
primetime34I'm new to xubuntu and have a few questions.  How can I make compiz work so I can use docky?00:08
moetunes!compiz | primetime3400:09
ubottuprimetime34: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:09
primetime34I can get it to work fine in ubuntu, but how can I get it to run and autostart in xubuntu?00:10
moetunesI've never bothered with compiz - have you tried adding it to autostarted apps?00:12
primetime34how do I add to autostarted apps?00:14
primetime34Or is there a dock program I can use that doesn't require compiz00:16
moetunesthere's a gui for that in system settings - I just make xfce4-panel look like a dock00:17
moetuneshttp://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/HOWTO_Autostart_Programs - is a howto do it manually00:18
Sysisaving session don't work?00:18
Sysitap in logout window00:19
primetime34Is there a gui for autostart?  I can't find it though..00:19
Sysiyou btw shouldn't need compiz00:20
Sysienable compisiting in "window manager tweaks"00:20
moetunesthere's awn for a dock00:21
primetime34Gotcha..where is "window manager tweaks" located?00:21
Sysisettings in menu00:21
primetime34Thank you...very helpful00:21
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.00:22
Sysidock's are different00:23
primetime34I know about awn, I think I prefer docky...might give them both a try though00:23
primetime34Any idea why my 1 tb ntfs drive isn't being mounted or even recognized?00:26
moetunesdoes it show in   sudo fdisk -l   ?00:27
moetuneshmmm - do you have ntfs-3g installed - I think it normally is as default now00:30
primetime34yeah, it's installed00:31
moetunesif fdisk doesn't see it I have no idea how to get it mounted...00:33
moetunessure it is connected?00:33
primetime34power had come undone...it shows up in fdisk now but still isn't mounting00:34
moetunesyou need to make a dir to mount it to - mkdir -v /media/somename00:36
moetunesthen using /dev/whateveritis   sudo mount -v /dev/whateveritis /media/somename00:37
moetunesfrom fdisk ^00:37
primetime34will I need to do this everytime I start or will it automount like Ubuntu from now on?00:38
moetunesyou can add an entry in /etc/fstab to have it mounted at boot if you like00:40
primetime34working on that now...how do I install all the additional screensavers in xscreensaver?00:41
moetunesI never use the screensaver - maybe the bot link will help00:42
primetime34what do I type into the fstab?00:43
moetunessomething like   /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs-3g   defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       100:44
Sysitry to search screensavers in synaptic or software center00:46
oozyFolks, can you help me solve problem with disappeared panels in 10.04 build?00:46
primetime34There are some entries but nothing that points towards xscreensaver00:47
Sysi!panels | oozy00:47
ubottuoozy: Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/00:47
oozyHuh, when i try alt+f2 > xfce4-panel > run, panels flickering and desapears. Some error messages about GST_IS_MIXER_TRACK shows in terminal.00:57
moetunesoozy: can you run xfce4-panel from terminal and paste the errors?01:00
knome!pastebin | oozy01:00
ubottuoozy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:00
moetunesoozy: you could   sudo apt-get remove --purge xfce4-mixer-plugin   then reinstall it - I've no idea why it is doing that tho01:04
oozythx :}01:05
sumnerI need a little help.01:08
sumnerI need to know how to browse my local network with Xubuntu. Access files on my other computers.01:09
sumnerWith Gnome there was a "network" thingy that let me do it.01:10
sumnerBut I decided to try Xubuntu, which is all nice and fast and stuff.01:11
sumnerAny suggestions, anyone?01:12
Sysi!info gigolo01:13
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-1 (lucid), package size 129 kB, installed size 716 kB01:13
sumnerOK, it's apparently installed (according to the Synaptic Package Manager)...01:14
sumner...but now what?01:15
sumner(yes, I'm new at all this)01:16
