
Sarvattoh no, more ash clouds..00:24
brycehSarvatt, got a link?  only stuff I see shows it mostly just affecting Ireland00:33
Sarvattbryceh: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100507/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_iceland_volcano00:34
Sarvattgreat timing huh00:34
brycehwell maybe they can fly around00:38
brycehmy guess is they'll be able to get us into europe but coming home will be a different story00:38
Sarvattjust found out the hotel was overbooked too, now I'm really getting worried about going. been working my butt off for 3 weeks to afford just the one week off of work, i'm really screwed if i get stuck there00:39
jcristauif you end up stuck in paris we can get some $beverage :)00:40
Sarvatti dont mind a longer flight there honestly, was arriving at 7:45 am and can't check in until 3 pm anyhow :)00:44
brycehSarvatt, I wouldn't worry about it, there's not anything we can do, and chances are that it'll probably all work out fine00:52
brycehI seem to recall there were various potential disasters looming around the past couple UDS's that never really materialized.  Swine flu epidemics and so on00:53
Sarvattyeah i'm just nervous because i'm leaving in the morning and finding out a lot of things at the last minute like the hotel situation, it's no biggie :)00:55
brycehinteresting, my flight goes up north over iceland, so appears to miss the plume entirely that way00:56
superm1how'd you check the way the flight went?00:56
brycehsuperm1, went to delta.com and typed in the flight #, and it showed a google map00:56
superm1oh neat.  i doubt AA would be as nice for me00:56
brycehI bet if you find a delta flight from/to the same cities, the airlines probably use the same flight paths00:57
superm1good call, i'll see00:57
brycehregarding the hotel switchup, yeah that happened last UDS too.  Was annoying but worked out okay 00:58
superm1well they can already tell me my flight is an hour late taking off 00:58
superm1weird, that's like 24 hours from now00:58
brycehSarvatt, sometimes they let you check in early, 3pm is sort of ballpark00:59
brycehSarvatt, in a couple cases they've been so booked that people couldn't check in until after that.  But it's not a huge deal, just hang out in the lobby with everyone else and have a beer or a nap01:00
superm1a bingo http://flightaware.com/live/flight/AAL8801:01
brycehsuperm1, hey you're going north of iceland too :-)01:01
superm1yeah.. i'll cross my fingers this doesn't throw things off for me too then01:02
Sarvattfunny, i'm going back the way you're coming01:11
Sarvattbrussels - o'hare - reagan national01:12
superm1wouldnt it make more sense to go through jfk or something for that ?01:13
superm1feels like running half way across the country to ord feels out of the way01:13
Sarvattthats how i'm getting to there :)01:13
superm1ah :)01:14
Sarvattextra 500 miles going back but its only 40 minutes longer01:14
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brycehUpdated for meerkat:  http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/versions-current.html02:18
tgm4883Please point me in the right direction if this is the wrong channel, i was pointed here. I am trying to setup my some defaults for my touchpad that aren't configurable via the mouse program in the system menu. I can configure these via synclient, but they do not last though a reboot or even suspend. 05:21
tgm4883I believe this needs to be done in udev, and I have found the synaptics section, which seems to point to other files for specific netbooks. I would like to create one for this netbook but cant find those other files anywhere. I would appreciate any feedback or pointing me in the right direction05:22
Bernardogoor morning06:22
Bernardogood morning06:22
Bernardoas soon as I attach gbd to the xorg process and continue, xorg goes to 100% cpu and apparently hangs06:27
Bernardostarting xorg from inside gdb doesn't work, as the psb module won't load06:27
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BernardoI'm following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing any suggestion on alternatives? I'm going to try crashing a generating a core, but being able to run xorg inside gdb would be more useful06:29
