[00:29] humf, the stinky wifi login page only works in windows :( [00:31] now to kill 2.5 hrs waiting for the plane [00:57] oh my [00:57] that late already [01:00] I think that code is flawed [01:02] ah [01:02] scope issues! [01:02] omg [01:02] whee, electricity! [01:02] electricity! [01:02] omg [01:03] quite :D [01:06] oh my oh my [01:06] JontheEchidna: you should really never ever look into ecmascript [01:06] that language is so flawed it makes python look good [01:08] ain't that javascript? [01:08] JontheEchidna: yes [01:08] kk [01:08] duly noted [01:09] oh dear [01:09] what does one apachelogger have to do to not end up with a broken pointer [01:09] not create one to start with? [01:09] no option [01:10] use duct tape? [01:10] * apachelogger is writing an amarok script [01:10] to create a uds stream listy [01:10] now for maintenance reasons and for the fun of it I would have placed the content defintion into a simple text file [01:10] that then gets parsed and appropriate items created [01:11] thing is [01:11] those items get add to the script object via pointers [01:11] (or so the api says, I doubt ecmascript messes with pointers) [01:12] so it appears to me that somehow 0 ends up in amarok, since the entries are essentially empty [01:12] that is however an assumption and amarok could be broken as well [01:12] so apachelogger is all fancy and creates an itemstack of global scope and then adds the items to that stack directly without ever having them associated with a variable of local scope [01:13] sure enough the situation doesnt change though [01:13] also I cant test because icecast.ubuntu.com is the unavilable [01:13] so I am sitting here at [01:13] kubotu: time [01:13] apachelogger: Europe - Vienna - Mon May 10 02:14 CEST [01:13] and wonder why it does not work [01:13] while I should be going to bed, because I need to get up at 7 ^^ [01:15] apachelogger: you are in Brussels? [01:15] no [01:15] why not? [01:15] got maths exam tomorrow [01:15] ah, crap :( [01:16] the real tomorrow, not the monday tomorrow ;) [01:16] holy shifting paradigm [01:16] it appears I wasted my time -.- [01:16] no UDS for you, then? [01:16] *sigh* [01:16] Mamarok: no :( [01:16] again [01:16] * apachelogger never made it to UDS [01:17] apachelogger: I though I would have a chance this time, but that damn treatement got in the way :( [01:18] :/ [01:18] Mamarok: how are you now? [01:18] ah, amarok plays mms://apasf.apa.at/oe1_live_worldwide <3 [01:19] oh, not too bad, my mouth is burned, which hurts, but I can still swallow so that's fine [01:19] let's hope I can make it to the MMsprint [01:20] anyway, bedtime, let's hope I can sleep now [01:20] :) [01:20] Mamarok: sleep tight [01:20] * apachelogger gives Mamarok a good night kiss [01:21] * Mamarok give back the kiss to apachelogger and fingers crossed for that math exam [01:21] gives* [01:21] thx :) [01:21] thank you :) [01:25] ScottK, Riddell: ~apachelogger/+junk/amarok-uds since I wont be around monday morning I suppose ... should icecast.ubuntu.com ever come up, please fill the streams.txt (format is NAME;M3UFILE or just NAME ... in which case NAME.lowercase + .ogg.m3u will be the m3ufile) [01:25] the script will auto prefix with "http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/" [01:25] then maybe make a proper amarok package and upload it somewhere for people to enjoy :) [01:25] *amarok script package [01:26] * apachelogger is off [03:37] the reviews on Lucid (specifically Kubuntu in comparison with Ubuntu) are pretty harsh about package management, no Gwibble? app (they obviously missed Choqok), theming, and no GIMP alternative... [03:52] ForgeAus: which review did you read? [03:57] http://desktoplinuxreviews.com/2010/05/03/kubuntu-linux-10-04-lts-lucid-lynx/3/ the one jontheechidna replied to [03:57] from distrowatch theres a link to desktop linux reviews [03:59] I think mostly its harsh because of bad timing, for example with no GIMP-like proggy, KOffice will provide Krita/Karbon/Kivio for that kinda stuff... (if it becomes part of the kubuntu release that is) [03:59] and gwibble? they obviously missed Choqok (which to me seems very... kopete-like) [04:00] also the things they praise Ubuntu for ... the theme being unique.... OSX-ripoff much (also Gnome-Do is an obvious ripoff of an Mac App called Quicksilver) [04:01] Ubuntu-One is pretty new (in beta)... [04:01] ForgeAus: choqok is not included by default [04:01] however a microblogging plasmoid, facebook plasmoid, and opensocial plasmoid are [04:01] uh ohhh kay I didn't notice that bit [04:01] (that Choqok isn't there by default [04:01] also, ubuntu does not include gimp either [04:01] I've been using PCLinuxOS for some stuff and its in there... [04:02] yeah but theres a replacement for it... some gfx proggy [04:02] started with F from memory [04:02] (the review mentions controversy about it) [04:02] apparently the Ubuntu ppl decided Gimp's too advanced for average users [04:03] gwenview has basic image editing [04:03] it has a lot to do with disk space I am guessing also [04:03] or rather gimp is not vital in an all-around-desktop setup [04:05] whereas f-spot or gwenview do have the initial tools most need [04:05] the other thing thats odd is why need a netbook remix? isn't it just a different KDE form factor? [04:05] and other tools are easily/freely available [04:06] maybe because netbooks are so tiny they need a different approach for some things? [04:06] I mean I like the idea of a mobile remix I just find it strange that Kubuntu's netbook remix is larger than the main release! ... [04:07] it doesn't have the limitations in size as they don't have cd-roms [04:07] claydoh: afaik the only main difference is the default form factor of KDE... [04:08] don't have a netbook but did try it out on my old laptops [04:09] i think there may be some extras netbook-specific, but what is so wrong with having the remix? [04:09] I'm thinking of getting a convertible tablet/notebook PC at some point [04:09] it sure is a good way to show what plasma desktop is capable of [04:10] claydoh: the "extras" is just what I said a KDE form-factor) [04:10] actually I wonder if perhaps the desktop release can learn something from that [04:12] the kubuntu-netbook metapackage installed a few things, tho I cannot remember the specifics [04:15] I can switch between the 2 easily, but my meager gpu cannot cope with too many plasma Activities :( [04:16] night night for me sleep beckons and works comes early tomorrow :( === guest_ is now known as ForgeAus [06:24] nixternal: what the heck happened? re: identica status [06:41] ForgeAus: The reason KNR is larger than the main release is that since we expect people to install it via USB and not a CD, we didn't constrain ourselves to 700MB, so we ship some additional things like a subset of kdegames and kdeedu that don't fit on the regalur ISO as well as all the available language packs (the main ISO has only a handful) [07:57] UDS!!! [08:06] "Middle of a Belgian Forest" -- Jono Bacon [08:07] :) [08:16] understatement [10:10] kubuntu maverick 10.04 review starting in 1 hour [10:10] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M/RemoteParticipation [10:10] we will be in the amarente channel [10:11] review? [10:11] wait 10.04 is Lucid not Maverick [10:11] isn't it? [10:11] Maverik will be 10.10 [10:12] yes... lucid [10:12] the blueprint is for kubuntu maveric [10:12] read it like... Kubuntu Maverick: 10.04 review [10:12] sorry if it is confusing :) [10:14] Lessons learned from the last time around .... [10:14] apachelogger: I am told that you have scripts to do daily kde trunk builds? [10:14] or something from the past? [10:15] I am looking to get that going again... and any previous work you know about would be helpful [10:19] shtylman: there's several ways to do that, you want packages or just local builds? [10:19] Tm_T: packages... we want to create a daily trunk ppa [10:20] shtylman: project neon? [10:20] shtylman: I have another session I need to be in next hour. The main thing I want to make sure we capture is the bugfix patch work that (mostly) debfx and jon the taco were doing at the end of last cycle fixing bugs in our packages and then getting them into KDE svn for 4.4.3. I'd like to see more of that. [10:20] Tm_T: Yes. [10:20] ScottK: got it [10:20] Thanks. [10:21] nixternal: do we have feedback from release? [10:21] shtylman: icecast uses room numbers, what room number is Amarante? [10:21] Mamarok: 20 [10:21] thx :) [10:22] what, thx sound in icecast? [10:22] * Tm_T hides [10:23] haha [10:23] Mamarok: rooms listed on http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/ [10:25] Riddell: "Kubuntu Maverick 10.4 Review"... You may want to fix the codename there :) === Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: UDS | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M/RemoteParticipation | http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/ [10:26] hush hush [10:26] shtylman: that is dated information indeed [10:26] * apachelogger releases amarok script [10:27] * Mamarok hugs apachelogger if he puts it on kde-apps.org [10:27] apachelogger: any info would be helpful just to know [10:27] at least a list