
ScottKslangasek: That fixed it.00:08
ScottKStevenK: Soyuz seems to be somewhat reluctant to dispatch builds today, particularly on ia64 and sparc.  Any idea what's up?00:09
elleucacould someone confirm this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/57722600:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 577226 in indicator-messages "<Super>+M shortcut unusable when running Compiz" [Undecided,New]00:20
ionWhich might mean that the negative plugin is broken for me by the conflict. :-)00:22
elleucaion, or the zoom plugin ;)00:22
jtimbermanis launchpad borked? I'm trying to copy packages in my ppa and get:  (Error ID: OOPS-1588M2210)00:23
elleucaion, you could try swiching to guest session, it should use default settings00:24
xnoxjtimberman, join #launchpad00:26
ionelleuca: Indeed, Super-M negates the screen instead of opening indicator-messages menu in a guest session.00:28
elleucaion, thanks (may I update status to confirmed, or I've to wait for maintainers?)00:30
ScottKYou can.  Just copy/paste this conversation in to the bug to explain why.00:31
elleucaScottK, thanks, I'll do00:31
jtimbermanxnox: no response there00:33
jtimbermannonne in#ubuntu either00:33
xnoxjtimberman, well it's weekend and only LOSA's can help with oopses =)00:39
xnoxjtimberman, download and reupload dsc?00:39
jtimbermani'm trying to copy from lucid to karmic00:58
xnoxjtimberman, each package must have a different version number within ppa & different from any version number in official archives01:04
xnoxjtimberman, you will have to download, change debian/changelog version number and release target, create new source package, sign, upload01:04
jtimbermanxnox: erm, i've been doing this w/ copy for the last ~5 releases in my ppa..01:04
ScottKjtimberman: It generally works better to build on the oldest release you want and copy forward.01:05
xnox!!!!! since when launchpad allows this?01:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:06
jtimbermanxnox: i don't know, i've been doing it in this ppa for a month or two ;)01:06
xnoxjtimberman, this is *really* bad idea =) you see the package build in one distro might not be binary compatible with the other distro.01:07
jtimbermanits okay01:07
xnoxjtimberman, it looks like most of your packages are arch _all01:07
jtimbermanthey are.01:07
wgrantxnox: It's been possible for a couple of years.01:08
wgrantxnox: And it's often fine to copy forward -- most Ubuntu packages are copied that way.01:08
xnoxwgrant, it never let me do it =) I always get rejects "package with this version already exists"01:08
wgrantxnox: You need to copy the binaries too.01:08
xnoxis it because I do dput instead of copying in the lp?01:09
jtimbermanxnox: i dput to lucid01:09
jtimbermanxnox: then copy to karmic01:09
wgrantxnox: Yes. dput != copy01:09
xnoxjtimberman, well do it the other way around =) dput to oldest & copy up01:09
jtimbermanthis is temporary anyway01:10
jtimbermanuntil i copy to my own apt repo01:10
xnoxwgrant, i still think it's dangerous i've had enough weird dependencies with xulrunner on my packages so I'd rather rebuild against each distro's xulrunner then rely on broken xulrunner magic glue ;-)01:14
wgrantxnox: It depends on the package.01:15
jtimbermanmine's fine going lucid -> karmic (until today w/ this error :))01:15
wgrantYou should generally copy from the bottom up, but OK.01:16
jtimbermanso this doesn't actually fix my problem though01:19
jtimbermanshould i put karmic in the changelog, rebuild the source package and dput?01:19
wgrantCopying is known to be broken. It should be fixed in the next day or two.01:19
jtimbermanis there a bug i can follow?01:21
wgrantIt could be one of a couple. Bug #575450 or bug #575426.01:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575450 in soyuz "+copy-packages nearly unusable due to timeouts" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57545001:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575426 in soyuz "SHA1-based copy checking breaks when there are expired sources in the target" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57542601:22
jtimbermank, thanks01:24
ScottKdoko_: It looks to me like binutils was the same problem I had with boost1.42.  I just hit retry, so we'll see.02:04
ScottKYep.  Sure was.02:08
wgrantGreat, so Maverick is unbroken now?02:08
ScottKAt least that bit of it.02:08
ScottKNow if soyuz would build stuff ...02:09
wgrantYeah, not sure what's going on with that, and it's a bit hard to troubleshoot from out here...02:09
ScottKslangasek: Assuming boost1.42 succeeds on armel (it already did on amd64 and i386), my recommendation would be to go ahead and get it out of binNew and synce boost-defaults.  Worst case from there is we have to do some retries on ports, but we should be safe from misbuilds and get the benefit of Debian's boost transition on the first sync.02:13
