=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger === JanC_ is now known as JanC === l7_ is now known as l7 [16:50] Hi! i have created a wiki page, signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct, added me to new members for next meeting list. Is the some more i need to do? [16:50] For be an Ubuntu member [16:51] halvors: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership === yofel_ is now known as yofel [19:11] How will i be notified when i have been cinfirmed as a member of Ubuntu? [19:12] halvors: You need to be at the meeting [19:15] is there some meeting in norway? [19:16] Will i need to take a plane to london or? [19:17] halvors, irc meeting [19:17] ok, when is it? [19:17] here in this room or? [19:19] ??? [19:19] yes, this i the place. [19:20] But when? [19:20] When is the next meeting? [19:20] i dunno? but you need to go through an interview here. [19:20] !member [19:20] Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember [19:21] halvors: It depends through which board you are applying [19:23] Europe bord [19:23] board [19:23] sry [19:24] halvors: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA You already put your name down, the wiki says "first tuesday of every month" [19:29] halvors: Does that clear every thing up? [19:32] yes [19:32] But it is so far away :( [19:33] halvors: You could always apply with any of the other regional boards but the times might not suite you. [19:33] ok [19:33] Sorry, i mean it is so long time until [19:33] next meeting [19:34] halvors: yes I know. I was saying you can see when the other regional boards are having theirs. You don't *need* to attend your own region. [19:37] The next meeting is scheduled for 11-May-2010, 10:00 UTC and will be held in #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net. [19:37] it is am or pm [19:38] ? [19:42] ??? [19:52] halvors: its 24-hour clock, so it would be am [19:53] halvors: /ws 23 [19:55] ok [19:55] thanks