of required/wanted packages [10:29] ah [10:29] amarente got a typo [10:29] also, they are talking about osx again [10:29] uds should be bundled with macworld [10:30] haha [10:31] http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=124463 \o/ [10:31] * apachelogger is the let javascriptor [10:31] muhahahaha [10:32] all your main.js are belong to me!!! [10:32] shtylman: I am not sure I understand [10:32] apachelogger: understand what? [10:32] apachelogger: any info would be helpful just to know [10:32] at least a list of required/wanted packages [10:33] ah... list of packages I need to be making for a full build of trunk kde [10:33] there is a guide in kde techbase [10:33] with specific lists for kubuntu too [10:33] for deb packages? [10:33] got a link for that? [10:35] kubotu: google kde techbase install kubuntu debian list [10:35] Results for kde techbase install kubuntu debian list: 1. KDE - Experience Freedom!: http://www.kde.org/ | 2. Development/Tutorials/Debugging/How to create useful crash reports ...: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/How_to_create_useful_crash_reports | 3. Getting Started/Set up KDE 4 for development - KDE TechBase: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Set_up_KDE_4_for_development [10:35] hmm [10:35] shtylman: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4/Kubuntu_and_Debian [10:36] apachelogger: thats a start... thanks ;) [10:36] does kde build against their custom version of qt still? [10:38] * Mamarok hugs apachelogger again, trying out that script [10:40] hm, is there really a problem with the Ubiquity installer? -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/577335 [10:40] its a charm, isnt it ? :D [10:40] Launchpad bug 577335 in ubiquity "ubiquity fails to install lucid 64bit from live usb unless using debug mode" [Undecided,New] [10:40] shtylman: always [10:41] eagles is crying about it [10:41] Mamarok: only for him [10:41] I was talking to him the other day, the issue seems rather odd [10:41] yeah, that's waht I guess, too [10:41] and actually more lowlevel [10:41] since he runs into IO issues [10:41] he would like to know how to use the debug mode... [10:41] Riddell would know [10:41] riight, get a new motherboard maybe? [10:41] shtylman too I suppose ^ [10:42] Mamarok: always an option ;) [10:43] Riddell, shtylman: could somebody tell that guy how to run the debug mode, if you find a minute this week? I warned him already that uds is under way and he should be patient [10:49] oh man, that kid is weird... [10:51] ^^ [10:51] * Mamarok talks about eagles0513875 [10:54] * Mamarok listens to the Mangrove 4 laughter and huggles apachelogger [10:54] now it would be nice to have a voice recognition that shows the name of the participants... ;) [10:55] and a better sound level of the room mics, I have to really turn up the volume to almost max [10:56] * apachelogger is so not going to implement voice recognition in javascript :P [10:56] though one of my flat mates is actually writing a thesis on that topic [10:58] apachelogger: I didn't expect you to :) [10:59] Riddell: wow, you are fast :) Thanks a bunch, he is happy now [11:09] * Mamarok has to run :( [11:10] back tonight only, Monday is a heavy load day [11:15] lol [11:15] amarante is the osx room [11:16] now kubuntu is talking about osx :P [11:16] seriously [11:16] ): [11:16] merge uds with macworld [11:39] hehe well they might as well [11:39] I mean Ubuntu is basically Leopard-themed [11:39] no dots [11:39] or spots [11:41] doesn't need them I was talking about OSX Leopard (the operating system Leopard is a version reference) [11:42] besides you lied [11:42] all computers have dot's or haven't you heard of pixels rofl! :) [11:43] nless you go back far enough to consider certain machines that don't have vdu's and even many of them have dots (ie even a punch card uses dot's right... ) :) [11:43] ForgeAus: you are right, printer does dot's when writing [11:43] dots [11:44] you could I guess consider an abacus as a type of computer, that would make it beads instead of dots, although nothing to stop someone from painting dots on the frame or the beads themselves :) [11:45] * ForgeAus begins to wonder how one would research the likelyhood of an abacus having dots.. . [11:51] is it me or did icecast just explode === apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: UDS | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M/RemoteParticipation | http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/ | http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/05/10/uds-for-amarok/ [12:53] Mamarok: want to hear some great news? [12:53] Mamarok: my kraft package got picked up for inclusion in debian :) [13:24] holy sun shine! === rbelem-droid is now known as rbelem [13:24] bug in qoauth [13:24] no wonder it is not working ^^ [13:32] oh well, that doesnt help either -.