
plodcd #ubuntu-packaging00:05
apparleI want to add a software to the repos, how to do that00:53
Bachstelzeapparle: either do it yourself or find someone who's interested in doing it00:55
Bachstelzeif you want to go with the former: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted00:55
apparleBachstelze: I don't know how to make a deb00:56
Bachstelzethen you'll have to learn00:56
apparleBachstelze: alright, will start off as soon as exams are over :P00:57
Bachstelzehave fun :p00:57
lfaraoneIf I'm being contracted to do some package development for existing software in universe, should I / how should I disclose that?01:07
imbrandonlfaraone: as long as the resulting package meets the Ubuntu guidelines you dont really need to IMHO01:08
lfaraoneimbrandon: mk. I was just reading http://producingoss.com/en/producingoss.html#contracting01:09
imbrandonlfaraone: I mean you /can/ but what does it matter as long as your not trying to push something not done correctly because you feel you need to because of $$01:09
* lfaraone uploads a fix to the kernel that secretly breaks it in certain conditions due to money passed from the Russian crime syndicate. 01:11
imbrandonlol , only if the kernel wasent so well looked after and in universe that MAY work , for a short time, but then all the trust you have built up arround your name would be no good in the FLOSS world for many many years, if ever again ;)01:13
Merlinunless you make your C very obfuscated01:13
imbrandonthen again the patch would still probably not make it to mainline, thus thwarting the effort01:14
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Merlinmaby you guys can tell me. any news about the proxy/sudo/env-vars bug?01:15
imbrandonMerlin: that dosent help much, have a bug number? ( and if you do you likely know asw much about the status as us )01:17
Merlintrue that yes01:18
Merlin#432631 seems to be the nearest01:18
imbrandonlp bug #43263101:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432631 in apt "clean up system/per-user proxy handling" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43263101:18
Merlinfix: adding two lines in the source of sudo01:19
Merlingues i'm rather going to skip that01:19
Merlinshouldn't the fix for #432631 be in the final release01:25
psusitemugen, I think you forgot to bzr add... I just pulled and still only the one file01:37
jdongHahaha temugen :)01:39
jdong*recalls how many times we've been down that road* XD01:39
psusigot to pay attention to the list of modified/added files when you commit ;)01:40
jdongpsusi: psh. bzr ci -m 'grumble grumble'01:41
psusibzr commit and let it fire up your editor ;)01:41
jdongWe need a qdb for the worst commit log offenders01:42
psusione line synopsis, blank line, good long descriptoin ;)01:42
* jdong would probably take the cake 01:42
jdongpsusi: this isn't git! *hides*01:42
psusishhh, yes it is ;)01:42
ScottKDid someone say cake?01:42
MerlinCake at our release party: http://web.ee.sun.ac.za/~15312704/fotos/Ubuntu%20koek.jpg01:43
temugenpsusi: sorry! pushed.01:51
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psusitemugen, cool... going to test it now... reformatting my test fs atm and restoring backup to it02:00
psusiI had just copied it with dd from my primary fs which apparently when I extended it with resize2fs, got laid out funny since resize2fs does not respect the flex_bg feature when adding new block groups... should perform a bit better with a proper layout02:01
psusithat plus separating the directories from the normal files just might get the boot time down to 10 seconds ;)02:01
psusiwell, it's looking good, but there's still at least 5 more seconds in there that need knocked out: http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/643/faldaralucid201005074.png03:01
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temugenpsusi: is my script working OK? 13 seconds isn't too bad, but I know you can hit 10 ;)03:04
psusiyea... works good03:04
psusithe graph is a nice tight circle03:04
temugenis it still a tight circle without -f?03:05
psusiI'm not sure why, but it looks like the initial open() loop still is not optimal... as you can see on that graph, the dip in middle after the initial spike03:05
psusiit's a lot better than before where it was near zero03:05
psusibut still not great, need to figure out why03:05
temugenyea I see that03:05
psusiyea, -f just makes the circle a lot smaller ;)03:05
psusialso it looks like there's a bit of io spread out after ureadahead slowing things down... seems that some files are being read that escape ureadahead's notice03:06
temugenthat's not good...03:07
