
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== Bernardo is now known as jbs
=== Bernardo|away is now known as Bernardo
tormodfinally made it to the UDS \o/08:19
lucazadeBernardo http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9291537&postcount=79810:20
tseliotlucazade: composite and render should be enabled by default, why did you put them in your xorg.conf?10:30
tseliotthe same applies to aiglx10:30
lucazadeto make test easier10:30
lucazadeyes i know10:30
tseliotaah, to disable them when you need it10:31
lucazadei cannot remember every option, so..10:31
lucazadei leave them10:32
brycehhi tseliot10:34
tseliothi bryceh10:35
tseliotlucazade: did you put the 3d driver package in some ppa?10:38
lucazadenot yet... maybe slonua was uploading to the gma500 ppa on launchpad10:39
lucazadenot sure10:39
tseliotI think Sarvatt has the rest of the required packages in his ppa10:41
lucazadedo you a have link to his ppa?10:43
lucazadeor git repo?10:43
tseliotoh : http://www.internetling.com/2010/05/12/howto-intel-gma-500-poulsbo-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/10:44
tseliothis ppa: https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/psb10:45
brycehRAOF, ^^^10:47
RAOFbryceh: Thanks10:48
brycehRAOF, tseliot, you guys might want to contact that Lucazade guy and see what changes he did to the packages to get them to work10:50
brycehlooks to me like it might even be sru-worthy since it seems to have no debs for non-psb bits10:50
brycehor mm at least10:50
tseliotbryceh: getting things to work is one thing, supporting them is another10:50
tseliotwe could put the packages in the x-updates PPA when they are ready10:51
* tseliot knows what it means to try to support poulsbo...10:52
brycehtseliot, true10:55
brycehoh hey I'm blind, lucazade is here on the channel :-)  sorry lucazade!10:55
tseliotmy touchscreen uses poulsbo (and I have a few other devices with the same chip) therefore I'll be able to test it and fix the packages if something is wrong10:57
lucazadebryceh: svn repository for gma500...     https://gma500.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/11:03
lucazadebryceh or lp:gma50011:04
brycehRAOF, wayland progress!  made it past the Makefile.in error11:05
brycehtseliot, great11:06
brycehlucazade, thanks11:08
RAOFbryceh: yay!11:08
brycehlucazade, can you tell me what your interest is with gma500?  any interest helping with the maintenance of it in ubuntu more generally?11:09
lucazadebryceh.. my interest in gma500 is only for personal use, just a challange with my knowledge. I'd like to help and maintain but i'm not really a driver developer so I honestly don't know if I am able to. 11:14
lucazadereally thanks for your offer11:14
* ilmari should get around to forwarding bug #568138 upstream11:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568138 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[arrandale] deadlock in i915_gem_madvise_ioctl" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56813811:18
brycehlucazade, ok no prob, well stick around, you sound like you'd be quite helpful if other users have some questions :-)11:23
Bernardolucazade: saw that you got it working with gnome, great12:30
BernardoI see bryceh has left... :(12:31
Bernardolucazade: the problems you had with compiz probably can't be solved with this version of the binary blobs12:32
Bernardolucazade: the server part only supports glx 1.2, and if compiz is calling a 1.3 function, then we can't get to work without much effort12:33
lucazadeyes, you're right... i can live without compiz on a netbook :)12:34
lucazademetacity compositor is enough12:36
BernardoNow.. back to try getting some useful information out of x crashes12:44
BernardoI've followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing but running X under gdb seems impossible on a 1101HA, always goes to 100%cpu12:45
Bernardodifferent subject - how do I tell launchpad which folders in bazaar it should build as packages?12:46
lucazadei've never build ppa from bzr.. always use dput12:47
tseliotBernardo: what's the problem? Does X crash?12:47
lucazadewith shadowfb false12:47
tseliotdo you have an X log with the backtrace?12:48
Bernardoyou're fast... :)12:49
Bernardotseliot: my machine has the xorg-core and xorg-core-dbg packages from bryceh's purple ppa, but that seems to be all info I can get from a backtrace12:50
jcristauyou won't get more than that without gdb12:51
BernardoI thought as much, but gdb here (running on a ssh session) hangs with xorg taking 100% cpu when I try to reproduce the crash12:52
BernardoI've left it running overnight, but after 8 hours it was still hung and wouldn't answer to ctrl-c12:52
jcristauyou could get X to dump core, and run gdb on that12:52
