
BsimsI am needing help tracking down why I can't renable system bell I modprobed pcspkr back in... this worked in Karmic any ideas00:03
wick94hey guys, i have an idea for a feature tht i was to discuss01:12
wick94for ubuntu 10.1001:12
virtualdwick94: have you seen brainstorm.ubuntu.com?01:25
wick94can i login there wth my ubuntu forums account?01:26
cTnanyone with some drm-next experience that could give me a hand ?01:34
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psusiwell, I've got my boot time on the old rotational disks down to just under 12 seconds... and I'm not sure I can do any better...02:58
psusiI was hoping to see sub 10 seconds, but I suppose that my ssd is only doing 7.85 seconds, so 11.9 on the old disks is pretty good03:08
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MTecknologywebadvisor is still down..... they're down for their allocated 4.5 hours.. and beyond04:37
MTecknologysorry... wrong channel04:37
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mum-n-dadThis is just too annoying:08:27
mum-n-dadroot@mum-n-dad:~/www/apps/test# apt-get uninstall mongrel_cluster08:27
mum-n-dadE: Invalid operation uninstall08:27
mum-n-dadroot@mum-n-dad:~/www/apps/test# apt-get deinstall mongrel_cluster08:27
mum-n-dadE: Invalid operation deinstall08:27
mum-n-dadroot@mum-n-dad:~/www/apps/test# apt-get remove mongrel_cluster08:27
mum-n-dadReading package lists... Done08:27
mum-n-dadBuilding dependency tree08:27
Nafaiwhy annoying with the commands are documented in --help and the man page?08:30
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majeruhi, is this a good place to ask about packaging general issues?12:02
thekornmajeru, hi, no it's not, we have #ubuntu-packaging for this kind of questions12:15
Chipzzthekorn: actually... if someone asks a packaging question here, ppl are supposed to answer12:41
Chipzzsomething to do with spreading the load among teams or sth12:41
Chipzzchanged a couple of months ago, I was surprised by it as well12:41
thekornwow, ok12:43
Chipzzwell, "supposed to asnwer" may be a bit strong. but it is apparently no longer "off-topic" for this channel12:49
Chipzz(sth I personally disagree with, but then, who cares about my 2 cents? :P)12:49
KeybukMuahaha, it begins14:08
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bankixI'm trying to bootstrap ubuntu from scratch, building a live CD.14:38
bankixEverything is fine so far, but how do I get the cdrom/casper/initrd.lz generated?14:38
bankixI'm currently dealing with an initrd.gz14:38
cjwatsonzcat initrd.gz | lzma -9c >initrd.lz14:39
cjwatson(livecd-rootfs deals with this)14:40
bankixcjwatson: Thanks, that's the manual way. I thought there is some "installation step" I left out or something.14:40
bankixcjwatson: Is there perhaps anything like "create-ubuntu-fromscratch.sh"?14:41
cjwatsonthat code is basically what livecd-rootfs does (automatically) when it's building a live CD14:41
cjwatsonlive filesystem rather14:41
cjwatsonnot as a single script, but livecd-rootfs builds the live filesystem part of it14:41
cjwatsonsome assembly required14:41
bankixAh, that's a package...14:41
bankixThanks for that pointer! I didn't know about livecd-rootfs14:42
cjwatsonit's optimised for running in our datacentre environment rather than for external builds14:42
cjwatsonlive-helper is reputed to be useful too, and we may switch to it for Ubuntu builds at some point, but we don't use it yet14:42
bankixI'll have a look into that package14:42
bankixIs there perhaps an howto how you build a ubuntu live cd?14:44
cjwatsonnot really, sorry14:44
cjwatsonthere's a customisation howto on help.ubuntu.com/community somewhere which is the best I can offer14:44
bankixWithout knowing livecd-rootfs I had to put together some own scrpts. They're doing fine sofar, but I was missing the .lz but didn't expect it that easy :-)14:45
cjwatsonbut I'm not aware of any documentation on doing it from scratch, and it's not a priority at the moment14:45
cjwatsonthe .lz is just a space optimisation anyway14:45
bankixI like doing it the way as you guys do :-)14:45
cjwatsonpretty sure you wouldn't like having to set up one server per architecture for the live filesystem builds and then a separate server dedicated to building the CD part14:46
bankixI'm currently working on a new version of c't Bankix, this time I'd like to build it from bottom up -- last time I did it the other way by stripping down ubuntu desktop cd.14:46
cjwatsonthat's basically why it's not heavily documented - it's not the way most people actually want to build live CDs locally14:46
cjwatsonthe code's all available though, livecd-rootfs plus 'bzr get lp:ubuntu-cdimage' and the stuff in configs/devel there14:47
cjwatsonit's just a more ... industrial setup than most people actually want14:48
Keybukcjwatson: Cody Somerville said you were going to change to using some other live cd tools thing ;)14:49
cjwatson14:42 <cjwatson> live-helper is reputed to be useful too, and we may switch to it for Ubuntu builds at some point, but we don't use it yet14:50
bankixThanks, I'll have a look and maybe optimize my scripts.14:50
cjwatsonthat would be that one14:50
bankixBye, have a nice weekend14:54
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pitticjwatson: would you happen to have a minute to review my libatasmart karmic SRU (sitting in the queue)16:05
cjwatsonpitti: queued up, though will probably be this evening16:07
pitticjwatson: thanks; "next week" is clearly enough :)16:24
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mneptokhrmf. no Kexi package for Lucid?18:46
astraljavamneptok: It isn't in testing, which probably explains why it isn't in Lucid. No idea of the reason for this.19:04
cTnanyone with some skills in drm-next that could give me a hand ?19:37
cTnanyone with some skills in drm-next that could give me a hand ?19:40
astraljavacTn: UDS just ended, not many are connected at the moment. Please have patience, and try again later. Next week might be more successful.19:42
TuGa i'm trying to install ubuntu 10 on my hard disk SAS. ii started the livecd i can see the SAS disk create a partition for / and finish the instalation process19:55
TuGabut wend reboot it gives me the windows bootloader and not grub to go to ubuntu19:56
TuGacant get grub to write19:56
TuGaany ideia?19:56
kklimondaTuGa: this is not the right channel to look for support - try on #ubuntu or use ubuntuforums.org19:58
TuGaok sory20:00
rgreeningsuperm1: yo21:15
rgreeningyou around?21:15
cwillu_at_workwho wants a compiz-fusion snapping windows patch to make the windows not drag so terribly slowly when dragging parallel to a snapping edge?21:33
cwillu_at_work(it's a one liner :p)21:33
cwillu_at_worksrc/snap/snap.c, line 191:  it warps the pointer in addition to the window, which is unnecessary, and interferes with the desired motion21:35
cjwatsonpitti: libatasmart done now21:39
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