[01:58] hey DanaG, i've been playing around with doing something different to build the SGX modules (so far it works with the '02).. (instead of cross building the modules later..) http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/2.6.34-devel/files/head:/patches/sgx/ [02:05] ah, where do those apply? [02:07] i basicly dumped the gpl modules from the SDK then dumped/wired them into a staging directory... [02:09] ah, cool. [02:09] right now i'm building them against 2.6.34-rc7 but they should work on any kernel source with a staging tree.. now it's just make uimage, make modules.. copy over.. module loads.. ;) [02:09] Then what's left to build manually? Just userspace? Or wait... those parts would be binary, anway. [02:10] ah. I was hoping to have it be debs -- like packaged fglrx or nvidia. [02:10] yeap. deb's included. ;) [02:10] then you just need to run this user script on x86 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/2.6.34-devel/annotate/head:/create_sgx_package.sh [02:10] i'll tar up a package with an install script... [02:10] Sweet. [02:11] Though, I'll probably need a bigger SD card. [02:11] My 2GB card is... oh, 87% full. [02:11] i use a 2Gb with an extra 1GB for the SDK Demos... [02:11] have you done a "sudo apt-get clean" to remove any deb's in /var/cache.. [02:13] yeah... just did it; only freed 17 megs. [02:13] dang.. you must have isntalled one of the *-desktop's.. [02:16] I'm not sure... lemme' check. [02:26] /dev/mmcblk0p2 1.9G 1.5G 243M 87% / [02:27] http://pastebin.com/saRgbwgF [02:27] dpkg -l [02:31] yeah a little bit of everything, like any normal system... [02:33] I do have an 8GB Cruzer I could use... but it's damn slow (slow as in, 2 megabytes per second write.) [05:55] hi all [05:55] who have port chrome o arm platform [05:55] ? [05:56] who have port chrome to arm platform === JaMa|zz is now known as JaMa [07:31] /g 21 === Meizirkki_ is now known as Meizirkki === sumitsemwal is now known as sumitsemwal|UDS [10:22] Error: git version < minimum required 1.6.6 === JaMa is now known as JaMa|Gone [14:38] make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... [14:52] weiiiiiiird [14:52] I'm getting qemu segfaults [14:53] which seem to be dependant on the number of lines invoked post debootstrap --second-stage [14:53] I changed my udevd invocation to "strace udevd", and it segfaulted immediately after I got /bin/installer: line 19: strace: command not found :p === hrw is now known as hrw-uds === XorA|UDS is now known as XorA|gone [22:36] * cwillu_at_work pokes rcn-ee with his 'silly' btrfs :p [23:46] cwillu_at_work, we might see btrfs by default... http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODI1Mg [23:46] that was the cause of the poking :p [23:46] geez [23:46] why link through phoronix? [23:47] cause it was the first in my news list.. ;) [23:47] ugh [23:47] I hate how they don't direct link to anything [23:47] i know... and they link everything into them selves.... [23:47] anyways, for future reference, the proper link is http://www.netsplit.com/2010/05/14/btrfs-by-default-in-maverick/ [23:47] and the #btrfs are all lulz :p [23:48] although cmason hasn't said anything yet in there :p [23:48] i bet.. wasn't fedora 13 btrfs by default? o rwas that only an option... [23:49] no, only an option [23:51] so how's your week long brtfs sd card test going? [23:51] great [23:52] it's still alive? [23:52] 700 thousand writes with a sync between each one [23:52] and firefox grinding away the whole time in the background :) [23:53] very nice... [23:56] and on that note, I'm adding another process to that mix :p [23:57] hey, do you debootstrap lucid often? [23:58] the second command in qemu after debootstrap finishes always segfaults, but I can exec another script immediately after deboostrap finishes, and that seems to work normally [23:58] every 3 hours.. ;) [23:59] for the last week or so it isn't sefaulting for me, just dieing... http://rcn-ee.homeip.net:81/dl/daily/ubuntu-lucid.log