sumnerIs this a chatroom or a parking lot? lol01:23
TheSheepit's neither01:23
homebrewciderdoes anyone know if Xubuntu 10.04 has the ability to print to the printer cd tray yet?02:06
YoquesI have problems with Thunar in all my PC's, and I had to install nautilus and do sudo nautilus too much times02:40
Yoquessomeone solution to thunar rules correctly, and let me double click amd open the selected folders? And about mount and unmount automatical USB?02:41
Yoquesmmm... :S02:42
YoquesToo much problems, but I wanna xubuntu can run correctly, if possible with my help02:42
hatake_kakashiits a known bug issue with xubuntu lucid02:46
Yoquesand too with new kernel, 2 laptops crashed02:46
YoquesI) have not problems now, because now I can resolve the problems with others solutions... jejeje... but I know to somebody with old laptops can be extremately bad02:47
Yoquesthat was the most "engorroso" error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/52011802:57
Yoqueswith control+1 or control+2 it's solved02:57
homebrewciderchange thunar to open with one click for now03:00
Yoqueshomebrewcider, I don't like one click, but is a good option03:08
YoquesOne of the things I can't solve is to change the menu pannel, edit the menu, similar like in gnome pannel03:09
YoquesI coldn't do it03:10
om3n5150How do I back up the exact setup of my OS right now? Like... compile my own distro of what I have?04:21
moetunes!clone | om3n515004:23
ubottuom3n5150: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate04:23
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning04:24
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate04:25
om3n5150where is the file located?04:26
om3n5150thanks moe04:28
moetunesnp :]04:28
NitroAm I able to get help with my Ubuntu here?04:31
GothSparkhi all , I need help to recover the desktop on Xubuntu 10.4 I do not have the desktop Icones and I do not have right click on it and no backgroud ....04:42
moetunessounds like xfdesktop didn't start maybe04:45
GothSpark:/ I didn't know that they changed the desktop mananger O.o , still I might screwed other things cause I tryed nautilus but it crashed04:46
moetunesyou're in the xubuntu channel - nautilus isn't what's used in xubuntu04:47
moetunesnautilus has an option to manage the desktop icons iirc - you need to start it with   nautilus --no-desktop   I beleive04:48
GothSparkI know , eeem so ee how to ensure that xfdesktop starts up every time cause it actualy does not04:48
moetunesin terminal do   xfdesktop &    and the session manager should get it going at each boot04:49
GothSparkok thank's04:49
GothSparkit has worked , thank's again moetunes04:52
robertzaccourcan i install gnome-panel in xfce?05:52
MonocianShould I upgrade to 10.04? Will it be slower than 9.10? : (05:52
robertzaccourMonocian, its faster05:52
moetunesrobertzaccour: it will bring alot of gnome stuff with it - what does gnome-panel have that you need/05:53
robertzaccourmoetunes, http://techie-buzz.com/foss/ubuntu-10-10-will-not-have-gnome-shell.html05:53
robertzaccouroops wrong link05:54
robertzaccourmoetunes, oops forget that wrong link05:54
moetunesrobertzaccour: I was gonna say what?05:54
robertzaccourmoetunes, actually thats the link with the screenshot of gnome-panel05:54
MonocianUpgrading and Installing everything new is the same? Because I've seen some complaints about 10.04 in the forum...05:54
robertzaccourMonocian, try the live and see how it is first05:55
MonocianOk. Thank you :)05:56
robertzaccourmoetunes, did ya see that screenshot? that looks sweet. you think i can add that in xfce without losing speed?05:56
moetunesrobertzaccour: nope and nope05:57
robertzaccourmoetunes, you didn't look at that link with the screenshot?05:57
moetunesit will be slower05:57
moetunesI've seen gnome-panel before...05:58
robertzaccourmoetunes, this looks different than you may have seen. its got a lot of menu stuff in the same box to the left side05:58
moetunesrobertzaccour: that's great :]05:59
robertzaccourmoetunes, check it out http://techie-buzz.com/foss/ubuntu-10-10-will-not-have-gnome-shell.html06:00
