
ValkyrieLong time no talk, 'eh?01:24
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=== nixternal_htc is now known as nixternal
nixternalubottu is spamming the shiz out of me02:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:47
Picime too :(02:47
nixternalshut up spammer02:47
nixternalok, it seems to have stoped02:48
nixternal20:47:44 [   ubottu] Sorry, I don't know anything about STOP!!!02:48
nixternalobviously it does, it stopped :D02:48
nixternalsame thing here, different ban though02:56
kkathmanWanted to apologize for not being around lately.  I have taken a new day job where I don't work out of my home, so it's been quite an adjustment :)03:52
|_ockehey why am i still banned in #ubuntu-offtopic?03:53
|_ockeit's been like several months and i don't even remember what the issue was03:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:55
tonyyarussookay, we seriously need to take ubottu.com off whatever pocket calculator it's running on and put it on a real computer.  Good lord.03:57
|_ockeseriously, can i get unbanned from -offtopic?03:57
|_ockei haven't done anything wrong in like more than half a year i think03:57
tonyyarusso|_ocke: I'm attempting to look up who placed the ban so they can follow up with you :)03:58
tonyyarussoAttempting being a key word...03:58
tonyyarussoAnd we have a winner!  That would be the lovely Flannel - come on down!03:59
tonyyarussoDate of the ban is 01 January 2010, btw.04:00
tonyyarusso|_ocke: His screen session is detached, but he's been hilighted now anyway, so will see this when he gets online.04:02
|_ocketonyyarusso, thanks man04:09
|_ockeyeah i've been banned for quite a while now04:09
|_ockei don't really even remember why i was banned04:09
|_ockeprobably had something to do with my gf04:10
|_ockeusually does04:10
Flannel|_ocke: Howdy04:19
|_ockeFlannel, hey buddy04:22
|_ockeFlannel, so is like 4-6 months enough to get unbanned?04:22
|_ockethis is the longest i've ever been banned from any chan04:24
FlannelYou were removed for posting a totally inappropriate link, and then you came back, and I'm not really sure what prompted it, but you screamed an obscenity.  Those two things got you banned.04:24
|_ockeheck, usually i'm the one that's doing the banning04:24
|_ockewell, i apologize04:24
|_ockei was probably drunk04:24
|_ockeand i didn't mean it04:24
|_ockenot saying that makes it right04:24
|_ockebut it's not something i would knowingly do04:25
|_ockeand i probably had no idea what i was doing04:25
|_ockewhich would explain why i don't remember doing it :P04:25
Flannel|_ocke: While you were banned, you also joined #ubuntu and were banned from there twice.04:26
|_ockeFlannel, don't remember that either04:26
|_ockesorry man04:26
|_ockeif it helps i'm not allowed to get that drunk anymore or i'll go to jail04:27
tonyyarussoDid they install a breathalyzer on your IRC client for us?04:31
Flannel|_ocke: You've been using that as an excuse, and claiming you won't do it again, since 2008.04:32
|_ockenot really04:34
|_ockebut anyways04:34
Flannel|_ocke: yes really:04:34
|_ockeit's time for ps304:34
tonyyarussoha, oh evidence...04:39
Flanneltonyyarusso: That's the first one (read: oldest) that I had in my logs, but that's really not the important part here.04:39
tonyyarussonah, I don't have the logs to grep, but I know it's not an isolated occurrence still.04:41
IdleOneso, umm, it being time for ps3 means he can idle in here?04:43
FlannelIdleOne: I'm still waiting to determine whether he's idling04:43
IdleOne10 minutes since he last said anything04:44
Flannelbut, |_ocke, if you have decided that you don't want to have a discussion right now, please come back when you do.04:44
FlannelIdleOne: Yeah, but I also took 10 minutes to find that bit in the logs, so...04:44
IdleOneI was just asking04:44
FlannelIdleOne: IRC isn't always a hard realtime system, sometimes its soft realtime ;)04:45
IdleOneYou know before I became an op I was one of those people who was for allowing idlers04:46