psusithere's still about a second there that needs sucked out in taht middle dip where it's still not performing optimally... then several more seconds on io time later reading whatever it is that is not being noticed by ureadahead03:07
psusiif I figure those out and fix them, should get it down to 8 seconds or so ;)03:08
psusiand I realized I got the priority backwards, hehe... it should be 2 and 1, not -2 and -103:16
temugenpsusi: heh, well... I'm sure you're capable of fixing that :P03:18
psusiwait, no, I did... right?03:18
psusiyea, yea, I did install the updated ureadahead... if not there wouldn't be directories there, hehe03:18
temugenpsusi: that was more than 8 seconds ;)04:00
psusiyea, 13 seconds is good enough for tonight, I'm fiddling with other things now ;)04:02
temugenpsusi: sounds good. 13 seconds is still quite an achievement imo04:03
psusiit's pretty good I guess...04:04
psusibut still have a ways to go04:04
psusihrm... this timevault thing seems interesting, but doesn't look like it has been worked on in some time04:21
imbrandontinevault ? like apple timemachine(tm) ?04:47
psusifound it linked to on the backup wiki page05:03
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BlackZcould a REVU admin check why I can't upload a package? (the key in launchpad is imported).13:24
debfxBlackZ: have you logged in to revu after importing the key to launchpad?13:46
BlackZdebfx: fixed, thank you ;)13:46
debfxif anyone feels like reviewing a small package: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/clamz :)13:48
ScottKUnfortunately REVU didn't cooperate: http://paste.debian.net/72531/14:05
ScottKIs there a REVU admin around?  ^^^14:06
bilalakhtarcarstenh: are you a dd?14:26
ScottKBetter now.14:36
jcastroScottK: we're on the same plane going over the pond14:37
jcastrothere's a bunch of us14:37
jcastroScottK: that will make it bearable if we get stuck in atlanta for a week. :p14:37
ScottKYeah.  I noticed.14:38
ScottKNothing would make Atlanta bearable for a week.14:38
ScottKI figure I don't need to worry about finding my way to the bus for the hotel ....14:38
jcastrothere's a shuttle14:39
jcastroScottK: we get there at 8:35, the busses are from the Java Cafe right to the hotel14:40
ScottKI've got the wiki page printed out and (as usual) hope it all makes sense when I get there.14:40
bilalakhtarHi people, I have a maverick base.tgz. Do I need to create another one, if I want to create packages in a debian environment?14:44
randomactionbilalakhtar: you'll need a sid base.tgz for Debian environment14:45
bilalakhtarrandomaction: so I need to create another base?14:46
bilalakhtarrandomaction: thanks, got it14:47
bilalakhtarahhh, I have to create another base..... I hate to do this..... I have a slow connection15:00
DktrKranzREVU is quite crashy today16:06
sebnerDktrKranz: it's REVU ... and python :P16:07
jpdssebner: What, no test suite? ;)16:08
DktrKranzsebner: python can crash, is the rest of the world that thinks backtraces are errors, they're poetry!16:08
sebnerIt's not a bug, it's feature then?16:08
DktrKranzit's poetry!16:08
sebnerDktrKranz: poetry = feature?16:09
RoAkSoAxjcastro, ping16:09
DktrKranzsebner: poetry = something you learn at school by Shakespeare or whatever, feature are how to avoid to learn them16:09
sebnerDktrKranz: GREAT!16:10
* RoAkSoAx wonders if someone is at the UDS already or got his flight canceled16:20
RoAkSoAxsuperm1, ping?16:22
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, ping16:27
SarvattRoAkSoAx: heyo, yeah AA88 today was cancelled16:28
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, heya! Yeah just got back from the airport. To when did you get it changed?16:29
Sarvattsuperm1 is going from chicago to heathrow to brussels tomorrow instead, i got moved to AA88 tomorrow16:29
SarvattYokoZar is going to paris today and taking a train16:29
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, we (itnet7) and I were moved to monday AA8816:29
Sarvattwell I originally was going from JFK to brussels, but that got cancelled and they put me on AA88 tomorrow and I mistakenly thought it was AA88 today when I updated the wiki :D16:30
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, oh I see.. lucky you. we didn't get a flight16:31
RoAkSoAxfor tomorrow16:32
Sarvattdon't know if I'd call it lucky, I'm going to assume it'll be canceled tomorrow too16:33
Sarvattso even more inconvenience finding a new flight again tomorrow most likely and the others will be filled up by the people rescheduled today :D16:33
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, probably... because they told us that tomorrows flight was full, and we were in the miami airport like 3 hours ago16:36
