
CloneDeathMy wireless card on my laptop isn't working again...05:18
twiztidhey all how are effects enabled in xubuntu?05:27
twiztidim trying to enable compiz effects, i have compiz installed, how do i enable the effects?05:32
CloneDeathsorry, brothers laptop crashed05:40
CloneDeathAs I said, my wireless card stopped working, but I still have normal wired ethernet access to the net. I had this problem before, but it recently stopped working.05:41
visitor1whats the easiest way to block some ip numbers on xubuntu 10.04? i used firestarter on xubuntu 9.xx06:58
bazhangfirestarter is still available afaik, there is also ufw, gufw (gnome front end) and simply iptables07:00
rshakinhey anyone got electrisheep working with xsreensaver07:34
visitor1firestarte seems to wrok ok in 10.04 :)07:36
visitor1anyone tried vice yet?07:36
visitor1read about someone asking about yesterday in ubuntu so i guess its also not working in ubuntu :(07:36
Sysithere propably is some working in repos07:37
visitor1well, after the thunar bug this seem to be the second bug which i hope i going to be fixed soon07:39
visitor1what i also miss is a task manager07:39
visitor1tried mandriva and there is  a fine task manger with ctrl-alt-del07:39
Sysisystem monitor works as task manager07:39
visitor1but there comes nothing with ctrl-alt-del07:41
Sysiadd shortcut in keyboard settings07:41
Sysicommand is gnome-system-monitor07:41
Sysixfce's (worse and lighter) taskmanager is in repos07:42
visitor1hmm shortcut in keyboard settings? lets try....07:43
subspidercharlie-tca, good morning12:18
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:16
ChelovekÔÁÍ ÐÕÓÔÏ13:16
Chelovektam pusto13:17
bazhangutf8 please13:17
bazhangChelovek, english here #ubuntu-ru for Russian13:18
ChelovekRussian no bady13:21
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:21
bazhangChelovek, sure, there are many users there.  /join #ubuntu-ru13:21
tychoi have a problem with my workspace13:28
tychowhen i change from my first to the second the procceses on the toolbar dont change13:29
tychoit only minimalize them....13:29
tychodoes anyone have any idea what to do ?13:29
tychoit worked flawlessly before13:29
Sysiright click → properties; over taskmanager13:30
Sysiwait, was it there..13:30
Sysiyes, take tap there away about showing  windows from all workspaces13:31
tychosysi sorry i havent got a english language distro13:48
tychocant seem to find the taskmanager13:49
tychoi have one in settings where you can change number of workspaces13:49
Sysiargh, taskbar i ment13:50
Sysido you use compiz?13:51
tychoit is on13:51
tychoshow activites from all workspaces13:51
tychoi had problem with it before and then i had to start the xfce4 from the terminal and then save it as a session13:52
tychothen the whole taskbar wouldnt show up at ll13:52
Sysitaskbar != panel (btw)13:53
tychoah yes13:53
Sysicompiz can mess up workspaces13:53
tychoi dont have compiz13:53
tychoor i dont know what it is13:53
Sysioh right13:53
Sysitake that tap off13:54
tychothx sysi13:55
tychoit worked13:55
vernon_can anyone help me get the sound working on an old toshiba laptop?16:10
=== xerox1 is now known as _PicAssO_
lastnamelostvery new so forgive any misdemeanor just wanted some help. just trying to install ubuntu on a vista pc with partition drive working well but the install status bar is stuck on importing documents and settings at 83% any suggestions?18:49
slow-motionhi arthurjohnson19:27
Prajwalgood night19:56
nazok so when i plug in my usb drive into my laptop it does not appear as normal... i've tested the drive on other PCs and it works fine... i'm afraid that i may have take the adice of powertop and disabled usb monitoring or something like that... how do i fix this?20:22
nazxubuntu 10.0420:22
Sysinaz: install hal21:05
nazit's already installed21:06
mr_pouitit's a known bug21:13
mr_pouitBug #54699221:14
mr_pouitmmh, no bot?21:15
mr_pouithttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/hal/+bug/546992 then21:15