Bernardowarning: the debug information found in "/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/Xorg" does not match "/usr/bin/Xorg" (CRC mismatch).07:11
BernardoThis on plain lucid07:11
Bernardoshould I use a ppa to have valid debug symbols for Xorg?07:12
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=== Bernardo|away is now known as Bernardo
Bernardohi lucazade11:18
lucazadehi Bernardo11:18
BernardoI'm fighting now xorg-core debug symbols.... Tried to build it on my netbook, but the resulting packages had some problem and it wouldn't start dri (again)11:19
Bernardoand the ones in ubuntu have some problem with the debug information, CRC mismatch11:20
lucazadetoo bad, dri issue again! i've read your post on forum11:20
lucazadeis there a bug for the crc issue on launchpad11:21
Bernardowithout that information and with gdb hanging, I'm finding it hard to find where does it die, what parameters are being passed wrong11:21
Bernardohaven't checked yet11:21
jcristaulucazade: yes11:21
Bernardojcristau: thanks11:21
Bernardojcristau: do you have the bug #?11:22
jcristaunot off hand, trying to look it up..11:22
Bernardojust googled for it, I think I found it, thanks anyway11:23
jcristaupossibly 423748 11:23
jcristaubut i think there was another one11:25
BernardoI'm looking at 562418 right now11:25
jcristauyeah that's the one11:26
BernardoUnfortunately that one states we'll have to wait for the new packages to show up on updates... And since building localy seems to break something on my config, I'll have to wait or find a ppa with working packages11:28
lucazadeyes, i believe we should wait for a fix11:31
ricotzBernardo, what package has this problem?11:34
Bernardoricotz: xorg-xserver-core12:05
BernardoI mean xserver-xorg-core12:05
ricotzBernardo, you are speaking of the gdb symbol crc mismatch? you shouldnt have this problem using a ppa package of xorg-xserver12:12
Bernardoricotz: yes, that is the one. I'm trying now with a ppa package, bryceh's "purple" ppa, which should also have some exa related fix12:13
ricotzyou are using the xorg-edgers package?12:13
Bernardonot that one, but maybe I should. Bryce Harrington had posted a ppa to try and solve a problem with miDoCopy and the ati proprietary driver12:15
Bernardoas the problems we have with psb seem to point also to miDoCopy, I decided to try that one, but it still crashes12:15
Bernardoand as I just fond out, the backtrace is also very inconclusive, maybe I need to reboot the machine and test again12:16
ricotzBernardo, this crc mismatch bug was solved on 10-05-0412:18
ricotzBernardo, so try the xorg-edgers/ppa package, which was built more recently12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562418 in pkg-create-dbgsym "empty ddebs when dh_strip is called twice" [High,Fix released]12:20
lucazadejust wondering if close to us issue (even if is about uxa) http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel/commit/?id=5009127de7d9527ae329d1c2fbc7283648bde2e612:21
lucazade*our issue12:21
Bernardoricotz: that was the bug I was looking at12:23
Bernardobut for our issue with miDoCopy I was looking here:12:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539772 in xorg-server "Lucid 2.6.32-16 crashed to login screen - miCopyRegion" [High,Fix committed]12:23
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|away
Sarvatthah, looks like i'm on your flight superm1, they shifted me around..13:20
Sarvattsuperm1: apparently AA88 is canceled now too?13:46
Sarvatthope he isn't already on the plane to chicago :(13:47
superm1Sarvatt, i just got the email that 88 was canceled too...14:04
superm1i'm supposed to head to chicago in like 2 or 3 hours14:04
Sarvattsame here14:04
superm1so i'm on hold right now to figure out's up14:04
superm1what'd they do for you?14:04
Sarvattnothing yet, they just switched me to AA88 since the one out of NY got cancelled and they haven't caught up, scott ritchie just said AA88 was canceled in #ubuntu-devel though and said they booked him on a flight for tuesday14:05
Sarvattbut he's taking a flight to paris and taking the train in instead14:05
superm1oh man14:05
superm1did AA pay for the train for him?14:06
