
bobbyAnyone know why 3.7a5 isn't in the repositories anymore?00:34
micahgbobby: ?00:35
bobby3.7a5... I can't find it in the repositories anywhere00:35
micahgbobby: what repo?00:35
bobbyDaily build repository00:36
bobbyIt isn't there, where'd it go?00:36
micahgbobby: what release?00:36
micahgbobby: no, Ubuntu release00:36
bobbyOh, 10.0400:36
micahgbobby: weird00:36
micahgit's there00:37
bobbyI also tried Synaptic, wasn't there either00:37
bobbyReally? Where?00:37
micahgbobby: firefox-3.700:37
bobbyYeah, I just did a clean install and now can't find it00:37
micahgbobby: you need to add the PPA00:37
bobbyI did00:37
bobbyNothing came up when I updated it though00:37
bobbyI'm currently running 3.6.300:37
micahgbobby: you mean it's missing or no updates00:37
micahgbobby: no, it's a different pacakge00:38
micahgIt's Minefield in the menu00:38
bobbyYeah, I know, it didn't load00:38
micahgbobby: what does apt-cache policy firefox-3.7 say, please use pastebin00:38
bobbyHang on, is 3.7 in a different repository now? I just did a clean install, and got it from the daily repository...00:40
micahgbobby: no, still in Ubuntu Mozilla Daily00:40
BUGabundo *** 3.7~a5~hg20100506r41949+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 000:41
BUGabundo        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages00:41
micahgbobby: yes00:41
micahgbobby: i've been at UDS so  I haven't had time to fix the dailies, they should resume normally next week00:41
bobbyOh okay, yeah I was looking there before...00:42
bobbyWait... That is Thunderbird lol00:42
bobbyOh yeah, so how is UDS? I've never been ;)00:43
micahgBUGabundo: it's early for you than me ATM :)00:43
micahgbobby: planning lots of great stuff00:43
bobbyWait... I have an idea!00:43
bobbyMake firefox open in .000000000001 seconds!00:44
micahgbobby: that reminds me I need to fix the topic :)00:44
micahgbobby: not going to happen, but FF4 should be much faster00:44
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | ML: http://is.gd/83fnr | to get firefox 3.6 run: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable" - then use update-manager to update your system | whats up with firefox + search + lucid: was Yahoo! http://is.gd/83e8U now Google again http://is.gd/bjmtS | Next Meeting: TBD
bobbyOh yeah, I remember when we switched to Yahoo! for about a month00:45
bobbyThat was funny00:45
BUGabundomicahg: when do you expect FF4 to hit the repos?00:45
micahgBUGabundo: archive or PPA?00:45
bobbyI think the alpha is supposed to be June (ish) from what I've heard00:45
bobbyNot sure00:46
BUGabundoanywhere we can install it from00:46
bobbyIf I had to guess... It'll be something like nightly builds until October00:46
micahgBUGabundo: well, I think 3.7 is 400:46
bobby3.7 is 3.6.400:47
* micahg hasn't had time to keep up with blog posts00:47
micahgbobby: no00:47
bobbyIt isn't?00:47
bobbyI read a blog post saying it was...00:47
BUGabundona ah00:47
bobbyNo, I saw some slideshow confirming it...00:47
bobbyMozilla released it at some press conference00:47
micahgI meant the current builds00:47
micahgthe firefox-3.7 codebase is what will become 400:48
bobbyoh oh00:48
bobbyI'm not sure00:48
* micahg should read belzner's blog00:48
bobbyI'm really looking forward to the new interface, is it looking anything like the mockups?00:48
bobby4.0 Ubuntu mockups were EPIC00:48
bobbyOh no, that was the 3.7 mockups I think00:49
micahgnot yet00:49
BUGabundothey need to trim it00:49
bobbyYeah, the mockups were insane00:49
BUGabundoits toooo big00:49
BUGabundoI've trimed mine the most I can00:49
bobbyAgreed, Mozilla also needs to decide what to do with the new home tab00:49
BUGabundoand I go to the extreme of leaving *just* the site00:49
BUGabundonothing else00:49
BUGabundoa semi-fullscreen / quiosk mode00:49
BUGabundoI do F11, then super+f1100:50
ftaBUGabundo, in the 4.0 mockups, http:// is gone ;)00:50
BUGabundoits full screen without being full screen00:50
