
apacheloggerwell then00:08
apacheloggerone hooters visit, 3hours of snooker and half an our of darts and apachelogger is quite the useless bit of foo00:09
apacheloggerMamarok: could have been better TBH :/00:09
apacheloggerhopefully enough rightness in it *shrug*00:10
apacheloggerScottK: it means neversfelde cant spell really :P00:10
Mamarokwhat sort of math?00:10
apacheloggersince he wanted us to endorse his application for moto :P00:10
apacheloggerMamarok: discrete00:10
apacheloggerMamarok: numbers theory and that stuff00:10
Mamarokoh, graphs and stuff, I liked that one :)00:11
apacheloggerno graphs just now, they are supposed to be appearing towards the end of the semester00:12
Mamarokonly? we actually started with that :)00:12
apacheloggerfor now we really just messed with congruence and groups and how to rsa00:12
apacheloggerMamarok: scary ^^00:12
* apachelogger must remember to not listen to friends when they say that we wont stay out til midnight -.-00:15
apacheloggergotta do thinking aloud tests in 8 hours -.-00:16
ScottKDepending on ones perspective staying out past midnight is not staying out until midnight.00:17
althat's exactly what i would have said00:17
apacheloggerthat is why I mustnt listen in the first place :P00:17
txwikingernixternal ryanakca do we have the new kubuntu graphics somewhere?02:01
txwikingerthanks found it03:04
jontheechidnaoops, wrong chan08:18
Tm_Tyay, ffmpegthumbnailer is now in kdemultimedia (kde 4.5)08:55
txwikingerapachelogger: in the amarok plugin for UDS the room with numbers do not work09:01
Riddellrdieter: does fedora use apport?09:40
jontheechidnaCan anybody go to the Universe translations session for the next session? (I'll go if it's necessary)10:15
* Riddell doing printer tools10:16
jontheechidnayeah, that's what I want to do too...10:17
jontheechidnaBut I suppose getting universe translations stopped is more important10:17
jontheechidnafor me anyways10:18
apacheloggertxwikinger: that is because someone keeps changing urls11:11
apacheloggerRiddell: could you please find out who is responsible for icecast.ubuntu.com and tell him to make up his mind about naming, or I shall be furious11:12
txwikingerThey shall be very afraid now :)11:12
apacheloggerand when I am furious... next thing you know is that I am writing a html parser11:12
apacheloggerand from there it is only one step to programming C#11:12
apacheloggerand from there it is only so far to become master of the microsoft development platform11:13
txwikingeranother mono fanboy11:13
CIA-6[amarok-uds] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100512101511-m2vkdwux8qn23uyc * (main.js streams.txt) apparently we are using - as delimiter now - hooray for service providers breaking their service addresses \o/11:15
apacheloggertxwikinger: 10.10.2 uploaded to kde-apps11:17
* apachelogger has a major headache from yesterday -.-11:17
apacheloggerand that thinking aloud testing is rather exhausting11:17
shtylmanthe kde api is down... anyone remember off the top of their head how to trigger a notification ?11:28
shtylmanwhat is the class? KStatusNotifierItem?11:28
RiddellKStatusNotifierItem is the systray class11:28
Riddellvisual notification is probably done with knotify11:28
apacheloggershtylman: there is a qch file available somehwere11:30
shtylmanjust the knotify class?11:30
apacheloggerI think it is enlistedin the topic of kde-devel11:30
ScottKapachelogger: My goal is to make sure if they do Universe packages it at least can't do harm.11:30
apacheloggershtylman: KNotification is the class I think11:30
apacheloggerScottK: from my experience ... launchpad translations do cause harm11:30
shtylmanapachelogger: k... lemme look at that11:30
apachelogger...the translations...11:30
apacheloggershtylman: importing the stuff into qt assitant also has the advantage of actually being able to do real search ;)11:31
apacheloggernow that broken thingy of api.kde.org11:31
shtylmanapachelogger: indeed11:31
shtylmanI need to do that... at some point :)11:31
apacheloggershtylman: why not now, takes like a minute ;)11:33
ScottKapachelogger: I agree, but if they leave the upstream translations in place, then it can't get worse11:33
apacheloggerthat said11:33
apacheloggerScottK: is ade at uds?11:33
ScottKIf he's who I think he is (I"m not good with names) he's in the room11:33
apacheloggeryou might want to ask him if englishbreakfast network could build qt assistant .qch files for the api as well11:33
apacheloggerScottK: http://conference2006.kde.org/conference/photos/adriaan_de_groot.jpg11:34
ScottKThanks.  Not who I was thinking of.11:35
Riddellade isn't here11:35
apacheloggeroh ok11:35