Sarvatti've only got about $700 in the bank so even if it's paid back later I can't afford to change things like that14:06
Sarvattdon't know14:06
superm1okay just got through14:08
superm1they rebooked me for a flight into heathrow tomorrow which goes into bruseels afterward14:08
JanCairports in the north of Spain & Portugal and in the south of France have been closed today14:09
Sarvattsuperm1: I'm on flight 88 tomorrow14:46
SarvattI'm an idiot and thought it was today they switched me to that was canceled, but it's tomorrow flight 88 (which will probably be canceled too..)14:47
superm1oh lucky though to be on 88 tomorrow, that was full for me :)14:49
=== Bernardo|away is now known as Bernardo
Sarvattwhat time do you get in monday? 8 am here, going to miss some of the early stuff15:01
Bernardoricotz: I can't use the xorg-edgers ppa - it is based on xorg 1.8, not 1.715:08
Bernardoanyway, brycehs purple ppa didn't add much of debug symbols, the backtrace is still inconclusive15:09
SarvattBernardo: what problem are you having?15:10
BernardoSarvatt: the missing debug symbols in xorg are making very difficult to find out why the psb driver is crashing in miDoCopy15:11
Sarvattthey aren't missing if you're using the PPA one though15:12
SarvattBernardo: are you dumping a core to play with or just looking at the backtrace in the log?15:12
BernardoI've been unable to dump a core15:13
Bernardogdb makes xorg take 100% cpu so I've also been unlucky there15:13
Sarvattyou may want to do this from a VT as root - gdb -p $(pidof X) -batch -ex 'handle all nostop' -ex 'handle all pass' -ex 'handle 11 stop' -ex 'cont' -ex 'bt full' -ex 'cont'15:13
Bernardook, let me see if that won't hang as it is hanging now15:13
Sarvattprobably because its stuck in a signal waiting for you to continue, are you using gdb from another pc?15:14
Bernardoover ssh15:14
superm1Sarvatt, 11 am :(15:14
superm1assuming no other problems arise15:14
Sarvattoh yeah you want to redirect that to a log if you dont have gdb logging by default too15:14
Bernardowell, it doesn't help also, 100%cpu and xorg is hung. And gdb doesn't answer ctrl-c15:15
BernardoSarvatt: which ppa would you recommend I'd try for xorg?15:19
Sarvatti thought that was in lucid-proposed already but he's probably waiting until after UDS to upload it15:21
BernardoWell, I'm already using one of his PPAs15:22
Bernardoand I just found that at least apport seems to have created something in /var/crash15:22
Sarvattreally? apport actually caught the crash?!15:23
Bernardo8 hours ago, I enabled apport while I was trying to play with gdb, so I don't even know it is valid or it was generated one of the times I killed gdb and X as they had hung15:27
Sarvattcan ya file a bug based on it?15:27
Bernardopossibly, but I'd like to validate it first, is there any way I can check it caught the crash or something unrelated?15:28
Bernardowell, opening it seems to have caught something like the backtrace we are seeing so it might be valid15:29
Sarvattapport-bug /var/crash/whatever.crash will show you the info before submitting it15:30
Sarvattyou can use apport-unpack too15:30
SarvattBernardo: where's the most current packaging you guys are using so I can take a look at it since I have a bit of free time thanks to my flight getting delayed?15:32
BernardoI've dumped my binaries in the google code, let me update that, it will take a couple minutes15:33
Sarvattdon't want to reinvent the wheel if you have already done a lot of the work like it sounds like, but a bunch of things will need changing if you didn't do it already. xpsb-glx packaging needs a huge overhaul with all of the alternatives stuff and libdrm needs a bunch of changes as well15:34
Sarvattwill give me something to do on the 8 hour flight :)15:34
Bernardoyep, both of those need redoing15:35
Bernardook, the latest version of my binaries is already at http://code.google.com/p/gma500/15:36
Bernardoinside bernardo-debs15:36
Bernardoah, of course apport refuses to open a bug as xorg-core isn't the original ubuntu one15:36
Bernardoseems I have a core in the report, so I'll check that now15:38
Sarvattdoes APPORT_IGNORE_OBSOLETE_PACKAGES=1 apport-bug /var/crash/whatever work?15:38
Sarvattdoubt it but it might15:38
