
pittiGood morning08:01
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:02
pittihey didrocks, had a nice weekend?08:02
didrockspitti: yeah, really nice with some sun \o/ thanks, and you?08:03
pittime too, I finally rode my bicycle again yesterday, and visited my grandparents08:04
pittimy flat was still in one piece, and I still recognized it after three weeks :-P08:04
* pitti needs to leave for a bit for a doctor appointment and supermarket; my fridge is absolutely empty08:04
didrockspitti: same here ;) see you later!08:05
seb128hello there09:01
mvohey seb128!09:11
seb128hey mvo09:11
seb128how are you?09:11
seb128had a good trip back?09:11
mvogood, easy trip back, also I missed my connection in luxemburg by 1 minute :/09:11
mvobut not a big deal, it was just 1h until the next train09:12
mvobut I discovered that the train station is not very exciting ;)09:12
seb128hehe, indeed09:12
mvoand you? all easy?09:12
didrockshey seb128!09:13
seb128lut didrocks09:14
seb128mvo, yes, left at 9:15, was home at 11;2509:14
mvoheh :)09:14
seb128I crossed Lucas at breakfast who came by car09:14
didrocksseb128: and so, you finally drove back and he played on his computer?09:15
seb128and he's living in Nancy, ie my place was on his road back09:15
seb128didrocks, I drove but he didn't geek ;-)09:15
seb128didrocks, bien rentré ? c'était bien ton ubuntu-party-meeting samedi ?09:15
seb128mvo, he made me drive, wouldn't pick me up if I was not driving09:16
didrocksseb128: oui, dans la même voiture/train que le DPL, on a bien parlé ;) sinon le meeting, bof… rien de préparé et personne de motivé donc j'ai improvisé :/09:16
seb128see how the Debian guys are :p09:16
seb128didrocks, ok09:16
seb128didrocks, t'étais pas tout seul au moins à ta réunion  ? ;-)09:17
didrocksseb128: non, tout de même ^^ mais beaucoup de nouveaux installeurs, donc c'était pour leurs présenter les nouveautés + les best practices09:17
mvoseb128: did he at least have a nice car?09:17
didrocks(avec un gros troll du /home séparé ou non qui court encore…)09:18
seb128didrocks, ok09:18
seb128mvo, no09:18
didrocksseb128: you really should complain to him about his car :-)09:19
didrocksseb128: well, when you arrived, of course ;)09:19
seb128mvo, a suzuki one I never saw before, it feels quite low quality and it's noisy with slow engine09:19
seb128I will not complain though I was home for lunch rather than by 17h09:19
didrockssweet :-)09:20
seb128I forgot to take some CDs during UDS09:22
seb128I noticed saturday09:22
seb128I think I've not seen those around during the week09:22
czajkowskipitti: ping09:25
DASPRiDczajkowski, pong09:26
czajkowskiDASPRiD: pitti ?09:27
DASPRiDnah, just a man-in-the-middle attack :)09:27
seb128czajkowski, you should ask your question09:27
seb128czajkowski, contextless pings are not that useful09:27
czajkowskiseb128: well I was told to ask for pitti as it's to do with burndown charts09:28
czajkowskiseb128: hence the ping for him :)09:28
seb128czajkowski, you can do useful ping, ie write some pitti: how do I change those in charts?09:28
czajkowskiseb128: ok09:29
seb128czajkowski, so he can reply when he's back, you being still around or not09:29
seb128also other people might be able to reply09:29
czajkowskipitti: any change of helping me change the blueprint to Ubuntu and no Ubuntu-community https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+spec/ubuntu-loco-manual-and-guidelinesas selecting Ubuntu isn't helping me change it.  then I'll be able to change series goal09:29
czajkowskiseb128: cheers, won't use ping in here again :)09:30
pitticzajkowski: hello09:42
pittihey seb128, bonjour; had a safe trip home?09:42
seb128hey pitti!09:43
seb128pitti, yes, 2 hours by car with lucas09:43
pitticzajkowski: I don't think you can do that with blueprints; you probably have to set that to "superseded" and open a new one against ubuntu09:43
czajkowskipitti: ah ok, just when I select Ubuntu, it's saying too large and to narrow down criteria09:44
seb128pitti, what about you? did you have a good trip back?09:46
pittiseb128: yes, it went smoothly; I was with Torsten until Frankfurt, and then the last 4.5 hours to Dresden; we even arrived 10 mins early09:46
pittiI did some postgresql stuff and watched some movies09:47
pittiseb128: we had some sun yesterday, so I spent some hours on my bike, as well as doing the laundry etc.09:48
seb128we had some sun too there09:48
seb128I went for a walk was good09:48
rodrigo_pitti, ping10:09
pittihey rodrigo_, how are you?10:09
rodrigo_pitti, exhausted still :) how about you, got home safely?10:09
chrisccoulsonhello everyone10:10
rodrigo_pitti, tried to talk with you on Thursday about bug #571286, but either I couldn't find you or you were in the middle of busy discussions :)10:11
rodrigo_pitti, so, do you have a minute to talk about it?10:11
