
arandAnd now meerkat is not even a good fallback, before ther was at least ibex that was short and sweet... But anyways, I'm probably the only one obsessiong about it, so nevermind00:00
BUGabundoI said that yesterday00:01
BUGabundonames are tooo big00:01
poutineI think the furry names need to go away00:01
poutineit's completely unprofessional00:01
poutinelike the porn wallpaper a few releases back00:01
BUGabundouse the numbers00:01
kklimondahey, those wallpapers were the best!00:03
BUGabundodid I miss something ????00:03
zekoZekoanyone here good at packaging? It's actually on debian testing that i have a problem, package compiles with libdb4.8 but links against libdb4.7.00:04
kklimondanothing like a good looking lass when you login into your system00:04
kklimondaBUGabundo: oh, you know - the wallpapers from older releases where nice looking ladies were smiling..00:05
BUGabundodon't recall that00:08
arandzekoZeko: If not here, maybe #ubuntu-motu, or #ubuntu-packaging, but then again, uds busies a lot of the regulars nowatimes00:19
zekoZekoarand: nevermind, i think i got it, rebuilding the package now.00:21
zekoZekoor not :(00:21
BUGabundoTo the bed sheets , Mi Lord!00:43
DanaGbummer... plymouth doesn't get along well with uvesafb.00:57
DanaGalso weird: xorg-edgers plus savage gives abi mismatch.01:02
DanaG(EE) module ABI major version (6) doesn't match the server's version (7)01:02
h00kI'm trying out Unity...this is really neat.01:29
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BPowerSo what is Ubuntu Maverick?05:23
ChogyDanthe next release, eh?05:24
BPowerReally? They just released Lucid and they're going to release a new release in 6 months?05:27
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - See http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/336 for announcement - Developer summit: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS05:27
h00k!release | BPower05:27
ubottuBPower: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases05:27
BPowerWhat is Lucid?05:27
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100405:28
BPowerSo 10.04 will be supported for 5 years and 10.10 will be supported for 18 months.05:28
h00k5 years on the server, 3 on the desktop05:29
h00kand 10.10 is not an LTS05:29
h00k!lts | BPower05:29
ubottuBPower: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)05:29
BPowerya i know LTS, I should have just said that.05:29
BPowerThanks all :) Peace05:31
ddecatorso testdrive doesn't work for maverick yet?05:35
nishanthcan someone help me with a flash player full screen issue?05:38
ddecatorwhat's the issue?05:39
nishanthwell when i click the full screen icon it video freezes and does not work in full screen05:39
ddecatorcan't say i've ever run into that...05:41
nishanthanyone else know to solve the flash full screen problem?05:44
nishanthsomeone alive here?????////05:49
ddecatorheh, a lot of people are at UDS, so most of the official channels will be slow this week05:54
nishanthdo you know how to install flash player on lucid?05:56
DanaGhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/437429 -- interesting.  setting /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins/media-keys/active to true works.07:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 437429 in gdm "No GUI to configure/disable login sound" [Wishlist,Fix released]07:10
ddecatorthere wasn't?07:12
DanaGI'm not sure what the state is now... but I do know that the hotkeys don't work at gdm.07:14
DanaGVolume, mute, and brightness.07:14
DanaGSetting that gconf key makes them work.07:14
ddecatoris this for maverick?07:15
DanaGhmm, it's not maverick-specific, but I suppose they could fix it in maverick.07:16
ubottuWant to suggest or discuss ideas of a future project/feature?  With Launchpad you can track blueprints (feature specification summaries) from discussion through review, approval, and implementation.  See https://blueprints.launchpad.net/07:16
* DanaG goes to google.07:16
DanaGI read that thing from Shuttleworth about app indicators... interesting idea, but could be messy.07:18
DanaGI'm using some gnome-panel addins that put the window title and buttons (on the right) in the top menu bar.07:19
ddecatorthe windicators?07:19
DanaGer, panel.07:19
cwilludead link07:25