Sarvattgoing to install libdrm-psb to another directory and fix things up so they can coexist, diverting libdrm2 stinks :)15:40
BernardoI've opened the core with gdb and it didn't find symbols for psb_drv.o and Xpsb.so - I guess it would be expecting too much to hope for those having debug symbols15:40
BernardoI know, it breaks the vesa driver, among other stuff15:41
SarvattBernardo: install pkg-create-dbgsym and build them locally15:41
Sarvattit'll create -dbgsym packages for them15:41
Sarvattit just doesn't automatically create debug packages for everything for ppa builds15:41
Sarvattdo the rules for those two packages handle nostrip/noopt?15:43
Bernardolet me check, I had been hacking them to try to generate debug packages, but it seems I was unable to do it properly15:44
Sarvattjust grep debian/rules for noopt15:44
Bernardoxpsb-glx handles noopt15:45
Bernardoifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))15:45
SarvattBernardo: actually ignore what I said, just build with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nostrip" debuild -uc -us -b15:45
Bernardothat will ignore even the dh_strip in the rules file?15:46
Sarvattxserver-xorg-video-psb should only take a minute tops to compile but xpsb-glx will probably take ages :)15:46
Bernardoyes, with all the mesa stuff inside15:47
Sarvattdoes your backtrace involve mesa though?15:47
Bernardono, only exa, fb, libpixmap15:47
Sarvatti'd be *really* surprised if xpsb-glx even works15:47
Sarvattits diverting libs that dont exist and not installing alternatives so it wouldn't be used anyway15:48
Sarvatti really want to redo all this packaging from scratch, ugh15:49
Bernardonot here, it is installing its own libGL, and only diverting the existing one15:49
SarvattBernardo: can you ldd /usr/bin/glxgears | pastebinit15:50
BernardoIt does need cleaning up, separating the binary crap into one or two packages, and all the open stuff around it needs to be easier to maintain15:50
Sarvattwhen does X crash? right after starting?15:50
Bernardono, at least with kde15:50
BernardoThe way I can get it to crash reliably is to do a "top" in a konsole, the quit it15:50
Sarvattthe other part of me doesn't want to redo it because it's a dead end anyway and is pretty much guaranteed it's not going to work with 10.10 :)15:50
Bernardocrashes before I can see the prompt15:51
Bernardoyes, xorg 1.815:51
Sarvattah so can you do that ldd before it crashes?15:51
Sarvatti would love to see your Xorg.0.log and dmesg after booting before it crashes15:51
* Sarvatt wishes he had a psb machine, hah15:52
Bernardomy Xorg.0.org hasn't changed much from what I pasted on the ubuntuforums thread15:52
Sarvattwhat thread?15:52
* Sarvatt doesn't go to the forums much15:52
Bernardodmesg is at slajhAxS15:55
Sarvattpsb really is a dead end, intel has said they aren't going to update the drivers and are only supporting gma600/moorestown in meego15:55
Sarvattthanks Bernardo 15:55
Sarvattso yeah you are using mesa and not xpsb-glx15:55
Bernardoxorg log at VLUmNSY515:55
Bernardobbl, got to run now, wife is calling15:56
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|away
Sarvatthttp://pastebin.com/slajhAxS doesn't exist15:57
Sarvattthanks for putting the binaries in svn too, will be sure i have them all on the plane :D ok so i'll assume you guys have psb-kernel-source right and start with libdrm, that needs to install things to another directory, patch a few things to account for the different location and have ldconfig set up to find it. xpsb-glx needs to install libGL to another directory and set up alternatives for it with a higher priority than mesa, install libdri.so 16:10
Sarvattand Xpsb.so which looks to be the libglx replacement to an extra modules directory with alternatives setting that to /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules, psb_drv_video.so is installed somewhere its not getting used at all currently as well 16:10
Sarvattthe psb-modules package in psb-kernel-source isn't needed16:10
Sarvattdoesn't look so bad, that looks like all thats needed16:13
Sarvattprobably should patch xserver to load psb by default though, and i noticed it's only matching 1 psb pci id to skip intel and use vesa instead, it tries to load intel for people with the 8109 pci id16:18