jcristau(with the -core option; should get a core file in /etc/X11/ after the crash)12:53
Bernardolet me try now...12:53
Bernardojcristau: thanks, now I have 75M core to play with... :)12:58
tseliotBernardo: I would like to see the full backtrace from that core13:00
Bernardoit seems to end up inside pixman_blt_sse213:01
tseliotdid you install libpixman-1-0-dbg?13:02
BernardoShould be:13:09
Bernardo  Instalado: 0.16.4-1ubuntu213:09
Bernardo  Candidato: 0.16.4-1ubuntu213:09
Bernardotseliot: http://pastebin.com/gzvrhRcU13:09
Bernardotseliot: anything else you want, please ask. I'd love to get this working again (before it breaks with kernel 2.6.34)13:10
jcristausrc_bits=0x0, dst_bits=0x0 sounds wrong somehow.13:11
tseliotyes, it makes very little sense13:13
Bernardothat seems to happen after #17, miDoCopy, the others below the values still seem to make sense13:14
BernardoI forgot I had removed 'Option "NoTrapSignals" "true"' from xorg.conf, do you want another backtrace with that enabled?13:16
jcristaushouldn't make a difference13:17
Bernardook, anything you want me to patch jusk ask.13:19
lucazadeis it th same issue? http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=58011913:22
ubottuDebian bug 580119 in xserver-xorg-core "Hang in pixman_blt_sse2()" [Normal,Open]13:22
jcristaui don't think so.  not sure though.13:27
jcristauthat one is a hang, not a segv, and it's using intel, not psb (which means not exa).13:28
Bernardoleaving now, I'll be back in a couple of hours13:36
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|away
tseliotlucazade: can you reproduce the problem if you set Option "MigrationHeuristic" to "always" instead of "greedy"?13:58
tseliotin your xorg.conf, that is13:58
tseliotBernardo|away: ^^14:00
=== Bernardo|away is now known as Bernardo
Bernardotseliot: ok, will try now15:37
Bernardowith always it will crash on kdm login screen15:39
Bernardolet me check the core15:39
tseliotBernardo: also, please try "smart" instead of "always"15:39
Bernardothat is for always15:40
BernardoI'll try smart now15:40
jgbryceh: so a smoke test on the RS600 rotation bug passed; KMS doesn't work on it.15:40
brycehjg, the smoke test passed with KMS off, but failed with it on?15:42
* tseliot has a look at the log15:42
Bernardowith smart I don't even get a graphic, only a flashing cursor on the top left15:43
tseliotah, ok15:43
Bernardobut X is started, according to the backtrace I posted15:44
jgbryceh: doesn't work at all with kms on.  rotate works with kms off.15:50
jgbryceh: as X wont run at all on KMS on the chip, rotation is moot.15:51
jg(nor does the console work with kms enabled).15:51
jgbryceh: also, I have a brand-spanking, new HP Elitebook 2540p notebook; neither Ubuntu nor Fedora will install on it.  ajax took a look; it appears to be the first eDP laptop in captivity he's heard of.  What is happening from the conversation ajax and keithp had is that the X server is trying to set the frequency on the eDP internal panel, that it should not mess with, and loses.  Ironically, if I plug an external panel into the external DP connector, it drives ju16:07
jgst fine (but it's hard to install when you can't see what you are doing, short of a text based install).16:07
jgbryceh: I haven't had a chance to catch up with ajax to see if he has a patch yet.16:07
Bernardotseliot: anything else?16:26
Sarvattjg: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/intel-gfx/2010-May/006847.html -- doesn't look promising though https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2807016:28
ubottuFreedesktop bug 28070 in Driver/intel "[Arrandale] No output (black) on eDP" [Major,New]16:28
tseliotBernardo: no, thanks. I think we'll have to settle with "greedy" then. I'm wondering what can be causing that null pointer...16:28
Bernardotseliot: the bug seems similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/539772 but I am already using the packages from bryceh that should fix that17:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539772 in xorg-server "[MASTER] Lucid 2.6.32-16 crashed to login screen - miCopyRegion" [High,Fix committed]17:19
tseliotBernardo: while I don't think it's the same problem I think I can try a similar solution by checking that the pointer in the source drawable is not null17:27
tseliotI need to look more into this issue17:28
BernardoOk, if you want me to test that, I'm here.17:29
tseliotBernardo: ah, did you say that you're already using the xserver from ppa:bryceharrington/purple ?17:35
BernardoWhen I first got a backtrace, I googled for something similar, and found that17:35
tseliotaah, ok17:36
Bernardotried to see if it fixed the problem, but it didn't17:36
tseliotas I thought, it's a different problem17:36
