
elkyPfft, it's not like he should be jetlagged or anything00:14
txwikingermaybe not him, but a lot of other people are01:59
h00kjussi: tell everyone h00k from the Internet says hi!02:08
funkyHatLiar, you're not from the internet02:10
h00kfunkyHat: well, maybe they'll be more accepting from a stranger that claims that, anyway.02:11
FlannelIRC mailing list brings up some good points.  We should just move all lucid support to -lucid, so the releases with buttons on the right (the bulk of them) can still get support without any overhead.03:15
geniithe LTS thread?03:16
Flannelgenii: Yeah03:16
IdleOnei don't think #ubuntu can handle more redirecting. it will turn into a waiting room of sorts. User: long well thought out question Helper: oh wait you need to join -lucid03:20
macofor when an LTS becomes the *previous* LTS i think it makes sense03:20
FlannelIdleOne: That was sarcasm.  I don't think we need one for -lts either, I've seen plenty of LTS support (hardy, dapper) in #ubuntu, as well as all the other releases.03:21
macolike lucid is the current one so whatever keep it in #ubuntu, but hardy... pffft um... that one had er...it maybe had a FUSA? or maybe not? and um it had policykit...i think? and er...no software center...03:21
FlannelYeah, stuff changes, there's plenty of resources out there for the helpers to refresh their memory when needed.03:21
IdleOneFlannel: oh hehe, didn't catch the sarcasm :)03:21
FlannelJust like *I* google for things when I don't know them while helping someone.  Just because I don03:22
FlannelJust like *I* google for things when I don't know them while helping someone.  Just because I don't know foo doesn't mean I can't help with it.  Likewise, just because I didn't use foo-in-hardy doesn't mean I can't help with it.03:22
Flannelmaco: With regard to internals that may be more difficult to find on your own, you can always ask the helpee questions that help the helper help.03:24
macothough im actually odd on this one. i cant help people using anything more recent than hardy as it was the last gnome release i used03:25
macoand im pretty sure that yes to fusa and policykit03:25
macoi often end up going "bah! it was there last time i used this ....where did they go and move it...grrr..."03:25
IdleOnecan we add the alias !drugs to !sex factoid please03:39
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: drugs is Some topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct03:41
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct03:42
FlannelIdleOne: for the record, that's an alias, so you don't need to type it all out ;)03:42
IdleOneI used the magic of ctrl-c and ctrl-v03:43
IdleOneand thank you for adding it03:43
* myrl will be right back.04:06
* myrl is back.04:08
Flannelmyrl: Do you know why you were banned in -ot?04:10
myrli think i do04:10
myrli was saying random stuff04:10
myrlbut i didnt know it was bad...04:11
FlannelThats more or less accurate.04:11
Flannelmyrl: Why didn't the assortment of people asking you to stop inform you that it was frowned upon?04:12
myrlwell i dont really know....04:12
myrlbut ive learned my lesson now04:12
myrlive been banned for about a month and now i plead to be unbanned04:13
Flannelmyrl: Alright.  You understand that we don't have these channels so that you can make noise, right?  They're for actual conversations and participation and stuff.04:13
Flannelmyrl: Good.  Will you please take some time now and read our IRC guidelines, that way we won't have any of these misunderstandings in the future.04:14
FlannelIt shouldn't take very long: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:14
myrlok thanks04:14
Flannelmyrl: Let me know when you're finished and you understand them, take as long as you'd like.  And feel free to ask questions if you have any points of confusion or need clarification04:15
myrl:) sure04:15
myrlok ive read them. they seem pretty simple: dont do annoying things ;)04:17
IdleOneon top of be polite, don't discuss illegal activities and try not to be a jerk.04:17
myrl:) yea04:18
myrlof course04:18
Flannelmyrl: Sounds good.  I've removed your ban in -ot, please join and speak so I can verify that I've done it properly.  I look forward to having you as a member of that channel.04:19
