[00:05] RoAkSoAx: Thanks. [00:05] Weird place for it... [00:24] hello people [00:24] i just got new server [00:24] 2 hard drives 80 and 160gb [00:24] how should i partition it? [00:25] primarily as web server [00:25] Owner_: Honestly, I'd consider using an LVM or something so you could have one huge space. But I'm no expert by any means. === Owner_ is now known as wizardslovak [00:26] hmmm [00:27] With the new grub, you can even boot off of a LVM partition, though I don't know if I'd trust it for a production server. [00:27] ok [00:28] maybe i will just partition 80gb for now and leave 160 for later [00:28] huh [00:28] what version are you using? [00:29] I just upgraded my server from Karmic to Lucid. [00:30] Though, since I've got four 1.5 TB drives with a small RAID 1 partition for /boot and everything else RAID 5'd together to form a physical volume for a LVM, which lets me put swap and / on the same space...it's a bit more complicated than your HD setup. [00:31] well i want this server to run 2-3 web sites [00:31] so not much data tho [00:32] My only experience with running multiple sites is Apache's sites-enabled stuff, so I can't tell you whether you'd want them all on the same partition; I can't think of why you wouldn't, but that doesn't mean there isn't a reason. [00:34] i want to erase partition and it says "in use by lvm volume group name" [00:35] If you've started creating an LVM setup, you need to take it apart from the top down: remove the logical volumes, then remove the volume group, and then you can change the physical volumes into something else. [00:35] ok got it [00:36] * flyback bbl [00:37] quit [00:43] ok so 80gb is partitioned [00:43] how should i set up 160gb? [00:44] I don't know; if you're making the 80gb one volume, then the only option would be to make the 160gb a separate volume. [00:44] Though don't forget some swap space and maybe a boot partition. [00:45] yea swap is 2x ram and boot is 1gb [00:45] Sounds fine. [00:45] so i should leave 160 as "free space"? [00:46] I suppose, as long as you've got your swap and boot taken care of. [00:46] i used to play with ubuntu server some time ago [00:46] i just have to remind myself some stuff [00:58] what is the best way to do a CLI ADSL PPPoE connection? [01:06] go into your modem from the isp and configure it for bridge mode :P [01:06] and not worry about the pppoe part [01:08] hmmm [01:08] i used to bridge modem and then upse PPpOe in router [01:08] always worked [01:08] hey, is anybody here running supermicro 2u twin servers? [01:09] I'm having stability problems, have replaced almost every inch of the system and starting to think it may be ubuntu related [01:09] try [01:09] memtest.sh [01:09] google "redhat memtest.sh" [01:09] notice I said memtest.sh [01:10] wizardslovak: Last time I configured it that way my router called it half-bridged mode. [01:10] NOT memtest86 [01:10] flyback: are you talking to me? [01:10] yes [01:10] huh wel i had wrt54g with dd-wrt huh [01:10] just put my info in there and worked lol [01:10] what will it tell me that memtest86 won't? [01:11] it checks [01:11] cpu [01:11] dma channels [01:11] pci bus [01:11] ide bus [01:11] etc [01:11] for bit errors [01:11] ah, excellent [01:11] basically it zips and unzips the kernel source [01:11] does it stress the machine much? [01:11] a canuckload of times [01:11] and diffs it to check for bit flips [01:11] yes [01:12] ok, i'll remove a node from production - thanks for that flyback, i'll see what it tells me [01:12] sure :) [01:14] Hi, playing about with ubuntu server on a really old laptop. It doesn't have a networking port, so I've been trying to use a USB wifi dongle to get it going, however when I plug it in the dongle doesn't show up in ifconfig [01:14] but if I plug it into my PC that has ubuntu desktop, it does. [01:14] how come /etc/resolv.conf its empty? [01:14] i am trying to setup static ip [01:16] well, the DD-WRT box I've got running just isn't cutting it. [01:16] and I'd like to set up the server as the router/firewall [01:16] oh ok [01:16] i run dd0wrt for couple years now and never had any problems with it [01:16] i had it on dsl and cable , always worked like charm [01:16] huh [01:17] the ipv6 iptables stack kinda sucks under 2.4, but the wifi chip in WRT54G isn't supported well under 2.6, so dd-wrt kinda stinks at ipv6 on wrt54gl hardware [01:17] well, currently, I have DSL @ the house here, and the Linksys POS router is just that, a POS. I'd like to run the modem into my server, then have the server be the router (along with a lot of other crap) [01:19] listen do i have to remve dhcp-client to have static ip on server? [01:19] how i do to adjust clock to UTC? [01:19] how setup timezone? [01:19] wizardslovak, are you giving out DHCP addresses to your internal network? [01:20] killown, look under /etc/ntp.cfg [01:20] jeeves, nothing there [01:20] killown, one sec [01:20] no i want server to have static ip , it will be web server so no dns [01:21] ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Brazil/ /etc/localtime [01:21] wizardslovak, your static IP comes from your ISP. [01:21] yes i know [01:21] i gt static ip from isp [01:21] wizardslovak, ok, and you have 2 NICs in your box? [01:21] i want my server to have static ip on my LAN 192.168.1.x [01:22] killown, give me a sec, I'm going to see if I can find out what's going on with your box. Do you have the NTP server installed? [01:22] yes i do have 2 of them [01:22] i just got my 1u server today ;) [01:22] jeeves, yes [01:22] wizardslovak, ok, and you've got the ISP side one direct connect to the modem? [01:22] killown, ok, one sec [01:22] my isp goes to modem which goes to router to which server is connected [01:23] wizardslovak, ok, and you've got your ports forwarded to the server? [01:23] yes 80 and 25 [01:23] i wont use it as email so no other ports are nessesary [01:24] dpkg-reconfigure tzdata [01:24] i am following this guide http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-server-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/ [01:24] jeeves, i found.. [01:24] killown, http://codeghar.