Bernardobut at least it gave me debug symbols for xorg-core17:36
tseliotbut it's still useful as a reference17:36
BernardoI thought as much17:36
tseliotBernardo: I've written a patch so as to check that point earlier. I'm trying to build X here before I upload to a PPA18:08
tseliotBernardo: please try 2:1.7.6-2ubuntu8~lp539772tseliot1 when it's built: https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/ppa18:22
Bernardotseliot: sure18:23
tseliotthanks for testing18:23
Bernardook, seems like all three (common, core, and core-dbg) are there, so I'll install them now18:28
Bernardostarting x without shadowfb...18:29
tseliotBernardo: wait it says that it's still building here18:29
tseliotmake sure that the version ends with tseliot118:30
BernardoAh... I got the ones without. Only looked at 539772. Doh...18:30
tseliothttps://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/ppa/+build/1738412 18:30
tseliotBernardo: the packages seem to be available here ^^18:31
BernardoYes, they are just awaiting publication, I'll try downloading from there18:31
Bernardoinstalling now18:34
Bernardostill crashes... :(18:36
* tseliot has a look at the log18:38
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|away
lucazadeBernardo: anything to test?18:57
* tseliot -> dinner19:01
=== Bernardo|away is now known as Bernardo
* Bernardo just finished dinner... :)19:20
Bernardolucazade: tseliot made a patch to try to fix the crash, but unfortunately it wasn't successful19:20
lucazadeBernardo ok 19:44
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|away
tseliotBernardo|away, lucazade: I've just uploaded another patch (make sure you install 2:1.7.6-2ubuntu8~lp539772tseliot2) https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/ppa20:17
lucazadexorg-server ?20:18
tseliotyep, it hasn't been built yet though20:18
lucazadeadd the ppa and update?20:19
tseliotyes, when the package are ready20:20
lucazadeok i'l wait20:20
lucazadetseliot failed to build20:28
tseliotlet me check20:32
tseliotI found the problem... let me fix it20:34
tseliotlucazade: ok, re-uploaded (~lp539772tseliot3)20:41
lucazadetseliot perfect20:41
lucazadei'm in queue as the package20:42
=== Bernardo|away is now known as Bernardo
Bernardotseliot, lucazade: I see we have another patch to test?20:56
tseliotBernardo: I'd be glad if you could test ~lp539772tseliot3 too20:56
tseliotit's still building20:56
Bernardook, I'll wait... gnawing my finger nails...20:56
Sarvattjcristau: http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/xenocara/driver/xf86-video-intel/20:59
Sarvatt(if you didn't find it yet)20:59
tseliotBernardo, lucazade: https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/ppa/+build/173853121:00
lucazadetseliot refreshed ppa but still display tseliot1.. maybe some mins21:01
Bernardook, going to download it21:01
tseliotyes, they haven't been published yet21:02
LaMsHey guys, thanks for working on the poulsbo stuff for Lucid21:04
Bernardotesting now...21:04
Bernardotseliot: I think you got it!21:05
Bernardodidn't crash as usual, and 3d works21:05
lucazadegrande Alberto21:05
LaMsWow ! Does that mean that I'll get 3D on my mini 10 with that guys ?21:06
Bernardoglblur gives 16.6 fps21:06
tseliotBernardo, lucazade: really?21:06
Bernardo19.9 with overclocking21:06
Bernardostill one problem wth bitmaps21:07
lucazadestill installing here21:07
Bernardothe eee-control tray icon is empty, the kde native ones show21:07
BernardoLaMs: thank tselliot for it21:07
BernardoI just ported stuff from mandriva, tseliot seems to have found the main problem with 3d21:08
LaMstselliot: I understand that you are the one who made 3d possible, so a big thank you !21:08
jcristauSarvatt: oga gave me a link to his openbsd git repo, thanks21:08
Sarvattricotz: huh did linux - 2.6.34-2.8 fail to build? I copied that over a few hours ago but your linux - 2.6.34-2.7~lucid~ricotz1 is in there?21:08
tseliotLaMs: it seems that (much to my surprise) I have worked around the problem, yes21:09
Bernardotseliot: can I make the announcement on the ubuntuforums thread to tell people to add the ppa, or do you want do hold or do it yourself?21:09
LaMsI can test for you guys and I may help a little bit if needed. I'm an embedded developer here at work and have some experience with kernel driver21:09
tseliotBernardo, lucazade: I can make my patch smaller so that RAOF can adopt it21:09
LaMsJust don't have any experience with Xorg at all21:10
tseliotBernardo: sure, go ahead21:10
BernardoLaMs: add the gma500 ppa (or run lucazade's script), then add alberto milone's ppa ( https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/ppa) and upgrade21:10
ricotzSarvatt, yeah 2.8 has a wrong ABI folder and failed, there is no real difference to 2.721:10
