
JanCdominicdinada: virbr0 is the default name used by libvirt for bridging network from virtual machines AFAIK00:02
dominicdinadaJanC:  ok and hmm I got the network back up .... just gonna work on bridging correctly noe00:03
mininessieum how do i download server kernel for regular ubuntu 32bit 10.0400:04
mininessiecan someone help me00:05
mininessieum how do i download server kernel for regular ubuntu 32bit 10.0400:07
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100400:07
dominicdinadamininessie: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso00:07
ziesemer_I think the question being asked is how to install / use the server version of the kernel on a previous (desktop) install?00:08
viezerdaptitude has an option "-d" to download only00:08
dominicdinadato reinstall iptables    sudo aptitude reinstall iptables00:12
ScottKmininessie: There isn't an i386 server kernel anymore.  Use generic.00:12
mininessieziesemer_: correct00:12
mininessieScottK: okay i just want the best kernel type00:13
dominicdinadaOrville Reddenboker type ? =)00:13
JanCmininessie: install linux-server00:15
JanCmininessie: but best kernel might depend on what you want of your system00:16
mininessieJanC: well i'm running mac i want the best graphics sound and battery life00:16
ScottKProbably not on a server though00:17
JanCmininessie: that doesn't sound like a server00:17
mininessieJanC: which one does it sound like00:18
JanCwell, I have no servers witrh graphics, sound or a battery really  ;)00:18
qman__my servers have batteries, but not internally00:29
qman__no graphics, no sound00:29
qman__the server kernel is not going to be tuned for the best performance of those things00:29
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.00:51
dominicdinadasomeone please kill me now :(00:53
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox00:55
iclebyteany known issues with bridging of a KVM host controlled by libvirt on 9.10 server?01:22
ziesemer_I have a virtual machine (in VirtualBox) that I installed lucid (desktop) into.  I then installed linux-image-virtual , which is apparently based on server - and apparently even uses the same headers.  However, after rebooting, I get "Giving up waiting for a root device", and it drops to a BusyBox root shell.01:23
iclebytei can get to the host from the guest via the bridge but i can't seem to get out any further than that01:24
iclebyteit's had me for 3 days01:24
ziesemer_It notes that /dev/disk/by-uuid/... doesn't exist.  Sure enough, I have /dev/disk/by-path, but I don't even have a by-uuid folder.  Rebooting using the old generic kernel works just fine.  Ideas?01:24
mannyvi just  installed lucid server with the os on a raid1 with lvm and it will not boot. I am getting the error no init found abda busybox prompt01:25
mannyvcan anyone help with this?01:27
gauravkHello, all, I had a question about partitioning. I have a few internal HDDs that I want to set up as samba shares that are going to contain media. I was wondering where I should mount them (I'm installing Ubuntu-server now).01:28
iclebytegauravk, under /media seems to be the general ubuntu convention.01:29
iclebytetraditionally it would have been under /mnt/01:29
iclebytebut this is 2010 - so /media/ it is.01:30
gauravkOkay, sounds good, thanks for the help.01:30
ScottKziesemer_: My suggestion would be use the kernel that works.01:46
ziesemer_ScottK:  Yeah - but I want to get it working / know why.  :-)  It's just a trivial VM, so even if I loose it - no big deal.01:46
ziesemer_I did find that there is not even a /dev/sd0 or /dev/hd0 - so thinking a driver issue.01:47
ScottKNo idea.  Sorry.01:47
ziesemer_Maybe linux-image-virtual has too few drivers.  :-)01:47
ziesemer_I'll try linux-image-server just for kicks.01:48
kaushalI get this http://fpaste.org/cyhT/ on the console of Ubuntu Linux 8.04 server01:48
kaushalPlease suggest01:48
kaushalI did some troubleshooting by replacing the RAM with the new ones01:48
kaushaldidnot help01:48
kaushalAny clue ?01:48
* ziesemer_ Aha! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/57054201:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 570542 in linux "linux-image-virtual does not include ahci module, prevents virtualbox from booting minimal vm install" [Medium,In progress]01:52
dominicdinadaok kids need a hand :(02:05
datzhi, I'm actually using xubuntu, but the box has no monitor.. I'd like to get the latest kernel update, but apt-get upgrade doesn't do it. Can anyone lend me a hand?03:01
qman__datz, use apt-get dist-upgrade03:01
qman__'upgrade' will not install new packages or remove old ones, only upgrade in place03:01
qman__updating your kernel requires the installation of new packages03:02
qman__which dist-upgrade will do03:02
datzah... humm.. that will not move me from say.. 9.10 to 10.04 though, will it?03:02
ziesemer_I _think_ you need do-release-upgrade for that to happen.03:03
datzok, I'll try dist-upgrade and see what happens.. thanks guys03:04
qman__yes, dist-upgrade will not do a release upgrade03:04
datzthanks, running it now03:05
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
billybigriggercan someone lend a quick hand...im trying to report an attack on my site to a company, and i want to parse all the lines from my auth.log that contain a certain ip address so i can easily paste it into a txt file...03:17
billybigriggercat auth.log |grep xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx > abuse.log03:18
ziesemer_grep x.x.x.x auth.log > attack.txt03:18
billybigriggeram i close?03:18
ziesemer_Yours works, too.03:18