myrl:) thank you so much04:20
myrlum it says that i still cannot join04:20
Flannelalright, let me look04:20
Flannelmyrl: Alright, try again.04:21
myrlcool now i can04:21
IdleOnewhat one little letter can do04:22
Flannelmyrl: Right, I forgot a letter previously.04:22
FlannelIdleOne: I'm not sure how copy/paste meant I lost a letter, but whatever.04:22
Flannelmyrl: Is there anything else I can do for you tonight?04:22
IdleOneFlannel: happens04:22
myrlno im fine04:22
FlannelBye myrl04:22
* myrl waves04:23
h00kI don't find this very friendly: AllYourBases (soulforge@my.nuts.weigh.40oz.co.uk)04:34
IdleOnemaybe they sell nuts for a living?04:36
mneptokdark stellar matter would use like .00000000000003 of a molecule to weigh 40oz.05:57
mneptokso the vanity domain really tells us nothing except "you should probably wear a truss."05:57
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (Ddddd)08:13
FlannelI'm curious as to why he came back as Jamz08:17
Flannel(over webchat)08:17
jetiennethe bot "!controls" suggest a kludge in a corner to get back the theme. while installing a real theme seems much cleaner and possible "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9204643" here describe how to do it. could you modify the bot command to point to a doc on theme installation instead ?10:32
ikonialets see10:39
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d610:39
ikoniasorry that forum post is just how to install a theme10:42
ikoniaI don't see how that's a fix, that's just installing a different theme10:42
jetienne_ikonia: still cleaner that gconf right ?10:44
jetienne_ikonia: and modifying the line in the bot, is no work at all10:45
jetienne_ikonia: ?10:56
ikoniait's not cleaner10:57
ikoniaits just applying a different theme10:57
ikoniathe gconf tweak actually changes the configuration correctly10:57
jetienne_ikonia: what about adding the link as opssible alternative in the bot message ?10:58
ikoniabecause it's not an alternative or fix10:59
ikoniait's just installing a theme, which is well covered in many other factoids to do with look and feel10:59
jetienne_ikonia: well this is what #ubuntu helper are giving to the user.10:59
jetienne_ikonia: this is just a few charateres in a string11:00
ikoniawhat is ?11:00
jetienne_ikonia: pointing the users to a solution which provide a alternative which may satisfy them11:00
jetienne_ikonia: it is all about user satisfactions, no ?11:00
ikoniait's not an alternative11:00
ikoniait's just installing a theme11:01
ikoniainstalling any theme you want is covered in the look and feel documentation, this is not a fix, this is telling someone to install a specific theme to fix something that is not a bug11:01
jetienne_an alternative theme11:01
ikoniainstalling themes is covered in the look and feel information11:01
Tm_Tjetienne_: alternative theme has nothing to do with windo controls11:02
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:02
jetienne_ikonia: but this is not what #ubuntu user are given11:02
ikoniajetienne_: then correct them11:02
ikoniaoffer better advice11:02
jetienne_ikonia: oh i got a possibility. what about adding " if you wish to change the theme, use the !themes command" ?11:02
jetienne_ikonia: this is pointing to the proper documentation11:03
ikoniathere is no need11:03
ikonia!themes points at the proper documentation11:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:03
jetienne_ikonia: yep but not the #ubuntu users11:03
ikoniathen you point them at it11:03
jetienne_im trying to now11:03
ikoniayou offer the better advice11:04
ikoniaok, it's simple "!themes | usersname"11:04
ikoniathen tell them why, however, I don't feel installing themes is a "fix" for this at all11:04
jetienne_ikonia: lets not argue on the words. lets say "action which satisfy users" instead11:05
Tm_Tjetienne_: you forget that ikonia is also an user (:11:05
jetienne_Tm_T: not the only one tho11:05
Tm_Tbut I have to agree with him, changing theme has nothing to do with controls arrangement11:05
Tm_Tthey are two separate issues, and has to be dealt accordingly11:06
jetienne_Tm_T: yep but #ubuntu helpers got the bad habit to provide !controls to people willing to change back the themes11:06
