
PolemusCoppermine: i am not sure how00:00
onetinsoldierSlasher`: roger.. good luck00:00
rem11are both problems a bug?00:00
rem11or just the crap logo00:00
duffydackrem11, i only see it for 1 second anyway so its not a problem00:00
Slasher`onetinsoldier; i'll need it haha, thanks00:00
CopperminePolemus: i only know for nvidia, u have nvidia or what gpu?00:00
duffydackrem11, that page has the fix00:00
kwtm2z3ro3x: Not sure how to answer your question, but I have one for you: how do you restart Xorg?  What key combo?00:00
newbie_Is there any reason why a KDE session shouldnt work when i select it at ubuntus login screen? Its just a big black nothing00:00
z3r0-c001How do I USB boot from a mac00:00
xeer0Does someone have a clue about why my xvideo scaling stopped working from 9.10 to 10.04? I use Ati HD240000:00
rem11i can live with the logo, the main issue is the inability to control the backlight with the nvidia drivers00:00
Jon-jrib: Why is it everytime I want to do ONE small thing in Ubuntu, it takes a day?00:00
rem11not even my function brightness keys work00:00
PolemusCoppermine: yes i have nvidia00:00
z3ro3xkwtm2, I used System Monitor to kill xorg.00:00
jribJon-: because it's fun!00:01
Jon-jrib: FYI it's #videolan by the way.00:01
onetinsoldierSlasher`: i know how you feel :-)00:01
jribJon-: ah00:01
tomhome21i just installed compiz-fusion and it screwed up everything. it got rid of all the hotkeys (not even in the menu anymore) and wont let me use the effects tab in appearance. how can i get this corrected without reinstalling the whole os?00:01
CopperminePolemus: open terminal and type sudo nvidia-settings00:01
david_brentkwtm2: you can set the ctrl-alt-bcksp at preferences keyboard->layout->layout options00:01
CopperminePolemus: u should be able to config it all there :)00:01
Jon-jrib: A good 190 users vs... 4. :P00:01
Slasher`tomhome21; try pressing alt+f2 and typing "metacity --replace" without the quotes00:01
kwtm2Jon-: Because, although Ubuntu is riddled with problems, each of these problems are considered "small" by the developers because they know how to get around it easily.  Unfortunately, they don't see that, for most people who don't know how to get around this, the problems can be showstoppers.00:01
z3ro3xkwtm2, It's in System -> Administration.  When it opens click View -> All Processes.00:02
histobastid_raZor: yeah it should be around 6.5MB/s00:02
josvukWhat does link quality:0 signal level:0 in iwconfig mean? Does my wireless device don't recieves a signal from a other wifi device?00:02
kwtm2david_brent: Umm... if I have a completely blank screen that I can't use (which is why I need to restart), what key combo can I use without having to use the GUI which has become unusable?00:02
Jon-kwtm2: Can't agree more. I'm in second year computer science but because I am a command prompt guru but bad with BASH/xterm and a Linux environment, I get my shit tossed like a grandma ;O00:02
leagrisAnyone can help with sound input in wine as it worked in Karmic but no longer show alsa wave input device in Lucid?00:02
kwtm2z3ro3x: Thanks for reply.  I am using Kubuntu; different menu system.00:02
PolemusCoppermine: sudo: nvidia-settings: command not found00:02
histojosvuk: what kind of wireless card do you have?00:03
david_brentkwtm2: just restart gdm00:03
histojosvuk: and when you are connected you should see a link quality and signal noise level.00:03
david_brentsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:03
xeer0kwtm2: Well put. Although Ubuntu has improved alot, it still has a long way to go to become as easy to use as Windows if you're not a IT-dude. On the other hand, Windows has viruses and all sorts of malware, which noobs get anyway00:03
onetinsoldierkwtm2: you should be able to get to a virtual console with Ctrl+Alt+F1 or, F2, F3, ect00:03
z3ro3xkwtm2, I don't remember, I haven't used KDE in a while.  I switched to Gnome about the same time KDE 4 came out.00:03
Coppermineanyone here to help me plz00:04
PolemusCoppermine: Could it be because it's busy downloading the nvidia 3d driver?00:04
tomhome21metacity replace worked, but it wont let me put the effects on medium00:04
Jon-jrib: Gotta eat dinner. Tans00:04
tomhome21if i do, it kills the hotkeys again00:04
kwtm2david_brent: Thanks for info.  How do I restart GDM?  Kill GDM?  I actually have a second instance of the GUI running (with Ctrl-Alt-F8) but am trying to restart the main instance (Ctrl-Alt-F7)00:04
josvukhisto: one is build in the apple g4 the other is build into the playstation3 runing linux, must I log in to activate the wireless on the playsttion00:04
histojosvuk: you have to change the settings for the wireless yes00:05
kwtm2z3ro3x: I hear ya.  I'm just switching to KDE4 now myself after clinging to KDE3.  Disappointing, to say the least.00:05
david_brentkwtm2: just type to a terminal "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"00:05
histojosvuk: depending on the card you may need firmware as well. But that would show in restricted drivers manager00:05
CopperminePolemus: yes, otherwise u can install it using sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings00:05
duffydackalt+sysrq+k ?00:05
duffydackto restart gdm..00:05
octologhow do I change default save fornat for abiword?00:05
kwtm2david_brent: GOod idea!  I'll do that with KDM (which is what I'm using) but isn't there just a different key combo that they replaced Cltr-Alt-Bkspace with?  It's Ctrl-Alt-F29 or something like that.00:05
z3ro3xkwtm2, I didn't see your previous messages.  I didn't see the blank screen comment.  In that case you can hit Ctrl + Alt + F1 to get you to the shell.00:06
PolemusCoppermine: thanx... will shout if i struggle :)00:06
krabadorwhen i shutdown/restart Lucid, i've some hard audio cracks, to the speaker, all pulseaudio volumes are less than 50%, how can i solve it?00:06
david_brentkwtm2: oh then restart kdm00:06
z3r0-c001Can I boot from disk on a mac to install Linux00:06
CopperminePolemus: good luck, but u have nvidia so it should all work out fine00:06
Monotokoz3r0-c001, yeah i believe so00:06
z3ro3xkwtm2, Log on your account name then type sudo killall Xorg00:07
PolemusCoppermine: after that... i am gonna sit trying to get my 3rd monitor to work... :)00:07
tomhome21zero-cool, i just did that two days ago00:07
newbie_Is there any reason why a KDE session shouldnt work when i select it at ubuntus login screen? Its just a big black nothing00:07
swebhow can i start a sh file that need root access with ubuntu startup00:07
kc7zzvI've tried to get preseeding to work in Lucid and I've looked on google, but I can't get it to work.  It always asks me how I want to partition the disk.  Does anyone have a sample to share?00:07
tomhome21zero-cool, just hold C when you put the cd in and reboot00:07
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octologhow do I search for all abiword files00:07
onetinsoldierkwtm2: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-in-ubuntukubuntu-10-04lucid-lynx.html00:08
CopperminePolemus: lol im trying to get my tv to work with a pci card on pentium 3 :) probably ending up compiling drivers and kernel by hand :(00:08
josvukhisto, so if there is nobody log in on the playstation the wireless device don't work, right? hm but I want to log in over the wireless network with ssh :-)00:08
kwtm2onetinsoldier: Thanks for info.  WIll check.00:08
heg_michael1982, ??? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases00:08
onetinsoldierkwtm2: you're welcome. good luck00:08
histojosvuk: wellyou can set it up to bring up the wireless on boot that way nobody would have to be logged in but it would be on the network.00:08
Silver_Swordshi all. im having problems with disk-check at boot-up, it always hangs near 91%. how do it turn it off?00:09
FeRReTTiI have a question. How come my line-in headset does not work in Ubuntu 10.04? It didn't work in 9.10 either.00:09
FeRReTTiThe sound only comes out of the internal mic, which I don't want.00:09
Copperminei really need advice plz! should i go win 98 or can i get this to work plz let me know before i spend hours trying :p00:10
david_brentkwtm2: sorry, i was under the impression you use gnome00:10
josvukWhat is the distance between to wireless devices must the two be in one room?00:10
MikeChelen!repeat Coppermine00:10
bastid_raZorCoppermine: win 98 or bust00:10
Polemusahh man... installed nvidida 3d drivers... now only one monitor works :(00:10
kwtm2thank goodness for vim.  Hey, Jon-, you use vim?  Or any other compact text-interface-based editor? (Just curious.)  Hey, remember me from when you were asking some question and some guy said, "Why use that?  Use this instead!"  You're from Winnipeg, right?00:10
MikeChelen!repeat | Coppermine00:10
ubottuCoppermine: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:10
Monotokojosvuk, depends on the device, and the router sending the signal, mine works from upstairs with the router downstairs00:11
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Silver_Swords!disk check00:11
eventHello, its possible is it possible when you click "close" that emesene? is minimizing in the system tray00:11
Copperminebastid_raZor: bust? explain please :)00:11
kwtm2david_brent: No prob; most people in this channel are using GNOME Ubuntu, but the Kubuntu channel isn't as active and I thought this was a universal (ku|u)buntu thing.00:11
AussieBushRooSilver_Swords:  sudo tune2fs -c 000:11
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eventHello, its possible is it possible when you click "close" that emesene? is minimizing in the system tray00:12
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josvukMonotok: Are there colosed doors betwen them?00:12
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histojosvuk: are you doing an just wifi to wifi no router?00:12
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Monotokojosvok, one closed door, but i dont think it will affect it, as it will go through the floor00:12
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eventhello ?00:12
histojosvuk: range is pretty far my router is in my basement and I can pickup signal anywhere in the house. Even outside at the street.00:12
duffydackjosvuk, and brick and glass kill signals quite bad... and dont have the antenna next to a radiator.00:13
Silver_SwordsAussieBushRoo: thnx.. that printted something that i think will do the trick!   =)00:13
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duffydackjosvuk, also water.00:13
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Polemuswith default driver i had two monitors working.... after installing nvidia 3d driver only one monitor is working. can anyone help please?00:13
AussieBushRooSilver_Swords: :)00:13
eventHello, its possible is it possible when you click "close" that emesene? is minimizing in the system tray00:13
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eventHello, its possible is it possible when you click "close" that emesene? is minimizing in the system tray00:15
josvukhm, ok so I think I have to try out do conect the ps3 to the tv and log-in to see if something changes in iwconfig :-) It is not so far only two rooms one floor betwenn them :-(00:15
josvukhisto: yes I am trying a wifi to wifi conection.00:15
_micahI just installed 10.04 x86_64 desktop, and I'm having problem installing packages.00:15
event: \00:15
_micahIs this a known issue right now?00:16
dominicdinadaCan I use my Wusb54gs or Wusb54gc in mastermode ??? Depending on where I go some say yes and some say no...00:16
z3ro3xI just read something on a site about the old nVidia 185 drivers being incompatible with the newest Xorg.  Is that what my problem is?00:16
_micahExample: http://pastebin.org/20845000:17
_micahAlso, of all things VIM didn't want to install00:17
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FinboySlick_micah: Lack of vim is a sad thing.00:18
_micahIndeed...it makes me suspect of 10.04 if I can't even install that.00:18
FinboySlick_micah: I'm just done installing a 10.04 and vim works fine.00:18
FinboySlick_micah: And this is probably my first ubuntu install.00:18
eventHello, its possible is it possible when you click "close" that emesene? is minimizing in the system tray00:18
dominicdinadaI have a question00:18
jpt9Hey.  I'm having an odd problem with eSpeak on Ubuntu 9.10.  Whenever I have it read something using the command line espeak program, or set Orca to use GNOME Speech Services, it talks extremely fast/distorted, and isn't at all understandable.  However, if I switch Orca to Speech Dispatcher (the default) it works fine.  Any idea what's going on?  Generating wave files from espeak via the command line works fine.  I don't really care about Orca, but I'd like t00:19
_micahFinboySlick: odd. Could you do me a favor and: cat /etc/apt/sources.list00:19
_micahare you x86_64 or 32bit?00:19
duffydackDoesnt it use vim-nox instead?00:19
CopperminePolemus:did it work for u?00:20
PolemusCoppermine: like a charm :) thanx00:20
SlartibartAny skilled gconf-editor users? I'd like to change apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_dialog_theme, but what should I set it to? Should it be the exact name of the new folder in /usr/share/gnome-screensaver? Doesn't seem to work for me.00:20
CopperminePolemus: no problem :)00:20
FinboySlick_micah: http://www.pastebin.org/20852500:20
PolemusCoppermine: do you know how to get a third monitor detected?00:21
dsnaikeevent yes00:21
eventHello, its possible is it possible when you click "close" that emesene? is minimizing in the system tray00:21
eventdsnaike how?00:21
eventcan u tell me please00:21
FinboySlick_micah: added one for neatx, but otherwise that's pretty much what the install cd gave me.00:22
CopperminePolemus: I never tried tbh.. i hope u can do it with nvidia-settings if not u can try Xrandr, and if that doesnt work look into Xorg.conf and write it manually :)00:22
_micahWeird...mine's using karmic sources00:22
dsnaikeevent look under options to stop it00:22
eventi cant find00:22
eventin options00:22
dsnaikeevent options then desktop tab00:23
kyuss_I just upgraded to 10.04 I get all kinds of errors after using update manager including: E: festival: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 100:24
PolemusCoppermine: now i can't drag windows between the two screens00:24
kyuss_anything I can do?00:25
CopperminePolemus: not to above left right and bottom?00:25
PolemusCoppermine: not any of them :(00:25
kyuss_anyone please help?00:25
CopperminePolemus: thats weird... tweak your nvidia-settings as it writes to your xorg,conf.. u should be able to get it right?00:26
justin22885looking for advice on a dock for ubuntu, im using gnome00:26
PolemusCoppermine: it's due to not being in twinview mode i suppose... but i get an error when trying to enable twinview mode00:26
mathspeedyDoes somebody owns a DELL Studio 1735 laptop computer and tried ubuntu 10.04 on it?00:27
dbum_justin22885: I use cairo dock.... I love it...00:27
Naryathat's probably infinetly too specific mathspeedy, but I wish you good luck!00:27
mathspeedy@justin22885 I'm using Gnome-Do with the docky theme, it's nice00:27
justin22885mathspeedy, what is gnome-do?00:28
Copperminejustin22885: http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=ubuntu+dock&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= google00:28
antibodyhi , I want to set to performance when in AC and powersave in DC/battery mode...I know there's an option in config files to put it in the power management menu..can someone tell me how can I do it?00:28
kinksit appears gnome keyring is, uh, borked: "Message: secret service operation failed: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files"00:28
kinksmail-notification cannot save passwords for email addresses.00:28
CopperminePolemus: what is the error u get?00:28
newbie_Is there any reason why a KDE session shouldnt work when i select it at ubuntus login screen? Its just a big black nothing with a mouse cursor00:28
dtohi peeps. can i use rhythmbox to transfer songs to my portable player via MTP?00:28
kinksand that message is shown in the terminal when it tries.00:28
kinksso, how on earth do I fix gnome keyring?00:29
PolemusCoppermine: Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'CRT-0: nvidia-auto-select @1280x1024 +1920+0, DFP-1: nvidia-auto-select @1920x1080 +0+0' (Mode 3200x1080, id: 51) on X screen 0.00:29
CopperminePolemus: did u reboot after setting up nvidia settings and apply xorg.conf?00:29
kinksI have just upgraded to 10.04, which is when this problem started.00:29
mathspeedyjustin22885, http://do.davebsd.com/00:29
kinksand the release notes do no justice (nor do any bug reports I can find)00:29
justin22885docky 2 doesnt look so graphical though.. looks simpler00:29
=== paulo_ is now known as Pablo23
mathspeedyjustin22885, with the docky theme it's a dock too00:29
justin22885what about cairo, awn, etc?00:30
dsnaikeevent click options /preferences/desktop then choose disable tray icon00:30
CopperminePolemus: im not an expert so anyone correct me if im wrong but i would say ur resolution is not supported?00:30
dpratt71just installed Ubuntu 10.4 via Wubi; having some trouble getting the wireless connected...00:30
PolemusCoppermine: tried a few tweaks :) bare in mind i am a serious noob :)... lemme restart quickly00:30
sirninjadpratt71: what kind of wireless card do you have?00:30
x-ip_hello ... i'm in a big problem .... i got my home dir encrypted with ecryptfs, recently and 'magically' when i logged in with my user, i got a lot of errors from gnome that it cannot load a lot of stuff ... my home dir isnt being automatically mounted / decrypted00:30
dpratt71officially a Dell 1397; chipset is Broadcom00:31
Copperminecan anyone help me get my pci video card working ? :)00:31
cn1109I need a fix: I'm losing connection when I try to run mysqlhotcopy for a large db file. I've change my.cnf to allow files to 1G. THe file is less than 600mb. What can be a good solution? The connection is over the web.00:31
x-ip_there is a way that i can mount my cripted user home dir being root ?00:31
mathspeedyjustin22885, awn and cairo depend much more on graphic acceleration.00:31
Zorgedoes anyone else experience speaker crackling during start up00:31
_micahNo Sun Java JDK 6 in Lucid!?00:31
CoppermineZorge: yeah but im on a pentium 3 with mono sound :S00:31
justin22885mathspeedy, i certainly have more than enough graphics processor to handle it00:31
sirninjadpratt71: i have a similar laptop. try opening a terminal and putting "sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source" then you need restart for the changes to take effect00:31
dpratt71I was given a choice of drivers BC3 (I think) or BTA; I went with the latter00:31
masu3701how do i install flash player00:32
ZorgeHmm, I'm not sure if it happened straight after a fresh install00:32
x-ip_dpratt71, i have experience with broadcom wifi cards00:32
justin22885masu3701, are you on 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?00:32
kinks_micah: er.. sun-java6-jdk?00:32
dpratt71sirninja: ok; I assume I'll need to get a hard-wired connection before this has any chance of working00:32
masu3701yes 3200:32
x-ip_dpratt71, look with lspci wich chipset do u have00:32
_micahkinks: yes00:32
Zorgebut I noticed after reset it almost sounded like electrical fizz during start up, its the speakers making sound, but eh?00:32
x-ip_for example mines is BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)00:33
justin22885if youre on 32 bit ubuntu, then adobe flash player would be the best flash player00:33
sirninjadpratt71: Ideally, yes, but if you don't have one, I believe there are other ways00:33
kinks_micah: well, I'm running lucid, and it's very installed.. so I'm not sure what your issue is.00:33
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dpratt71x-ip_: alas, I am not booted into Ubuntu atm; I only have wireless here00:33
_micahdeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner is commented out00:33
dpratt71I have to step away for a bit, actually; thanks for the help00:33
x-ip_dpratt71, ok ... the modules are b43 or wl00:33
masu3701justin22885: so how do i install it00:33
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kinksI see.00:34
justin22885type flash into the search box for synaptic00:34
PolemusCoppermine: sorted :) getting used to this :)00:34
CopperminePolemus: good00:34
Polemusnow for the third monitor00:35
og01hey people, i've just upgraded to lucid for my media center - but now mysql wont start, sudo service mysql start (or restart) just hang, and there is nothing of interest in /var/log/mysql anybody know how i cant find out whats wrong?00:35
PolemusCoppermine: what was that app you suggested i try00:35
blackratdoghow can you play an mms stream in firefox?00:35
kinksog01: no idea if it pertains to your particular issue, but there was something about mysql in the release notes for lucid.00:35
EvilEpochDid a fresh install of new 10.04 , I was running beta for a while, so far me like, except I have a sound problem Im trying to see whats up with that00:35
holmser_I'm having an issue with my laptop.  Whenever I try to play an .avi video, it crashes X and shoots me out to the console, then a blank screen00:35
EvilEpochI like the desktop scheme though00:35
holmser_I think it is pulse audio related, but how would I find out?00:36
ptptnick pt00:36
masu3701justin22885: didnt come up00:36
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CopperminePolemus: u should definately red before trying but: Xrandr, and if it doent work make ur own xorg.conf or rewrite existing (no joke, backup first and have live cd ready :p)00:36
justin22885try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:36
Faakumy mouse doesnt work00:37
Zorgethats weird masu3701, it should just be there00:37
EvilEpochyeah my audio is all fucked up, whats the difference in audio with 10.04?00:37
justin22885give me a second, till synaptic finishes downloading awn (to try) and ill try docky later00:37
Faakuwhats really good?00:37
masu3701zorge: i see it know but got alot choices00:37
Faakuim about to throw my hp mouse against the wall, can someone help me before i hurt my mouse.00:37
SealedWithAKissDoes anybody know where I can ask a question about BackTrack 4?00:37
justin22885faaku, my mouse doesnt work either.. he just eats pellets and sleeps on sawdust00:37
CoppermineFaaku: whats up :p00:37
Zorge"Adobe Flash plug-in" with the red box with white f as logo00:38
Faakujustin22885:  how do i reset my mouse config?00:38
Savage308Hello, I need some help, It seems when I attempt to alt tab it does not work while I'm in games00:38
Zorgeshould be 5th option down after you type "flash" in search box00:38
Faakuwhich service do i restart for the mouse to work00:38
justin22885i have no idea... i had a dead mouse last week, stupid thing just stopped working00:38
Faakumy usb keyboard is working but my usb mouse is not, the light on the mouse is on but no response00:38
foxmulder881Faaku: mouse should work by default.00:38
CoppermineFaaku: ur mouse is configged in the xorg.conf right? and all peronal settings are in ur home folder with a dot in front of them00:38
onetinsoldierFaaku: perhaps gpm00:38
SealedWithAKissblackratdog, thanks.00:39
Faakuok thank you all00:39
foxmulder881Faaku: batteries?00:39
Faakuill try it out00:39
kinkshow do I re-enable ctrl+alt+backspace?00:39
Savage308Hello, I need some help, It seems when I attempt to alt tab it does not work while I'm in games00:39
kinksnote: I do not have gnome or kde00:39
justin22885masu3701 apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:39
CoppermineFaaku: is the battery not empty?00:39
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.00:39
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox00:39
slipttees!time machine00:40
jon23i installed ubuntu from my usb00:40
Faakurestarted GDM didnt work, any other ideas?00:40
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning00:40
sliptteesthx ubottu00:40
justin22885question: does docky have a lot of applets i can add?... id like to add some desklet type stuff soon like kde4 has00:40
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:40
onetinsoldierFaaku: gpm... not gdm00:40
Naryahow do I make terminals that are running  apps, like my volume slider, not appear on my bottom bar?00:41
jon23somehow grub installed on the usb00:41
dominicdinadaslipttees:  gotta get questions answered some how right ;)00:41
Savage308Hello, I need some help, It seems when I attempt to alt tab it does not work while I'm in games00:41
Faakuonetinsoldier: i dont have gpm installed00:41
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:41
onetinsoldierFaaku: ahh, roger. don't know then00:41
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:41
jon23i cannot boot straight into the hardrive, i have to boot into the usb and thats were grub loads00:41
dominicdinada!windows | Savage30800:41
ubottuSavage308: please see above00:41
masu3701how do i make sound work? dont have sound00:41
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:41
jon23and with the usb removed, it says grub is the latest version00:42
Faakuonetinsoldier: i installed gpm, doesnt work in cli or gui00:42
ZorgeHmm, sound worked for me by default, can't help there...00:42
NaryaI guess that works, I just tossed it into ws 400:42
Copperminehelp me use my pci videocard please00:42
justin22885i need to move docky to the top of my screen, but dunno how00:42
onetinsoldierFaaku: hmm. it should work at least on cli00:42
holmser_sooooo pissed right now.  I need to do a kernel update get my audio working, but I'm on a roadtrip right now00:42
ZykoticK9Savage308, that's basically working as designed - games take over control of the keyboard usually, can you minimize the game in question during play?00:42
Faakuonetinsoldier: i will restart my computer and try to get it working, thanks for the help tho00:42
MikeChelenCoppermine: what model card?00:43
holmser_and I can't get 3g00:43
Zorgesometimes I found in 9.10 the sound in the browser stopped working, in which case the browser needed to be closed (forced, it wouldn't close properly at this time) and restarted.00:43
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Naryanow another problem: how do I add a program that I apt-get 'd onto my applications list?00:43
ZorgeI haven't had that issue in 10.04 at this stage00:43
jon23right click00:43
CoppermineMikeChelen: Realtech Hollywood +00:43
niko-mojoHi room - when I boot my machine sometimes the Ubuntu splash screen goes really blurry. Think its resolution related. Not sure though. Only recently installed Karmic as a dual boot  . Thoughts ?00:43
MikeChelenNarya: it should appear there automatically, sometimes logout and login will help refresh it00:43
Savage308ZykotiK9: Well... Not exactly. theres no minimize button and I'm not gonna run it in windowed mode.00:44
MikeChelenCoppermine: try system -> admin -> hardware drivers? dunno that card00:44
CoppermineMikeChelen: MikeChelen dxr3.sourceforge.net/ was the linux drivers00:44
foxmulder881niko-mojo: have you installed video card drivers correctly?00:44
CoppermineMikeChelen: its a card for pci00:44
Savage308Ubottu: What does that have to do with my issue?00:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:44
justin22885oooh, i think im going to put docky on the right side of my screen, till i get some applets00:44
justin22885or.. desklets, or whatever you call them00:44
niko-mojofoxmulder881 - how can I tell ?00:45
NaryaMikeChelen: yep it's there, just hiding00:45
foxmulder881niko-mojo: what video card do you have?00:45
Copperminejustin22885: just put conky there00:45
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justin22885this docky thing is pretty cool, i think ill say goodbye to awn00:45
MikeChelenNarya: could also add manually by right click on Applications -> Edit Menus00:45
NaryaMikeChelen: this brings up my second question: how the hell do I find where something installed, so I can make other things run with it etc?00:46
jon23Ubottu: hi00:46
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:46
dpratt71ok, I'm back (the guy who was having trouble with wireless on a new install of 10.4)00:46
justin22885now it would be REALLY cool if i could replace my gnome panel with a docky panel, with the taskbar and all that00:46
niko-mojofoxmulder881 prompt:~$ lspci |grep VGA00:47
niko-mojo01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 68b800:47
dpratt71is there any reasonable troubleshooting or configuration I can try while I don't have a network connection at all under Ubuntu?00:47
onetinsoldierNarya: you can use 'dpkg'. for example.... dpkg -l <package_name> | grep bin00:47
CoppermineMikeChelen: and i already tried checking for closed source drivers but none, and yesterday i tried compiling dxr3 and kernel headers and lm sensors but got some errors with the dxr3 modules make00:47
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justin22885oh no!, i found a problem with docky that makes it kind of bad now.. i can have it all 3D if its on the top or side00:47
RambJoehow can i make it so windows resize normally instead of having to wait till i let go of the mouse for it to resize?00:47
onetinsoldierNarya: oops... that should be dpkg -L00:47
krazykrivda(1st time on ubuntu) i'm dual booting... and trying to set up a shared partition for media.. is there a specific partition type?00:47
MikeChelenCoppermine: try searching ubuntuforums.org for the video card name?00:48
foxmulder881niko-mojo: so try installing the radeon drivers. That should fix your resolution issues. Hopefully. ;-)00:48
pfifook this is really messed up, i have an audio cd  in my cdrom drive but cannot access it through /dev/cdrom, Ive always used /dev/cdrom for as long as i can remember. but seeing as this is an audio CD it appears to be a different situation. what is happening?00:48
MikeChelenNarya: try the command "which" from terminal, like "which firefox"00:48
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.00:48
NaryaMike: that didn't return anything00:48
niko-mojofoxmulder881 - the radeon drivers for ubuntu you mean (sounds like a stupid question) . Are they easy to find ?00:49
Naryaonetinsoldier: that worked wonderfully thank you00:49
onetinsoldierNarya: you can use 'dpkg'. for example.... dpkg -L <package_name> | grep bin00:49
MikeChelenNarya: it is supposed to00:49
dpratt71can someone explain the differences between the two driver choices I am given for my wireless card (Broadcom)?00:49
CoppermineMikeChelen: did that too, aswell as google for a good hour :p00:49
onetinsoldierNarya: you're welcome.. cheers :-)00:49
dpratt71is one more reliable than the other?00:49
pfifoplease help, this has been a major headache for me over the last 6 months00:49
foxmulder881niko-mojo: Check Google. Keywords "Ubuntu 9.10 radeon drivers install".00:50
justin22885so, does anyone know of a good program on ubuntu that uses the desklet/applets?00:50
NaryaMikeChelen, let me try again hold on00:50
krazykrivdai'm dual booting... and trying to set up a shared partition for media.. is there a specific partition type?00:50
niko-mojothx foxmulder881 - the truth is out there :-)00:50
foxmulder881niko-mojo: if I had exact linky, I'd post it. Sorry, but I don't.00:51
MikeChelenCoppermine: it looks like that driver is the best bet, the install process looks difficult though00:51
pfifohow can i copy an audio cd from the command line?00:51
krazykrivdawhat is NTFS partition vs an exFAT partition?00:51
foxmulder881pfifo: you mean copy it or rip it?00:52
CoppermineMikeChelen: and really outdated so what do i do with my questions about compiler errors haha, bet i'd better go win 98 with the drivers they offer00:52
pfifoOR how can i copy an audio cd with only a single mouse click? my mom is an areobics instructor and cannot handle copying her cds with linux if it requires more than 2 clicks of the mouse00:52
RambJoehow can i make windows resize in like real time instead of seeing that rectangle please?00:52
MikeChelenCoppermine: ubuntu should be able to run without special drivers, only 3d won't work00:52
foxmulder881pfifo: if it's not copy-protected, just use Brasero.00:52
foxmulder881pfifo: or wodim.00:53
duffydackpfifo, thats all it is..  right click, copy00:53
pfifobasero is way way WAY~!~ too complex for my mom's 30 iq points00:53
duffydackpfifo, if its too much to right click make iso, right click iso, burn.. then good luck in windows.00:53
justin22885how do i configure compiz on gnome? it says its installed by default00:54
CoppermineMikeChelen: im not using 3d im on a pentium 3.... i just want my pci videocard working,l even if it is my pci vga instead of my onboard vga that would give some spark of hope00:54
onetinsoldierpfifo: how about gnomebaker00:54
MikeChelenpfifo: an audio program like rhythmbox might be more comfortable00:54
duffydack!ccsm > justin2288500:54
ubottujustin22885, please see my private message00:54
ZykoticK9justin22885, if you want all compiz setting install ccsm, as duffydack just sent you ;)00:54
justin22885aaah, ok then00:54
pfifowhat i want todo is `dd if=/dev/cdrw of=/home/pfifo/out.iso`00:54
MikeChelenCoppermine: what happens if you try booting live cd?00:54
pfifoas in a shell script00:54
pfifoGUI != shell script00:55
justin22885i want my panels to be transparent, top of the windows, etc00:55
ZykoticK9pfifo, you want create an ISO of an audio CD - you could make an image with a bin/cue but NOT iso00:55
tertittencan anyone help out with grub2 and adding another linux installation to grub ? http://pastebin.com/AzuSvc2Y00:55
MikeChelenpfifo: why does your mom only want a shell script?00:55
CoppermineMikeChelen: works fine, and shows it on my onboard vga out not on my pci vga out00:55
yoyonedpfifo: if you are witing a script, there are CLI cd ripping tools.  one I remember is abcde00:55
pfifothe ricght click and copy dosent work cause it tries to dump 700MB of data into /tmp which only has 40mb available00:56
foxmulder881I wish my mom understood shell scripts!00:56
justin22885yay.. i have my rain effects back00:56
MikeChelenCoppermine: check the system bios and try to disable the onboard video?00:56
pfifoMikeChelen, my mom cannot operate a cd burning program00:56
shortHi all, since Ubuntu 10.04 when I start the system MySQL hangs. I know it has been upgraded to an upstart job. I'm trying to stop it but can't do anything. What shall I do?00:56
foxmulder881pfifo: so your /tmp is almost full?00:56
|sysop|I having issues with akondi and the akonadi-kde-resource-googledata plugin00:56
|sysop|I put in my info and it says online but the akonadi console says.00:56
|sysop|CREATE "akonadi_googledata_resource_0" 0 (MIMETYPE (text/directory) REMOTEID "google-contacts" CACHEPOLICY (INHERIT true))  NO Could not create collection00:56
|sysop|any ideas?00:56
FloodBot2|sysop|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:56
pfifoZykoticK9, how? bin/cue iso i dont care as long as it works with wodim00:57
|sysop|soorry floodbot00:57
CoppermineMikeChelen: would that work? since it should be recognised if i boot with only a screen connected to my pci vga?00:57
ZykoticK9pfifo, not sure man, you'd have to research that one.  good luck.00:57
Jon-Can you message someone so they get it when they sign in?00:57
pfifofoxbuntu, correct, 4GB for / and 400GB for /home00:57
Jon-On IRC?00:57
Jon-I don't think so hmm?00:57
D3RGPS31where's the option to login to a remote machine at the login prompt?00:57
MikeChelenCoppermine: yup hopefully, the bios may also have a setting to pick between them00:58
h00kJon-: memoserv00:58
MikeChelenpfifo: maybe she would be more comfortable with a simpler burning program than brasero?00:58
ZykoticK9D3RGPS31, i believe it was removed00:58
foxmulder881So what's hogging your /tmp if you have 4gb allocated and it's complaining there's only 40MB free? What's the rest of the crap in there?00:58
Copperminei checked there is not, and im not thinking about disable onboard cus it will make me reset cmos again :p00:58
onetinsoldiershort: have you tried purging MySQL from your system with the package manager. then say, doing an 'updatedb' and then using 'locate' to try and find if there's still leftover myswl stuff on your system that needs to be deleted, and then finally reinstalling mysql?00:58
D3RGPS31ZykoticK9: :c00:58
pfifoMikeChelen, dude think alzimhers00:58
D3RGPS31ZykoticK9: any idea of an alternative method?00:58
CoppermineMikeChelen: i checked there is not, and im not thinking about disable onboard cus it will make me reset cmos again :p00:58
ZykoticK9D3RGPS31, sorry no00:59
shortonetinsoldier, no I haven't. I'm going to give it a try00:59
MikeChelenCoppermine: what happens if you boot with the screen plugged into the pci card?00:59
Jon-I am trying to configure local http access for VLC so I can bind commands with wget to have global hotkeys for Pause/Next/Previous. Having some issues, anyone care to help?01:00
onetinsoldiershort: ok, roger.. good luck01:00
CoppermineMikeChelen: no signal on screen, then after 3 mins i switch to the onboard vga and im at gdm01:00
rata_twittersomeone want to talk with me?01:00
rata_twittersomeone want to talk to me?01:01
Polemusokay... i tried a couple of things... but die to being new to ubuntu i have no idea how to set up my third monitor, can someone please help01:01
CopperminePolemus: how is ur hardware setup? 2 GPU's?01:02
Polemusone gpu and other display is onboard01:02
funkyHatrata_twitter: #ubuntu-offtopic is a general chat channel. This channel is for support only.01:02
EvilEpochUnstable TSC, bad audio, whats up with this kernel they included in 10.04 lts01:02
CopperminePolemus: what is working now what is not?01:02
PolemusGPU is working with 2 monitors connected to it01:03
CopperminePolemus: can u do 1 gpu 1 onboard?01:03
PolemusCoppermine: have no clue how to do it....... system only picks up gpu01:04
roberto_I'm trying to install a ruby gem, andI get the error libxslt is missing.  try 'port install libxslt' or 'yum install libxslt-devel'01:04
roberto_yet I see libxslt1.1 is installed in synaptic01:04
roberto_but still, if I do gcc -lxslt , it can't find it01:04
hipitihopI'm rsync to backup from my local machine to my nas however the nas location is an nfs mount. Reading the rsync doc suggests it may see this as a local copy since there would be no :: in the path, can anyone confirm that or elaborate pls01:04
CopperminePolemus: u never got video out on ur onboard gpu? then i would say try boot live cd with only 1 screen connected to onboard gpu01:05
kdean06I'm trying to do a fresh install of 10.04 using an AMD64 alternate installer. I'm setting up an encrypted physical volume with LVM volumes within it. The install works as usual up until the installation of grub2 which fails (as does LILO, but I want to focus on grub).01:05
Coryydoes any have a problem installing the linux version of weather bug i get the Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libswt3.2-gtk-java (>= 3.2). but when i try to install that dependency it gives me the same error01:06
budlustwhat ports do facebook in evolution use?01:06
PolemusCoppermine: will it not mess with my current settings?01:06
kdean06I'm getting errors pertaining to unscannable (?) filesystems, prompting me to use grub modules. Has anybody encountered this or similar issues that could point to a quick solution while I'm investigating this?01:06
roberto_nevermind, I just foudn the gem directly in synaptic :)01:06
justin22885how do i increase the number of desktop spaces i have?01:06
CopperminePolemus: not if u try boot live cd and dont choose install01:06
PolemusCoppermine: kewl... lemme do it quickly01:07
duffydackjustin22885, compiz or metacity?01:07
duffydackjustin22885, ok01:07
ZykoticK9budlust, should be regular Jabber ports, see http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071202133943AAoNnUn perhaps01:07
budlustZykoticK9: thanks01:07
justin22885i have four desktops, and it wont let me select any01:08
justin22885duffydack, it wont even let me select from the workspace selector on the panel01:08
duffydackjustin22885, if you have compiz enabled i`d just remove that selector.01:09
Copperminehow do i make ubuntu detect my video card01:09
duffydackjustin22885, do you have compiz enabled?01:09
hipitihopcan anyone suggest a channel to ask about rsync01:09
ZykoticK9Coppermine, what kind of gfx card?  "lspci | grep -i vga" if you're not sure01:09
justin22885ive got it, nevermind duffy.. had rotate cube turned off01:09
duffydackjustin22885, use ccsm to set desktops and how to use them.  button bindings and such are a god send...01:10
duffydackjustin22885, cool01:10
shortOne thing I didn't understand with Sinaptyc is that when I try to install a server, say MySQL, it shows a mysql-server (which it says it's metadata for the latest version) and then mysql-server-4.1 and mysql-server-5.1. Can I just choose mysql-server or shall I choose the 5.1 version?01:10
CoppermineZykoticK9: it only gives my chipset graphics controller01:10
ZykoticK9Coppermine, what did it say?01:10
Merlin10.04 proxy settings bug: any fix or workaround?01:11
CoppermineZykoticK9: onboard slot 2, vga compatible controller: intel corp 82815 CGC rev0201:11
duffydackleft edge buttons1-3 and scroll wheel is all I need.01:11
CorrineDoes Ubuntu have a tool in the installer to backup data when overwriting a windows machine?01:11
justin22885this is fun01:11
ZykoticK9Coppermine, so "intel corp 82815" is your graphics card - are you using Lucid?  I believe there may be some issue with 8xxxx series01:12
justin22885this compiz keeps referring to a "super" button... what are they talking about?01:12
Merlinthe one you set as the super button01:12
ZykoticK9justin22885, super = windows (not in real life)01:12
CoppermineZykoticK9: no i am not, and i am not having issues with the onboard vga at all01:12
duffydackthe super windows button....01:13
vossWhen a windows network driver installation went horribly wrong , I kept trying to purge the drivers...silly rabbit only Linux can purge drivers ;-)01:13
ZykoticK9Coppermine, if you only saw the output for that one, i believe linux only sees that one.  Sorry man, can't really help with that.  Good luck.01:14
AxidentI need help, having trouble with fakeraid setup and Ubuntu 10.04. Can someone please help01:14
roberto_what's wrong with this? sudo ufw allow from localhost to localhost port 880801:14
CoppermineZykoticK9: only with my pci card, lspci gives: 02:09.0 multimedia controller: sigma designes inc realmagic hollywood plus dvd decoder rev 0201:14
chethey, i just installed ubuntu from a flash drive with unetbootin, but after it installs and where it WOULD get to the point where itd say remove the disc and hit enter, it just spams a bunch of I/O errors.01:15
ZykoticK9Coppermine, so that isn't really a "video card" it's some sort of tv capture or something?01:15
chetive tried 2 flash drives same thing01:15
cheti tried a cd and it was fine, but should i be worried about that when i use the flash drive to install01:15
CoppermineZykoticK9: correct, it has vga and svideo out though01:15
* roberto_ wishes this worked: sudo ufw allow from localhost to localhost port 880801:16
PolemusCoppermine: kewl.. i'm now on live cd with only one monitor on gpu01:16
justin22885i want to get a transparent glass like window theme01:16
SirBarmy<b/> trace: localhost <934.345.642.234> s/ e\ import- C:\Windows\System32\ghost.sys /exit01:16
duffydackjustin22885, like windows?01:16
CopperminePolemus: so that worked :) now u can try to boot with 2 screens, 1 gpu and 1 onboard gpu01:16
duffydackjustin22885, there is a replica on gnome-look01:17
scorpio1497i wouldn't think so chet.....i'm not an expert tho......it did that to me when i installed with a cd on this puter01:17
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WageAnyone know what could be causing my notification bubbles not to work in pidgin or gwibber?01:17
justin22885nah, not wanting a replica01:17
scorpio1497or rather dvd01:17
chetcool thanks for the answer scorpio149701:17
PolemusCoppermine: current boot: 2 monitors (1 gpu, 1 onboard) .... only gpu is working01:17
justin22885but im looking there anyway01:17
CopperminePolemus: what is ur onboard chip?01:18
chetoh and, i cant adjust my laptop brightness with the nvidia driver installed, it works fine with nouveau. is that just nvidia being nvidia or something i can fix?01:18
duffydackjustin22885, what do you want it to do exactly.01:18
Monotokoheyy, when i start gdesklets it comes up at the bottom as "Starting gdesklets" then vanishes...is it supposed to do that??01:18
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
PolemusCoppermine: intel as far as i know01:18
justin22885beryl emerald themes wont work on compiz, will they?01:19
PolemusCoppermine: any way to find out?01:19
kpear78hi i am trying to install wubi01:19
kpear78it says it is installed01:19
Copperminelspci | grep -i vga01:19
ZykoticK9Coppermine, ;)01:19
duffydackjustin22885, http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7+Pack?content=113264&PHPSESSID=6b4d386702c5aa9851736766665d7f74  thats the win7 theme I was talking about01:19
CopperminePolemus: lspci | grep -i vga01:20
CopperminePolemus: what does it say01:20
justin22885duffydack, i want something more like a translucent mac os type window01:20
duffydackjustin22885, I see no reason why not..Ive used it before01:20
PolemusCoppermine:  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce 7900 GT/GTO] (rev a1)01:20
SirBarmy:/?/reset::/\ <b/> trace: localhost <934.345.642.234> s/ e\ import- C:\Windows\System32\ghost.sys /copy/replace/remove :exit <b/> ping: <112.234.673.445> /close\:/?/01:20
ZykoticK9Monotoko, open a terminal and type "gdesklets" does it return an error about "Could not import tiling module"?01:21
CopperminePolemus: so it doesnt list ur onboard01:21
chetkpear78: i believe you can just reboot and the grub boot menu will apear allowing you select which operating system to boot into01:21
MonotokoZykoticK9, yes, yes it does...was jus doing it then01:21
illovaehey o/01:21
kpear78hi i am trying to install wubi it says it is installed but when i start computer doesnt bring up the os select screen01:21
duffydackjustin22885, I dont know I am not a mac user01:21
acerimmerkpear78: what does your screen show?01:21
CopperminePolemus: sorry, im struggling with same problem only turned around :)01:21
ZykoticK9Monotoko, add yourself as being affected by this bug (if you have an LP account) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdesklets/+bug/56971401:21
Coryyi just use super grub to boot ubuntu01:21
PolemusCoppermine: doesn't seem like it, should i try boot with only onbaord connected?01:21
MonotokoZykoticK9, aye i do...alright01:22
Polemushehehehehe @ Coppermine...01:22
kpear78i have completly installed01:22
CopperminePolemus: yeah doesnt hurt anyway ;) rebooting with something connected is usually the best way to get it detected with OS'es01:22
kpear78so i can have xp and ubuntu on the same computer01:22
PolemusCoppermine: lemme try  thanx for the help... will keep you posted01:23
dbum_Monotoko: I installed screenlets and I liked it better than gdesklets01:23
acerimmerkpear78: What01:23
chetkpear78, did you install it to a different drive than your windows drive01:23
kpear78but i boot the machine up and it just boots with xp01:23
acerimmerBoot Screen Show??01:23
Copperminekpear78: yeah, u can dual boot or install ubuntu with wubi from ur windows01:23
Code_BleuIm wanting to upgrade my whole disk (minus boot partition) LUKS encrypted 9.10 to 10.04 and was wondering if anyone has done this and is there any issues?01:23
kpear78installed it through windows01:23
MikeChelenCode_Bleu: no problems more than usual upgrade issues01:24
Copperminekpear78: with wubi installer?01:24
=== Sean is now known as Guest59684
m0quiHey #ubuntu, having problems installing 10.4 with the alternate cd in my HP Compaq 6710b (INTEL Mobile GM965/960 graphic controller). After the first menu (language selection etc) the screen wents black (systems not frozen). tried fb=false (which did the trick in 9.04). Any ideas?01:24
=== Guest59684 is now known as Dreaming
* ZykoticK9 thinks WUBI should have it's own support channel01:24
Copperminekpear78: then try rebooting again, i had it too, if that doenst work u can check ur windows boot and always reinstall it from the programs menu i windows01:25
ezrafreeeAny ideas why my logitech mx5000 keyboard mouse combo no longer works since I upgraded to lucid lynx?01:25
roberto_why would ruby's "gem server" not load the server so I can reach it, yet appear to ? (says Starting gem server on http://localhost:8808/ .. and nothing else)01:25
kpear78Coppermine: i will reboot again01:25
Coryyezrafreee. have you tried updating your drivers01:26
CorrineDoes ubuntu have any remote support options suitable for machines with nonstatic IPs?01:26
kpear78then come back if doesnt work01:26
CorrineMaybe a dyndns updater01:26
JammetHello =)01:26
ezrafreeeCoryy: with ldconfig?01:26
Fudgedoes anyone know of a cli website?01:26
shortSynaptic hands while installing MySQL-server-5.1. What shall I do?01:26
Fudgecli wiki or collection of ubuntu cli apps to replace your desktop apps01:26
MikeChelenshort: try installing through apt-get?01:27
JammetI've lost the standard Ubuntu notifications. The new ones. Now they show up as standard Gnome toaster popups. How can I restore the standard look?01:27
MonotokoCorrine, you could have your Ubuntu system output its IP to a static location every 5 minutes?01:27
Monotokothats how i do it01:27
mannyvi just  installed lucid server with the os on a raid1 with lvm and it will not boot. I am getting the error no init found abda busybox prompt. can anyone help with this?01:27
Corrineum... that sounds possible01:27
Corrinehow do you do it?01:27
abstrakthi, is there a good quick howto/guide etc for getting a basic multimedia production studio setup?01:28
YosharioHow do I use LAMPserver so everyone on my IP can see http://localhost???????????????????????????????????????????????????????/01:28
justin22885downloading some emerald themes now to try some out01:28
abstrakti have a USB audio interface and a firewire video camera01:28
Monotokoi have a server, so i just run a batch script in cron which grabs my current IP and then uploads it through FTP01:28
abstrakti know that there is such a thing as "Ubuntu Studio"01:28
shortMikeChelen, the synaptic app is still hanging. Can I kill it?01:28
abstraktbut i already have 9.10 installed01:28
Jon-Ahh! Why is my CTRL + F opening xterm!? HELP!01:28
freezwayhow can i get java working in chromium>01:28
abstraktand i don't want to upg to 10.04 just yet01:28
Coppermineabstrakt: yes install ubuntu studio ;)01:29
freezwayi am running 10.0401:29
abstraktCoppermine, bah, can i do that through synaptic?01:29
abstraktCoppermine, from a non "studio" original dist? it seems that should be possible01:29
wildbatYoshario, clam down~ only  your pc can see your http://localhost01:29
abstrakti mean, all i think i need are the video4linux drivers01:29
abstraktif those aren't already present01:29
Coppermineabstrakt: u can upgrade to the ubuntu studio distribution, google it there are guides01:29
acerimmer!abstrakt|ubuntu studio01:29
Yoshariowildbat, can I configure it so others using my ip can see it01:29
abstrakti mean is it not as simple as just, say installing Ardour?01:30
wildbatYoshario, others have to veiw it as http://your.ip01:30
Yoshariolike sort of a local server01:30
abstraktYoshario, talk to #httpd01:30
abstraktYoshario, they can tell you01:30
Coppermineabstrakt: sure if u know the apps u want install them or look for apps u want with synaptic01:30
ezrafreeeOkay I tried ldconfig, any other ideas?01:30
Coppermineabstrakt: u can also look at the packages that come with ubuntu studio for ideas ;)01:30
abstraktCoppermine, k, i'm just wondering if there are any extra drivers or special drivers that studio comes with01:30
abstraktCoppermine, i'm well aware of most of the titles for AV software out there01:31
abstraktwell, more in the audio arena, i haven't played with video much01:31
acerimmerabstrakt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_studio01:31
ezrafreeeEver since I updated to lucid lynx I can use my keyboard until I get to gnome and then my mx5000 keyboard mouse combo no longer works01:31
Coppermineabstrakt: u can read it at their website, and i believe they have a special kernel for multimedia and a low latency option yes, u should read it at their website01:32
ezrafreeeIt asks me to grant permission for the keyboard/mouse but when I grant it nothing changes. Any ideas?01:32
wildbatYoshario, for ppl over the internet to see your http, find out what your public ip , and do port forward on port 80 should you have any router01:32
acerimmerabstrakt: http://www.64studio.com/01:32
acerimmeralso, check out the "crafting digital media" book.  Just came to my library yesterday.01:32
JammetIs there some way to restore Ubutu's notify-osd?01:32
freezwayanyone know how to intsall 64 bit java plugin on 10.04?01:32
acerimmerabstrakt: I'm running studio.  go private01:33
ezrafreeeWow I guess I shouldn't have updated01:33
Fudgeanyone well versed on the load averages given in uptime, ive read the man page but still am not sure if mine is right or if i have a bug in my system01:33
abstraktacerimmer, ?01:33
abstraktu want to DCC me?01:33
acerimmerabstrakt: yeah01:33
abstraktaight, try again01:33
Jon-I am having troubles getting MPC to work with my freshly installed MPD [I can get it to work with gmpc and connect, no issues there. how do I configure MPC?]01:34
abstraktacerimmer, erm, doesn't wanna work01:34
acerimmerabstrakt: ok.  do it here.  watchu need to know01:34
onethirtyfiveHi all, I'm trying to create an ad-hoc wireless network to share a wired connection to my laptop. I used NetworkManager to create a new network. It appears to be setting up a private address range and everything, but my laptop can't get a DHCP lease. Any ideas, places to look?01:34
abstraktacerimmer, well... i'm reading the wiki article01:34
abstraktapparently studio has a real-time kernel01:34
abstraktso i guess i'll need to get/install that01:34
abstrakti'm just on "regular" "vanilla" Ubuntu 9.10 right now01:35
ezrafreeeI choose "always grant access" when the dialog comes up and still my mx5000 keyboard/mouse isn't connecting. Any ideas?01:35
abstrakti guess i have the nvidia drivers, but nothing special01:35
acerimmerabstrakt: you can install JUST the sound, text or video production packages.01:35
Polemuswhat is th command for checking what gpu's the system picks up?01:36
xeer0Now I have installed 9.04, which solved the xvideo scaling problems. What has changed from 9.04 to 10.04 with regard to xvideo scaling and my gfx card ati hd 4200?01:36
=== GuilhermeCunha_ is now known as GuilhermeCunha
CopperminePolemus: lspci | grep -i vga01:36
ezrafreeeIs ldconfig the way to update my divers?01:37
PolemusCoppermine: thanx01:37
Merlinwhere are they going to dive?01:37
abstraktacerimmer, ok cool, good to know, happen to know what those packages are called offhand?01:37
acerimmerabstrakt: wait one01:38
abstraktacerimmer, e.g. are the package names prefixed with like 'ubuntustudio-'01:38
abstrakti'm here01:38
CopperminePolemus: np01:38
seniorakeI've got a curious file which obviously came up after a system crash, I can not delete it, it saysls: cannot access postmaster.pid: Stale NFS file handle01:38
Jon-I am trying to modify something for MPC and it says it is stored in $something as an environmental variable. How do i modify these in ubuntu?01:38
seniorake-????????? ? ?        ?           ?                ? postmaster.pid ... are the permissins shown by ls -l01:38
roberto_why would ruby's "gem server" not load the server so I can reach it, yet appear to ? (says Starting gem server on http://localhost:8808/ .. and nothing else)01:38
seniorakebut there is no NFS installed, any ideas..?01:39
G8orDroid_VM<< NOOB to ubuntu/linux how can I delete a folder structure in /usr/java thru the gui01:39
mgolischroberto_: and you cant access it using that url?01:39
ezrafreeeAny ideas how to get my logitech mx5000 working again in Lucid Lynx??01:39
abstraktG8orDroid_VM, why the need for "through the gui"01:39
abstraktG8orDroid_VM, rm -rf /usr/java/*01:39
abstraktG8orDroid_VM, sudo rm -rf /usr/java/*01:39
abstraktto be more to the point01:39
acerimmerabstrakt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PackageList  has the packages listed01:39
abstraktacerimmer, great thx01:39
roberto_nop, hangs with "can't establish a connection to the server..."01:39
G8orDroid_VMwell if you can tell me how to do it thru command line that's cool too01:39
roberto_mgolisch: nop, hangs with "can't establish a connection to the server..."01:40
abstraktG8orDroid_VM, i just did :)01:40
Jon-I am trying to modify something for MPC and it says it is stored in $something as an environmental variable. How do i modify these in ubuntu? [short question: how do I modify environmental variables?]01:40
abstraktG8orDroid_VM, sudo rm -rf /usr/java/*01:40
abstraktG8orDroid_VM, or01:40
abstraktG8orDroid_VM, sudo rm -rf /usr/java/some/path/*01:40
G8orDroid_VMabstrakt, lol was typing,01:40
mgolischroberto_: maybe check if it actualy listens on any interface using netstat -lp01:40
kpear78Coppermine:i rebooted but says boot.ini file corroupt loading from C:\ when i try to open the boot menu01:41
=== DemonDroid is now known as Guest55193
roberto_mgolisch: it is listening there01:41
ezrafreeeIs ldconfig going to update my drivers?01:41
roberto_mgolisch: tcp        0      0 *:8808                  *:*                     ESCUCHAR    12836/ruby1.9.101:41
freezwayi still need java to work... im running 64 bit lucid...01:41
acerimmerkpear78: if your boot file corrupted, you'll need to boot windows then repair.  as far as wubi, highly suggest you avoid it and just dual boot.01:42
mgolischroberto_: does it work if you access it using a ip address?01:42
mgolischroberto_: what happens if you telnet to that port?01:42
ezrafreeeCan anyone tell me if "ldconfig" will update drivers?01:42
luciano_hi to all01:43
G8orDroid_VMabstrakt, thanks, I figured there was some switch, obviously -rf is it01:43
kpear78how do i dual boot01:43
skunkworks_Wow - just installed lucid.  Wonderful.  Question - I installed the 32 bit version - would I have to re-install to get the 64bit version?  Or is there a way around it?01:43
kpear78on same hard drive01:43
luciano_i am having trouble updating to 10.04 from 9.1001:43
linxehskunkworks_: I did the same; you need to reinstall01:43
linxehskunkworks_: how much ram do you have ?01:43
skunkworks_aww ;)01:43
skunkworks_not enough?01:44
RaptorsDoes anyone know where I can get the Fun and FunDB plugin for supybot?01:44
skunkworks_I am idling here using 268mb - If I boot into windows7 - 1.something gig ;)01:44
linxehits hardly worth bothering with then :) though if you have a fast connection and havent installed much software then it might be worth it I guess01:44
abstraktG8orDroid_VM, yup, np01:44
acerimmerkpear78: http://www.hackourlives.com/?p=194801:44
luciano_the installer is saying that it has marked ubuntu-desktop to remove, but it is on the black list01:44
Wageis there a command i can type to test notification bubbles?01:44
ezrafreeeI have no working keyboard and am trying to fix it. Running an MX1000 logitech. Will running ldconfig update my drivers?01:44
ubottuluciano: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:44
luciano_and it refuses itself to upgrade01:44
roberto_mgolisch: when I went to the page by ip address, I got a different error "the connection has closed" -- and I didn't see the connection attemt in the STDERR for the gem server command ..01:45
RaptorsDoes anyone know where I can get the Fun and FunDB plugin for supybot?01:45
JammetHow can I get the libnotify messages to look like standard notify-osd again?01:45
roberto_mgolisch: jeez, that's two problems .. why can't I telnet to localhost ?01:45
acerimmerluciano_: that's weird.  "blacklist" means the software source list has been changed.  You have the 10.04 cd??01:46
kpear78whats lucid lynx01:46
abstraktkpear78, code name01:46
mgolischroberto_: strange01:46
acerimmerkpear78: lucid lynx = ubuntu 10.0401:46
short** PLEASE HELP ** I'm getting the following while trying to install mysql: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable01:46
luciano_ok? I am trying to upgrade from karmic to linx, but the installer refuses to do it because it said that will have to delete ubuntu-desktop, that is in the black list to remove01:46
acerimmerluciano_: you have the *iso cdrom??01:46
ezrafreeeWow I really wish I had another keyboard so this wouldn't suck quite so much. Any ideas guys?01:47
Radio-bshort: dump ps -A into a pastebin01:47
luciano_i am in a netbook, i dont have cdrom. I installed the netbook remux, baack then01:47
chetoh and, i cant adjust my laptop brightness with the nvidia driver installed, it works fine with nouveau. is that just nvidia being nvidia or something i can fix?01:47
JammetI know it's by no means a real problem, but if anybody here knows how to start the notify-osd (standard Ubuntu) version of notify toaster plugins, please tell me. I've got plain gnome/xfce toaster plugins after a reboot. That shouldn't happen.01:48
acerimmerluciano_: OK: go the the ubuntu site, download the new iso, place on usb and install01:48
melaniewindows=shit long life to ubuntu!!!01:48
acerimmermelanie: don't hold back.  state what you really feel.  :)01:48
Wageif you have libnotify and notify-osd installed will it conflict?01:48
zeedoes anyone know how to enable 2 finger scrolling on dell mini 10v?01:48
shortRadio-b: http://pastebin.com/JFdR0Pcf01:48
zeeits greyed out in my settings01:48
acerimmerluciano_: Ubuntu Netbook Edition is what you want01:49
melanieso many problems whit windows!!!!01:49
Fudgehow can you clear your virtual memory?01:49
JammetWage: I don't know. I assume both are on this computer, and one of them is started, one isn't.01:49
ezrafreeeDoes anyone know if ldconfig will update the drivers for Logitech MX5000 keyboard/mouse?01:49
Fudgeoops, swap file i mean01:49
melaniepay your shit!01:49
luciano_isnt there a qay to upgrade? just reinstalling it? I have some environments installed that i didnt want to lose01:49
Merlinsudo rm -rf /01:49
roberto_mgolisch: when I installed 10.04, I gave the name "quad-g5", but when I started it first time, it had reverted to the default "roberto-desktop" .. I changed that successfully, and now my bash prompt says quad-g5 and UbuntuOne finds it that way, but it still shows up as a desktop when I ping .. see this log please http://www.pastebin.org/20883701:49
luciano_compiler for arm, avr and pic01:49
Fudgelol Merlin01:49
ZykoticK9!danger | Merlin01:49
ubottuMerlin: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!01:49
elkymelanie, please keep on topic. the guidelines are listed in the /topic01:49
Wagei can't figure out why i'm not seeing notifications for gwibber and pidgin01:49
acerimmerluciano_: Not certain but I believe all your configs are saved as hidden files in your /home folder.  Show hidden, select all and copy to usb01:50
zeedoes anyone know how to enable 2 finger scrolling on dell mini 10v?01:50
zeeits greyed out in my settings01:50
Fudgetried bapt-get build-dep pidgin01:50
Merlinwell, it will definitely clear the virtual memory01:50
FudgeMerlin  swap file is not on tha tpartition01:50
mgolischroberto_: have a look at your hosts file01:50
Merlinreboot then01:50
ezrafreeeHow can I update my drivers?01:50
Jon-I am trying to modify something for MPC and it says it is stored in $something as an environmental variable. How do i modify these in ubuntu? [short question: how do I modify environmental variables? [please help this is my last thing I need set up]01:50
mgolischroberto_: also your loopback seems to be down, does ifconfig show an interface lo ?01:51
roberto_mgolisch:  I changed that before.. why does it keep changing it back ?01:51
mgolischroberto_: did you change /etc/hostname too?01:51
roberto_mgolisch: no it doesn't01:51
melaniej'ai acheté un cadre numérique,mais impossible pou moi de mettre les photos a l'intérieur du programme!01:51
luciano_well, thanks for the help, i will try to reinstall it01:51
acerimmerluciano_: OR  try this.  Still not certain about your software source "blacklist".  Create a new user, make new user admin, i.e. "sudo", login as newuser and run update01:51
mgolischroberto_: does ifconfig -a show lo?01:51
zeedoes anyone know how to enable 2 finger scrolling on dell mini 10v?01:51
zeeits greyed out in my settings01:51
JammetWage: I've checked. Both packages contain /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service but do _not_ conflict. That should be some kind of bug. Because they have different content.01:51
rawakemy ubuntu's apt-get uses php 5.3.2 by default when i install php5. i want to use a version less than 5.3. is there a simple way with apt-get?01:51
ZykoticK9!fr | melanie01:51
ubottumelanie: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:51
roberto_mgolisch: -a shows it yes :)01:52
JammetWage: Or at least they should have.01:52
mgolischroberto_: try sudi ifup lo01:52
acerimmerluciano_: u get that?01:52
melaniej'ai acheté un cadre numérique,mais impossible pou moi de mettre les photos a l'intérieur du programme!01:52
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:52
ezrafreeeI guess noone wants to help me?01:52
zeedoes anyone know how to enable 2 finger scrolling on dell mini 10v?01:52
zeeits greyed out in my settings01:52
abstraktacerimmer, interesting01:52
Random832zee: maybe it doesn't support it01:52
abstraktacerimmer, i installed ubuntustudio-desktop01:52
WageJammet: this version of ubuntu and last, notifications didn't work for pidgin. I even tried a clean install. any ideas?01:52
acerimmerabstrakt: whatchu think.01:53
abstraktacerimmer, and it installed headers for the realtime kernel01:53
zeeezrafree: wats ur problem01:53
acerimmerabstrakt: powerfu, no?01:53
abstraktacerimmer, and rebuilt the ramfs01:53
roberto_mgolisch: hey, that's like magic !01:53
abstraktacerimmer, but it didn't say anything about rebooting01:53
abstrakti would assume it wants me to reboot no?01:53
mgolischroberto_: now check your /etc/network/interfaces01:53
abstraktwouldn't i need to reboot to use the realtime kernel?01:53
acerimmerabstrakt: uoui only neeed the rt kernel for cuttting edge audiio editing01:53
mgolischroberto_: there must be something wrong if it doenst bring up the loopback automaticaly01:53
zeedoes anyone know how to enable 2 finger scrolling on dell mini 10v?01:53
abstrakti also just installed ardour and audacity01:53
zeeits greyed out in my settings01:53
acerimmerabstrakt: and yues you would need to reboot01:54
ezrafreeeI upgraded to lucid lynx and my logitech mx5000 mouse/keyboard no longer works01:54
zeedoes anyone know how to enable 2 finger scrolling on dell mini 10v?01:54
roberto_mgolisch: it's two lines01:54
JammetWage: They worked for me. All I can suggest is to reinstall the notification daemon and use the plugin in Pidgin that gives you more notify options.01:54
luciano_well, i understood, but i didnt get the difference doing upgrade with my user and with another user01:54
roberto_mgolisch: auto lo01:54
roberto_mgolisch: and iface lo inet loopback01:54
zeedoes anyone know how to enable 2 finger scrolling on dell mini 10v?01:54
crdlbWage: last I checked notify-osd's package is supposed to dpkg-divert the one in notification-daemon01:54
abstraktacerimmer, and sorry, i can't really say what i think about it yet cuz i haven't actually seen anything about it in action yet :)01:54
abstraktacerimmer, i do hope it is powerful01:54
luciano_the problem isnt with the black list, that is configured globally?01:54
mgolischroberto_: strange i wonder why it didnt bring it up then that should be ok01:54
abstraktk, going to try a reboot01:54
Merlin!af | Merlin01:54
mattucfhi everyone, could anyone guide me to where I can learn how I might fix standby and hibernate for my compaq laptop?01:54
abstrakthopefully it's not epic fail :)01:55
WageJammet: tried reinstalling. is there a command i can use to test the notifications.01:55
luciano_I tried to saw a black list in /etc/apt but didnt found nothing there01:55
acerimmerluciano_: hoping my suggestion would be workaround global blacklist01:55
roberto_mgolisch: you know, it might be because we were diagnosing dnsmasq earlier today and at one point I had to ifdown and ifup01:55
mgolischroberto_: oh i see01:55
roberto_mgolisch: I fumbled through the ifdown part myself01:55
mgolischroberto_: maybe thats why then01:55
crdlbWage: you need to restart your session, since the old process would still be running even if you fixed it01:55
crdlbWage: either that or kill the nofication-daemon process01:55
mgolischroberto_: now localhost should work again hopefully01:55
ezrafreeeAnyone who can tell me how to update my logitech mx5000 drivers?01:55
JammetWage: Yes, use notify-send to send any text to that thing.01:55
acerimmerabstrakt: chekc out the "digital media" book.  It's got links to some "created by ubuntu" media01:56
luciano_acerimer: this black list isnt something set by apt, itself? I should read more about it, but didnt do it yet01:56
roberto_mgolisch: yea it does :) thank you.01:56
mattucfapparently from a quick google search I guess you have to somehow identify a correct driver for your hardware? I am very unsure where to start but very willing to try and have moderate to advanced windows knowledge01:56
shortRadio-b: can I change the permission on that file to 777 to unlock it?01:56
JammetIf I find some kind of package related bug in current Ubuntu, to whom do I mail this information? Or tell'em right here?01:56
acerimmerluciano_: don't know how the black list entry was made, where it is or how to fix..  sorry01:56
ubottujammet: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:56
mgolischroberto_: np01:56
ezrafreeeAny apt-get command to update my logitech mx5000 drivers?01:57
luciano_acerimmer: ok, no problem, i just wish i can learn something trying to fix it before giving it up and reinstalling everything from scratch01:57
WageJammet: do you know how to restart notification-daemon?01:58
luciano_acerimmer: I am trying to see if someone had the same problem on google, by now01:58
Peloevening folks01:58
ezrafreeeI'm losing so many work hours, I can't believe I was so dumb to upgrade :(01:58
dedlycowis this where i can get help with the soun on my computer01:58
greezmunkeyJammet: notify-send is pretty cool, I just installed it here - can that be tied to irssi I wonder...01:58
luciano_acerimmer: thanks for the help, anyway, and for the attention01:58
crdlbWage: just killall notification-daemon01:59
Wagecrdlb: did that01:59
mattucfis there another channel I should ask my ? in01:59
ezrafreeeAnyone know how to get logitech mx5000 to work please? I choose "always grant access" but nothing happens01:59
crdlbWage: then trigger a notification somehow (eg with notify-send)02:00
ezrafreeeMattucf: I know, right...02:00
Wagecrdlb: i tried that, but nothing happened. thought i needed to restart the daemon02:00
crdlbWage: dbus should start it for you; that's what the service file is for02:00
Jammetgreezmunkey: Yeah, it can be pretty much used with anything.02:00
JammetWage: In doubt, reboot. I know I will, after this.02:01
abstraktaight rebooted02:01
abstrakthow can i tell if i'm running the realtime kernel or not?02:01
crdlbWage: just log out since this is a session service02:02
xeer0Riddle: My server with Ati HD 2400 pro has flawless xvideo scaling in 9.04, with the open source drivers that come with install, but in 10.04 video doesn't scale. What has happened since 9.04 to cause this?02:02
luciano_well, it may interest someone02:03
Polemusnightmares.... :(02:03
luciano_my problem can be that i have ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop. there is a bug already open for that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146638702:03
Wageok rebooted. notify-send works now.02:03
Peloanyone have an idea why "intel core i5" with dual core is shoing up as 4 processors in the system monitor ?02:04
crdlbWage: and uses the right daemon?02:04
luciano_will try to remove them and start upgrading again. Thanks for the help02:04
mgolischezrafreee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/55028802:04
Wagecrdlb: how do i tell that?02:04
roberto_darnit, wrong window02:05
crdlbWage: the same way you knew there was a problem in the first place :)02:05
Wageok, I loaded pidgin and they still didn't work for that. I tried to notify-send again and now they're not working again02:05
crdlbWage: not working means they're the wrong style or that they don't show up at all?02:06
Wagecrdlb: don't show up at all02:06
progre55Marko38: wb )02:06
Raptorsdoes anyone know how to download from a http index?02:06
Raptorslike this02:06
progre55guys, any news on plymouth? any new fixes w/o losing TTY?02:06
dios_miois it ok to delete the old kernel image os it wont be added to grub menu?02:06
Marko38progress55: te he02:06
crdlbWage: are either notify-osd or notification-daemon running in your process list?02:07
dominicdinadaOk I need a hand again02:07
Marko38hi all, could use a little help, new to linux here, I've just updated to the latest ubuntu kernel, solved the problem of missing title bars on windows, got the radio buttons back on the right hand side of the monitor where they belong, now i need to get icons back on my desktop and restore the right click menus there, any suggestions?02:07
dios_miois it ok to delete the old kernel image SO it wont be added to grub menu?02:07
shortGuys I'm stuck with mysql package. Neither synaptic nor apt-get would install it/remove it. What's a brutal force method to remove everything that has to do with a package without having to re-install the system?02:07
Wagecrdlb: is there an easier way to tell that than "ps ux" ?02:08
ezrafreeeI assume tere is no way to undo an upgrade?02:08
mgolischshort: why is it not working?02:08
Marko38dios_mio: that shouldn't cause a problem02:08
dios_miomar, thanks02:08
mgolischezrafreee: what update? and do none of the suggestions in bugreport work for you?02:08
abstrakthow to tell if i'm running the realtime kernel?02:08
shortmgolisch, It tells me the package is in a very bad state02:09
abstrakt2.6.31-21-generic-pae is what uname -a says02:09
abstraktbut the "rt" headers were installed02:09
abstraktwhat does that do for me? anything?02:09
crdlbWage: ps ax | grep -E '(/notification-daemon|/notify-osd)'02:09
mgolischshort: whats the error message?02:09
abstraktdo i actually have a realtime kernel running or no?02:09
ezrafreeeMy upgrade to lucid lynx which broke my keyboard. I didn't see any suggestions...02:09
abstraktall i did was sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop02:10
greezmunkeygreezmunkey: test02:10
vossI have
Wagecrdlb: looks like both are running02:10
fayskittlesHi i have a problem installing Ubuntu on my core I3 H55.  I cant get it to see the harddrive.  It was running vista but I want to move on.  any help?02:10
greezmunkeywould someone address me by nick, please as a test02:10
shortmgolisch, http://pastebin.com/9vVCchaa02:10
zeleftikamhey y'all: i was just wondering where I could find a document outlining changes/fixes/new features on 10.04?02:10
ZykoticK9greezmunkey, ok02:10
vossfay, Might be a hard drive problem?02:11
mgolischezrafreee: it tells you to change a line in /lib/udev/rules.d/70-hid2hci.rules .. did you try that?02:11
Marko38greezzmunkey: test!02:11
fayskittlesno runnig vista just fine.02:11
greezmunkeyCool, thanks - I tied libnotify to irssi, it works :)02:11
spongebobHey all. Can anyone shed some light on grub issues with the Intel 815E chipset?02:11
vossfay, what model of pc?02:11
Wagecrdlb: wait, just notify-osd02:11
shortmgolisch, currently it's stuck on the last line in pastebin02:11
Marko38greezmunkey: test! spelled it right this time....02:11
greezmunkeyMarko38: got that one too! Thanks.02:12
fayskittlesintel Core I3 with the H55 chipset.  Gigabyte motherboard.02:12
abstraktwhat does "pad" mean02:12
abstrakton an audio input device02:12
=== JaredWigmore is now known as JaredW
crdlbWage: so "notify-send foo" does nothing?02:13
Wagecrdlb: not anymore, just when i first started the computer02:13
vossfay, could be an incompatibility between the hard drive controller and linux, rare but not impossible, did you try a live usb?02:13
dimension128why isnt /msg working? says unknown command.02:13
Wagecrdlb: not even an error in the terminal02:14
sanidhyaMy  shift key stops working whenever I enable the extra visual effects from the appearance preference02:14
=== GuilhermeCunha_ is now known as GuilhermeCunha
fayskittlesno not yet how big of a usb do i need?02:14
dominicdinadaOK GUYS MY PROBLEM IS that something happened and when I removed a package it pulled to many dependancies and now Im getting Warnings CPU tempature is above the threshold.... errors02:14
crdlbWage: try this: killall notify-osd; /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd02:14
vosssandi, then dont enable the effects :)02:14
coolbtkhello all02:14
crdlbWage: then if you run notify-send again, you should get debugging info in the terminal where you ran notify-osd02:15
vossfay, 2gb flash drive would be fine02:15
coolbtkI am fairly new to Ubuntu and have a problem that I don't even know where to start troubleshooting.02:15
zeleftikamwhat's the problem?02:16
ubottucoolbtk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:16
ratcheercoolbtk: Tell more.02:16
fayskittlesok i will try that. thanks.  is there a way for me to look up and see if the drivers are there?02:16
Wagecrdlb: did that, its running a debug mode in that terminal. anytime i try to send something in another terminal using "notify-send" in the first one it says "DEBUG: Screensaver has been inhibited"02:16
mgolischshort: odd,tried sudo dpkg --purge on the packagename?02:16
nawabzhi folks, im a newb and in need of desperate help. i cant boot my machine no more after trying to upgrade, anyone help?02:17
ivan_#join ubuntu-mx02:17
Wagecrdlb: i think caffiene may be conflicting with it02:17
acerimmernawabz: error messages?02:17
abstraktnawabz, try catching it while it's booting and select a different kernel02:17
acerimmernawabz: what's displayed, what are your machine specs02:17
abstraktnawabz, you might have gotten a kernel update02:17
nawabzits a low spec machine02:17
asw3what is the solution for "low graphic mode" its begin when i was started the pc ubuntu 9.1002:17
ivan_#join ubuntu-mx02:18
nawabzit fails just before anything loads02:18
coolbtkI installed 9.10 Netbook remix on my Acer Aspire One D150 a few months ago. Everything worked great. I upgraded to 10.04 LTS this morning and suddenly my sound doesn't work anymore. I have already checked my pulse audio settings, and the output device is there, not muted, and volume is up.02:18
asw3i dont have graphic card its on bord card02:18
asw3its driver problem?02:18
ivan_ubuntu en español02:18
xiambax lol02:18
ubottuivan: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:18
xiambaxspekie no englash02:18
ratcheercoolbtk: Try running alsamixer and checking the settings, there.02:18
nawabzbasically i had karmic koala but yesterday i clicked on upgrade02:18
crdlbWage: ah, that makes sense02:18
nawabzit froze02:19
nawabzi restarted thinking it will continue when it loads02:19
yfkcan I manage which applications run on which of my CPU cores?02:19
Marko38ivan type   /join #ubuntu-mx02:19
nawabzbut it wont even let me load liveCD02:19
coolbtkI have tried playing audio through several different programs, including audacious, which i have tried both the pulseaudio and alsa plugins02:19
asw3someone know what is "low graphic mode"?02:19
acerimmernawabz: u can't boot live CD??  u changed bios?02:20
coolbtkin alsamixer, all volumes are at max and none are muted02:20
asw3why its happen?02:20
coolbtkon both HDA Intel and PulseAudio02:20
nawabzok here is what i see02:20
nawabzi see ubuntu logo02:20
nawabzthen i press a key to give me installation options02:20
nawabzand boot from laskt install etc...02:20
ezrafreeomg upgrading ubuntu gets rid of all your personal settings?02:21
xiambaxomg omg omg, not my personalz settinz02:21
mgolischezrafree: no it doesnt02:21
acerimmerezrafree: depends on where your /home is.  If /home is on dedicatd partition no changes02:21
asw3how can i find the driver for the graphic card?02:21
Wagecrdlb: yeah, turning it off seems to have fixed everything. thanks for the help :)02:21
asw3its graphic card on bord02:22
ezrafreemy /home is not on a dedicated, no02:22
mgolischthe upgrade should not touch your $HOME02:22
dominicdinada!omg | ezrafree, xiambax02:22
ubottuezrafree, xiambax: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.02:22
gooseHow do I launch "Rouge" in a terminal? (From the bsdgames-nonfree package)02:22
acerimmerezrafree: your configs are in your /home as hidden files.  Show hiddens, copy.  Then copy back to /home after upgrade.  Just ot be safe02:22
spongebobHey all. Can anyone shed some light on grub issues with the Intel 815E chipset?02:23
xiambaxOH satire02:23
Ubuntu104Anyone had issues with backlight after installing Nvidia driver 195....?02:23
tomoyuki28jpHow can I copy a large file? I am trying to copy 9GB file, but I always get "file too large" error.02:23
ezrafreeacerimmer: ahh okay, phew02:23
spongebobive installed like 5 versions of grub and they all fuck up with a different error02:23
ezrafreei really didn't feel like redoing everything, thanks02:23
Marko38hi all, could use a little help, new to linux here, I've just updated to the latest ubuntu kernel, solved the problem of missing title bars on windows, got the radio buttons back on the right hand side of the monitor where they belong, now i need to get icons back on my desktop and restore the right click menus there, any suggestions?02:23
acerimmerspongebob: are you wubi, multiple HDD"s or what02:23
spongebobacerimmer: No, straight up ubuntu server install (tried 3 versions)02:23
nawabzsorry if this is annoying but i need to write all in one go.its like when ever something needs to load, my screen goes blank but the machine remains on, lighst stay on.02:24
abstrakthmm, so i still can't record in audacity, but i went to the inputs and selected my USB device for recording input, and i went to software playthrough and selected that02:24
spongebobacerimmer: single hard drive, no raid, PATA02:24
acerimmerspongebob: upgrade or fresh install?02:24
Sm0keehelp whenever I log in to ubuntu my desktop is set to a virus screen02:24
abstraktbut when i click record in audacity it just creates a new track and then does nothing02:24
spongebobacerimmer: ubuntu server 10.something and 9.something02:24
Pelospongebob, the original cd/dvd of 10.04 had a problem with them, with grub , make sure you dl a recent cd , pref one of the desktop ones02:24
acerimmerabstrakt: check your intput/output settings under "Sound".  Might take multiptle configs to get right02:24
luis_i have some problems with grub202:24
spongebobPelo: Yeah, but I tried other versions too02:25
luis_I took apart /boot from /02:25
acerimmerspongebob: what machine specs??02:25
markus_hy everybody02:25
* Pelo has a problem with his hardware being two new 02:25
luis_and update-grub2 fails02:25
ratcheercoolbtk: Do you have more than one sound card?02:25
spongebobacerimmer: its a 1ghz p3, 512mb SD RAM02:25
markus_my icon in the tray for the network disappeared. how do I get it back?02:25
luis_could you please tell me who to fix this problem?02:25
Pelomarkus_, try rightcklik the pannel,  add to pannel , see if it is in there02:25
asw3what this command do?02:26
asw3sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:26
spongebobThis is the first ever time ive had a problem installing linux, lol02:26
acerimmerspongebob:  Pelo is SO right.  Forgot that the Lucid release repaired the GNOME grub issues.  Alternate install might still be problematic.02:26
FloodBot2Sm0kee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:26
markus_Pelo: Its not there02:26
coolbtkRatcheer: no, just the internal. I have used a bluetooth headset and usb headset in the past, but they are not connected and have not been since before the upgrade02:26
acerimmermarkus_: go to panel, right click add indicator applet02:26
spongebobacerimmer: but I tried previos versions of server too02:26
Pelomarkus_, actualy it's part of the notificy zone icon02:26
mgolischMarko38: try going to /apps/nautilus/preferences/ in gconf-editor and tick the checbox on show_desktop02:26
mgolischMarko38: after that killall nautilus;nautilus02:26
acerimmerspongebob: 9.10?02:26
spongebobacerimmer: yeah02:27
ratcheercoolbtk: Sorry, beyond that, I'm not sure. Anyone else?02:27
Polemus!#@$ ... :) just can't get my damn onboard to be picked up :(02:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:27
acerimmerspongebob: 9.10 didn't install either??02:27
spongebobacerimmer: nope02:27
Marko38mgolisch: will do, brb02:27
acerimmerspongebob: does desktop install??02:28
dominicdinadaOK GUYS MY PROBLEM IS that something happened and when I removed a package it pulled to many dependancies and now Im getting Warnings CPU tempature is above the threshold.... errors02:28
nawabzi origionally had 9.4 installed. pressed upgrade to 10.4. after getting onto installation, towards the middle it froze on me and i pulled the cord and restarted the machine. now i cant boot old ubuntu, new ubuntu or even LiveCD Ubuntu. i have a hp laptop. its ok, but little slow. it have not so good graphics card. i can change option from ubuntu boot options and text-mode to disable graphica...02:28
nawabz...installation. but i need someones help to get me out of this mess.02:28
Pelodoesn'T   dpkg-reconfigure xserver.xorg work in 10.04  ?02:28
coolbtkRatcheer: thanks anyway. anyone else have any ideas? I haven't been running Linux long enough to have any idea what to do next.02:28
acerimmernawabz: wait one02:28
acerimmernawabz: if you have alternate install cd, that might work better02:28
asw3what this command do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?02:29
nawabzreally? but i dont have blank cds anymore02:29
ezrafreehow can i remove bluez?02:29
gooseHow do I launch "Rouge" in a terminal? (From the bsdgames-nonfree package)02:29
acerimmernawabz: USB??02:29
mgolischezrafree: for what reason?02:29
NecrosporusHow to make sure ubuntu won't use my swap partition?02:29
mgolischezrafree: and did you try that fix from the bugreport and rebooted? and it still doenst work?02:30
coolbtkthe input appears to be broken as well. nothing shown on the level meter even at max volume02:30
nawabzyes but ive had bad experience booting from USB and02:30
kubunterohello :)02:30
=== Daugha|n is now known as Daughain
kubunterohow can I mount a software raid from the Live CD?02:30
ezrafreemgolisch: that "fix" appears to disable bluetooth entirely02:30
acerimmernawabz: OK - time to go to Staples, buy cdrom and burn an alternate install CD.  Sorry.02:30
NecrosporusCan I make my current OS go sleep instead of turning it off and boot ubuntu?02:30
acerimmerNecrosporus: why don't u want /swap?02:31
nawabzcool no problem02:31
acerimmerNecrosporus: "hibernate"02:31
Necrosporusacerimmer, because it would contain suspended image of RAM of my current OS02:31
mgolischezrafree: so it doenst help?02:31
Polemusscrewit... i'll try tomorrow:)02:31
Polemusthanx for all the help peeps02:31
acerimmerNecrosporus: Ah.02:31
acerimmerNecrosporus: i'll leave this one to the experts02:32
spongebobanyone? :'(02:32
saikaubuntu lucid with preemt kernel hangs or frezzes a lot... did i missed something to set up?02:32
NecrosporusI know, but I must make sure ubuntu won't touch my harddrive — won't try to use swap and won't mount anything02:32
amageehey i just bought a couple of 1920x1080 monitors, but both the gnome display configurator thingy and the ati catalyst control panel only let me choose resolutions up to 1680x1050.. any idea how to force it to recognise 1920x1080?02:33
j800rmy Ubuntu 10.04 screencast is up on YouTube for anyone interested. Channel is the same as my nick in here02:33
abstraktacerimmer, well, the sound settings in the Ubuntu menu didn't change anything02:33
frmdstryrdoes anyone know how to join the python irc02:33
dominicdinadaj800r:  really showing people how to install ubuntu and stuff02:34
acerimmerabstrakt: wait 102:34
j800rdominicdinada, sorry...no :\ only a review/brief overview02:34
frmdstryramagee does it work in 1920 x1080 with only one screen?02:34
amageeumm let me try02:34
Naryacould anyone reccommend a cd ripper? bestbot seems to be retarded in that regard02:34
kubunterofrmdstryr: try /join #python02:34
frmdstryrrythmbox rips cd's i think02:35
frmdstryrah okay, thanks02:35
nawabzfree CD ripper 3.102:35
gooseHow do I launch "Rouge" in a terminal? (From the bsdgames-nonfree package)02:35
markus_Pelo: Its not there. Can't find a notifing zone icon either. maybe it disappeared in the new version?02:35
Naryagoose: are you sure you are not trying to launch Rogue?02:35
gooseNarya: I'm trying to launch the "Rouge" game which I installed via the bsdgames-nonfree package02:36
j800rgoose, a good tip for finding a launch command. add the program to panel, right-click it, select properties, and look where it says command02:36
j800rthen type that command into terminal02:36
* Narya nods02:36
goosej800r: it's not in the panel.02:36
gooseand neither "rouge" nor "bsdgames-nonfree" launches it.02:36
j800rit don't have a frontend02:37
goosenor does aptitude give me any hints as to what its launch command it.02:37
coolstuffI'm gonna dual boot Ubuntu 10.04 on my mac, but I'm sorta confused and haven't found a good guide on how to install the latest version of it02:37
gooseaptitude search bsdgames-nonfree, for a description02:37
frmdstryrmac or ubuntu?02:37
Pelomarkus_, the notification zone icon is there, i'Musing the new 10.04,  should be somewhere toward the bottom of the list,  it might just be nogify or somethign similar, I'm not sure of the english name I'm using a french version ,   "zone de notification" translates roughly as notification zone,  you might want to try restarting,  you might just have hidden it somehow,02:37
frmdstryrinstalling ubuntu is pretty easy02:37
acerimmerabstrakt: Check your Sound Preferences>Hardware.  Might neeed to tweak around the Hardware/Output02:37
coolstuffwell I just ordered a LiveCD02:38
abstraktacerimmer, i checked the sound preferences02:38
amageewhoever it was that asked me if it works on 1920x1080 with one monitor (sorry i've forgotten who):  no, it still doesn't work02:38
coolstuffof 10.0402:38
j800rfrmdstryr, installing Ubuntu is easier than Windows02:38
abstraktacerimmer, i want to listen to the output from my headphone jack on my computer02:38
j800rand that's saying something02:38
acerimmerabstrakt: Output Muted???02:38
frmdstryragreed haha02:38
coolstuffkinda confused on how to02:38
abstraktacerimmer, no, i can turn on an mp302:38
abstraktacerimmer, audacity just doesn't actually record02:38
abstrakti get "latency correction" error02:38
j800rinstalling Slackware however....ouch..02:38
j800ranyway. bed for me02:39
coolstuffI need to create a partition on BootCamp, but not too sure about the rest02:39
acerimmerabstrakt: check your sound setttings.  is Output muted?  And try rythmbox for playback02:39
woodyjlwhi I got WOW working under wine ok now but cant get a working shortcut to desktop. I copied the wow folder from windows. anyone know how to make the wow.exe into a working shortcut on desktop02:39
kubunterohi thechef02:39
frmdstryrcoolstuff: did you try youtube?02:39
acerimmerabstrakt: latency error - are your running the RT kernel??02:39
Marko38woot that got it thanks, got scarey when about 200 windows tried to open, but my desktop works again :)02:40
kubunterocan I use the live CD to view a Software RAID set of disks ?02:40
coolstuffyeah, there was only stuff for VMware and no 10.04 guides02:40
abstraktacerimmer, i don't know02:40
abstraktacerimmer, i asked how to find that out like twice02:40
abstraktacerimmer, earlier02:40
abstraktno one responded02:40
frmdstryrwoodyjw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14622502:40
markus_whats the command to start the network monitor icon? Guess its the same as with the volume icon. There is a command but you can't select it in the menu02:40
acerimmerabstrakt: oK let's walk thru.  reboot and DON'T use the RT kernel02:40
kubunterohi wers02:41
histoabstrakt: alsamixer you can see if outputs and inputs are muted. and in system > peferences > sound you can control which output you are using under the hardware tab02:41
abstraktacerimmer, well i already rebooted, i didn't pay attention though to whether i had yet another new kernel02:41
abstrakthisto, yeah i want to be using my default laptop headphone jack for output02:41
abstraktfor now02:41
abstraktbut the USB interface for input02:41
abstrakteventually i'll do it all through the USB so i can zero latency monitoring02:42
wershello kubuntero aga a02:42
abstraktbut for now, i don't have a headphone jack adapter :/02:42
abstraktso i have to use my laptop jack02:42
acerimmerabstrakt: reboot/come back/no rt kernel.  i'll be here02:42
abstraktalsamixer doesn't show my USB device02:43
abstraktacerimmer, ok i'll do that hold on02:43
coolstuffso yeah, I don't wanna screw anything up and wipe out my harddrive02:43
wersgwibber on lucid doesn't load my stream. any idea why?02:44
* kubuntero waves at wers 02:44
acerimmercoolstuff: back up everything first...then take babysteps and THINK.  No changes to HDD without the system offering you an out.02:44
histoabstrakt: what is the usb device a mic or something?02:44
abstrakthisto, M-Audio Fast Track02:45
coolstuffyeah I'll def. backup first02:45
coolstuffbut don't I need reefit or something like that?02:45
acerimmercoolstuff:wubi install, ubuntu only or dual??02:45
coolstuffdual boot02:45
acerimmercoolstuff: whoah, you're on a mac??02:46
coolstuffwith bootcamp02:46
abstrakthisto, it's just basically a "musicians" input box02:46
acerimmerOK, you have the ubuntu mactel install page there?02:46
abstraktit has balanced inputs for studio microphones and guitar jacks and stuff02:46
mcsennaHi, I have a wireless adapter whch works fine with windows but I'm not sure how to set it up in Ubuntu which justshows it as a usb storage device Ithik. Anyone got anyideas?02:46
abstrakthisto, the input device is recognized by ardour02:46
abstraktbut i get that wierd latency error02:46
abstrakti'm gonna reboot, brb02:46
acerimmercoolstuff: wait one  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook02:47
amorphoushey! I just installed lucid 10.4 kubuntu, but no mp3 support, no ubuntuone and nothing online relating to anything about either :/ is there no kubuntu-restricted-extras?02:47
spacebisonSo I have a laptop and desktop running 9.10 that were updating when the screens both went blank and now the desktop won't boot up at all and the laptop will only run in terminal mode. Any idea what's going on?02:48
coolstuffah, I dont have a macbook02:48
michael1982HEY ALL02:48
acerimmercoolstuff: machine specs02:48
coolstuffI have an iMac running 10.502:48
michael1982should i upgrade02:48
zetheroois it just me or does EXT4 seem to be slower than ever ... !?02:48
coolstufflets seeee02:48
=== sam_ is now known as Guest69672
michael1982wat games can i play on here02:49
mcsennaAny wireless gurus here?02:49
acerimmercoolstuff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Intel_iMac02:49
coolstuffprocessor is a 1.83 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory is 512 MB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM02:50
ubottumichael1982: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php02:50
coolbtkTrying again in case someone has any ideas... I just did a network upgrade from 9.10 Netbook Remix to 10.04 LTS on my Acer Aspire One D150. The sound settings all look the same as before in both pulseaudio and alsamixer. Sound worked before, now it doesn't.02:50
NecrosporusTry ubuntu without installing... install ubuntu without trying02:50
Necrosporuscoolbtk, try to run alsaconf02:51
Necrosporussudo alsaconf02:51
coolstuffso I'll want to get rEFIt...02:51
NecrosporusIt makes sound work02:51
spacebisonSo I have a laptop and desktop running 9.10 that were updating when the screens both went blank and now the desktop won't boot up at all and the laptop will only run in terminal mode. Any idea what's going on?02:51
acerimmercoolstuff: honestly, i've never installed on a mac.02:52
zetherooI heard that EXT2 was faster than EXT3 and 4 ...02:52
coolbtkNecrosporus: sudo: alsaconf: command not found02:52
coolstuffyeah, I'm reading this guide, maybe I'll get a clearer idea02:52
sebsebsebzetheroo: I don't think so02:52
woodyjlwcan anyone tell me how to make my wow  on my desktop?  it is in my home folder02:52
sebsebsebzetheroo: Even Google have or will soon be going from Ext2 to Ext402:52
frmdstryris the #python room down?02:52
abstraktacerimmer, ok rebooted02:52
=== francesco_ is now known as thisguykills
sebsebsebzetheroo: they also hired the lead Ext4 developer though02:53
acerimmeracerimmer: hey02:53
Necrosporuscoolbtk, apt-get install alsaconf ?02:53
thisguykillshi can someone help me with my built in speakers?02:53
Necrosporus* sudo02:53
abstraktusing Linux mobile-nix 2.6.31-21-generic-pae #59-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 24 08:47:55 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux02:53
zetheroosebsebseb: but Ext4 is so slow ...02:53
frmdstryrthisguykills: whats wrong?02:53
wildbatzetheroo, in my case i feel it is faster ~02:53
greezmunkeyHey! Chack this: http://imagebin.org/9606002:54
zetheroosebsebseb: especially with anything to do with dpkg ...02:54
thisguykillsfrmdstryr the mic isnt working02:54
sebsebsebzetheroo: I don't think Ubuntu has all the features of Ext4 enabled by default,  yes if I remember correctly this is correct02:54
UbuntuJeffNecrosporus, in newer versions of Ubuntu, alsa conf isn't installed with alsa utils anymore just so you know.02:54
zetheroowildbat: faster than what?02:54
sebsebsebzetheroo: some of those features could help speed it up for you02:54
wildbatzetheroo, then ext3 ~ never actually used ext2 thou02:54
NecrosporusUbuntuJeff, alsaconf always makes my sound work02:54
NecrosporusOn slackware02:55
zetheroosebsebseb: how are these features enabled/disabled?02:55
sebsebsebzetheroo: I don't know enough about it to answer that02:55
frmdstryrthisguykills: open sound preferences, click on the input tab, does a device show up?02:55
UbuntuJeffNecrosporus, maybe on slackware yes, but its hard to get it back on Ubuntu, I spent 3 hours the other day trying to find how to get a alsa conf and its not a simple sudo apt-get install anymore02:55
zetheroowildbat: the downside with ext2 is no journaling ... but I turn it off with Ext3 and 4 anyhow ...02:55
sebsebsebzetheroo: however XFS  is also meant to be a pretty fast file system02:55
woodyjlwtrying to make a desktop shortcut of my wow.exe from my world of warcraft folder whitch is in my home folder. can anyone help ?02:55
thisguykillsyeah it shows up02:55
zetheroosebsebseb: true02:56
coolstuffyeah, okay I got a good idea how to install now, thanks acerimmer02:56
thisguykillsoh never mind02:56
thisguykillsit was muted02:56
thisguykillshaha sorry02:56
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
wildbatzetheroo, lol why don't you just use ext2 then ?02:56
frmdstryrwoodyjlw your home folder is /home/your_username/02:56
acerimmercoolstuff: good luck man.  enjoy your box02:56
NecrosporusUbuntuJeff, it is why I use slackware: much easier to figure out, how to do things...02:56
frmdstryrdesktop is /home/your_username/Desktop02:56
coolstuffthanks man. Gonna go now, adios02:56
zetheroosebsebseb: do you know anything about compiling your own kernel to suit your CPU?02:56
UbuntuJeffNecrosporus, some people would disagree, everyone has an opinion, like my myself. I can't stand Slackware lol02:56
mopheadis there a known sound problem with 10.04?02:56
frmdstryrmophead: with microphones?02:57
sebsebsebzetheroo: normally there isn't a reason to compile your own kernel02:57
NecrosporusUbuntuJeff, isn't Slackware more user-friendly then ubuntu?02:57
zetheroowildbat: yeah ... I dunno ... I did have my /boot partitioned in ext2 and that improved things a bit02:57
sebsebsebzetheroo: a proper reason02:57
powertool08ln -s /path/to/exe /path/to/desktop/shortcut (I may have the paths backwards)02:57
bazhangNecrosporus, UbuntuJeff please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic02:57
mopheadfrmdstryr : no, I can't play sound on youtube and such but other sound files (e.g. .avi files) work fi ne02:57
frmdstryr32 or 64 bit02:58
UbuntuJeffmophead, that sounds like a problem with your flash not a Ubuntu 10.04 issue02:58
siimooh crap IBex EOL'd?02:58
coolbtkok... another problem in the way of that. I was installing a package using the Synaptic Package Manager and it hung. Showing the terminal window, the last line is "Starting Pioneers meta-server...done." but it's only 75% done with all processes. CTRL+C doesn't work. any way to stop this other than a reboot?02:58
sebsebsebzetheroo: if you use your own kernel in Ubuntu,  then you can't really get support for problems,  in here, as far as I know02:58
mopheadIt was fine until I updated ubuntu02:58
zetheroosebsebseb: performance? as I understand it the generic kernel is compiled against an Intel Pentium Pro CPU ... not an Intel C2D ... and this would compromise performance02:58
UbuntuJeffmophead, 64 bit or 32?02:58
xclmine is 3202:58
frmdstryrflash support is pretty bad in 64 bit02:58
siimozetheroo: yeah compromise performance by 0.0001% its negligible02:58
UbuntuJefffrmdstryr, I would siagree I am running 64 bit and have no problem at all with flash02:59
zetheroosiimo: you sure its that little?02:59
Copperminemophead: u can always download chrome which has flash packet altogether try if that works?02:59
NecrosporusI booted up Ubuntu latest in my virtual QEMU machine, but can see only black screen02:59
sebsebsebzetheroo: I have a link for you02:59
sebsebsebzetheroo: if you want to know how to do it, compile your own kernel02:59
xclcan you help me?02:59
spacebisonSo I have a laptop and desktop running 9.10 that were updating when the screens both went blank and now the desktop won't boot up at all and the laptop will only run in terminal mode. Any idea what's going on?02:59
mopheadUbuntuJeff : I always forget, but it did have flash problems before02:59
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:59
=== forest is now known as kombucha
frmdstryrwell for me anyways, it will gray out and often stop when loading different pages03:00
zetheroosebsebseb: not to mention all the zillions of drivers etc that are in the kernel which you don't actually need ... I understand that you can bring it down to a quarter of the size ...03:00
abstraktacerimmer, ok forget about audio for a sec03:00
frmdstryr(using grooveshark)03:00
sebsebsebzetheroo: yes  that's right03:00
abstraktacerimmer, how do i get video from my firewire camera, onto my machine03:00
sebsebsebzetheroo: there are drivers in there that you don't need03:00
sebsebsebzetheroo: thing is,  normally it woudn't matter03:00
acerimmeracerimmer: do you have firewire port??03:00
NecrosporusI can see nothing but blackscreen03:00
acerimmerabstrakt: u have firewire port03:00
xclhow can i use bind903:00
zetheroosebsebseb: because the kernel is so small anyhow ... right!?03:00
sebsebsebzetheroo: I have a link03:01
TraceRouteany of you figure out how to fix usplash well i guess its called plymouth now after installing nvidia drivers?03:01
sebsebsebzetheroo: for you03:01
UbuntuJeffspacebison, sounds like the kernel got upgraded on both of them and it caused your video drivers to mess up. If you can get to the terminal, do you know how to cp and that via the terminaL?03:01
mopheadsound works fine in opera. must be a ff problem AGAIN03:01
techzgis there a command to turn off webcam03:01
abstraktacerimmer, yes of course, i've got my camera turned, on, the firewire cable is connected from my camera to the machine03:01
abstrakti have two clips i've recorded on the tape that's in the camera03:01
zetheroosebsebseb: I guess the thing is I have not been happy with my Ubuntu system' performance lately .... it seems to be doing more or less what Windowz would tend to do after a while ... just getting slower and less reliable on the hefty jobs ...03:01
abstraktand i can press record right now if i want03:02
acerimmerabstrakt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firewirehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firewire03:02
frmdstryrmophead, usually for me closing out of ff and reopening will fix sound problems03:02
acerimmerabstrakt: whoops double tap  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firewire03:02
abstraktacerimmer, er, can you repaste that properly pls? :)03:02
mopheadfrmdstryr : I rebooted the machine to no effect03:02
FloodBot2abstrakt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:02
sebsebsebzetheroo: hefty jobs such as?03:02
zetheroosebsebseb: but afaik there is no real maintenance to be done on a Linux box that will improve performance ... or is there!?03:02
zetheroosebsebseb: virtual machines for one03:03
frmdstryrmophead: what version ff do you have03:03
sebsebsebzetheroo: maybe just failing RAM or something, but yes you can compile your own kernel03:03
techzgis there a good utility to capture images out of webcam03:03
sebsebsebzetheroo: http://www.tuxradar.com/content/how-compile-linux-kernel03:03
zetheroosebsebseb: more and more the hard drive will just grind away ...03:03
acerimmertechzg: "cheese"03:03
techzgfrmdstryr: i cannot see webcam preview on cheese? any help please03:03
frmdstryrtechzg: check the Ubuntu Software Center03:03
amageeanyone have any idea how to tell gnome that 1920x1080 is actually the right resolution for my monitors, where it seems to only accept 1680x1050?03:03
sebsebsebzetheroo: failing hard drive maybe then?03:03
mopheadfrmdstryr : 3.6.303:04
zetheroosebsebseb: thanks for the link ...03:04
UbuntuJeffmophead, go here and install the one that says APT for Ubuntu 9.04+...some people have same problem as you do installing that one fixed it for them. http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/03:04
sebsebsebzetheroo: np and yes it does seem to be a good one03:04
zetheroosebsebseb: I doubt it ... it's about 3 months old03:04
techzgacerimmer: I cannot see image preview on cheese, any pointers to solve it?03:04
acerimmertechzg: u have skype??03:04
sebsebsebzetheroo: i'll try that myself some time in a vm03:04
techzgacerimmer: yes03:04
frmdstryrmophead : do videos work, just not sound?03:04
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zetheroosebsebseb: maybe it's because I upgraded to Lucid instead of doing a fresh install ... :P03:05
mopheadthanks UbuntuJeff , but it says choose an application to open file with03:05
acerimmertechzg: start skype and do the webcam check03:05
mopheadfrmdstryr : yes, the video runs fine, but with no sound03:05
sebsebsebzetheroo: maybe, but probably not03:05
sebsebsebzetheroo: if you got  any boot up issues though well there are some issues03:05
UbuntuJeffmophead, yes and it should show in the list apturl03:05
zetheroosebsebseb: is there any way to check the "health" of a hdd?03:05
=== mophead is now known as mophead|afk
UbuntuJeffmophead, click okay and then click yes03:05
jrib!away > mophead|afk03:05
