
seagullarityIs it possible to run Ubuntu Studio 8.04 on an install of Kubuntu 8.10?00:16
rlameiroseagullarity: i dont get you...00:25
rlameiro8.04 on 8.10?00:25
gurukreffi need some help setting up Lucid for audio recording03:54
gurukreffno? :(04:05
VigoI have no idea, I am just trying to install,04:05
VigoCould it be a JACK thing?04:07
gurukreffit was04:07
gurukreffi recently reinstalled lucid04:07
gurukreffso i could start over and see if i got the problem again... Jack freezed04:07
Vigogurukeff: Upgrade or clean?04:07
VigoHave you tried Pulse?04:08
gurukreffwhat do you mean?04:08
gurukreffthat JACK plugin to make pulkse work with it?04:08
VigoMind you, I have never installed Studio since , a long time ago, so I was just guessing there.04:09
gurukrefflol, ok04:09
ScottLvigo, you might want to visit this page for upgrading from ubuntu vanilla to ubuntu studio https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu04:38
VigoScott: Thank you, I am taking the alternate rout, install 10.04 then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu05:18
Vigooh whoops, that is the same page,05:19
VigoScott: Thank you kindly,05:19
VigoScottL: Thank you kindly, I forgot the L05:20
pedrohi, I would like to know if ubuntu studio works well with virtualbox14:03
lau1did not try this so don't know14:05
pedrolau1, in fact, I don't know if I need ubuntu studio or only the audio application, I need to record live teachings. I have a very simple sound system...14:08
lau1the thing is the RT kernel used by ubuntu studio would likely be not efficient behind a VM14:10
pedroand installing it trhough wubi?14:14
rlameirowubi is for general ubuntu14:16
rlameiroyou can install it as you want, it is runnig on the real "hardware" so you can use it at will14:17
rlameirowubi just simplifies the installation process for windows users14:17
pedroi will try wubi14:18
pedrobut, i only need to record live lectures, do i need studio for that?14:19
rlameiroit depends what you want to do, but if it is only to record using a normal computer microphone and no fancy effects, you dont need studio for that14:20
rlameiropedro: es portugues?14:21
pedrorlameiro, sim14:21
pedrorlameiro, brasileiro na verdade14:21
rlameiropedro: nice :D me too14:21
rlameiroeu sou portugues14:22
pedroah, bacana14:22
rlameirowell, we should speak in english in here14:22
rlameirowell you know you can come in here14:22
lau1it's ok i'll dio French :p14:22
rlameiroor come to #ubuntu-pt also14:22
mydoghaswormsFrom what I understand, the 2.6 kernel provides realtime capabilities. Does it matter then if you have a special RT kernel?15:02
mydoghaswormsI ask, because I see the fact that Ubuntu Studio has an RT kernel being touted in a few posts.15:02
holsteinhey mydoghasworms15:03
holsteini suggest trying the generic kernel15:03
holsteinand trying the RT kernel if you need lower latency15:04
holsteinor if your hearing clicks/pops or drop-outs15:04
mydoghaswormsOK, because lower latency is exactly what I am after. Does the rt-kernel package provided in the Ubuntu repositories provide you with the same thing?15:04
holsteinyou should be fine doing sudo apt-get install linux-rt15:05
holsteinand check out15:06
mydoghaswormsAh yes, linux-rt, is the package I meant :-)15:06
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:06
holsteinand you cant see the kernels listed in grub at boot15:08
holsteinand remember you can run unamt -a to see what kernel your running15:08
holsteinif you cant* ^^15:09
astraljavas/unamt -a/uname -a/ :D15:10
holsteinastraljava: thanks15:15
holsteinuname -a ^^^15:15
* holstein should finish coffee, then type ;)15:15
astraljavaI hear ya. :)15:16
Semitoneshey there; I'm looking to buy a laptop in the next few months to run Ubuntu Studio and to be used for DJing and as a regular laptop. Are there any hardware recommendations for Ubuntu Studio?21:16
holsteinSemitones: what audio device?22:54
holsteinif your planning on using a firewire device22:54
holsteini would look for a texas instruments chip22:55
holsteina pcmcia or express card slot22:55
holsteinif not, then i would probably just choose something with intel graphics for simplicity22:56
holsteini would try and go somewhere and USB boot or boot the live lucid CD on the hardware22:56
holsteinAND check out some places like http://www.system76.com/22:58
andyzwebI really should be in here too23:29

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