
daveWilkyhi everyone..00:00
tertl3i am having trouble getting audacity and jack to recognize my guitar input01:46
tertl3I have changed settings and nothing works01:47
tertl3the sound card works so it can't be that01:47
tertl3anyone good with audacity or JACK?02:01
skxI don't know, but if everything else works, have you selected the right input in audacity, tertl3?02:03
tertl3I'm pretty sure I did02:04
skxand is the signal recognized by any other app?02:04
tertl3skx, no, I have tried audacity, but it doesnt recognize the guitar input02:05
skxand does any other app recognize it?02:05
tertl3the output works for audacity02:05
tertl3what other app should I try?02:05
tertl3my sound card comes up as CA10602:06
tertl3i have guitar plugged into pink line input02:06
skxso we don't know if input works, ok02:07
tertl3it has to,02:07
tertl3but yesm we don't know02:07
skxdo you have pavucontrol installed?02:07
tertl3I dont believe so02:07
tertl3getting it now02:08
skxno, no02:08
tertl3un oh02:08
skxyou need to use jack, not pulse audio02:09
skxit won't hurt02:09
tertl3ok, when I open jack, should I press the play button on it?02:10
skxI'm not on studio right now :\02:10
skxhave you configured jack? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/What%20is%20JACK?highlight=%28%28UbuntuStudio|JackQuickStart%29%2902:10
ScottLtertl3, you might also make that alsa isn't muted02:26
skxI think they fixed that02:34
skx(that was one big oops btw)02:34
arghh2d2Is there a way to see what applications are using a usb mic? jack wont run with the mic specified as the input device...says that it's already being used by another program.05:57
tertl3how do I listen to CDs after installing JACK?06:50
holsteintertl3: lol06:50
holsteinyou dont... you make CD's now ;)06:50
tertl3hey holstein06:50
tertl3so, now I can't listen at all?06:51
holsteindo you need to play CD's with JACK running?06:51
holsteincan you just stop JACK and do your thing06:51
holsteinand then use JACK when you want to record?06:51
tertl3no, it didnt work06:51
holsteinthats how i do it06:51
tertl3I might need to fiddle with it some more06:51
holsteintertl3: SO06:51
holsteinyou start the computer06:52
tertl3I just installed a rt kernel06:52
holsteinand CD's wone play06:52
holsteinOR is it just after you start jack06:52
holsteinand stop it06:52
tertl3yeah, no sound06:52
tertl3well, I havent tried that06:52
holsteintertl3: when you run qjackctl06:52
holsteinyou need to 'stop' jack06:52
holsteinbefore exiting qjack06:52
holsteinyou could try killing jack06:53
holsteinit might just be running in the background06:53
holsteinholding onto your device06:53
tertl3is that kill qjackctl06:54
* holstein tries06:54
holsteinsudo killall jackd06:56
holsteinno good?06:57
tertl3well, I think was already killed06:57
tertl3does your sound system take a long time to respond?06:58
holsteinwhat do you get when you run aplay -l06:58
tertl3sound preferences I mean06:58
holsteintertl3: im having mixed luck with sound in ubuntu06:58
holsteinmy firepod works great in jack06:59
holsteinand that what im mostly worried about06:59
holsteinwhen i open sound preferences on my HPmini06:59
holsteinthe sound goes away06:59
holsteinfor good06:59
holsteinthe only way ive found to brign it back is a restart07:00
holsteinBUT i have only gotten started trouble shooting07:00
holsteinthe EEE works great07:00
holsteinim updating my studio box finally07:01
holsteinupgrading to lucid07:01
tertl3thats what I'm on07:01
holsteini got one intrepid and a karmic left07:02
tertl3i did the ubuntu studio upgrade thing07:02
holsteinyou should restart07:02
tertl3and now it seems worse than if I wouldve tried to update on my own07:02
holsteinand see if you got sound07:02
holsteinand run the sound preferences07:03
holsteinand see if you got the same thing i got07:03
tertl3what do you have?07:03
tertl3maybe its the kernel I got?07:03
holsteincould be07:05
holsteinwhat uname -a07:06
tertl3i think part of it is using alsa, and part is using jack07:06
tertl3im gonna restart07:06
holsteinm@ministudio:~$ uname -a07:06
holsteinLinux ministudio 2.6.31-10-rt #153-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Jan 12 10:42:21 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux07:06
holsteini think i tried the generic one already though07:06
holsteinfor my issue07:06
tertl3Linux tertl3-desktop 2.6.31-10-rt #153-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Jan 12 11:01:03 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:07
holsteinand you got 64 bit too07:07
tertl3yeah, that probably makes it even worse07:07
tertl3more to worry about07:07
holsteinthey've been sorting that out i yhink07:08
tertl3i guess I'm gonna reboot07:09
tertl3back to original kernel07:09
holsteintertl3: how did you do?07:23
holsteini made a little progress07:23
holsteinwhen i run sound preferences i get ...07:23
holstein'dummy output'07:24
holsteinand my sound icon goes from a speaker, to a line07:24
holsteinand i got no sound07:24
holsteini run m@ministudio:~$ uname -a07:24
holsteinLinux ministudio 2.6.31-10-rt #153-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Jan 12 10:42:21 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux07:24
holsteinsudo /sbin/alsa force-reload07:24