Sarvattoh sheesh xpsb-glx is precompiled, you aren't going to get debug symbols for it Bernardo|away 16:26
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BernardoSarvatt: psb_drv_video.so is used by libva, but I remember that in karmic I had to symlink it to another directory17:17
Bernardoxpsb-glx has the closed source crap17:18
Sarvattwhat directory?17:19
Sarvattdid you have to symlink it to I mean17:19
Sarvatti dont get why its got this in install - dri/psb_drv_video.* usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri17:20
Bernardolet me check17:20
Sarvattgot it17:21
BernardoYep - I found it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123450217:22
BernardoDo you think we still need the mesa from xpsb-glx?17:24
Bernardowow, managed to capture a crash with gdb now17:26
Bernardono, sorry17:27
Sarvatthmm why does xpsb-glx even build libGL17:49
Sarvattgotta pick tseliot's brain at UDS, I think he added that because of a problem with jaunty's mesa 17:50
BernardoI remember that the first packages I used with karmic I had full video acceleration with kde's dragon player17:52
Bernardoand then xpsb-glx was installing libGL17:52
Bernardolater with another xpsb-glx I had to remove redirection as it didn't include libGL17:53
Bernardodon't remember where I got either17:53
Sarvattwell all of the libgl stuff isn't doing you any good right now since it's not even used from what you showed me, and i dont see it even being installed by the other distros17:55
Bernardoright now things are so broken I didn't even think of it... :)17:56
Sarvattif you want to divert it you'd need to edit the maintainer scripts to divert libGL from /usr/lib/mesa/ instead of /usr/lib, but thats just a hack until alternatives would get added17:57
Sarvattdo you know if ubuntu's xpsb-glx is in git anywhere?17:58
Bernardohi lucazade17:59
BernardoSarvatt: I have no idea17:59
lucazadeBernardo: have you tried the xorg.conf?17:59
Bernardolucazade: not yet18:00
BernardoI've been trying to extract meaning from the crashes18:00
lucazadei'd imagine18:01
Sarvatti don't suppose anyone with a psb machine with lucid on it would be willing to give me ssh access to it? :D18:01
lucazadeit seems stable.. no crash yet18:02
lucazadeobviously is some sw-rendering :)18:03
BernardoMy psb machine is beyond two routers... Playing with nat and port redirection is a bit of a mess, but I can do it (I think)18:03
lucazadei have not played enough with xorg.conf so i don't know exactly *every* options used... need to investigate better18:05
SarvattBernardo: that'd be a big help, there is a lot of info I'd like to see from a running system so I'm sure things are right18:06
rusty222777_Hi guys18:35
rusty232323i'll try to install karmic and drivers, after this i'll update all packages except xorg-server and their dependences while lucazade, jbernado and company fix the problem with psb19:28
SarvattBernardo: you may want to disable use_udev.dpatch from psb-kernel-source, it's already there in the other patches19:40
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_DrWho
Sarvattwoohoo can view it in a sane VCS now - http://sarvatt.com/git/cgit.cgi/gma500/20:23
BernardoSarvatt: you're right, with vga16fb blacklisted we fb framebuffer works!20:40
Sarvattit's because psb.ko is in updates/ instead of drm/20:42
Sarvattthat and vga16fb is just the devil20:43
Bernardoso we need to change that in psb-kernel-source20:43
BernardoI already tried, but it still got installed to updates by dkms20:44
Sarvatti'm not sure its a good idea to install things from dkms outside of updates/ ?20:44
BernardoI'm not sure if it is possible... :) Why should it be a bad idea? It is a module, built with the same kernel headers as the other modules distributed with the kernel20:45
Sarvattwell mandriva does it, guess it's ok :)20:47
Bernardolucazade: your xorg.conf means I can't crash the system (at least as I was able to crash it until now)20:47
Sarvatti wasn't sure if it screws up things like if the kernel gets removed before dkms deletes the module20:48
Sarvattbut i guess it's ok, was just being cautious :)20:48
lucazadeBernardo no crash until now.. stable20:48