pittibug 57128610:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571286 in couchdb-glib "Data loss of postal addresses between Evolution and Ubuntu One's Funambol exchange/web UI" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57128610:17
pitti hey chrisccoulson10:18
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?10:18
chrisccoulsonare you rested from last week now?10:18
pittirodrigo_: sure (I'm scanning some stuff for expenses, but I'll answer)10:18
pittichrisccoulson: yes, had a quiet train ride and a nice Sunday; how about you?10:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i flew back on saturday morning and caught up on some sleep :)10:19
rodrigo_pitti, ok, so, we fixed it in couchdb-glib supporting the old format, and right now, in lucid, users that enter street information on evolution can't see it in the web UI and viceversa10:19
rodrigo_pitti, so, this is the best way we could find to fix it10:20
rodrigo_pitti, as for other apps using the format without couchdb-glib, there is the web ui for u1 and macaco-contacts, which use desktopcouch, and both should be changed now to support the new format10:20
rodrigo_pitti, but in lucid, there's nothing else using it, afaik10:21
rodrigo_pitti, also, both couchdb-glib and the u1 web ui support the old format, so if any app didn't change, we would still support it10:22
pittirodrigo_: hm, is couchdb-glib the only way to access couchdb? you can certainly talk to it in other ways, too?10:23
pittirodrigo_: also, if a db entry has the old format, it looked like it would actually rewrite it (thus breaking other apps that rely on the old format)? or does it do on-the-fly conversion and keep the old format on disk?10:23
rodrigo_pitti, yes, via desktopcouch, but it doesn't include field level detail, it's up to the app to use the correct field names, so we've changed all the apps we control10:24
rodrigo_pitti, no, it moves the record to the new format on disk10:24
pittiright, I'm concerned about the ones that we don't control10:24
rodrigo_pitti, we discussed about keeping the old field, but we don't want to do that, if not we'll end up with lots of fields in the record for every change we do10:25
rodrigo_pitti, the only one we don't control is macaco contacts, which is not even in lucid10:25
pittiwell, there might be dozens of quickly apps by now which use it, too?10:25
pittithis is not an Ubuntu distro-only thing, after all10:26
rodrigo_pitti, desktopcouch yes, but not sure about the contacts database10:26
rodrigo_pitti, and apps using the contacts db, they should watch the freedesktop page for changes10:26
rodrigo_teknico, anything to add?10:27
pittithat'd require all those apps to suddenly be aware of this, though10:27
pittirodrigo_: wouldn't it be safer to leave the on-disk format as it is and just convert the format on the fly?10:28
rodrigo_yes, but the same will happen again when we add social networking accounts to the contact format, which we'll be doing soon10:28
pittichanging on-disk format is really not something that should be done post release10:28
rodrigo_pitti, as I said, we discussed that, but we don't want to set a precedent to do that, or we'll end up supporting dozens of fields10:28
teknicorodrigo_, pitti, the contacts web ui and the funambol interface can be made to work both ways, but it would be messier to have to keep old and new format in sync all the time10:29
pittirodrigo_: adding new fields seems fine, though? old apps would just ignore those?10:29
rodrigo_pitti, no, when saving docs to couchdb, you send the whole doc, so if they ignore those fields, they might remove them10:29
rodrigo_pitti, we need to make sure people are aware of all changes, yes10:30
rodrigo_or have a schema checker, or something10:30
pitticouchdb doesn't support a thing like that, such as a "layout version" field which we can bump and apps need to check?10:30
rodrigo_pitti, yes, we can have a 'record-type-version' field10:31
pittiI mean it's not already there?10:31
rodrigo_because we haven't really came up with final version 1.0 :)10:31
pittiif couchdb formats are meant to be changed that often, this seems like the most important thing to have right from the beginning..10:31
rodrigo_well, so far, this is the only rename, until now we just added fields, which, yes, is a change10:32
teknicorodrigo_, pitti, yes, we need a format version field10:33
rodrigo_yes, bvut also we need to have apps be aware of that version field, and refuse to save docs if they don't understand the version10:33
pittican we add that without breaking existing apps? it seems that version field would be subject to deletion as well?10:33
rodrigo_pitti, we need to make all apps aware, I'm afraid10:34
teknicoyes, current apps will gleefully ignore the format version, and always try to work with what they get10:35
