
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
syn-ackIs there a bug with Xubuntu Lucid where you can't use dual screens with an Intel chipset?03:55
abhifxplease someone help me.. plymouth is eating  60% + 40% cpu...plz04:06
owen1after the upgrade to lucid i see the desktop and the mouse. but the login screen doesn't show up so i can't do anything (in karmic i used to text-based login). any tips?08:22
gotttoyou could   ctrl+alt+f2   login then do   killall v X    and then    startx08:24
gotttokillall -v X I meant08:25
LaPetiteSaliut all :)08:26
owen1gottto: yeah, another problem i have is i use wireless keyboard. and after the upgrade it's not working so maybe i should get a regular keyboard first..08:26
gotttothat would help... :]08:27
LaPetiteI need a little help with BlueTooth. In my notebook I don't have internet so it's nessecarry to me now. Maybe someone have good manual or can send me somewhere, because google wont help me now :/08:27
gottto!bluetooth | LaPetite08:27
ubottuLaPetite: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:27
LaPetiteThank you :)08:28
gotttonp :]08:28
owen1i am thinking of replacing xubuntu with ubuntu server + xfce. any thoughts?08:29
gotttoowen1: I did that and I think it is quicker - make sure you d/load the generic kernel if you aren't using server h/ware08:30
gotttoowen1: there is the minimal install as well08:30
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:30
owen1what is this 'generic kernel' and what do u mean by 'server h/ware'?08:32
LaPetiteIf I use this "apt-get" I need internet, yes?08:35
LaPetiteOr maybe in CD exist that things?08:36
gotttoservers use specific h/ware and the server kernel is set up to support them - the generic handles the desktop type comps08:36
gotttoowen1: ^^08:36
gotttoLaPetite: you can set up synaptic to use a cd to install stuff08:37
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:37
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline08:37
owen1gottto: all i see is option to choose 64 or 32 bit - http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server08:40
LaPetitegottto, I have change some setting that synaptic use CD not intrenet or it by default using CD for program intall?08:41
gotttoowen1: yep that's right - choose the one that best suits your h/ware08:42
owen1gottto: sure. why do u think it's faster than xubuntu? i will have x and xfce so it sounds the same.08:43
gotttoLaPetite: you have to set it up for the cd - from the package menu08:43
LaPetiteI found that option, but it fails.. E: Failed to mount the cdrom. (Cdrom is loades, I see cdrom in media. Any ideas?08:44
gotttoowen1: seems to have less things running as default - it uses less mem according to conky08:44
owen1gottto: great. it might be similar to debian08:45
LaPetitewrong channel08:45
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=== Guest43464 is now known as tuvok302
Kangarooohello. something strange happened to one of updates. I put to update and it says it needs 2gb to dl files or to install. don't remember. so I remove files and got 2.8 gb free then got one update of one file then pressed upgrade. it then tells me it will use 1gb don't remember of what. it installs asked for 3 files to be replaced wifi and copying ability lost (only while updateting). after restart I have no flash working 1.8 gb free and have default xfce and 09:32
Kangarooosplash screen of xubuntu installed but workplace is xfce default.09:33
gotttoKangarooo: sounds like you upgradedd to the latest release there09:35
Kangarooohsould I reinstall xubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-default-settings ? and why after update I've lost 1gb09:35
Kangarooook just now I regained 0.9 gb by pressing delete cahced packages09:35
Kangarooogottto: that's a known bug?09:35
gotttothat you upgraded the distro?09:36
Kangarooothat xubuntu look is not installed on upgrade but usual xfce <-bug09:36
Kangarooogottto: so I reinstall xubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-default-settings?09:37
LaPetiteHow is called in /etc/network/interfaces DNS address? I can't find it. I writed address, netmask and gateway. Now I have to write two DNS address, but can't find how it's called.. .09:37