afromarkhi all21:20
afromarkwondering if i can get some advice/help?21:20
afromarki need to access a partition left from a different version of linux with xubuntu. possible?21:21
poiuythi therer21:48
poiuytis there anyone here ?21:48
TheSheepjust us, mice21:49
TheSheepwhat seems to be the problem?21:49
poiuytwell how many capacity of disc xubuntu take after the installatioN ?21:50
TheSheepI didn't make a fresh install since a while, but I think it was somewhere between 1.5GB and 3GB21:51
TheSheepit will take more if you install a lot of additional applications21:51
TheSheepI usually make my root partition 5GB to leave some space for temporary files and upgrades21:52
poiuyti just  got21:52
poiuytthis disk21:52
poiuyt     Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/xvda1               1         965     7751331   83  Linux21:52
poiuytunder 6Gb after of hard disk21:53
poiuythow to install xubuntu light version  ?21:53
poiuytwhich contain just only under 2GB ?21:53
TheSheepyou can install ubuntu server and then add xfce and the applications you need21:54
poiuytwait i rexplain my problem21:55
poiuyti got a remote host where i got ubuntu distribution on it21:55
poiuyti use xming to receive webgui application of my server from windows21:56
poiuytnow i just need xubuntu interface21:57
poiuytwhat to do for that ?21:57
TheSheepif you have some free space, you can just install xubuntu-desktop on that ubuntu, then you will be able to choose whether to run ubuntu desktop or xubuntu desktop on your login screen21:58
TheSheepsince large part of xubuntu and ubuntu is common, it won't take much space21:58
TheSheepyou can display your free space with 'df -h' command, btw21:59
TheSheepif you want to save some space, you can uninstall the ubuntu-specific parts after that21:59
poiuytwith df -h i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/432434/22:00
poiuytit looks like strange22:01
poiuyti got 8gb partition22:01
TheSheepso you have 1.4GB space available22:01
poiuytwith gparted i can see22:02
poiuyt2 partition22:02
poiuytone is swap 630 Mo22:02
TheSheepmaybe the other partition is not mounted?22:02
TheSheepwhat does 'fdisk -l' show?22:02
poiuytand ext3 7,4gb something22:02
poiuytplz wait22:02
poiuytthis one22:03
poiuytwhy df -h gives me the wrong info ?22:04
TheSheepit gives you correct information22:04
TheSheepthe other partition is wap22:04
poiuyti can't get u22:05
TheSheepyou can sho it with 'swapon -s'22:05
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:05
poiuytyes of course i know what is swap22:06
TheSheepso you have 2 partitions, one is mounted as root and the other is used for swap22:06
poiuytthe problem is why with df -h i just only got 1.4GB space available22:07
TheSheepbecause that's how much free space you have22:08
TheSheepit shows the size in blocks, not in megabytes22:09
poiuytyes correct22:09
TheSheepthat fdisk22:09
poiuytyou are correct22:09
poiuyti just check that with gparted22:09
poiuytas i can only access via terminal on my system22:10
poiuythow can i see list of package installed on my system ?22:10
TheSheepdpkg -l | grep ii22:12
poiuytexcellent i never know that before22:17
poiuytas i just only got 1.5gb of hard disk22:18
poiuytis it possible to install xubuntu on 0.5 gb ?22:18
TheSheeppoiuyt: I think so, but you will need to remove some applications22:28
TheSheepactually, I assumed you meant adding it to the existing ubuntu22:28
poiuytremove means after installation ?22:28
TheSheepyou can remove some ubuntu apps now22:29
TheSheepopenoffice is pretty large, for example22:29
poiuytno openoffice not present22:33
poiuyton my system22:33
poiuytgparted how many usage disk it contain ?22:34
poiuytbefore installing gparted i had 7gb of freespace22:34
poiuytnow i just only got 1.5 gb22:34
poiuytis that normal ?22:35
xubuntu819Hallo Boys and girls22:37
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam

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