moetunesrobertzaccour: I'm not really interested in panels mate - or gnome...06:01
robertzaccourmoetunes, you don't use xfce panels?06:02
moetunesrobertzaccour: I have one xfce4-panel I use as a dock sometimes - right click the desktop for a menu06:02
moetunesxxce is very configurable06:03
moetunesI guess I upset him not using panels ...06:05
bawrHello. A quick question - if I want to install xubuntu on an eee, do I need to do anything special for hargware support / performance / etc?06:18
moetunesbawr: seems there is a xfce version for the eee - digg.com/linux_unix/Xubuntu_for_EEE_PC06:22
moetunesand there is   #eeepc   channel too06:22
bawrThat thing you linked is 3 years old, and it uses 7.10. :)06:24
moetunesso i did   and there is   #eeepc   channel too   to give further help06:25
bawrYeah thanks, I;m going to ask there. :)06:26
moetunesluck :]06:26
bawrI'm going for Xubuntu because it has a smooth transition to awesomewm, among other things. ;)06:29
moetunesheh - you just start with the minimal cd once you know about getting the h/ware working06:30
bawrWell, I'm a lazy guy, so no. If I wanted to spend some time on this, I'd probably get Arch or something. :)06:31
moetunesk :]06:31
moetuneswhy not just do the netbook release06:32
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu06:32
arthurjohnsonI ran into space problems with unr.  I had to go with Xubuntu, uses half the disk space.06:33
moetunesdid not know that arthurjohnson ...06:33
arthurjohnsonUNR uses almost 3 gigs.  It was impossible to do an upgrade, not enough room.06:34
bawrI'm using it at the moment, and yeah. Disk space can be a pain, and it installs the whole gnome package, which I could do without.06:34
arthurjohnsonThey need a minimal UNR.  Why on a netbook would you need Evolution and the full openoffice suite?06:34
arthurjohnsonAnd every application that comes with Ubuntu?  Kinda stupid if you ask me.06:35
arthurjohnsonMy daughter's Eee only has 4 gigs total.06:35
moetunessounds like it was made on the fly - just adding what was needed to make it work...06:36
bawrYeah, especially OO seems kinda lame.06:36
bawrHm. A quick look at software.sources shows that UNR has the same repositories, so it's all in the package selection.06:37
arthurjohnsonI installed Xubuntu for her.  Combined everything onto one panel, shrunk it to 20 pixels, and installed the classic compact, compact menu 2, and pimpoflage on Firefox.  Disabled the bookmarks bar and the tab bar hides with one tab.  She is very happy now.06:38
arthurjohnsonPlenty of screen space.06:38
bawrDid you put that tab on the bottom? I find that more usable, with maximus or something similar it's kinda mac-like. ;)06:41
arthurjohnsonNo, just checked off "always show tab bar" in the tab preferences.06:42
bawrI meant the xfce panel.06:42
arthurjohnsonOh, no. I couldn't get the window picker to work right with xfce.06:43
monocianMy laptop couldnt read the 10.04 disk but my dad's can ...07:43
monocianShould I upgrade 10.04 from 9.10?07:44
_Techie_monocian, up to you07:45
_Techie_10.04 is a LTS release, but i wont force you to upgrade07:45
monocianWill there be problems?07:45
_Techie_i cant be sure07:46
_Techie_but there will almost always be problems07:46
_Techie_only way to know is to upgrade07:46
monocianBut is it worth upgrading?07:47
monocian...such a silly question...07:48
moetunesthere is a thunar bug to be aware of...07:51
moetunes10.04 boots so quick I think on it's own that makes it worthwhile07:53
=== angus is now known as casper3
renatahello, I've just intalled xubuntu 10.04 and I cannot find 2 of my partitions which I have created. Please help for acces them. Thanks.09:50
renataI also have some strange fonts issue. Some of the fonts are not rendered correcly (parts of fonts are missing09:50
drcodehi all09:59
drcodeafter upgrade to xubuntu 9.10 , my mouse dissaper , any idea?09:59
moetunesrenata: do the partitions show in   sudo fdisk -l   ?10:37
