
psidrumare there any programs that can control a movie player using a midi device00:02
acerimmerpsidrum: still there?00:05
acerimmerpsidrum: not sure what you're asking - plz elaborate00:07
psidrumid like to control movie player using a midi device, like map the controls to a joggle shuttle or a keyboard to trigger the player to play stop rewind00:08
acerimmerpsidrum: ah.  sorry, a little over my head.00:09
psidrumanyone know a good audio/video desktop capture program that can record jack audio output03:06
initselfi can't get any sound07:28
initselfbut there's no errors07:28
psidrumare there any midi apps that can control mplayer, so i can use a midi device to control it07:48
andyzwebpsidrum: I don't think there are any09:23
andyzwebpsidrum: Mplayer does have Joystick control, and various remote control options. It also has JACK as an output driver09:25
psidrumhow do i set it09:26
andyzwebmplayer -ao jack09:27
andyzwebI don't know about joystick control though :(09:27
psidrumjust found one looks like Lives has the feature allows me to map my midi dj controller to its controls nice09:40
tittnis there somebody here that can help me with lib error ?13:39
skxprobably not, but it can't hurt if you try and ask13:39
astraljavatittn: Better to just state the problem, so someone can respond if they have an idea.13:40
tittncan i paste ?13:40
skxtittn, pastebin.com13:40
tittnits an error i get when i run srcds server from my ubuntu studio box13:41
tittnbut have no clue how to fix it13:41
astraljavatittn: Hard to say, looks like others are having the same problem: http://forums.srcds.com/viewtopic/698013:45
tittnyea had to change something in srcds_run to unlmited to get more information13:48
tittnelse it was some hex code :p13:49
tittnthink i should have taken the latest version of ubuntu studio :p13:51
astraljavatittn: Which release are you running now?13:57
tittnbut been googling just now14:05
tittncould it be it was becous i dint have the package eglibc-source14:05
skxit is the latest version of ubuntu studio14:05
astraljavatittn: That _is_ the latest release.14:05
tittnbut is the latest version always the best option? xD14:08
skxthis time it does seem to be though14:10
astraljavatittn: Always depends on the software that you're using with it.14:11
tittnprettymuch nothing special14:12
tittnjust srcds and the desktop14:12
astraljavatittn: What I mean is, there are almost always different versions of the software that you're gonna use. Some of them work better than the others.14:13
tittnah like that14:13
tittnshould i post this error on forums ?14:14
astraljavatittn: Usually distro builders assume that newer releases from upstream work better than the previous, so almost in every case the most recent is included.14:14
astraljavatittn: That's the best bet, yeah. And ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com14:14
tittnjust mail to that with what subject ?14:15
astraljavatittn: I don't see it as a Ubuntu Studio -specific, but you can try ubuntustudio-users@lists.ubuntu.com as well.14:15
astraljavatittn: Try to be descriptive, and give as much information regarding your setup as possible.14:15
tittnlike uname -a14:16
skxI would rather try steam forums14:18
tittnthat debug log has been mailed sevral times now ^^14:20
tittnit does that auto14:20
tittnbut i can try14:20
astraljavatittn: Yes, uname -a is good, also what you pastebinned should be included.14:22
tittnTechnical details of permanent failure:14:25
tittnGoogle tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain.14:25
tittncan mail to them both or what14:25
tittnubuntu studio gets rejected :p14:26
astraljavatittn: Have you subscribed to the lists? I don't know if that's required, but might be.14:26
tittnhow i do that14:27
astraljavatittn: Sorry, it's ubuntu-studio-users@lists.ubuntu.com14:27
rlameirowhat gets rejected?14:27
tittnah ok14:28
tittnsolved :D14:28
tittnawaiting mod14:31
tittnow somthing other i was wondering about14:33
tittnis there any way to force a programs state that it doesnt go into sleep state14:33
astraljavatittn: No idea, sorry.14:37
rlameiromeeting time friends20:02
astraljavaandyzweb: Can you pop in on #ubuntustudio-devel?21:52

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