
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation01:28
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:28
psidrumdoes the latest ubuntustudio use Jack203:10
* holstein getting version03:16
holsteinhere is libjack0 version #03:17
* holstein trying to find the normail version #03:19
psidrumubuntostudio should include Ladish03:22
holsteinare you on launchpad?03:29
holsteinor on the mailing list?03:30
holsteini think that would be the best way to formally request package inclusion03:30
psidrumyes, i didnt know i can request package inclusion03:30
holsteindoesnt hurt to ask03:31
holsteini think the plan is to slim it down though03:31
holsteinso i wouldnt count on additions right now03:31
psidrumwhats the link, i have been hunting some apps and found some cool ones that should be added in ubuntustudio03:31
psidrumwhy slimming down?03:31
holsteini think theres a development one too03:33
holsteinbut i would start there03:33
holsteini think the plan is just to streamline a bit03:33
holsteinand get rid of some of the older less supported packages03:33
holsteinstuff thats been broken03:33
holsteinpsidrum: if you dont get any response with the list03:36
holsteincome back and find me03:36
holsteini dont think its jack203:36
holsteinto be honest03:36
holsteini just now got lucid installed on a laptop03:36
holsteinand i add the studio packages03:36
holsteinand the rt kernel03:37
holsteini still got karmic on my production box :/03:37
psidrumnice i havent upgraded03:37
holsteinive had lucid on my EEE netbook for months03:38
holsteinbut i just wasnt able to take the time to test the studio specific install03:38
holsteinjack looks the same03:39
holsteinqjack anyway03:39
psidrumok thnks03:41
vladahas anyone experienced qjcakctl window graying out on start. Looks like it has something to do with pulse suspend or something. US 10.0414:58
zylogz80Hello all. I use ubuntu to record and want upgrade to ubuntustudio. Problem is the laptop I record on is also my main home machine. If I run on linux-rt or linux-preempt will my regular day-to-day tasks be harmed?15:04
zylogz80I don't want to reboot every time I want to write music and then reboot again when I want to play games or browse the web.15:04
holsteinvlada: if your running compiz15:57
holsteinthe greyed-out state is not necessarily bad15:57
holsteinit depends on how long qjack is unresponsive15:58
vladaholstein, I know, but waiting 1 minute is15:58
holsteinvlada: launch it in a terminal15:58
vladaif I kill pulse audio daemon manually, then it works15:59
holsteinand see if you get any info15:59
vladaI've found workaround15:59
vladaholstein, thank you15:59
holsteini guess its just greying about suspending pulse15:59
vladaI believe so too16:00
leftinessIs it possible to overwrite my os with virtualbox? ... As a way of changing to Ubuntu Studio without burning the .iso to a disc?22:58
vladadoes anyone use linuxsampler here?23:32

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