holsteini run that ^^07:25
holsteinand i get my sound back07:25
holsteinBUT this doesnt seem to be JACK related for me07:25
tertl3ill try it07:27
holsteini got a battery thing on this box too07:27
holsteincouple trouble-shooting items07:27
tertl3no luck here07:28
holsteinand your in the generic kernel now?07:28
tertl3I've got windows on another partition, so I might just use it for recording07:28
tertl3yeah, I'm in generic07:28
holsteinany sound at all?07:29
tertl3I think it was something i did from the tutorial07:29
holsteindo you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed ?07:29
tertl3I ran alot of commands07:29
tertl3and 2 extra repos07:29
holsteinyou want to dump your relevant history in pastebin?07:30
holsteinthe link the the tutorial07:30
tertl3you could remote connect if you want07:30
tertl3one sec07:30
tertl3even firefox is acting up07:31
tertl3keeps fading dark07:32
tertl3ubuntu studio preparation07:33
tertl3that should find it07:33
holsteinyou did sudo apt-get install alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-firmware ??07:34
tertl3i did most all of them07:34
tertl3but yeah,07:34
tertl3I'm pretty sure I did that one07:34
tertl3I was stumped trying to get JACK to run07:35
holsteinyou could try sudo apt-get auto-remove alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-firmware07:35
tertl3command not found?07:35
holsteinsudo apt-get autoremove alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui alsa-firmware07:36
* holstein had an extra '-' in there07:37
tertl3cant find alsa-firmware07:37
tertl3no worries07:37
tertl3do you know a way to revert back to original lucid settings?07:38
tertl3like a restore function07:38
holsteinthose shouldnt make your sound not work07:38
holsteinnot really07:38
tertl3yeah, they seemed pretty reliable07:38
holsteinautoremove ubuntustudio-****07:38
holsteinwhatever you installed07:38
holsteinBUT i would just wait07:38
holsteini think we can figure that out07:39
holsteindid you get all the updates?07:39
tertl3yeah, all except the medubuntu ones07:39
tertl3pretty much the whole page execpt the editing of the sound card file07:40
tertl3what about pulse-jack07:42
holsteini havent done it07:42
holsteinlots of folks in #opensourcmusicians do it though07:43
holsteini got a seperate box really07:43
holsteinand the mininote07:43
holsteinim just going to use as a portable recording box07:43
tertl3hmm, so there are people using it without problems?07:43
holsteinSO if the soundcard died,  wouldnt care07:43
tertl3that makes sense07:43
holsteintertl3: thats what they say07:43
holsteinthats a great room07:44
tertl3I have considered fedora07:44
holsteinsmart folks07:44
holsteincouple fedora guys07:44
holsteinwith the planet CCMRA stuff07:44
holsteini didnt like it07:44
holsteinbut you should try it sometime07:44
tertl3yeah, fedora was how I was introduced to linux and I always thought it was more stable07:45
tertl3not really that different I guess07:45
holsteini found it to be slower07:45
holsteinthere for a while07:45
holsteinand the repos, and updates07:45
holsteinand YUM07:46
holsteini dont get YUM07:46
tertl3yum update :)07:46
tertl3i think yum = apt-get07:46
holsteinhell, im just now getting the hang of apt-get07:46
tertl3and the su -07:46
holsteini had my icecast server on a fedora box07:47
holsteinuntil a few months ago07:47
tertl3fedora is more serverish i think07:47
tertl3more like red hat amyways07:47
holsteini got it running on the lucid server edition now07:47
holsteini had a full-blown fedora install07:48
holsteinand i didnt need it07:48
holsteinand i wanted to give the box to a friend07:48
tertl3is there a way to avoid jack and still record descent stuff?07:50
holsteini suggest trying whatever you feel comfortable with07:51
holsteinand moving on/up07:51
holsteinwhen you need07:51
tertl3I tried audacity to no avail07:51
holsteinif you dont need low-latency, and your not getting pops07:51
holsteinuse the generic kernel07:51
holsteinwhat was wrong with audacity?07:52
tertl3nothing, I just couldnt get my input to make any noise through it07:52
holsteinwhat sound device?07:52
tertl3kinda frustrating07:52
holsteinin my opinion, if your using your internal sound card, that a limitation07:53
tertl3I use a creative labs sound card and I was going from my guitar amp into the line in07:53
holsteina pretty signifigant one07:53
tertl3it worked fine on the old xp box07:53
holsteinno buzz or hum07:54
holsteinif its clean, go for it07:54
holsteinusually those things got a lot of hum or hiss or buzz07:54
holsteinsome kind of noise07:54
tertl3yeah, I just moved all my equip into this room07:55
tertl3so I wanna make it like a 'studio' kinda setting07:55
holsteinyou looked at alsamixer ??07:59
holsteinsometimes things get set to zero in there for some reason07:59
tertl3should I change it to 1?08:00
holsteinjust turn them up08:00
holstein'turn them up to 11' ;)08:00
* holstein gotta sleep08:03
holsteini think we can sort you out though08:03
tertl3ok, cool08:03
holsteini was in NYC thursday nite08:03
tertl3how was it08:03
holsteingot on the road at midnite08:03
holsteintertl3: it was great08:04
holsteinand then i had a 6:30 thing here in asheville tonite08:04
