
GungaDinHow do I check a branch to a checkout after I've pushed it to a remote location?07:28
mtaylorGungaDin: do you mean you've pushed to a remote location and now you want to get new changes that might be in that remote location?07:32
mtaylorGungaDin: or are you trying to modify your local branch to be a lightweight checkout of the remote location07:32
GungaDinI'm trying to modify my local branch to be a checkout of the remote branch07:34
GungaDinwhich I think I've managed to do07:34
mtaylorGungaDin: awesome07:36
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lifelessabentley: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/07/google-ceo-on-privacy-if_n_383105.html10:12
thumperpoolie: if you are fixing things, there is the config locking problem that is biting us in the code import arena10:19
pooliehi there thumper10:26
thumperhi poolie10:26
jelmer_'morning thumper10:27
thumperhi jelmer_10:28
lifelessjam: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux/+bug/54361710:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543617 in linux "Unmount of an fs with dirty cache buffers causes pathological slowdown" [High,Fix released]10:28
lifelessspiv: do we ahve something that waits for that part of the thread startup to have completed, in the 'main' thread ?10:55
spivlifeless: as best I can tell, when the bind+listen happens, there should be no threads started yet10:55
lifelessspiv: theory: the thread starting the socketlistener which is itself a thread, is getting the timeslice before the new thread has started10:56
spivThe bind+listen happens in SocketListener.__init__10:56
lifelessI thought that is in the child thread though10:57
lifelessits a Threading.thread, right ?10:57
spivSocketListener is a threading.Thread, yes10:57
spivBut it isn't started until after its __init__ returns10:58
=== vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila (not)| bzr 2.1.1 is out
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thumperhow do branches with symlinks work with windows?\11:28
spivthumper: short answer is they don't11:28
spivThere's a plugin, though11:29
thumperspiv: which does what?11:29
thumperfound a different way around it11:34
thumperI'd like simple windows support without worrying about that11:34
Peng_Does bzr-win32symlinks even work? I'd heard that there were issues...11:34
spivPeng_: the description on its LP page does pointedly say it isn't maintained anymore, so maybe not11:35
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uierI need an uninstaller for Mac16:44
uierthe one linked on the site doesnt work with snow leopard16:44
uieranyone alive?16:49
GaryvdMHi uier16:50
uierGaryvdM: hi!16:50
GaryvdMNot many people know much about the Mac installer.16:51
uierI installed Bazaar on Snow Leopard, but need to remove the bundle and everything it ever installed16:51
uierOh no :(16:51
GaryvdMThe person who does know in Gordan. He is not here.16:52
uierGaryvdM: What is his nickname16:52
GaryvdMuier: According to his lunchpad page, dOxxx16:55
uierIt's kinda pointless offering an installer without a set in stone method of how to get it off your computer :|16:56
uierIt should be bundled with an uninstaller16:56
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lifeless-> food18:25
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kfogellifeless, jam: care to play Captain Obvious in helping me debug "bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist." ?  I've done the googling and stuff, and tried writing a log.  No luck so far.  privchat if have time to chat19:22
beunokfogel, try running that with -Dhpss19:22
kfogelbeuno: srsly?19:23
kfogelbeuno: ok, thanks19:23
kfogelbeuno: on the server side, I assume you mean?19:23
beunokfogel, it will give you more information19:23
kfogelbeuno: aaaaaah19:23
kfogelgot it19:23
kfogel-D for debug19:23
beunokfogel, clientside19:23
kfogelbeuno: thanks19:23
kfogelbeuno: Hah!  Brilliant.  It told me "HPSS calls: 1 (0 vfs) SmartSSHClientMedium(bzr+ssh://None@hostname.I'm.trying.to.reach/)", and when I saw the "None" I realized I probably needed a different username than "kfogel".  Putting one there got me to my next error, and I am on my merry way.19:25
beunokfogel, awesome19:25
beunokfogel, I have Dhpss enabled all the time19:26