renatamoetunes, yes they do. however i am new here and it is too complicated to make them show every boot. I would really appreaciate some help10:38
moetunesrenata: you first need to make a folder to mount them in   mkdir -v /media/somename10:39
renatamoetunes, ok, i've done that10:40
moetunesrenata: what filesystem do they use? - ext3 or ntfs or ...10:40
renatamoetunes, one is fat32 other ext410:40
moetunesrenata: you need to open the file   /etc/fstab    for editing10:41
moetunesfor fat something like   /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       110:42
renataok I'll try.10:42
moetunesfor ext3 something like   dev/hda8       /home           ext3    noatime         0       210:42
renatamoetunes, ok, I have many numbers in that file ....10:43
moetunesrenata: you can just add a line to the end of that file - what do you mean many numbers?10:44
renataUUID=b1d5c203-da58-465b-aa32-b82304164794 /home10:44
=== samsaFSR is now known as samsa
moetunesrenata: that's fine - just add the entries to the end of the file - and make a new line after both entries are done - where the line I showed said /home you add the folder in /media you made10:45
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)10:46
moetunesrenata: when you have edited the file to your satisfaction do in terminal   sudo mount -av   to mount them10:47
renatamoetunes, please tell If Ive added the last line correctly10:49
moetunesrenata: that looks fine - you just need to hit the enter button from the end of that line to create an empty last line then save the file10:51
moetunesfstab needs an empty last line10:52
renatamoetunes, ok, and now have a look at this one http://pastebin.com/RcZuYPPd10:53
renatamoetunes, ok, so I am saving the fine now10:54
moetunesrenata: yep that's fine - but add a new line at the end10:54
renatamoetunes, WOW! works, thank you so much!10:55
renatamoetunes, not really10:55
renataI cannot write into any partition (create a folder, eg)10:56
renatamoetunes, I CAN create a folder in FAT partition, however not in ext410:56
moetunesrenata: try   sudo chown -Rv renata:renata /media/F-diskas10:57
moetuneswhere renata is your user name10:57
renatamoetunes, works, thak you so much!10:59
renatamoetunes, I would have done this alone, not even reading all that ducumentation or so :)10:59
moetunesrenata: happy for you :]11:00
renatamoetunes, are u here?11:25
moetunesrenata: yep :]11:26
renatamoetunes, I still have one question. After reboot in my ext4 directory I have a "lostnfound' catalog and I do not have any writing permissions there. What might be the problem??11:27
moetunesrenata: it is not a prob - that is a system file - it is always not user writable11:28
renatamoetunes, but why should I have this in my data directory? And yes, I cannot write not even in the lost-found catalog, I have no permissions in whole partition11:29
moetunesmine never have anything in it11:30
moetunesrenata: the one you chowned has no writable permission for you?11:31
renatamoetunes, yes, that's right11:31
renatamoetunes, i can do that again...11:32
moetunesrenata: try   sudo chown -Rv renata:renata /media/F-diskas - look at the output to make sure it changes owner11:32
renatamoetunes, renata:renata11:32
renataI've also deleted that lost&found catalog11:33
renataI will see if it will appear next boot11:33
renatamoetunes, Am I moving the right way?11:33
moetunesrenata: lost&found will be recreated at every boot11:33
moetunesit doesn't do much11:34
renatamoetunes, ok, so why should I have it on my data partition if it not a system partition (a rhethoric question):)11:34
TheSheepmoetunes: not necessarily on every boot, just on every fsck11:34
moetuneso thnx TheSheep11:34
TheSheepit's where fsck puts lost files11:35
moetunesrenata: you could   sudo chmod ugo+rw /media/F-diskas11:36
renatamoetunes, done! what was that?11:37
moetunesrenata: it allows users, groups and others to read, write to the partition11:38
renatamoetunes, thanks11:38
xubuntu377no problem11:38
xubuntu377i am a newb11:38
xubuntu377installing xubuntu with wubi11:39
xubuntu377ubuntu xubuntu or kubuntu?11:39