ubottumophead|afk, please see my private message03:05
zetheroosebsebseb: no boot issues ... that I know of .. though it does take it's sweet time now to show the Ubuntu boot screen03:06
sebsebsebzetheroo: oh03:06
UbuntuJeff!away > UbuntuJeff03:06
ubottuUbuntuJeff, please see my private message03:06
sebsebsebzetheroo: do you see black at all, when loading up?03:06
frmdstryrgiggity haha03:07
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zetheroosebsebseb: yes ... with a blinking white thing ...03:07
frmdstryranyone know why the #python room doesnt work?03:07
sebsebsebzetheroo: oh03:07
sebsebsebzetheroo: which card?03:07
techzgacerimmer: I clicked on test on Skype but, nothing happens?03:07
zetheroosebsebseb: Intel03:07
sebsebsebzetheroo: ok there is an Intel issue03:08
UbuntuJefffrmdstryr, if you meed under freenode, it works03:08
UbuntuJefffrmdstryr, *mean03:08
zetheroosebsebseb: I had an issue after upgrading ... but sorted it out03:08
kubunteroAnyone here knows how to manage Software RAID devices?03:08
sebsebsebzetheroo:  there is also an issue if propritary or nivida drivers are installed03:08
sebsebsebzetheroo: I guess generally it's ok03:08
acerimmertechzg: verify Skype Options>Video Devices>Test?03:08
sebsebsebfor boot up03:08
frmdstryrhow do i do that?03:08
Guest924have a new pc, installed new ubuntu, video plays shabby,,,any ideas??03:08
zetheroosebsebseb: for some reason all the Nvidia driver had installed themselves ... so I removed them all and then Desktop effects worked again03:08
nixboxhi all03:08
anthonyhi guys03:08
techzgacerimmer: yes, I did that. I clicked on 'test' and nothing happened03:08
anthonyi need same help03:08
sebsebsebzetheroo: that's odd, espesaily with Intel03:09
abstraktacerimmer, ok so i have the raw1394 kernel module loaded03:09
zetheroosebsebseb: I have a feeling upgrading is just no good ...03:09
acerimmertechzg: Pretty sure your camera isn't recognized by ubuntu.  might need to check the webcam site for a linux driver03:09
abstraktbut Kino reports that either the module isn't loaded or i don't have permissions to access /dev/raw139403:09
sebsebsebzetheroo: upgrading useauly goes fine03:09
zetheroosebsebseb: odd? you mean the Nvidia driver installing themselves?03:09
sebsebsebzetheroo: you can clean install though if you want to of course03:09
sebsebsebzetheroo: yes that's what I meant03:09
=== Guest924 is now known as lanklank
abstraktbut /dev/dv1394 and /dev/raw1394 both definitely exist03:09
acerimmerabstrakt: video / ubuntu studio is SO over my head.  Sorry.03:09
nixboxi am running lucid lynx, and have a laptop with atheros wireless card (using ath5k drivers), for some reason, network manager does not connect automatically to the wireless network I have configured, it only connects when i manually select the network from the list03:09
techzgacerimmer: It did work earlier though but, I don't why it doesn't work now.03:09
zetheroosebsebseb: yeah.. very odd ...03:09
anthonyi need same help. how can i remove the kubuntu desktop im using ubuntu 9.10 i just what to use plane ubuntu. can any one help me!03:10
techzgacerimmer: skype does show that I have a webcam03:10
acerimmertechzg: worked with earlier ubuntu?03:10
zetheroosebsebseb: how do you check the performance or health of a hdd?03:10
techzgacerimmer: yes03:10
sebsebsebzetheroo: I asked a guy else where, he has told me something03:10
techzgacerimmer: is there a command to turn off webcam03:10
kubunterozetheroo: smartmontools03:10
lanklanknew pc: installed ubuntu 10.04 64-bits, video plays shocky,,,any ideas?? i tried mplayer and vlc03:10
kubunterotechzg: plugin it out?03:10
zetherookubuntero: is that a command?03:11
sebsebseb!info palimpset03:11
ubottuPackage palimpset does not exist in lucid03:11
acerimmertechzg: internal or external cam03:11
techzgacerimmer: internal cam03:11
frmdstryri have my account set to chat.freenode.net is that right?03:11
Zburatorulguys, I need some advice on whether to file a bug or not03:11
Zburatorulafter upgrading the kernel, AFS stopped working03:12
anthonyi need same help. how can i remove the kubuntu desktop im using ubuntu 9.10 i just what to use plane ubuntu. can any one help me!03:12
acerimmertechzg: google the cam manufacturer and see if there's an updated linux driver.  sorry can't help more.  My upgrde went embarrassingly smooth.03:12
Zburatorulbecause upgrading the kernel didn't take care of building a new module and installing it03:12
bazhang!puregnome > anthony03:12
ubottuanthony, please see my private message03:12
greezmunkeysebsebseb: System>Admin...>Hard Disk Utility ??03:12
frmdstryranthony, google it, you have to uninstall the kde package and reinstall gnome i think03:12
kubunteroAnyone here knows how to manage Software RAID devices?03:12
zetheroosebsebseb: hey, I have this weird issue where apt-get and synaptic constantly ask me to insert the Lucid CD when i want to install something ...03:12
mophead|afkUbuntuJeff , frmdstryr : YAY! Thanks so much :) APT worked.03:13
sebsebsebzetheroo: well he was saying about some sort of palimpset  program,  that you may already have installed.  He also says about gnome-disk-utilty03:13
frmdstryrzetheroo check your repositories03:13
sebsebsebzetheroo: gnome-disk-utility03:13
sebsebsebzetheroo: ok that's odd03:13
zetheroosebsebseb: ok ... cool ...03:13
bazhangzetheroo, remove the cd from your sources.list03:14
zetheroofrmdstryr: they are all enabled03:14
sebsebsebzetheroo: two odd issues after an upgrade, may as well clean install then I guess03:14
acerimmertechgz:  could also try software center.  Delete cheese/skype then reinstall03:14
zetheroo sebsebseb: ha .. yeah03:14
coolbtkNecrosporus: there is no package alsaconf available...03:14
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zetheroo sebsebseb: I just have SO many apps ... argh03:14
frmdstryranyone know where the slideshow wallpaper script is?03:14
frmdstryri want to make a gui for it03:14
Necrosporuscoolbtk, why ubuntu not slackware or other?03:15
greezmunkeysebsebseb: Hmm, I like this new HDD utility I think.03:15
lanklanki need help plz, when i play videofiles, they play crappy, and sound is bit chopped up03:15
Zburatorulfmdstryr, hold on03:15
frmdstryrlanklank, what are your computer's specs?03:15
coolbtkNecrosporus: because I like the Ubuntu Netbook Remix03:15
kprav33nI am missing the volume control applet in my 10.04 that I upgraded from 9.10.03:15
zetheroogreezmunkey: which one?03:15
Zburatoruli was looking at this yesterday03:15
sebsebsebgreezmunkey: oh I don't know about that,  plus not even on Ubuntu right now :)03:15
acerimmerlanklank: from cdrom youtube or what03:15
kprav33nDoes anyone face this problem?03:15
sebsebsebgreezmunkey: another distro instead03:15
lanklankfrmdstryr, just avi files, i have phenom x603:15
greezmunkeyzetheroo: the new one in Lucid.03:15
coolbtkNecrosporus: although if I can't get the sound to actually play, I'm going to have to go to something else. My computer is my phone.03:16
lanklankfrmdstryr i have ubuntu 10.04 64 bits03:16
frmdstryrhmm... what video player?03:16
ubottumichael1982: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:16
bazhang!software > michael198203:16
ubottumichael1982, please see my private message03:16
lanklankfrmdstryr vlc, mplayer03:16
sebsebsebmichael1982: loads of stuff03:16
sebsebsebmichael1982: right so brand new to Ubuntu?03:16
frmdstryrcorrupt file?03:16
acerimmermichael1982: what do u wnat to do??03:16
coolbtkEverything looks like it is playing sound, including the pulseaudio level meters, just nothing actually comes out of the speakers03:16
NecrosporusIs ubuntu more stable then kubuntu, or it's only conjecture?03:16
abstraktok cool03:16
abstraktgot the video capturing03:17
zetheroogreezmunkey: wow it is nice ... and all the SMART info ... cool03:17
abstraktthat works fine03:17
bazhangNecrosporus, please stay on topic03:17
abstraktnow, for the audio capturing03:17
abstraktalso, any ideas how to stream something live to the computer "while" it's recording?03:17
zetheroogreezmunkey: mine says Powered On: 44.9 days ... does that mean it's 44.9 days old?03:17
Necrosporusbazhang, which topic?03:17
Zburatorulyou need to add an .xml file in /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/03:17
bazhangNecrosporus, ubuntu support.03:17
sebsebsebmichael1982: this is a good start to find out more about what you can do with Ubuntu03:17
abstraktcuz right now the camera only seems to work with kino in "Playback" aka "VCR" mode03:17
Zburatorullook for the examples in there03:17
abstraktacerimmer, ?03:17
sebsebseb!manual | michael198203:17
ubottumichael1982: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:17
michael1982i want to play a ton of games and  play around with stuff03:17
lao5I find empathy always becomes gray and unaccessable in ubuntu10.04. can you tell me why?03:17
kpear78hi how do i install wubi03:18
nixboxi am running lucid lynx, and have a laptop with atheros wireless card (using ath5k drivers), for some reason, network manager does not connect automatically to the wireless network I have configured, it only connects when i manually select the network from the list03:18
michael1982is it worth it upgrading to 10.0403:18
sebsebsebmichael1982: browse Software Centre and/or  Synaptic for games03:18
acerimmerabstrakt: yeah03:18
kpear78every time i restart just automaticlt loads xp03:18
sebsebsebmichael1982: yes and no, depends what you want to do, and what version you are on03:18
abstraktacerimmer, heh, yeah to what now?03:18
frmdstryrreinstall grub03:18
abstraktacerimmer, i have the video capturing, so that's cool03:18
sebsebsebmichael1982: and to some extent your hardware I guess03:18
frmdstryrat kpear7803:18
abstraktnow i need the audio to capture03:18
kpear78ok i will try to reinstall03:19
sebsebsebkpear78: better to use03:19
acerimmerabstrakt: see the wiki.  I pretty much use Studio for text creations.03:19
sebsebsebkpear78: a partitioend install of Wubi really03:19
sebsebseb!dualboot | kpear7803:19
ubottukpear78: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:19
zetheroowhats this? "$echo -e \\033c = Ctrl L, Alt + F9 =???"   bambang PM'ed me with this ... :P03:19
coolbtkI'm going to ask one more time, since Necrosporus obviously wants to help me by convincing me to switch to another distro... I did a network upgrade from 9.10 Netbook Remix to 10.04 LTS this morning on my Acer Aspire One D150. All my sound settings still look the same in PulseAduio and ALSA. I had sound before, I have none now. The PulseAudio level meters show that sound is at least getting that far, and it detects my sound card, bu03:19
abstraktacerimmer, lol wtf?03:19
abstraktacerimmer, text?03:19
frmdstryrcan someone help me getting to the #python room?03:19
sebsebsebkpear78: make sure Wubi is removed, before doing such an install though03:20
abstraktacerimmer, what do you mean by text creations?03:20
acerimmerabstrakt: books, manuals, flyers, folders.03:20
roberto_how do I get the page up/page down keys to work in gedit ?03:20
bazhang!register > frmdstryr03:20
ubottufrmdstryr, please see my private message03:20
roberto_I mean the gnome ternminal03:20
acerimmerabstrakt: i.e. i haven't yet created my film or music materpiece03:20
abstraktroberto_, you switch to gvim instead :P03:20
frmdstryris your keyboard layout correct03:20
cyrus_mcI just updated to 10.04. In my fstab I have an NFS mount. Sometimes the end point is not turned on and with this versino of Ubuntu it stops the boot process and asks me to skip or wait, anyway to get around that?03:20
abstraktacerimmer, uhhh, ok do you run ubuntu studio?03:20
roberto_abstrakt: lol03:20
bambangin shell, Ctrl + L is  "$echo -e \\033c", Alt + F9 =???03:21
roberto_how do I get the page up/page down keys to work in the gnome terminal ?03:21
acerimmerabstrakt: studio had the tools that plain ubuntu did not.03:21
abstraktroberto_, when you say "work"03:21
Necrosporuscoolbtk, not really, I just offer you one of possible solution... But if you like ubuntu, it's better to stay on it, because on other distro you will get other problems03:21
abstraktroberto_, what do you want them to do?03:21
abstraktacerimmer, do you run studio?03:21
acerimmerabstrakt: everyday03:22
abstraktacerimmer, and what tools were those?03:22
roberto_abstrakt: oo, I mean I guess they do work .. right now they play a drum sound.  but I'd like to scroll up the lines in the buffer instead :)03:22
Necrosporuscoolbtk, try to disable pulse audio daemon03:22
acerimmerabstrakt: sribus for one03:22
Necrosporus/etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop or somehing03:22
abstraktacerimmer, you mean scribus?03:22
abstraktacerimmer, i don't think i have the real time kernel installed03:23
acerimmerabstrakt: yes.03:23
abstraktacerimmer, how can i find out if i have the realtime kernel installed...03:23
acerimmerabstrakt: new kernel will show up in the grub menu at boot03:23
roberto_abstrakt: uname -a I would guess shows rt if it is the rt kernel ?03:23
acerimmerabstrakt: linux - kernel - yada yada "rt"03:23
abstraktacerimmer, yeah i don't have that at boot03:24
abstraktacerimmer, i made a note when you asked me to reboot03:24
abstraktacerimmer, and uname -a doesn't report an "rt" kernel either03:24
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
abstraktacerimmer, synaptic finds an rt-kernel image03:24
acerimmerabstrakt: what method did you use to install stuio03:24
zetheroohow can I tell if the version of Virtual Box I have installed is the 64bit version or not?03:24
abstraktacerimmer, but it's not installed03:24
ouyeshi all when i try to make a makefile there are errors but i have all the requirements,glibc 2.4 pthreads,libxml2(i use sudo apt-get install glibc, but it can not find it ) what is wrong?03:24
acerimmerabstrakt: what method did you use to install studio?03:24
abstraktacerimmer, i just installed the ubuntustudio-desktop package from synaptic03:25
acerimmerabstrakt: wiait 103:25
Klickis there a program in ubuntu to compile several flash video files into one?03:25
crypt-0avidemux should do it Klick03:26
coolbtkwow. I feel like an idiot now. Apparently all I had to do was switch the output to the speakers... I didn't have the option to switch between the speakers and the jack before, now i do.03:26
abstraktacerimmer, k03:26
acerimmerabstrakt: any new applications??03:26
onetinsoldierouyes: show me an exact error message03:26
abstraktacerimmer, what do you mean03:26
Klickis there a program in ubuntu to compile several flash video files into one?03:26
abstraktacerimmer, what do you mean by new applications03:27
frmdstryrkino, its a dv eitor03:27
PHLAKanony know why clickin in a window doesn't bring it to the front? ( I have to click on the title bar to get it to jump to the front)03:27
acerimmerabstrakt: Applications>Sound & Video>Audio Production or Video Production03:27
mannyvi just install lucid server with a raid1 and it wont boot I  am getting no init found and a busybox prompt. anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?03:27
trystani have a question about upgrading from 9.04 (to 9.10) to 10.04.03:27
abstraktacerimmer, um, yeah what of it03:27
abstrakti have audacity and ardour03:27
coolbtkstill have nothing on my internal mic though, and no similar "connector" setting for that03:27
abstraktbut neither will record anything03:27
abstraktwhen i click record in either, i get basically nothing03:28
bazhangtrystan, need to take all steps, no skipping version03:28
* abstrakt wonders if he needs to run those as root as well03:28
onetinsoldierouyes: i'd guess that you don't have the header files installed, the -dev packages for the libs03:28
abstrakti had to run kino as root to get it to work03:28
acerimmerabstrakt: just checking.  It's possible that synaptic missed some packages.  Wait one for cli03:28
Klickis there a program in ubuntu to compile several flash video files into one?03:28
bambangCtrl + L = "$echo -e \\033c", do u know Alt + F9 = ??????03:28
trystanbazhang, i know that part... but i like shortcuts.  my question is will i have to reinstall things like my firewall program... or will my settings (like the icons on my top toolbar) change?03:29
abstraktthat was it03:29
abstrakthave to run that shit as root03:29
FloodBot2abstrakt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:29
CaptainTrek!language | abstrakt03:29
abhijainbambang: USE HTML503:29
bazhangtrystan, which firewall program?03:29
ubottuabstrakt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:29
* abstrakt hugs his enter key03:29
abstrakti'm gonna get banned by floodbot lol03:29
trystanbazhang, Firestarter03:29
PHLAKwhy wont windows jump to the front when I click in it? I have to click the title bar for it to jump.03:29
acerimmerabstrakt: terminal command to get complete ubuntu studio  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JjXP1CYj03:30
abstraktacerimmer, i still don't have the realtime kernel installed though03:30
elkythe word run and words for poop are things that really should not share sentences kthxbai03:30
bazhangtrystan, they will be upgraded across the various releases03:30
abstraktit's an older kernel from what i can see03:30
abstraktas opposed to .2103:30
acerimmerabstrakt: check the pastebin03:30
trystanvery cool, bazhang.  it won't mess up my data or anything either, will it?03:30
trystani mean, i know i should have back ups03:30
kprav33nI figured out why my volume control icon disappeared after upgrade. It is now merged with the indicator applet.03:30
bazhangtrystan, keep backups of course :)03:30
MarquisDeMizzleafter upgrading to 10.04 my /etc/hosts file is getting replaced by NetworkManager on every reboot.  anyone seen something similar?03:31
trystanbazhang - of course.  but i shouldn't need them... should i?03:31
acerimmerabstrakt: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install ubuntustudio-desktop ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins ubuntustudio-graphics ubuntustudio-video linux-rt03:31
bazhangtrystan, no issues here doing same, but better to play it safe; you said you had a separate home partition, correct?03:31
YuviPandamy lucid upgrade went awry, so I'm redoing it by using  a LiveCD and chrooting03:32
trystanbazhang, actually i didn't - but i do have a second hard drive in my computer i can use03:32
abstraktacerimmer, i think i'll just stick with linux-rt for now03:32
abstraktthx tho03:32
YuviPandabut it's been stuck at "Regenerating hal fdi cache" for the past 10 mins or so03:32
bambangCtrl + L = "$echo -e \\033c", do u know Alt + F9 = ??????03:33
acerimmerabstrakt: don't forget to do the post-install steps at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu03:33
zetherooyou guys seeing this stuff? : New Ubuntu eats more power than Windows 703:33
bazhangzetheroo, dont paste here03:33
zetheroobazhang: why?03:34
bazhangzetheroo, this is not chit chat. its support ONLY03:34
Izinucsfor some reason pastbinit is not working for me.. when I try to pastbinit a file it only returns "http://pastebin.com" .. any idea what's happening?03:34
PHLAKwhy wont my windows jump to the front when they get focus? I have to click the title bar for it to jump.03:34
bazhangIzinucs, its pastebinit03:34
abstraktk installing realtime kernel now03:35
abstrakthopefully it still works :)03:35
zetheroobazhang: I was going to ask about it ...03:35
PHLAKwhy wont windows jump to the front when I click in it? I have to click the title bar for it to jump.03:35
bazhangzetheroo, then do so in the -offtopic channel03:35
Izinucsbazhang: yea.. I spelled it correctly when I tried it....03:35
trystanbazhang, one more question - will my little setting change? like my top and bottom menu bars are almost transparent.  will that change when i upgrade?03:35
LuisVhello, good evening, is possible to change the startup sound theme with another sound archive?..like an mp303:35
zetheroobazhang: ask for support in the offtopic channel? You know they don't dig that!03:36
bazhangtrystan, mine did not, if you have some custom third party themes they may not work03:36
zetheroobazhang: but if you say so ...03:36
YuviPandagreat, now when I run 'top' from my livecd, I get a Input/Output error03:36
=== mary_ is now known as mdg2
trystanbazhang, i don't, so it shouldn't change.  did you see my comment above somewhere where i mentioned i have a second hard drive i can use for backup?03:37
bazhangtrystan, then should be okay. my themes, fiddling etc remained constant03:37
mdg2Hello!  I have a Dell Inspiron 8000 - just now it won't boot and the caps lock, num lock and scroll lock keys all blink in unison a number of times before it shuts off.  Any idea what this is?03:37
hellphyregreezmunkey: !!!!03:37
zetherooso how do I check my power consumption?03:38
trystanawesome, thanks, bazhang!03:38
* trystan *poof*03:38
JonathancwtnQuestion, I have Alsa installed, newest version - but Im getting no audio.  Anyone an expert in this realm?03:38
bambangcan u solve my problem: Ctrl + L = "$echo -e \\033c", do u know Alt + F9 = ??????03:39
=== JaredWigmore is now known as JaredW
mdg2Hello!  I have a Dell Inspiron 8000 - just now it won't boot and the caps lock, num lock and scroll lock keys all blink in unison a number of times before it shuts off.  Any idea what this is?03:39
uLinuxLucid is buggy03:39
acerimmerzetheroo: System Monitor03:40
hellphyreLucid is awesome... and buggy...03:40
bazhanguLinux, please file some bug reports then03:40
zetheroouLinux: heh .. isn't that true of all OS's?03:40
Hyp3rHow do I play a sound using command line03:40
LuisVis possible to change the startup sound theme with another sound archive?..like a mp303:40
uLinuxim comparing with Karmic03:40
Hyp3ror more accurate Terminal03:40
mdg2Hyp3r: yes - what format?03:41
myrlhow can i install windows without destroying grub?03:41
zetheroouLinux: what are you experiencing?03:41
lao5empathy is not very smooth in ubuntu 10.0403:41
Hyp3rmdg2 doesnt matter03:41
uLinuxmonitor issues after boot03:41
mgolischmyrl: you cant03:41
myrlhow can i install windows without destroying grub?03:41
uLinuxthe image03:41
hellphyregreezmunkey: is you alive?03:41
mgolischmyrl: because windows allways overwrites the mbr?03:41
zetherooYAY ... I found out the problem with my Virtual Box and the HDD grinding!!! - I was using the 32bit version in 64bit Ubuntu ... heh ...03:41
YuviPandait's getting stuck at hal installation again :(03:42
mgolischmyrl: but you can just restore grub from a livecd after installing windows03:42
YuviPandais the fact that I'm upgrading from a chroot responsible?03:42
JeoTheLeoI want to upgrade to Lucid using my already downloaded desktop iso03:42
dbum_LuisV: you can change the sound but I'm pretty sure it has to be OGG.  I just used audacity to convert my mp3 to OGG03:42
mdg2Hyp3r: I like moc (Music on console)03:42
acerimmermyrl: can't.  windows WILL write a mbr record.  You'll have to reinstall grub03:42
myrlmgolisch cant you make it not to write mbr?03:42
rwwJeoTheLeo: You can't. Only the alternate CD supports upgrades, not the desktop CD.03:42
mgolischmyrl: no03:42
myrlmgolisch oh ok03:43
bazhangJeoTheLeo, need the alternate for that03:43
myrlmgolisch thanks for the help03:43
wsaokay, so in 10.04, the 'interface' preference menu thing is gone -- what do I need to change in gconf-editor to have menus and buttons be just text and no icons?03:43
JeoTheLeothanks mgolisch and bazhang03:43
undecimmyrl: I suppose that some old BIOSes can block writing to the MBR, but it might make Windows installation fail03:43
VinceNGood Evening all, Wondering if anyone had any idea's on how we can Sync Tomboy notes with an iPOD Touch notes program.03:43
acerimmerwsa: ubuntu tweak application can do that03:43
myrlmgolisch ok03:43
boletowubuntu 10.04 crashes frequently after upgrade, does anyone has the same issue03:43
[BT]BrendanAll of a sudden I can only see 1 folder on my ntfs partition in nautilus and command line with ls ad I have no idea why that have disappeared.03:44
ubottuboletow: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:44
dranyamguys I dual booted windows 7 and 10.04 and all seemed fine until i went back to boot windows and it gives me the schtick about wanting to run chkdisk but it cant any idea what caused this or how to fix it ?03:44
CaptainTrekdranyam: the partition size changed, so thats why03:44
CaptainTrekjust run it03:44
CaptainTrekor dont run it03:44
undecimdranyam: Windows wants to chdisk after changes to the partition03:44
dranyamand now it gives me that error every time.... I mean it eventually boots windows but jeeez that error is annoying03:44
acerimmerdranyam: try booting windows dvd and then repair..Run check disk from the windows terminal03:45
boletowubottu: ubuntu 10.04 crashes frequently after upgrade03:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:45
mdg2Hello!  I have a Dell Inspiron 8000 - just now it won't boot and the caps lock, num lock and scroll lock keys all blink in unison a number of times before it shuts off.  Any idea what this is?03:45
dranyamthank you guys03:45
dranyamand gals03:45
dranyamfor that matter03:45
myrlubottu tell myrl about grub03:45
ubottumyrl, please see my private message03:45
LuisV<dbum_> ok thans budy [_]P03:46
bazhangmyrl, grub203:46
myrloh lol03:46
dbum_LuisV no prob03:46
myrlubottu tell myrl about grub203:46
zetheroohow do you monitor your system' power usage?03:46
ubottumyrl, please see my private message03:46
ubottumyrl: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:46
MarquisDeMizzleso. he explained his issue and asked if anyone has experience in the same.  and that somehow leads to obfuscation of what's being sought?03:46
=== matthew is now known as Guest97598
Guest97598im totally stuck, how do i connect via IRC to an ip address03:46
Mutesoundswhat is the name of the program that runs a terminal at the top and youp press f12 to pop it down03:47
rwwMutesounds: tilda or guake03:47
Mutesoundsguake maybe03:47
bazhangMutesounds, yakuake? something like that or tilda?03:47
Mutesoundsits like yakuake03:47
myrlubottu tell myrl about cake03:47
bazhangmyrl, /msg ubottu please03:48
Mutesoundsit was guake, thank you03:48
UbuntuJeff!cake > myrl03:48
HighOnAmbienvery much03:48
rwwwsa: /desktop/gnome/interface/03:49
acerimmer:( cake is a lie03:49
myrlubottu is asleep now03:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:49
bazhanglets get back on topic please03:49
myrlhas anyone seen the idea about online demos on ubuntu brainstorm?03:50
=== Guest97598 is now known as Mabuntu
[BT]BrendanI all of a sudden cannot see all except 1 folder on my windows shared ntfs partition and i have no idea why; i did however manage to see the files once when I did "file > open" in a program but I cannot make it work again. any ideas?03:52
PHLAKanyone know why in ubuntu when I click a window that doesn't have focus it gains focus but doesn't move infront of other windws?03:52
UbuntuJeff[BT]Brendan, did you try unmount and then remount it?03:53
myrlanyone know why I cant adjust the volume when im in fullscreen?03:53
UbuntuJeffmyrl, if its a game or something it might be taking control of your volume keys03:54
myrlubuntujeff it is a game but how can i avoid that?03:55
UbuntuJeffmyrl, what game?03:55
[BT]BrendanAh yes, I see. Apparrently there is some other program creating a folder that is in the place of the mount location "/media/Storage/" so when i mount it, it appears as /media/Storage_/03:55
myrlubuntujeff bzflag XD03:55
[BT]BrendanIt's done this alot i just remembered, duh. but I don't know why or whats doing it03:55
UbuntuJeffmyrl, never played it lol. going to download install right now and see if my volume button still works or not lol03:56
myrlubuntujeff wow thanks a lot03:56
myrlubuntujeff :D03:56
myrlubuntujeff its in the software center03:56
[BT]Brendansometimes its my webbrowser creating /media/Storage/Brendan/downloads/ but mostly its some strange unknown thing03:56
abhifxhi there. plymouth is running even after my system loads up. its eating my resources... any suggestions?03:57
UbuntuJeffmyrl, found it installing now :)03:57
myrlubuntujeff yay ;)03:57
ChromiumChrisCan I make x86 files (a game) run under x64? or does it automatically work?03:57
Radio-bit should work automatically03:58
ChromiumChristhank you!03:58
ChromiumChrisIf it doesnt ill message back03:58
Radio-byou might have problems with older libs03:59
Radio-bbut more than likely you won't03:59
abstrakthmm, well i got my system to record in audacity03:59
abstraktbut not in ardour203:59
ChromiumChrisI'm getting the "i386" error thing04:00
abstraktwhen i add a track, and then select the record button on that track, i can see the levels meter bounce as I speak into the mic04:00
abstraktbut when i click record, the record button just blinks at me and the cursor stays put, when i click play the cursor moves04:00
abstraktbut not when i click record04:00
ChromiumChristhere is a bin version of the file too, however04:01
abhifxplease someone help me.. plymouth is eating  60% + 40% cpu...plz04:01
amabowhere are the files that chrome uses located (on ubuntu)?04:02
_pg_hello everyone, I installed lxde from synaptic on ubuntu Lucid and it is not quite the same as the live cd version, how do I remedy this? Also, the desktop applet refuses to show more than one "pane" (I have 4) and I can't get the clock applet to show normal (not military) time. Any suggestions for any of this?04:02
ezrafreeokay, sorry, had to run to eat, but i'm back :)04:03
abstrakti figured it out :)04:03
abstraktapparently you have to hit play and THEN hit record :)04:03
ChromiumChrisHow do I open a bin file?04:03
FloodBot2abstrakt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:03
_jucaChromiumChris: make it an executable with "chmod" and then execute it.04:05
crdlb_pg_: installing lubuntu-desktop might help04:05
ChromiumChris!info chmod04:05
ubottuPackage chmod does not exist in lucid04:05
abhifxis this a normal behavior of plymouth?04:05
UbuntuJeffchmod does exist in lucid04:06
crdlbChromiumChris: chmod is already installed04:06
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:06
myrl!info cupsd04:06
ubottuPackage cupsd does not exist in lucid04:06
_pg_crdlb, is there a way to do that withut installing abiword and 4 billion other programs I dont want?04:06
myrl!info cups04:06
ubottucups (source: cups): Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1 (lucid), package size 1882 kB, installed size 8204 kB04:06
yabootrying to install samba and get package samba is not available04:06
_jucaChromiumChris: chmod a+x will give everyone permission for execute the file. then you can just sudo ./file.bin04:06
yaboohow can i resolve this please04:06
UbuntuJeffmyrl, your right the volume doesn't work, I think it just that the game captures all keyboard inputs thats why04:06
ChromiumChris_juca, how do I use chmod?04:06
UbuntuJeffChromiumChris, guessing your trying to make it an executable, so chmod +x nameoffile04:07
crdlb_pg_: I have no idea; perhaps they have a channel?04:07
myrloh ok04:07
myrlubuntujeff thanks anyway!!!04:07
ChromiumChrisUbuntujeff: Via terminal?04:07
_juca ChromiumChris: chmod a+x will give everyone permission for execute the file. then you can just sudo ./file.bin04:07
UbuntuJeffmyrl, no problem04:07
myrlubuntujeff :D bye04:07
UbuntuJeffChromiumChris, yes04:07
_pg_crdlb, they do, but its deader than (insert cliche here)04:07
UbuntuJeffmyrl, bye04:07
zipperhiya can any1 tell me how to kill a process on lucid?04:07
greezmunkeyDoes the server alternate also allow for off-line upgrades?04:08
UbuntuJeffzipper, bring up system monitor04:08
_pg_zipper, there is a force quit applet. you can quit it from system monitor, and im sure there is a cli way that i dont know04:08
neuro_is the ia32-*-java-bin package still available for lucid? and if so I don't know where I could find it :)04:08
Corrinezipper: killall processname?04:08
_pg_Corrine, ftw!04:08
neuro_I need the 32bit version of that java to do the following http://mad-scientist.net/juniper.html04:08
_jucazipper, use the ps utility with grep option to filter the process you want to know the pid and kill it04:09
_pg_does grep sound like an std to anyone else?04:09
UbuntuJeffneuro_, why can't you just use the 64bit version?04:09
neuro_UbuntuJeff: silly proprietary juniper network connect client04:09
zipperthanks Corrine thanks UbuntuJeff04:09
neuro_UbuntuJeff: won't work with anything cept 32bit java version and is 32 binaries packaged in there, they ONLY support old versions of redhat, heh04:10
UbuntuJeffneuro_, how do you use this program? I have no idea what it is lol04:10
neuro_UbuntuJeff: http://mad-scientist.net/juniper.html04:10
neuro_UbuntuJeff: basically it's a VPN client for juniper SSL concentrator04:11
UbuntuJeffneuro_, ahh okay04:11
neuro_UbuntuJeff: yeah uber important so I can get to work network to actually do work, I picked ubuntu cause it was the easiest to get that setup in, but it seems lucid doesn't have the 32bit java package anymore like karmic did04:11
UbuntuJeffneuro_, investigating one sec lol04:12
XavionI'm testing for cross-distribution compatibility; can someone please confirm that "/proc/net/route", "/sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/rx_bytes" and "/sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/tx_bytes" exist on your Ubuntu system?  You might wanna replace the 'eth0' with your default networking interface.04:12
zusis this a compiz thing? gnome-shell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgKe9OZjz0Q&feature=related04:13
neuro_UbuntuJeff: thanks, same on this end :)04:13
crdlbzus: no, gnome-shell is not compatible with compiz04:14
neuro_UbuntuJeff: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=ia32&searchon=names&subword=1&version=breezy&release=all04:14
tkingI'm wondering if my CPU is well enough to run Ubuntu 10.04. Everything is ok besides the clockrate(600mhz). It is a Celeron M w/ 512kb L2 cache and 1GB DDR2 400mhz, and has a GMA900... but I'm wondering if it will perform well at a low clockrate? How is the CPU usage?04:14
UbuntuJeffneuro_, yeah but thats breezy lol04:14
=== Nitey is now known as NiteSnow
UbuntuJeffneuro_, heres one for lucid https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/amd64/ia32-sun-java6-bin/6-15-104:14
zuscrdlb,  what is it? i was just browsing youtube and seen it, thought id pop in and ask. its its own effects? (like kwin on kubuntu)04:15
tommynz1975hi people04:15
crdlbzus: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell04:15
zuscrdlb,  thanks04:16
Gnea!info memstat04:16
ubottumemstat (source: memstat): Identify what's using up virtual memory. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8 (lucid), package size 11 kB, installed size 76 kB04:16
danielbwI installed 10.04 and twice in 48 hours my nic went down and my system froze04:17
danielbwi was using 8.10 before but I opted for a clean install on a new partition04:17
danielbwlspc reveals this about my nic: 04:06.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82541GI Gigabit Ethernet Controller04:18
danielbwcan anyone point me in the right direction on fixing this?04:19
greezmunkeyXavion: They exist here04:19
Xaviongreezmunkey: Thanks for checking on that.04:20
greezmunkeyXavion: np04:20
danielif I upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 will I lose any of my customizations or installed apps?04:20
radar3dNeed an easy way to share files online!!! try dropbox:  https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTY4MTg1ODU504:21
danielbw I installed 10.04 and twice in 48 hours my nic went down and my system froze. I was using 8.10 before but I opted for a clean install on a new partition. lspci reveals this about my nic: 04:06.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82541GI Gigabit Ethernet04:22
danielbwCan I use an alternative driver to e1000?04:22
neuro_what package is tun module a part of?04:22
neuro_"/sbin/modprobe tun" doesn't work04:23
hellphyregreezmunkey: !!!!04:23
neuro_oh wow it's built in04:23
greezmunkeydaniel: I can't speak for everyone, but I had Openfire, and LAMP installed here with other apps. They all run just fine.04:23
greezmunkeyhellphyre: booya!04:23
hellphyregreezmunkey: so i changed my IRPstacksize in windows and viola, my network is fine and the memory error disappeared.04:24
hellphyregreezmunkey: :s04:24
greezmunkeyhellphyre: IRPstacksize - what's that?04:24
greezmunkeyhellphyre: Ah n windows, I get it04:24
hellphyregreezmunkey: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/comp.os.linux.networking/2006-10/msg00629.html04:24
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
hellphyregreezmunkey: this is the error we were getting04:25
yaboowhen i install samba it is missing /etc/init.d/samba, how can i install this file04:25
hellphyrei still cannot browse with the windows share folder. but if i choose connect to option and specify folders i get in perfectly04:25
hellphyregreezmunkey: smbtree lists a ton of stuuf now04:26
greezmunkeyhellphyre: That's about how you should expect it to work, but that can be "tweaked"04:26
greezmunkeyhellphyre: finally huh!04:26
taofdis there a way to return my sytem to a base install? for example only packages in ubuntu-desktop?04:26
neuro_wow I get an email now and have to give out my information to get a copy of Java, I hate Oracle04:26
jef91I have all my samba packages installed (I believe) but I cannot mount any network shares from a windows machine on 10.04 - any suggestions04:26
jsecDoes anyone know the procedure for altering the background on the lock screen dialog?04:26
greezmunkeyyaboo: did you install with apt-get?04:26
yaboogreezmunkey: yes04:27
hellphyregreezmunkey: i wanted to stop in again quick and say thanks. you put some hours in this for no other reason than to be helpful. I appreciate it04:27
danielbw I installed 10.04 and twice in 48 hours my nic went down and my system froze. I was using 8.10 before but I opted for a clean install on a new partition. lspci reveals this about my nic: 04:06.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82541GI Gigabit Ethernet. Does anyone here know where I can get more diagnostic info for this?04:27
* greezmunkey blushes04:27
hellphyregreezmunkey: =o04:28
greezmunkeyhellphyre: you can return the favor by helping jef9104:28
thomazian1234456my wireless usb adapter shows up with 'lsusb' but is not shown in 'iwconfig' what should i check04:28
greezmunkeyyaboo: I'm checking mine, brb04:29
yaboothanks greezmunkey04:29
hellphyregreezmunkey: hah04:29
hellphyrejef91: i just fixed this mess04:29
hellphyregreezmunkey: that is wieeeerd04:30
greezmunkeyyaboo: that was probably converted to an upstart, I don't have one either, looking...04:30
greezmunkeyyaboo: ubuntu version pls04:30
taofdis there a way to return my sytem to a base install? for example only packages in ubuntu-desktop?04:30
greezmunkeyhellphyre:  what?04:30
greezmunkeyyaboo:  ok04:30
hellphyrejef91: what windows version are you connecting to?04:31
lifestreamQUESTION: How do I stop VLC resizing the window depending on the video size? I asked at #videolan all day and no one anwered04:31
yaboogreezmunkey: following the ubunutu doco in server04:31
hellphyregreezmunkey: wierd that he instantly has the same issue i did while i was saying thanks to you04:31
danielthat's the main reason i'm afraid to upgrade to 10.04. i spent hours getting the syntax right in my fstab so that it mounts my windows share on boot. i don't wanna have to do it again04:31
jef91hellphyre Windows 704:31
CkhiKuzadI would like to install 10.04 on my winblows drive on my PC. is this possible using Unetbootin?04:31
greezmunkeyhellphyre: thanks for taking that on bra!04:31
hellphyrejef91: ultimate?04:31
hellphyrejef91: or home04:31
jef91hellphyre Professional04:32
primetimeI have a frozen computer.  I was trying to open a pdf and now I have a black screen, cursor at top right (not flashing) and stuck mouse.  Help04:32
ChogyDantaofd: I use gtkorphan04:32
hellphyrejef91: run smbtree and see what it returns04:32
histoprimetime: hit ctrl+alt+f104:32
primetimetried ctrl+alt+f1...nothing04:32
histoprimetime: see if you can atleast get a terminal login04:32
dbumCkhiKuzad: unetbootin is for turning a flash drive into a "bootable CD".... you can boot off usb then install from in there04:32
greezmunkeyyaboo: are you sure you need /etc/init.d/samba, or is it really /etc/init.d/smbd04:33
jef91hellphyre it shows the Win7 system04:33
histoprimetime: ctrl+alt+f1-f6 should be text terminals f7 is X04:33
yaboogreezmunkey: how do i restart samba then?04:33
histoprimetime: do you have ssh installed on the machine?04:33
bodomhow can I change mtime of a file?04:33
hellphyrejef91: ok this may be a quick solution hopefully jeff04:33
primetimehisto:  no04:33
histoyaboo: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart04:33
histoprimetime: hrm.. power cycle it is04:33
CkhiKuzadDbum, is there a way to make GRUB boot from USB? i dont have that support in the BIOS04:33
greezmunkeyyaboo: sudo service smbd stop (start, restart)04:33
hellphyrejef91: on win7 open regedit04:33
jef91I am open to suggestions hellphyre - quicker the better04:33
abhijain1sound icon is removed from my pannel how can i add it once again04:33
yaboothere is no samba file in /etc/init.d04:33
bodomCkhiKuzad: afaik, no04:34
greezmunkeyyaboo: sudo service smbd stop (start, restart)04:34
jef91hellphyre And then?04:34
dbumCkhiKuzad: there might be.... you can burn iso to a disc.... or use wubi to install from within windows04:34
hellphyrejef91: browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer04:34
histoyaboo: is samba installed?04:34
primetimeIs a power cycle harmful to computer?  I've done it before and the comp became so unresponsive (firefox would freeze on every website and I couldn't open any pdf) I have to reinstall04:34
hellphyrejef91: if it exists04:34
yaboohisto: i did apt-get install samba04:34
jef91and do what there hellphyre?04:34
dbumCkhiKuzad: probably a lot nicer than trying to get grub to do that(if possible)04:34
CkhiKuzaddbum, the reason i referred to windows as "winblows" is because i dont want windows anymore. i cant burn the ISO to a disk, i dont have a burner.04:35
hellphyrejef91: if it exists, what the value in decimal?04:35
histoprimetime: could be if data isn't saved etc... but what else can you do at this point? try hittign ctrl+alt+del and see if it will initiate a reboot on its on.04:35
histoyaboo: well then /etc/init.d/samba should be there its a script to start stop and restart samba so the command would be. sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart04:35
danielbw I installed 10.04 and twice in 48 hours my nic went down and my system froze. I was using 8.10 before but I opted for a clean install on a new partition. lspci reveals this about my nic: 04:06.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82541GI Gigabit Ethernet. Does anyone here know where I can get more diagnostic info for this?04:35
primetimenothing...I've even tried alt+sysreq+k and nothing happens04:35
greezmunkeyhisto: what ver are you running?04:36
qubHello all! my mplayer issued some errors on the terminal when he was playing CDs like this:04:36
yaboohisto this is my point there is no /etc/init.d/samba file04:36
CaptainTrekqub: pastebin dont write line by line here04:36
qub[AO_ALSA] Write error: Broken pipe)  0.1% [AO_ALSA] Trying to reset soundcard04:36
histoyaboo: what version are you running?04:36
dbumCkhiKuzad: I would go the wubi way then.... I think you will have to keep your winblows partition for the time being.  do you have a free partition?04:36
primetimeAny idea why 10.04 becomes unresponsive after a couple of days necessitating a reinstall?04:36
hellphyrejef91: you find it?04:36
yaboohisto 9.04 upgraded to 10.0404:36
histoyaboo: so 10.04 thats why04:36
jef91hellphyre friend is on the system can't access it atm04:37
CkhiKuzadi cant boot up windows, thats one of the key reasons i want to wipe it out.04:37
yaboohisto: why?04:37
histoyaboo: let me remember how they changed this hold up04:37
CkhiKuzadand after i format, dbum, i will.04:37
jef91When I try to manually mount the share from CLI it tells me cannot find the given hostname/IP04:37
qubCaptainTrek: oh, thanks for the inform!04:37
histoyaboo: sudo restart smbd04:37
hellphyrejef91: ok, can you see your share from windows?04:37
greezmunkeyyaboo: sudo service smbd stop (start, restart)04:37
greezmunkeyyaboo: sudo service smbd stop (start, restart)04:37
histoyaboo: they changed thesome of the init scripts in 10.0404:37
histoyaboo: basically changed the way the system works04:37
histoyaboo:  but sudo restart smbd      should be sufficient for restarting samba04:38
hellphyrejef91: and you can access the share?04:38
ezrafree /204:38
histoyaboo: the move the upstart04:38
hellphyrejef91: ok do this because my windows share doesnt work the way you would think04:38
yaboook that works, now why does my shares not show04:38
hellphyrejef91: goto places, connect to server04:38
histoyaboo: are they showing on the local machine? and how did you add the shares?04:39
hellphyrejef91: service type change to win share04:39
dbumCkhiKuzad: they won't let you format if your running windows during the installation.....I've never used wubi to install linx before though....I think your best bet would be to find someone with a burner and make an install disc..... probably save you some sanity04:39
yaboohisto how can i check on my ubuntu box?04:39
hellphyrejef91: server is the win7 machine name04:39
* edwardthefma is trying to install a full copy of ubuntu note book on to a pen drive04:39
hellphyrejef91: folder is the name of the shared folder you want to open04:39
CkhiKuzadi'm pre-insane already, dbum. i think i will google the GRUB modification thing.04:39
jef91hellphyre any idea where I go to for that in KDE?04:40
BookmanWhat is a good terminal based email client that can do imap?04:40
histoyaboo: places > network04:40
hellphyrejef91: no idea on that04:40
hellphyrejef91: =(04:40
yaboohisto do not use a gui04:40
histoyaboo: ahh smbtree04:40
qubI built it myself so I assume I missed some libs ...04:40
dbumCkhiKuzad: good luck and let the penguin be with you!04:40
bizkithey was tehre a recent update to networking packages?04:40
primetimeAny ideas why 10.04 starts freezing after ~2 days of use?04:40
yaboohisto thanks shares not showing04:41
hellphyrejef91: does you windows machine have a password set?04:41
CkhiKuzadmay the penguin be with you too dbum, and the penguin has guided me! --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB]04:41
histoyaboo: how did you creaet the share?04:41
bizkitbecause after intalling the latest updates to day my usb wifi has stopped working04:41
jef91hellphyre yep04:41
CaptainTrekprimetime: no reason it should do that.  perhaps your system is using up resources or something got borked?04:41
yaboohisto as the ubuntu server doc stated04:41
histoyaboo: can you pastebin your smb.conf04:41
histo!paste | yaboo04:41
ubottuyaboo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:41
hellphyrejef91: you will need some kde help here im afraid04:41
yaboohisto will do04:41
primetimeI only install vlc and docky/cairo (both end the same as far as freezing).  I've reinstalled Ubuntu 5 times now..same result every time after ~2 days04:42
histoprimetime: what is the problem? random lockups?04:42
qubWell, I found that even some icon themes can mess the system ...04:42
hellphyrejef91: i have some links you can try04:42
hellphyrejef91: if you want04:42
primetimeHisto: random lockups and unresponsive (firefox and nautilus constantly freezing)04:43
jef91sure hellphyre04:43
histoprimetime: did 9.10 or previous versions have lockups?04:43
qubfor example, haiku icon theme prevent me from login04:43
primetimeNew Ubuntu user...nothing to really compare to04:43
histoprimetime: ahh how old is your computer?04:44
jef91IMHO network shares are one of the biggest issues still with Linux/Ubuntu I can't even get samba shares to see eachother between my Linux systems most times :-/04:44
yaboohisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/429840/04:44
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hellphyrejef91: give me a few04:44
* edwardthefma is trying to install ubuntu on to a pen drive04:45
histoyaboo: what guide are you following?04:45
primetimeAbout 3 years....768 mb of ram and amd 64 turion processor04:45
histoedwardthefma: use the usb creator04:46
yaboohisto: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html04:46
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CkhiKuzadalright, is there a way to make a floppy image make a USB drive boot?04:46
histoprimetime: usaually random lockups are power related. I've disabled acpi on some boxes that had random freezing and problems went away04:46
hellphyrejef91: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue04:46
primetimeWhat is acpi and how do you do that??04:46
histoprimetime: edit the /etc/default/grub file and look for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" chagne it to "quiet splash acpi=off04:47
hellphyrejef91: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue04:47
histoprimetime: I would also runa  memtest on the box04:47
hellphyrejef91:  oops04:47
hellphyrejef91: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/share-ubuntu-home-directories-using-samba/04:48
histoyaboo: you're missing the security value04:48
histoyaboo: also I would follow their guide and create a simple share with security = share and their exambple before getting more complex with your global section04:49
yaboohisto ok04:49
histoyaboo: then slowly add your settings checking from there. Also are you running a firewall or anything?04:49
hellphyrejef91: http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS4434907782.html04:49
yaboohisto yes firewall04:50
histoyaboo: could be firewall issues as well04:50
yaboohisto ok04:50
flamessome body can help me......how to install vmware in ubuntu lucid??04:50
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yaboohisto but this is internal, not ecternal04:51
histoyaboo: software based or hardware?04:51
yaboohisto software, my ubuntu box is firewall also04:52
danielbw I installed 10.04 and twice in 48 hours my nic went down and my system froze. I was using 8.10 before but I opted for a clean install on a new partition. lspci reveals this about my nic: 04:06.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82541GI Gigabit Ethernet. Does anyone here know where I can get more diagnostic info for this?04:52
danielbwi had no problems on 8.1004:52
histoyaboo: yeah I would look at the firewall blocking the samba access first04:52
anthonyhi guys04:53
yaboobut the box should show the shares also04:53
hellphyrewho asked about vmware?04:53
histodanielbw: that nic should work out of the box04:53
hellphyreflames: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-vmware-tools-on-ubuntu-edgy-eft/04:53
flameshelp me to install vmware04:53
primetimehisto: I edited that file, now do I need to recompile grub file?04:53
flamesok hellphyre thanks04:53
histoyaboo: I'm not sure how smbtree works but.04:53
danielbwit does work, but it stops working after 12 - 24 hours04:53
danielbwwhile idle04:53
histoprimetime: sudo update-grub204:53
danielbwhisto, ^^04:54
primetimehisto: then do I restart?04:54
anthonyi need help. can i buckup my install program in my ubuntu 9.10. and if i can how can i do that. pls help me. thanks04:54
bizkiti love this04:54
histoprimetime: sudo reboot04:54
vnheya, know of a sound problem with an upgrade from karmic to lynx?04:54
DanDareanthony, backup all the system installation ?04:54
theadminIs something wrong with update manager? I tell it install updates, it hangs.04:55
SandGorgonanybody have their partitions on lvm ? how is performance ...04:55
anthonyno just the program i what to buckup04:55
histoanthony: what program?04:55
anthonyany kinds ok program can i do that04:55
histoprimetime: or sudo shutdown -r now04:55
histoanthony: did you isntall the programs from th repositories?04:56
ubuntitudehey, guys, i have a weird issue: when i reactivate out of screensaver, the screen will momentarily light up before fading again, and then re-activate, and appear normal, however, the keyboard becomes disabled for whatever application i had pulled up when the screensaver appeared. Any ideas how to remedy this?04:56
anthonyyes i install it already04:56
anthonycan i buckup what i install already04:56
histoanthony: well if the applications are installed from the repos all will be there when you upgrade04:56
histoanthony: if you've downloaded debs and source code those won't be.04:57
primetimehisto:  just want to make sure that my comp should be able to run 10.04 right?04:57
DanDareubuntitude, not sure but I think you can start disabling any visual effects for a troubleshoot. You think it may be good ?04:57
histoprimetime: possible kind of have to figure otu what the issue is first to make that assumption04:57
theadminhisto: Uh, they will. Updates don't delete anything. They might break em, though.04:57
anthonyyou mean i can't buckup what i install already04:57
ubuntitudeDanDare: I'll try that; now that i think of it, this first started happening when i enabled some stuff in compizconfig.04:57
DanDareubuntitude, i had some issues with 1 mouse button not responding... i think it was a compiz problem04:57
Corrineyou can backup the settings04:58
histotheadmin: anthony well thats what i mean dependencies etc.. might be broken with updates of packages that were installed from source.04:58
theadminanthony: You can't back up the apps themselves, yes.04:58
histoCorrine: settings for what?04:58
Corrinethe apps he wants to back up04:58
histoCorrine: settings are usually all in /home for user specific stuff.04:58
CorrineUm, yes, thats what I'm talking about04:58
histoCorrine: global settings are in /etc/ most likely thsoe won't be deleted by an upgrade04:58
anthonyok thank you for the information04:59
ubuntitudeDanDare: do you know of a terminal command to induce screensaver?04:59
theadminubuntitude: For GNOME, it is "gnome-screensaver-command"04:59
ubuntitudetheadmin: alright, thanks :)04:59
DanDareubuntitude, I dont know :( set it for a small ammount of time like 1 minute04:59
danielbwhisto, why would e1000 suddenly stop working?  This only happened in the past 2 days since I installed 10.04.  I want to know how I can diagnose this. When I look at ifconfig there are no errors on the device04:59
danielbwand shouldnt watchdog reload driver?05:00
danielbwif it fails?05:00
primetimehisto:  well i've made the changes and rebooted so now I'll just have to play with it for a while and see if it has any problems05:00
DanDareOpenGL Xscreensavers owns any windows native screensaver ever made :p05:01
histodanielbw: no idea05:01
anthonyguys how can i play 3gp video?05:01
theadminDanDare: true :D05:01
theadminanthony: Try with VLC05:01
ubuntitudetheadmin: so what would be the actual command for activating screensaver? would it be gnome-screensaver-on or something?05:01
histoprimetime: yeap05:01
Bookmanwhat is the lightest email client with imap?05:01
greezmunkeyyaboo: you could try adding: browseable = yes in the [jsirucka] section, then restart smbd - but you need to make sure that you have a user created: sudo smbpasswd -a {username}05:01
theadminubuntitude: no no, it's exactly like that, "gnome-screensaver-command".05:01
carl_how do i fix this  E: Type 'n' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nilarimogard-webupd8-lucid.list05:01
yaboogreezmunkey: thanks05:02
ubuntitudetheadmin: it gave me Message: Failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.05:02
anthonyit tell me some error about the audio05:02
ubuntitudetheadmin: when i typed in gnome-screensaver-command05:02
theadminubuntitude: Uh. Something's just broken then. It works here.05:02
DanDareanthony, video cames from cellphone ?05:02
ubuntitudetheadmin: strange, strange, strange...05:02
primetimethanks for the help everybody.  :D05:03
DanDareanthony, so it's probably using the very proprietary audio format AMR05:03
winXPuserIn Windows, all networking is done by wizards. Setting a home LAN manually ended with a day of struggle without any success. At the end, we hit the 'do it automatically' button, and it started working. Very uncomfortable. How is networking done in Ubuntu?05:04
DanDarequestion should be, what the nice Ubuntu media player that will handle video formats and audio formats like AMR ?05:04
DanDareanthony, tried VLC ?05:04
theadminwinXPuser: Well, usually authomatic. You can configure it manually.05:04
yaboohisto: I have not changed my firewall for like 6 mths, how can this affect samba now05:05
carl_how do i fix this  E: Type 'n' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nilarimogard-webupd8-lucid.list05:05
skybinarygood morning05:05
theadmincarl_: Something's wrong with this repo... I'd delete that list: "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nilarimogard-webupd8-lucid.list && sudo apt-get update"05:05
anthonyyes i already try vlc but it tell me about audio problem05:06
DanDarecarl_ I think it's easy to discover if you paste the archive using http://ubuntu.pastebin.com05:06
DanDareanthony, what error says ?05:06
skybinaryi have just installed lucid ubuntu 10.04 and browsed to youtube in firefox, there are 3 options for flash adobe,swfdec and gnash, what do i choose?05:07
theadminDanDare: VLC errors are usually all the same. "VLC does not support this media format. There is nothing you can do about it."05:07
theadminskybinary: Adobe one is the official one so go with it05:07
anthonytheres no compatible audio file for this format05:07
DanDareanthony, this is old post but sounds like your problem http://jguk.org/2008/04/ubuntu-amr-playback-fix.html05:07
=== kevr is now known as kevr`away
kevr`awayI'll be back later.05:07
=== kevr`away is now known as kevr
DanDareok anthony, so Ubuntu wont install AMR codecs for you05:08
zetheroohow do you know if journaling is on or off?05:08
winXPusertheadmin, where can I read about it?05:08
DanDarei hate AMR05:08
theadminwinXPuser: The NM webpage: http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/05:08
anthonyyes may be. whats the meaning of amr codec again05:08
greezmunkeycoder decoder05:09
jongbergsanthony: does sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras work?05:09
DanDareanthony, the best alternative for you is to transcoding the audio part to another format.. or even the hole stuff using ffmpeg or such05:09
anthonyyes i already install it05:10
theadminjongbergs: If VLC does not eat it, it ain't gonna work with restricted extras stuff, sorry :D05:10
anthonyok thanks05:10
theadminwhat on earth is "libsoup" o-O05:10
DanDareamr is one of the most proprietary formats :p05:10
coondoghow do I get 32 bit emul support for binaries?05:11
DanDare"libsoup is an HTTP client/server library for GNOME"05:11
theadminDanDare: Ah I see, thanks :D05:11
DanDarewell, internet says like this at least05:11
jongbergstheadmin: actually, i got AMR working in totem but vlc can't05:11
theadminjongbergs: o-o05:12
theadminSomethings wrong with update manager again. It says that I last checkedzit 8 days ago, while i JUST pressed the "check" button05:12
DanDareguys arent very imaginative at the time to name their packages05:12
tp43is there a way to make firefox always fit the page to width, because it default too small most of the times, and I always end up either squinting or zooming in, so I would like it to be zoomed in by default05:12
theadminOh well, gotta go...05:12
CyberaX2195anyone around with knowledge of how to disable cpan ?05:13
CyberaX2195ie i don't want people to be able to install / upgrade packages via it PERIOD05:13
gotttotp43: it has an option to set the minimum font size in edit-preferences05:13
tp43gottto, thanks, but I could find zoom options05:14
tp43gottto, sorry I mean I couldn't find05:14
Gartralok, im trying to archive my dvds.. i have a HTPC that i set up with medibuntu, installed libdecss, and i still cant play (or "copy" for that matter).. anyone got any advice? ide be happy with just being able to watch my movies without M$ gouging my pockets05:14
=== kevr is now known as kevr`away
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:15
Gartralnevermind.. for some reason a reboot fixed it05:16
fluidis there a default password for the account used on the livecd ?05:16
IdleOnefluid leave it blank05:16
fluidtrying to connect to it remotely05:16
GartralIdleOne: i did all that.. but needed a reboot for god knows whatever reason05:16
fluidso its blank? i can set one05:16
=== jexmex is now known as jexmex_
Gartralfluid: its a blanks (AKA null) password05:16
Gartralfluid: if you *really* want to.. yes05:17
IdleOnefluid: it's a live cd, when you reboot the password won't be there any longer05:17
IdleOnefluid: sorry I meant blank as ther isn't any password05:17
fluidlong story...trying to copy an ntfs drive on a dead machine over the network using openssh-server. lol05:17
Gartralfluid: AHHAH. theres an argument you can set in the SSH configs too allow a no-pass authentication05:18
fluidah well im in anyway so it doesnt matter. :P05:18
Gartralnp. i know ive had to do the same.. really sucks when your VRs die in your server  x.x05:19
oddbioHow can I disable to countdown to choose a boot option in GRUB?05:19
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hevnsnthello all -- looking for some help with a weird problem..  My headless 8.04 system seems to have lost network connectivity, it can pull dhcp, but cannot talk to my network.   Can anyone point me to how one replaces the tcp stack in linux?  I have booted the system with cd, and hardware works fine05:20
Gartraloddbio set grub's config timeout to read 005:20
oddbioGartral: alright thanks05:21
chethey, i cant adjust my laptop brightness with the nvidia driver installed, it works fine with nouveau. is that just nvidia being nvidia or something i can fix?05:21
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: what makes you think it's tha stack?05:21
hevnsntgreezmunkey: well I put a static dhcp entry in my router and it pulled the correct (and changed) address, however it cannot see the network at all.  No pings, no nmap, no file shares, etc...05:22
Gartralchet you want the long story or the short story? ;P05:23
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: what does ifconfig, and ip route say?05:23
anthonyhi guys do i need to install a anti-virus on my ubuntu 9.10 and if i have to what kind of anti-virus do i have to install on my system05:23
chetits mroe fun05:23
hevnsntgreezmunkey: all what you would expect // I cleared the route table first05:24
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: headless, does that include a firewall iptables that is?05:24
sebsebseb!virus | chet05:24
ubottuchet: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:24
hevnsntgreezmunkey: no, it is my nas.. and has been sitting untouched for over a year05:25
sebsebsebno not chet05:25
sebsebsebanthony yes05:25
sebsebsebchet: wrong person05:25
chetah ok05:25
hevnsntgreezmunkey: then all of a sudden "its gone"05:25
anthonywhat kind of anti-virus do i need05:25
sebsebseb!virus | anthony05:25
chetgartral: either one works, whichever seems more helpful05:25
ubottuanthony: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:25
jootanthony: you don't05:25
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: do you control the network it's on?05:26
hevnsntgreezmunkey: yes it is my home network05:26
Gartralchet: OK.. long story is NVIDIA wants OEMs to handle nonstandard driver ops (like brightness controlls and auto-light compensation).. and that leaves linux users in the dust because OEMs never "get around" too making the linux drivers.. theres a toolkit for brightness settings, and unfortuently, i cant think of it right now05:27
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: have you tried tcpdump to see what the NIC is doing?05:27
Fudgeanyone here using a quadcore cpu?05:27
MrPancakeFudge: Yes.05:27
GartralFudge: i7 860 here05:27
hevnsntgreezmunkey: ha funny, I am a preacher of wireshark, but have not attempted it -- hah let me go check that05:27
Fudgewhat are your load averages?05:28
=== kevr`away is now known as kevr
chetfudge: i7 96505:28
IdleOneFudge: 4.08, 4.24, 4.3605:28
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: you said headless, so I assumed no GUI05:28
GodricBrutusCan anybody help me get 'pulseaudio' working? it seems that whenever i select it for an application to use, that application has no sound. also, 'system>preferences>default soundcard' doesn't work. i click it, it says that it's starting, but it just never comes up. i have no sound icon on my top right toolbar, but my sound is working, because i can play music with 'mpd' and movies with vlc05:28
Fudgemines 2.8 and hardly doing anything, so thats ok for a quad is it?05:28
hevnsntgreezmunkey: yeah sorry just normally no monitor05:28
Gartral0.03-5.66 depending... i pushed it to 8.something one day doing ALOT05:28
chetgartral: damn. thanks for the answer though.05:28
Fudgei thought 2.9 would be like 28%05:28
MrKeunerhi all, is there a way to change the sleep behaviour in gnome?05:29
cheti hover around 1-5% tops05:29
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: sounds like you've got it now, good luck!05:29
CyberaX2195done it through apparmor :)05:29
MrKeunerI think mine is set to hibernate instead of suspend05:29
Gartralchet: what specific laptop05:29
hevnsntgreezmunkey: thanks, I will probably get it from here, but can you point me in the direction (reading is fine) of replacing the network driver/stack/etc05:29
chetsamsung x460-44g05:30
cheti googled extensively and found others with the same problem but without any solution05:30
archnaglehey folks, I'm having crazy problems with Thunderbird since upgrading to 10.04.  it crashes for an existing user (Segmentation fault on launch), but for a user which had not thunderbird config before, I was able to set it up fine.  for the existing user, I blew away the .mozilla-thunderbird link and .thunderbird directory, but still crashes05:30
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: Ihaven't given that much thought, I'd have to read up on it myself, sorry.05:30
hevnsntgreezmunkey: cool -- thanks anyways05:30
chetgartral: samsung x460-44g; googled extensively and found others with the same issue but no one had a solution. bios brightness control is set to user control (aka os control)05:31
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: it really can't be that difficult though. Never even considered doing that :)05:31
Gartralchet at this point, not much is known about the i2c set in those machines.. your on your own, you could go and start writing a driver.. an easy start to that would be getting a hardware trace05:32
GodricBrutusCan anybody help me get 'pulseaudio' working? it seems that whenever i select it for an application to use, that application has no sound. also, 'system>preferences>default soundcard' doesn't work. i click it, it says that it's starting, but it just never comes up. i have no sound icon on my top right toolbar, but my sound is working, because i can play music with 'mpd' and movies with vlc05:32
GodricBrutus. i have a Realtek alc889A05:32
Fudgeguys are these loads acceptable for an intel p4 q6600 2.4ghz then?05:33
Fudge 14:33:37 up  2:39,  3 users,  load average: 2.17, 2.28, 2.2305:33
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: can you ping your loopback address?
FFForeverAny web developers in here?05:33
GartralGodricBrutus: um.. go get ALSA...05:34
GodricBrutusFFForever, designer, with a tiny dash of dev05:34
GodricBrutusGartral, what do you mean?05:34
chetgartral: thanks for the help05:34
undecimFFForever newbie web dev/designer here05:34
archnagleFudge: as long as load isn't spiking very high, it's usually fine, but you may want to keep an eye on cpu / mem usage05:34
undecimFFForever: What do you need?05:34
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FFForeverGodricBrutus, I meant designer*, do you notice black lines in firefox when using localhost?05:34
ouyesi to set the xchat make it register when connect to a server ?05:34
GodricBrutusFFForever, no05:35
FFForeverIf I use localhost some images have black borders around them but magically vanish when I upload them to a domain =\05:35
GodricBrutusFFForever, pngs?05:35
GartralGodricBrutus: Pulseaudio fails in many situations, ive stopped using it, switching in favor of alsa and jack. pulse has promise, but isnt ready for the lime light yet05:35
Fudgearchnagle  it doesnt usually go over 2 unless im doing a lot of stuff but other users using the same spin of ubuntu report loads very low05:36
FFForeverGodricBrutus, this happens to be a gif05:36
jootGodricBrutus: I use the script here with good effect   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=658981005:36
Fudgearchnagle  i did notice before i rebooted my swap was mostly being used but i didnt know how to clear it05:36
FFForeverthere is a black border next to it, but if I upload it to my vps and run it there is no black line =\05:36
undecimFFForever: Maybe add a "border: 0" to the style?05:36
GodricBrutusGartral, i see. but i think i ned it to get sound on my virtualbox guest os, and to play sound on multiple apps simultaneously05:37
EntityRebornHow can I force flushing data to a usb drive?05:37
FFForeverundecim, I have * border: none;05:37
xeer0Does totem support multiprocessor decoding?05:37
greezmunkeyhevnsnt: Still here?05:37
archnagleFudge: to free up swap, stop any large processes, then swapoff -a and then swapon -a which basically forces everything in swap back to main memory (assuming there's room) and then re-enables swap05:37
GodricBrutusjoot, i did too. it got my sound working, but now my sound icon is gone, and 'select default soudn card' doesnt work05:38
greezmunkeyarchnagle: what if there's not enough room?05:38
archnagleFudge: if swap is filling up though, that's a problem and you need to add RAM05:38
undecimFFForever: Does the border change the position of the actual image, as far as you can tell? (i.e. shifts it by a pixel because of the border)05:38
GodricBrutusFFForever, hmm, i have no idea then05:38
ouyeswhere can i find a channel related to password?05:38
unsureouyes, to what password?05:38
Fudgearchnagle  i have 4gig of ram and only a small portion of it was being used whilst the 6gig of swap was nearly full05:38
GartralFudge: or.. if you have the spare 300 USD you could buy a SSD and use it for swap05:38
archnaglegreezmunkey / Fudge, not sure what happens if your swapoff without enough memory, kernel may start killing processes with out-of-memory errors05:38
greezmunkeyarchnagle: it'd be an interesting experiment05:39
archnagleFudge: swapoff / swapon can push stuff back into main memory, but it may not be an issue05:39
ouyesunsure, i want to make a password list for brute force attack05:39
jootGodricBrutus: O I see. you can probably get an Icon from your start bar menu but I dunno about the soundcard options05:39
TheMidnightCoderIf I have a 64 bit intel proc, will the 64bit version of ubuntu work, even though it has "AMD" in the filrname?05:39
unsureouyes, what is it?05:39
ouyesunsure, so i want to find a channel like that05:39
scunizi_TheMidnightCoder: yes05:39
archnaglegreezmunkey: yeah, heh, except usually I see high swap on production servers where letting the kernel murder my poor innocent applicatiosn would be Bad (tm)05:40
ouyesunsure, you know aes, wep wpa? and so on ,05:40
unsureouyes, no no idea what it is05:40
undecimTheMidnightCoder: Yes05:40
DanDare#ubuntu is the most popular channel in freenode (with 1545 users right now), followed by #Debian with 906 users atm05:40
ouyesunsure, anything just password05:41
greezmunkeyarchnagle: I have a low mem Ubox here booting it now, I want to see if it crashes...05:41
archnaglegreezmunkey: let me know what happens ;)  5$ says kernel murders processes at random05:41
greezmunkeyarchnagle: I have a paypal account ;)05:41
archnaglebut it probably just does something lame like "oh can't swapoff, not enough memory" :P05:42
GartralDanDare: how many indevidual users? (counting duplicate/similar names)05:42
greezmunkeyarchnagle: logging into it now...05:42
Sorcererb0bI have a ubuntu laptop and a windows desktop. The windows desktop has a set of speakers hooked up to it. I want my Ubuntu laptop to be able to stream audio (for music and movies) to those speakers through the network. Is this possible?05:42
Fudgehmm, moved it to ram and now back it seems. maybe its the 1zombie process but i dont nknow how to identify it05:42
K-Richdid they take away the window-shade option (with mouse wheen) in lucid? if not how do i activate it?05:42
Gartralscorpio1497: JACK05:42
greezmunkeyarchnagle: the test box is just plain jane 10.04 with no toys installed.05:43
scunizi_Sorcererb0b: yep.. check / search synaptic for audio server or streamer05:43
GartralSorcererb0b: JACK05:43
DanDareGartral, i dont know05:44
K-Richwnyone know have i can turn on window sharing in lucid?05:44
ouyesis there a channel for security05:44
greezmunkeyarchnagle: issuing sudo swapoff -a, top shows 6.8MB MEM free, 27MB in swap...05:45
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scunizi_K-Rich: samba.. try right mouse clicking a folder in lucid and choose share.. it will load what you need automatically05:45
archnaglegreezmunkey: *drum roll*05:45
greezmunkeyarchnagle: holy manhole covers Batman, they went into the sewers...It's still running, 0 swap !!05:46
K-RichScunizi, sorry i worded that way wrong.... window shading, used to be under system > preferences > windows i thing, so i can use the wheen to shade the window to it's title bar05:46
archnaglegreezmunkey: nicely done05:47
archnaglewhat's in dmesg?05:47
archnagle(if it will show anything)05:47
scunizi_K-Rich: not sure in lucid.. I remember it in the same place you mentioned05:48
greezmunkeyarchnagle: me?05:48
K-RichScunizi, one of thos05:48
emghazalHow do I remove the Evolution icon from the notification area? I even uninstalled Evolution and it's still there.05:48
K-Riche "wife just walk in room" saftey features hehehe05:48
archnaglegreezmunkey: yeah, from your swapoff there, out of memory errors or anything?05:48
FFForeverWhy do these render different in firefox one is localhost http://imgur.com/DzfmQ.png the black line is gone when upload to the domain http://imgur.com/kX9gO.png05:49
greezmunkeyarchnagle: it's taking a looooong time to load Nautilus :)05:49
yaboodies ufw deny everything incoming till you allow it?05:49
greezmunkeyarchnagle: but it did it05:49
K-RichScunizi, i've even tried changing /apps/gwd/mouse_wheel_action to shade05:50
Fudgecan i show you the memory line from top without the rest archnagle ?05:50
Fudgeor more to the oint how can I do that05:50
xeer0On my 9.10 server compiz for some reason hinders xvideo scaling. WIth compiz off I can play video fullscreen without CPU load, but WITH compiz the CPU hits the roof and the video is 1 FPS. Anyone know what's wrong? Is Ati drivers incompatible with Compiz?05:50
xeer0*are ati drivers [...]05:51
archnagleFudge: top -n1 would give you a report would give you a 1-iteration report, just c&p from the top of that05:51
archnagleFudge: or pastebin the contents of /proc/meminfo05:52
ScoobySnackarchnagle: (greezmunkey) check this:top - 21:52:19 up 10 min,  3 users,  load average: 1.20, 2.59, 1.5205:52
aliciapgdoes anyone have any idea why i'm getting an unexpected end of file when trying to load an archive?05:52
ScoobySnackarchnagle: Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,    19924k cached05:52
Fudgemaybe imr eading it wrong, i use tts archnagle  didnt notice where the ','s are05:53
archnagleoh, umm05:53
Fudgebut still dont know how to identify a zombi process05:53
yaboohisto: you about05:54
emghazalHow do I remove the Evolution icon from the notification area? I even uninstalled Evolution and it's still there. I tried right-click -> remove from panel, but it removed the whole "Indicator Applet". Any ideas?05:54
scunizi_emghazal: remove evolution-data-server perhaps05:55
archnaglesorry, Fudge, I'm not sure what you're missing.  can you copy and paste the first handful of lines from "top -n1" or pipe it to head like top -n 1 | head -n 505:56
Fudgeill try archnagle05:56
kwtm2Hi.  I have Kubuntu 8.04 installed.  What's the easiest way to upgrade to 10.04 if I can't burn a CD?  Will "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" consider 8.04 a LTS version and jump directly to 10.04?05:58
raviepic3help | where i can get the official sources list for my ubuntu 9.04 ?05:59
xanguakwtm2: yes05:59
archnaglekwtm2: you can mount the "alternate" iso with mount -o loop and install from that (see upgrade doc)06:00
raviepic3help | where i can get the official sources list for my ubuntu 9.04 ?06:00
* Gnea shoots Doncho 06:01
kwtm2archnagle: I do not have the iso.  Do I really need to download it before I install?  I can't upgrade?06:01
dotblankraviepic3, did you delete them?06:01
archnagle!upgrade | kwtm206:01
ubottukwtm2: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:01
starnostarmy ram usage just dropped to 1gb of ram, normally 1.8gb, everything seems to be working fine, did lucid impliment a new memory managment system?06:02
archnaglekwtm2: you can use the "upgrade for servers' instructions06:02
emghazalI removed evolution-data-server and restarted the computer. Evolution icon still there.06:02
raviepic3dotblank, when i do a apt-get update i get this http://pastebin.com/wppq3X5006:03
raviepic3so i thought i need to change the sources list06:03
greezmunkeyarchnagle: It looks like the system automatically "niced" a lot of the running processes, and I noticed the "cached" readout increase significantly. Reading the top manpage about it now...06:03
raviepic3dotblank, ?06:04
karma_policei have 10.04 installed on a flash drive via pendrive lunux with persisent.. whenever i update and reboot it gives me error... something about filesystem cannot be mounted06:04
krazykrivdaWho is familiar with wubi?06:04
archnagleok, this thunderbird problem is driving me nuts.  for user without any config, it starts up fine.  existing user, it creates a symlink called .mozilla-thunderbird, points it to .thunderbird, and then dies (if I just rm -Rf the existing .thunderbird ).  what the heck?06:05
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karma_policewhy would upgrades break ubuntu?06:05
unsurethey should not06:06
scunizi_archnagle: should work06:06
karma_policei'm afraid to run update:( have tried it twice and have been rendered unusable06:06
ezrafreesince i've upgraded to lucid lynx, my ntfs-3g external hd is no longer able to be mounted... any ideas?06:07
karma_policedid u install ntfs-config?06:07
archnaglekarma_police: there's always the old-school / Windows way, wipe the OS and install fresh keeping the data06:07
dotblankraviepic3, have you tried changing mirrors?06:07
starnostarI allways reinatall when a new version comes out, call it force of habit06:07
raviepic3dotblank,  nope06:07
raviepic3am new to ubuntu06:07
raviepic3how do i change it ? and to what should i change them ?06:08
ezrafreekarma_police: hmm let me take a look if i have it still... drive was working before the upgrade but perhaps it got uninstalled or something...06:08
karma_policei did that.. i am using pendrive with persistent.. whnever i do the updates and it updates grub and the linux kernal it breaks something06:08
kwtm2archnagle: Thanks for the info, which I already knew how to find.  What I need to know is: if I have Kubuntu 8.04, which is officially not a LTS version, how do I know whether apt-get dist-upgrade will consider it a LTS version?  Is there some "check-if-this-is-LTS" command?06:08
chetgartral: i figured out how to fix it, should i post the fix somewhere so other people can know how to fix it?06:08
dotblankyou can select it in software sources under System->Administration06:08
George_eI am having some problems with Apache... I get "You don't have permission to access xxx on this server."06:08
yaboohisto: don't think my firewall is my samba issue06:08
dotblankdepends on where you live06:08
ezrafreekarma_police: yes according to dpkg -l, i have ntfs-config06:08
xclI have the same problem06:08
archnagleoh, sorry kwtm2.  yes, it should just think it's an LTS06:09
ChazzAnyone know of a music player w/ both an equalizer, AND visualizations?06:09
Gartralchet YES06:09
greezmunkeyHeh, there's always something cool to find: type "w" in a terminal ;)06:09
chetgartral: do you happen to know where? sorry im new to ubuntu06:10
karma_policethis is what i had to do for my ntfs mount.. worked for me: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/widows-ntfs-partitions-readwrite-support-made-easy-in-ubuntu-feisty.html06:10
ezrafreethanks karma_police06:11
Serephhow should I go about moving my ubuntu 10.04 from one hard disk to another?06:11
kwtm2archnagle: Okay, I just want to make sure (sorry if I'm repeating the question): even though Kubuntu 8.04 is not officially LTS, the underlying 8.04 Ubuntu *is* LTS, and this is sufficient for "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to make the jump to the next higher LTS version rather than the next immediate higher version, am I correct?06:11
ezrafreeahh it seems i needed to reinstall ntfs-config06:12
karma_policei'm gonna try to do my updates again.. may skip the grub update.. i think since i am running a live usb with persistent it is being messed up with grub update06:13
Gartralup on the ubuntu forums06:14
archnaglekwtm2: I haven't tested it, so ymmv06:15
archnagleit can't hurt to try06:15
archnagleother than the usual upgrade pains06:15
karma_policewhats everyones thoughts on linux mint?06:15
Pwenhi all. wondering if anyone can help me with troubleshooting why libdvdcss2 doesnt appear to be working?06:15
Drakesonhow can I change the Super+M shortcut key? System > Keyboard Shortcuts  is apparetnly not the place.06:15
Gneakarma_police: #linuxmint06:15
karma_policeroom is empty..lol06:17
karma_policeguess that answered my question06:17
Gneaoh yeah06:17
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:17
Gneathere ya go06:17
mossiAnyone here?06:18
karma_policewas not looking for support.. just wanted to know what ppl thought about it since it is based on ubuntu/debian06:18
mossiI could really need some help06:19
Gneamossi: feel free to give as much detail to your problem as possible, it makes it possible for people to help you06:19
sam555hello all!06:19
sam555anyone know where to get drivers (assuming that's my problem) for my wireless nic?  I just upgraded to 10.04 after using the beta and now I can't get on wifi networks :(06:20
mossiThe network applet on my main install disappeared so i can't figure out to connect to the Internet06:20
Gneamossi: right-click on the top panel, go to "add to panel" and select the network manager06:21
xanguamossi: do you removed indicator applet'06:21
chetwhere do i go to report a fix for a bug?06:21
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xanguaooh didn't read, network manager..... sorry mossi, Gneai don't delieve is there06:21
mossiI didn't remove the indicator applet or notification area06:22
xanguamossi: : did you remove notification area¿06:22
Gnea!bug | chet06:22
ubottuchet: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots06:22
xanguamossi: then launch: nm-applet06:22
mossiThrough the terminal?06:22
xanguamossi: or launcher, whathever you like06:23
karma_police_Help! E: linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 E: linux-image-generic: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured E: linux-generic: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured06:23
Gneaxangua, mossi: if it's not implicitly there, then he should be able to add one manually06:23
xanguai suppose better from terminal to see if it says a  message06:23
chetshould i be reporting this as an ubuntu bug? its nvidia brightness related06:23
chetim not sure if its ubuntu or nvidia's issue06:23
karma_police_anyone else getting crash after kernal update?06:24
Gneachet: nvidia? the standard nv module or nvidia module?06:24
mossiI will give that a try brb06:24
chetthe proprietary drivers, not any specific app from what i can tell06:24
chetjust involved a xorg.conf edit06:24
Gneachet: have you tried nvidia-settings?06:25
chetnvidia settings brightness doesnt actually do brightness06:25
chetit just messes with colors06:25
Gneawhy would you need to edit xorg.conf? installing the nvidia drivers from the hardware menu should get it all setup for you06:25
chetyou're misunderstanding06:25
Semitoneswhat's the channel for enquiring about the irc bots?06:25
raviepic3dotblank, which tab and option in system->admin ?06:25
GneaSemitones: #ubuntu-bots06:26
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karma_police_when i run update manager it does grub update.. Configuring Grub-PC Linux command line is blank.. should i type something in there before clicking forward?06:26
Gneachet: it almost sounds like you installed the nvidia driver from nvidia.com itself, but yeah, maybe I misunderstood06:26
chetmy specific laptop, the samsung x460-44g has some issues with brightness controls. the brightness applet doesnt work, xgamma DOES work, but it just washes out colors and doesnt touch the backlight. nvidia settings does the same as xgamma. power management display brightness had no effect. after editing xorg.conf the power management slider works.06:27
chetyoud be correct in that assumption06:27
dotblankraviepic3, first06:27
bullgard4'~$ sudo update-manager -d' upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and installed 7 DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«. How can I make that future update manager updates or upgrades will not install DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«?06:27
cheti did try once with a fresh stall of lucid with their drivers from their website06:27
chetand i also tried once with another fresh install of drivers from hardware drivers06:27
raviepic3dotblank, you mean sys->admin->software sources -> first tab ?06:27
chetboth had the exact same issues, and were solved the same way06:28
Gneachet: just wondering why you used the nvidia.com drivers and not the drivers that ubuntu packages up to work correctly?06:28
GneaI see06:28
dotblankraviepic3, yes06:28
cheti was using the ones from the packages first, but to try to resolve the problem i tried the nvidia updated ones that arent in the repository yet06:28
cheti tried both just for bug testing sake06:28
quiescensneeds a way to display battery % on the bar without having to mouse over it all the time06:29
karma_police_this is becoming to fragile for me06:29
Gneachet: awesome. so the laptop doesn't have any function key combos to change the brightness?06:29
raviepic3i have changed the source from my country to main course06:30
xeer0In a laucher for gnome-terminal I have made it connect it to a server via ssh. After it has connected I'd like it to add 'screen -r'. I put this as " -x 'screen -r' in the launcher. It didnt work ... how do I do it?06:30
chetit does, they just dont work06:30
silv3r_m00nhi there06:30
chetyeah, i know. quite a mess.06:30
chetits annoying too because the volume function keys work06:30
chetall of the others work06:30
chetjust brightness doesnt06:30
silv3r_m00ncan I resize an extended partition to include some free space to the left of it ?06:30
chethence using power management to fix it06:30
karma_police_i sometimes realize why linux is free06:30
yaboothink samba on 10.04 is bjorked06:30
karma_police_E: linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 E: linux-image-generic: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured E: linux-generic: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured06:31
Gneachet: that's rather interesting. how well does the power management fix actually work, though?06:31
Gartralhow does one decipher the boogers smeared accros the bottom of the HDD benchmark test in 10.04's disk util?06:31
Gneachet: and what happens if you plug in an external monitor?06:31
xeer0How do I make a launcher for gnome-terminal output a command after it has connected via ssh to a server?06:31
karma_police_seems like the monetary savings you get are all used up and traded for the amount of time you spend trying to fix all the bugs06:32
chetgnea: power management works quite well, although it only adjusts the brightness every 7-15%06:32
cheti have no complaints about the power management fix06:32
chetits far better than 100% backlight06:32
xanguakarma_police_: free as in freedom, not as in free beer; that attitude is only going to make no one want to help you06:32
cheti quit 9.10 because it hurt my eyes too much06:32
xangua!attitude > karma_police_06:32
ubottukarma_police_, please see my private message06:32
chetgnea: i haven't tried an external monitor, good question. i'll try it tomorrow i think.06:33
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: The tool that you should use, is GParted. You can reach your goal in 2 steps. 1.) Enlarge your partition to the right. 2.) Shrink your partition from the left.06:33
karma_police_i'm sorry.. i'm just tired and frustrated is all.. i know a lot of this is from me being a noob.. just gets old is all06:33
xeer0karma_police_: You are correct. On the other hand, I've used WIndows for 7 years, yet in the couple of months with linux I realized how little I know about computers. I think the learnings is fun too ... but I understand that many doesn't, and until Linux is as much install-and-forget as windows or mac osx, it'll have a marginal market share06:33
Gneachet: that might help narrow the problem down a bit more. it might just be that there's a new routine for samsung's hardware that nvidia needs to address06:33
silv3r_m00nbullgard4: so its possible ?06:34
silv3r_m00nand is it fine for the health of the hard disk to resize partitions06:34
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: Yes.06:34
chetgnea: well, this laptop was released in the end of 08, i would think they would have addressed it by now. unless theyre completely unaware, and if thats the case they wont listen to one person.06:34
xeer0karma_police_: Sorry for an incomprehensible sentence ... Im tired after staying up the entire night fixing my ubuntu server :P06:35
mannyvkarma_police_, after spending the last 5 hours trying to get lucid server to boot I can TOTALLY relate to you06:35
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: First, of course, you should make a backup of your partition. Just in case you are making an errorneous operation.06:35
skyl"+yI upgraded to 10.04 and my vim config doesn't work like it used to06:35
skylvnoremap y "+y06:35
silv3r_m00nbullgard4: right now its 114 * 3 + 121  .....and I want to make it 63 + 100*4 , so it will need lot of resizing06:35
greezmunkeyWhat can I use in a bash script that generates a carriage return?06:35
karma_police_i don't think i will ever give linux up.. it really is taking huge steps forward. i feel like i need to relearn how to use a computer tho.. lol06:35
skyldid yank to a buffer that I could paste out of06:35
karma_police_your way ahead of me if you are using server tho.. no gui right?06:36
silv3r_m00nbullgard4: I don't have other place to backup my data , I will be backing it up across partitions only06:36
skylbut not it doesn't work, any luck that someone knows what's going on?06:36
SandGorgonsilv3r_m00n, consider having lvm partitions rather than simple partitions - all resize, etc. stuff will be easy later on http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/306352-weekend-project-migrate-from-direct-partitions-to-lvm-volumes06:36
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: These large operation will take much time.06:36
xeer0karma_police_: My feeling exactly! I feel exactly as noobish as I did when I first started with computers 6-7 years ago, with Windows06:36
mannyvi use server on my server and desktop on my err... laptop06:36
SandGorgonxeer0, are we lucid bashing ? I want in..06:36
Gartralkarma_police_: server COULD have a gui setup.. but i never figured out a reason for it other than (i HATE this term) "Easy access"06:37
xeer0SandGorgon: lol06:37
silv3r_m00nbullgard4: how much time will it take to resize partitions ?06:37
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: A bad idea: to back up across partitions only.06:37
cheti <3 lucid 10000x more than karmic solely because my eyes aren't bleeding anymore06:37
SandGorgonxeer0, I have one word for you... and one word only - Plymouth06:37
chetgnea: do you suppose the brightness controls are bound incorrect or something?06:37
chetsandgorgon: well played sir06:37
silv3r_m00nbullgard4: I have to alternatively resize partitions placing all data in the other partition06:37
PlayXmy lucid ist booting slower than karmic06:37
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: I do not remember how long it took me to resize 200 MB. I believe this was more than an hour.06:38
dacsgot two question: 1) how can i pull other ubuntu box e.g like vnc ? 2) i installed 32bit on one of my 64bit box, how can i change it from 32 to 64 bit , or do i have to download and install the 64bit section06:38
karma_police_i like lucid.. i haven't started encountering probs until i started trying to make persistent live usb's.. doing it more for a hobby of showing off linux to my friends who think windows 7 is the new ham sandwitch06:38
silv3r_m00nall my partitions are in gb .......114 gb * 406:39
SandGorgondacs, yes.. u need clean reinstall06:39
bullgard4PlayX: This is an often heard complaint. Please analyze first your dmesg.06:39
silv3r_m00nthen it would probably take weeks06:39
silv3r_m00nI installed ubuntu on the first partition , and now need to install windows , is that possible ?06:39
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: thats still a bad idea.. think of the liklyhood of a specific partition randomly failing versus if the entire disk fails.. which happens all too often06:39
karma_police_its better to install windows first06:39
karma_police_windows install will wipe out grub06:40
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: yes.. just a pain06:40
dacsSandGorgon: that sucks :)06:40
xeer0silv3r_m00n: Yes, but grub will be overwritten, so you'll need to fiddle with a live usb or cd afterwards06:40
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: It is possible to first install Ubuntu and Windows afterwards. But the other sequence is to be recommended.06:40
silv3r_m00nya I shall get back grub using a live cd06:40
PlayXis in the kdenlive a bug? i have white stripe in all of my videos06:40
SandGorgonsilv3r_m00n, it is preferable that you install windows first... since it wipes out the multiboot. But if you install windows now - you'll have boot once with a livecd to write grub to your boot partition and get multiboot back06:40
Gneachet: I'm not sure, have you tried to see if there are any alternative brightness-type controls for the gui?06:41
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: it;s just one extra step06:41
SandGorgonis there a way to get a plymouth theme that behaves like usplash - simple, no KMS and still looks good on my 1280x800 laptop ?06:41
xeer0Well, gn ppl ... You take the beating of the lynx and tame it, I'll stick with the koala for a few more months06:42
chetgnea: not sure what you mean by alternative brightness controls for gui, sorry ive only had ubuntu for about a grand total of 2 weeks06:42
bitserfdoes the launchpad password reset work? trying to let people on an existing bug know that i've found a workaround, but not getting anything delivered to my gmail acct06:43
silv3r_m00nis there a way to go back to karmic from lucid06:43
mossiI'm here again and couldn't start the nm-applet :(06:43
silv3r_m00nI had upgraded karmic by using the alternate cd06:43
bullgard4silv3r_m00n: No.06:44
bitserfit's an annoying bug that has existed since, like, forever :)06:44
mossiDoes anyone know how i can connect to my wlan via the terminal06:44
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: well.. yes there is.. is your /home on it's own partition?06:44
silv3r_m00nis it fine to have the swap partition to the left of the partition where ubuntu is installed ?06:45
svscvscFailed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-libc-dev_2.6.24-26.64_i386.deb06:45
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: you should get into the habbit of doing that..06:45
svscvscwhy? Why am I getting a 404 on de archive?06:45
bullgard4mossi: iwconfig06:45
silv3r_m00nGartral: I am new to this , can you explain this a bit ?06:45
svscvscapt-get install build-essential06:46
mossibullgard4 i will look in to that06:46
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: i put swap in the "middle"ish part of the drive and build around it, starting with / /boot /home and /tmp06:46
svscvscErr http://de.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main linux-libc-dev 2.6.24-26.6406:46
svscvsc  404 Not Found [IP: 80]06:46
svscvscwhy is this happening? I apt-get update06:46
silv3r_m00nseparate partition for each of the directories ?06:46
Gartralsvscvsc: your on hardy?06:47
dacswere can i download 9.10 , i don't want 10.x06:47
svscvscRight. it says it there06:47
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: yes. cause i swap my os alot, i like only really having to change just a small bit of data06:47
svscvscGartral, yes06:47
Gartral!hardy | svscvsc06:48
ubottusvscvsc: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.06:48
silv3r_m00nGartral: can you explain that further06:48
silv3r_m00nyou mean you use /home between linux and windows ?06:48
svscvscGartral, what are you doing?06:48
zhengshiHardy= =06:48
bullgard4'~$ sudo update-manager -d' upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and installed 7 DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«. How can I make that future update manager updates or upgrades will not install DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«?06:48
svscvsczhengshi, use words06:48
zhengshistrong suggestion that you should upgrade to 10.0406:49
silv3r_m00nisn't there some problem with fonts on lucid lynx ?06:49
dacswhere can i download 9.1006:49
svscvsczhengshi, strong suggestion that you have no idea what you are talking about06:49
silv3r_m00nthere don't like they were in karmic before the upgrade06:49
TunkerHi, I  updated ubuntu 9.04 to 10.04, with something wrong with the launch. runlevel displays unknovn. It  does not work start from rc.local, vbox each time proist recompile a  kernel.06:49
zhengshiwhy use such an old edition06:49
svscvsczhengshi, because what I run on it works06:49
zhengshioh i see06:49
svscvsczhengshi, there is an audio issue with later versions, so I have a script that works on this version06:50
svscvscIt's not like its my damn ($#*& computer06:50
svscvscits a machine on a box that sits in a room06:50
svscvscso why do I care06:50
svscvscI care that i get two idiotic repsonses06:50
zhengshiOh I see06:50
datacrusherhello everyone. i got a pc with windows xp installed, and started an installation with ubuntu 10.04, but my cd for some reason got corrupted. i went with 9.10 desktop boot to install and upgrade, but its not finding my disks on the partitons part of the installation06:50
svscvscWow Gartral you posted a trigger, good one06:50
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: no.. Linux describes a MASSIVE range of hundred of seperate flavors or distributions.. i use windows for gaming, and keep a FAT32 "bitlocker" partition. or just inject from linux into windows (as theres no etx4 driver for windows yet, i cant go vise-versa)06:50
zhengshiI am sorry06:50
svscvscAnyway, there is a 40406:50
mossiWhat would be the exact command if i would wan't to connect to my wlan named "Penttila"06:50
svscvscseems fairly obvious some issue with the server unless there is something local that can cause that.06:50
svscvscI'll switch mirrors06:50
Gartralsvscvsc: Hardy is EOL, you cant update anymore, you have to grab an alternat install cd06:51
silv3r_m00nwhat is FAT32 "bitlocker" partition ?06:51
zhengshianyone use Gentoo? I have strong interest in it06:51
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: a partition thats formatted to fat32.. names bitlocker :P06:51
silv3r_m00nfirefox isn't following the font setting of gnome06:52
chetbitlocker is a vista and windows 7 encryption thing i think06:52
silv3r_m00nhow do I fix it ?06:52
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
Gartralchet: yea.. but ive been using the term for anything thats an encypted external disk, or seperate partition thats lives to share data between oses06:52
silv3r_m00nthis is how arial font looks after upgrading to lucid lynx >> http://img532.imageshack.us/i/fontfb.png/     why ? how do I fix it ?06:53
chetah ok06:53
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: forefox has it's own font settings..06:53
silv3r_m00nGartral: ya , played enough with them , before the upgrade firefox looked perfect , better than windows , but after upgrade , its useless06:53
silv3r_m00nkind of rubbish06:53
chetso, i think ive gathered all the info to have my laptop model fully supported by ubuntu with some tweaks, is there somewhere i can post them so devs can see it? launchpad or what?06:53
silv3r_m00neven in kde fonts are looking strange , some look taller , some shorter some roundish06:54
silv3r_m00nI came across this page >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/512615   but don't know if that is what is causing the problem06:54
zhxkhello, anybody help me to speak on #freenode?06:54
silv3r_m00nGartral: btw which windows do you use for gaming ? xp vista or 7 ?06:54
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: odd.. lucid is very new and buggy.. right now.. my lucid doesnt even BOOT so..06:54
NitroAh, anyone know how to fix the problem where after you install it to a harddrive and it boots up but it still says installation failed?06:54
Gartralsilv3r_m00n: pm06:54
anthonyzhxk what are you want?06:54
zhxki want speak on freenode06:55
zhxki was quieted there06:55
zhxki was made quieted there06:55
silv3r_m00nwell I was too excited to upgrade to lucid , but now regretting it06:55
anthonyzhxk use mic to say?06:55
silv3r_m00nkarmic was far far good looking , fonts are important after all06:55
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: Try committing yourself to do clean installations instead of upgrades. I think you'll face far less issues that way.06:56
arindahey all. how can i produce pdf file from tex file? maybe in console?06:56
anthonyzhxk will, i never try this, i play irc first, don't know how to do .06:56
silv3r_m00nred2kic: I can't do that everytime06:56
Gneachet: apt-cache search brightness06:56
Nitro Ah, anyone know how to fix the problem where after you install it to a harddrive and it boots up but it still says installation failed?06:56
aioobeI have a (CD-less) laptop and a 512 MB usb-stick... how do I go about to install? (The usb-creator program does not seem to accept the mini.iso.)06:56
zhxkone op on freenode quieted me on #freenode06:56
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: Every 6 months? (Or LTS, every 3 years).06:57
=== Semitones is now known as SillyTones
red2kicaioobe: Use ubuntu-desktop.iso -- Not mini.iso06:58
mossiso how do connect to my wlan through the terminal, what is the command i should use if the name of my wlan is "Bob"06:58
silv3r_m00nred2kic: what about the data and work06:59
aioobered2kic: but that's on 700 meg!06:59
chetgnea: i think the problem is all good with this xorg fix, its definitely on nvidia's end. been searching and the whole samsung 9200m and 9300m series of gpus have this problem06:59
wildbataioobe, does it have netwrk access?06:59
chetgnea: i wish i could post this couple fixes somewhere central though so it doesnt take as much diggin as i had to do06:59
Gneachet: alright. you might want to consider making a post to ubuntuforums.org about it too, there's a different angle of audience07:00
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: I'm just saying... is all. You can fix KDE font issues. I use GNOME. You can ask somebody here or #kubuntu or maybe #kde too.  Backup your data and work. Also, see !home (in future, it's easier to have home on different partition (or hard drive even).07:00
bullgard4'~$ sudo update-manager -d' upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and installed 7 DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«. How can I make that future update manager updates or upgrades will not install DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«?07:00
chetgnea: will do, thanks for the help.07:00
wildbataioobe, make a bootable USB with net install07:00
aioobenet install = mini.iso?07:00
red2kicaioobe: 700 MB, yes. Why can't you download it? mini.iso retrieve packages from network (which can be just about same as 700 MB).07:01
{g}Hey People! Whats the best way to get rid of the flash player that comes with Ubuntu and install Flash Player 10?07:01
wildbataioobe, ya07:01
silv3r_m00nred2kic: suppose I have /home on a different partition and then reinstall linux , will that home stay there ?07:01
aioobewildbat: as I said, usb-creator does not accept mini.iso: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/50644107:01
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: Yes. Given that you don't format over the "home" partition and at the installation prompt, you points /home to whatever your partitions sit.07:02
wildbatyou can do it manually07:02
{g}wildbat: you mean me?07:02
aioobewildbat: how? are there any instructions out there?07:02
wildbataioobe, you can do it manually07:02
GothSparkhi , every one , I am having a little problems with the compiz window mamanger >,<07:03
wildbat{g}, no for you but ~07:03
dst_A student of mine is having a problem with Ubuntu 10.04:  he's trying to compile some C++ code and the system can't find cc1plus07:03
wildbat!flash | {g}07:03
ubottu{g}: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash07:03
wildbataioobe, you are on windows or linux now?07:03
dst_he has g++ and build-essential installed07:03
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:03
aioobeI have linux on my laptop, and windows on the laptop that I want to install linux on.07:03
{g}How can i search installed software? I know I can search all packages with apt-cache search. but how can i do it fo already installed packages? I would like to find the installed flash plugin and remove it.07:04
silv3r_m00nred2kic: what else can I keep on separate partitions ?07:04
colin__whosi wet07:04
red2kic!home | silv3r_m00n07:04
ubottusilv3r_m00n: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome07:04
colin__whois wet07:04
NecrosporusI made live usb image of ubuntu 10.04, but it doesn't boot, spamming terminal with message /init: line 7: can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found07:04
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: That's all you need. Home and maybe /etc (it's only 10~mb at most).07:04
{g}wildbat: it says how to install flashplugin-nonfree. but dont i have to deinstall the old one first?07:04
silv3r_m00nred2kic: /etc is too big07:05
silv3r_m00nisn't it07:05
wildbataioobe, what you need is grub or grub4dos installed on the usb ~ was it FAT ot NTFS?07:05
silv3r_m00ninfact here I see too many things in it07:05
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: "du -sh /etc" will tell you.07:05
aioobewildbat: the usb-stick is probably fat07:06
