
=== komputes_ubuntu is now known as komputes
vladaI'll have to reinstall US... :( pulseaudio is misbehaving. it's crap! volume applet disappeared, no connecion to pulseaudio server possible... oh, well...14:40
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
sandkinganyone can tell me what causes cracks while using Jack?19:46
sandkingi got realtime turned off19:46
sandkingkilonux: i had some irritating sound cracking issue a while ago20:14
sandkingbut i turned off rt20:15
sandkingin jack20:15
sandkingbut now i got only small chops from time to time20:15
kilonuxsandking:  Sorry  i'm sooo fresh on US20:17
mrxtiansandking: I'm no expert, but have you checked the messages window, are you getting overruns ?22:24

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