xubuntu377which is the best?11:39
xubuntu377or fedora?11:39
moetunesit's your choice xubuntu37711:39
xubuntu377are there any good effects in xubuntu?11:40
xubuntu377desktop effects11:40
xubuntu377couse i like ubuntu and kubuntu for that11:40
moetunesthere's a built in compositer11:40
xubuntu377which of them are u using meotunes?11:40
moetunesatm my cli server - but normally fluxbox11:41
xubuntu377i think setup is over11:41
moetunesI'm a minimalist :]11:41
ferranhi to all12:07
ferrananyone to give to me some help?12:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:10
ferranhi to all12:15
ferrani'm have a little problem12:15
ferranmy wifi turn off when I close the screen of my laptop12:15
ferranmy wifi turn off when I close the screen of my laptop12:49
Sysiwhat are your powersaving settings like12:50
Sysiif it goes to susped wifi hopefully shuts down :P12:50
ferranthe laptop doesn't turn off13:01
ferranand don't appear screensaver13:02
ferrani'm configure the system to do nothing when I close the screen13:02
ferranthe session continues opens, but wifi turn off13:02
on3st4bhi ppl15:04
on3st4bi have a problem with compiz , can some1 help out ? :D15:06
TheSheep!compiz | on3st4b15:06
ubottuon3st4b: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz15:06
on3st4bmaybe i didnt put i right , i have a performance issue .. i think15:07
on3st4bi run it on hd3650 mobility 512mb ram , is this gpu ok for compiz ?15:08
TheSheepask on #compiz15:10
TheSheepwe really don't know15:10
ochosion3st4b, the card is ok, it depends on the driver you use15:17
ochosibut since i don't have ati anymore i couldn't tell you15:17
ochosisome say the open driver is better for compiz, but worse for gaming15:17
ochosion3st4b, you'll have to try to find out yourself15:18
bcgrownanyone managed to connect to an LTSP server from xubuntu lucid?15:39
arthurjohnsonSweet, I got my daughter's iPod Touch working under gtkpod!16:49
arthurjohnsonTo clarify, over USB, the iPod is NOT jailbroken16:51
arthurjohnsonhttp://is.gd/c1q1S and http://is.gd/c1q3i is the guides I used to get USB iPod syncing working in Lucid16:52
on3st4bhey any1 can recomend a good torrent client17:11
on3st4bsomething like utorrent for windows maybe17:11
rob79i use qbittorrent17:13
on3st4bit looks nice :D17:15
on3st4bill try it out , i use the default client and its quite  crappy17:16
Prajwali believed that xubuntu is lighter than ubuntu but xubuntu is very slower compared to ubuntu17:16
Prajwalwhen this new version 10.04 is concerned17:17
Prajwaleven the boot time is very high17:17
on3st4bany1 using a laptop here ?17:19
on3st4bit seems my cpu is constanly running at full speed17:20
on3st4band its getting hot :S17:20
residentgreyopen a terminal and type top17:20
rob79im on ubuntu with xubuntu-desktop17:20
on3st4bok, what am i looking for ?17:21
residentgreyit shows what applications are running your cpu so much17:21
residentgreyprobably firefox lol17:21
on3st4bactually its root > 100%17:22
on3st4bi have firefox emesene and bittorent client running + compiz17:22
on3st4bmaybe its compiz ?17:22
residentgreywhat's compiz?17:23
on3st4bits > root > 100% > backend ..17:23
on3st4bem .. 3d effects for the desktop17:23
residentgreylast cell i believe is the program17:23
rob79row command ^^17:24
on3st4bunder the command right ?17:24
on3st4bok it says backend !17:24
on3st4bwhats that ?17:24
residentgreyhell if I know17:25
rob79sysemtest running ?17:26
residentgreytry killing all those apps17:26
on3st4bhow do i kill it :S17:26
rob79ok cups17:26
rob79or cups17:26
rob79and the pid17:27
residentgreythat is supplied by top17:27
rob79or kill -9 ^^17:27
residentgreythat's just evil17:27
Prajwaldoes any one even feel that ubuntu is faster and lighter than xubuntu or is it just with me17:28
on3st4bnot permited !17:29
residentgreyjust kill firefox and compiz17:29
charlie-tca__Prajwal: Xubuntu is faster and lighter on all 5 of my systems17:30
on3st4bno luck :S17:30
on3st4bill try a reboot17:30