rodrigo_pitti, for every change we make, that is10:35
rodrigo_pitti, that's why we coordinated the SRU with changes in the server10:35
pittiso it seems we really need a solution which includes a version field, otherwise we'll run into the same problem over and over again10:36
pittiand it gets worse over time, when more and more apps use those DBs10:36
pittirodrigo_: this could be passed as an "expected version" field in the connect function, and default to "0" if not given?10:37
pittiand that current change would then bump it to 1?10:37
pittithis would at least make those old apps crash with an exception instead of scribbling old data over new ones10:37
rodrigo_pitti, that's why we want to add a contacts API to desktopcouch, as we do in couchdb-glib, so that apps just use that set/get API instead of free form field names, as it is now10:38
rodrigo_pitti, then, the version/format details would just be in couchdb-glib/desktopcouch10:38
pittirodrigo_: but this seems to affect all DBs, not just contacts?10:42
rodrigo_pitti, yes, all dbs10:42
pittii. e. it seems to make more sense to apply this version check/field to all DBs and default to 0 if it's not there10:42
rodrigo_pitti, that's why in couichdb-glib I'm adding API for all specific formats10:42
pittiah, ok; sounds good10:42
pittiif we can convert data loss into app crash, this seems much better10:42
rodrigo_and we discussed at UDS doing the same for desktopcouch10:43
rodrigo_so the problem is not really in the format itself, but on letting apps use the field names they want, instead of an API that deals with format changes10:44
rodrigo_we have the same problem now for other fields, if some app does firstname instead of first_name as the field name, we lose data10:45
didrocksrebooting on maverick, bbl (or not ;))10:53
vuntzwhat should I do with gnome-menus bugs mentioning Ubuntu in upstream bugzilla?11:05
seb128vuntz, ?11:08
seb128vuntz, could you explain the question?11:08
ubottuGnome bug 618762 in libgnome-menu "Manually created menu item in Gnome disappears from Gnome, Ubuntu 10.04 (64 bit).after reboot" [Normal,Unconfirmed]11:08
ubottuGnome bug 618780 in libgnome-menu "Main Menu wrong position after instalation any programs" [Minor,Unconfirmed]11:09
vuntzseb128: since you're patching gnome-menus to use the cache stuff, it's possibly ubuntu-specific bugs11:09
seb128vuntz, ask them to open the bug on launchpad or to try without the cache as you prefer there11:10
seb128vuntz, i.e they can clean /usr/share/applications/desktop*cache11:10
seb128and try without it11:10
seb128or ask to open the bug on launchpad11:10
seb128vuntz, thank you ;-)11:11
seb128vuntz, shame that you didn't come to UDS btw!11:12
seb128but good to see you hacking on GNOME ;-)11:12
seb128vuntz, btw have you seen bugs similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/43944811:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439448 in gnome-panel "visual corruption affecting several panel applets" [Low,Triaged]11:12
seb128vuntz, do you have any clue how we could try to debug those?11:12
rodrigo_hey vuntz11:13
rodrigo_vuntz, yeah, we missed you at uds11:13
vuntzseb128: never seen this11:14
vuntzseb128: but I guess I'd add some nice printf code in the notification area11:14
seb128vuntz, it seems to not be restricted in the notification area though11:15
vuntzit's indeed a shame I couldn't come be an annoyance to all of you ;-)11:15
vuntzseb128: oh?11:15
vuntzseb128: in this case, I have no idea11:15
rodrigo_vuntz, oh, no we missed you because we didn't have someone to assign all weird bugs to, not because we wanted to see you :D11:19
vuntzrodrigo_: :-)11:26
rodrigo_czajkowski, you're laura, right?11:40
czajkowskirodrigo_: yup11:40
rodrigo_czajkowski, I tried to find you on Friday morning, but then I had to leave at noon, so, want me to help you debug your tomboy problem?11:41
czajkowskirodrigo_: ah great11:41
czajkowskirodrigo_: sure. basically I was syncing my tomboy notes on othe machine to U1 and then on this machine synching again, but nothing was updating but it was telling it was11:42
rodrigo_czajkowski, ok, can you quit tomboy and run on a terminal -> tomboy --debug11:42
rodrigo_czajkowski, and try again the syncing?11:42
rodrigo_czajkowski, then, pastebin the outpur11:42
czajkowskiwill do11:43
czajkowskirodrigo_: it missed last few lines in previous paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/434872/11:48
rodrigo_czajkowski, yeah, it says there are no updates11:49
czajkowskirodrigo_: which is weird as the note from UDS hasn't been updated and it is missing a lot of information11:49
czajkowskiand I've synced that note to U111:49
czajkowskiand I've just resynced it to be sure11:50
rodrigo_czajkowski, can you try again syncing?11:50