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/manage-time-in-ubuntu-through-command-line/ [01:24] anyway thank you [01:24] killown, sorry, I've got the 2 of you, 3 people on FB,and the fiance wanting attention [01:24] jeeves, no problem!! ty [01:24] jeeves , i know how it feels [01:25] wizardslovak, ok, so you've got the setup as the following.. internet ==> modem ==> router ==> server? [01:25] yes [01:25] brb guys, rum is in the fridge @ the other end of the house [01:25] huh i still gotta go pay my bills today , which is couple block huh [01:26] all day long i was waiting for this server to come so i can play with it ;) [01:28] ok, sorry, I had to go get some rum [01:28] wizardslovak, ok, so you want to do what now with your setup? [01:29] static ip on server [01:29] i just redone /etc/network interfaces [01:29] is there anything else i gotta do? [01:29] wizardslovak, are you talking about an internal static IP (ie. static on your internal network so you can port forward)? [01:30] yes [01:30] so i can ssh in my LAN [01:31] wizardslovak, http://pastebin.com/SkzUUb3E [01:31] Anyhow i am still having problems getting my wireless up in master mode.... stupid hows link to pages that dont exist... and are incomplete for the zd1211 chipset [01:31] then pull a "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" [01:32] yeap i got same [01:33] ok, once you've got that setup that way, then go into the port forwarding on your router and point the ports you need to that static IP [01:34] Anyhow i am still having problems getting my wireless up in master mode.... stupid hows link to pages that dont exist... and are incomplete for the zd1211 chipset [01:34] dominicdinada, I heard you. I'm not the wireless guy. sorry [01:34] Ok :P [01:35] maybe someone else is [01:35] wizardslovak, did that work out for ya? [01:35] dominicdinada, it's kinda quiet in here tongiht [01:36] hey guyz, i upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and i hangs at boot, kernal log says can't read proc fs 1 [01:37] cipher421, did it ever boot after you upgraded? [01:37] yea barely tho [01:37] like 2 lines into the boot [01:37] says will check some fs in 2 boots or so [01:37] then hangs [01:37] cipher421, lol, sounds like to me that grub forgot what it was doing. [01:37] hi [01:38] huh i restarted all system and now its "main process (797) terminated with status 4 [01:38] cipher421, have you tried a grub repair? [01:38] no [01:38] i have a fresh ubuntu 9.04 installed [01:38] jus grub-repair or so? [01:38] and need help with routingtables [01:38] everyone, make sure that you put the person's name infront of who you're talking to. otherwise, no one knows who is talking to who! [01:39] cipher421, one sec, I'll see if I can find the howto I used [01:39] cipher421, do you know what partition the boot is on? [01:39] hrm [01:40] i think so [01:40] cipher421, ok, this "howto" is a little "round about", but it'll get you to where you need to go. http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html [01:40] damn [01:40] something happened [01:40] wizardslovak, ??? [01:40] i cannot boot into system [01:41] did you go pee on the machine again?? [01:41] "init: ureadahead-other main process (784) terminated with status 4" [01:41] sorry, crazy stressful day [01:41] thanks jeeves [01:41] wizardslovak, lol, this is after you changed your interfaces file? [01:41] yes i changed this and enabled uwf [01:42] cipher421, np. give it a try. I have to do it every time I update any adobe products on either of my Windows partitions on my netbook [01:42] wizardslovak, lol!!! ok, can you get grub to boot you into recovery mode? [01:42] jeeves, ok so my problem is that i will have to use this hdd to recover the server [01:42] wizardslovak, I think you've got a little more going on there than just the interfaces table [01:42] or actually i can use the server cd to recover... [01:43] hmmm [01:43] lets see [01:43] i cannot get into grub lol [01:43] cipher421, what it sounds like is that when the upgrade went through, there was some wierd drive mapping going on with the orignal install, grub's auto find OS feature messed up, and poof, no bootable OS [01:43] ill just reinstall whole os [01:44] wizardslovak, d-load the live CD, and beat it into sublission with a large alumimium baseball bat (and yes, I've done that to a client's server before) [01:44] wizardslovak, is there anything on there that you care about? [01:44] jeeves i'll report back in 10 or so! [01:44] thank! [01:44] jeeves i just got this server huh nothing there yet [01:44] if not, them play with it and learn!! otherwise, you'll never figure it out! [01:44] cipher421, lol. kk [01:45] wizardslovak, well, if there's nothing important on there, then play with it! Those are the best ones! when you have no pressure of time or messing things up. [01:45] yea but i cannot even get int o grub lol [01:45] also, i was told earlier that btrfs was included on 10.04, but didn't see the option [01:46] wizardslovak, when you boot off of the live CD, then you've got shell [01:47] cipher421, ??? you may have to get into it via a live CD, then figure it out! I pitty you if you've got to edit Grub2 by hand [01:47] i've done it before... [01:48] have a bad taste in my mouth already [01:48] i really don't like grub2.... [01:48] what was wrong with grub? [01:48] huh [01:48] talking to jeeves [01:49] brb [01:49] lol now i cant even boot into livecd [01:49] cipher421, lol, they made the decition to move to the new one because it "looks better" and does more things. Personally, I prefer my 1985 Jaguar XJ-S over the Mazda POS that my fiance drives. And for a car that's got 20 years on it, I can still smoke her (and most of the rice rockets) on the road [01:49] wizardslovak, check your BIOS to boot from the disk (or you may have to hit F12 on POST) [01:49] i hit f12 choosed cdrom nothing [01:50] choosed usb same think [01:50] wizardslovak, ok, check the BIOS boot order (and if you've got the proper ROM if you have more than one) [01:52] hmm [01:52] "inte boot manager" [01:52] intel huh [01:53] LOL. [01:53] you've got an intel board? [01:53] "intel boot agent" huh [01:53] yes its p4 3ghz ht [01:53] ok so i booted into usb [01:54] and i put rescue a broken syste, [01:54] system [01:54] ok, and do you have root @ a shell prompt? [01:54] huh i think i found my problem [01:55] failed to detect and mount cdrom [01:55] what is wrong here: "sudo route add -net gw" [01:55] STF, I'm not sure. I think I'm the only one in here who's actually @ the keyboard [01:56] lol [01:56] wizardslovak, did you figure it out? [01:57] i changed some setting