
tgm4883bollyman, no00:00
bollymanIf I install to the hard drive, how do I remove it if I need to?00:03
bollymanSOrry couldn't find a guide to this online00:03
liminallapion what is kms?00:17
com_hHi everyone, I'm trying to set up IR remote on my Mythbuntu machine, it is responding to button presses, but press it repeats the function over and over again until I press ESC on the keyboard00:25
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chilukSo I've always thought something was a little broken with my myth database.00:47
chiluki just discovered that the credits table in the mythconverg schema has 120600 rows of what looks like pretty useless data.00:47
chilukis that normal?00:48
lapionkernel mode switching01:45
silverdulcetI'm having a problem with mythnuv2mkv, I upgraded to mythbuntu 9.10 to 0.23 via the autobuilds repo and now transcode jobs run at ~3fps or so, where before they ran at 30-48fps. This happened one time before when I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10. I ended up fixing it by doing a clean install of 9.10 and restoring the DB.04:15
silverdulcetAnyone have an idea of something to check into before I go to the trouble of a clean install and DB restore?04:15
silverdulceterr, upgraded mythbuntu 9.10 with mythtv 0.22 to 0.23 via the autobuilds.04:29
banksy_I just upgraded Mythtbuntu 9.10 to 10.04 via Update Manager, and it's still using Myth 0.22 with JYA fixes.  I want to upgrade to 0.23 so I added auto-builds repos but nothing comes up in Update Manager.  How to kick off a 0.22>0.23 upgrade? (0.22 is working post Ubuntu upgrade))05:50
silverdulcetbanksy_: are you sure your Software Sources has JYA's repo for lucid?05:57
banksy_Before the Ubuntu upgrade I was running karmic JYA, then the upgrade disabled it.  I've since added JYA's "lucid release"  and it's just upgraded myth0.22-fixes to 24035.   I have now disabled that, and added autobuilds - it's added 3 repos (all launchpad.net/mythbuntu) - /repos/ubuntu lucid main, /0.23/ubuntu lucid main (and source code)06:02
Zinn[launchpad.net] Mythbuntu, Ubuntu derivative focused upon MythTV in Launchpad06:02
tgm4883banksy_, you probably have to purge the jya packages, then install from auto-builds06:19
banksy_tgm4883, The JYA repos is not active any more - do you mean uninstall mythtv via Package Manager?06:21
tgm4883banksy_, what is the output of apt-cache policy mythtv06:22
banksy_  Installed: 2:0.22.0-fixes24035-0ubuntu606:26
banksy_  Candidate: 2:0.22.0-fixes24035-0ubuntu606:26
banksy_  Version table:06:26
banksy_ *** 2:0.22.0-fixes24035-0ubuntu6 006:26
banksy_        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status06:26
banksy_     0.23.0+fixes24478-0ubuntu0+mythbuntu2 006:26
banksy_        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/0.23/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages06:26
Zinn[ppa.launchpad.net] Index of /mythbuntu/0.23/ubuntu06:26
banksy_     0.23.0+fixes24158-0ubuntu2 006:26
banksy_        500 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/multiverse Packages06:26
Zinn[au.archive.ubuntu.com] Index of http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/ubuntu/ - Updated daily06:26
Zinnwhen pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.06:26
banksy_apologies here's the output: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/9fGH6m8i06:27
tgm4883ok, yea i'm pretty sure you are going to have to remove 0.22 first06:28
tgm4883IIRC, jya has a page on his site that says how to revert to autobuilds06:28
tgm4883banksy_, basically, what I believe is happening is that  2:0.22.0 is greater than  0.23.0+fixes2447806:30
tgm4883so apt thinks it is up to date06:31
banksy_yes I just read http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/429248 and see what's going on.  So I just go into package manager, mark anything "myth" for removal, then 0.23 should appear after that?06:32
Zinn[www.gossamer-threads.com] Upgrade advice - JYA to mythbuntu auto-builds | MythTV | Users06:32
banksy_I am actually subscribed to mythtv-users but didn't take it all in at the time I read it06:34
tgm4883banksy_, yea06:37
banksy_I have a backup of the database already, so I'm going to remove all mythtv packages and see where it goes06:38
banksy_This is a list of all the packages it will be removing http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/PQ705yfh06:40
tgm4883banksy_, looks good06:51
banksy_good progress - after removal 0.23 appeared throughout update manager.  Have selected nearly everything - this is a combined FE/MBE06:51
banksy_Just gone into backend setup, and it's offered to upgrade the database.  I said OK, and in a couple of seconds later I was in the setup.  Just started the frontend and it's offered to upgrade the database again (to a higher number) and I said OK.  On main menu of front end, it's saying cannot connect to backend.  Ideas?07:18
banksy_Just saw this in mythbackend.log - Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)07:20