billybigriggerheh, i'm smarter than i think :P hahaha03:18
billybigriggerthanks ziesemer_03:18
billybigriggercat would actually display all of auth.log first though, wouldn't it?03:19
ziesemer_You wouldn't see it, as it would all be consumed by grep.03:19
mannyvi just install lucid server with a raid1 and it wont boot I  am getting no init found and a busybox prompt03:26
mannyvanyone have any ideas on how to fix this?03:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #577264 in libvirt (main) "libvirt failed to start vm: internal error Unable to find cgroup for" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57726403:32
yabootrying to install samba and get package samba is not available04:03
yaboohow can i resolve this please04:05
ScottKyaboo: We'd need to see the exact error.04:06
bambangcan u solve my problem: Ctrl + L = "$echo -e \\033c", do u know Alt + F9 = ??????04:08
yabooReading package lists... Done04:09
yabooBuilding dependency tree04:09
yabooReading state information... Done04:09
yabooPackage samba is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:09
yabooThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:09
yaboois only available from another source04:09
yabooHowever the following packages replace it:04:09
yaboo  samba-common-bin smbclient samba-common04:09
yabooE: Package samba has no installation candidate04:09
qman__!pastebin | yaboo04:10
ubottuyaboo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:10
ScottKWhat release are you on?04:12
yaboois my error04:13
ScottKyaboo: Would you please pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list04:14
ScottKsamba exists in Lucid and is certainly a real package.04:14
ScottKWhat architecture are you running?04:14
ScottK(give me the output of uname -a if you don't know)04:15
yaboodual core intel04:15
yabooLinux mackie 2.6.32-22-generic-pae #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 14:57:29 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux04:15
ScottKYour sources.list is missing main and restricted.04:15
yabooah ok04:15
yaboocan you send me the missing stuff04:16
ScottKyaboo: http://paste.debian.net/72496/ add that and then apt-get update04:16
ScottKYou should be able to install it then.04:16
yaboothanks, wil do now04:17
yaboothanks installs04:19
yaboohmm when it installs is there a /etc/init.d/samba, think mine is missing04:20
ScottKyaboo: You will also want http://paste.debian.net/72497/ in there too.04:22
ScottKI don't know much about samba, so that's probably all the help I can give you.04:22
yaboothanks ScottK04:23
mbtHi, is there some reason that upgrading from hardy server to lucid server isn't working?  "sudo do-release-upgrade" says "no new release found" when I run it on an 8.04.3 box04:59
qman__IIRC, you need to update first04:59
mbtThat's already been done; it's fully up-to-date04:59
qman__and 8.04.3 is not the latest 8.0404:59
mbtOh, sorry, I typed the version wrong; it is 8.04.405:00
qman__in that case, I'm not really sure05:00
qman__I haven't tried any yet myself05:00
qman__and I don't know what it uses to determine if there are new releases05:00
mbtyeah, it's as if lucid wasn't an LTS05:00
qman__other than running sudo apt-get update to get the latest lists05:00
mbtInterestingly enough, if I 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d' it finds lucid.  But it shouldn't require the -d, correct?05:02
ScottKmbt: The recommendation for hardy to lucid upgrades is to wait for 10.04.1, so it's not being offered as a regular upgrade yet.05:03
ScottKWhat you are seeing is what is currently correct.05:03
mbtScottK: Oh, okay.  I thought the -d was for development05:04
ScottKIt is.05:04
jturekmbt, you need to edit the "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades"05:04
ScottKContinuing to use it this way is overloading it slightly, but it has the right effect.05:04
jturekand set Prompt=normal05:04
ScottKjturek: No.  He doesn't.05:04
mbtColor me confused.  :-)  I will just use the -d switch then.05:04
mbtThanks much!05:05
ScottKmbt: Please be sure to file bugs on any upgrade issues you see.05:05
jturekif he installed desktop instead of server when he started...05:05
mbtScottK: No problem.05:05
jturekScottK, sorry, its what I had to do to go from a LTS release to another release05:06
jturekmy release-upgrades file was set to "none"05:06
ScottKsudo do-release-upgrade -d05:06
yaboowhats the best ubuntu howto doc to setup a firewall so i call allow machines in the network surf out to the net?05:08
mbtAnyone know if do-release-upgrade logs all of its output somewhere?05:09
jturek/var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log and /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log05:09
mannyvif anyone has any idea I am trying to boot a raid1 array in lucid and it keeps failing claiming it cannot find /dev/md005:12
mannyvit can find /dev/md1 but not /dev/md0 for some strange reason05:12
yabooshould i use ufw?05:23
ScottKyaboo: For a firewall, that's the standard one for Ubuntu.05:24
* ScottK can't say much more than that. I've got my own iptables scripts that work for me, but that I wouldn't recommend for anyone else.05:30
dominicdinadaScottK:  My hostname is listed as blah-trvue0uir   when i check nslookup but I cant seem to find out where it is stored :/ /etc/hostname looks correct05:30
dominicdinadaScottK: i was laughing if he enabled the firewall on and all of a sudden lost all outbound traffic05:31
ScottKI'd try sudo grep -r blah-trvue0uir /etc/*05:31
