=== ffm is now known as lfaraone [13:44] lfaraone: Hi Luke. [13:44] Around? [13:44] hey manusheel [13:45] lfaraone: Thank you for writing the document. [13:45] It is pretty neat. [13:46] manusheel: thanks. I still need to improve it further, we don't discuss half as much as we should, but I feel that a lot of it is covered by other documents which I can reference. [13:47] lfaraone: Sure. Can you please add such references? Will be of great help. Yes, I had a couple of questions, which I wish to ask you. [13:47] manusheel: okay. [13:47] lfaraone: What are the steps required for adding a new package? [13:49] manusheel: I'll write that up now. [13:49] lfaraone: Thanks. [14:00] lfaraone: There is one more area I wish to discuss with you. [14:01] manusheel: sure. [14:03] lfaraone: Wish to ask you whether you have debugged issues, submit patches and uploaded the updated packages. [14:04] manusheel: yes, I have. [14:04] * lfaraone will be right back, travelling between classes. [14:04] lfaraone: I was looking for a case (step by step approach) on debugging the issues through a set of examples. [14:04] lfaraone : Sure. [14:18] manusheel: back. [14:19] lfaraone: Great. Wish to ask you whether you could prepare a set of such examples from your past experiences. [14:22] lfaraone: One or two case examples will be great. Please let me know if you'll have time to work out these examples during the coming weekend. [14:25] lfaraone: Around? [14:37] lfaraone: Let us talk sometime in the evening today. Have a nice day. [14:54] * lfaraone is out.