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ForgeAusubuntu (or is it apt?) needs either/or dependancy checking (ie gnome support vs kde support, one of either, but not both...)12:32
ForgeAusas a kubuntu user to get thunderbird you download thunderbird-gnome-support??? why?12:33
ForgeAus... I get mostly its "assumed" your using ubuntu (as in the main/default gnome-based distro) but unneccessary gnome-based packages are silly so having a either/or check or maybe use provides? ie require a thinderbird-support package, and have thunderbird-kde-support or thunderbird-gnome-support provide that?12:35
LaserJockForgeAus: it's not really assumed, it's not always easy to have a good solution either. I believe on Lucid thunderbird-gnome-support shouldn't be installed from Kubuntu12:40
ForgeAusso then why is it a dependancy of the thunderbird package then?12:41
ForgeAusit doesn't make sense12:41
LaserJockit isn't a dependency12:41
LaserJockit's listed as a Suggests12:41
LaserJockwhich is much different than a Depends12:41
ForgeAusoh I did a apt-cache showpkg thunderbird and it had it as a dependancy12:42
ForgeAusSuggests is ok12:42
ForgeAus(I didn't know suggestions show up there...12:42
ForgeAussorry ...12:43
LaserJockDepends must me installed with the package, Recommends are installed by default but can be removed, and Suggests are not installed by default12:43
astraljavaForgeAus: If you do apt-cache show thunderbird, it shows it a bit clearer IMHO.12:44
ForgeAusahh thats what I wanted in the first place, thx :)12:44
ForgeAusnow I feel like a dolt for complaining about something I was wrong about!12:45
LaserJockno problem, it happens to the best of us ;-)12:45
txwikingerkmix does not work properly13:11
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psusidamn, no Keybuck atm.... I had a very productive blktrace session last night and noticed that a lot of boot time is wasted reading files less than 4kb, which ureadahead is ignoring for some reason... it lists the file in the pack, but with 0 blocks so it doesn't read them... only I can't figure out why14:21
bigcx2hey all14:44
bigcx2i'm building a test debian package with dpkg-buildpackage14:45
bigcx2my package builds fine14:45
bigcx2but how do i get a diff.gz?14:45
azeem_did you get a .dsc?14:45
cjwatsonyou get a .diff.gz by having an .orig.tar.gz with the correct filename in the parent directory when you start the build14:45
cjwatsonwhich should normally just be a rename of the upstream tarball14:46
cjwatsonso if they ship foo-1.0.tar.gz and you want to produce a package which has version 1.0-1, then you need foo_1.0.orig.tar.gz in the parent directory14:46
bigcx2azeem_: yes, i got a .dsc and a .changes file from the build14:48
bigcx2cjwatson: ok, let me try that14:49
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bigcx2cjwatson: still no luck14:57
bigcx2i grabbed a non-debianized source package14:58
bigcx2made a orig.tar.gz tarball out of it14:58
bigcx2applied a (older debian diff.gz) to the source14:58
bigcx2made some changes in debian/14:58
bigcx2rebuilt the package14:59
bigcx2but i don't get a diff.gz14:59
cjwatsonyou almost certainly misnamed the orig.tar.gz - it's a common problem14:59
bigcx2ok, the source directory is package-3.8.114:59
cjwatsonor else you have the wrong version number, depending on how you look at it14:59
cjwatsonthe name of the source directory is utterly irrelevant15:00
bigcx2and the version in the changelog is 3.8.1-015:00
bigcx2so should my orig.tar.gz be package-3.8.1-0.tar.gz then?15:00
cjwatsonno, absolutely not15:00
cjwatsonit should be package_3.8.1.orig.tar.gz15:00
bigcx2that's what it is now15:01
cjwatsonnote the underscore, the orig, and the absence of -015:01
bigcx2oh wait15:01
bigcx2no underscore15:01
bigcx2i had a dash15:01
cjwatsoncommon problem, as I say :)15:01
cjwatsonyou'll get used to it15:01
bigcx2k, one more try!15:01
ogracjwatson, i always thought we should put some reminder into the message that points out that you build natively ;)15:02
bigcx2yay, it worked15:03
bigcx2thanks cjwatson15:03
cjwatsonogra: we do15:04
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~/man-db-2.5.7>$ debuild15:04
cjwatsonThis package has a Debian revision number but there does not seem to be15:04
cjwatsonan appropriate original tar file or .orig directory in the parent directory;15:04
cjwatson(expected one of man-db_2.5.7.orig.tar.gz, man-db_2.5.7.orig.tar.bz2,15:04
cjwatsonman-db_2.5.7.orig.tar.lzma or man-db-2.5.7.orig)15:04
cjwatsoncontinue anyway? (y/n)15:04
cjwatsonyou should just use debuild not dpkg-buildpackage :)15:04
bigcx2difference being...lintian?15:04
cjwatsonand even with dpkg-buildpackage you do get a message15:04