banksy_even this is failing $ mysql -u mythtv -p mysql (and using the password from mythbackend)07:29
bobboau I have a compatability problem between a new mythbuntu server I just set up and all my mint 8 desktops, mythbuntu uses version 0.23 mythtv, while mint only has version 0.22, installing from source is an option filled with pain, suffering, dependency hell and lack of any update support.  is there a way i could maybe install the front end from the 10.04 ubuntu repos or something? mint is effectively 9.1008:16
Zinnbobboau: Please watch your language.08:16
banksy_success!  0.23 up and running.  Had to reset the sql password for mythtv user ( suspect added complexity due to fact I changed my.cnf LAN IP to localhost during upgrade )08:57
funsheepHi, i'm using the latest mythtv build from the mythbuntu repositories (0.23-fixes). I tried to create playlists in mythmusic and after a restart or even just quiting mythmusic and coming back again, most of the music on the playlist (i previously saved) is gone! does anybody know something about that? do you experience similar problems? should i fill a bugreport?11:49
grspence__can anyone help me with mythweb - got everything working working with the exception that my video library doesn't show up... recordings, program listings all show just not my video's.  i just get a blank page.  don't know if it's my video library that's too big20:29
tgm4883grspence__, any error messages20:52
grspence__tgm... nope just a white screen shows up in firefox20:55
grspence__my video library is pretty big tho - probs about 1tb20:56
grspence__i recently did a fresh install of 10.04 and with only a few videos it works fine20:56
grspence__when i imported the rest of my library that's when it stopped working20:56
tgm4883grspence__, any error messages in the logs?21:13
tgm4883probably in /var/log/apache2 somethign21:14
grspence__i've got the log viewer up just now21:14
grspence__aaaah.... ur very clever21:15
grspence__PHP fatal error: maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/includes/translate.php on line 13921:16
tgm4883grspence__, interesting21:17
tgm4883so google that, see if there is a fix for mythweb or if you just need to bump up the timeout of php21:17
grspence__cheers dude!21:17
grspence__hmmm no luck with google21:18
grspence__how would i express a larger time.... in the .php file itself?21:18
mrandgrspence__: random idea: videos must be in a storage group to show up in mythweb now.22:03
grspence__mrand - but when i only got a few videos in the directory it shows up - it's when i add all my vids (probs a good 5-600gb it doesn't22:07
grspence__its definately the timeout period22:08
grspence__i added the max_execution_time = 0 to php.ini but still no joy :(22:08
tgm4883grspence__, thats in php.ini22:08
tgm4883grspence__, i'm no sure 0 equals no timeout22:08
tgm4883plus, you might have to restart apache22:09
grspence__0 is infinity it it not?22:09
grspence__yeah i restarted apache22:09
tgm4883grspence__, 0 is only infinity if the programs says it's infinity22:09
tgm4883otherwise 0 is 022:09
grspence__right just set it to 2000022:10
grspence__will see what happens22:10
grspence__nope no joy22:11
tgm4883grspence__, did you restart apache?22:12
tgm4883grspence__, i'd ask in #mythtv-users22:12
bcgrownI have a script that does a DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force off/on.   it turns off fine,  and turns the display back on but doesn't unblank the screen until i hit a key or move the mouse.  anyone know why?22:57
grspence__bcgrown - this script seems to work for me23:00
grspence__STATUS=`xset -q | grep "Monitor is" | awk '{print $3}'`23:00
grspence__if [ "${STATUS}" = "On" ]23:00
grspence__   xset dpms force off23:00
grspence__   xset dpms force on23:00
grspence__exit 023:00
grspence__i use it with irexec to switch my monitor off and on - assigned it to my power button on my .lircrc file :)23:01
bcgrownthat's basically what i'm trying to do23:01
bcgrownexcept i want to start/kill mythfrontend as well23:02
grspence__why start / kill the frontend?23:02
bcgrownso that mythwelcome can turn the machine on/off23:02
grspence__got no experience with mythwelcome....23:05
bcgrowni don't think it's relevant to this problem.   the problem i have is that "set dpms force on" works,  but my screen is still blank after the monitor turns on23:05
grspence__u disabled all the monitor power settings in ubuntu and screensaver etc?23:07
bcgrownthis is a dirty hack...  but if i use xdotool to send a mouse move event it turns back on...23:12
bcgrownguess that'll have to do23:13
samsunghey all... little bit of a firewire stb problem...when i run firewire_tester. i get a error "libiec61883 warning: No plugs exist on either node;"23:57
samsungand it fails for p2p as well as broadcast23:57
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].23:57
samsung!help firewire23:58
Zinn!help firewire For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].23:58
samsungalready read that23:59

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