IdleOnenow I think, wth was I thinking04:46
FlannelThanks tsimpson05:09
eagles0513875hey guys any chance i can get my ban to ubuntu-bugs lifted as i have a rather serious bug that i think should get taken care of asap05:35
ikoniaeagles doesn't have a serious bug06:32
charlie-tcahm, he can file the bug on launchpad without access to any IRC channels, too06:35
ikoniahe already has filed a bug06:35
ikoniaI didn't know he was banned in #ubuntu-bugs, he's banned in a lot of ubuntu channels, I suppose this is what happens if you behave like he does06:36
* mneptok prances about, throwing glitter and anthrax spores06:39
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from swapy)06:55
macouhhhhhh ubottu is telling me to use @comment None .. why no number this time? ubottu broked?07:56
macoi removed Xcell from #ubuntu for being persistently offtopic after being told to stay on topic08:02
macothey eventually rejoined and say theyre going to come here and went off on some conspiracy theory "maco is govmt trash" (good job spelling "government" there...) thing (conspiracy theories are what were being spouted before instead of support too) so ya know thatll be fun08:03
elkymaco, yeah, iirc he's a known08:27
eagles0513875hey guys i would like to talk to someone about a ban on ubuntu-bugs08:33
ikoniaplease do08:49
eagles0513875ikonia: i have no idea why i am banned in there to be honest with you08:49
eagles0513875reason i am here asking the ban be lifted is so i can push my bug through as it is something that would benefit alot of people08:49
ikoniathe bug is being actioned and looked at08:50
ikoniaI've already spoke to some people about it yesterday08:50
eagles0513875ok but i still have no idea why i am banned in that channel08:50
ikoniaubot4: possible due to your blanket ban, I don't know I'll have to look into it08:51
ikoniasorry that was for you eagles051387508:51
eagles0513875ikonia: ok when you can im in no hurry08:51
eagles0513875im in offtopic as usual08:51
ikoniait may take a little while, but I'll look into it for you08:51
eagles0513875j/w any chance that my other bans could be lifted?08:51
ikoniayou still have no reason for those channels, and you still have not learnt what they are for, judging by your comment that you wanted to join #kubuntu-devel to discuss a bug08:52
ikoniabut I will look into #ubuntu-bugs for you as that has very few bans in there and you are named in the list08:52
ikoniahave you ever been in that channel before ?08:52
eagles0513875ikonia: no08:52
ikoniano problem, that makes it easier, I'll check it out08:53
david-whey guys are you looking for volunteer the now for the website to develep it or on the forums for #ubuntu10:10
ikoniapardon ?10:10
david-ware you looking for any volunteers10:11
ikoniato do what ?10:11
ikoniadevelop the ubuntu website/forums ?10:11
david-wwell to help on the forums and that10:12
ikoniaask the forum moderators, this channels only for irc related queries10:12
ikoniathere are moderator contacts on the bottom of the forums10:12
gord#ubuntu-forum is it?10:12
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.10:12
Mamarokseems that gospch could be a bot (in #ubuntu). Someone from the #ubuntu-fr channel just notified in #ubuntu-irc12:37
Mamarokbazhang: can you have a look at it?12:38
bazhangno response via PM, so far12:42
Mamarokit autojoins on remove and no response apparently, so the reporter says12:46
Mamarokdo we allow other bots than ours?12:46
bazhangno doing any harm that I can see, perhaps he/she is idle right now12:46
Mamarokwell, the channel is logged anyway, but still12:47
bazhangnot afaik, though not entirely clear as it has changed back and forth from never allow to sometimes allow. Not sure where it is now12:48
jussiwe dont allow bot, but if they dont talk or emit other noises... logs to the internet etc13:41
jussithen theres very little we can do, and we shouldnt be prodding every idle person asking if they are a bot13:42
Mamarokjussi: OK, it was just apparently disturbing for the French13:42