NecrosporusI used manual way: mkdosfs /dev/sdb; mount /dev/sdb; cp -a ubuntu/* /mnt/sdb; cd /mnt/sdb; mv isolinux syslinux; cd syslinux; mv isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg; umount /dev/sdb; syslinux /dev/sdb07:06
silv3r_m00nonly 18mb07:06
wildbat{g}, sudo apt-get remove xulrunner-1.9.207:06
NecrosporusHow can I correct my usb stick to make it boot?07:07
{g}wildbat: what is xulrunner?07:07
wildbataioobe, get grub4dos ~ and install on the usb07:07
CaptainTrekanyone here familiar with Apache-related packages?07:07
wildbat{g},  that's the free flash player and open java07:07
CaptainTreknobody's answering in -server07:07
NecrosporusThis bug looks similar, but it is about live usb creator07:07
aioobewildbat: ok, and then? (aren't there any complete instructinos on the web)?07:07
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: /etc is for system-wide configuration files. It's a must. Anyway, the real problem is that you're facing issues with KDE fonts. Try hitting all channels first. Kubutnu, KDE, Firefox.07:08
luciohelo.. trying to get friends vaio wireless intelpro 3945..doesn't seem to see mine but see neighbors router07:08
silv3r_m00nred2kic: I have suggested to keep /boot and /tmp also separete , what the benefits in that case07:08
lucioam using one with bcm4318 sideByside with no problem07:08
wildbataioobe, not that i know ;p ~ then extract the casper flder files in iso and make a menu.lst07:08
GothSparkthe problem I have is simple but eeem some how annoying , I cant have the extra effects...07:08
{g}wildbat: cant i just remove the flash player?07:09
=== freevryheid is now known as fvs
jumbersThis indicator-applet thing is very annoying and frustrating. How can I get rid of it?07:10
CaptainTrekanyone here familiar with Apache-related packages?  nobody's responding in -server.07:10
biscuit314join #asterisk07:10
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: Flexible data control? I don't really know the plus/minus benefits of that. Also, I have 20GB HDD (for /) and 300GB HDD for (/home) so it is nice to keep things organized. Media, music, videos, etc stays in /home (or different storage).07:11
jimlovell777Is there a way to loopback a webcam stream? I found something called "Video4linux loopback" but I was hoping to find a solution that's in the repos.07:11
chetjimlovell777: try cheese07:11
gotttoCaptainTrek: if you hve no luck here you can try in #httpd07:11
CaptainTrekgottto, i got the help i need thanks07:12
silv3r_m00nred2kic: 20gb is enough to install things from synaptic ?07:12
silv3r_m00nlike big games or softwares ?07:12
silv3r_m00ncoz software goes into /07:12
red2kicjumbers: "sudo aptitude purge $PACKAGE" (or use Synathic if you're not comfortable with terminal).07:12
LordCrchi, i'm reinstalling and id like to keep my home directory on a separate drive/partition, and also configure it to prevent data loss in case things happen (ie freezes, crashes)... any tips?07:12
jimlovell777chet: I have cheese installed but I'm trying to download a stream and re-broadcast it as a new stream. Can cheese do that?07:12
wildbat{g}, hmmm  you have to hmmm let me check which package...07:12
jumbersred2kic: It's telling me I have to remove ubuntu-desktop though07:12
researcher1how can I creat video of the ap[plication runing in ubuntu?07:13
GothSparkresearcher you mean screen capture ?07:13
{g}wildbat: i removed "flashplugin-installer" and it killed flash in firefox :)07:13
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: ubuntu-desktop can be removed safely. It's a meta-package. If you're not too comfortable, I think you can leave indicator-applet alone (but purge -complete and -session packages)07:13
chetjimlovell777: if memory serves i believe so, i cant check for you atm07:13
researcher1GothSpark: Not screen capture but rather video as we do with windows using camstasia07:14
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: Yes. Even 4G is sufficient. I'll get you minimal info.07:14
silv3r_m00nred2kic: me?07:14
jimlovell777chet: That's ok, I'll double check. I already have it installed.07:14
GothSparkIknow researcher but un linux it is called like that :p. you can use Gtk Reccord my desktop07:14
silv3r_m00nred2kic: softwares are isntalled in / right ?07:14
silv3r_m00nnot home07:14
red2kicjumbers: See above.07:14
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements07:14
silv3r_m00nnot that07:15
wildbat{g}, you remover the adobe one ~ that one is nonfree one07:15
silv3r_m00nI mean installing other softwares07:15
silv3r_m00nlater on07:15
b33rHello I just installed the 10.04 version  the close,minimize and maximize buttons show on the left instead of the right is there a way to change it?07:15
abhijain1how can we install adobe photoshop07:15
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: The packages are usually saved on /bin or more likely, /usr/bin -- See !clone07:15
histob33r: you can change it in gconf editor07:15
BRchey all07:16
{g}wildbat: not sure, what you mean07:16
silv3r_m00nya so /bin is there with / right ?07:16
red2kicabhijain1: There are no Adobe Photoshop unless you want to use wine. Also, there are GIMP (open-source).07:16
gottto!appdb | abhijain107:16
ubottuabhijain1: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:16
abhijain1b33r: no there is no way . even after some time u become familiar07:16
GothSparkB33r just switch to an ther theme  it might change the layout of these button , well actualy that what I did07:16
wildbat{g}, you install the Adobe flash player07:16
histoabhijain1: yes you can07:16
histob33r: let me find you the gconf key hold up07:16
researcher1GothSpark: I dont know GTK07:16
BRcis there a way i cann access my files through windows..got windows and ubuntu on different drives07:16
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: Yes. Important bash commands seems to be in /bin -- The packages is in /usr/bin07:17
b33rI'm sure there must be a way to change it abhijain1..07:17
red2kic!see | silv3r_m00n07:17
red2kic!clone | silv3r_m00n07:17
BRci want to acces files through windows07:17
ubottusilv3r_m00n: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate07:17
silv3r_m00nred2kic: what is that? I think I need it07:17
histob33r: abhijain1 open gconf-editor and its in apps>metacity>general07:17
red2kicb33r: gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"07:17
ogenI have an xchat question and that channel has been empty all day. I have a problem which boils down to: how can I autojoin a channel -after a pause,-so that another channel I join can autoinvite me?07:18
histob33r: abhijain1 under button_layout change the text so it reads maximize,minimize,close:07:18
eivindHi! I had some problems upgrading to Lucid. With 3 minutes to go I get and IOError: Error 9. Ubuntu says its 10.04, restarts ok, but obviously its not fully finished. How can i force it to continue? When I try updating it says its uptodate. Link to screenshot of error: http://tinypic.com/r/zlspwo/507:18
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: If you want to keep track of packages you installed (on the current system). That is it.07:18
altitronHey I have a m3u file and I opened it with vlc and totem and I can only hear the sound, what should I open it with to see video too?07:18
histob33r: you can also change the theme because its part of the default theme07:18
silv3r_m00nred2kic: I installed a lot of packages by downloading them from internet , can I somehow save them , so after reinstalling karmic I don't need to download them again ?07:18
khussein78hi all07:18
histob33r: http://techpad.co.uk/content.php?sid=9407:18
GothSpark@researcher1: you can't find it in the Ubuntu Software center ? it is on the Sound and movies catégorie07:18
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: !clone is what you want.07:18
wildbat{g}, i dn't think you need to remove the old one ~ just install the non-free is fine07:19
{g}wildbat: i installed flash 1007:19
silv3r_m00nred2kic: any tutorial or something ?07:19
BRchow can i access my files through windows..i cann acces it throught ubuntu but not windows07:19
researcher1GothSpark: Ok.let me search n install07:19
khussein78can i change the direction of of close and minimize buttons on new ubuntu to right ?07:19
{g}wildbat: not sure if it made a difference. fullscreen youtube is still a bit messy07:19
b33rhisto, thanks07:19
histosilv3r_m00n: you can get selections but most of the packages may be broken if the dependencies are changed07:19
red2kicsilv3r_m00n: It'll list all names of the packages (on your current system) to a text file.  On your fresh machine, you run commands with text file. All instructions are right there on the !clone -- Read carefully. See what it is doing.07:19
rwwubottu: controls | khussein7807:19
ubottukhussein78: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d607:19
=== abhijain1 is now known as abhijain
histored2kic: the packages he installed aren't from the repos07:20
z0zhi guys can any one help me07:20
histosilv3r_m00n: you may have to wait for lucid packages to come out on some of those.07:20
z0zi have big problem07:20
GothSparkyeah zoz ?07:20
histo!ask | z0z07:20
ubottuz0z: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:20
sleepy_cathi i wanted to install java on google chrome so i downloaded jre-20 for ubuntu but its a bin file how should i install it07:20
wildbat{g}, you using 64bit?~ do you have correct display driver?~ and yes adobe make lousy flashplayer ~espeacially for linux07:20
red2kichisto: What packages? He could be clicking on those apt-url links.07:21
z0zi want know how i can change my ip adress07:21
z0zin ubuntu07:21
{g}wildbat: 32bit i think. lenovo x301. how do i check the driver?07:21
ScoobySnackgreezmunkey: sup07:21
banbanhi  i want to know how to change the DNS server in Ubuntu 10.04  i don't know it's in which file   can you help me?  thank you07:21
wildbat{g}, System > Admin. > Hardware drivers07:22
banbanz0z: change your ip in /etc/network/interfaces07:22
histoz0z: right click ont he network manager icon and select edit connections07:22
{g}wildbat: that comes up empty07:22
wildbataioobe, how is your usb going? ~07:22
altitronHey I have a m3u file and I opened it with vlc and totem and I can only hear the sound, what should I open it with to see video too?07:22
histoz0z: click on yoru connection and then click edit07:22
khussein78thanks i will try it07:23
histo!codecs | altitron07:23
ubottualtitron: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:23
wildbat{g}, you are using intel GMA then i guess07:23
{g}wildbat: whats gma?07:23
researcher1whats a VOB fiel and where can I play it?07:23
historesearcher1: files for dvds07:24
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altitronhisto,  thank you!07:24
wildbat{g}, The Intel Graphics Media Accelerator http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_GMA07:24
researcher1histo: which player can play it?07:25
BRci want to access my ubuntu 10.04 files from windows 7??07:25
historesearcher1: totem might which is the default player if not vlc should be able to handle them07:25
{g}wildbat: how do i know if im using it?07:25
NecrosporusBRc, you don't want it07:25
histo!samba | BRc07:25
ubottuBRc: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:25
NecrosporusYou want to remove windows07:25
BRcno i need it for games hehe07:26
histoBRc: are you talking about on the same machine?07:26
NecrosporusGames is Wesnoth07:26
Necrosporusit's better then windows games07:26
BRcyes for sur same machine07:26
wildbat{g}; that's your hardware , you and list them by "lspci" in terminal07:26
histoBRc: then in windows you will need an ext4 file browser07:26
researcher1histo: vlc played failed to run it07:26
BRcone drive is 1ter..and the other when ubuntu is500gig07:26
NecrosporusBRc, windows doesn't support normal filesystems, only crapped FAT and NTFS07:26
GothSparkeeem >.< I am runing Ubunt on ntfs07:27
histo!codecs | researcher107:27
ubotturesearcher1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:27
NecrosporusBut you can use wine to play windows games07:27
robscomputercan I pop in and ask a quick question off topic?07:27
NecrosporusBRc, Battle for Wesnoth07:27
histoBRc: you want to access your ubuntu files while your booted in windows?07:28
CaptainTrekrobscomputer:  no07:28
{g}00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)07:28
{g}00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)07:28
CaptainTrek!paste | {g}07:28
ubottu{g}: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:28
rwwrobscomputer: #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic discussion07:28
{g}wildbat: ^ thats what i get07:28
BRcno the other way around histo07:28
histoBRc: well under the places menu you should see your windows drive07:29
histoBRc: if not you may have to mount it.07:29
andrukhow do i find out what type of partition is on my hard drive via the command line?07:29
histoandruk: sudo fdisk -l07:29
wildbat{g}, that's intel chip  ~ unluckily we don't have very good driver for graphic acceleration on linux :< ~07:29
andrukhisto: it says "Id: 83, System: Linux", so does that mean ext3 or ext4?07:30
CaptainTrekindeed, {g}07:30
{g}wildbat: i have intel on my other notebook too and it plays youtube smoothly.07:30
rwwandruk: "mount" will tell you, if it's mounted.07:30
histoandruk: ahh you want to see what type of filesystem?07:30
tripelbmark me "solved" (mark ogen "solved" too) lol07:30
CaptainTrek{g} there's different intel chipsets for graphics and some computers dont use intel graphics07:30
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BRchisto, cant see it..07:30
tripelbI have intel on my drives too. My own intel. lol07:31
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CaptainTrek{g} just because you use intel for processors, you dont get their graphics07:31
* tripelb backs off07:31
wildbat{g}, just install the flash 10 ~ that all you can do ~07:31
CaptainTrek!ot | tripelb07:31
ubottutripelb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:31
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histoandruk: use parted and type in print07:31
GothSpark>.< I saw the cause of my problems but I will need help to solve it07:31
histoandruk: will show you the file systems07:31
{g}CaptainTrek: both notebooks have intel graphic cards07:31
CaptainTrek{g} could be slightly different chipsets then07:31
{g}i will try ubuntu 1007:31
histo!ntfs | BRc07:31
ubottuBRc: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE07:31
{g}maybe it will make a difference07:32
CaptainTrek{g} dont just jump to that conclusion xD07:32
andrukhisto: thanks, that worked.07:32
BaramSince we don't have TRIM support yet, what options do I have for my OCZ Vertex?07:32
{g}wildbat: i installed flash 10. didnt make a difference07:32
GothSparkI have the extra plugins pacage missing ... so I need to install the, manualy how can I do that ?07:32
{g}CaptainTrek: what conclusion?07:32
steven__why cant i use compiz options07:32
andrukrww: i was trying to find out what type of filesystem it was so i could mount it!  ;-) thanks tho.07:32
wildbat{g} you ain't on ubuntu 10?07:32
{g}wildbat: ubuntu 8 i think07:32
coz_steven__,  what exactly do you mean?07:32
Sheepherdhi all... first time i connected my mobile phone via usb a menu popped up where i could chose what to do next (view pictures, listen to music). after reconnecting the device this menu doesnt appear anymore... someone knows why?07:32
rwwandruk: mount should autodetect the filesystem type if it's ext3 or ext4 =07:33
{g}wildbat: ubuntu 007:33
BRcthx will try that...07:33
{g}wildbat: ubuntu 907:33
histoBRc: follow the directions for manually mounting07:33
histoBRc: you can then later add the options to fstab07:33
histo!fstab | BRc07:33
ubottuBRc: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:33
soreauGothSpark: apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra07:33
GothSparkooo thank's *.* sorem07:33
soreausteven__: What option specifically?07:33
steven__i right hit the compiz ion and i cant selected  compiz options07:33
wildbat{g} get 10 i got better graphic speed ~ i945 here07:33
rww{g}, wildbat: Ubuntu version formats are Year.Month (e.g. 10.04 came out in April 2010). Saying "Ubuntu 9" (for example) is ambiguous :)07:33
BRchisto, thx have enought here ...going to try it now07:34
soreau! ccsm | steven__07:34
ubottusteven__: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz07:34
coz_steven__,  ah I see ...which video card to you have07:34
{g}wildbat: ok, will try ubuntu 1007:34
wildbatrww, i know but there is only one 10 so far ;p07:34
{g}rww: ok07:34
steven__coz_: idk07:34
coz_steven__,   open a terminal     lspci  | grep -i vga07:35
rwwwildbat: You'd be surprised at how early after release dev stuff gets started ;P07:35
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wildbatrww, i think they started now ~ but nothing for us to DL ^^ ~07:36
AzeotropeCan I use Lucid Lynx liveCD to update a 8.04 system?07:36
coz_steven__,  just copy and paste that command into the terminal window07:36
histo!upgrade | Azeotrope07:36
ubottuAzeotrope: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading07:36
rwwAzeotrope: No. The Live/Desktop CD can't do upgrades; you need the Alternate CD for that.07:36
steven__coz_: i did give me one sec ok07:36
coz_steven__, sure07:36
microhaxoUpgraded from 9.10 and my wifi on my netbook is DOA.07:36
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coz_steven__,   just in case the command is      lspci | grep -i vga07:37
skritehey all, i have sound when in gnome, but not in compiz standalone what might be happening there?07:38
histomicrohaxo: what kind of card is it?07:38
histoskrite: what is compiz standalone?07:38
steven__how do i copy in past what the hot keys07:38
coz_steven__,   the easiest way to copy and paste in linux is to highligh text...like the command I gave...and simply middle click inside terminal window...or  a text editor07:38
histosteven__: ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shft+v07:38
microhaxohisto: GE780 Wireless  its an Asus Eee 1000he07:39
robscomputerI saw some screenshots of Ubuntu desktops with a cpu/performance widget, what is that called?07:39
histomicrohaxo: do you know what chipset it has?07:39
histomicrohaxo: you may need to install restrcited drivers or firmware for your card.07:39
skritehisto, well, i mean i am running compiz as a window manager without useing a desktop environment like gnome or kde or xfce407:39
bazhangrobscomputer, conky, most likely07:39
coz_steven__,  well highlight and middle click are the easiest however in terminal  to copy from a terminal it is  shift+ctrl+c  and to paste into a terminal it is  shift+ctrl+v07:39
microhaxohisto: rt2860sta07:39
gotttorobscomputer: it might have been conky07:39
jbrouhardrobscomputer, probably conky07:39
Azeotroperww: histo thank you07:40
bullgard4'~$ sudo update-manager -d' upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and installed 7 DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«. How can I make that future update manager updates or upgrades will not install DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«?07:40
histomicrohaxo: hrm... should be working unless there is somethign in release notes about that chipset07:40
gottto!conky | robscomputer07:40
histoskrite: well maybe sound isn't being started then in your X07:40
steven__coz_: this is it07:40
microhaxoidk, its funny If i reboot like 4 times it will connect for like 2 min and then it just disconnects and eventually it doesnt even show that i have wireless.07:40
steven__coz_: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)07:40
steven__03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a1)07:40
skritehow could i do that?07:40
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 robscomputer07:41
histomicrohaxo: so it does work its just intermitent.  I would search for your chipset on the forums or on launchpad bugs07:41
steven__coz_: is this a good card07:41
coz_steven__,   ok the compiz options under fusion icon are generally for nvidia cards however now with the new nvidia drivers ..both of those options are actually no longer needed07:41
microhaxook, thanks histo.07:41
histoskrite: what are you trying to do just X with compiz?07:41
unimatrixhow do i fix the ugly splash screen resolution in lucid?07:41
coz_steven__,   the card is fine but compiz options are not necessary for that07:41
histoskrite: or openbox or something?07:41
skriteno, just compiz07:41
steven__coz_: thank you07:41
coz_steven__,  no problem07:41
histoskrite: let me check something07:41
steven__skrite: what up07:42
steven__with compiz07:42
skritesteven__, hi, oh, just can't get sound working if not running gnome07:42
daiatlus79i need some help07:42
steven__dude i cant help with that srooy07:43
daiatlus79lucid user here07:43
skritealso, i am using compiz and is very very slow, but when gnome is running, it is fine.07:43
coz_daiatlus79,  whats the issue?07:43
daiatlus79i just did a partial upgrade and now i cannot access anything to do with networking07:43
skritesteven__, it's cool. i havn't seen this one before either07:43
histoskrite: did you install a sound system? or how are you starting X07:43
daiatlus79i am using a spare computer to talk to you now07:43
skriteremoved gdm and start x with startx07:43
daiatlus79my laptop cannot even use its ethernet or wlan to connect online07:43
coz_daiatlus79,  ah oh07:43
dethrayI've never had luck with upgradeds07:43
daiatlus79i think that its the nm-applet bug07:44
daiatlus79so what are my options?07:44
histoskrite: did it remove pulse and sound items?07:44
steven__dose someone know a site where i can learn sudo and comm. for the termainal07:45
histo!sound > skrite07:45
ubottuskrite, please see my private message07:45
daiatlus79i am using xubuntu by the way (i dont think it would make any difference)07:45
coz_daiatlus79,  off hand I am not sure....that may be due to it being nearly 3am here  however.... but... I am guessing someone has a solution here  so just hold on for someone to answer... I need sleep :)07:45
daiatlus79its 345 am here07:45
histodaiatlus79: have you tried configuring it manually?07:45
TyanColtehello everybody07:45
daiatlus79how so?07:46
skritehisto, thanks07:46
daiatlus79nm-applet is not there anyomre07:46
skritegoing to back out and retry07:46
bazhangdaiatlus79, please dont use the enter key as punctuation07:46
daiatlus79neither is network-manager-gnome07:46
histodaiatlus79: with /etc/network/interfaces07:46
histodaiatlus79: or ifconfig07:46
coz_daiatlus79,  often it is more useful to type out the first 2 or 3 letters of somone you aretalking to and hitting tab to complete the nick so that they are alerted07:46
bazhangdaiatlus79, open a terminal and type ifconfig; what do you see (all on one line, again, please)07:46
eivindUpdate to Lucid failed before it finished but Lucid seems to have installed. How to I force it to finish? apt-get upgrade only finds a google chrome update.07:47
TyanColtei have a question, i'm trying to automount my windows 7 partition by editing /etc/fstab but when i did at first it said only root can, then i put sudo in front of the command and it lets me mount but not without my root password, is there any way to automount this thing without having my password?07:47
coz_i need sleep night07:47
histo!paste | daithif07:47
ubottudaithif: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:47
daiatlus79thanks histo07:47
histo!fstab > TyanColte07:47
ubottuTyanColte, please see my private message07:47
histoTyanColte: root should mount it on boot if its in yoru fstab. ONly root can mount07:48
daiatlus79ok histo  it says in the interfaces file auto lo then the next line says iface lo inet loopback07:48
TyanColteit wont mount on boot, i have the syntax correct i know i do but it won't automount07:48
histodaiatlus79: can you pastebin the output of ifconfig07:48
daiatlus79histo:  how do i do that?07:48
histoTyanColte: can you pastebin yoru fstab07:49
histo!paste > daiatlus7907:49
ubottudaiatlus79, please see my private message07:49
daiatlus79i am still learning about linux07:49
histodaiatlus79: just copy and paste to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link07:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:49
daiatlus79i have no network connection at all on that computer that i am having the issues with07:49
histodaiatlus79: ahh07:49
TyanColtewhat's the SU command for the run box?07:49
daiatlus79yeah.. i am on a spare i am using07:49
histodaiatlus79: well is there eth0 or eth1 in the results?07:50
Necrosporusubottu, but noone answers my question07:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:50
bazhang!bot > Necrosporus07:50
ubottuNecrosporus, please see my private message07:50
daiatlus79histo: where do i find ifconfig?07:50
OzzahHi. On my PC when I try to bood the 9.10 LiveCD, I get a message "[something] Sleeping forever" during bootup, and now with 10.04 LiveCD It boots to a black screen and never displays a picture. I'm using an i7 with a Radeon HD5850 with a SATA 1Tb drive on a gigabyte motherboard, 4GB ram. Any help please?07:50
histodaiatlus79: open a terminal applications > accesories > terminal07:50
histodaiatlus79: type in ifconfig07:50
daiatlus79ok i got terminal open07:51
daiatlus79histo:  ok i did that...07:51
bazhangTyanColte, gksudo gedit (for example)07:51
histodaiatlus79: is there an eth0 listing?07:51
TyanColtethank you bazhang07:51
daiatlus79histo: what line woudl the ethernet be in07:51
daiatlus79histo: nothing for either eth0 or a wlan at all07:51
histodaiatlus79: ont he left it will list the interfaces like eth0 wlan lo07:52
daiatlus79histo:  no interfaces listed...07:52
histoTyanColte: get rid of the sudo in fstab07:53
TyanColtethat causes it to not mount, the only way it would mount is if i added that07:53
histodaiatlus79: it ooutputs nothign?07:53
TyanColteotherwise when i tried to mount it manually it said only root can mount07:53
histoTyanColte: no remove sudo07:53
daiatlus79histo: nothing at all... the thing lists loobacks07:53
TyanColtei've tried it before i put sudo in there07:53
histoTyanColte: also make sure that /media/Windows7Drive exhists07:54
=== dad_ is now known as Guest81518
histoTyanColte: okay well I can't help you then07:54
histodaiatlus79: did you try scrolling up perhaps the output is off the screen07:54
TyanColtewait, does the folder have to exist before i can mount to it?07:54
TyanColtethat dosn't make sense07:54
histoTyanColte: yes and sudo doesn't belong in fstab07:54
histoTyanColte: but you do what you want.07:54
daiatlus79histo: nope... it all there.. i have terminals font small so it wont do that..07:54
histodaiatlus79: I have no idea its not seeing your network cards. Try lspci see if a network adapter shows up there07:55
TyanColteyou're telling me something i alreday know, i know sudo doesn't belong in fstab, i put it in there temporarily to make it work for a bit but i was trying to figure out how to make it automount without using it07:55
airtonixTyanColte, can't mount something on something that doesn't exist07:55
histoTyanColte: You don't need it in fstab putting it in there is causing issues07:55
histoTyanColte: its doing nothing07:55
TyanColtefigured it would create it07:55
TyanColtenvm problem solved07:56
daiatlus79histo: it shows up when i use lspci07:56
airtonixTyanColte, your mount folder is the door to the block device you are trying to mount.... no door no access to device.07:56
histoTyanColte: fstab doesn't understand sudo but understands the rest of your line07:56
histoTyanColte: also your mount folder has to be there as a place holder07:56
daiatlus79histo: and my wlan as well07:56
histoTyanColte: and your UUID has to be correct. After you get your fstab fixed just sudo mount -a   should mount it07:56
histoTyanColte: and it will be mounted on boot for you.07:57
histodaiatlus79: thats just odd.  I'm at a loss for why ifconfig wouldn't see it.07:57
TyanColteyea but i don't want to have to do sudo mount -a every time i start my fing computer07:57
jattis rhythmbox the default music player in lucid?07:57
histoTyanColte: You won't have to07:58
rwwjatt: yes07:58
histoTyanColte: it will do it for you.07:58
airtonixTyanColte, ...07:58
daiatlus79i read in a google search that there is a bug with that upgrade.. and as well that i cant install network-manager-gnome07:58
histoTyanColte: thats the hole point of fstab07:58
yaboowhen i start samba get this message standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option any reason why?07:58
TyanColtethe -a means auto doesn't it?07:58
jatthow can I configure rhythmbox to look like this:07:58
te_TyanColte: all07:58
abhifxhi. plymouth is eating up my resources even after booting up... can someone help me plz07:59
histoTyanColte: means mount all filesystem mentioned in fstab07:59
jattI don't see the ubuntu one music store07:59
TyanColteso why would i need to use that command if it is going to automount it in the first place07:59
histoTyanColte: i'm trying to save you a reboot07:59
daiatlus79histo: and i have my disc there... but it wont access that one either in synaptic07:59
histoTyanColte: fstab gets read on boot. that command saves you the reboot08:00
* TyanColte facepalms08:00
TyanColtenever mind08:00
jattplymouth is useless if I have an entry in my fstab for my cdrom ubuntu won't boot correctly08:00
TyanColtei've got it thanks08:00
tomcheng76Hi, anyone tried auto logoff in Lucid ?08:00
Mrokiihello all. I wanted to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04, but when the upgrade starts, if failes to get new packages, saying that it failed to fetch several ppa-links. Can anybody help?08:01
histojatt: why do you need an entry for cdrom in fstab?08:01
whyameyeupgraded to 10.04 and my scanner no longer works. I have the firmware in the right directory, the .conf for sane points to the firmware, the product id is matching. But scanimage -L says no scanners identified. sane-find-scanner finds the scanner.08:01
daiatlus79histo: i think i will just back up my crap on the hard drive and do a complete reinstall08:01
whyameyeand I can't figure out how to restart the sane daemon. /etc/init.d/saned gives no joy08:02
histodaiatlus79: well just backup your /home/ thats where all your user documents and settings (user specific) are.08:02
OzzahHi. On my PC when I try to bood the 9.10 LiveCD, I get a message "[something] Sleeping forever" during bootup, and now with 10.04 LiveCD It boots to a black screen and never displays a picture. I'm using an i7 with a Radeon HD5850 with a SATA 1Tb drive on a gigabyte motherboard, 4GB ram. Any help please?08:02
histowhyameye: sudo restart saned ?08:02
jatthisto: it doesn't matter why do I need it. I removed it afterwards. Fact is, if there is an entry there, plymouth will not allow the system to boot correctly.08:02
jatti.e. bug.08:02
histojatt: maybe the entry is wrong08:02
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
whyameyehisto: unknown job: saned08:03
* histo hates this upstart changing stuff08:03
abhifxno one has a solution for my problem?08:03
jatthisto: no, the system should boot correctly and plymouth should not complain and hang the whole system, even if the entry is rubbish (the entry is correct, since it mounted the cdrom before the upgrade)08:03
daiatlus79histo: yeah i had to do that when i got rid of puppy and went over to Xubuntu08:03
histowhyameye: are you running lucid08:03
whyameyehisto: yes just upgraded08:03
krazykrivdaanyone in here use looking glass?08:03
histojatt: you don't need an entry to mount the cd but I don't know could be a bug I guess.08:03
daiatlus79histo: well thanks for the help...08:04
histowhyameye: they changed a bunch of stuff with upstart08:04
daiatlus79you take care man08:04
histodaiatlus79: np08:04
whyameyehisto: yeah I guessed that. :-/ Ticks me off that the scanner worked fine in Hardy08:04
Archaeopteryxhi, I need to install glib 2.14 for a friend and it appears he is using 2.12. What do I need to do to install 2.14?08:04
yaboook, seems smbclient can see the shares under ubuntu machine08:05
jattthe fonts in the "ubuntu software center" are way to big. is there a way to fix this. other applications don't have this problem.08:05
Linuxi there any way i can reduce the size of a jpg file in Ubuntu 10.04?08:07
histowhyameye: is it even running a a damaen right now?08:07
histowhyameye: daemon?08:07
histoLinux: crop it or do you mean compress it?08:08
red2kicLinux: Resize the image?08:08
whyameyehisto: I'm not finding it with ps aux. SO maybe it isn't the problem08:08
LinuxHisto: I do not want to compress. I just want to reduce the size08:08
histowhyameye: maybe its not running. its not on my system by default08:08
crdlbArchaeopteryx: what distro? glib 2.12 implies he's using edgy which is extremely unsupported08:08
whyameyehisto: then it probably isn't required to find a scanner.08:08
histoLinux: what do you mean by size size on disk?  or dimensions?08:09
Linuxhisto: both08:09
Sheepherdhi all... first time i connected my mobile phone via usb a menu popped up where i could chose what to do next (view pictures, listen to music). after reconnecting the device this menu doesnt appear anymore... someone knows why?08:09
histoLinux: fspot will let you crop08:10
Archaeopteryxcrdlb: I think I might have figured it out. This is 10.04 and I think he just doesn't even have the dev stuff installed. Should get him up to 2.24! I thought he had 2.12 installed but I was wrong08:10
Linuxhisto: Thank you very much. I will try to do it using fspot08:10
greezmunkeyLinux: check DjVu08:10
histoLinux: i don't see a way to change the jpeg compression options with fspot though08:10
histoLinux: you can use gimp or any of the many photo editors in the software center08:11
Linuxok, i will try gimp08:11
histoLinux: gimp is similiar to photoshop08:12
jimtuvIs it just me or do any other people with Nvidia card have problems with the Nouveau driver??08:12
histojimtuv: I did then I installed the nvidia drivers08:13
TyanColtehisto: http://s375.photobucket.com/albums/oo197/TyanColte/?action=view&current=Screenshot-Error.png08:13
TyanColtethat's what happens when i take out the sudo from fstab08:13
jimtuvI had to completely unistall nouveau to get my Nvidia to work08:13
TyanColteand try to mount the device08:13
TyanColteand i did create the folder08:13
histoTyanColte: yes root is the only one that can moutn like I said08:14
TyanColteso why did it not mount when i typed mount -a08:14
histoTyanColte: you could sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Windows7Drive08:14
histoTyanColte: and it would get mounted08:14
yaboohisto think i nailed the samba problem08:14
histoTyanColte: cuz you would need to sudo mount -a08:14
histoyaboo: what was it firewall or something in config?08:15
Linuxhisto: I just found fotoxx, i hope this will work08:15
airtonixTyanColte, histo is talking about the commandline now not entries in fstab.08:15
yaboohisto don't think firewall, because windows can find windows shares08:15
TyanColtewell that's all well and good but why won't it automount when i start my computer08:16
DjAngo23hey guys, Got a problem booting since the update to 10.04. First i had the problem : An error occurred while mounting /proc/bus/usb, but that is solbved with /etc/fstab, but now, when Ubuntu is doing the disk check (because the system says : file system still has error) i get the following error : The disk drive for /tmp is not ready yet or not present ? But i can cd to /tmp... Any idea ?08:16
histoTyanColte: try moutning it manually first open a terminal08:16
jimtuvI did some looking around and a search for nouveau brought me to the  BinaryDriverHowtoNvidiaNouveau page and the first thing on it is Note: Ubuntu 10:04 will use Nouveau out of the box. {X} WARNING: THE DRIVER IS MOSTLY UNSTABLE. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.08:16
airtonixTyanColte, where is a pastebin of your /etc/fstab  ?08:16
yaboohisto this is my error standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option08:16
TyanColtei did, and it is mounted, but it won't remount when you restart the computer08:16
histoTyanColte: and type in :     sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Windows7Drive08:16
jimtuvwhy would they put an unstable driver as default?????08:17
histoTyanColte: okay well maybe the uuid is wrong in fstab then try replacing it with /dev/sda1 instead of UUID=blah08:17
histoTyanColte: and can you paste bin your final fstab let me see if there are any errors08:17
airtonixTyanColte, you don't have encryption or something exotic turned enabled for the windows7drive ?08:17
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DjAngo23Any ideas where my problem is comming from ?08:18
airtonixTyanColte, how did you get that uuid for the windows7drive ?08:18
TyanColtethe same way anybody gets a uuid for a filesystem08:18
histoTyanColte: yea it doesn't look right08:18
TyanColtewhat's the command for that?08:19
histoTyanColte: Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier08:19
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TyanColtesee if it matches with the pastebin08:20
histoTyanColte: sudo blkid /dev/sda108:20
TyanColtesame thing08:21
owen1after the upgrade to lucid i see the desktop and the mouse. but the login screen doesn't show up so i can't do anything (in karmic i used to text-based login). any tips?08:21
Linuxhisto: I just changed the size of pic using fotoxx. It is very easy to do.08:21
airtonixhisto, TyanColte thats because its reading fstab for hte uuid in this case08:21
histoTyanColte: what are you typing in exactly?08:21
Linuxhisto: thx for ur support08:21
histoLinux: np08:21
bp0anyone get virtualbox usb devices to work in ubuntu?08:21
TyanColteok, let me try it using /dev/sda1 /media/Windows7Drive ntfs-3g 0 008:21
histobp0: won't work with the ose version08:21
owen1 /j xubuntu08:22
histoTyanColte: put that in fstab then stop08:22
KoobuntooHello! If I run the "compiz -replace" command, then my kubuntu panels aren't transparent anymore. Someone knows the solution?08:22
bp0histo, i have the regular version08:22
TyanColtestop what?08:22
histoTyanColte: save it. Then sudo umount /media/Windows7drive.  Then sudo mount -a08:22
histoTyanColte: see if it mounts it again. if it does then it will on reboot. but you are definately getting a bad UUID from somewhere.08:22
TyanColteunmount command not found08:23
histoTyanColte: umount not unmount08:23
TyanColteok, it worked that time08:23
TyanColtenot sure why the uuid was the problem but aparently it was08:23
airtonixTyanColte, uuid is supposed to be 5 groups of hexadecimal digits08:23
abhifxhi. plymouth is eating up my resources even after booting up... can someone help me plz08:24
TyanColteok, one more question08:24
histoTyanColte: yeap wrong uuid. Now try sudo blkid /dev/sda108:24
TyanColtesame uuid08:24
TyanColte/dev/sda1: UUID="6866C5F466C5C354" TYPE="ntfs"08:24
histoTyanColte: wth I don't know why its given you a bogus uuid then.08:24
yaboohisto: know why i get this message08:24
TyanColtebeats me08:24
histoyaboo: what message?08:24
yaboostandard input is not a socket, assuming -D option08:25
histoTyanColte: but it will work with /dev/sda108:25
yabooin log.smbd08:25
TyanColteanyway, how do i change the name in my places folder from 261 GB filesystem to Windows7Drive08:25
histoyaboo: when are you getting that?08:25
airtonixhisto, try collecting blkid garbage first.08:25
histoyaboo: I have no idea08:25
histoairtonix: ?08:25
airtonixblkid -g08:25
twoshotsconnect irc.freenode.net08:25
twoshotssry guys08:25
twoshotstesting stuff08:25
bazhangtwoshots, you are here already08:26
airtonixhisto, i myself cannot get blkid to give me uuid for drives that are not in fstab already08:26
histoairtonix: hrm...08:26
twoshotsI know :D. Thanks though. I'm just trying to figure out how to connect to any irc I want08:26
twoshotsMy client (xchat) seems to only have preset ones08:26
twoshotsI know it's possible though.08:26
KoobuntooHello! If I run the "compiz -replace" command, then my kubuntu panels aren't transparent anymore. Someone knows the solution?08:26
histoTyanColte: ^^^ did yous ee what airtonix is saying?08:26
bazhangtwoshots, best to do that in the server window08:26
histoahh he left08:26
twoshotsbazhang: How do I get to the server window?08:27
histoKoobuntoo: someone in #kubuntu may be of more help08:27
DjAngo23hey guys, Got a problem booting since the update to 10.04. First i had the problem : An error occurred while mounting /proc/bus/usb, but that is solbved with /etc/fstab, but now, when Ubuntu is doing the disk check (because the system says : file system still has error) i get the following error : The disk drive for /tmp is not ready yet or not present ? But i can cd to /tmp... Any idea?08:27
bazhangtwoshots, its marked freenode08:27
twoshotsbazhang: Oh ok.08:27
bullgard4'~$ sudo update-manager -d' upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and installed 7 DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«. How can I make that future update manager updates or upgrades will not install DEB program packages from the section »Games and Amusement«?08:28
puma3037hei i was update my Ubuntu but nw my movie player in not working pls help me gays08:28
bazhangKoobuntoo, kde4 has compositiing you know? also try in #compiz08:28
histobullgard4: you want to keep them at the current version?08:28
bazhangpuma3037, clarify not working08:29
rwwbullgard4: You can't. Ubuntu's upgrade tools pull in ubuntu-desktop deliberately, and you thus end up with ubuntu-desktop's packages, including games.08:29
bullgard4histo: No. I do not want to keep them. I do want to get rid of them and that they will never install again.08:29
histobullgard4: just remove them then08:29
bullgard4rww: Thank you very much for your help.08:30
histobullgard4: you can remove them.08:30
masterkorpi updated to 10.04 yesterday08:30
puma3037any one knows to sol my prob pls reply me08:30
bullgard4histo: I know. But this was not my question.08:30
bazhangpuma3037, I asked for more details08:31
ezrafreeanyone know how i can get my netbeans settings back after upgrading to lucid08:31
histobullgard4: you said you want to remove them and they won't install again08:31
histobullgard4: remove the packages08:31
bullgard4histo Thank you.08:31
lalladoes the gparted allow us to partition without formatting the disk?08:31
masterkorphow i can have the boot up from 9.10?08:31
bullgard4lalla: No.08:31
histobullgard4: it may remove ubuntu-desktop which is a meta package. You will just have to keep note of this for future upgrades08:31
puma3037if i play som video player was automatically gone08:31
bazhangmasterkorp, from 10.04?08:31
histo!downgrade | masterkorp08:32
ubottumasterkorp: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.08:32
lallahow about cfdisk?08:32
bazhangpuma3037, which players? what was the exact error message?08:32
histolalla: yes gparted will08:32
puma3037no msgs08:32
masterkorpnot, i only want the boot screen08:32
masterkorphow can i change that?08:32
histolalla: you can create partitions and not format them if you want. Just don't specify a type08:32
masterkorpcan anyone point me in the right way?08:33
puma3037i was double click som movie then its com & soon gone08:33
bazhangpuma3037, again, which players08:33
sidharthhow r u?08:33
lallahisto: I wanna run LFS on my 9.10, it asks me to make a partition...08:33
atrusmasterkorp: maybe you can restate what you mean, because i certainly don't understand.08:33
histo!usplash | masterkorp08:34
ubottumasterkorp: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork08:34
histolalla: okay do you ahve any free space?08:34
puma3037movie player08:34
lallahisto: yes 30 GB left in 50 GB08:34
bazhangpuma3037, try right click , open with (and choose some different player)08:34
histolalla: what are you trying to do biuld a linux from scratch system?08:34
lallahisto: need to do it for my academic project :)08:35
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histolalla: yes just createa  partition in the empty space then08:35
abhiSriHow we can change the login screen in ubuntu 10.04?08:36
boogiemanwhats up08:36
lallahisto: thats what m unable to do...its taking entire 50 & not the empty 3008:36
puma3037vlc is working but i need 2 know wats happen m.player and hw can i sol d case08:36
DjAngo23Any ideas where my problem is comming from ?08:36
boogiemanhave a lot of the bugs on new release been worked out?08:36
histolalla: whats installed on the 50gig right now?08:37
lallahisto: ubuntu 9.1008:37
Gintulishi, whay when i boot ubuntu, log on desktop , computer freeze about 15s, (not move mouse, kayboard etc.) after about 15s computer work fine, this problem only ubuntu (with other OS no problem)08:37
histolalla: open gparted click ont he unallocated space and then click the add up top08:38
histolalla: the little plus sign withthe paper08:38
histolalla: for filesystem you want to choose unformated if you don't want to format it at this time.08:39
histolalla: I believe the LFS documentation walks you through parititoning and stuff you may want to consult their directions. This is way offtopic for here.08:39
histolalla: and there is #lfs-support08:40
whyameyeBLEH it was the friggin USB cable fooling my scanner! A different cable and all is happy.08:40
histowhyameye: always works that way.08:40
lallahisto: ok thnx08:41
whyameyehisto: since sane-find-scanner was returning reasonable values it never occurred to me08:41
histolalla: thats on a different irc server btw08:42
histolalla: #lfs-support is on irc.linuxfromscratch.org08:42
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macnohi guys, I bought a Sony Vaio yesterday, tonight I reinstalled it with Lucid, all went fine except audio08:44
DjAngo23hey guys, Got a problem booting since the update to 10.04. First i had the problem : An error occurred while mounting /proc/bus/usb, but that is solbved with /etc/fstab, but now, when Ubuntu is doing the disk check (because the system says : file system still has error) i get the following error : The disk drive for /tmp is not ready yet or not present ? But i can cd to /tmp... Any idea ?08:44
macnoI can't ear nothing from headphone nor speakers08:44
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DjAngo23macno, try typing alsamixer in your terminal and look if something is mute and increase the volume08:47
Beyecixramdhow do i make an OEM installation in Lucid? with the alternate CD?08:48
histoBeyecixramd: yes08:49
Beyecixramdthanks histo08:49
gotttoDjAngo23: afaik the disk check unmounts the drive it checks - or does it's thing before it is mounted - it might pay to run  fsck from a live cd08:49
histoBeyecixramd: you can select it fromt he options on the main menu i think its f4 to get to options. it lists them at the bottom of the first menu08:49
macnoDjAngo23, done nothing mute except "beep"08:50
Beyecixramdhisto: i know, i know, but AFAIK, the OEM installation was included in the standard ISO, wasn't it?08:50
Beyecixramdbefore Lucid, i mean08:50
red2kicIs there a command that will let me see which progress is holding up a particular file?08:51
DjAngo23gottto, it is before it is mounted08:51
hasnhi.can any 1help me how to add wireless icon on top panel,ubuntu 10.0408:52
gotttoDjAngo23: so then /tmp isn't accessable 'cause the partition isn't mounted08:52
aconrad_hi there, is there a way I can autostart a program that will show on a specific desktop?08:52
airtonix!info devilspie | aconrad_08:52
DjAngo23gottto, well it's more like explain here, without the fact that i do not encrypt. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/57168208:52
hasnhi.can any 1help me how to add wireless icon on top panel,ubuntu 10.0408:52
ubottuaconrad_: devilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22-1 (lucid), package size 28 kB, installed size 128 kB08:53
DjAngo23gottto, it's before selecting the user to login08:53
aconrad_airtonix: thanks, i'll have a look08:53
hasnhi.can any 1help me how to add wireless icon on top panel,ubuntu 10.0408:53
gotttoDjAngo23: all I can suggest is to try the fsck check from a live cd - it's what I'd do08:54
DjAngo23gottto, Okay, burning 10.04 and i will do that, thanks for the help, i will let you know what happend.08:55
jamil_1hi, I am unable to upgrade ubuntu via network. update manager doesn't shows any option to upgrade to 10.0408:55
gotttoDjAngo23: luck mate :]08:55
hasnhi ,i delete wireless icon on panel by mistake,can any1 help where i can find it again08:56
elkyright click and choose "add to panel"08:56
DjAngo23gottto, I just tried to burn, but it needed /tmp. I'm happy ubuntu offers the possibility to put tmp somewhere else...08:57
guntbertred2kic: have a look at fuser (= file user)08:57
hasnubuntu 10.04 i tried,i dont know the command for it@ elky08:57
red2kicguntbert: I found lsof /path/to/file to work. ;O08:58
guntbertred2kic: :-)08:58
dwntwncould anyone tell me how to add network manager to my panel?08:59
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jamil_1guntbert: as you suggested earlier I tried to change mirror location but still I am unable to upgrade to 10.0408:59
MXGamer101hey everyone09:00
Dr_Willisdwntwn:  i thought you ran the nm-applet09:00
dwntwnDr_Willis, where the heck is that?09:01
MXGamer101anyone can lend some words of advice to a linux newb?09:01
Dr_Willisnm-applet --sm-disable09:01
Dr_Willisdwntwn:  run it from a terminal.09:01
Lazy^MXGamer101: ask but dont ask to ask09:01
Dr_Willis!manual | MXGamer10109:01
ubottuMXGamer101: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:01
dwntwnDr_Willis, I want it as a indicator of signal strength on my panel09:02
MXGamer101its not that kind of help, more of an installation issue with ubuntustudio09:02
Lazy^MXGamer101: and the problems is ?09:02
tiger2wanderHi there09:02
MXGamer101i was able to install ubuntustudio to the target partition on my hard drive, but when it came to installing the bootloader,it refused to install Grub2 and LILO09:03
guntbertjamil_1: strange - I'm afraid I've run out of ideas -- obviously it must be some setting on your machine -- but I don't even know where apt keeps all of it's files...09:03
dwntwnDr_Willis, how do you know who i am?09:03
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Dr_Willisdwntwn:  Huh?09:03
dwntwnDr_Willis, I would like it as a indicator of signal strength on my panel09:03
Lazy^MXGamer101: what kinf of error Grub2 gives / are you pointing grub2 to right partition09:04
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stone1343What's it called when the system starts failing, you see a "no entry" icon in the notification area and when you press the power button, the shutdown dialog comes up with little rectangles where the letters are supposed to be?09:04
tiger2wanderCould anyone tell me what is the best VPN server to install with Ubuntu server which clients are windows (mostly), ubuntu/linux, mac osx  machine?09:04
Dr_Willisdwntwn:  when i connect to wireless with the nm-applet here. it changes to  bars showing stregenth here.09:04
dwntwnDr_Willis, :~$ nm-applet09:05
dwntwnAn instance of nm-applet is already running.09:05
dwntwn** (nm-applet:3310): WARNING **: <WARN>  constructor(): Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager.09:05
MXGamer101Lazy^, the text installation gives me the option of either Grub2 or LILO, if i choose Grub2 it gives me no error message and jumps straight back to the option of both bootloaders, and if i choose LILO it gives me a "Failed To Install LILO" on any selcted partition09:05
Dr_Willisdwntwn:  Perhaps yu have removed  the panel applets where it displays itself. Yopu could reset your panels back to defaults09:06
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:06
tiger2wanderI've just tried OpenVPN but no luck to setting it accept username/password from PAM/LDAP service to use with generic windows client without install OpenVPN client09:06
dwntwnthanks Dr_Willis !09:07
jamil_1guntbert: can you please post your sources.list file in /etc/apt/09:08
stone1343Can anyone help with this? What's it called when the system starts failing, you see a "no entry" icon in the notification area and when you press the power button, the shutdown dialog comes up with little rectangles where the letters are supposed to be?09:09
thechefHow can I tell Ctrl+F to do breadth first search in nautilus?09:09
Jordan_UMXGamer101: What are you trying to install grub to? (MBR, PBR, MBR with /boot on raid...)09:10
MXGamer101MBR with /boot on raid09:11
guntbertjamil_1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/429917/   -- a 9.10 system, where I get the option to upgrade09:11
MXGamer101presumably that i believe09:11
jamil_1guntbert: thanx09:12
guntbertjamil_1: you're welcome :-)09:12
MXGamer101Hard drives are currently set up as 2x 500gb in Raid0, partition as 900 and 100gb each (100gb holding ubuntustudio), and then a thrd 1tb harddrive that isnt really involved09:12
perplexedG'day - I need some help regarding the following error:09:14
damaguHello all. Can someone help me with a problem I'm having with my external hard drive? It was working fine but now it's become read only and I don't know how to fix it.09:14
Jordan_UMXGamer101: You can't install grub to a partition if /boot is on raid, it needs to be able to store the core.img in the embedded area between the MBR and first partition. Are you sure you selected the drive (e.g. /dev/sda), and no partitions (e.g. /dev/sda1)?09:14
guntbert!enter | perplexed09:14
ubottuperplexed: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:14
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perplexedthanks ... the error is fd0 cannot get C/H/S values09:15
MXGamer101i was not explicitly given an option to define where grub was going, the only time i was given the option with anything related to the hard drives was the partitioning for the installation of the operating system itself09:16
Dr_Willisperplexed:  you do have a floppy drive?09:16
perplexedit happens when my win xp system tries to boot09:16
perplexedno - but i do have usb access09:16
Jordan_UMXGamer101: Also, it needs to be RAID over a standard partition table, not partitions over the RAID.09:16
Dr_Willisperplexed:  fd0 = floppy disk. check the bios. disable it in bios if you dont have one09:16
perplexedthe floppy drive is disconnected09:17
Dr_Willisperplexed:  linux boots? but windows has issues?   or whats the exact setup?09:17
perplexedi'll have to try that now in BIOS thanks09:17
MXGamer101ahh i see, so there is no way i can get to this OS as it is setup now?09:18
Dr_Willisraid has a lot of things to watch out for.09:18
perplexedDr wills - what happened is i tried to make and install from live cd to usb, but somehow it put some of the linux grub file onto the hdd of my pc09:18
damaguHey can anyone help me get write privileges for my external hard drive?09:18
Dr_Willisperplexed:  yep. when doing an install to USB you MUST tell it  on the past dialog of the installer to install grub to the MBR of the usb disk.09:19
nocturnusdamagu: how are we supposed to help you?//09:19
Dr_Willisperplexed:  plug in the usb, and it boots properly?09:19
Dr_Willisdamagu:  #1 - tell the channel what filesystem is on the usb drive09:20
damagunocturnus: I'm using Ubuntu and I had write access and now I don't. I don't know how to get it back and my google searches keep coming with irrelevant results09:20
ouyeshi all , how to add a printer in ubuntu ?09:20
perplexedDr Willis - no the installed usb (not the live usb disk) it just hangs09:20
Jordan_UMXGamer101: There is no reason I can think of not to use a partition table on the drive itself, do you have a reason? (do you understand what I mean about raid over partitions vs partitions over raid?)09:20
damaguDr_Willis: FAT09:20
Dr_Willisperplexed:  so you want to make a 'bootable full install' to a usb, and have it where with it unplyugged it just boots straight to windows right?09:21
nocturnusdamagu: because you're searcing the wrong things, obviously09:21
damaguUbuntu's disk utility wouldn't let me make it any different.09:21
MXGamer101would you mind explaining it to me anyways, i may have a poor understanding of it09:21
Dr_Willisdamagu:  you may want to install/use the 'ntfs-config' tool it has some check box's that enable full access to fat/ntfs fileystems for users09:21
ProculeHello, I'm running 9.10 amd64. I have two video inputs: my tv tuner (video0) and my webcam (video1). The problem is that flash player only sees my video0 (tv tuner). It sees it correctly but I do not have the option to change to the webcam.09:21
perplexedDr willis - exactly - but now ive messed up my win xp system boot09:22
damagunocturnus: you aren't very helpful obviously so maybe you should not say anything09:22
perplexedDr willis any ideas how to reverse the damage?09:22
nocturnusdamagu: maybe you should go to hell, because i'm clearly wasting my time offering you help09:22
greezmunkeyouyes: in your browser: http://localhost:631 will get you to CUPS admin, you can add your printer there.09:22
Jordan_Uouyes: With most printers you just plug the printer in and in a few seconds you'll see a message like "Printer foo is now ready to be used". If you don't though, there is a good chance that your printer is completely unsupported :(09:22
Dr_Willisperplexed:  to fix windows. You will have to boot some windows cd and use the proper commands to restore the  bootloader. the commands vary depending on your windows version.  fixmbr/fixboot may be what you need.09:22
damagunocturnus: I didn't see you offer any help09:22
damaguDr_Willis: Thanks I'll look into that.09:23
nocturnusyou can take that as a retracted offer09:23
Dr_Willisdamagu:  check out the ntfs-3g docs/guides/howtos  for some basic info on how windows filesystems get mounted/accewsed by linux machines also.09:23
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents09:23
damaguIsn't telling someone to go to hell grounds for being booted? What are you doing here if you aren't going to help people and just abuse them09:23
almosthaving trouble gettgin sound for both skype adn music in 10.0409:24
almostis there  a bug with skype and pulse audio?09:24
ProculeIs it a restriction on Adobe Flash player to only access 1 video input ?09:24
gotsanitywhat is the name of the package for the "hardware drivers" utility?09:24
Dr_Willisalmost:  skype has had issues   in the past. but a lot depends on the exact sound cards from what i gather.09:24
siomyncan't I ask about empathy here ?09:24
damaguDr_Willis: Thanks for that. I didn't realise the particular filesystem would be the problem.09:24
siomyni mean can*09:24
Dr_Willisgotsanity:  'jockey-gtk' is thename of the binary i belive gotsanity09:25
ouyesgreezmunkey, Jordan_U we share the printer in our local network09:25
Dr_Willis!find jockey-gtk09:25
ubottuFound: jockey-gtk09:25
Dr_Willis!info jockey-gtk09:25
ubottujockey-gtk (source: jockey): GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.8-0ubuntu8 (lucid), package size 8 kB, installed size 156 kB09:25
Jordan_Uperplexed: You can write an MS style MBR to the disk from an Ubuntu liveCD by installing the "mbr" package and running "sudo install-mbr /dev/sdX" where X is the proper letter for your drive, likely /dev/sda but you should check to be sure.09:25
almosti have two cards and a usb headset so there is a \lot of confusion......09:25
gotsanityDr_Willis, thanks a bunch09:25
almostso not sure if it is me ro what..09:25
Dr_Willis!info mbr09:25
ubottumbr (source: mbr): Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible computers.. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.10-2 (lucid), package size 22 kB, installed size 92 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)09:25
ouyesgreezmunkey, Jordan_U my ip is and the printer is
debjit!info encfs09:26
almostis there a way to set up music on one card and skype on the other?>09:26
ubottuencfs (source: encfs): encrypted virtual filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.2-2 (lucid), package size 361 kB, installed size 1688 kB09:26
greezmunkeyouyes: What kind of printer?09:26
Dr_Willisperplexed:  dont get cnfused and use /dev/sda1 when you mean /dev/sda    that can be bad. :)09:26
ouyesgreezmunkey, hp09:26
siomynwhere should I ask about empathy?09:26
perplexedDr willis - thanks - i did try that -putting in the orig. win xp home cd to try to recover it - but it has an error saying the inf txtsetup.sif file is corrupt or missing, status 14.  ---very weird09:26
wildbatdo mattrib work on ntsf? i got this error .... while i don't have floppy@@  : http://paste.ubuntu.com/429922/09:26
greezmunkeyouyes: set up for the ip address:9100 (jet direct) on the networking side, then choose your driver.09:27
siomyni can't make some call using SIP in there09:27
Jordan_Uouyes: Ahh, I never work with network printers personally, have you tried System > Administration > Printing?09:27
ProculeMaybe I could remove the driver for the tv tuner and put the webcam on video0 ?09:27
Dr_WillisProcule:  try rmmoding the module and restart the flash app.09:27
ouyesJordan_U, nothing there09:27
DjAngo23Can i start the terminal from the live cd (10.04) because i just started directly the option panel "Live CD Session/Install"09:27
ProculeDr_Willis, i can do that with the /sys09:27
siomynNeed some help for making call using SIP on empathy09:28
DjAngo23I just need to perfor a fsck from the terminal..09:28
DjAngo23And now it' s mounted :S09:28
greezmunkeyouyes: did you browse to localhost:631 ?09:28
ouyesgreezmunkey, yes09:28
Jordan_Uouyes: You selected Add, then Network Printer, then find network printer and Windows printer via SAMBA?09:28
greezmunkeyouyes: select add printer, give it your uname, and pword09:28
greezmunkeyouyes: use appsocket09:29
ouyesJordan_U, yes now09:29
greezmunkeyouyes: use this form: socket://hostname:910009:30
perplexedDr willis - i'll just try a couple of tweaks in the Bios and then i'll BRB.......09:30
Jordan_UMXGamer101: Could you prefix your messages to me with my nick? Otherwise I'll miss them.09:31
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:32
greezmunkeyouyes: socket://{ip address:9100} works well as hostname, if you don't have local dns, you need to make an entry in /etc/hosts to use 'hostname'09:32
siomynDr_Willis: any empathy channel ?09:33
Dr_Willissiomyn:  i never use the app. so no idea. try #empathy09:33
Dr_Willissiomyn:  or check its help menu/docs09:33
nocturnussiomyn: consider compile it yourself09:34
siomynnocturnus: Download and compile by my self ?09:34
nocturnusyes, i.e without your 94 year old grandmother holding your hand and giving you an icecream sandwich09:35
siomynnocturnus: LOL09:35
greezmunkeymmm ice cream09:36
The_ManU_212i use networkmanager to configure my network, networkmanager does connect with auto settings (dhcp) without oing anything, that ok for my notebook but on my desktop workstation i want that no dhcp is done and only my profile for static ip is used, how to do this?09:36
ravenhowto MKFS.VFAT full erase (not fast)?09:37
DjAngo23How to boot the terminal from the live CD ?09:37
^Lem^hi all, running Ubuntu 10.04 desktop x86-64 here. it's very slow to get to my desktop. compiz starts (expo works), but the desktop doesn't load (nautilus, panels) for about 10 seconds. the desktop starting coincides with a read timeout on the floppy drive /dev/fd0. i don't have a floppy. blacklisting the floppy module didn't fix this09:37
siomynThere is #empathy but on Gimpnet09:37
ruby_on_tailsdoes ubuntu run on X1109:38
wildbatanyone know if mattrib work on ntfs? i got this error .... : http://paste.ubuntu.com/429922/09:39
guntbertThe_ManU_212: right click on the nm-applet, select edit connections, select a connection (probably the only one), click edit09:39
Dr_Willisruby_on_tails:  X11 runs on Linux....09:39
Dr_Willis!info xorg09:39
ubottuxorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.5+5ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB09:39
guntbertThe_ManU_212: tell me when you are there09:39
nocturnusubuntu didn't invent X111111109:39
nocturnusthere should only be two ones09:39
wildbatraven, mkfs ain't erasing tools09:40
Jordan_UMXGamer101: The practical difference is that to be able to boot from the drive you need to create partitions on the drives *before* doing anything with RAID, selecting the whole disk as RAID then partitioning afterward leaves no space for GRUB to safely install itself.09:40
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
The_ManU_212guntbert: I'm there09:40
ravenwildbat, i need to format every space, not only the mft09:40
ouyesgreezmunkey, Jordan_U it is fucking amazing , it is working , but black and white ubuntu page09:40
wildbatraven, huh ? y so?09:41
greezmunkeyThe_ManU_212: here's a screen shot...: http://imagebin.org/9608109:41
e01i had a problems with my dell mini 9 and lucid09:41
nocturnuswildbat: please spell correctly09:41
guntbertThe_ManU_212: now select the tab "IPv4 settings", there you choose "method: manual", are you able to fill in the details youself?09:41
MXGamer101 i see, so in order to get a working install of ubuntustudio i would need to reset my entire setup?09:41
greezmunkeyouyes: is that with the X.X.X.X:9100 way?09:41
e01when i close the LID, and open it again, the ubuntu just freezy and had to be restarted09:41
The_ManU_212guntbert: i allready filled in all neccesary data and i have to switch to this interface every time manually09:41
e01how can i fix that09:42
guntbertouyes: please watch you language in here09:42
The_ManU_212greezmunkey: thx09:42
ouyesguntbert, sorry so exciting09:42
ruby_on_tailsAn_Ony_Moose: Dr_Willis I have a script where I need to change the dpi of the output pdf, it says on an X11 system this won't work, so what can I do ?09:42
ouyesgreezmunkey, yes09:42
guntbertThe_ManU_212: did you enable "connect automatically" ?09:42
The_ManU_212guntbert: yes :( doesnt help09:43
greezmunkeyouyes: color is up to the driver you selected, or the print options you chose when submitting the print job, i.e. in you application.09:43
wildbatraven, if you need to wipe the disk you can use something like :sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx909:43
greezmunkeyThe_ManU_212: is the cable connected?09:43
guntbertThe_ManU_212: how many connections do you have in the previous dialog?09:43
The_ManU_212greezmunkey: yep otherwise i wouldnt write here^^09:44
ouyesgreezmunkey, my printer is physically white and black09:44
greezmunkeyouyes: well, there you go!09:44
The_ManU_212guntbert: one, my manually configured one, the auto connection does appear from nowhere09:44
ManDayCan I change the delay by which the Desktop Background changes in a slideshow?09:44
Dr_Willisruby_on_tails:  No idea what you are doing exctly. sounds to me liek its saying on  a unix/linux system it wont work..09:45
Aciidwhats the name of "Sound Preferences" application?09:45
guntbertThe_ManU_212: I suggest you just edit the auto connection with your desired settings09:45
bumbblebeei am going for fresh install of lucid, shld i back up anything other than my home folder?09:45
The_ManU_212guntbert: bwhere to do this?09:46
ruby_on_tailsDr_Willis: can you go here and ctrl+F "dpi" ?09:46
greezmunkeyouyes: the cups server webpage X.X.X.X:631 is pretty cool. You could have done the same thing in System>Administration>Printing, but the CUPS server gives much more options.09:46
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guntbertThe_ManU_212: ah sorry - I misread - because "everyone has an auto connection" :-)09:46
The_ManU_212guntbert: ah ok me not09:47
guntbertThe_ManU_212: is it called "default" ?09:47
ManDayCan I change the delay by which the Desktop Background changes in a slideshow?09:47
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: There are other tools to generate pdfs from html, the simplest being printing to a PDF from the browser.09:47
Dr_WillisManDay:  for gnome 0- theres a xml file that handles the delays/times  find/edit/make your own09:49
guntbertThe_ManU_212: you can also try to enable "available for all users"09:49
=== siomyn is now known as Suckids
ouyesgreezmunkey, i just need it work09:49
gotsanityI have network-manager-gnome installed but I am not showing a network manager applet in the indicator applet tray. Anyone have any idea how i can get it to show?09:49
ManDayDr_Willis, where is that XML file?09:49
ManDayoh in the dir with the images i take it09:50
Dr_WillisManDay:  in a subdir..09:50
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: its being done server side, is there any other tool to do this server side ?09:50
Dr_WillisYou can make your own. seen guides on it at omgubuntu and/or webupd809:50
greezmunkeyouyes: well, I'm glad I made your life easier.09:50
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: In fact, wkhtmltopdf itself is available in the repositories.09:50
ManDayOther question: I use audacious with pulse and play mp3 files but sometimes in some files the volume drops and i have a certain noise for a few seconds. this is not replicable by rewinding to the position where it occured - what could be the problem here?09:51
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: yes I installed it09:51
ManDaythanks Dr_Willis09:51
The_ManU_212guntbert: no i have only the setting home which i created manually09:51
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: but its an application that's gonna be hosted.09:51
ouyesgreezmunkey, what is the difference between short edge and long edge09:51
guntbertThe_ManU_212: you can also try to enable "available for all users"09:52
The_ManU_212guntbert: i dnt have this option but i have system connection which is greyed out09:52
greezmunkeyouyes: one edge is longer than the other??09:52
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: Ahh, you're running into the mentioned "reduced functionality"09:53
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: didn't get you what's reduced functionality ?09:53
guntbertThe_ManU_212: oops - we are talking about different ubuntu versions I guess - what is yours?09:53
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: python-pisa looks like it may do what you want.09:53
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: wkhtmltopdf needs a patched version of the QT toolkit to be able to work without X11 running, QT in the repositories does not contain these patches so the wkhtmltopdf in the repos can only be run if you have an X server running (GUI)09:55
The_ManU_212guntbert: jaunty09:56
nocturnusJordan_U: ...what?09:56
ouyesgreezmunkey, how to set it print on both sides of the paper?09:57
greezmunkeyouyes: couldn't tell you, I donno09:57
Jordan_Unocturnus: I don't understand your question.09:58
timmillwoodAnyone got an eee pc 701, wondering which ubuntu to put on it.09:58
MXGamer101i have a 900HA09:58
wookienzhi, im trying to mount a cifs share through fstab. I wont to mount it 777. It only mounts 770. Do i need to mask it? Help?09:58
guntbertThe_ManU_212: I don't have that any more -- but isn't there a button like "unlock" or the like (it would then ask you for your password to accomplish system tasks)09:58
yaboook seems i cannot to my samba shares on the server but not from others machines, anyone know why09:59
atlanticaquick bluetooth question: i'm not going to have difficulty with my mouse/keyboard am I?09:59
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: do you know of any tool that could directly give me png/jpg ?10:00
red2kicatlantica: Using BT Mouse.  It works fine for me.10:00
atlanticaexcellent. the installer didn't recognize it straight off, so i wanted to double-check. thanks @red2kic10:00
The_ManU_212guntbert: no :/10:01
The_ManU_212guntbert: is tehre perhaps a support channel for networkmanager?10:01
Oprtzhi all10:01
timmillwoodMXGamer101: Was it easy to get ubuntu onto?10:02
Oprtzis there any website in which i can see all the applications for synaptic ubuntu 10.04? and the best applications? i want to search abt horoscop application10:03
dominicdinadaya on the repo pages10:03
DurfSo whats rm -rf / do?10:03
overmindOprtz: Why don't you try "software-center"?10:03
nocturnusJordan_U: why not?10:03
atlanticaDurf: ._.10:03
MXGamer101timmillwood: sure was, a little easier and faster too seeing as eee users are forced to have to install off of flash media10:03
romeusI just performed a fresh install Lucid on my laptop... now it's only booting into the console. If I try to startx, I get low resolution message and a menu of options, I've tried them all and they don't do anything. How can I fix this?10:03
overmindDurf: It removes all hdd/partition10:03
Oprtzovermind:  i dont know abt the software centre10:03
dominicdinadaDurf: force the directory to be removed10:03
dominicdinadaoh with the / at root10:04
red2kicDurf: It destroys the continent: Australia10:04
arandDurf: Delete the whole contents of the system10:04
ouyesi can printer anything under ubuntu now10:04
Oprtzovermind:  ahh i c, there is software centre10:04
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: where did you find that wkhtmltopdf needs Qt and is X dependent ?10:04
nocturnusruby_on_tails: check out the documentation10:04
guntbertThe_ManU_212: not that I know of -- as a work around you could left click on the nm-applet, and select "your" connection there -- please ask in the channel again and mention that you are on jaunty10:05
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: wkhtml2pdf --help10:05
overmindOprtz: Then you can see applications rankings or godknowswhat things10:05
Oprtzis there any free horoscope application available for ubuntu 10.04? thanks10:05
dominicdinadaWho wanted all the Packages listed ?10:05
Oprtzovermind:  i search there, but no luck :(10:05
heroidguys i have a problem X is not starting in boot time so i have to start it manually10:05
dominicdinadaOprtz: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/net/10:05
=== Hyp3r is now known as Hyp3r-Zzz
red2kicOprtz: There aren't any. :(10:06
red2kic!away > Hyp3r-Zzz10:06
ubottuHyp3r-Zzz, please see my private message10:06
dominicdinadaOprtz: those are all the packages listed by category10:06
Oprtzred2kic:  okie dude10:06
Oprtzdominicdinada:  thanks dude10:06
Oprtzthanks all10:06
heroidguys i have a problem X is not starting in boot time so i have to start it manually10:07
red2kicOprtz: You probably can make a script that'll receive from a website and display right away.10:07
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: The staticly linked binary from their web site should work without X11 though.10:07
overmind!repeat | heroid10:07
ubottuheroid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:07
=== Hyp3r-Zzz is now known as Hyp3r
Oprtzred2kic:  i am not good in linux :(10:07
nocturnusheroid: try fixing it10:07
Oprtzi dont know how to make / write script10:07
red2kicheroid: Is gdm installed?10:07
dominicdinadaOprtz:  Actually the link I gave you was for the Net subcategory he is the main packeage page for lucid10:07
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: I am working with the static binary only10:07
Oprtzdominicdinada:  thanks10:08
dominicdinadaNo worries :)10:08
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: Could you pastebin the error you're getting?10:08
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: I am not getting any error10:09
red2kicOprtz: I searched "horoscope" and nothing turned up. You'll have to make do with a script or bookmark a horoscope website.10:09
MrokiiHello. I have started th upgrade vom 9.10 to 10.04 and it started well, unpacking and replacing things. But it seems to have stopped now, in the middle of the proccess of "unpacking replacement memtest86+".10:09
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: if I specify a dpi the result is "Done" but the image is the same as before10:10
MrokiiI has been sitting there for several minutes now, which doesn't look right to me.10:10
SeveasMrokii, run this command and pastebin the output: ps aux; df -h10:10
Seveasit indeed does no look right10:10
dominicdinadaBlah firewall is set to drop packets from my router :(10:10
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: this is my command: ./html2pdf http://www.google.com google.pdf -d 30010:10
ruby_on_tailsI renamed the thing to html2pdf10:11
overminddominicdinada: If you have router firewall is not needed (but yes recommedable keep it enabled), anyways use "sudo ufw set default allow"10:11
asadeddinI need some help with Realtek wireless drivers, anyone/10:11
MrokiiSeveas:  This is the output: http://pastebin.org/21001810:11
noxiAll: I am in need of some serious help with dual booting ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7, both operating systems are installed but I am lacking a grub boot loader screen. Before that and other tries, i was missing Windows 7 on the grub bootloader.10:11
Seveas!anyone | asadeddin10:12
ubottuasadeddin: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:12
dominicdinadaovermind: That will allow me to ssh to the Server as well ?10:12
dominicdinada!grub2 | noxi10:12
ubottunoxi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:12
The_ManU_212guntbert: this workaround do i use everytime10:12
overminddominicdinada: Yes10:12
SeveasMrokii, you didn' type it in correctly, try again: ps aux; df -h10:12
asadeddinDoes anyone know how to install a Realtek 8191se driver on 10.04? Tried and didn't work for me...10:12
dominicdinadaovermind: ok ill give that a shot, can never have to much protection10:13
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: the pdf is of the same size if I specify -d 300 or -d 500 or nothing10:13
overminddominicdinada: If you are under router "atacks" will go to router, no to specific PC10:13
raviepic3help | am using ubuntu 9.04 and i just now upgraded my firefox but still it aint 3.6 its just 3.010:13
ElTonerinoSince upgrading to 10.4, when banshee synchronises music to my phone, and files that it transcodes to mp3 don't work on my phone.  But they do work through things like totem.  Any ideas?10:13
MrokiiSeveas:  I copy and pasted it into the console. This is what I copied "ps aux; df -h". Looks like what you suggested.10:14
raviepic3how can i upgrade my firefox to 3.6 so that i can use the firebug addon with it10:14
FloodBot2raviepic3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:14
dominicdinadablah wrong syntax... sudo ufw allow default ?10:14
overminddominicdinada: Sec10:14
atlanticalucid is very fast. sorry that's not a question. i'm just very impressed.10:15
* dominicdinada is on lucid 10:15
asadeddinCould anyone help me reach solution to installing my 8191se driver please?10:15
bullgard4atlantica: Enjoy Ubuntu!10:15
dominicdinadaatlantica:  could be but for slower pc10:15
dominicdinadaatlantica: pc10:15
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: options need to come before the input and output file parameters10:15
overminddominicdinada: "sudo ufw default allow"10:15
dominicdinadaBLah for slower pcs it is actually slower cause of all the pretty crap10:16
overminddominicdinada: I am too10:16
adaporhi everybody10:16
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: ./html2pdf -d 300 http://www.google.com google.pdf10:16
najathello all10:16
atlanticawhat's the best package for nvidia cards now?10:16
Seveasatlantica, depends on the age of the card10:16
adaporcan someone help me to make a Sveon STV22 tv tuner work under ubuntu?10:16
Iowahchy there, I am forwarding a local ssh port to a third machine. is there a way to set the -X (Xforwarding) for that machine?10:17
MXGamer101hey Jordan_U i think i made a mistake. I moved the installation of ubuntu studio to my other hard drive that is not linkedto the RAID but now the system boots directly to UbuntuStudio10:17
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: is this a normal rule or is this written in the documentation and I missed it ?10:17
raviepic3what the, since a month nobody answers me for what ever i ask10:17
noxiThank you for sending me to a page all about grub2, at 4 am I am still not quite getting the problem here. I have been reading online for hours and still nothing has worked. I have never managed a dual boot before but the concept seems simple enough. I still would like maybe a little attention other then a page. Thanks for the read though.10:17
aburrabeetHow to upgrade Ubuntu using command line interface?10:17
raviepic3and i found that am not asking dumb questions for a starter10:17
MXGamer101also the command sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst = blank file10:17
atlanticaseveas: not ancient. i've got an 8800gt right now10:17
dominicdinadaovermind: thanks at least i can turn the firewall on without it killing my wifi connection... :)10:17
greezmunkeyIowahc: there's an interesting experiment...10:17
Iowahcraviepic3:  whats the question?10:17
overminddominicdinada: :)10:17
Iowahcgreezmunkey: what do you mean?10:17
raviepic3Iowahc, thanks for replying, i wanted to install firebug in my firefox it says firefox version not up to date10:18
Seveasatlantica, system -> admin -> hardeware drivers. That tool will find the correct package for you10:18
jibadeehaanyone here managed to get Amazon MP3 downloader to work with Lucid?10:18
Iowahcraviepic3:  what version are you using?10:18
raviepic3so how can i upgrade my firefox up to date ?10:18
Dr_Willisraviepic3:  i would guess the extension may be to blame.10:18
greezmunkeyIowahc: exactly what I said, so you got X forwarding to run to one machine?10:18
dominicdinadaovermind:  you wouldnt happen to know anything about Wireless access points via server :)10:18
Dr_Willisraviepic3:  it may be seeing a very new version #. as being 'wrong'10:18
adaporwill hardware drivers find tv tuner drivers??10:18
atlanticaSeveas: thanks!10:18
Iowahcraviepic3:  I would guess too, that the plugin is the problem10:18
=== _anonymouse_ is now known as anonymouse_
najathallo everybody10:19
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: It's specified if you read the Synopsys literally "wkhtmltopdf [OPTIONS]... <input file> [More input files] <output file>", but it's understandable that you wouldn't read it literally since it's a strange limitation for a command to have.10:19
raviepic3Iowahc, ! ! ! okie, how can i upgrade my firefox to 3.16.x ?10:19
raviepic3Dr_Willis, thanks fro replying10:19
Seveasraviepic3, there is no 3.1610:19
Iowahcgreezmunkey:  I am forwarding X from the machine I am connecting to, but not to the one I forward the port to10:19
dominicdinada!spam | russ10:19
Dr_Willisraviepic3:  i  just installed firebug here -> http://getfirebug.com/10:19
Seveas!ops | Russ spamming10:19
ubottuRuss spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!10:19
overminddominicdinada: WiFi access points no, but long time ago I did internet connection via bluetooth access point10:20
najati have a problem with my VGA ,,,10:20
atlanticaOh dear.. it froze when it was searching for drivers. Restart and try again! :)10:20
Appl6aburrabeet: You can use "sudo aptitude full-upgrade" to upgrade your packages from the command line.10:20
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: oh yes, thanks :)10:20
dominicdinadaovermind:  :( nah I read the how twos and well I guess I will take baby steps with it little by little10:20
Iowahcraviepic3:  what version of ubuntu are you at?10:20
raviepic3Seveas, sorry 3.6.x i mean10:20
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: You're welcome.10:20
raviepic3Iowahc, 9.0410:20
Seveasraviepic3, upgrade to lucid, it has 3.610:20
Dr_Willisraviepic3:  installed firebug 1.5.4 on my firefox 3.6.310:20
greezmunkeyIowahc: I've played with that, it should be do-able. I'm checking some docs I dl'd ...10:20
Take0nWhat is the font that the new ubuntu logo in lucid uses and where can I find it?10:20
Iowahcgreezmunkey:  nevermind. have forgot to use the right option -.-10:21
Dr_WillisTake0n:  its called 'ubuntu'10:21
SeveasTake0n, that font is neither complete nor released :(10:21
wildbathow do i disable nautilus auto pop up on USB drive plugin ?10:21
atlanticaTake0n The font is called Wordmark and it's not available for use. Unfortunately.10:21
atlanticaOh, I read it was called Wordmark10:21
raviepic3Dr_Willis, i getthis Firebug 1.5.4 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox
Iowahcraviepic3: then a apt-get upgrade should bring you up with a newer version of firefox i guess, or as Seveas  mentioned, update to lucid10:21
greezmunkeyIowahc: yeah, it shold work on a connection to connection basis - allowing multiple sessions.10:21
raviepic3Seveas, how do i upgrade to lucid ?10:21
Take0nthank you guys =)10:22
atlanticait's a very nice font, though.10:22
Seveas!upgrade | raviepic310:22
ubotturaviepic3: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:22
Take0nit really is!10:22
MrokiiOr does anybody know if I can just force quit the installer and restart it? Would it go on doing the upgrade?10:22
Iowahcgreezmunkey: yes, works fine :)10:22
Dr_Willisraviepic3:  then upgrade youre firefox.10:22
SeveasMrokii, that would break it horribly10:23
dominicdinada Russ is spamming in Ubuntu-Server now :/10:23
greezmunkeyIowahc: nice :)10:23
Seveasdominicdinada, tell that in #ubuntu-ops10:23
MrokiiSeveas:  Well, so what should I do?10:23
aburrabeetAppl6: I need to upgrade karmic to lucid.10:23
SeveasMrokii, well, you could start with giving me the information I asked...10:23
ouyeswhat kind of font do you prefer to print english letters/10:23
dominicdinadai did10:23
Take0nand may I ask if someone here knows of any PPA that has GIMP 2.7? I want to use gimp as one window and no 100 different10:23
Iowahcis there a nice CLI tool for wake on LAN?10:24
dominicdinadabut they afk hes trying to say its an accident...10:24
raviepic3Dr_Willis, Iowahc http://pastebin.com/6HjEBND510:24
MrokiiSeveas:  The command you gave me didn't work. It did when I used "ps ax; df -h". Would that be of any help?10:24
Appl6wildbat: Open nautilus, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Media (it's a tab) and you can find various options there.  You probably want to uncheck "Browse media when inserted."10:24
Dr_Willis!locate libXxf86dga.so10:24
=== zeitgeist is now known as musashi
Dr_Willis!find  libXxf86dga.so10:24
Iowahcraviepic3: Do you did a apt-get update first?10:24
SeveasMrokii, the command I gave works. You typed it in wrong or are not on an ubuntu system ;-)10:24
ubottuFile libXxf86dga.so found in libxxf86dga-dev, libxxf86dga1, libxxf86dga1-dbg10:24
MrokiiSeveas:  I did a copy/paste, so there is no way I could have mistyped anything.10:25
greezmunkeyIowahc: ethtool?10:25
wildbatAppl6, ^^ thanks ^^10:25
Appl6wildbat: You're welcome.10:25
greezmunkeyIowahc: I don't know if you would call it "nice" :)10:26
Appl6aburrabeet: Try "sudo do-release-upgrade".10:26
Iowahcgreezmunkey: well, as it seems to me its more for configuring, not for sending wakeonlan packets?10:27
red2kicgreezmunkey: pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance; "what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty"- George Meredith -- Somehow, CLI and pleasant should not be in same sentence. :o10:27
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: still doesn't do any good, -d 300/500 doesn't work, I also tried to use --enable-plugins to capture flash stuff but that doesn't work either10:27
MrokiiSeveas:  As you can see here, the first line contains the last part of my command-prompt, plus the command you gave me: http://pastebin.org/21004610:27
greezmunkeyred2kic: nice!@10:27
raviepic3Iowahc, yes10:28
greezmunkeyIowahc: there may be an issue in the kernel, pleanty of bug reports...10:29
raviepic3only after that it upgraded my firefox to this version i guess10:29
jbendotnetgetting 'Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)' when i try to install mysql-server10:29
jbendotnethow do I clean it up10:29
WormDrinkhow good an idea is x64  ?10:29
red2kicWormDrink: How good an idea is V8 engine?10:29
Appl6Mrokii: You might want to be careful with copy/paste.  Sometimes chat programs are not in ASCII, and that could cause a problem with the command.  Try typing it in by hand.10:29
GilesIs lucid supposed to have a boot splash screen?10:29
greezmunkeyIowahc: check this out: http://www.linuxreaders.com/2010/03/08/save-power-using-wake-on-lan/10:30
Iowahcraviepic3:  then you should try to do a dist-upgrade as Seveas  mentioned it10:30
WormDrinkred2kic, i mean more in sense of for end user OS - will I notice compatibility problems10:30
WormDrinki.e. say for binary releases10:30
Jordan_UGiles: Yes.10:30
WormDrinkor should they work fine (I)10:30
GilesJordan_U: I dont have one.10:31
WormDrinkif I can remember correctly ubuntu has both x64 and x82 libs installed10:31
red2kicWormDrink: There always are sticky situations.  Ie Hulu whines about native 64-bit adobe-plugins. I use amd64 on all my machines.10:31
daurnimatoranyone care to help with no sound?10:31
Appl6WormDrink: I use x64, and I don't have many problems.  But if you can't come up with a reason for x64, you're almost certain to have fewer problems with x86 (especially with flash!).10:32
MrokiiAppl6:  I have tried that, but it is all the same. Even when I use "ps aux" only, I get the message of conflicting format options10:32
red2kicWormDrink: It is possible that some 32-bit binaries does not exist for amd64. Overall, if you're going to use Ubuntu for everyday usage, then you're probably fine with either.10:32
cci[RR]ushi i cant boot using lucid cd10:32
WormDrinkI see10:32
cci[RR]usplease help...10:32
MrokiiSeveas:  Whould this be of any help? http://pastebin.org/210058 (It's what I get when I use "ps ax")10:33
bushbabycci[RR]us: What happens when you try to boot it?10:33
cci[RR]ushangs at "Setting sensors limit     [ OK ]"10:33
Twiztidcould someone please give me some pointer on getting ubuntu running at its fastest, ie: fresh install, then what programs are recommended, and whats the best environment, fluxbox, xfce, ... im looking for pure speed10:33
cci[RR]usi tried noacpi, etc...10:33
red2kicTwiztid: You want Arch / Gentoo. They're known for OPTIMIZATION.10:34
musashiTwiztid, use console10:34
GilesI seem to have a splash screen on shutdown but not on startup.10:34
bushbabycci[RR]us: have you scanned the cd for errors?10:34
MrokiiSeveas:  I have seen there is a line containing "memtest86+" at the end of this output. Though I don't know what that means.10:34
cci[RR]uspls refer here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147673010:34
cci[RR]usi'll try to scan the disc now... but i doubt it's the disc fault10:35
overmindTwiztid: Ubuntu is not designed for be quick, but for be easy. You may want Debian or another distro what doesn't use x10:35
bushbabycci[RR]us: If it's not at least you've removed a possible source of the problem10:36
cci[RR]usi'll try on another pc... brb10:36
Twiztidovermind: k, then i guess my question is, what steps should i take to get ubuntu slimmed up and on speed?10:36
bushbabycci[RR]us: ok.10:36
heroidred2kic: yes gdm is installed10:36
Appl6Mrokii: Can you pastebin the output of "echo $SHELL ; which ps ; file `which ps` ; alias", please?10:36
musashiTwiztid, remove processes that you dont need. get rid of gnome and use fluxbox, lxde or xfce.10:37
Jordan_UTwiztid: Unless you have a particularly low spec computer speed is going to depend more on what application you are using to perform a given task than things like gnome vs fluxbox etc. For instance, for word processing Abiword on a standard Ubuntu install will blow away Open Office on even the most bare / optimized configurations.10:39
Twiztidmusashi: fluxbox, lxde, xfce  all equally fast? or u have a favorite?10:39
MrokiiAppl6:  http://pastebin.org/21006510:39
musashiTwiztid, i prefer lxde10:39
Appl6Twiztid: If you could "turn up the speed" without any other issues, then distribution maintainers would have done that already.  In general, you need to find out how much reliability, compatibility, or features you are willing to lose in order to get the extra speed.10:39
overmindTwiztid: xfce is like gnome. lxde like kde10:39
tjingboemafter i log in it takes 30 seconds before i can actually use the system. can i speed up this process?10:40
musashihaving said all that, if you install something that needs gnome libs or kde libs, your going to be screwed anyway10:40
Giles hi I upgraded to lucid, I have a splash screen at shutdown but not boot.10:41
Appl6Mrokii: Haha, you really aliased the hell out of your terminal.  That is why you were having issues with "ps aux".  To get around that, use "/bin/ps aux".10:41
TwiztidJordan_U: thank you, i have 1.25gbs ram   2ghz cpu,  atix1300 515mb agp video card...   i like compiz and cairo dock and am trying to get a good mix of speed and stability no matter how pretty at this point10:41
MrokiiAppl6:  Sorry, that has been installed by a friend10:41
JackStonerhey i have a problem when i unlock my screen after i enter my password it locks again10:41
DiverdudeI have basically 2 harddisks in my laptop. One is partioned into several parts, and one is just one big chunk(called TrayData) They are currently partioned like this : http://imagebin.org/96089  I want to merge sda7,sda3 and sda5 into one big chunk. Currently i am running this ubuntu on the sda7, and sda3 and 5 is not used. Is it possible to merge sda3 and 5 into sda7 which is currently running ubuntu without damaging anything?10:41
Appl6Mrokii: It's no problem at all.  But it can mess up commands that people tell you to use, so if someone gives you a command that breaks, you should show them the result of the "alias" command.10:42
jbendotnetanyone run into issues installing mysql-server on 9.10 ?10:42
TwiztidAppl6: ya i understand...  im jus so done with XP and want a faster desktop experience without having to upgrade it for now...10:42
JackStonerhey i have a problem when i unlock my screen after i enter my password it locks again10:42
MrokiiAppl6, Seveas: http://pastebin.org/210071 (the output from the first command)10:42
Error403JackStoner after how long?10:42
cci[RR]usthe disc worked fine in my other pc.  i doubt it's disc defect coz that would throw I/O errors. i've seen it before in such cases10:42
cci[RR]usi'd like to know how to disable limit sensors10:43
JackStonerError403: just as soon as i press enter, then i have to unlock again10:43
Error403JackStoner so your in a loop?10:43
JackStonerError403: kinda, with 2 occurances10:43
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:43
Error403JackStoner then it stops?10:43
Jordan_UJackStoner: Do you ever actually see the desktop?10:43
Radim_!burn iso10:44
bushbabycci[RR]us: It doesn't look like it's hanging on setting the limits for the sensors though. it seems to be hanging after that as the OK flag has appeared. I dont' know what the next boot stage is however..10:44
cci[RR]usreference:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147673010:44
JackStonerJordan_U: yes for a second before it locks again10:44
cci[RR]usok bushbaby thanks.10:44
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:44
cci[RR]usi'm downloading the text installer iso10:44
JackStonerError403: when i lock it, i have to enter my password TWICE10:44
bushbabycci[RR]us: No problem. Good luck10:44
Appl6Diverdude: The amount of work required to MAYBE get that to work is not at all worth it.  You should just move your data off sda3 and sda5, expand sda7, and then move it back.10:44
Dr_WillisHmm. I dont suppose anyone has gotten the Alien Arena 2010 version working yet?10:45
Radim_how big is ubuntui install CD? Will be 74 minutes disk enough?10:45
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Appl6Diverdude: By "not at all worth it" I mean that it would be a lot of work, and all that filesystem work means there's a fair chance that you will lose some of that data.  If you can back it up, then just wipe those partitions and copy it back.10:45
Dr_WillisRadim_:  how many mb does that cd say?  I was thinking I  use 80min cd's  -10:45
DiverdudeAppl6, okay, and how do i wipe the partiotions?10:46
Radim_Dr_Willis: 650mb/74 min10:46
Dr_WillisRadim_:  mine all say 700mn 80mb10:46
Jordan_UDiverdude: Gparted from a LiveCD10:46
Appl6Diverdude: Do you have your data backed up?  You have to back it up first.10:46
Dr_WillisRadim_:  so it might not work10:46
jibadeehawhen installing a new version of Ubuntu (e.g. 10.04) is there a way to list my installed software from 9.10 and feed it into 10.04 so i don't have do this manually10:46
valentinex'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused. Maybe smbd is not running.10:46
Dr_Willisoops 80min 700mb10:46
DiverdudeAppl6, yes i can copy it to my TrayData harddisk10:46
DiverdudeAppl6, that should be okay10:47
Jordan_URadim_: No, that's not enough for the standard Ubuntu iso, there are other options though.10:47
Appl6Diverdude: OK, cool.  Then what Jordan_U said, use a program called gparted from a liveCD (Ubuntu's liveCD has gparted on it).10:47
Jordan_Ujibadeeha: Easiest thing to do is just upgrade.10:47
acocmanhello all10:47
dstaubsaugerhi, how can i compress 2 directories into one .tar.lzma archive?10:47
Diverdudeok, so i download ubuntu live CD and put it on a CD and boot with it?10:48
valentinexhow to run smb?10:48
Jordan_U!clone (don't know if this works between releases) | jibadeeha10:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:48
jibadeehaJordan_U, okay thanks10:48
Appl6Diverdude: That's right.  If you already have an ubuntu CD you can use that one.10:48
Jordan_U!clone | (don't know if this works between releases) jibadeeha10:48
ubottu(don't know if this works between releases) jibadeeha: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate10:48
DiverdudeAppl6, i am now running 9.10, does it matter if the livCD is another ubuntu version?10:48
jibadeehaokay will try that10:49
Appl6Diverdude: Nope, it doesn't matter what version of Ubuntu it is.10:49
Gileshow can I diagnose plymouth?10:49
Jordan_UDiverdude: You'll have to upgrade to 10.04 after installing 9.10 though.10:49
Appl6Mrokii: Are you still there?  I don't know what your issue was, or if it was fixed.10:49
valentinexand who will help me about this error message i was trying to share a folder 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused. Maybe smbd is not running.10:50
DiverdudeJordan_U, But i am not going to install 9.1010:50
Diverdudei just want to merge those partitions into my existing ubuntu disk10:51
Jordan_UDiverdude: What I am saying is that you can only install 9.10 from a 9.10 liveCD10:51
valentinexhehehe sudo smbd10:51
MrokiiAppl6:  My issue is that the installer started the upgrade vom 9.10 to 10.04 until he started to install the upgrade. Lots of that went fine, but now it the installer seems to hang. It shows "Unpacking replacement memtest86+ ..." for maybe 20 minutes in the terminal10:51
Jordan_UDiverdude: If you don't mind a really ugly and slightly more complicated installer then try the minimal install CD (the end result is the same as you would get from installing with the standard LiveCD)10:52
Twiztid is xubuntu     ubuntu with xfce?10:52
Appl6Jordan_U: DiverDude is just using another Ubuntu liveCD to use gparted.  He's just shuffling partitions around.10:52
DiverdudeAppl6, hmm but ok, lets say i can back up sda3 and sda5 no problems...i dont care if data get deleted....But i want to merge them with sda7, which contain my current ubuntu....and i do not want anything to happen to sda7...is that possible?10:52
Jordan_UDiverdude: Sorry, wrong nick (I need to go to sleep:)10:52
fredlwhat's the Ubuntu way of restarting bluetoothd?10:52
DiverdudeJordan_U, ohh hehe that's ok :)10:52
andrea93hi, how i can join the italian channel _10:53
TwiztidJordan_U: is xubuntu the same as ubuntu with xfce?10:53
bazhangandrea93, /join #ubuntu-it10:53
Jordan_URadim_: If you don't mind a really ugly and slightly more complicated installer then try the minimal install CD (the end result is the same as you would get from installing with the standard LiveCD)10:53
fredl '/etc/init.d/bluetooth start' doesn't work on ubuntu10:53
Jordan_UTwiztid: It's a different set of default applications also.10:54
DiverdudeAppl6, do you know if that may be done?10:54
Appl6Diverdude: Absolutely.  What you will do is this:  1.  Backup sda3 and sda5.  2.  Boot the liveCD and run gparted.  3.  Delete sda3 and sda5.  Resize sda7 so that it takes up all the space where sda3 and sda5 used to be.  4.  Hit Apply.  It will take a while, but when it's done you won't have sda3 or 5 any more, and sda7 will be big.10:54
Radim_no ubuntu iso image fits on 650MB disk?10:54
fredl 'service bluetooth start' doesn't work10:54
Jordan_U!minimal | Radim_10:54
ubottuRadim_: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:54
Appl6Mrokii: One second, let me look around and see if other people have run into your problem before.10:54
MrokiiAppl6:  Okay, thanks.10:55
DiverdudeAppl6, ahh that is wonderful :) And resize sda7 will not affect the data?10:55
bushbabyfredl: '/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart' should do it10:55
hello242424hi there10:55
Appl6Diverdude: I have resized many partitions with gparted and never had a problem, so yes, sda7 SHOULD be fine.  However, there's always a chance that something goes wrong, so if you can backup sda7, then do it.10:56
hello242424i partitioned my hard disk using gparted from ubuntu live cd , then installed windows xp on first partition , but now when i start the ubuntu live cd to install ubuntu , it cant find any partitions and shows whole hard disk as blank10:56
hello242424what do i do10:56
fredlbushbaby - nope. restart does stop/start. Start doesn't do anything, just says udev should take care of starting up bluetooth10:56
hello242424but nautilus can browser all partitions very fine10:56
DiverdudeAppl6, okay, i will do that...grat..ill just create a liveCD then10:56
TwiztidJordan_U: hrm, ok but theorettically i can use ubuntu compatable programs with it?, basically get a 'pre-slimmed' ubuntu... xfce faster than gnome but does it support eyecandy? im trying to get compiz running smooth WITH KMS enabled, so I can also use the cario-dock which requires GLX 1.3; compiz only seems to work for me with UMS... =(10:57
DiverdudeAppl6, thank you for your advice.10:57
DiverdudeAppl6, I hope it is ok if i ask you again later10:57
Appl6Diverdude: You're welcome.  Good luck!  And sure, come back when you're done.10:57
Jordan_UTwiztid: Any application you use in one version of Ubuntu can be used in any other, they share the same repositories with just a differet set of default applications10:58
ruby_on_tailson terminal if I pass a command to make me a pdf file, do I have to pass some more commands to close the process ?10:58
DiverdudeAppl6, this is the liveCD right? http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download10:58
An_Ony_Moosewhen I switch to a TTY and when I'm booting, the screen looks like this http://imagebin.org/96091 . Is the resolution not being set correctly, or is it something else? And how can I fix it?10:58
Appl6hello242424: When you choose the "Install" option and get to the point where it looks like it's not showing your partitions, choose the "Manually partition my hard drive" entry.  That should show you your partitions.10:58
ruby_on_tailsbecause suddenly my script wwas working but now terminal says that failed loading page http://filename.pdf10:58
Appl6Diverdude: That's right.10:59
hello242424let me try that10:59
fredlIf I reboot my computer, bluetoothd is actually started but the hci0 device remains down even though bluetooth applet thinks it's up10:59
hello242424Appl6, no that is not showing the partitions either11:00
hello242424fdisk -l is showing the partitions fine11:00
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: What is the exact command being run (you can add "set -x" to the beginning of your script to see what commands are being run)11:00
hello242424but gparted or ubuntu installer are not able to list my partitions11:00
fredlwhen I manually do 'hciconfig hci0 up' the interface is in fact brought up11:00
Appl6hello242424: Are all your partitions on one hard drive?11:01
hello242424they all are on 1 hard drive11:01
fredlbut when I then try to do anything through bluetooth-applet, bluetoothd crashes and cannot be restarted.11:01
hello242424and 1 partition has a lot of data11:01
bushbabyfredl: have you looked therough dmesg to see if bluetooth starts correctly and recognises the device after starting up?11:01
TwiztidJordan_U: awesome thx... whats this i hear about the gallium 3d driver? any good? or whats the best driver for my ati x1300 radeon card;; and lastly, how do i install the xorg edgers? i heard they help performance too...?11:01
ddas4just upgraded to lucid from karmic .. and firefox does not start. Begins and then kills itself11:01
hello242424i can browser all partitions fine with nautilus in live cd , fdisk -l is showing the partitions correctly11:01
Appl6hello242424: If you could, please pastebin "fdisk -l ; mount -l", and imagebin a screenshot of the installer at the Manual partitioning window.11:01
fredlbushbaby - yup, bluetoothd starts correctly but never brings hci0 up11:01
ddas4command "firefox %u"11:02
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Appl6ddas4: Try starting firefox from the command line with "firefox -safe-mode".11:02
hello242424apple6 http://codepad.org/wRhvNadb11:02
fredlbushbaby - so after a reboot, bluetoothd is running, but hciconfig shows hci0 down and there's no way to get it up and running through the applet11:03
=== Guest43721 is now known as baddog
hello242424actually just sometime back gparted was showing partitions fine , that time i left 1 partition raw ,11:03
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: hmm11:03
ruby_on_tailsjust one command being execute11:03
hello242424i installed xp on that partition and xp partitioned the raw partition as ntfs11:03
hello242424now when i come back in ubuntu live , gparted shows whole harddisk as blank11:03
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: I think I need to install the flash plugin for this webkit somehow11:03
ruby_on_tailselse it can't render flash stuff11:03
bushbabyfredl: This [ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=969377 ] may be of some assitance prehaps? It applies to hardy but covers similar sounding issues.11:04
Appl6hello242424: Maybe try Reload in gparted?11:04
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: Running flash without X is going to be hard.11:04
bushbabyfredl: Intrepid*11:04
hello242424apple6 did that11:04
hello242424doesnt work11:04
fredlbushbaby - current version is called Karmic right?11:04
An_Ony_Moosewhen I switch to a TTY and when I'm booting, the screen looks like this http://imagebin.org/96091 . Is the resolution not being set correctly, or is it something else? And how can I fix it?11:05
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: but I think I am on X ?11:05
Twiztidfredl: Lucid Lunx11:05
ruby_on_tailsyou said ubuntu has X or X has ubuntu, sorry am a complete n00b11:05
bushbabyfredl: 10.04 is Lucid Lynx, 9.10 is Karmic Koala11:05
ddas4@Appl6: tried running firefox in safe mode. Getting error .. Attempting to load the system libmoon11:05
ddas4Segmentation fault11:05
=== Radio-l is now known as Radio-a
fredlokay then I'm on Lucid Lynx...11:05
fredlbushbaby, reading through that thread....11:05
Dr_Willisruby_on_tails:  X is what does teh 'gui' on most Unix/Linx systems11:06
hello242424apple6 this is what the installer says >> http://img291.imageshack.us/i/screenshotnl.png/11:06
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: Does the computer running this script have a GUI?11:06
robertzaccourwill gnome-shell work in xfce?11:06