holsteinthat was not so good, but it paid well08:04
holsteinanyhow, i'll catch you soon08:05
tertl3alright see ya later08:05
skxWhy is Ubuntu (and Ubuntu Studio) using SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 version of mplayer? seems old, smplayer complains that it is old13:19
Blank__skx, the people who package it for ubuntu are probably balancing a whole lot of other packages, and may not have gotten around to it13:29
astraljavaskx: It's probably what was available in testing at the time of syncing. There now seems to be a newer one, but if it doesn't fix any grave bugs, there's hardly a reason to upgrade.13:42
astraljavaHmm... maybe not, seems like Ubuntu versions have been uploaded to testing instead. Then it's exactly what Blank__ said.13:44
Blank__they have different priorities for certain packages, is what i've noticed... for instance, audio/music players tend to be fairly low on the list of packages to upgrade13:46
Blank__even ardour was considered a low priority upgrade, last time i checked... there was a bug meaning i couldn't even zoom in or out properly without it crashing, and that annoyed me that i couldn't get a newer version, not even in backports13:47
skxGod bless PPAs13:47
skxanyway seems a little weird for me, as it is probably the most popular video player for Linux13:47
Blank__that was in the ol' days of 8.04 :p13:47
skxto me*13:48
Blank__mplayer uses gstreamer doesn't it?13:48
Blank__if so, the priority in that case would be gstreamer :(13:48
skxI use Ubuntu not to know these things ;)13:50
astraljavaBlank__: Software outside of the default installs, and otherwise considered important for the masses, often get attention by volunteers. Especially specialized audio sw don't have too many resources, so my guess is that nobody had time to do a proper backporting. We need more manpower, so if you can, please help us. :)13:52
Blank__oh don't worry, i'll find a way to help13:53
Blank__i've been spreading the word about linux in itself, which may bring more people to it, and thus bring more help13:53
astraljavaBlank__: Great! :)13:54
Blank__i'm hoping i can get iron-on t-shirt transfers made with some kind of identifiable linux logo on them for all my shirts13:54
Blank__if not, a pinbadge would be good13:54
Blank__i had a long conversation with a stranger on a bus, he was sick of windows messing him around, was already using firefox and open office... i let him know about linux, and told him about ubuntu/linux mint specifically13:55
Blank__so there's still hope13:56
astraljavaBlank__: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=14 :)13:56
Blank__problem there is that people will recognise linux much more easily than they will ubuntu13:57
Blank__so perhaps a logo denoting "ubuntu linux" would be more beneficial for identification13:58
astraljavaI believe Mark talked about this a while back, in his speak for Ubuntu Open Week. I'll see if I can find it, hang on...14:01
astraljavaBlank__: Yeah, here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekLucid/AskMark, at around 16:20.14:02
Blank__that whole thing's a pretty interesting read14:11
Blank__also interesting that he doesn't think it should be referred to as both terms14:12
Blank__well, i'd best be off14:14
skxone more thing, on Ubuntu my Canon MP600 worked ootb, Ubuntu Studio complains about "missing printer driver"14:14
skxwhat do I need to install?14:14
Blank__cups should already be there14:15
astraljavaskx: Output of `apt-cache policy cupsys`, please?14:15
Blank__'night all14:17
skxastraljava, http://wklej.org/id/334172/14:18
skxsomething seems to be missing14:18
skxcupsys installed14:19
astraljavaskx: No idea whether it pulls the drivers with it, but it's a start.14:19
skxwe'll see, it's searching14:19
Blank__wouldn't you pull the cups meta package, and have it install dependencies?14:20
skxit seems to be missing a driver for this particular model14:20
skxmaybe I'll just use one for 610... ;)14:21
Blank__hmm, it's not a meta14:21
skxcups is already installed, Blank__14:21
skxalso installed14:21
Blank__yeah i have no idea what's going on :(14:22
skxprobably there's no driver for this model14:22
skxlet's try 61014:23
astraljavaskx: There's a question in LP for this: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3896 which suggests you might need to add a third-party repo for installing proper drivers.14:26
astraljavaOops, remove the edge from the link if you're not a LP beta tester.14:27
astraljavaOops again, that seems to be rather old. Might be better advices elsewhere.14:28
skxthe scanner works fine, I'll buy some ink and test the printing later14:30
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rlameirolol, spammers holstein23:23
rlameirosome minutes ago, the same happened on the #jack channel23:23
skxsomeone came up with a new way to spam freenode23:24
skxand freenode's staff isn't exactly known for swift actions23:24
holsteinits kinda like an ad23:24
holsteinmaybe they should just collect some revenue ;)23:25
skxit is an ad, that what spam usually is, isn't it?23:25
skxspam and more malware23:25
skxpeople probably wouldn't tolerate ads on their channels :) too many alternatives to freenode23:26

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