dominicdinadacan I use a wildcard search in for the name because it is blah-   but then random characters maybe I was tired when I wiped this machine the last name05:32
ScottKBut I need to go check laundry and pack.05:33
dominicdinadatc/alternatives/gconftool matches05:33
dominicdinadawelcome back yaboo05:37
yaboodominicdinada: hoping after this reboot ufw works05:37
dominicdinadasudo ufw enable ?05:38
dominicdinadasudo ufw allow http05:38
yabooyep done thats, need to get masquerading done05:38
dominicdinadaHeh it should work! you just gotta configure it right... still learning it myself05:39
yaboook, seems ufw works with masquerade05:48
kaushalis there a mailing list of ubuntu kernel ?06:20
ScottKCheck lists.ubuntu.com.06:21
yaboocan't believe samba is bjorked on ubuntu, might compile my own version06:26
mbtScottK: My upgrade went okay. The only bumps were on some /etc/init.d things that I customized that don't exist there anymore, so I had to port the changes to the upstart jobs06:44
CaptainTrekwhere's the Apache mod_security thing located at?  what package(s)06:50
sherrCaptainTrek: mod-security appears to be in the repos (for karmic anyway).07:17
yabooi don't need to allow samba for samba to work internally07:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #359301 in clamav (main) "klamav can't download virus database on jaunty" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35930109:52
=== zorzar_ is now known as zorzar
uvirtbotNew bug: #310737 in clamav (main) "klamav update dies unexpectedly in intrepid with apparmor active" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31073710:21
dominicdinada!ops | russ10:21
ubotturuss: Help! Channel emergency! soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom10:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #312695 in clamav (main) "freshclam blocked by apparmor" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31269510:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #346397 in clamav (main) "apparmor denies freshclam access to /var/run/samba/gencache.tdb" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34639710:21
dominicdinada!ops | Russ Spamming10:22
ubottuRuss Spamming: Help! Channel emergency! soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom10:22
Russwhat language is that?10:22
Russwrong channel10:23
dominicdinada 2 channels in a row10:23
dominicdinadai doubt it im in both Ubuntu and here10:23
Russi amsg'd it to all the chans i'm in10:23
Russi wanted to see if it was for real10:24
Russguess so :P10:24
dominicdinadaWell you can spread your crap else where10:25
Russmy friend warned me not to, i guess he was right10:25
yaboook got issues seems i cannot connect via the browser to port 901 swat, any reason why, can telnet to the port and it is ok10:26
dominicdinadayaboo:  I couldnt either last night :(10:28
dominicdinadayaboo: the shares are actually easier to set up than I thought10:29
yaboodominicdinada: i can setup the shares, but my windows 7 cannot see them10:29
dominicdinadaI am on windows 7 also :) not a problem10:30
dominicdinadabut I used the same user scheme etc... just out of habbit10:30
yabooyeah do not know why i cannot win 7 cannot see the shares10:31
dominicdinadahow are you sharing them ? Browsable, Read, ??10:32
dominicdinadahere ill post a share of mine on pastebin10:34
Edwin_achhi everyone, I want to download an older .iso version of Ubuntu Server (8.04 32bits) from ubuntu.com but I don't found any useful link, do you know where I can? « thanks :-) »10:38
dominicdinadayaboo: http://pastebin.com/7pJGXMPg10:38
dominicdinadasorrry stupid ssh on unbuntu desktop doesnt capture that is one share of mine10:38
yaboothanks loading10:39
dominicdinadadont forget      sudo /etc/samba/smbd restart10:39
yaboothought it was server smnb restart10:40
dominicdinadait is sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart10:40
dominicdinadawell on lucid for me it is smbd :/10:40
yaboodominicdinada: in 10.04 that file is gone10:41
dominicdinadaI am on 10.04 server and laptop the smbd file is still there10:41
dominicdinadain init.d10:41
halvorsI cant recive emil with dovecot the musieve plugin missing :(10:42
dominicdinadaBrb now10:42
halvorsHwat should i do?10:42
RoyKEdwin_ach: I use ftp.uninett.no10:43
Edwin_achhi RoyK, I can't still find the download link on ftp.uninett.no :-(10:46
Edwin_achRoyK, from here: ftp://ftp.uninett.no/pub/linux/ubuntu/dists/hardy/ where can I find the link to download 32 bits server edition?10:49
dominicdinadayaboo: what did you come up with10:55
Edwin_achRoyK, fortunately I have just remember that some years ago I downloaded another distro image from http://ftp.belnet.be and just there I have found that I was looking for, so if it can be considered for future reference about older releases this site is cool!! :D10:55
dominicdinadahalvors: still didnt fix your email problem ?10:55
halvorsNo, but i think te problem is that postfix missing museive10:56
Edwin_achthanks anyway community, bye...10:56
RoyKEdwin_ach:   ftp://ftp.uninett.no/linux/ubuntu-iso/hardy/10:56
dominicdinadaEdwin_ach: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.iso 32bit10:56
* RoyK sticks to 8.04 for a few months more10:57
dominicdinada32bit lucid right ?10:57
dominicdinada8.4 is on there also10:57
halvorsBut some ideas about my email problem?10:58
RoyKEdwin_ach: ftp://ftp.uninett.no/pub/linux/ubuntu-iso/ for all of them10:58
dominicdinadahalvors: I still think it is the either addressing :/10:58
dominicdinadathe link i posted is for the direct download to lucid 10.04 32bit server10:58
halvorsno, i reinstalled the server  and it is now sieve10:58