- [13:32] silly thing [13:34] Is there a gobby document for last kubuntu session? [13:34] imbrandon: I think things are like this: ubuntuone starts reactor, ubuntuone sends oauth request for access token and uses reactor as callback, user auths to cloud, cloud calls back to reactor, reactor emits signal, ubuntuone reads auth data from reactor -> everyone is hapy [13:34] txwikinger: kubuntu-maverick-10.4-review? [13:34] apachelogger: thanks [13:35] apachelogger: ahh [13:35] so I suppose I need to implement a http server after all [13:35] crappy [13:35] otherwise u1 complains that I did not specify a callback [13:35] (the cloud that is) [13:35] apachelogger: why? there are already nough of them [13:36] txwikinger: because I need it for like 5 seconds and I need it to be lightweight [13:36] apachelogger: there are also lightweight ones already [13:36] apachelogger / txwikinger : think i could get you all to help me seed this for a few http://www.brandonholtsclaw.com/static/cleanblue/files/uds-m.keynote.mp3.torrent and http://www.brandonholtsclaw.com/static/cleanblue/files/uds-m.keynote.ogg.torrent [13:37] * apachelogger refuses to seed mp3 :P [13:37] :) [13:37] qt is controlled by nokia? o.O [13:37] hmm.. I need to go to my server at home [13:37] yes nokia owns trolltek [13:37] * txwikinger is at a client's place atm [13:38] nigelbabu: Qt bought Trolltech, but they are also open to community contributions. [13:38] imbrandon: what is the commandline torrent client again? [13:38] imbrandon: not getting any data I could seed :P [13:39] ScottK: like ubuntu? [13:39] Somewhat. [13:39] o/ ScottK [13:39] Ah, makes sense. [13:39] Did you plane make it? [13:39] They are new to accepting community contributions and there are still some rough edges. [13:39] hrm [13:39] hm, better than nothing I suppose/ [13:39] txwikinger: No idea, sorry. [13:40] nigelbabu: They recognize it needs to be better and are working on it. [13:40] txwikinger: yes, ScottK's plane made it. he's in belgium [13:40] ScottK: i think you did know the answer to that :P [13:40] o/ maco [13:41] ScottK: lol, you don't know where you are? [13:41] * ScottK was answering about the cli torrent client [13:41] hum [13:41] * txwikinger understood what ScottK was answering about :) [13:41] but it seemed funny to everyone else [13:41] i might be seeding it wrong, i cant seem to get it to transfer from my other computer either [13:41] ... [13:42] shit, i should just upload it to u1 [13:42] lol [13:42] nigelbabu: Qt has always been a company product, and it switched to being more open only recently [13:43] nigelbabu: it was always available unter an open source license, though not GPL, and things like bugtracker and repositories were non-public until last year or so [13:43] Sput: oh, I thought I was OSS way back? [13:43] gnome and qt were competitiors because of qt beeing closed intially right? [13:43] yes, OSS, but not GPL'd and with development happening behind more or less closed doors [13:43] * nigelbabu is not sure of the history [13:44] Qt and KDE were first, and then gnome was founded because some people thought Qt wasn't free enough [13:44] nowadays, Qt is fully free, and gnome is moving towards mono. go figure. [13:45] anyway, first thing Nokia did after buying Qt was making it LGPL, hence free for commercial use as well. Which made sense, as they didn't really rely on license money coming in the way Trolltech did [13:45] Sput: lol, we might all move to kde eventually [13:46] dunno who you mean by "we", but I've moved to KDE about 10 years ago :) [13:47] haha [13:47] hai Sput [13:47] hai jussi [13:48] * nigelbabu meant ubuntu [13:48] so rebrand ubuntu => kubuntu [14:02] apachelogger: woot seeding seems to be working now ( atleaste for the ogg ) [14:02] 5 connected clients [14:02] aye [14:03] my website is getting about 2.8 requests a second, i should have made them torrents to begin with [14:03] lol [14:05] dropbox dosent list any useage limmits on the public urls, but apparently they have some, the post wasent even up an hour and they took my public links offline and sent me an automated email [14:38] \o [14:47] [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100510134635-h4i8b71bnfjr77ay * TODO add example network packet for oauth access key ... usable as reference [14:47] imbrandon: oauth_nonce=19785940&oauth_timestamp=1273498731&oauth_consumer_key=ubuntuone&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=hammertime%26&oauth_callback=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A46065%2F%3Fnonce%3D8594431 [14:48] take note of the callback part towards the end ;) [14:50] o/ [14:56] hahaha [14:56] punch server [14:56] ^^ [15:03] next session is in 15 minutes? [15:07] [amarok-uds] Harald Sitter * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100510140725-j5nq8fy9l2zw3n2d * streams.txt Fix plenary url and add bois dentelle [15:18] * yuriy_work waves to everyone at UDS [15:18] [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100510141829-8miwsviths2ckvd3 * TODO additional information on the callback magic [15:19] apachelogger: shouldn't you provide come keyboard shortcuts to for connectTo() and others or it would be rather unecessary? [15:19] looking at QAction code makes me think it would be rather easy to do this [15:20] a) I find keyboard shortcuts an abomination of UI design [15:20] b) I could, not praticularly important now [15:20] gotta mess with the action stuff anyway :) [15:20] not reusable enough [15:20] * Quintasan is looking for code to hack on [15:20] :P [15:21] >&Report a Problem [15:21] :/ [15:29] apachelogger: by // TODO: stop daemon you mean sending a D-BUS quit call to it? [15:29] Quintasan: where is that? [15:29] ubuntuone-kde/src/applet.cpp [15:30] line 174 to be exact [15:30] that is horribly old code [15:30] huh? [15:30] lp:~apachelogger/ubuntuone-client/gsoc [15:30] awesome [15:30] remove that old git crap then [15:30] :P [15:37] beh [15:37] Quintasan: feel free to implement authentication ;) [15:37] * apachelogger is going mad about this [15:38] yeah, it will take me 5 seconds [15:38] I'm sooo damn awesome [15:38] [15:38] :P [15:43] man [15:43] qoauth is buggy [15:44] Quintasan: go fix qoauth [15:44] WTF [15:44] already found 3 bugs [15:44] and that thing is actually in production use for some qt twitter client and probably more [15:44] * apachelogger finds that way to weird [15:44] why the hell Amarok goes down with when opening Scripts Manager? [15:45] it hangs actually [15:45] imbrandon: so I managed to repliacate the auth request other than the callback ... and server tells me: "No oauth_callback supplied." [15:45] so I suppose it is a stict requirement indeed [15:45] yea i'm in a u1 session now, and wow this is a fskin mess [15:45] apachelogger: and this happened after I installed ur UDS crap [15:45] :P [15:46] imbrandon: the one about music store links? [15:46] yea [15:46] Quintasan: go ask in #amarok [15:47] man this is silly [15:47] qoauth encodes the signature using topercent [15:47] then it does some other shiz and encode topercent again [15:47] go figure that it % will be encoded the second time [15:47] -.- [15:49] strange [15:50] apachelogger: after I "mv ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/uds.amaroksctript ~" it works normally [15:51] Quintasan: my theory is that there is some collission between scripts [15:51] I have only Ultimate Lyrics installed :O [15:53] Quintasan: go check with upstream [15:54] apachelogger: just joined :P [15:58] good lord [15:58] "oauth_token_secret=48zCK92VvG292NJ0vFCs14HrvS68mNCH3PwnmSzZlgHpnZDssrgdZzpR2jKBjl5Dz8Nc734GbX9nNZNB&oauth_token=S9WtHlJmCw8c2WKnwGNP&oauth_callback_confirmed=true" [16:23] right [16:23] imbrandon: I am perfectly able to repliacte the behaviour now [16:23] client requests access [16:24] in access request client submits the callback url [16:24] server drops off token [16:24] client uses token to open browser so that user can authorize [16:24] once that is done server will forward browser to callback url with appropriate tokens attached [16:25] client must somehow realize this and take further actions using the obtained data [16:25] shadeslayer: great! [16:26] I suppose on subsequent auths the client can use the available tokens to obtain a session access token [16:26] something like that at least [16:26] 20:56 * patdk-wk just uses us.archive.ubuntu.com [16:26] oops [16:26] Mamarok: :) [16:28] imbrandon: oh, actually, the server also send a return url along with his callback, so the callback receiver then redirects the browser back to the u1 server [16:28] insanely confusing IMHO [16:33] [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100510153305-n9baxd4v35yi80rv * TODO add research results on authing [16:48] hjelp! I'm a bit lost in Belgium... [16:48] JontheEchidna: belgium support in #belgium :P [16:49] JontheEchidna: maps.google.com :) === shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer [17:00] JontheEchidna: lol [17:00] * Quintasan highfives JontheEchidna [17:00] everything is going to be fine :P [17:06] JontheEchidna: why? they speak even two languages to choose from, actually even three [17:13] * JontheEchidna haz maps [17:13] but I'm going to try the bus to get me at least to holeiart [17:14] holeiart? [17:15] me@osiris:~$ curl http://localhost:8080 [17:15]