rodrigo_czajkowski, ah, ok, and the Sync: New revision: what does it say?11:50
czajkowskijust checking11:51
czajkowskirodrigo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/434874/ same thing, says it's updating on this machine but nothing is happening11:53
rodrigo_czajkowski, have you done changes on both the web UI and tomboy before syncing?11:54
czajkowskijust tomboy..11:54
rodrigo_czajkowski, can you just add a little change to any note in tomboy and try again?12:02
czajkowskiright that machine syned and said one note was up to date, now going to see if it updated on this machine.12:03
czajkowski0 notes are updated: your notes are up to date.12:04
rodrigo_czajkowski, hmm, weird12:30
czajkowski just a tad :)12:30
rodrigo_czajkowski, are there changes on the notes that are in the machine that fails?12:30
rodrigo_czajkowski, ok, so can you open tomboy's prefs and see where it's pointing to? (Prefs->Synchronization)12:31
czajkowskiTomboy Web12:34
czajkowskiserver: https://one.ubuntu.com/notes12:34
czajkowskirodrigo_: getting (tomboy:21612): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_is_ancestor: assertion `ancestor != NULL' failed12:35
czajkowskiin the debug window12:35
czajkowskiwhen you say ugh it can't be good12:36
rodrigo_no, it means I don't know why that happens :)12:36
czajkowskireally wish I found you on Friday12:36
rodrigo_czajkowski, yeah12:36
rodrigo_czajkowski, let's try one thing though:12:36
rodrigo_quit tomboy12:36
rodrigo_then mv ~/.local/share/tomboy/* to some backup place12:37
rodrigo_then, restart tomboy and go to prefs, and clear the sync server and re-authorize again12:37
rodrigo_all this, on the machine that has the old notes12:37
rodrigo_make sure tomboy doesn't see any notes first, before re-authorizing it again12:38
czajkowskirodrigo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/434912/ that seemed to work but got that on output12:42
rodrigo_czajkowski, hmm, tomboy didn't list any notes before you re-authorized it?12:43
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
czajkowskiit did but I've a lot and didn't want to copy them all in ;)12:44
rodrigo_ah, ok, but you want to get the new versions from the server12:46
rodrigo_so that's why I asked you to mv ~/.local/share/tomboy/* to some backup place12:46
rodrigo_thus, you'll get all the notes from the server12:46
czajkowskiI did12:47
rodrigo_oh, then why it complains about a note with the same title?12:47
czajkowskihmm let me go check the folder12:48
czajkowskimm folder has been backed up12:50
czajkowskiI have a few errands to do but will be back in a while. sorry12:52
rodrigo_czajkowski, ok12:55
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
rickspencer3seb128, hi13:24
seb128hey rickspencer3!13:36
seb128rickspencer3, how are you? it's very early, still jetlaged?13:37
rickspencer3seb128, oh yes13:37
rickspencer3I was up before 4am!13:37
seb128rickspencer3, I don't ask if you had a good flight back since I read that you apparently didn't :-(13:37
* seb128 hugs rickspencer313:37
* rickspencer3 hugs back13:37
* rickspencer3 wipes tear of self-pitty from eye13:37
rickspencer3I'm all better now!13:37
seb128good ;-)13:38
rickspencer3seb128, so, I guess we need to start cracking the whip?13:38
pittihey rickspencer313:38
rickspencer3I guess first thing is a list of blueprints that we are targeting?13:38
rickspencer3hi pitti!13:38
seb128rickspencer3, I was just about to look at those, just finishing explain claims first to get paper work out of the way13:38
rickspencer3ah, right13:39
rickspencer3pitti, how is OEM services treating you?13:39
pittiI'm getting into it :)13:40
chrisccoulsonare we still uploading SRU's to lucid-proposed and then pocket copying to maverick? (or should i be uploading stuff to lucid now?)13:46
chrisccoulsonhey rickspencer3 seb12813:46
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, yes13:47
seb128as long as maverick is in sync with lucid you can keep doing that13:47
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks13:47
seb128it stops when the concerned source has maverick changes13:47
rickspencer3hi chrisccoulson13:47
chrisccoulsonhey rickspencer3, how are you?13:48
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, fine13:48
rickspencer3nice jet lag, so up bright and early13:48
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, didrocks I think we should create a new blueprint:13:48
rickspencer3"Chromium on UNE"13:48
didrocksrickspencer3: right, should be a good idea (hi btw ;))13:48
seb128pitti, how does the work item tracker list things which are assigned to the desktop team?13:48
chrisccoulsonheh, i was thinking that when i started mapping out the work that needs to happen ;)13:48
rickspencer3hi didrocks ;)13:48
seb128pitti, does it takes specs which are assigned to any of the team member? or use the naming?13:49