gotttoKangarooo: you could try the xubuntu-desktop reinstall09:37
gotttoLaPetite: ifconfig in terminal will tell the address you're using09:38
Kangarooogottto: that took only 18kb and dint change anthing :) I reinstalled in synaptic by pressing reinstall and apply09:39
gotttoKangarooo: I don't understand the issue - it doesn't look right?09:39
Kangarooohttp://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot685.php yes\09:42
KangaroooI made updates in first day the release was available to other 2pcs and they wen fine exept for settings menu lost a lot items and thunar made a lot shortcuts in left side bar with links to home folder contained folders.09:45
Kangarooobut on laptop this I didn't got. thunar didn't made links. that's repaired I think. setings I have all. but I don't have xubuntu look and also some icons of programms changed to maybe their default but I had different icons for some programms like midori and Autokey and Qwit and update manager and sources09:48
Kangaroooah but for thouse maybe I had xubuntu beta 2 don't remember09:50
Kangarooolaptop had xubuntu 9.04 and it was upgraded till now09:51
Kangarooogottto: if you saw screenshot can you say what went wrong and how to repair it?09:51
gotttoKangarooo: I was afk - I'll look at it09:53
gotttoKangarooo: that looks ok - just a diff theme?09:54
lilkuz2005hey guys ive just installed xubuntu on my old hp pavilion ze5600. i installed it with text mode, after the first boot the screen is all distorted, i need to know how to fix this, is there any hotkeys to switch the graphics or something ?09:56
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1209:57
Kangarooogottto: I didn't change theme. I don't know witch is default theme. ill try to change that but that's not only thing what's different since upgrade. I've upgradet all pcs witch I have acces to work and home and they didn't change theme but they lost some settings items but on this laptop I didn't lost them. so I change in appearance? witch is deault?09:57
gotttoKangarooo: I'm not on 10.04 now so can't check - someone else know the default theme?09:59
Kangaroooah I found correct icons- elementary xubuntu09:59
lilkuz2005can anyone help me out real quick ?10:02
Kangarooolilkuz2005: don't ask to ask just ask10:02
lilkuz2005ii have10:02
MantelisHey, it's  LaPetite.10:02
MantelisI configuredmy network, but FireFox is still not working.10:03
lilkuz2005i need help with a graphics issue on my laptop, the screen is all distorted and i cant read anything, i need to know how to fix it10:03
lilkuz2005i installed the 7.10 alt install disk on it10:03
_Techie_Mantelis, are you using static ip's?10:03
MantelisMy DNS can be wrong?10:03
_Techie_most likely10:03
Kangarooogottto: and here's how looks xfce menu. and its not as it was http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-198.php10:03
_Techie_try pinging an ip10:03
MantelisI edited /etc/resolv.conf10:04
MantelisAnd writed there DNS.10:04
MantelisMaybe file is wrong?10:04
_Techie_Mantelis, h is default theme. ill try to change that but that's not only thing what's different since upgrade. I've upgradet all pcs witch I have acces to work and home and they didn't change theme but they lost some settings items but on this laptop I didn't lost them. so I change in appearance? witch is deault?10:04
MantelisI tried ping google, it\s working.10:04
_Techie_whoops, wrong paste10:04
MantelisAnyway, I'm here over my laptop.10:04
_Techie_Mantelis, www.l.google.com (
_Techie_ping the ip10:04
_Techie_so pinging the domain name works?10:05
Mantelis64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=49 time=389 ms10:05
gotttoKangarooo: that seems to look ok - it must just be a diff theme10:05
MantelisWorks, anyway how I said I sitting here over my xubunt.10:05
MantelisSo internet is working.10:06
MantelisI just can't go to WWW10:06
_Techie_hold up10:06
MantelisMaybe it's firefox problem?10:06
_Techie_was that pinging via the ip or the domain name?10:06
_Techie_try ping via domain name10:06
Mantelis64 bytes from mu-in-f106.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=52.2 ms10:07
MantelisIn me rigt side near clock10:07
_Techie_have you restarted your network daemon since you set up your static ip's?10:07
MantelisIt's network computersshowing X10:07