cwilluI'm not going to register an account just to look at a gnome-look.org screenshot :p07:25
ddecatorcwillu: heh, that was my thought exactly when i clicked the link07:25
ddecatoreven if they do accept openid..07:26
DanaGstupid gnome-look.07:26
ddecatorah, but windicators won't include that many indicators (most likely), looks like they just took the panel and moved it to the title bar in that pic07:28
DanaGThis is the other way around.... the title bar joins the panel.07:29
ddecatorthat's what they'll do for netbooks07:29
DanaGThough, the title applet isn't draggable -- and if you set it to DejaVu Sans 8.5, returning to the preferences dialog tends to do very bad things.07:29
DanaGThat is, it shows font name as uninitialized memory.07:29
DanaGI actually use that thing even on my 1920x1200 laptop.07:30
ddecatorexcept winidicators will be next to panel indicators which seems confusing since they'll look the same (at least for the screenshots i've seen)07:30
DanaGAnd by "very bad things", here's an example: on my netbook, one time it made the preferences window 5 screens wide... exceeded maximum texture size (and so killed compiz)... and then locked up the intel GPU.07:30
DanaGAnd on fglrx, it once brought down the entire kernel -- hard-lock with heartbeat dead.07:31
cwillunews flash:  closed source video driver causes crash;  details at 11:00 :p07:33
ddecatori am relatively impressed with nvidia drivers though; i've had little trouble with them (much less than those with ati, haha)07:37
DanaGddecator: try that applet on for size.07:38
DanaGI'm curious to see how nvidia will handle it.07:38
ddecatorwhich one?07:38
DanaGThe title one that killed stuff. =รพ07:38
ddecatorheh, i'd rather not rish killing everything =p07:40
* ddecator can't type tonight07:43
nishanthE: flashplugin-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2  anyone know what the heck is this msg?08:36
ddecatoris there more to it?08:39
nishanthno just that much08:40
ddecatorhard to tell without more of a context as to what the problem it ran into was08:41
nishanthwell this came up when i tried to remove flashplugin player08:42
ddecatoroh, you tried to remove it? did you remove flashplugin-nonfree? just removing the installed doesn't remove flash08:42
nishanthwell i dont have nonfree installed08:42
nishanthjust installer08:43
nishanthi actually installed openjdk-6 to fix smthng in flsah but then had to remove it08:43
nishanthafter which my flash does not work08:43
nishanthso i am trying to remove and reinstall it08:44
ddecatorah, then try installing flashplugin-nonfree08:44
nishanthtried it did not work08:44
ddecatorwhat happens when you try to load a flash video?08:45
nishanthE: flashplugin-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 208:45
nishanthE: flashplugin-nonfree: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured08:45
nishanththis is the msg when i tried to install nonfree08:45
ddecatorhuh, i wonder what the dependency problem is..08:45
nishanthif this doesnot work i have to reinstall ubuntu once again08:47
ddecatorhow are you trying to install it?08:48
nishanthtried both synaptic and terminal08:48
ddecatorand synaptic doesn't say anything about the dependencies before you try to install it?08:48
nishanthboth give me this error msg08:49
nishanthi guess i will reinstall08:50
ddecatorwhat if you use synaptic to mark the installer for reinstallation?08:50
nishanthsame thing08:50
ddecatorodd. i know there is a command to resolve dependency issues, but i can't remember what it is08:51
nishanthE: flashplugin-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 208:51
nishanthE: flashplugin-nonfree: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured08:51
nishanthany clues or ideas?08:51
ddecatorif you can resolve the dependency issue, then it should work08:52
nishanthbut i dont know what dependency issue it is having08:52
nishanthi screwed up so much stuff08:53
ddecatorright, i'm trying to find the command that automatically resolves dependencies08:53
ddecatortry running 'sudo apt-get check'08:53
nishanthwent to flashplugin-player / and removed libflashplayer.so08:53
ddecatorthat will tell if you there are unmet dependencies08:53
nishanthnishanth@nishanth-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get check08:54
nishanth[sudo] password for nishanth:08:54