Appl6hello242424: Thanks for the screenshots, I'll look at them in a second.11:06
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: yes, its my computer only11:06
technikfreakhello together i am searching for a small and easy voip software i find ekiga is too big11:06
ruby_on_tailsI am on ubuntu11:06
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  try it and see - i would bnet there would be some issues11:06
Appl6ddas4: Look at the first few lines of "aptitude show libmoon".  What does the "State" line say?11:06
fredlfind it hard to believe I'm looking through a thread that's 2 years old on problems with bluetooth and I have exactly the same problems now....11:07
ddas4@Appl6: State line says Installed11:07
bushbabyfredl: Searching about a bit for similar issues seems to suggest there's quite a few bluetooth issues regarding Lucid. [ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/577185 ] Is that similar? It could be unsolved..11:08
hello242424apple6 , i have data on all other partitions which are ext4 , cant loose them11:08
hello242424how do i get to view the partitions and install ubuntu11:08
Dr_Willis'data worth keeping - is data worth backing up'11:08
Appl6ddas4: It appears to be a known Firefox bug.  Try "aptitude remove libmoon" and then try running firefox again.11:08
DiverdudeAppl6, does it matter if one of the partions i want to delete is formated in ntfs? can gparted see such a partion?11:09
michael1982hey all11:09
robertzaccourfirefox lags, been using chromium for a couple months now11:09
Dr_WillisDiverdude:  gparted can 'see' ntfs partitions. but in order for it to actually do most things to them. You need the ntfs tools package installed.11:09
michael1982i can't play flight sim without it shutting my comp down help11:09
hello242424did this happen because i formatted a partition in while installing windows11:09
Appl6Diverdude: gparted can delete any kind of partition with no problems.  You might run into problems if you try resizing the NTFS partition though.11:09
technikfreakdoes anyone know a good voip software11:09
Twiztidxubuntu still uses grub 2 right?11:09
robertzaccourtechnikfreak, skype?11:09
fredlbushbaby - yeah reading through some threads myself too, seems this has been festering for quite some time11:10
alienohi folks11:10
Dr_Willismichael1982:  give the channel more details so they dont have to ask 20+ questions to get to  the actual problem.. what game, where, when, how often...11:10
fredlbushbaby, I never had it working before on Ubuntu....11:10
technikfreakbut robertzaccour this can't make voip calls11:10
technikfreaklike with a real number11:10
Dr_WillisTwiztid:  it should be using grub2 yes.11:10
hello242424Apple6 , any idea11:10
Appl6hello242424: It looks like some of those partitions are mounted.  If the data is still there, you shouldn't have any problems.11:10
fredlbushbaby, seems everybody's suggesting to unstall the blueman, which unfortunately requires to remove gnome-desktop-environmenr :(11:10
Dr_Willismichael1982:  talk to the channel.  I rarely play games.11:11
robertzaccourtechnikfreak, it can call any phone, is that what you mean?11:11
hello242424Appl6 , yes they are mounted and data is there11:11
technikfreakyeah but i have an account from a sip ptrovider11:11
hello242424but how do i install ubuntu11:11
hello242424i need all paritions the way they are11:11
DiverdudeAppl6, ok...but i think the sda7 partion which i am running ubuntu on now is a linux filesystem...is there any way i can check that?11:11
hello242424the installer shows the hard disk flat grey , the screenshot11:11
Dr_Willismichael1982:  talk to the channel.  <---------------------------  Speak in here.. not in private11:11
ruby_on_tailsDr_Willis: Jordan_u I am getting this error if this makes any sense to you ? (process:14239): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_clipboard_get_for_display: assertion `display != NULL' failed Adobe Flash Player: gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY); failed. Trying to call gtk_init(0,0); QWidget: Cannot create a QWidget when no GUI is being used Aborted11:12
Spasysheeptrying to recover files from a 320gb drive onto a 1tb drive using foremost, keep getting a 'disk full' error11:12
Appl6hello242424: Can you show me the screenshot after you select "Specify partitions manually"?11:12
hello242424its the same grey thing11:12
michael1982like i said i try to start playing flight gear and the sound is static then my comp shuts down11:12
Appl6Diverdude: Try fdisk -l.11:13
bushbabyfredl: I'm not sure then. I guess you could remove it and then make note of all other packages that are removed, reinstalling them through apt in the command line afterwards.11:13
hello242424it says prepare partitions , create new partition table button at the bottom11:13
Appl6Spasysheep: Use "df -h" to see how much free space you have.11:13
TwiztidDr_Willis: thx good, im trying to find out why my UMS enabled Ubuntu Lucid Lynx installation loves Compiz, yet... KMS Compiz is horrible...11:13
ddas4@Appl6: thanks, Removing moonlight worked. Is this a firefox bug or a moonlight one ? It used to work just fine with Karmic --- Lucid created this problem11:13
fredlbushbaby - it seems that a big problem happens because bluetoothd crashes somehow when it's in udev mode11:14
DiverdudeAppl6, it returns nothing11:14
Appl6ddas4: It's a recent firefox bug.  See here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/56303611:14
bushbabyfredl: Have you got a log of the crash? Pastebin if so.11:14
bazhangmichael1982, with what11:14
TwiztidDr_Willis: however, installing the gallium 3d driver improved compiz performance with KMS enabled11:14
hello242424Appl6 , http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/1663/screenshot1se.png11:14
michael1982with flight gear11:15
Appl6hello242424: Could you post the screenshot, please?  It's easy to do at http://imagebin.org/.11:15
bazhangmichael1982, windows app?11:15
Appl6hello242424: OK, I see the post, thanks.11:15
greezmunkeyI am on a desktop, but find that laptop-mode seems to be enabled. Any tips on disabling that, maybe in power setting I'm thinking???11:15
Appl6Diverdude: Try "sudo fdisk -l".11:15
hello242424Appl6 , need to do something to get the partitions detected , and not loose any data11:15
bazhangmichael1982, check the appdb, help in #winehq11:15
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bazhang!appdb | michael198211:15
ubottumichael1982: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:15
jozefksudo blkid11:16
fredlbushbaby, when running in udev mode there's no crash message. Instead I tried simply bluetoothd -n -d and I get this http://pastebin.com/tVwXA1rg11:16
PeterNLHi, what versions of fglrx and/or amdccle have working overscan controls forr the HD2600XT? I'm using fglrx (I think 10.2) on Ubuntu 9.0411:16
ddas4@Appl6 .. got it. I also do not see ubuntu splash screen when it starts Lucid. Have they removed the splash screen in lucid ?11:16
DiverdudeAppl6, what does it mean: "Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary."11:16
fredlbushbaby, that happens when I 1) start up bluetoothd -n -d manually, 2) do a manual hciconfig hci0 up and 3) try to connect to a bluetooth device using the bluetooth applet11:17
Appl6Diverdude: It's a warning that used to matter a long time ago, but it doesn't any more.  It's safe to ignore.11:17
DiverdudeAppl6, aha, ok that is good11:17
mrfeltonmysql: relocation error: mysql: symbol strmov_overlapp, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file libmysqlclient.so.16 with link time reference11:17
mrfeltonanyone seen it before?11:17
mrfeltonknow how to get around it?11:17
Appl6ddas4: No, there's still a splash screen, but I've heard a lot of people having problems with it, so maybe be happy you don't have it =P.11:17
SpasysheepAppl6: command not found11:17
hello242424Appl6 what do i do11:17
mrfeltonthis happened since upgradeing to 10.0411:17
mrfeltonsame as describe at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=925602311:17
DiverdudeAppl6, it says Linux system under sda711:18
DiverdudeAppl6, so i guess its ok11:18
Appl6hello242424: The only thing I can suggest right now is that you reboot and try looking at it in gparted again.11:18
Appl6hello242424: I'll try to find some reasons why gparted can't see it in the mean time.11:18
bushbabyfredl: Are you running x86 or x86_64?11:18
hello242424i rebooted several times11:18
DiverdudeAppl6, ok, brb, need to reboot11:18
jozefkDiverdude, do sudo blkid   that will be more clear for you :)11:18
Appl6Diverdude: OK.11:18
hello242424but gparted or ubuntu installer cant see the partitions11:18
hello242424did it happen because i formattted ntfs partition during xp installation ?11:18
hello242424because before that gparted was showing the partitions fine11:19
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Guest21909I wonder if ubuntu can see installation image file on ntfs...?11:19
Appl6hello242424: That could have caused it, but if you can mount the partitions and fdisk can see them, then something is messed up with gparted.11:19
Guest21909I wonder if ubuntu installer can see installation image file on ntfs...?11:19
fredlbushbaby, AFAIK x86 but how do I check?11:19
PeterNLHi, what versions of fglrx and/or amdccle have working overscan controls forr the HD2600XT? I'm using fglrx (I think 10.2) on Ubuntu 9.04 32bit11:20
Appl6Spasysheep: Ha, sorry, what command did I tell you to try?11:20
Dr_WillisGuest21909:  what do you mean 'installation image file' ?11:20
SpasysheepAppl6: df -h11:20
Appl6Spasysheep: There's so much spam -.-11:20
hello242424Appl6 is there something wrong with the parition tables11:20
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hello242424shud i do something like recreate them11:20
Guest21909the first installation cd...?11:20
agolnOk, so I just downloaded and installed ubuntu on my Dell studio 15, but my wireless doesn't work.  I used to use Linux a long time ago (and ubuntu in 06/07 days), but i'm stuck on why it doesn't recognize my wireless and why it donesn't 'just work'.  This is totally why I usually use Windows - what do I have to do to use linux???11:20
SpasysheepAppl6: df -h runs on my pc, but not the pc i'm trying to recover data on, which is a linux mint livecd11:20
bushbabyfredl: 'uname -a'11:20
Dr_WillisGuest21909:  you mean 'can the ubuntu installer install from a ubuntu iso file' ?11:20
fredlbushbaby, Linux boson 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP11:21
Dr_Willisagoln:  totally depends on the wireless chipset and how well the chipset makers support linux.11:21
Guest21909yes ,Dr_Willis11:21
Appl6Spasysheep: Wow.  I can't believe there's no df.11:21
Dr_Willisagoln:  the last 5 laptops ive put linux on. wireless has worked without me doing anything extra with them11:21
agolnSo, as a technical person I understand what this means, but if I were my grandma, she would be clueless11:22
SpasysheepAppl6: how would i obtain it? is there a .deb i can install?11:22
Dr_WillisGuest21909:  you can set up grub2 to 'boot' and thus install from an iso file. but thats not quite the same as what you were asking11:22
Appl6hello242424: No, you don't want to recreate them.  I think the problem might be that there's a small overlap.11:22
bushbabyfredl: does it not read x86 or x86_64 in the readout?11:22
hello242424Appl6 , so what should be done now11:22
Guest21909grub2 can see img file on ntfs?11:22
Appl6hello242424: Really, you should backup your data and clean up the partition table.11:22
fredlbushbaby, Linux boson 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:27:30 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux11:22
fredl that's all of it11:22
PeterNLagoln: does your grandma know how to install (wifi) drivers on windows? ubuntu isn't that much harder for her.11:22
Appl6hello242424: The other thing is to be a little bit more patient =\.11:22
agolnWhen I do "ifconfig wlan0 up" I get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: no such file or directory - I've read this means somthing about firmware and shit, but where do I find how to get my wireless working11:23
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Dr_WillisGuest21909:  grub2 can boot and "ISO" file is the grub2 menus are set up properly. Not sure if it can se ethem on NTFS. but it can see them on fat/extX partitions11:23
PeterNLagoln: (just think about it. I'm NOT starting a flamewar...)11:23
Guest21909agoln, ls pci ,please11:23
SalmonSamagoln, System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers11:23
Appl6Spasysheep: I think something is wrong with your setup actually.11:23
agolnNo, but my grandma installs windows 7 and she clicks "connect to grandma's network"11:23
agolnit works11:23
Dr_Willisagoln:  install a wired connection and try the hardware-drivers tool in the menu for starters -> System -> admin -> hardware drivers11:23
agolnI don't even know where to click11:23
Dr_Willisagoln:  we dont care about windows 7 or your relateives.11:23
dattaI got this huge problem in my face where whenever I go to certain sites such as blogger.com, both the Firefox browser and the Google Chrome redirects me to mywot.com and when I use epiphany however, this does not happen11:24
Appl6Spasysheep: Can you try "ls /bin | grep df"?11:24
Spasysheepappl6: >.<11:24
Spasysheepappl6: k11:24
agolnI don't have a wired connection11:24
dattaI do not know what is wrong but it seems to me as a virus11:24
PeterNLagoln: my wifi hardware doesn't wotk out of the box on any OS (xp/winvista/ubuntu)11:24
bushbabyfredl: ok that's x86.  This [ https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bluetooth/2009-October/006544.html ] recent bug that has the exact same error is on a x86_64 system but it could be replicable on an x86 system..11:24
Dr_Willisagoln:  then you may have to do things the hard way. - i would suggest figureing out a way to get a wired connection for a short amount of time. it will posibally make things MUCH easier.11:24
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:24
Twiztidbasically i want the compiz cube effects and emerald theme, and openGLcario-dock... 2.0GHZ cpu 1.25G RAM ATI Radeon X1300 515Mb Video Card (compiz runs flawlessly with KMS disabled but cario-dock calls for GLX 1.3 in whick I only have 1.2) What can I do to get CompizEffects and Cario-dock running together?11:25
dattaall the help on google comes to saying that it's from a virus, so does Ubuntu really got these types of virus?11:25
agolnsystem=>hardware=>hardware drives === "Downloading packages index failed" and nothing appears11:25
fredlbushbaby, looks like it, it crashed when I tried to the headset device of my tomtom, other devices seem to work without crashing bluetoothd11:25
Guest21909agoln,use lspci to see if your system support ur wireless chip11:25
bazhangdatta, no11:25
GryllidaHow do I update to latest Firefox in Terminal? (v. 3.6.3)11:25
Dr_Willisdatta:  try a differnt browser like Opera or  chrome. if those are also affected. it could be some DNS issue11:25
fredlbushbaby, trying to discover my Android from the applet now, also seems to be broken, keeps scanning forever...11:25
Dr_Willisdatta:  also try making a new user. see if their firefox is also affected.11:26
erUSULGryllida: what ubuntu version ?11:26
dattaDr_Wills: epiphany does not give me this problem but chrome gives me the problem11:26
jozefkagoln, that message is coz u r not connected to Internet... that's why they asked you to connect with wire first if it is possible..11:26
Spasysheepappl6: turns out it is there, my friend typed 'run df -h' when i told her to "run df -h in the terminal"11:26
agolnPeterNL: Windows7 comes with the drivers she needs, or at least when she installs windows 7 wireless works (ubuntu doesn't come with drivers that work for this laptop)11:26
Appl6Spasysheep: Hahaha.11:26
Dr_Willisdatta:  interesting.  Try a newly made user. see if it affects them as well.11:27
jozefkagoln, because the driver could be not free11:27
dattaDr_Wills, okay I will try that11:27
jozefknot free - proprietary11:27
PeterNLagoln: your grandma is lucky.11:27
fredlbushbaby, hcitool scan works just peachy but the bluetooth applet seems to try to communicate directly to bluetoothd (and fail eventually)11:27
Twiztidanyone suggestions? basically i want the compiz cube effects and emerald theme, and openGLcario-dock... 2.0GHZ cpu 1.25G RAM ATI Radeon X1300 515Mb Video Card (compiz runs flawlessly with KMS disabled but cario-dock calls for GLX 1.3 in whick I only have 1.2) What can I do to get CompizEffects and Cario-dock running together?11:27
Appl6Spasysheep: Well "df -h" is supposed to give a list of mounted partitions and the free and used space on them.11:27
GryllidaerUSUL, 9.04 (jaunty)11:27
jozefkFloodBot4,  is so smart :)11:27
bushbabyfredl: It could be that then. The bug was posted last October so i'm not sure wether it's fixed yet or not..11:27
erUSUL!emerald | Twiztid11:27
ubottuTwiztid: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.11:27
erUSUL!backports  | Gryllida11:28
ubottuGryllida: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:28
agolnlspci sounds familar (and is probably what I was looking for)....... broadcom bcm4312.... that at least gives me something more to look for11:28
Gryllidaubottu, ??? ok11:28
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:28
fredlbushbaby https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bluetooth/2009-October/006545.html, looks like that's supposed to be some sort of 'solution'11:28
erUSUL!broadcom | agoln11:28
ubottuagoln: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:28
hello242424Appl6 , some pages on internet say that if any paritions overlap then gparted shows nothing11:28
jozefkthat's it broadcom... that's why it's not working out of the box, agoln11:28
SpasysheepAppl6: yea, there's 927gb free on the drive it's being recovered to, but still getting disk full error11:28
erUSULagoln: in that page there are instructions for offline install of the drivers11:28
hello242424do u think any partition is overlapping in my case11:28
Guest21909anyone in china?11:28
FardadJaliliwhat does : , [[ and ]] do in shell?11:28
TwiztiderUSUL: ok forget emerald... just openGL cario-dock and compiz i harmony?11:29
bazhang!cn | Guest2190911:29
ubottuGuest21909: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:29
erUSULagoln: FWIW this cards do not work out of the box in linux becouse broadcom does not let linux distros distribute the firmware.... so blame them and not linux11:29
agolnSweet, that's what I was looking for... thanks for the help! (I do appreciate it, but honestly this is one of the biggest gripes I have with Linux & why I couldn't recommend it to non-techs)11:29
Appl6hello242424: Oh, another problem is that you have to install Ubuntu on a primary partition, not extended.11:29
Dr_Willisagoln:  broadcom drivers have been getting a lot of work in differnt areas  in the last few releases.   But it also depends on the exact ### of the chipset.   You may want to check the ubuntu forums for the  bcm4312 info. there should be some threads on its setup11:29
erUSULTwiztid: yes ati cards should be able to support 3d just fine11:29
bazhangGuest21909, yes?11:29
bushbabyfrdl: Looks like the original bug poster was updating stats about the system and the dependencies etc. I'm looking for any solution now but to no avail..11:30
Appl6hello242424: That doesn't explain why gparted shows you nothing, but in order to install Ubuntu you'll need another primary partition.11:30
=== Radio-a is now known as Radio-l
FardadJaliliagoln: I use 431311:30
igoryonhello, when I do: wget -c --header="Content-length: 4700000\n" http://membres.multimania.fr/adrislayer/terrelune.png11:30
Guest21909no remind,please!I know little english,ubottu11:30
Dr_Willisagoln:  given the issues ive had with windows.. i cant recocomend windows for Non-techs either.11:30
FardadJaliliagoln: *431211:30
igoryon(I tried \n\n also) It says: ERROR 413: Request Entity Too Large.11:30
igoryonWhen I do: wget -c --header="Content-length: 4700000" http://membres.multimania.fr/adrislayer/terrelune.png11:30
igoryonIt says: 400 Bad Request11:30
igoryonThe reason, I have to add this header is because, the server with this image doesn't provide Content-Length header, and download always breaks at different places in the middle, showing 100% downloaded, but I know that the download is incomplete, but the actual image on the server is complete.11:30
igoryonWhat am I doing wrong?11:30
bazhangGuest21909, did you have a support question?11:30
hello242424Apple6, but i have been installing ubuntu on a logical partition inside an extended partition11:30
fredldo Ubuntu maintainers actually get paid?11:30
FardadJaliliagoln: what is your problem?11:30
bazhangGuest21909, if not then chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here11:30
erUSULfredl: some do (main repo) some do not (motu)11:31
Appl6hello242424: Well, you can't boot from a logical partition.  Were you using the Windows bootloader instead of grub?11:31
fredlerUSUL, hmm.11:31
dattawell the problem persits to go on11:31
Dr_Willisagoln:  its very possible that the  hardware-drivers tool if you were 'wired' for a few minets. could find and install  the proper drivers with just a few clicks11:31
dattai have not a single clue on what has happened11:31
Guest21909not yet,I want to know why ubuntu keeps to be so silly after upgrading of times...haha11:32
sillycat98can you boot to a linux partiton using the windows loader? o.O11:32
redhaI said hi11:32
jozefkredha, hi11:32
agolnFardadJalili: 1.) Wireless didn't work out of box (i.e. it doesn't show avaialbe networks as I think it should), and 2.) when attempting to 'ifconfig wlan0 up', I get SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory11:32
erUSULsillycat98: ntldr can be configured to launch grub (installed in a partition mbr) iirc11:32
FardadJaliliagoln: did you tried the driver in the broadcom site?11:32
dattai have created the new user and logged in through that and still blogger.com now shows a "untrusted " site in firefox11:32
erUSULagoln: many people has already told you what you have to do11:32
Appl6Spasysheep: Two things I can think of.  Either your friend is copying things the wrong way by accident, or your friend is copying things onto the "liveCD" instead of onto the 1 TB drive.  If the liveCD runs out of space then things stop working.11:33
sillycat98had no idea about that11:33
Dr_Willisagoln: that chipset seems to use the (older b43) drivers. or the newer (sta) drivers11:33
redhacan you help me i need information for (wine) program11:33
erUSULagoln: also i told you what you have to blame for the disaster11:33
jozefkdatta, :) you are using some firefox add-ons most probably11:33
PeterNLHi, in what version of fglrx or amdccle do i have working overscan settings?11:33
Spasysheepappl6: hrmmm11:33
agolnyes, read those forums (which I am about to do), but the simple fact is, I downloaded the Ubuntu ISO, installed it, and when it booted, the wireless didn't work11:33
Appl6Spasysheep: By "copying onto the liveCD" I mean that the liveCD makes a small fake hard drive out of your extra RAM, and it fills up pretty fast.11:33
dattaand in epiphany, blogger.com shows a canonical page11:33
SalmonSamagoln, are you able to connect to the "internet" some other way?11:33
bazhangredha, sure; check the appdb and look for help in #winehq11:33
erUSULagoln: that's entirely broadcom fault11:33
bazhang!appdb | redha11:33
ubotturedha: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:33
dattasayign that canonical: sorry the request page was not found11:33
Guest21909agoln,I 'm guest...11:33
erUSULagoln: do not buy its products11:33
Guest21909you should get the following cds...11:34
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
erUSUL!broadcom > agoln11:34
ubottuagoln, please see my private message11:34
Guest21909not in the first ones11:34
redhathank you11:34
bazhangGuest21909, stay on topic11:34
Dr_Willisagoln:  i agree with  erUSUL  - broadcom has dosent care about Linux, so its basically their fault.11:34
Spasysheepappl6: yea i know, im just trying to confirm what's going on with the copying. seems the external hdd was mounted at two places, which probably didn't help11:34
agolnBroadcom fault? So if I want to buy a laptop... I have to totally research which wireless chipset comes with the laptop before I buy it before I choose which to buy?11:34
agolnHow do I know that?11:34
Dr_Willisagoln:  if you want to use linux with it - Yes.11:34
bazhangagoln, yes11:34
jozefkagoln, right11:34
FardadJaliliagoln: bcm4312 doesn't work out of the box, you have to download the driver yourself and compile it as far as I know.11:34
dattagoogle chrome tells me that there is an ssl error that the site you are trying to readh identifies as shop.canonical.com11:34
fredlagoln - trial and terror11:34
Dr_Willisagoln:  I always do such research11:34
agolnDoes Dell tell me "IF you want to use Linux, don't buy this laptop?11:34
Guest21909agoln,follow intel and are****11:35
Error403how do i connect to my ubuntu machine from my windows machine using SSH but without having to enter a username and password?11:35
FardadJaliliagoln: if you have a wired internet access it's really easy to make it work11:35
agolnNo, they say "It has 50ghz CPU with 10gb ram, buy this, it's great"11:35
dattareally weird problem of which i have no clue on how to proceed11:35
Error403i know its using pub and priv keys, but not really sure what more?11:35
PeterNLagoln: if you'd ask dell, they might just say that...11:35
hello242424Appl6 , i think there is something wrong with the partition table , is there a way to generate it11:35
agolnI say "Sweet, it's what I'm looking for"11:35
jozefkFardadJalili, there is a driver available. you can install it from Ubuntu. no need to do anything special. only few clicks11:35
sillycat98no wireless is bad enough but don't get a vaio, you'll get no video at all with ubuntu11:35
agolnWindows 7 works GREAT11:35
michael1982how do i add and remove  apps11:35
hello242424how do i recreate or regenerate the partition table11:35
Error403Ive created the keys on my win machine, what do i do with them on my ubuntu machine?11:35
Dr_Willisagoln:  we dont care about windows 7.11:35
FardadJalilijozefk: It didn't work for me11:35
jribagoln: dell only puts ubuntu on certain laptopts.  If a hardware manufacturer refuses to help linux devs, then things aren't going to work as well.  So if you want something that works, you should do some research, yes11:35
PeterNLagoln: only if your lucky :D11:35
PeterNLHi, in what version of fglrx or amdcccle do i have working overscan settings?11:35
agolnLinux says "OMG, BROADCOM WTF DUDDEEEEZZZZZZORR????!?!?!?!?!??!?! NOT FREE, DONT WORK"11:35
fredlagoln - then use Windows 711:35
jozefkFardadJalili, for me it worked11:36
Dr_Willisagoln:  take ranting to #ubuntu-offtopic11:36
dattadoes anyone think that this problem might be from my internet provider?11:36
Dr_Willisagoln:  its 'broadcom' saying -> 'linux? who needs you...'11:36
agolnI'm just sayin, people gave me the forum URL for this broadcom driver, I'm greatful - I really do appreciate it11:36
fredlunfortunately broadcom chipsets are in MANY wifi adapters11:36
agolnI forgot about lspci, thanks for bringing it back to memory11:36
sillycat98i always just plug into the wired on my router and download the driver on my hp laptops >.>11:36
jribagoln: what you should do is contact broadcom and tell them you want them to support linux11:36
Dr_Willisagoln:  take the laptop to someplace where you can plug in a cable.. and i imagine you can get it going in just a few min.11:37
john_bhello - having mouse problems - new install 10.04 mouse loses focus on window right after boot, if I kill X and log back in, its fine till next boot, TIA11:37
dattaDr_Wills: i have created a new account, logged in, tried to go to blogger.com with three different browsers and still the same problem but different results11:37
ManDayHow do I make transparency in gnome use FAKE transparency?11:37
PeterNLHi, in what version of fglrx or amdcccle do i have working overscan settings?11:37
Appl3Korkquick question, the 10.04, if i download through a torrent, is the alternate i386 the 64 bit one?11:37
Appl6hello242424: Yes, you can do it with parted, but it's dangerous stuff.  I really recommend you backup your data first.  Also, looking at your fdisk output doesn't show an invalid partition table.11:37
fredlBroadcom essentially sucks NADS11:37
Dr_Willisdatta:  3 diffrent browsers - give 3 differnt sites for blogger.com ?11:37
sillycat98why can't i get runescape hd to work with ubuntu 10.04 i386?11:37
adibawhen i have made the update form 9.10 to 10.04 i have had a bug which made the update incomplete what i need an advice should i rollback or i wait to solve the bug11:37
jribagoln: as Dr_Willis is saying, to get my macbooks wireless to work, I just use wired internet, click on Hardware Drivers, install the STA driver, and done11:37
Dr_Willisjrib:  right 'sta' driver is what he needs i belive.11:38
dattaDr_Wills: actually this gave as now it's changed to the actual blogger page11:38
oCean_Appl3Kork: no, amd64 is11:38
Appl3Korkso the 64 bit is only for amd processors?11:38
dattaDr_Wills: it's playing hide and seek with me and the problem i think will come back again11:38
Dr_Willisdatta:  hmm.. Could be your isp is having some DNS issues/attacks..11:38
michael1982wat will i lose if i upgrade11:38
jozefki installed those STA drives 2 days ago and it works11:38
hosomakifor all 64bit processor11:38
jribAppl3Kork: no, it works on intel.  That's just the name of the architecture11:38
PeterNLdatta: Maybe it's a DNS propblem , your ISP's fault. But you can fix it. Google for OpenDNS.11:38
agolnOk, cool - I will probably go over to the router and plug it in and add the software + more easily find the stuff i need (on other desktop now)11:38
theadminI have a problem. System sometimes is slow, however after doing a fsck it starts running on normal speed... Well....11:38
Error403can anyone help with public and private keys for ssh?11:38
oCean_Appl3Kork: nope, also for intel11:38
theadminThis happened quite often recently11:38
PeterNL!opendns | datta11:38
ubottudatta: To set up OpenDNS in Ubuntu, see https://www.opendns.com/start?device=ubuntu11:39
Appl3Korkalright thanks11:39
theadminmichael1982: Nothing11:39
Dr_Willisdatta:  try the opendns servers, or googles dns servers11:39
jozefkhttps://www.blogger.com/start   that's what I'm getting when open blogger.com11:39
sillycat98why can't i get runescape hd to work with ubuntu 10.04 i386? i have a sony vaio vpccw17fx with a nvidia geforce 210m11:39
sillycat98and yes i have java installed11:39
adibadue to the bug11:39
Dr_Willisjozefk:  mine rerouts to blogger.com/home :)  since i was logged in11:39
sillycat98what bug? o.O11:39
Dr_Williswow my empty blog..11:39
Appl6hello242424: OH!  fdisk said it was omitting the empty partition sda4.  Maybe that's your problem, and you might try to delete it using parted.  But it's still dangerous, so please back up your data!11:39
jozefki don;t use blogger.. :)11:40
dattaPeterNL I will give this a shot but as i had not experienced these problems before, will takes some time11:40
dattajozefk: this is supposed to redirect to that site of theirs'11:40
adibai can't remove or add pkg and i can't update the ditro11:40
hyperstreamHow do i go about getting my Asus WL-BTD202 Bluetooth USB working?11:40
jozefkdatta, open it directly why not?11:40
agolnI'm sorry to bring up a flame war, partially my fault for saying some things I did, but thanks for the info (that really is why I came in here, i'd rather spend 5 minutes asking than spend an hour seacrching google), I'm headed over to the other room of the house to try and get this going (the information on this forum page seems to be what I need).11:40
hyperstreami have the bluez + utils installed11:40
michael1982so i won't lose anything'11:40
dattajozefk: open what directly?11:41
hyperstreamI get this error in dmesg: [187636.404038] usb 4-2: device not accepting address 27, error -7111:41
jozefkthe redirected page11:41
theadminmichael1982: Unless it breaks something. It's not highly probable, though11:41
bushbabyadiba: How did you do the update? LiveCD or through update-manager?11:41
gorskiis it secure to install ati run graphic driver from amd.com?11:41
michael1982ok ill upgrade11:41
igoryonhello, when I do: wget -c --header="Content-length: 4700000\n" http://membres.multimania.fr/adrislayer/terrelune.png11:41
igoryon(I tried \n\n also) It says: ERROR 413: Request Entity Too Large.11:41
igoryonWhen I do: wget -c --header="Content-length: 4700000" http://membres.multimania.fr/adrislayer/terrelune.png11:41
igoryonIt says: 400 Bad Request11:41
igoryonThe reason, I have to add this header is because, the server with this image doesn't provide Content-Length header, and download always breaks at different places in the middle, showing 100% downloaded, but I know that the download is incomplete, but the actual image on the server is complete.11:41
FloodBot1igoryon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:41
hello242424Appl6 , ok how do i delete that partition11:41
adibatrough the update manager11:42
Dr_Willisgorski:  using the driver/installer from amd's site.. can often fail badly11:42
arandgorski: likely more convenient to use the built-in manager.11:42
Dr_Willisgorski:  its best to use the ones in the package manager11:42
XethronHey, I have a really old PC and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to install Ubuntu onto it. I am currently running the live CD but its really slow. I dont know where to check for specs, but its roughly a AMD Duron 900MHz with just above 300mb ram, and 10 GB HDD space11:42
Dr_WillisXethron:  more ram is always better.. but that system should work.11:42
JackStonerXethron: maybe try xubuntu11:42
Dr_WillisXethron:  you might want to check out lubuntu, or xubuntu11:42
theadminXethron: Don't expect live CD to ever be quick. It'd work but slow. Try lubuntu or xubuntu.11:43
gorskiDr_Willis: but i get no 3d acceleration with package manager drivers.11:43
bushbabyadiba: There have been quiote a few issues i know of where upgrading via update-manager has caused errors. I would have said the easiest option is to roll back and use a LiveCD if possible11:43
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:43
Dr_Willisgorski:   ati has dropped support for many of their older cards. the ones from ati.com wont give them 3d either.11:43
igoryonXethron: LiveCD is slow by itself, not because of a slow computer, but because of slow read from CD/DVD11:43
Appl6hello242424: Use parted, and inside that use "rm".  "man parted" for details.11:43
adibai got to use which live CD of 10.04 or 9.0411:44
theadminAppl6: Don't mess people up11:44
XethronI can install Ubuntu and install the xfe pacages later to make it Xubuntu right?11:44
adibasorry 9.1011:44
gorskiDr_Willis: if i install driver from amd, how can i recover if it fails, please?11:44
theadminhello242424: Try GParted instead, it's simplier11:44
theadminXethron: Yes.11:44
XethronBecause I dont really have the internet to download abother CD... hehe11:44
JackStonerXethron: why go through the trouble??11:44
overmindXethron: And xubuntu-desktop package11:44
hello242424Appl6 , I have windows working on the first partition , would you suggest that i copy all data into the windows partition and then from windows i use some partition tool to recreate the partitions and comeback to the live cd ?11:44
Appl6theadmin: GParted isn't showing anything because the partition table is messed up.11:44
overmindXethron: So you'll have xfce programms11:44
bushbabyadiba: What are you trying to upgrade to? and what from? 9.10 -> 10.04 ??11:44
theadminAppl6: ...oh.11:44
igoryonXethron: if you don't use compiz, etc., the computer should run ok11:44
arandXethron: xubuntu will likely fail, lubuntu, slitaz, puppy, might be an option (chrunchbang?)11:44
johnwilliamhey guys i've some problems with installing the nvidia driver on my kubuntu 10.0411:45
Appl6theadmin: We're trying to fix up the partition table.  I also told him several times to backup because it's dangerous.11:45
adibafrom 9.10 to 10.0411:45
theadminarand: Xubuntu _should_ work on that machine... crunchbang is pretty meh.11:45
hellyeahi cant compile opengl files11:45
bushbabyadiba: Then roll back and burn the 10.04 liveCD and upgrade using that.11:45
hellyeahpls help11:45
zhxk which webbrowser is the lightest with scripts enabled?11:45
icarus-cjohnwilliam, installing nvidia driver from their installer on nvidia.com is not recommended11:45
johnwilliamwhy icarus ? oO11:45
gorskiis it safe to remove nvidia-common package, what is it for?11:45
adibahow to roll back11:45
theadminzhxk: Well... Chrome...11:45
adibathis is the bug http://bit.ly/dhQidb11:46
erUSULzhxk: midori ?11:46
hellyeahi need help on opengl11:46
Appl6hello242424: If you have an external hard drive or something that would be the best.  The problem is that anything on that hard drive has a chance of getting lost when you mess with its partition table.11:46
icarus-cjohnwilliam, coz it overwrite certain system component. things will likely break after update/changing graphics card11:46
zhxki would like a browser be fit on arm based system11:46
icarus-cjohnwilliam, there is a ubuntu package for it11:46
johnwilliamwell, im using a notebook, so i wont change my graphic card11:46
adibabushbaby:  how to roll back plz  ??11:46
johnwilliamok thx i'll check this out htx11:46
igoryonXethron, unless you have a good 3D accellerator11:46
igoryonXethron: yes11:46
igoryonhello, when I do: wget -c --header="Content-length: 4700000\n" http://membres.multimania.fr/adrislayer/terrelune.png11:47
Appl6mrokii: Sorry for taking so long.  I can't find anyone who had the same problem.  Is the update still hung?11:47
Dr_Williszhxk:  try chrome or its variants  it claims to be light11:47
dattawell, the problem is grave as i tried the same with a laptop which uses the wireless network of the same ISP provider11:47
xukunmovie playback stutters and it says buffering all the time if extract files on the disk at the same time. it's somehow possible to give mplayer more priority to the disk?11:47
dattaand there does not seem to be any problem with the internet11:47
TheAwesomeGuyHey Im trying to generate a GPG key11:47
igoryon(I tried \n\n also) It says: ERROR 413: Request Entity Too Large.11:47
dattablogger goes straight to blogger.com and everything's fine11:47
theadminTheAwesomeGuy: What's the problem?11:47
TheAwesomeGuybut i just get a message telling me it needs more random bytes11:48
Dr_Willisdatta:  try a live cd.. if it also has the issue.. then it has to be an isp isssue.. Unless your router is using some hacked dns.11:48
zhxkgoogle chrome?11:48
hyperstreamHow do i go about getting my Asus WL-BTD202 Bluetooth USB working?11:48
igoryonWhen I do: wget -c --header="Content-length: 4700000" http://membres.multimania.fr/adrislayer/terrelune.png11:48
igoryonIt says: 400 Bad Request11:48
igoryonThe reason, I have to add this header is because, the server with this image doesn't provide Content-Length header, and download always breaks at different places in the middle, showing 100% downloaded, but I know that the download is incomplete, but the actual image on the server is complete.11:48
igoryonWhat am I doing wrong?11:48
FloodBot1igoryon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:48
theadminTheAwesomeGuy: Press your keyboard, move the mouse, play around with the touchpad (if any)...11:48
TheAwesomeGuyIm trying to generate through an SSH connection11:48
gorskiis it safe to remove nvidia-common package, what is it for?11:48
TheAwesomeGuyon a remote machine11:48
TheAwesomeGuyis that not possible?11:48
Appl6xukun: This link has some good information about ionice and what it does.  I think it's what you're looking for: http://friedcpu.wordpress.com/2007/07/17/why-arent-you-using-ionice-yet/11:48
Xethronigoryon, I dont really want compiz or anything to work. Just want a PC where they can use Internet, (Facebook and Gmail), work on documents and spreadsheets... Nothing fancy11:48
MrokiiAppl6:  It was, but I forced it to quit. I tried to repair things with apt-get, but now it hangs whenever it tries to run"update-grub" :(11:49
bushbabyadiba: It seems there's no direct rollback functionality. (Correct me anyone if i'm wrong here!) The only thing i can suggest is back up all your files and do a clean install from a 10.04 liveCD.11:49
TheAwesomeGuyBecause my only accessible Ubuntu machine is a VPS11:49
theadminTheAwesomeGuy: Welp, uh, just type some random stuff around then11:49
skormupdating from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04: the upgrade-tool does not respond while configuring grub-pc (the debconf-window is unresponsive)11:49
Appl6Mrokii: It's OK, my upgrade to 10.04 froze too and I had to kill it...been there done that =P.11:49
TheAwesomeGuytheadmin: Tried that, tried moving around the directory, saving etc.11:49
TheAwesomeGuyThrough SSH]11:49
dattaDr_Willis: what is funny is that now the problem does not even show up as if it had never happened after the first visit to that site11:49
TheAwesomeGuystil the message stays up11:49
PeterNL!opendns | datta11:49
ubottudatta: To set up OpenDNS in Ubuntu, see https://www.opendns.com/start?device=ubuntu11:49
PeterNLHi, in what version of fglrx or amdcccle do i have working overscan settings?11:49
TheAwesomeGuyno change11:49
theadminTheAwesomeGuy: Is it not possible to generate a key locally and import it on the remote machine? :/11:50
Dr_Willisdatta:  sounds like a dns 'attack' or somthing - that got cleared up11:50
=== Sorcererb0b is now known as Sorcererbob
TheAwesomeGuytheadmin: Does GPG run on Mac OS X?11:50
theadminTheAwesomeGuy: ...I'd suppose so, it's UNIX-based anyway.11:50
dattaDr_Willis: I don't think it got cleared as it comes back after every login11:50
TheAwesomeGuyhmmm....maybe I should try generating on my iphone11:50
Appl6Mrokii: Try "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade".11:51
TheAwesomeGuythats UNIX based11:51
igoryonXethron: should work fairly well, I have a 700Mhz Celleron with Kubuntu, and it runs fine.11:51
m4rk_why don't rhythmbox let me double click the toolbar to open it no more? in 10.411:51
adibabushbaby: thanks too much for your help , after a backup i will do that11:51
theadminTheAwesomeGuy: Well you have to get to the terminal and install GPG firsthand somehow :D11:51
=== m4rk_ is now known as m4rk
bushbabyadiba: No problem. Good luck11:51
TheAwesomeGuytheadmin: Yeah I'm jailbroken, MobileTerminal, SSH etc11:51
adibabushbaby: is rollback functionality available for older distros11:51
Xethronigoryon, How much ram do you have on that PC?11:51
TheAwesomeGuyand saurik did a great job of porting most of the Linux stuff over11:51
dattaPeterNL: what should i choose for the DNS? Computer, Router or DNS server11:51
zhxkhow can i start ubuntu on a partition from grub console?11:51
xukunAppl6, thanks a lot . I will taka a look11:52
igoryonXethron: but I have 768Mb of Ram on that comp11:52
theadminzhxk: root(1,1) or something, if I recall properly11:52
zhxkhow can i start ubuntu on a partition from grub console, help me, if you?11:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:52
PeterNLdatta: don't ask me!11:52
igoryonhow do I specify a Content-Length header in wget?11:53
bushbabyadiba: Older distro's? How so?11:53
greezmunkeyWould someone give me an idea of what I am getting myself into - updating from grub-legacy to grug2. Can I do this on a running system? Maybe a good howto would be nice. TIA11:53
erUSULgreezmunkey: yes you can do it in an alrady running system11:53
dattawell in opendns.com it asks me for unix/linux type: BIND,  dnscache,  IPCop  firewall which type is ubuntu?11:54
theadmingreezmunkey: You sure can, just install the "grub2" package... but... But we are not responsible for any frustration this may cause.11:54
erUSULgreezmunkey: i've done it back in jaunty11:54
Appl6zhxk: Try "find /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic" at the prompt.11:54
fredlGod, I cant believe I cant even FIND bluetooth devices through the GUI in Ubuntu, sjeezus11:54
theadmingreezmunkey: Might as well break something, dunno, dunno.11:54
AijseAnybody able to sync a calendar with their ericsson using bluetooth, and some synchonisation tool?11:54
dattai am a complete newbie at this, so i am extremely sorry to flood the chat with my message11:54
erUSULgreezmunkey: theadmin is grub-pc afaik11:54
adibabushbaby: is the roll back function avilable for 9.04 or 9.10 juste to know if i could wait for till it will be available11:54
bushbabygreezmunkey: Here [ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 ] is a good tutorial11:54
fredlunreal... it just sits there forever trying to find bluetooth devices11:55
michael1982i am upgrading i hope its worth it11:55
bushbabyadiba: I've no idea. I didn't realise there was a specific rollback function at all.11:55
igoryonXethron: 76811:55
XethronShoe, yea, thats allot more that I currently have :P11:56
zhxktheadmin: i was left on a grub console11:56
zhxki dont know what to do11:56
MrokiiAppl6:  *sigh* I have tried what you suggested, but then it said I had to use 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct a problem. And now the terminal hangs *again* at the line "Setting up memtest86+ (4.00-2ubuntu3) ..."11:56
igoryonhow do I specify a Content-Length header in wget?11:56
xukunAppl6, it seems that is exactly what I was looking for. you are a life saver11:56
adibabushbaby: thanks too much your help was very important for me :) thanks11:56
Appl6xukun: Ha, you're quite welcome.  Glad I could help.11:56
dattaplease someone help me with this great problem that i am facing11:56
adibabushbaby: bye11:56
bushbabyadiba: No problem11:56
Dandre1is there some easy configuration tool for xorg in lucid?11:57
Appl6zhxk: theadmin quit, and I gave you the "find" command.  Did it return anything?11:57
Appl6Mrokii: Yikes, stubborn package.  Let me take a look.11:57
Dandre1since my upgrade to  my second monitor is scrambled11:57
zhxkAppl6:find command?11:58
Appl6zhxk: (06:54:26 AM) Appl6: zhxk: Try "find /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic" at the prompt.11:58
greezmunkeyerUSUL: (et.al) Next question: I did an update, I see now comparing uname -a here vs. a machine that I did a clean install on, that I am on 2.6.31-14-generic #48 instead of 2.6.32-22-generic #33 - Can I use grub-legacy to boot into the new kernel? (If you didn't know, the last linux bootloader I delt with was lilo)11:58
zhxkAppl6:i just installed ubuntu-10.411:59
Appl6greezmunkey: Yes, the old version of grub will boot into that new kernel just fine.11:59
erUSULgreezmunkey: if you did an upgrade make sure you have linux-image installed... « sudo aptitude install linux-image »11:59
Appl6zhxk: OK, I thought you were at a grub prompt?11:59
zhxkit is12:00
greezmunkeyAppl6: Sweet, erUSUL a quick apt-cache search should show that (if it's here) right?12:00
ouyesHI ALL12:00
erUSULgreezmunkey: yes12:00
Appl6zhxk: Then enter the command I gave you at that grub prompt, and tell me what the output is.12:00
greezmunkeyerUSUL: Doing that now...12:00
ouyeswhen i try to name a fold as ASM, but it change to asm lower case automatically12:00
zhxkit list files on root when i do "ls"12:00
ouyeswhat is wrong?12:00
zhxkError 15: File not found12:01
erUSULouyes: is a fat partition ?12:01
ouyeserUSUL, yes12:01
=== flossk is now known as gent_flossk\
=== gent_flossk\ is now known as gent_flossk
erUSULouyes: fat partitions are case insensitive. there is nodifferences beween ASM and asm. linux chooses to show asm12:02
Appl6Mrokii: Can you try just "sudo aptitude", then hit capital U to mark all upgrades, then hit "g" to start applying them.  Then move around with the arrow keys to move to the memtest86+ package and hit "-" (minus) to deselect it.  Then hit "g" again to start the upgrade.12:02
greezmunkeyerUSUL: (et.al) this is what I have: http://paste.ubuntu.com/429983/12:02
Appl6zhxk: OK, try "find /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic".  Notice I changed the 22 to a 21.12:02
ouyeserUSUL, ou ......  i do not like this12:02
zhxkAppl6:im still on grub console12:03
Appl6zhxk: I know.  Type that command there.12:03
mapmap42anyone else getting 'connection refused' from ppa.launchpad.net?12:03
erUSULouyes: what you do not like ? you want all filenames to show uppercase12:03
zhxkError 15: File not found12:03
Appl6mapmap42: Nope, I can see it.12:03
XethronCan anyone help me with the install of Ubuntu... I have a 20 GB drive split into two partitions. One with XP on and the other with DEADLY important files! I want to format ONLY the partition that Windows was on, and use the entire first partition for Ubuntu. But the second partition MUST STAY AS IS!12:04
=== Robertf_ is now known as RobertF
Appl6zhxk: How about "find /boot/vmlinuz"12:04
ouyeserUSUL, i named as ASM but the system change to asm , i can not do what i like12:04
mapmap42Appl6: crap, thanks12:04
XethronSorry for the caps But its really important that that partition does NOT fail. :P12:04
zhxkAppl6:i do ls /boot/ it print "L0Eo"12:04
Dr_WillisXethron:  back things up...... thats the GOLDEN RULE.12:04
erUSULgreezmunkey: as i said to make sure you have the last kernel revision in any ubuntu install make user you have linux-image and/or linux-image-generic installed12:04
Dr_WillisXethron:  that hd could die at ANY time.. reguardless of what you are planing.12:04
XethronHmm... ok :/12:04
erUSULouyes: again: fat partitions are case *insensitive. there is no differences between ASM and asm12:05
zhxkError 15: File not found12:05
Dr_WillisXethron:  even if you were not going to use linux at all.. if its DEADLY impornat mp3 collection.. then BACK IT UP12:05
MrokiiAppl6:  I will try that, one moment...12:05
erUSULouyes: again: fat partitions are case *insensitive*. there is *no* *differences* between ASM and asm they are stored the same way12:05
Dr_WillisXethron:  and yes ive had good hard drives 'die' at a moments notice.12:05
greezmunkeyerUSUL: One of *many* entries: linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic - Linux kernel image for version 2.6.32 on x86/x86_6412:05
ouyeserUSUL, you do not get the point, i want it show ASM instead of asm12:05
greezmunkeyerUSUL: I think I'm good so far...12:06
erUSULouyes: so what you see when you do an ls or use nautilus is just a convention. in linux is default to lowercase. DOS desfaults to uppercase12:06
ouyeserUSUL, it can show Python but not ASM12:06
zhxkAppl6:can i load the kernel manually?12:06
Appl6zhxk: Yes, you can, but you have to know the file name.  That's what the "find" command were for.12:06
ajmesquitabom dia a todos12:06
guntbert!br | ajmesquita12:07
ubottuajmesquita: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:07
ouyeserUSUL, anyway fat is out of date , i will famat it to ext212:07
ajmesquitaobrigado, vacilei!  hehehe12:07
Proculeoh 10.04 is officially "ready" ?12:07
* greezmunkey cracks knuckles, prepares to break system...install CD on hand? Check!12:07
Dr_WillisProcule:  has been for a few weeks now.12:07
ouyeserUSUL, thanks12:08
Proculewell I had the Beta 212:08
Czxrwhat is the biggest difference from mint and ubuntu ? and what is the fastest of them?12:08
Dr_WillisProcule:  if you update/upgrade.. it will be the final12:08
erUSULouyes: see the mount options for vfast in man mount12:08
Dr_WillisCzxr:  speed - doubt if you will notie any differances.12:08
ouyeserUSUL, forget it12:08
zhxkAppl6:so can i boot the system from installation cd?12:08
Dr_WillisCzxr:  i see no need to use Mint. Unless you like how they set things up by default.12:08
JackStonerI always have my touchpad disabled at login, using ubuntu 10.04...any idea how to make it work12:08
Appl6zhxk: Yes.  You can also reinstall grub from Ubuntu liveCD.12:08
alkethow to close an application from terminal (not killall) ?12:09
Dr_WillisCzxr:  and i can see a lot of reasons to NOT use mint. I reccomend you use a actaual ubuntu  - or offically supported variant.12:09
Dr_Willisalket:  xkill, then click on its window, or 'kill PIDOFTHEPROCESS'12:09
erebusalket: use top, then the process number12:09
JackStoneralket: top12:09
JackStonerthen K12:09
CzxrHmm, okey, thanks then Dr_willis ;)12:09
JackStonerthen select the pid of the app and type it12:09
=== rsc____ is now known as rsc___
JackStonerthen type : KILL12:09
ewpi use pkill12:09
Appl6zhxk: This has a nice list of instructions with pictures: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:09
ewpex: pkill firefox12:10
=== William is now known as coderscore
zhxkAppl6:I choose T on boot from livecd12:10
JackStonerI always have my touchpad disabled at login, using ubuntu 10.04...any idea how to make it work12:10
Appl6zhxk: What do you mean "choose T"?12:10
erUSULalket: pkill12:10
zhxkAppl6:trial ubuntu from livecd?12:11
alketDr_willis JackStoner, My real problem is I have thunderbird and i installed a plugin so when I close thunderbird it goes to system tray, but i want to open thunderbird at startup but in minimise mode or closed12:11
ProculeDr_Willis, but i'm living on the edge... ;-)12:11
Appl6zhxk: Yeah, that's right.12:11
Dr_Willisalket:  i never use the tool. so no idea.12:11
Dr_Willisalket:  compiz has settings to tweak  a few things like that12:11
guy_I have accidently rm'ed my /var/cache/* content, synaptic and apt-get fail to update, anyone got a clue how to fix this ?12:12
TheAwesomeGuyok guys12:12
TheAwesomeGuyi just generated a gpg key on my iphone12:13
TheAwesomeGuynow i want to sign a file12:13
Appl6guy_: Try "sudo apt-get check"12:13
erUSULTheAwesomeGuy: this is not a iphone channel ....12:13
TheAwesomeGuynow I want to get my private key on to my Ubuntu server12:13
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts12:14
guy_Appl6: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/ ; The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.12:14
airtonix!enter | TheAwesomeGuy12:14
ubottuTheAwesomeGuy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:14
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:14
=== Tonus_ is now known as Tonus
airtonixguy_, recreate the required directories12:14
guy_airtonix: just mkdir them ?12:14
airtonixguy_, yes12:14
guy_airtonix: ok, will do. thanks (:12:15
MrokiiAppl6:  Not sure if I did something wrong. I used "sudo aptitude" and after using the suggest keys it went back to the terminal and now it seems to install all the updates. Didn't have a chance to look for the memtest86+ package yet.12:16
guy_airtonix: I now have two folders in /var/cache/ - apt and fontconfig, is that valid ?12:16
greezmunkeyHuh, wierd - I ran a "safe-upgrade" to upgrade this system. Is it normal to keep an older kernel in that circumstance? I think I am missing something somewhere.12:16
=== rsc___ is now known as rsc-
C-S-B-N900rip intrepid.12:16
kezzhi i upgraded to 10.04 last week but whenever i boot into 2.6.32 i get a black screen. Choosing 2.6.31 rom the list in grub works fine. Any ideas where to look for the issue. I started 2.6.32 in recovery mode but the same thing happened12:16
Appl6Mrokii: If it's working that's great (obviously).  Though I'm afraid it may try to set up memtest again and die.12:17
gbsunhi i use git clone git://github.com/rhomobile/rhosync.git12:17
gbsunand got :12:17
hyperstreamHow do i go about getting my Asus WL-BTD202 Bluetooth USB working?12:17
MrokiiAppl6:  I'll see.12:17
gbsunfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly12:17
gbsunfatal: early EOF12:17
gbsunfatal: index-pack failed12:17
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:17
greezmunkeykezz: That's all you had to say, I'm staying where I am! ;)12:18
kezzgreezmunkey,  heh :P12:18
gbsunhi i use git clone git://github.com/rhomobile/rhosync.git  and got : fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly  fatal: early EOF  fatal: index-pack failed12:18
rsc-gbsun: that may be your connection acting up12:18
zhxkwhere best ask about grub questions?12:19
Appl6greezmunkey: Haha.  Yes, it's normal for Ubuntu to keep a backup kernel, for that reason.  Though usually it will install the new one and keep the old one around.  You can check with "ls /boot".12:19
gbsunthis is the only method , how can i resolve this problem12:19
rsc-gbsun: that looks like a really big repo, you may need a good connection to download all the data from it12:19
rsc-gbsun: you can download it instead from the github page maybe12:19
zhxkAppl6:im using grub for dos, which cant recognize ext412:19
rsc-http://github.com/rhomobile/rhosync should have a download link12:19
Appl6zhxk: Why don't you use your Ubuntu liveCD?12:19
om26erif I install a kernel on the persistant live cd will that kernel work or only the default will work?12:19
gbsunrhomobile for windows has the download file. but for linux, just recomand use the "git clone"12:20
zhxkAppl6:im using Ubuntu livecd12:20
gbsunwhat can i do now?12:20
Appl6zhxk: I thought you said you were using grub4dos?12:20
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rsc-gbsun: http://github.com/rhomobile/rhosync should have a download link to "Download Source", which is essentially what you'll get from doing a `git clone`12:20
Appl6zhxk: Did you follow the instructions on the webpage I sent you?12:20
gbsunthanks , i will go and try12:21
zhxkAppl6:can i install ubuntu without cdrom?12:21
DexterHi all12:21
MrokiiAppl6:  err... now there is a "new" error and it doesn't sound good...12:21
Proculezhxk, yes, with a usb stick or with 21312 floppys ;)12:21
Appl6zhxk: Yeah, you can install from a flash drive, or from inside Windows with wubi.12:22
greezmunkeyAppl6: So that's the piece I'm missing, SO it goes like this: Safe upgrade gets you all the code, configures the system for the latest kernel, then you manually make the new kernel, and configure grub to boot it???12:22
zhxkAppl6:wrong url?12:22
MrokiiAppl6:  "unable to fsync updated status of `man-db': Input/output error12:22
Mrokiitouch: cannot touch `/var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp': Read-only file system12:22
Mrokiish: cannot create /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available: Read-only file system"12:22
Appl6greezmunkey: Whoa, old school.  In Ubuntu you usually just download precompiled kernels.  You can compile ones if you want, but most people don't.12:22
hmw2 identical monitors, 2 intel GPUs: 82865G and 82915G/GV/910GL, one can 1600x1200, the other causes weird colors, even with 50 Hz. Switched monitors, same effect. I don't understand, how the GPU can cause weird colors on the same resolution/freq. What can I do?12:22
MrokiiAppl6:  And now, when I run "sudo dpkg --configure -a", it says: "dpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system"12:23
NecrosporusHow to make ubuntu don't show existing user on mine system?12:23
zhxkAppl6:i have a partition for ubuntu12:23
Appl6greezmunkey: Part of getting the new precompiled kernel involves it being automatically added to grub as another option.  So you'll see multiple Ubuntu lines with different kernel numbers on them.12:23
gbsunrsc-: i go to the web page and find that : RhoSync-1-4-1_setup.exe             RhoSync v1.4.1 Windows Installer12:23
greezmunkeyAppl6: Ok then, skip step two, just modify grub to boot the new kernel then>12:23
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  you mean 'how to make the GDM login screen' not show  a User List?12:23
NecrosporusDr_Willis, yep12:24
greezmunkeyAppl6: I'll check the config file, haven't looked at it...12:24
gbsunthere do not exit for linux12:24
Appl6greezmunkey: You don't have to modify grub, it should be done automatically.12:24
NecrosporusOr make ubuntu use text login12:24
hmwNecrosporus: do you want autologin?12:24
Necrosporushmw, no12:24
rsc-gbsun: no not that12:24
rsc-gbsun: http://github.com/rhomobile/rhosync12:24
Appl6Mrokii: You're right, that does sound bad.  Can you "df -h" to make sure you have free disk space?12:24
NecrosporusI would like more secure login requiring input of both username and password12:25
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  dozens of ubuntu tweaking tools let you chantge that easially, ubuntu-tweak is one (i think) another is gdm2setup --> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/change-gdm-login-screen-background-in.html12:25
MrokiiAppl6:  More than enough still free12:25
hmwNecrosporus: boot to text mode (aka "console"): sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf   then    sysv-rc-conf   and deselect the X in column 2 for "gdm"12:25
macnoI got problem with Lucid and my new Sony laptop: no audio at all. This is lspci output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/429993/12:25
greezmunkeyAppl6: I agree that seems to be what should have happened, but explain this: 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 1612:25
ManDayAre there certain propritary drivers (for example for Realtek HD) that you should usually get? Or are the normal Drivers that are shipped with Ubuntu usually good enough? Does anyone here use different drivers?12:25
greezmunkeyAppl6: Hehe12:25
Appl6Mrokii: Also, do mount -l to see if your root file system is read only. (you should see a (ro) at the end of the line if it is ReadOnly, or (rw) for ReadWrite).12:25
Dr_WillisManDay:  totally depends on the actual hardware. On the last 3 laptops.. they have been 100% ubuntu preinstalled drivers.12:25
Dr_WillisManDay:  a few others need wireless extras.. and one needed a wireless + video drivers.12:26
hmw2 identical monitors, 2 intel GPUs: 82865G and 82915G/GV/910GL, one can 1600x1200, the other causes weird colors, even with 50 Hz. Switched monitors, same effect. I don't understand, how the GPU can be the cause of weird colors on the same resolution/freq. Can you explain that? What can I do?12:26
zhxkAppl6:i guess its grub4dos dont support ex412:26
emghazalOn Karmic, I used to be able to drag a window to the side of the screen, and it would automatically switch to the next workspace. Now it doesn12:26
ManDayDr_Willis, my problem is that certain mp3s play wiht cracks and noise and i dont know why12:26
Dr_WillisManDay:  ive rarely seen  extra drivers for much else then wireless and video.12:26
ManDaythe diles are ok12:26
Appl6greezmunkey: 2.6.31 is the kernel version.  14 is 14th Ubuntu specific patch applied to the kernel.  SMP is a compilation option for the kernel.  I don't know what 48 is for.12:26
Dr_WillisManDay:  bugs in the alsa drivers for that soud chipset perhaps.12:26
gorskiwhere do i edit grub?12:27
ManDayDr_Willis, its a realtek HD - pretty common if you ask me12:27
Appl6greezmunkey: But I'm still not sure what you're asking.  Can you boot into Ubuntu?  What problems are you having?12:27
emghazalOn Karmic, I used to be able to drag a window to the side of the screen, and it would automatically switch to the next workspace. Now it doesn't work and I can't find the option to enable it. (and sorry for the chopped off message)12:27
ManDayDr_Willis, pulse uses alsa, right?12:27
MrokiiAppl6:  It says "rw" only on all entries. Though there is a warning at the end, saying that "etc/mtab" is not writeable and the it's possible that the infor is not up to date.12:27
hmw!grub2 | gorski12:27
ubottugorski: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:27
Dr_WillisManDay:  Pulse runs on top of alsa  - right12:27
zhxkAppl6:i would like install another bootloder on (hd0,6)12:27
MrokiiAppl6:  It says that I should check the "/proc/mounts"-file for more actual information.12:27
DiverDudeAppl6, hey there. Do you have a moment_12:28
Appl6DiverDude: Hey, um I'm working with other people but sure, go ahead, what's the deal12:28
ManDayDr_Willis, what does pulse do to the stream that alsa doesnt? if i select alsa output plugin in audacious the sounds is horrible with pulse tho its ok (apart from the cracks and noise in certain files as mentioned912:28
Appl6Mrokii: You can "cat /proc/mounts" then.12:28
greezmunkeyAppl6: It's all good - I am comparing this system to one right next to it. The other runs on, this one is on 2.6.31-14-generic after doing the same update...12:28
Dr_Willispulse lets you do other 'tricks' with the sound stream and system. I can make the pc here play its output  to other pc's on the lan. using features of pulse.12:29
Appl6greezmunkey: Both Ubuntu?  It almost sounds like one of them isn't pulling from the lucid repositories.12:29
Dr_WillisManDay:  or i could use anohter pc's mic as input on this pc :)12:29
MachisujiHey, I just upgraded to 10.4 two days ago. But I still don't like the "blackness". Actually I liked the brownish gray from before better. Can I somehow change that? I can only find options to change the windows and stuff, but not the "system color?" which is black.12:29
Appl6greezmunkey: Either that or one didn't survive the upgrade process too well.12:29
jribMachisuji: system -> preferences -> appearance12:29
MrokiiAppl6:  There is one entry with "ro" in it: "/dev/disk/by-uuid/84da43ad-833c-4e7d-9c67-b742098b668a / reiserfs ro,relatime,notail 0 0"12:29
ManDayDr_Willis, ok thanks for the info. if you can think of any solution to my problem with the cracks let me kniow pplesae12:29
domjohnsonare trackballs any good for video editing and audio production?12:30
zhxkAppl6:how can i list partitions on grub console?12:30
greezmunkeyAppl6: I'm just trying to understand why - That's possible. This one is an upgrade, the other one is a clean install :)12:30
Dr_WillisManDay:  no idea on that. check the forums.  or try other media player12:30
DiverDudeAppl6, When i try to delete one of the partitions in gparted which i started from the liveCD *im on the live cd now* i get the error:    Unable to delete /dev/sda5       Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 512:30
SirRedToothIs it possible to remove options from the grub console??12:30
zhxkhow can i list partitions on grub console?12:30
Dr_Willisdomjohnson:  i dont find them very good for a lot of tasks...12:30
Dr_Willisdomjohnson:  but try them and see.12:30
jribDiverDude: did you do what it tells you to?12:30
zhxkhow can i list partitions on grub console?12:30
NecrosporusDr_Willis, gdm2setup: command not found, ubuntu-tweak: command not found; gdmsetup exists, but doesn't allow me to do this12:31
ManDayDr_Willis, it took me a year to settle on audacious because i hate all other audio players for either how bloated they are or that they have neither a tray nor an equalizer -  I WILL NOT ABANDON audacious :)12:31
jribzhxk: ls?12:31
greezmunkeyAppl6: That (what you said) could explain some wierd error messeges I get on boot. The system still seems to run alright though.12:31
DiverDudejrib hmm so i need to unmount everything?12:31
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  go read the url i gave.. and INSTALL gdm2setup. or go search/install ubuntu-tweak12:31
Appl6zhxk: I'm not sure how to do that, sorry.12:31
jribDiverDude: sure, why not?12:31
* Dr_Willis buys ManDay a radio12:31
NecrosporusDr_Willis, I don't have internet on ubuntu machine12:31
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: ;)12:31
NecrosporusSo I can't install anything yet12:32
ManDayDr_Willis, wow, havent had such a thing for 20 years now i think.12:32
DiverDudejrib yes ok....what is the easiest way to unmount?12:32
NecrosporusHow to do this with tools from default install?12:32
blackratdoghow can i repair my corrupted usb flash drive persistent installation?12:32
jribDiverDude: using umount12:32
emghazalOn Karmic, I used to be able to drag a window to the side of the screen, and it would automatically switch to the next workspace, but it doesn't work on Lucid. Where can I find the option to enable it?12:32
jribDiverDude: I think gparted might have some gui option for unmounting too12:32
Dr_WillisManDay:  look at the new 'chumbly one' --> http://www.chumby.com/pages/compare12:32
Machisujijrib: I can only change window colors there if I'm not missing something here. But I want to the black of the menu bar(s) to go away.12:33
zhxkjrib:ls not supported on grub4linux12:33
Appl6Mrokii: Oh dear, I'm sorry.  That's your root partition (the second field is root), and usually the only reason your root partition gets remounted read only is when it detects file system corruption.  Back up time, if you have a way to do it.12:33
om26erupdating kernel on a persistent flash will be useless?12:33
NecrosporusSlackware seems much easier to use for me: it doesn't require me to install anything, I can configure my system with only vim /etc/something12:33
MrokiiAppl6:  I have a recent backup of all my HD12:33
Appl6DiverDude: Can you show me the output of "mount -l" (mount dash ell)?12:33
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  i tend to use vim to configure most things on ubuntu.. go use what you want I guess..12:33
NecrosporusIt's not windows to install tweakers12:33
anonymouse_!ccsm | anonymouse_12:33
jribzhxk: what version of ubuntu is this?12:33
ubottuanonymouse_, please see my private message12:33
Machisujijrib: There isn't even black selected in any of the available color pickers (except for text).12:33
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  i had other issues with slackware12:33
jribMachisuji: you can choose a different theme12:33
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  the gdm config files are editable by hand.. but i dont bother.12:33
NecrosporusSo gedit /etc/gdm.conf?12:34
ManDayDr_Willis, wut?12:34
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  research the config files.. ubuntu and slackware do NOT use the same versions of GDM. so it may differ greately12:34
MrokiiAppl6:  So... that means I should do a clean install of 10.04? :/12:34
MachisujiWell I like the theme apart from the black part so I clicked "change theme" or however it is labelled in English. But it doesn't help.12:34
zhxkjrib:i do apt-get grub12:34
Dr_WillisManDay:  it has a radio. and its a mini pc. :)  it can even work as a wireless access point for your 3g network with some tweaking.12:34
Machisujijrib: Well I like the theme apart from the black part so I clicked "change theme" or however it is labelled in English. But it doesn't help.12:34
jribMachisuji: then edit the theme I guess12:35
DiverDudeAppl6, here is that output: http://pastebin.com/Kqt4Mumt12:35
ManDayDr_Willis, i absolutly need that </sarcasm>12:35
Dr_WillisManDay:  i am goign to get one soon., when the wife lets me. :)12:35
hmwI can use 1600x1200 only rarely, because the mode is not "available" most of the time. I had a power outage, rebooted and suddenly it worked. Rebooted again, and still only 1280. Any ideas what's going on?12:35
Dr_WillisManDay: but as soon as i get it.. she will steal it.12:35
Appl6Mrokii: If it's not too inconvenient, I think that would be a good idea.  If not, you should reboot, because with readonly root nothing is really going to happen.12:35
caterhi. is there a filesystem suitable for shared media access, that doesn not require any complex cluster setup and daemons running?12:36
ManDayDr_Willis, forgive me but what is the advantage of that thing over a laptop?12:36
ManDayis it outdoor safe or something ?12:36
Appl6DiverDude: Can you try to delete the partition again?12:36
Dr_WillisManDay:  its a suped up clock radio12:36
cateri'd like to mount a disk via iscsi on multiple hosts simultaneously12:36
Machisujijrib: Ok thanks. I just thought you can change certain colors of a theme (besides the window colors). i'm gonna have to pick another one then.12:36
jribzhxk: why are you at this grub console?12:36
Dr_WillisManDay:  You sit it on your desk and let it run. :)12:36
caterhowever i need raw disk access on all hosts12:36
jribMachisuji: editing the theme is not difficult, just copy it from /usr/share/themes/ to ~/.themes and make your changes12:37
ManDayDr_Willis, ok, and the advantage over a laptop is... what exactly (not trying to spoil that i just dont get it)?!12:37
MrokiiAppl6:  but are you sure that this is the root-partition? I mean, there are other entries in that file, all with "rw". And only one is marked with "ro"12:37
DiverDudeAppl6, i managed to delete sda3 now12:37
Appl6DiverDude: Great.12:37
DiverDudeAppl6, but not sda512:37
Dr_WillisManDay:  its a supped up clockradio/electric picture frame that you set up how you want.   turn it on.. install the widgits you want..  and there it is.12:38
Appl6Mrokii: The first column is the device, the second is where it's mounted.12:38
DiverDudeAppl6, i keep getting this error12:38
DiverDudeAppl6, which i showed before12:38
Appl6DiverDude: Oh, well the error said to make sure you unmounted stuff, but it is already unmounted.12:38
MrokiiAppl6:  I see :(12:38
Appl6DiverDude: So the error doesn't make sense.12:38
Appl6DiverDude: Let me see if I can find some information about it.12:38
Machisujijrib: Ah I see, thank you!12:39
ManDayDr_Willis, hm okay, make sure to send me a photo once you have that thing sitting on your desk. i kinda cant imagine12:39
MrokiiAppl6:  Might be a stupid question, but I guess there is no way to "re-mount" it?12:39
DiverDudeAppl6, but i think it looks really strange actually the way the partitions is organized. In gparted it seems that sda5 is a subpartion to sda412:39
malikkitehi... I need help on upgrading 8.04 to 10.04... the first - i get the flashplugins-nonfree error the second - the installation doesn´t finish... the counter arrives to the end but pc doesn´t restart and if i do the grub menu is the old one but the boot sequence is not recognized... someone can help me?12:39
XethronCan anyone help me with the install of Ubuntu... I have a 20 GB drive split into two partitions. Windows is on the one and my backups on the other. Ubuntu wants to eather use the entire disk, or install it next to windows. I want it to use the entire Windows partition. How do I do that?12:39
DiverDudeAppl6, may i show you a screendump_12:39
Appl6DiverDude: Sure, that would be helpful.12:39
hmwXethron: select "manual"12:40
hmwXethron: and assign the partition as ext4 with mount point "/"12:40
Appl6Mrokii: Yes, you can remount it.  mount -o remount,rw /12:40
DiverDudeAppl6, ok, here it is: http://imagebin.org/9609712:40
Appl6Mrokii: I just figured (with no real evidence) that rebooting would be a "fresh start".12:41
Appl6DiverDude: Oh, now I see what's wrong.12:42
MrokiiAppl6:  *sigh* mounting doesn't seem to work, for whatever reason. it says: "mount: /dev/sda2: can't read superblock". I guess my only chance is to try a restart now.12:42
Dr_WillisManDay:  take the clock off your Bed stand.. and replace it with a chumby.. you roll over in the middle of the night  look at the time.. slap it once.. get a weather rport.. or  whatever...12:42
Appl6DiverDude: Right click on /dev/sda8 and select the "Swapoff" option.  Then use Reload in GParted.12:42
DiverDudeAppl6, i think i did something strange with the partions back in the days12:42
Dr_WillisManDay:  the origial one was a 'soft plush' design. :) newer one is more mondern12:42
XethronThanks hmw ill give it a try12:43
Appl6DiverDude: You should see the little silver keys go away next to /dev/sda6 and 8.12:43
DiverDudeAppl6, yeah12:43
Guest20073anyone know how to install my media system (mms) on ubuntu 9.1012:43
Appl6Mrokii: Yeah, it isn't sounding good.  Do you have another computer to chat on while you mess with that one?12:43
zhxkhow can i install grub from ubuntu?12:43
DiverDudeAppl6, so now i swapped it off, is it safe to delete_12:43
Appl6Mrokii: I'm concerned you won't be able to boot back into ubuntu.12:43
Appl6Appl6: Yep.  Actually, you have two swap partitions, you really only need one.12:44
krazykrivda_i could use some basic help editing and saving sources.list12:44
Appl6DiverDude: Yep.  Actually, you have two swap partitions, you really only need one.12:44
MrokiiAppl6:  nope, I don't have another one. And I fear the same. I guess I will meet a friend and ask him to download 10.04 for me. Or else use 9.10, which I should still have12:44
DiverDudeAppl6, aha interesting....So which one should i choose?12:44
ManDayDr_Willis, hm okay. if it doesnt use a lot of power and can be "slapped" i see the advantage then12:44
malikkitehi... I need help on upgrading 8.04 to 10.04... the first - i get the flashplugins-nonfree error the second - the installation doesn´t finish... the counter arrives to the end but pc doesn´t restart and if i do the grub menu is the old one but the boot sequence is not recognized... someone can help me?12:44
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hmw!grub2 | zhxk12:45
ubottuzhxk: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:45
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Appl6DiverDude: It doesn't matter, but I would leave /dev/sda6 as the swap partition, and delete /dev/sda8.12:45
Dr_WillisManDay:  as i said. its a simple little device that basically is a fancy clock radio/electric picture frame.. and its cheaper then many of the elec. pic frames ive seen out12:45
Appl6Mrokii: Do you have the install CD?12:45
krazykrivda_how do i edit an .list file it wont let me save changes12:45
Dr_WillisManDay:  if apple had came out with it.. everyone in the free world would want one. :)12:45
DiverDudeAppl6, ok i deleted sda8...but still i get the same error if i try to delete sda512:46
DiverDudeAppl6, maybe i need to swapp off sda6?12:46
MrokiiAppl6:  From 9.10, yes. I think I may even be able to download 10.04 here and burn it before rebooting.12:46
Dr_WillisManDay:  the chumvy site lets you make a virtual one. so you can see exactly what features it does/has/channels/applets12:46
oCean_krazykrivda_: that is probably because you don't have the right credentials. For example the "root" user might own the file12:46
Appl6krazykrivda_: If you want to edit it, you have to do "sudo nano FILENAME" because you don't have permissions to save it.12:46
hmw!sudo | krazykrivda_: you dont have access permissions as a user. You need to edit it as super user.12:46
ubottukrazykrivda_: you dont have access permissions as a user. You need to edit it as super user.: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:46
Appl6DiverDude: Yes, do that too.12:46
guntbertkrazykrivda_: you need to have root permissions to edit sources.list -- what are you trying to do?12:46
krazykrivda_try out a different window setup12:47
DiverDudeAppl6, YES...that was it....now i have many unallocated areas12:47
Appl6DiverDude: Good to hear!12:47
guntbertkrazykrivda_: that has *nothing* to do with /etc/apt/sources.list !!!12:47
DiverDudeAppl6, Is it possible to make sda7 use all those areas_12:47
krazykrivda_guntbert: i can use sudo comand on file. and open it.. i hit i and type in what i want.. to insert but dont' no how to save still12:47
Appl6DiverDude: Yep.  Select /dev/sda7 and click Resize/Move at the top.12:47
hmw!hi | Alexander112:48
ubottuAlexander1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:48
Appl6DiverDude: But it's going to take a long time (maybe an hour?  I'm not sure).12:48
guntbertkrazykrivda_: are you certain that you are editing the right file?12:48
krazykrivda_"install sun looking glass"12:48
Appl6Mrokii: With a readonly root I don't think you could download anything.  But having a 9.10 install CD should be fine.12:49
DiverDudeAppl6, it seems sda7 has been renamed to sda6 now12:49
guntbertkrazykrivda_: so you started with sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:49
krazykrivda_sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list12:49
DiverDudeAppl6, could that be?12:49
krazykrivda_yes sir12:49
Appl6DiverDude: That doesn't sound right to me.12:50
krazykrivda_guntbert: then went to free area and hit 'i' and i was able to insert my text.. then what?12:50
DiverDudeAppl6, arg maybe i fucked it up then >S12:50
Appl6DiverDude: Another screenshot please?12:50
hmwkrazykrivda_: next time try nano, its a bit easier, since it shows commands on the bottom. You enter edit mode with "i". Now press ESC to leave to command mode, then type :wq12:50
MrokiiAppl6:  my home is on another partition, and I have just tried a download to the desktop, which works. I guess only the system-partition itself is affected by the read-only-status12:50
guntbertkrazykrivda_: ok after your edits you press <esc> to leave the insert mode and the you press : (cursor goes to the bottom line) and then x (to save and exit)12:51
hmwkrazykrivda_: The mode thing was about vi12:51
Appl6Mrokii: Oh I didn't notice you had a separate home, then yes you're absolutely right.  You can download it to anywhere in your home directory.12:51
oCean_krazykrivda_: in vi the :wq! as well as the :x! command will save your current edit, overwriting the existing file!12:51
hmw:x ftw nice to know12:51
DiverDudeAppl6, http://imagebin.org/9609812:51
oCean_krazykrivda_: also, are you aware you can modify your software sources through menu System > Admins > Software sources?12:51
guntberthmw: only for the lazy ones :-)12:51
zhxkcan i do grub-install /dev/sda7?12:52
LcawteI have a load of hs_err_*.log files in my home directory, what are they, and is it safe to just delete them?12:52
krazykrivda_i have been running ubuntu for about 45 min.. so i know about nothing12:52
Appl6DiverDude: Actually yeah you're right, it looks like it was just renamed.  Weird.  Everything looks OK though.12:52
gbsunrsc-: i use rhosync : sudo gem install rhosyncERROR:  could not find gem rhosync locally or in a repository12:52
gbsunwhat's the problem?12:52
DiverDudeAppl6, phew....i just got scared hehe...heart going into my throat haha12:52
NecrosporusDr_Willis, if there is good useful tweakers, why isn't it installed by default instead of useless tools like gdmsetup with two checkboxes, which doesn't enable user to configure the system?12:52
[BT]BrendanI deleted all the JACK files and folders out of /usr and now I have no idea how to get them back.12:52
Appl6DiverDude: Haha sorry about that.12:53
gbsunhi i use rhosync : sudo gem install rhosyncERROR:  could not find gem rhosync locally or in a repository12:53
Radio-lzhxk: are you trying to write grub to a partition or just that device?12:53
DiverDudeAppl6, nono...its fine :D12:53
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:   go to the brainstorm site and make a suggestion.12:53
hmwkrazykrivda_: using vi was really krazy then. *grins* Use nano to edit in terminal or gksudo gedit <filename> to superuser-edit graphicallly12:53
Dr_Willis!brainstorm | Necrosporus12:53
ubottuNecrosporus: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!12:53
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goliatelu all12:53
MrokiiAppl6:  Okay, thank you very much for taking the time to help me. I have to leave now and will download the CD-image meanwhile. Bye12:53
gbsunhi, i use rhosync : sudo gem install rhosyncERROR:  could not find gem rhosync locally or in a repository12:53
krazykrivda_btw.. didn't work.. apparently issue with server host?12:53
Appl6Mrokii: You're welcome.  Sorry that I couldn't _actually_ help.  Bye.12:53
DiverDudeAppl6, ok, so i choose now sda6 resize/move to top?12:53
MrokiiAppl6:  np. Thank you again.12:54
zhxkRadio-l:im tring to write grub to a partition12:54
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  bottom line  is  the limited space on a single cd.  is the defacto reason for not including 100's of other things12:54
Appl6DiverDude: Yep.12:54
Appl6DiverDude: Oh, wait one second.12:55
hmwkrazykrivda_: perhaps some typos? double check the instructions you were following, file names are case sensitive in *nix!12:55
DiverDudeAppl6, yes?12:55
krazykrivda_yeah i'm aware hmw.. also.. several failed to fetch notifications12:55
Appl6DiverDude: Because sda6 is inside of sda4 extended partition, you won't be able to use up all your space yet.12:55
Lcawte[12:52:05] <Lcawte> I have a load of hs_err_*.log files in my home directory, what are they, and is it safe to just delete them?12:55
Appl6DiverDude: First, you have to resize sda4 to use up all that extra space.  After you resize sda4, then you can resize sda6.12:56
DiverDudeAppl6, yes i just noticed that there was some space missing. Is there any way i can change this12:56
budlustwhen I mount an ISO in kvm, where does kvm store the data?12:56
guntbertLcawte: look into them to see what they are12:56
Radio-lzhxk: grub-install can only be pointed to the device12:56
DiverDudeAppl6, ahaa ok....Is there any special reason why sda6 is inside sda4 actually?12:56
Lcawte# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:12:56
zhxkRadio-l:so how can i install grub to a partition?12:57
wildbat_laptopLcawte, log file a mostly safe to rm but can help you trace back the errors12:57
Brchi all12:57
hmwkrazykrivda_: sounded like you were installing something not in ubuntu's repositories. Find a better ubuntu repo in System / Administration / Software Source / Download from: / Other / Select Best Server12:57
[BT]BrendanI deleted all the JACK files and folders out of /usr/ and now I have no idea how to get them back.12:57
Guest20073anyone know if MMS (my media system) project is dead or moved? i need the dxr3 output because i cannot get it working12:57
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DiverDudeAppl6, most likely i did some strange stupid things and caused that strange construction when i installed ubuntu 9.1012:57
hmwkrazykrivda_: "better" = faster12:57
Appl6DiverDude: I don't know, you set it up that way?  Haha.  You can only have 4 primary partitions, so in order to get more than 4 partitions you had to make one extended partition (sda4) and stick a bunch of logical ones (sda5,6,7,8) inside of it.12:57
hmwkrazykrivda_: but having another ubuntu repo does not give you more software to install12:58
DiverDudeAppl6, ahaa thats the confusion12:58
epssysamba shares from my home directory are seeable on others computers but they cannot access them.  is this a known bug in 10.04?12:58
guntbertDiverDude: thats perfectly normal: partitions 1-4 are so called primary partitions - one of them can be "extended" and can contain as many partitions as you like - they are numbered from 5 onward12:58
Brcjust download ext2 manager to view and tranfer files from windows 7..all went ok i can c the the linux partition but when i click to view files there are empty12:58
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DiverDudeAppl6, ok, so but now i will resize sda412:58
abhishekHello, I just upgraded from ubunto 9.10 to 10.04, now my window title bar is not showing!! any help??12:59
Ferbtry resizing window...12:59
Dr_Willisabhishek:  start with 'alt-f2' and 'metacity --replace'12:59
Appl6DiverDude: Right.  Actually, you can tell GParted to resize sda4, then resize sda6, and then when you hit Apply it will do both for you.12:59
krazykrivda_hmw: i dont' know what you mean12:59
Appl6DiverDude: That way you don't have to hang around and wait for it to finish, because it will probably take a long time.12:59
DiverDudeAppl6, okay, and tell it in the same time to use maximum possible space?12:59
Appl6DiverDude: Yes.13:00
Brc just download ext2 manager to view and tranfer files from windows 7..all went ok i can c the the linux partition but when i click to view files there are empty13:00
DiverDudeAppl6, that would be excellent...then i could hit the gym meanwhile hehhe13:00
abhishek@ Dr_Willis I tride running metacity --replace but it brings the title bar only for that session.. and as soon as i close the terminal its gone again... :(13:00
Appl6DiverDude: Haha sounds good.13:00
krazykrivda_hmw: failed install because wasn't able to find backages lg3d-core13:00
DiverDudeAppl6, do you have time to tell me how I may set up this?13:00
Appl6DiverDude: Set up what?13:01
hmwkrazykrivda_: Start in the System menu (top left) and look for those texts. Some are submenus, others buttons, etc. Just read your screen. If you have partial failing packages, or slow downloads, you have the option to select another repository. Only applies to Ubuntu of course. If you use an external repository, you would need an alternative one, but thats not common13:01
DiverDudeAppl6, to do bot resize sda4 then6 and use maximum possible space for both13:01
abhishek@Dr_Willis:  I tride running metacity --replace but it brings the title bar only for that session.. and as soon as i close the terminal its gone again... :(13:01
hmwkrazykrivda_: tell me the URL of the instructions you are trying to follow13:02
zetherooSkype is eating up 95-100% of my CPU again!!!13:02
Radio-lzhxk: grub resides wherever its files are copied, grub-install writes a program in the boot sector that points to wherever you placed /boot/grub13:02
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Appl6DiverDude: Right click on sda4, select Resize, and drag the arrows to use up all the space.13:02
zetherooand pulse audio is using 360MB of my RAM13:02
Appl6DiverDude: Is that clear?13:02
krazykrivda_hmw: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&ved=0CBUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntugeek.com%2Finstall-sun-looking-glass-desktop-environment-in-ubuntu.html&ei=41LlS6evPIGdlgfLvYDuCg&usg=AFQjCNGJbb1annJ9lC6WhGrHdLni9Nln9g&sig2=XAVmlW4u-Y6AIe79TdgzbQ13:03
DiverDudeAppl6, yes, will it then also automatically resize sda6 ?13:03
merlin2049erhey, i got ddclient installed and setup13:03
zetheroowhy do applications and services take up so much resource in Ubuntu?13:03
Radio-lzhxk: if its in a different path, you'd run grub-install --root=path13:03
krazykrivda_wtf! sry13:03
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merlin2049erbut how do i get it auto started with boot up?13:03
Appl6DiverDude: No.  But now that you've told it to resize sda4, you have space for sda6.  So do the same thing, except now for sda6.13:03
NecrosporusDr_Willis, there is DVDs also13:03
DiverDudeAppl6, ahhh ok, then gparted will just queue it up?13:04
Appl6DiverDude: That's right.13:04
wildbat_laptopabhijain, run it with Alt-F2?13:04
zetheroopulseaudio is using over 400MB of RAM!!!13:04
Appl6DiverDude: It doesn't actually do anything until you click Apply (the green checkmark).13:04
zetheroois there a way to restart pulseaudio?13:05
DiverDudeAppl6, ahhh right13:05
Appl6DiverDude: And the arrow to the left of it is the Undo button.13:05
IgramulHi, does Ubuntu 10.04 Server support the creation of software RAID5 at installation time?13:05
ManDayzetheroo, try services13:05
ManDayzetheroo, services pulseaudio restart13:06
hmwkrazykrivda_: ah, did it work?13:06
DiverDudeAppl6, so basically i stillhave not even deleted any partitions yet..i have just set up the queue13:06
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  part of the ubuntu 'goal' is to stay fitting on a cd.  If you want extra things. remaster your own  its not too hard to do13:06
Appl6DiverDude: That's right.13:06
krazykrivda_for me.. no it did not.. did you tr hmw13:06
ManDayis there a usuable version of top?13:06
NecrosporusDr_Willis, there is DVD13:06
zetherooManDay: thanks :)13:06
ManDaysomething which shows memory usage?13:06
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  so ?13:07
Appl6ManDay: top shows memory usage, what do you mean?13:07
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  part of the ubuntu 'goal' is to stay fitting on a cd.13:07
hmwkrazykrivda_: i was starting to read  the wiki on  http://javadesktop.org/lg3d/debian - what did you mean with the autostart?13:07
NecrosporusWhat does additional things does it contain?13:07
ZiderNecrosporus: there is blu-ray too, does that mean they should do 40GB isos? ;)13:07
hmwkrazykrivda_:  http://javadesktop.org/ in fact, the other url gives 404 not found13:07
ManDayAppl6, top is an absolutly useless application. i still dont understand how it can exist13:07
zetherooManDay: hmmm ... its still taking 422MB of my RAM13:07
NecrosporusThere is DVD images13:07
weemanHi is there a Debian  command = "ubuntu-restricted-extras" ?13:07
Dr_WillisNecrosporus:  and the dvd 'images' have extra languages - thats all they are there for,13:07
ManDayzetheroo, then just kill it13:08
sdk_lnxHi, is Ubuntu 10.04 still having an icon for updates ?13:08
weemanwhich downloads all the codecs13:08
krazykrivda_so it won't work?13:08
hmwkrazykrivda_: what did you mean with the autostart?13:08
Appl6ManDay: That's silly, it shows which processes are using the resources on your system.  But, more to the point, what do you want top to show you that it isn't already?13:08
krazykrivda_hmw: i followed directions in link i sent you13:08
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DiverDudeAppl6, ok, now i have created the entire pipeline like this: http://imagebin.org/96099   Does it look correct?13:09
ManDayAppl6, how can you possible use top? you cant even properly find a process in its ugly list. only thing you can do is sort according to columns - you cant even scroll down?!13:09
zetherooManDay: ok back down to 3.3MB now :P13:09
Dr_Willis!info htop13:09
Appl6DiverDude: Yep, that looks right.  Just click Apply and head for the gym =P.13:09
krowso whats up with thi ubu 10?13:09
hmwkrazykrivda_: I am confused. Why do you ask about autostarting it, when you not yet installed it? What did you mean??13:09
Dr_Williskrow:  whats up with the vague question?13:10
zetherookrow: it's up! :)13:10
abhishek@wildbat_laptop, I ran Alt-F2 and metacity --replace the titlebar came but as soon as I logged of and logged back in it disappeared again!!13:10
krazykrivda_i dont' know when i said autostart?13:10
ManDayAppl6, then, that thing doesnt even show which column it is currently sorted with13:10
ManDaytop is useless13:10
zetherookrow: you using it?13:10
krowis it good ? im out of the loop.13:10
ubottuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 61 kB, installed size 212 kB13:10
DiverDudeAppl6, ohhh crap...an error has occured13:10
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 krow13:11
ManDayit makes me angry every time i use it because i dont understand how one could possibly design such as sh*** software as TOP13:11
Ubuntu10410.4 is great13:11
bazhangManDay, watch the language13:11
hmwkrazykrivda_: oops. my bad, another guy had the same color ;-) let me read the wiki for a while13:11
zetherooManDay: is there a way to see how much power your system is consuming?13:11
ManDayzetheroo, yes, buy one of these adapters and plug it in the power socket13:11
abhishek@wildbat_laptop, I ran Alt-F2 and metacity --replace the titlebar came but as soon as I logged of and logged back in it disappeared again!!13:11
zetherookrow: it's good ...  not perfect ... but it's another step forward in some respects13:11
krazykrivda_hmw: did you try it? or do you not want to.. i'm wondering if you try it and get it.. i'm jsut being an idiot13:11
ManDayor check your power unit for an interface which you can access through software13:11
roberto_lol there should be a way to see at what frequency the chip is running?13:12
krowlinux makes me happy everday microsoft takes a leap off a cliff13:12
krazykrivda_it is 3 simple steps from what i can tell13:12
hmwkrazykrivda_: i would not like to install it13:12
zetherooManDay: uh ... no command stuff ?13:12
ManDayagain my question: is there any usable alternative to TOP13:12
krazykrivda_fair enough13:12
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ManDayzetheroo, not in general. it depents onm your PSU13:12
DiverDudeAppl6, this was the output in the terminal: http://pastebin.com/DGzRKRxz13:12
krowlets be honest microsoft isnt going nowere13:12
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yabooexcept for samba13:12
prwoodTrying to test Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Edition on my Asus Eeepc 1000HA. When booting from my flash drive, I get a message: "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow".13:12
zetherooManDay: whats wrong with TOP?13:12
bazhang!ot > krow13:12
ubottukrow, please see my private message13:12
Dr_Williskrow:  do you have an actual support question?13:12
hmwShould I see something, when I enter the URL from a repository into the browser? I got 40413:12
Appl6ManDay: The assumption is that usually people are looking for the top N consumers of a resource, which is why there isn't scrolling.  And the other thing is that top sorts by CPU by default, and if you change it, you should remember what it's sorted by rather than it telling you.  Not that those are great assumptions to make, but they're understandable.13:13
DiverDudeAppl6, in the gui it says 3 of 5 operations completed13:13
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krowim 2 new13:13
zetherookrow: you know that this is a support channel?13:13
Brchey Dr_Willis13:13
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Appl6ManDay: Anyway, you can use System Monitor as a replacement; it lets you scroll and shows you what it's sorting by.13:13
bazhangkrow, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here13:13
DiverDudeAppl6, meaning everything but the moving13:13
Dr_WillisBrc:  hmm?13:13
Appl6DiverDude: One sec let me take a look.13:13
krowfor what13:13
hmwShould I see something, when I enter the URL from a repository into the browser? I got 40413:13
Brcgot a problem Dr13:13
tim__bAnyone managed to install lucids using the alternate cd with intel movile GM965/960 graphic controller? Getting a black screen after the first menu (language/installation). fb=false wont work to fix the problem (as it did in jaunty).13:13
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zetherookrow ... for chit chat13:13
ManDayAppl6, they are absolutly not. they might have been "understandable" in the 1990s but today they are just ridiculous. "remember what you sorted after" LOL how stupid can it get - instead of just placing an indicator. the designer of top is the bottom of all software13:14
om26erI get 'module is unknown' on 10.04 live cd at gdm13:14
penguin42tim_b: Try booting with nomodeset13:14
krowyou ned help with xorg i can help a13:14
hmwkrazykrivda_: i give up. Perhaps we can find an alternative. What was the feature, you were hoping for?13:14
FurunoHello, I'm just installed 10.04, My problem is : I'm using dual monitor on ATI HD4830, I've installed the driver automatically from admin > restricted driver and my dual monitor setup works but my right monitor is the primary one (the one with panel), how can I change the panel to the left monitor?13:14
Brc  just download ext2 manager to view and tranfer files from windows 7..all went ok i can c the the linux partition but when i click to view files there are empty13:14
tim__bpenguin42, tried botting with all options F6 does offer, including nomodeset. had no luck13:14
penguin42ManDay: Try atop, it has more bells and whistles, I don't know if it solves your particular issue13:14
krowyou need help in nano ican help13:14
zetheroowho uses xorg these days? ... i thought that was a thing of the past more or less ..13:15
hmwBrc: what for is ext2manager needed, when one wants to copy from an ntfs partition? I usually just mount it13:15
krowpeople with old video cards13:15
krazykrivda_hmw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjQ4Nza34ak&feature=related just looked awesome13:15
Appl6ManDay: Some things are designed in a minimalist fashion, and top was also designed to fit the maximum amount of information in that space.  Adding an indicator would require the use of one row.  If you work in an 80x24 terminal, every row counts (especially if you can't scroll).13:15
krownot everyone has the best stuff13:15
Brcusing windows 7..and i want to tranfer files to an fro to ubuntu13:15
ManDaypenguin42, im looking less for bells and whistles. i dotn even want it to be interactive. i just want it to be usable. say for the following tasks: check instantaneous cpu usage, memorey usage and so forth13:15
zetherookrow: if you talk to someone it's nice to say their name :P13:15
penguin42ManDay: Per process or total?13:16
hmwkrazykrivda_: that's basically Compiz with the (default) 2 workspaces13:16
zetherooManDay: and you cannot use System Monitor for that?13:16
krowyou can lecture me all you want but ill do the same13:16
DiverDudeAppl6, ok, here is more info...also with details from the gui: http://pastebin.com/uwUR1CgC13:16
Appl6DiverDude: OK those errors aren't really bad.  It's just saying that you need to reboot before it can continue doing its work.  It has happened before and it's not a problem.13:17
hmwkrazykrivda_: you can have that without looking glass stuff... sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager. But first check, if Compiz works on your PC: Does the top menu have a shadow ---> Compiz is OK13:17
DiverDudeAppl6, i could press save detail to an htm file13:17
Furuno Hello, I'm just installed 10.04, My problem is : I'm using dual monitor on ATI HD4830, I've installed the driver automatically from admin > restricted driver and my dual monitor setup works but my right monitor is the primary one (the one with panel), how can I change the panel to the left monitor?13:17
zetherooManDay: I use a screenlet actually ... it's a sidebar with a lot of my system info displayed in realtime ...13:17
ManDayAppl6, honetly man thats bollocks, top is not minimalist at all, it, given that that thing only displays a limited row of processes anyway you could have indicated in a separate row, or just by changing the BG of the column, or even putting the accroding number in the first row13:17
ManDaythere are million of options13:17
zetherookrow: nobody is lecturing ... just suggesting13:17
leagrishello, what's the best way to cope with boot time statically configured eth0 into /etc/network/interface and the gnome NetworkManager ugly disconnected network face?13:17
hmwkrazykrivda_: when you installed the compiz-conf activate the plugin "desktop cube" and "rotate cube"13:17
gbsunhi, how how to install a complete ruby on ubuntu13:17
DiverDudeAppl6, did you see the details report also in the bottom?13:17
krowi found that copy and past of the knopix xorg file helps temp13:17
zetherookrow: you may want to at least make an effort to get back in the "loop" ...13:17
ManDayzetheroo, system monitor is gui, right?13:18
gbsunhelp:  how to install a complete ruby on ubuntu13:18
zetherooManDay: yes13:18
krowuntill you can figure a better option13:18
ManDayzetheroo, thats not what im looking for13:18
krazykrivda_hmw: i realy liek the way the things were turned and angled when not in use13:18
zetherooManDay: you want something running in a Terminal?13:18
ManDaypenguin42, per process13:18
ManDayzetheroo, or tty, yes13:19
hmwkrazykrivda_: that is desktop cube with 4 workspaces later in the vid13:19
zetherooManDay: so you don't run a graphical environment?13:19
DiverDudeAppl6, so just reboot on the live CD? or reboot normally?13:19
zetherooManDay: cause the screenlet I am using is pretty fab13:19
Dr_Willis!info htop13:19
ubottuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 61 kB, installed size 212 kB13:19
ManDayzetheroo, i do but i would like to keep myself the option to run that in tty too13:19
Dr_WillisHtop is much cooler then top. :)13:19
abhishekHello, I just upgraded from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04, now my window title bar is not showing!! I tried ALT-F2 and metacity --replace but it fixes the problem for only one session. As soon as i log off and log on the titlebar disappears again13:20
ManDayzetheroo, i believe it13:20
penguin42ManDay: atop is much more configurable, so if you don't like the default you may be able to do it the way you like, but you know sometimes the simplest thing is just a ps in a terminal13:20
Appl6DiverDude: I looked at the extra output you gave me; it all looks like it just wants you to reboot.  So yeah, reboot from the liveCD.13:20
leagrisWhat is the proper way to stop NetworkManager showing a disconnected network icon when a boot time statically configured eth0 is already up full time?13:20
Dr_Willisabhishek:  one fix  - install and run the 'fusion-icon' tool. and tell it to use 'metacity' instead of compiz.13:20
sugoruyohi folks, does anyone have any experience recovering data from RAID0 that seems to not mount? I know the data is there and I could get to it on 9.10 but now I can't13:20
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penguin42sugoruyo: Is it an mdraid raid (i.e do you have a /proc/mdstat ?)13:21
Dr_Willisabhishek:  seems that compiz is some how crashing. YOu could disable all 'effects'  under 'desktop Right click -> change wallpaper' -> effects tab.13:21
DiverDudeAppl6, allright i will just try that now. Thank you, you have really been most helpful :) This is why i love the linux community13:21
krowit still seems like 10 has te same problems as 913:21
wasmahenanyone from London?13:21
wasmahenanyone from London?13:21
sugoruyopenguin42, yes it's a raid made with mdadm and it appears in /proc/mdstat13:21
Dr_Williswasmahen:  no..  happy now?13:22
krowwith the exeption of an updated driver datbase13:22
penguin42sugoruyo: What happens if you try to mount it? What was the last thing that happened before it broke?13:22
jribHi, how do I stop mplayer from spamming "bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)" 10 times whenever I open it?13:23
krowonly good for newer ati radeon and nvid gfarce13:23
sugoruyopenguin42, what happened is a long story, it's on two 1TB disks with just data, I could use it in 9.1013:23
sugoruyopenguin42, but now in 10.04 I seem to be unable to mount. I get an error that starts like this:  wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md013:24
zetherookrow: you talking to anyone in particular?13:24
Appl6ManDay: You can hitting x then b while inside top.  I don't like it, but maybe it's what you wanted.  Anything else you wanted it to do?13:24
penguin42sugoruyo: Hmm not good, can you pastebin your /proc/mdstat and dmesg ?13:24
Appl6ManDay: You can try hitting*13:24
merlin2049erhey.  i got this in my start up folder  /usr/sbin/ddclient -daemon 300 -syslog13:24
merlin2049erbut i think it needs sudo to run it13:25
orion_X11I want to rsync my PC with my notebook, but I am afraid of messing up each other because rsync also syncs hidden files and I have for example wine (.wine) with is a hidden directory and I am afraid of messing it and other hidden files, but I need to rsync them. How to do it without messing each other?13:25
ManDayAppl6, x is good13:25
merlin2049erhow can i fix that13:25
merlin2049eror change the permissions on that file13:25
abhishekDr_Willis , I tried running fusion-icon and i got this message " $ fusion-icon13:25
abhishek * Detected Session: gnome13:25
abhishek * Searching for installed applications...13:25
abhishek * Intel detected, exporting: INTEL_BATCH=113:25
abhishek * Using the GTK Interface13:25
FloodBot4abhishek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:25
sugoruyopenguin42: sure gimme a sec13:25
abhishek * Starting Compiz13:25
ManDaystill, if im looking for a certain process top fails me big time as its likely not in the frame13:25
Dr_Willisabhishek:  use the fusion icon tool/icon thats in the panel to select 'metacity'13:26
TaodamI've upgraded to lynx for 09.10 this morning and intel graphics drivers are not supported anymore : any tip ?13:26
XethronI am trying to set up Ubuntu and when I wanted to select the partition, it said I need to create a swap file too... I have just over 300 megs of ram. What should the size of the swap file be?13:26
penguin42Xethron: 600MB is a good guess13:26
mfraz74tried booting the computer this morning, but for some reason I'm unable to login if i use the nvidia or nouveau drivers13:26
XethronWhy 600?13:26
danutzwhat program like daemon tools is for linux?13:26