shtylmanwhen making an notification do I need to create the config as well? or can I just use the class without extra files?11:41
Riddellyou need the .notifyrc file11:41
Riddelle.g. /usr/share/kde4/apps/notificationhelper/notificationhelper.notifyrc11:42
Riddellyou also need to kill and restart knotify4 before any changes take affect11:42
shtylmanthis is complex :)11:42
ScottKshtylman: To pop a notification you can install libnotify-bin and then notify-send foo.11:49
shtylmanScottK: right... but I am patching yakuake to use better notofications on startup11:49
shtylmanright now it uses the old kde static notification class11:49
shtylmanand I wanna use the right stff11:49
apacheloggershtylman: KNotification11:55
apacheloggershtylman: KNotification::event() actually11:55
apacheloggerstatic shot-and-forget, or what it is called ^^11:55
shtylmanand I don't need the notifyrc file with that?11:56
apacheloggeryou do11:56
apacheloggerotherwise knotify will just ignore the notification11:56
apacheloggerdont know why though11:56
apacheloggerseems odd if you ask me, since everything in the notifyrc can be defined via that function too IIRC11:56
apacheloggershtylman: also, for testing... you need to restart knotify4 or at least run kbuildsycoca4 to get it to pick up the notifyrc11:57
apacheloggertook me a while to figure that out ^^11:57
shtylmanI tried doing that... still something not playing nice 11:57
apacheloggershtylman: you could take a look at kubuntu-notification-helper11:58
apacheloggerit got loads of that stuff ;)11:58
shtylmanindeed I should11:58
shtylmanapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/432172/11:58
shtylmanseem mostly right?11:58
apacheloggershtylman: icon name should be lower level ;)11:59
apacheloggerbut looks about right11:59
apacheloggerneeds to go to /usr/share/kde4/apps/yakuake as yakuake.notifyrc I think11:59
apacheloggerthen restart knotify411:59
apacheloggerand that should work11:59
shtylmanmaybe I didn't install in right place12:00
shtylmaninstall( FILES yakuake.notifyrc  DESTINATION ${DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/yakuake)12:00
shtylmanI had that line in the cmake12:00
shtylmancause the header suggested it12:00
apacheloggershould be the right dir 12:01
shtylmanguess it just doesn't like me12:02
apacheloggershtylman: maybe relogin12:02
shtylmanI will try that12:03
=== rbelem_ is now known as rbelem
* shtylman is still failing at notifications...12:48
shtylmanweeps in sorrow12:49
apacheloggershtylman: there there12:58
shtylman_yakuake notifcation doesn't suck :)13:05
* txwikinger is sooo tired13:08
shtylmanapachelogger: we should update yakuake :)13:22
shtylmanwe have an old version13:22
shtylmansvn is more up to date13:22
shtylmanbut I don't think they have done an official "release" in a while13:22
apacheloggerbetter talk to sho then13:23
shtylmanis he the maintainer for us?13:23
apacheloggerhe is upstream13:23
apacheloggershtylman: Sho_, not online it seems though13:24
shtylmanfor now imma package into my ppa :)13:26
rdieterRiddell: no (fedora doesn't use apport)13:29
=== toscalix_ is now known as toscalix
Riddellrdieter: what about Jockey?13:59
rdieterRiddell: I don't think so (not familiar with that one)14:00
Riddellrdieter: non free driver installer, I know people from red hat have looked at it but it doesn't seem very Fedoraish14:04
rdieter:) I think you're right.14:04
shtylmanRiddell: do we have more sessions today?14:08
Riddellshtylman: netbook setup is next14:08
shtylmanahh indeed14:09
shtylmanim in the dx keyboard meeting right now14:09
shtylmanto see if there are any interesting takeaways14:09
shtylmanRiddell: also to note that for the installer, the keyboard setup may now rely on the system's keyboard setup14:12
shtylmanie a panel item14:12
shtylmanso I am playing around with what kde offers to do that..14:12
nixternalgood mornin' kubuntuers!14:56
jjesse_good morning nixternal14:57
jjesse_any werd on your job ?14:57
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
nixternalnot yet14:57
Riddellnixternal: anything we need to look into regarding docs or feedback survey or the like at UDS?14:59
nixternaldon't think so...i want to fix the size issue and maybe change up some stuff on the survey for maverick15:02
nixternalnothing to waste time on at UDS for though15:02
nixternalwe will let the community tracks do all that :D15:02
nixternalI will be listening in on the plasma netbook stuff fyi15:02
txwikingerWhy do I get bindwood errors in my firefox :(15:41
Riddellrbelem: please subscribe to https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-maverick-file-sharing scheduled for friday15:54