MantelisI just did ifup/down eth010:07
Mantelisand ifconfig eth0 down/up10:08
_Techie_do this10:08
_Techie_sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart10:08
MantelisDid, checking FF10:08
Kangarooogottto: I think I found theyr both albatross. in apearance and in windows settings. but menu doesn't change to xubuntu menu.10:08
MantelisFirefox is currently in offline mode and can't browse the Web10:09
_Techie_under the file menu, untick work offline10:09
MantelisIt's working!10:09
MantelisSorry, I didin't know that I need do that :o10:09
MantelisThanks for help! :)10:10
_Techie_no problem10:10
Kangarooogottto: I found the menu can be changed- it has properties and correct is in xdg-xubuntu folder menu10:12
gotttoKangarooo: glad you worked it out :]10:14
MantelisMmm.. How install .deb files?10:15
Mantelis(I wanna install Skype)10:15
_Techie_dpkg -i if i remember correctly10:15
_Techie_or use gdebi10:15
gotttosudo dpkg -i /path/to/.deb10:16
MantelisThanks, installing.10:16
MantelisMhmh.. Package libqtcore4 is not installed10:17
MantelisWhat I should do now?10:18
_Techie_sudo apt-get install libqtcore410:18
MantelisPackage libqtgui4 is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:20
MantelisThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:20
Mantelisis only available from another source10:20
MantelisE: Package libqtgui4 has no installation candidate10:20
MantelisI gettint this not first time.10:20
MantelisNow I removed CD and still getting that thing.10:20
gotttoapt-cache search libqtcore4   might show what it comes with10:21
gottto!find libqtcore410:24
ubottuFound: libqtcore410:24
gottto!info libqtcore410:24
ubottulibqtcore4 (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 core module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 1682 kB, installed size 6496 kB10:24
gotttoit should be there10:25
gotttoMantelis: which xubutu version r u using10:26
MantelisI think10:26
Mantelisdownloaded yesterday10:26
gotttolsb-release   should tell10:26
gotttoMantelis: do   sudo apt-get update   the look again10:27
Kangarooo1gottto: what package bug is that on update settings changed? update-manager ?10:27
gotttoKangarooo1: I would suppose so...10:28
Kangarooo1ok ill put info about this what I had in LP with screenshots10:28
Mantelisgottto, thanks now installing missing packages. :)\10:30
gotttogreat :]10:30
Kangarooo1o ouh. another bug- my usb flash not working and in media I see one file I've never seen .hal-mtab10:33
Kangarooo1light is showing on usb flash but its not popping up in xubuntu10:34
gotttoKangarooo1: does the usb show in   /etc/mtab   ?10:34
gotttoKangarooo1: did you do the cd check when booting it?10:36
Mantelisgottto, now I getting some other missing packages (libqt4-xml, libqt4-network, libqt4-dbus) and no one I can't install like last packages. Maybe I downloaded wrong  package for Skype.? I downloaded for ubuntu. But I using xubuntu.. So maybe it's different. Maybe I should use static?10:36
Kangarooo1gottto: I installed from cd 1y ago on this laptop and yes chacked and md5sumed iso also. ugraded to 10.04 yesterday.10:37
Manteliss/for skype/ of skype10:37
Kangarooo1gottto: it loks for me that usb flash dongle not showing in there http://pastebin.com/h3a3yMPi10:38
gotttoMantelis: there is a how to for skype10:38
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga10:38
gotttoKangarooo1: does it show in   sudo fdisk -l   ?10:39
Kangarooo1Mantelis: my skype is working. I installed it with deb from skype.com you are trying to install it on 10.04 ? the ubuntu package 8.04 or 8.10 (don't remember) is correct from skype page to install on xuubuntu.10:41
MantelisKangarooo1, yes I'm trying on 10.04.10:43
Kangarooo1gottto: wow this is interesting. when unpluged it shows http://pastebin.com/rCEU2Hnk . when pluged it shows http://pastebin.com/wfNezSxs10:44
Kangarooo1Mantelis: then just dl that and open and install it will install all required packages10:45
gotttoKangarooo1: you can do   sudo mkdir -v /media/sdb && sudo mount -v /dev/sdb /media/sdb10:46
Kangarooo1while flash is in or while out?10:46
MantelisKangarooo1, it don't - Broken dependencies..10:46
Kangarooo1Mantelis: maybe try update manager to get all latest packages and latest lists10:46