penguin42Xethron: There is no hard and fast rule - but 2x ram for a small machine isn't bad13:26
jrib!iso | danutz13:27
ubottudanutz: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:27
wildbat_laptoporion_X11, exclude them  or give it a specific list to sync13:27
Dr_Willisdanutz:  you can mount ISO files with the normal mount command and a few other tools. No need for anything fancy13:27
Taodamany tips for graphic drivers in new ubuntu ?13:27
resnomfraz74: what type of error you getting?13:27
Dr_Willisdanutz:  are you trying to get wine to access a copy protected game?13:27
sugoruyopenguin42: here you go http://pastebin.com/1mqvRT3a13:27
XethronOK, and should it be at the beginning of the HDD or between the two partitions?13:27
danutzI want to install world of warcraft but I don`t have any idea how to do it:)13:27
roberto_system(firefox, url) -- this doesn't run, just returns nil -- but the spec says it should work. if I pass only 1 argument it does work, but clips the url. any ideas?13:27
Appl6ManDay: You can use top -pPID1 -pPID2 to make top look only at certain PIDs.13:27
Dr_WillisTaodam:  intel gfx works fine here.. they are 'supported'13:27
roberto_in ruby13:27
mfraz74it just won't start the x server13:27
jrib!appdb | danutz13:28
ubottudanutz: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:28
danutzI know,I installed wine13:28
Dr_Willisdanutz:  read the wine app database. and use the WoW online Installer I iimagine.13:28
Dr_Willis!appdb | danutz13:28
danutzI`ll download world of warcraft now and then..I just don`t know how t oinstall it13:28
jribdanutz: read the link ubottu gave you13:28
Appl6ManDay: I'm not that in love with top, but I just thought you might find it more useful with the right options.13:28
ManDayAppl6, right but im still trying to figure out the switches to get memory usage outta ps13:28
orion_X11wildbat_laptop, Do you mean excluding the hidden files?13:28
TaodamDr_Willis : you've just upgraded or install ubuntu 10.04 from scratch ?13:28
Guest89881i want support in windows dotproxy does work lyk that in ubutnu13:28
wildbat_laptoporion_X11, yes13:29
luboszhi, two-finger scroll is grayed out since lucid. it worked in karmic. how do i reenable it?13:29
Appl6ManDay: It already gives you mem usage.  VIRT = virtual memory usage, RES = resident memory usage, SHR = shared memory usage.  Usually when people want to see "memory usage" they're talking about resident (RES).13:29
roberto_in ruby -- system(firefox, url) -- this doesn't run, just returns nil -- but the spec says it should work. if I pass only 1 argument it does work, but clips the url. any ideas?13:29
luboszin gnome-mouse-properties13:29
Dr_WillisTaodam:  yes to both....13:29
wildbat_laptoporion_X11, however synce with specfic list of files or dir is safer13:29
adi1hi all. how to add again tray icon that i mistakenly removed from panel. i am talking about the new sys tray that is close to the hour.... mail telepathy gwiber bluethooth and ubuntu status. any one any idea? thanks13:30
roberto_I mean -- could it be a problem with an underlying system library? this should just call system()13:30
Dr_WillisTaodam:  i have several laptops and machiones.. some upgrade.. some clean installs13:30
abhishekDr_Willis, I tried to use the fusion icon tool/icon thats in the panel to select metacity but it did not work13:30
ManDayAppl6, what ps does?!13:30
jgracinHi! I'm switching back from OpenSolaris to Ubuntu 10.04 after 2 years.  Has 64-bit Ubuntu matured?  Are the still any 32-bit-only components/plugins/etc (flash?).  My machine supports at most 3GB of RAM, so that's not an issue.13:30
penguin42sugoruyo: That doesn't look too bad does it? Hmm I'm not too sure what to suggest, I'd probably try dumping the start of the md with od or other hex dumper and see if it looks like a filesystem13:30
TaodamDr_Willis : I'll try to remove et reinstall drivers13:30
jribjgracin: 64bit hasn't had those problems for years now13:30
penguin42jgracin: There's now a 64bit flash from Adobe (not in the packages) that works great13:30
adi1the only icon i have now its the wireless icon13:30
sdk_lnxHello, is the ubuntu auto update system working on u1004 ?13:31
adi1does anyone have any idea13:31
Appl6ManDay: What do you mean "what ps does"?13:31
ManDay<Appl6> ManDay: It already gives you mem usage.  VIRT = virtual memory usage, RES = resident memory usage, SHR = shared memory usage.  Usually when people want to see "memory usage" they're talking about resident (RES).13:31
Xethronpenguin42, OK, Thanks! Should it be at the beginning of the HDD or between the two partitions?13:31
krowcan anyone sugest a good channel for like alians and the supernatural?13:31
ManDayAppl6, PS doesnt list memory usage for me me13:32
jgracinjrib, penguin42: thanks!13:32
Dr_Williskrow:  try #windows13:32
Appl6ManDay: I'm talking about top, not ps.13:32
penguin42Xethron: ?13:32
ManDayAppl6, forget top13:32
orion_X11wildbat_laptop, The thing is that I need to since all my home directory with 3 other users into that.13:32
mfraz74also getting NVRM: RmInitAdapter failed!13:32
Appl6ManDay: So you want ps to display memory usage?13:32
abhishekDr_Willis, I tried to use the fusion icon tool/icon thats in the panel to select metacity but it did not work13:32
Xethronpenguin42, The swap file. At the beginning of the HDD or between the two partitions?13:32
ManDayAppl6, correct13:32
sugoruyopenguin42: how do i tell if it looks like an fs? my problem is basically that mounting doesn't work, I keep getting those superblock-related errors13:32
penguin42Xethron: Oh, probably near the end is OK13:32
krowjust jokin13:32
XethronOr doesn't it really matter?13:32
typodLooking for advice on setting up an ubuntu-ubuntu home network...both running 10.4(Lucid) Can't find current or relavant info on the sub online. :(13:33
Xethrono ok then13:33
jimi_What is the method for defining the default shell Terminal dumps you into? bash, tsch etc13:33
XethronThanks penguin42 :)13:33
david-whow do I find out what version I am using13:33
BiggFREEps = programs status13:33
BiggFREEuname -a13:33
jribjimi_: chsh13:33
jribHi, how do I stop mplayer from spamming "bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)" 10 times whenever I open it?13:34
jimi_jrib, right, how do i define what the default shell is?13:34
jribjimi_: you run chsh...13:34
typodLooking for advice on setting up an ubuntu-ubuntu home network...both running 10.4(Lucid) Can't find current or relavant info on the sub online. :(13:34
penguin42sugoruyo: It's not easy; but it's an interesting question what happened to the raid to make it do that13:34
krowA-1 vs. Lea&parrins steak sauce?13:34
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jimi_jrib, yeah, it keeps defaulting to /bin/sh even after changing13:35
sugoruyopenguin42: well the funny thing is nothing really happened to make it do THAT in particular13:35
jribjimi_: pastebin your terminal session13:35
jribjimi_: wait.  /bin/sh isn't the default interactive shell anyway.13:35
jimi_jrib, It is when you create a new user13:36
sugoruyopenguin42: it was created by NAS device which at some point messed it up and couldn't read it, so I plugged the two HDDs in my PC and tried to see the RAID013:36
penguin42sugoruyo: Yeh that can be tricky - the only thing that comes to mind is if the two drives have got swapped at some point, but I don't know if md is smart enough to realise that; I know the detection order can be rather random these days13:36
penguin42sugoruyo: Oh, so have you ever had it work on your PC?13:36
jribjimi_: how are you creating the new user?13:36
sugoruyopenguin42: mdadm says one of them is an ext2 fs and the other a RAID0 member, however manually doing a mdadm --create makes the array operable13:36
warpihi! is it possible to download the "libusb-dev" package to enable installing on an offline computer?13:37
sugoruyopenguin42: on 9.10 I could just mount it as an ext2 fs13:37
jimi_jrib, I already created it. I am using it now. I just want to change from /bin/sh to /bin/bash , apparently you have to logout and back in for it to take affect. I just ssh'd into myself and its bash then.13:37
krowill tell you what worked forme it was root copy past and cutomizing xorg.conf13:37
jribjimi_: can you please answer my question?13:37
penguin42sugoruyo: My guess is that the one that says it's an ext2fs is the 1st drive in the array13:37
krowusing nano13:37
Appl6ManDay: Try ps v.13:37
jimi_jrib, no :)13:38
Appl6ManDay: RSS=resident memory set size, and %MEM is obvious.13:38
jribjimi_: suit yourself....13:38
jimi_jrib, i already fixed it13:38
jribjimi_: you probably did something non-optimal13:38
krownot sudo nano but root13:38
sugoruyopenguin42: quite possibly... I'll try restarting the array in reverse order and see if that helps13:38
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penguin42sugoruyo: I think you can specify by uuid or something rather than device name - device name is very touchy these days13:39
Elohiohello everyone13:39
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roberto_in ruby -- system(firefox, url) -- this doesn't run, just returns nil -- but the spec says it should work. if I pass only 1 argument it does work, but clips the url. any ideas wat's gone wrong here -- system or ruby?13:40
sugoruyopenguin42: that's not a problem right now 'cause the dev. names are the same as they were in 9.1013:40
penguin42sugoruyo: OK, but I've seen them swap between boots13:40
sugoruyopenguin42: do you know how I can dis-assemble the array so I can reassemble it in a different order?13:41
krowhacking is fun13:41
penguin42sugoruyo: No, but there again if it's doing it automatically it's probably got it right and that isn't the problem13:41
Migi32judging by the number of people here, ubuntu is growing fast :)13:42
krowmy neibor has a lynksys router with default psw13:42
krowthats not hacking13:42
sugoruyopenguin42: it never saw it automatically, every time I use it I have to manually assemble and mount13:42
Migi32also, what's my best shot at getting video from my Sony DCR-PC120E camcorder (for which Sony has released no drivers) on my hard disk?13:42
MrKeunerhi all, is there a way to change the sleep behaviour in gnome? I think mine is set to hibernate instead of suspend13:42
krowno wep13:42
obiwan_guys please oculd anyone walk me through troubleshooting my evolution account? It won't fetch my gmail messages from the server. it doesn't even ask me for the password, just returns error13:42
ring0considering you're using ubuntu with gnome, would you rather choose a package compiled with gnome or gtk2 gui?13:43
penguin42sugoruyo: Hmm that's odd in itself13:43
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sinuxdoes the update notifier work in Lucid ? cos mine doesn't seems to notify me of any new up dates13:43
krowno wpa just sittig ther with default linksys psw admin13:43
obiwan_sinux: yes13:43
sugoruyopenguin42: I'm guessing it's because the RAID0 partition in one disk is not marked as "Linux RAID autodetect" but as "ext2"13:44
Oerkrow join #hackers for hacking, this is an ubuntu support channel.13:44
obiwan_this morning i had a new kernel update from the update manager13:44
obiwan_does hackers exist¿ cool hehe13:44
sinuxobiwan_, does it show up in the notification area ?13:44
sugoruyopenguin42: funny thing is I've tried fixing that with a partition editor but it still fails13:44
krowthats not hacking13:44
roberto_anyone here use ruby ?13:45
marco93how i can install grub in an external usb hardisk ?13:45
krowits just my neib actually i was looking at his cliant list and everyone with an iphone is useing his connection13:45
obiwan_sinux: i don't know, in my case just the usual window list spawned with a list  of packages to update and yes or no13:46
leagrisWhat is the proper way to stop NetworkManager showing a disconnected network icon when a boot time statically configured eth0 is already up full time?13:46
RambJoehow do i fix slow window resizing on compiz?13:46
krowshould i say somthing13:46
sinuxI'm using the 64bit version of Lucid and I alway have to manually check for updates13:46
mrjbjI have a full size Apple USB keyboard.  I am trying to run Ubuntu in a virtual machine.  the keyboard is not responding at all (not just the num lock thing, I can't even login) . Any advice or pointers as to how to make it work?13:46
roberto_mrjbj:  I do13:46
krowbe like hey dude wpa13:46
roberto_mrjbj: it's a spanish keyboard but I think it's basically the same13:47
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sinuxnot like the earlier version where the notifier checks and alert me in the notification area is there away to fix this13:47
Oerkrow yes, do that.13:47
connexHi. I am having network problems since upgrading to lucid lynx, my ethernet card is throwing the following error into var/log/messages: kernel: [ 1610.000176] eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x45E113:47
krowi might13:47
penguin42sinux: It seems to check more rarely and when it wants to update it just opens - it's a bit odd13:47
roberto_mrjbj: just to get some functionality while you play with it, use Español:Castellano - España Macintosh13:47
penguin42connex: That doesn't look like an error - that looks good13:47
Andy80I'm using Ubuntu Lucid 10.04. All was fine until yesterday when I simply installed the available updates using update manager: since then when I start Ubuntu I got an error and I've to run Ubuntu in low-graphic-mode. It looks like it cannot use the Nvidia driver anymore. Anyone else is having this problem?13:48
erUSULconnex: that's seems a pretty harmless normal info message13:48
obiwan_sry sinux i don't know really know if i get that icon, cause i usually upgrade manually. but next time i'll try to look at it13:48
ManDayzetheroo, what was that thing you recommented?13:48
connexpenguin42, I recieve this everytime my connection stalls. it appears atleast 100 times in the log for the past 10 minutes13:48
zetherooManDay: screenlets13:48
krowi depends on how they act the next time i see them if they are good ill say something if they  are snobs i wont13:49
sinuxpenguin42, oh so thats the case huh funny :-O13:49
obiwan_this morning i had a new kernel update from the update manager13:49
obiwan_ops sry13:49
penguin42connex: Oh that's odd - is it only that message or is that mixed with other slightly different ones?13:49
obiwan_guys please oculd anyone walk me through troubleshooting my evolution account? It won't fetch my gmail messages from the server. it doesn't even ask me for the password, just returns error13:49
zetherooManDay: called Sysmonitor13:49
ManDaynah screenlets right i remember13:49
ManDayzetheroo, tried cairo dock?13:49
krowthey are usualy snobs13:49
sinuxobiwan_, please do cos that was the way it always has been in ubuntu13:49
erUSULobiwan_: what error ?13:49
zetherooManDay: yeah ... I use AWN13:50
connexpenguin42, http://pastebin.com/BKGN1Xru13:50
awesome_guestyo I'm trying to install vncserver13:50
bastimoin. kleines problem mit meinem drucker. seit 10.04 wird dieser (HL-2030 über usb) nicht mehr erkannt. lsusb spuckt auch nichts aus und in messages kommt, wenn er angeschlossen wird, new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 10. jemand eine idee?13:50
obiwan_erUSUL: let me check it :)13:51
zetherooManDay: Avant-Window-Navigator13:51
awesome_guestI don't think my synaptic setup includes the multiverse13:51
obiwan_erUSUL: error while scanning folders in imap server imap.gmail.com13:51
awesome_guestcould someone give me a commandline solution for fixing that?13:51
ManDayzetheroo, tell me about it, will you? any flaws or juts good?13:51
bastisorry, wrong channel^^13:51
krowanyway its free wifi for me13:52
jribawesome_guest: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list13:52
penguin42connex: That traceback shouldn't be there - and you shouldn't get those up messages without down messages or the like - they should just happen once when you plugin - file a bug against the 'linux' package13:52
connexpenguin42, Could it be the hardware?13:52
zetherooManDay: really it's very good ... as a dock ... a lot of applets etc ...13:52
penguin42connex: Yes13:52
* penguin42 goes afk for a while13:53
connexpenguin42, Could you direct me to the bug filing page?13:53
erUSULobiwan_: :/ sorry i use pop3 with gmail ... never seen that error13:53
ManDayzetheroo, thats not cairo tho, is it?!13:53
awesome_guestoh lmao13:53
erUSUL!bugs | connex13:53
ubottuconnex: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:53
zetherooManDay: nope13:53
awesome_guestI just have to edit them13:53
awesome_guestI am noob, lemme try that13:53
ManDayzetheroo, hence my question have you tried cairo?13:53
krowi dont really need afree wifi connection but if i do its good to know i can check my email13:54
krowor whatever13:54
ManDayany general opinion on avant-window-navigator VS cairo-dock from you guys?13:55
awesome_guestjrib: do I have to reboot after updating sources.list?13:55
zetherooManDay: I did try it a while ago ... as well as other docks ... I stuck with AWN :)13:55
roberto_in ruby -- system(firefox, url) -- this doesn't run, just returns nil -- but the spec says it should work. if I pass only 1 argument it does work, but clips the url. any ideas wat's gone wrong here -- system or ruby?13:55
jribawesome_guest: no, run "sudo apt-get update", did you pastebin them?13:55
sugoruyopenguin42: it appears it was the order causing me trouble... I reassembled it with the correct one and now it mounts just fine... I guess I should back the stuff up somewhere and rebuild it cleanly... oh well13:55
obiwan_erUSUL: i'll try pop just in case it's the server , i recall a gmail issue in their servers not long ago13:55
sugoruyopenguin42: thaks a lot for your help!13:55
awesome_guestjrib: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/0NqSj5Ts13:55
awesome_guestI did the obvious thing already13:56
krowapt-get is one of the greatest things in linux I must say13:56
* rocket16 agrees with krow13:56
jribawesome_guest: what's the obvious thing?  There were two things you had to do to the file13:56
awesome_guestI uncommented stuff13:56
awesome_guestand I just installed vnc4server13:56
jribawesome_guest: note that doesn't give you multiverse, just universe13:56
awesome_guest*crosses fingers*13:56
awesome_guestapparently it was in universe13:57
jribawesome_guest: ok13:57
rocket16The Ubuntu Tweaks is a nice tool, as it is supposed to be. Does it really tweak Ubuntu?13:57
awesome_guestthank you13:57
obiwan_erUSUL: doesn't work either with pop.gmail.com :(13:57
jrib!sources > awesome_guest13:57
ubottuawesome_guest, please see my private message13:57
mattycozehey guys, I've been meaning to ask for a while now; why does my laptop run so much hotter when booted in Ubunto rather than Vista?13:57
krowbe careful with all that stuff you might get something you dont like13:58
mattycozeI've read something about the a nvidia driver13:58
jribHi, how do I stop mplayer from spamming "bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)" 10 times whenever I open it?13:58
erUSULobiwan_: :/ indeed13:58
rocket16mattycoze: I think, the problem is related to hardware. Did you get the drivers installed?13:58
awesome_guestjrib: so my understanding is, one can just edit sources.list once the correct repository is identified13:59
awesome_guestis that so?13:59
krowyou know even when you uninstall it leavs crap behind that can cause problems13:59
jribawesome_guest: yes13:59
ManDayany general opinion on avant-window-navigator VS cairo-dock from you guys?13:59
mattycozerocket16; well the drivers for my Nvidia card automatically installed themselves they work fine in Ubuntu, except for the fact that it seems to run ALOT hotter13:59
bkwI have problems with moving objects on my panel. I'm running Xunbutu 10.04.  I right-click and select move, but still I cannot drag an icon. Am I doing anything wrong?13:59
* rocket16 doesn't understand why is Empathy used to replace Pidgin in Ubuntu.13:59
jribawesome_guest: make sure you only use repositories intended for your ubuntu version however, ideally only the official ones13:59
obiwan_erUSUL: u mean the problem is with you too?14:00
mattycozerocket16; neither do I!14:00
rocket16mattycoze: Is the fan working properly?14:00
awesome_guestjrib: why's that?14:00
rocket16mattycoze: lol, great!14:00
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:00
mattycozeyeah it's in good working order14:00
krowpackages are a crazy mistress they are yer best friend one second and yer worst enemy the mext14:00
awesome_guestjrib: nvm "intended for your ubuntu version"14:00
erUSULobiwan_: no; i have no problems here with gmail... but it seems to be a server problem. dunno what do about it thought14:00
awesome_guestI am bratty today14:00
mattycozejust goes alot faster in ubuntu, and I'm worried it'll burn out14:00
erUSULobiwan_: has been happening for days? or it is just today ?14:00
danielI have a ATI 3D accelation problem, when i type glxinfo I obtain Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". lot of times14:01
awesome_guestjrib: do you know how synaptic deals with name conflicts between introduced packages?14:01
obiwan_ok np erUSUL i'll try on gnome maybe they know something eheh14:01
jribawesome_guest: what do you mean?14:01
obiwan_erUSUL: thanks :)14:01
krowits like they alwase say if it not broke dont fix it14:01
obiwan_erUSUL: nope, it's been happening since my lucid upgrade14:01
awesome_guestjrib: what if two repositories have packages with the same given name?14:01
mattycozeis there any way to limit the power going to the gxcard?14:01
rocket16mattycoze: I found something similar (slightly), in http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1018452.html14:01
awesome_guesttwo (activated) repositories14:02
krowbut who are they thats what we do and thats why we love linux14:02
jribawesome_guest: higher version (unless you define a different policy)14:02
rocket16mattycoze: But I doubt, whether it will help, since it is about Edgy, :(14:02
greezmunkeyOk, since I have my /home on a seperate HDD - what can I expect if I throw down and do a clean Lucid install? I'll have to recreate LAMP, but I backed up my databases. Anything I should really watch out for?14:02
mattycozerocket16 *reading*14:03
jribgreezmunkey: well backup /etc in case you made some changes there14:03
u_hi how can i check if anyone's using my router wifi14:03
rocket16mattycoze: Sure, goodluck,14:03
roberto_in ruby -- system(firefox, url) -- this doesn't run, just returns nil -- but the spec says it should work. if I pass only 1 argument it does work, but clips the url. any ideas wat's gone wrong here -- system or ruby?14:03
obiwan_guys, has it been any change in the firewalling default policies in lucid? some drop default or at ufw? it looks like i got problems talking to the server14:03
awesome_guestjrib: anything bad about running vncserver as root?14:03
greezmunkeyjrib: That's why I ask in here! yes samba, several others! (thanks)14:03
jribawesome_guest: probably a bad idea if you can avoid it.  I don't know how it's intended to be run however14:04
krowu fist is yer intrnet activity light blinking rapidly?14:04
roberto_obiwan_: it's still free as in all the cops are uptown, you could steal city hall in here14:04
rocket16bye everybody14:04
greezmunkeyjrib: I have my virtualbox .vdi file, so I'm good there14:04
mfraz74when I tried booting this morning I couldn't log in and in the messages I get vmap allocation for size 16781312 failed: use vmalloc=<size> to increase size14:04
jribgreezmunkey: presumably you know to backup any sort of data like /var/www and so on14:04
mfraz74this is with both nvidia and nouveau drivers14:04
roberto_obiwan_: free as in christmas :P14:04
obiwan_haahha roberto_ ^_ ^14:04
krowif so a good thing to do is mac adrees authenticatin14:05
greezmunkeyjrib: yeah, nothing too valuable there, nothing I wouldn't mind redoing anyway14:05
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »14:05
krowset yer router to ony let mac you assign14:06
u_krow no it's not blinking. is there an app which would list any users14:06
obiwan_and to reset the system tray? anybody knows how? sometimes icons are broken14:06
krowsecond turn off  wireless adminstration14:06
obiwan_what? ^_^14:07
krowthirdly emply an encryption such as wep oer wpa14:07
obiwan_oh ok i see haha14:07
roberto_how do I turn off notifications of everyone leaving?14:07
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roberto_because that is totally annoying14:07
TheAwesomeGuyim looking to invoke this command:14:07
jribroberto_: depends on your irc client14:07
roberto_the only one that works -- konversation14:07
obiwan_hmmmm, i think there's a mode for that14:07
TheAwesomeGuygpg -abs -o Release.gpg Release14:07
crunchuanhi folks, i'm in trouble with screen brighness, maximum brightness is not correct14:07
c0dem4gneticim about to install ubuntu and this time will give LVM some more thought (used to just accept the defaults) ... now... should /boot be managed by LVM also? how large should that partition be? 2-300MB?14:07
TheAwesomeGuybut I want to be able to not have to enter in my passphrase afterwards14:08
TheAwesomeGuyanyone know of an option i can specify to input the passphrase when invoking the command14:08
greezmunkeyjrib: During install - esp partitioning it will ask me about /home, what do I do there?14:08
dsaintzroberto: yah i totally agree with.. could any one tell us how to disable that one.. thnaks14:08
eryn_1983hey peeps i need some help..14:08
krowsave passphrase on an flash copy past14:08
jribTheAwesomeGuy: you probably want to look into gpg-agent and checkout seahorse if you like guis14:08
TheAwesomeGuyjrib: Don't care about GUIs14:09
TheAwesomeGuyJust want that one thing there14:09
jribgreezmunkey: tell it to use your existing /home partition as /home but make sure you tell it NOT to format14:09
eryn_1983i need to execute some scripts at shut down and hibernate of my ubuntu desktop14:09
krowi usualu save in pdf14:09
sinuxDoes any one know how to get the wireless working in lucid UNE mine just doesn't work what ever I do :-(14:09
TheAwesomeGuyas im looking to execute the signing from a PHP statement14:09
eryn_1983do i need to put it in  a /etc/ini.d script14:09
TheAwesomeGuyso I cant answer the passphrase wuestion14:09
greezmunkeyjrib: ok, sounds reasonable - right on man, thanks14:09
jribTheAwesomeGuy: does php have some gpg library?14:10
sinuxI even tried WICD but it just doesn't work14:10
krowfucking crackers14:10
TheAwesomeGuyjrib: I'll check14:10
hatake_kakashisinux, pastebin your lspci -nnk into pastebin14:10
roberto_TheAwesomeGuy: --passphrase <str> works for the gpg command14:11
awesome_guestopen question: do people still use emacs/vi via remote desktop, or is there a shiny new alternative?14:11
roberto_TheAwesomeGuy: wouldn't hard code that though ..  you can also --passphrase-file <file>14:11
roberto_TheAwesomeGuy: check the man page14:11
krowwho in here is running duell boot on a n origional 2001 copy of xp pro me that who14:11
respireSometimes NetworkManager doesn't detect my GSM modem. Any ideas? I can connect with pppd just fine14:11
sinuxhatake_kakashi, I'm not using that Netbook right know it's in my office but I know the make and model of that card14:11
roberto_TheAwesomeGuy: check the man page -- about 2000 lines in :S14:12
sinuxand yes my card has been detected14:12
hatake_kakashisinux, which brand and model?14:12
jrib!language | krow14:12
ubottukrow: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:12
Oer!language | krow14:12
sinuxhatake_kakashi, it's a Realtek number rtl8187B14:12
redI'm on lucid and installed Amarok14:12
roberto_in ruby -- system(firefox, url) -- this doesn't run, just returns nil -- but the spec says it should work. if I pass only 1 argument it does work, but clips the url. any ideas wat's gone wrong here -- system or ruby?14:12
redTrying to play anything results in amarok just skipping the file and moving to the next14:13
reduntil it finds a .wav :p14:13
redso I guess it's not finding any plugin for mp3 playback?14:13
krowthe regedit work around works from service pack0-toservicepak3 and all updates including friggin mocrosoft vallidation tool14:13
Oerred did you install restricted extra's ?14:13
redrhytmbox does work but its a bit simple14:13
u_thanks krow14:13
redOer: when I first played something in rhythmbox it installed some plugins14:13
jribkrow: do you have an ubuntu question?  If so, please ask it on a single line14:13
reddo I need to install some additional ones?14:13
rabidweezlered, try playing the same song in the movie player, it should download the codecs needed14:14
sinuxhatake_kakashi, and another thing when I do lspci I don't see my card but when I do a lsusb it shows up with model and the vendors name14:14
hatake_kakashisinux, well that's not a card afaik, that's a chipset brand name and chipset model number. It should be supported (and its USB device fyi), check if iwconfig would list as wlan0 and if so it's probably one of the GUI frontends that is conflicting14:14
eryn_1983is there a runlevel for hibernate?14:14
pierohaving problem imstalling ettercap14:14
jriberyn_1983: no, use pm-* for that stuff14:14
redmplayer already plays it back rabidweezle14:14
Oerred go to softwarecentre and install restricted extra's for java flash plugins and some non-free tools.14:14
redthe one that was preinstalled :)14:14
eryn_1983where jrib14:15
krowmicrosoft genuine validation LOL14:15
redOer: allright14:15
mcsmurfhello, someone knows of a common problem with suspend to RAM being broken when using KDE? problem is when I just started the pc up, suspend works fine on a tty console with pm-suspend14:15
quietoneI can't get wireless to start at boot on lucid.  I copied /etc/network/interfaces and wpa_supplicant.conf from karmic. What have I missed?14:15
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mcsmurfbut when I now log in into KDE once (and optionally also log out again), suspend does not work anymore, I just get a blinking cursor on the console14:15
jriberyn_1983: there are a bunch of commands, like pm-hibernate that are part of the pm-utils package.  Why do you want this?14:15
mcsmurflike it's waiting for something; the debug mode of pm-utils did not give me anything useful14:16
RambJoeis it possible to use compiz but let metacity resize windows?14:16
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pierohaving problem installing ettercap14:16
eryn_1983i need to execute some  scripts before hibernate14:16
jribkrow: if you're just going to keep spouting nonsense, I'll have to remove you from the channel14:16
eryn_1983like shut down my virbox virtualmachine??14:16
eryn_1983virtualbox machines14:16
supernothingpiero: sudo apt-get install ettercap isn't cutting it?14:16
jriberyn_1983: read /usr/share/doc/pm-utils/README14:16
krowi wouldnt expect any less from an asshole like you14:17
pieroi downloaded ettercap14:17
roberto_in ruby -- system(firefox, url) -- this doesn't run, just returns nil -- but the spec says it should work. if I pass only 1 argument it does work, but clips the url. any ideas wat's gone wrong here -- system or ruby?14:17
pieroand configured it14:17
sinuxthx hatake_kakashi what happen is it detects all the wireless networks but when I try to connect it doesn't get an IP and gets disconnected but when I move very close to my AP it get's connected and works but when I move away it stops working. And signal strength shown is alway around 80% or near that mark My window work with out any problems. Oh and the wireless is on DHCP auto IP is issued.14:17
pieromy problem is the make14:17
=== crunchuan is now known as bangbang
pieroIn function ‘open’,14:18
piero    inlined from ‘log_open’ at ec_log.c:193:14:18
piero/usr/include/bits/fcntl2.h:51: error: call to ‘__open_missing_mode’ declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT in second argument needs 3 arguments14:18
pieromake[2]: *** [ettercap-ec_log.o] Error 114:18
pieromake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/piero/Desktop/ettercap-NG-0.7.3/src'14:18
FloodBot3piero: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:18
pieromake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 114:18
=== bangbang is now known as b4ngb4ng
hatake_kakashisinux, hmm is this a desktop or a laptop?14:18
supernothingpiero: there any reason you didn't just use "sudo apt-get install ettercap-gtk" ? the repo version seems to be the latest14:18
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ManDayI'm trying to configure CONKY and wanted to use a layout that looked nice: http://conky.sourceforge.net/conkyrc-drphibes14:18
marco93hi, when i try to install grub in my external HD it show me this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/430028/14:18
marco93how i must do ?14:19
ManDaywhen I use that conky complains no variable audacious_title14:19
supernothingpiero: downloading and installing from source should usually be a last resort14:19
RambJoehow can i make windows resize smoothly with compiz???14:19
eryn_1983ok ok....14:19
eryn_1983jrib:  how do i determine is i am using pm=utils?14:19
rabidweezleManDay, check your .conkyrc settings :/14:20
eryn_1983jrib:  mine is  set to 'kernel' i ?14:20
jriberyn_1983: you probably are, try and see14:20
eryn_1983is that right?14:20
rabidweezleManDay, do you have audacious installed?14:20
ManDayrabidweezle, well its a copy of http://conky.sourceforge.net/conkyrc-drphibes14:20
jriberyn_1983: not sure what you are referring to now14:20
eryn_1983i can hibernate and the like i am not certain its pm-utils though14:20
pierowhen i use ./configure it is okay14:20
ManDayrabidweezle, yes, its running14:20
ManDayshould that env var be set or what?14:20
supernothingpiero: and " make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1" is just a generic error, there would be something else higher up that's the actual useful output14:20
rabidweezleManDay, maybe it requires a plugin14:20
pierobut when i make that is where the problem is14:20
jribpiero: ettercap is in the repositories, you shouldn't be compiling it14:21
ManDayrabidweezle, okay but what that entry in the conkyrc does is basically display an env variable, nothing more, right?14:21
ManDayso if i manage to expert the current audiacous title to that var it will work?!14:21
LetsGo67How do I update 10.04 desktop to Netbook Remix?14:21
mattycozerocket16 heh, okay looks like I can't find the answer... so going to the forums; thanks anyways mate14:21
eryn_1983my sleep module is kernel14:21
awesome_guestum, so when I connect to my shiny new vnc desktop, I get a bunch of hatched lines14:21
rabidweezleManDay, perhaps, I'm sure there's more info in the rc file or the site you got it from for exact instructions.14:21
jriberyn_1983: how are you determining that?14:21
ManDayrabidweezle, well ill read man14:22
eryn_1983 t6he confi.d/00sleep_module file14:22
ManDayi just thought someone knew the answer14:22
rabidweezleManDay, good deal :)14:22
awesome_guestall I'd like is xwindows and a terminal.. someone help me out14:22
duffydackbye bye empathy, hello pidgin.14:22
eryn_1983ok /etc/pm/config.d/oosleep_module says kernel14:22
rabidweezleawesome_guest, when you at the login screen, set the session to xterm14:22
jriberyn_1983: so does pm-hibernate not hibernate your computer?14:23
rabidweezleawesome_guest, you must click your name, then the option pops up at the bottom14:23
awesome_guestrabidweezel: well, are you familiar with the file at ~/.vnc/xstartup?14:23
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu14:23
LetsGo67How do I update to UNE 10.04?14:23
rabidweezleawesome_guest, sorry, I thought you meant for normal logins14:23
awesome_guestI mean.. this install is pretty bare - I don't have ubuntu-desktop and am not really inclined to install it14:24
swebwhy eclipse don't include source file for C++ project ?14:24
rabidweezleawesome_guest, I'm not inclined in the ways of vnc-fu :( sorry14:24
swebeclipse cdt 6.0.214:24
awesome_guestrabidweezle: it's alright, thanks14:24
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swebon ubuntu 1014:24
redHow can I find out why Amarok isn't playing any mp3 files? Wavs work.14:24
eryn_1983havent  tried yet jrib14:24
sinuxhatake_kakashi, it's a netbook using 10.04 Ubuntu Netbook Edition14:24
awesome_guestI'm not too hot on the prettier aspects of ubunt14:24
eryn_1983trying now...14:24
redI have installed restricted extras and mp3s work in totem/rhythmbox/browser.14:25
rabidweezlered good deal :)14:25
LetsGo67How do I update to UNE 10.04?14:25
redrabidweezle: good deal?14:26
peter_can anyone explain this to me please ? http://pastebin.com/L3PC4bR514:26
rabidweezlered, congradulations :)14:26
ManDayrabidweezle, maybe you can help: it appears that "cornflowerblue" is a valid color spec in the .conkyrc - what kind of color is that - is that a common X color?14:26
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redon what?14:26
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redthe problem of split line question :p14:26
rabidweezleManDay, I use a png background for my conky, I never played with colors14:26
LetsGo67How do I update to 10.04 Desktop to UNE 10.04?14:27
d1bhi is there a flagi can use to have the installer let me use brtfs ?14:27
redHow can I find out why Amarok isn't playing any mp3 files? Wavs work.  I have installed restricted extras and mp3s work in totem/rhythmbox/browser.14:27
d1bflag *14:27
bullgard4'~$ pinentry-gtk-2; OK Your orders please.' Why does this command not bring up a window?14:27
awesome_guestoh oh I thought of a better question14:27
redIt's using xine as the backend mmh14:27
hatake_kakashisinux, I'd say there's something wrong with the driver, it could be on power savings mode somewhere, a temporary hack is to get a proper antenna and fix that to the wireless dongle itself to see if the signal improves. Failing that would be to try linux-backports14:27
redI'll try installing xine-allplugins14:27
awesome_guestwhat are some good linux desktops for remote use?14:28
jimi_Man, this battey is down to 48%14:28
ubuntunewbieHi , I have some question , what is the different between front panel HD audio output and backpanel sound output ?14:28
LetsGo67How do I update to 10.04 Desktop to UNE 10.04?14:28
rabidweezleawesome_guest, fluxbox14:28
ubuntunewbiedoes ubuntu support them?14:28
rabidweezleawesome_guest, fluxbox is very minimalist, then there's lxde, also pretty light14:28
bullgard4LetsGo67: to to?14:28
redlibxine1-all-plugins was the key :)14:29
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awesome_guestthank you14:29
rabidweezlered, nice :)14:29
LetsGo67Bullgard4: I have 10.04 desktop on my Netbook, but I want 10.04 Netbook Remix.14:29
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eryn_1983 yes14:29
eryn_1983it works14:29
joshdreamlandOn my Karmic box, I can set a shortcut key to show all open windows in an arranged picker on-screen. This Lucid box has no such function. Is it in a package?14:30
eryn_1983test 123?14:30
eryn_1983can you hear me14:30
rabidweezleawesome_guest, to play with your network in those desktops, run nm-applet, I suggest once as root, then set to all users.14:30
joshdreamlandIt's the sort of thing Mac does when you squeeze the mouse, or Vista when you press a certain button14:30
bullgard4LetsGo67: I do not know. Sorry.14:30
sab0i was trying to install skype from cli and getting this error....http://paste.ubuntu.com/430036/      -----what can be the solution?14:31
respirewhy does my openoffice always offer to recover crashed document when i start it, usually the saved document is fine and doesn't need recovering14:31
awesome_guestrabidweezle: thanks, but this thing is strictly a webserver14:31
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
zacktumy USB drive partitions used to be /media/disk-1 and /media/disk2 -- 10.04 shows them as the UUID -- not convenient for command line -- how can i get them to have names?14:31
respireand, when i try and cut/paste data around inside calc that crashes it14:31
LetsGo67(ROOM) How do I update 10.04 Desktop to 10.04 Netbook Remix?  Why is it so hard?14:31
j800rsab0, skype is best downloaded and installed from their website14:31
awesome_guestI actually run windows XP on my laptop heh14:31
A-R-Rmy sun java version lists : "Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode) ", how do I get the client VM instead of server?14:31
j800rjust grab the deb package14:31
pieroand " make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1"14:31
respireand recovering the document the data i moved has gone14:31
=== Radio-l is now known as Radio-a
pierothis is the error i get when i make14:32
rabidweezleawesome_guest, then I'd just run 1 instance of terminator (1 terminal window split x number of times)14:32
pierohow do i correct it14:32
pierohow do i correct it14:32
benjahablan español??14:32
supernothingpiero: stop trying to install it from source, unless you have a specific reason to do so. simply run "sudo apt-get install ettercap-gtk"14:32
erUSUL!es | benja14:33
ubottubenja: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:33
awesome_guestrabidweezle: sounds reasonable.. unfortunately most of these distros come with a desktop thing already configured.. i am a noob administrator14:33
sab0j800r, getting the same error msg...http://paste.ubuntu.com/430036/14:33
EosphorusWhich IRC client do you recommend for Ubuntu?14:33
hugliCan I set multiple time limits per site in the dansguardian blacklist?14:33
jribHi, how do I stop mplayer from spamming "bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)" 10 times whenever I open it?14:33
LetsGo67(ROOM) How do I update 10.04 Desktop to 10.04 Netbook Remix?  Why is it so hard?14:33
rabidweezleawesome_guest, ubuntu-server + ssh + sudo apt-get install LAMP^, and voila14:34
Dr_Willisjrib:  command > /dev/null may work14:34
jribEosphorus: xchat, konversation, weechat, irssi14:34
j800rsab0, do you have a terminal window open with sudo access?14:34
Eosphorusthanks jrib!14:34
sab0j800r, yes'14:34
=== b33r is now known as Guest77711
pierook i am trying it now14:34
j800rclose it14:34
j800rthat's your problem14:34
duffydackLetsGo67, ubuntu-netbook-remix14:34
dsaintzdoes any one know how to watch movie using the terminal14:34
jribDr_Willis: nah I want to actually stop trying to do it.  I don't think it's specific to mplayer (judging by google).  It seems to  be something related to bluetooth14:34
j800rclose terminal, close the deb package, and run the deb again14:35
awesome_guestrabidweezle: yeah have the LAMP stack, configuring this thing via ssh14:35
Dr_Willisjrib:   i imagine its scanning avail soune devices some how.14:35
joshdreamlandha, never mind, it was actually compiz14:35
awesome_guestnice vps host had a config script14:35
LetsGo67DuffyDack sudo apt-get?14:36
duffydackLetsGo67, you dont upgrade it to it, you just install the packages for it..14:37
LetsGo67DuffyDack: so if I install the package ubuntu-netbook-remix it will update to Netbook Remix?  What changes exactly?14:37
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bullgard4'~$ pinentry-gtk-2; OK Your orders please.' Why does this command not bring up a window?14:38
sab0was trying to install skype and now getting this error.....http://paste.ubuntu.com/430044/14:38
j800rsab0, did you not listen to a word i said :\14:39
Take0nI am using spotify with wine. Is there a way to change the spotify icon in the notification area cause right now there is this uggly white space around the icon..14:39
sab0j800r, yes,i tried and got this Error....http://paste.ubuntu.com/430044/14:39
duffydackLetsGo67, test it in a vm first.  all it is are packages like maximus to display everything maximised and the netbook interface.14:39
LetsGo67DuffyDack, I don't feel like downloading an ISO again... :(  And I am using a netbook, so it can't hurt.14:40
j800rsab0, ah, here's your problem. when you download the deb from the skype website, save it to your hd, don't just run it14:40
duffydackLetsGo67, there used to be a desktop-switcher tool in jaunty, im not sure about now..but it let you choose which mode...classic desktop or unr14:40
j800rsave it to your hd, locate the deb file, and run it from there14:40
LetsGo67DuffyDack you don't have a netbook?14:41
j800rand also...intrepid?? ..why ain't you using Lucid? :\14:41
cappellaiohow i can install grub in my external hardisk ? ??14:41
duffydackLetsGo67, yes i do, but its got clean install of lucid netbook onn it....14:41
awesome_guestrabidweezle: decided on a window manager rather than a full-on desktop environment14:41
chiiiiizhas anyone tried successfully to install a local depository? I mean mount an iso, and add "deb file:/path lucid main restricted?14:42
awesome_guestit'll be like dos, except cooler14:42
Dr_Willischiiiiiz:  theres an apt-addcd command or somthing like that14:42
j800rchiiiiiz, depository? o.0 i assume you mean REpository? :\14:42
chiiiiizwhen I do a apt-get update, these lines are ignored ("IGN file:/......."). How to ask the machine to take these depos in account14:42
chiiiiizyes repo.... sorry14:43
Dr_Willischiiiiiz:  apt/sources.list gives an example as --> #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04 _Lucid Lynx_ - Beta i386 (20100318)]/ lucid main restricted14:43
Dr_Willisat least tats whats in mine14:43
alexiseshi people are they a logitech mx revolution keyboard ?14:43
j800ri'm able to do almost everything i need to via GUI without any problems14:44
LetsGo67DuffyDack, time to reboot!  Thanks!14:44
j800rmy advice, if you're having trouble messing with terminal, don't mess with it14:44
chiiiiizDr_Willis: but trying to access my mounted iso with CD-ROM does not work, I guess it is looking for my /cdrom and it is not the path the iso is mounted in14:45
chiiiiizso the deb cdrom option does not work14:45
chiiiiizj800r: i do work everyday with terminal, not only apt-get... I am not looking for a syntax, but for a background solution14:46
sinuxhatake_kakashi, OK I'll do that and let you know14:46
Humanoid2The "Places" menu automatically lists mountable partitions, and when I click on one of them, it mounts it in /media/xxx.  How can I mount it using the command line, rather than using the places menu?14:46
theorosi am trying to use the 10.04 desktop ISO to create a liveusb. i have tried using unetbootin (latest version), and usb-creator-gtk but despite formatting the usb drive in all attempts, i get the error "could not find kernel image: linux" related to syslinux when booting from my laptop with windows on it. when i use my dell mini 10v, it loads the liveusb normally (proving it is not a corrupted ISO), what gives?14:46
j800rchiiiiiz, do you run a server or do you work with linux?14:47
j800rif not, then why not save yourself the trouble and just use the GUI14:47
chiiiiizit seems that many people can't have their local repos working, though the syntax is correct (i browsed the web and found many info and forum threads dealing with this problem)14:47
chiiiiizj800r: work with it, make music with it (ubuntustudio), ....14:48
bullgard4'~$ pinentry-gtk-2; OK Your orders please.' Why does this command not bring up a window?14:48
claesis it possible to hide a mountable partition?14:48
chiiiiizj800r: because it does not work!!! I added the line in the repository menu of Synaptic... I have no error messages concerning this repository (like "can't find it..."), apt-get update works fine, but the packages are not listed14:49
chiiiiizis it a priority problem?14:49
LetsGo67Thanks @DuffyDack!  I love Ubuntu Netbook Remix!14:50
marius_hi ppl14:50
marius_I rebooted and now I can't load desktop effects anymore14:51
tokamhello I do have an issue with my ubuntu, I destroyed my system by accident doing # chown root -R /*14:51
tokamaff no chown naveed -R /*14:51
tokamnaveed is the default user of the system14:51
xinwenhi guys, do I need defrag on linux?14:51
Dr_Willistokam:  why did you even do that?14:51
tokamby accident!14:52
WXZmy login screen keeps changing, is that normal (using karmic)?14:52
arandxinwen: Not normally, no14:52
tokami forgot the point I wanted to do chroot naveed -R ./*14:52
chiiiiizxinwen: hello, no need to defrag, this is a pure Windows "feature"/need14:52
redwhat do I need to add in my fstab mounting line so that the mounted ntfs-3g partition is owned by myself and not root? /dev/sdc3       /media/Red         ntfs-3g defaults        0       014:52
tokamto repair it I did setup now a chroot environment using the install disc pointing to my hdd. now I plan to do chown root -R /* && chrown naveed -R /home/naveed/*14:52
duffydackLetsGo67,  sup14:52
tokamwill this help?14:52
Dr_Willisred:  check the ntfs-3g homepage/faq/docs. they give examples  or install/run ntfs-config14:52
xinwenthanks arand, I feel my ubuntu is slower than before, how could I to speed it up?14:52
douweHi, is it possible to give some pplications preference access to internet? e.g. if 2 applications are fighting for bandwidth, give one application preference?14:53
marius_how can I eanble desktop effects again? it just won't work14:53
hugliCan I set multiple time limits per site in the dansguardian blacklist?14:53
xinwenmarius_: please check video card driver?14:53
hiredgoonmarius_: what is your video card?14:53
marius_how do I check that?14:53
tokammarius_: install compiz fusion, fusion icon and some compiz fusion plugins you will have much fun with that.14:54
hiredgooni've had to remove "nvidia-current" from some intel graphics based systes to get desktop effects back14:54
xinwenDid you use nvidia?14:54
marius_It was working until I rebooted the last time14:54
arandxinwen: No idea, check what's running, and taking cpu time.14:54
xinwentry lsmod to see is nvidia in it.14:54
SandGorgondouwe, you can use iptables to implement QoS (quality of service) - google for it.14:54
tokammarius_: make sure that you do start fusin-icon when gnome starts up, you can use this programm to configure your desktop effects or to select your window manager14:54
marius_well I needed it dor AWN14:55
bh-jon/////////instalar driver nvidia14:55
bh-jonS.O: ubuntu 81014:55
bh-jonStep 1:14:55
bh-jon----Descargar drivers nvidia14:55
FloodBot3bh-jon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:55
AbuBadrhi there14:55
xinwenthanks arand: I can feel it's my hard drive,  it's slow than before to load a file from hard drive14:55
tokamDr_Willis: Will I be able to repair my system following my plan?14:55
awesome_guestoh right.. gotta install emacs.. fuzzy warm feelings14:56
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tokamI am going to do a reboot now to check if it worked, or are there certain files which are not allowed to be owned by root expect the home dirs?14:56
tokamis there a programm to run by root and to fix these issues?14:56
xinwenwill ubuntu defrag automatically, like Mac OS X?14:57
arandxinwen: Well, if you run an fsck, it will tell you the amount of fragmentation ("non-contiguous"), but it is very seldom an issue.14:57
AbuBadrmy laptop has AMD Turion  with 2 CPUs    how can i make sure they are all used in ubuntu?14:57
bazhangxinwen, pretty much no need for defrag14:57
marius_this is what lsmod shows14:57
xinwenthanks guys.14:57
alienkid10I made an aptonCD iso for installation somewhere where I have no access to Internet but after mounting it to /mnt and running sudo apt-cdrom -d /mnt (or -d=/mnt) -m add it gives me this http://pastebin.com/5D6XPZWk When mounted as a CD in virtualbox it works fine but it doesn't work from iso and I don't have any CDRs and aren't about to go buy any14:57
tokamI am going to reboot now14:57
hiredgoonhaha - newbs14:57
arandxinwen: ext* filesystem will to a large degree avoid defragmentation in the first place.14:58
bazhanghiredgoon, ??14:58
hiredgoonoops - wrong window!14:58
hiredgoonsorry folks14:58
redntfs-config didn't help :l14:58
rocket16Is there any special modification for Empathy for IRC? I can not use the IRC Contacts list, and there is not way to add IRC friends, :(14:58
AbuBadrmy laptop has AMD Turion  with 2 CPUs    how can i make sure they are all used in ubuntu?14:59
plaziaAnyone else with an X-Fi sound card find that it's fine if they have master volume at 100% but if they take it down the sound gets all distorted?14:59
rocket16And although I am a fan of Pidgin, still for the new Theme of Empathy, I'd like to use it for a while, :D14:59
arandrocket16: Best solution is usually: Don't use empathy for IRC.14:59
paissad_guys, i would like to activate my lvm partitions, i have already install lvm2 & other utils .... here is the output of lvs http://pastebin.com/PwqHKzQB15:00
bullgard4rocket16: You do not use normally the Contact list for Empathy IRC.15:00
rocket16arand: Thank you. But what I wish, is a centralised application for communication. I used XChat, Irssi and Gnome-xchat, and Pidgin did with IRC nicely, so wished the same in Empathy, :(15:00
siOuX_where i read about how to compile the kernel in version lucid..15:00
paissad_but i don't have /dev/VG/*15:00
arandrocket16: Even the developer has said that it's currently a rather poor IRC client and would need to be remade at some point if it were to be a proper irc client15:00
bazhang!compile > siOuX_15:01
ubottusiOuX_, please see my private message15:01
jabloJust upgraded to 10.4 (intermediate step through 9.10); how do I move the window decoration widgets (max/minimize/close) back to the right side of the window title bar?15:01
rocket16Hmm, I agree. Bettwr to keep on using Pidgin, :(15:01
rocket16* better15:01
bazhang!controls > jablo15:01
ubottujablo, please see my private message15:01
redi have an ntfs drive with a lot of read only files and I want to edit their tags - how can I set a file "not" read only in ubuntu?15:01
alienkid10anyone know why apt-cdrom isn't working for me?15:02
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altitronalienkid10, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptCdrom Maybe this helps you.15:04
bullgard4alienkid10: You better provide an error message.15:04
danutzi`m trying to extract a .rar file but is saying that :archive type not supported15:05
altitronYes, the error message would me more usefull.15:05
ubuntunewbieHi , I have some question , what is the different between front panel HD audio output and backpanel sound output ?15:05
perhamlinuxhi, how can I disable automount feature in lucid?  it keeps mounting media even when I umount them manually. this is very annoying while I'm partitioning my external hard disks.15:05
detrate-what would cause me not to have a menu.lst file in my /boot/grub/ folder? more importantly, how do I get it back so I can boot?15:05
altitrondanutz,  Check ubuntu software center....15:06
danutzgood idea,what do I do there?15:06
hmwgrub2 | detrate-15:06
hmw!grub2 | detrate-15:06
ubottudetrate-: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:06
danutzI`m new to ubuntu so...15:06
MantelisHello, I need help with BlueTooth. - http://paste.org/pastebin/view/1824315:06
altitrondanutz,  Type RAR, and install RAR compression/uncompression tool.15:06
salilhi.. I downloaded the linux package for firefox-3.6 from mozilla, and extracted it.. Now i am running the "firefox" file from the extraction and it works and shows up as firefox-3.6.. Is there anything unsafe in doing this? I did this because there is no 3.6 available from apt..15:06
* darkzlayer is away: I'm busy15:06
altitrondanutz,  Maybe this would help you.15:06
* darkzlayer is back (gone 00:00:06)15:06
erUSUL!away > darkzlayer15:07
danutzthank you altitron15:07
ubottudarkzlayer, please see my private message15:07
perhamlinuxhi, how can I disable automount feature in lucid?  it keeps mounting media even when I umount them manually. this is very annoying while I'm partitioning my external hard disks.15:07
Morten_Heya, I need a rss downloader for cli - any recommendations?15:07
altitrondanutz,  Beware as it is shareware....we need to find another program.15:07
aranddetrate-: grub2 doesn't use menu.lst, if you are currently unable to boot, reinstall grub as per the wiki page.15:07
jribMorten_: canto, newsbeuter15:08
Morten_jrib, thank you, i'll check them :)15:08
Sa19Ah thank you15:08
perhamlinuxhi, how can I disable automount feature in lucid?  it keeps mounting media even when I umount them manually. this is very annoying while I'm partitioning my external hard disks.15:09
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:09
greezmunkeyjrib: installing now...15:09
jribperhamlinux: are you on the live cd?15:09
darkzlayersorry for te away message :(15:09
Sa19Can anybody help me with a strange boot error? I get the Usplash screen, but the login screen doesn't show up, I just get a "busy" mouse cursor15:09
salilhi.. I downloaded the linux package for firefox-3.6 from mozilla, and extracted it.. Now i am running the "firefox" file from the extraction and it works and shows up as firefox-3.6.. Is there anything unsafe in doing this? I did this because there is no 3.6 available from apt..15:10
perhamlinuxjrib, nope. I've upgraded from karmic. and I had it disabled in karmic, but now it's not15:10
Sa19I did ctrl alt F1, and followed these instructions:15:10
penguin42salil: It should work, when ubuntu finally upgrades to 3.6 you might want to check whether there are multiple .mozilla directories  or profiles and if they are using the same one15:10
jribperhamlinux: well you can either modify gnome-volume-manager (this you can probably just kill, but I don't know if it does more) or udev at some point...15:11
Sa19The problem occured when I changed my GDM theme, when I get logged into an XFCE session instead of a GNOME one I try to change it back but I go back to the busy cursor15:11
Sa19and blank screen15:11
perhamlinuxjrib, how should I modify gnome-volume-manager? is it safe to totally uninstall it? and , what would I lose if I do so?15:11
karpushi, using ubuntu 10.04 x86 on a dell inspiron 1520 causes it to beep on shutdown... I checked /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and pcspkr is blacklisted, so I don't know why it keeps beeping (also, it doesn't happen on restart, only shutdown)15:11
fynnHey. My Ubuntu login is failing on something in my .bashrc, but I don't know what. How do I debug this?15:12
jribperhamlinux: it probably has some gconf settings; I don't know15:12
penguin42fynn: How do you know it's something in your .bashrc ?15:12
perhamlinuxjrib, thanks, I'll search a bit more. ;)15:12
fynnpenguin42: because when I renamed it to .bashrc.disabled login works.15:12
fynnthat's how I'm able to run XChat and talk to you :)15:13
jribperhamlinux: ideally, it would just not mount them again after you unmounted.  I thought it did this15:13
fynnWhere would a failure on .bashrc be logged?15:13
jribfynn: pastebin your .bashrc I suppose15:13
fynnhm, wouldn't a failure be logged somewhere?  this is madness...15:13
jribfynn: where does it fail exactly?  Maybe ~/.xsession-errors15:14
theorossystem log?15:14
penguin42fynn: I'd try chopping it about in half, tkae the 1st half and see if that works15:14
theoroswoot bisect15:14
penguin42theoros: No reason to, very unlikely a system error15:14
bullgard4'~$ pinentry-gtk-2; OK Your orders please.' Why does this command not bring up a window?15:14
pieroi would like if there is any website i can get e-book on nmap tutorial15:15
fynnjrib: I have ~/.xsession-errors, but it doesn't contain anything useful it seems15:15
Sa19Hi can anyone help me with a login error?15:15
jribbullgard4: why are you calling it directly?15:15
jribfynn: and my first question?15:15
penguin42fynn: Have you tried logging in on a text terminal?15:15
jribSa19: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)15:16
liminalmy update package manager keeps crashing15:16
Take0nis there a way to scale a png image using terminal?15:16
liminalim using ubuntu lucid 32bit15:16
fynnjrib: with no feedback, I cannot know where it fails :(15:16
Sa19jrib: Okay15:16
theadminliminal: Upgrade via the console -> "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"15:16
fynnpenguin42: I have, and that works.15:16
penguin42Take0n: using 'convert' from the imagemagick package15:16
jribfynn: are you... using gdm?15:16
Take0npenguin42, thank you!15:16
penguin42fynn: Hmm that's a pain - from a terminal it's likely to show you the error15:16
bullgard4jrib To see how this program functions.15:16
fynnpenguin42: also, sourcing .bashrc.disabled from a text-terminal works.15:16
jribbullgard4: read its source15:16
fynnjrib: sure.15:17
liminaltheadmin : i get an error segmentation faulty tree... 50%15:17
jribfynn: what happens after you press login at gdm?15:17
redIs there any software like Emule for Ubuntu?15:17
penguin42fynn: My guess is something in it is changing a path or library path to miss some of the bins used by the gui15:17
liminalivno idea what it means15:17
fynnpenguin42: any way I can try to login graphically, yet get it to show me the error?15:17
bullgard4jrib  I do not appreciate your advice. This takes too much time for this task.15:17
penguin42fynn: If you login on a console an then do startx does it work?15:17
Sa19Since I changed my GDM theme the login screen will not appear. I get a black screen with a 'busy' cursor and it just hangs. I did ctrl alt F1 and started a new instance of Xorg but every time I try to change the GDM screen back I get reverted back to the blank screen and busy cursor.15:18
tockiubuntu folks, start voting NOW! :) http://nmap.org/survey/15:18
fynnjrib: after I put my password in, the spinner spins a bit, then I get the login screen again.15:18
ManDayis inittab still used anywhere?15:18
karpushi, using ubuntu 10.04 x86 on a dell inspiron 1520 causes it to beep on shutdown... I checked /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and pcspkr is blacklisted, so I don't know why it keeps beeping (also, it doesn't happen on restart, only shutdown)15:18
MantelisHello, I need help with BlueTooth. - http://paste.org/pastebin/view/1824315:18
DiverDudehello. i have just used gparted to delete 2 partitions from my harddisk, and then using the resize/move functionality i have made my ubuntu partition use the unallocated space. That was great! Now i have a big problem. When i boot my computer i get a screen saying: GRUB loading  error: no such partition    grub rescue>      How can i make the computer boot on my linux partition again? There was a dual boot before with a windows partition and 2 linu15:18
DiverDudex partitions. I deleted one of the linux partitions and have now only the one i use left...15:18
Dr_WillisManDay:  not in ubuntu. at least not normally15:18
ManDayDr_Willis, sorry yes i know15:18
jribfynn: does it happen with a fresh new user?  Does it happen with a fresh new user with that .bashrc?15:18
ManDayi meant to ask #linux15:18
fynnpenguin42: how do I "login on a console" in 9.10?  just ^alt-f1 and startx from there?15:18
liminaltheadmin ever seen that error before on an apt-get upgrade?15:18
Dr_WillisManDay:  :) slackware i think uses it.15:18
theadminfynn: Why yes.15:18
fynnOK, I'll try. may disconnect.15:19
theadminliminal: ...I dunno what the. Try "sudo touch /forcefsck" and reboot15:19
penguin42fynn: ctrl-alt-f1, login (username/pass) and then from the $ prompt do startx15:19
jribbullgard4: well if you want to understand how it works, that's how you would do it.  Not sure what your question is.15:19
rocket16Is there a way to change Pidgin fonts without changing System font?15:19
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exsi want to create a shortcut for my nautilus-open-terminal addon. how to do this?15:19
liminalive tried rebooting a number of times, it wont fix the issue15:19
liminalwhat does forcefsck do?15:19
DiverDudehello. i have just used gparted to delete 2 partitions from my harddisk, and then using the resize/move functionality i have made my ubuntu partition use the unallocated space. That was great! Now i have a big problem. When i boot my computer i get a screen saying: GRUB loading  error: no such partition    grub rescue>      How can i make the computer boot on my linux partition again? There was a dual boot before with a windows partition and 2 linu15:20
DiverDudex partitions. I deleted one of the linux partitions and have now only the one i use left...15:20
An_Ony_Moosewhen I switch to a TTY and when I'm booting, the screen looks like this http://imagebin.org/96091 . Is the resolution not being set correctly, or is it something else? And how can I fix it?15:20
exsthe idea: iam surfing in nautilus. then i activate a shortcut and then i want that a terminal will be openend in the current directory of my nautilus. any ideas?15:20
=== jexmex_ is now known as jexmex
penguin42An_Ony_Moose: driver bug15:20
guntbertliminal: that file forces a file system check on the next boot15:20
liminalrebooting isnt working15:20
Sa19Sorry if I seem like I'm spamming I'm just gonna keep asking until someone with some free time spots it15:21
Sa19Sorry if I seem like I'm spamming I'm just gonna keep asking until someone with some free time spots it15:21
Sa19Since I changed my GDM theme the login screen will not appear. I get a black screen with a 'busy' cursor and it just hangs. I did ctrl alt F1 and started a new instance of Xorg but every time I try to change the GDM screen back I get reverted back to the blank screen and busy cursor.15:21
Sa19whoops lol15:21
FloodBot3Sa19: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
bullgard4jrib Certainly this is a method to become acquainted with it thoroughly. But it takes too much time. A much more effective methode to become acquainted with a graphical program is to call it and see how it looks, what can I enter and what will be its output.15:21
fynnpenguin42: "server is already active for display one"15:21
liminali cant believe my system has an unheard of error, its basicly a fresh install15:21
jribbullgard4: it's more than a graphical program it seems15:21
rocket16Normally, what amount of total memory should be used by Ubuntu? Is it somewhere around 384 MB for GNOME (minimal requirement)?15:21
fynnI'll need to logout to try that I guess.15:21
greezmunkeyexs: I've seen that ?? asked in here several times. The trick would be to read what Nautilus's current directory is at the time ;)15:22
penguin42fynn: ok, before you do the startx do   sudo stop gdm     and make sure gdm and the login script goes15:22
fynnsee you guys soon, hopefully15:22
bullgard4jrib Yes. --  Thank you for commenting.15:22
fynnpenguin42: " make sure gdm and the login script goes"?15:22
KRiMoRaLQuick question, I know all about the window controls moved to the left, and am fine with it and support the idea.  They are supposed to be in the order CLOSE, MIN, MAX I believe. I changed the theme to see what the others looked like, and when I did it moved them to the right. Didn't like it so I changed them back, and it put them back on the left, but in the wrong order.  How can I change the order of the window controls back to CL15:22
KRiMoRaLOSE, MIN, MAX instead of MAX, MIN, CLOSE ?15:22
guntbertliminal: I just came in now, appearantly theadmin suggested that a file system check should be done - a good way is what he said -- create that file (with touch) and then reboot15:22
exsgreezmunkey: where are you from?15:24
karpushi, using ubuntu 10.04 x86 on a dell inspiron 1520 causes it to beep on shutdown... I checked /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and pcspkr is blacklisted, but pcspkr.ko still gets loaded on startup (checked with modprobe -l and pcspkr always gets loaded, even though it is blacklisted)15:24
greezmunkeyexs: why15:24
aNiMaLiTyðóññêèå åñòü ? =)15:25
bazhang!ru > aNiMaLiTy15:25
ubottuaNiMaLiTy, please see my private message15:25
overmind!ops | BLACKROCKBINXON is trolling15:25
ubottuBLACKROCKBINXON is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!15:25
macoovermind: theyre already gone15:25
bazhangovermind, thanks15:25
overmind(Tor is little lagy)15:25
jribbullgard4: well from reading the source, I've gathered you can for example run the command "GETPIN" after executing pinentry15:25
rocket16bazhang: Good decision, to kick him out, :)15:26
rata_twittertem alguem do BRASIL ai ??15:26
theadminubottu: br | rata_twitter15:26
ubotturata_twitter: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:26
bazhangrata_twitter, in #ubuntu-br15:26
hail86in Hardware Drivers, what's the difference between "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173)" and "NVIDIA accelerated graphics drivers (version current) [Recommended]", running Ubuntu 10.04 on an HP Pavillion15:26
Dr_Williskarpus:  Ive seen a similer thing on some other laptops. The Forums had some info i fillowed15:26
liminalguntbert okay doing that now, the disk drives are being checked.15:26
guntbertliminal: ok15:27
liminalfaulty hd you think?15:27
Sa19Since I changed my GDM theme the login screen will not appear. I get a black screen with a 'busy' cursor and it just hangs. I did ctrl alt F1 and started a new instance of Xorg but every time I try to change the GDM screen back I get reverted back to the blank screen and busy cursor.15:27
greezmunkeyjrib: so far so good, almost done (crossing fingers)15:27
karpusDr_Willis: searching the forums as of now, but most solutions are blacklisting the module or disabling beep in the pref -> sound (but I can't even find antyhing related to beep, guess it has been removed?)15:27
guntbertliminal: I don't know anything about your problem, I only wanted to help you understand, what theadmin had suggested15:27
theadminSa19: Reinstall gdm?15:28
Sa19theadmin: How do I do that from terminal?15:28
=== root is now known as Guest83603
oNNyaptitude isntall gdm --reinstall15:28
theadminSa19: Just the usual way... "sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm"15:28
jribbullgard4: furthermore, I've learned that it has an info page with more info than the manpage which you would probably be interested in.  It also describes the protocol used there.15:28
Guest97141how can I connect to a Windows Print server?15:28
Sa19ah yeah sorry just realised15:28
Sa19powered out15:29
Sa19during uninstall15:29
theadminSa19: What.15:29
Sa19the power just cut15:29
theadminSa19: But... you're still here o_O15:29
Sa19I'm using two computers15:29
Sa19one to speak to you here, the other with my problem15:29
bullgard4jrib I can confirm that this works for me. --  But I am more interested in the graphical usage of the program. As its name implies, it is for a graphical user interface. (I did read about an info page too but dared to neglect that.)15:30
pieroi would like if there is any website i can get e-book on nmap tutorial15:30
jribbullgard4: why not just use it with gpg then?15:30
pieroi would like if there is any website i can get e-book on nmap tutorial15:31
oNNy_skycrash_: hi15:31
Dr_Williskarpus:  i recall that on shutdown for my system it was gnome that was somehow doing an 'alert' that made it go beep15:31
theadminpiero: Just look in documentation on www.nmap.org15:31
liminalguntbert & theadmin ive forcefsck and restarted, still getting the same error.15:31
_skycrash_exist a program to switch between monitor and TV without restart X in ubuntu lucid?15:31
jbendotnetanyone here got ubuntu running as a server guest on virtualbox?15:32
theadminliminal: Hm hm. Try "sudo apt-get -f install", too15:32
liminalsegmentation faulty tree... 50%15:32
=== b33r is now known as Guest19738
jbendotnetliminal: clear out the apt caches15:32
matundaHi guys !!!i  have an internet cafe in which i have installed all of my computers with ubuntu 9.04,but the problem comes on the time watcher....is there anyone who can help me on how to get a quick open source time watcher ,i won't care if it Java based or python based!!!! i will be great full to someone with such an information...thanks in advance15:32
_skycrash_exist a program to switch between monitor and TV without restart X in ubuntu lucid?15:32
liminalsame err0r15:32
liminalhow do i cleqr my apt cache15:32
Dr_Willis_skycrash_:  for my nvidia cards. the nvidia-seting tool lets me do that15:33
liminalwouldnt a restart have done that?>15:33
KRiMoRaLHey, for the controls in the top left, the close etc, what's the default order? Mine got changed by a theme.15:33
Dr_Willis_skycrash_:  actually i can set hp the tv as a 2nd monitor :)15:33
roberto__I nnotice when I install gems through ubuntu packages, tehy don't show up in the gem server documentation. is there a flag to install taht also or, should I always prefer manually installing gems to using ubuntu's packages ?15:33
penguin42liminal: rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*15:33
bullgard4jrib I am using gpg and I am using Seahorse. Seahorse sometimes behaves ornery. I tried to find out why. Thus I stumbled upon pinenty-gtk-2.15:33
jbendotnetsudo apt-get clean15:33
ubuntuI want to install grub on a usb-disk (/dev/sdb) during installation. But installing grub fails with "cannot install grub to given location". Any ideas on how to get some more specific info?15:33
jbendotnetany virtualbox users about?15:33
ubuntu!any | jbendotnet15:34
svip;-; Why won't non-ASCII characters work in Ubuntu's terminal?15:34
arandjbendotnet: Specify problem, otherwise there's #vbox15:34
dbumjbendotnet: from time to time15:34
=== Kanga|outfor7h is now known as Kangarooo
liminalI have a 'partial' directory in there i can't remove15:34
guntbertliminal: to clear the apt-cache type sudo apt-get clean15:34
svipI tried all the tricks in the book; LC_ALL, run locale, reconfigure locales, symlink language in /usr/share/ to UTF-8.15:34
svipBut no luck.15:34
jbendotnetarand: added a new machine, selected ubuntu 10 32 bit, starts install, then get kernel panic - not synciing15:35
=== greezmun1ey is now known as ScoobySnack
Guest97141is it possible to connect to a windows printer server in linux?15:35
Guest97141if so, how does it work?15:35
bumbblebeei am trying to make a bootable flash drive to install ubuntu15:35
liminalwhats this 'partial' directory in my apt cache?15:35
bumbblebeewhen i am trying to use fdisk to set a bootable flag15:35
Kangarooois there some programm witch checks all computer hardware for errors? ram for errors disk drive for bad blocks and cpu erors (or speed) ?15:35
bumbblebeei get this last_lba(): I don't know how to handle files with mode 4070015:35
bumbblebeeYou will not be able to write the partition table.15:35
SwedeMikesvip: it's possible to get it to work anyway, I have it working.15:35
theadminliminal: Hm, might have a point... try "sudo apt-get clean"15:35
theadminliminal: To destroy the cache15:36
svipSwedeMike: Woo.  Someone has it working!15:36
SwedeMikesvip: I can see chinese and arabic letters in my email I read in alpine anyway.15:36
macoliminal: debs that havent finished downloading go there15:36
svipSwedeMike: That is really going to help my endevaour.15:36
macoliminal: when the download finishes they move out of that dir to /var/cache/apt/archives15:36
=== ScoobySnack is now known as greezmunkey
dbumjbendotnet: I use VB for windows.... not linux.... sorry15:36
Necrosporusappend noprompt cdrom-detect/try-usb=true file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper only-ubiquity initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash --15:36
zipperheya any1 knows how where can i download jdownloader cause i can't seem to download it15:36
liminalsudo apt-get clean had no effect15:36
SwedeMikesvip: wow. That's really going to get you help here.15:36
bsmith093what device is sr0?15:36
svipSwedeMike: I am well aware that it can be working.15:37
theadminbsmith093: cd-rom, maybe15:37
NecrosporusWhat does mean noprompt ?15:37
oNNyfax: hi15:37
greezmunkeyjrib: Ha! pretty slick15:37
KRiMoRaLJust need to know the default order of the window controls in the new order.  Anyone can answer... just gotta look in the top left corner of any open window...15:37
svipI was looking for solutions.  Not being told that my chances are not impossible.15:37
bumbblebeeanybody can help me?15:37
pauloHello people15:37
bsmith093im trying to wipe a drive using a gparted livecd and it doesnt even see it15:37
faxI was wondering if anyone had the same problem with me:  the ubuntu install CD works fine but I can't boot into the actual operatng system15:37
jribsvip: either way people here are volunteers.  No need to react like this if someone was just trying to help you15:37
fax(after installing it)15:37
svipjrib: I thought he was just making conversation.15:38
theorosi am trying to use the 10.04 desktop ISO to create a liveusb. i have tried using unetbootin (latest version), and usb-creator-gtk but despite formatting the usb drive in all attempts, i get the error "could not find kernel image: linux" related to syslinux when booting from my laptop with windows on it. when i use my dell mini 10v, it loads the liveusb normally (proving it is not a corrupted ISO), what gives?15:38
arandjbendotnet: Not seen that, would suggest searching for the error message, and possibly reporting a bug, might be worth testing the acpi/apic/etc. options for the vm, test ose/puel versions of vbox.15:38
KRiMoRaLCan you guys not see what I'm saying or something?15:38
jribsvip: ok, well let's move on please...15:38
svipjrib: I agree.15:38
jribKRiMoRaL: we can see read what you type, yes15:38
fynnjrib, penguin42: yo, fixed tha problem15:39
SwedeMikesvip: I started to look for my notes on how I got it working but then you made me lose all energy.15:39
penguin42fynn: What was it in the end?15:39
svipjrib: Didn't dpkg-reconfigure locales usually ask you to pick a locale to prefer, what happened to that?15:39
KRiMoRaLCan you tell me the order of the window controls in the top left corner? A theme rearranged them into the wrong order.. and I don't remember the new order.15:39
Guest97141so printing to a printer on a Windows Print Server Doesn't work then?15:39
SwedeMikesvip: hope you get it working somehow anyway.15:39
Take0nI have a problem and I can't explain it but it is driving me crazy!! I use a custom image (PNG) for XChat which is transparent and displayed fine in the notification area. I use the same icon for jDownloader (java download manager) but it adds an uggly white space around it :\ why is that.. is the same bloody icon!!15:39
svipSwedeMike: I appreciate the hope.15:39
ubuntuKRiMoRaL, close minimise,maximse15:39
theorosKRiMoRaL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand15:39
KRiMoRaLthanks you15:39
fynnpenguin42: if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi15:39
fynnin ~/.profile15:39
liminaldoes the update manager have good logging that might show why its crashing?15:40
zipper_heya can any1 tell me where can i download jdownloader? cause i can't seem to download it or find it15:40
fynnpenguin42: not sure why it caused the crash; on OS X it was _required_ :)15:40
arandzipper_: from their homepage?15:40
penguin42fynn: That's OK isn't it? Are you sure it wasn't something in the .bashrc itself?15:40
zipper_arand: unable to do it15:40
fynnI ported my dotfiles from POS X a while ago.15:40
KRiMoRaLtheoros, What was the brand link for? That doesn't have the answer at that link.15:41
Take0nzipper_, http://launchpad.net/~jd-team/+archive/jdownloader15:41
theorosKRiMoRaL: it has screenshots of the top left window buttons15:41
roberto_how do I get /usr/bin/env ruby to work with ruby1.9.1 ?15:41
fynnpenguin42: what does it do, really?15:41
aguitelhow install opera browser with repo?15:41
zipper_Take0n: i can't click on e package15:41
penguin42fynn: It says if the file .bashrc exists then read it in and execute it15:41
KRiMoRaLIt has screenshots before the official change to the now current default.15:41
arandzipper_: Works for me.15:42
anonymouse_aguitel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser15:42
penguin42fynn: So it's still likely more of a problem in the .bashrc15:42
fynnpenguin42: when does .profile get run?15:42
zipper_arand: do i have to download something to click on e package?15:42
theorosreally? i installed last night and mine are in line with the screenshots15:42
=== ubuntu is now known as trijntje
redwhats the app name to control KDE software fonts/etc under Gnome?15:42
penguin42fynn: I can't quite remember; I think .profile is run during login where as .bashrc is run at the start of every shell but I can't remember the detail15:42
KRiMoRaLYeah, the new default has the order of the buttons CLOSE, MIN, MAX15:42
jribsvip: it used to yes, but not for a while now.  I think you use locale-gen now.  Or maybe try changing the priority in your dpkg-reconfigure15:43
KRiMoRaLDon't know why yours aren't doing it, but it's official from Ubuntu. I'll see if I can find the link where they mention it.15:43
nopleaseJoin #ubuntu.de15:43
roberto_how do I get /usr/bin/env ruby to work with ruby1.9.1 ? "/usr/bin/env ruby >> /usr/bin/env: ruby: No existe el fichero ó directorio"15:43
undecimpenguin42: fynn: /etc/profile calls .bashrc.15:43
arandzipper_: I just downloaded from homepage, but likely the ppa is better "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloade && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install jdownloader"15:44
digdeephi, just installed latest kernel in 10.4. It is not able to load the build-in ati driver --> Error log says Could not open DriverDB cache /var/cache/jockey/driverdb-OpenPrintingDriverDB.cache: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/cache/jockey/driverdb-OpenPrintingDriverDB.cache'15:44
undecimpenguin42, fynn: I think if it weren't for that, bashrc wouldn't get run at all.15:44
penguin42undecim, fynn: Ah so I think what's happening here is his .bashrc is getting read once by /etc/profile and again by his .profile ?15:45
matundaguys  please help with my timewacher program problem for ubuntu15:45
KRiMoRaLtheoros, check this link out: http://alturl.com/b6ja it has it.15:46
matundait seems like you guys are ignoring me....this is a serious problem please help!!!!15:46
vikhello, how to format usb drive as FAT32 under ubuntu?15:46
jrib!helpme | matunda15:46
ubottumatunda: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:46
theadminmatunda: You haven't named any problem at all15:46
theadminvik: mkfs.vfat?15:46
=== paulo is now known as Pablo_23_vigo
viktheadmin, yes, what is next?15:47
w3l54666hey guys, can the new distro be loaded using a usb data stick?15:47
undecimpenguin42, fynn: I think that .profile is used in place of /etc/profile. Not sure... *Consults Google*15:47
matundavik:   sudo mkfs.vfat -I  /dev/sdb15:47
theadminvik: Well, I'd need the device adress :P Basically it'd be something like "sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1"15:47
digdeepDoes anyone install latest kernel?15:47
viktheadmin, its /media/disk/ but it says it cannot open it15:47
aNiMaLiTyïðàâäà ðóññêèõ íåò ? =)15:48
detrixvik: no you want the /dev/ of the drive15:48
roberto_I know I can create a symbolic link but I'm wondering if there's a reason this isn't already done in lucid or -- why its done this way15:48
theadminvik: It's not "/media/disk", that's the mountpoint15:48
vikhow to find the adress?15:48
grapzHi. I have reported a bug, and they would like me to test the latest upstream kernel. The only problem is that the system needs to be booted from CD/USB, since the bug I've reported is about the SATA controller not being detected. So, is there a way I can make/get hold of a livecd with the latest upstream kernel?15:48
]jpobeacan't you just right click it in gnome and say format fat32? :P15:49
detrixvik: look at your /etc/mtab file to see what dev/ your usb is mounted to15:49
theadminvik: see the output of "mount" (which of them is on /media/disk)15:49
roberto_how do I get /usr/bin/env ruby to work with ruby1.9.1 ? "/usr/bin/env ruby >> /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory"15:49
]jpobeaor is diving into bash still required?15:49
LetsGo67I need to edit GRUB 2 on MANY computers: a desktop, a laptop, and a netbook.  Can someone help me edit GRUB 2, please?15:49
undecimpenguin42, fynn: Wait, my mistake. /etc/profile calls /etc/bash.bashrc. Nowhere there do I see ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile15:49
jrib!grub2 > LetsGo6715:49
ubottuLetsGo67, please see my private message15:49
_petercan anyone explain this to me please ? http://pastebin.com/L3PC4bR515:49
egroegi looking for a way to remove the icons in the menu bar after upgrading to 10.04 -- it was text only before upgrading15:50
vikif its /dev/sdc1  so what the correct line for formating would be?15:50
matundatheadmin:the problem is how to get a linux based time watcher15:50
guntbert!here | _peter15:50
ubottu_peter: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com15:50
detrixvik: now mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc115:50
egroegwrong place sorry15:50
matundajrib: am sorry it won't happen again15:50
guntbertmatunda: and how is that an ubuntu support question?15:50
LetsGo67Thanks, jrib.  :)15:51
roberto__peter: use "sudo modprobe <foobar>..."15:51
vikdetrix, mkfs.vfat: /dev/sdc1 contains a mounted file system.15:51
=== GuilhermeCunha_ is now known as GuilhermeCunha
KRiMoRaLtheoros, did you see it?15:51
liminalcan i update my packages with aptitude from the cmd line?15:51
jrib!aptitude | liminal, yes15:51
ubottuliminal, yes: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide15:51
roberto__peter: you can't alter the kernel without root privledges15:51
vikthanks, that worked15:52
facugaichEmpathy doesn't seem to connect on start up, suggestions?15:52
matundaliminal :sudo apt-get update15:52
SoftwareExplorerI'm trying to use wine to run an installer off a cd. However, it's complaining about the executable bit not being set. How can I do that for a read only cd?15:52
theorosKRiMoRaL: yes15:52
guntbertliminal: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade15:52
roberto_facugaich: how about your network connection? does it start on login ?15:52
_peterroberto_: ho do i get root15:52
MaMoUs  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  Failed to initialize COM or to find the VirtualBox COM server. Most likely, the VirtualBox server is not running or failed to start. The application will now terminate.15:52
Paddy_NISoftwareExplorer, copy the cd to your computer15:52
guntbert!sudo | _peter15:52
ubottu_peter: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:52
roberto__peter: use sudo -- like "sudo modprobe"15:53
Paddy_NISoftwareExplorer, or create and iso image and mount that15:53
detrixvik: then do umount /dev/sdc115:53
facugaichroberto_, yes, broadcast (facebook) connects just fine15:53
KRiMoRaLIs yours really in the wrong order? Maybe you used an old iso? I have no clue why yours is different unless you changed your themes.. changing back to the original theme doesn't put them back in the right order :/15:53
lee_has anyone here tried ubuntu tweak? if not you need to15:53
MaMoUsany one ?15:53
bsmith093ubuntu lucid isnt seeing my hardrive15:53
MaMoUs  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  Failed to initialize COM or to find the VirtualBox COM server. Most likely, the VirtualBox server is not running or failed to start. The application will now terminate.15:53
bsmith093nether is gparted15:53
SoftwareExplorerPaddy_NI: Ok, I'll try that. It seems a little convoluted though...15:53
_peterroberto_: oh okay now the module is not found so i got to recompile15:53
w3l54666how do i install from usb??15:54
MaMoUsVirtualBox Error15:54
guntbert!repeat | MaMoUs15:54
ubottuMaMoUs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:54
roberto__peter: :) good luck15:54
roberto_facugaich: which network do you connect to with empathy ?15:54
alkadyasHi I have upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 but I cant Find 3D windows in compiz-fusion ?!15:54
KRiMoRaLAlright guys, I g/g. Catch you all later.15:54
lee_I actually wondered that a while ago but I downloaded Smuxi15:55
vikif I am going to do a fresh install, what file system (ext3 or ext4) should I use. I use computer on a daily basis. The most important thing is stability15:55
facugaichalkadyas, I have the same problem15:55
detrixcan some one help me with adding an entry to fstab.  I took a window partition, and formated it to ext3 so I can move my home dir to it.  I don't know which option I should include in the fstab file.15:55
woojfacugaich, Empathy+MSN was acting up for me too.  Wouldnt reconnect on DC, doesnt notify me if I get dc'd, etc.  I had to switch to Pidgin15:55
XethronHey, I just installed ubuntu. It asked me to do some updates... The updates started and then something happened, so I restarted. But now everything looks all weird15:55
bsmith093gparted fdisk testdisk and ubuntu are all not seeing my 40gig hd15:56
alkadyaswill install plugin extra fix the prob ?!15:56
lee_well my best guess would be to re-install CompizConfig, cause it workes on my computer15:56
SoftwareExploreralkadyas: Are you using CompizConfig Settings Manager to set compiz settings?15:56
roberto_facugaich: works for me .. try Empathyś Edit->Preferences->General - Behavior: YES Conect automatically on startup (sorry about the hand-translation to inglés, I use español)15:56
lee_and I'm running on 10.0415:56
muffin2There is no /dev/fb0 in ubuntu 9.10 32bit.15:56
muffin2But openSUSE 11.2 does have it.15:56
muffin2Why ubuntu karmic doesn't have it?15:56
muffin2BlackDog10 : hi15:56
facugaichroberto_: That option is set15:56
bsmith093im getting abunch of io errors also is the drive dead15:57
ahaichi guys15:57
alkadyasYes um using  CompizConfig Settings Manager15:57
guntbert!enter | muffin215:57
ubottumuffin2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:57
lee_you people need to take up programming as a hobby, it would give you a greater understanding of how your computer works.15:57
grapzbsmith093: what IDE/SATA controller do you have?15:57
alkadyasThere is no 3D windows and cube reflection15:57
bsmith093how would i check15:57
muffin2lee_ : what programming languages do you use?15:58
lee_hmm, python and C15:58
facugaichalkadyas, also there are less animations15:58
guntbert!who | lee_15:58
ubottulee_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:58
roberto_facugaich: you know, I think it must be down-- it works for me normally, but right nowit's grionding on connect15:58
XethronPlease help! I just installed ubuntu. It asked me to do some updates... The updates started and then something happened, so I restarted. But now everything looks all weird. Dunno what to do...15:58
roberto_facugaich: I was just cahtting on it yesterday15:58
alkadyasI had 3D windows working on 9.0415:58
lee_ubottu: I wasn't speaking to a particular person15:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:58
bsmith093grapz: how dom i find out what controller i hafe15:59
SoftwareExploreralkadyas: What compiz plugin packages do you have installed?15:59
erghezii cant login to lucid everytime15:59
]jpobeaXethron: in grub, try to use a previous kernel?15:59
detrixlee_: ubottu is a bot15:59
guntbertlee_: please keep to the topic of this channel -- random statements don't help anyone :-)15:59
detrixcan some one help me with adding an entry to fstab.  I took a window partition, and formated it to ext3 so I can move my home dir to it.  I don't know which option I should include in the fstab file.15:59
ergheziOnly once every three times I can log in to ubuntu:(15:59
BlackDog10Xethron: Try failsafe gnome at login screen16:00
BluesKajXethron, in the terminal , sudo dpkg --clear-avail , then sudo apt-get update16:00
lee_guntbert: random statements seem to work because the topic changes randomly16:00
guntbert!ot | lee_16:00
ubottulee_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:00
zhxkhow can i switch back to graphic install model, when i accidently switched to console when installing ubuntu?16:01
muffin2lee_ : I know C and C++ and plan to learn python.16:01
XethronBluesKaj, It said I should try a partial update... I just started that... not sure what its doing16:01
muffin2lee_ : how much energy and time do you put in programming?16:01
guntbert!ot > muffin216:01
ubottumuffin2, please see my private message16:01
LetsGo67On my Dell Mini, video skips a lot.  How do I fix this?16:01
theoros!ot > theoros16:02
ubottutheoros, please see my private message16:02
muffin2guntbert : oh man. this channel was not so tough before.16:02
lee_muffin2: a couple hours a day to learn it, but I think about what all I can do with it almost the entire day16:02
ergheziOnly once every three times I can log in to ubuntu16:02
SoftwareExploreralkadyas: I have compiz-fusion-plugins-main,  compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, and compiz-plugins installed and I have the 3D windows plugin. Maybe it's in one of those packages?16:02
guntbert!askthebot | theoros16:02
ubottutheoros: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:02
BluesKajXethron, let it go ..wait til the prompt returns16:02
theoros!thanks | guntbert16:02
ubottuguntbert: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:02
muffin2lee_ : 2 hours a day? Doesn't it make your life hard?16:02
theorosi am trying to use the 10.04 desktop ISO to create a liveusb. i have tried using unetbootin (latest version), and usb-creator-gtk but despite formatting the usb drive in all attempts, i get the error "could not find kernel image: linux" related to syslinux when booting from my laptop with windows on it. when i use my dell mini 10v, it loads the liveusb normally (proving it is not a corrupted ISO), what gives?16:02
IdleOnelee_: you have been asked to stay on topic and given the info on where you can join to continue your conversation. Please join #ubuntu-offtopic.16:03
lee_muffin2: not really, considering my age, it's pretty easy16:03
IdleOnemuffin2: ^^^16:03
LetsGo67On my Dell Mini, video skips a lot.  How do I fix this?16:03
guntbertmuffin2: imagine 1500 people posting every thought ....16:03
muffin2gunbert : ok16:03
]jpobeaget prop drivers from nvidia/amd16:03
ahaichi everyone16:03
]jpobeaor disable compiz16:04
muffin2lee_ : can you come to #ubuntu-offtopic?16:04
karpushi, using ubuntu 10.04 x86 on a dell inspiron 1520 causes it to beep on shutdown (only if I shutdown through the gnome menu, not terminal). I checked /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and pcspkr is blacklisted16:04
ahaicanyone who know why my laptop takes long time to enter ubuntu16:04
XethronIs there a way to make ununtu faster coz it is performing really slow on my PC16:04
_peterroberto_: can u help me, i am root priviledged in terminal and i get this error when i make install http://pastebin.com/2zmgQU8Q16:04
ahaic3 minutes16:04
BluesKajXethron, did you do the command I posted /16:04
LetsGo67On my Dell Mini, video skips a lot.  How do I fix this?16:04
XethronBluesKaj, still waiting for it to finish16:04
zhxkcan i install ubuntu in windows?16:05
]jpobeaLetsGo67: disable desktop effects16:05
muffin2zhxk : That's wubi.16:05
IdleOne!wubi | zhxk16:05
ubottuzhxk: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:05
rionstrife!otrs |krismanto16:05
muffin2zhxk : you can use wubi to install ubuntu on windows.16:05
ahaichelp  me .....  when i  press power button...the screen display Grub Loading ...then  takes fucking long time to enter system16:05
]jpobeavirtualbox if you like slow emulation16:05
noelferreirasince i have amd64 libflashplayer in .mozilla/plugins firefox stop responding after a while using the plugin. any known bug?16:05
muffin2zhxk : just put an ubuntu live CD and you'll see wubi.16:05
bazhangahaic, no cursing16:05
roberto__peter: I'm looking16:05
rocket16Firefox always crashes, when I try to upload to mediafire or other areas. Any solution?16:05
_peterroberto_: thanks16:05
zhxkmuffin2:i would like to install ubuntu from windows16:05
muffin2]jpobea : what do you use for fast emulation?16:05
ahaichelp  me .....  when i  press power button...the screen display Grub Loading ...then  takes fucking long time to enter system16:05
]jpobearocket16: try chrome :P16:06
BluesKaj!language | ahaic16:06
ubottuahaic: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:06
bazhangahaic, stop the cursing16:06
muffin2zhxk : Just put a live CD and you'll see an option for it.16:06
zhxkthen i would like reboot to ubuntu16:06
macoahaic: youve already been warned about your language16:06
Oerahaic keep this channel FAMILY friendly, thank you.16:06
IdleOnezhxk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide16:06
]jpobearocket16: or another browser16:06
roberto__peter: what are you copiling? it's looking for GTK16:06
rocket16]jpobea: Lol, thanks, :D16:06
guntbert_peter: first thing: you don't need to be root for configure and make, only for make install later16:06
zhxki'd like ubuntu coexist with windows16:06
macoahaic: does it sit there solid black for a while before even going to the splash screen, or is it the splash screen that's visible really long before the login screen?16:07
]jpobeavirtualbox or vmware16:07
xevinanyone uses Anjuta IDE here?16:07
rocket16zhxk: Sure, but wubi might have some problems.16:07
_peterguntbert: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=508428216:07
rocket16xevin: I do, but I prefer Geany16:07
muffin2zhxk : That's possible with wubi or grub.16:07
zhxkrocket16:i dont have cdrom, but a virtual cd16:07
_peterroberto_: my pci media card drivers16:07
LetsGo67]jpobea: is my gfx card that bad?16:07
]jpobearocket16: the idea of using another browser is to see if it is firefox's fault or it affects other browsers too16:07
rocket16zhxk: Then you can try one USB installer, :)16:07
_peterroberto_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=508428216:07
muffin2zhxk : You can install ubuntu in a virtual machine using virtualbox and VMware16:07
xevinrocket16: I use javascript projects only.. im having hard time w/ geany project16:08
]jpobeaor am i talking to the wrong person again16:08
zhxkmuffin2:i'd like install ubuntu to a real partition16:08
]jpobeaLetsGo67: when desktop effects are on, flash loses gpu acceleration16:08
xevinrocket16: I only wanted geany todo was to add my source folders.. but i cant.. Anjuta does though..16:08
rocket16virtualbox, vmware etc are good, but they distribute the RAM between two OSes, so never expect a 100% RAM utilisation16:08
roberto__peter: are you using kubunut or server edition? why isn't it finding gtk ?16:08
muffin2zhxk : you can make a partition and install it, then when you boot, you can choose between windows and ubuntu. It's automatically done.16:09
rocket16xevin: I see, you're right,16:09
muffin2zhxk : Ubuntu installer contains a partitioner.16:09
muffin2zhxk : Just go through instructions and you'll get what you want.16:09
_peterroberto_: using fluxbox on ubuntu 9.1016:09
roberto__peter: it's actually failing on config, before the make command16:09
]jpobea<make sure to backup before using partitioning>16:09
zhxkmuffin2:from what instuction?16:09
guntbert_peter: whatever they say: you need root priviledges for the actual install but not for the compilation -- but thats not your real problem at the moment :-/16:09
bazhang!dualboot > zhxk16:10
ubottuzhxk, please see my private message16:10
IdleOnezhxk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation16:10
muffin2zhxk : Wubi is not an option if you want to install to a real partition.16:10
_peterguntbert: okay thanks a lot ill keep it in mind16:10
muffin2zhxk : you need to see ubuntu documentation. That's the one.16:10
_peterroberto_: so i need gtk packages?16:10
]jpobealast time i used wubi on XP it messed up the security descriptors so that only admins could access anything on the drive16:10
tic^I install ubuntu 10.04 on sda2 and dual boot kubuntu 10.04 on sda6 in an extended partition. For stupid reason i also activated two swap partitions thinking sda2 would use one and sda5 would use the other. I am thinking  I am wasting disk space with two swap partitions? Both deshtops are up and running with no problems. Should I delete one swap partition?16:11
_petergtk+ should be 2.0.0?16:11
]jpobeascared me off from using it afterwards :(16:11
rocket16Friends, I made a PDF book, on why to use Linux. It is here, at http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ynygmlzluzw (I borrowed many points from Internet). If anybody likes, please consider sending your own points. (Sorry, if I had been offtopic, but this is one of our tools for local Ubuntu and Linux campaign).16:11
_peterroberto_: gtk+ should be 2.0.0?16:11
roberto__peter: ok, that explains it. yea, you're gonna need to install gtk+ .. just a sec I'll see if I can verify what deb packages that it for you16:11
xevinrocket16: you know where can i get color schemes for anjuta? or does gedit color schemes compatible too?16:11
rocket16xevin: Sorry friend, but I'm not aware of any such, :(16:12
Polemusanyone have an idea how to get lightscribe functionality on lucid x64?16:12
siavashserverHi, I'm going to buy a new ink printer, which brand/model would you recommend that it's compatible with ubuntu and ofcourse has a good quality ? (price range: $50-$120)16:13
woojget laser.  ink costs more than unicorn blood.16:13
roberto__peter: haha I gotta tell you, I don't even know what package that is16:13
roberto__peter: sorry man16:13
xangua!printer > siavashserver16:13
ubottusiavashserver, please see my private message16:13
bazhangsiavashserver, check linuxprinting.org for linux compatible printers16:14
_peterroberto_: sudo apt search gtk+ gives me lots of options :p should i install the gtk2-engines?16:14
xevinrocket16: no worries my friend.16:14
roberto__peter: oo I just found it -- sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev16:14
Polemusanyone have an idea how to get lightscribe functionality on lucid x64?16:14
siavashserverthanks guys!16:14
=== ]jpobea is now known as nael
xevinrocket16: in other hand, u know where i can find anjuta files?16:14
_peterroberto_: ah cool thats it yes16:14
=== xeer0 is now known as xero
ubuntuhi, I need help with partitions. I want some 20GB to ext4 and I want it to use as a data partition (not home). What mount point should I use>16:15
=== xero is now known as Guest7147
_peterroberto_: jeez 50 unneeded mb's just to build drivers :p16:15
=== ubuntu is now known as vik
BLACKROCKBINXONhola a todos lo que hablen españolll16:16
=== vik is now known as vik22
theadminubottu: es | BLACKROCKBINXON16:16
ubottuBLACKROCKBINXON: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:16
xangua!es > BLACKROCKBINXON16:16
ubottuBLACKROCKBINXON, please see my private message16:16
abhi_69hi all16:16
roberto__peter: it's really strange to link to a usersapce app from a kernel module .. htat probably won't be necessary after install16:16
vik22hi, I need help with partitions. I want some 20GB to ext4 and I want it to use as a data partition (not home). What mount point should I use?? Please help, I am on liveCD.16:16
rocket16abhi_69: Hello, :D16:16
overmind!ops | BLACKROCKBINXON is evading a ban16:16
ubottuBLACKROCKBINXON is evading a ban: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!16:16
jpds!es | BLACKROCKBINXON16:17
ubottuBLACKROCKBINXON: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:17
bazhangovermind, no he's not16:17
roberto__peter: probably just builds optional commandline tools16:17
macoovermind: was not banned, so not evading16:17
rocket16overmind: He was just kicked, not banned, :)16:17
_peterroberto_:  sweet so i can probably remove them after install :)16:17
overmindahhh, okay16:17
overmindmy fault, sorry16:17
roberto__peter: go for it :) I would16:17
bazhangovermind, no worries16:17
aciculavik22, a data partition that is not home? then  mount it under a mount point under /media16:17
rocket16overmind: N problem, :)16:18
tic^I install ubuntu 10.04 on sda2 and dual boot kubuntu 10.04 on sda6 in an extended partition. For stupid reason i also activated two swap partitions thinking sda2 would use one and sda5 would use the other. I am thinking  I am wasting disk space with two swap partitions? Both deshtops are up and running with no problems. Should I delete one swap partition?16:18
vik22acicula, there's no such an option16:18
aciculavik22, you have to define an entry under /media16:18
Oicu812anyone know how to get rid of the "AMD unsupported hardware" logo?16:18
XethronBluesKaj, Thanks so much! Everythings back to normal16:18
d0s4gwHey, I just upgraded to 10.04 and my monitor resolution is all messed up.  I already tried modifying /etc/X11/xorg.conf to add my resolution (1280x1024) and no luck.  Any suggestions on how to get my monitor to use the appropriate resolution?16:19
vik22acicula, there's no such option. It's perhaps already used16:19
bazhangtic^, any reason not to have kubuntu and ubuntu on the same install? then switch between them at login screen?16:19
XethronDoes anyone know thou how to get Ubuntu faster? I have a really slow PC and its not performing very well... Help?16:19
aciculavik22 oh like so if you are partitioning just name and label the disk, and format options etc, but dont specify a mount point, it will default to /media when you want to access it from ubuntu16:19
aciculavik22, default to /media/<disklabel>16:19
tic^bazhang: I like the desktops clean in there own partitions.16:19
bazhangXethron, try something lighter like lxde16:19
bazhangXethron, how much ram what cpu16:20
rocket16tic^: I think, delete Kubuntu, and use Kubuntu-Desktop on Ubuntu, as an extra installation16:20
aciculavik22, you should be able to provide a custom mount point during partitioning though16:20
roberto_how do I get /usr/bin/env ruby to work with ruby1.9.1 ? "/usr/bin/env ruby >> /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory"16:20
theGmanStill being VERY new to how ubuntu does stuff, where would I go to just set my dns? I don't want to do it in the Newtwork Mgr since doing it there wants you to set an ip, and I need the dhcp funct. But need a faster dns...?16:20
aciculaRobertf, update-alternatives16:20
_peterroberto_: still the same error on build, so the gtk error in config was not causing the make modules to fail build ..16:20
roberto_how do I get /usr/bin/env ruby to work with ruby1.9.1 ? "/usr/bin/env ruby >> /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory" -- I know how to make a sym link but .. should I be manually doing that with ruby ?16:20
acicularoberto_, update-alternatives to select a default16:21
vik22acicula, so should I set to 'media'? that's it? just write it down?16:21
tic^rocket16: I don't like my desktops like that, to cluttered for me.16:21
roberto__peter: you ran configure again after installing the dev .deb ?16:21
niko-mojoHi team - trying to launch Catalyst Control Centre Linux Edition but getting initialisation error. It says that the ATI driver is not functioning properly . Not sure where to start ? aticonfig is not working either.16:21
aciculavik22, i dont understand that question16:21
babaiI cannot install lucid, when formatting and creating partitions its saying " device or resource busy, cannot create partiiton"16:21
aciculavik22, you should not mount a partition as /media16:21
aciculavik but as /media/customname16:21
_peterroberto_: yes i did, gtk version is 2.18.3 abd no errors except for build error for modules16:21
onetinsoldierhello all16:22
babaihelp neone?16:22
bazhangbabai, are the partitions mounted?16:22
tic^rocket16: am i wasting disk space using two swap partitons? Should i use one for both desktops?16:22
bazhangbabai, this is an ubuntu installer/livecd or gparted live cd16:22
_peterroberto_: http://pastebin.com/fL33J1G4 this one :)16:22
rocket16tic^: Sure, I think that'll be better, 1.4 GB common one,16:22
BluesKajXethron, glad to hear it :)16:22
babaii'm using sda1 as root and sda3 as home , its a ubuntu livecd16:23