jetienne_Tm_T: just trying to make it easy for ubuntu users to be satisfied11:06
ikonia"!controls" is the correct advice to give11:06
ikoniaor use !themes to tell them to change the theme11:07
jetienne_ikonia: im just trying to make it easy to satisfy ubuntu user11:07
Tm_Tjetienne_: then it's their mistake and has to be corrected, changing factoid for their bad habits just makes factoids to be something else than FACT-oids (:11:07
ikoniait's already easy11:07
ikoniathere are two factoids for different uses, call the correct factoid depending on the users needs11:08
jetienne_Tm_T: adding "(if you wish to change the theme use !themes)" is a fact and a didactic one.11:08
ikoniachanging the theme is not a fix11:08
ikoniaso you're miss-leading pepole11:08
ikoniaoffer the correct factoid depending on peoples needs11:08
jetienne_Tm_T: teaching user is important too11:08
Tm_Tjetienne_: sure, but also irrelevant, as changing theme shouldn't affect the control arrangement11:08
jetienne_ikonia: i dont talk about fix but user satisfaction11:08
ikoniajetienne_: then you are wrong - you are miss-leading users information11:09
ikoniaTm_T: some do, as you can hardcode it into a theme11:09
ikoniaTm_T: but you're right - they shouldn't as it's not reall complient11:09
Tm_Tikonia: ...and that's also baad baad habit which shouldn't be supported11:09
ikoniaTm_T: agreed11:09
jetienne__and as you can imagine, i considere changing an habit of 20y for no apparent reason, is ... i dunno ... madness ? i dont get it. before it was large, easy to click button on the right, and now this is small, hard to click button on the left. I think at least reason should be given.marc "because we may add stuff on the right later" is not convincing to say the least.11:13
jetienne__sorry to repeat if you already got it. This was "for the record". and once again. thanks for listening to me11:13
Tm_Tjetienne__: thank you for taking care of factoids, appreciate it11:14
ikoniainput is always welcome11:17
Tm_Thi kikim, how can we help you?12:57
Tm_Tjrib: you silly13:32
jribTm_T: I know, what did I do now?13:32
Tm_Tjrib: in -meta13:33
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:46
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete13:48
Tm_Tthat's outdated ^13:48
Picithen fix it :P13:48
Tm_TI don't know about empathy13:49
IdleOneSo this ubuntu video that is going around is this some sort of official 10.10 launch video?13:50
MamarokIdleOne: what video?13:55
gnomefreakIdleOne: do you have a link?13:56
IdleOneMamarok: there is a video featuring a few people who have Ubuntu tattoos and a whole bunch of *buntu logos and such13:56
IdleOnegnomefreak: don't have a link I did save it to my computer though13:56
IdleOnelet me see if I can post it somewhere real quick13:57
IdleOnegonna take a little bit of time to upload14:00
gnomefreakIdleOne: take your time14:03
h00kNO GO NOW14:03
IdleOneerr it looks like, ugh on youtube14:04
jussiIdleOne: its from Marks keynote15:25
IdleOnei didn't see it15:25
IdleOneI mean I saw the video but WOW I got featured at UDS :) so I guess I did attend15:26
IdleOnethe keynote I haven't seen that is15:26
jussiIdleOne: :D15:29
IdleOneman flash is acting stupid for me15:30
IdleOnenot man flash15:30
IdleOnebut oh, man :(15:30
* IdleOne feels like a superstar15:34
h00kI don't find this appropriate:( 11:23 ::: signoff/#ubuntu tPl0ch (Quit: My balls are itching, need a wash...)17:23
gnomefreakits not17:24
IdleOneand way tmi17:33
Newb`sje voudrais me plaindre concernant l'agissement d'un utilisateur18:45
Newb`squi s'est amusé à balancer des données personnelles me concernant sur offtopic18:45
Newb`sde 19:30 à 19:35/38 environ, son pseudonyme est nosco18:46
Newb`soops, sorry, forgot the -fr in the channel name18:47
Picibehind me?!18:47
ubottuIn #ubuntu, RonaldJ said: ubottu: So this is a question asked alot. I do understand that. It's just silly to change it20:14
ubottuIn ubottu, erUSUL said: no fhs is <reply>An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be  found21:04
erUSULnevermind that last thing. brain fart in my part. sorry for the noise.21:05
erUSULcan someone take a look to shuttleworth in #ubuntu ....23:27
erUSULnight all23:30
h00kaaand too late.23:30

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