleia2yep, delayed 2 hours though23:01
pleia2was supposed to leave at 6, scheduled to go out at 823:02
pleia2so I get to hang out here for 3 hours or so23:02
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