theGmanSo is there some OTHER place I can set the DNS for ALL my conn's? I am I stuck doing it in NM?16:23
onetinsoldiertic^: i have ubuntu and kbuntu installed. i just have one swap partition shared between them16:23
vik22acicula, I have a partition that's not /home and not "/root". i want some 20 GB to format as ext4 and use as a 'D disk' in windows. I have several options for that: (/usr, /tmp and so) which should I choose?16:23
Xethronbazhang, like 350 meg ram and 900MHz AMD Duron16:23
tic^onetinsoldier: k, thanks. I'll change it.16:23
babaibazhang, i cannot even format those partitions using gparted16:24
Xethronbazhang, How do I try Ixde?16:24
onetinsoldiertic^: roger. good luck16:24
bazhangXethron, well with that small amount of ram and that cpu its not surprising; perhaps try lubuntu-desktop package (assuming this is 9.10 or later)16:24
xanguahow make 32 bits detect 4gb of ram¿16:24
aciculavik22, you cant access ext4 disks from windows16:24
bazhangXethron, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop then choose in login window16:24
roberto__peter: when you were following the instructions, did you do as it says and check for the latest version, or are you using the exact version they had in the instrucciones?16:24
bazhangxangua, install the pae kernel16:24
mattncan i have someone who is really good with virtualbox ose to whisper me?16:24
_peterXethron: what is your problem, im running ubuntu 9.10 on pentium 3 630mhz 256 mb ram try fluxbox :)16:25
vik22acicula, It not windows, Its linux.16:25
jrib!pm | mattn16:25
ubottumattn: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:25
dmaxxneed a program that can instand messenger other users that is on the same router like to,that that program exist or is it something u have 2 do in terminal?16:25
bazhangmattn, ask in the channel, also there is #vbox for more particular needs16:25
DsXackHi, how start jackd with my patchbay config, without qjackctrl?16:25
_peterroberto_: since the project is pretty much dead i was trying the same package :) just to be sure the version was working for them16:25
kleanchapHow do I stop indexing in Thunderbird?16:26
mattnok, for virtualbox ose, is it possible to use my max CPU? such as both of my dual core 64bit processors or will that be bad for my PC?16:26
aciculavik22, then mount it under /media/disk-b , you should be able to specify a custom mount point. If you dont give a mount point at all it wont be mounted on boot, but still be available under Places in the ubuntu taskbar under the lable/name you gave the disk16:26
greezmunkeyjrib: Heh, I have it fully restored :) runnin' like a top.16:26
jribgreezmunkey: cool16:26
bazhangxangua, install linux-generic-pae and it will pull in all you need16:26
mattnoh i didnt know there was vbox i will head over there16:26
roberto__peter: okay .. do this for me please: "make distclean && clear" then "./configure && make" and pastebin the results just from configure and the last make16:26
vik22acicula, Now I do not understant :)16:26
greezmunkeyjrib: just finished restoring mysql, all that lamp stuff16:26
Vigogreezmunkey: Neato, did you do from backup or the recovery console?16:27
roberto_how do I get /usr/bin/env ruby to work with ruby1.9.1 ? "/usr/bin/env ruby >> /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory" -- I know how to make a sym link but .. should I be manually doing that with ruby ?16:27
greezmunkeyVigo: mysql from a dumfile16:27
vik22acicula, I am not giving any label, how to set it?16:27
_peterroberto_: from the modules foldeR?16:27
DsXackhow start qjackctrl without suspend pulseaudio?16:28
LetsGo67How do I transfer files from Ubuntu to Ubuntu over ad-hoc?16:28
_peterroberto_: nm :p16:28
greezmunkeyVigo: I get you question, I did it all manually16:28
|corpse|Hey, is this an appropriate place for a newbie to ask for some help?16:28
bazhang|corpse|, sure16:28
MaMoUsVirtualBox usb gray out, Ubuntu 10.0416:28
Vigogreezmunkey: Sweet, I am a big proponent of backups and such. I am glad that you got it up and running.16:28
onaoghLetsGo67, u established ad-hoc connection ?16:28
LetsGo67onaogh: I can.  Then...16:29
onetinsoldierdmaxx: perhaps what you're looking for is 'xipmsg'16:29
onaoghsimply share files LetsGo6716:29
onetinsoldier!info xipmsg | dmaxx16:29
ubottudmaxx: xipmsg (source: xipmsg): A pop up style message communication software. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8088-2 (lucid), package size 34 kB, installed size 228 kB16:29
greezmunkeyVigo: All I have left is Virtualbox, but I needed to update it anyway. Install, and apply my .vdi file and I'm done16:29
onaoghLetsGo67, if u got cross cable, u could connect them both.16:29
|corpse|I am using lucid. I am having a problem getting my ATI mobility x600 card working. I have tryed a few fixed and looked all over google but cant seem to get it recognized16:29
vik22I need to some help with partitions. I am on liveCd now and I would appreaciate if anyone who is good on that would give me a hand. Thanks16:30
=== TannerF is now known as TannerF-boxee
krazykrivdai can't install ubuntu.. i get {initramfs} Unable to find a medium containing a live file system16:30
Polemushow to run rpm package?16:30
MaMoUsVirtualBox usb gray out, Ubuntu 10.0416:30
IdleOne!alien | Polemus16:30
ubottuPolemus: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)16:30
bazhangPolemus, you don't want to generally, find the equivalent deb16:30
LetsGo67onaogh: That's not possible.  Ad-hoc is my best bet.16:30
Vigogreezmunkey: I would suggest a good backup plan after first boot and on a regular basis.16:30
_peterroberto_: http://pastebin.com/c95FrT7t is output16:31
IdleOnePolemus: search in Synaptic Package manager for what you want. there is probably a .deb version already16:31
bazhangMaMoUs, virtualbox-ose?16:31
Noianois it possible to install ubuntu via lan?I mean netboot works but it downloads packages from the internet, i want to make it download from local lan...how to do it?16:31
mumhello, i'm trying to get usb dvd-drive mounted - dmesg&lsusb show device when plugged in, but I don't know what device to use to mount it. I have no /dev/sr016:31
jetli68hi there16:31
MaMoUsno normal Virtualbox.org16:31
onaoghLetsGo67, if u got cross cable, then it is possible, just matter of setting up connection16:31
Polemusit's for lacie lightscribe labeler... there is only a rpm version for linux16:31
roberto__peter: congradulations! it worked16:31
jetli68can any body help me out please with ubuntu 10 problem ?16:31
roberto__peter: lol16:31
aguitelhow install nvidia driver in lucid?16:32
bazhangjetli68, ask first16:32
_peterroberto_: hehe now the modules16:32
roberto__peter: continue with the istructions from "make" -- good luck man16:32
jetli68i upgraded 9 to 10 today16:32
bazhangaguitel, via system administration hardware drivers16:32
jetli68it was working ok then  pc crashed16:32
aguitelbazhang, it don't find propietaries drivers16:33
roberto_someone please -- how do I get /usr/bin/env ruby to work with ruby1.9.1 ? "/usr/bin/env ruby >> /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory" -- I know how to make a sym link but .. should I be manually doing that with ruby ?16:33
Vigo!restricted | aguitel16:33
ubottuaguitel: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:33
Polemuswhere is "Synaptic Package manager"16:33
LetsGo67onaogh: But I can only use Ad-Hoc in my situation.16:33
|corpse|when i run aticonfig -initial i get aticonfig: No supported adapters detected16:33
doomedcan you see me?16:33
KubaWhat would be the best way to change the default boot entries order in lucid (standard grub2)? I want windows to be the default one ;)16:33
bazhangPolemus, under system administration16:33
bazhangaguitel, what card16:33
minimec|corpse|: What are the symptoms. Do you have 3D rendering problems, or no GUI at all? Here you would get some info about the current features of the opensource driver depending on the chip. with lspci | grep VGA you will get some info abour your card.16:33
guntbertPolemus: system/administration/synaptic16:34
krazykrivdai can't install ubuntu.. i get {initramfs} Unable to find a medium containing a live file system anyone know what i shold do16:34
minimec|corpse|: http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/ATIRadeon16:34
xanguaKuba with startupmanager16:34
aguitelbazhang, GeForce FX 520016:34
doomedi have a big problem. i changed my splash screen and i cant start ubuntu :(16:34
_peterroberto_: error with make modules :(16:34
doomedany help?16:34
guntbertkrazykrivda: from what media are you booting?16:34
bazhangdoomed, what with16:34
Polemusargh... there is nothing for lacie / lightscribe16:34
jetli68and when i  started it again it says checking disk  then it come up  saying  serious  problems found   f to fix i to ignore  and then m to manual recover i press f and it come up saying disk not ready or not found16:34
Vigoaguitel: Those are in the repositories listed under Restricted , most proprietary drivers and such are listed in that area.16:34
vik22what mount point should I use for my data partition?16:35
Kubaxangua: What if I wanted something non-GUI? :)16:35
|corpse|I first noticed the issue when i tryed load desktop effects. when i select normal extra advanced or custom i get a few screen flasked then the error could not load desktop effects16:35
roberto__peter: oo try the same trick again: make distclean && make16:35
jetli68so i  tryied m for manul recovery but i just end up at root16:35
xanguaKuba edit the grub file directly16:35
doomedbazhang: i changed my boot screen/splash screen. now i cant boot my system16:35
krazykrivdaguntbert: CD.. i used this CD on different computer and it worked.. on this current PC it woudln't start up while i botted up.. so i did the extract files.. then reboot.. then it started install and that is what i got16:35
aguitelVigo, i know this is my driver:NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.25-pkg1.run16:35
=== Aeternus_ is now known as Proteumus
bazhangdoomed, changed it how; what error messages do you get16:35
aguitelVigo, how install with synaptic?16:36
garik1ПРИВЕТ ВСЕМ16:36
bazhangkrazykrivda, tried the alternate cd?16:36
bazhang!ru | garik116:36
ubottugarik1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:36
=== randomusr is now known as Guest78034
xangua|corpse|: in a terminal: compiz --replace16:36
xanguathere should be an error message16:36
guntbertkrazykrivda: that won't work that way16:36
Guest78034how can I connect auto mount a network drive every time I log in to Ubuntu?16:36
doomedbazhang: maybe i changed the colours to 24 and screen esolution to 1600xsomething . so this is the reson?16:36
|corpse|1:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M24 1P [Radeon Mobility X600]16:36
=== Radio-a is now known as Radio-l
krazykrivdaso what do i do?16:36
Vigoaguitel: let me pull that page up, I think those might be in Software Center, but one moment and I get the page for Synaptic.16:37
doomedi am through the live cd now :(16:37
aguitelVigo, thanks16:37
LetsGo67How do I transfer files over ad-hoc please?16:37
|corpse|compiz (core) - Fatal: Software rendering detected. compiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0 compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.016:37
Vigoaguitel: Here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:38
roberto__peter: the problem is, whoever prepped that driver before packaging it prepped it for the wrong arcitecture and didn't make it clean before distributing it. It's building for x486 or something and you have a different processor. so every play where you build something in that package, you have to preface it with "make distclean && ..."16:38
icedwaterHello! Is it possible for me to run without qmgr/pickup which are started by the postfix user?16:38
doomedits an urgency. somebody please help16:38
icedwaterWhat are they used for?16:38
victoriahello, I have a problem with firefox, sounds in flash work for some time and then it stops? anyone?16:38
Guest78034where is the config file that determines mounting files on boot?16:38
krazykrivdaguntbert: what do you sugest?16:38
icedwaterGuest78034: Mounting filesystems, you mean?16:38
minimec|corpse|: Ok. So As I read in wikipedia, your card is basically a radeon 9600 with a PCIe. I maybe have a solution for you...16:38
dmaxxxipmsg don't seems 2 work that way i was thinking,i wish a program that can send a instand messenger to other "intruders"that is using u u router...16:39
Guest78034icedwater, I believe so. I want to mount an smb share which I can connect to just fine, but have to enter my password each time16:39
aguitelVigo, there are many package with nvidia 173. options16:39
gooncorpGuest78034: /etc/fstab16:39
_peterroberto_: same error: /home/peter/data/em8300-0.17.0/modules/Kbuild:67: /Rules.make: No such file or directory16:39
LetsGo67How do I access and transfer files by ad-hoc from Ubuntu to Ubuntu please?  Both 10.0416:39
icedwaterHmm ... I don't know too much stuff about it, but /etc/fstab and looking up some discussions online will help you there.16:39
naplesafter getting to know lucid, I set up my social networking (facebook) and installed pidgin.  now the 'broadcast accounts' window will not open, and gwibber will not run at all.  how to fix?16:39
Guest78034gooncorp, will that work for and smb share?16:39
Polemushow to add a shortcu on desktop that will execute sudo command?16:39
victoriaI don't see settings for sound in Firefox, sound overall works16:39
Vigoaguitel: Yes, that is where the Forums and the Hardware page comes in handy, pulling up Hardware for you now.16:39
icedwaterGuest78034: no reason it shouldn't, it's just another filesystem in a sense.16:40
=== TannerF-boxee is now known as TannerF-afk
icedwaterPolemus: tried gksudo yet?16:40
Polemusnope.. i'm a noob :).. soz... but thanx, i'll try it out16:40
roberto__peter: oo16:40
Guest78034icedwater, so if I save the password last time I logged in I should be able to add the path to the server share and it will work?16:40
_peterroberto_: ?16:41
roberto__peter: I dunno man, I'm looking :D16:41
LetsGo67(Lost messages) How do I transfer files ad-hoc Ubuntu to Ubuntu 10.04 each please?16:41
justin22885question, does anyone else here have an issue with 64-bit flash being laggy if its used too long?16:41
victoriaany alternatives to firefox in Ubuntu?16:41
icedwaterGuest78034: Hang on, I'll see if I can find anything online for you.16:41
xangua!browser | victoria16:41
ubottuvictoria: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)16:41
bazhangnaples, /msg ubottu16:42
Guest78034icedwater, I know. I've used google but it's been difficult to find what I needed16:42
victoriaalright, will try, thanks!16:42
gooncorpvictoria, also google chrome16:42
roberto__peter: do a "find .. -type f -name "Rules.make" and see if there are any of those things in there? it might be that the instructions are out of sync with the package they linked to16:42
MikeChelenvictoria: chromium is good too16:42
xanguaand also chromium and midori victoria16:42
icedwaterLetsGo67: How do you mean? From the liveCD environment onto a disk you have on your computer?16:42
MikeChelenyeah chrome/chromium16:42
naplesbazhang, ubottu doesnt know anything about fixing my issue16:42
SaMeMikeChelen, i lilke firefox too16:42
freemanhey:  I removed my "MAIL" applet that handled Empathy and Evolution.... How do I get it back?16:43
LetsGo67IcedWater: I have files on computer A that I want to send to computer B.  Both 10.0416:43
bazhangnaples, no matter. don't flood the channel like that16:43
MikeChelenSaMe: yeah firefox is still my favorite16:43
naplesbazhang, thank you so much!16:43
naplesbazhang, have a great day!16:43
_peterroberto_: command has no output16:43
IdleOnenaples: what is not working?16:43
LetsGo67IcedWater: from one hard disk to the other over wifi16:43
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
minimec|corpse|: The r300 radeon driver may have some problems with AGP/PCI. Try this. You can always undo these changes, by deleting the file you created and then running update-initramfs... again https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/413259/comments/3016:44
* freeman raises his hand with a question regarding applets16:44
IdleOne!ask | freeman16:44
ubottufreeman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:44
dmaxxxipmsg don't seems 2 work that way i was thinking,i wish a program that can send a instand messenger to other "intruders"that is using u u router...16:44
freemanlol oops16:44
naplesIdleOne, the gwibber application or social integration etc16:44
freemanmy MAIL applet is gone, I dont know how to recover it, it was SOOO handy!16:44
IdleOnenaples: more details please16:44
onetinsoldierdmaxx: roger. i don't know16:44
icedwaterLetsGo67: Hmm ... I guess Ubuntu One is an option to do so? :P16:44
LetsGo67IcedWater: 20GB16:44
freemanit handled evolution AND empathy16:45
Xethron_peter, whats fluxbox?16:45
IdleOnefreeman: right click on the panel and then Add to panel. you want Indicator session I believe it is called16:45
naplesIdleOne, maybe its me... my facebook and google talk status is offline16:45
Natoïðèâåò âñåì16:45
_peterXethron: !fluxbox |Xethron16:45
_peter!fluxbox |Xethron16:45
ubottuXethron: fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox16:45
freemanIdleOne:  CLOSE, but that's the wrong applet16:45
|corpse|minimec:  ok I will try that right now, thanks for looking that up.  Also i just found this in atisysteminfo.txt. im not sure if it helps at all or not -- EE) RADEON(0): [dri] RADEONDRIGetVersion failed because of a version mismatch. [dri] This chipset requires a kernel module version of 1.17.0, [dri] but the kernel reports a version of 2.0.0.[dri] If using legacy modesetting, upgrade your kernel.16:45
naplesIdleOne, and 'broadcast accounts' window does not open anymore16:45
freemanthat applet has the "power" symbol16:45
freemanim looking for the one with the "mail" symbol16:46
SaMeAs was the Ubuntu Developer Week?16:46
LetsGo67IcedWater: How is it done with a crossover cable?  How is it different with Wi-FI?16:46
XethronIf fluxbox better than xfc and lxde?16:46
greezmunkey_jrib: Chatting on xchat in virtual XP machine!16:46
zipperer hey16:46
zipperi need some assistance in looking for some applications16:46
_peterXethron: u can install by opening terminal and sudo apt-get install fluxbox, then logout and select fluxbox out sessions at the bottom of ur login screen when u have clicked pwd field16:46
=== Radio-l is now known as Radio-a
naplesIdleOne, i used to click the symbol beside my username and had a box that i could type into.  This would update my FB status right then and there.  the box is gone, broadcast accounts is gone16:47
greezmunkey_greezmunkey: testing16:47
minimec|corpse|: I think we have to investigate this, as we have a bug pending with radeon 9600 mobility users with Xorg freezes.16:47
SaMewhat's the topic???16:47
IdleOnenaples: click on your username. it was moved there16:47
zipperi need some assistance in looking for some applications16:48
Xethron_peter, but what makes it better to, lets say, lxde?16:48
minimec|corpse|: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/56178916:48
Vigoaguitel: Ok, there are many variants on that one, as I see now.16:48
naplesIdleOne, no box there16:48
aguitelVigo, ok16:48
oddbioso in Ubuntu 10.04 to make a modification to grub it is sufficient to simply edit grub.conf alone? I don't have to run an additional command to update grub?16:48
zippercan any1 assist me16:48
icedwaterLetsGo67: I don't think there's a difference between a crossover cable and a 'normal' network cable on Linux, because I've been using a crossover for my LAN connection anyway.16:48
icedwaterzipper: Sure, if you ask directly what applications you're looking for.16:49
roberto__peter: I think that package is bad because the only mention of a Rules.make file .. anywhere in the whole package, is in that one Kbuild file.16:49
=== Radio-a is now known as Radio-l
IdleOnenaples: not sure how to help you sorry. I would suggest you rephrase your question and give a little more detail about what you want and what is happening.16:49
LetsGo67IcedWater: I'd rather do it on Wi-Fi than with a 4GB USB.  :(16:49
Vigoaguitel: Is it the Geoforce 5550fx?16:49
_peterXethron: u mean lubuntu?16:49
|corpse|minimec:  Ahh, thanks. ill go though this info and see if i can find out anything16:49
aguitelVigo, GeForce FX 520016:49
naplesIdleOne, its ok im going to reinstall16:49
roberto__peter:  find . -type f -exec grep Rules.make {} \;  | wc -l >> 116:49
roberto__peter: get the newer version from that link in the instructions16:50
airtonixicedwater, are you serious...? of course there is a difference. but its not something that concers layer 716:50
IdleOnenaples: ok. seems extreme to reinstall but if you want to that is fine.16:50
zippericedwater: i am looking for jdownloader application16:50
minimec|corpse|: I subscribed and made a comment on that too. WOuld be cool if that workaround worked for you. That would give some important information about the problem...16:50
_peterkk how do i clean it all?16:51
airtonix!info tucan16:51
ubottutucan (source: tucan): Download and upload manager for 1-Click Hosters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.9-1 (lucid), package size 181 kB, installed size 1532 kB16:51
naplesIdleOne, ill have to it looks like, no big deal, we'll just try again16:51
_peterroberto_: kk how do i clean it all?16:51
Dr_WillisHmm. what is a '1 click hoster' ?16:51
LetsGo67IcedWater: Pretty please, I'm desperate.  :(  Otherwise it will be long.16:51
icedwaterzipper: What's jdownloader?16:51
Xethron_peter, jup...16:51
airtonixDr_Willis, its not a good description but its places like rapidshare16:51
|corpse|minimec: Yeah ill see what i can do here and if i get anything to work i will report back16:51
zippericedwater: an application16:51
_peterDr_Willis: probably u can host something with 1 click?16:51
icedwaterLetsGo67: Can the computers find one another in the first place?16:51
Vigoaguitel: I think I located it:> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27368216:52
icedwaterzipper: I got that much... what sort of an application?16:52
roberto__peter: cd out and rm -rf em8300-0.17.016:52
zippericedwater: download application16:52
Dr_Willisairtonix:  file a bug on the description. :)16:52
victoriachrome works, got sounds, thanks again!16:52
airtonixzipper, get tucan.16:52
LetsGo67IcedWater: I have the ad-hoc set up.  Now what?16:52
zipperairtonix: nah i just want my jdownloader16:52
minimec|corpse|: THX... We gonna track that bug!16:53
airtonixzipper, tucan easier to install16:53
|corpse|minimec: If there is any more info that you want from me that could help, just let me know. on a side note i have relized that i do not have an xorg.config file in /usr/share/X11. Not sure if thats a problem or not these days16:53
Radio-bHi, I'm sharing several directories on a Windows 7 box and would like to access them from my laptop running Lucid. The folders are shared with full access to "Everyone" but it still asks me to log in whenever I try to access the box through network places. My user name and password on the win7 machine don't work.16:53
researcher1I work in building interiors. Is it possible to find a home simulation tools in Ubuntu?16:53
zipperairtonix: i already got jdownloader installed but i can't find it16:53
rafaelsoaresbrhello, how do i do to schedule xfs_fsr to be run at system startup?16:53
airtonixzipper, locate jdown16:53
danutzmileahi guys! i've got some issues with OSS4 can anyone assist?16:53
Dr_Willisrafaelsoaresbr:  you could get it to launch from /etc/rc.local16:53
Vigoaguitel: And here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryHardware16:53
dbumHas anyone had porblems with virtualbox after upgrading to 10.04?  I had to downgrade to OSE edition..... Do I have to wait till a new Closed source comes out?16:53
Radio-bI was able to mount some of the directories using the smbfs package and a credential file so the name and password are valid16:54
aguitelVigo, i will see16:54
airtonixzipper, i assume the j in jdownloader means its a java program ?16:54
minimec|corpse|: That's ok and default, as the X server should handle all that stuff alone. No xorg.conf is needed anymore.16:54
_peterXethron: try it i bet fluxbox is faster, i never tried lxde but fluxbox is so fast on this pc :)16:54
Paddy_NIresearcher1, You could try running the app you previously used on windows on wine16:54
LetsGo67IcedWater: How do I find the computer?16:54
zipperairtonix: no its not16:54
zipperairtonix: i just need to find the exe thingy to stick it onto the panel16:54
Paddy_NI!wine | researcher116:54
ubotturesearcher1: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:54
zipperairtonix: its irritating when ya can't find the application you want on lucid16:55
icedwaterzipper: Have you tried http://ubuntuforums.orghttp://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/configure-a-system-to-automount-a-samba-share-with-etcfstab/16:55
icedwaterHang on.16:55
kurdiulinux kurdish  www.kurdiu.org      ubuntu16:55
FloodBot3icedwater: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:55
airtonixzipper, then run in a terminal : locate jdownload16:55
kurdiulinux kurdish  www.kurdiu.org      ubuntu16:55
FloodBot3kurdiu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:55
roberto_anyone know nautilus-actiones?16:55
kurdiudownload ubuntu kurdish16:55
kurdiulinux kurdish  www.kurdiu.org      ubuntu16:55
kurdiulinux kurdish  www.kurdiu.org      ubuntu16:55
_peterXethron: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-mint-84/netbooks-what-mint-lxde-or-fluxbox-or-kde-or-xfce-795590/16:55
FloodBot3kurdiu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:55
MikeChelenresearcher1: check out sweet home 3d? http://www.getdeb.net/software/Sweet%20Home%203D16:55
zipperairtonix: ok i've done that but it shows some funny stuff16:55
LetsGo67IcedWater: Please?16:55
icedwaterzipper: Have you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90498116:55
rafaelsoaresbrDr_Willis, "rc.local: This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel..."16:56
zippericedwater: Like i said before i already installed it16:56
Vigoaguitel: It looks like it is in the repositories, and yes you are correct, it is a bit difficult to determine which, Ubuntu has a GUI Hardware Listing on the machine that will show you what version and #### it is.16:56
icedwaterLetsGo67: Hmm ... install openSSH server on B, then log in to B over SSH?16:56
zippericedwater: but i can't seem to find it on e computer16:56
icedwaterzipper: Ah, I see.16:56
Dr_Willisrafaelsoaresbr:  and?16:56
icedwaterzipper: I must have missed that before somewhere.16:56
=== homer is now known as Guest61140
rafaelsoaresbrDr_Willis, what does that means?16:56
airtonixzipper, jdownloader is in fact a java program by the way.16:56
theadminAny nmap GUI?16:57
zipperairtonix: ok so now what how do i even find it?16:57
icedwaterzipper: Where did you download it to?16:57
airtonixzipper, i just told you how16:57
zipperairtonix: but i got some funny stuff16:57
dbumHas anyone had porblems with virtualbox after upgrading to 10.04?  I had to downgrade to OSE edition..... Do I have to wait till a new Closed source comes out?16:57
airtonixzipper, im not amused16:57
=== freevryheid is now known as fvs
zipperairtonix: kenneth@kenneth:~$ locate jdownload /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jd-team-jdownloader-lucid.list /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_jd-team_jdownloader_ubuntu_dists_lucid_Release /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_jd-team_jdownloader_ubuntu_dists_lucid_Release.gpg /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_jd-team_jdownloader_ubuntu_dists_lucid_main_binary-i386_Packages16:57
roberto_how can I bind altgr+ñ key as a dead key for the ~ accent so I can write things like não (portuguese) ?16:57
onetinsoldiertheadmin: yes... there's more than one. the default one is zen16:57
Dr_Willisrafaelsoaresbr:  its the last thing ran  as part of the boot up process.  after all other services and things startup. Its a 'catch all' script to do whatever else dosent really fit anywhere else. or for wuick and dirty starting of various commands/services16:57
xanguazipper: you can easyly install jdownloader with their PPA http://www.sucka.net/2010/05/install-jdownloader-via-ppa-repository/16:57
zipperoh god save me16:57
LetsGo67IcedWater: I guess USB is more stable and convenient for now.16:57
theadminonetinsoldier: zen? I'll try that16:57
zipperairtonix: can we talk in pm?16:58
icedwaterHey, how come zipper didn't get the flood warning? He pasted 3x the amount of text I did.16:58
CloudMonkeedid they fix ubuntu 10.04 window manager's bugs???16:58
airtonixzipper, no.16:58
onetinsoldiertheadmin: hmmm, i might now have that right.. hang on16:58
rafaelsoaresbrDr_Willis, okay, thanks, I'm going to try16:58
icedwaterLetsGo67: doesn't WiFi and SSH work for you?16:58
Dr_Willisicedwater:  it was on 1 line. :)16:58
niko-mojoHi chaps - anyone know anything about installing FGLRX graphics drivers for ATI/AMD on Karmic ? I keep getting a black screen ?16:58
icedwaterSo was mine, I think.16:58
Dr_Willisicedwater:  file a bug report.16:58
theadminonetinsoldier: It's "zenmap", found it16:58
airtonixzipper, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/install-jdownloader-via-ppa-repository.html16:59
onetinsoldiertheadmin: roger.. that's it!16:59
icedwaterDr_Willis: where?16:59
Vigotheadmin: as was stated there are a few, zenmap looks like one of the popular ones.16:59
minimecniko-mojo: Did you use the official ubuntu-version via the HArdware-driver menu?16:59
Dr_Willisicedwater:  no idea. i doubt if its going to matter anyway16:59
airtonixzipper, are you using gnome ?16:59
theadminVigo: Trying it out on a friends computer... :D Finally an easy way to configure all those settings16:59
zipperairtonix: havn't u've been reading?17:00
CloudMonkeedid they fix ubuntu 10.04 window manager bugs?????? there is a big one that makes your window managing top bars dissapear-- you won't be able to manipulate wher eyour screen can move and what not...17:00
niko-mojominimec - I think so17:00
Vigotheadmin: Ever used Wireshark?17:00
obscurant1sti am setting up ics as in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless , but what i should put as gateway for the wireless adapter ?17:00
* icedwater nodes at Dr_Willis.17:00
zipperairtonix: i have already installed it on lucid but can't find it even using locate because i have no idea how to read COMPUTER!17:00
theadminVigo: Wireshark? No, why? Nmap seems to be awesome17:00
minimecniko-mojo: I that a fresh install? Why Karmic and not 10.04 Lucid?17:00
onetinsoldiertheadmin: i usually just downalod the latest nmap source code, compile it, and then use 'checkinstall' to install it. and it... comes with a frontend as well. just fyi17:00
icedwaterzipper: How did you 'install' it?17:00
airtonix /picard17:00
zhxkcan i config wubi?17:00
zippericedwater: i used wget17:00
=== Radio-l is now known as Radio-a
Vigotheadmin: zenmap is about the best, yes.17:00
_peterXethron: i dont know man, lot of people seem to agree that ubuntu is worst distro for lxde and great for fluxbox..17:00
theadminonetinsoldier: I'd use the repo version as long as it's not way behind17:00
rafaelsoaresbrDr_Willis, is that script run as "root"? and, must that script be executable (chmod -x)?17:01
CloudMonkeewow, you guys aren't experiencing that bug that ubuntu 10.04 has?17:01
theadminCloudMonkee: There are a lot of bugs in it. Which one?!17:01
niko-mojominimec - you reckon I should upgrade17:01
macoCloudMonkee: "that bug"...so descriptive17:01
LetsGo67IcedWater: I've tried that before and it was MUCH slower than USBs.17:01
onetinsoldiertheadmin: roger. the repo have version 5.00. source is at 5.2117:02
Vigotheadmin: Here is a wireshark if you wish:> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/wireshark.1.html17:02
minimecniko-mojo: Well... What should I say. If it is a clean install, start from zero and install 10.04. Otherwise, it is your choice.17:02
airtonixzipper, now you're being hilarious17:02
theadminVigo: nmap does it for now17:02
zipperseems like no 1 can help me =.=17:03
icedwaterLetsGo67: Ah, OK.17:03
obscurant1sti am setting up ics as in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless , but what i should put as gateway for the wireless adapter ?17:03
Vigotheadmin: That is about or one of the most popular and us a great utility.17:03
Dr_Willisrafaelsoaresbr:  it is ran by  the system so is ran by root..  and its ran by a service. you dont mess with its mode.17:03
icedwaterzipper: Then you've just downloaded it. Where did you run the wget command?17:03
LetsGo67IcedWater How did you transfer files?17:03
theadminI found some weird ports open on one place. What would ports 34571-34573 be for?17:03
Dr_Willisrafaelsoaresbr:  put commands befor the last exit statement. and be sure they 'return' if you have more then 1 command,17:03
LetsGo67IcedWater Have you done this before?17:03
icedwaterLetsGo67: I usually use scp to do remote file transfer.17:03
doomedcan you see me now?17:03
duffydackI need a sound for email notify, is there anytihng supplied with ubuntu somewhere?17:03
theadmindoomed, no17:04
Dr_Willisdoomed:  no we cant. :)17:04
niko-mojominimec - what is your reasoning behind that suggestion ?17:04
LetsGo67IcedWater: It's much faster on Ethernet, isn't it?17:04
doomedtheadmin: haha thank god. please help me.17:04
duffydack....and not sounds supplied with empathy etc...which are more like little blips.17:04
Polemusdoes anyone know of lightscribe software for ubuntu?17:04
icedwaterOf course.17:04
maco!caps | zipper17:04
xangua(10:57:40) xangua: zipper: you can easyly install jdownloader with their PPA http://www.sucka.net/2010/05/install-jdownloader-via-ppa-repository/ - noone because you ignore them¿17:04
ubottuzipper: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:04
doomedi messed up with my boot screen Dr_Willis theadmin17:04
icedwaterzipper: relax. I meant which directory.17:04
rafaelsoaresbrDr_Willis, all right, thanks, reboot now :)17:04
* zipper stabs himself17:05
icedwaterzipper: Also, you should be able to tell the difference between installing and downloading. wget only does the downloading and not the installing.17:05
theadminzipper: jdownloader installer puts it in $HOME/.jdownloader - but you can run the installer anytime you wanna run jd17:05
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:05
minimecniko-mojo: As I now, there were some small changes in the partitioning syste that might speed up your harddisk. An update would use the old karmic partition settings. The blocks are setted differently. 10.04 is an long time support distro.17:05
justin22885so.. any idea how to make 64-bit flash not lag?17:05
zippertheadmin: i just wanna put it on the panel thats all but where is the $home folder?17:05
minimecniko-mojo: It's coole to have a clean LTS install imho...17:06
doomedcan you please tell me how can i boot my system again? its not booting now after i changed some parameters XD i think my graphics card isnt capable of it17:06
manishejustin22885: did you install 64bit beta from adobe site?17:06
theadminzipper: Where? Run this: "echo $HOME"17:06
Polemusdoes anyone know of lightscribe software for ubuntu?17:06
justin22885yes i did17:06
icedwaterLetsGo67: I don't always have the luxury of a wired connection to my remote computer :)17:06
icedwatertheadmin: Ouch.17:06
renatahello, how to mount several partitions which are not mounted on boot?17:06
theadminicedwater: ?17:06
manishejustin22885: i mean this .so file in firefox directory17:06
justin22885even though it sucks, its still better than the alternatives17:06
niko-mojominimec - how is this related to my graphics card issue17:06
LetsGo67IcedWater: So then how many megabytes per second?17:06
icedwaterOh, I thought that was sarcasm, missed the question in between.17:06
justin22885which directory would it be?17:06
doomedor can you tell me where is the data stored about the boot screen? like the conf file17:06
IdleOnePolemus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe17:06
manishejustin22885: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html copy it into /home/.mozilla/firefox/plugins17:07
zippertheadmin: i am @ $home but i can't find .jdownloader...17:07
minimecniko-mojo: Well. If you are lucky, your problem is gone, otherwise you will have the same problem...17:07
theadminicedwater: :D Well, happens to everyone17:07
justin22885hah, i did that once and it didnt work manishe17:07
icedwaterI was happy with 0.5MB/s, I never had to transfer 20GB online.17:07
doomedand now you are behaving as if i am invisible :( maybe i should wait for someone to help me :(17:07
minimecniko-mojo: ... as most people here have upgraded, you might have better support.17:08
theadminzipper: It starts with a dot, that means the folder is hidden. In Nautilus ("File manager"), hit Ctrl+H to show hidden files and folders17:08
|corpse|minimec: I am unable to do the workaround. I don't have radeon.conf in /etc/modprobe.d17:08
niko-mojominimec - how long does the upgrade take - will try it as a first step17:08
theadmindoomed: Sorry, but that's how it works mate, they only help if they can. If not, they don't say anything17:08
manishejustin22885: it works perfectly for me, so i didn't know how to help you17:08
doomedtheadmin: ok thanks. i will wait :(17:08
icedwaterdoomed: Which parameters did you change, could you tell meabout your problem again please?17:09
nelson_Is someone here with ireport or jasperreport installed on ubuntu ?17:09
minimec|corpse|: You have to create that one like <alt>F2 gksuo 'gedit /etc/modprobe.d/radeon.conf'17:09
zippertheadmin: its not inside the hidden file17:09
Six6siXis there a way to create a root password?17:09
xangua(10:57:40) xangua: zipper: you can easyly install jdownloader with their PPA http://www.sucka.net/2010/05/install-jdownloader-via-ppa-repository/ - easier imposible, the last time i repeat it'cause looks like you put me in /ignore :(17:09
mumhelp me mount external dvd - I have no /dev/sr0 etc...17:09
roberto_how can I bind altgr+ñ key as a dead key for the ~ accent so I can write things like não (portuguese) ?17:09
Polemus IdleOne: thanx17:09
onetinsoldierzipper: sudo updatedb17:09
theadminzipper: I'd assume they changed something... hm.17:09
icedwaterI think you can try booting with a liveCD or something.17:09
justin22885it just lags if im doing more than one thing with flash it seems17:09
minimec|corpse|: or sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/radeon.conf in a console.17:09
onetinsoldierzipper: when the updatedb finishes the do... locate <file>17:09
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onetinsoldierzipper: when the updatedb finishes then* do... locate <file>17:09
icedwaterI may have missed some details, doomed, but I didn't see what you changed to make your system unbootable.17:10
IdleOnePolemus: sure thing just make sure to read through it first.17:10
theadminminimec: Woah there, you don't "sudo gedit" these days, dangerous17:10
minimecniko-mojo: depends on the internet speed and the power of your machine...17:10
theadminminimec: you "gksudo gedit"17:10
|corpse|minimec:ah, ok. brb17:10
doomedicedwater: i installed the starup screen manager. it allowed me to modify the boot screen. i chose the 24bit screen and 1600x1200 resolution. now when i restarted it isnt loading after the grub menu. i think my graphic card gets stuck17:10
icedwaterOh, OK.17:10
zipperonetinsoldier: FINALLY thanks man17:10
guntbert!noroot | Six6siX17:10
ubottuSix6siX: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.17:10
onetinsoldierzipper: you're welcome17:11
minimectheadmin: I told him both options, and why don't we use sudo gedit?17:11
niko-mojominimec - ok , new machine so should take long - :)17:11
theadminminimec: Because it uses root's configs17:11
niko-mojominimec : not take long ...17:11
rafaelsoaresbrDr_Willis, that worked, thanks17:11
doomedicedwater: any help?17:11
zipperonetinsoldier: now i've got another problem17:11
minimectheadmin: I see... THX17:11
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:11
icedwaterI'm not too sure about your case, but maybe you can try booting with a live USB or CD, then going into chroot and changing the screen resolution there. Or something like that.17:11
PolemusIdleOne: I installed a previous version of lacie using terminal... how can i uninstall it now?17:11
airtonixzipper, i already told you that. and ~/.jdownloader won't contain the program.17:12
zipperonetinsoldier: can't seem to run the system17:12
IdleOnePolemus: what command did you use to install?17:12
Six6siXnevermind i've managed to do sudo su & passwd to set the password17:12
zipperairtonix: i prolly missed that but thanks...17:12
theadminHoly cow! Running nmap on microsoft.com gives such a hilarious result... the guys have all ports open17:12
airtonixzipper, type in a terminal : java --version17:12
Dr_WillisSix6siX:  good luck.. dont trash your system17:12
doomedicedwater: can you tell me where is the details of the boot screen stored so that i can modify them? :( i am on the live cd now17:12
icedwaterI remember that there were some pretty dire warnings about startup manager, etc.17:12
qcjn2hi, if i make a back up from ext3 to ntfs, if i get back thes data , the permission , won't work anymore ? is that right ?17:12
PolemusIdleOne: sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i 4l_1.0-r6_i386.deb .... but i see it's the same version:-D17:12
airtonixzipper, sorry its : java -version17:12
Dr_WillisSix6siX:  'sudo passwd' was enough :) sudo su - is redundant.17:13
zipperairtonix: java version "1.6.0_18" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8) (6b18-1.8-0ubuntu1) OpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)17:13
Six6siXbtw when you say dont trash ur system.. what do u mean?17:13
IdleOnePolemus: leave it installed. you need it17:13
airtonixzipper, same as me. jdownloader doesn't run when you type : jdownloader (press enter)17:13
Dr_WillisSix6siX:  the BIGGEST single danger ive seen to a ubuntu system - is the Users doing  somthing to trash it theirselfs..17:13
icedwaterHmm ... As I said, I'm not sure how it works exactly, but you can try installing startupmanager in the liveCD environment, hopefully if you chroot first then call it using the command line it will work.17:13
renatahow to make several partitions mount on boot?17:14
icedwater!wfm | icedwater17:14
ubottuicedwater, please see my private message17:14
PolemusIdleOne: that version doesn't allow me to create text.. only images... seems like lightscribe support is fairly limited17:14
Dr_WillisSix6siX:  so basically - if  You come back tomowwor after accidently deleting  1/2 the system..  well...17:14
zipperairtonix: uhhuh?17:14
deancI'm trying to copy a directory but it's saying cp: omitting directory `issues' when i try17:14
deancany ideas?17:14
deanci've tried cp -f too17:14
theadminrenata: /etc/fstab17:14
zipperairtonix: but previously i could get the panel from somewhere i can't rmb how come now it can't?17:14
IdleOnePolemus: I dont have lightscribe so i couldn't say how the support is17:14
guntbertSix6siX: one point of using sudo is to make you conscious of the elevated priviledges, working as root makes you sometimes forget "who you are"17:14
mumdeanc cp -R i think17:14
roberto_how can I bind altgr+ñ key as a dead key for the ~ accent so I can write things like não (portuguese) ?17:15
Six6siX... :)17:15
Dr_WillisSix6siX:  you may want to set it where the ROot prompt is a Radically diffrent color also.17:15
Dr_WillisTheres more to 'sudo' then 'the command you do to get root stuff'17:15
renatatheadmin, Ok, it looks like quantic physics to me :)17:15
Six6siXI always use su -.. so you see the # on the terminal17:15
Dr_WillisSix6siX:  you may want to read up on sudo sometime soon17:16
macoSix6siX: "sudo -i" gets you the # prompt too17:16
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zippercan any1 tell me how can i put jdownloader on the panel cause i can't seem to find it?17:16
NatoHi to All17:16
Dr_Willis!info jdownloader17:16
ubottuPackage jdownloader does not exist in lucid17:16
guntbertSix6siX: it your system - but we gave you a sincere warning17:16
Six6siXthanks.. :)17:17
Dr_Williszipper:  find its binary , add a launcher,17:17
nelson_zipper: make a launcher and drag drop it on the panel..17:17
Six6siXout of curiousity17:17
gentookittyHey, is there someone here that can assist me installing a game on ubuntu through wine?17:17
Six6siXhow would you disable the root account?17:17
justin22885.mozilla/firefox/plugins doesnt work17:17
doomedcan someone explian a little what does this mean? "<icedwater> Hmm ... As I said, I'm not sure how it works exactly, but you can try installing startupmanager in the liveCD environment, hopefully if you chroot first then call it using the command line it will work."17:17
Dr_WillisSix6siX:  it basiucally 'was' disabled..17:17
gentookittyI'm trying to install armies of exigo and I have an iso file of the game, How do i mount it in ubuntu?17:17
zipperdr_willies i can't find it17:17
airtonixzipper, what version of ubuntu are you using ?17:17
zipperdr_willies i dunno how to find it17:17
Six6siXthats what i mean ...17:17
aciculadoomed, seems you are trying to fix grub?17:18
Dr_Williszipper:  pay attention to what it installed and where. I dont know how you installed it.17:18
NatoI have a question:17:18
zipperairtonix lucid17:18
airtonixDr_Willis, via ppa.17:18
theGman(Sry, got dc'd) So is there some OTHER place I can set the DNS for ALL my conn's? I am I stuck doing it in NM?17:18
zipperDr_willis i used wget17:18
Dr_Willisairtonix:  use the package manager synaptic, find the package, check its details/properties17:18
lee_nato: what?17:18
airtonixzipper, in terminal : whereis jdownloader17:18
deancmum: thanks17:18
Dr_Williszipper:   use the package manager synaptic, find the package, check its details/properties17:18
doomedacicula: i messed up with my boot screen. i want to fix it now. i cant boot my system :( can you help?17:18
aciculatheGman, dns is typically dependent on your connection type, what are you trying to do exactly?17:18
guntbertSix6siX: read the links you got from ubottu, especially https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:18
Dr_Williszipper:  if 'jdownloader' works  from the cli.. then its in the default path.. just make the icon launch jdownloader17:19
airtonixDr_Willis, at the moment running jdownloader doesn't run it... i think there are problems with java at the moment.17:19
aciculadoomed, use the livecd to recover your system and fix grub17:19
nelson_zipper: it's usually named jd or jd.sh ... hint: it's a bash script..17:19
MikeChelenairtonix: try java --version17:19
acicula!grub | zipper here is a description on how to recover grub once you boot17:19
ubottuzipper here is a description on how to recover grub once you boot: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:19
zipperDr_willis In english please i pretty much don't understand what u said17:19
airtonixMikeChelen, i have sufficient java version to run it.17:19
onetinsoldierzipper: what's the name of the package? jdownloader? you'd do something like the following...  dpkg -L jdownloader17:19
IdleOnePolemus: see http://www.lightscribe.com/downloadsection/linux/index.aspx?id=1372 has detailed instructions17:19
roberto_I'm getting a network error with Empathy today with MSN -- it was working yesterday -- how can I view what the error is ?17:20
xanguaDr_Willis: could you tell zipper he can use the PPA¿ http://www.sucka.net/2010/05/install-jdownloader-via-ppa-repository/ looks like he put me in /ignore17:20
onetinsoldierzipper: or...  dpkg -L jdownloader | grep bin17:20
doomedacicula: ok thanks i will try17:20
lee_doomed: if you can't boot your system then how are you on here?17:20
Dr_Williszipper:  you may want to learn some more linux basics then.17:20
airtonixMikeChelen, java version "1.6.0_20"17:20
theGmanacicula: I have a usb wifi conn, but I prefer to use google's dns servers 'cause they are much faster, but I don't see how I can set it in the conn without having to mess with the ip too...17:20
Dr_Williszipper: http://www.sucka.net/2010/05/install-jdownloader-via-ppa-repository/17:20
doomedlee_: i mean cant boot my ubuntu partition. its the live cd17:20
lee_doomed: got ya, thanks17:20
aciculadoomed, with newer versions you need the grub2 version of the page i think. but it comes down to booting your livecd, selecting recovery and issuing a command that resets/reinstalls grub or grub217:20
PolemusIdleOne: thanx... i got that17:20
PolemusIdleOne: i'll keep trying17:21
MikeChelenairtonix: that sounds alright17:21
Polemusdoes anyone know how to set up a third monitor17:21
=== Radio-a is now known as Radio-l
kleanchapHow do I do a system update in Ubuntu?17:21
doomedacicula: my system doesnt boot after the grub menu. it stucks without the live cd17:21
Dr_WillisOnce installed, you can find  JDownloader within the Applications > Internet menu.17:21
aciculadoomed, you use the livecd to boot your installed system, thats what the recovery is for17:21
xclWhat's your system's version/17:22
minimecPolemus: With USB to VGA or with a added card?17:22
aciculadoomed, so you avoid using your own hosed grub install17:22
lee_kleanchap: go to system>>Administration>>Update Manager17:22
drcodehi all17:22
deancI have a database backup on server1. I have another box on the same network I can ssh to using "ssh <boxname>". How can I copy the file from the machine im on to the other networked box?17:22
aciculatheGman, select dhcp adress only and fill in your custom details17:22
Polemusone gpu(two monitors) one onbaord vga...17:22
doomedacicula: ok so what should i do now?17:22
airtonixMikeChelen, nvm its running17:22
zhxkhow can i install ubuntu harddisk way?17:22
Polemusminimec: ne gpu(two monitors) one onbaord vga...17:22
zipperdr_willies i installed it thru this .jd thingy17:22
xclWhat's your system's version/17:22
Polemusminimec: both monitors on GPU works17:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:22
bazhangzhxk, read the links sent to you17:22
drcodeI have ubuntu 9.04 with AR2413 wifi pci card, I got very slow transfer17:22
kleanchaplee_, thnx!17:22
diddlyhi all, how can i use the xf86-video-nv driver instead of nouveau?17:23
airtonixMikeChelen, i stopped the initial launch of it and it must of corrupted the ~/.jdownloader/jdupdate.jar17:23
Dr_Williszipper:  no idea. I used the ppa.17:23
bazhang!install > zhxk17:23
ubottuzhxk, please see my private message17:23
lee_kleanchap: np17:23
theGmanacicula: Does that mean I'm to specify an IP too? It's not my conn but a relative's so I'm not sure how that will work...17:23
bazhang!dualboot > zhxk17:23
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drcodeAny idea ?17:23
dnivraI know this is the wrong channel to ask but #videolan is a bit unresponsive. does anyone know a good guide on how to stream a video in VLC in ubuntu?17:23
minimecPolemus: Are both devices using opensource drivers?17:23
PolemusGPU uses nvidia rd drivers...17:23
aciculadoomed, if you insert the livecd do you get the recovery option mode at the boot?17:23
Dr_Williszipper: installing jdownloader via the ppa, and  getting flashgot going on firefox to work with it.. took me all of 30 sec.. running jdownloader now. its 'updateing' somthing17:24
Polemusminimec: GPU uses nvidia 3d drivers17:24
mumdeanc look up scp17:24
Polemusminimec: onboard doesn't get picked up by system17:24
airtonixzipper, you actually have the sources.list file for the jdownloader ppa on your system. so that leads me to believe you installed it from ppa17:24
aciculatheGman, dhco adress only does what it says, it only sets the adress and gateway received via dhcp and relies on existing or custom settings for dns etc17:24
MikeChelenairtonix: quitting while the program runs shouldn't cause problems, unless it was during the installation17:24
doomedacicula: i dont think it came. what is it called ?17:24
aciculadoomed, recovery i think17:24
MikeChelenairtonix: maybe check to see if there still a jdownloader or java process running17:24
zipperairtonix but its not inside the internet menu...17:24
|corpse|minimec: I belive i did the workaround correctly. I have no change in performance17:24
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:24
doomedacicula: ok thanks let me see17:24
airtonixMikeChelen, no. i just removed ~/.jdownloader and it started up (although it took quite a while to start up)17:24
theGmanacicula: Ah, thx. Not enough brain cells assigned to the iss. :P17:24
aciculahmm thats not it17:25
maxowhen I start ubuntu, the icon indicators in the panel don't render properly. Is anyone else having this problem?17:25
minimecPolemus: There I see a problem. First... normally onboard GPU is disapled, when another card is added. SOme BIOS allow you to reactivate teh card, some not.17:25
MikeChelenairtonix: ok, you can remove ~/.jdownloader again if it won't start now17:25
aciculadoomed if you get it right it will ask you what system disk you want to use as root, which should be the disk that holds your ubuntu installation17:25
Polemusminimec: i set onboard to "Always on" in bios17:25
Roastedis medibuntu still down?17:25
aciculadoomed, then we check the grub version with grub-install -v17:25
minimec|corpse|: I you set the snd entry for kms to '0' and run update-initramfs... ?17:25
doomedacicula: i can modify the grub list. what should i do in it now?17:26
airtonixzipper, 1) remove the ~/.jdownloader folder, in terminal type : rm ~/.jdownloader -rf  2) run jdownloader : in terminal type : /usr/bin/jdownloader17:26
danilociao sono niki17:26
deancI elevated myself using "sudo -s"17:26
aciculadooglus, im confused, you set your normal grub does not work17:26
deanchow do i go back to normal user17:26
aciculadeanc, logout17:26
guntbertdeanc: ctrl+d17:26
zipperairtonix nothing came out17:26
deancthanks guntbert17:26
|corpse|minimec: I ran the update but i did not change kms to 0, i missed that part17:26
airtonixzipper, you need to wait. java is slow17:26
netharishey guys, does any of you know what is the matter with fglrx @ 10.04?17:27
* xangua impressed of how can one make an easier task the hardest of all17:27
minimecPolemus: You could try to uninstall the nvidia dirver and use the opensource nouveau driver... NO 3d :(  With tehse settings I guess Xrander recognizes both cards.17:27
aciculanetharis, can you phrase that as a specific question17:27
pkphey, i have an issue with making a bootable usb disk17:27
* Dr_Willis wonders what jdownloader actually does.17:27
IdleOneDr_Willis: I can confirm it takes 30 seconds if that to install jdownloader from PPA17:27
airtonixzipper, if you canceled the launch then you need to remove the ~/.jdownloader folder again. because interupting the initial launch corrupts the files within.17:27
netharisfor instance, netharis@FOX:~$ fglrxinfo17:27
netharisX Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)17:27
airtonixDr_Willis, pretty much the same as tucan.17:27
pkpit makes it and when checked with fdisk, it shows that it is bootable, i think it's something to do with some BIOS thing17:28
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  taking me longer to read the docs and figure out what it does. :)  there is some JD Update going on ritght now however.17:28
zipperairtonix: Its loading shitty slow17:28
ProfessorBaconevery time i think about upgrading ubuntu i think about how much i don't want to deal with mythtv issues.  anyone have a trip report for me?  good/bad?17:28
IdleOneDr_Willis: yup same here17:28
airtonixzipper, thats java for you.17:28
aciculanetharis, what is it supposed to do/what does google say about the error?17:28
bazhangzipper, no cursing17:28
Polemusminimec: thanx... not ideal though, but let me try17:28
netharisand nexuiz and other 3d apps won't load, dealing with this error17:28
Dr_Willisairtonix:  will it help me download videos from  http://rathergood.com  :)17:28
IdleOne!language | zipper17:28
ubottuzipper: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:28
minimec|corpse|: options radeon agpmode=-1, options radeon modeset=0 <-- sudo update-initramfs -u -k all17:28
pkpbut i wanted to know, what do i add to grub.cfg to make it boot from the usb drive17:28
netharisit's a known issue but, all the solutions the say, didn't work for me17:28
airtonixDr_Willis, 1) find link for something on rapidshare 2) insert link to tucan 3) start it 4) do something else 5)marvel at automatically downloaded file from rapidshare17:28
randomusr_how can I create a shortcut that points to another folder?17:29
airtonixDr_Willis, it might do, i prefer tucan to jdownloader because the plugins are in python format.17:29
acicularandomusr_, yeah with ln17:29
Dr_Willisairtonix:  heh.. err.. i got a firefox extension that auto does that allready.. :) but  i imagine this is all against the Rapodshare EULA.17:29
netharis@randomusr_, make a symblink17:29
xanguaDr_Willis: better to just copy the videos from your /tmp directory17:29
minimec|corpse|: so '-1' forces pci mode '0' disables KMS kernel mode settings.17:29
|corpse|minimec: ok trying that now, in the workaround he has modeset=117:29
netharisln -s /something/smth17:29
airtonixDr_Willis, tucan uses some OCR lib too17:29
zipperairtonix it is still not loading i guess it hangs or something?17:29
aciculanetharis, then i dont know :/, i havent tried flgrx on my system17:30
minimec|corpse|: I now. We gonna try a variant ;)17:30
greezmunkeywould someone address me by my nick, testing notify17:30
airtonixzipper, possibly. did you remove the ~/.jdownloader directory/folder ?17:30
netharisaha, thx17:30
greezmunkeyacicula: thanks, works :)17:30
zipperairtonix Nope17:30
Dr_Willisther we go. jdownloader all installed...17:30
airtonixzipper, do that first17:30
airtonixzipper, in a terminal type : rm ~/.jdownloader -rf17:30
onetinsoldiernetharis: just want to let you know, the fglrx driver is working ok on my system. don't know what wrong on yours. sorry17:30
randomusr_netharis, how can I create a symbolic link?17:30
RevChasI've run into a weird problem. I just updated all my packages, and now I can't log in through the console, but I can log in via ssh. If I change my password to a much shorter one (8 chars instead of 13) I can log in through the console.17:31
netharisin your terminal17:31
pkphey, i have an issue with making a bootable usb disk,  it makes it and when checked with fdisk, it shows that it is bootable, i think it's something to do with some BIOS thing. but i wanted to know, what do i add to grub.cfg to make it boot from the usb drive17:31
nethariscd to the folder you would like17:31
magicbronsonhttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2 says lucid's final release would be on 4/29 -- is there a status update?17:31
netharisand enter17:31
airtonixzipper, that folder is only containing the updater and configuration (which gets replaced on first launch if its not there)17:31
netharisln -s /path/to/file17:31
zipperairtonix alright i've already done it but nothing is coming out17:31
netharisit will create a symbolic link17:31
=== beek_ is now known as kentb_
bazhangmagicbronson, long since released17:31
IdleOnemagicbronson: it has been released (on the 29th) and running nicely for me17:31
airtonixzipper, you're not supposed to recieve any output from that command17:31
magicbronsonbazhang, IdleOne: oh, thanks17:32
bazhang!notes > magicbronson17:32
ubottumagicbronson, please see my private message17:32
zipperairtonix tell u what i am gona reformat the whole thing again17:32
airtonixzipper, lol ?17:32
magicbronsonubottu: much appreciated17:32
Dr_Willisreformating to get jdownloader working? how.. weird17:32
zipperairtonix i can't take it anymore17:32
airtonixzipper, bye!17:32
onetinsoldiernetharis: do you have the following file? /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:32
|corpse|minimec: ok, changes are made. Gonna reboot and ill be back17:32
justin22885anyone know how to get transparent windows on linux?.. i have the bar at the top and the borders are transparent, but how do i get the body of the windows to do it?17:32
onetinsoldiernetharis: if not, you might need to run 'aticonfig --initial' as root17:32
netharisit's the default17:32
Dr_Willisadd a new user. run jdownloader from the menus.. it should set itself up17:32
zipperairtonix i will be back later on how to install it17:32
airtonixDr_Willis, lol17:32
minimec|corpse|: ok17:32
danilo_ciao sono niki17:33
netharisroot@FOX:/home/netharis# aticonfig --initial17:33
netharisFound fglrx primary device section17:33
netharis Unable to find any supported Screen sections17:33
Dr_Willisjustin22885:  check out compiz and the ccsm tool you can set up where ya can transparentify windows on the fly17:33
Dr_Willis!ccsm | justin2288517:33
ubottujustin22885: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz17:33
justin22885i have compiz and ccsm, however, it wont fade the body of the window, just the borders17:33
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onetinsoldiernetharis: don't know. perhaps try renaming the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and running it again17:34
Cyanide_ne v17:34
airtonixjustin22885, its not a passive effect. this only happens from user input17:34
airtonixjustin22885, the A.D.D plugin17:35
netharisdid that, restarting the x server now, thx17:35
RevChasCan anyone help me with my console login problem?17:36
Cyanide_ho un portatile che non ne vuol sapere di collegarsi alla rete protetta con wpa17:36
guntbert!it | Cyanide_17:36
ubottuCyanide_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:36
guntbertRevChas: what is the problem?17:36
atomatiI am trying to figure out why play/pause forward etc. buttons aren't responding for me when watching videos on sites. For example youtube, also other sites with video load but will not play video. I'm thinking its goto do with adobe. Can any one point me into the right direction please?17:36
Cyanide_oppsss sorry17:36
RevChasI've run into a weird problem. I just updated all my packages, and now I can't log in through the console, but I can log in via ssh. If I change my password to a much shorter one (8 chars instead of 13) I can log in through the console.17:36
undecimatomati: It's a flash bug. Nothing much you can do about it17:37
iosonoiohello! anyone know if in the ubuntu 10.04 are the rt200usb driver present?17:37
atomatioh, ok :(17:37
aguitelhow to know the drivers in use in my system17:37
undecimatomati: other than use spacebar to play/pause video and arrow keys to fast forward/rewind17:37
onetinsoldieraguitel: on the command line --> lsmod17:37
CloudMonkeeomfg get that bug that hinders the whole OS17:38
pokehHey, how can I change the RhythmBox global control hotkeys on Lucid?17:38
undecimatomati: If you click on the flash video to give it focus, you can usually use keyboard shortcuts17:38
freemananyone here using Ubuntu Lucid?17:38
aguitelonetinsoldier, thanks17:38
pokehfreeman: yes17:38
CloudMonkeeanyone get that big bug on OS 10.04 that hinders your OS from functioning correctly?17:38
Dr_Willisatomati:  some possible fix's at => http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do17:38
onetinsoldieraguitel: you're welcome17:38
freemanyou know the Mail icon? applet thingy?17:38
freemanhow do you restore it if you lose it?17:38
guntbertRevChas: one idea: it could be a matter of wrong keyboard settings - or so -- please change your password to a long one but without any "special" characters and try to login from console again17:38
iosonoiohello! anyone know if in the ubuntu 10.04 are the rt200usb driver present?17:39
nelson_pokeh: System -> preferences -> Keybindings17:39
aciculaCloudMonkee, what big bug17:39
MikeChelenfreeman: that is indicator applet?17:39
pokehfreeman: It's under add to panel17:39
minimecpokeh: I think you do that in the keyboard-shortcuts tools in the system preferences menu17:39
freemanyeah, it handles Empathy AND Evolution17:39
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CloudMonkeeacicula, it's a window's manager bug. it just stops functioning17:39
* freeman tries looking there (for the third time)17:39
atomatity for the answers, I'll start with that17:39
CloudMonkeeacicula, you can no lnoger control your windows.. i had to migrate back to 10.0417:40
freemanok ty!17:40
aciculaCloudMonkee, migrate back to 10.04 ? from where17:40
* freeman should be nominated for "Noob of the Day"|17:40
CloudMonkeei mean 9.10 hehe17:40
freemanty, MikeChelen & pokeh17:40
aciculaCloudMonkee, i see, what window manager where you using?17:40
Noiano_is it possible to perform a netinstall making client download packages from local network and not the internet?17:40
roberto_I need help with Nautilus-actions17:40
CloudMonkeethe standard one.17:40
aciculaNoiano_, yes, you have to create a local repository17:41
MikeChelenfreeman: that applet has a funny name :)17:41
pokehDoes anyone know how to configure rhymbox to support playback control with an IR remote control? I have LIRC, and my remote is being recognized and the buttons are detected when pressed, I just can't get Rhytmbox to map itself to them..17:41
aciculaCloudMonkee, did the window decorations disappear or did the screen just freeze entirely17:41
CloudMonkeeacicula, i have no rela knowledge of ubuntu. I was using the one you get automatically... Is GNOME the name of one?17:41
RevChasguntbert: That works, but I'm still puzzled because I've been using this keyboard since last year.17:42
CloudMonkeeacicula, the top window where it has the name of the box it controls dissapeared17:42
Noiano_acicula, how? I mean I successfully create the ftfp thing etc but the client connect to the internet, not to local network in order to download installation packages17:42
* Dr_Willis wonders what CloudMonkee 's original bug was.17:42
aciculaCloudMonkee, Gnome is the environment, metacity is the default windows manager17:42
theGmanHow does one downgrade a specific app to a specific vers? Wine for instance..?17:42
aciculaCloudMonkee, yeah that is metacity crashing alright17:42
bazhangtheGman, use the wine repos17:42
freemanMikeChelen: yeah it couldn't be more vague, tbh17:42
acicula!netinstall | Noiano_17:42
ubottuNoiano_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:42
Dr_Willis!pin | theGman17:42
ubottutheGman: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto17:42
CloudMonkeeacicula, how would i get passed this problem. I truly hate 9.10.17:42
bazhangtheGman, info on their site, perhaps in #winehq as well17:43
Dr_WillistheGman:  in the past ive also removed wine. then downloaded/installed the specicic version i needed17:43
magicbronsoni have update-manager-core installed but no update-manager executable is on my PATH. is there a command you can run to tell what package provides a particular executable?17:43
aciculaCloudMonkee, you'd have to start metacity manually and see the output of why it crashes17:43
RevChasguntbert: Did something change in the authentication stuff that it now won't work properly with a close paren, ), in the password?17:43
|corpse|minimec: it may have gotten worse17:43
magicbronson(trying to upgrade from karmic to lucid)17:43
minimecpokeh: In fact you have to configure gnome, as these keys are loaded with the gnome-settings-daemon. They also work with Exaile, Banshee, Listen...17:43
guntbertRevChas: it seems that there happened something in the meantime --- after log in check your keyboard - and there are keyboard settings in the gdm too17:43
magicbronson(using instructions at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2)17:43
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  if you mean the 'title bar/controlls vanished' then set up where you use metacity not compiz.17:43
CloudMonkeeacicula, is there a different windows manager htat I can use?17:43
pokehminimec: okay, how can I do that?17:43
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  the tool 'fusion-icon' can help automate this and recover when compiz crashes17:43
geolrHi there! In Nautilus how to get a adressfield where I can type17:43
theGmanDr_Willis: Thx! In an other dist I used that was "frowned upon" so I thought I had better ask first...still new to ubuntu :)17:43
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  theres dozens of window manages you can use17:44
aciculaCloudMonkee, loads, metacity and compiz are provided as default, under appearances when you select the lower listed options for more graphic gimmicks it will switch to compiz windows manager17:44
magicbronsonoh, this is a server that's not running X17:44
guntbertRevChas: no, but your keyboard may deliver a completely different character :)17:44
Dr_WillistheGman:  wine is very much a 'hammer it till it works with your app you need to run' sort of thing17:44
minimec|corpse|: Hmm... You can open a console and  'sudo rm /etc/modropbe.d/radeon.conf and then run sudo update-initramfs -u -k -all again. Like that, everythig is undone.17:44
gigasoftis ubuntu any good?17:44
blockydoes anyone know of a support channel for google docs?17:45
CloudMonkeedr_willis, wine is ajoke... especially for apps taht connect to the internet17:45
mopheadgigasoft : yes17:45
minimec|corpse|: Still... There is some hope ;)17:45
jamalhell yea17:45
jamalubuntu is good shit17:45
CloudMonkeegigasoft, how dare you ask such an obvious question! of course it is!17:45
macojamal: language17:45
jamalis the sky blue17:45
danutzmileacan anyone help me install oss4 on xubuntu 10.04? i'm really lost17:45
gigasoftwell, why it it so good?17:45
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  hmm.. from someone that dident even know what gnome was.. I dont think I put much value in that statment. sorry.   Wine has worked very well for me in a great many apps.17:45
|corpse|minimec: ok cool, im going through synaptic and removing everything that has to do with flgrx and ati, is that a bad idea?17:45
lantiziajamal, no17:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:45
jamalpop the cd in17:45
jamalboot to cd17:45
jamalinstall ubuntu17:45
FloodBot1jamal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:46
* Dr_Willis finally got wine to run Lord Of the Rings Online.17:46
CloudMonkeedr_willis, i don't like it as much. it still has bugs17:46
theGmanDr_Willis: It would seem that the "pinning" option is the opposite to what I need. I am on 10.04 and the wine vers installed is: wine-1.1.42 but I need to downgrade to at least 1.1.5...17:46
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  so does most software.17:46
jamali haven't found any pugs yet17:46
roberto_is there a chanal for gnome or nautilus ?17:46
sburwoodLet's say I have a list of people that I want to keep with various informations (address, phone number, etc).  Where do I go to find the program to organize that?17:46
minimecpokeh: Check in xev, what exact output you get, whe you press some multimedia buttons on the keyboard. You should also have that info in the shortcuts menu I told you.17:46
CloudMonkeedr_willis, wow, i can't believe you're making a big deal out of opinions17:46
guntbertroberto_: its for ubuntu in general17:46
acicularoberto_, there is #gnome probably17:46
bazhangroberto_, /msg alis list *term*17:46
nelson_roberto_, ask your question..17:46
lantiziaroberto_, you need the GNOME IRC network for those two17:47
theGmansburwood: Evolution will do that for you.17:47
lantiziaroberto_, irc.gnome.org17:47
mopheadHi everyone, I'm having trouble with flash in firefox 3.6.3. Audio won't play but video is fine.  I updated the adobe flash plugin to Ubuntu APT and it worked but when I rebooted the computer it stopped working again.17:47
roberto_lantizia: thank you17:47
respirewhat's the correct way to change the time servers ubuntu syncs with?17:47
mgolischthe official gnome channel is on gimpnet irc network17:47
theGmansburwood: There many others too. :)17:47
respiredoes it only use ntpdate not ntpd?17:47
pokehminimec: interesting, xev isn't detectic the keypresses.. however LRIC is..17:47
=== randomusr is now known as Guest58217
sburwoodtheGman: Can I use Thunderbird?  Also, I'd like to put the listing seperate from anything else17:47
greezmunkeyDoes this mean anything to you?: gdm-simple-slave[727]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': No such file or directory (from /ver/log/daemon.log)17:47
nelson_sburwood, you can find software at www.gnomefiles.org.. or in synaptic package manager..17:48
pokehminimec: Oh, and my multimedia keyboard buttons work 100% it's the remote control that isn't.17:48
minimec|corpse|: Oh my god... I really sorry, but you never told us, that I did not know, that you tried to install some fglrx packages. That driver doesn't work for more than a year now. How did you install that one?17:48
Guest58217I can't set my windows share to mount every time I boot a computer. How can this be done?17:48
sburwoodnelson_: I tried "list", "members" as filters but no go in Synaptic17:48
danutzmileai cant install oss4 on xubuntu 10.04. can anyone help, please?17:48
onetinsoldiersburwood: does it need to be a gui app? i there's an ncurses one named 'abook'17:49
minimecpokeh: So you have to map the output of the multimedia keys to your lirc.conf...17:49
aciculadanutzmilea, how are you installing oss4?17:49
sburwoodI'd prefer something easy to use ... and why not gui?17:49
theGmansburwood: Sure you can use tbird. It will even keep your email accts separate if you have +117:49
|corpse|minimec: software manager, when the default jocky-gtk didnt seem to work17:50
onetinsoldiersburwood: ok, then maybe try 'rubrica'17:50
respiream i supposed to use vi directly to edit things in /etc/default or are there ubuntu commands which will keep everything working if you change your system of doing things17:50
sburwoodtheGman: What do you mean +?17:50
cmpsalvestriniGuest58217: I think you'd have to modify the fstab? Not too sure anymore it's been a year or so of living windows-free for me17:50
respire"the proper way"17:50
The_ExplorerIf i wanted to skip using google and search the internet with a local script, is it possible?17:50
nelson_sburwood, and 'contact' ?17:50
theGmansburwood: Though, evolution is already installed with gnome snd will also do both PIM and email. :)17:50
RevChasguntbert: I can't seem to find a keyboard layout that will let me type ). I have another Ubuntu host and it has no problems.17:50
ElladanHas anyone found a fix for folding@home in Lucid?  It looks like the F@H people screwed up, but I still want to waste electricity.17:50
minimec|corpse|: jockey didn't work, because there is no driver for your card ;) Means gtk-jockey did work...17:50
theGmansburwood: +1 = more than one. :)17:50
RevChasguntbert: And I use a KVM switch to flip between hosts.17:50
Guest58217cmpsalvestrini, tried that already17:51
wk_exeon hdmi vid wont work on 10.0417:51
mopheadHi everyone, I'm having trouble with flash in firefox 3.6.3. Audio won't play but video is fine.  I updated the adobe flash plugin to Ubuntu APT and it worked but when I rebooted the computer it stopped working again.  Any ideas?17:51
danutzmileawell, i've downloaded the deb, tried the terminal, got a bunch of errors (dpkg -i bla bla) then removed it... then tried the package archive thingy that usually makes it all happen and nothing, still a bunch of errors. oh yes... and first i removed alsa and pulseaudio using a guide i found on the web17:51
theGmansburwood: I have approx 10 diff email addys :P17:51
minimec|corpse|: uninstall all fglrx driver and reinstall all xorg and mesa packages with your synaptic tool.17:51
danutzmileaosstest doesnt work at all17:51
|corpse|minimec: ok working on that now17:51
aciculadanutzmilea, there are oss4 packages in the repository, why not use those17:51
danutzmileanow i'm stuck without any sound17:51
minimec|corpse|: Also that config too.17:51
theGmanDr_Willis: So, since pinning is sort of opposite what I need, how would one dg wine to 1.1.5?17:52
|corpse|minimec: the radeon.conf?17:52
Guest58217is it possible to mount a filesystem in any folder?17:52
theadminWhere is an nmap channel?17:52
theadminGuest58217: Generally yes17:52
danutzmileai dont really know which ones... oh, and by repository you mean the ubuntu software thingy?17:52
minimec|corpse|: Hmm... You can open a console and  'sudo rm /etc/modropbe.d/radeon.conf and then run sudo update-initramfs -u -k -all again. Like that, everythig is undone.17:52
theGmanGuest58217: As long as the folder exists and isn't a system folder (meaning you have access to it as your user)17:52
gregorio_supprot italian pls17:52
theadminubottu: it | gregorio_17:53
ubottugregorio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:53
aciculadanutzmilea, yeah, those are packaged to work with ubuntu, so i'd start with installing those and removing the debs you installed manually17:53
nelson_sburwood, see http://www.gnomefiles.org/subcategory.php?sub_cat_id=7017:53
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Guest58217theadmin, also, if I can open a network path to a windows share, then shouldn't I also be able to create a symlink and expect it to work?17:53
danutzmileai already removed the debs (dpkg -r bla bla)17:53
benjahablan español?17:53
theadminGuest58217: Well... I think so.17:53
danutzmileai'll try the repository then, thanks17:53
max0hey all, as I've upgraded to 10.04, the wallpaper option in compiz (to use different wallpaper in each workspace) is missing, has this been removed or it's just in some different location?17:53
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theadminubottu: es | benja17:53
lantizia!es benja17:53
ubottubenja: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:53
Guest58217does no one do this?17:53
sburwoodthx everyone17:53
ElladanGuest58217: It depends on how you open the network path.  If you do it from nautilus, it tends to use some userspace browser stuff instead of actually mounting it.17:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Guest58217Elladan, if I open it from the "Connect to Server" it mounts on my desktop17:54
RevChasguntbert: OK, here's the weirdest part. It appears that the Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys do nothing while I'm trying to type into this hosts console, but on any other host it works just fine.17:54
|corpse|minimec: should i be using the x.org binary driver?17:54
Guest58217Elladan, how hard can it be to get it to mount there every time?17:55
wk_exeoni need help wit hdmi vid netbook to tv17:55
deletetneed help i need to install ubuntu  like lvm becouse i have 2 hdd   anyy ideea17:55
minimec|corpse|: That is the best and only choice besides VESA for your card. I am running a radeon 9600 mobility on my laptop. I am quiet happy with the performance.17:56
theGmanAnyone on how to downgrade an app since pinning won't work for me?17:56
danutzmileaacicula, i definetly have no idea what i'm doing... i dont know which to install... says there the oss base package is already installed17:56
NecrosporusI have added my phone to bluetooth17:56
danutzmileabut when i try to run the mixer thingy there's a gstreamer error17:56
NecrosporusI have set up broadband wireless connection17:56
Guest58217here's my line from /etc/fstab that's not working smb://Server/WindowsUser$/ /home/randomusr/Desktop/WindowsShare smbfs  defaults 0 217:56
kleanchapI am trying to install VirtualBox additions on Ubuntu but I am getting the message that only root can install these tools.  How do I switch or install as root?17:56
NecrosporusHow can I now connect?17:56
ElladanGuest58217: It doesn't look like it.  When I do connect to server it still seems to use a userspace browser17:57
|corpse|minimec: Version: 2.8.723.1-0ubuntu3 (xorg-driver-fglrx)?17:57
minimeckleanchap: sudo 'your command'17:57
greezmunkeyIf I don't have a sound card here, is there really any reason for me to reinstall ubuntu-restricted...17:57
Guest58217Elladan, is there any way to mount it on each boot?17:57
mateoburI can't see the tray notifications of ubuntu one in my tray, how can I enable this ?17:57
max0my volume icon disappeared from the tray area, any idea how to get it back?17:57
ElladanGuest58217: Yes.17:58
minimec|corpse|: No fglrx. uninstall all these fglrx packages.17:58
|corpse|minimec: or (xserver.xorg-video-radeon)17:58
|corpse|ok all fglrx packages are gone17:58
NecrosporusHow to connect my ubuntu machine to the internet?17:58
kleanchapminimec, thnx!17:58
Guest58217Elladan, I've added the line See above to mount, but this does not work. Could it be that I need to pass the username and password to the server?17:59
NecrosporusI have gprs-enabled mobile phone with bluetooth support17:59
minimec|corpse|: yes.17:59
ElladanGuest58217: You need to use a real filesystem level mount if you want it to work transparently, either fusermount (?) or smbfs.17:59
ElladanGuest58217: Oh, let me scroll up.17:59
mcsmurfwhen I try to suspend to RAM (Ubuntu 9.10) and only get a blinking cursor at the top left corner of the screen, does this indicate a driver/kernel module problem? does the blinking cursor mean it waits for something?17:59
minimec|corpse|: reinstall also all installed libmesa* packages.17:59
deletetElladan,  now somthing about lvm ?17:59
Guest58217Elladan, tell me how close that line is to correct18:00
wk_exeoni need help wit hdmi video config on 10.0418:00
ElladanGuest58217: Can you /msg me the line?  I don't seem to have it in my scrollback18:00
theGmanSo, no one on the downgrading an app Q then? Hmmm...18:00
aciculadanutzmilea, if you dont know what you are doing why not stick with alsa/pulseaudio instead of using tutorials which may not even be valid/relevant for your system? from what i gather the software oss4 packages are packaged for ubuntu 10.04, so if it says they are installed you will just need to configure them and your system to use the oss4 subsystem18:00
roberto_lantizia: do you know how can I list the chanels on irc.gnome.org ? /list doesn't do it18:00
=== Buds is now known as dgriffin831
acicularoberto_, not all irc servers support /list, which is the only way to list channels18:01
ashdojfiei have problem on boot18:01
minimecwk_exeon: We need GPU Model and Driver opensource/closedsource?18:01
ashdojfiethe system cannot mount filesystem normally and mount it only in read-only mode18:01
acicula!downgrade| theGman18:01
ubottutheGman: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.18:01
aciculaashdojfie, its ussually caused by a filesystem error that it cannot fix18:01
danutzmileaacicula, alsa and pulseaudio are making a buzzing sound... oss4 worked for me on ubuntu 9.0418:02
roberto_acicula: thank you18:02
ashdojfienad how can i resolve?ù18:02
ashdojfiei should reinstall all?ù18:02
unclemantis#apache is not about apache anymore :( Can I get some subdomain help in here?18:02
aciculaashdojfie, did you reset/change bios settings recently?18:02
ashdojfiei controlled with fdisk and partition is ok18:02
=== geo is now known as geo05
aciculathe system tells you to run fsck with some options, does that work/finish?18:03
dgriffin831HI, I currently have 2 linux distros dual booting on my macbook. Both are ubuntu based (one 8.10, one 10.04).. Id like to make the 10.04 grub the default bootloader, any ideas?18:03
ashdojfiethe strange item is that in read-only mode i can see all18:03
ElladanGuest58217: Yes, I believe you need a user= and pass= in there18:03
ashdojfieso the mount problem where is?18:03
ElladanGuest58217: See man mount.smbfs or man mount.cifs18:03
aciculaashdojfie, it mounts in read only because there are filesystem errors detected, the read only is to avoid corrupting the filesystem further18:04
ashdojfieok, so i should check the filesystem and retry?18:04
ashdojfieis an ext418:04
ashdojfiewhat is the command for deep check?18:04
=== guisepe_ is now known as guisepe
aciculaashdojfie, yup, thats what the system tells you to do too i think?18:05
fynnpenguin42: I figured it out.18:05
penguin42fynn: Yeh?18:05
_pg_does anyone know how I can get all my precious typefaces from osx (fontbook) to Ubuntu Lucid?18:05
ashdojfieis tto fast the message and in console it show me only a message like (cannot mount so mount filesystem in read-only)18:05
max0dgriffin31: you have to edit your /etc/default/grub18:05
RevChasguntbert: Any ideas on why the modifier keys might stop working?18:05
fynnpenguin42: it was actually several issues. the weirdest of which is the fact that defining a function inside .bashrc apparently broke the start procedure.18:05
ashdojfiei look on dmesg but no message usefull18:05
aciculaashdojfie, hold shift and pageup/down to scroll18:05
penguin42fynn: Odd18:06
dgriffin831Im currently dual booting 2 ubuntu based distros(8.10, 10.04) and currently the 8.10 GRUB is overriding the 10.04s.. Id like to have the 10.04 override it for less boot time. Any ideas on how to give priority to one of the bootloaders on seperate partitions?18:06
aciculaashdojfie, dmesg will not hold anything pertaining to fsck, aside disk errors18:06
ashdojfieok i retry18:06
acicula!repeat | dgriffin83118:06
ubottudgriffin831: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:06
XethronHow do I open the package manager in lubuntu?18:06
=== z is now known as Guest25950
Dr_Willis_pg_:  are they TTF fonts?18:06
guntbertRevChas: sorry no18:06
|corpse|minimec: should i also load amd/ati driver wrapper?18:06
max0dgriffin831: you have to edit your /etc/default/grub18:06
ashdojfiecan you give me the ommand for check ext4?18:06
ashdojfiepleeeease ^^18:06
dgriffin831thank you max18:06
aciculadgriffin831, depends on how you want to boot, you can put bootloaders on individual partitions and use one grub to choose between them18:06
_pg_Dr_Willis: some. they are a mixed bag18:07
Dr_WillisXethron:  theres sevarl package manager programs . i always use synaptic.18:07
fynnpenguin42: so GDM doesn't start when I have a function defined in my .bashrc. I'm still not entirely sure why I should source my .bashrc in my .profile18:07
dgriffin831each parition has its own version of grub right now18:07
XethronIs there a command to open the gui for the package manager? Coz I cant find it anywhere in lubuntu...18:07
Dr_Willis_pg_:   I tend to just copy the fonts all to my users .fonts dir.18:07
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:07
minimec-pg- http://www.ubuntu4life.com/How%20to%20use%20OS-X-fonts%20in%20ubuntu18:07
max0dgriffin831: change the default option and after that run sudo update-grub18:07
Dr_WillisXethron:  try 'synaptic'18:07
penguin42fynn: weird18:07
_pg_Dr_Willis: where is that?18:08
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot18:08
theGmanacicula: Ha, not trying to downgrade UBUNTU, just one app. :)18:08
Dr_Willis_pg_:  .fonts = users home dir18:08
Dr_Willis_pg_:  if you want them for all users. they go in some system dir.18:08
red"Systems Testing" app is stuck on my screen18:08
XethronDr_Willis, thanks, but there is another one that Gnome uses?18:08
redI'd kill it but I'm unable to find what it's prcess name is18:08
aciculatheGman, works more less the same way, but you can try to remove it and fetch an older deb18:08
redany ideas?18:08
Dr_Willis_pg_:  /home/bubba/.fonts18:08
geolrHi all! I can not manage to type in an adress field in nautilus such as smb:// Any hints? Ths18:08
XethronI think it was customly made by Ubuntu18:08
CloudMonkeeslackware > ubuntu18:09
aciculaashdojfie, not sure but you check a disk with fsck <device>18:09
Dr_WillisXethron:  theres dozens that you CAN use. 'synaptic' is the default one that most all deb/ubuntu based disrtos can use/include18:09
theGmanGuess I just do what Dr_Willis said and uninstall and install that specifiv vers. (you just said that I see :P )18:09
dgriffin831max0   i do not have a /default/grub on either partition18:09
_pg_Dr_Willis: How did you know my username was bubba.....18:09
Dr_Willis_pg_:  im working on my own ubuntu variant. called BubbaBuntu :)18:09
minimec|corpse|: What is the exact name of that package?18:09
max0dgriffin31: it's /etc/default/grub18:09
aciculaashdojfie, it may stop and ask you to use a flag to fix errors automatically, which should be ok. If you dont know why your disk is corrupted or if it gives lots of errors maybe first boot a livecd and try to backup data from the readonly mounted disk so you dont loose data?18:10
dgriffin831yes i know, its not there.18:10
_pg_Dr_Willis: haha nice.18:10
ashdojfieno loose data ^^18:10
ashdojfiei'm junst in a live18:10
ashdojfiei try fsck18:10
CloudMonkeedr_willis, what will bubbabuntu emphasize on?18:10
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  Whatever i feel like :)18:10
roberto_getting really strange behavior with my dns. often times it works, really fast , but foten when I brwose it hangs looking up an address. or just pauses. if I go the the terminal and dig that address, it will return the address fairly quickly and suddenly the browser will find the address.18:11
aciculaashdojfie, your livecd gives the error it cant mount its own root?18:11
|corpse|minimec: xserver-xorg-video-ati X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI display driver wrapper18:11
quatar-ithi all! i have 2 questions for you.18:11
Dr_Willisso far ive moved the controls back to the right. and  removed the theme/wallpapers i dont like.. and got some stuff preinstalled.18:11
CloudMonkeedr_willis, what do you feel like? i want to hear more about bubba18:11
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redroberto_: you could try using googles dns, it's address is (secondary is )18:11
dgriffin831max0 :   could it possibly be the /boot/grub/default ?18:11
ashdojfiei use live for come in chat ^^18:11
guntbert!ot | CloudMonkee18:11
ubottuCloudMonkee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:11
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  go roll your own at https://build.reconstructor.org/#18:11
roberto_red: it's lightning fast _always_ from dig from the commandline. it's just the broqwser that seems broken18:11
aciculaashdojfie, when you check a disk make sure its not mounted then18:12
quatar-itCan i register accounts on empathy without telling it my passwords? i don't want to store them, i want to type them all the times.18:12
redyo uusing ipv6?18:12
minimec|corpse|: yes18:12
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv418:12
roberto_red: I thought no, how can I verify?18:12
acicularoberto follow the instuctions on that alst link for your browser18:12
roberto_acicula: thanks18:12
=== [1]DJAshnar is now known as DJAshnar
|corpse|minimec: ok all mesa and xorg files installed without error. crossing fingers and rebooting18:13
wick94hey guys18:13
minimec|corpse|: Yeah...18:13
DJAshnarAnyone here familiar with WUBI trouble shooting?18:13
wick94is it possible to add sound notifications in gwibber18:13
daggs1hello, does the ubuntu livecd has nfs4 and lvm2 support?18:13
ashdojfiehow can i make free the resourcxe? (fsck.ext4: Device or resource busy durante l'apertura di /dev/sda)18:14
XethronDr_Willis, thanks. One more question. How can I install the developmental version of wine 1.1.44 instead of the current 1.0.118:14
=== Radio-l is now known as Radio-a
tadasi have karmic with kde on my pentium m 1.8g with ati bobility radeon x700. It uses battery within an hour, while windows xp works for more than 2.5h. How do i make my karmic use less energy?18:14
redroberto_: check your connection settings18:14
Dr_WillisXethron:  i think theres ppa's for it.. but if you really want the latest - you may need to use teh source.18:14
redfrom the nm-applet in gnome-panel18:14
aciculaashdojfie, make sure the disk is not mounted18:14
ashdojfienot mount18:14
DJAshnarWhen I install 10.04 via WUBI, and try to boot into it, it gives the error of "no WUBILDR"  Any thoughts?18:14
CQhello, I have a LVM volume which fails fsck with IO errors... I have it backed up, but what do I run to chekc it and get it to ignore bad blocks?18:14
XethronDr_Willis, can't you use the package manager?18:15
aciculaashdojfie, also you hvae to check a partiion, which is not /dev/sda, but !!for example!! /dev/sda1, or /dev/sda218:15
ddilingeranyone familiar with mysql-server-5.1 in lucid?  Upon installing the postinst script just sticks at "start mysql"18:15
Dr_WillisXethron:  if you can find premade packages.. yes.. but if theres none.. well you cant.18:15
quatar-itTo all: is that a fatal bug? When I switch user (being still logged on) and then log out the second user, i expect to return to the first user locked screen. But not: i get into a black screen which doesn't respond to clic, hit on keyboard and so...18:15
SwedeMikeCQ: ignore bad blocks how?18:15
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz18:15
guntbert!latest | Xethron18:15
ubottuXethron: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.18:15
tjingboemit takes 30 seconds after login in that i can use Ubuntu. can i shorten this period?18:15
daggs1does the ubuntu livecd has nfs4 and lvm2 support?18:15
Dr_WillisXethron:  thats why i suggested finding the PPA's but even those may not be as up to date as source.18:15
ashdojfiethanks now works ^^18:15
amabodoes anyone here have dockbarx working?18:16
CQSwedeMike: I know there's a bad block check command for devices, can't think of the name now, it's in a few crypto howtos for how to erase drives18:16
Dr_Willisamabo:  it works fine here.18:16
aciculaSwedeMike, you can ignore badblocks by setting a flag in fsck that will ignore them, you typically dont want to do this18:16
amaboDr_Willis:  i keep getting errors...18:16
ddilingerwhere are upstart jobs configured from?18:16
aciculaddilinger, /etc/init18:16
Dr_Willisamabo:  i followed --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/dockbarx-030-released-with-window.html18:16
acicula/etc/init/ even18:16
CQSwedeMike: badblocks I think it is ... dows that work with LVM?18:16
SwedeMikeCQ: badblocks can scan a drive for bad blocks, but I don't really understand what it is you're trying to do.18:16
_pg_Dr_Willis: is it invisible?18:16
Xethronthanks Dr_Willis18:17
Dr_Willis_pg_:  .fonts   Note the .18:17
amabothanks Dr_Willis18:17
DJAshnarAny help on WUBI?18:17
CQSwedeMike: that, but the bad blocks are in an LVM volume ...18:17
Dr_Willis_pg_:  like all .FILES   they are hidden by default. it may not exist by default either.18:17
SwedeMikeCQ: yes, step back one step, and please descrive what it is you're trying to accomplish.18:17
aciculaCQ, you have badblocks, program and in fsck as a flag, it does not matter if you use LVM, thats just a fs abstraction layer. Badblocks is not a secure erase program, though you can use it to wipe a disc(sortof)18:18
CQSwedeMike: when I fsck /dev/mapper/lvmgroup-home I get IO errors. I want to fiy that18:18
BobPenguinhey guys, I just installed Ubuntu One, but it does not start up when I click on the application Icon. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04. Any hints?18:18
bsmith093how do i make everything under a directory and all its sub directories owened by me18:18
aciculabsmith093, chown has a recursive flag -R18:18
trismquatar-it: about your empathy password question, it isn't implemented yet, but they are working on it (bugs https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24868 and https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14003)18:18
CQbsmith093: look at the chown command chown -R youruser.yourgroup *18:18
Klicki need a good webcam that works with ubuntu 10.0418:18
SwedeMikeCQ: fiy?18:18
GeekSquidbsmith093: sudo chown username:username /directory -R18:18
guntbertBobPenguin: there is #ubuntuone for support18:18
Klickany suggestions?18:18
quatar-ittrism: thanks!18:19
CQSwedeMike: fix, sorry18:19
BobPenguinthanks guntbert!18:19
bsmith093so "sudo chown -R user"18:19
Dr_Willisfind ~ -user "root" -exec sudo chown -v "$USER"."$USER" {} +18:19
SwedeMikeCQ: so is this actually bad blocks on the drive, and you just want to zero the bad blocks (rewrite them with zeroes) or what do you want to do with the bad information?18:19
Andy80how can I know the minimum Ghz I can set my processor?18:19
CQSwedeMike: I just want the drive to work... all the data is backed up.18:19
greezmunkeyGeekSquid: That rolls in the group settings too?18:19
GeekSquidbsmith: chown needs the user:group syntax18:19
guntbertBobPenguin: Good luck :-)18:19
roberto_I'm wrong about the commandline being always fast, it just hung doing it that way. I did apply the fix applicable to my computer from that ipv6 guide though18:19
bsmith093how do i know what group im in18:20
SwedeMikeCQ: so what do you want to happen to the blocks that are bad?18:20
DJAshnarSo.  No help on wubi?18:20
dgriffin831Does the grub-set-default command set the default partition in menu.lst or does it acctually choose which particular partitions grub to use?18:20
zipperAH ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! imma back and i have fixed the  problemo airtonix18:20
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  each user has a group thats the same as their uysername18:20
CQSwedeMike: get the drive to not use them18:20
roberto_when it hung on fc08.deviantart.net this time, I went to the terminal and did a dig -- the result came back saying ;; Query time: 18 msec18:20
* Dr_Willis hides from zipper18:20
amanda_What's control alt up do in compiz with the cube setting on?  I can't figure it out.  Is there a list somewhere?18:20
CloudMonkeedr_willis, do you have any type of degree in comp science, etc?18:20
roberto_but it took like 15 seconds18:20
bsmith093k thanks everybody18:20
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  No.18:20
GeekSquidgreezmunkey: true, and in my world I do it by default, most of the time, there are rare instances where I will use something else, however my world is a single user env,18:20
DagonITIs there someway to select speakers?18:20
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  I got a degree in agriaclutural engineering18:21
amanda_CloudMonkee, he's just got the "one of the smartest guys in here" award18:21
zipperDr_Willis: how nice of u to say hi plus i have fixed da problemo18:21
Dr_Williszipper:  without resorting to a reformat/reinstall?18:21
aciculaCQ, SwedeMike typically drives manage badblocks themselves once detected, so you should not use badblocks to flag blocks yourself unless your disk is so far gone that it cant do that18:21
=== Radio-a is now known as Radio-l
SwedeMikeCQ: so you're ok with file system corruption if rewriting the bad data with zeroes?18:21
zipperDr_Willis: well nope i reformated it18:21
Polemus1i get an error: "getaddrinfo: name or service not known" when i try to use terminal service to rdp to a windows server 2003 box18:21
greezmunkeyGeekSquid: me to here, maybe that's one of those things you would only do an a machine owned by the user18:21
CQacicula: fsck doesn'T complete its run and tells me to run it manually...18:22
aciculaCQ, so run it manually and see what happens18:22
CQSwedeMike: i don't care about the data on that partition, i just backed it up18:22
zipperDr_Willis: now i can teach ppl to install it the safe way18:22
aciculaCQ, without the badblocks18:22
greezmunkeyI just realized the Brasero isn't included in Lucid...after installing k3b18:22
CQacicula: I get error messages for reading certain blocks, it then asks me if I want to ignore the error, and if I say yes, if I want to force a rewrite ...18:22
zipperDr_Willis: alright ciao18:23
GeekSquidgreezmunkey: Indeed, and in my expierence, most users here own their machines, or are super admins on them, so, they  can do what they want18:23
SwedeMikeCQ: then you can just mkfs that partition and restore, then the blocks will be fine when data is written to them again (if the drive still has spare sectors to use instead of the bad ones)18:23
tadasi have karmic with kde on my pentium m 1.8g with ati mobility radeon x700. It uses battery within an hour, while windows xp works for more than 2.5h. How do i make my karmic use less energy?18:23
greezmunkeyGeekSquid: ;)18:23
aciculaCQ, that can happen, so force a rewrite18:23
SwedeMikeCQ: use smartctl (from smartmontools) to make sure you don't have too many reallocated sectors on the drive.18:23
CloudMonkeetadas, that's one big difference.18:24
aciculajose , what language?18:24
bsmith093is chown always un doable18:24
tadasCloudMonkee, and what is it?18:24
aciculabsmith093, no there is no undo18:24
CloudMonkeetadas, have you tried to adjust the lighting(are we talking notebooks)18:24
greezmunkeytadas: you can start by looking through /var/log/daemon.log - it will show you if laptop mode is working18:24
acicula!es | jose18:24
ubottujose: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:24
progre55hi people! I have karmic installed, it was working okay, but now when I turn the comp on, after "grub loading" it says "mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device." Any suggestions, please?18:25
maco!es | jose18:25
ubottujose: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:25
Yum!pt | jose18:25
ubottujose: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:25
greezmunkeytadas: But, you better get your wading boots on...18:25
DiverDudewhat version of skype do people in here use for ubuntu? I have installed v. and for some reason the mic is not working18:25
carl_hey dandare  can you help me last night http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ii5Fhh8n18:25
SwedeMikeDiverDude: I am running that and it's working just fine.18:26
jdalberthow can I adjust contrast in ubuntu please ?18:26
joseYUM MY NAME IS18:26
bsmith093no imean im doing this so i can copy folders off what was a system drive but im on a live cd  so it wouldn't let me cause i wasn't the owner. but im just going to resotre them later anyway so when i want to restore them can i just chown them all again?18:26
DiverDudeSwedeMike, on 10.04?18:26
SwedeMikeDiverDude: yes.18:26
tadastoday i did an experiment. I killed all unneccessary proceses-all damn sqls and apaches. And also used powertop. BUt after all the retuning the running time only increased to approx 1.4 hours with lighting set to 0%18:26
guntbertjose: stop that18:26
KnightStalkerhttp://www.winehq.org/ => how accurate this works?(how much .exe files will it load?)18:26
Yumjose, jajaja18:26
greezmunkeyKnightStalker: I run adobe standard 6.0 on it with no problems - pretty heavy app.18:27
CQSwedeMike: running fsck now... what should I do with smarttools afterwards?18:27
dgriffin831Im still having some trouble setting a specific partitions grub to override the other partitions.. file /etc/default/grub does not exsist.18:27
GeekSquidbsmith093: you won't have to if you do it as sudo, then you are root and can do anything, regardless of ownership18:27
Dr_WillisKnightStalker:  totally depends on the specicc windows app.18:27
tadasis it possible somehow to kill all the bells and whistles and to move to simplier GUI?18:27
guntbert!es | jose18:27
Dr_Willis!appdb | KnightStalker18:27
ubottujose: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:27
ubottuKnightStalker: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:27
bsmith093so when i resotre the,m i can chown them to my rgular user again18:27
acicula!pt | jose18:27
ubottujose: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:27
roberto_how can I get audio with my msn in Evolution?18:27
SwedeMikeCQ: smartctl -a /dev/<device> and then you need to read and understand what the drive is saying about re-allocated sectors.18:27
jdalbertIs there a way to adjust contrast on linux ? I've browsed on google, but haven't found any basic information18:28
greezmunkeyApparantly the keyboard definition for the dominican republic needs some work...;)18:28
dbumprogre55:  I think you might be able to fix this problem with this thread.... gets your grub back in working order : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:28
kahenwhen Mono 2.8 and MonoDevelop 2.4 come out (with C# 4 features i.e. the DLR and 'dynamic'), will they be updated in Lucid, or do you have to wait for Maverick for them?18:28
minimectadas: Are you used to ubuntu and Linux? There are some options, but you gonna leave the official supported mainline of 10.04 Lucid.18:28
aciculakahen, probably the latter, or maybe via ppa/ubuntu-backports18:28
CQSwedeMike: the hard drive /dev/sda or the LVM partition /dev/mapper/lvmgroup-home?18:29
Theravadani want to send F10 to gnome terminal but when i do thefile menu appears, how can i send f10 to the terminal?18:29
SwedeMikeCQ: sda18:29
bsmith093so just to be clear no mater what i can always sudo chown anything to any user right?18:29
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tadasminimec, my first ubuntu was feisty, then dapper and hardy. And i also have a debian server and solve problems by pasting errors to google :)18:30
aciculabsmith093, yes provided you have the permissions to do so18:30
carl_can anyone help  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ii5Fhh8n18:30
zookoFolks: I'm seeking indications of how many users there are left of Ubuntu Dapper, or indications of how quickly people upgraded from Dapper to newer editions (especially Hardy).18:30
GeekSquidTheravadan: in the edit menu, keyboard shortcuts, deselect the second checkbox18:30
Dr_WillisTheravadan:  check the profile settings in gnome-terminal, or other settings n the menu18:30
rusty222777I want drivers for gma 500!!! :'(18:30
temonare you know about personal time management?18:30
rusty222777and lucid!!18:30
temonin linux18:30
minimectadas: ;) OK. I guess that a lot of the difference you see is the ATI GPU POwer managment, which will be introduced in the 2.6.34 Kernel.18:30
bsmith093ok thanks for the help i figurued chown had a recursive flag i just couldn't find it18:30
aciculacarl_, your sources list contains an invalid entry18:30
aciculacarl_, remove it and run apt-get update again18:31
guntbertTheravadan: Edit/keyboard shortcuts/   right on top there are two checkboxes18:31
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:32
carl_i removed it in system software sources and still get it18:32
TheravadanGeekSquid, Dr_Willis, guntbert, thx18:32
roberto_how can I get audio with my msn in Evolution?18:32
coder85644I have one doubt18:32
coder85644how to connect with #gcj18:32
coder85644I could not send messages there18:32
Theravadansweet, with htop you can add IO read/write columns18:32
minimectadas: You option is to ad that repository https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid and take a 2.6.34 kernel from here... http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ Ther is also the undervolting option https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UndervoltingHowto18:32
tadasminimec, so i guess i should wait a couple of versions until GPU PM is introduced?18:32
GeekSquid!register | coder8564418:32
ubottucoder85644: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode18:32
bsmith093will permissuions carry over if i later copy some file to a windows machine18:32
minimectadas: You option is to ad that repository https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid and take a 2.6.34 kernel from here... http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ Ther is also the undervolting option https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UndervoltingHowto18:32
dgriffin831Im still having some trouble setting my 10.04s grub to override my 8.10's grub.. any ideas are appreciated.18:32
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  not really. NTFS/Vfat know nothing of linux permissions/ownership18:33