is bios [01:57] let see what happen [01:57] wizardslovak, kk [01:57] STF, have you thought of using Webmin? [01:57] ok [01:57] i bypassed that cdrom [01:57] now i am at shell [01:57] ~x [01:58] wizardslovak, lol. good! we're making progress! [01:58] i wont use cdrom anyways , i will dissable it later [01:58] its taking me ,ittle longer to get thinks ;) [01:58] lol, just comment out that line in the fstab [01:58] ok that i didnt get [01:59] wizardslovak, "pico /etc/fstab" then put an "#" next to the line for the CD-ROM. [01:59] then it won't complain untill you reboot [02:00] "pico not found" [02:00] lol. [02:00] vi then? [02:00] test editor? i like nano [02:01] ok weird [02:01] lol, I use pico [02:01] "sedu nano /etc/fstab" and it says "sudo" not found" [02:01] i mean sudo nano [02:02] you don't need "sudo" if your prompt ends with "#". that means your logged in as the root user [02:03] ok nano /etc/fstab [02:03] yep [02:04] those are all the mounts that happen @ boot [02:04] there is nothing like "cr-drom" [02:04] there are 3 lines [02:04] see the CD in there? [02:04] first line "none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0 " [02:05] second line "none /proc proc defaults 0 0" [02:05] third line "none /sys sysfs noauto 0 0 " [02:05] and thats it [02:06] ok, don't worry about it then. you'll need to fiddle with repairing Grub now [02:06] ok [02:06] so what do i do now? [02:06] never repaired grub before [02:06] one sec [02:06] sure even two ;) [02:07] lol, I'm trying to fix a web hosting box @ the same time [02:07] ok i got time [02:07] http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html [02:08] ok [02:09] "fdisk " -> "not found" [02:09] do you even have an outbound connection? [02:09] i will just reinstall os [02:09] ?? [02:09] can you do a "apt-get install fdisk"? [02:10] no [02:10] lol, 'meh. nuke it if you want, but personally, I'm thinking it'd be an amazing learning exp for ya [02:10] i think i messed up somewhere [02:10] listen [02:11] this might sound stupid [02:11] try me. I deal with dumb people all day [02:11] hostaname is name of pc/server right? [02:11] hostname is the name of the box you're on. [02:11] tis a no go [02:11] cipher421, what was the setup on that box before the upgrade? [02:12] ok partitioning ill just use entire hard drive [02:12] think i've given up jeeves, i documented all my settings, so a reinstall will be a time saver at this point.. [02:12] feeling pretty beatup in general today anywayz [02:12] cipher421, no worries. if you've got everything backed up, then do it up. [02:13] ext4 or ext3? [02:13] cipher421, I'm just trying to get wizardslovak to learn how to recover his system [02:13] yea i keep all my good stuffs on another drive [02:13] ext4 for sure [02:13] wizardslovak, for now, stick with ext3 unless you've got a massive drive [02:13] aw man! [02:13] ok [02:13] ext4 = much better performance [02:13] wizardslovak, I wasn't able to recover my ext4 drive with a live CD the last time [02:14] interesting [02:14] so maybe thats why i couldnt do it this time [02:14] cipher421, it depends on the size of the drive though!!! [02:14] anywayz thanks jeeves, goodluck wizardslovak [02:14] cipher421, np. I've got a mickey of rum, I'll be better in a few [02:14] schweet [02:15] cipher421, lol, have a look @ www.tessawhite.ca for a good idea of who's waiting for me to get into bed [02:16] i have a 20 year old hottie waiting for me myself [02:16] ok i see interesting option [02:16] in "use as:" [02:16] which is why you need to be like me and stop geekin out on here [02:16] its called physical volume for LVM [02:16] i got some free space , [02:16] cipher421, pics? [02:17] hrm [02:17] cipher421, lol, and she's not home yet. she works 'till 11 [02:17] my server is down! [02:17] hahahahaha [02:17] cipher421, lol, nice excuse! [02:17] usually i take pride in it [02:17] hold up [02:17] drop me a line. I think you've got one of my domains. just hit the webmaster account [02:18] since this is obviously a pissing contest, i must win! [02:18] ok i got " / , swap , /home / var and /tmp" did i forget anything? [02:18] cipher421, lol. [02:18] wizardslovak, what are you looking for? [02:19] if i got correct partitioning on hard drives [02:19] its only for webserver + mysql [02:20] wizardslovak, do you have one that's called /boot or /etc? [02:20] no [02:20] got /boot now [02:21] do i need / [02:21] ?? [02:21] yes [02:21] ok 10gb as / [02:21] still got 6.5 gb free [02:21] cipher421, lol, no pics? [02:22] i put 40gb on /var [02:22] i im'd you [02:22] cipher421, http://moseley.ca/cat.jpg [02:23] hmm can i put /etc and /var on other hard drive? [02:23] wizardslovak, sounds like you've got a REALLY messed up system. just nuke it [02:23] ok i am doing fresh install now [02:23] wizardslovak, I'd help more, but I need to see what I'm looking @ [02:24] thats why i am asking how to partitionid [02:24] huh ok you looking at server with 2 hard drives [02:24] 80 gb and 160gb [02:24] what drives do you have in the box? [02:25] I'd personally leave everything but the /home dir on the 80, and mount /home on the 160 [02:25] ok [02:25] so /boot and swap on 80 [02:25] make swap ~4gb, and mount /home on the 160gb, and everything else is on the80 [02:25] ok [02:26] can you specify "Everything else? [02:27] ok, swap will be ~4Gb on the 80Gb drive. Mount / on the 80 as well. mount /home on the 160. [02:28] how much space should i put on /etc? [02:28] dosn't matter. it'll mount under / on the 80 [02:30] ok still got 25gb free [02:30] how? [02:31] maybe /tmp? [02:31] ok, follow closlet [02:31] *closley [02:31] delete EVERYTHING on both drives. [02:31] 1gb as /boot 4gb as swap 50gb as / [02:31] select the 160 [02:31] u da boss [02:31] create a new file system (ext4) on the 160. Tell it that the mount point is "/home" [02:31] i am following [02:32] done [02:32] then, on the 80, make a 4Gb partition @ the END of the disk. set it as SWAP [02:32] done [02:33] now, the rest on the 80, make a new partition and format it as EXT3. [02:33] then, the mount point for that is "/" [02:33] done [02:33] there ya go. keep going. [02:34] just because i am curious [02:34] ?? [02:34] can /var be on other hard drive? [02:35] NOOOO, just leave it the way I got you to set it up. you don't need to worry about putting anything else anywhere, just go on to the next setp of the install [02:35] ok i just asked huh [02:35] no worries [02:36] get sip of rum before we proceed ;) [02:36] just finish the install [02:36] ok [02:36] install LAMP and openssh or later? [02:36] that's the third or fourth last section of the install. [02:37] yea just want to know [02:37] np [02:37] if its better to install it now or later? [02:39] wait untill the installer gives you the option [02:39] ok [02:39] encrypt home direstory? [02:39] directory? [02:39] noooo [02:40] ok now it is [02:40] LAMP server and openssh server? [02:40] yep [02:41] ok done [02:41] its installing ;) [02:41] good! now, reboot and do an update (after you edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file) [02:42] edit file? [02:42] shouldnt "apt-get install update" be enough? [02:42] well, you won't have the restricted repos in there [02:43] ok [02:43] installation complete [02:44] good! [02:44] now, when you're storing things, make sure you store them in /home [02:44] ok i am in [02:44] yuhuuu [02:44] ok === flyback is now known as f1yback [02:45] jeeves [02:45] what should i edit in /etc/apt/sources? [02:46] find the lines that have a # infront of them that has "deb" or something like that [02:47] ok [02:47] done [02:47] 4 lines [02:47] ok, update it [02:48] done [02:48] upgraded? [02:48] updated [02:48] upgrade it too? [02:49] upgrade next [02:49] done [02:49] good. now go play [02:49] static ip and openssh [02:49] ;) [02:50] didn't you install ssh in the install? [02:50] yes [02:51] ok, and? [02:52] you've already set your MySQL root password. [02:52] so, what else do you need to do? [02:52] yes [02:52] ok so i modified /interfaces [02:52] and? did it take? [02:53] do i have to remove dhcp-client? [02:54] you don't need to worry about it if you've got one of the interfaces is a static [02:54] ok done [02:54] i can access it with putty huh [02:54] do you use ufw? [02:55] ??? no [02:55] ok [02:57] there ya go, one working system [02:57] yeap [02:57] now i can play ;) [02:58] have fun. I'm going to play Left 4 dead 2 untill my fiance gets home [02:59] thank you again [03:00] np [03:51] New bug: #579737 in openvpn (main) "OpenVPN client connect hangs on PUSH_REQUEST" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/579737 === erichammond1 is now known as erichammond [04:04] hello people === Owner_ is now known as wizardslowak [04:24] i am having problem with apache2 [04:24] apache2 could not reliably determite servers fully qualified domain name [04:25] jrwren, thanks. i'll give it a try. === erichammond1 is now known as erichammond [04:29] When I upgraded my Ubuntu from 9 to 10 it also upgraded my php from 5.2 to 5.3 I need php back to 5.2. How do I do that? [04:36] Kutakizukari: not sure if that's supported by Ubuntu - you should probably roll back or locate some unofficial packages [04:46] chrismsnz, found this will try it. http://www.nickveenhof.be/blog/reverting-or-downgrading-php-53-52-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-1004 [04:49] ah yep, apt pinning should work - test thoroughly to make sure it's not linking against newer libs or anything [04:51] hello all i need help [04:54] just let us know your problem [04:55] if someone can help they'll speak up [07:23] anyone know if grub 2 can boot etx4? [07:24] do i still actually need a seperate /boot that's ext3? [07:25] I would ryoohki [08:11] good morning, i am building php5 from source so that i can use reflection with GD - wich isn't in the bundled version. I'm in the source dir and have to do a command: dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot which i do: this then tells me : Unmet build dependencies: libdb4.7-dev | libdb4.6-dev - when i do the apt install it wants to REMOVE apache2-prefork-dev - how do I stop apt from removing my packages? === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [08:26] impi: you might want to install devscripts.. you can just use 'debuild' then. [08:26] impi: sorry I answered that before reading your actual question.. [08:28] SpamapS, no worries bro, and good morning, i just scp'ed the deb file, i had it build successfully on another server :) [08:29] impi: is this in 10.04 ? [08:34] kirkland, I'm creating a testdrive-common package to install testdrive.py into /usr/share/pyshared/testdrive and then symlink it in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/testdrive/testdrive.py. Is that ok with you? [08:34] RoAkSoAx: yup [08:34] kirkland, and should the symlinking be done during install or post-install? [08:35] SpamapS, no..9.04 [08:35] well uhm, ya maybe it is ten..how can i tell? [08:35] hetzner installed the box [08:35] cat /etc/issue [08:36] reason I ask is the dependencies allow for libdb4.8-dev [08:37] in lucid [08:47] SpamapS, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS \n \l [08:47] great tip, thank you for that [08:47] lsb_release -a [08:48] lsb_release -r [08:48] etc... [08:49] ivoks: fancy. ;) [09:01] New bug: #579809 in php5 (main) "acinclude.m4 macro PHP_CHECK_SIZEOF is not properly quoted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/579809 [09:39] php5-mysql depends on php5-common (= 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.4); however: [09:39] Version of php5-common on system is 5.3.2-1ubuntu4. [09:39] how can i install that version on my ubuntu system? [10:12] impi: you probably have the wrong php5-mysql === oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_ [10:13] SpamapS, i got it working bro ;) [10:13] impi: werd [10:14] thanks for the help...i just reconfigured it with add pdo...and it kinda went about its thing...and completed.. [10:14] yea, [10:14] thank you for assisting me, much appreciated [10:15] :) [10:16] now if only friday can hurry up and bloody get here :D === oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann === oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_ [11:12] hi, is there a way to use ubuntu-vm-builder on hardy to create a lucid guest? === oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann === oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_ [11:22] is it possible to install ubuntu onto a btrfs partition? [11:22] just for test (in a vm) === oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann [12:12] oubiwann: please don' change your nick so often in the channel [12:12] *don't [12:26] New bug: #579909 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "mysql