
psidrumtest me00:25
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (shadertest)01:20
FlannelIdleOne: That would probably have been better served as a talking-to instead of a removal.  Some people call ops far too prematurely.01:22
FlannelAlthough in this case, it does appear to be somewhat trollish01:22
IdleOneFlannel: agreed that a talking to would of been better but I banned because he posted the full link and not the abreviation01:23
IdleOneso it is posting links to jfgi and cursing01:24
FlannelYeah, but you should rarely ban 'out of the blue'01:24
FlannelIdleOne: are you speaking to him in a query about it?01:26
FlannelMeh.  Now you've got me removing people that I should've just let drop ;)01:27
IdleOneFlannel: sorry not yet. Got dad asking me to teach him facebook :/01:31
FlannelTell him it's a site that steals his privacy and sells it to companies and he should stay away.  Problem solved!01:31
IdleOneI won't even ask if that is true. it MUST be01:35
IdleOneI messaged and asked to join here if he would like to discuss the ban01:35
IdleOneFlannel: oh you mean Facebook01:36
IdleOnelol yeah I told him that already01:36
Flannelyeah, I meant facebook01:36
IdleOnehe just uses it to play some game on there and has no personal info like real name or anything01:37
Flannelfarmville or mafia wars?01:38
IdleOneworld at war01:38
IdleOnebut yeah same thing01:38
bazhang<shadertest> A better idea would be to install gentoo01:45
bazhangnow in #k01:46
IdleOneyeah well he is now upset so he is going to troll everywhere01:47
IdleOnehe did not respond to my PM either01:47
bazhangno, he did before the ban as well01:47
IdleOnewhy did ubottu ask me to comment on removal and also on ban?01:48
FlannelIdleOne: because you banned, and you also removed.01:53
IdleOnehmm I don't recall the bot asking for separate comments on same user but okie dokie01:53
FlannelIdleOne: (comment on the ban, not the kick/removal)01:53
IdleOneFlannel: well I did both now so no biggie01:53
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.01:55
IdleOneis this still valid?01:56
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !women =~ s/Ubuntu women/Ubuntu Women/09:53
jussishe's dead jim...10:07
ubottuThe women and men of the Ubuntu Women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.10:07
jussigord: might be nice if you could join #ubuntu-bots-devel10:09
elkyi fix0rd it10:44
topyli@mark oCean #ubuntu-offtopic chloroform quit message still intact11:25
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:25
=== nik0 is now known as niko
dabaRI recently started going to the drupal channels, and I noticed some interesting thing they do there, which might be a thought for the way the Ubuntu channel works.14:14
dabaRThey basically move to the -support channel when someone takes on resolving the issue of a specific person14:15
dabaRSo, in #ubuntu, basically support requests, and short responses. If it is a longer fix, you move to #ubuntu-support, to not make the future requests scroll off the screen14:15
IdleOnedabaR: Ubuntu does the same thing except we move the chat to -offtopic14:15
dabaRI don't find that is done at all14:16
dabaRI am not there super often, but lately more again14:16
IdleOneseparating a support convo to a different channel would make it difficult for others to follow even if they are not part of the convo14:16
dabaRI understand, that is the down-side14:16
dabaRBut if there is an announcement of sort, people could follow it.14:17
dabaRLike !joinme14:17
dabaROr rather !joinme | person14:17
IdleOnedabaR: Something to think about for sure14:17
dabaRThen ubottu says: dabaR is going to help you with your issue, person, type /j #ubuntu-support14:18
dabaRYa, it is an interesting different approach14:18
dabaRAnd certainly #ubuntu is getting unmanageable, IMHO14:18
dabaROr has been for a while, not sure14:19
topylidabaR, let me find the bug you should add a comment on, just a sec14:20
topyliokay then :(14:20
IdleOneahh there ya go14:21
topylidabaR, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/39279914:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392799 in ubuntu-community "#ubuntu too noisy to be useful" [Medium,In progress]14:21
dabaRtopyli: are you following this thread?14:21
dabaRthe bug report thread14:21
topylithe comment thread is a (partly) good read too, to see what people think14:21
topylidabaR, yes14:21
dabaRNoone mentioned that?14:21
topyliit's assigned to the ircc, i have no choice! :)14:22
dabaROh, you mean you have to follow it14:22
dabaRDid anyone suggest such an idea like the drupal channels use?14:22
topylimost suggestions do seem to start from the premise that there are too many users and suggest various ways to get them off #ubuntu14:24
dabaRWell, that is what I suggest too14:24
dabaRI see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/392799/comments/3714:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392799 in ubuntu-community "#ubuntu too noisy to be useful" [Medium,In progress]14:24
dabaRThat one is similar, except not exactly14:25
dabaROK, ctrl-f did not return anything that seems to be exactly what I propose14:26
dabaRSo I will make a short comment14:26
dabaRThus once again adding to the list of results on Google with my name14:26
dabaRI am even going to link to my site in the comment, to aid my SEO efforts14:27