Edwin_achthnak you dominicdinada :D but I couldn't found the link in the main page, neither using the search button :(10:59
dominicdinadai posted the direct link to the download *face palm*10:59
RoyKEdwin_ach: did you find the iso from my link?10:59
dominicdinadaEdwin_ach: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.iso 32bit10:59
dominicdinadaEdwin_ach: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.iso 32bit11:00
halvorsI think it is that bug, but i cant fix it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/51604011:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 516040 in ubuntu-release-notes "dovecot sieve plugin renamed from cmusieve to sieve" [Undecided,Fix released]11:00
halvorsCan somone help me?11:00
jpdsdominicdinada / Edwin_ach: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server actually. ;)11:01
dominicdinadawhat is the message errors you are getting now ?11:01
dominicdinadajpds: a couple of days ago that page only listed the 64bit versions no link to 32bit you had to hunt i gave him the exact link to lucid so if he opens it will download11:02
Edwin_achyeah RoyK, I found a link for 8.04.4 I don't know what is the difference with just 8.04, but anyway, in http://releases.ubuntu.com I found the link for 8.04 server ed. 32 bits :)11:04
Edwin_achthank you RoyK ! :)11:04
viezerdEdwin_ach: updating 8.04 will eventually give you
Edwin_achdominicdinada, thank you for the link http://releases.ubuntu.com because actually I need the 32bits of 8.04 LTS because I want to proof zimbra as they recommend 8.04 LTS (http://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Ubuntu_8.04_LTS_Server_(Hardy_Heron)_Install_Guide)11:10
Edwin_achthank you viezerd for the info!!!11:10
dominicdinadaNo problem I wasnt sure which one but ya thats the entire repo11:11
dominicdinadahalvors: Your using IMAP?11:11
Edwin_achguys... for people like you (your help) Ubuntu is still growin up :D11:12
halvorsI have tested with IMAP and POP3 noting works11:12
Edwin_achinstead the help for other distros in irc channel :-/11:13
dominicdinadahalvors:  pop3 is a to get mail smtp is to send11:13
Edwin_achthanx dominicdinada, RoyK, jpds, viezerd !!!11:13
halvorsi know11:13
dominicdinadaEdwin_ach: welcome11:14
halvorsHere is my error in the log (mail.warn): May  7 22:18:43 ss1 dovecot: deliver(halvors-skymia.net): Fatal: Plugin cmusieve not found from directory /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/lda11:14
halvorsMay  7 22:49:23 ss1 dovecot: dovecot: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=2048 uid=0 code=kill)11:14
Edwin_achbye, bye...11:14
yaboodominicdinada: can you send me your setup, think its the globals that are wrong11:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #577375 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57737511:16
dominicdinadaMy globals are not standard as I installed server via external hard drive while server is in pieces so my drives and eth0s messed up...11:16
dominicdinadayaboo: have you tried to add an exception in the firewall also ? sudo ufw allow sftp11:17
dominicdinadasudo ufw allow samba ....11:17
yabooufw allow sftp11:18
dominicdinadawell ya u gotta sudo it11:18
dominicdinadaon your server.11:18
dominicdinadahalvors: have you tried reinstalling the packages once again ?11:19
yaboohang on allow samba from the outside world11:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #577379 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "mysql command line broken (relocation error)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57737911:36
dominicdinadayaboo:  got it ?11:37
yaboodominicdinada: why should i open the samba port on my firewall11:38
yaboogot what11:38
dominicdinadato communicate with the share? samba is a file service11:38
yaboobut those that open samba to the outside world11:38
yaboomy ubuntu box is my gateway also11:39
dominicdinadayou not behind a rou11:39
yaboomy ubuntu is my all in one box11:39
halvorsdominicdinada: I have not reinstalled no, packages. But who will i need to reinstall?11:39
dominicdinadaahhh i am not the best with the firewall yet but i believe you can add specific exceptions to certain machines11:39
dominicdinadahalvors: well i was wondering because before it was sending but was getting a 5.4.4 error not it wont even try to send11:40
dominicdinada!iptables | yaboo11:40
ubottuyaboo: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.11:40
twbBleh, that page tells people to use -L instead of iptables-save.11:41
dominicdinadatwb: L is to list11:43
dominicdinadai thought it saves it right away11:43
dominicdinadayaboo: sudo ufw allow from to any port 22?   <~ an example to allow specific ips on ports11:44
dominicdinadawell ya if you want to be really specific mine is behind routers :) so i get time to harden it11:45
twbdominicdinada: iptables -L is a single-table, non-machine-readable, lossy output format.11:47
twbdominicdinada: iptables-save emits a comprehensive dump of all loaded tables, in a format that can be read back in.11:47
dominicdinadaya it is how to better real it11:47
dominicdinadaoh ok11:47
dominicdinadadefault in etc?11:48
twbCertainly for anything more than trivial -s/-d/--dport, I find it easier to read iptables-save than -L.11:48
dominicdinadawell any how i killed my network a few times today but ahhh well11:49
halvorsNo it isnt that i reinstalled an di not get this error now12:14
halvorsso it must be12:14
=== twb` is now known as twb
jo-erlendI need some help. I tried to install qemu-kvm and libvirt-bin, but while it was installing, the system froze. Now, the package is half-installed and I can't install or remove anything. How do I proceed?13:20
