[08:07] U-W UDS session is in 53 minutes from now [08:07] in #ubuntu-uds-flamboyant [08:07] and there should be remote audio feed [08:27] lets hope the acoustics are better than the session I listened to last night [08:27] elky: what session was that? so far we've only had the odd session be not so great which wasnt our fault just speakers not speaking up [08:28] czajkowski, the IRC session [08:28] everyone sounded like they were a distance away from the mic [08:28] elky: just shout if you can't hear and we will shuffle forward [08:28] or ask for transcription [08:29] folks can only roar so much also. [08:29] we're talking all week [08:29] need to mind our voices also [08:30] a room with good acoustics would mean you don't have to yell [08:31] well if we ever find a building that cna hold 400 people sleep and hold a confernce that can handle all of our needs and have good acoustics i'm sure we'll meet all the requirements, but it's hard to find everything [08:31] the way the rooms are set up the chatty people should be at the front, anyone not talking much should sit further back [08:33] aye [08:33] it works well [08:33] and we've had excellent feedback in sessions [08:40] part of the problem in the IRC Council one was that joey was trying to avoid being in front [08:41] but really needed to be [21:16] hi everybody