=== twister_ is now known as twister [01:22] how can I force /etc/rc4.d/S99* to wait for S98 scripts to finish before firing off on boot? [01:25] would there be a better place to ask an upstart-related question? [01:26] nm, there is an #upstart channel.... === twister_ is now known as twister === unreal_ is now known as unreal [02:13] hey guys, anyone know a command to probe your local network? [02:13] thanks [02:14] you'll have to be more specific [02:14] for command line [02:14] i want to ssh into my box at work [02:14] then into another box [02:14] but i dont know its ip [02:14] nmap is the best port scanner I know of [02:15] it isn't included by default, you will have to install it [02:15] thanks qman__ ill try it [02:16] the command you'll want to use should look like [02:16] sudo nmap -sS -p 20 [02:16] err, -p 22 [02:16] and obviously use your network range [02:17] thank you qman_ [02:18] Error #487: Your port specifications are illegal. [02:19] that exact command works here [02:19] hmm [02:19] oh my bad [02:19] i forgot the -p 22 [02:19] i changed the /24 lol [02:20] heh, yeah, that's CIDR notation [02:21] thanks qman__ worked great [02:21] now i just have to figure out which ones mine lol [02:22] is there a way to resolve host names? [02:22] well, you could reverse dig each one [02:23] there might be an option for that in nmap, but there's a lot of them [02:23] prepare to read the manual for a while [02:24] could you briefly explain reverse dig please? [02:24] just did a fresh install and my nic isnt working, at all. i cant get it in ifconfig [02:25] dig -x [02:25] thanks qman__ :0 [02:25] :)* [02:38] so i am a total newb at this, i have a basicly non configured apache server running on one pc and thats all i can handle. I am curious as how i would go about getting more then one server serving data, sort of like dual core only with servers. [02:39] dual core with servers? [02:40] i mean like so when i request a file from an IP, that multiple servers serve the data back to the requester [02:41] resno ^^ [02:42] nerdy_kid: im not sure what you are trying to do. so im hoping someone smarter will respond [02:42] are you saying multiple phyisical servers? [02:43] resno yeah serving the same IP [02:44] you mean like doing load balancing? [02:44] resno yesss [02:44] exactly :) [02:44] oh, i havent done anything with that. ive been meaning to try it out, but havent yet [02:45] is it a largly complex thing to do? [02:45] i havent done anything with it, so you are asking the wrong person. google or #apache2 would be a good place to start [02:46] resno ok thanks :) at least now i know what it is called :) [02:46] sure, thatll give you something to search for [02:46] resno yeah thanks :D === twister_ is now known as twister [03:00] ah, much better [03:00] anyone know how to output to file with wget? [03:02] what are you looking to output? [03:03] im wgetting a page, then comparing it to another file [03:03] i want wget to output to a file [03:03] i tried wget -o file [03:03] but no workie [03:04] just tried wget sitename >> file and (|) file with no success either [03:05] what about wget file && diff? [03:06] fried_pe1guin: i did try that [03:06] kvm question: do I want VT support enabled in the bios for kvm? [03:06] ah got it to work [03:06] silly me === fried_pe1guin is now known as fried_penguin [03:06] big O not little o [03:18] ok i found the problem, there is a & in the url [03:18] so when ever i try to run wget it tries to run everything after the & as another command [03:18] anyway to get it to stop that? [03:19] Put it in quotes. [03:19] The whole URL. [03:20] thanks ziesemer_ [03:20] Single will work best. [03:21] awesome thanks ziesemer_ [03:23] worked like a charm ;p [03:23] still dont see how charms work tho... [03:29] anyone use google reader? === gospch_ is now known as gospch [04:19] fried_penguin, yes [04:31] New bug: #580800 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/580800 [04:31] need a hand with fstab === therian1 is now known as mellisagibson === mellisagibson is now known as therian_ [06:46] qman__ my SFTP apparently is working good [06:48] i need a little orientation this article http://is.gd/c9lXs have several times this "chroot()" what is that is a function??? [06:53] Is it possible to have primary and backup ubuntu repos? i.e. update from the local mirror .... if the local mirror fails to respond, try ubuntus mirror [08:11] New bug: #580819 in clamav (main) "package clamav-base 0.96 dfsg-2ubuntu1.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/580819 [08:13] the good of filezilla is that its shows you with messages what is exactlyy happening woth your connection [08:14] ouch!!! wrong chat [09:15] I installed the package [09:15] I installed the package 'postgresql', purged it, an reinstalled it [09:15] now the configuration files in /etc/postgresql are missing [09:15] how can I regenerate them? [09:16] or how can I make aptitude install them again? [09:28] should be there when you reinstalled [09:33] RoyK: the truth is much, much uglier >( [09:34] I had to purge the postgresql packages (and its dependencies), the needed to manually delete /etc/postgresql, /etc/postgresql-common, delete the user and the group 'postgresql' and run 'dpkg -P' on all the postgresql packages [09:34] then, and only then, a new installation of postgresql-8.4 would create the files in /etc/postgresql [09:47] what about postgresql-common or whatever it's named? [09:48] http://karlsbakk.net/top-16.png <-- nice [09:55] RoyK: /etc/postgresql-common or the package postgresql-common? anyway the directory /etc/postgresql-common was recreated as it should be without the "purging stunt". just /etc/postgresql was the problem [09:57] joschi: which distro version is this? [09:59] karmic [09:59] RoyK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-8.2/+bug/108296 suggests that this problem exists for a long time now... [09:59] Launchpad bug 108296 in postgresql-common "missing /etc/postgresql/ after uninstall/reinstall" [Undecided,Invalid] [10:01] joschi: I can upload the default /etc/postgresql* files somewhere, for lucid, but I don't have access to any Karmic boxes from here [10:01] RoyK: thank you but that's not necessary [10:01] k [10:02] RoyK: after purging everything related to postgresql (e. g. manually removing the user and the group "postgres"), aptitude recreated the directory [10:02] ok [10:02] RoyK: but I find it quite disturbing that this bug (?) survived since april 2007 [10:03] it's flagged invalid [10:03] yes, I know. even more disturbing IMHO [10:05] just tried it on a lucid test machine. problem still occurs. :( [10:12] that's a bitch [10:12] try reopening the bug [10:16] RoyK: yep, just reopened it/expanded it to cover postgresql-8.4 [10:30] A question about BIND9. Is using wildcard (*) for all subdomains a bad idea? Should I define a line for every subdomain I have? [10:31] elnur: I explicitly define each subdomain [10:31] elnur: though I don't know why wildcard would be bad [10:32] imjustmatthew, then why do you define them explicitly? what is your reasoning? [10:34] I define them each explicitly to make it easier for me to maintain my config files [10:34] some of them are shared accross servers since some are fron-facing DNS and some are LAN facing [10:34] that sentence had to many somes... [10:35] some of the subdomain configs are shared accross servers since some of the servers are front-facing DNS and some are LAN facing [10:35] imjustmatthew, and how does that affect to your choice? I don't get it [10:36] The only problem I know with explicitly defining every subdomain is that you have to wait while global DNS records update for every subdomain you add. [10:39] I've never had a problem with that, but yes, you are right that could be a downside if you change the records frequently [10:41] imjustmatthew, ok. thanks for your help [10:43] putting them in explicitly (and removing them when not used anymore) might be useful to remember what you actually use ;) [11:01] New bug: #580891 in samba (main) "samba filenames wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/580891 [11:44] how many cpu cores does ubuntu server support? [11:44] as in out of the box [11:53] RoyK, that's likely limited to the 2.6.32 kernel which is likely significantly higher than you'll find available via Intel and AMD processors and related mainboards. [11:53] what is that? 64? 256? [12:01] the out of the box ubuntu 10.04 server kernel looks like CONFIG_NR_CPUS=64 [12:15] should suffice even for a quad 12-core [12:19] should only be a problem for those lucky guys with an 8 socket system [12:37] i am trying to setup a virtual server and am looking for suggestions on what to use. [12:37] xen, kvm or vmware [12:42] resno: Well, unless you have any specific preferenses or reasons, go with KVM. If nothing else because that's what has been closest integrated into Ubuntu. [12:42] penguin42: those opterons are only made for quad usage anyway - not enough hypertransport links for more [12:43] andol: ive heard that it doesnt work on every platform. how can i check to see if itll work? [12:43] im not running a desktop as a server [12:44] im running a desktop as a server [12:45] resno: egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo [12:45] if you get output, your cpu supports kvm [12:45] * resno crosses fingers [12:46] no such luck [12:46] so whats the next best option? [12:46] you're stuck with xen [12:47] resno: Are we talking about always-availible servers, or just something to use for testing and/or development? [12:47] andol: it will be always on. running services for my home network [12:48] Tweeda: and xen is hacky setup from what ive tried on the ubuntu docs [12:48] s/docs/wiki/ [12:48] resno: agreed. I run centos5 for my last remaining Xen host [12:49] Tweeda: is it easier to setup in centos? [12:50] A Xen host? Yes, it's available as an optional kernel and from the same codebase redhat supports commercially. It works. [12:51] Setting up a Xen host (Dom0) in Ubuntu is a bit of work as resno related [12:52] resno: Also note that Debian has a pretty good Xen integration. [12:53] resno: http://wiki.debian.org/Xen [12:53] might also look at a cpu upgrade :) [12:53] * Tweeda hasn't tried debian Dom0 [12:54] Tweeda: maybe, i doubt ill need a better cpu. ill only need more hard drive space :) [12:54] resno, oh, before you take the xen plunge, you might want to check settings in your bios. Often, the factory settings disable virtualization support on the cpu. [12:55] debian has its own version naming conventions, ): [12:55] Tweeda: We run our fair share of that at work. [12:56] andol, then debian would probably be closer to home than centos. [12:56] Tweeda: My thought exactly :) [12:57] resno: But as Tweeda say, first take a peak at your BIOS settings, and see if there's an option to enable hardware virtualization, or so. [12:57] I'd still rather pick up a cpu that supports virt and run kvm [12:57] Tweeda: what cpus support it? [12:58] most new cpus. it's usually listed in the tech specs. well, tech specs worth their salt. [12:58] I run kvm on really cheap amd cpus with little fuss [12:58] what do you consider "new cpus"? [12:59] last few years [12:59] resno: As a very general rule of thumb, if the cpu is 64-bit, it likely also has hardware virtuzliation support. [12:59] RoyK: Oh didn't know the 12 cores were limited to 4 sockets; still you can do 8 socket on Nehalem-Ex and I think thats hyperthread, so you cang et 8x8x2->128 threads [12:59] andol: Except the bottom end ones - like this lapto [12:59] p [13:01] penguin42: I guess 48 cores will suffice for most use :þ [13:02] resno, what CPU are you running? [13:02] any suggestions for which benchmark suite I should use to benchmark a 16-core system? [13:02] I'm curious about memory bandwidth - it's an amd system, so it should be good, but it'd be nice to see the actual numbers [13:02] Tweeda: p4 [13:05] RoyK: It really depends what you want to do with it; I'm always a slave for compile times - make -j is always fun :-) But are you a databasey person or a supercomputery maths person? [13:05] this system is meant for doing modelling [13:05] well then give it one hell of a model [13:05] volcanic ash chewing :þ [13:06] RoyK: You might better fan filters for that :-) [13:06] hehe [13:06] after Eyjafjallajökull started farting, we've had a lot to do at work [13:14] RoyK: what do you work ;-) [13:14] nilu.no [13:17] ah ok :-) [13:18] that new 16-core machine has something like the same cpu power as the other eight boxes they've using for models so far :) [13:28] 64 gigs of ram should probably suffice even for this :þ [15:04] how do I disable samba on lucid? [15:04] doesn't seem to be anything under /etc/rc2.d [15:05] hello has anyone here used a sunfire v100 [15:06] not with ubuntu.... [15:06] but you have used one [15:06] RoyK: /etc/init.d/samba4? [15:06] I think we have a few running s10 [15:07] Tweeda: samba4? [15:07] Tweeda: anyway, the init.d script isn't run directly, mostly from /etc/rc2.d [15:07] ive been given 3 and i need to know how to set them up [15:08] NativeAngels: i have couple of sunfires, why? [15:08] RoyK, I use rcconf, so if /etc/init.d/samba4 exists: rcconf --off samba4 [15:08] NativeAngels: that's sparc, right? [15:08] ive never used rackmounts before [15:09] but always wanted a rackmount [15:09] NativeAngels: the problem isn't that they're rackmounted, but iirc they don't have a graphics card [15:09] and someone was giving them away [15:09] you may have to add a graphics card or install using a serial console [15:10] serial console, of course [15:10] ok [15:10] and how do i do this [15:10] but, if it's a sparc, lucid won't work at all [15:10] sparc is being removed even from ports archives [15:10] it's sparc [15:11] i also go given a sun ultra 5 [15:11] oh [15:11] throw that away [15:11] ATA3 controller and not very