nishanthReading package lists... Done08:54
nishanthBuilding dependency tree08:54
nishanthReading state information... Done08:54
ddecatoralright, lets see what the dependencies are...08:55
nishanthas i said i might have screwed so many things08:55
BUGabundo_remoteStrap your Pony, and bedazzle08:56
nishanthhow can i see that?08:56
ddecatornishanth: just to make sure, when you try to install flashplugin-nonfree, you're not marking to change flashplugin-installer, are you?08:56
ddecatorhey BUGabundo_remote08:56
nishanththere is no such thing as marking to change08:57
ddecatorwell i mean marking it uninstall or anything08:58
nishanthyou mean to remove08:58
nishanthor remove completely?08:58
nishanthyes idid that earlier08:59
nishanthnonfree is removed but installer is not being removed09:00
ddecatorbut when you try to install flashplugin-nonfree, you're not marking flashplugin-installer for removal at the same time?09:00
ddecatorok good09:00
ddecatoryou can check to see if these are installed: nspluginwrapper, ia32-libs, debconf, wget, fontconfig09:01
ddecatorthose are the depends for flashplugin-installer. flashplugin-nonfree only depends on flashplugin-installer09:01
nishanthnspluginwrapper ....check09:02
nishanthyup all exist09:03
ddecatorhm, then idk why flashplugin-nonfree won't install. you can get flash from the adobe site if you don't want to do a reinstall (unless someone else has any other ideas on how to resolve the issue)09:04
nishanthno one actually has any09:04
ddecatorwell this is a slow time of day. you can try asking in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners for help since those are more support-oriented09:06
nishanththanx anyway09:06
cwilluwhat does it actually hang with during the install?09:52
cwilluor crash, or whatever?09:52
cwilluflashplugin-installer: post-installation script returned error exit status 209:52
cwilluwhat returns 2 in /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-installer.postinst09:53
cwilluchanging set -e to set -xe in that file and reconfiguring may give you a clue09:54
cwillubah, gone09:54
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_angry
alex88well..to start testing maverick, we need to wait alpha1?11:55
BUGabundo_angryI'm already on MM11:56
alex88oh...are there some updates? do you advice a clean setup or an upgrade from luci?11:56
alex88thanks..last thing.. just editing sources.list?11:59
=== BUGabundo_angry is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
alex88thanks.. :)12:04
alex88mmhhh..what was that app to jail ssh users? that created jailed folder for all users?12:15
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dstansbyIf a package in a dev release of ubuntu won't install because of conflicts, should I raise a bug on launchpad or just wait for it to be fixed?17:23
gnomefreakdstansby: depends on the pacakge but normally good to wait17:24
gnomefreakdstansby: all it is is its missing a depends being built (race to the finish line) type thing17:25
dstansbyAnd I'd happily read the topic, but there's a bug in empathy that stops me from doing so :(17:25
gnomefreaksorry dont have it installed but when you try to install it do you get "it wanting to remove packages" or "broken packages"17:26
yofeldstansby: the topic should be displayed by typing '/topic' too17:27
yofeland I have a dozen packages or so with borken depends right now, so I doubt that it's a bug17:28
dstansbyUsage: /topic <topic>: set the topic of the current conversation17:28
dstansbyThat's what I got from /topic17:28
aranddstansby: And another general advice is to find a better irc client than empathy17:28
aranddstansby: Even freenode webchat is preferrable :(17:29
* gnomefreak more concerned about why you expected it to work17:30
dstansbygnomefreak: Maverick or Empathy?17:30
gnomefreakEmpathy in Maveric17:30
dstansbyI'd expect it to be able to show me whole topic!17:31
gnomefreakdstansby: did it work in Lucid?17:31
dstansbygnomefreak: No17:32
monkey_dusthi all -- about DynDNS -- i have a fix IP address linked to an URL, but am unable to use either -- http finds my remote server, using the current DHCP WAN IP address, ok -- so how do I use DynDNS -- i have no easier way to put it17:32
dstansbyThe fix is upstream17:32
gnomefreakthan file a bug on it or before you do that find out what it is set to use. did you try just /t17:32
