
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
LinuxGuy2009What would be a proper response to a bug report that is questionable about if its an actual bug or an intentional program feature?00:52
LinuxGuy2009Just state that as a responce and just leave it?00:53
LinuxGuy2009Bug #579682 is questionable if its a feature request or if the 'bug' observed was actually an intentional programmed action. Other than stating that as the response I don't know what else to do with it. Otherwise the report is just gonna sit there probably with no solution.01:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 579682 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Software Center scrolls after package removal (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57968201:00
LinuxGuy2009Ok maybe I wont help triage bugs.01:11
mrandLinuxGuy2009: sorry... this week is kinda bad...01:15
mranda number of people are at UDS.01:15
LinuxGuy2009Oh I see. I understand01:16
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
pedro_folks, we're having the discussion of the Bugsquad Roadmap now at UDS in case you want to join us09:04
pedro_join #ubuntu-uds-jatoba for make comments09:04
BUGabundo_remotem@rnlng cowboys&girls09:06
pedro_vish, qense bugsquad roadmap session at jatoba09:06
vishpedro_: right now?09:07
ddecatorvish: yup09:07
* vish in a theme session now :(09:07
qensepedro_: I really wanted to attend, but I'm in the AppInd session now and I am necessary here.09:08
qensepedro_: sorry09:08
qenseI will propose to get rid of the distinction between Adopt-a-Package and Adopt-an-Upstream and integrate the efforts during the AdoptUpstream session that has yet to be scheduled.09:08
pedro_qense, ok. I've talked to marjo about it in the roundtable it will be scheduled09:09
qensepedro_: What will be?09:10
pedro_qense, adopt an upstream, i'll let you know as soon as i see it scheduled09:14
qensepedro_: Thanks09:16
ddecatorFor anyone interested, there will be a meeting about BugSquad Mentorship at 1300 UTC in one of the UDS channels (room unknown at this time)09:57
pedro_Folks, the Mentoring Program Review session is at 1500 at the Ginko room10:09
ddecatorpedro_: ha, i was just going to put that up10:09
pedro_hggdh, the session was scheduled for 1500  at the Ginko room10:09
hggdhpedro_: thank you10:09
ddecatorpedro_: i'll be there (even though it's at the same time as the discussion for default applications in maverick =\)10:10
ddecatorBTW, 1500 is CEST, so 1300 UTC is the time of the meeting10:11
bdmurraypedro_: updated bugsquad roadmap gobby document10:13
pedro_bdmurray, you rock!10:14
ddecatorthanks bdmurray for adding that stuff10:15
TyrielHi, to whom may I report the bugs?11:03
BUGabundo_remoteTyriel: usually to a bug tracker11:03
BUGabundo_remotein our case, launchpad11:03
BUGabundo_remote!lanchpad > Tyriel11:04
ubot4Factoid 'lanchpad' not found11:04
ubot4If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:04
BUGabundo_remote!launchpad > Tyriel11:04
ubot4Tyriel, please see my private message11:04
BUGabundo_remoteyofel: that one was next!!!11:04
yofelTyriel: what's the problem?11:04
TyrielThe Calendar has 8 days per week11:04
Tyrielthis is really something serious11:04
yofelTyriel: which calender? (which application?)11:05
BUGabundo_remotewhat he said11:05
TyrielThe calendar if you click on the icon to check the calendar on the desktop you will see it 8 days weeek11:05
TyrielAt least here on my version 10.04LTS is like this11:07
yofelTyriel: using gnome?11:07
TyrielI don know others, if you guys want I can send an ss11:07
Tyrielyes gnome11:07
yofelBUGabundo_remote: can you reproduce that?11:07
yofelTyriel: sure (especially as I don't use gnome myself)11:07
Tyrieldid you receive the dcc?11:08
yofelTyriel: I'm using quassel which doesn't support dcc, please use imagebin.ca11:08
TyrielThere is also another bug fort the wireless tool, sometimes when i restart the icon disappear11:10
yofelTyriel: I only see 7 days there11:10
yofelSun - Sat11:10
TyrielYou see the days 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 are off the week days11:11
Tyrielso it causes a wrong11:11
yofelyes, as that's the, '17th... week this year'11:11
Tyrieli'm nooober11:11
yofelso no bug ;)11:11
Tyrieltks god :P11:11
Tyrielbut still the wireless thingi s a pitty11:12
Tyrielanother question, Do you have any knowledge of when the Ubuntu One contacts will start working again? I have some many contacts there...11:12
yofelI'm not sure where the NM icon belongs to, either network-manager-gnome or some indicator package11:13
Tyrielis the network-manager-gnome11:13
yofelTyriel: #ubuntuone might be able to help you more then11:13
BUGabundo_remoteyofel: Tyriel: looks fine for me in maverick11:13
yofelBUGabundo_remote: he mistook the week numbers for another weekday :P11:14
Tyrielyes i'm sorry11:14
Tyrielit was the weeks of the year11:14
Tyrieli though it was days11:14
BUGabundo_remoteI saw11:14
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
b_my ubuntu is starting many times with no image on display13:17
b_i have a intel video card on a laptop and a 10.4 version of ubuntu13:18
b_anybody some help please13:19
astraljavab_: #ubuntu is the official support channel, this is for bug triaging and other bug work.13:20
b_where should i ask for help ?13:21
astraljavab_: On IRC, /join #ubuntu, then there are ubuntuforums.org, and you can also browse already reported bugs on https://launchpad.net13:22
astraljavab_: Try also ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com13:22
b_thank you13:23
astraljavab_: No problem, happy to help. :)13:23
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ddecatorFor those interested, the BugSquad Mentoring Program Review UDS session will be starting in 5-10 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-ginko13:57
pedro_guys we're having the mentoring program discussion at #ubuntu-uds-ginko14:10
pedro_in case you want to join us14:10