Bernardolucazade: with your xorg.conf gl gets broken, but apart from that we seem to have 2d working.20:49
Bernardonow we need to clean up everythinh20:49
lucazadeis all about: Option "ShadowFB" "true"20:49
lucazadei've updated the xorg.conf on forum20:49
BernardoSarvatt: I've had situations already when the kernel dir doesn't get removed because of non-empty dirs20:49
Bernardoso it will still happen20:49
Sarvattyeah same here20:50
Sarvattbut those were all kernels I made with make-kpkg as far as I can remember20:50
BernardoI had that even with "regular" kernels20:50
Sarvatt/dev/dri/card0 wasn't in the video group on your system btw Bernardo 20:51
Bernardoand still isn't20:52
Bernardoanother thing to check20:52
Sarvattmight as well drop the psb-module package from psb-kernel-source, its kind of useless20:53
Sarvattthat'll fi20:53
Sarvattfix one of the errors i saw you guys having  with the build20:53
Bernardotrying to write to extras?20:54
Sarvattinstalling to the PPA's kernel20:54
lucazadeBernardo: blacklisted vga16fb... ok20:56
Sarvattjust need to comment out these lines in rules #       $(MAKE) LINUXDIR=/lib/modules/$(KERNEL_VER)/build DRM_MODULES="psb"20:56
Sarvatt#       mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/psb-modules/lib/modules/$(KERNEL_VER)/updates/char/drm20:56
Sarvatt#       cp psb.ko drm-psb.ko $(CURDIR)/debian/psb-modules/lib/modules/$(KERNEL_VER)/updates/char/drm20:56
Sarvatt and the psb-modules package section in control20:56
Sarvattand i think there were some maintainer scripts for it but i deleted them if so and dont remember20:56
lucazadei've to go... i'll check for updates if any! bye20:57
BernardoI was commenting them now and wondering if they were the right ones20:57
Bernardowill go soon too20:57
BernardoI also dropped the psb-kernel-headers from control20:58
Bernardoall that is in libdrm-poulsbo1 now20:58
Bernardodkms.conf.in specifies the modules should go in gpu/drm21:02
Bernardolooks like dkms doesn't honour that21:02
Bernardodamn svn21:06
Bernardobye, have to go now21:09
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|away
Sarvattweird - http://netbook-remix.archive.canonical.com/updates/pool/public/libd/libdrm/21:12
* Sarvatt wonders what the heck that repo is and how his packages got there :D21:13
Bernardo|away:) I'm still here, fighting with the dkms error "can't find source dir"21:13
Bernardo|awayNo idea why that happens and why I have to remove psb-kernel-source and reinstall to be able to build the modules again21:15
Bernardo|awayreally gone now21:16
bjsniderSarvatt, there are some lucid patches relating to vaapi hardware acceleration for intel here: http://www.splitted-desktop.com/~gbeauchesne/libva/ironlake.patches/ubuntu.lucid/21:56
bjsniderthey're meant to patch the kernel module and libdrm21:56
Sarvattyeah I know, they've been going around the lists for months 21:56
bjsnideri wondered if they'd been applied to the xorg-edgers ppa21:57
bjsniderain't that a kick in the pants21:58
Sarvattnot trying to regress things I care about and they have been getting rewritten just about weekly for months.. when it goes upstream it'll be there :D21:59
Sarvatti think the kernel patches are in drm-intel-next now though?22:00
Sarvattnope doesn't look like it22:00
Sarvattah looks like they keep posting them based off of released kernels and it doesn't apply to drm-intel-next where it'll actually go22:02
bjsniderwell, i think it's important because i'm sure adobe is going to provide vaapi to flash 10.122:02
Sarvattso they haven't been accepted yet22:02
bjsniderwait, no they aren't. that's crazy22:03
Sarvattpigs are flying now?22:03
bjsniderwhat i meant to say is i'm sure adobe will continue to whine about not being able to fix flash22:04
Sarvatttheres already like 80 packages in xorg-edgers now, would like to keep  it to X/mesa stuff anyhow :)22:04
bjsniderwell, these are x driver patches. they have to go somewhere22:05
bjsnidermaybe the graphics driver shouldn't be in the kernel22:05
Sarvattit's just one libdrm patch i'd be adding whenever it hits drm-intel-next so people can use the mainline drm-intel-next kernel with it22:26

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