StevenKScottK: None, sorry. And I'm out of time to look, since I'm leaving for the airport quite soon.03:00
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ScottKdoko_: It looks like maverick is still somewhat confused about what gcc should be default: http://paste.debian.net/72494/04:10
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Drakesonwas there a plan for gathering the shortcut keys in one place, or somethign like that? currently System > Keyboard Shortcuts misses many shortcuts...06:17
xnoxAre we gonna have gcc 4.4 or 4.5 default in maverick?07:08
NecrosporusCan I ask user question, but related to development?07:08
NecrosporusI tried to make ubuntu usb stick with 10.04 and it doesn't boot07:09
Necrosporusspamming my terminal with message /init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found07:10
Necrosporuswhen I pressed escape07:10
NecrosporusI used standart way: mkdosfs /dev/sdb; mount /dev/sdb /mnt/sdb; cp -a ubuntu-iso/* /mnt/sdb; cd /mnt/sdb; mv isolinux syslinux; cd syslinux; mv isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg; umount /dev/sdb; syslinux /dev/sdb07:11
NecrosporusNow I trying to disassemble initrd.lz to see, what happened07:12
Necrosporushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/500822 looks similar, so it is not probably problem of my way07:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 500822 in ubuntu "/init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found (dup-of: 492301)" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492301 in usb-creator "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:13
NecrosporusHow to fix it?07:14
NecrosporusThere I can't see the solution07:14
NecrosporusMy host OS is Slackware, if it can help07:15
imbrandoni think you need to do more than copy the OS , iirc something with casper07:40
imbrandonlook how usb-creator does it07:40
Necrosporusimbrandon, there is bug report about usb creator07:42
NecrosporusUsers report same error07:43
NecrosporusWith sticks created with creator07:43
ebroderAny ubuntu-sru around to laugh at bug #577305?07:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 577305 in texlive-bin "[SRU] Missing dependency on ed causes texconfig to fail silently in texlive-binaries" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57730507:43
Necrosporused is best text editor07:45
=== pitti changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is out! | Archive: open development | | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-lucid | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Help
wgrantxnox: GCC 4.5.07:55
=== pitti changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is out! | Archive: open development | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-lucid | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Help
xnoxwgrant, well then maverick should have been opened before lucid's release.... my cowbuilder is still getting gcc-4.4 i'll upgrade / redoit again against archive.ubuntu.com07:56
pittiScottK: prmoted the gcc 4.5 bits07:56
xnoxwgrant, this is delaying me =((((( for toolchain related bits I'd love to get into maverick universe07:57
wgrantxnox: Lucid's only been out a week.07:57
wgrantBut the toolchain should be done now.07:57
wgrantIt was broken last night, but pitti probably just fixed it.07:57
pittiyes, see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt07:57
pittiI promoted the whole gcc-4.5 lot07:58
wgrantHalf the ports buildds seem to be broken :/08:01
pittiwgrant: 4.5 isn't the default gcc yet, though08:05
wgrantpitti: Isn't it? Then why did build-essential break when 4.5 wasn't available?08:06
pittiwgrant: which package did it break on?08:06
wgrantpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/429514/08:07
wgrantBroke all !universe builds last night.08:07
pittiah, gcc-4.5-base, yes08:07
* pitti -> back to conference; will read scrollback later on08:07
xnoxpitti, wgrant, kirkland gcc-defaults hasn't been uploaded by doko to actually pull in gcc-4.5. The current g++ & gcc in maverick is still the same "dummy" package as in lucid pulling in gcc-4.4 toolchain instead of gcc-4.5 =(08:22
SandGorgona random question - would it make sense to build an Ubuntu service/init framework out of erlang. Erlang was specifically designed for failure recovery and long running services (and can be stripped down to 3mb)08:36
sladenSandGorgon: 3 Megabit is a heck of a lot of flash.  Never mind 3 Megabyte09:04
SandGorgonsladen, probably i did'nt word it right. I was thinking more on terms of an upstart-erlang09:05
sladenSandGorgon: the one thing to do is to try it.  If it works, people may ultimately use it09:13