S0210I have a problem with the "Places" icon under my recently upgraded Xubuntu 10.4. If I reopen, edit and save an existing .gnumeric file then it does not appear in the "last docs list" of the Places menu... Is there a way to see what's going on? Does it list only the new docs? Any tips what to check?17:30
Prajwalcharlie-tca__:  even i had the same experience with earlier versions17:30
charlie-tca__Prajwal: did you do a Xubuntu installation with the defaults?17:30
Prajwalyes charlie-tca__17:31
charlie-tca__It probably has to do with what applications you are adding/using17:31
Prajwalaah no, even with no programs running or fresh installation i get it slow17:31
Prajwalthe reason i use xubuntu rather than any other is becoz of the boot speed17:32
Prajwalits more than 2mins for the newer version17:32
Prajwalwhile it was a matter of 20secs for the earlier 9.1017:32
on3st4breboot seems to have work17:36
S0210What to check if a recently modified (and saved) .gnumeric file is missing from the last documents list of Places?17:44
S0210Any idea?17:55
charlie-tca__S0210: I think that is a bug, but I can't remember the number right now18:02
charlie-tca__Prajwal: so, are you talking about the startup time or actual use ?18:03
Prajwalstartup time18:03
charlie-tca__and is that for an installed Xubuntu or a usb drive/live cd type use?18:03
Prajwali have a 2GB Ram18:05
charlie-tca__That may be caused by the video card. some of the cards are slower now on startup.18:05
Prajwaland Nvidia 9600 GT 1 GB graphic card18:05
Prajwalcharlie-tca__:  everything was just fast and normal until i installed 10.0418:06
Prajwal9.01 was very fast18:06
charlie-tca__Hmm, I don't know why it wouldn't be just as fast now. My systems certainly are.18:31
Prajwali guess i need a fresh installation then18:33
Prajwalchecked the md5 of iso its correct18:33
dahaichu, right now, I got a little problem - windows dont want to unminimize, is it known issue? [as I have minimized firefox, I am asking here :D]18:49
charlie-tca__As in, they go to the bottom panel and won't come back?18:49
dahaicyeah, exactly18:50
charlie-tca__Never heard of it before18:50
dahaichmm, I hope it is one time issue :)18:51
charlie-tca__me too18:51
dahaic[one day old upgrade to lucid, so well... that would be quite bad for me, if it is a bug]18:51
charlie-tca__ Bad for everybody, but I can't reproduce it here18:52
dahaicI will write down what i did, and if it happen again, with some correlation, then I will report it18:53
charlie-tca__good idea18:53
nasrullahi cannot open zekr18:57
nasrullahyour help pls for zekr18:59
charlie-tca__I would like to say the hp laserjet 3200 I was given works in xubuntu just by plugging it in18:59
charlie-tca__nasrullah: what is zekr?18:59
nasrullahit is a Quran package19:00
nasrullahi downloaded from the repository but cannot open it19:00
charlie-tca__It did install without errors?19:01
nasrullahin karmic it was working once i upgraded to lucid it fails19:01
dahaicwell, restart of xfce [log out and log in] worked, but file "bug" is on the desktop, waiting for the return of the ugly :P19:02
charlie-tca__dahaic: maybe a one time glitch... (at least we hope so)19:11
dahaicI am afraid that I reproduced it...19:15
dahaicautomatic receive of file from my cellphone, via bluetooth19:16
charlie-tca__make sure you tell which theme it is, if not the default, in the report19:16
dahaicah, which theme is default btw? :D I was trying different ones, and tbh didn't found the one I began with19:19
dahaicso now, I am using Albatross19:19
nasrullahi cannot open picasa19:20
charlie-tca__dahaic: Albatross is default19:21
dahaiccharlie-tca__: sorry for being noob in this, but can you help me with a bug report? I would appreciate hint, where should I put it [has xubuntu its own bugtracker, or should I use ubuntu-bug xfce?]19:28
dahaicor any other app?19:29
charlie-tca__Is it all apps that are failing?19:29
charlie-tca__You could use 'ubuntu-bug xfce4-session' in a terminal to file the bug19:30
dahaicwell, its just that apps are stuck in task list, if I am able to open them, they work just fine19:30