Picimonkey_dust: This channel is for Maverick discussion/support only, if you're asking about Lucid, please use #ubuntu or #ubuntu-server17:33
gnomefreakmonkey_dust: for general questions please join #ubuntu. this is only for Maverick devel17:33
dstansbygnomefreak: I've ubuntu-bugged it, found an existing bugreport and changed the status of it from fix released to fix committed17:33
dstansbyaah, my window is expanding as I type17:34
dstansby I really do need a new irc client17:34
gnomefreakwe have plenty to choose from17:34
monkey_dusttnx gnomefreak17:34
* gnomefreak smoke17:35
yofeldstansby1: erm, which bug #?17:36
dstansby1Back in pidgin17:36
dstansby1With a different username for some reason17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392512 in empathy "No way to read long irc topic" [Low,Fix committed]17:38
Ken8521i have a laptop cooler pad on my laptop(USB) why would it be constantly shutting off and on?  Also, I notice the laser on my optical mouse, is constantly going dim/bright/dim/bright.. but appears tobe functional all the time18:25
Ken8521i have a laptop cooler pad on my laptop(USB) why would it be constantly shutting off and on?  Also, I notice the laser on my optical mouse, is constantly going dim/bright/dim/bright.. but appears tobe functional all the time18:25
patdk-wkyour running maverik?18:26
patdk-wkoptical mice are suppost to go dim/bright/dim/bright18:27
Ken8521no, thought i was un #ubuntu.. running 10.04...18:27
Ken8521they are?.. i've never noticed it before18:27
patdk-wkya, only when they are being moved, do they stay bright18:27
patdk-wkotherwise they stay dim18:27
patdk-wkso normal usage would keep going back and forth18:28
Ken8521so why would my laptop cooling pad constantly shut off and on/(i thought the problems might be related, apparently not)18:28
patdk-wkit might not be your issue, cause the laptop cooler points to other issues :)18:29
patdk-wkit could only be two things I would think of18:29
patdk-wknot enough power on your usb ports18:29
Nitsugais it possible to start using Maverick right now or i have to wait until June?18:29
patdk-wkor it doesn't id itself on the usb bus, so linux keeps shutting of that usb port18:29
patdk-wkI thought people where already using it :)18:29
Ken8521patdk-wk, #2 seems the most likely, because it works fine under XP18:30
Nitsugapatdk-wk, it is ok to sed s/lucid/maverick/g < /etc/apt/sources.list > /etc/apt/sources.list ? Because update-manager -c -d doesn't say that there's a new Ubuntu release...18:33
Ken8521patdk-wk, so any idea how to change that?18:37
ratcheernitsuga: I was told to update sources.list the way you said for my testing installation, then do apt-get update, then spt-get dist-upgrade. It worked for me.18:41
ratcheerapt-get, not spt-get18:41
SweetHi, I'm having a problem that really needs to be fixed... I have no input from my mic on my Intel HDA sound card using coded Realtek ALC275, G45 DEVIBX19:01
SweetI've tried everything and I'm looking for a workaround, anything will do...19:01
SweetI'm running latest build of ubuntu lucid on a Sony Vaio VPC11X9E btw19:03
arandSweet: Lucid support is in #ubuntu, this is for Maverick development support.19:04
Sweetarand: sry my mistake19:05
arandSweet: General advice is to start alsamixer and muck about trying to find a good mic setting19:05
Sweetarand: been there19:05
Sweetarand: didn't work19:05
Sweetarand: could you help me out anyway? cause I have no luck on the #ubuntu channel...19:15
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NitsugaSweet, something that happened to me abut this is that by some reason the imput was set in digitl mode instad of analogical19:16
Nitsugasound preferences -> hardware -> Profile19:16
arandSweet: That's about as much help as I can give, I don't have much experience with it either. Always useful to use the forums etc. as well, if you get no luck on irc19:16
SweetNitsuga: It says Analog Stereo Duplex19:17
NitsugaSweet, mine was in Digital stereo input (IEC958) + Analgo Stereo outut, put it in analog stereo duplex and worked19:18
Nitsugabut it seems it is ok for you19:18
NitsugaSweet, also check "connector" in the Input tab19:19
SweetNitsuga: yup, I'm farely sure it has something to do with my Intel HDA sounds card which uses Realtek ALC275 and G45 DEVIBX19:19