fast cpu [15:12] ive been reading a few sites on the v100 it was saying about a console cable [15:13] yeah... if no one steps up to mainatain sparc arch in lucid, it will die by feature freeze [15:13] NativeAngels: yes, you need console cable [15:13] where can i get these from [15:13] hello.. i'm having problems with the kerberos authentication.. i dont know how to access home folders using kerberos and nfsv4 [15:14] would the likes of pc world have one ? [15:14] i've already added the user to the kerberos principals and received a ticket, but can't cd to ~ [15:14] iirc, sun machines have special version :) [15:14] but i might be wrong [15:14] * incorrect goes to his garage and returns with a hand full of cables for NativeAngels [15:16] pc world won't but most geeks will have a garage full of them [15:16] NativeAngels: I guess you can find the pinout somewhere on the web - get a serial cable, clip it, fasten the correct cables to an RJ45 plug [15:17] NativeAngels: or you might want to call Sun^WOracle and buy one from them, it probably won't cost more than $200 or so [15:17] eeks [15:17] Hi there [15:18] DId anyone solved the kjournald2 ext4 problem or is there a known fix for this? [15:18] are you in the uk incorrect [15:18] http://www.sunhelp.org/unix-serial-port-resources/serial-pinouts/ [15:18] NativeAngels, yes [15:18] do you have any of these cables ? [15:18] Am now unpacking 240k email for setting up a mailserver and I can see, that every 5seconds or so it waits unitl some kjournald writeouts [15:19] NativeAngels, i have boxes and boxes of stuff [15:19] me to [15:19] but not them [15:19] best thing to do is subscribe to a local recycle mailing list [15:19] NativeAngels: http://www.sunhelp.org/unix-serial-port-resources/serial-pinouts/ [15:19] or make it as RoyK points out [15:19] more fun to make it [15:20] soldering a D-sub is a bitch, but just using an already soldered serial cable is trivial [15:21] a 9pin is easy [15:21] a 15pin vga is hard(er) [15:21] so no one know ? [15:22] everybody running ext4 without a problem? [15:22] I just wonder, becasue google showed me hundreds of fucked up ppl [15:23] I just installed my first box with ext4 [15:23] works so far, although I haven't been micromonitoring it [15:23] Jeniczek, for a year [15:23] i have 30 servers on ext4 [15:24] its xfs i've had problems with [15:24] well, I am not a LInux guru, but If i clearly see, that unpacking 100gig archive takes more than hour and I cann see taht every 5 seconds kjournald2 and pdflush blocks the unzipping process [15:24] incorrect: out of interest - what problems? [15:24] then I know it is fucked up :( [15:25] http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=84953 [15:25] Jeniczek: bad hardware? [15:25] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/442443 [15:25] Launchpad bug 442443 in ubuntu "kjournald2 writes to disk about every 10 seconds" [Undecided,New] [15:25] and so on and so on [15:25] RoyK, just file corruption [15:26] incorrect: that's quite bad [15:26] well, its a 1200Euros PCIE card [15:26] and I havent got any issues on ext3 afaik [15:26] incorrect: I was using xfs a lot earlier, never seen anything like corruption, though [15:26] let me see iotop doesn't show that for me [15:26] and as I can see a lot of ppl around having that problem [15:26] Jeniczek: how much data is on that? [15:26] so its definately on my side [15:27] my ext4 system is fine [15:27] Jeniczek: upgrade from ext3 to ext4? [15:27] RoyK 3 RAIDs, 1 74gig RAID1, 1 2.3TB RAID5 and 1 3TB RAID5 [15:27] no [15:27] clean install [15:27] if you can handle the downtime, downgrade to ext3, that works [15:27] my 15tb array doesn't have problems on ext4 [15:27] but moving 5TB+ will take some time [15:28] well I dunno how to downgrade to ext3 from ext4 workin system [15:28] * RoyK uses zfs for storage [15:28] the RAID is now almost empty [15:28] am now fillin it up [15:28] you can't downgrade, only mkfs [15:28] so if it really is ext4 issue, than now is the rigt time to do it [15:28] hm [15:28] what will ext4 help? [15:28] over ext3? [15:29] ext3 is pretty rock stable [15:29] dunno, ext4 was the default [15:29] so i chose it [15:29] I'd say recreate the filesystems [15:29] move the data [15:29] wait for someone to fix the bugs [15:29] other way round [15:29] move data then recreate fs;) [15:30] can you help me with the recreate command? [15:30] obviously, yes [15:30] am in a biiig hurry, I got one hour :( [15:30] mkfs.ext3 :D [15:30] Jeniczek: move the data to somewhere, mkfs -t ext3 on the now unused fs, move the data back, etc [15:30] well, ill man mkfs then [15:30] i still don't understand what's the problem [15:30] rsync localfile/* remotehost:/somewhere/ [15:30] ivoks: bad i/o performance [15:30] the fact that kernel is flushing data to disk? [15:30] mkfs.ext3 /dev/something or other [15:31] rsync remotehost:/somewhere/ localfile/* [15:31] oh wait i forgot to unmount and mount [15:31] rsync -a [15:31] the problem is, than right now am unzipping the 100GIG archive, and every 5 to 10 seconds a kjournald2 and pdflush stops the whole unzip process, does somethin, and then it keeps goin [15:31] yeah, it's flushing data to the disk :) [15:31] Jeniczek: are any of those filesystems empty? [15:32] nope [15:32] but not full so much [15:32] the mail raid5 is almost empty [15:32] am now setting it up [15:32] Jeniczek: then move the data around to empty one [15:32] then recreate an ext3 fs on that [15:32] then check if you see the same behaviour on ext3 [15:32] /dev/sdc1 1.4T 215G 1.1T 17% /var/mail [15:32] /dev/sdd1 2.7T 48G 2.6T 2% /var/storage [15:32] but it would still need to flush data to the disk [15:32] if you do, it's not an ext4 problem [15:33] otherwise, there wouldn't be anything on the disk :) [15:33] just move the storage over to mail [15:33] ext3 does it every 3 seconds [15:33] well, i need to move the mail to the storage [15:33] ext4 every 5 or 10 [15:33] ivoks so what do you think that causes this problem? [15:33] Jeniczek: there's more than four times as much on mail as there is on storage [15:33] these aren't problems [15:34] that's how systems work [15:34] pile up data in memory [15:34] and then flush it onto disk [15:34] so why is it so slow? [15:34] what sort of drives? [15:34] how many? [15:34] cache on your raid card? [15:34] hardware or software raid? [15:34] hardware [15:34] did you enable cache on it? [15:34] 256MB, BBU included, 3ware 9650 [15:35] 12Ports [15:35] there's tw_cli utility [15:35] is the write cache enabled? [15:35] download it and enable write cache [15:35] how can I found it out? [15:35] tw_cli [15:35] either with tw_cli or rebooting into 3wares bios [15:35] oh god not a 3ware [15:35] I have installed the 3ware utlilty which set ups some kind of web server and allow me to connect to a WEb based gui to control those raids [15:35] what's wrong with 3ware? [15:35] i found my 3ware controller was slower than software raid5 [15:35] I've