charlie-tca__It will put in the 'xfce4-session' package, which should be right19:31
dahaicbut as I wrote - its due to bluetooth receive of file19:31
charlie-tca__It's only because of bluetooth then?19:31
dahaicwait a sec, I will try to send more files [I didn't tried that]19:32
charlie-tca__use 'ubuntu-bug bluez' then19:32
S0210How can I pluseaudio volume control to hotkeys? (I mean something like command "amixer set Master 10%- -q"...)20:10
_Techie_[_AWAY_] heading into town, rollerblades FTW20:59
TheSheep_Techie_: we are not interested21:01
rydianEr, is this a correct place to ask for help with something?21:14
oozerydian: sure21:15
oozeif someone dosnt reply right away.. its usually good to wait around21:16
rydianThank you.21:16
fool__hey guys i'm using "elementary xubuntu" icon theme, everything's working fine except for the battery icons: it is still the default gnome's and it won't update battery % if i hover the mouse over it. i'm on 10.04. suggestions ?21:34
oozeanyone know how I can get xubuntu to stop opening all the other windows I had open before22:04
knomeooze, on login? close all windows, and on logout, select "save session"22:04
knomeooze, then login again and on next logout, uncheck the box22:04
oozehrmm ok. Ill try this22:05
oozethanks knome..22:05
oozeIm looking for a way to permanently modify this via the config files22:05
oozeas Im building a bunch of production machines with xubuntu and I want them all to behave in this manner22:05
knomeooze, windows should not pop up in the first place if you don't save such a session22:06
oozethen there is some bug.. as no session has been saved.. this occured on a fresh xubuntu build after using the restart button22:06
knomeooze, when you used the restart button, did you have windows open?22:07
knomethen it's not a bug22:07
knomeyou chose the session to be saved.22:07
knome(that's the default)22:07
oozeneed to find the config file where this default is set22:08
knomemaybe ask #xfce, i don't know where that is22:08
mr_pouitby cmdline, you can probably change that with: xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -p /general/SaveOnExit -s false22:08
knomemr_pouit, oh :P22:08
mr_pouitand otherwise, the config files are .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml, /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml and /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml22:09
mr_pouitknome: eh :P22:09
knomeaye sir22:10
oozemr_pouit , knome rock!22:11
oozemr_pouit: do you think changing this may also cause the panel to retain its defaults,   I have also been running into a issue after reboots where the menu button is missing.. I assume this is caused by the panel crashing on logout or something and the sessing getting saved with out the button22:13
oozeat the momment Im going the route of making the .config/xfce4/panel files read only.. so even if they are deleted they re-appear next boot22:15
mr_pouitit should be fine22:15
ferranhi to all22:54
rydianI'm using xubuntu 10.04 (fresh wubi install as of a few days ago), and I've got terrible sound latency (about one second) in some programs.  Flash in both firefox and chrome (including youtube videos) and ZSNES (SNES emulator) are two big offenders, yet videos played in the default "movie player" and VLC play with no delay.  It's an eMachines T2899 desktop, FIC AU31 motherboard, nForce2 chipset, AC97 sound (integrated).  I've been told it c23:02
rydianould be an issue with the ALSA buffer size, or pulseaudio introducing latency... but I've no clue how to go about fixing it. ^^;23:02
on3st4bcan some1 kind tell me what the custom kernel ? and whats the benefits of making one ? :D23:18
knomeon3st4b, if you don't know what the benefits are, i think it's better not to build one23:20
AquinaIt maybe sounds stupid but I need some help with /etc/smartd.conf. I read the mans (man smartd / smartd --help / man smartctl) and also checket the web, but I'm a bit overwhelmed.23:32

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