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optixI believe bug #578834 should be updated to wishlist, can someone here agree and change it?14:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 578834 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Sort languages by display name, not locale code (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57883414:31
=== aganice is now known as sarahstrong
LinuxGuy2009When a launchpad bug is looked at and I ask for more info or for the reporter to post back to answer a question or whatever, is it proper to set the status to incomplete? Then after the 60 days expire without a response, then it would be considered invalid? This correct? I'm trying to learn proper procedure.15:49
ddecatorset to incomplete yet. then we usually send them a comment if they don't respond in 4 weeks. if no response for two more weeks then it's invalid15:55
LinuxGuy2009https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/579682 This appears to be an intentional programmed occurance and is basically agreed upon by myself and another person there. Would it be proper to set it to invalid yet or let it sit for a while?16:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 579682 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Software Center scrolls after package removal (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]16:14
LinuxGuy2009Seems more a wishlist type of thing than a bug.16:16
ddecatoroh i've had it do that...it's annoying, haha16:16
ddecatorif you're unsure whether it's supposed to do that, it'd be good to contact one of the developers to see what the intended behavior is16:17
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=== qense_ is now known as qense
mrandoptix: done18:26
optixmrand: thank you18:38
resnoive got a bug i would to report. but im i dont think i can repeat it with a level of certainty.19:33
resnoi would like*19:33
astraljavaresno: Which distribution?19:43
resnoastraljava: ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop 9.10 and also 10.0419:44
astraljavaresno: Okay, can't help you there, don't have either of those.19:44
resnoastraljava: its the same machine, that has had a recurring problem19:45
resnokacpi-notify runs up to 100% if i do something thats heavy19:45
astraljavaresno: If you don't get attention here, I suggest you post steps to reproduce somewhere, like ubuntuforums.org or ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com, and wait for confirmation from other users. Then you can decide whether to file a bug or not.19:46
resnook, i wont worry about it then.19:47
astraljavaresno: Does that happen often, or repeatedly?19:48
resnoastraljava: only when im doing something heavy... not often anymore. its my server at the moment. if i pull up webmin, it will happen.19:50
resnobut when i used it as a desktop, it happended more then it should19:50
resnoat that time, i didnt know anything about submitting bugs19:58
astraljavaresno: There are a couple of similar bugs filed in LP, but they don't really show any foolproof solutions. I don't know how to help you, sorry. Hope you get someone assisting you in this problem.19:59
resnoastraljava: thanks for your assitance20:00
jf1976is there anyway i can help with rtl development as a non coder ?20:01
psusihow do you file a bug report to request a merge from upstream again?20:15
mrandpsusi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess In short, if the package isn't automatically synced, you can create a launchpad ticket for that package and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors. Example preferred title format (i.e., include the upstream version number): Sync xmltv 0.5.56+cvs20100328-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)20:31
psusiahh there we go...20:31
micahgmrand: psusi: it's preferable to use the requestsync tool20:31
psusiI'm actually trying to convert an existing bug to the proper format20:32
micahgpsusi: ah20:32
psusialso it seems that debian unstable still hasn't updated to the latest upstream version from a few weeks ago either, which fixes a bug in the version currently in testing that this bug has requested we update to for the new lvm --merge feature20:33
psusiohh wait, that's a sync.. we have ubuntu changes that need merged20:34
mrandpsusi: if the debian package is actively maintained, I'd push for them to update first.  Keep diff's as small as possible.20:34
David-Ter, oops20:45
=== issyl0 is now known as Evilissyl0
=== Evilissyl0 is now known as issyl0
trinikronohey any mentors22:33
trinikronoif a guy has a bug 379723, and a packages has the wrong version in the universe, how do we get it updated to the new one, a request to package?22:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 379723 in partitionmanager (Ubuntu Jaunty) (and 1 other project) "partitionmanager 1.0.0~beta1a doesn't work (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37972322:34
astraljavatrinikrono: Like Colin said in the bug comments, it requires an SRU. File such a bug, and if you can prepare the package for such an update. If not, try to get someone else doing it.22:39
trinikronoso what should we do with the bug to make it happen?22:43
astraljavatrinikrono: Read up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates22:47
trinikronowow, i think i will go work on another package lol22:49
thekorntrinikrono, do you know which version of the package fixes this bug?22:50
trinikronowell its beta1 in the repo, but from beta apparently works for the guy22:52
trinikronothe newer ubuntu releases use the stable versions22:53
thekornIMHO, this bug is not worth the hard work of a SRU22:54
trinikronoyea i thought so22:55
trinikronookie next one, Bug #579703   what do i need to do again to get this triaged22:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 579703 in gparted (Ubuntu) "gparted wrongly reports partition "mounted" when uuid and label are duplicates (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57970322:56
thekorntrinikrono, how can a uuid of two partitions be the same?23:03
trinikronowell thats why i want some ideas as what to ask the reporter23:10

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