rbelemsubscribed now :-)15:55
txwikingercan I disable those popups from the taskbar?16:08
jontheechidnaEverybody in palissandre was really impressed by the KDE global menu bling :D16:29
jontheechidnaGot even more clapping than seeing qtconfig getting a global menu in GNOME16:29
nixternalis that the os x like menu crap?16:32
Riddelljontheechidna: when was that?16:39
jussiRiddell: about 15 mins ago16:39
jussinixternal: yes :P :P16:40
jussiRiddell: its being video'd, so you can all watch later16:40
txwikingerDo we have something equivalent to gnomekeyring16:43
rbelemtxwikinger, kwallet?16:48
txwikingerthat is what I thought16:48
txwikingeris there a python interface to it?16:49
rbelemtxwikinger, i think this is the package python-keyring-kwallet16:49
txwikingerDo we have the Secret Service API implemented in KDE?16:57
jontheechidnaRiddell: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/05/uds-m-ubuntu-netbook-edition-global.html16:57
Riddelltxwikinger: what is that?17:07
txwikingerit is the common api that uses kwallet in KDE or gnomekeyring in Gnome17:07
* txwikinger tries to figure out the problem with lernid on KDE17:08
Riddelljontheechidna: ha ha "you're so much better than ted"17:09
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Riddellroar, gobby is down17:43
txwikingerhmm.. lernid works now17:53
txwikingersomehow it seems the install did not start the necessary stuff17:54
txwikingerit needs a logout and login, or maybe even a login into Gnome17:54
amichairis plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo the package that replaces ubuntu purple splash screen with kubuntu's?18:20
amichairthe karmic->lucid upgrade didn't go as smooth as I'd hoped18:21
Riddellyes that's the one18:31
amichairRiddell: 10x18:33
amichairshould I report the upgrade related bugs in their respective packages or is there a central location for them?18:37
Riddellyou could report on update-manager18:38
amichairI shall18:38
Riddellnew spec! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuMaverickKDEPackaging18:47
macoRiddell: nice rationale19:13
macoheh and assumptions19:13
macopython-kde will now be responsible for Phonon bindings instead of python-qt.  <--uhhhh19:14
macosomeone in a kde channel was saying phonon-kde should jsut go away as it adds nothing over phonon-qt19:14
macowhen i mentioned that pykdeuic4 assumes you want phonon-qt not phonon-kde19:15
macoalso, as someone writing a python program that uses phonon *whimper* -- if pykdeuic4 is patched to make it uses phonon-kde (given what the spec says) that makes my imports on my program wrong. im guessing this is the part where you yell at me that i should have a proper build system instead of just a README19:17
ghostcubeguys be warned lol19:45
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
* apachelogger drops in with a major headache20:44
apacheloggerI just attended the probably worst presentation I have ever seen in my entire life20:45
apacheloggerand I doubt anything can ever be worse than that20:45
jjessehopefully it wasn't the one i just finished presenting20:45
* apachelogger is afraid of the nightmares just now20:45
apacheloggerjjesse: no, about android development20:45
apacheloggeror rather, non-development20:45
apacheloggerthat dude was like "uhm, I am android developer!!!!" and then he was like "uhm, ahm, ehm, ... lets ask google"20:45
apacheloggerhe actually was able to produce 3 lines of code in 2 hours himself20:46
apacheloggerthen snippet copy one function20:46
jjessehopefully you didn't pay for it20:46
apacheloggerand in that function he managed to have 3 bugs20:46
apacheloggerand best of all20:46
apacheloggerhe accessed a completely different protoype20:46
apacheloggerjjesse: fortunately not20:47
agateauRiddell: ping20:50
JontheEchidnaRiddell: pling20:52
JontheEchidnaagateau informed me that he just pinged you ;)20:52
Mamarokhow can I remove the obsolete grub entries? All old kernels are still displayed, even if removed and purged...20:55
shtylmanJontheEchidna: http://imagebin.ca/view/DRyEht.html21:18
JontheEchidnashtylman: thx21:18
shtylmanJontheEchidna: shtylman.com/stuff/kickoff.svg21:24
* amichair hugs all the great kubuntu guys and gals22:04
* JontheEchidna huggles back22:08
* apachelogger is wondering why ubuntuone-login needs 3, make that 4 classes to process anything22:09
* apachelogger huggles everyone too22:10
nixternalapachelogger: ubuntufour?22:14
Riddellmaco: the phonon bindings stuff isn't final that's just my understanding of how it ought to work, the practice may be different22:16
* txwikinger want lernid go through his quassel server22:29

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