RoyKjo-erlend: dpkg --configure -a ?13:29
jo-erlendnei, det funker ikke.13:30
jo-erlendsorry :)13:30
jo-erlendno, that doesn't work.13:31
jo-erlendthat is to say, it doesn't give me any error messages, but I still can't install or remove anything.13:31
RoyKapt-get remove --purge xxx && apt-get install xxx ?13:31
* RoyK gir jo-erlend en ny installasjon-cs13:32
jo-erlendthat doesn't work either.13:32
RoyKno error message?13:32
jo-erlendI refuse to reinstall. There has to be a way to fix it.13:32
RoyKapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade13:32
RoyKwhat does that tell you?13:32
jo-erlenddpkg (subprocess): unable to execute post-installation script: Exec format error13:33
jo-erlendamong other things.13:33
RoyKtried strace -f that?13:33
RoyKdpkg has some issues with hung packages13:33
* RoyK goes shopping13:34
echosystmdoes ubuntu server have selinux or equivalent by default?14:58
penguin42echosystm: It has apparmor14:58
twbIt supports several MACs, but the default is apparmor.14:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #573853 in squid (main) "Cannot control squid "Unknown instance"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57385315:34
=== Administrador is now known as guisepe
guntbertguisepe: /join #ubuntu-es16:04
guntbert!es | guisepe16:07
ubottuguisepe: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:07
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!16:09
RoyKhow can I add stuff to ubottu16:09
RoyKor change stuff16:10
guntbertRoyK: you can submit suggestions (best in a query window with ubottu) in the form !factoid is .........., but first please read16:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-server's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:11
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ping16:13
RoyKsubmitted something for Icelandic and Norwegian - "på Norsk" is ok, but "norsk" shouldn't be capitalized16:13
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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MkoolsHi, I am using tomcat6 can someone tell me what does this means: Attribute name "docBase" associated with an element type "Context" must be followed by the ' = '18:51
MkoolsI am also getting unable to connect with:
mcasMkools: did you edit a config file before this error?19:14
Mkoolsmcas: Yes.19:15
mcashave you changed the docBase path?19:15
Mkoolsmcas: Actually I am trying to add a virtual host on it. For that I have created a docBase path. Would you like to review my server.xml19:22
mcasyes could you pleaase post it to a pastebin service?19:22
Mkoolsmcas: Before you review I would like to tell you that I am trying to use dns server( which I have configured with bind9) to use with tomcat6.19:24
mcasi hope i can help you ;-)19:25
Mkoolsmcas: pastebin is giving me problem it's not pasting the code.19:30
mcasyou could try http://pastbin.kubuntu-de.org19:30
Mkoolsmcas: It's saying server not found.19:32
mcassorry my fault19:32
Mkoolsmcas: I am not getting the previous error but I am now getting a warning  No rules found matching 'Server/Service/Engine/Host/Host/Valve'.#0129 May, 2010 12:07:25 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester19:40
Mkoolsmcas: Do I need to edit /etc/environment for tomcat to work properly.19:41
mcasMkools: afaik not19:41
Mkoolsmcas: Means what can you elaborate.19:42
mcasdo you have any webapps installed?19:43
Mkoolsmcas: No I am basically trying to show the starting page of tomcat IT WORKS! typing my domain name on URL19:47
dominicdinadaYawn :P19:48
Mkoolsmcas: Now tomcat is running on which is the ip of my dns.19:48
mcasMkools: i do not have much experience with virtual hosts and tomcat but i think you have you have to put it under the </host> of localhost19:48
dominicdinadaIf I plug a usb external hard drive into my server I will have access to it correct? transfering 50 gigs over the network is well time consuming19:49
Mkoolsmcas: Can you please tell me what should be the path set for docBase and context element in server.xml?19:50
Mkoolsmcas: Basically I am lot more confused about path structure used in tomcat19:51
mcasMkools: i would try path="" and docBase="ROOT"19:51
mcasdominicdinada: yes should work19:51
mcasdominicdinada: you should first check if you "see" the usb hard drive with dmesg and then mount it manually19:52
dominicdinadaOk after this 3 gb transfer is done ill give it a shot... then I am gonna break my server for the 4th day in a row :P19:52
dominicdinadamcas: will do19:52
mcasdominicdinada: i don't think pluging in an usb hard drive will break your server ;-)19:52
Mkoolsmcas: What's your opinion on port, i.e. because dns uses 53 and it is using I think 8080. If I need to edit the port then where do you think the it should be done in server.xml19:53
mcasMkools: there should be no problem with ports while running your bind and tomcat on the same host19:53
dominicdinadamcas: No but when I go to follow through the steps to turn the server into a WIFI-access point well it messes everything up... Alone I cant even get the server to set statically :(19:53
dominicdinadaStatic ip...19:54
dominicdinadaI set it to what it should be....19:54
mcasah ok19:54
Mkoolsmcas: If this thing should be run on LAN that is client wants to access IT WORKS using firefox the what editing should be done?19:55
dominicdinadasomewhere I got the saved attempts but i think it was the problem with ebox so i removed ebox and it took everything with it19:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #577552 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57755219:56