lucazadelams kernel 2.6.34 break psb-kernel-source21:10
Sarvatttheres a fix for 2.6.34 on the intel-gfx lists21:11
LaMslucazade: Is 2.6.34 a kernel that Lucid will support ?21:11
Bernardotseliot: thanks a lot. There is still the bitmaps issue, and now we can look at problems with 2.6.34 - but maybe those are solved now21:11
Bernardolucazade: how is it going?21:11
SarvattLaMs: nope21:11
lucazadetseliot icons are not visible21:11
tseliotBernardo: bitmaps issue? Do you have a bug report I can look at?21:11
lucazadebut it booted ok21:12
Sarvattthere will probably be a IEGD release here soon that supports 10.0421:12
Bernardothe one I just was talking about - eee-control icon isn't visible, all the kde standard ones (which I think are svgs) can be seen21:12
Sarvattonce meego comes out21:12
BernardoSarvatt: I thought meego will have xorg 1.8?21:12
BernardoSo either we use the xorg-edgers ppa, or you guys are planning backporting 1.8 to lucid?21:13
tseliota IEGD release would save us a lot of work21:13
jcristausigh iegd.  that shit still exists?21:14
Bernardoif it finally fixes suspend/resume21:14
Sarvattno but it'd be trivial for them to support xserver 1.7 if they do 1.821:14
BernardoSarvatt: if they feel like it21:14
lucazadetseliot i think bitmap issue is the last one21:14
tseliotjcristau: do nightmares exist?21:14
Bernardotseliot: I thought the nightmare is the gma500/poulsbo itself21:15
tseliotthe driver is the problem21:15
Bernardoshows you a glimpse of cheap, fast, low power graphics, but with crappy binary blobs tying it down.21:15
Sarvattpoulsbo is a dream even compared to arm GPU's :D21:15
* Bernardo dabbles wit a zauros for quite some time21:16
* Bernardo has a zaurus C1000 for the taking, if someone wants to play with a old arm system...21:16
tseliotwell I *think* poulsbo and some arm gpus share some intellectual property21:17
BernardoSarvatt: I won't trade my 1101HA for any laptop or netbook costing even 5 times as much. It is light, the right size, and when the drivers work I can watch full hd with it. And even when they don't work that well I can do my work with it.21:18
LaMsAs PowerVR is concerned yes21:18
LaMsFrom my readings ...21:18
Bernardotseliot: I can see other problems, probably bitmap related, progress bars in kde now have a "grey rectangle within darker grey rectangle" background21:19
Bernardobut the desktop bitmap shows without problems21:20
tseliotBernardo: yes, I just worked around the problem by preventing the driver from trying to copy null drawables21:21
lucazadehere on gnome i can't see any icons, wallpapers is visible, glxgears seems to run ok21:21
LaMslucazade: Any suspicious message in system logs ?21:21
lucazadelet me see if i see any21:22
Bernardonothing in dmesg21:23
tseliotyes, it's an X thing21:24
tseliotnot kernel related21:24
Bernardoin Xorg.0.log there is the usual "(EE) PSB(0): First SDVO output reported failure to sync or input is not trainded!!!"21:24
Bernardonothing much more21:24
Bernardothe "loading" icon in kde is corrupted21:25
lucazadeXsession-error nothing, trying to start gnome-session --debug21:25
tseliotDo you see the corruption after trying to reproduce the previous problem or as soon as you start X?21:25
BernardoI only saw corruption now, the usual result is a blank space where a application icon should be21:26
tseliotok but as soon as you started X?21:27
Bernardoas soon as I got the kde desktop21:27
Bernardoanother symptom, scrolling in firefox scrolls only a bit of the page, the rest remains21:27
tseliotI maybe I'm killing sane drawables too21:27
tseliotlet me reduce the patch and rebuild the packages21:28
LaMsOk I'm leaving 21:29
LaMsI'll get back from home with my mini 1010 in hand21:29
LaMsI've not upgrade it yet21:29
LaMschow and great work guys21:30
Bernardoscrolling in konsole also has problems, only scrolls the last two lines21:31
tseliotBernardo, lucazade: ok, I've just uploaded ~lp539772tseliot4 to my ppa21:34
lucazadetseliot ok21:35
BernardoI see the build will start in 10 minutes21:37
* tseliot -> brb21:40
Bernardoat least vaapi works - fullHD!21:43
Bernardook, it just build, so final test...22:09
BernardoStill doesn't crash, but scrolling is still broken in firefox and console, and the eee-control icon is still invisible22:14
Bernardohave to go now, see you guys tomorrow.22:14
Bernardogood night!22:14
lucazadesee you Bernardo22:14
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|away
Bernardo|awaybye lucazade22:14
lucazadesame issue here22:14
lucazadetseliot ping22:15
lucazadei have to go.. 22:16
lucazadelucazade - away22:17
tseliotBernardo|away, lucazade: ok, thanks for testing. I'll investigate the issue tomorrow22:31

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