topylimy question was "how noisy is it, really" and i tried to find out (see comment 72). ljl suggested an actual approach of fixing it in 73. after that, the bug has been more quiet. please do chip in14:27
dabaRWell, 74 has an idea too14:29
dabaRReally a guided thing would help14:29
dabaRTo present the options, too14:29
dabaRBut there probably is some such thing on the Ubuntu sie14:29
dabaRMaybe not a client, but probably there is a list of channels14:29
dabaRtopyli: I mean, you do read #ubuntu, eh?14:31
dabaRJust cause you were asking the question how busy it is14:32
tsimpsonmaking a #ubuntu is our -support, creating -support would just create another noisy channel with no unique purpose14:51
ubottuIn ubottu, DJones said: !codecs is For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:06
topyli@mark oCean #ubuntu-offtopic quit message amicably changed15:08
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:08
topyliapparently memoserv never delivered my memo to him, promised to change it when pm'd15:09
elkyi'm glad you caught him. he doesn't do anything to be noticed until he quits15:11
topyliaye, all i've seen of him in the past week is quits :)15:12
ubottuIn ubottu, blankthemuffin said: no, msn is MSN is supported by Ubuntu's default instant messaging application, empathy. Set up your msn account using the application under System->Preferences->Messaging and VoIP Accounts.15:33
funkyHatattention in #ubuntu please16:01
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (NTFS)16:02
funkyHat^ this16:03
ubottuactionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:05
marienzthat was a lot of pinging.16:06
elkykikim, can we help you?16:07
marienzwas AcePreshaw your recurring trigger spammer?16:12
funkyHatWould it be overstepping the mark to @mark something in a channel where I'm not an op?17:23
ikoniamarienz: yes17:25
marienzikonia: thanks. He was asking for a cloak. He's cloaked now, but I'm keeping an eye on him. Prod me if he misbehaves anywhere while cloaked I'm not in.17:26
ikoniano problem, thank you17:29
funkyHatI pulled up RoyK for swearing in -server but he refused to accept it was a problem17:31
ubottuxomp called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:17
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (holyquran)18:18
ubottuDCGstudios called the ops in #ubuntu (holyquran)18:18
topylifunkyHat, well it is. he will hear your advice or continue and find himself removed18:32
funkyHattopyli: that's why I was wondering about using @mark to make a note of it18:33
topylifunkyHat, i have no idea what the policy is. i would @mark liberally!18:35
funkyHat@mark RoyK #ubuntu-server circa 16:00 UTC refused to accept that swearing is not permitted in Ubuntu channels after it was pointed out to him18:38
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:38
ikoniafunkyHat: then have him removed, talk to scottK - he's active18:39
ikoniafunkyHat: if someone cant play by the rules, they don't get access18:39
funkyHatikonia: ah, I assumed had ScottK had ops in -server he'd have removed him - he was there ⢁)18:41
ikoniaif someone doesn't agree with the policy but follows it, fine, if someone refuses to accept it and is vocal about it, they don't need to be in the channel18:42
ikoniaanyway, time to watch a film18:42
ubottuIn #ubuntu, OFFLINE said: !!!this user jobob is offline!!!19:38
Slartwe might need some help with user doofy in #ubuntu, check the lastlog for specifics20:13
FlannelSlart: I'd blame ActionParsnip as much as him20:13
FlannelHmm, is that word what I think it is?20:28
ubottuOer called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:29
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))20:29
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))20:29
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))20:29
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))20:29
* ikonia returns21:32
jpdstsimpson: Is ubottu just overloaded with channels?21:43
tsimpsonI think that's most of the problem21:44
jpds2 and 4 aren't doing much load avg-wise.21:44
ikoniacan you pull it out of some channels ?21:44
ikoniaeg; I'd be happy to run "bugbot" in the devel/bugs channels ?21:44
jpdsWell; that's what I'm asking for; I need channel names to chuck the others in.21:45
ikoniaI guess #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-devel and #kubuntu-devel would be a start ?21:47
jpds4 is in -bugs.21:47
tsimpsonwe'll do something about it on monday21:48
tsimpsonmake sure you21:52
tsimpson*you're in #ubuntu-bots-team21:52
tsimpsonthat's where I plan to discuss it tomorrow21:52
bsmith093is anyone actually human on this channel23:25
ubottuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit23:26
Flannelbsmith093: Whats up?23:26
bsmith093could you test me please23:26
bsmith093i keep getting the buggy router error23:27
Flannelbsmith093: What channel are you banned from?23:27
bsmith093i changed the port from 6667 to 8001 and updated the router firmware (linksys wrt54g ver 6)23:28
Flannelbsmith093: alright, try again in -read-topic to get tested23:28
bsmith093so what does the test and the exploit actually do23:29
FlannelThe exploit makes your router get paranoid, basically.23:29
Flannelbsmith093: Alright, you should be able to rejoin #ubuntu now23:29

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