mcasMkools: you have a server "A" where you have a bind and tomcat for your lan.. you set up your clients to use your server "A" as name server19:56
Mkoolsmcas: Which server dns or web? I have a entry for my dns in bind conf files. Which files should be edited on clients?19:58
dominicdinadait auto mounted correctly19:59
mcasyour tomcat is not running on the same host your bind is running?19:59
mcasdominicdinada: great19:59
Mkoolsmcas: Running on same. But what if it happens.20:01
mcasso you can access tomcat by ip right?20:02
Mkoolsmcas: Now when I type domain name: 8080 I can see my page. But I want to only access it using my domain name.20:03
mcasah ok20:04
mcasonly name not ip?20:04
Mkoolsmcas: yep20:04
Mkoolsmcas: dns will take care of ip20:04
dominicdinadaWTF haha now that this external drive is plugged in the transfers are even slower20:04
mcasMkools: now i understand what you want to do ;-)20:05
Mkoolsmcas: So what to do?20:05
mcaslet me think about it for a moment20:06
mcasMkools: i found a very good howto for you20:08
Mkoolsmcas: Yeah tried that but got confused with the directory structure in it. Can you please tell me what and where to edit.20:09
webroastershas much been changed between Ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04, in regards to basic server issues?20:10
webroastersmy server is currently 8.04 and i'm thinking of upgrading20:11
mcasMkools: which paths?20:12
Mkoolsmcas: Where this conf comes from there is no file naming this in /etc/tomcat620:13
Mkoolssorry not file folder.20:14
mcasso where is your server.xm located?20:14
Mkoolsmcas: it's in /etc/tomcat620:15
MkoolsWhat's this $tomcatdir20:15
mcaswhere do you have your webapps folder located?20:16
dominicdinadaok 512kbs via usb or 1.4mb via network... dam it i guess server doesnt come with usb 2.0 drivers20:16
\shtomcat6 webapps folder in a standard setup of ubuntu should be /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps20:17
mcasthanks \sh20:17
mcasso Mkools $tomcatdir should be /var/lib/tomcat620:17
Mkoolsmcas: webapps in /usr/share/tomcat620:18
mcasok than this is your tomcatdir20:18
Mkoolsmcas: Then how to remove this extra :8080 in the URL20:19
Mkoolsmcas: Because I thing rest of the things have been done.20:20
\shMkools, you want to use tomcat as webserver? you can just get rid of the port 8080 when you remove the port number and change it to 80 in the web connector in server.xml20:21
\shbut then you need to start tomcat6 as root, which is bad20:21
\shtherefore you should think about using apache2 + mod_jk and using ajp3 connector on tomcat6 side20:22
mcasyou can use iptables and portforwarding20:22
Mkoolsmcas: More about it. Links?20:22
Mkoolsmcas: Is it the only solution besides that of apache.20:24
\shMkools, you can use tomcat6 as standalone webserver, but it's not recommended, because of speed, and security20:25
\shapache is the better way..20:25
\shand much better to scale20:25
mcas\sh what about running apache as a reverse proxy for tomcat? could this be a solution?20:25
Mkools\sh: Ok thanks but I am really running out of time.20:26
mcasi think you have more experience with tomcat ;-)20:26
\shmcas, yes, but then you have a one to one connection to your tomcat...which is the same as running it as standalone20:26
\shusing mod_jk gives you NxAJP channels which performs much better20:26
\shmcas, on one apache that is...(you could use lighty as well woth a ajp modul)20:27
Mkoolsmcas: \sh: thanks for your help I will talk to you later can you give me your appointments on the IRC. Because I live in India.20:27
\shmcas, oh well...I'm not an expert...but we are running 4 frontend apaches and behind them are 30 tomcats :) and the apaches are not the bottleneck ;)20:28
MkoolsThe people in US have time zone problems.20:28
Mkools\sh: great :)20:28
\shMkools, I'm on german time..but from tomorrow on I'm at the UDS in brussels so I don't think I have so much time to lurk ;)20:28
dominicdinadaMkools: Time Zone problems ?20:28
mcasMkools: i am from german timezone too20:29
* \sh should write something on his blog about apache + tomcat scaling ...20:29
mcas\sh would be great to read about it ;-)20:30
Mkools\sh: Can you provide me the URL?20:30
Mkoolsfor your blog.20:31
\shMkools, http://shermann.name/ but when I write something it will be aggregated on planet.ubuntu.com as well...so have a look there first ;)20:31
\shso...I need to go to bed tomorrow is a  long travelling day..20:32
Mkoolsmcas: \sh: Thanks so much for your time and support :)20:33
mcasMkools: yw20:33
mcas\sh have fun at uds and good journey20:33
\shmcas, thx :)20:34
RoyKin zfs there is a zero intent log (zil) that can be placed on an SSD to speed up things - does ext[234] have something like this?20:48
penguin42RoyK: You can put the journal from ext* on a separate device20:51
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ping?20:51
RoyKpenguin42: is that similar to the zil? as in - things are written there first and then flushed?20:52
penguin42RoyK: I think so, but I don't know much about the zil20:52
RoyKare data written to the ext[34] journal and then flushed?20:53
mcasRoyK: i cannot tell you the exact function of ext[34] but puttin the journal on a different device speeds things up20:56
RoyKtoo bad btrfs is (still) late21:05
RoyKit'd be nice to run linux on some high-volume boxes here, but now we're on osol for them21:05
_Trullojust added 2 drives to my server, do I have to add them to fstab to get them mount each time I start the server?21:08