micahgso, OOPP was the big deal for 3.7 and that'll be in 3.6.4, so the rest of 3.7 will be 4.000:50
BUGabundofta: OH MAN :(00:50
bobbyI didn't hear about that00:50
ftaonce trunk move to 4.0, the bot will stop producing dailies00:51
bobbyWell, of course00:51
bobbyLoving it, loving it, loving it00:51
bobbyOne thing for Ubuntu, that I really want to see, is an epic speed boost00:52
bobbyI'm liking the new... What's it called?00:52
micahgit'll be chromofox or firefium00:52
bobbyFor Netbooks and st00f00:52
BUGabundoits FAST00:52
bobbyYeah that00:52
ftai mean, until i update its configuration, but the package would need to be updated first.. tons of renaming and even more transition packages00:52
BUGabundoI admit it00:52
bobbyI heard it was very buggy though00:52
BUGabundonot that much00:52
BUGabundoit works00:52
BUGabundobut I miss Compiz00:52
bobbyI can't live without compiz00:53
bobbyWobbly windows <300:53
micahgfta: I know, it's ok00:53
bobbyToday I booted into Windows 7 for the first time in 3 weeks, just to update it and get Portal for free on Steam :)00:53
bobbyOh yeah, 3.7a5 failed to build it says on the daily build page...00:54
bobbyThere we go, that answers all questions about the roadmap :)00:55
micahgbobby: that's outdated00:55
BUGabundo"Nushio: and I'm betting that unlike chrome/ium, there'll be an option in about:config to enable http"00:55
bobbyOh yeah, just saw updated Jan :P00:55
bobbyAh crap00:55
bobbyGNOME is frozen00:56
bobbyAll I have is the text thing, and can't click on any windows00:56
bobbyAll I can do is type in here :(00:56
bobbyOkay, nvm, fixed :P00:56
bobbyHate when that happens00:56
bobbyI was just looking through my drawer, and found my Windows 98 recovery disk for my ancient PC00:57
bobbyNetscape 4.0!...00:57
* BUGabundo slaps bobby silly00:57
bobbyI wonder...00:57
bobbyVirtualbox time!00:57
bobbyOh yeah, anybody know the release date for 3.6.4?00:58
micahgbobby: delayed00:59
bobbyAh dang it... It's true?00:59
bobbyToo bad01:00
bobbyAnybody tried the Shell for GNOME yet?01:01
micahgbobby: a couple weeks01:01
micahgbobby: you can test from security PPA01:01
bobbyW00t!  a new W7 was my idea commercial! Love making fun of MS's horrible marketing campaigns :)01:02
bobbyWait, this is 3.7?01:02
BUGabundobobby: did you take *TWO* expressos tonie?01:02
bobbyNo... Only 3 cokes...01:02
bobbyOh 3.6.4 got it01:02
BUGabundo1l each ?01:02
bobbyOkay, question:01:04
micahgbobby: that's not the final version but OOPP works01:04
micahgin most cases01:04
bobbyHow many builds are there of FF?01:04
micahgbobby: what do you mean?01:04
bobbyI know there is: 3.7a5, 3.6.4 testing, 3.6.5pre, anything else?01:04
micahgnot ATM01:05
micahgfor Lucid at least01:05
bobbyOh, m'kay01:05
bobbyAnyone see the Chrome 6 preview? "30-50% faster"01:06
BUGabundoI'm using it !01:08
BUGabundo6.0.402.0 (47105) Ubuntu01:08
bobbyLink pl0x?01:08
bobbyI heard that Flash and Java support are very limited ATM though01:08
micahgbobby: chromium daily PPA01:08
BUGabundodaily ppa ?01:09
bobbyI <3 open source :)01:10
bobbyOMG, that was as fast as 3.7a5! nice!01:12
bobbyI still like Firefox better though, mainly the addons and reliability :)01:13
BUGabundonite every101:14
micahgnight BUGabundo01:15
bobbyI'm actually kind of annoyed at Firefox ATM...01:20
bobbyToo many personas to choose from :(01:20
DASPRiDhow about, choose none :P01:30
DASPRiDthey make the browser ugly imho :)01:30
bobbyReally? I can't live without them01:32
DASPRiDyou have a very strange live, little buddy01:35
bobbyIndeed... School, Ubuntu and food is about it :P01:38
bobbyNot really, but you get the idea: open source FTW01:38
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=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote
cwillu_at_workwhen a download completes, I get a notification bubble that pops up over and over again for a couple minutes;  is that just me, or does that happen to everyone? :p18:22
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