
ScottLdetrate, i watched that video, that hella cool!03:52
detrateI picked one up today and downloaded ableton.  lots of fun03:54
detrateI like the way ableton sells their product versus how competitors do03:54
detrateit's a full feature application but you cannot save or export.03:54
detrateothers will used 30 minutes sessions or gimped functionality03:56
detrateableton is a very smooth, strong application, it is far more solid than virtual dj or traktor03:56
scott-workupcoming meeting is up on the wiki:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2010May1613:17
rlameiroscott-work: thanks, maybe we could make a google calendar for the team, and the team just subscribes to the calendar13:19
rlameirothe ones with smrtphones etc, its very handy :D13:20
scott-workrlameiro: that's a good idea!13:27
scott-workdamn, he left already13:28
scott-worki was going to ask him to do it ;)13:28
scott-workquadrispro: you just saved me a lot of work :)  thanks!   re: zynjacku13:36
scott-worki think i have a google calendar set up at:  http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=tv04341i2sesk9mvhmc0im53o8%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Chicago15:48
scott-worki hope the time is right15:48
scott-workdue to time zones15:48
detrate-scott-work: I'll check out those emails tonight, I was just enjoying my weekend and exercising my creative / technical mind by getting my audio setup built up a bit16:58
detrate-it's still not fully configured... and it's almost a myth that setting up audio equipment is easier on winodws16:58
detrate-I still have to figure out how to route my applications through jack so I can mix virtual dj and ableton before going to the soundcard16:59
scott-workdetrate-: no problem, i just wanted to get my part done and to you so it's ready17:09
scott-workand lols @audio on windows myth17:09
detrate-traktor + my controller = pain in the ass to configure17:11
detrate-virtual dj just worked (though it's a LE version specific to my controller)17:11
detrate-ableton was pretty easy to get right17:11
detrate-ableton is magic17:12
detrate-I've been working on getting my controller(s) working with linux17:12
detrate-no such luck yet... I have the controller recognized... but no communication with mixxx yet17:12
scott-worki've never used ableton but i've heard some good thing about it though17:18
scott-worki've used Home Studio by Cakewalk and Ardour only17:19
detrate-I highly recommend you try ableton17:25
detrate-very solid feel to it17:25
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andyzwebis PAE enabled or disabled in the 32-bit x86 10.04 kernel?21:40
astraljavaandyzweb: Since there is a linux-generic-pae kernel package available for i386, I would assume it's disabled for the default one.21:53
rlameiroScottL: ping23:31
ScottLrlameiro, pong23:45
rlameiroScottL: did you looked at the mail i sent you?23:46
rlameiroI am aware now, that about the same time you also made a calendar...23:46
rlameiroi love the irc logs on this channel, its awesome:D23:47
* ScottL just realized the kids spilt yogart on the floor23:49
rlameirooops, thats is not good23:50
ScottLrlameiro, yes i looked at the email, i had to change the language to english from porteguese23:50
rlameirosorry, i forgot23:50
rlameiroyou have the account23:50
rlameiroyou can change the password23:50
rlameiroand also the secondary e-mail, for future uses of the team23:51
ScottLi was going to use my own personal email account but i like this better, that was a good idea23:52
ScottLafk a bit23:52

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