temonare you know about personal time management?18:33
coder85644GeekSquid: I registered18:33
infidwhat gui toolkit is google Chrome made in? It's windows seem to act differently than every other app. For example, the maximize/minimize/close buttons are on the right side, even though all my other applications' windows are on the left side in lucid lynx18:33
minimectadas: That undervolting wiki is old, sorry.18:33
coder85644I dont know why it is so18:33
George_eIs there a way to make the location bar in Nautilus display the path as a textbox instead of as buttons?18:33
maco!es | el18:33
ubottuel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:33
coder85644I could not send msgs to #gcj18:34
mopheadHi everyone, I'm having trouble with flash in firefox 3.6.3. Audio won't play but video is fine.  I updated the adobe flash plugin to Ubuntu APT and it worked but when I rebooted the computer it stopped working again.  Any ideas?18:34
coder85644I'm new to chatzilla18:34
coder85644so help me guhys18:34
greezmunkeyGeekSquid: that F10 comes in handy for htop thanks18:34
swebif i want set everything the default for Nautilus what must i do ?18:34
tadasminimec, thanks18:34
GeekSquidgreezmunkey: tricks o'me trade18:35
tadasi will try to do something about it:)18:35
jdalbertHi, is there a way to adjust contrast on linux ? I've browsed on google, but haven't found any information18:35
minimectadas: no problem ;)18:35
Dr_Williscoder85644:  for starters its 'irc' - chatzilla is one of MANY irc clients out18:35
can__hello! how can i open the the "service manager" via bash?18:35
Dr_Williscoder85644:  for some channels on this network youmust be a 'registered' nickname.18:35
Dr_Willis!register | coder8564418:35
ubottucoder85644: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode18:35
=== matthew is now known as Guest26585
Theravadanso what other neat stuff can htop do besides show me disk I/O per process18:35
kell05Does anyone have any information on the pidgin-skype package?  I can't seem to find anything on it.  Does it work without skype being open?18:36
Dr_WillisTheravadan:  check its man pages :)18:36
coder85644thank u guys18:36
coder85644I will check18:36
dgriffin831Really nobody knows how to set grub default with 2 linux partitions?18:36
TheravadanDr_Willis, lol sorry18:36
=== z is now known as Guest21483
BobPenguinhey there.  Everytime I update my box my system breaks and I have to do a clean Install of everything, and that takes time. Is there any way I can upgrade and be sure my system will not break?18:36
infidGeorge_e: yes just click the button to the left of it that says 'toggle between button and text based location bar'18:36
roberto_how can I get audio with my msn in Evolution?18:36
greezmunkeyGeorge_e: I just get rid of it, it isn't really necessary18:36
trisminfid: chrome uses gtk, but it draws it's own window borders, but, if you got to options, personal stuff, under Appearance you can check "Use system title bar and borders" and it will match all your other apps18:36
BobPenguinI mean upgrade to a new Ubuntu...18:36
Dr_WillisTheravadan:  its customizeabe on the fly :) and does colors.. what Moar do ya want!18:36
infidtrism: thanks18:36
TheravadanDr_Willis, it's pretty. on my servers it's a lifesaver as I can ID who is reponsible for killing the disks18:37
om26erBobPenguin, clean installs are good :)18:37
George_einfid: To the left of it? There isn't a button there.18:37
kell05bobpenguin: What sort of errors do you get?18:37
mumi cant mount my usb dvd drive - no devices in /dev ..........  anyhelp?18:37
simosiamI can't play wesnoth anymore and I got many application crash since I update to ubuntu 10.0418:37
raul_is there any program that I can use to cut part of videos?18:37
roberto_how can I get audio with Evolution?18:37
roberto_oo geez18:37
vianocturna85does anyone know what the irc channel for wine is?18:37
roberto_how can I get audio with Empathy?18:37
airtonixTheravadan, you might like to keep commandlinefu.com handy18:38
GeekSquidraul_: there's gopchop, pitivi, avidemux, to name a few18:38
MeekoWhat's a good mediaplayer that can connect, and list content, to a mediaserver (like mediatomb). Don't need a mediaserver applikation like XBMC.18:38
kell05pitivi video editor18:38
=== timmillwood_ is now known as timmillwood
infidGeorge_e: hmm, yeah in 9.10 there is, and in my desktop where i have 10.04 there isn't. not sure why, might be in the options somewhere18:38
raul_GeekSquid would you recommend one of them?18:38
greezmunkeyvianocturna85: I think ##wine18:39
Theravadanairtonix, bookmarked, they speak my language18:39
infidGeorge_e: has to be an option since mine is stuck on the text-box only18:39
=== homer is now known as Guest33943
George_einfid: searched the options... nothing there about that that I could see18:39
vianocturna85greezmunkey: your the only one in there lol18:39
George_eMaybe I missed something though.18:39
GeekSquidraul_: really depends on what I am doing, so no, I reccommend you try them all and see which one you like18:39
BobPenguinThanks om26er and kell05. Clean installs might be are good but are time consuming! I haven't seen any message errors, the things just freezes and I'm unable to boot anymore. Is this a common issue with system upgrades?18:39
greezmunkeyvianocturna85: #winehq18:39
jellowvianocturna85: i think it's #winehq18:40
Guest27053I want to download tor18:40
pokehhow can I set rhythmbox to use LIRC commands?18:40
Guest27053can you please give me a link18:40
vianocturna85jellow: thanks18:40
raul_GeekSquid thanks18:40
om26erBobPenguin, you use wubi install?18:40
trismGeorge_e: it is an option, but I think it is only in gconf now, if you open gconf-editor, go to /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry and check it18:40
dgriffin831Looking for someone with knowledge of running grub with multiple ubuntu partitions and grub installations..18:40
kell05Bobpenguin:Not in my personal experience.  The machine I am on right now has made it through since hardy18:40
Guest27053the tor website is blocked here, can you give me a link?18:41
George_etrism: Thanks. That worked great... didn't even have to close the open windows!18:41
kell05Bobpenguin: Could be the file changes you are making during the install.18:41
BobPenguinom26er, no I do not use wubi. Well, maybe I should give it a try one more time. Is there any way I can prepare my box for the upgrade?18:41
om26erBobPenguin, disable all ppas in software sources and then update-manager -d18:42
Theravadanairtonix, i work with the author of bash and he basically rips out applications in shell script18:42
invalidrecordhi guys any idea why flashplugin-non free wont work running 6418:42
kell05Does anyone have any info on the pidgin-skype plugin?  Getting it to work? Running lucid?18:42
Six6siXcan anyone recommend what codec's i need for divx xvid ac3 mp3 etc..18:43
kell05invalidrecord: 64-bit flash can be a pain in the bum to get working18:43
BobPenguinkell05, I do lots of stuff with my system, like adding medibuntu repositories and such. I'd guess most users do that. Thanks om26er for the advice, I guess I'll try it later and keep my fingers crossed!18:43
arbo-Six6siX, install vlc18:43
invalidrecordkell05: yeah remember but thought it was fixed18:43
Glowballinvalidrecord: I've got repo's for 64 bit flash somewhere... Give me a second18:43
Six6siXhow do i set that as default player18:44
invalidrecordGlowball: thanks!18:44
erUSULSix6siX: install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:44
Six6siXah okay18:44
Six6siXthank you18:44
Dr_WillisGuest27053:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tor18:44
onetinsoldierSix6siX: you might want to install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras'18:44
GeekSquidGuest27053: I do not believe any link to tor will be available in your country, the Iranian Govt. wants to see what you are doing on the net18:44
Six6siXalso I've managed to set vlc18:44
Dr_WillisSix6siX:  right click on a video file, properties, set vlc to be the default18:44
vengeranyone else with a Sony-NEC optiarc CD-ROM drive (although may not be limited to that model) still hitting the installer issue where part way through it asks for you to Please insert the disc labeled 'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.....' and press Enter problem?  Looks like I'll have to find the old bug on this and see if there was ever a fix18:45
Glowballinvalidrecord: Have a look at https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash18:45
roberto_I need help with Nautilus-actions -- anyone know it ?18:45
invalidrecordGlowball: much appriciated18:45
Gintulishow to chane burg theme?18:46
makaveli0129anyone know location of log file for ssh login attempts?18:46
GeekSquidvenger: there may be a solution, sata or ide cdrom drive?18:46
onetinsoldiermakaveli0129: try --> /var/log/auth.log18:46
roberto_I need help with Nautilus-actions -- anyone know it ? I have this beautiful little script http://www.pastebin.org/210835 and I want to implement it as a right-click action on image files18:46
carl_how do i fix  this  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ii5Fhh8n i've went to system admin software sources and removed18:46
vengerGeekSquid, its sata18:47
Vigovenger: Is that an Optiarc?18:47
Polemus1is there an equivelent for "Windows Home Server" that i can use as a server the will backup my ubuntu pc's as well as serve as a media centre?18:47
vengerVigo, yes18:47
kjele_carl_: Go to that file and delete the n18:47
pokehHas anyone gottne RhythmBox to work with a remote control?18:47
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
vengerVigo, this is old news since at least hardy i think18:47
carl_kjele  how do i get to the file18:48
kjele_carl_: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nilarimogard-webupd8-lucid.list18:48
Vigovenger: Yes it is an old issue, looks like some have resolved it.18:48
DiverDudeDoes anyone in here have experience with getting the scrolling functionality to work for a mouse-track-device on a lenovo desktop?18:48
greezmunkeyWell, there's a fix for a crazy error: When I would load gconf-editor, an error would show up like ./fonts.conf XML malformed (or similar) It turns out that the .fonts.conf file is full of invalid """'s !!!18:48
kell05diverdude: seen the mouse settings?18:49
omarwhat's the command to monitor network usage?18:49
vengerVigo, I'd like to get the installer to work , maybe some hack in shell at the point it happens or something.  Otherwise I'll just go back to doing a debootstrap18:49
greezmunkeyI went through the file and replaced them all, no more error18:49
erUSULomar: iftop ? net applet monitor ? something else?18:50
onetinsoldierroberto_: perhaps you want to have alook at the 'nautilus-script-manager' package18:50
Polemus1is there an equivalent for "Windows Home Server" that i can use as a server that will backup my ubuntu pc's as well as serve as a media centre?18:50
kell05omar:netstat I believe18:50
onetinsoldierroberto_: perhaps you want to have alook at the 'nautilus-scripts-manager' package. there's both..... nautilus-script-manager, and nautilus-scripts-manager18:50
carl_thx  kjele18:50
erUSULPolemus1: not in a do all package... but you can install samba; backup solutions and a media server to get the same funcionality18:50
roberto_onetinsoldier: I heard they were even worse than nautilus-actions18:50
Vigovenger: Still looking,18:51
vengerVigo, additionally i didn't have the issue on desktop variant, but using alternate CD right now for LVM18:51
onetinsoldierroberto_: oh, roger18:51
roberto_onetinsoldier: I'm using nautilus actions -- or trying18:51
kjele_carl_: You see the line with only n?18:51
Polemus1erUSUL: will my ps3 pick up the media centre?18:51
carl_remove n save18:51
vengerVigo, ok yes i am searching as well and i appreciate the assist18:51
kjele_carl_: Does it update now?18:51
romeusafter a failed upgrade, I did a fresh install of Lucid on my T60 (ATI Radeon X1400 - R300). Even though the LiveCD booted and installed fine, the first boot after installation froze with a screen corruption. It now only boots to the command line and recovery mode, resetting X defaults, and failsafeX have not helped.18:52
kjele_carl_: Good18:52
erUSULPolemus1: depends... you mean upnp mp3 devices and such ? and ipod ? you have to do your research ....18:52
Polemus1erUSUL: i guess being a noob to ubuntu, and changing all systems to it was a bit premature :)18:53
Vigovenger: This one looks like a relevant one, the wait out time thing, I recall that on one box, are also other good data here:> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109092618:53
kjele_romeus: You sure the cd is not defected?18:53
morosometimes my computer starts with login prompt......... and when I enter the correct info... I get nothing but the starting prompt. NO GUI on bootup. Ill shut it down, and restart...and then I get my desktop gui18:53
minimecromeus: There is definitly a problem with the ati r300 driver. REad that bug and workaround, even if it's not for your card...18:53
minimecromeus: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/56178918:53
romeusminimec: thank you18:53
erUSULPolemus1: mediatomb geexbox etc ..18:54
minimecromeus: We have to track that. That one is not an easy one...18:54
romeuskjele_: pretty sure it wasn't the CD, as I used the LiveCD extensively18:54
__-osh-__I just found out that I can't upgrade my server to "Intrepid" (Yes I know i'm way behind) because my /boot is too small. Disk layout is like this /dev/md0 -> /boot. About 100M. /dev/md1 -> lvm -> / -> About 250GB. Is it possible to shrink lvm and transfer to /boot? I'm assuming this isn't possible to do "on line" but from a rescue disc?18:54
invalidrecordGlowball: yep worked a treat thanks18:55
minimecromeus: I can not assure that it works, but I might...18:55
erUSULPolemus1: this on http://coherence.beebits.net/ is on the repositories18:55
roberto_ -- how can I get empathy to start up with the sticky flag set already? when I first start it, I have to click the control bar at the top and select that option18:55
romeusminimec: I've tried nomodeset command at boot , but I haven't tried radeon.modeset=0... I'll give it a try18:55
DiverDudeDoes anyone in here have experience with getting the scrolling functionality to work for a mouse-track-device on a lenovo desktop?18:56
azloni am trying to rip a dvd into iso format. i have tried mkisofs but it never works even though i use the -dvd-video tag. is there a gui program that i can use?18:56
GeekSquid__-osh-__: couple of problems, intrepid is EOL, you'll need to use the old versions server in your apt/sources.list, the other thing you can do is remove old kernels from /boot, ... all this can be done "online" but will require a reboot when done18:56
Polemus1erUSUL: thanx18:56
minimecromeus: We guess that it is more AGP PCIe PCi related. Try to force PCI mode.18:56
cabbrick1243Need some help with this one guys... Ok I have the 64 bit version of Lucid on my desktop it runs fine. However... when trying to access any TTY to change the login screen's looks, When Ctrl+Alt+F2 (or any of the F1-6) are pressed all i can see is a bunch of small illegible dots, that move as i type. It doesn't freeze but i would like to know how i can see them?18:56
__-osh-__GeekSquid: Yeah, well, I was going for latest LTS but it seems I have to go to Intrepid first?18:57
Vigovenger: tgm0 did a neat workaround, but please search Launchpad and other resources, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1000651.html18:57
GeekSquid__-osh-__: what version are you running now?18:57
minimecromeus: Note that I am using a ATI rv350 and I am not affected! That one is hard to track...18:57
__-osh-__GeekSquid: Hardy I think.18:57
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  seen that issue in the past when the X drivers mess with the framebuffer  or console in some way.  Not sure on a real fix.18:57
romeusminimec: ok, interesting, how do I force PCI mode? BusType=PCIE?18:57
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  other then perhaps to shutdown X  and they may come back18:58
liminali updated my packages using aptitude from the command liine and ive gotten back a strange error message regarding dpkg: parse error in one of the files18:58
GeekSquid__-osh-__: you should be able to go directly to The latest LTS from there, I don't see why not18:58
Polemus1hmmm... this is gonna be a steep learning curve.... been windows fan for 15 years now...18:58
cabbrick1243ok ty18:58
Dr_Willis!manual | Polemus118:58
ubottuPolemus1: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:58
liminalpackage libm17n-018:58
edlikI upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and now have no gui18:58
__-osh-__GeekSquid: I did this do-upgrade-thing and it seems to go for Intrepid first...18:58
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  no one is a windows 'fan' :) they  use it because they.. err.. i better not go on.. :)18:58
minimecromeus: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/413259/comments/3018:58
liminalit finishes with the error: segmentation fault18:59
romeusminimec : thanks reading18:59
Vigoliminal: sudo apt-get or other?18:59
niceHey People! The nice partition program that comes up when you install ubuntu and say you want to manually configure your partitions - is that gparted?18:59
GeekSquid__-osh-__: see this page http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:59
lee_sudo apt-get install kdenlive19:00
onetinsoldiernice: yes19:00
Polemus1Dr_Willis: finding my way round ubuntu is SUPRISINGLY easy... it's getting those things like media servers.... remote server backups and other things thta's a bit difficult...19:00
GeekSquid__-osh-__: do-release-upgrade19:00
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  those can be dificult in every os..  expecially when ya get all this DRM stuff going on.19:00
__-osh-__GeekSquid: Yep, that's the one.19:00
niceonetinsoldier: thanks19:01
__-osh-__GeekSquid: I'll look at that page now. Still, after deleting all but the running kernel in /boot I'm lacking space in there. :-/19:01
liminalvigo sudo aptitude upgrade19:01
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  i just set up a fileserver and let the clients access it.. thats the extent.. wife plays her vidoes upstairs from my main fileserver all the time19:01
panos_Ubuntu needs a comprehensive GUI-based configuration tool like YAST. Is there something like that available or under development?19:01
Dr_Willis__-osh-__:  how are you deleteing things? if using the GUI dont forget tyo empty the trash :)19:01
Dr_Willispanos_:  thing about YAST is that people often HATE it with a passion.19:02
Vigoliminal: I just read about some errors with that, have you tried apt-get update && upgrade?19:02
Dr_Willis!ebox | panos_19:02
ubottupanos_: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox19:02
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Edcarlos
GeekSquid__-osh-__: you'll need to boot with a live disk to resize your /boot partition, cannot be done on a mounted filesystem19:02
__-osh-__Dr_Willis: Headless system. Done with rm...19:02
Polemus1Dr_Willis: yup.. that was my first thought... but i have a PS3... iphone and other gadgets that used to interact with my media server...19:02
Dr_Willis__-osh-__: Ok then. :)19:02
omarerUSUL, i was thinking of something that shows current up/download speeds19:02
panos_I'll have a look at ebox19:03
Polemus1Dr_Willis: not to mention my pc backups on home server19:03
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  i tend to just use nfs/samba shares and backup over that.19:03
erUSULomar --> 19:50 < erUSUL> omar: iftop ? net applet monitor ?19:03
__-osh-__GeekSquid: What I suspected. So it is possible to transfer space from an LVM to a Raid1?19:03
__-osh-__GeekSquid: Setup of this system was done when it wasn't possible to boot from an LVM. Perhaps it's possible now?19:04
Polemus1Dr_Willis: nfs/samba? what's that?19:04
Polemus1Dr_Willis: nfs some sort of command?19:04
vyzenfs is a network file system19:04
GeekSquid__-osh-__: I believe so, hardware raid controller?19:04
__-osh-__GeekSquid: Unfortunatly I must have done something stupid while choosing size of /boot since it's way to small...19:04
liminalvigo i can't use apt-get upgrade because i get an error19:04
omarerUSUL, oops saw your msg and ignored it since i didn't have iftop, just installed it and this looks good. i was more asking this question for another linux device i have that doesn't have iftop19:04
onetinsoldierpanos_: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/19:04
liminalsegmentation faulty tree..50%19:05
__-osh-__GeekSquid: No. All done in software raid.19:05
Vigoliminal: Is it a Key Error?19:05
liminalI think somthing in that package is causing me problems19:05
ShyGuyI have a bit of a head-scratcher if anyone's interested.  For some reason all my keystrokes are getting sent to tty1 as well as my current VT (7, since I'm running X); why would this happen?19:05
GeekSquid__-osh-__: how many drives in your array?19:05
debjitbis08Can anyone tell me why the netspeed applet stop for sometime and resumes again after sometime, anyone else experiencing such issue19:05
__-osh-__GeekSquid: It's just two drives on this machine. Plain mirroring.19:05
itiliouswhere can i change how ubuntu will show the login screen after X amount of time?19:06
__-osh-__GeekSquid: Except for / where I use LVM on top of it.19:06
brandonban6itilious: system > preferences > power management19:06
liminalwhats a 'key' error?19:07
vyzeI upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and whenever I sign all applications launch with their top left corner of the window in the top left hand corner of the screen. They also do not have a window border or title bar which prevents them from being moved. When launching multiple applications they stack on top of each other with a fixed z-axis so if I launch firefox then I launch opera I'll never be able to see firefox until I close opera because opera wi19:07
vyzell be on top of it until I close it [opera]. I can resolve this, on each start up, my going System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects and change the setting. It defaults to None. Is there a terminal command I can add to a start up script to change that setting or a way that I can force it (edit a .conf file) ?19:07
__-osh-__GeekSquid: Suppose I should download a CD to boot from then. Thanks for your help. Let's see if I can break this system properly... =)19:07
__-osh-__I'm off for a bit.19:07
GeekSquid__-osh-__: hmmm, You'll need to disconnect one drive, allow the live disk to repartition it, then re-mirror it back to the backup drive after you test the new config, that way you will have a backup in case things go horribly wrong19:07
frxstremhow do I change the name of my machine?19:08
=== Sean is now known as Guest24482
__-osh-__GeekSquid: It should be fine just failing one of the drives I think.19:08
DuctTapeCoderHey do you know if I can install Ubuntu without a programmable interrupt controller on my motherboard's southbridge chipset?19:08
raul_why does the Avidemux make the audio of the video go faster when I delete part of a video and save it?19:09
raul_does anyone know how Avidemux works?19:09
DuctTapeCoderHey do you know if I can install Ubuntu without a programmable interrupt controller on the motherboard's southbridge chipset?19:09
debjitbis08frxstrem: checkout "hostname"19:09
=== b33r is now known as Guest69206
DuctTapeCoderSomeone stole my Intel 8259 chip.19:10
vyzeanyone know where the appearance settings file is stored?19:10
GeekSquid__-osh-__: yep, because software raid will be turned off when you mount with the Live Cd, and it will just see the one drive as LVM and /boot on straight raid, good to go19:10
jribvyze: why?19:10
Omen_20Hey, Ubuntu acts as if I have a floppy drive, but I dont. If I delete the floppy folders from /media  will that hurt anything?19:11
=== Guest7147 is now known as irok
cabbrick1243Ok Dr. I tried the X server restart, and It didn't entirely work. Now instead of little dots while trying to access the TTY I now see some random colors where the text should be19:11
vyzeI upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and whenever I sign all applications launch with their top left corner of the window in the top left hand corner of the screen. They also do not have a window border or title bar which prevents them from being moved.  I can resolve this, on each start up, my going System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects and change the setting. It defaults to None.19:11
erUSULDuctTapeCoder: huh? yours is is toasted ? modern system use apic anyway19:11
macoOmen_20: no theyre just symlinks19:11
=== irok is now known as Irok
Omen_20maco, thanks19:11
vyzejrib: it's annoying having to change the appearance settings each time I log into get functionality of my windows19:12
* erUSUL ls -l /media/floppy*19:12
=== debjitbis08 is now known as Debjit
DuctTapeCodererUSUL, my computer isn't PC 2001 compliant =(19:13
roberto_I need help with Nautilus-actions -- anyone know it ? I have this beautiful little script http://www.pastebin.org/210835 and I want to implement it as a right-click action on image files19:13
erUSULDuctTapeCoder: thaen it should have a normal old pic ... tried booting with noapic boot option ?19:13
cabbrick1243Are any of you others having trouble accessing the TTy (virtual terminal)19:14
erUSUL!boot | DuctTapeCoder19:14
ubottuDuctTapeCoder: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:14
macocabbrick1243: im not, but id be inclined blame your graphics driver as that was what was at fault a few releases ago when i had such troubles19:14
Jon-I am trying to modify something for MPC and it says it is stored in $something as an environmental variable. How do i modify these in ubuntu? [short question: how do I modify environmental variables? [please help this is my last thing I need set up]19:14
erUSULDuctTapeCoder: there is also nolapic19:14
sporedihow do i upgrade my ubuntu 9.10 to 10.419:14
jrib!upgrade | sporedi19:15
ubottusporedi: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:15
DuctTapeCodererUSUL, nolapic hmm19:15
Vigo!upgrade | sporedi19:15
erUSULJon-: for your user ? use ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc19:15
erUSULJon-: /etc/environment for all users19:15
erkan^hello, have a special program on computer --> sync Google Docs? (Same way as Gmail and Thunderbird)19:15
sporediok ! thanks19:15
erUSULDuctTapeCoder: yes "noapic" and "nolapic"19:15
alzamabarHi all. I just installed VMware virtualisation software on 10.04. In the previous version an icon appeared in the Applications -> Programming menu, but now it's not there, although I can run vmware from the command line. Is there a way to add the icon to the menu?19:15
cabbrick1243Marco: really? the Nvidia newest release?  should i see what others i can use? my card is an integrated Nvidia Geforce 6150 +19:16
rocket16Is Chrome faster than Firefox in Ubuntu 10.04?19:16
Jon-erUSUL: It is not in there19:16
Vigosporedi: It is usually alt-F2, let me find the official URL.19:16
erUSULrocket16: tias try it and see19:16
vyzealzamabar: system > preference > mainmenu19:16
jribalzamabar: right click on the ubuntu icon -> edit menu19:16
erUSULJon-: what is not there ?19:17
rocket16erUSUL: lol, :D Trying, Ok. Thank you.19:17
Vigosporedi: Here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades19:17
kjele_alzamabar: Or type alacarte in a terminal19:17
alzamabarvyze, jrib, kyele: thanks19:17
Jon-erUSUL: mpc says it has an enivornment variable for defining the default host and port of my mpd service19:17
Vigosporedi: You are welcome.19:17
Jon-erUSUL: How do I find/modify this?19:17
erUSULrocket16: you know is free software is not like you have to pay everytime you want to try a program ... and it is not winodws; you purge the package and all is clean19:18
|corpse|minimec: lol that didnt work so well19:18
rocket16erUSUL: Great point, :)19:18
liminalvigo whats a key error?19:18
erUSULJon-: its config file ?19:18
DiverDudeWhy on earth did they put the windows buttons in the left side instead of right side in 10.04? Is there any way to change this back?19:18
erUSUL!controls | DiverDude19:18
ubottuDiverDude: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d619:18
|corpse|minimec: I had to reinstall. i should be ok now, what screwed me up last time is a downloaded the ati CCC19:19
Vigoliminal: That is when the update fails because the GPG keys do not match.19:19
jribvyze: it's stored in gconf.  #compiz is probably familiar with the issue you are having (missing window controls)19:19
=== Richard1234 is now known as NobodyKnows
Jon-erUSUL: The config file does not include this [well, I can't find ANY documentation that MPC even HAS a config file]. It specifically says it is an environment variable defined as $somenamehere19:19
vyzejrib: thanks!19:19
roberto_anyone know how to edit the icon sets in the gnome appearance? I want the foot from the high contrast with the rest of the set from Dropline_Neu19:19
DiverDudeerUSUL, nice...will they also stay there after reboot?19:19
erUSULJon-: can youpoint me to that docs ?19:19
erUSULDiverDude: yes19:19
Jon-erUSUL: google.com. :P19:20
DiverDudeerUSUL, sweet, thx19:20
NobodyKnowsHow do you remove the top panel in ubuntu?19:20
khem_what can i do to restore my ubuntu mbr after booting into livecd?19:20
erUSULNobodyKnows: right click on it.19:20
erUSUL!grub2 | khem_19:21
ubottukhem_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:21
rocket16NobodyKnows: Lol, right click on it, and select "Delete panel"19:21
roberto_I need help with Nautilus-actions -- anyone know it ? I have this beautiful little script http://www.pastebin.org/210835 and I want to implement it as a right-click action on image files19:21
NobodyKnowserUSUL: That only allows hiding. Delete panel is grayed out19:21
gentookittyHow can I unmount an iso from the terminal?19:21
DebjitNobodyKnows: Right Click in a blank area of the top panel, there is option "Delete this Panel"19:21
erUSULNobodyKnows: it is the las one standing ?19:21
Vigoliminal: Can you post the output on the pastbin?19:21
erUSULgentookitty: sudo umount /mount/point19:21
Vigo!pastebin | liminal19:21
ubottuliminal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:21
gentookittyerUSUL, Thank you!19:21
DiverDudehow do i restart X ?19:22
NobodyKnowserUSUL: Yes, I tried sudo apt-get remove gnome-panel but then I couldn't login19:22
erUSUL!dontzap | DiverDude19:22
ubottuDiverDude: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap19:22
NobodyKnowserUSUL: It is the last panel19:22
Dr_Willisroberto_:  you want to clarify on what the actual problem is ?  and dosent a script need to begin with like #!/bin/ruby or somthing?19:22
erUSULNobodyKnows: you do not want any panel ?? what's the point of usding gnome then ?19:23
mateoburAnyone using 10.04 on a macbook ?19:23
Dr_WillisNobodyKnows:  You cant really delete the last panel.19:23
DiverDudeerUSUL, but is there just a command to restart X ?19:23
Jon-erUSUL: I really don't know what to tell you. The man page references environmental variables everywhere, never a config file19:23
Dr_WillisNobodyKnows:  set it to autohide very fast.19:23
khem_why is there not a /sbin/grub in my system_19:24
NobodyKnowsDR_Willis: Ok that's very annoying.19:24
Dr_WillisNobodyKnows:  go tell the #gnome devs19:24
erUSULJon-: i told you three files where to set those vars19:24
NobodyKnowserUSUL: Thanks for the help, I guess I'll have to live with this19:24
erUSULDiverDude: sudo restart gdm19:24
Jon-erUSUL: how the fuck do I set it? not all of us use linux every day.19:24
mateoburI cant make my touchpad work in ubuntu 10.0419:24
Addle :'(19:24
harrumphdumb bash question: what's the best way to find a file based on contents?  I keep using find -type f -print | xargs grep -l "foo" but it doesnt find what i know is on the system19:24
GeekSquid!ohmy | Jon-19:24
ubottuJon-: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:24
Jon-Apologies for language, I am frustrated19:24
AddleÅñòü òóò êòî ïî ðóññêè øïàðèò?19:24
erUSULJon-: right a line in the file that says « MYVARNAME=MYVARVALUE »19:25
erUSULJon-: no need for the language19:25
Jon-erUSUL: It is not in ~./.bashrc or ~/.profile19:25
Debjitharrumph: use "grep" instead of "find"19:25
Addlehelp me pleas19:25
erUSULJon-: create the line yourself19:25
GeekSquid!ask | Addle19:25
ubottuAddle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:25
PeterDrophi, iam using kde, where or how i can configure audio front panel?19:25
erUSULPeterDrop: #kubuntu19:26
Jon-erUSUL: so for instance $MPD_PORT=myporthere19:26
harrumphDebjit: grep -l "foo"?19:26
PolydwarfI'm trying to figure out how to diagnose slow network (maybe filesystem) performance... Writing to a samba share/scp'ing to my ubuntu machine is pathetic (maybe 2MB/sec), but reading from it is 100+ MB/sec via samba, but 15 MB/sec via scp.  This wasn't a problem in 9.10 with the same hardware :(  Any ideas on how to start troubleshooting?19:26
Jon-erUSUL: in ~/.bashrc?19:26
erUSULJon-: do not put the dollar sign19:26
erUSULJon-: yes19:26
erUSULJon-: when declaring variables you do not use the $19:26
leleobhzive created a encrypted pendrive using karmic and now with lucid the automounting (asking password automatically) dont work19:26
erUSULJon-: only when using them19:26
leleobhzsomeone know what should i do?19:26
roberto_Dr_Willis: http://www.pastebin.org/210901 -- this is how I am calling it. that same command from the commandline works19:26
VigoPolydwarf: nmap, zenmap or umit?19:27
Jon-erUSUL: Single quote around string literals only? What about an int?19:27
Debjitharrumph: If you are searching for "foo" in the contents of a file then grep -r "foo" *...19:27
erUSULJon-: i.e you can run this in a terminal « hi="Hello World!!!" ; echo $hi »19:27
cabbrick1243Does X driver 173 support the Nvidia GeForce 6x series?19:27
Debjitharrumph: -r is for recursive search19:27
PolydwarfVigo : I wouldn't think those would be useful, when it's a speed problem one-way?19:27
PolydwarfVigo : I'll give them a shot, though.19:27
harrumphDebjit: so for the system: grep -r "foo" /    rigth?19:27
Jon-erUSUL: For a port value do i need to enclose it in single quotes?19:28
erUSULJon-: there is no need but i wouldn't hurt19:28
Dr_Willisroberto_:  perhaps make a bash script that gets called that then launches your other script. Ive no idea on any ruby codeing. Ive only done my nautilus scripts in bash.19:28
roberto_Dr_Willis: I'm telling you, it works from the commandline19:28
Debjitharrumph: what do you want to search for?19:28
VigoPolydwarf: I was just suggesting them as they might show you where the fail is.19:28
roberto_Dr_Willis: try it yourself19:28
harrumphDebjit: the string "foo" anywhere on the syste19:28
JordanGbobI've got a problem with GDM, could anybody help me?19:28
Dr_Willisroberto_:  So make a bash script that explitly calls it from the commabnd line.. its possible nautilus is using sh instead of bash so that may be the issue.19:29
harrumphDebjit: meaning in a file anywhere on the system19:29
PeterDrophow i know what audio sistem iam using? ( alsa u other ...)19:29
Debjitharrumph: in the contents of a file or the name?19:29
rocket16I downloaded and installed Chrome. It is great, but in System Monitor, I see 5 chromes running, and total, they consume more than 50 MB menory, :(19:29
harrumphDebjit: in the contents of a file19:29
rocket16* memory19:29
roberto_Dr_Willis: cool, I'll try that, thanks19:29
erUSULrocket16: wonders of the one process per tab chrome model19:29
Debjitharrumph: grep -r "foo" /19:29
cabbrick1243rocket16: Chrome Runs each tab in a separate process19:29
edlikplease help...I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and now have no gui, monitor shuts down after splash screen finishes. I have command line when I press Ctrl+Alt+F1-F619:30
GeekSquidrocket16: better than Firefox, consuming 120Megs on my system19:30
rocket16Oh, thanks cabbrick1243 and erUSUL19:30
Jon-erUSUL: Still using default port (6600) instead of specified port. I have set line "MPD_PORT='myport'" in ~/.bashrc and opened a new terminal.19:30
harrumphDebjit: okay.  but for some reason it hangs on /lib/udev/devices/net/tun: File descriptor in bad state19:30
Jon-erUSUL: Which is specified in the mpc man page as being checked before-hand.19:30
erUSULJon-: drop the '' just in case19:30
Jon-erUSUL: no luck19:31
viejotrenhi i have a question about a broadcom driver in ubuntu karmic koala19:31
minimecedlik: What card?19:31
kahramangermns here?19:31
Debjitharrumph: it is better if you make the search a bit specific19:31
viejotreni can't connect to the access point19:31
Polydwarfugh.. and now write performance seems to be up.. Does anyone know if windows (server 2008 specifically) does something funky when it connects to shares for the first time?  Indexing the remote share, maybe?19:31
kahramangermans here?19:31
jozefkmy ubuntu 10.04 32bit can't mount anything anymore19:31
GeekSquid!de | kahraman19:31
ubottukahraman: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:31
erUSULJon-: make sure the var is set . run « echo $MPD_PORT »19:31
rocket16GeekSquid: Really? I think several Add-Ons are there, then it might consume more. I too faced 100 MB requirement, but then disabled add-ons, and it took only 40 MB19:31
Debjitharrumph: also try to exclude some system directories19:31
jozefki mean mount from Nautilus19:32
viejotrenthe card is the BCM431219:32
harrumphDebjit:  ok thx19:32
JordanGbobno ideas?19:32
Debjitharrumph: please see the manual page for grep19:32
Jon-erUSUL: Tried that already, it works19:32
viejotreni can't connect to the access point19:32
jozefkI can mount devices in terminal as root, actually with sudo mount...19:32
viejotrenthe error is the next:19:32
erUSULJon-: then looks like a mpc bug ?19:32
viejotrenError for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) :19:32
viejotren    SET failed on device eth2 ; Invalid argument.19:32
edlikminimec: can you tell me the command line to check my card?19:32
duffydack!swap > duffydack19:32
ubottuduffydack, please see my private message19:32
GeekSquidrocket16: mind you I have several firefox windows and lots of tabs open on more that one virtual desktop19:32
jozefkanybody experience something like that?19:32
Jon-erUSUL: I know it works because if I manually specify port and host with command line options, it works. I'd rather avoid this.19:32
AddleHow to install internet in Linux mint 8 Helena? Who knows?19:32
minimecedlik: lspci | grep VGA19:33
rocket16GeekSquid: Oh, :D19:33
GeekSquidAddle: Linux Mint is not supported here19:33
GeekSquid!mint | Addle19:33
ubottuAddle: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:33
erUSULJon-: maybe it does not use MPD_PORT if MPD_HOST is undefined ?19:33
KyberProtagonistWhere does Ubuntu mount flesh-drives or memory-cards?19:33
GeekSquid!mintsupport | Addle19:33
ubottuAddle: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:33
erUSULJon-: define both19:33
AddleOh...sorry :(19:33
Urda|HomeQuestion! Where is the Ubuntu One icon for 10.04 located???19:33
Dr_WillisAddle:  Plus your question is vague19:33
erUSULKyberProtagonist: /media/19:33
viejotrenalso the gnome-nm applet doesn't appears in the gnome-desktop19:34
GeekSquidUrda|Home: System>Preferences>Ubuntu One19:34
viejotreni can iwlist19:34
Polemus1when i sudo install sommin? how do i gain access to the app?19:34
Jon-erUSUL: Good idea, brb19:34
impacttoconnect ubuntubr19:34
viejotrenbut i can't connect in some access point?19:34
frxstremhow can I find out what devices are connected to a local network?19:34
Urda|HomeGeekSquid: No, the ICON, I'm trying to find the icon file to use it19:34
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  it addes itself to the menus/paths. theres nothing special to 'access the app'19:34
R3cur51v3Polemus1, type the name of the command19:34
impacttosomeone help me?:19:34
KyberProtagonisterUSUL: and what kind of names will they get?19:34
R3cur51v3Polemus1, or look it up in the menu system19:34
|corpse|minimec: Is it possible to use ATI CCC without flgrx19:34
DebjitUrda|Home: click on your usename in the top panel, its right at the bottom19:34
CloudMonkeehow can i fix the crashing of the window managing -- the whole top black rectangle with the mini/maximize and close buttons has dissapeared. When I open a program, the box is always missing one.19:35
Urda|HomeDebjit: No I'm looking for the .png Icon file19:35
GeekSquidUrda|Home: /usr/share/icons somewhere19:35
R3cur51v3|corpse|, there are open source drivers for all cards19:35
Jon-erUSUL: no diece.19:35
Jon-erUSUL: dice*19:35
jozefkis it possible this happens coz we don't have HAL anymore?19:35
erUSULKyberProtagonist: it depends either a generic name (disk; disk1 etc ...) or one based in the filesystem label19:35
Urda|HomeGeekSquid: ok I'll check there agin19:35
Polemus1i just did a : sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i lightscribe-
R3cur51v3|corpse|, some suck though19:35
DebjitUrda|Home: or System -> Preferences -> Ubuntu One19:35
|corpse|minimec: I mean the catalyst control19:35
minimec|corpse|: no! You should have uninstalled it, as it is one of these fglrx packages ;)19:35
Polemus1now i have no idea where to find it... it's nowhere under any menu19:35
erUSULJon-: then dunno; sounds like a bug. report it19:35
Urda|HomeDebjit: The icon file19:35
Jon-erUSUL: how19:35
romeusI recently performed a fresh install of Lucid on my T60 (R300), I tried the LiveCD and all seemed to work fine. At first my video wasn't working at all, and ubuntu would boot to command line only. I've used this fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/413259/comments/30 and startx now works from the command line. However, there's video corruption (lines of static across the screen), my sound doesn't work and my19:35
romeuswifi doesn't work.19:35
erUSULJon-: or use the command line options19:35
delemikyberprotagonist my drives automatically mount in /media19:35
|corpse|minimec: yeah thats what i thought, i had to reformat after the last attempt so now im on a fresh install19:35
viejotrenis this line ok? iwconfig eth2 essid "mywireless" key s:linuxrocks2219:36
CloudMonkeehow can i fix the crashing of the window managing -- the whole top black rectangle with the mini/maximize and close buttons has dissapeared. When I open a program, the box is always missing one.19:36
viejotrenis that ok?19:36
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
viejotrenthe wpa2 key is in the correct formar?19:36
erUSULJon-: you can in bashrc define and alias like this. mpc='mpc --first-option --other-option'19:36
airtonixPolemus1, what other methods have you used to find the program binary ?19:36
|corpse|minimec: so far everything seems to be working good, what screwed me last time was i installed ati catalyst control right away19:36
minimec|corpse|: Ok. Do you have compiz working?19:36
erUSULJon-: and use just mpc in cli. seems like a good compromise19:36
moroon bootup all I get is a terminal login.......I log in and NO gui........... I type in startx...........I get my desktop...WHY doesnt it go to startx right away? Any help on this?19:36
KyberProtagonisterUSUL: Well, I'm writting a Java-application. And I'm wondering: if I get a list of all files and folders from /media, what kind of names will I have in my array?19:36
Polemus1i did a wget to download it19:36
minimec|corpse|: Exactly ;)19:36
erUSULJon-: for the bug do. « ubuntu-bug mpc »19:37
Jon-erUSUL: I plan on making shortcuts with compizconfig or xbindkeys. Do these use the aliases in .bashrc as well?19:37
Polemus1airtonix: i did a wget to download it19:37
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erUSULJon-: nope... you can do a onleliner script19:37
|corpse|minimec: yep, compiz is working. Is there a good way to test 3d capabilitys? other then gears19:37
airtonixPolemus1, ok after you installed it did you try using which or locate ?19:37
KyberProtagonisterUSUL: can u give an example?19:37
delemiminimec did you run the system testing to see if the system will run compiz19:37
cabbrick1243Maco: Changed the Nvidia driver back from most recent to the 173 version. will see how that goes19:37
Six6siXis there an easy way of transferring all files in sub-folders with matching extension into the root folder?19:37
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macocabbrick1243: kk19:37
minimecdelemi: ?19:37
Polemus1airtonix: nope... no idea how to use which / locate19:37
Jon-erUSUL: ?19:38
airtonixPolemus1, locate lightscribe19:38
jribSix6siX: sure... use find or a glob (hint: **/*.ext)19:38
DebjitUrda|Home: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/ubuntuone.png19:38
minimec|corpse|: sudo apt-get install warsow ;) It's a game and maybe use the phoronix-test-suit if you want some reliable fps.19:38
delemiminimec in 10.04 on the top task bar System/Admin/System Testing\19:38
danielbwi need help with the e1000 driver going down unexpectedly19:39
Polemus1airtonix: "locate lightscribe" in terminal returns nothing19:39
rocket16God, Chrome processes have become zombie here! And it is occurring continuously. Is my Computer going to be Resident Evil Movie? :D19:39
erUSULJon-: make a textfile with two lines 1) #!/bin/sh 2) mpc --first-option --other-option "$@"19:39
minimecdelemi: Why are you talking to  me?19:39
DebjitUrda|Home: there are other sizes too such as 24x24 etc19:39
airtonixPolemus1, failing find the deb file in the file manager, right click on it and open with gdebi. when the window opens select the included files tab , from there you should see where the binary is installed19:39
delemiminimec you were talking about compiz19:39
CloudMonkeeHow can I make flash work with visual effects enabled19:39
GeekSquidUrda|Home: /usr/share/ubuntuone-client/icons19:39
|corpse|mimimec, excelent. Thanks a lot for all the help today. much appreciated19:39
leleobhzI have created a encrypted pendrive using karmic and now with lucid the automounting (asking password automatically) dont work. Someone know what can i do?19:40
erUSULJon-: make it esecutable « chmod +x textfile » ; place it in /usr/local/bin/ « sudo cp textfile /usr/local/bin/ »19:40
erUSULJon-: and you can use "textfile" as a command19:40
ernie_Does anyone know where the evolution folder is in 10.04? I have the .evolution from 9.04 and I just want to replace the folder19:40
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minimecdelemi: I use e17... I was helping other people.19:40
airtonixPolemus1, for the record that tab shows where it intends to install its files not where the files currently are... (just so your not confused if you look at that tab for a program you've yet to install )19:40
jribernie_: no idea.  Check ~/.config/ and ~/.gnome2/19:40
frxstremis there a way to see what devices are connected to a network?19:40
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  the lightscribe homepage also had some linux apps  and templates  last i checked.19:40
GeekSquidernie_: in your home folder, it is hidden Ctrl-H to unhide/hide19:41
ernie_jrib, thanks, I'll give it a shot19:41
Jon-erUSUL: can I provide additional command line arguments to it?19:41
delemiminimec My mistake I came into the chat a little late19:41
Dr_Willisfrxstrem:  you cound 'nmap' to scan the network.19:41
Polemus1airtonix: i feel like an idiot :-D can't find anything...19:41
minimecdelemi: ;)19:41
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Debjitcan anyone tell me why the netspeed applet stops updating for few mins19:41
frxstremDr_Willis: okay, thanks :)19:41
nickkontoshello guys, i live in a foresaken place called greece, and all I want in my life is 10-20 shinny ubuntu stickers for my machines :/ so far the solutions I found are way too expensive (50euros for 100 stickers - including transport) any sugestions?19:41
ernie_GeekSquid, I couldn't find it in there. I did unhide the files and folders19:41
delemiminimec how do you like E17?19:41
Polemus1Dr_Willis: that's where i got it from... i did wget to download... then i installed it... now i am clueless19:41
abhijainhappy mothers day to all of you19:41
erUSULJon-: afaics yes19:41
erUSULJon-: let me check19:42
Dr_WillisPolemus1: if you log out/back in it may appear in the menus. Ive not used the stuff in ages19:42
GeekSquidnickkontos: buy some avery labels, make them yourself19:42
cabbrick1243maco: nope didn't work... It is very hard to find documentation on that to19:42
airtonixPolemus1, can't find the deb file ? you used wget right? so the deal with wget is that it dumps files you ask it to get in the current working directory. so assuming you still have the terminal window open that you used and haven't changed directory then that will indicate where it is19:42
NubI have a portable hard drive NTFS connected via usb.  I am trying to copy 30GB of files to it.  Four times I have tried, and after copy about 10GB or so, the drive suddenly unmounts incorrectly...19:42
VCooliodelemi: it's awesome, very light, very good; takes some investigating at start to compile but totally worth it19:42
minimecdelemi: I love it for years. I am using it in two dual screen computer setups. It is a the perfect solution for a dual screen setup.19:42
airtonixDr_Willis, is lightscribe a daemon or user app ?19:42
CloudMonkeedr_willis, do you know how to fix flash with visual effects enabled for browsing online with flash apps(for some reason they don't work or respond right).19:43
minimecairtonix: User app. there are to apps to burn lightscripe cd's19:43
donaldohow to enable surround toshiba laptop?19:43
Dr_Willisairtonix:  last i used it. its a user app. but there was 2 packages that had to be installed.. and i think there was an advanced labler and a basic labaler.19:43
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  ive no problems with them here.19:43
erUSULJon-: afaics yes19:43
NubI have a portable hard drive NTFS connected via usb.  I am trying to copy 30GB of files to it.  Four times I have tried, and after copy about 10GB or so, the drive suddenly unmounts incorrectly...19:43
GeekSquidnickkontos: see this page as well http://www.system76.com/article_info.php?articles_id=919:44
Ademananyone know how I can change a pdf to monochrome so that I can print it on my laser printer? (otherwise it stipples things to achieve greyscale)19:44
airtonixPolemus1, once you find the deb file you can use gdebi to inspect its install payload manifest19:44
webroastershey guys, quick question. Is there a ubuntu server irc?19:44
Polemus1 airtonix: i found the deb file and used gdebi... but i don't know what i am looking for :)19:44
delemivcoolio: minimec: I burned it to a disk a few days ago and have it booted to a 64bit dual 3.8 xeon system at work and it reminds me of OSX. I was planning to put it on my laptop when my new hd comes for my laptop19:45
airtonixPolemus1, the included tab, third one19:45
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe19:45
DebjitNub: Have you tried dmesg to get the error, that can be helpful19:45
Nubdo i do that in a terminal?19:45
DebjitNub: ya19:46
airtonixPolemus1, look for an entry that is something like : /usr/bin/blah/blah19:46
VCooliodelemi: are you still talking about e17? maybe you mean some distro with it and a mac-theme with it?19:46
DebjitNub: dmesg | tail -5019:46
Dunkanhello kitty19:46
Polemus1airtonix: i am looking at the "included files".... but i don't know what i have to look for to open the app :) ... i kis you not... i am very new to ubuntu19:46
delemivcoolio: yes I was talking about e17.19:46
danielbwi need help with the e1000 driver going down unexpectedly. Has anyone else experienced the problem of the e1000 driver detecting the link as down and will not come up until a reboot?  Even unloading and loading the e1000 module does not work19:46
donaldohow to enable surround toshiba laptop?19:46
killergame82Des français19:47
danielbwcome on, I have been asking for help since last night!19:47
cabbrick1243Still need help reading TTY (Virtual Console)  No longer Little dots thanks to Dr_Willis, but it is now just colorful squares where the text should be, mirrored on the screen19:47
Nubnot sure what i am looking at19:47
Jon-erUSUL: FYI: further command line args do not work.19:47
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  once ya install the proper 3 packagtes - the command is '4L-gui'19:47
airtonixDr_Willis, hooray for obscure commands19:47
Jon-erUSUL: I can just specify the port argument manually everytime, it's just annoying.19:47
VCooliodelemi: ok, well, the default theme is black and white (very cool), but I guess you mean the dock then in some screenshots (which is itask-ng btw and doesn't come with e17 by default); but definitely give it a shot19:47
CloudMonkeedr_willis, umm, if you have visual effects enabled, go to www.youtube.com and try to manipulate some videos with the buttons. The flash doesn't work correctly with visual effects enabled19:47
minimecdelemi: It is definitly worth a try. I don't use the ecomorph compiz version. Just clean good e17 ;)19:48
DebjitNub: look for the device name of the NTFS volume19:48
DebjitNub: and the whatever associated with it19:48
NubDebjit: not sure what I am looking at19:48
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  the 'buttons' problem depends on a lot of other things it seems.  compiz somehow shows a Bug thats in flash.  theres several fix's out on the net.19:48
NubOh, ok19:48
delemiI will play with it in a few days. My laptop hd has head knocking.19:49
Polemus1Dr_Willis: thanx... i did all the steps.. i also installed lacie... however, lacie doen't support text... only images... so i then installed an app from lightscribe's website (whick is a simple labeling tool)... now i don't know how to access that tool19:49
bdii remember there was a package with a lot of codecs to install for playing different video formats. what is the name of that package?19:49
emghazalHow do I remove the evolution envelope icon? http://imagebin.org/9612719:49
harrumphanybody know why grep's --exclude-dir doesn't seem to exclude dirs?  shouldn't this work without recursing through /lib/udev?  sudo grep -r --exclude-dir='/lib/udev' "foo" /19:49
onetinsoldierbdi: 'ubuntu-restricted-extras'19:50
nickkontosGeekSquid, my country isn't listed in system76... neither is any other country that i have a friend :s19:50
minimecdelemi: TAke yourself some time to explore e17. It is really complex for configuration, as you can almost do anything...19:50
lukethedukehello, my root partition doesn't get a symlink in /dev/disk/by-uuid. blkid doesn't show it either. restarting udev or doing partprobe doesn't do anything. I had to change the grub entry to use the /dev/sdc1 device that is my root directly... anybody know why that could be?19:50
CloudMonkeedr_willis, how would you point me into the direction of one?19:50
delemiminimec: what kernal is e17 running?19:50
danielbwHow can I get someone to help me with my problem? Is my description too vague?19:50
VCooliodelemi: none, it's a wm you can intall on your system19:50
Dr_WillisCloudMonkee:  http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do19:50
electhorbdi: Follow the instructions at medibuntu or sudo apt-get install restricted extras19:50
lukethedukeof course I would like to boot via uuid, because I want to add or remove hard drives sometimes...19:50
edlikminimec:VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)19:51
bdielecthor, yeah i did the latter19:51
minimecdelemi: YOu can run your normal ubuntu 10.04 install. You only need to install the WindoMAnager e17. There are different ways to do that.19:51
infidis there a linux command to tell me what UTC offset i am? 'date --utc' just shows what my current date/time is in utc format but not the offset19:51
w3l54666sorry guys but need help installing my ralink rt3070 wifi dongle19:51
airtonixw3l54666, is it usb or internal ?19:52
minimecedlik: INtel is not really my playground... I know that some people complained about some of the intel drivers. MAybe others here can serve you better.19:52
delemivcoolio: makes things easier. No recompiling my work software. We have some issues at work with the new ubuntu releases.19:52
boch_Hi, i have installed Lucid Lynx in my desktop and i want to use a real time kernel like UbuntuStudio does, without having to reinstall the whole system again. Is it possible? Is there some repository or package for realtime kernel ?19:52
barf00Hi all, i'm getting a permission denied error when I try and run the command echo 134217728 >/proc/sys/kernel/shmall - Its for trying to set shared memory, anyone any ideas?19:52
tech-mikeanybody help with logitech quickcam in skype ??19:53
boch_barberan, use sudo19:53
boch_barf00, use sudo19:53
infidi have my clock set to show the wheather but it's not. any idea why? it seems to have stopped working since i upgraded to lucid19:53
w3l54666airtonix: its usb19:53
barf00boch_ - I've tried with sudo but still gives me the permission denied error19:53
minimectech-mike: Do you know, that the cam is ercognized correctly by the system?19:53
airtonixw3l54666, pastebin output of lsusb19:54
ubuntu472i installed lucid lynx on my desktop by direct online upgrade.but after the restart my system doesn load kubuntu 10.04 lts.please help im strande without an os..19:54
VCooliodelemi: unless the problems are for example metacity / compiz related I doubt if a different wm is going to make a difference19:54
tech-mikeminimec:  yes19:54
paolobhi guys! What do I need in lucid to establish a remote gnome session to a server?19:54
emghazalHow do I remove the evolution envelope icon? http://imagebin.org/9612719:54
lukethedukeubuntu472: what happens when you try to boot?19:54
boch_barf00, may be it is a read only file, what are you tring to do?19:54
onetinsoldieredlik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Intel%208xx%20X%20freezes/crashes19:54
tech-mikeminimec:  Bus 001 Device 008: ID 046d:092e Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Chat19:54
airtonixw3l54666, also does iwconfig show your adapter ?19:54
minimectech-mike: Ok. I am not really the skype user, but it should then show up in the video settings.19:54
delemivcoolio: are there video card requirements?19:54
barf00boch - I'm trying to set shared memory up, it used to work fine but after a reboot it is giving me this error19:55
tech-mikeminimec:  it does but doesnt start correctly19:55
VCooliodelemi: not sure, don't think so, it works with my nvidia card and driver19:55
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  I always use this one --> /opt/lightscribeApplications/SimpleLabeler/SimpleLabeler19:55
tech-mikeminimec:  xawtv was able to access19:55
alketHow to make empathy open new converstions in bottom panel not in that green envelope at top ?19:55
minimectech-mike: I wouöd first check gstreamer-properties, the video v4l2 section, and test the device.19:55
VCooliodelemi: unless you go ecomorph, that requires compositing and glx or what is it19:55
boch_barf00, sorry i have no idea then, try with sysctl: man sysctl19:55
qoqoAll the softwares which is on list of playonlinux works %100 (if ubuntu does not have any problem)?19:56
w3l54666they all say linux foundation root hub in lsusb19:56
VCoolioemghazal: right click and delete (isn't it the indicator-applet for gnome-panel?)19:56
Dr_Willisqoqo:  i would be suprised if they all work 100% :)19:56
tech-mikeminimec:  testing through gstreamer is showing fine19:56
delemivcoolio: thanks I will look into it and play with it on monday19:56
infidalket: my guess is to go into empathy's preferences and uncheck 'show incoming messages in the messaging menu' but i'm not sure19:56
minimecdelemi: VCoolio Probalby as VCoolio I tell you. Try e17 without ecomorph first. ;)19:56
airtonixw3l54666, unplug the wifi device and put it back in again the run lsusb again.19:56
qoqoDr_Willis: but they have all the scripts inside ? why they doe not work ?19:56
VCooliodelemi: ecomorph is ok, but it's going to be deprecated in favor of the comp module, but that one isn't as configurable as ecomorph yet19:57
tech-mikeminimec:  using input v4l219:57
alketinfid, that still opens in top panel like envelope but with another look19:57
airtonixw3l54666, also try blowing on the connector to remove dust19:57
tech-mikeminimec:  should i try switching to v4l 1?19:57
distant_voiceever since upgrading to 10.4 ubuntu doesn't recognize my cd drive anymore. can anybody help?19:57
emghazalVCoolio: That removes the whole indicator applet, including power, bluetooth, and sound.19:57
minimectech-mike: Skype doesn't use the gstreamer framework I think. So it is probably skype related.19:57
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Dr_Willisqoqo:  with wine. theres never a guarentee. :)19:57
bdii am trying to use sshfs to mount a remote dir to /media/IMM, but i get this error: fusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint /media/IMM. I think i have to use chmod on /media/IMM but im not sure. Any ideas?19:57
=== GuilhermeCunha__ is now known as GuilhermeCunha
minimectech-mike: You cannot. Your cam is a v4l2 cam. NO way to change that.19:57
qoqoDr_Willis: ok. thank you :)19:57
ubuntu472is there a way to downgrade from ubuntu 10.04 to 9.10 without personal files being deleted??19:58
tech-mikeminimec:  alright, well ill continue to mess with it - thx19:58
jrib!downgrade | ubuntu47219:58
ubottuubuntu472: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.19:58
w3l54666airtonix i got it recognised in both lsusb and iwconfig19:58
minimectech-mike: no problem.19:58
Polemus1Dr_Willis: ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5': File exists19:58
minimeccheck tthe settings in skype...19:58
airtonixw3l54666, ok now check your network icon in the system tray19:58
delemiminimec: thanks for the advise, I work for cell one of east texas and we run a lot of *nix servers. Always fun to learn something new.19:58
VCoolioemghazal: sorry, don't use it; two options: 1. check evolution preferences; 2. check gconf-editor, apps > indicator-applet for settings19:58
w3l54666exclamation mark19:58
airtonixw3l54666, left click it.19:58
minimecdelemi: Linux is fun, right ;)19:59
airtonixw3l54666, does your dongle show up ?19:59
brontosaurusrexhow can i select first 272 pages in openoffice writter?19:59
Dunkancontrol e?19:59
frxstremdoes someone know what the / in some IP addresses mean?19:59
emghazalVCoolio: I removed evolution altogether from my computer. I'll try gconf-editor.19:59
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  you may not need that step. Thats for 64bit systems19:59
delemiminimec: makes me use my brain. makes me remeber all the programing classes I had.19:59
VCooliobrontosaurusrex: go to page 272, then ctrl+shift+home?19:59
distant_voiceever since upgrading to 10.4 ubuntu doesn't recognize my cd drive anymore. can anybody help?19:59
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  and the guide may be out of date with  the newer releases of ubuntu19:59
bdii am trying to use sshfs to mount a remote dir to /media/IMM, but i get this error: fusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint /media/IMM. I think i have to use chmod on /media/IMM but im not sure. Any ideas?19:59
infidalket: i'd check gconf-editor, apps > indicator-applet20:00
Polemus1Dr_Willis: i am running 64bit20:00
eFever|Newklearhi friend of mine has a problem with his wlan card can someone help :) (have the syslog etc)20:00
w3l54666no it doesnt20:00
Dr_Willisbdi:  you could just mount it to the users home dir somewhere.20:00
ubuntu472unable to run ubuntu 10.04 on my present system so need to downgrade..is it possible??20:00
airtonixw3l54666, ok back in the terminal type : sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart20:00
Thoraxubuntu only detects one button off my IR remote control (HP laptop unit), and I can't seem to get lirc to do anything useful. How do I get the IR remote to work?20:00
bdiDr_Willis, well, i would kinda like to have it in media20:00
distant_voicebrontosaurusrex: go to the beginning of your document and put the cursor in front of the first word, hold shift, scroll to page 272 and put the cursor behind the last word20:00
brontosaurusrexVCoolio: wow, lol, now how would i select pages from 50 -> 272 ?20:00
ubuntu472unable to run ubuntu 10.04 on my present system so need to downgrade..is it possible?20:01
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w3l54666kk 2mins20:01
brontosaurusrexdistant_voice: i'am looking for a faster method20:01
jribubuntu472: reinstall20:01
webroastersis there a ubuntu server IRC channel???20:01
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mateuszWell it is possible20:01
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  i  think i skipped that step. but i did have to copy /lib/lightsc*  (liblightscribe.so and liblightscribe.so.1 ) to /usr/lib3220:01
jribwebroasters: you're in it !20:01
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webroastersi thought this was the normal one20:01
guy_I have accidently rm'ed my /var/cache and now X just freezes (can't move mouse or keyboard) upon startup, I'm irc'ing from terminal, anyone got a clue how to fix this ?20:01
jribwebroasters: (there's also #ubuntu-server, but this one works too)20:01
VCooliobrontosaurusrex: not sure, page-up helps to select; or delete (temporarily) the part before or after what you need, so you can use home or end to select20:01
webroastersi know theres an off topic20:01
webroastersok thanks jrib20:01
eFever|Newklearhi friend of mine has a problem with his wlan card can someone help :) (have the syslog etc)20:01
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  but sudo  ldconfig  might of fixed that also.. i dident trry too hard.20:01
brontosaurusrexVCoolio: ok, thanks20:02
frxstrem!repeat | eFever|Newklear20:02
ubottueFever|Newklear: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:02
Polemus1Dr_Willis: i have it installed now @  /opt/lightscribeApplications/SimpleLabeler20:02
Polemus1Dr_Willis: still don't know how to run it though20:02
guy_anyone ? :/20:02
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  you type the path to the command.20:02
litropyHi, peeps. I want to set up an audio server on my 10.04 powered netbook so that ANY audio it plays (as in the audio that would go to the speakers) instead is routed to a sound server that outputs a stream. The purpose is so that I can open this stream using another machine that's hooked up to my wall-mounted speakers. Any ideas as to the best way to do this?20:03
bdii am trying to use sshfs to mount a remote dir to /media/IMM, but i get this error: fusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint /media/IMM. I think i have to use chmod on /media/IMM but im not sure. Any ideas?20:03
Dr_WillisPolemus1:   $ /opt/lightscribeApplications/SimpleLabeler/SimpleLabeler20:03
ubuntu472jrib but i do not want my files like songs and movies and photographs to be delted..what should i follow now?? i tried to backup the files from my live cd but its not possible.some encryption :( please help20:03
crankharderis there any way to get an ubuntu ISO onto a DVD (because i dont have any blank CDs) so that it'll boot?20:03
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  or the other version   4L-gui20:03
Dr_Williscrankharder:  ive heard you can burn them to dvd and they will work.. but ive heard of otehrs saying that dont work...20:03
Thoraxdoes anyone have IR working properly on ubuntu 10.04?20:04
mateuszcrankharder: yes it will work20:04
Dr_Williscrankharder:  i make bootable flash drives now a days :)20:04
ubuntu_hello i am new to ubuntu and i would really like to install 10.04 but i cant get my printer to work, could someone help me configure it correctly please20:04
jribubuntu472: what happens when you try to boot 10.04?20:04
minimecPolemus1: Dr_Willis You probably need sudo rights to run that... Both lightscripe programms need sudo rights or an adapted groups file.20:04
mateuszJust burn the ISO just like you would on a CD20:04
electhorcrankharder: As long as it is burned as an image, it should not matter if it is a dvd or cd20:04
crankharderDr_Willis: looks like the doc for that is out of date for 10.4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:04
Jordan_Ulitropy: In Ubuntu everything is already routed through the pulseaudio sound server, which can transfer streams through the network.20:04
gebUKhi has anybody here managed to get nginx running with php on their machines?20:04
slashfoohello guys20:04
Polemus1Dr_Willis:  $ /opt/lightscribeApplications/SimpleLabeler/SimpleLabeler ........................ $: command not found20:04
Dr_Willisminimec:  i dident need them just now.   the docs mention using sudo.. but THEN they also say 'These packages install programs as setuid root, which means that they run with full system privileges and could be a security risk. '20:04
distant_voiceever since upgrading to 10.4 ubuntu doesn't recognize my cd drive anymore. can anybody help?20:04
litropyJordan_U: thank you, now joining #pulseaudio20:05
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  the $ is not part of the command. thats the bash prompt20:05
MightyTweekHey all, I've just upgraded to 10.04 and when I turn on visual effects the title bars disappear from all my windows. I'm using a laptop with Intel 945GM integrated graphics if that helps20:05
Dr_Willisminimec:  so needing sudo to run suid programs.. seems.. weird.20:05
minimecDr_Willis: That is possibl, as this is old and never maintained software. Both applications are very basic.20:05
distant_voicemightytweek: do you have the compiz configuration thingy installed?20:05
TommyThaGunis there a way to control the volume of sound in GDM?20:05
Dr_Willisminimec:  yep. I dont even have a LS drive in this box any more.20:06
Dr_WillisLS - neat idea.. that was a pain to use.20:06
MightyTweekdistant_voice, how would I check?20:06
Polemus1Dr_Willis: oh :-D ...... now i get ..... /opt/lightscribeApplications/SimpleLabeler/SimpleLabeler: error while loading shared libraries: liblightscribe.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:06
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  that guide mentions needing to do a 'sudo ldconfig'20:06
TommyThaGunnevermind, I at least figured out how to turn off the sound that is played20:07
can__how can i do "System Settings->Advanced->Service Manager and turning off "Detecting RANDR (monitor) changes"" via console?20:07
ubuntu_hello i am new to ubuntu and i would really like to install 10.04 but i cant get my printer to work, could someone help me configure it correctly please20:07
slashfooguys I'm presenting the same issue as the OP of the thread at http://goo.gl/vmKK is that caused ONLY by corrupted/bad filesystems?20:07
awakeashHmmmm  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/LswCv4TU20:08
minimecDr_Willis: Polemus1 I have one of these lightscribe drives and sometimes use it. The results are really ok, but the 'sudo' problem was also surprising for me.20:08
airtonixw3l54666, still doesnt show up in the tray icon ?20:09
Polemus1Dr_Willis: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs worked for me !!!!!20:09
TheAwesomeGuycannot open `/dev/tty': No such device or address20:09
minimecPolemus1: UNfortunately my 'lightscribe' computer is still on jaunty, as it is my wirking horse... ;)20:09
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  yep - it pays to follow the guide. :)20:09
TheAwesomeGuyim getting this error when running gpg from php with shell_exec()20:09
w3l54666nor on network manager20:09
Polemus1Dr_Willis: THANX A MILLION20:09
airtonixw3l54666, did you say you were usign lucid or karmic ?20:10
w3l54666:S confused20:10
w3l54666im using 10.0420:10
w3l54666new release20:10
onetinsoldierthat's Lucid20:10
emghazalI can't find a way to remove the evolution envelope icon (http://imagebin.org/96127). I uninstalled Evolution altogether. I can't remove the indicator applet because I want the sound, bluetooth, and power icons. And I tried looking at gconf-editor but found nothing. Any ideas?20:10
airtonixw3l54666, ok nicknamed lucid it is. can you check for hardware drivers please > system menu > admin > hardware drivers20:11
Jon-Anyone with experiance setting up mpd and mpc? I wanted to revert to the default port and address, so I did an apt-get autoremove --purge mpd mpc && sudo apt-get install mpc mpd   the issue is: mpc doesn't see mpd. gmpc sees it no problem. Help?20:11
distant_voiceever since upgrading to 10.4 ubuntu doesn't recognize my cd drive anymore. can anybody help?20:11
w3l54666i aint on the net on it20:11
w3l54666does it matter?20:11
airtonixw3l54666, also visti pastebin.com and then copy and paste the output of : iwconfig there then give the link to resulting page here20:11
airtonixw3l54666, ah right, not at this stage no.20:12
impacttoconnect #ubuntu-br20:12
MightyTweekemghazal, I think the envelope icon is just part of the indicator applet20:12
Owerhello flitteri20:13
medsalut  tous le monde20:13
Owerhello med20:14
Owerhello csbn90020:15
=== iosonoio_ is now known as iosonoio
cabbrick1243Ok i'm back a again and i still haven't been able to find to much help on this isssue.  When Ubuntu Lucid 64 bit boots, the screen that should say ubuntu has discoloration (major) Also when exiting to TTY (Virtual Console) the text on it is replaced by multicolored blocks in the place of the text.  I really need some help with this.20:15
emghazalMightyTweek: So there is no way to remove it? It's bad enough indicator-applet has more spacing than Notification Area and looks inconsistent. Now I'll also have to live with a useless icon there? :(20:16
wk_exeonhow do i install a .inf20:16
winXPuserwhere did you get it?20:17
winXPuserwhat is it supposed to do?20:17
MightyTweekemghazal, yup20:17
winXPusersounds like windows driver file extension20:17
can__how can i do "System Settings->Advanced->Service Manager and turning off "Detecting RANDR (monitor) changes"" via console? has it something to do with "xrandr"? i'm not using gnome, so the dialog is missing.. please help! the flickering makes me crazy :S20:17
wk_exeonit is20:17
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  part 1 sounds like a typical Plymouth issue. Its using a low-color driver for the system because of your video card.20:18
onetinsoldierdistant_voice: i probably won't be able to help. but what kind of port is the cdrom drive on? parallel? or sata?20:18
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  the 2nd sounds like a framebuffer/console conflict with the X drivers.20:18
frxstremdoes anyone here know how to install PHP 5.3 on Ubuntu?20:18
andrikos1996Hallo Zolo20:18
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  i dont know of a fix for either one. IVe had similer issues appear and vanish  all during beta20:18
steelboxhi there!20:18
ZoloHe rang, and then he left!20:19
Dr_WillisZolo:  you scared him off20:19
steelboxI have parasites on my sound speakers, how can I suppress that plz?20:19
winXPuserfrxstrem, http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.unix.php20:19
newuserDI need help D: which version of ubuntu do I install on a 32 bit AMD processer?20:19
ZoloI might scare you away too if you're not careful.20:19
Dr_WillisnewuserD:  the 32bit version...20:19
ZoloGot 4chan links bookmarked!20:19
Dr_WillisnewuserD:  i686 or whatever its called20:19
wk_exeoncan any1 help me20:19
newuserDthe intel baised one?20:19
steelboxI have parasites on my sound speakers, how can I suppress that plz?20:19
cabbrick1243Dr_Willis: Ok, should i try a reinstall of ubuntu? the card is an Nvidia Geforce 6150 se (or whatever the seconversion is)20:20
newuserDIs it not baised on intel....20:20
Dr_Willissteelbox:  You have small insects on yoru speakers?20:20
frxstremwinXPuser: I meant installing with APT, not from source20:20
onetinsoldierDr_Willis: i was gonna say..... bug spray, lol20:20
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  i doubt if that will matter.  some nvidia cards have some issues with Plymouth. thats just how it is.20:20
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  You are using the  nvidia drivers from the repos?20:20
cabbrick1243ok thanks20:20
wk_exeonit intel hdmi driver20:21
Polemus1how can i add a shortcut in the menu to: /opt/lightscribeApplications/SimpleLabeler/SimpleLabeler20:21
steelboxI have parasites on my sound speakers, how can I suppress that plz?20:21
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  with the alacarte menu editor ..20:21
newuserDthank you Dr_willis :D20:21
Dr_Willissteelbox:  use bug spray? or clarify the question.20:21
cabbrick1243Dr_Willis: Yes i was, i should probably look on their site, but the one problem i've hear with that is the kernel updates will screw it up later on20:22
steelboxbug spray?20:22
winXPuserfrxstrem, maybe sudo apt-get install php20:22
Polemus1Dr_Willis: I supose i need to install it.. or does it come out the box with lucid?20:22
Dr_Willissteelbox:  we have NO IDEA what you mean by 'parasites'  - those are blood sucking insects.. last i looked..20:22
onetinsoldiersteelbox: well.. parasite's are consdiered to be bugs, like insects20:22
Dr_WillisPolemus1:  no idea. try alt-f2 alacarte and find out20:22
steelboxDr_Willis: lol okay20:23
steelboxsorry for my low english level20:23
grspence__does anyone have experience with mythtv.... i've got everything working perfect with the exception of mythweb.... i can view my recording etc as a list on there but whenever i click to view my video library i get a blank page.  any suggestions?20:23
steelboxI got some noise in my speakers20:23
steelboxit's periodic20:23
gebUKhi has anybody here managed to get nginx running with php on their machines? pls PM me20:23
wk_exeonhow do i install a .inf20:23
Dr_Williswk_exeon:  what are you trying to isntall anyway?20:24
steelboxand it happens even without playing any audio/video files20:24
pun84just got a power outage, now i get "The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present"20:24
CogitoErgoSam#bash isn't being responsive, so I'm gonna go OT real quick and ask once if anyone knows how to use sed -r to insert a tab in place of spaces...\t isn't doin it20:24
alex2010hello, I can't get X started with a GeForce Go 6100 on 10.04, though it worked fine in the live CD, and when I run startx too20:24
Dr_Willissteelbox:   you mean to say it makes a 'pop/crackle' every few min.. right befor a sound plays?20:24
onetinsoldierwk_exeon: perhaps with wine... but i doubt it. .inf file is pretty much an ms windows thing20:24
wk_exeonhdmi driver 4 intel20:24
pun84anyone ?20:24
cabbrick1243steelbox: go to system>preferences>sound , click on the hardware tab, and change the device profile to one  until you find one that works20:25
steelboxwithout playing audio files20:25
Owerhello pun8420:25
Dr_WillisCogitoErgoSam:  I would use 'tr' to remove tabs:tr -d '\011' <test.txt >out.txt20:25
alex2010it is driving me absolutely nuts because I know the card works, but GDM simply refuses to run it20:25
zoharhi, someone knows how to install nvidia-xconfig on ubuntu 9.1?  i want to create xorg.conf ?20:25
Polemus1Dr_Willis: thanx once again :(20:25
steelboxcabbrick1243: hum okay I can try20:25
Dr_WillisCogitoErgoSam: taken from google.. from --> http://forums.macosxhints.com/archive/index.php/t-26928.html20:25
cofeeholy hello to all20:25
cabbrick1243stellbox: oh, nvm then, its easy and worth a shot20:25
severnayaHello. I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 in virtualbox but as soon as I restart for the first time it crashes20:25
onetinsoldierhello cofee20:25
pun84Hi Ower my install wont load after I just got a power outage, its saying "The disc drive for / is not ready yet or not present" what can i do??20:25
distant_voiceever since upgrading to 10.4 ubuntu doesn't recognize my cd drive anymore. can anybody help?20:25
CogitoErgoSamDr_Willis: I'm trying to ADD tabs20:26
cofeehi Soldier20:26
steelboxcabbrick1243: okay but hardware tab is empty20:26
Oweryou mount the disk first20:26
cofeehow are you, man?20:26
Dr_WillisCogitoErgoSam:  you want to replace every 8 spaces in a row with a tab? or similer?20:26
CogitoErgoSamDr_Willis:  I'll see if that control char they mention works though, thanks for the heads up.20:26
onetinsoldierok. and you?20:26
Owerhello cofee20:26
zohar_hi, someone knows how to install nvidia-xconfig on ubuntu 9.1?  i want to create xorg.conf ?20:27
cofeehi Ower!20:27
Dr_WillisCogitoErgoSam:  that may be a bit harder.   but proberly doable20:27
robbritquick question, whats the command for the System->Preferences->Sound dialog? i just upgraded to Lucid and it doesn't appear to be there anymore20:27
pun84"Continue to wait: or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"20:27
Owerwere are you from?20:27
cofeegood vibes!20:27
wk_exeoncan i use ndis wrapper to install a inf20:27
CogitoErgoSamDr_Willis:  Writing an install script that lists a user's network interfaces via ifconfig, but it doesn't tab the columns out; uses spaces.  Was hoping to replace any repeated string of spaces with a single tab20:27
cofeeyou Ower?20:27
Dr_WillisCogitoErgoSam:  perhaps --> http://www.computing.net/answers/unix/replacing-a-character-with-a-tab/4966.html20:27
Dr_WillisCogitoErgoSam:  ive alwqays had that 'trick' make things worse then befor. :)20:28
CogitoErgoSamDr_Willis:  Great!  I'll see if that does it, thanks20:28
cofeeclose countries20:28
cofeecheers :D20:28
cabbrick1243steelbox: wow... don't know much to help with that.. you may need a better driver... your running lucid right? go on the forums and search for pulse audio drivers.. i remember reading about that when my sound card was giving me trouble20:28
pun84can someone help me?20:28
cofeelot of population from italy here20:28
zohar_hi, someone knows how to install nvidia-xconfig on ubuntu 9.1?  i want to create xorg.conf ?20:29
Dr_WillisCogitoErgoSam:  finally --> http://www.unixguide.net/unix/sedoneliner.shtml20:29
cofeein the 2nd war times20:29
Dr_WillisCogitoErgoSam:  :) all done.. bed time for me.20:29
cabbrick1243Dr_Willis: So... since i cant access the TTY (Virtual Console) do you know any way of changing the logon screen without it?20:29
CogitoErgoSamDr_Willis:  Thanks a bunch, I appreciate it.  G'night!20:29
robbritzohar_: use System->Administration->Hardware Drivers20:29
robbritzohar_: you can install the nvidia driver there, it should come with nvidia-xconfig20:30
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  the gdm login screen?  thats tweakable a little bit20:30
pun84this is ridiculous i never had a problem unitl i upgraded to newest version20:30
pun84now it breaks within 2weeks20:30
wk_exeonis there intel xconfig20:30
cofeewe have definitely token the italian spirit for our culture20:30
suboneEven with the latest ati proprietary video drivers, videos appear broken (sometimes half the picture seems to be one frame and the other half another frame). Its hardly noticeable but annoying if you do notice it. Anyone know of a way to sync this or something?20:30
cabbrick1243Dr_Willis: yes the gdm screen. I don't like the purple background :p20:30
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  i got some bookmarks at http://delicious.com/dr_willis20:30
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  simple way.. find that image.. edit it... :)20:31
cofeeyes Ower20:31
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  its in /usr/share/backgrounds  I think. or somewhere in /usr/20:31
Owerhow old are you?20:31
ChrisC_Hi, is there a way to reset the wireless network from the command line. My wireless keeps disconnecting and I have to log out and in again to bring it back up. Surely there must be a way to reset via command line.20:31
zohar_robbrit - u know what is "Hardware drivers" in hebrew ?20:31
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  yep. in /usr/share/backgrounds20:32
cofeeOwer, do you know about this system, Ubuntu?20:32
robbritzohar_: no idea, check on google translate20:32
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:   i set up grub2 and gdm  and my user to use the same wallpaper20:32
robbritzohar_: it should have a picture of a computer chip next to it20:32
cabbrick1243Dr_Willis: Duh! thanks a lot. I feel like a moron now... Windows mods are like that sometimes to...20:32
Oweri 2720:32
Owerdo you use backtrack for cracking wifi?20:33
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  theres other tools to tweak the gdm stuff.. but I just edit/change that ugly picture :) i hate how its the default20:33
Samekh93hello hello20:33
Dr_Willis!backtrack | Ower20:33
ubottuOwer: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:33
steelboxcabbrick1243: so my hardware tab is empty20:33
cofeegreat :D20:33
cabbrick1243Dr_Willis: Yea, they used to let you change it20:33
cofeeim not user of wi-fi20:33
Dr_Williscabbrick1243:  gdm1 vs gdm2.. its changeable still. theres just not a nice gui tool by default.. see the grub2setup tool in my links20:34
miolandscan anyone help with getting write  privileges back for a usb drive20:34
Owerfor me, ubuntu is a best distro20:34
* rocket16 agrees with Ower20:34
Owerbut sabayon too20:34
amontimurhello, i am a newbie and require help. i just installed ubuntu, but to get my wlan working, i need to install specific drivers, which themselves require a subsystem called IEEE80211. i downloaded all required files but have no idea how to install them. please help!20:35
cabbrick1243steelbox: yea, i'm probably not the right person for this, but you do need to find your pulse audio driver for the device if it is registered there20:35
cofeeit rocks. i very trust it tn20:35
cofee*in it20:35
Owersorry for my english20:35
roberto__what does this mean (from package description): This is a dummy package depending on the library for the current default version of Ruby.20:35
cofeehah. me too20:35
robbritroberto__: it just installs the latest version of ruby20:35
=== javier__ is now known as Javido
Samekh93Finally making the switch to Ubuntu this afternoon - just wanted a little advice. Is it 'alright' to use NTFS as my data partition in Linux? I want to switch to an official unix partition but all my data is NTFS.20:36
cabbrick1243Dr_Willis: Will do. I'm not to familiar with Ubuntu so.. ty20:36
cofeewhat version of ubuntu are you using?20:36
steelboxcabbrick1243: okay and how can I find it?20:36
robbritroberto__: that way you can always go "sudo apt-get install ruby" to get the latest version20:36
jribSamekh93: it's fine, you just don't get unix-style permissions20:36
lukethedukesevernaya: I had the same problem a while ago. never found a fix20:36
zohar_robbrit - any other way to install it ? i cant find it20:36
onetinsoldierSamekh93: no. you will be using ext3 or ext420:36
Samekh93jrib: can you clarify please?20:37
cabbrick1243steelbox: err, (embarrasement) i did find an article in the forums once on it. Try searching them for sound drivers20:37
robbritzohar_: try installing the nvidia-current package20:37
Owernow i installig vlc media player20:37
roberto__robbrit: I have ruby1.9.1 and I need libgtk2-ruby .. that description is in libgtk2-ruby .. but I don't see an explicit libgtk2-ruby1.9.1, only libgtk2-ruby1.820:37
zohar_robbrit - in synaptic ?20:37
jrib!permissions > Samekh9320:38
ubottuSamekh93, please see my private message20:38
robbritzohar_: yep20:38
meles\join #ubuntuusers20:38
cofeeyour doing right. thats the best player ever20:38
robbritroberto__: libgtk2-ruby might still work20:38
cofeehey, i got a question. does anibody know if is there a way to upgrade from ubuntu 8 to 9 ?20:38
ChrisC_How do I bring up the wlan0 to reconnect via command line?20:38
frxstremhow can I bypass Ubuntu's password changing rules?20:38
Owermy version is 8.04 but now i writing with backtrack 420:39
roberto__robbrit: no, synaptic wants to install ruby1.8 if I do that20:39
ubuntu_can someone help me install lexmark 230020:39
cabbrick1243steelbox: so sorry i'm not much help, as i have not to much with Ubuntu either20:39
robbritroberto__: try installing it through rubygems then20:39
DaskreechHello Having an issue with Xorg20:39
roberto__robbrit: I'm having trouble installing it from source -- it's not i ruby gems, believe it or not :)20:39
winXPuser!networking | amontimur,20:40
Daskreechstarting up X makes my monitor flip to black20:40
LeonopteryxFUCK ME. FUCK ME SIDEWA20:40
robbritroberto__: oh really? hmm, well i guess just let it install ruby1.8 and see what happens20:40
maco!language | Leonopteryx20:40
ubottuLeonopteryx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:40
Leonopteryxsorry, wrong server20:40
DaskreechI think it's putting out a resolution too high for the monitor to handle20:40
minimecChrisC_: You would have to setup the device manually with iwconfig --> man iwconfig, then sudo dhclient 'your'device'20:40
winXPuserLeonopteryx, what is your Ubuntu issue20:40
winXPuseroh ok20:40
Leonopteryxi dont have one.. my computer just reset20:40
MichaelKohlerhi, how can I make all pages of a pdf the same size? I scanned a document and this page is way too big when I view the pdf20:40
steelboxcabbrick1243: okay20:40
cofeeit happens.20:41
winXPuserMichaelKohler: zoom - fit page width20:41
Oweri don't know20:41
cabbrick1243Dr_Willis: Should i remove plymouth altogether since it doesn't work on my video card you had a link to that on your site and i'm just curiosu20:41
MichaelKohlerwinXPuser: and how can I save this state? I need to send it to someone and it should be all the same size at his computer too20:41
suboneEven with the latest ati proprietary video drivers, videos are tearing (sometimes half the picture seems to be one frame and the other half another frame). Its hardly noticeable but annoying if you do notice it. Anyone know of a way to sync this or something?20:42
lukethedukesubone: can you enable VSync somewhere?20:42
lukethedukenever used it, so I can't tell you how to20:42
=== gebUK is now known as gebbione
Samekh93jrib: so I couldn't run games off of it I imagine20:42
zohar_robbrit - is "Nvidia binary xorg driver" is the one to install ?20:42
Owerdo you like 3d modelling?20:43
jribSamekh93: correct20:43
robbritzohar_: yep20:43
amontimurwinXPuser, what do you mean?20:43
lukethedukehey zohar_, fancy meeting you here20:43
Samekh93jrib: goddammit20:43
cabbrick1243visof: hi20:43
Oddbiois using "netcat" a slow method of tansfering a file? I actually thought it was faster than other methods.  I ask because I recently wanted to send an 11.5 GB file using netcat and it took a few hours. Perhaps that is normal though, and it just seems like a long time because I've never sent a file that big before..  Also, The two computers are on the same network, so it's not across the internet.20:43
Samekh93jrib: any reliable way to convert an NTFS partition?20:43
jribSamekh93: what kind of games were you considering?20:43
visofhow can i group the photos in change background that change background automatically ?20:43
Samekh93jrib: just one, EVE Online20:43
steamincyo whats up guys20:43
visofthere is also some space photos20:43
jribSamekh93: you want to run that through wine?  Or is that a native game?20:44
Samekh93jrib: It will be through wine20:44
frxstremhow can you undo 'sudo passwd root'?20:44
jribSamekh93: it's probably fine through wine20:44
cabbrick1243visof: use Desktop Drapes from the software manager20:44
jribfrxstrem: sudo passwd -l root20:44
frxstremjrib: okay, thanks :)20:44
Samekh93jrib: I guess I could try it first...20:44
SteamInc_lol im looking at irc thoug h3 programs20:44
Samekh93jrib: thank you.20:44
winXPuserMichaelKohler, no, this state can't be saved, this is user's preference; in the very best case you can set it in adobe pdf printer properties (properties button next to printer name in print dialog)20:45
jribSamekh93: there's no way to convert ntfs to ext* that I know of20:45
Samekh93no way to convert that partition? like you can convert fat32 to ntfs in windows20:45
Samekh93jrib: thanks again20:45
Oweris a program to create visual effects 3d anmation, ect.20:45
=== steaminc is now known as SteamINc
=== SteamINc is now known as SteamInc
ubottuower: blender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro20:45
Owerciao trismegisto20:45
jribSamekh93: you could reformat it of course but you would need some place to hold your data20:45
lukethedukeSamekh93: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=224920:45
SteamIncdoes anybody know any youtube downloaders for linux?20:46
luketheduke(the winehq page for eve online)20:46
Oweri just install it20:46
Samekh93jrib: yep, and unfortunately i dont have one20:46
roberto__robbrit: it will install then .. but I'm wanting to use it in a 1.9.1 script20:46
Samekh93thanks luketheduke20:46
acerimmerSteamInc: just add a youtube dl addon to firefox20:46
Owerciao trismegisto20:46
cofeeHow can I upgrade from Ubuntu 8 to 9 ?20:46
cabbrick1243SteamInc: they are addons to firefox20:46
jribSteamInc: if this is data you like, you should probably invest in back-ups.  Some advice from experience20:46
SteamIncok thanks20:46
WiFiLeechfirefox addons can DL youtube20:46
amontimurhow do you install driverpackages?20:46
jribSamekh93: if this is data you like, you should probably invest in back-ups.  Some advice from experience20:46
jribSteamInc: never mind me20:46
robbritroberto__: after it installs do ruby --version to find out what the default ruby version is20:47
tarovenGRR. I can't get desktop compositing to work at ALL with the nvidia proprietary driver and Xinerama enabled.20:47
Debjitsteaminc: youtube-dl20:47
brad__Hey all20:47
Samekh93jrib: I completely agree20:47
Owerciao trismegisto sei italiano?20:47
cabbrick1243amontimur: depends on the driver20:47
robbritroberto__: you might have better luck asking about this in #ruby-lang20:47
Daskreechthe log from X starting is at http://www.pastebin.com/8A9U4LAG and the xorg.conf made by me is at http://www.pastebin.com/xunUNwaa20:47
brad__I stupidly tried to install Plasma in gnome for kicks20:47
maco!it | Ower20:47
ubottuOwer: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:47
brad__and it has borked apt/dpkg20:47
cofeethere is no way, right?20:47
brad__So I cannot install/unistall anything20:47
amontimurcabbrick1242, i just got a folder more or less full of sourcecode20:47
macobrad__: you can run plasma widgets in a plasma viewer. and it shouldnt have broken apt20:47
magicbronsonj #spawning20:47
brad__Yea, I know20:47
macobrad__: cuz having kde and gnome installed simultaneously is just fne20:48
brad__I have done it before20:48
* Daskreech hugs maco 20:48
brad__What I used to do was have plasma installed, and start it during logon, then I had a sexy plasma desktop in Gnome20:48
* WiFiLeech farts20:48
brad__But this time I tried to install and dpkg threw loads of errors20:48
brad__Now it will not do anything because every time I try to install a package20:48
brad__it wants to finish up on the borked plasma stuff20:49
crankharderso, my ubuntu 10.4 live cd boots up to the purple screen w/ the white ubuntu and the 5 white dots -- and just hangs there20:49
andrukhow do i find duplicate msuci files *based off of their id3 tags* ?20:49
featherofmaatcrankharder: a cd you burned, or one from launchpad?20:49
onetinsoldierbrad__: apt-dpkg giving you problems? do you have an error message or a pastebin of errors?20:49
brad__2 secs onetinsoldier20:49
crankhardercd i burned20:49
=== GuilhermeCunha_ is now known as GuilhermeCunha
brad__Ill pastebin the output20:49
MichaelKohlerisn't there a program which can set the resolution/size of a pdf file?20:50
onetinsoldierbrad__: roger. i'll be here20:50
brad__*I guess this is what ubuntu does when you want to burn MS Server 2008 XD"20:50
featherofmaatcrankharder: it's probably a bad burn or a bad download20:50
SteamIncthe firefox addons for youtube dont work20:50
onetinsoldierbrad__: lol20:50
acerimmercrankharder: burn it at a lower speed20:50
Leonopteryxnow.. now i DO have a ubuntu issue. cant cd into an existing dir. (not even as root.)20:50
featherofmaati'd try both again20:50
lukethedukeLeonopteryx: what dir?20:51
brad__onetinsoldier: http://pastebin.com/NiWiAirF20:51
SteamIncdoes anybody know programs for downloading from youtube? cause the firefox ones dont work20:51
brad__onetinsoldier: That is just me trying to install a package as I normally would20:51
featherofmaatsteaminc:  youtube-dl is a command-line program that downloads youtube vids20:51
DebjitSteamInc: try youtube-dl20:51
featherofmaatyou don't have to use it from firefox20:51
vianocturna85anyone able to tell me where this error comes from or how i would fix it?: segfault at 7b9b2f40 ip 7b9b2f40 sp aa8fbf9c error 4 in ntdll.dll.so20:52
dfgasok, upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and now i don't have any title bars, i can get them by turning desktop effects on but after i reboot its back to no title bars. any ideas on whats wrong?20:52
acerimmerSteamInc: the cheat is to play the video.  While it plays, a flash file will be in your /filesystem/tmp directory.  That's the video.  Copy/Save20:52
onetinsoldierbrad__: roger. i'm looking at it. it looks pretty ugly20:52
Mandrewi have a bit of problem with the connection between the iphone and the bluetooth and i think its the drivers, cuz when i installed ubuntu i had the on board chip activated and now im using a usb bluetooth, so i wonder how i reinstall the bluetooth drivers and anything els that need to be reinstalled20:52
SteamInci just want the mp320:52
brad__onetinsoldier: Echo that!20:53
=== edcarlosm is now known as Edcarlos
Craiggleshey guys20:53
featherofmaatsteaminc:  after you get the youtube flv, use ffmpeg to separate the two20:53
Craigglescan someone help me get webgl to work on chronium?20:53
crankharderof course my 10.4/server disk won't even get past the BIOS's "Boot from CD/DVD"20:53
guy_I've accidently rm'ed my /var/cache and now whenever I run ubuntu I can't move my mouse or use the keyboard, anyone got a clue why ?20:53
CraigglesI downloaded the zip file, and then ran `./chrome --enable-webgl`20:53
Craigglesbut, that didn't work20:53
brad__crankharder: Check the MD5sum of the disk against the downloads20:54
Craiggles(and the tutorial said it would be chronium, not chrome, but I have no chromium app20:54
vianocturna85anyone able to tell me where this error comes from or how i would fix it?: segfault at 7b9b2f40 ip 7b9b2f40 sp aa8fbf9c error 4 in ntdll.dll.so20:54
brad__crankharder: I had the same problem, turned out the burn was borked20:54
SteamIncill just download it on my win comp then it has youtube downloader20:54
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:54
lukethedukeCraiggles: looks like you want to do ./configure --enable-webgl maybe20:54
Debjitdfgas: is metacity installed20:55
lukethedukejust a stab in the dark though20:55
miolandssince upgrading to Lucid I am having trouble with privileges on external usb drive, anyone?20:55
featherofmaatcraiggles:  or try it with chromium proper.  i think you have to get it through ubuntu-tweak20:55
=== erkan^ is now known as erkan`film
Imran-UKwhere is the appripriate place to file a bug/report on a problem with user accounts without passwords and switching between such accounts (lucid lynx)20:55
brad__I wish I could convert the whole of my workplace to linux XD20:55
guy_anyone ?:/ I'm quite clueless how to fix this ? :\20:55
Craigglesluketheduke, it says there is no configure20:55
brad__then I wouldnt need any of this MS crap20:55
modprobecan anyone please help me with this problem, whem modprobing my driver i get an error that theres an option unsupported but the tutorial says i should add. can someone tell how to fix the error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/430182/20:56
zleapbrad__, Know how u feel20:56
ubottuimran-uk: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:56
awakeashyoritomo hello :)(20:57
onetinsoldierbrad__: the only thing i can think of to get around that is to make it so that dpkg no longer considers those packages as being installed, and then you'd have to go around remove the directories/files manually that these packages installed20:57
linux_is_my_herohow do i install windows to make a dual boot when i already have ubuntu?20:57
linux_is_my_heroand no partition20:57
yoritomodoes anyone knows a good pinball simulator  for ubuntu, similar to visual pinball for windows ?20:57
lukethedukelinux_is_my_hero: you do need a partition. you can try to make an existing partition smaller with gedit.20:58
lukethedukethen you install windows20:58
lukethedukethen you use a live cd to reinstall grub20:58
brad__onetinsoldier: ok, how would I go about doing that?20:58
featherofmaatlinux_is_my_hero: i think he meant gparted20:58
linux_is_my_heroi have a 250gb with ubuntu only.  what are my options for setting up a partition?20:58
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:58
modprobehelp me please :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/430182/20:58
lukethedukefeatherofmaat: oops, brainfart20:58
featherofmaatlol :D20:59
roberto__modprobe: hey peter20:59
onetinsoldierbrad__: well, it'll take some time, and you'll need to edit a file carefully, i repeat... carefully :)20:59
modproberoberto__: hi im so close now :)20:59
roberto__modprobe: what's the url for the package? I'll look at it with you20:59
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: What do you want Windows for?20:59
edgy360hey Kyle-Morgan20:59
brad__onetinsoldier: oh god XD20:59
crankharderhow do I MD5sum a disk once it's been burnt?21:00
rain_hi does anyone know any program to mass rotate images?21:00
onetinsoldierbrad__: want to try?21:00
sebsebseb!md5sum | crankharder21:00
ubottucrankharder: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:00
yoritomoit has a linux gaming channel ?21:00
modproberoberto__: the pastebin? http://paste.ubuntu.com/430182/21:00
=== malacai[mobile]_ is now known as malacai[mobile]
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: i don't.  but i dont know how to make netflix work on ubuntu.21:00
brad__onetinsoldier: Sure, ima going to get this packaged installed whether I need to reinstall ubuntu or not!21:00
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: ah yes netflix21:00
jribrain_: imagemagick of course21:00
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: they used to support Linux as far as I know, but not anymore21:00
onetinsoldierbrad__: oh? what are you trying to get installed?21:00
oCean_crankharder: the point is, you want to md5sum *before* burning.. to verify integrity21:00
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: although if u know of a better way to stream movies, please, im all ears.  and if u have to pm me thats fine also.21:01
soreauwhy is file roller telling me I can't open a tar.gz file even though tar and gzip are installed? I clicked open with archive manager in firefox on a tar.gz but it fails with this message about the helper application doesn't exist and something about associated apps21:01
awakeashlinux_is_my_hero I would make a 1-st partition Primary with windows (about 30 Giga), second partition 60 Giga for linux (primary) and another with datas such ans photos music xxx etc. lol rolf :)) . Install first time windows second linux.21:01
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: well how much RAM you got?21:01
awakeashor wirtualization21:01
linux_is_my_hero4 gb21:01
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: 4gb21:01
roberto__modprobe: just to try it, do "sudo modprobe adv717x em8300"21:01
sebsebsebawakeash: yes I was going to mention virtualization21:01
awakeashvmware / etc.21:01
brad__onetinsoldier: libudf0 - as I said, I need to extract a MS Server ISO onto my HDD, but obviously I cant install that package due to my awesome dpkg issues21:01
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: try a Windows virtual machine21:01
awakeashsebsebseb ups :)21:01
sebsebsebawakeash: ups ?21:01
=== Nick_ is now known as Guest94303
awakeashi dond't mean to take your ideea21:02
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: also I don't use netflix, but maybe you can get the program working in Wine21:02
Guest94303anybody willing to help me out with a teensy issue21:02
onetinsoldierbrad__: ok, roger21:02
modproberoberto__: dont work ;)21:02
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: I mean I know it's a website21:02
roberto__modprobe: oo I see it's asking you to configure it21:02
sebsebseb!ask | Guest9430321:02
ubottuGuest94303: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:02
edgy360Kyle-Morgan, have you asked your question yet?21:02
featherofmaatguest94303: i will try.21:02
onetinsoldierbrad__: put yourself into a root shell for now with 'sudo -i' in a terminal21:02
BluesKajGuest94303, we don't give marital advice here :)21:02
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: thats a good idea, and also, if wine doesnt work, what is a virtual machine? ive heard of it but inow nothing of the technicalities21:02
rain_jrib: how  to install imagemagik? it don't have deb file21:03
frxstremwhat does the 'bind' option for mount do?21:03
EvaLuaTeif I want to create a custom ubuntu release, am I allowed to use ubuntu graphics on the website and, more importnatly, am I allowed to modify a ubuntu CD and redistribute it in the modified version?21:03
sunilweb can work in ubuntu 9.10 ?21:03
roberto__modprobe: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/em830021:03
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: a virtual machine allows you to run Windows inside a better OS such as Ubuntu21:03
edgy360is there any way to use wifi on ubuntu server?21:03
roberto__modprobe: paste lines 18-20 in there21:03
onetinsoldierbrad__: and/or rnu gedit or whatever as root with 'gksu'21:03
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: it works great for most stuff, not 3D games though for example, well that depends I think on hardware actsauly these days and such21:04
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: how is that different from wine? it actually runs windows within ubuntu?21:04
featherofmaatsunil: certainly, most webcams should work out-of-box21:04
featherofmaatsunil: you can test it by using cheese21:04
Guest94303Just upgraded to lucid lynx from karmic koala, have two nvidia cards and three monitors setup with xinerama... worked fine on kk, on ll the mouse goes berserk when I mouse into the monitor on the second card... but apps launch onto that screen and the keyboard input to them works fine.21:04
=== gnome_ is now known as lawford
awakeashI'ts better with 2 hdd-s like 1-st hdd with Windows and linux virtualization on second hdd, you know stuff like I/O21:04
modprobesudo mousepad /etc/modprobe.d/em830021:04
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: yes Wine basicaly is a compatiably layour that tricks apps into thinking they are running on Windows.  where as a virtual machine will run Windows21:04
brad__onetinsolder: Done21:04
awakeashbye bye21:05
modproberoberto__: are there :)21:05
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: how do i get around the microsoft silverlight thing?21:05
Guest94303what's wrong with my mouse when it goes to the second card?21:05
roberto__modprobe: mousepad? -- hey, actually, name it "em8300.conf" if you want to stop seeing that error message21:05
featherofmaatguest94303: i'm gonna pass that one on to someone else lol, i've never even considered using multiple monitors21:05