MantelisHow I should do that?10:47
Kangarooo1Mantelis: applications settings update manager and then refresh10:47
MantelisIn settings section not exist "update manager"10:48
Kangarooo1uo in system my bad10:49
Kangarooo1gottto: I did that while flash is in and from media/sdb I got In it but on removing folder didn't removed and on putting in again its not auto loading and also not showing in that sdb10:50
Kangarooo1*eeem on removing flash10:50
gotttoKangarooo1: is the thunar volume manager installed?10:51
Kangarooo1yes and working for all other10:51
Kangarooo1WOW. wiat. maybe not. ill try dvd. at least in settings it shows its enabled and nothing has changed there after update but dvds are not opening in vlc as I have set them to do10:55
Kangarooo1ah ok I thing volume manager is working but nothing is mounting to media10:56
Kangarooo1couse maybe volume manger check media folder and if there noting new it doesn't show. (just guessing)10:57
Kangarooo1bug I got dvd playing with vlc from vlc play and selecting dvd and it in vlc shows it opened dvd:///dev/sr0/10:58
Kangarooo1and in media/cdrom dvd can't be seen10:58
Kangarooo1not showing up10:58
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=== Kangarooo|Outfor is now known as Kanga|outfor7h
dahaichi, is it somehow possible to setup xfce to not switch focus on popuped windows?11:09
dahaicfor example update manager usually steals focus, just as I am writing something, and its quite annoying :(11:09
MantelisThanks Kangarool for update manager.11:15
MantelisSkype Installed sucessful.11:15
mr_pouitdahaic: in the "window manager tweaks" settings' dialog, try to enable "focus "stealing prevention" (second tab), and selects "do nothing" in the radio button11:18
dahaicah, thanks very much :)11:19
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:28
Sysiyou can talk to ubottu on query too11:29
MantelisIn public is better because some people can say some aditional information for that11:31
MantelisBut if that is problem I can speak in private.11:31
MantelisGo to main menu, System, Preferences, Menus: Applications, Internet, Items: Skype, Properties, and replace the Command with11:58
MantelisWhere is that?11:58
Mantelis"Main menu"11:58
gotttotop left corner12:00
MantelisDidin't find, any  way VLC streaming my cam!12:05
MantelisNext mision - Connect that with Skype. (Skype finds  device, but showing nothing on test.)12:07
gotttothere's #videolan - they might know12:07
MantelisI don't need VideoLan. In VLC my camera works fine. Only in skype no. :)12:08
gotttoMantelis> Didin't find, any  way VLC streaming my cam!   gottto> there's #videolan - they might know12:13
MantelisLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype12:18
MantelisSolution found12:18
Mantelisgottto, help me. Can't still find how to editskype shourtcut which are in Applications, Network.12:46
bkwI have problems with moving objects on my panel. I'm running 10.04.12:47
bkwI right-click and move, but the icons doesn't seem to move. Am I doing anything wrong?12:48
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup12:55
MantelisDamn, my Xubunut see Bluetooth fine, but still not work. Maybe someone can loo here - http://paste.org/pastebin/view/18242 - and give some advice?15:04
Psilocybin_ElfHmmmmmmm..how do I request to join an invite-only channel?15:04
hatake_kakashiPsilocybin_Elf, ask the op in that channel15:06
bazhangregister and identify15:06
bazhang!register > Psilocybin_Elf15:07
ubottuPsilocybin_Elf, please see my private message15:07
=== Kanga|outfor7h is now known as Kangarooo
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Psilocybin_ElfHow do  i read a private message?15:57
simplicity-excuse me?16:01
Psilocybin_Elfwrong channel sorry16:01
arthurjohnsonI have a tough one for you, whats the service that puts notifications in the black box in the middle of the screen?16:42
arthurjohnsonFor some odd reason one of my Xubuntu boxes is showing notifications at the bottom right16:42
charlie-tcanotify-osd ?16:43
arthurjohnsonnotify-osd: command not found16:43
arthurjohnsonHm. Nope, thats not it.  Just has options for the corners16:44
knomeafaik there's no gui way to modify that16:45
charlie-tcawhat version you have installed on that box?16:48
