
* thumper lunches00:40
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wgrantnoodles775: Are you guys lurking somewhere?08:02
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lifelessBranched 10725 revision(s).08:31
lifelessreal    9m29.912s08:31
lifelessuser    5m47.220s08:31
lifelesssys     0m2.050s08:31
lifelesswe're looking at it08:31
wgrantlifeless: Is that devel?08:32
wgrantThat's a fair bit better than I thought it was, but that may be because the latency here is tiny, I guess.08:32
noodles775wgrant: In Flamboyant room atm.08:47
wgrantbigjools: Why are gutsy and intrepid still accepting PPA uploads?09:26
bigjoolswgrant: forgetfulness?09:27
cody-somervilleDoes anybody know how I can get postgresql to stop writing to pgstats.tmp?09:27
* bigjools thinks about making the das:+admin page lp,commercial09:27
wgrantbigjools: Eww.09:28
wgrantAren't there enough ~admins here?09:28
bigjoolswgrant: ?09:28
bigjoolslp.admin is too restrictive09:28
bigjoolsit's not ad admin function, it should be a distro manager's job really09:29
wgrantBut distro permissions are broken.09:29
maxbEdwinGrubbs: pong from friday10:52
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mwhudsondanilos: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/578331/comments/310:54
mupBug #578331: exporting to bzr seems broken since a few days <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:New> <Launchpad Translations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/578331>10:54
danilosmwhudson, thanks, how soon can we get this in? I think this is a CP candidate for us10:57
danilosmwhudson, do you think we should change anything on the translations side as well, or should we just close the rosetta bug there?10:58
mwhudsondanilos: i'd hope to be able to hack something up today10:58
danilosmwhudson, cool, thanks10:58
mwhudsondanilos: i _think_ it's probably a code task, not a rosetta one10:59
danilosmwhudson, I guess there's not much sense in fixing all the other branches until the fix is in production10:59
mwhudsondanilos: i guess not10:59
mwhudsonthe lock/unlock the branch trick should free up a branch10:59
mwhudsonbut that can be done case by case10:59
mwhudsondanilos: have to go do uds stuff now, back in an hour11:00
danilosmwhudson, right, it'd be nice to have a workaround for users wanting to unblock their translation exports listed there11:00
danilosmwhudson, sure, thanks11:00
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marsgary_poster, can you see any problem with setting haltOnFailure=True if buildbot fails on shell_6 or compile_2?12:43
marsgary_poster, I really don't see why we should run the test suite if either of those steps die.12:44
gary_postermars: on call; sounds ok on face of it12:46
danilosjtv, regarding traits approach in your setCurrentTranslation branch; I really don't see value in constructing this parameter object, especially since you do it with a separate function on every call13:03
danilosjtv, also, you are changing getCurrentTranslation to be specific as well, whereas it should be a mirror of setCurrentTranslation and get you a relevant one13:04
danilosjtv, so, it's "incompatible" change13:04
jtvdanilos: that's where I didn't want to change what we already had, ironically.  :)13:04
danilosjtv, but you end up doing it by not changing it :)13:05
danilosjtv, since we are changing the underlying model, we have to change the "public" APIs to work around that change13:05
jtvI do want that to change, but avoided doing it in this branch.13:06
danilosjtv, that's why you shouldn't have touched those methods, because they are changed in my branch :)13:06
jtvAs for the traits object: it moved the getattr/setattr dirty work out of setCurrentTranslation, making it easier to read.  Otherwise it's a bunch of variables like "callable to read the other flag on a message"13:07
jtvdanilos: It's no problem to keep those as they are;13:07
jtvthat was just an afterthought since things became simpler13:08
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danilosjtv, right, so please do away with that; if you are trying to use getCurrentTranslation for testing, you probably shouldn't, but instead just check properties on the created/returned translationmessage13:13
danilosjtv, and with that, you also won't need the 'getIncumbentMessage' on TranslationSideMessageTraits class, since that's what getCurrentTranslationMessage will do13:14
jtvdanilos: that's great... obviously a lot of overlap between what we're doing13:15
danilosjtv, so, the only thing I see as meaningful in traits is get/setFlag and translations side, up to you if that still makes sense for a separate parameter object class13:15
jtvdanilos: yes, it still does afaic13:16
danilosjtv, sure, then keep it in :)13:17
* danilos gets some lunch13:17
* jtv considers the same13:18
gary_postermars, off call, and looked at your question more carefully.  haltOnFailure=True is the default, I believe.  jml tried to fix this for shell 6 already.  I looked at what he did and it looked correct, but whatever it was didn't actually work.  Please tell me when you find out the error.13:22
gary_posterI'm surprised that compile 2 is haltOnFailure=False now; that seems more patently obvious that it needs t succeed.  (shell 6 doesn't have to succeed if the revisions are already up-to-date).13:22
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
marsgary_poster, any idea where I may find jml's shell 6 fix?13:50
cody-somervillehow can I stop someone spamming me with retrying a code import that fails?13:50