fails to build form source on armel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/579909 === impi is now known as impi_busy === MagicFab___ is now known as MagicFab [13:11] New bug: #579924 in bacula "Upgrading Ubuntu LTS skips database version - Fatal error: Version error for database "bacula". Wanted 12, got 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/579924 [13:30] Hi I need help . Ive got a Dymo Label writer 400 which apparently can run on my server so all users can use it. [13:30] I found some instructions but dont know how to download the tar.gz [13:31] Extract the files from dymo-cups-drivers-1.0.3.tar.gz. Open a terminal window and run the [13:31] following commands in the package directory: [13:47] Whats up with mysql 5.1 in lucid? [13:47] start: Unknown job: mysql [13:47] when trying to start === thefish is now known as thefish_email [14:13] one of the options in my fstab is stopping my system from booting, I can't even go into recovery, how do I go about mounting the / filesystem through the livecd considering its on a raid 0 and than lvm? [14:24] Hi, I have setup a mail server with postfix + dovecot. Here is my main.cf file: http://pastebin.com/2Uw64vTh [14:24] THe problem is I get this when I try to send mail: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]: 554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo= [14:25] * guntbert wonders why "everyone" wants to set up a public mail server [14:26] guntbert: Experimenting for learning stuff [14:27] rahman: then please don't connect it to the internet - keep it strictly internal === oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_ === oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann === oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_ [15:36] just wondering how hard it is to set up a hot failover load balance system [15:38] Jeeves_Moss: like, an IPVS cluster system [15:39] SpamapS, I have an old Linksys RV082 that's on her last legs. I'd like to get something a little more stable (....think courtney love with out pills) for tossing into the data center. I'm going to be transisioning my home server into a 1U rackmount in a data center, and I'd like to get it setup so if one line craps out, it'll fail over [15:40] * RoyK just ordered a new 2x8-core opteron system with 64 gigs of ram :D [15:40] RoyK, want to share? [15:41] hehe [15:41] supermicro box [15:41] for chewing volcanic ash [15:41] RoyK, guess I'll just have to live with my dual core 3hz intel box in the basement [15:42] these scientists spend a few cpu years with their models [15:42] lol, well, for me, this is "scrap" systems client's have "tossed" on my reccomendation. [15:43] she's in a nice little Antec case with 2x500Gb drives striped together, and a 320Gb for boot. [15:43] it'll be interesting to see how ubuntu scales to 16 cpus [15:44] this is true. let me know! I've got a dual 3Ghz Xenon 1U in the basement that I'm dying to watch go up in smoke! [15:44] striping is like russian roulette [15:44] lol, I like the Russians. They're fun to drink with. (and she's RAID 10 actually to an external drive) [15:45] k [15:45] * RoyK uses opensolaris for storage [15:45] zfs ftw [15:51] lol [15:52] want to add you $0.02 to the convo about doing hot failover load balancing on Ubuntu? [15:52] drbd and pacemaker usually works well [15:54] peacemaker? [15:55] http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/pacemaker-heartbeat [15:56] https://wiki.edubuntu.org/ClusterStack [15:56] this is what I'm looking to duplacate [15:56] http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9926/ [15:57] I've got a dual port NIC that I'm planning on tossing into the rackmount server when I put her into 151 Front st in Toronto. I get 2 10Base-T connections, so I want to be able to load balance and hot failover on those lines [15:57] http://lartc.org/ is a good start [15:59] humm [16:00] it's not easy, but quite doable [16:00] brb, system reboot [16:00] lol, nothing I want to do is "easy"!!! [16:00] most systems like that use routing protocols that handle failover [16:00] including this!! http://www.tessawhite.ca [16:00] brb [16:05] sorry about that all === oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann [16:41] hello [16:43] having problem with software RAID + LVM. After server power off, LVM refuses to create /dev/foo/bar, although /dev/mapper/foo-bar are mountable and intact... pvscan replies no matching physical volumes found... what can i do? === ajaya_ is now known as ajaya [16:44] re-creating with pvcreate /dev/md0 replies disk not found, while cat /proc/mdstat reports no problem, and volumes are mountable... [16:44] hello? [16:46] wrong place to ask this question? [16:48] fallback: I don't know for sure if this is the right place or not (it is if somenone can help you :-)) --- but you need to be patient [16:48] ah ok, sorry [16:49] fallback: :) [17:11] New bug: #580045 in samba (main) "in smbfs package the smbmount binary removed but libpam-mount with smbfs would use it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/580045 [17:13] sorry for my impatience, but does anybody have time to help with an software-RAID + LVM problem? [17:24] in desperate need of advice getting my RAID-LVM setup back up... power-out killed proper LVM handling; RAID array is fine, /dev/mapper/foo-bar mountable but /dev/foo/bar won't appear, pvscan etc all reply no volumes/groups etc found... [17:43] is it too busy, too easy a question or too difficult? Originally posted this question nearly 60 minutes ago... [17:57] hi [17:58] I dont see label for /dev , /dev/shm on http://paste.ubuntu.com/432875/ [17:58] on 10.04 Ubuntu Server [17:58] Any clue ? [17:58] It says "none" [18:00] kaushal: i think thats normal [18:01] <__3ies__> yes, as far as i know that is right [18:02] I dont see that behaviour in 8.04 [18:03] <__3ies__> because /dev is mounted in a diferent way as of 8.04 [18:04] __3ies__: still not understood why is it different from 8.04 [18:04] please explain me with examples [18:05] <__3ies__> ok [18:05] <__3ies__> i am looking for some examples [18:10] <__3ies__> it has to do with udev i think [18:10] <__3ies__> earlier you have all dev devices created on disk [18:11] <__3ies__> now they are gonna be created as they are used by something or someone [18:11] __3ies__: is it documented somewhere ? [18:11] <__3ies__> yes [18:11] <__3ies__> but i don remember where i read it [18:15] I've got PHP 5.2, Apache and sendmail installed on my server. When I try to send an email from PHP, no error is generated, but nothing is ever sent. I don't see anything in the logs. Any idea where I should look to debug this? [18:16] __3ies__: if you can point me to the document it would be really helpful [18:16] <__3ies__> i am working on it but i dont find anything yet for now [18:18] <__3ies__> for example this [18:18] <__3ies__> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man7/udev.7.html [18:23] <__3ies__> or this [18:23] <__3ies__> At bootup, the /dev directory should get the 'devtmpfs' filesystem 60 mounted. Udev will manage permissions and ownership of the kernel-created 61 device nodes, and possibly create additional symlinks. If needed, udev also 62 works on an empty 'tmpfs' filesystem, but some static device nodes like 63 /dev/null, /dev/console, /dev/kmsg are needed to be able to start udev itself. [18:23] <__3ies__> from this: [18:24] <__3ies__> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/hotplug/udev.git;a=blob;hb=HEAD;f=README [18:24] <__3ies__> and this: [18:24] <__3ies__> http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/udev.html [18:26] <__3ies__> and this too: [18:26] <__3ies__> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udev [18:30] Apache is segfaulting when I try to use the PHP mial function. Any idea why that might be? Using Ubuntu 9.04 [18:31] mial = mail [18:33] seanr: not much info [18:34] JohnDoy, I have no idea where to look to give you more. Need help with basic debugging here. [18:34] error.log reports [Thu May 13 13:30:15 2010] [notice] child pid 21677 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) [18:35] hello, I need some help about run a backup script when I halt the system (ubuntu 10.04) [18:36] juanjoA: try to put script in /etc/rc.6 with chmod +x [18:36] If I create a script in /etc/rc2.d/K99backup.sh, this dont work on Ubuntu 10.04, maybe upstart ... [18:37] Ubuntu server, run level 2 [18:37] rc6 is run on restart [18:37] ok, I need to save the script on the runlevel halt? [18:38] this is runlevel 0, I think [18:39] It says: 6 - System Reboot [18:39] But I need this when I halt the server ... [18:39] On shutdown ? [18:39] this = make the backup [18:39] Yes on shutdown [18:40] rc6 is executed on reboot, that means Shutdown, killing apps [18:41] ok, I will probe, thx [18:41] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel [18:48] <__3ies__> kaushal: was it enough for you? [18:48] hello i'm building my first web server using ubuntu server edition... everything is running well is guess but i'm worry about security... guys can you give me some good article or guide to provide security to my server???? thanks [18:49] <__3ies__> https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/security.html [18:50] thanks mate [18:50] __3ies__: install shorewall (interface to iptables, a firewall) [18:50] __3ies__: shall i pvt message you ? [18:50] <__3ies__> yes [18:52] <__3ies__> enav: not at all but you have read the heading of this irc where you ca see "Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/" the next time :P [18:52] thanks bro [18:54] <__3ies__> enav: not at all :) [18:59] Strange - php test email script works from CLI, but segfaults apache when called from the web. Anyone seen this? [18:59] Has the JeOS`s vmbuilder a xen support ? [19:01] seanr: do you have installed mail clients like sendmail ? [19:01] JohnDoy, yes, I have sendmail installed. [19:01] Running from the commandline works and sends the email [19:02] http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-34786.html [19:03] fix sendmail_path in php.ini [19:05] JohnDoy path in phpinfo() viewed from the web is already correct. /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i [19:05] $ whereis sendmail [19:05] sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail ... [19:06] So I'm still at a loss. [19:08] I Don`t have idea ... [19:14] There's also almost nothing different between the two php.ini files (/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and /etc/php5/cli/php.ini) [19:21] hi all [19:22] how can i installa a specific php version? [19:26] iKb: how specific? === jldugger is now known as pwnguin [19:26] 5.2.13 [19:26] not the 5.3 version [19:26] is possible with apt-get to select the version to install? [19:27] no [19:27] well, you could pin the package if it were available [19:27] but afaik, it's not [19:28] keep in mind that if you do that, you'll be missing security patches [19:30] http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/p/php5/php5_5.3.2-1/changelog#versionversion5.2.12.dfsg.1-2 [19:30] i can't use php 5.3 [19:30] my aplication at the moment is not compatible [19:30] you could build that package [19:30] can i use something like "apt-get install nautilus=2.2.4-1" [19:31] but how can i have a list of all the versions [19:32] Hi everyone! I have Ubuntu hardy 8.04 server with command line install. I can't activate my wi-if.. can anyone help me out, please? [19:32] i think apt-cache madison, but you won't like the results [19:32] lord_koala: your server uses wifi? [19:33] pwnguin: I am a anewbie.. just wanted to get wi-fi on my test pc.. our cable is in the living room and I don't want to clutter it with my desktop.. wife don't like it.. so I have to hide it [19:34] pwnguin: apt-cache show or showpkg [19:34] i think this is the answer [19:36] afaik, there has never been a debian package of 5.2.13 [19:36] you'll have to build from source' [19:37] it will not be simple as apt-get :( [19:38] life aint fair ;) [19:38] you could always port the application to 5.3 in case that's easier [19:38] or stick with an older release of ubuntu and php until your app is future ready [19:39] did dhcp3 change in 10.04? [19:42] ok tnx going to reboot from ubuntu [19:53] hi everyone - can anyone help me with a wi-fi activation on my hardy 8.04 server, please? when I try iwconfig wlan0 essid it returns error for wifi request "Set ESSID" (8B1A): and set failed on wlan0: invalid argument [19:59] how to login eucalyptus-cloud ? [19:59] [error:0185] User 'eucalyptus' validated [19:59] [error:0215] [19:59] [error:0255] Failed to load Eucalyptus. [19:59] [error:0390] Service exit with a return value of 1 [19:59] lord_koala: have you disabled network manager? [20:00] I have no idea.. perhaps :) how can I activate it [20:01] when I try ifconfig wlan0 up it returns IDCSIFFLAGS: invalid argument [20:02] i think you have to take a look at /etc/network/interfaces [20:02] when I try ifconfig wlan0 up it returns SIDCSIFFLAGS: invalid argument [20:02] what should I look at there? [20:02] if it's all auto then network manager takes over [20:02] are you using the GUI to manage your network connections or have you changed /etc/network/interfaces [20:02] just command line.. fresh install [20:03] but I put the wi-fi card after I completed the install [20:03] no GUI [20:03] ah ok [20:03] well then everything will be in /etc/network/interfaces [20:03] to configure [20:04] do you see the card w/ lspci [20:06] in /etc/network/interfaces, everything is auto, but it was only eth0 and lo.. I put auto wlan0 [20:06] and iface wlan0 inet dhcp [20:07] address netmask network and broadcast all have values, but I entered them.. maybe it is wrong [20:07] what is lspci? [20:08] lord_koala: lists all the connected PCI cards and controllers on your system [20:10] Callum_ :how can I do that? [20:17] thesheff17: lspci returns these => network: intersil corp. prism 2.5 rev01 --- ethernet: intel 82540EM gigabit ethernet card ver02 [20:17] so is that what you added? [20:17] it seems so [20:17] that doesn't look like a wireless card [20:18] this is the chipset.. how can I see my driver [20:18] linux isn't like windows with drivers really...the kernel which drives hardware has built int support for devices [20:18] mine is d-link 520.. I think it has intersil prism chipset [20:19] do you also have a ethernet adapter in the machine? [20:19] theseff17: what should I do than :) [20:19] yes. ethernet is there [20:21] so the device you are trying to configure is a d-link 520 wireless adapter [20:21] the first thing is you have to make sure lspci sees it [20:21] then once it can see it you can mess around with /etc/network/interfaces [20:22] yea it is kinda tough sometimes you have a device with a brand name but the chip on it comes from another vendor like intel or whoever [20:23] how can I understand if lspci is seeing it or not? [20:23] kinda have to just match them up [20:24] ah ok...so ethernet and wireless adapters are separated...so here is the output of mine [20:24] 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5906M Fast Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02) [20:24] 0c:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02) [20:24] so it looks like this is your wireless adapter: network: intersil corp. prism 2.5 rev01 --- ethernet: intel 82540EM gigabit ethernet card ver02 [20:25] when you do lspci you see one that says ethernet right? and that is different then Network [20:25] also what version of ubuntu are you using? [20:26] this page might also help determining if your wireless adapter is supported: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported [20:27] 8.04 lts hardy [20:27] k [20:27] mine seems to be intersil corporation prism 2.5 [20:28] so that is the chipset...it doesn't really matter...as long as it sees it. [20:29] so it sees it.. I think it is disabled.. but when I try ifconfig wlan0 up, it doesn't work [20:30] what do you have in /etc/network/interfaces [20:30] it needs to be configured in there [20:30] prior to doing ifup ifdown or /etc/init.d/networking restart [20:31] also if your wireless network is using security all that has to go in that file as well [20:31] wep or wpa or whatever you are using [20:32] the problem is most poeople don't put wireless adapters inside a server edition of ubuntu [20:32] the desktop version has a network manager that takes care of all this through the GUI [20:32] for you [20:33] this is the server :( I looked ar interfaces.. my wlan0 wasn't there and I put wlan0 auto [20:34] oh.. so.. I need to configure /etc/network/interface.. could you tell me how I can input password and wpa there? [20:37] thesheff17: I only have eth0 and lo configured in /etc/netwrok/interfaces - it seems to be the problem is here. [20:39] yea I'm trying to find you a good example on google...but the docs are hard to find: [20:39] here is one that looks pretty good: [20:39] auto wlan0 [20:39] iface wlan0 inet dhcp [20:39] wireless-mode Managed [20:39] wireless-essid myssid [20:39] wireless-key s:mywepkey [20:39] try to add that all to your /etc/network/interface file [20:39] /etc/network/interfaces I mean [20:40] I use wap.. [20:40] wpa2 actually [20:40] is it still aftes optipn "s"? [20:42] sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant [20:42] prob need that [20:43] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo [20:43] it is pretty confusing but with some tweaking you can get it working [20:43] avoid the network manager since you are on the server === \shade\ is now known as toshade === toshade is now known as \shade\ [20:44] do I need internet connection to use apt-get for wpa :) [20:46] haha yea [20:46] it defies the logic :) [20:46] but at least my wi-fi should be working if I configured right.. password is a later step.. [20:46] hehe I know...apt-get used to default to the cdrom but they have gotten away from that. [20:47] yes [20:47] password goes in a config file some where [20:47] I edites /etc/network/interfaces and restarted the machine [20:47] you can do /etc/init.d/networking restart [20:47] to restart all networking interfaces [20:47] and then use ifconfig to see all them [20:47] what about this wireless-key s:mywepkey [20:48] I would remove that and follow the instructions for useing WPA [20:48] mywepkey isn't the actual password [20:48] well yea but it is not for wep === \shade\ is now known as shade\ [20:50] I stıll see eth and lo only when I look at ifconfig [20:50] seems hopeless [20:51] well there are tools for searching for wireless networks...it isn't hopeless but definitely harder to do on a server. [20:51] w/ no GUI [20:52] when I use restart it fails to start wlan0 [20:54] it says error for wireless request "Set Mode" [20:54] set failed on device wlan0: operation not supported [20:55] hmmm...yea it is hard to find the exact settings because everyone uses the GUI [20:56] I would get those wpasupplicant installed [20:56] and play around with the tools [20:56] and see if can even discover the SID around you [20:57] what is SID [20:59] SID is short for security identifier which is assigned to your router that is broadcasting its name === shade\ is now known as {shade} [20:59] thesheff17: thanks alot.. you gave me the basics.. now it is up to me to solve the rest :) [21:00] yea try to discover the networks and see what you can get working...also sometimes it may not be wlan0 and ath0 sometimes....there should be a tool that tells you which is which but I forget which tool that is [21:00] the reason they are different is because they have different kernel drivers for each [21:01] if you need more help just come back to this board or post on the ubuntu forums...but the ubuntu forums seem to go un answered for allot of my questions :-/ [21:02] yeah.. forums are not the best place for specific questions :) [21:02] hehe the other thing you could do is bridge a laptop wireless adapter to the ethernet adapter and the plug the ethernet adapter from laptop into the server [21:02] hi again [21:02] I have had to do this before because I didn't have an internet connection on the server. [21:02] man mount says (The customary choice none is less fortunate: the error message `none busy' from umount can be confusing.) [21:03] what does that mean ? [21:03] in context to my query regarding "none" device label on 10.04 server [21:04] kaushal: what are you trying to mount [21:04] what kind of share? [21:04] thesheff17: let me pastebin it [21:05] http://paste.ubuntu.com/432978/ [21:08] I guess that has to do with your tmpfs [21:08] file systems [21:09] I have never seen that before [21:09] yes [21:09] strange for me too [21:09] why so many tmpfs ? [21:10] why it works for 8.04 and not on 10.04 [21:10] I mean the device label [21:11] this one is on the 10.04 but not on the 8.04 [21:11] none tmpfs 36G 0 36G 0% /lib/init/rw [21:11] maybe that is the one causing the error [21:12] I have to run...but I will be back on later...kaushal sorry couldn't help more [21:12] can someone look at my fstab - http://pastebin.com/3bcHr1kS - and tell me why my quota settings on / are not being applied when running command quotacheck -avugm which outputs quotacheck: Cannot find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with quota option === Russ is now known as Russ|Out [21:36] im noob... how FTP manage accounts and passwords? [21:36] for example my linux user is /home/enav [21:37] enav, why you need to use FTP ? [21:37] if i want to connect to my server with another name i need to create anoter linux account???? [21:37] can't you stay with ssh ? [21:38] yes i can... but is just a question to understand how FTP works [21:38] enav: by default it uses the accounts in the system [21:39] i finished a text here: http://is.gd/c7SuC but this says nothing about create new FTP account or something like that [21:39] so to resume this SSH and FTP just remote connections and works with system accounts? [21:40] by default! [21:40] but you could set another source for users ! [21:40] a mysqldb, ldap, etc.. [21:41] i want to be able to create an account and a password and limit that user to one folder [21:41] search for virtual users vsftpd for samples ! [21:42] enav are you using samba ? that is simple then [21:43] no im buiding a web server with ubuntu but im still learning [21:44] enav: samba will take care of that as well [21:44] over internet? [21:44] on the same network [21:44] hum [21:46] i want to set my server simple just give the webmaster the domain, the ftp server address ftp user and ftp password... simple [21:47] while it is possible to do with ubuntu server you can do that with any desktop os also you just need a ftp server( software ) [21:47] i made a couple o f web sites in the pass... so i want to made my web server works like those i used in the past [21:50] maybe i need to google vstftpd for further information [21:50] you gonna host it to the internet from your server? are you going to use a domain forwarder or just have people connect via your ip? [21:51] yep a DNS pointing to my static IP [21:52] you most likely have a dynamic ip that doesnt change ... :) but then dont forget to open the port on your router for ftp,http etc :) [21:53] ok [21:53] im reading the information on the ubuntu website... this is good and vague same time [21:54] dont forget to let me know when you get your site up =) [21:54] roger amigo [22:23] Hello ! Is there a 10.04 version of jeos ? [22:27] i forwarded port 80 to my local ip but i cant acces my web server from outside... what is wrong? [22:50] So... I'm about to upgrade my home-server from an old 600Mhz desktop from the stoneage to something more up to date, my plan is to build a media-center desktop with virtual instances of ubuntu-server, one for development and one for production. Is this a particularly bad idea, to host a production server on top of a desktop os in the manner of performance and/or security? [22:52] It may not make much sense running a desktop machine 24/7 as a home server. You might be better served with an Atom D510 box as a dedicated home server. [22:53] It'll save you plenty of money in the long run versus running a desktop 24/7 [22:55] im new on this... every time i restart my apache this show me this output but i don know whether this is good or bad http://pastebin.com/TaA9QyCF [22:58] * f1yback bbl [23:02] cloakable: heh, I was rather thinking the new athlon II x3 45W to have some muscles under the hood :/ [23:05] zatunk: What for? home server is a very low-power situation. My server rarely uses more than ~5% CPU over all four cores. [23:14] cloakable: yeah I know, just me being stubber, when I deploy my production services, I'm of course better of to rent space at a hosting company... [23:22] enav: maybe this will help: http://serverfault.com/questions/1405/apache2-startup-warning-namevirtualhost-80-has-no-virtualhosts [23:23] hey, I'm planning on copying my ubuntu 10.04 install from one partition to another. Should I go into a live cd/usb environment, create the new filesystem, use the tar command as listed here: http://www.tiplib.com/174/copy-filesystem-another-filesystem-tar, edit fstab for the new UUID, and then reinstall grub2? [23:23] thanks mate [23:48] what is a PAM cession ??? [23:57] So, how do I get into single user mode in 10.04? [23:57] nm [23:57] It b oots before I can do anything [23:58] Tried to boot from CD< but the CD just forces a boot from the drive