geserI hope you get a flight way before friday16:36
SarvattRoAkSoAx: ack how long ago did you go to the airport? it was canceled about 3 hours ago16:36
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, since I was flying from Miami to Chicago, I got to the airport around 8.30 MIA time, and they told us something like "The flight was canceled 10 mins ago"16:38
Sarvattit's going to be rough, arriving 8 am monday (2 am my time) and going straight into the sprints and the hotel is overbooked on monday so I have to stay somewhere else later on that night16:38
SarvattRoAkSoAx: ah yeah 8:30 am EST was when I found out16:38
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, at least you are arriving on monday, we are arriving on tuesday16:40
Sarvattwere there no other options? superm1 said they tried to book him for AA88 on monday but he got them to put him on AA86 to heathrow on sunday instead16:40
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, well the lady said that she tried to put us in a flight to MIA-DALLAS, DALLAS-BRU and on AA88 for tomorrow, and both flights were packed. And she also talked to the manager, and the manager itself said that there's a possiblity that flights will get canceled tomorrow too16:41
Sarvatti think superm1 is going dallas - chicago - london - brussels16:42
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, wow... yeah they wanted to send us to dallas to but flights were packged since we wanted direct flight16:43
Sarvattwonder if it's just AA that canceled today16:45
Sarvattmight be worth a call to the travel agent if so to try to get put on another airline16:46
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, yeah that;s a possibility too16:48
Sarvattyeah bryceh's flight on delta is on time and leaving soon16:48
SarvattAA is probably being cheap about the extra fuel costs to go around it :D16:48
Sarvattyeah, delta flights from NY and atlanta to brussels are still running16:53
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, AA for tomorrow too16:53
Sarvattyeah for now, but the delta ones are boarding at the moment I mean so actually going through today16:54
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, but Idk if the travel agency would be able to change our carrier16:54
Sarvattyeah not to mention it costs an undisclosed amount of money to call them outside of business hours about it :D16:55
Sarvattand they are unavailable on weekends via email, i got an autoresponder and was replied to on monday last time16:55
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, haha well I think that the only thing we have left ot do is to contact AA and see if we can get our flights changed for tomorrow16:56
Sarvattreally though I would imagine the travel agent can get a refund because of the rescheduling and can just book another airline, i got offered a few airlines when I booked it so its not like they are tied to AA16:56
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RoAkSoAxSarvatt, yeah the lady in AA just left us one option, which is weird bbecause in the website other flights are avaialble16:58
Sarvatt*wishing* i took the nonstop united airlines flight now because thats going today still16:58
* jpds is glad for trains.17:02
Sarvattsheesh, $10,990.20 for a ticket on the UA flight today at the last minute17:03
ari-tczewI'm looking for site, where are the statistics who and how many fixed bugs in development cycle e.g. lucid. do you have a link ?17:05
jpdsari-tczew: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/lucid-fixes-report.html17:05
ari-tczewjpds: yea! thanks!17:06
Sarvatthmm, closed a bug with another email address there. I guess sync requests use the primary email on your launchpad account17:15
RoAkSoAxSarvatt, i guerss we'll just have to wait17:16
jpdsRoAkSoAx / Sarvatt: FWIW: http://planet.ubuntu.com/17:20
RoAkSoAxjpds, ty :)17:21
ScottKSarvatt: I suspect Canonical wouldn't cover that one.17:28
ari-tczew is it possible to get a list on launchpad with top packages uploaders?17:42
ari-tczewor outside the launchpad17:42
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zookoFolks: are there any statistics or indications of how many people were still using Ubuntu Dapper in the wild at the beginning of 2008, and the end of 2008, and today?18:37
zookoBasically, I'm trying to get a rough feel for "how quickly" do users of LTS's upgrade to the new LTS.18:38
zookoAnecdotally, it is very quick. I think Dapper users considered Hardy to be good as gold and jumped right on it.18:38
zookoAnd anecdotally, the same thing is happening with Hardy->Lucid.18:38