used 3ware for years - works well [15:35] Jeniczek: you can use that too [15:36] 3ware rulez [15:36] xfs too [15:36] incorrect: software raid usually beats it all [15:36] xfs on 3ware = success :) [15:36] what i have heard, 3ware is a good raid card [15:36] it is [15:36] okey [15:36] not in my experience [15:36] so what should I do now? [15:36] about the cache [15:36] my PERC6's blew the 3wares away [15:36] fuck dell :P [15:36] if you can reboot the box, do so, hit alt+3 during boot [15:37] check if write cache is enabled [15:37] it normally is [15:37] RoyK I can reboot it, but am not in the same city the box is atm, and i dont have a KVM [15:37] so I can get into Alt 3 [15:37] ok [15:37] Jeniczek: you said you installed web utility? [15:37] but I can get to the web based thing [15:37] then you need tw_cli [15:37] anyone has an idea, why nfsv4 maps users to nobody on the client? [15:37] i benchmarked dell, hp, supermicro [15:37] Jeniczek: then use it [15:38] well, ill try to dig fro some cache thing in there now [15:38] out of all the servers dell came top other than for disk, but that was because hp put nearline sas drives in [15:38] JanC: there's controler settings in management [15:39] i put the near line sas drives in the dell and it blew the hp away [15:39] bah [15:39] Jeniczek: ^^ [15:39] Jeniczek: you'll see Unit Write Cache setting [15:40] okey, mmt [15:43] hm [15:43] it seems its enabled :( [15:44] ivoks http://i40.tinypic.com/2d2a9eg.jpg [15:44] is logic disk builded or still building? [15:44] is this it? [15:44] Jeniczek: protection? [15:44] I dunno, thats the system disk [15:44] or the system raid [15:44] you are copying to raid1 or raid5? [15:44] raid5 [15:45] i have copied the 100gig archive to the MAIL RAID5 array [15:45] ok, give me screenshot of 'summary' [15:45] and now am unzipping it there [15:45] doh [15:45] you are unzipiing 100gb zip of mails? [15:45] it consists of 264345 mails [15:45] that will take some time :) [15:45] yupp [15:45] cause that's mostly text [15:46] well, but I see that it unzipps cca 65MB/s and then i can see in iostat, that it does nothin just pdflush and kjournald [15:46] so the zip ratio is very high [15:46] pdflush is writing data to disk [15:46] that's what it does [15:46] knutmithut: what sort of server? [15:47] http://i39.tinypic.com/s2zgid.jpg [15:47] here you go [15:47] Jeniczek: click on '2' [15:47] ldap kerberos nfsv4 [15:47] and then do a screenshot [15:47] how much diskspace does the multiverse take? [15:47] and ubuntu 9.04 ;) [15:47] knutmithut: both client and server? [15:48] now, current client is 9.10, later will be 10.04 [15:48] http://i39.tinypic.com/2udxoxk.jpg [15:48] Jeniczek: you might try disabling 'Queuing' in controller settings [15:48] knutmithut: I've seen mapping to nobody when trying without krb from a linux client (solaris server) [15:48] never the less, unzipping 100gb of mail is a slow process [15:48] but client uses kerberos also [15:48] couse you are unzipping lots of small files [15:49] not one big [15:49] yupp [15:49] is hald enabled on ubuntu server? I need automount of USB drives... [15:49] but some of the are big as well [15:49] and most of those are just text [15:49] yupp [15:49] that won't utilize your i/o to the maximum [15:49] check out how your CPU is holding :) [15:50] knutmithut: check the krb things - perhaps something wrong in there [15:50] if you are getting 60MB/s in average, that's actually quite good, considering everything :D [15:50] well, the cpu is a weak component on the server, our company things, that IT is the last thing to spent moeny for, so am tryin to do my best... event the cars is from ebay ;) [15:50] try copying that archive to different name [15:50] the cpu is opteron 248 [15:50] and then watch how fast it writes [15:51] well now its still uznipping [15:51] RoyK: thanks, i will [15:51] id rather keep this [15:51] Jeniczek: let it unzip [15:51] i need to turn the mailserver on asap [15:51] Jeniczek: just do 'cp archive.zip someothername.zip' [15:51] Jeniczek: and what how fast does it writes [15:51] yeah I understand what you mean [15:51] just for 10 seconds [15:51] well [15:51] the unzipping is done ;) [15:52] ok lets try it [15:52] hm [15:52] occasionaly 170MB/s [15:53] but then i see another waits for pdflush and so [15:53] yep... raid5 [15:53] man [15:53] i told you [15:53] pdflush writes data [15:53] of course you wait for it [15:53] hm [15:53] you can't read data that's not there [15:53] so everythin is ok? [15:53] yes [15:54] well, when the pdflush is not active, the speeds hops after a second from 34MB/S to 160 to 180 MB/S [15:54] what kind of disks are there? [15:54] then keeps at 180MBs and then after 3s falls back [15:54] WD Black [15:54] 1TBs [15:54] Jeniczek: correct, cause then you are copying to the buffer [15:54] when pdflush flushes data, you are doing intensive process on the memory [15:54] so it's slower [15:54] the mail array consists of 4 500GBs WD Blacks [15:55] the storage array consists of 4 1TBs WD Blacks [15:55] that's sata, right? [15:55] yupp [15:55] 7.2kRPM [15:55] that's maximum [15:55] i get 220MB/s on my laptop [15:55] :) [15:55] but that's SSD :D [15:55] well, but RAID5 should do a lot more I thing [15:55] especially with BBU and 356MB cache [15:56] 2 [15:56] 256 isn't a lot [15:56] and that's why you get 170MB/s [15:56] when you are filling that cache :) [15:56] RoyK: seems like it was a problem with libnss-ldap or libpam-ldap.. it's still mapped to nobody, but my user now can access the folder [15:56] hmm [15:56] anyway, i have to go now [15:56] well, I have to give you a HUGE thanks! [15:56] now am gonna set it up when i know that its ok [15:57] run hdpart -tT /dev/... [15:57] hdparm [15:57] wont it destroy any data? [15:57] 9650, right? [15:57] 9550SX [15:57] hdparm -tT is testing [15:57] 9550?! [15:57] that's slow, dude :D [15:57] well, thats the best for 133Mhz [15:57] our board doesnt have PCI-X [15:58] you know what I mean [15:58] run hdparm -tT /dev/sda or whatever [15:58] sdb [15:58] in progress [15:58] /dev/sdb: [15:58] Timing cached reads: 1834 MB in 2.00 seconds = 917.60 MB/sec [15:58] Timing buffered disk reads: 132 MB in 3.04 seconds = 43.40 MB/sec [15:59] that's slow [15:59] very slow [15:59] and this has nothing to do with filesystem [15:59] Timing buffered disk reads: 302 MB in 3.00 seconds = 100.54 MB/sec [16:00] this is on my 9650 [16:00] hm [16:01] ivoks: what block size? [16:01] on the raid controller [16:01] no time [16:01] take care [16:02] so does it mean that its bad for mail server? [16:02] on my previous we had much more worse raid card it it was fine [16:02] am confused a bit right now [16:05] it means your raid is slow [16:05] dell cerc 6 channel sata? [16:05] aka adaptec 2410sa? [16:05] * f1yback ducks [16:06] well, I dont get why is it slow [16:06] it cost a lot [16:06] with the BBU [16:09] what raid mode [16:11] 5 [16:12] that's why [16:12] how many disks [16:12] 4 [16:12] ugh [16:12] switch to raid 10 [16:12] you will only have about 50% of your disks as storage [16:13] but much better performance [16:13] but am planning 6 in a week or two [16:13] 6 disks I mean [16:13] not RAID 6 ;) [16:13] i'd still go raid 10 [16:13] 5 has health write penalties and random i/o penalties [16:13] health/heavy [16:16] hmmm [16:18] hello and err help! got a box that refuses to startup, last message is that mountall cannot mount an nfs volume (nfs isnt there so not suprissing) how can i find out what is going on? how can i get a shell so i can fix this? (sorry first linux box for years and struggling to find out how to diag boot issues) [16:18] well, it seems the server is runnin [16:23] bG303, [16:23] raid? [16:23] yea, md0 [16:23] oh good [16:23] sata? ide? scsi? [16:23] sata [16:23] ok first thing I would do is burn a system rescue cd [16:23] and check the drives smart tables [16:24] f1yback: that's bullshit - he should be getting better performance with that [16:24] if the reallocated counts are higher than threshhold or there's pending [16:24] Jeniczek: what block size are you using? [16:24] or you see UNC or ATMF or TZNF [16:24] on the raid controller [16:24] the hd is CANUCKED [16:24] RoyK, sorry it's true [16:24] raid 5 is a hog [16:24] ok cant see that being the case as its booting. i.e. its booting from md0 [16:24] i think something is blocking [16:25] yes you can [16:25] but thanks and i'll start there [16:25] it's a sw thing [16:25] f1yback: I've been using raid5 on several controllers and it gives good performance [16:25] smartctl -a /dev/sda etc [16:25] RoyK, depends on the load [16:25] f1yback: don't spread too much fud [16:25] for basic storage stuff it's fine [16:25] dude [16:25] his load is pretty basic [16:25] WE FOUND OUT THE HARD WAY AT WORK [16:25] ok [16:25] I don't spread fud [16:25] and I threaten to kill people who fuck with people asking for help [16:25] know that about me [16:26] how nice of you [16:27] where do i get a system rescue disc from ? [16:27] the install cd works for taht [16:27] that [16:27] ok coolio, thankw [16:27] yeah the install cd isn't bad [16:27] but sysres has more stuff [16:27] but up to you [16:27] mother fucker, samba is up, the box is running, ssh is missing and the no gdm [16:27] this is fucked up. [16:27] if you know linux a little, the install cd suffices quite well [16:28] bG303: just boot into single [16:28] I been using linux since 96 bro [16:28] I used to walk newbies thru kernel compiles etc :P [16:28] 94 [16:28] f1yback well, correct me if am wrong, but I cant turn RAID 5 into RAID 10 without data loss, right? [16:28] systemrescuecd still is better suited for any data recovery etc [16:28] actually some controllers can convert it [16:28] as long as you don't exceed the space shrink but you have to shrink your filesystem first [16:28] hmm, ill investigate mor, but cant see that option in there [16:28] yeah, thats what i understand [16:29] RoyK, its actually better as a bunch of Isos are on that volume, saves downloading them, just confused about what its bitching about. Normally admin solaris and *bsd, this linux malarky screws with my head (quite like the performance those) :) [16:29] but its 20% full of data, so that wont be the case [16:29] bG303: just select recovery mode in the boot menu [16:29] RoyK, doesnt do anything, cant get a shell on the server or any sort of login [16:29] it doesn't boot? [16:29] well it does but hangs [16:30] you said some stuff was running [16:30] it gets passed networking obviously and is bringing up some services [16:30] how do you know? [16:30] cus i can access them across the network [16:30] btw [16:30] did you try to boot into single user mode? [16:30] DON'T USE FSCK IF YOU HAVE A DYING DISK [16:30] :P [16:30] * RoyK takes f1yback's coke [16:30] RoyK, no idea how to do that with grub [16:31] no dude I am serious [16:31] I have done like 20 or so hard drive data recoveries [16:31] bG303: just press escape, choose recovery mode [16:31] it's best to use a tool like ddrescue etc and clone all the sectors to another disk or file [16:32] RoyK, i tried that, didnt work, got the same console with the error, tried alt+ and got nothing but blank screens, the debug??? screen and a rolling ubuntu graphic on the X psuedo [16:32] but samba is up ?!?!? responds to pings ?!?? odd ness. [16:32] * f1yback goes back to building his ubuntu server vm buildhost [16:32] samba shouldn't start if you start in single [16:33] X neither [16:33] no this was a punt let it boot, see what happens [16:33] i cant get a shell at all RoyK, [16:33] did you choose single? [16:33] recovery gives the same [16:33] what error? [16:33] no login prompt [16:33] no errors, thats the problem [16:33] recovery/single should start in plaintext [16:34] last think i saw is an error on pts7 with mountall cant mount an nfs volume [16:34] hm, is there a service that allows me to send a mail with a harmless virus in it so I can test if the antivirus plugin on the mailserver works? [16:34] s/think/thing [16:34] bG303: nfs mounts aren't mounted in single [16:34] RoyK, there are in my config hahah ;) [16:34] bG303: enter grub, edit the kernel line, add "single", boot [16:34] bG303: not in single [16:34] RoyK, sound, brb :) [16:34] unless you've fucked up badly [16:35] remove splash and so on [16:35] doesn't help much for debugging [16:38] ok grub, 'e', got some insmod etc, guessing i add that to the vmlinuz line ? [16:39] heh getting memoris yadraskil on a 486 here ho ho [16:39] ok must have got that wrong as its still booting nfs etc [16:43] ok 10.4 is fucked. Definely booted single then but it still fires X [16:45] cock this, off for food, i'll try fix this later or rm the whole thing and do something else. [16:45] my life is too short for toy OS's [16:46] !language | bG303 [16:46] bG303: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [16:47] excuse me, ziesemer_, but what is this bitching about language? [16:49] can someone tell me where on the ubuntu site the support timelines are for the various versions? E.g. when does support for 9.04 end? [16:49] !releases | bc [16:49] bc: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [16:50] jpds: thank you. I tried every seach keyword BUT releases heh jesus [16:51] bc: I tend to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases myself. [17:00] do-release-upgrade should probaly have a manpage, shouldn't it, even though it wouldn't have much substance? Having it show up in `man -k upgrade` would be helpful. [17:07] bc: it's a lot more convenient if people can tell you to RTFM without there being an FM :þ [17:09] RoyK: :D === f1yback is now known as flyback === flyback is now known as f1yback [17:51] New bug: #581016 in samba (main) "package samba-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/581016 === matthew_ is now known as imjustmatthew [17:53] Does anyone know if the lucid server CD runs serial console when you first