JanCRoyK: does it write to the disk in a location mapped as belonging to the journal and when it succeeds, moves that location to the main diskspace?21:08
penguin42_Trullo: Probably21:08
mcas_Trullo: yes21:08
RoyKJanC: zfs zil?21:09
JanCRoyK: yeah, trying to understand what it does?  ;)21:09
JanCIIRC some FreeBSD filesystem supports that21:10
RoyKzfs on freebsd, yes21:10
JanCI mean, not ZFS21:10
JanCjust trying to understand what functionality exactly you're talking about...21:11
JanChttp://www.solarisinternals.com/wiki/index.php/ZFS_Evil_Tuning_Guide#Disabling_the_ZIL_.28Don.27t.29 --> this?21:14
RoyKthat's the ZIL21:14
RoyKit'd be nice if Oracle went bankrupt and gave away their code21:15
RoyKabout as likely as a meteor striking21:15
JanCif I understand correctly it's a written log of operations that might take some time to finish, so that if there is a power down before they finish, the kernel/fs can finish them after a reboot, or something like that?21:16
penguin42sounds pretty similar to the ext journal to me21:16
RoyKlike a database log21:16
RoyKvery much like it21:16
JanCpenguin42: it's a bit more than ext journal I think21:17
RoyKexcept ext3 doesn't deal with checksumming and raid and dedup and so on21:17
JanCbut I might be wrong  ;)21:17
penguin42RoyK: Yeh the responsibilities are split on linux where as zfs mushes them altogether a bit21:17
RoyKJanC: I think you might be quite right21:17
JanCRoyK: from what I understand ZFS dedup isn't exactly scientifically sound ;)21:18
RoyKpenguin42: yeah, and with them all "mused" together, consitency is quite easy21:18
RoyKJanC: it's ok so for you have tons of memory and l2arc and nothing bad happens21:19
RoyKsay 4GB plus 1GB per 1TB storage plus a little more - then add l2arc SSD devices and som Zil SSD devices21:19
RoyKbut if you're doing a 100TiB setup, it's quite nice21:20
ibrandtGreetings all.  I'm new to Ubuntu and EC2 (but not Linux otherwise).  If I launch one of the server AMIs, install, configure and use some apps (e.g. a database), and then shut down is all data lost, or do the AMIs mount certain paths from the EBS?  I'm trying to understand if I should read up on deriving new AMIs and reconfiguring mount points to EBS before I take my firs21:20
ibrandtat the cloud.  Thanks to any takers.21:20
RoyKthat is, unless you try to remove a 10TiB dataset and the server reboots. Then it'll probably hang until it's finished the removal of that dataset21:20
jherrlinhi folks!21:21
RoyKhi nerds!21:21
viezerdI like zfs21:22
jherrlini have a little question, i have an Apple OSX 10.6 server, with FTP21:22
jherrlinand a ubuntu server21:22
RoyKviezerd: we have a couple of 30TB osol boxes with it21:23
RoyKworks like a charm21:23
jherrlini whant to connect to my OSX FTP and have the possebilety to find my ubuntu shared folder from that ftp21:23
jherrlinany ideas?21:23
RoyKit's just ftp21:24
RoyKshould work well21:24
jherrlinbut how RoyK?21:24
viezerdRoyK: nice :)21:24
erichammondibrandt: Start with EBS boot AMIs and your root file system will be stored on an EBS volume.  This volume persists through stop/start, but by default will be destroyed if you "terminate" the EC2 instance.  You can read more here: http://ec2-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/BootFromEBSGSGGuide.pdf21:24
RoyKjherrlin: ncftp -u user ip.of.the.box21:24
jherrlinmount my AFP shares from the Ubuntu server to my OSX server and then share them on the OSX FTP?21:25
* erichammond steps out21:25
RoyKviezerd: we might get another 20TB for those and another dual 130TB setup for backup :þ21:25
scari configured the disks on my server as AHCI, then installed ubuntu. now after it has rebooted, the BIOS is stuck on 'detecting SATA channel 0'.  i can't enter the BIOS because it's stuck on this....21:25
RoyKviezerd: with supermicro hardware, it's really not very expensive21:26
scarif i unplug the drives and reboot, then i can get into the BIOS... when i put them back to "IDE" it will detect the disks again... wtf?21:26
penguin42scar: Sounds like a bios bug21:27
RoyKscar: seems like a bad bios to me21:27
scarthe thing is, i have another server of the exact same type with same BIOS version and it's been working just fine with AHCI21:27
RoyKsame ubuntu version?21:27
scaryeah both with 10.0421:27
RoyKanyway - it's not really an ubuntu question, since linux never gets booted21:28
penguin42still say it sounds like a bad bios21:28
scarso do i try to reflash the BIOS?21:28
JanCscar: same BIOS version?21:28
scarJanC, yeah21:28
penguin42I doubt that will help21:29
RoyKit's worth a try21:31
RoyKsince it never reaches grub, something must be fscked up in the BIOS21:31
penguin42scar: My guess is the bios isn't clearing some state out on the hardware on reboot and is confused by the state ubuntu has left it in21:32
RoyKpenguin42: aren't those supposed to be reset on reboot?21:33
RoyKor at least a powerdown?21:33
penguin42RoyK: They *should* be reset on reboot21:33
RoyKnot stored in nvram?21:33
RoyKscar: have you tried to power down the system and let it rest for a minute or two?21:34
penguin42RoyK: Well it should reset the hardware to a decent state before probing21:34
scarpenguin42, i tried using 'load failsafe defaults' as well as 'load optimal defaults' it will work when in IDE mode but when i put it back to AHCI it still is stuck on detecting SATA channel 021:35
RoyKif the firmware isn't buggy :þ21:35
scarRoyK, no... maybe i did for about 30 seconds21:35
penguin42oh so you've tried unplugging - very odd21:35