zookoNot to mention all the people who upgraded from Hardy to non-LTS's.18:38
zookoThe reason I'm wondering about this is that Hardy had darcs-v1 and Lucid has darcs-v2, and I'm wondering how much effort the darcs project ought to go to in maintaining backwards compatibility with darcs-v1 executables.18:39
lfaraonezooko: hm. I'm not sure if that's been studied. maybe you can get that from popcon?18:42
zookolfaraone: hm...18:44
zookolfaraone: hm, can we find something like which versions of libc or kernel are most popular on popcon?18:46
zookoUh, this just looks broken: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/main/index.html18:46
zookoOh well I will just assert without real evidence that users rapidly upgrade to new Ubuntu releases.19:10
macoanki  in lucid is FTBFS and incompatible with the current webservice part of the program https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/anki/+bug/550145  <-- can i get an ACK from a member of the sru team?19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550145 in anki "Anki in Lucid suffers irreparable loss of functions. sync with debian to needed." [Medium,Confirmed]19:10
ScottKzooko: Do keep in mind that it's not recommended to do the LTS to LTS upgrade until after the first point release.19:11
ScottKThis was true for Hardy and Lucid both.19:12
macoScottK: really?19:12
ScottKFor Dapper - Hardy there were some serious issues that made it a REALLY good idea to wait.   For Hardy - Lucid, I'm not sure.19:13
macoi dont recall seeing that recommendation on the how to upgrade wiki page19:13
BlackZif I have a fix for something, should I open a bug for SRU or just subscribe ubuntu sponsors? it's a fix for a debian package19:14
ScottKmaco: Automatic upgrades for Hardy - Lucid aren't offered yet.  They willbe enabled after
ScottKBlackZ: We should fix it in Maverick first.19:15
BlackZScottK: ok, so the patch should go for maverick, right?19:15
zookoScottk: thanks for the note.19:15
zookoScottK: approximately what year-month do you expect 10.04.1?19:16
ScottKzooko: 3 months after 10.04.19:16
ScottKYou might look into a v2 backport to Hardy.19:16
zookoGood idea.19:16
ScottKThen you aren't required to care ....19:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410905 in hardy-backports "Please backport darcs to 2.2 to Hardy" [Undecided,In progress]19:17
* ScottK tries to look, but it'll take a while (bandwidth off the airplane isn't so great)19:18
zookoWhere are you headed?19:18
ScottKTo Atlanta at the moment.  Trying to get to Brussels for UDS.19:22
ScottKzooko: We'd need some people to test rdepends.19:22
BlackZScottK: have you got some time to review a package on REVU?19:27
ScottKBlackZ: Not really.19:27
zookoScottK: good luck! Have fun!19:27
zookoScottK: How would someone test rdepends?19:27
ScottKOne would backport darcs locally and then see if they work with it.19:27
ScottKIf not, you'd backport the newer rdepend too and see how that works.19:28
ScottKWe may end up having to backport multiple packages to get a working set.19:28
ScottKI put a list in the bug.19:28
zookoScottK: thanks!19:29
\shso...preparations done, bag is packed, time to go to bed tomorrow morning I need to get up early to catch the train to brussels. See most of you tomorrow evening then  at dolce la hulpe :)20:15
stgraber\sh: see you there (if I don't have an issue with my flight tomorrow :))20:17
\shstgraber, from where are you flying? :)20:17
stgraber\sh: Zurich20:18
stgraber\sh: so far Swiss doesn't report any canceled flight to destinations other than Barcelona, so it should be fine20:18
\sh19 airports in spain are closed20:19
jpdsstgraber: No train?20:19
\sh(till 2000 german time)20:19
stgraberjpds: yeah but I've been flying from Montreal before that (two weeks ago), so the easiest was to book the whole trip with Swiss20:20
stgraberjpds: that's Montreal -> Zurich (stay two weeks there) -> Brussels and then the same thing on the way back20:21
stgraberotherwise I'd have taken a TGV to Paris, then another to Brussels20:21
* hyperair wonders why ari-tczew just /ctcp versioned him21:07
* ari-tczew did an error by clicking21:09
hyperairoh heh21:10
* ari-tczew wants only get hyperair's full name21:11
hyperairhaha i see21:11
* hyperair wonders why for21:11
* ari-tczew likes to know who is who and who works on what21:13
hyperairhaha cool21:17
hyperairmy whois lookup won't tell you anything though. my launchpad page might tell you more21:17
ari-tczewhyperair: I know and I did it :P I check full name for sure21:18
aboganiHowever often people don't use as IRC nick the same name for their launchpad page...21:20