pittiseb128: it'll appear as exactly that: a WI assigned to "canonical-desktop-team"13:49
pittiseb128: oh, you mean "things" == "spec", not "things" == "WI"13:49
pittiseb128: that should just work13:49
pittiseb128: usually they get assigned to a person, in which case it figures out the team of that person13:50
seb128pitti, http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.10.html13:50
seb128how do we populate that list I guess is my question13:50
rickspencer3seb128, should we have a specific blueprint for shotwell?13:50
seb128just by setting the serie goals?13:50
seb128rickspencer3, yes13:50
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team.html13:50
rickspencer3seb128, ack13:51
pittiseb128: the -ubuntu-10.10 one are the specs/WIs _milestoned_ to "ubuntu-10.10", i. e. to final13:51
rickspencer3I'll try to have a call with them this afternoon (the yorba guys)13:51
pittiwe shouldn't do that just yet13:51
seb128pitti, same question still ;-) is the serie goal enough?13:51
seb128pitti, how does it figure that spec is desktop team land?13:51
pittiseb128: yes, "accepted for maverick" is sufficient13:51
pittiseb128: because it's assigned to someone in the c-d-t13:51
seb128ok good13:52
* seb128 hugs pitti13:52
seb128pitti, do I have access to resetting the database or should I ping you about that once we have WIs listed?13:52
pittiseb128: it's running as me ATM, so please feel free to ping me13:52
rickspencer3seb128, do you think it's feasible to have a list of blueprints for each person by eod tomorrow?13:52
rickspencer3(eod today if you are US based?)13:53
pittiseb128: but all files are pitti:warthogs 775, so you should be able to as well13:53
seb128ie I guess we will spend this week writting WIs and then set the trendline next week13:53
* rickspencer3 wants to get cracking13:53
seb128rickspencer3, blueprints yes13:53
seb128WIs by thursday evening13:53
seb128pitti, thanks13:53
rickspencer3seb128, shall I send an email to the team?13:53
seb128rickspencer3, please do13:54
rickspencer3seb128, also, I'd like folks to calculate their WI/week rate13:54
rickspencer3I'll send email in 30-60 mins.13:54
seb128rickspencer3, can you reminder people to set the assignee and and approver too while they are at it?13:54
rickspencer3seb128, in what form do you want people's list blueprints?14:06
rickspencer3an email to you or such?14:06
kenvandinehey rickspencer314:08
rickspencer3hi kenvandine14:08
kenvandinerickspencer3, i have sick baby duty for a bit this morning... can we postpone our 1:1?14:09
kenvandinei am upgrading to maverick while holding him :)14:09
rickspencer3kenvandine, yes14:09
kenvandinehe has been throwing up since thursday :(14:09
ccheneygood morning everyone14:10
kenvandinetaking him back to dr today14:10
kenvandinehey ccheney14:10
chrisccoulsonhey ccheney14:10
chrisccoulsonhey kenvandine too14:10
seb128rickspencer3, email works fine, or just set me as approver works too14:10
rickspencer3seb128, how can we distinguish blueprints we are going to work on versus ones we won't?14:11
seb128rickspencer3, but yeah, ask for people to email their list it will be clearer this way14:11
seb128rickspencer3, "serie goal" set to maverick we will work on14:11
seb128rickspencer3, those are the ones who will get on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team.html14:11
rickspencer3so we'll set the series goal and set as approver14:12
seb128rickspencer3, ie set the serie goal for maverick for things we will be doing this cycle14:12
seb128rickspencer3, I'm going to go through the list now and set the serie goals for the ones I know about already, we can then tweak if other suggestions get listed by tomorrow14:13
rickspencer3thanks seb12814:13
rickspencer3seb128, can anyone on the team set the series goal for blueprints, or will they have to ask you or I to do it?14:21
seb128I'm not sure since I've access14:21
seb128didrocks, ^ can you change serie goals?14:21
seb128or just suggest the goal and need somebody to accept it for you?14:21
seb128(or other non admin team members who want to try)14:22
didrocksseb128: seems that I can14:22
didrocksit's proposed14:22
didrocks"Proposed for maverick"14:23
seb128rickspencer3, so they can suggest those and we need to approve them later14:23
seb128didrocks, thanks14:23
kenvandinemvo, your fast!14:23
didrocksseb128: y/w14:23
mvokenvandine: only for stuff that I like ;)14:24
kenvandinemvo, thx for merging that branch14:24
mvokenvandine: thanks for pushing it, its a cool idea14:24
kenvandinemvo, i might do some more tweaking14:25
mptmvo, I'm about to archive a copy of the USC 2.0 spec and start revising for 3.0. Is that okay by you?14:25
mvokenvandine: sure, just let me know (or push your branch)14:25
kenvandinewill do14:25
mvompt: yes, maybe just rename the page to "SoftwareCenter-2.0" so that its archived in the current state?14:25