viezerdRoyK: those Supermicros quality , same as , lets say HP Proliants ?21:36
penguin42viezerd: The chassis on the supermicros tend to bend a bit on some of the models :-) But what's inside tends to be pretty good21:36
RoyKviezerd: can't complain21:38
RoyKit works21:38
RoyKprobably made in the same asian factyory :þ21:38
RoyK35-drive hotplug 4U server is nice21:38
JanCI have a SuperMicro workstation motherboard  ;)21:39
* scar tries clearing the CMOS according to the Service Manual21:40
halvorsI get this error in my mail log, and how can i fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/430202/21:40
RoyKviezerd: we have a bunch of HP stuff too - can't really compare with it - it all works, just as supermicro21:40
penguin42RoyK: How the heck do you get 35 drives in 4u?21:41
RoyK24 in the front and some in the back21:41
viezerdso then the price makes the difference :)21:41
RoyKviezerd: yes, that's why we've bought a bunch of supermicro stuff lately :D21:42
viezerdI got a dual P3, 1266 mhz proliant G2 , needs to be replaced someday :P21:42
halvors??? ;)21:42
RoyKG2 is P4, right?21:42
penguin42RoyK: Oh, the back - neat21:42
viezerdG3 is P421:43
RoyKI'm quite sure I have a G2 DL320 with P421:43
RoyKno, I'm certain21:43
viezerdRoyK: http://edsel.nu/sysinfo/21:44
viezerdits a DL 38021:44
JanCsame socket?21:45
RoyKperhaps the DL380 hung back21:45
RoyKDL320 is entry level stuff21:45
viezerdcould be, after all,its been working for years :)21:46
viezerdbut, its getting really old now21:46
RoyKsupermicro has a neat 1U box with 4 x 12core Athlons supporting half a terabyte of RAM - I guess that box could replace most of our servers :D21:47
viezerdcouple years ago only dreams existed of having haf a terrabyte lol21:51
JanCviezerd: depending on your budget...21:51
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scarhuh... i removed the battery for 30+ seconds... but the CMOS didn't get cleared21:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #352987 in lm-sensors (universe) "lm-sensors report incorrect values of CPU temparature" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35298721:56
fbc-mxhi somehow I have thousands of cron instances... How do I kill'em all (metallica style)21:59
efleming969fbc-mx: have you looked at the killall command?22:00
fbc-mxefleming969, I didn't know one existed22:01
viezerdthats through JanC, with enough money :22:01
JanCviezerd: ?22:02
scardamn proprietary vendors. i can't download a BIOS update for this server without a Sun contract22:02
fbc-mxefleming969, yup that did it...22:02
fbc-mxefleming969, I had some command in my crontab for moodle that was spawning zombie cron jobs.22:04
ibrandterichammond: Thanks for the EBS boot AMI pointer and link.  That's got me finding a lot of great info from your alestic.com site and elsewhere.22:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #577592 in qemu-kvm (main) "qemu-kvm dependencies require X" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57759222:10
viezerdJanC: nevermind :) , what I meant to say was about the price of hardware, like 10 years ago you had to be a millionair to have the same hardware as now22:12
scarat least the Sun/Oracle forums are free to access22:35
RoyKit'd be nice if zfs was GPLed22:38
* ziesemer_ agrees!22:38
RoyKI have a coule of 30TB osol boxes and it would be very nice to run them on linux22:39
ziesemer_I guess there is work to make ZFS available through FUSE - but I'm not sure what all the implications of that are - including performance.22:39
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hi22:40
kirklandRoAkSoAx: ashes?22:40
RoyKziesemer_:  performance issues and no newer zfs versions22:41
ZachK_Ah hello?22:43
penguin42ziesemer_: I thought it already was wired up to fuse by someone22:43
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ashes22:44
kirklandRoAkSoAx: bummer dude22:44
RoAkSoAxkirkland, im scheduled to arrive on tuesday morning though22:44
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay, better than nothing22:44
kirklandRoAkSoAx: http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/05/08/important-ash-cloud-travel-problems-and-uds/22:44
RoAkSoAxkirkland, yeah been through that... we've been trying to get a flight for tomorrow is all packed!!22:45
RoyKah - Eyjafjallajökull22:45
kirklandRoAkSoAx: here's to hoping you make it, dude22:45
RoAkSoAxkirkland, i do hope so to!! I could have changed to other flights departing today though.. btu the counter at the airport messed up real bad and didn't tell us that there there were other flights available (through different airports) and when we came to see online, we tried to call every apparent avaiable flight but everything got packed22:47
cemcis there a problem with dovecot in Lucid?22:52
cemcI just tried to install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d, and I'm getting an error, hostname: name or service not known, or something like that22:53
RoAkSoAxkirkland, btw.. I'll probably request the change of the TestDrive session to another day since I'll prolly get there pretty tired on tuesday22:57
dominicdinadaIs there a known bug for lucid gnome crashing while file transfer ?? Or basically doing anything it has happened 8-10 times since I have installed and when it crashes I lose the Minamize,Maximize,Close the whole window controls23:39
dominicdinada plus Any window that is not in focus is not listed on the taskbar only all the windows from when the desktop crashed... even when a system monitor kill the process23:39

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