ari-tczew+1 ^^21:20
hyperairabogani: that's when you google for site:launchpad.net <irc nick>21:21
aboganihyperair: Yeah but it works only if irc nick is registered in LP page :-)21:22
hyperairabogani: well close enough.21:22
ari-tczewhyperair: are you afraid due to my investigate? :)21:24
hyperairari-tczew: oh yes i am. very terrified ;-)21:24
hyperairno really it's just my nature to be curious about people who find me interesting enough to look for information about me =p21:26
* abogani is wondering about how many hours per night hyperair sleep...21:28
ari-tczewhyperair: so, my previously question, can I get on launchpad list who and how many packages has uploaded?21:28
hyperairabogani: none. i sleep in the day.21:28
aboganihyperair: Really?21:29
hyperairari-tczew: https://launchpad.net/~hyperair/+related-packages, i think.21:29
hyperairabogani: for the past week, yes.21:29
hyperairabogani: i'd like to right my body clock, but this needs enough time and willpower.21:29
hyperairlike it's currently 0430 here.21:30
aboganihyperair: impressive21:30
hyperairabogani: my record time for shifting my body clock by 12 hours is.... 1 day. but that is only from normal hours to nocturnal hours.21:31
hyperairabogani: the reverse takes at least 2 days.21:31
ari-tczewhyperair: I don't want to see packages uploaded by you. I want to get a list like top contributors, where I'll find who has uploaded the most packages21:34
hyperairoh that.21:34
hyperairi have no idea.21:34
hyperairari-tczew: i suggest asking in #launchpad21:35
hyperairyou could probably use the launchpad API21:36
ari-tczewwould be nice to have got this list (ranking, e.g. top10 packages uploaders)21:37
hyperairwould be interesting to know, yes.21:39
hyperairand it might even encourage ubuntu developers to work harder =p21:39
hyperairthe competitive ones anyway21:39
hyperairsimilar to how bugzilla points motivate some people21:40
hyperairari-tczew: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors21:40
ari-tczewhyperair: I know about it. I thought about package uploaders ranking modeled on top contributors21:42
hyperairari-tczew: i don't really understand21:43
ari-tczewhyperair: nevermind, you know what I mean :P21:44
ari-tczewhyperair: I think that it's not hard to create tables with 10 top package uploaders and include to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors21:46
hyperairthen why don't you do it? =p21:47
* jpds prefers quality not quantity.21:47
ari-tczewhyperair: because I can't :D21:47
hyperairjpds: i prefer quality *and* quantity.21:47
ari-tczewjpds: this is just for information, not necessarily lead to rivalry21:48
jpdshyperair: No, you can't have pony.21:49
hyperairjpds: pony?21:50
ari-tczewhyperair: could you show me a source code of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors +related-packages ?21:51
jpdsari-tczew: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/annotate/head%3A/lib/lp/registry/browser/karma.py21:55
macoso there's a package that ftbfs in lucid and a buildable package of a new release (that also fixes bugs caused by api changes) in sid. jdong says he'll only ok an sru on lucid if i first get it synced in maverick. can i just use the same bug report and put lucid & maverick targets on it and call that a sync bug?22:00
imbrandonmaco: as long as it has all the needed information, but i wouold do one at a time personaly22:05
imbrandonjust so not to confuse those doing the archive work22:05
hyperairmaco: i'd just use syncpackage and upload it to maverick, then mark it fix released and add a lucid target.22:05
macohyperair: sycpackage?22:06
hyperairmaco: assuming you've got upload rights for that package, of course.22:06
macoi do22:06
hyperairmaco: yeah, the script you run on a .changes file that allows you to dput syncs instead of waiting for an archive admin to take care of it22:06
macohowever i did not know about syncpackage. i thought syncs always required bugging archive admins22:06
hyperairit was posted on ubuntu-devel sometime22:06
macothank you!22:06
hyperairmaco: thank pitti, i think. he wrote it.22:07
macohold on...how do i get it?22:07
macoits not in ubuntu-dev-tools22:07
hyperairi think22:07
hyperairthe original22:08
hyperairmaco: ^^22:08
macowee that should get added to ubuntu-dev-tools totally22:08
imbrandonits in there22:08
hyperairit's in bzr i think22:09
imbrandonbut not installed in lucid ( its in the source ) because its not the prefered way22:09
imbrandonbut if you apt-get source ubuntu-dev-tools the script is there ;)22:09
imbrandonthe prefered way is click the ( non-existant ) button on lp to sync the package as a ubuntu-dev, thus the script exists22:10