SweetNitsuga: Input tab says: Internal Audio Analog Stereo19:20
NitsugaSweet, Sound problems have always benn a mystery for me :P. Try different configurations and it may work.19:21
SweetNitsuga: OK thank you for your time19:22
SweetLooking for an ALSA expert... ^^19:23
Trewasweird, rhythmbox stopped supporting multimedia keys (in lucid) and it started auto-opening when I plug in my cell-phone in mass-storage mode... so I removed and changed to banshee and all is good </enough about lucid> :)19:26
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_fewd
=== BUGabundo_fewd is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundotime to try unity20:53
BUGabundowish me luck20:53
zniavrewe got french word for that ...  :o)20:54
shadeslayerBUGabundo: dont20:54
arandWell, unity makes a whole lot of sense, but at the same time, donotwant.20:54
shadeslayerBUGabundo: it wont start.. just a white screen20:54
BUGabundowon't let me open a new accoutn for my user20:55
BUGabundoshadeslayer: I'm on MM20:55
BUGabundonot lucid20:55
BUGabundonow how do I set GDM to allow multi logins !?!?20:55
BUGabundoit used to be easy20:55
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
arandTried it on a virtualbox, slow as sirup, so much for light :>20:55
BUGabundowhere's the darn setting to allow mutli logins!?!??!20:56
shadeslayer_BUGabundo: tried googling?20:57
BUGabundoI'm in a room filled with "experts"20:58
* shadeslayer_ thinks whether he should upgrade to maveric20:58
shadeslayer_BUGabundo: whats the kernel version?20:59
BUGabundoyou keep asking that20:59
BUGabundo!info linux20:59
shadeslayer_BUGabundo: uh.. no i didnt..20:59
shadeslayer_BUGabundo: this is the first time i asked that i think :P20:59
BUGabundoLinux BluBUG 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:59
BUGabundoill have to loout21:00
BUGabundoback in a few min21:00
shadeslayer_so hows maverick atm?21:00
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)21:00
BUGabundowow the bot is slowwww21:01
BUGabundoand why don't I have .22 ?????21:01
arandshadeslayer_: Not much to look at, really, some syncs, but nothing major at all...21:03
arandshadeslayer_: fsck works though, as opposed to lucid :)21:03
shadeslayer_arand: yeah,fsck halts at 70 % in lucid21:04
Ian_Corneshadeslayer_: it doesn't halt21:05
Ian_Corneit goes uber slow21:06
Ian_CorneI've sat through it :p21:06
shadeslayer_Ian_Corne: me too :P21:06
shadeslayer_heh.. after just 2 days,i have a additional 200 MB to download :P21:06
shadeslayer_2 days ago,lucid -> maverick == 100 MB,now its 300 :P21:07
shadeslayer_oh wth.. ill upgrade :)21:08
shadeslayer_safe-upgrade or dist-upgrade?21:08
arandshadeslayer_: shadeslayer_ well, the mountall fix is in proposed at least...21:09
arandshadeslayer_: sed -i 's/lucid/maverick/' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade" afaik.21:10
BUGabundoI admit: great work21:11
BUGabundoits snappier, looks good, and is really fast21:11
BUGabundoneeds some work with apps21:11
BUGabundobut I guess its not meant to have so many of them21:11
BUGabundoI still can't find how to add more stuff to the Dock21:12
BUGabundoif Super+Tab worked, I could just use this WM21:12
zniavrewhat is the name of the search-applet?21:12
shadeslayer_arand: what if i have extra ppa's enabled?21:14
shadeslayer_do i replace them with maverick too?21:14
BUGabundoyou have to be sure there's a ppa version for MM21:14
BUGabundoeither comment it out until there is one21:15
BUGabundoor live lucid, if that works fine21:15
shadeslayer_well some of the PPA's do have maverick.. and some done21:15
BUGabundowhy aint it working !?21:15
shadeslayer_BUGabundo: docky ftw21:15
BUGabundonot in Unity21:15
BUGabundook it looks good21:16
BUGabundonow back to where I have what I need/want21:16
shadeslayer_arand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/431867/21:16
Ian_Cornezniavre: it's not an applet21:18
zniavrewhat is it ?21:18
shadeslayer_arand: so should i go ahead? or is something not right?21:19
arandshadeslayer_: Wut!? you got ppas in sources.list? and btw, you probably shouldn't remove libboost, I would assume...21:19
shadeslayer_yeah i have some extra ppa.. not in sources.list though21:20
arandErr http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick/main Packages   seems to suggest it... hm?21:20