SandGorgonsladen, heh.. right. Just wanted to throw the idea out there, so I may know why it _wont_ work09:19
arandIs this strace output of any use to debug a stalled plymouth/mountall, or simply genericly uninteresting: http://imagebin.org/96083 ?09:50
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cjwatsonnigelbabu: moderated13:05
YokoZarbah, my flight just got cancelled13:17
YokoZarWon't get in till Tuesday13:17
hyperairflights cancelled? what now, more volcanic ash?13:23
Laneyfrom where?13:25
DktrKranzsouther europe, mainly13:27
DktrKranzspain, mediterranean french coast, italy13:27
YokoZarMine from Chicago to Brussels was cancelled13:35
Sarvatti woke up to a voicemail that my itinerary had been completely changed too at the last minute, fun stuff13:35
YokoZarLike 8 of us were on it13:35
SarvattYokoZar: oh shoot, thats the same flight I'm on13:35
sebnerLaney: I'm fiXX0ring the muine ftbfs for you since DktrKranz asked me *so* nicely ;)13:35
Sarvattthey just switched me over to that, AA88?13:35
YokoZarSarvatt: I'm calling them right now to try to get a flight to a nearby airport13:35
Laneysebner: ajmitch was doing that13:36
YokoZarSarvatt: well I'm pretty sure it was the Chicago->Brussels leg of the trip that was cancelled since there's about a million ways to get to Chicago13:36
Laneythe fix is upstream and you can just backport the change13:36
sebnerLaney: in Debian?13:36
Laneyif he didn't do it already13:36
Laneyyes of course13:36
Laneyis there any other way?13:36
sebnerLaney: he hasn't done it, and I fixed it myself, just 2 lines to replace (old GTK calls)13:37
Laneywell it's upstream13:37
* Laney shrugs13:37
* sebner doesn't care about upstream :P /me cares about Debian/Ubuntu \o/13:37
Sarvattthey switched me from DC-JFK-Brussels to DC-O'hare-Brussels about an hour ago, but that sucks if thats canceled too13:38
YokoZarSarvatt: ok so I'm flying to Paris today instead and training in13:47
YokoZarSarvatt: the system booked me on a flight that arrives tuesday morning, she could have rebooked me on one that arraives monday morning, but it's possible that one will be cancelled too due to ash13:48
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nigelbabucjwatson: thank you14:19
bigonif I upload a pkg to lucid-proposed it's possible to copy it to mavrick?14:34
ScottKcjwatson: On the off chance you have time for a bit of archive admin work, would you please accept boost1.42 into Main from binary New and then sync boost-defaults from Debian?14:39
cjwatsonScottK: do I need to wait an archive cycle between the first and second?  I've done the first15:01
cjwatsonactually it seems clear that I don't need to wait15:02
cjwatsonScottK: done15:02
ScottKWorst case I hit retry when I have a moment anyway..15:02
SarvattYokoZar: phew, they booked me on flight 88 *tomorrow* not today when my JFK flight was cancelled, thats why I didn't get the cancellation notice15:06
SarvattYokoZar: thanks a ton for the heads up though15:06
YokoZarSarvatt: if the ash cloud continues that flight has a chance of getting canceled too, methinks15:11
dokoScottK: please could you make sure that boost1.42 is buildable with gcc-4.5?15:16
ScottKdoko: It built with whatever is default right now.  I'm just about to leave for the airport, so not immediately.15:16
dokoScottK: not urgent ...15:17
* \sh is really lucky to be travelling by train to brussels ;)15:26
stgraberI've been flying from Canada two weeks ago ;) Just need to fly from Zurich to Brussels and if that fails for whatever reason, I can still fallback to using the train ;)15:28
dupondjewhat is going to happen in brussels ? :p15:48
jpdsdupondje: Not much.15:49
JanCdupondje: will you come to UDS?15:59
psusiyay, maverick is open!15:59
dupondjeJanC: no idea :) have to work in the evening, so eventually i can come :)16:00
JanCdupondje: maybe on Thursday or Friday?  ☺16:01
dupondjewhy then ? :)16:03
psusioh dear... bit torrenting the dvd image seems to cause ext4 to go stupid....  the physical blocks appear to be rather contiguous but they are described with tons of extents that should have been merged due to their being contiguous but aren't...16:19
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SwedeMikepsusi: I'm seeing much worse performance on xfs when using bittorrent (rtorrent) than when doing same speed linear downloading, so I think files on disk look quite different. Havent seen what xfs does though, xfs_fsr doesn't do that much with the files as far as I can see though16:23
psusithe weird thing is that the block allocator IS doing a great job keeping it not fragmented, but the extent tree that describes it is all fubar16:23
psusithere also seem to be holes in the file that were never written by bit torrent, but they have blocks reserved for them as uninitialized segments so that they will be kept contiguous when that area IS written16:24