charlie-tcaYay! #ubuntu+1 is back for maverick today16:49
arthurjohnson10.04, but it was upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10 with Xfce4 only to Ubuntu 10.04, then xubuntu-desktop was installed.16:53
arthurjohnsonIts seen lots play16:53
charlie-tcaIf that is 9.10 or 10.04, you need to install notify-osd package to have the notices display in the top right16:53
arthurjohnsonmeh. I've been considering reloading this box anyway.16:57
arthurjohnsonI can't figure it out.  notify-osd is at the latest version.16:58
charlie-tcaSome applications will still override the new notifications.16:59
charlie-tcaDo all notices show up in the wrong corner, or just some?16:59
arthurjohnsonThey all show up in the lower right corner17:00
ochosiarthurjohnson, are you sure you don't use xfce's notification system?17:09
ochosiarthurjohnson, that would be xfce4-notifyd17:09
charlie-tcaGood point, ochosi17:17
ochosii think it was default in 9.04 or smthg17:18
netharishey guys, does any of you know what is the matter with fglrx @ 10.04?17:25
cevinI'm trying to reistall Kubuntu but when I get to set up partition there is nothing in the box to install it to. How do I  fix so I can reinstall?17:27
charlie-tcanetharis: AFAIK, nothing17:27
charlie-tcacevin: might try #kubuntu17:28
MantelisBluetooth fixed - Working very well with BlueMan.17:29
MantelisMaybe someone can tell me a program name for Wireless, Wi-Fi?17:30
charlie-tcaNetwork manager ? is default17:30
netharis@ charlie-tca i can't seem to run any 3d apps17:30
charlie-tcanetharis: maybe you have a problem, then. But overall, it is fine17:31
charlie-tcanetharis: have you installed any hardware drivers?17:31
Mantelischarlie-tca, how tostart network manager? I can\t find that in applications17:32
charlie-tcaIt is installed by default, should be an icon in the panel.17:32
MantelisHmm.. I can\t see that...17:33
charlie-tcait is called 'network-manager-applet' in 9.1017:33
charlie-tcatry 'network-manger' in 10.0417:34
Mantelisnot found17:34
charlie-tcawhat version of Xubuntu?17:35
charlie-tcaapt-cache policy network-manager17:35
MantelisIt writes that I have it17:35
MantelisInstalled: 0.8-0ubuntu317:36
MantelisMuch more text is, but maybe I don'p paste here17:36
charlie-tcaback to bazhang's suggestion?17:36
charlie-tcasudo apt-get install wicd17:37
MantelisOk :)17:37
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:39
MantelisI can't find /boot/grub/menu.lst19:38
MantelisMaybe is other file?19:38
MantelisFor grub edit?19:38
TheSheepMantelis: /etc/default/grub19:41
lilkuz2005hey guys i need some help with a graphics driver issue on a hp pavilion ze5600. ive installed xubuntu 7.10 alt install, the picture was all distorted, so i tried to change some things in the xorg.conf and now i cant get startx to work21:08
Sysi7.10 is out of support propably21:14
charlie-tcaas of 2010-04-3021:14
lilkuz2005well i was trying to run an older distro on an older/slower laptop21:15
charlie-tcano, 2009-04-3021:15
lilkuz2005im getting fatal error noscreens found21:17
charlie-tcaHave you tried the 10.04 desktop cd to see if it will work?21:27
charlie-tcaoops, gone21:27
Arpad2how can be made a multisession disk in brasero?22:55
linuxn00bhello everyone23:06
linuxn00banyone present?23:06
linuxn00b(as in not afk)23:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:07
linuxn00boh great23:07
linuxn00bok it's just a small question regarding downloading xubuntu via torrent23:08
linuxn00bI noticed there is a desktop folder and an alternate folder23:08
linuxn00bwhat's the difference?23:08
linuxn00bah wait I think I found the answer: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/10.04/release/23:12
linuxn00bI'm going to an ubuntu install party tomorrow, but I'm wondering which one to download23:13
linuxn00bcan I possibly go wrong with any one of them?23:14
linuxn00b(I have 2GB RAM so RAM will certainly not be an issue)23:15
knomelinuxn00b, i'd go with desktop, definitely.23:17
linuxn00bok, thx!23:18
linuxn00bso I assume the automated deply thing is not good for anything?23:19
linuxn00b(or at least not relevant for me)23:19
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
linuxn00bvoila! downloading allready :)23:22

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