boot with it? I'm not getting a serial console, but it might be a hardware problem. [17:58] imjustmatthew: try console=/dev/ttyS0 on the kernel line [17:59] RoyK: you're saying I need to edit the ISO to change the boot options? [18:00] what sort of computer is this? [18:00] an ALIX from PC Engines [18:01] cpu? [18:01] Geode LX800 [18:01] doesn't it have a video card? [18:01] nope, only serial [18:02] my best guess is to create a boot usb thing and edit grub there [18:02] okay, I'll give it a shot, thanks. [18:03] given it can boot from usb, that is [18:04] yes it can, it's actually a usb cd-rom drive [18:05] that I'm booting with now [18:06] imjustmatthew: changing a boot cd is a bit of a hassle, but changing a usb stick is easy [18:20] imjustmatthew, why not setup serial console to it [18:21] flyback: that's actually what I want to do. am I going about it the wrong way? [18:21] ok [18:21] on the kernel command line [18:21] do you know what serial port is it [18:21] I assume com1 if it's the only one [18:21] COM1 [18:21] it's [18:21] console=ttyS0,speed [18:21] console=ttyS0,9600 [18:21] console=ttyS0,38400 [18:21] etc [18:22] I dunno if the installer will work though in text mode [18:22] well you need to force the text mode installer [18:22] oh you are [18:22] sorry forgot where I am [18:23] yes, and I'm dumping it to a USB stick to modify the boot parameter and do the install, unless you have an easier way, which would be awesome [18:23] nope that's how I do it === luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez [18:30] How can I figure what's causing this and fix it? WARNING: /etc/ssh/moduli does not exist, using fixed modulus [18:32] MTecknology: It's a file that's part of the openssh-client package - it should be there [18:33] MTecknology: Uninstalling openssh-client and reinstalling it should fix it [18:33] penguin42: it is there.. [18:34] floown: how do you go to the kernel command line without a console? [18:34] err.... wrong system [18:36] penguin42: I ran aptitude reinstall openssh-client and it's still not back.. [18:37] MTecknology: Is the file actually there? [18:38] nnope [18:38] I'd uninstall the package and then reinstall it [18:39] I can't without removing openssh-server though - and that would kill my connection :P [18:41] MTecknology: According to man moduli(5) you can regenerate one with ssh-ketgen -G and then -T never done it though [18:41] penguin42: thanks [18:44] apt-mirror wtf! can't beat downloading locally [18:45] ftw :D [18:45] looking for help on ufw, for some reason i think ufw is mysteriously blocking incoming SMTP traffic despite a rule allowing it [18:58] nmap isn't seeing smtp on 25, nor can i netcat to the server on 25, even though i have a rule that says "25/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere". when ufw is off it says "25/tcp filtered smtp". am I doing it wrong? [18:59] (it says = nmap reports) [19:00] celeborn999: iptables -L -n -v .. you should see counts go up wherever your SMTP packets are hitting [19:02] with or without ufw enabled? [19:03] and right now i'm not mailing anything, just trying to verify a connection with netcat or telnet [19:03] with [19:03] so it's not smtp traffic [19:03] iptables -Lvn won't show much unless the rules aren't there [19:06] i'm not sure what i'm looking for...i think i see the line in iptables reflecting the ufw tcp 25 rule. packet count is 0 [19:08] do the iptables rules logically go from top to bottom? [19:09] btw i was able to successfully enable an allow rule for ssh, or at least, i can ssh into the server while ufw is supposedly working [19:10] celeborn999, yes, rules are applied top down [19:14] man, i'm just not seeing the answer here [19:14] my ssh and my smtp rules look identical but one works and the other doesn't [19:14] celeborn999, pastebin the whole conf [19:16] which file, specifically? i'm working with ufw through the command line e.g. sudo ufw whatever whatever. do you want the output of ufw status verbose? [19:18] celeborn999, ufw status numbered | pastebinit [19:20] http://pastebin.com/Sj4RjcWf [19:20] i changed the rule from 25/tcp (which is the default for ufw allow smtp) to just 25 (ufw allow 25) [19:21] thinking, who knows, why not [19:22] celeborn999, well ufw allow 25/tcp is more correct [19:22] or ufw allow smtp [19:22] well, i might as well change it back then. [19:22] celeborn999, yes [19:23] celeborn999, also you can just type "sudo ufw allow ssh" [19:23] that's what i did for ssh [19:23] i did that originally for smtp too but it wasn't working, so i fiddled with it [19:23] celeborn999, ok, are you sure sshd is running on the target machine then? [19:23] i'm sshing into it right now [19:23] it's remote [19:24] celeborn999, then what is the problem? [19:24] nmap isn't seeing smtp on 25, nor can i netcat to the server on 25, even though i have a rule that says "25/tcp ALLOW IN Anywhere". when ufw is off it says "25/tcp filtered smtp". [19:25] this is nmap from my remote client. if i netcat from the server to port 25 on itself, it connects [19:25] celeborn999, do you have anything listening on port 25? [19:25] postfix should be listening. when i netcat on the machine to itself and ehlo, it responds with mail messages [19:26] ok [19:26] and when i disable ufw totally, as i mentioned, nmap will detect smtp [19:26] though nc still doesn't work even with ufw off. really not sure about that [19:28] netstat reports smtp listening [19:31] celeborn999, can you "telnet remotehost.com 25" [19:32] no, it times out [19:32] celeborn999, can you do it on the remote machine? [19:33] i don't have a telnet client there and don't want to install one but i can netcat to 25 from the remote machine to itself [19:34] celeborn999, sounds to me like a postfix config issue not a ufw issue [19:34] how so? [19:34] celeborn999, postfix has rules to bind to the local address [19:34] celeborn999, or to accept mail from only x.x.x.x [19:35] celeborn999, and by default its the loopback [19:35] it could be. i'm not a postfix expert. i followed the guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html as close as i could, it didn't mention anything about that [19:35] your ufw rule appears correct [19:36] celeborn999, yeah, Im no postfix expert myself and it took allot of trial/error to get mine working [19:37] celeborn999, however, let me poke my cfg and see if I can find the correct section [19:37] this seems to be the key line sudo postconf -e "inet_interfaces = all" [19:37] celeborn999, thats the main one i think [19:39] celeborn999, smtp_bind_address = [19:39] smtp_bind_address6 = [19:40] i don't have that one [19:40] celeborn999, postconf -v | pastebinit [19:40] i don't want to pastebin my whole conf...what are we looking at specifically? [19:41] celeborn999, not sure, like I said, Im no expert but looking at yours vs mine could provide insight [19:41] celeborn999, I understand not wanting to post the whole thing...no biggy [19:42] thanks [19:42] celeborn999, you could ask around in #postfix too [19:43] thanks again [19:43] np [20:06] I get this: "SMTP<< 450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your reverse hostname error" from my postfix server, how to set reverse hostname in postfix [20:07] ?? [20:12] halvors: that means, that postfix cannot resolve the hostname of your client [20:18] hey foxbuntu, it turns out the postfix problem was the port 25 block some ISPs do. i got around it [20:19] of the client? [20:19] yeah, blocking destination-port-25 traffic from my client behind a consumer ISP [20:19] totally lame [20:20] halvors btw this is for a problem i reported earlier, nothing to do with the problem you reported [20:22] but an other problem, th eepost client cant send email with my server, and i get nothing in the logs :( [20:25] is there a live upgrade like procedure for ubuntu to upgrade server with 100% fall back ? [20:26] axisys: No, fall back isn't supported - you may be able to do it if you're running lvm mirrors and take a snapshot [20:26] liveupgrade in solaris allows to detach a mirror and upgrade the inactive disk and boot from it .. all in three to four commands.. and let you go back to original setup should a fall back is necessary [20:27] axisys: Feel free to file a wishlist bug for it - it would be a good feature [20:27] (and probably not that hard to do with a good lvm setup) [20:27] I am user id 1000 on my laptop, and user 1001 owns a folder on my server that I am sharing via NFS.... is there a way to specify uid in my fstab on my laptop? [20:28] penguin42: with solaris 10 you can do it even with 1 disk .. you just take a zfs snapshot and then upgrade.. and roll back to snapshot within same disk if have enough space.. [20:28] penguin42: i guess theoretically lvm can be done even with one disk [20:29] axisys: Yeh you should be able to do the same on Linux with an LVM snapshot on the same disk - but that does assume you were using LVM and had spare space; and I doubt that the boot loader stuff is smart enough [20:29] penguin42: hmm [20:29] storrgie: i mean i read that you can map uids with nfs [20:30] axisys: But it would be good to have it automagically set up by an ubuntu install so you could do that [20:30] at this age in technology that ougta be available.. just thinking out loud [20:30] penguin42: exactly! [20:30] mcas: can i specify uid in the mount line as an option? [20:30] axisys: So a wishlist is probably the right thing to do [20:31] penguin42: with todays technology no i dont want lvm would be the option .. not the other way around :-) [20:31] penguin42: where do I submit it ? [20:31] axisys: from a command line run ubuntu-bug ubiquity (ubiquity is the installer) [20:32] penguin42: in the meantime i am afraid to upgrade my ubuntu server jaunty to lucid (two upgrades) [20:32] penguin42: oh ok [20:32] axisys: Still, it would be better to get an upgrade done! [20:32] storrgie: here is a good howto about it http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/nfs.htm [20:32] penguin42: yeah.. but.. just in case.. :-( [20:33] mcas: so... change my uid on the client [20:34] axisys: Are you running md raid ? [20:35] penguin42: i think so.. forgot to how to check [20:35] axisys: Well, would you know how to cope if one of the drives failed in your mirrored pair? [20:36] penguin42: i have the steps somewhere.. it did not get to the point yet .. [20:36] penguin42: only done it few million times in solaris.. [20:37] axisys: Well you see if you were comfortable with doing that I would have suggested a somewhat risky strategy - pull one of the drives and you have a fall back! [20:37] so in solaris i am expert.. but it is little different with linux.. i remember when i read it first time [20:37] penguin42: i gotcha [20:37] yeh its one of these things that takes some time to get used to [20:38] penguin42: so wasnt there a command to show md status.. forgot it [20:38] axisys: cat /proc/mdstat will show it [20:39] pwnguin: nothing there.. checking few servers. [20:39] one server has this [20:39] /dev/mapper/nvidia_eeffhbef1 [20:39] so thats dmraid i think.. no? [20:39] ah dmraid that's not mdraid (duh obvious?!!!) [20:40] df -h / btw [20:40] it's really dumb we have two similarly named things like that [20:40] lol === unreal_ is now known as unreal [20:40] * penguin42 doesn't no dmraid, only mdraid [20:40] kw [20:40] cat /proc/mdstat [20:40] Personalities : [20:40] unused devices: [20:41] penguin42: found one [20:42] http://pastebin.com/AN8Uid5G [20:42] /dev/md1 71G 2.4G 65G 4% / [20:42] except that one is already lucid [20:45] yeh that's a happy two drive mirror [21:17] New bug: #576233 in samba (main) "package portmap 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade:" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/576233 [21:20] * f1yback would like to find the people who invented CAPTCHA and inject them with a poison that will kill them in minutes if they don't get the anidote which is protected by a fucking CAPTCHA === Russ|Out is now known as Russ [22:25] Does anybody know of a site with some downloadable Iptables examples that i could learn from ? [22:26] have you considered using UFW? [22:29] i was working with ufw [22:30] but i found a nice tool called firewall builder which lets me build firewalls and was giving a hand [22:31] ah ok, sorry no good iptables at hand, i only found out about ufw recently though and find it a lot easier than iptables [22:32] celeborn999: I know with iptables you can lock everything down and well ufw might be to general.... ie sudo ufw allow samba allows samba but doesnt specify what remoteaddress's [22:33] ie sudo ufw allow dns you get the hint you cant specific who to allow and who to close out... [22:33] according to man ufw it looks like you can specific destination and source ranges [22:33] really? [22:34] looks like it. no personal experience though [22:35] well the other problem with ufw is you cant deploy the rule sets either :/ [22:37] once you set ufw rules, it looks like iptables gets updated. so you could -- i guess, i haven't done this -- use ufw to set things up and then use iptables to transfer [22:39] that sounds quite redundant.... www.fwbuilder.org [22:40] fw builder also configures pix fw's :P [22:41] configure ufw rules > export > import to iptables > export for deployment > import to each machine [22:41] heck fwbuilder looks pretty neat [22:41] the ufw process is kind of a mess [22:42] thinking about it [22:43] you can export your iptables-save and import it to workon .... in fwbuilder you can make each fw right in one file but configure each machines fw then deploy it... [22:43] oh i missed a step once you import it the first time from ufw you have to configure the iptables :) [22:58] !ufw [22:58] Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist. [23:11] celeborn999: still playing with fw builder [23:12] dominicdinada: any luck? [23:13] well No i am looking at