psusiwell that was odd... I was wondering why parts of the file were uninitialized... kicked transmission to reverify and it finished downloading the missing bits16:34
alexblighI am building a custom kernel package (new flavour) for lucid using "fakeroot debian/rules binary-FLAVOUR" etc.; I want the resultant kernel image's initrd to modprobe some modules irrespective of the target system's /etc/initramfs-tools/modules. How do I achieve this?16:42
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ScottKcjwatson: If you're still around, boost-defaults needs binary New and then we should be set on boost for Maverick.17:14
ScottKor maybe slangasek....17:14
sheldon__hi, how can i reconstruct the debian directory of a source package using .diff file?17:16
sheldon__have i to "mkdir debian / cd debian / patch < file.diff" ?17:16
azeem_sheldon__: dpkg-source does this for you17:17
sheldon__wow thanks azeem17:17
sheldon__azeem_:  thanks17:17
azeem_dpkg-source -x foo.dsc17:17
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ccheneyugh my flight appears delayed by 2.5hr :-\17:32
ScottKdelayed > cancelled17:35
ccheneyyea have to determine what to do about the second leg17:35
ccheneyluckily there is a 4:00-4:55 flight from frankfurt to brussels17:37
RoAkSoAxccheney, where you flying from?17:40
RoAkSoAxoh ok17:40
ccheneyRoAkSoAx: Houston to Frankfurt to Brussels17:48
ccheneyRoAkSoAx: the plane is from Amsterdam and is delayed coming in apparently17:49
RoAkSoAxccheney, I'm stuck in MIA, my flight from Chicago to BRU was cancelled17:49
ccheneyRoAkSoAx: it is about 6.5hr late which throws my flight off by 2.5hr apparently17:50
ccheneyRoAkSoAx: oh17:50
ccheneyRoAkSoAx: is there a really bad weather issue over there?17:50
RoAkSoAxccheney, It is because of the ash cloud, the flight from Chicago to BRU got cancelled17:51
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ccheneyhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8669610.stm  <- more fun ash cloud mess18:01
NecrosporusI have installed mobile phone as bluetooth device and have installed connection for my provider within network manager18:05
NecrosporusBut how can I start connection using such connection settings with phone as modem?18:05
Viper550Okay, this is more of a Lubuntu question, but - I'm having a intriguing argument about GTK engines18:26
Viper550Would GTK engines that use Cairo extensively (clearlooks, etc) degrade performance on older computers?18:27
hyperairit might18:27
hyperairbut it really depends how old we're talking about18:28
hyperaira pentium 100MHz might feel a little sluggish.18:28
hyperairi imagine anything with any semblence of a GPU should handle a cairo-based engine just fine18:29
Viper550yeah. I'm trying to think of a theme idea for Lubuntu, and they seem to be aiming around that kind of hardware (it's LXDE based)18:29
hyperairyes, i know, i was quite within the loop of lubuntu things since its inception =\18:30
Viper550I've seen this other distro that uses LXDE, its BLAZING fast. They have it in only a 30MB ISO, and yet its got a decent array of applications (including midori, a small webkit-based browser)18:30
Viper550althouigh I heard Chrome may be juggled around for Lubuntu18:31
hyperairchromium has memory issues.18:31
hyperairtry marathoning manga.18:31
hyperairi did the other day, it blew my 2G of RAM away.18:31
Viper550midori is gtk-based18:31
hyperairi had to close the tab, copy the url to a new tab, and then my memory came back18:31
hyperairi think i knew that.18:32
hyperairmidori's quite a minimal browser though, which is why i haven't bothered to give it a good look.18:32
Viper550chrome is pretty minimal too to be honest18:33
hyperairless minimal than the other minimals18:34
sebnerhyperair: epiphany !18:38
ccheneyi got my connecting flight rebooked so i should be good to go :)18:47
LucidFoxBah... I hate autotools18:51
LucidFoxTrying to add a patch that adds a .c file and an .h file and a library, and it's a pain18:54
hyperairLucidFox: really? i don't really find it that hard.19:00
LucidFoxAdded a huge patch for autoreconf, which makes the build run on my machine and fail in PPA.19:00
hyperairLucidFox: drop the autoreconf patch, and just autoreconf in debian/rules.19:00
LucidFoxI tried19:00
hyperairfind -name Makefile.in -delete after19:00
LucidFoxhyperair> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/48063944/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.liferea_1.7.4-2~llfsyncfix1%2Bsikon1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:02
hyperairi've seen something like that before.19:07
LucidFoxAny ideas what that is?19:07
hyperairpass --disable-maintainer-mode to configure19:07
hyperairthe timestamps got screwed.19:08