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: as a result of course an Internet connected,  vm could get infected by a virus or something,  However since it's a vm,  you get  a nice security advantage over a pshyical install21:05
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: oh netflix needs silverlight?21:05
modprobesudo mousepad /etc/modprobe.d/em8300.conf21:05
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: yeah21:05
roberto__modprobe: save the file, quit gedit, and rerun the sudo modprobe line21:05
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: there's moonlight, which might do netflix21:05
neorabit doesn't21:05
onetinsoldierbrad__: ok. i'll try to just go step by step. first, make a backup of the file /var/lib/dpkg/status21:06
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: if not  you can maybe Wine silverlight,  plus  I expect Silverlight will work rather well in a WIndows virtual machine21:06
neorabnetflix has said they are going to get us a linux player, but it hasn't happened yet21:06
roberto__modprobe:  works better on it the terminal app :P21:06
neorabI've run the web player in a VM before though21:06
neorabit works fine21:06
sebsebsebneorab: I think they used to support Linux?21:06
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: thats cool i didnt know we had that now.21:06
neorabit used to work with some trickery21:06
modproberoberto__: hehe lol i get confused but still same after rerun21:06
rawris there something akin to the older winamp on ubuntu? I just want to add music to a playlist and listen to it, I don't need the damn thing to do the laundry for me. I tried amarok, rhythmbox, banshee, and they're all terrible at what I want to do (i.e. listen to music)21:06
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: moonlight is a bit hrm though21:06
neorabbut they went from WMP to Silverlight21:06
tim__bDid anyone manage to install lucid using the alternate cd on a system with intel mobile GM965/GL960 graphic controller? Running into a black screen after first selection menu (language/instal, etc)21:07
neorabrawr: xmms21:07
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: just like Silverlight, it's best to avoide them as much as possible, ideally21:07
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: what do u mean "hrm"?21:07
rawrneorab, I just installed that, it's not "new and improved" with a server/client architecture which doesn't seem to work at all21:07
brad__onetinsoldier: ok done :)21:07
roberto__modprobe: do a "ls -la /etc/modprobe.d and check that the permissions on that file are the same as on the others21:07
Guest94303anyone had any luck getting the nvidia proprietary drivers running on lucid lynx?21:07
modproberoberto__: oh wait could it be that the unknown parameter in line 9 of the url i gave u is the cause21:07
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: that's off  topic for the Ubuntu channel, but  Silverlight and Moonlight are not good technologies,  for various reasons.21:08
onetinsoldierbrad__: ok, bear with me. i might go pretty slow. but we'll get there21:08
modproberoberto__: look at the comment dots :p21:08
brad__onetinsoldier: ditto21:08
linux_is_my_heroGuest94303: I'm running 'em right now21:08
mrwesI prefer my Netflix streamed to my PS321:08
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: however if you still want to do netflix,  maybe Moonlight,  or  Silverlight in Wine, or yep Windows virtual machine should do it21:08
neorabrawr: are you sure you got xmms and not xmms2?21:08
linux_is_my_heromrwes: i dont have the disc yet21:08
rawrneorab, ah right, that's xmms221:08
lunganHaving som delay when unminimizing windows in ubuntu, minimizing goes well, but when unminimizing I have like a 0.5-1.0 sec delay which is pretty anyoing, fresh install and so on, is there anyway to fix this?21:08
modproberoberto__: nm :(21:08
mrweslinux_is_my_hero, only takes a day to get it :)21:08
neorabxmms old school is almost identical to windows21:09
linux_is_my_heroim in military barracks and i dont trust the mail people on my ship21:09
neorabthough it might not run anymore21:09
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: oh21:09
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: well try Moonlight or Silverlight in Wine, then I guess21:09
brad__linux_is_my_hero: What part of the millitary you in? (If you dont mind me asking)21:09
rawryeah I vaguely remember using it and it *not* choking down on 30k file playlists21:09
mrweslinux_is_my_hero, Sony is going to have a future firmware where you won't need the disk.21:09
roberto__modprobe: does it exist?21:09
Polemus1where can i get k3b .deb file?21:10
brad__linux_is_my_hero: Awesome :)21:10
sebsebsebPlanet_x: you don't need to do that21:10
linux_is_my_heromrwes: any info on that?21:10
linux_is_my_herolike a date?21:10
sebsebsebno not you Planet_x21:10
roberto__modprobe: if [ -f /etc/modprobe.d/adv717x.conf ] ; then echo "yup" ; fi21:10
__-osh-__lungan: I have abyssmal performance on my box atm. Seems that strigi is indexing lots of files so the machine is thrashing like hell.21:10
sebsebsebPolemus1: you don't need to do that, k3b is in the repo21:10
linux_is_my_herobrad__: yeah, i like it :-)21:10
modproberoberto__: the swap redblue pal is in the config file /etc/modprobe.d/em830021:10
Polemus1sebsebseb: how di i install it then?21:10
onetinsoldierbrad__: do a search on the name of offending package in that file21:11
mrweslinux_is_my_hero, not until next year from what I've read21:11
sebsebsebPolemus1: sudo apt-get install k3b in the terminal21:11
modproberoberto__: u think i can remove the option because its not supported apparently and get rid of the FATAL?21:11
neorabI've switched to mpd and couldn't ever see myself using regular audio players anymore21:11
sebsebseb!ot | linux_is_my_hero mrwes21:11
ubottulinux_is_my_hero mrwes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:11
mrweslinux_is_my_hero, someone from the mail room couldn't use it for your account, you know that correct?21:11
roberto__modprobe: yes21:11
mrwesok ok sebsebseb sorry brutha21:11
roberto__modprobe: but if you get the same error again, then put it back21:11
Polemus1sebsebseb: pfff... forgot the sudo... :)21:11
madjestyrSo my 18 month old son was playing on my keyboard while I was busy and now my windows maximize as if there was a panel above them, and I only have one panel on bottom.  Any suggestions?21:11
rawrneorab, I have the vague impression that xmms / beep /audacious will all implode if I try to load them in my tiling wm though21:11
sebsebsebPolemus1: oh21:11
__-osh-__lungan: Like a 2-4 sec lag between klicking the menu button and actually seeing the menu... :-(21:12
Polemus1sebsebseb: tx21:12
sebsebsebPolemus1: np21:12
onetinsoldierbrad__: get rid of the entire section for each of the offending packages in that file21:12
DaanHello, is there a 'teacher' program like openteacher that is special made for Ubuntu?21:12
sebsebsebDaan: hrm21:12
brad__onetinsoldier: ok :)21:13
neorabrawr: that's probably true (depending on the wm) though you should be able to set it to be floating or otherwise not dynamic tile that app21:13
roberto__Daan: check out edubuntu21:13
sebsebsebDaan: not sure,  however it's worth asking in #edubuntu21:13
neo_rykeI installed Server Edition unf 10:04 php5-xdebug installed. With phpinfo () is also displayed, which is installed xdebug. Only the expenditure is not formatted, and the debugger starts and n ot. Anyone have experience with it?21:13
onetinsoldierbrad__: :-) then of course save the file and tell me what happens21:13
modproberoberto__: unexpected token fi?21:13
Daanroberto__: Ok, good point.21:13
lungan__-osh-__, anoying!21:13
n1ghtcr4wlerBitchX-1.0c18+ by panasync - OpenBSD 4.721:13
roberto__modprobe: you put taht in bash and got an error ?21:13
pun84My install wont load after I just got a power outage, on boot up it is  saying "The disc drive for / is not ready yet or not present"  " Continue to wait: or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery" what can i do??21:14
gkahlaanyone else having trouble with gwibber in 10.4? it updated once, and now won't show new posts...21:14
pun84version 10.0421:14
roberto__modprobe: what --version of bash are you using?21:14
vostihi all21:14
Vigopun84: Have you checked the BIOS?21:14
onetinsoldierbrad__: if these packages have installed files onto your filesystem, they'll still be there and you'll need to manually delete them. i believe i can tell you how to see where they are from just the package name21:14
pun84nope, what should i be looking for? When i go into the manaul recovery, i still see /home and the contents21:15
roberto__modprobe: anything over version 3.x should accept that, I think. it was all on one line ?21:15
pun84it just wont go through the bootup process21:15
Daanroberto__, sebsebseb: There is no activity in #edubuntu...21:15
neo_rykeI installed Server Edition unf 10:04 php5-xdebug installed. With phpinfo () is also displayed, which is installed xdebug. Only the expenditure is not formatted, and the debugger starts and n ot. Anyone have experience with it?21:15
sebsebsebDaan: yes small channel and it's Saturday21:15
sebsebsebdanielbw: well Sunday in some time zones21:16
vostii have a ati radeon 9200 M9+ 5C63 i need to install its drivers21:16
sebsebseb!patience | Daan21:16
ubottuDaan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:16
modproberoberto__: what i did now is remove the option, dmesg: adv717x: Unknown parameter em8300 ? did i make it worse21:16
BudsHello, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to access a macbooks EFI (to disable floppy drive)??21:16
sebsebsebDaan: ok not right factoid there21:16
sebsebsebDaan: well not right useage, of it21:16
sky1I'm dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04, and I have some data hard drives. Should they be ext4 or NTFS? I assume NTFS would be preferred since it has the best cross compatibility with windows and ubuntu? (Windows having no ext4 support really)21:16
Daanubottu: ok, ill repeat it.21:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:17
Vigopun84: Many times after a power interrupt the BIOS date reverts Manufacture Time, might be a year or up to 10 off, also many many settings can be effected by it, walk carefully in that area.21:17
vosti i have a ati radeon 9200 M9+ 5C63 i need to install its drivers21:17
GeekSquidsky1: are the data drives currently NTFS?21:17
NateWiebejust did an update, rebooted, and firefox got REALLY slow.. anyone else having this problem?21:17
brad__onetinsoldier: Ok so I edited the file, should I run an apt command to test?21:17
NetLarIrvineIs it still bad to install the proprietary drivers fro the NVidia card??21:18
sky1GeekSquid:  Sadly they're currently ext4, but I can't read (or write) them on Windows and would like to.21:18
Budsanyone know of a way to access a macbooks EFI (to disable floppy drive)??21:18
roberto__modprobe: I'm not uderstanding why adv717x's error message is changing based on your changes to the config file for a different module: em830021:18
NetLarIrvineOn 10.04?21:18
onetinsoldierbrad__: yes21:18
sky1GeekSquid:  so I figure my best course of action is to deal with it, or to backup the data and format it as NTFS instead.21:18
patdk-wksky1, ntfs is ok, but if you don't shutdown windows cleanly, then the ntfs driver in ubuntu will refuse to use them21:18
patdk-wkso fat32 *might* be a better solution21:18
Vigopun84: Do you know how to get into BIOS on that box?21:18
sky1fat32 is not a very good solution for 1+TB drives I do not think :P21:19
patdk-wkwhy I said *might*21:19
__-osh-__sky1: I'm told that ntfs support is somewhat dangerous so if it's just for storing data go for FAT or something. However my experience with NTFS on Linux isn't all that fresh. Things might have improved.21:19
roberto__modprobe: chat me in private please21:19
modproberoberto__: how?21:19
roberto__modprobe: see a sperate tab already opened from me ?21:19
sky1patdk-wk:  of course lol. Yeah I think NTFS is probably best as long as I shutdown nicely, but sadly it's going to be a pain to backup 2TB of data to format the drive from ext4. But as of right now its impossible to read/write from windows on them, which I think I'd rather be able to, even if ubuntu is going to the main OS21:20
brad__onetinsoldier: Ok, well, wow, the bad packages are gone21:20
onetinsoldierbrad__: roger. cool21:20
brad__onetinsoldier: but now it just shows more bad packages21:20
giant81have a problem with my audio in Ubuntu21:20
GeekSquidsky1: couple of options, either backup those data drives to NTFS drives or install this in windows http://www.ext2fsd.com/21:20
giant8100:06.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP55 High Definition Audio (rev a2)21:20
patdk-wksky1, how much free space on the drive?21:21
vosti i have a ati radeon 9200 M9+ 5C63 i need to install its drivers21:21
w3l54666how do i black list the rt2800 driver?21:21
onetinsoldierbrad__: ok, i guess i'd need to see a pastebin21:21
anigmais there a ubuntu server edition?21:21
tom_fishy_hi, I have just recently installed Ubuntu 10.4. I used 9.10 for a few months but stoped because my video drivers (ati card) wasn't perfect. If I for instance watched a movie in VLC the whole video was messed up. If I played it in gnome-mplayer it was "okey" but not good. Now I have installed ubuntu as a virtual guest os with Virtualbox running from Windows 7. And even though I only have half the ram and so on I can p21:21
tom_fishy_lay movies in VLC (720p x264) with no problem, which is very good! My question is now this, Will I get the same result If I install ubuntu not virtually or can I use virtualbox drivers (guest additions) because they seems to work better.21:21
GeekSquidanigma: yep, no GUI though21:21
sky1I tried ext2fsd. I was able to get a listing of the root of the drive, but that was it, and I tried opening some files and the drive ended up getting corrupted :/ (and the files were gibberish). LUCILY fsck was able to fix the errors though (thank god lol)21:21
brad__onetinsolder: http://pastebin.com/vXf7mEN121:22
giant81should start with a little background.  Tyan Motherboard, Dual Opteron system, Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop x6421:22
anigmaGeekSquid: that's perfect cause' I don't have a monitor..21:22
patdk-wksky1, sounds like you have ext4 with extents21:22
patdk-wkthat is not ext2 compat :)21:22
sebsebseb!server | anigma21:22
ubottuanigma: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server21:22
sky1the 1.5TB drive has about 800GB free, and the 1TB drive has  160GB free. Yeah that's what I figured patdk-wk, I'm surprised there isn't better support though. It is the 'oh so godly' windows :P21:22
onetinsoldierbrad__: are you running kbuntu?21:22
Wilthrilhi guys21:23
patdk-wkheh? better support?21:23
__-osh-__patdk-wk: Is there an upgrade path between ext3 and ext4? Or is ext4 only for new installs?21:23
brad__onetinsoldier: no, ubuntu 10.0421:23
linux_is_my_heroanyone know how to set up moonlight on lucid?21:23
patdk-wkext4 is compat with ext2 and ext321:23
patdk-wkand you can upgrade any to ext421:23
un214yes, but not me21:23
ubottuFor Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.21:23
patdk-wkbut the new stuff in ext4 you can't upgrade to21:23
patdk-wkand if you use the new stuff in ext4, it's not backwards compat21:23
Hamlinmoo: os: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate - (6.1.7600) up: 6days 21hrs 55mins 26secs cpu: AMD Phenom(tm) 8450 Triple-Core Processor (x64) at 2100MHz (6% Load) gfx: NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 128MB res: 1440x900 32bit 59Hz ram: 1743/3966.5MB (43.95%) [||||------] hdd: C:\ 463.99GB/576.17GB T:\ 834.42GB/931.51GB net: NVIDIA nForce 10_100 Mbps Ethernet - 100MB/s 11.63GB In 4.22GB Out21:23
sky1haha well considering the user-base you'd think a good ext4 reader would exist for Windows considering how awesome NTSF support has gotten for linux21:23
patdk-wkwell, techincally ext3 isn't backwards compat with ext2, but21:23
Wilthrili have lots of trouble to disable my touchpad, someone can help me?21:24
patdk-wksky1, personally, I never dualboot21:24
patdk-wkI have iwndows systems, and linux systems21:24
patdk-wkI don't mix them :)21:24
patdk-wkand my last windows system goes away this week21:24
GeekSquidsky1: you need to turn off the extents feature in ext4 see this http://www.soluvas.com/read-browse-explore-open-ext2-ext3-ext4-partition-filesystem-from-windows-7/21:24
Wilthrili have the latest gpointing-device-settings but it disables the touchpad only for a few seconds... after that it's enabled again21:24
sebsebsebwinXPuser: it's good to |  username  people so they get high lighted, when using factoids, otherwise they might miss it21:24
sky1GeekSquid: oo I can turn it off... that might work. patdk-wk: I'm not that rich haha :P. I think my plan is to use windows mostly for games, and ubuntu for everything else, but haven't 100% decided yet lol21:25
GeekSquidsky1: another option would be to use a virtual machine of win7 and share the drives from linux21:25
pupI'm setting up a server for a friends wobsite, and I'm not positive I won't need help.21:25
pupI'm using ubuntu server. You guys can help me, right?21:26
onetinsoldierbrad__: roger. those are more kde packages that are hosed. i don't know what the 'Exec error' is.. but21:26
sky1GeekSquid:  wait, you mean a linux VM in windows 7? Or a windows 7 VM in linux?21:26
jribpup: only if you ask a question21:26
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: saw the answer, or did you miss it?21:26
pupI mean, if I do end up needing help...21:26
Flannelpup: Yep.  You may also be interested in this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  Which will walk you through a lot ofit21:26
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: it just finished im gunna try it now :-)21:26
onetinsoldierbrad__: all i can say is, it looks like you need to remove them from your edited 'status' file and try again21:26
pupBut I do have a good question, now that you'll say it.21:26
mazda01anyone know the exact ffmpeg or mencoder syntax to convert some 1.1 GB mpg files down to around 700 mb avi files?21:26
markus__hy everybody21:26
mazda01xvid preferrably21:26
GeekSquidsky1: it can only be turned off during the creation process of a ext4 drive, if you have room on another drive you could create a ext4 with no extent and backup each drive one at a time... I was saying win7 guest on linux host21:27
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: nope its not wokring after i eat and take a shower im gunna try a virtual machine21:27
FlannelLiberty: /part21:27
pupis apache, mysql and php all I'll need? It's a wordpress blog21:27
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: yes I think Moonlight only has support for Silverlight 121:27
linux_is_my_herowhy does lucid 086 have 4 desktops but not on my x64 machine (only 2)?21:27
__-osh-__pup: What'll you use to power the website? Joomla? Drupal? Wordpress?21:27
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: or something like that21:27
brad__onetinsoldier: Ok, well I tried that, and it spat out more package errors21:28
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: the desktops on the panel you mean?21:28
sky1geeksquid: I'm kinda scared to fool with the ext2fsd now though since it almost killed my data the first time. Ah okay so it might be better to just make an NTFS instead since it does seem like its better support regardless if I have to backup data/format a drive.21:28
zleaplinux_is_my_hero, you can change the number of desktops21:28
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: it's two by default21:28
onetinsoldierbrad__: is it yet more kde packages?21:28
linux_is_my_herozleap: how?21:28
brad__onetinsoldier: so I just nuked the file, and created a blank one, and it had trouble installing libselinux21:28
__-osh-__pup: Wordpress. Yep. Fairly straightforward. Just use the install instructions.21:28
GeekSquidpup: yes, the installer for wordpress will tell you if you have everything you need installed, if you don't, install what you need and restart apache21:28
brad__onetinsoldier: No it was just standard libs that time21:28
zleaplinux_is_my_hero, right click and choose preferences, or i do that here21:28
savidI'm having this weird issue with my laptop -- when it's on battery power, 80% full,  it just shuts off,  and I can't power-on.  I can only power-on when plugged in.  Why might that be happening?21:28
jMylesWe are having an ubuntu expo today, and I'm trying to show Gwibber to people.  Is it true that Gwibber doesn't let you tag on facebook (like point to the @ubuntu page)?  This is a major flaw.21:29
mshadledoes anyone here have vmware server 1.x running on lucid? or, worst case, vmware server 2.x running (that doesn't crash?)21:29
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: when you do the vm, Virtualbox :)21:29
onetinsoldierbrad__: roger. i don't know what's going on there. might be too messy for me to know how to fix21:29
zleaplinux_is_my_hero, that means right click  on the panel section that shows the switcher thing21:29
brad__Does anyone else find it extremely annoying that empathy is the default IM client?21:29
Loshkisky1: ext3 is the most stable filesystem for Ubuntu. What ar you trying to do?21:29
patdk-wkI thought vmware server was dead years ago21:29
patdk-wkeither use workstation, or esxi21:29
brad__onetinsoldier: Yea, I think im just going to download the final release and reinstall21:29
mshadlenope it's alive and well21:29
brad__Pidgin is much better im21:29
linux_is_my_herozleap: thanks!21:30
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: definately will21:30
mshadleesxi does not run on a host, workstation requires X. this is headless21:30
sky1Loshki: I just want the most compatible file system to use on both Windows and Ubuntu, and so far Windows ext support (at least ext4) seems very lacking. I suppose if ext2 or 3 works great on Windows that could be a viable solution as well.21:30
zleaplinux_is_my_hero, no probs21:30
linux_is_my_heroemail if u have details or recommendations bigtom21485@gmail.com21:30
GeekSquidsky1: sounds good in theory, I only use linux on my personal computers, some of my servers are windows, out of necessity & what the boss wanted, just shutdown windows properly everytime and you should be good21:30
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: about the vm i mean21:30
patdk-wkheh, I would defently use esxi on headless21:30
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: uhmm21:30
patdk-wkdunno why you would want to burden a hostos with it21:30
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: not really the best idea to give out email addresses in here21:30
brad__esxi is its own OS amirite?21:30
onetinsoldierbrad__: roger. sounds like a good idea probably. you can see those postrm and postinst scripts in /var/lib/dpkg/info just to let you know21:30
brad__onetinsoldier: Ok, thanks for the help!21:31
sky1GeekSquid: yep that's theonly problem I see is the 'shutdown properly' but one should be doing that anyway :P, and I've used NTFS all the time on Ubuntu and it seems quite flawless as of late.21:31
duffydackAnyone elses rhythmbox cover art not displaying?21:31
onetinsoldierbrad__: good luck. cheers :-)21:31
duffydackPlaying some tracks, and there aint any covers being displayed.21:31
mshadlethis is an existing linux box, esxi isn't an option21:32
sky1GeekSquid: alright thanks a lot for the affirmation, going to stick with the original plan to switch them to NTFS filesystems I think. Going to take a bit and I'll need to find a place to backup the 1.5TB :P but we'll see haha.21:32
patdk-wkmshadle sure it is :)21:32
mshadleit's not a burden either, it worked fine, except it's had pam 32bit issues as well as kernel upgrades being incompatible. that's about it.21:32
patdk-wkinstall esxi on usb drive, boot usb drive, use vm-passthough on the harddrive controller21:32
patdk-wkhost os will boot like nothing happened it it inside esxi21:33
emghazalYay! I finally managed to remove the envelope icon from the indicator applet (http://imagebin.org/96127). Apparently it's not exclusive to Evolution. I removed the 'indicator-messages' package and it disappeared. (I just thought other people might want to know how I solved my problem)21:33
Pirate_Hunteris there any where I can find more info on the file common-passwords in lucid?21:33
Loshkisky1: no, you're right, ntfs is probably the way to go if you want to share between systems. There are ext3 drivers for windows but they're underused, and I wouldn't vouch for the stability. The main disadvantage of ntfs is that to do a proper file system check, you need to boot into windows. You can't do it from Ubuntu...21:33
realmobileAnyone have a clue why iPhone isnät stable on Ubuntu 10.04 connecting through bluetooth when it works just fine in 9.10? Anyone having the same issue connecting iPhone to Ubuntu 10.04?21:33
jribPirate_Hunter: dpkg -S?21:33
sebsebsebemghazal: yes envelope icon and such is a bit sucky really, how come you wanted to remove though21:34
sky1Loshki: ah okay, that shouldn't be to much of a problem. I will probably be switchingt alot between the two since I like ubuntu but I also play a lot of PC games which require windows (and I feel much better about that then trying to use wine or something).21:34
Pirate_Hunterjrib, I mean the current structure, it is split into four parts I wish to alter it so that it remembers user passwords and stop them from reusing them, however I am finding it confusing21:34
jribPirate_Hunter: I don't anything about it, read the documentation for the package it belongs to?21:35
serylDoes anyone have suggestions on installing ubuntu with nvidia raid controller? (can't seem to select sda/sdb for the install) It only wants to see the mapper, and in the bios raid is disabled.21:35
emghazalsebsebseb: I use gmail for email, I do not use any IM or social networking, I rarely use IRC, and I really have no use for it. Plus, I wanted to free up some space in the panel.21:36
sebsebsebemghazal: well in that case21:36
=== ZING is now known as Guest15628
pupI remember that mysql databases have usernames and psswords. how do I gemine when I set it up.21:36
sky1emghazal: oh cool I think I might have to do that myself. Thanks :)21:36
pupSorry. *get mine21:36
Pirate_Hunterjrib, easier said than done will start by backing up the file than will attempt editing it based on previous experience21:37
sebsebsebemghazal: have you removed their edited fast user account switcher on the top right as well?  you know for shutting down  and it's linked to the me menu as well21:37
serylpup: mysql -uroot21:37
jribPirate_Hunter: I don't see how that's easier than reading documentation, but ok21:37
pupthank yu.21:37
serylpup: and then create your databae, and grant your privileges21:37
pupSorry, I have two keyboards, and one has nonworking keys.21:37
serylpup: if you have questions consult the mysql wiki21:37
serylpup: it's pretty straightforward21:37
faxany ideas about getting ubuntu to work on the mac? (Installing seemed to work but it wont boot)21:37
jribfax: what does "it wont boot" mean?21:38
serylfax: and why are you installing a linux distro on mac?21:38
sebsebsebemghazal: if so you will get shut down and log out back in the system menu, where they should be really, and are in other Gnome 2 based distro's since that's how upstream does it.  Plus you'll have that nice upstream Gnome automatic shut down after a minute if untouched, after telling it to shut down, feature back :)21:38
faxwell it just goes black screen21:38
jribseryl: why not...?21:38
faxseryl I want to use ubuntu 10.421:38
emghazalsebsebseb: ooh, good idea, didn't think of removing it. But now I will. Thanks.21:38
jribfax: do you get to grub?21:38
faxjrib no there is no grub21:38
serylfax: seems silly imo if you already have a good working terminal and most of the unix utilities.21:38
linux_is_my_heroI have ubuntu 9.10 and i wanna upgrade to 10.4 and it doesnt think theres an upgrade (my upgrade manager). wht?21:38
jribseryl: well it's not free software for one21:39
sebsebsebemghazal: you can also put the icons back in the system menu,  in gconf editor21:39
RobHuHow do I enable the onscreen keyboard in UNR 9.10?21:39
jribfax: what type of mac is this?21:39
faxit's a mac pro21:39
=== jra is now known as Guest76033
=== Guest76033 is now known as Puritan
jribfax: it's not ppc, right?21:39
faxthere's a page about them on the wiki but I tried what it said without sucess21:39
RobHuI would have thought it'd be in assistive technologies, but AFAICT it's not21:39
seryllinux_is_my_hero: vi /etc/up-date-manager/release-upgrades21:39
faxno it's intel, so I used the AMD 64 and the install CD booted fine21:39
serylchange Prompt=lts21:39
sebsebsebemghazal: nice little tutoral screenshot you linked to by the way.21:40
seryllinux_is_my_hero: and the after you save, do-release-upgrade21:40
jribfax: are you using refit?21:40
faxjrib, yeah21:40
jribfax: do you get to refit alright?21:40
sebsebsebemghazal: what about Ubuntu One,  going to remove that as well?21:40
madiis there anybody from POland??21:40
faxI choose linux with refit but then it just goes to a black screen and nothing happens for 10 mins or more21:40
linux_is_my_heroseryl: what does "vi" do?21:40
RomDlinux_is_my_hero: try "update-manager -d"21:40
GeekSquid!po | madi21:40
seryllinux_is_my_hero: maybe you should nano.21:40
sebsebseb!pl | madi21:40
ubottumadi: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:40
emghazalsebsebseb: oh, that image was a description of my problem.21:41
BudsHas there been a fix for the slow boot problem with udisk?? I cannot disable floppy drive as macbooks have no bios...21:41
jribfax: hmm, try following ubottu to reinstall grub to the partition you installed ubuntu to21:41
sebsebsebemghazal: oh right yeah, but it looks like a sort of tutoral as well, how to remove it21:41
jrib!grub2 > fax21:41
ubottufax, please see my private message21:41
faxalright ill try that out thanks for the suggestion21:41
faxby the way that says Karmic but does that not matter?21:41
faxI want to use 10.421:42
jribfax: yeah, karmic also used grub2, should be the same instructions21:42
faxokay cool21:42
sebsebsebemghazal: what about theme?  personally i'll use  human clear looks, with Gnome icons,  so the version before 9.10 as well.21:42
emghazalsebsebseb: it doesn't remove the icon. removing 'indicator-messages' package does.21:42
sebsebsebemghazal: yes21:42
linux_is_my_herothat worked, thanks guys havea great afternoon :-)21:42
sebsebsebemghazal: or if you remove  for example evolution21:42
sebsebsebemghazal: it would not mention in the envelope about setting up an evolution account21:42
SerephI'm installing 10.04 and it wants to knwo if the system clock is set to UTC what if i say yes and am wrong?21:43
BudsAnyone had success fixing the slow boot time without disabling floppy drive??21:43
sebsebsebemghazal: just like if Ubuntu One is removed,  the me menu, won't mention it21:43
LcawteCan someone give me an example cron comand line to run a svn sync every hour?21:43
jrib!cron > Lcawte21:43
ubottuLcawte, please see my private message21:43
emghazalsebsebseb: I love the unmodified Clearlooks theme, with the gray folder icons and all.21:43
arverneshi, each time I want to mount a local nfs volume, i have the following message:mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.21:43
arvernesmount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.21:43
Lcawteor just a cron line with an example using svn :P21:43
emghazalsebsebseb: I never thought about Ubuntu One, but I think I'll remove it now.21:44
sebsebsebemghazal: yes they have a slightly later verison of human now as well, that has the grey ubuntu logo icon21:44
sebsebsebemghazal: heh in a way at removing most of the  default 10.04 stuff21:44
sebsebsebemghazal: maybe you should change to KDM whilst your at it as well from GDM 2 (assuming your using that)  it looks nicer21:44
w3l54666_hey guys i need to know how to black list drivers21:44
=== radar3d is now known as radar3d|afk
jrib!away > radar3d|afk21:45
ubotturadar3d|afk, please see my private message21:45
perlsyntaxWhat is the safe place to downoad ubuntu 10.04 without get a rootkit in it?21:45
sebsebsebperlsyntax: the offical website21:45
sebsebsebperlsyntax: or uhmm offical mirrors21:45
jribperlsyntax: anywhere, just check the md5sum on the official site...21:45
sebsebseb!ubuntu | perlsyntax21:45
ubottuperlsyntax: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:45
perlsyntaxi try that i had the same prob.21:45
=== w3l54666_ is now known as ubuntu_is_god
Pirate_Hunterjrib, it aint, however, I should've said while using the man pages21:46
inktriwhat options do i use with "tex" to convert my file into a pdf?21:46
inktrimy .tex file into a .pfd21:46
jribPirate_Hunter: ok, what man page covers it out of curiousity?21:46
perlsyntaxsebsebseb,Where you download it from?21:46
emghazalsebsebseb: I don't mind gdm.21:46
jribinktri: most people use pdflatex21:46
sebsebsebperlsyntax: go to ubuntu.com21:46
jribinktri: if it's really tex, maybe you want pdftex21:47
inktrijrib: ok i'll try it out21:47
perlsyntaxi went there and donload it still have the same prob.21:47
AndyRgood evening all21:47
Pirate_Hunterjrib, pam.d at least that is where I expect to find the info needed21:47
jribperlsyntax: most people don't know what you mean by "same problem"21:47
jribPirate_Hunter: oh, pam... good luck21:47
Pirate_Hunterjrib, :s21:48
litropyhi, peeps. How do I find out what port I'm broadcasting on?21:48
perlsyntaxi get the same rootkit in it or i get a black sceen after load the livecd.I have no prob with 9.10.21:48
AndyRanyone else have a problem with 10.04 nbr not asking for a password on startup?21:48
litropyShould be a command that prints a readout of all ports in use, right?21:48
arverneshey, I have a pb with nfs. Each time i want to mount a local nfs volume, I have the following message : mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking. mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd. Is there a way to fix that?21:48
distant_voiceWhen trying to mount a CD, this comes up:21:48
perlsyntaxMaybe i should try a differnt mirror then.21:48
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Pirate_Hunterlitropy, straight out of my head netstat -tulpn might work for you21:49
sebsebsebperlsyntax: a rootkit inside an Ubuntu ISO from offical sources, highly unlikely21:49
distant_voiceWhen trying to mount CDs this comes up mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0,        missing codepage or helper program, or other error        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try        dmesg | tail  or so21:49
distant_voicecan somebody help?21:49
sebsebsebperlsyntax: where you getting this, I got a rootkit idea from, anyway21:49
Pirate_Hunterlitropy, what exactly do you wish to find out?21:49
perlsyntaxi did a check on it before i try install it.21:49
Pirate_Hunterperlsyntax, I agree with sebsebseb21:50
perlsyntaxit can't be hardware prob.21:50
linux_is_my_heroi wanna set up win xp pro x64 on a virtual box anyone wanna help?21:50
roberto__having trouble installing ruby gnome2 on ubuntu with ruby1.9.1 http://pastebin.org/211135 -- here's a log21:50
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: of course21:50
perlsyntaxi have no prob with ubuntu 9.1021:50
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: got a CD for that?21:50
sebsebsebperlsyntax: just, because your ISO is currupt21:51
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb yes21:51
sebsebsebperlsyntax: does not mean it has a rootkit or something like that inside it21:51
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: legitmate copy of windows, bought it21:51
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: ok this is easy then21:51
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: however your also on a 64bit computer right now?21:51
Loshkiperlsyntax: the official repositories are so heavily used, that any problems with the software would generally be discovered and reported extremely quickly. The risk is extremely low...21:51
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: yes21:51
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: you have 64bit Ubuntu installed?21:51
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: yes, 10.4 just upgraded21:52
sebsebsebperlsyntax: if your ISO is bad,  it will be, because of a bad download21:52
perlsyntaxi see21:52
sebsebsebperlsyntax: hence why you can md5sum, sha1sum and sha2sum or whatever that other one is, to check that you have a good ISO21:52
sebsebsebperlsyntax: your on Windows at the moment?21:52
perlsyntaxno i m on ubuntu 9.1021:52
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero:  well you just want it for netflix the vm I guess?  so  having USB support in it, doesn't  really matter?21:53
sebsebsebperlsyntax: ok perfect21:53
muffin2My X1250 laptop graphic card hangs when I boot plymouth with KMS on.21:53
muffin2i have to disable KMS .21:53
sebsebsebperlsyntax: you can run all three checks if you want, once you have downloaded the ISO for Ubuntu21:53
sebsebsebperlsyntax: and easilly in the terminal21:53
muffin2plymouth sucks21:53
sebsebsebperlsyntax: also if your on 9.10, you could just upgrade it to 10.0421:53
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: what would prevent it from running just like regular windows?21:53
perlsyntaxthay be the easy way21:53
sebsebsebmuffin2: which graphics card? and  propritary nivida or ati drivers, and yep issues21:53
MichaelKohlerisn't there a program which can set the resolution/size of a pdf file?21:53
RegressLessCan someone tell me how to edit the OS order in the grub boot manager? Ubuntu 10.0421:53
wk_exeonhow do i get intel hdmi to work on 10.0421:54
perlsyntaxi try that21:54
pun84 [16:19] <Vigo> pun84: Do you know how to get into BIOS on that box?21:54
noir_lordMichaelKohler, what are you trying to do?21:54
sclytrack_atomthe new grub, dunno how it works21:54
pun84yes Vigo, but what do i need to do with it?21:54
muffin2sebsebseb : It's ati X1250. and it has no more proprietary support.21:54
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: there are two versions of Virtualbox,  both free as in price, however one is  open source that lacks USB support, because I think legally they aren't alloweed in the open source version21:54
noir_lordGhoscript will allow you render a PDF file to 1 of about 20 different image formats at an arbitrary resolution21:54
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: where as the other is closed source, and has it21:54
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: the one you can really easilly install from the Ubuntu repo, is the open source version21:54
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: lets go with that one21:54
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: the other you can get from them21:54
zylogz80When I scroll down a menu with more items than can appear on the screen (system > administration for example) the cursor jumps back up automatically so I cannot click on some of the items. Anyone have the same issue? Know of a fix?21:55
MichaelKohlernoir_lord: I have scanned a document (it's a pdf now) and now I need to make it smaller so all pages (pdfs I join with pdftk) are the same size21:55
muffin2sebsebseb : what do you want to say about this?21:55
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose21:55
sebsebseb!info virtualbox-ose21:55
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.6-dfsg-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 8071 kB, installed size 28924 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia all)21:55
noir_lordMichaelKohler, so the pdf's you are joining have different page sizes set in the PDF rather than been scanned at different sizes?21:55
aaron-n-nikkiI've restarted my computer several times. I cant get it to stop doing whatever its doing. The light on the front stays on constantly and computer is moving slow???/21:56
MichaelKohlernoir_lord: I don't now.. I can upload the pdf if you want to see it21:56
sebsebsebmuffin2: basically if you have Plymouth21:56
sebsebsebmuffin2: and a propritary Nivida or ATI driver, you will probably get right boot up issues21:56
muffin2sebsebseb : ubuntu lucid is shipped with plymouth21:56
RigAnyone knows if it's possible to use a USB audio interface for playing instruments (namely guitar/bass) natively on linux through open drivers or do I have to reboot in Windows everytime I feel like playing on PC? :(21:56
sebsebsebmuffin2: yes21:56
sebsebsebmuffin2: and it does not work well with propritary Nivida and ATI drivers,  maybe not all of them, but a lot of them yes21:57
muffin2sebsebseb : does X125 have a proprietary driver?21:57
sebsebsebmuffin2: probably21:57
sebsebsebmuffin2: see if you got something under system > administration > hardware drivers21:57
sebsebsebmuffin2: also21:57
muffin2Recent proprietary drivers don't support X125021:57
sebsebseb!ati | muffin221:57
ubottumuffin2: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:57
EagleWatchdid anyone used geoip module with php? I don't know what is wrong with my data base21:57
sebsebsebmuffin2: ok well I don't know about that card21:57
muffin2sebsebseb : fglrx doesn't work for my work21:58
wk_exeonhow do i get intel hdmi 2 work if u can help pm me plz21:58
muffin2sebsebseb : I'm stuck.21:58
sebsebsebmuffin2: you can disable plymouth if you want to21:58
sebsebsebmuffin2: and have only a text boot21:58
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: the terminal is done. now what?21:59
muffin2sebsebseb : how? I also need to disable KMS.21:59
sebsebsebmuffin2: thanks again rww for telling me how to disable it21:59
sebsebsebmuffin2: whoops wasn't meant to send that to you21:59
CQwhat's the diff in /etc/fstab/ between defaults 0 0 and defaults 0 2??22:00
pun84My install wont load after I just got a power outage, on boot up it is  saying "The disc drive for / is not ready yet or not present"  " Continue to wait: or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery" what can i do??22:00
sebsebsebmuffin2: be clear, it's a boot up issue, that's all, or?22:00
CQI can't find it in the mount or fstab man pages22:00
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: open it22:00
SirRedToothAfter installing lucid lynx my windows partition doesn't work anymore. What can I do to solve this?22:00
sebsebseb!details | SirRedTooth22:00
ubottuSirRedTooth: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:00
SirRedToothThe windows partition still has data allocated to it and is still using data22:00
SirRedToothBut when I try to load it from grub, blank screen22:01
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: im going through the wizaqrd right now. how much ram does linux need?i have about 3.6gb so how much should i give to windows?22:01
SirRedToothLucid Lynx works fine22:01
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: try with the default amount to begin with, if that's slow,  that's something that can be changed later22:01
BudsAnyone had success fixing the slow boot time in 10.04 without disabling floppy drive??22:01
muffin2sebsebseb : It's KMS issue.22:01
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: also make sure you do dyanmically expanding hard disk22:01
sebsebsebmuffin2: I am still not actsaully that sure what KMS is, to be honest22:01
aaron-n-nikkisystem monitor not showing any processes running but light stays on. Someone help me???22:02
muffin2sebsebseb : kernel modeset. and modeset is a way to set resolution.22:02
muffin2kernel screen resolution setting22:02
muffin2resolution and depth22:02
muffin2I don't know further22:02
sebsebsebmuffin2: well you can try with just  just a text boot I guess22:02
sebsebsebmuffin2: is thsi correct, plymouth won't show properly?22:02
LoshkiCQ: the 5th field isn't used except by the dump program. The 6th field is used during booting to decide in which order the filesystems get checked....22:02
muffin2sebsebseb : It never shows.22:02
sebsebsebmuffin2: ok22:03
sebsebsebmuffin2: text boot for you then22:03
CQLoshki: what should the 6th field be for /tmp ?22:03
muffin2sebsebseb : I'm sad.22:03
eipi-1my xserver recently stopped working without any reason for me. only hint in /var/log/messages is "thinkpad_acpi: EC reports that Thermal Table has changed" a couple of times before it stops. i can not switch to tty via ctrl + F1. It might be a problem with virtualbox wich was running everytime this happens. Any hints?22:03
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
anigma_!server | anigma_'22:03
anigma_!server | anigma_22:03
ubottuanigma_': Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server22:03
ubottuanigma_, please see my private message22:03
=== root is now known as Guest56533
sebsebsebmuffin2: hold on I saved, how to do text boot22:03
sebsebsebmuffin2: let me find the file22:03
AndyRanyone else have a problem with 10.04 nbr not asking for a password on startup?22:03
kblinhi folks22:04
BudsAnyone had success fixing the slow boot time in 10.04 without disabling floppy drive??22:04
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: done, and installing from the cd. windows xp 64-bit.  ill let u know how it does. ;-)22:04
muffin2sebsebseb : I'm looking forward to22:04
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: do like 40GB  and dynamically expanding, when it comes to setting up the virtual hard disk22:04
=== Guest56533 is now known as O_o
javie_anyone having problems with 10.04 heating up laptop stays at aroun 75c22:04
slekkblin: hey22:04
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: it doesn't matter if you don't have that much free space on the actsaul partiton,  it's just space the vm thinks it has,  when it's dynamically expanding22:04
=== O_o is now known as Guest77381
linux_is_my_herowow, can i emulate mac also? :-)22:05
LoshkiCQ: depends on where your /tmp comes from. Is it on its own partition, or is it tmpfs?22:05
kblinhow do I get virt-manager to use a custom memory pool for my VMs?22:05
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: if you do the other option, it will take up, the amount of hard disk  space you said22:05
linux_is_my_heroi might go buy tiger just because id rather vm an os that i actually trust :-)22:05
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: no not legally on a PC22:05
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: well maybe actsauly if you bought Mac OS X22:05
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: however really Mac OS X is for a Mac, and that's that22:06
javie_anyone having problems with 10.04 heating up laptop stays at around 75c?22:06
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: how come macs dont come with a lot of vram or ram? do they not need it?22:06
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: also on a PC it won't run as well at the moment22:06
=== Guest77381 is now known as Freefantasma
TtechWhats up with Ubuntu and dual screens why does Xorg not support 1280x1024?22:06
TtechHow do I get that resolution?22:06
=== Freefantasma is now known as f4nt4sm1t4
CQLoshki: it's a separate partition encrypted ... see http://blog.larsstrand.org/article.php?story=EncryptedSwapAndHomeUbuntu22:06
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: I don't know,  also screw Mac,  Apple are not open source friendly22:06
tallmttHi.  I have been trying to use Xmodmap to change mouse button press to a keycode.  Anyone know how to do this?  All my mouse buttons are recognized on xev, but I need some of them to represent, say "F1" or "shift"22:07
muffin2I think ubuntu should release no KMS version without plymouth!!!!!!22:07
edbianAnyone have any experience with a bcm4318 on 10.04  ??22:07
muffin2Linux in general is too experimental22:07
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: they basically take a load of it, put lip stick on it, and sell it.  oh and then also patent sue  open source companies, like they did with that phone company not that long ago.  However this is off topic22:07
edbianI can't get mine to work.22:07
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: yeah, i did my research i picked linux because its the best and its free and runs on anything :-)22:07
airtonixTtech, /shrug im able to go any resi want... however i am using nvidia binary drivers22:07
BudsAnyone had success fixing the slow boot time in 10.04 without disabling floppy drive??22:08
Ttechairtonix, SO am I but on my second montior it only supports 1024x800 (Which is not the default resolution)22:08
airtonixTtech, i also noticed when booting my netbook off the usbdrive that lucid would let me do dual screen by default at any angle i wanted22:08
LoshkiCQ: I'm actually not sure about the order of checking of encrypted systems. If it were an ordinary system, I would use a 1 to have it be checked on pass 1 i.e. just after the root filesystem gets checked...22:08
cachedwhy do i not have to enter a password when i turn my computer on?22:08
sebsebsebmuffin2: ok to get text boot22:09
Ttechairtonix, Well I'm missing half myu resolutions now that I useed the nvidia drivers22:09
sebsebsebmuffin2: remove plymouth-label, plymouth-theme-ubuntu-{logo,text}, and plymouth-x11; then remove "splash" from /etc/default/grub and do sudo update-grub22:09
airtonixTtech, how do you configure it ? with the nvidia-settings gui ?22:09
Polemus1i get an error while trying to run k3b... it says it has no permissions to access device22:09
noir_lordTtech, I had a similar issue with Ubuntu 9.10, check xorg.conf and ensure the HorizRange is valid22:09
Ttechairtonix, Yes. But it doen't offer extra22:09
muffin2sebsebseb : splash is fine22:09
Ttechnoir_lord, But it worked before I used the nvidia drivers22:09
bodomcached: you can change that on settings22:09
jason__can anyone help me with this?22:10
airtonixTtech, do you run nvidia-settings as root or just normal user ?22:10
edbianLooking for help with a bcm4318.  Any suggestions for what package to install?22:10
muffin2sebsebseb : I would replace plymouth for usplash22:10
Ttechairtonix, Normal user22:10
bodomcached: btw, having your PC protected by a password is a good thing IMHO22:10
sebsebsebmuffin2:  you said Plymouth doesn't even boot up or something?22:10
jason__this comes up when i try and install programs via software center22:10
jason__The installation could have failed because of an error in the corresponding software package or it was cancelled in an unfriendly way. You have to repair this before you can install or remove any further software.22:10
noir_lordTtech, it works fine for me in 10.04 but not in 9.10, it took me hours to figure out it was the HorizRange setting in xorg.conf that was out of whack (it didnt show on any forums)22:10
airtonixTtech, same here22:10
CQLoshki: /tmp is taking long to mount and blocking the boot process... could be that /dev/random runs out of entropy and blocks... guess I can use urandom instead as a try22:10
muffin2sebsebseb : usplash is an alternative22:10
sebsebsebmuffin2: there's xsplash in the 10.04 repo,  but I don't know how to get it using xsplash instead22:10
Ttechnoir_lord, So how would I figure out what it should be or need to be?22:10
noir_lordTtech, in my case I downloaded the manual for the monitor and it was in the system specs22:11
muffin2sebsebseb : Man, xsplash is not related to plymouth.22:11
cachedhow do i get ubuntu to ask me to log in when i turn my computer on?22:11
sebsebsebmuffin2: indeed22:11
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: so does it actually take the 10gb of my hdd and make it ntfs or just think it does?22:11
sebsebsebmuffin2: except for how it's something you could use instead22:11
pun84Can VHCS2 be installed on Lucid Lynx ?22:11
Ttechnoir_lord, Haha I just thew out my manual. I'll look though22:11
New0boFirefox is extremely slow when browsing but downloads stuff and normal speed, is there something that could be effecting the way it loads pages?22:11
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: how much space did you give that vm?22:11
noir_lordTtech, if its a flat panel you could just set it to a higher value and see if that fits, unlike a CRT you (in theory) should not be able to damage the monitor with out of mode settings22:11
LoshkiCQ: sorry, I don't encrypt filesystems, only selected files. You need more expert help that I can give...22:11
muffin2sebsebseb : usplash is something I need to use instead.22:11
LoshkiCQ: that -> than22:12
cachederr, ignore my last question. pidgin was acting weird and i didnt see any messages referred to me22:12
Ttechnoir_lord, The larger resolution makes it (odly) work / look worse.22:12
sebsebsebmuffin2: so install it or something?22:12
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: how much space did you give the vm?22:12
cachedbodom: thanks =)22:12
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: 10GB is not a good size, even if it is a dyanmiclly expanding vm22:12
muffin2sebsebseb : I just figured out how to install lucid, but I hesitate.22:12
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BudsAnyone had success fixing the slow boot time in 10.04 without disabling floppy drive??22:12
bodomcached: you'r welcome22:12
muffin2It's a hassle22:12
linux_is_my_herosebsebseb: can i change it?22:13
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: hence why I recommend 40GB and dynamically expanding22:13
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: only by starting over22:13
noir_lordTtech, I don't blame linux for it though since that system the only way to get windows to display the native resolution with the nvidia driver was to switch the monitor off while installing the driver then reboot and switch the monitor on...22:13
Polemus1anyone here knows k3b?22:13
sebsebseblinux_is_my_hero: as far as I know, or there may be some complex other way to do it22:13
sebsebsebPolemus1: yes22:13
pun84can anyone help me with my bootup problem?22:13
realmobileAmnyone know something about MSI wind u160 USB bluetooth connection problem?22:13
sebsebsebBuds: slow boot time?  what's that got to do with floppy discs?22:13
sebsebseb!details | pun8422:13
ubottupun84: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:14
Polemus1sebsebseb: i get an error: "cdrecord returned an unknown error....... sometimes using TAO writing mode solves the problem"22:14
sebsebsebPolemus1: not sure, you could use brasero instead for example.  also  good idea to try #kubuntu for k3b help, since it's a KDE app22:14
Polemus1sebsebseb: thanx22:15
Budssebsebseb: its a known bug that causes the udisk-daemon to delay after login, caused by not having floppy disabled in bios.22:16
vasiphhi All22:16
pun84Using Lucid Lynx:::: 10.04 -- On bootup I am getting the problem saying:::   The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present   Continue to wait: or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery22:16
vasiphI am from Azerbaijan!22:16
Budssebsebseb: but i need an alternate fix becuase im on a macbook and have no bios22:16
sebsebsebBuds: oh ok, so disable it in BIOS?22:16
winXPuserpun84: M22:16
sebsebsebBuds: oh well I don't know22:16
pun84I hit M, tried FSCK22:16
pun84didnt help22:16
pun84is there anyhting else i can try?22:17
tallmttDo I need xbindkeys to make a mouse button press be like a keyboard press (ie back arrow = F1)22:17
sebsebsebpun84: a bit odd, but yes you need / mounted22:17
winXPuserpun84- clean reinstall?22:17
edbianLooking for help with a bcm4318 wireless card.  What package do I need to install?  I've tried searching in synaptic but nothing is bcm4318 specific?22:17
freezwayhow do i see which of my 2 hard drives is sda1 and sda2 and what is sda?22:17
ClayReicheCan someone help me get a perl script to run from rc.local?22:17
ClayReicheI want it to run during boot and the script has a prompt for input, but the boot just blows past it22:18
ManDayIs there a configuration file for GNOME-TERMINAL in which i can set the default startup geometry?22:18
winXPuservasiph, hi! this is support channel, for offtopic feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic; or if you need some other language support, tell what language you want it in22:18
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
freezwayed1703, hook it up to ethernet and open the hardware drivers thing22:18
alaa_I am trying to enable KMS on 9.10 for radeon driver following this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/KernelModeSetting but I don't know how to add the line to the grub file22:18
vasiphazerbaijan russian or turkish22:19
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:20
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.22:20
jose__hey guys Im getting the following error with PHP after having updated to 10.04: PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626/apc.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626/apc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 022:20
jose__any suggestions22:20
LinuxGuy2009Is there a file I can cut/paste in to rearrange the ubuntu netbook launchers instead of removing them all and adding them all back?22:20
sebsebsebLinuxGuy2009: panels?22:20
bodomjose__: do you need this library?22:21
CloudMonkeewow, anyone know why ubuntu 10.04 sucks and is so buggy?22:21
LinuxGuy2009No the main netbook interface for favorites.22:21
sebsebsebCloudMonkee: that depends on the hardware22:21
sebsebsebCloudMonkee: plus other things22:21
aciculaalaa_, add it to the kernel line in menu.lst or /etc/default/grub22:21
bodomjose__: if now, just disable loading :)22:21
sebsebseb!details | CloudMonkee22:21
ubottuCloudMonkee: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:21
macoCloudMonkee: not enough testers early in the development cycle and not enough developers to fix the bugs that are found. and /that/ is why you should help test alpha releases of ubuntu and get involved!22:21
jose__bodom: I dont think that I need it ... What does it do?22:22
sebsebsebCloudMonkee: maco 's response to that is much better22:22
CloudMonkeesebsebseb, no, it's all about software for this problem.... the window manger keeps crashing. the top rectanglebox that controls how to move & manipulate them at the top have dissapeared.22:22
LinuxGuy2009I agree with maco, not enough testers.22:22
alaa_acicula: I open /etc/default/grub and I find it empty22:22
jose__bodom: How would I disable loading?22:22
aciculaalaa_, so use menu.lst22:22
CloudMonkeemaco, i would love to do that... how do I start22:22
aciculaCloudMonkee, start a console and start metacity --replace and when it crashes copy paste the output from that console to pastebin22:23
bodomjose__: what it does: http://php.net/manual/en/book.apc.php22:23
sebsebsebCloudMonkee: the window controls?22:23
LinuxGuy2009Ok Ill see if google is any help I guess.22:23
macoLinuxGuy2009: too many people refuse to help debug their problem until beta (or even final!) is reached, which means they basically assume we're all psychic22:23
tishensnoopyin which aspect22:23
ManDayIs there a configuration file for GNOME-TERMINAL in which i can set the default startup geometry?22:23
aciculaManDay, i think you can pass it as a command line option22:23
=== erkan`film is now known as erkan^
Jon-I am trying to configure either VLC (http interface with wget) or mdb with mpc so I can bind a key at the top of my laptop to pause / next track / play, etc globally. I have been trying for a couple days now and getting really frustrated. Need a more experienced users assistance please.22:23
macoCloudMonkee: well the first alpha for 10.10 is due out the first week of june. you can set up a vm on your system using virtualbox and keep trying things out in there to make sure they work22:24
sebsebsebCloudMonkee: and if you can program, you can actsauly help fix bugs22:24
LinuxGuy2009maco: I actually did my part with Lucid and reporting the bugs I did find. Least I tried on this one. hehe22:24
Polemus1i get an error: "cdrecord returned an unknown error....... sometimes using TAO writing mode solves the problem" ... when i try to write a dvd using k3b22:24
jose__bodom: How would I disable loading?22:24
vasiphE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)22:24
vasiphE: Unable to lock the download directory22:24
macoCloudMonkee: you can also get involved with bugsquad and help debug other people's bugs so the developers can fix them22:24
DroklesHey guys. Absolute newbie here using 9.10. My audio is really noisy, I've set Analog Surround 5.1 output as my sound device, but it the sound comes out lagging and skipping. I'm pretty sure it should be Analog Surround 5.1. Any help would be great :D22:24
awaadWhat is the best way to make a distributable CD or DVD of my customized Ubuntu 10.04 ?22:24
macoCloudMonkee: and if you can code, you can help write those fixes22:24
bodomjose__: look into 7etc/php5/conf.d/ folder, you should have an apc.ini file22:24
vasiphhow can i write Adobe Flash?22:24
macovasiph: got a synaptic or update manager window open? close it22:24
macovasiph: that error is what you get when two instally/updatey things run at the same time22:25
Jon-vasiph: Try sudo killall synaptic and try again22:25
jose__bodom: Do I simply comment it with a ";"22:25
slekHello, who would like to develop a 'teacher' program with me for Ubuntu. With this program you should be able to study word combinations. KDE has a program like this: parley. There is another dead open-source alternative: openteacher.22:25
bodomjose__: edit this file and comment out all lines22:25
CloudMonkeemaco: i can code... c++ & java. but i only know basics... How would i possibly help?22:25
aciculaawaad, there is a page about that on the ubuntu wiki, automated or customizing ubuntu install cd on google'll probably find it22:25
Jon-slek: Language?22:25
bodomjose__: yep, hten restart apache22:25
jose__bodom: yay! solved thnx22:25
macoslek: is there something wrong with parley?22:25
bodomjose__: np22:25
slekI would like to program in Python. There's no other language I know.22:25
Jon-I am trying to configure either VLC (http interface with wget) or mdb with mpc so I can bind a key at the top of my laptop to pause / next track / play, etc globally. I have been trying for a couple days now and getting really frustrated. Need a more experienced users assistance please.22:25
Flannelawaad, acicula: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization22:26
macoCloudMonkee: i started contributing C code when i only knew basics too. there are plenty of bitesize bugs that are good for people who are new the codebase22:26
ManDayacicula, yep I know, Im looking for a default configuration tho because gnome-terminal is started from different places and I dont/cant specifiy CLAs everywhere22:26
alaa_acicula: I don't find a line starting with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=, I will add it22:26
slekmaco: I have not looked at parley very much, but the first impression I got was that it was too complicated.22:26
aciculaManDay, well it uses profiles, i dont know if you can set it there22:26
CloudMonkeemaco: can you point me into the direction of doing this? do you have an msn?22:26
ManDayacicula, hm22:27
aciculaalaa_, that may pertain to grub2 configuration, you may still be using grub122:27
macoslek: its for foreign language study mostly. was there a slightly different focus you want?22:27
Jon-I am trying to configure either VLC (http interface with wget) or mdb with mpc so I can bind a key at the top of my laptop to pause / next track / play, etc globally. I have been trying for a couple days now and getting really frustrated. Need a more experienced users assistance please.22:27
DroklesHey guys. Absolute newbie here using 9.10. My audio is really noisy, I've set Analog Surround 5.1 output as my sound device, but it the sound comes out lagging and skipping. I'm pretty sure it should be Analog Surround 5.1. Any help would be great :D22:27
ClayReicheI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and need to have an ineractive perl script run at boot. I have the script successfully running from rc.local (I know this because my perl script prints some stuff to a log file), but, the script never interactively prompts for user input. What do I have to do to get rc.local to run interactively?22:27
macoCloudMonkee: i dont have msn, but im grabbing you a link22:27
ManDayacicula, not in the profile-editor at least22:27
ManDayacicula, you know where the profiels are stored?22:27
ManDaygconf again?22:27
pun84winXPuser my only option is clean install?? :(22:27
aciculaManDay, .gnome somewhere i suppose22:27
detratedoes anyone here know about configuring touchscreens in ubuntu?  I see videos on youtube without explanations.  Mine has very limited support. I can only single click22:27
bodommaco: the main poblem fo a novice code contributor is imho that it takes hours to find the right file/line to do a small bug fix22:27
slekmaco: Well, I haven't thought of that much. But an option is of course making parley more attractive to a GTK environment.22:28
alaa_acicula, I just updated from 9.04 to 9.10, so I think yes. How to switch to Grub 2?22:28
vasiphok thanks22:28
sebsebsebalaa_: you don't need GRub 222:28
sebsebsebalaa_: old one is actsaully better in certain ways :)22:28
Jon-I am trying to configure either VLC (http interface with wget) or mdb with mpc so I can bind a key at the top of my laptop to pause / next track / play, etc globally. I have been trying for a couple days now and getting really frustrated. Need a more experienced users assistance please.22:28
alaa_sebsebaeh,  I need Grub 2 to enable KMS22:28
sebsebsebalaa_: oh ok well in that case22:28
ManDayacicula, found them in gconf but there aint no geometry defaults not22:28
sebsebseb!grub2 | alaa_22:28
ubottualaa_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:28
slekmaco: Well, I haven't thought of that much. But an option is of course making parley more attractive to a GTK environment.22:29
macobodom, CloudMonkee: there's also the Ubuntu Reviewers team. the team exists to go through existing patches attached bugs (1800-2000) and review the patch for 1) being able to apply 2) correctness 3) regression potential, then forward them upstream if they're good. if you can read & understand a bit of code, you could be very helpful there22:29
winXPuserpun84 said "Using Lucid Lynx:::: 10.04 -- On bootup I am getting the problem saying::: The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present Continue to wait: or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery.I hit M, tried FSCK. didnt help"22:29
aciculaManDay, then i dont know22:29
macoslek: it's part of kdeedu. as far as i know, gnome does not have an education suite. that's only something kde has focused on22:30
aciculaManDay, can always alias22:30
ManDayacicula, thanks tho22:30
ClayReicheCan anyone think of a better channel for my question?22:30
ManDayacicula, true, good idea22:30
sebsebsebbodom:  CloudMonkee  There were also two  getting invovled with Ubuntu Development sessions, as part of Open Week, on Friday,  Plus if you look at previous ones, there's similar stuff.22:30
Jon-I am trying to configure either VLC (http interface with wget) or mdb with mpc so I can bind a key at the top of my laptop to pause / next track / play, etc globally. I have been trying for a couple days now and getting really frustrated. Need a more experienced users assistance please.22:30
macobodom, CloudMonkee: if you're interested in the patch reviewing team, join #ubuntu-reviews22:30
bodommaco: ty22:31
slekmaco: Maybe therefore, we could develop such a program for Gnome. I could send you some concept I already made.22:31
awaadacicula, Flannel: These explanation is not for Ubuntu 10.0422:31
detratecan I install ubuntu netbook remix through the repositories if I already have ubuntu installed?22:31
macoslek: i just know PyKDE ;-)22:31
sebsebsebbordom CloudMonkee  I suggest reading the logs in HTML format on http://irclogs.ubuntu.com ,but they are also on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek22:31
macoslek: i also just wrote a language app for kde environment (not part of the kde project yet though), but mine is for sign language22:32
awaadacicula, Flannel: Is there any program that may automate this ?22:32
Flannelawaad: It should be the same (or at least very similar) process22:32
daftykinsdetrate: you can try installing ubuntu-netbook-remix22:32
=== Jon- is now known as Jon--
delachowto force fsck on boot (on Karmic)? "sudo shutdown -F -r now" doesn't seem to work...22:32
aguitelhow choose faster mirror with command line?22:33
detrateahh :)22:33
slekmaco: Nah, my program would just be a program to study foreign words. We could always include sign language too.22:33
sebsebsebaguitel: system > preferences > software sources22:33
sebsebsebaguitel: oh command line, nevermind22:33
macoslek: i think you may want to talk to gnome upstream about starting an education subproject similar to kdeedu22:33
macoLedzep: fail?22:34
aguitelsebsebseb, with software sources say : not suitable sever found22:34
anigma_could I just extract everything from the iso image on to a usb stick and plug that in and install?22:34
slekmace: That is not my intention, my intention is to get an Ubuntu teacher program for GTK into the repo.22:34
onetinsoldierdelac: i think you put a file named forcefsck on the filesystem you want checked... for exampled sudo touch /forcefsck22:34
sebsebsebaguitel: Which version of Ubuntu? Which country?22:34
Ledzepmaco ok22:34
VagaStormI have 2 computers with ubuntu on. both are suposed to sync evolution with horde using sync evolution, but I get only local rejections on one. on that computer I have an old user directory, which I tink might be the root of the problem. is it posible to recreate a blank calendar/adressbook and tasklist?22:34
ozfalconIs there some problem with the ubuntu key servers?22:35
aguitelsebsebseb, 10.04 this is when i try to find best server22:35
LedzepI need some help with 10.04 install22:35
sebsebsebaguitel: by default it will probably be using the server for your country, which is useaully the best, but not always22:35
sebsebseb!details | Ledzep22:35
ubottuLedzep: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:35
delaconetinsoldier: ok, I'll take a look about that. Thanks!22:36
gebbionehi has anybody here managed to get nginx running with php on their machines? pls PM me22:36
sebsebsebaguitel: also you should be able to set another server graphically, without issues22:36
aguitelsebsebseb, in debian there is package apt-spy22:36
sebsebseb!info apt-spy22:36
LedzepI get the following message...the installer encountered an unrecoverable error.....22:36
ubottuPackage apt-spy does not exist in lucid22:36
onetinsoldierdelac: roger. you're welcome. but don't take my word for it! yep, look it up or something :-)22:36
anigma_could I extract everything from the iso image to a usb stick and plug that in and install?22:36
sebsebseb!usb | anigma_22:37
ubottuanigma_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:37
Jon--I am trying to configure either VLC (http interface with wget) or mdb with mpc so I can bind a key at the top of my laptop to pause / next track / play, etc globally. I have been trying for a couple days now and getting really frustrated. Need a more experienced users assistance please.22:37
daftykinsanigma_: you can make ubuntu install from flash drive using unetbootin or USB startup disk creator22:37
AndyRanyone else have a problem with 10.04 nbr not asking for a password on startup?22:38
Cpudan80What's the apache mod to enable user dir sites?22:38
Cpudan80ex. myserver/~user/...22:38
Ledzephelp.... I get the following message...the installer encountered an unrecoverable error....upon installing 10.0422:39
sebsebsebLedzep: when trying to do a clean install or upgrade?22:39
h00ked_hi all22:39
sebsebsebLedzep: ok  maybe you got a bad CD22:39
Ledzeptried 2 cds22:39
OsaHello all22:39
sebsebsebLedzep: Did you ever check the ISO that you used?22:40
onetinsoldierLedzep: what's you're video card make/model?22:40
Ledzepmd5sum checked out22:40
sebsebsebLedzep: and it was a match?22:40
anigma_Cpudan80, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_userdir.html22:40
onetinsoldierLedzep: roger22:40
ClayReiche I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and need to have an ineractive perl script run at boot. I have the script successfully running from rc.local (I know this because my perl script prints some stuff to a log file), but, the script never interactively prompts for user input. What do I have to do to get rc.local to run interactively?22:41
ClayReicheOr some better way to launch a perl script at boot22:42
Ledzepmd5sum matched22:42
LinuxGuy2009Just wanted to share a solution to re-aranging netbook edition favorite launchers. gconf-editor, apps, netbook-launcher. There is a list of launchers that are numbered starting at 0. You can check to see what each one is simply by reading it. Then there is a master list that you can double click and click the up or down arrow to rearrange the order. Logout, then log back in to see changes. Piece of cake.22:43
tallmttanyone know if this will this work with xbindkeys: http://pastebin.org/21123122:44
LedzepCan I use a Quickcam pro 9000 in 10.0422:44
xXedixXxI submitted a bug report about a week ago, and still not one reply!22:44
daftykinsLinuxGuy2009: if that's not on the wiki / forum it might be worth posting?22:44
LinuxGuy2009daftykins: Where is the wiki?22:45
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.22:45
onetinsoldier!hi | jff4022:47
ubottujff40: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:47
LoshkiClayReiche: it's unusual to run an *interactive* script at boot time. What's the script for?22:47
LinuxGuy2009Hmm maybe not. No idea where to add it.22:47
Adventhow do you change the default operating system in grub2?22:48
ubottuadvent: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:48
dominicdinadaOk my File explorer in Lucid all of a sudden crashed... But I am in the middle of a large transfer over the network... How do I fix this problem22:48
Cpudan80Hey guys - I just installed a lamp server on 10.04 and it's offering to download PHP files rather than display the constents ...22:49
Cpudan80Any ideas why?22:49
dominicdinadaIt reminds me of when Microsoft's Explorer Crashes....22:49
acerimmerdominicdinada: doesn't mean your download stopped.  Check /Downloads for an active file22:50
daroluAdvent: open the /etc/default/grub file with super user powers and edit the line that says "GRUB_DEFAULT" to what you want, it can be a numeric value or the exact menuentry string in /boot/grub/grub.cfg22:50
dominicdinadaNo acerimmer i am Dumping a transfer to my Server...22:50
Adventthank you22:50
acerimmerdominicdinada: :\22:50
dominicdinadaCrashed Just like Windows... wow I guess Ubuntu wants to be exactly like microsoft22:51
ZykoticK9Advent, darolu after the change you probably need "sudo update-grub2" to apply the change22:51
gmgrossI am having paint performance issues with a Dell Inspiron 1545 Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic, GNOME 2.28.1. Sys monitor shows 1 of 2 CPU 100% busy for 10+sec22:51
acerimmergmgross: exact same system - and...22:51
Jon--I am trying to configure either VLC (http interface with wget) or mdb with mpc so I can bind a key at the top of my laptop to pause / next track / play, etc globally. I have been trying for a couple days now and getting really frustrated. Need a more experienced users assistance please.22:51
dominicdinadaIs their any safe way to terminate the transfer since this is not a copy and paste this is me moving files from an external drive22:52
daroludominicdinada: dumping will copy the data (block by block), not move it (copy+delete)22:52
wildbat_laptopdominicdinada, ctrl -c?22:52
dominicdinadadarolu: so i can just kill the process and reboot?22:53
daroludominicdinada: yes you could but I wouldn't recommend it since it can damage your original information, how big the risk is depends (among other factors) on your filesystem; if the dumping is working you can let it finish22:54
dominicdinadawildbat_laptop: well I used the File Explorer (nautilus )   Is there a recovery option to run ? also my desktop windows lost all their close... etc buttons :/ This is like the 8th time lucid has done this22:54
bodomThunderbird 3 is EATING my disk space! Help!22:55
daroluYou can dump with nautilus?22:55
dominicdinadadarolu: Dump as in move = cut + paste22:55
onetinsoldierbodom: well why don't you kill the thunderbird process?22:55
bcgrownI have a script that does a DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force off/on.   it turns off fine,  and turns the display back on but doesn't unblank the screen until i hit a key or move the mouse.  anyone know why?22:55
bodomonetinsoldier: maybe blaming it would be a good solution, but, definitely, I don't displike it so much22:56
dominicdinadaAs for the transfer I have no way to know because all the "explorer" windows are locked and greyed out I could open a new window on the server to verify22:56
wolteris nautilus crashing for everybody when you open the trash?22:56
daroludominicdinada: uhmmm I usually understand a different operation http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl8_dump.htm  if the process of cutting+pasting is working you should let it finish22:56
dominicdinadanautilus is crashing all the time on this end wolter22:57
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onetinsoldierbodom: what's it doing to eat up a lot of disk space?22:57
daroluwolter: doesn't crash for me22:57
wolterdominicdinada, oh i feel you22:57
wolterdominicdinada, mine used to crash when i clicked on volumes on the desktop lol, but now its fixed22:57
bodomonetinsoldier: the ImapMail folder is growing up without any sort of control22:58
dominicdinadawolter: I love ubuntu but they went all flashy pretty and well crashing every day is not cool22:58
dominicdinadaespecially when im transfering 50 gigs accross the network to my server wow22:58
darolubodom: it is syncing with your e-mail account, it is normal22:58
onetinsoldierbodom: hmm, don't know22:58
crankhardermy vmbuilder command is just hanging with this: http://pastie.org/951869 -- any ideas why?22:59
=== Puritan is now known as puritan
bodomdarolu: if I wanted it to download mail locally, then I used pop3 instead. No, it's not normal, it's a panic... how to stop it?22:59
daroludominicdinada: nautilus graying can be normal when transfering that many information, let it finish and it should go back to normal, other processes in your computer can be slow as the transfer is using many of your resources22:59
darolubodom: IMAP will sync your e-mail, you can just kill thunderbird (the process) and then configure what you want to sync and what not23:00
dominicdinadadarolu: I understand that but this is 2 hours into the transfer I transfered a 10 gig block earlier... no problems...23:00
dominicdinadaNot to mention all my file windows unrelated to this are crashed as well sigh... sudo aptitude remove gnome-desktop-enviroment23:01
dominicdinadago with the gnome-core... no pretty flashy bullsnap23:01
bodomdarolu: I have a "do not use more than 50Mb for cache" setting, doesn't this does the job?23:02
wolterit shouldn't crash either way...23:02
daroludominicdinada: if you have a large file (say a 4GB one) and you're trying to paste it to a filesystem that doesn't support files that large can cause the crashing23:02
wolterits a file transfer23:02
mikelissIs there a clever way to kill a program when you don't know its pid, and it's started by python?23:02
redHow can I remove the login keyring crap?23:02
camel_dos anyone know how to use the mv command and display the status of it ... can't think of what it's called right now23:02
woltermikeliss, if you launched it a short time ago, pgrep for python and take the biggest pid23:02
redPopup always appears in my telivision instead of my PC screen so I need to switch it on to use pc :P23:02
wolterother than that, I wouldn't know23:03
woltermaybe look for its open files?23:03
mikelisswolter: sadly, it's a daemon, so no luck there. Other ideas?23:03
ClayReicheLoshki: I'm creating an install image that will be used for 100+ workstations. The "prompt" will be asking for a 4 digit extension that is incorporated into the hostname, a few firefox shortcuts, and I also "ImageMagick" the desktop background to display the extension prominantly23:03
dominicdinadadarolu: This is not a size limit because I can just be browsing locally and this happens without warning... As the other guy said it crashes when in the trash also23:03
darolubodom: no, that doesn't apply for your e-mail sync23:03
woltermikeliss, then maybe its one of the first ones haha23:04
bodomdarolu: omg I'm dommed then23:04
dominicdinadaCorrection It took out all my taskbar programs it cant restore them while I can stop all but the file windows23:04
ClayReicheLoshki: The "prompt" will only occur 1 time.23:04
mikelisswolter: This sounds unreliable at best.....hrmm...23:04
darolubodom: no you're not, how large is your e-mail inbox? is it larger than your available free-HD-space?23:04
woltermikeliss, yes haha , I was partly joking23:05
erkan^no support :(23:05
New0boIs there a command to kill programs? I have an unresponsive application and no idea how to kill it23:05
shane2peruok, I want my nvidia graphics stuff back, :)  I'm going for simple is there a ppa or do I need to do this manually?23:05
camel_kill -9 <pid>23:05
dominicdinadakill (pid)23:05
New0bohow do I get the pid?23:05
wolterNew0bo, or you can pkill <process-name>23:05
bodomdarolu: yep, it's a 7Gb inbox over about 100 more MBs remaining on my /home23:05
dominicdinadaps -a23:05
ClayReicheps -Ae23:05
wolterNew0bo, pgrep -l <process name>23:06
daroluNew0bo: ps -u <username> if it is a process started by you23:06
daftykinsshane2peru: for Lucid?23:06
mikelissNew0bo: You can often kill GUI programs just by clicking their close button.23:06
redxmarks on firefox just went nuts23:06
New0bok thanks23:06
redreplaced all my bookmarks with 1 bookmark23:06
dominicdinadaGod blessed dang it23:06
bodombodom: I've disabled sync options and restarted thunderbird, looks like it stopped eating space now, but ImapMail still takes more than 3Gb23:06
camel_anyone command linefu - mv with status output  i.e.  mv filename to filename2   [====>              ]36%23:06
stonemanproblem: when i try to open "windows network" i get this error "Failed to retrieve share list from the server", i read a lot of tutorials how to fix that but still don't work... any suggestion?23:07
darolubodom: cancel the transfer then, you can configure what folders to sync later; to kill thunderbird use a terminal "sudo killall thunderbird" if it fails look for the processID with "ps -u <username>" and use "sudo kill -kill <processID>"23:07
shane2perudaftykins, wow that was odd, I just my sessions just crashed? just all of the sudden it logged me out!, yes for Lucid.23:07
BluBull :D23:08
justin22885im trying to run something under wine.. but the app im trying to run says i do not have administrator privelages.. whats wrong here?23:08
xyz_i click ubuntu-one23:08
xyz_nothing happened23:08
xyz_i am using ubuntu 10.0423:08
stoneman when i try to open "windows network" i get this error "Failed to retrieve share list from the server", i read a lot of tutorials how to fix that but still don't work... any suggestion?23:08
daftykinsshane2peru: just use system -> administration -> hardware drivers to install and enable the nvidia drivers23:08
bodomdarolu: done. What if i rm -R ImapMail now?23:08
gabspeckhello everyone23:09
erkan^you have need plugins23:09
erkan^(mozilla), xyz_23:09
ClayReicheI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and need to have an ineractive perl script run at boot. I have the script successfully running from rc.local (I know this because my perl script prints some stuff to a log file), but, the script never interactively prompts for user input. What do I have to do to get rc.local to run interactively?23:09
gabspecki'm having issues with hdmi audio output on lucid23:09
xyz_must i install mozilla23:09
wolterhey mikeliss, problem solved? If not, do ps -u23:09
shane2perudaftykins, ok, I usually install the ones from the nvidia web site (I know I know, not recommended. :) )23:09
markus_how do I prevent the cairo dock from asking if I want to use opengl?23:09
erkan^https://launchpad.net/bindwood xyz_23:09
gabspeckif i want to use hdmi audio output, i must choose it on sound preferences and restart ubuntu to get it working...23:09
wolterand you'll see each process' python script23:09
woltermikeliss, ps -u | grep python if you will23:10
gabspeckon 9.10 i didn't need to restart23:10
bodomClayReiche: I guess boot process is not interactive. Can't you run it at login?23:10
daftykins!enter | gabspeck23:10
ubottugabspeck: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:10
woltergabspeck, maybe its time for us to start fearing for ubuntu... the other day I was asked to restart the computer to enable sharing23:10
wolterso lame23:10
camel_gabspeck, you can restart your audio ... that's what i do at least23:10
CornwallHi, apt-get freezes on installing docbook-xsl-doc-html. Every time I use apt-get it wants to install the package, even if I try and remove/purge it. It has no dependencies whatsoever, it's just "cued" for installation. How do I take it off?23:10
mikelisswolter: yeah, it looks like that's pretty close to what I need....I'm working it...23:11
gabspeckcamel_ which service do you restart and how?23:11
edinson24ehola buenas tengo un problema con mi tarjeta grafica en ubuntu 10.0423:11
Summerdreamwhat's the linuxmint channel?23:11
sebsebseb!es | edinson24e23:11
ubottuedinson24e: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:11
camel_/etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart ... i think .. don't have my laptop with me23:11
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone23:11
KristianDKHow do i extract a tar.gz file into another directory, than the current (the tar.gz is in the other directory)23:12
onetinsoldierCornwall: i'll try and see if i can help you here in a minute... hang on23:12
Cornwallonetinsoldier: no prob23:12
gabspeckcamel_: restarting pulse didn't do the trick :\23:14
mikelisswolter: Sigh. Ridiculous, but effective: ps -eo pid,command | grep python | awk -F' ' '{print $1}';23:14
gabspeckit worked on the fly on 9.10.. pretty lame regression23:14
mikelisswolter: Except the grep python part is going to grep a specific python instance.23:14
George_eI've got a root terminal open... how can I kill all running instances of gedit?23:14
bodomGeorge_e: killall gedit23:15
mikelisswolter: and the final command: kill `ps -eo pid,command | grep python | awk -F' ' '{print $1}';`23:15
kitcheKristianDK -C switch23:15
lucid_lynxGeorge_e: 'killall gedit', I believe23:15
onetinsoldierCornwall: try using aptitude. as root, run aptitude and then press  /  (slash key). that will allow you to search on that package name. when that package is highlighted in aptitude, press the 'Enter' key23:16
woltermikeliss, lol23:16
George_elucid_lynx: Afraid not. Still running.23:16
dominicdinadawell it is still transfering but what are the odds that the data might be corrupted23:16
George_elucid_lynx: They still show up in resource monitor.23:17
Cornwallonetinsoldier: okay, it's highlighted23:17
KristianDKkitche, that was my impression as well, but it really doesnt work for me - check this out http://dpaste.com/192281/23:17
onetinsoldierCornwall: roger. what it's who in the far upper left corner?23:17
woltermikeliss, wow.... that gave me a lot of pids!23:17
onetinsoldierCornwall: roger. what it's show* in the far upper left corner?23:17
Cornwallonetinsoldier: Hd23:17
mikelisswolter: python is a workhorse on Linux machines.23:18
CheckMatewhat package is needed to play mp3 files in amarok on Ubuntu Lucid?23:18
wolteryeah haha, well now I saw my error, I didn't specify anything to awk23:18
onetinsoldierCornwall: roger. i think that means it like half-installed or something. ok, what happens if you press the underscore key on it?, then press g23:18
George_eThis is bad - I can't even kill them by their process id :O23:19
lucid_lynxGeorge_e: when that happens, just go to the System Monitor, right click and select 'Kill Process' - it usually works for me23:19
bodomGeorge_e: use kill -923:19
onetinsoldierCornwall: pressing (shift -) the underscore on a package marks it for purge23:19
George_elucid_lynx: Nope. That does nothing.23:19
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bodomGeorge_e: kill -9 <pid>23:20
mluser-workHello, can someone tell me what script I can add stuff to that gets executed by the system at startup and what other one gets executed at shutdown?23:20
onetinsoldierCornwall: then pressing 'g' tells it to go23:20
Jon--I have no sound! I just modified my sound card directly with it's permissions when attempting to get something working and I forgot what I did! Please help!23:20
Cornwallonetinsoldier: figuring out how to use pastebin as I never have before )23:20
dominicdinadaGeorge_e: Besides me losing all my Nautilus file windows my taskbar and windows all lost their min,max,close buttons and on my taskbar programs that are closed are still stuck on there23:20
onetinsoldierCornwall: roger :-)23:21
George_ebodom: Thanks! That time it worked. What does the -9 option do?23:21
xyz_i have launcpad account23:21
Jon--I have no sound! I just modified my sound card directly with it's permissions when attempting to get something working and I forgot what I did! Please help!23:21
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Cornwallonetinsoldier: couldn't find a tinyurl or something for it: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=bD4PCAxX23:21
lucid_lynxGeorge_e: according to 'man kill' it kills all processes you can kill23:21
xyz_ bzr launchpad-login  didnt accept this23:21
ClayReichebodom: One of the things my perl script does is "ImageMagick" the user input to the background image. So I'm not sure doing it "At login" is ideal.23:22
lucid_lynx!repeat | Jon--23:22
ubottuJon--: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:22
bodomGeorge_e: short answer: standark kill "ask" the process to terminate, kill -9 "force" the process to terminate. Long answer: type man kill in terminal23:22
George_edominicdinada: Try logging out and in again.23:22
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Naryahow do I make a launcher to run a command I would normally type on terminal?23:22
xyz_i need help with launchpad23:22
vengerVigo, just got back in. I was dealing with the Optiarc / installer issue.  I wanted to avoid debootstrap this time around so Instead of replacing the cd-rom to workaround a bug, I remembered that unetbootin was a viable option and its installing now :)23:23
onetinsoldierCornwall: sorry, but that link isn't working for me23:23
dominicdinadaI cant I am moving data and cant afford it being corrupted23:23
xyz_ bzr launchpad-login berat23:23
xyz_ why it doesnt accept this23:23
dominicdinadaGeorge_e: I cant I am moving data and cant afford it being corrupted23:23
xyz_my name is registered with berat on launchpad23:23
Cornwallonetinsoldier: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=bD4PCAxX . Maybe this will work23:23
lucid_lynxNarya: when you create a launcher, select "Application in Terminal" instead of "Application" in the 'Launcher Properties' dialog23:23
Polemushow can one see the status of you sync with ubuntu one file storage?23:23
George_edominicdinada: You will have to just wait then :)23:24
Naryalucid_lynx thank you23:24
trismxyz_: did you configure your ssh keys? you need them to log in https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair23:24
onetinsoldierCornwall: ok, what happens if you do what it says? try to reinstall it first?23:24
CheckMatewhat package is needed to play mp3 files in amarok on Ubuntu Lucid?23:24
bodomClayReiche: the problem (I guess) is that if you run your script on rc.local it will run with root credentials and it's not a good pratice to make it accept input from common users. That's why I guess interactivity is disabled on rc scripts23:24
gabspeckany ideas on getting hdmi audio output to work without rebooting?23:24
Cornwallonetinsoldier: then it will hang, doing nothing, and I will have to kill the process and manually unlock /var/lib/dpkg/lock23:25
mikelisswolter: Final version: kill -2 `ps -eo pid,command | grep 'scrape_and_parse.py -d' | grep -v 'grep' | awk -F' ' '{print $1}';`23:25
onetinsoldierCornwall: ok, roger. well then, you can make a backup first! of the following file.... /var/lib/dpkg/status23:25
Polemushow can one see the status of you sync with ubuntu one file storage?23:25
Cornwallonetinsoldier: done23:26
ClayReichebodom: I agree. This script only runs *interactively* on first boot. Only my system administrators are answering the prompt23:26
lucid_lynxwhat is the name of Ubuntu 10.10?23:26
Cornwalllucid_lynx: Maverick Meerkat23:26
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - See http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/336 for announcement - Developer summit: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS23:26
lucid_lynxCornwall: thanks :)23:26
onetinsoldierCornwall: then, as root, you edit that status file and remove the entire section in there that refers to that package23:26
* erkan^ loves openOffice.org :D23:26
dominicdinadaWell I only have 2.4 gigs left to transfer23:26
lee_Narya: rightclick , click make launcher, then click where you want it to launch to23:27
mikelifeguardHow can I avoid having to type my GnuPG passphrase every time I send an email with OpenPGP in Thunderbird?23:27
dominicdinadamikelifeguard: Keyring perhaps ?23:27
onetinsoldierCornwall: then, you have to manually remove the file that, that broken package had installed. i can tell you how to list what all files a package installs23:27
onetinsoldierCornwall: then, you have to manually remove the file*23:27
onetinsoldierCornwall: then, you have to manually remove the files*23:27
deeeedI have a problem with update-rc.d23:28
deeeedit doesn't work anmore23:28
ClayReichebodom: I think I can make it work at login... just might require a final reboot23:28
jpdsdeeeed: Yes.23:28
Cornwallonetinsoldier: is it apt-cache show?23:28
deeeed update-rc.d -f apache2 remove23:28
jpdsdeeeed: What you want is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/9406523:28
deeeedah ok23:28
mikelifeguarddominicdinada: "keyring perhaps" doesn't help me >_>23:28
Cornwallonetinsoldier: I believe this package (being docs) has no deps23:28
deeeedjpds, thanks23:28
ClayReichebodom: just thought for sure this was possible...23:29
onetinsoldierCornwall: no. you can actually do it with synaptic i  believe. or, you can use 'apt-file'.... to list the files of packages23:29
deeeedjpds, I did it yesterday and it worked fine. I am not sure the page you give me describe the bug23:30
bodomClayReiche: no, I'm not sure of what I told you23:30
Kelroyhello, good morning23:30
onetinsoldierCornwall: i can tell you how to use either one...23:30
dominicdinadaOk this is a bug.... Any window that is out of focus is unaccessable...23:30
jpdsdeeeed: Oh, so it's already been removed?23:30
Polemushow can one see the status of you sync with ubuntu one file storage?23:30
onetinsoldierCornwall: anyway.. is apt-get or whatever working now?23:31
deeeedyes the thing is I am trying to insert a new init script and I always have an error (which I didn't had yesterday)23:31
ClayReichebodom: Alright, I'll keep searching. Thanks!23:31
Cornwallonetinsoldier: excellent, it is23:31
deeeedso I tried to remove an existing script ( -r script remove) and add it again23:31
onetinsoldierCornwall: cool :-)23:31
Kelroyehm guys i have a very big problem, i installed mysql on my ubuntu 9.10 vserver, but it dont want to save my root password. so i cant use my mysql and i dont know the reason why. i reinstalled my server x-times and tried several tutorials23:31
Cornwallonetinsoldier: Why did it do that in the first place....? It's just a doc file!23:31
Kelroywhat could be the reason?23:31
xyz_i did all steps23:31
Anon8foil (x+9) 2nd power describe in detail23:32
xyz_but i cant login to launchpad with bzr23:32
xyz_i crate ssh file and add23:32
onetinsoldierCornwall: i don't know how the package installation/uninstallation got broken on you system23:32
mikelifeguardKelroy: What do you mean it doesn't want to save your root password?23:32
Cornwallonetinsoldier: bizarre. Well, thank you very much for your help23:32
xyz_trism,  i did all things23:32
Kelroyyes, i made > sudo: apt-get install mysql-server (or 5.0 or 5.1)23:32
xyz_pls some help23:32
Kelroythen i have to type in my pw23:32
Kelroybut it dont save it23:32
deeeedjpds, to be sure I did: update-rc.d -f apache2 remove    (it worked)      and         update-rc.d apache2 defaults (doesn't work)23:33
Kelroyi cant login in with this password23:33
onetinsoldierCornwall: you're welcome. enjoy23:33
mopheadHi everyone, I'm having trouble with flash in firefox 3.6.3. Audio won't play but video is fine.  I updated the adobe flash plugin to Ubuntu APT and it worked but when I rebooted the computer it stopped working again.  Any ideas?23:33
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bodomClayReiche: nothing23:33
jpdsdeeeed: Strange...23:33
mikelifeguardKelroy: Are you sure you're trying to log in as the same use it asks the password for?23:33
erkan^xyz_, : start Ubuntu One, than see you "tabblad" --> Services23:33
deeeedjpds, indeed23:33
erkan^than can you click Plugins23:33
erkan^by bookmarks23:33
KelroyEnter current password for root (enter for none):23:33
KelroyERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)23:33
KelroyEnter current password for root (enter for none):23:33
KelroyERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)23:33
FloodBot1Kelroy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
xyz_i click ubuntu one nothing happened23:34
erkan^sorry ubuntu one by me is dutch language. i don't know how :S23:34
erkan^effe see23:34
deeeedjpds, hmm my mistake seems to work23:34
bdihow do i open a terminal from commandline?23:34
erkan^is your Ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04 ?23:35
lucid_lynxis it possible to see what version of a program is available in the repositories without installing it?23:35
erkan^uh? effe see23:35
EpicCyndaquilI want to install a package from an http address, how do I do that?23:35
jpdslucid_lynx: apt-cache policy <package>23:35
dominicdinadais it a deb package23:35
lucid_lynxjpds: okay, thanks :)23:35
jpdsEpicCyndaquil: Download it, then double-click it.23:35
EpicCyndaquiljpds, I can't do that, I'm on Ubuntu Server23:35
jpdsEpicCyndaquil: Then: sudo dpkg -i <package_name.deb>23:36
erkan^SoftwareCentre --> search Ubuntu-One, try it all that install23:36
Guest12907I can't get connected to my hidden wifi.23:36
EpicCyndaquiland it's not a .deb, it's a tar.gz23:36
Kelroymikelifeguard: So i tried it several times , but i dont know the reason23:36
sheeps10Hi, I'm getting strange behaviour with the indicator applet on my netbook, it changed in lucid to add a button to not show the message bubble for future notifications, only now every time it shows the same bubble it adds another button. so now I have the bubble scrolling off the screen....23:36
lucid_lynxalso, I had installed wine from the Ubuntu repositories, and then added a PPA repository with a newer version, and it wouldn't upgrade it - any ideas why?23:36
jpdsEpicCyndaquil: Then it's not a package.23:36
xyz_ubuntu one was installed23:36
EpicCyndaquiljpds, then what do I need to do with it?23:37
jpdslucid_lynx: Is this the wine PPA?23:37
jpdsEpicCyndaquil: Unpack it and compile the source.23:37
lucid_lynxjpds: I used ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa, which I think is the Wine PPA (at least I found it on the WineHQ website)23:37
=== grapz_ is now known as grapz
jpdslucid_lynx: Try installing the wine1.2 package.23:38
deeeedjpds, ok I don't know where I messed up but now it works23:38
lucid_lynxjpds: well, I got it working by uninstalling and then installing wine, but I just wanted to know why it didn't upgrade in the first place23:38
jpdslucid_lynx: That PPA has the wine package under a different name 'wine1.2'.23:39
hmwCan I reload the sound system, or do I have to reboot?23:39
erkan^ubuntuone-client; python-ubuntuone-storagepro- python-ubutone-client- etc...23:39
bdihow do i open a terminal from commandline?23:40
penguin42bdi: gnome-terminal23:40
lucid_lynxjpds: well, I installed wine the normal way (sudo apt-get install wine), and it worked just fine23:40
jpdslucid_lynx: Exactly, do: sudo apt-get install wine1.223:40
penguin42bdi: Or more generic x-terminal-emulator   should work on kde or gnome or most others23:40
hmwbdi: look in the properties of the terminal icon.23:40
Guest12907How can I connect to a hidden wifi?23:40
jpdslucid_lynx: Because the package is under a different name, it doesn't try to upgrade it.23:40
hmwCan I reload the sound system, or do I have to reboot?23:41
lucid_lynxjpds: well, I have upgraded it now (as I've said before)23:41
lucid_lynxjpds: but the same way as I installed it in the first place: with the 'wine' package23:41
erkan^brb sorry23:42
sheeps10Hi, I'm getting strange behaviour with the indicator applet on my netbook, it changed in lucid to add a button to not show the message bubble for future notifications, only now every time it shows the same bubble it adds another button. so now I have the bubble scrolling off the screen. Does anyone have any suggestions?23:43
UbuntuBoyHi guys. What does this error mean?   could not start device/dev/mapper/asr_pictures-No such file or directory23:43
Debjithmw: service pulseaudio --full-restart23:45
hmwthank you!23:45
hmwlol now it seems to run 2 times - i have real weird sound now! (it said "...per user sessions" twice)23:46
Debjithmw: ya first it stops and then it starts23:47
Debjithmw: so two messages23:47
hmwDebjit: it played the test song in parallel overlay-like with 0.5" delay or so :))23:48
vexati0nI have an Ubuntu machine that can't get to the Internet.... how can I download a new program to install on that computer, making sure I have all of its dependencies?23:49
Debjithmw: see if there are two instances of pulseaudio running23:49
dominicdinadaHow can I restart the gnome desktop manager via shell ?23:49
vexati0nI have an Ubuntu machine that can't get to the Internet.... how can I download a new program to install on that computer, making sure I have all of its dependencies?23:50
k04vexation download it on the same machine ur using irc on23:51
lucid_lynxis it possible to give users other than root mounting permissions?23:51
hmwvexati0n: ALL OTHERS: perhaps you can install the software on another ubuntu (live cd?) and then get all .deb files from apt's cache - DOES THAT WORK?23:51
GotSanityanyone know of a known bug that is causing laptop users to have excessive heat generation?23:52
sheeps10lucid_lynx: that's an example from the man page of mount23:52
jthingGotSanity, Yes it's called firefox23:52
lucid_lynxsheeps10: okay, thanks :)23:52
Appl6GotSanity: My laptop hardly ever uses the fan when it runs Ubuntu.  It doesn't seem to produce excess heat though.23:52
=== ml-something is now known as microlith
Appl6GotSanity: Ubuntu seems to wait till it gets very hot before turning on the fan.23:52
dominicdinadaGotSanity: Yes it is called the new desktop is really cpu intensive23:53
crankharderhow do I tell apt-get to use a local proxy?23:53
rain__Can anyone help me? I ins6talled ATI radeondriver on  ubuntu 10.04 (I have ati radeon HD 4800) but after i installed driver graphics turned slowen, not faster as I expected23:53
rain__any idea about that driver problem?23:53
hmwGotSanity: certain software that doesnt let the CPU rest. Might be a driver issue with many things. Mainboard, Compiz, crashed programs, etc. Check what programs are running in terminal with "top". Deacrtivate Compiz.23:53
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:54
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=== hevnsnt_ is now known as hevnsnt
jthingMy CPy is designed to run at 80 deg C but some go as high as 130 deg23:54
GotSanityAppl6, well the issue I am running into is that ever since I did an upgrade (and a fresh install after) I am running into excessive heat coming from the palm rests on my laptop. the cpu is idle and on power save mode but im still kicking a lot of heat23:54
hmwjthing: 130 is way too hot, do not let it run when it gets that hot, you will damage it23:54
aciculajthing, no recent cpu goes to 13023:54
hmwacicula: really? thought that appliead to GPUs only23:55
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jthingacicula, you are wrong the zenon 6 core 3.2 GHz does.23:55
aciculahmw, let me rephase, No recent cpu will reach 13023:55
aciculajthing, its Tjunction is as high as 130?23:56
jthingacicula, just read the specs the other day23:56
hmwjthing: does the box have windows? does it get as hot there? Try to fix cooling, remove and reapply heat paste perhaps23:56
GotSanityno windows. its full buntu23:57
Polemushow can i make a backup of my entire system onto an external drive?23:57
Appl6vexati0n: On your non-internet machine, try "apt-get --simulate --print-uris install PACKAGE".  It should tell you everything it was going to install and where to get it, and then you can download those from another machine.23:57
hmwjthing: clean fan and the thing that collects dust (is it named "cooling body")?23:57
GotSanityhowever I had it running karmic without issues for the last 6 months23:57
dominicdinadahmw: This is something alot of people have noticed since going to lucid :/23:57
jthingthey also have something called a turbo mode where the CPU can overclock itself it is is running cool enough for short bursts23:57
jthingenough ^,23:58
Appl6jthing: Turbo mode usually means it slows your computer down.23:58
onetinsoldierPolemus: i've never used it, but you might look at the 'backuppc' package. ther'e probably other ones as well23:58
DoorGuydoes anyone know of any open source programs that copy DVD Movies?23:58
hmwdominicdinada: 130°C is a bit too much.... no CPU should _ever_ get that hot, if it is OK, don't you think? Or have modern CPUs become cheap (erm expensive) toys now?23:58
Traveler__Hi, People23:58
aciculahmw, 130W power dissipation you mean? if you read out the sensors it will probably say tjunction max is 110 or 100?23:59
onetinsoldier!hi | Traveler__23:59
ubottuTraveler__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:59
Appl6hmw: Maybe his temp display is in F?23:59
vengerso with the alternate installer CD and selecting basic ubuntu server I still get the -generic kernel and not -server?  i need LVM so is it possible to install using the server iso?23:59
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starspotI  have 88 GiB "unallocated" space on my hard drive (former windows). How do I use Gparted to extent my Ubuntu partition into that unallocated space? I'm using the boot cd23:59
hmwAppl6: oh. i will remember that the next time someone askas23:59
dominicdinadahmw: I am saying that I noticed that Lucid is much more CPU intensive and as a result you A, Hear the fan on all the time and B, Feel alot more heat23:59

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