something else atm... pre configured iptables exist i just gotta look more in depth... [23:14] i always found iptables to be obscenely complicated [23:15] well ufw is a dummies front end but really fwbuilder is awesome you can build a fw for 1 or 100 machines right in the same file :P [23:21] Upstart question - I see no services-admin in gnome-system-tools. If I want smbd to start on boot (into the default runlevel), should I use update-rc.d or is there another equivalent tool for upstart? [23:21] ermo: bug #94065 [23:21] Launchpad bug 94065 in upstart "init: add non-destructive means to disable a job" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94065 [23:24] jpds: (not wishing to be a support vampire) If I want smbd to start on boot, should I use update-rc.d instead of the Upstart related service files? If both are present, which has the [23:24] 'highest priority' [23:24] I can't seem to find any clear documentation on help.ubuntu.com in the serverguide, nor on the upstart wiki. But maybe I'm looking in the wrong places? [23:25] ermo: Is smbd a shell script in /etc/init.d/ ? [23:26] there is both a SysV style init script (/etc/init.d/smbd) and an Upstart service script (/etc/init/smbd.conf), yes. [23:27] ermo ubuntu server guide is too vague [23:27] enav: ... I cannot say that disagree. But then again, maybe I'm not in the target audience for that guide '^^ [23:27] ermo: Ah, that's... interesting. [23:28] that *I disagree .. [23:28] what the hell is the problem i did sudo ufw enable...... reboot and it reverts to inactive upon reboot [23:28] diabolical_: /etc/ufw/ufw.conf has ENABLED=yes ? [23:29] jpds: Guess I need to do some more poking around for documentation. *sigh* - I hoped that someone here would have a quick answer [23:30] prob not but why does it state that "diabolical@diabolical:~$ sudo ufw enable [23:30] Firewall is active and enabled on system startup [23:30] " then not change the file.... anyother broken thing [23:30] another* [23:30] ermo: what documentation are you looking for [23:32] how to autostart services on boot using Upstart, and which file takes precedence if there is both a sysV style init script (/etc/init.d/smbd) and an Upstart service configuration (/etc/init/smbd.conf) [23:32] * ermo has *zero* experience with upstart [23:33] ermo i used ebox and well it took care of it for me [23:33] !upstart [23:33] Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [23:33] although i personally dont recommend using ebox it is way to buggy [23:35] Usage scenario: I have an 'always-on' PC which serves as both my internet PC and my SqueezeBox Server. I want to offer access to it via Samba and have samba start up on each boot. [23:36] ermo: you sure want alot. I will see if i cant get what you need... didnt you install samba when you installed server? [23:37] diabolical_: I have it all installed and set up and working already. What I want is to have samba start automatically after reboots. [23:38] ermo: i thought it should... especially when bundled in with server :( [23:38] i.e. I already have samba, but it doesn't start automatically. And the 'services-admin' tool doesn't seem to be shipped with gnome-system-tools (which is maintained by a Ubuntu developer, btw.) [23:39] Hm. I need to exercise my APT-fu to get a listing of the files installed by gnome-system-tools ... [23:39] although gnome isnt shipped with server [23:40] Right. I'm in the server channel because I figured that a server channel would have users who knew how to turn on services at boot. [23:40] I actually have the desktop version of Ubuntu installed. But if that's unsupported or out-of-scope for this channel, I'll get my coat and be off :) [23:40] ermo: services-admin was removed because it didn't work with upstart jobs. [23:41] ermo: I would remove the init.d script wiht update-rc.d and then comment out the "start on" line in the init/ file. [23:42] jpds: Ah, so you suspect that the event that the /etc/init/smbd.conf listens for is never fired? [23:42] ermo: I understand from that bug report that that's the way to disable upstart jobs. [23:44] [Until a better disabling tool is created; which is a target for upstart 0.10 which will be in maverick.] [23:45] ermo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1235863 [23:46] diabolical_: Thank you. That post implies that I should use Sys V init scripts to control the start up of smbd. I was under the impression the correct way to start services with 10.04 is to use Upstart. [23:47] (i.e. that post contradicts jpds' advice) [23:48] start on local-filesystems [23:48] stop on runlevel [!2345] [23:49] jpds: I would assume that the above to lines means that Upstart should start smbd after the event 'local-filesystems' is fired and that it should stop smbd in the event that the current runlevel is not 2|3|4|5 ? [23:49] ermo: I think so. [23:49] ermo: funny i run samba, gnome etc and my samba starts fine every time i wonder what you changed [23:50] jpds: a simple grep reveals that /etc/init/mountall emits 'local-filesystems' [23:50] and that dbus, networking, network-manager and smbd+nmbd all listen for that event. [23:50] Verrry strange. [23:51] I'll delete the Sys V init script. [23:51] ermo you could just back up your smb.conf [23:51] and reinstall samba [23:51] why make things more difficult [23:52] diabolical_: Yes, I could. And I could also fiddle with the config files first and understand the root cause and *then* re-install. If re-installing doesn't fix it, I will know why and can file a (hopefully) useful bug reprt :) [23:52] report, even [23:54] * diabolical_ says in his best ermo impression *HELP* guys i deleted my mount points, cpufreq and fansettings from sys V now my computer wont boot [23:54] diabolical_: Uh, I fail to see how that has anything to do with my question. [23:55] I haven't *deleted* anything. And the suggestion that I delete the Sys V init script was jpds', not mine. [23:55] the answer to your question is you muffed the samba daemon [23:55] while you were prob tinkering [23:56] diabolical_: You are making assumptions that do not hold up to closer inspection. I installed the samba daemon. I have not 'tinkered' or deleted anything. Since I installed samba, it has not autostarted, although the Upstart service script implies that it should. I'm here trying to understand why. [23:57] diabolical_: thanks for offering your help, btw. [23:57] well i sent ya the link to get you pointed in the right direction [23:58] diabolical_: Yes. And I'm telling you that the link you sent me concernts Sys V init scripts from Ubuntu 9.04. In the mean time, Ubuntu has moved to Upstart as its preferred init system, making that post obsolete. [23:58] ermo: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2010-05-15 23:58 /etc/init.d/smbd -> /lib/init/upstart-job* [23:59] smbdd.conf has trumps. [23:59] jpds: yeah, I noticed that. I had a look at the source and noticed that it said 'upstart-job' at the top.