beunoyou can be cool as well by adding it to ~/bazaar/bazaar.conf19:26
beunodebug_flags = hpss19:26
kfogelbeuno: done, in DEFAULT section19:27
beunowelcome to the club19:27
kfogelbeuno: my next error is http://paste.ubuntu.com/431250/, which looks eminently googleable19:27
beunothat's new to me19:28
beunoI assume the server has an old version of bzr19:28
kfogelbeuno: except I just built the server myself from bzr 2.1 sources...19:29
beunokfogel, both server and client on 2.1?19:29
kfogelbeuno: hmmm, except locally I seem to be running 2.2dev, which I didn't realize19:29
kfogelbeuno: though you'd think that wouldn't be a problem19:29
beunoI wouldn't19:29
beunokfogel, did the server have another version of bzr installed?19:29
beunothe smart server may be invoking a different bzr on the server19:30
beunothis looks like a bug for spiv though19:30
beunoI would absolutely report it19:30
kfogelbeuno: yes, the server has a much older version of bzr installed in /usr/bin/bzr, and (in theory) that's not supposed to infect the 2.1 build that I'm using.  But it could be, somehow.19:31
TresEquiskfogel: when the client sets up the session, it may not find your preferred bzr19:31
kfogelTresEquis: could be.  I'm trying to puzzle out how; on this machine, there is a restricted shell that (in theory) should be fired up, and then it should exec a particular bzr that I have configured it to exec.19:32
kfogelTresEquis: regarding your nick: I've often wanted to brew and sell a brand of beer called "Regal XXX Lager" (the world's first palindromic beer).19:33
kfogelNot that that has anything to do with Bazaar, of course :-).19:34
TresEquisSuch a brew might help get coding done faster ;)19:36
TresEquisElat Ale would be shorter19:37
TresEquisor Elan19:37
kfogelTresEquis: nice!  I think we've got the makings of a fine brewing company here...19:38
jamkfogel, beuno: known bug of bzr talking to an older server19:46
jamI would check your path19:46
jamand remember that it probably doesn't include any user customizations19:46
jambecause it is only what 'ssh' gets before launching bash19:46
kfogeljam: thanks.  I think (from other debugging just now) that the bzr I want to be invoked is not the one being invoked, on the server side; checking...19:47
jamkfogel: you probably only have /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin19:47
jamyou should be able to set19:47
jamBZR_REMOTE_PATH=/the/one/I/really/want/bzr bzr FOO19:48
jamand that should work19:48
jamwhich hints you want to fix the system path, or something19:48
kfogeljam: well, the "other" one is ~root/kfogel/bzr-2.1.0/bzr, but yeah19:48
kfogeljam: hunh, that BZR_REMOTE_PATH is something you can set on the client side??19:48
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jamkfogel: yes19:49
jamyou can also set something bazaar.conf/locations.conf19:50
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jamkfogel: bzr_remote_path=XXX19:50
jamso you could put19:50
jambzr_remote_path:policy = recurse19:50
kfogeljam: thanks19:51
kfogeljam: when doing it on the command line, there's no need for that "policy = recurse", though, because I'm naming the branch address explicitly anyway, right?19:52
jamkfogel: right, the env_var overrides config, etc19:53
jamthe config is so you can set up a specific site to be different from all others19:53
jamcertainly you don't want that env var when pushing to LP, for example19:53
kfogeljam: certainly not :-).  And in general not -- in this case, the end goal is a situation where the remote side's restricted shell DTRT and people can just use bzr+ssh:// without any special config or env vars.  So I'm going to just do it on the cmdline; that way I know I won't let it continue too long19:55
jamkfogel: did you get it workinG?20:43
kfogeljam: not yet, but problem now is not in bzr, it's in existence of user accounts on the remote box, so I'm working on that20:53
kfogeljam: this is for the GNU Emacs bzr+ssh:// thang, btw20:53
kfogeldavidstrauss: hey, your branch delay problem all solved, right?  (from last week)20:54
davidstrauss_kfogel: yes, thanks23:02
Socket_77Is there anyway to get bzr to preserve the timestamp on an add/commit?23:19
Socket_77and subsequently on a checkout?23:19

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