
micahgDASPRiD: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable00:06
DASPRiDalready got that one ;)00:08
DASPRiDoh, but without the edge.00:08
micahgDASPRiD: edge is just because I'm an LP beta tester00:09
DASPRiDhm, time to get out to the pub and get some beer00:09
micahgDASPRiD: enjoy, I need to sleep soon00:10
DASPRiDhave a nice (morning|day|evening|night)00:10
[reed]http://pictureisunrelated.com/2010/05/10/wtf-photos-videos-ride-a-horse/ is in Prague, no?01:46
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BUGabundo_Avatar[23440:23440:30038843972:ERROR:chrome/browser/process_singleton_linux.cc(332)] Failed to extract pid from path: /home/bugabundo/.config/chromium/SingletonLock20:47

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