mptooh, MoinMoin has a "Copy Page" command, never noticed that before14:26
mvompt: the daily builds stuff will be super interessting for you I think, lots of stuff in mavericks s-c branch, but I guess you will want to wait a bit until you install it, until then we can create a daily-build ppa14:26
mptmvo, why wait? :-) As long as it runs on 10.0414:28
mvompt: good point14:29
mvothe daily-build PPA support is currently not in edge yet afaik (at least the stuff that can build directly from a bzr branch)14:30
mptmvo, is it due soon?14:30
mvoapparently, there was a lot of talk about it at uds14:31
mvoI need to check with dholbach, he is leading the documentation effort for it14:31
mptmvo, I copied the current spec to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/2.014:38
mvook, cool14:40
mptThis History section is pretty nifty :-)14:45
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_
mvoyeah, kudos to olivier14:47
mvoits a great team14:48
mptmvo, why is the trunk version number "1.1.21debian1"?14:48
mvompt: that is the version in maverick, right? that was a misguided autosync14:49
mvompt: bzr trunk should be 2.1.014:49
mptmvo, 1.1.21debian1 is what the About box says in bzr trunk14:50
mvompt: aha, the version string is auto-generated at build, could you run "python setup.py build" and see if that fixes it?14:51
mpthm, I closed the window and the terminal command didn't exit...14:51
mptmvo, yep, now it says 2.1.0 :-)14:52
mvodid I mention how excited I'm about the new stuff that is comming? its going to be awsome14:53
kenvandinemvo, the subprocess stuff was blocking the ui, is that a known problem or a bug i introduced :)14:55
mvokenvandine: a bug you added, but it should be fixed in the bits that I commited14:55
mvokenvandine: so if you merge back from trunk it should be fine14:56
mvokenvandine: there are some other minor modifcations, but only small stuff14:56
mvokenvandine: a good name is needed, but I guess that is really hard "share" on its own may be confused with "share via a usb-key"14:57
kenvandineyeah, i was going to ask for feedback14:57
kenvandinesame for the string that gets posted14:57
* mvo nods14:58
robert_ancellseb128, can you look at the glib in bzr for maverick?  And feel free to add an endorsment on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RobertAncell/CoreDevApplication :)14:58
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
dobeyhey mvo15:00
mvohey dobey15:01
qenseaquarius: Getting Things GNOME is planning for Ubuntu One support and a website/server. I'd say: why not combine those two!15:02
tedgjames_w: I heard that there was a way to run your caching LP API thingy with bughugger... do you know if there's someplace I can find that?15:02
kenvandineqense, yeah... awesome!15:02
james_wtedg: I hadn't heard that15:03
qensekenvandine, aquarius: I'm not sure whether GTG will want to use Ubuntu One as the primary data source -- Ubuntu isn't the only distribution in the world -- but a sync option for the website/server would be neat.15:03
kenvandinejames_w, someone told me you did that with bughugger ?15:03
tedgjames_w: Hmm, that's no good because I can't remember who told me that -- I was hoping you'd know :)15:03
qenseor maybe Ubuntu One could use the code of a GTG website.15:03
aquariusqense, the thought has crossed my mind, yes :-)15:03
kenvandinetedg, it was me...15:03
tedgjames_w: Blame kenvandine! ;)15:03
kenvandinebut i heard it from someone else15:03
dobeymvo: so you weren't in the ubuntuone login UI session at uds, but it was mentioned that software center a gtk+ ui to do authentication against the ubuntu SSO service. from that session, we're planning on pulling out our dbus auth service into a more general project to authenticate against the ubuntu SSO (and potentially do extra things, like the oauth pieces), and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on what we should nam15:04
kenvandinespreading rumors i guess15:04
dobeymvo: since we'd like to get everything in Ubuntu that needs to auth to the SSO, to use the same UI :)15:04
james_wkenvandine: if I had then I would have demoed that, as it would have been clearer what I was doing15:04
james_wI'd love for someone to port it though15:05
mvodobey: cool, I have gtk code that shows a login dialog etc (no need for webkit/browser). but I would love to stop maintaining that and just use a library :)15:05
james_wit's not entirely easy right now to use it though, as it depends on a patch to twisted that isn't in a released version yet.15:05
mvodobey: I don't much care about the name, python-ubuntu-sso ?15:06
tedgjames_w: Ah, is the patch likely to be in Maverick?15:07
mvodobey: my stuff is in lp:~mvo/sofware-center/reviews in case you are interessted in the code15:07
