
=== That_Wiki_Guy is now known as ZachK_
petesantI upgraded to 10.04..  I need the volume mixer that is missing.  Any Ideaes?08:06
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
brianherman!last philbull17:54
ubot4Factoid 'last philbull' not found17:54
ubot4Factoid 'last' not found17:55
brianhermanHey mewshi! Have you heard anything from phil bull about the ubuntu manual?17:56
mewshiNo, I haven't17:57
mewshinot to my knowledge, anyway17:57
godbykbrianherman: What are you looking for?17:57
brianhermanOh I think I found it17:58
brianhermanI thought that phil would send me an email about the manual or something17:58
brianhermanbut there is this link that has everything on his previous email.17:58
godbykah, okay.17:58
mewshiCan you give me said link?17:59
brianhermanmewshi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual/contributions18:00
godbykbrianherman: You might be better off with the more recent version of that info: http://ubuntu-manual.org/getinvolved18:02
godbykThe wiki is mostly obsolete now.18:02
mewshiWhat's going on?18:02
brianhermanI think you are just supposed to pick something and work on it.18:12
* godbyk is confused.18:14
brianhermangodbyk: ?18:17
godbykbrianherman: Did you need any help with something related to the ubuntu manual project?18:18
brianhermanoh no18:18
brianhermani am fine18:18
godbykAh, okay. Just checking. :)18:19

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