cjwatsondpkg-source: info: source format `3.0 (quilt)' discarded: no orig.tar file found15:04
cjwatsonbigcx2: and various other checks and such15:05
cjwatsongenerally, there's no reason not to use the smarter tool15:05
bigcx2cjwatson: ok, i'll look into that, it's been a while since i built some packages15:05
bigcx2can you tell?15:05
bigcx2cjwatson: how does pbuilder stack up against debuild?15:09
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azeem_bigcx2: they are orthogonal15:11
bigcx2azeem_: different philosophies then? why two different tools?15:12
azeem_bigcx2: pbuilder runs something like debuild15:13
azeem_as part of what it does; you can't really compare the two15:13
bigcx2hm, ok...guess i'll have to play with 'em15:14
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markr_Is there some "secret place" which doesn't contain as much comment spam as Launchpad?15:30
markr_All the "Me too"-comments drive me crazy.15:30
markr_Launchpad with an option to say whether you are just reporting a "Me too"-comment, could help against that, but I am not sure whether the users would respect it.15:31
c_kornmarkr_: there is a "affects me too" button15:32
markr_c_korn: yes, but the issues are all slightly different.15:32
markr_E.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27079815:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270798 in linux "lockups with default (hpet) clocksource on 2.6.27-2-generic 64-bit" [Medium,Confirmed]15:32
markr_In that whole thread there is not a single person who has actually posted the context source code explaining why it happens for example.15:35
markr_It is just one long list of clueless users, with the comments by those that can do something about it completely hidden by the mass.15:35
seb128does anybody know where jcastro is or could tell him I didn't get the session he asked me to add to schedule there because summit doesn't list it (yet)?15:39
psusiit isn't the "me too" that gets me.. what annoys the shit out of me is all of the "I can't believe this was not fixed for the release, this is a huge problem.  It's a shame I have to go back to the old release or another distro"15:44
crimsunwelcome to my world.15:44
psusithere should be a mod button to hide such comments ;)15:45
crimsunwhich is what should be what's being discussed in Mangrove 3 right now15:46
sorenCan someone tell me what the deal is with zeromq? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeromq exists, suggesting it existed at some point, but the publishing history is empty. It's in Debian testing since early April.15:47
jibelpsusi, that's coming soon, and bug locking when they are marked closed by a bug supervisor.15:50
crimsunsoren: the existence date of the package in testing suggests that it simply didn't make it into lucid15:51
sorencrimsun: ..but should have been synced for Maverick.15:56
sorencrimsun: Right?15:56
crimsunsoren: it doesn't seem to have been blacklisted. Oh well. Perhaps an archive admin can peer deeper?16:02
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cjwatsonsoren: we haven't done a full new-source sync yet16:23
cjwatsonsoren: I've synced zeromq, since you asked so nicely :-)16:26
sorencjwatson: Yeah, I just saw :) Thanks!16:26
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* psusi tries to remember who he was talking to the other day about ext3 vs ext4 debootstrap speed... seems that ext4 is faster with nobarrier... slower with barriers, but it seems that by not using barriers, ext3 is not safe on disks with write caches enabled17:09
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psusibasically without barriers, the disk reorders requests and combines both journal writes into one, then does the actual modification either before, or after both journal writes.. which defeats the purpose of the journal in the first place... I'm surprised that ext3 corruption on power failure is not very widespread because of this17:39
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Stevinkoanyone skilled regarding radeon driver that could give me a hand ?22:25
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kklimondaVala testsuite requires a running and working DBus Session Bus and for some reason it does not (all bits are there, package build-depends on dbus-x11 and make check starts dbus-daemon --session) - you can check bug 580246 for more information.. well, there isn't much yet. Does anyone have experience with running dbus in build environment?23:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 580246 in vala "Merge or sync vala 0.8.1-1 from Debian unstable. Failing tests due to dbus session bus not running in pbuilder" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58024623:53

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