macoum that didnt work22:11
macooh goody non-existent buttons22:11
macoanyway it yelled at me and told me apt-cache madison didnt know about the package in maverick so screw me22:11
hyperairadd deb-src lines for maverick.22:12
macoi need to have maverick in sources.list i guess?22:12
imbrandonmaco: hehe yea its a bug in lp that will be fixed sometime this cycle ( the non-existant bug )22:12
hyperairyay buttons22:12
imbrandonmaco: i dont think so22:12
hyperairimbrandon: yes, it's needed for apt-cache madison22:12
hyperairmaco: ^22:12
macohyperair:  wins22:13
imbrandonbut thats the old script/way22:13
imbrandonthe new one uses LP22:13
hyperairnot "old", "current"22:13
hyperairuntil LP gets its button, this isn't old22:13
imbrandonumm well old as in not the one in ubutnu-dev-tools22:13
imbrandonthat uses lp api vs madison22:13
macoyou know it tells me successfully signed blah blah (since i assume the debian signature isnt enough for upload) but it doesnt actually anything at all about having done anything of an uploading nature22:14
hyperairoh i see.22:14
hyperairmaco: it modifies the .changes and signs it using your key. now you can dput it22:14
macoooooh ok22:14
imbrandonmaco: it doesent actualy upload it, it just modified the changes so LP wont reject the upload from you22:14
hyperairyeah i was confused the first time as well =p22:15
maconot a one-shot thing22:15
hyperairyou could add an alias and make it oneshot =p22:15
superm1Sarvatt, more or less (starting AUS though)22:15
imbrandonsuperm1: ! ltns22:15
* maco goes to stare at /ubuntu/lucid and watch for it to say i uploaded something22:16
imbrandonmaco: :)22:16
hyperairmaco: you mean maverick.22:16
macoer yeah that22:16
macobrain: stop being stupid22:16
imbrandonhyperair: yea the new script in ubuntu-dev-tools uses LP api instead of madison, but it still needs some work before its actualy installed via the package ( it works now but requires LP credentials but could all be done anon, thus the needs fixing )22:17
superm1imbrandon, si, you join at UDS?22:17
hyperairimbrandon: i see.22:17
imbrandonsuperm1: not this time :(22:18
hyperairimbrandon: i'd prefer it just use rmadison though.22:18
savvas0Is anyone in charge of udev package online to check out bug #577565 please?22:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 577565 in udev "r8169: eth0: link down - eth0 / eth1 udev rules for same device" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57756522:18
imbrandonsuperm1: i should be at the next one, i can usaly make every other one22:18
macodoesnt the /ubuntu/<release> page usually have a link the queue where right now it instead has some bit about upstream links?22:18
imbrandonmaco: jsut add /+queue22:19
macoimbrandon: i know that, but where'd teh button go?22:20
macowhy are launchpad buttons always moving about?22:20
jpdsmaco: "Show uploads"22:20
imbrandonheh, no idea, its been a gripe of mine for a long time22:20
macooh it moved down 2 inhes22:20
hyperairi hate launchpad, simply because it's so goddamned slow22:21
savvas0it's not slow, it's overcrowded :)22:21
zookohyperair: fixing that is apparently a priority.22:21
hyperairzooko: one hell of a priority that is, considering it's been this slow since its inception.22:21
zookoI don't know if it was a priority before this year.22:22
hyperairsavvas0: i suppose, but i get miserable speeds from PPAs.22:22
imbrandonmaco: Upload by Mackenzie Morgan 6 minutes ago  ( <-- i'm asuming that you by the name similarity , anyhow you its in the queue )22:23
macoyep yep i see22:23
jpdshyperair: You live, quite a distance from London?22:24
hyperairjpds: something like 8 hours away in terms of time zones.22:25
hyperairjpds: oh and i've got eternal summer.22:26
JontheEchidnajdong: plingy on bug 517962. This sru should be a bit more straightforward, to say the least ;)22:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517962 in kdebase "nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in Soprano::Plugin::pluginName()" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51796222:42
jdongJontheEchidna: looks good to me, ACKed!22:48
JontheEchidnak, thanks22:51
macoif i want to subscribe archive admins to a bug, is that ubuntu-mirror-admins?23:10
macoor is there some other lp way to poke archive admins instead of my usual "convince StevenK in PM to do my bidding"23:10
JontheEchidnamaco: ubuntu-archive is the team to add23:11
macoJontheEchidna: ah. thanks23:11
JontheEchidnano prob23:12
jpdsmaco: That team manages other LP stuff. ;)23:21
macojpds: okie23:21
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