james_wit's in trunk, so we can just ask jml to make a release targeting maverick15:07
dobeymvo: i don't know if we'll provide a library. but we'll provide a dbus service that does auth, registration, etc... so you can just call the login() method (like we currently have for u1), and it will do all the right things and asynchronously tell you when its done, so you can move on to actually reading the data :)15:07
mvodobey: aha, cool15:08
mvodobey: I do need the actual token from it, will that still be possible ?15:09
dobeymvo: yes. we need to do some refactoring to make the UX super awesome for all the different things that might use it15:10
tedgjames_w: Cool, then build from branch will backport it for me ;)15:11
dobeymvo: currently we just always store in the keyring, so you get a signal and have to poke the keyring, but currently we only support doing the oauth token fetching on ubuntu one, and not other services that might use the SSO :)15:11
mvodobey: ok, I will follow that with interest, one less thing for me to worry about15:12
dobeymvo: and i'd like to refactor it so the kubuntu people can easily have a qt dialog instead :)15:13
dobeymvo: but we definitely want a unified sso experience in ubuntu with this15:13
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
didrocksseb128: the new evolution will take some time to merge. I have made all the library/plugins triaging right now (debian changed a lot too), and I have now to convert all our patches away from bono (for LPI support) and from glade to gtkbuilder. There are quite a lot15:24
mptmvo, rickspencer3, tremolux, call in 5 minutes?15:56
rickspencer3mpt, sounds good, yeah15:56
tremoluxmpt: sounds good15:56
mvompt: conf line or mumble?15:56
mpttremolux, do you have a Mumble account yet?15:58
tremoluxmpt: unfortunately, no, sorry, new accounts are apparently still on hold15:59
mptok, conf line it is15:59
rickspencer3mpt, I'm calling in now16:00
* mvo really does not like the music16:03
mvohigh time we get mumble accounts for everybody16:03
mpt_doo do doot do, do do do do-doot do16:03
tremoluxmvo: yes!  man, this song sticks in my head alllll day16:03
tremoluxit's entirely too cheerful16:04
rickspencer3mpt_, aren16:04
rickspencer3t we waiting for you?16:04
rickspencer3am I on the right call?16:04
mpt_rickspencer3, I'm on your line. Whose line are you on? :-)16:04
rickspencer3I'm on your line16:05
* rickspencer3 dials into own line16:05
mpt_I don't have a line, I'm not a manager16:05
rickspencer3I got it from the invite16:05
mvoI'm one mpts line16:05
mvothe one on the invitation16:05
mpt_oh crikey16:05
tremoluxI'm on the invite line as well16:05
mvosomeone need to give me a the new code if I need to re-dial16:05
pittimpt_: seems you are a manager now :)16:05
mvofast promotion!16:05
* tremolux wants me mumble16:05
mpt_That's ivanka's line16:05
mpt_I forgot that was still there16:06
rickspencer3switch to mine:16:06
kenvandinewhew... rebooting into maverick... hopefully will brb16:13
seb128didrocks, ok16:14
Nafaigood morning16:20
kenvandineall seems good16:20
kenvandinedidrocks, when do you think there will be maverick builds of unity?16:20
kenvandinehey Nafai16:20
didrockskenvandine: eow, I think16:21
didrockshey Nafai16:21
NafaiHi kenvandine16:21
NafaiI think I caught a flu or something over the weekend :(16:21
kenvandinecool even :)16:21
seb128didrocks, no need to port the small screen patches to new evo for now16:21
didrocksseb128: ok, so only LPI is needed?16:21
seb128didrocks, the ui changed so they might be deprecated16:21
didrocksseb128: I was afraid by the bunch of work there :)16:21
seb128didrocks, keep those somewhere in the source but not used16:22
seb128didrocks, yes16:22
seb128didrocks, if they are not deprecated oem will need to provide us updated changes since the changes come from them there16:22
didrocksok, I'll try to see how the lp-bono can be ported to new upstream16:22
seb128didrocks, well as any other desktop component16:22
didrocksseb128: understood. Thanks! That makes my life much much much easier :)16:22
seb128use the standard lpi not the bonobo one16:23
seb128didrocks, ;-)16:23
seb128didrocks, welcome you are!16:23
didrocksseb128: right, but upstream don't seem to use gtkbuilder for the menu, so a little bit more search is needed :)16:23
didrocksseb128: heh16:23
seb128didrocks, we have some other sources not using gtkbuilder, the lpi source might have an example too16:23
seb128didrocks, it's basically "get the menu widget and use the add function on it"16:24
didrocksseb128: ok, I'll have a look at it, thanks (finishing e-d-s first)16:24
seb128didrocks, see gucharmap-lpint.patch in the lpi source16:24
* didrocks notes that down16:25
seb128didrocks, it's only a one call to launchpad_integration_add_items(à16:25
seb128didrocks, it's only a one call to launchpad_integration_add_items()16:25