shadeslayer_arand: http://pastebin.com/PUnuuyfi21:21
shadeslayer_ah right21:22
shadeslayer_kubuntu ppa..21:22
arandshadeslayer_: I'm not sure, and I'm not sure I want to really advice further...21:22
shadeslayer_arand: ok21:22
shadeslayer_anyways ive gtg..21:22
arandDang, ppas in sources.list messes things up badly :(21:23
NitsugaI was thinking that there should be a "dev" version which is a symlink t the lestest development release. That way we don't have to change  our /etc/apt twice a year :P21:37
Nitsugathe real benefit is that the PPAs would have inmediate support for the lastest dev release if they want to.21:37
Nitsugaand we would have a rolling release-like version21:38
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_Chuck
Ian_CorneBUGabundo_Chuck: You're running an old kernel btw21:56
Ian_Cornelucid has -2221:56
Ian_Corneand gnome do does work21:56
Ian_Cornejust not the shortcut21:56
BUGabundo_Chuck$ apt-cache policy linux21:56
BUGabundo_Chuck  Installed:
BUGabundo_Chuck  Candidate:
BUGabundo_Chuckyou need to keep up with times21:56
BUGabundo_Chuckguess I need a reboot21:56
Ian_Corne$ apt-cache policy linux21:56
Ian_Corne  Installed: (none)21:56
Ian_Corne  Candidate:
Ian_Cornebut if lucid has a newer version21:56
Ian_Corneyou're just not uptodate :p21:57
BUGabundo_Chuck *** 021:57
BUGabundo_Chuck        500 http://mirrors.fe.up.pt/pub/ubuntu/ maverick/main Packages21:57
BUGabundo_Chuck        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main Packages21:57
Ian_Corneclearely out of date! :p21:57
* BUGabundo_Chuck aptitude updates21:58
Ian_CorneI don't think there's enough work being done on maverick yet to make all changes in lucid also happen in maverick21:58
ajmitchespecially as that's just pointing to the default version21:58
BUGabundo_Chucksays the same21:58
BUGabundo_Chuckweird as heck21:59
ajmitchmaverick has 2.6.34, but linux-meta doesn't point to it as default yet21:59
ajmitchlucid-updates has the version that Ian_Corne is seeing22:00
BUGabundo_Chuckajmitch: but I'm in MM22:01
ajmitchyes, and? :)22:01
BUGabundo_Chuckshouldn't MM have what ever goes to -update/-proposed?22:01
ajmitchnot necessarily22:02
ajmitchthe kernel is a special case, especially22:02
ajmitchbecause there's the kernel itself, and the package that points to the default version22:02
Ian_Corneanyone else have the "No terminal command has been defined" when launching a terminal via global shortcut22:07
* ajmitch isn't (brave|silly) enough to upgrade to maverick yet :)22:09
Nitsugaajmitch, in fact you will notice nothing :P22:09
Nitsugaat least I didn't22:09
Ian_Corneirb/ruby is breaking dependencies :p22:10
ajmitchNitsuga: I'm sure I would, there are a few changes landed already, and I think autosyncs starting soon22:10
yofelmaverick has 2.6.32-21 currently 2.6.34-1.6 failed to build on i386 amd64 armel and powerpc https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.34-1.622:11
BUGabundo_Chuckajmitch: some one has to :)22:11
ajmitchBUGabundo_Chuck: I used to upgrade before UDS started & when everything was chaos22:12
BUGabundo_Chuckuntil alpha 4 its usually good22:12
BUGabundo_Chuckonly after FF everything messes up22:12
BUGabundo_Chuck*if* we never went to FF , we would be cool in +1 all year long22:13
BUGabundo_Chuckoh wait... rolling release22:13
ajmitchthe only reason that happens is that FF is a time for shiny new crack to land22:14
BUGabundo_Chuckajmitch: see why I already jumped ? Lucid went stable ... for 3 weeks22:14
ajmitchrolling releases means breakage all year round22:14
BUGabundo_Chuckajmitch: I run this laptop on +1 (since 7.04)22:14
BUGabundo_Chuckand office PC with debian unstable22:14
BUGabundo_Chuckstill surviving22:15
ajmitchand I ran on development releases since 5.04 & sid for a few years before that too :P22:15
BUGabundo_Chuckfelling old, are we ? :D22:15
BUGabundo_Chuckadd a few daily ppa's and whisles22:16
ajmitchwe were reminiscing in #ubuntu-motu the other day22:16
BUGabundo_Chuckajmitch: I understand22:16
ajmitchppas are this new thing anyway, I remember hearing about this novel idea at UDS from LP developers :)22:17
BUGabundo_Chuckwe don't even have debian _yet_22:17
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU22:17
Ian_Corneaha :)22:17
BUGabundo_Chuckhe knows22:17