Nothing to see here

[17:15] Mo. Mai 10 18:15:00 2010 [17:15] look!!! [17:15] loooook! [17:15] omg [17:33] nixternal: do you have the source artwork for the plymouth theme? === ubott2 is now known as ubottu === shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_ === shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer === shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_ [18:11] well then [18:11] imbrandon: implementing a httpd for our use is actually pretty easy (though I am not sure if we can use the standard unix socket approach on osx or need to reinvent the wheel?) [18:12] also qoauth (with bugfixes) seems to do just what is necessary [18:12] * apachelogger is in a much better mood now and can continue learning math [18:13] bug 578149 [18:13] Launchpad bug 578149 in kdebase-workspace "REGRESSION: Plasma battery applet doesn't display time remaining" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/578149 [18:13] should be Won't Fix [18:13] neversfelde: yep [18:14] who would like to do the hounours ? :P [18:14] neversfelde: and you might want to edit the bug title as well... remove REGRESSION [18:15] shadeslayer_: I can't set a bug to Won't Fix [18:15] otherwise I would have done it [18:15] lemme check.. [18:17] neversfelde: sam here [18:17] *same [18:17] apachelogger: can you set that to wont fix? [18:18] neversfelde: best solution if apachelogger is busy,just mark it as a dupe of 395666 [18:18] duppppppp [18:18] or of bug 414469 [18:18] Launchpad bug 414469 in ubuntu "Powerdevil plasmoid doesn't give remaining time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414469 [18:18] apachelogger: :P [18:18] neversfelde: it is posible to do that [18:18] marked [18:18] but upstream doesn’t want that [18:19] apachelogger: cant i mark it as a dupe of 2 bugs? [18:19] davmor2: the jumper is getting lots of favourable comments [18:20] Riddell: I'll pass on the message :) === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:22] shadeslayer_: no [18:23] * apachelogger really should think about getting something to eat [18:23] in fact [18:23] * apachelogger is away getting something to eat [18:30] bah, where's agateau [18:33] Tm_T: he's having tea [18:34] Riddell: roger, I'm in no hurry, just wishing to ask him about some bugs in KDE trunk so I guess it can wait to next week if it's busy enough now [20:15] How da :::::::::::::::::::::....................... is it possible that Dolphin detect a file but when trying to remove or rename it, it says the file cannot be found xD [20:27] oxymoron: bad encoding [20:27] I bet you talk about an iso encoded file with strange characters [20:27] rename it, that should work [20:28] that's what you get when using Windows... [20:29] Mamarok: Well that the thing I cannot rename it ... [20:29] oxymoron: I encounter this issues regularly. the dolphin stuff decided to throw support for every other encoding except UTF-8 [20:30] oxymoron: you need to delete it through the command line [20:30] if you can't rebname it, check the permissions [20:30] is the file in the dir alone? [20:30] ofirk_: I tried with sudo rm and sudo mv but doesnt work? :S [20:30] don't sudo it! [20:30] just rm [20:30] but you can't write the filename [20:31] permissions are 100% to me. [20:31] tab completion can write any filename [20:31] so you need to delete all files with same extension [20:31] or the whole folder [20:31] Mamarok: Tab completion doesnt find the file even if its there : [20:31] ofirk_: why? it is always possible to rename with tab completion, the spaces in a filename from iso are usually just \ [20:32] oxymoron: what filesystem are you talking about, ntfs, fat? [20:32] Ext4? ... [20:32] anyways, this does not belong here, but in #kubuntu [20:32] The file was sent from NTFS though, through Kopete. [20:32] Mamarok: I just know that it is a known problem and the only solution is to delete it with rm [20:32] oxymoron: this is how I get these files [20:33] yay for webchat.freenode.net. boo for stupid port blocking hotel routers [20:33] * ofirk_ hates to get this kind of files [20:33] still, please take that to the support channelm it does not belong here [20:33] oxymoron: move to #kubuntu, I will join there