cody-somervilleah, I know13:51
marsgary_poster, regarding shell 6, it looks like it will succeed even if there are no updates.  {halt,flunk}OnFailure would still work fine.  The step would only stop on real errors.13:56
marsgary_poster, and consider that stale sourcecode often causes test failures, then I would argue that sourcecode *must* be updated for a particular test run to be considered valid.  Stale sourcecode and passing tests /may/ lead to testcase false passes.13:58
jmlremind me what I did?14:09
jmlStevenK, hello. where are you?14:15
allenapbac: Hello there, glad you made it :)14:54
gmbBjornT, can I have your approval on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/halp/+merge/25058 please? This is a branch that landed on db-devel at the end of last week. I want to merge those changes into devel (they were db-devel specific last cycle but not any more).15:06
gmbI've merged the revision in which the changes landed from db-devel into devel for this branch to avoid conflicts.15:07
gary_posterjml, you made a change to lpbuildbot to make a failed update of sourcecode actually fail the build.  It didn't work, for a reason neither of us could figure out.15:15
jmlgary_poster, ahh, ok.15:15
wgrantbigjools: We may need a further branch to fix some copies. http://paste.ubuntu.com/431607/ will tell us the problematic files, and how much we need to worry.15:18
bachi allenap ... thanks15:25
manishgary_poster, Hey Gary. You have a few minutes to spare?15:31
gary_postermanish: hey!  honestly, I'm dealing with a couple of high priority issues right now, but I don't want to send you away.  I'm also skeptical of actually being a help to you. ;-) But ask away, and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.15:33
manishgary_poster, I think it would be better that I ask you the doubts on the launchpad-dev list. You can answer the doubts in your free time and also those mails would be publicly archived.15:35
manishgary_poster, You can go ahead with your work. Not something blocking as of now.15:35
gary_postermanish: ok, great.  thank you again!15:35
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
BjornTgmb: if it's just changes that have already landed in db-devel, that's ok. just be prepared to fix any conflicts after merge merge16:46
gmbBjornT, Thanks, will do.16:46
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EdwinGrubbsmaxb, ping again17:38
EdwinGrubbsmaxb, hi, I'm having a weird problem with the python-tickcount package in the ~launchpad ppa on lucid. If I run "dpkg -c" on it, it clearly contains a tickcount.so for python2.5, but when I install it, only the tickcount.so for python2.6 gets installed.17:40
EdwinGrubbsmaxb, btw, I'm running lucid 64bit17:41
maxbI believe you are experiencing bug 57615917:41
mupBug #576159: launchpad-dependencies / rocketfuel-setup does not ensure all launchpad PPA dependencies have been installed  <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged by maxb> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/576159>17:41
maxbShort version: update all your packages to latest *after* enabling the LP PPA and installing launchpad-developer-dependencies17:41
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EdwinGrubbsmaxb, but I already have it all installed, and I've updated all my packages since then. Should I downgrade something and then uninstall/reinstall launchpad-developer-dependencies?18:07
maxbYou are saying 'apt-get dist-upgrade' does nothign?18:07
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
EdwinGrubbsmaxb, apt-get dist-upgrade installed some other packages, but it didn't fix tickcount.18:08
maxbPlease: dpkg -l python python-minimal python-support, and pastebin18:11
EdwinGrubbsmaxb, https://pastebin.canonical.com/32165/18:13
* maxb != canonical18:13
EdwinGrubbsI also just noticed that "aptitude update" says "Ign" next to the ppa urls.18:13
EdwinGrubbsmaxb, oops, http://paste.ubuntu.com/431781/18:14
maxbugh, the size of the columns has removed relevant info. Can you run dpkg -l .... | cat, which will cause it not to size itself to your terminal?18:15
EdwinGrubbssorry, here it is. http://paste.ubuntu.com/431782/18:15
maxbOK, now I am fairly confused18:17
maxbthe versions all look file18:17
EdwinGrubbsbtw, the /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5 directory didn't even exist. I symlinked it over to /usr/lib/pyshared/python2.5, but it only has .py files and .so files.18:19
maxbI would suggest that adhoc symlinking is liable to confuse matters18:20
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
EdwinGrubbsmaxb, I downloaded and reinstalled python-support and python-tickcount, and now the .so shows up.18:23
EdwinGrubbsthanks for your help18:23
maxbok then18:23
maxbA bit weird, I recently tested installing into a clean lucid chroot, and it worked fine there18:24
EdwinGrubbsand pymodules/python2.5 also got generated correctly.18:24
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Ursinhathumper, morning22:12
Ursinhathumper, let me ask something: is this a known problem? https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1591S100022:13
* thumper looks22:14
thumperah staging22:14
thumperwe need to fix the staging puller script22:14
thumperUrsinha: not known (is now)22:15
Ursinhathumper, want me to file a bug ?22:28
thumperUrsinha: yeah, sure22:28
thumperit is just a config change in the cron scripts on staging22:28
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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