BUGabundo_Chuckhe better know that22:17
BUGabundo_Chuckor I'll kick him out :)22:18
Ian_CorneI know now.22:18
* BUGabundo_Chuck kicks Ian_Corne arse22:18
BUGabundo_ChuckIan_Corne: I've seen you here for how long now ?22:18
BUGabundo_Chucktwo cicles or so ?22:19
BUGabundo_Chuckits sad we have ~200 nicks in here.... and only 10 or so, speak their minds22:19
ajmitchthat's usual22:20
BUGabundo_ChuckI know22:20
* ajmitch doesn't talk in every channel he's in :)22:20
BUGabundo_ChuckI idle around several servers and #s22:20
BUGabundo_ChuckI do :)22:20
BUGabundo_Chuckevery morning :)22:20
yofelat least it's quiet and you get a high quality discussion all the time... or most... well sometimes...22:20
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=== BUGabundo_DrHous is now known as BUGabundoDrHouse
Ian_CorneI've been on +1's since gutsy I think22:21
Ian_Corneinstalled feisty, didn't like it enough and upgraded to gutsy at alpha 4 or something22:21
yofellonger than me then, I started around intrepid22:21
BUGabundoDrHouseand you didn't know what MOTU is ??22:21
BUGabundoDrHouseman, you need to spend a cycle in ubuntu-users MLs22:21
BUGabundoDrHouseI started here in 7.0422:22
ajmitchnot a chance22:22
* BUGabundoDrHouse check logs22:22
* ajmitch would never get anything done22:22
BUGabundoDrHouseajmitch: mew... I know :|22:23
Ian_Cornewell yofel I didn't do much yet, only started reporting bugs since a few releases ago22:23
BUGabundoDrHousehumm ext4 doesn't like dirs with over 1k files :(22:23
BUGabundoDrHousemake that 8.04 :(22:23
BUGabundoDrHouseI though it was earlier22:23
ajmitchWed Feb 9 06:40:09 CST 200522:25
BUGabundoDrHousewe are suckers for logs :)22:26
ajmitchthat's when I got into ubuntu-motu22:26
BUGabundoDrHouseI used to have *all* my logs since 199422:26
ajmitchthis was from the ubuntu-devel mailing list22:26
BUGabundoDrHouseuntil a stupid win app decided to delete all *.logs22:26
ajmitchtoo long ago, too little done since then by me22:26
BUGabundoDrHouseonce I turn pidgin ON, I can't do anything else :(22:27
BUGabundoDrHousedamn it I'm to adicted to Social Networking22:27
Ian_Corneis /var/log the place to find the oldest files?22:27
ajmitchlogrotate will be cycling through them & possibly culling them22:27
BluesKajkonversation works fine on maverick here22:28
* BluesKaj doesn't understand using IMs for IRC22:29
Nitsuga<yofel> longer than me then, I started around intrepid <-- i started using Ubuntu around intrepid :!. In fact I installed the Intrepid last beta, without knowng even what sudo was.22:30
Nitsuga*even knowing22:30
Ian_CorneI wonder how much of my ubuntu life will change when I graduate22:30
BUGabundoDrHouseBluesKaj: *one* single app22:31
* BluesKaj one size fits all is always a compromise22:32
BUGabundoDrHousesingle point of failure22:32
BUGabundoDrHousebut I can control ALL my world with ctrl+tab22:32
BluesKajwell, have fun :)22:33
BUGabundoDrHouseI've been using Ubuntu (or better kubuntu) since 5.1022:33
BUGabundoDrHouseon dual boot, coming from Kurumim22:33
BUGabundoDrHousearound 6.06 I was like 70% win, 30% Kubuntu22:33
BUGabundoDrHouseupgraded to 6.10 beta 122:34
BluesKajyeah , same here , but it was of and on at first , tried a bunch of other distros before settling on kubuntu. KDE has always been my fav tho22:34
BUGabundoDrHousetrashed it :) reinstall beta1 , and windows... windows went bo bo... so I didn't use it for a while22:34
BUGabundoDrHouseended up I didn't need it :)22:34
BluesKajgnome never did much for me22:35
BUGabundoDrHouseI used, red hat, knopix, kurumim, and who knows what22:35
BUGabundoDrHousekurumim was the long lasted of them all22:36
BUGabundoDrHousehttp://img.funtasticus.com/2008/nov/051110tech_tats/tech_tats_10.jpg  we need some of this22:37
BluesKajknoppix.redhat,suse,mandrake, mandriva,fedora and debian , kubuntu was so familiar after using debian for 6mos that I stuck with it.22:38
NitsugaBUGabundoDrHouse, in fact we have, but it is not work-safe :P22:40
BUGabundoDrHousenever did fedora22:40
BluesKajfedora is just another rpm distro IMO...crappy packaging and install system22:44
arandI want to like fedora, rpm says no.22:49
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=== BUGabundo_HIMYM is now known as BUGabundo_Naruto

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