and help you [20:34] ofirk_: Yes, I am ther now :P [20:37] jontheechidna: ssh -D localhost: @ or something like that :) [20:52] Riddell: yoooooooooooooo [20:58] rgreening: hooo [20:59] hehe [20:59] where ya hiding? [21:00] rgreening: went for a walk around the buildings now in my room [21:00] ah [21:00] am I missing anything exciting? [21:00] are you two being pirates? [21:00] did you find jontheechidna? [21:00] cant fing shtylman [21:00] no [21:01] * maco hands rgreening a "d" [21:01] ty maco [21:01] Riddell: Haven't seen him yet. [21:01] me findertype is bad no? [21:01] I saw him [21:01] Ah, excellent. [21:01] oh [21:01] heh [21:01] he was hob-nobbing at the dinner table with some manager types [21:01] you crashing now Riddell? [21:01] At least he hasn't been abducted by a Belgian motorcycle gang. [21:01] ha [21:02] rgreening: got any better offer? [21:02] its too early for crashing [21:02] hey folks.. how is Brussels [21:02] ti quero taco bell [21:02] isolated txwikinger [21:02] very isolated [21:02] txwikinger: No idea. We aren't in Brussels [21:02] yo quero Taco Bell or tu queras Taco bell [21:02] ScottK: where are you? [21:02] I expect to see Tarzan any minute [21:02] we're not even in Flanders [21:02] The middle of a Belgian forest [21:03] cool [21:03] probably just difficult to find nice food [21:03] txwikinger: Except that it's hard to get away and see stuff. [21:03] That too [21:03] ScottK: have you seen brussels? this is much nicer [21:04] Brussels is cool [21:04] lots of nice restaurants [21:04] how come qt bzr branch does NOT match whats in LUCID! [21:04] * rgreening grumbles loudly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [21:04] * txwikinger 's sister-in-law used to live in Brussels.. now she lives in Charleroi [21:05] chill out rgreening [21:05] txwikinger: did she fly with ryanair? :) [21:05] Riddell: no.. she lives there [21:05] txwikinger: this makes my job of looking at qt 4.7 harder :( [21:05] * rgreening can grumble [21:06] rgreening: I bet you love the challenge [21:06] challange yes.. extra unnecessary work no [21:06] :) [21:06] * txwikinger is amused about the political backstabbings going on in Westminster [21:07] You guys talk nice and clear.. it is really easy to follow your sessions [21:07] cool [21:08] ty txwikinger. good to know we aren't the mumblers jono meantioned in the welcome :) haha [21:08] hehe.. shall I sent an email to Jono praising the clearness of the Kubuntu sessions ? [21:09] rgreening: Quit complaining and fix it. [21:09] might seem suspicious coming from a kubuntiu guy :) [21:09] who else would listen to the Kubuntu sessions? [21:09] * rgreening slaps ScottK acroos the back [21:09] He wasn't kidding either. [21:09] I saw it [21:13] Im going to have to play nice the rest of the week for that Im afraid [21:13] :) [21:15] jontheechidna: yo [21:16] hiding? [21:21] txwikinger: thats just because im not there :) [21:21] wouldnt know what was going on if i was the one talking at the time [21:21] maco ;D [21:22] last uds i kept typing instead of talking because my talking is too hard on native (let alone not-native) english speakers [21:25] hah [21:25] Not funny. Truth. [21:25] The half deaf among us have a hard time keeping up. [21:33] make her sign while she speaks [21:35] Ive seen here signing. almost as painfil [21:36] * rgreening dicks [21:36] lol [21:36] ducks even [21:36] man.. way too much lager [21:36] I should go to bed [21:37] I fell asleep walking from the elevator, but by the time I had brushed my teeth I was wide awake responding to bug e-mails :( [22:02] apachelogger: standard unix sockest *should* work fine in OSX [22:03] apachelogger: after all OSX is UNIX(tm) 3 Certified :) [22:08] imbrandon: doesn't OS X using the Berkley sockets or some shit? [22:13] nixternal: probably but they are also standard unix sockets [22:13] ( just maybe not linux compatable ones ) [22:14] didn't know there were "standard unix sockets"..hence the reason socket development sucks because there is not 1 source/api [22:15] nixternal: yea IPC Sockets are part of the Posix standard iirc [22:15] ahh, IPC sockets [22:16] same thing diffrent name ;) [22:16] ahh, didn't know that...i just know socket development in *nix in the past sucked, and from what google says, it still sucks :) [22:16] :) [22:17] really only because Linux is Almost Unix, but in a pure Unix environment its like developing for windows, it my not be everyones cup of tea, but the API is the same base since 1995 :) [22:18] s/my/may [22:18] rgreening: i dont sign /nearly/ as fast as i talk [22:18] rgreening: or even as fast as