hyperairyou're also missing libtool19:08
hyperairsee the autoconf call.19:08
hyperairCan't exec "libtoolize": No such file or directory at /usr/bin/autoreconf line 189.19:08
hyperairthis is why you should use dh7, or cdbs. they pass all the extra useful flags that make all this really easy.19:10
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LucidFoxhyperair> It worked!19:54
hyperairLucidFox: i spent a whole day on that back when i first encountered that issue =p19:55
hyperairi was processing the ftbfs list19:55
LucidFoxAnd there we go. http://lucidfox.org/posts/view/57320:20
hyperairoff i go to the PPA20:20
\shLucidFox, looks nice :)20:23
hyperairLucidFox: say, it seems you got thunderbird into the messaging indicator! how?20:33
LucidFoxExperimental bzr version of the libnotify-mozilla extension20:34
bluefoxicyso something's been bugging me for 3 or 4 releases.20:34
LucidFox(which also adds notify-osd notifications for mail arrival)20:34
bluefoxicywhich I'm unsure of how exactly to file a bug for, if anyone can guess the core issue?20:34
bluefoxicyRemoving linux-backports-modules-2.6.28-14-generic ...20:35
bluefoxicyPurging configuration files for linux-backports-modules-2.6.28-14-generic ...20:35
bluefoxicyFATAL: Could not open '/boot/System.map-2.6.28-14-generic': No such file or directory20:35
bluefoxicyupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-14-generic20:35
bluefoxicyCannot find /lib/modules/2.6.28-14-generic20:35
bluefoxicyupdate-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-14-generic20:35
bluefoxicy^^^ This completely fails, dpkg complains, and the package won't remove.20:36
bluefoxicyThe package no longer even exists.  software-store is also lingering20:36
hyperairLucidFox: okay, that is totally awesome. i'll go give it a go20:36
LucidFoxAnd that's actually the Xfce panel, with the indicator applet running via XfApplet. Wish Xfce will get native support sometime...20:37
mr_pouitLucidFox: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-indicator-plugin20:40
LucidFoxTried it. Didn't build -_-20:40
mr_pouitbut it's outdated and doesn't build anymore I guess (the api changed too much)20:40
jdongpsusi: do you have your post defrag png's handy?20:50
ebroderHey jdong - can I get you to look at, and then probably mock me for, bug #577305?20:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 577305 in texlive-bin "[SRU] Missing dependency on ed causes texconfig to fail silently in texlive-binaries" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57730520:54
jdongebroder: sure, lemme see20:55
jdongebroder: ACKed. I do think the better one is "better" ;-)20:56
ebroderjdong: texlive-binaries has a lot of dependencies, so I jumped to the longest line in the control file :)20:57
jdongebroder: ah :) yay heuristics!20:57
jdongfor a moment there I thought you were trying a are-you-awake test on me ;-)20:58
ebroderHeh. Well, thanks. I'll subscribe sponsors20:59
jdongsure thing20:59
ari-tczewjdong: got a time for SRU review?21:11
jdongari-tczew: kind of, give me bug number please21:18
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ari-tczewjdong: bug 57426221:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574262 in gdm "[SRU] Please backport to Karmic GDM fix for bug #463376" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57426221:20
jdongari-tczew: ACKEd21:30
ari-tczewjdong: ok thanks, so I'm going to pass remit to sponsors21:32
psusijdong, not the ones I posted before... I've redone it... still holding at 13.xx seconds21:53
psusianyone know of transmission uses fallocate() to preallocate space for a file?22:25
bdrunghi. i want to do a SRU. should i upload only the SRU package to lucid and let it copy to maverick or should i upload the package to maverick and a SRU one to lucid?22:42
elleucahi, silly question: is the 10.04 netbook edition a LTS release or not? on www.ubuntu.com only desktop and server are marked as LTS :|22:49
jdongbdrung: the fix should be in Maverick before SRU'ed to lucid-proposed.22:51
bdrungjdong: yes, but if the fix and the version in maverick would be identical (= containing only the SRU fix)?22:51
kklimondapsusi: it does22:54
psusikklimonda, that makes sense then... because the dvd image I downloaded with it has uninitialized extents... now I just need to get defrag to handle those..22:55
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* psusi smacks defrag around a bit to work with uninitialized extents23:00
jdongbdrung: it's still meant for lucid-proposed to be a independent series of maverick23:00
jdongbdrung: so two uploads -- one to maverick, and a differently versioned one to lucid-proposed using SRU version numbers23:00
slangasekScottK: accepted23:49
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