jussiMamarok: yea, I hear you. however, until it makes a problem...13:44
jussiJust remembering that we dont do preemptive bans13:45
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:49
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:49
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:49
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:49
ikoniabazhang was on the case16:50
bazhang  use: @comment None <comment>   that is odd from the bot16:51
tsimpsonbazhang: please report that to m4v in #ubuntu-bots-devel16:52
bazhangtsimpson, thanks!16:52
tsimpsonhe wrote the "nagging" part, so he should be able to debug that hopefully16:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:03
bazhangcan't get in to bt? h00k17:04
h00ksilly ubottu, I can't get to the bt17:04
bazhangme neither17:04
h00kbazhang: :(17:04
h00kalso, I got17:04
tsimpsonif you have used btlogin in the last 90 days, just go to the bantracker site17:04
bazhangthey're working on it as we speak17:04
h00k5 of the same reminders, too17:04
h00kwith different days17:05
h00ktsimpson: Sorry, bantracker is not available for anonymous users :(17:05
tsimpsonwell, you'll just have to wait then :)17:05
tsimpsonI wonder if just reloading will help17:06
tsimpsonand also hope it doesn't flood17:06
tsimpson@reload Bantracker17:06
tsimpsonnow just give it 2 mins...17:07
bazhangolder link got me in :)17:07
h00kI just went to the bantracker url and I was in17:08
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:09
tsimpsonseems to be working now17:26
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:28
jpds17:28:18 [Freenode] >> [ ubottu ] @login17:28
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:28
Mamaroktsimpson: I get the same message, not available for anonymous users17:31
jpdsre: bug #57916017:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 579160 in ubuntu-bots "bot ignores @ commands in PM" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57916017:32
tsimpsonjpds: that was fixored17:32
tsimpsonMamarok: try @btlogin again, it'll probably fail but I should get some debugging info17:34
Mamarokit seems not to be able to resolve the webpage17:35
tsimpsonseems we're having database issues17:36
Mamarokoh, I'm in17:37
Mamarokjust a refresh helped17:37
tsimpsonwe're just going to have to put up with this for a little while I think17:38
tsimpsonuntil we can get a proper solution in place17:38
tsimpsonwhich will probably be a database migration17:38
jussiwhich is being looked into :)17:41
* jussi hi 5's tsimpson17:41
Mamarokhm, I should remove a few old bans...17:41
jussiyup :D17:41
tsimpsongord: ping17:48
jpdstsimpson: Postgres+Storm +1.17:53
tsimpsonjpds: I want to look at some database abstraction too, so we can move to another DB without having to rewrite everything17:54
wgrantPostgreSQL + Storm == win17:55
wgrant(Storm has lots of backends, so you can run it on MySQL too if you are completely insane)17:55
ikoniasomeone else was talking about storm the other day in a very positive light17:57
wgrantThis is unsurprising :)17:59
tsimpsonright, now I remember storm17:59
tsimpsonI played with it a while ago17:59
* mneptok stares at wgrant 18:45
wgrantHm, mtaylor is near me, too.18:46
wgrantI should probably be careful.18:46
mneptokmtaylor is insane. and i can bribe him with salmiakkikossu to perform mafia-style hits.18:47
topylisorry, wonky server21:48
knometopyli, no excuses!21:57
topyliknome, feel free to donate to our kapsi hippie community and we'll improve!21:59
knometopyli, i'll donate you some air *farts*22:00
topylithis will be remembered as the day when topyli was offline from freenode for 5 minutes22:00
topyliknome, this is a logged channel btw, representing ubuntu ops here :)22:01
knometopyli, again!22:30
knomehello jussi22:34
knome...and good night22:40
jpdsjussi: o/22:46
jussihiya jpds22:46
jussienjoyed the party?22:46
jpdsIt was great.22:46
* jussi really enjoyed the twisted sister22:47

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