i type [22:19] rgreening: especially if there are lots of words that i dont know the signs for and have to spell [22:19] I interviewed at "Mr. Skin" today, the website stuff from the movie "Knocked Up" I got to meet Katherine Heigel or whatever her name is...Didn't even know what I was walking in to today, because the job was for something totally different, just using Mr. Skin's place to do the interviews, his wife actually [22:19] cool [22:19] towards the end of the interview i just started laughing after i figured out where i had heard of mr. skin...took me on a tour and introduced me to katherine, my future ex-wife [22:20] heh [22:20] lol [22:20] a) i figured it was fake, just for the movie, and b) had no damn idea it was in Chicago of all places and c) I had lunch with a playboy playmate or a porn star...can't remember which it was, but it was a very interesting day to say the lease [22:21] btw "hi" maco [22:21] hi [22:21] i dont think i ever saw the movie [22:21] nixternal: "rich this is kath--" "my wife" [22:21] i kept singing manson in my head, "beautiful people, they're beautiful people" [22:22] my god she is gorgeous...though she looks exactly like my ex-wife [22:22] down boy [22:22] :) [22:22] nixternal: your ex and your future ex look exactly alike? [22:23] dosent sound like a good record, we learn form the past right ? [22:23] maco: yeah, kind of scary actually [22:23] imbrandon: I don't ever learn shit from the past [22:24] lol [22:24] i love making the same mistakes over and over again [22:24] wow you have a very specific type i guess [22:24] or youre still in love with your ex? [22:24] maco: hrmm [22:24] i don't think i am in love with my ex [22:25] i think she is still hot, and i am usually a sucker for brunettes [22:25] i have a specific type now too, she has to be as geeky/nerdy as me, other than that everything else if fair game :) [22:25] lol [22:25] yep, +1 to geek/nerd guys [22:26] huh. i wonder how many of my exes use *buntu... [22:26] LOL [22:26] i had never thought of that [22:26] 4 i think. plus current. [22:27] maco: upload some super secret code to rm -rf /home/ on onlt their boxen ;) [22:27] lol /k [22:27] imbrandon: no! im still friends-ish will all of them [22:27] s/will/with/ [22:28] clearly "with all" needs a contraction [22:28] wi'll [22:28] apachelogger: hows my me menu coming along? [22:28] oh i know, it was more of a joke :) [22:29] frends-ish huh? never heard it put like that, thats a good "status" for some of my friends-ish people ;) [22:29] mine are fiends [22:30] intentional drop of the 'r' [22:30] hah [22:30] :) [22:31] well 1 i havent talked to in a few years, 1 is too busy being a dad to be on irc much anymore, 1 is a jerk, and 1 i see far too much of as we live together :P [22:32] :) [22:32] actually i guess the first two fall into the "busy dad" category [22:33] what is the me menu everybody talks about? [22:33] txwikinger: in ubuntu there's an applet thats like a menu and it accesses gwibber [22:34] * txwikinger doesn't want to access gwibber [22:35] it does gwibber/telepathy/evolution [22:35] bascily all communication [22:35] hopefully you mean kmail in our case ;-) [22:36] hehe well i ment on gnome, do we even have a me menu ? [22:36] no but if we get one i hope its not tied to evolution :P [22:36] or gwibber or telepathy as their all gnome ;) [22:36] telepathy's not [22:36] would be like ktwitter/kopete/kmail [22:37] :) [22:37] kopete is being rewritten to use telepathy as a backend, isnt it? [22:37] no idea, it was the other way arround with telepathy, it uses pidgin as the backend, or atleaste libpurple [22:37] from pidgin [22:37] no [22:37] empathy is a front end to telepathy [22:37] err yea, thats what i meant, damn names so close [22:38] too many pathies [22:38] telepathy is a cross-DE framework for communications [22:38] right [22:38] my mistake [23:06] jontheechidna: he lives!! [23:07] Riddell: ping [23:42] how can I make knetworkmanager start automatically again? [23:43] txwikinger: no idea... I have the same problem :) [23:43] shtylman: cool.. its not me then :D [23:48] txwikinger: Usually if you run it from a konsole and restart your KDE it will autorun the next time. [23:48] ScottK: Unfortunately it does not [23:49] Next thing I'd try is remove it from the systray, restart, and readd it. [23:49] but maybe the problem is that the sleep/powersave shutdown does not work properly [23:59] ScottK: well.. starting it and logging out and in again did not fix it [23:59] No idea. [23:59] how do I add it to the systray... It always appears there automatically when it is started