seb128I meant16:25
didrockssweet, should be easy to do16:25
didrocksthanks again :)16:25
seb128you're welcome16:26
seb128session restart, brb16:26
nigelbhey seb128, congrats on being tech lead this cycle :)16:38
seb128hey nigelb, thanks!16:39
nigelbAre there anymore apps on default cd that need apport hooks?16:40
nigelbI was thinking of offereing that for mentorship on the bug squad list for anyone who's interested16:40
seb128need to think about that but most likely yes16:43
nigelbif you can poke me with a list later when you have time, I'll see that its worked on :)16:46
seb128nigelb, ok thanks16:48
seb128nigelb, I guess you could work gedit and nautilus for example16:49
seb128getting changed gconf values16:49
nigelbok :)16:50
tseliotpitti: I would like to request an SRU for bug #580763 (and fix 540171 too). It would fix a rather annoying video corruption bug. Any objections?16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 580763 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "[REQUEST SRU] Please update Nvidia-current to 195.36.24" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58076316:50
pittitseliot: can you please subscribe ubuntu-sru and ask there? I (or another SRU member) will followup by mail16:50
pittitseliot: without having looked at it, fixing video bugs is always nice if it doesn't introduce a regression potential16:51
rickspencer3pitti, can you paste me the link for your wiki page on how to specify work items in blueprints?16:51
rickspencer3the syntax, I mean16:51
pittirickspencer3: ^16:51
tseliotpitti: sure, it's what I planned on doing next. Thanks16:51
Davieyrickspencer3: Is there any way to predict how much cache bughugger needs to download for a given search?16:53
Davieyit's downloaded 20M so far.. :/16:53
rickspencer3Daviey, uh ...16:53
rickspencer3not so that I know, sorry16:53
rickspencer3tbh, I only use the json searches these days16:53
Davieyrickspencer3: yeah, i'm using a team sub'd package search, and it seems to be bigger than i expected :)16:54
rickspencer3yeah, those are BIG searches for sure16:54
rickspencer3lots of bug tasks16:54
Davieyoh well.. thanks :)16:54
rickspencer3I think a json search would serve you better16:54
rickspencer3which team is it?16:54
Davieyrickspencer3: ~ubuntu-server16:55
rickspencer3is there not a json search set up for that already?16:55
* rickspencer3 looks16:55
Davieyoh, there is!16:55
rickspencer3I am always one step ahead!16:55
Davieywow, that was "somewhat" faster16:56
* Nafai curses the ubuflu16:56
dobeyNafai: i guess you didn't drink enough beer then :)16:57
Nafaiheh.  nope, I don't drink :)16:58
Davieythanks rickspencer316:58
mpt_tremolux, remember to fill in foundations-m-software-center-roadmap16:58
tremoluxmpt_: yep, thanks!16:58
tremoluxmpt_: restored to gobby; I'll paste it to the whiteboard as well17:01
mpt_brilliant, thanks17:01
didrocksmvo: are you planning to do the zlib merge or can I steal it? The current one seems to not shipping a .pc file, which is a little bit… embarrassing :)17:03
mvodidrocks: you can have it17:03
didrocksmvo: yeah \o/17:04
diekiHey, I had a quick question about the Software Center; At UDS it was stated that new applications will be added after release.17:19
diekiDoes this include new versions of existing applications?17:19
diekiFor instance, during the time between the release of Karmic and the release of Lucid, Firefox 3.6 was released, but there was no really easy way to get it.17:20
diekiWill new major versions be easily upgradable through the software center?17:20
dobeydieki: i suppose if Mozilla puts firefox packages in this new thing, or it gets into backports, yes. but i think the UDS discussion was about people writing new apps and getting them released to users of already released ubuntu17:21
dobeydieki: in general, i don't think new major versions will be pushed via this new mechanism as a means for upgrading the distro17:22
chrisccoulsondieki - the process is not applicable for firefox anyway, as stable releases will be getting new upstream versions17:23
dobeybut PPAs are a bit complex to require users to use17:23
diekichriscoulson: Okay.17:23
dobeychrisccoulson: i think he was more asking about karmic getting 3.6 for example17:23
chrisccoulsonkarmic will be getting 3.617:23
chrisccoulsonas will hardy and jaunty17:24
diekiHow so? Backports?17:24
dobeywell yeah, firefox is special17:24
chrisccoulsondieki, no, via security17:24
dobeybecause it's usually a drastic change for security fixes, so they can't just be backported to 3.5 etc... easily17:24
diekiI see.17:24
diekiWhat about other applications?17:24
diekiWill old releases be getting, say, Thunderbird 3.0?17:25
chrisccoulsondieki, eventually, yes17:26
diekiSo... did a major policy change occur?17:26
dobeydieki: i think you're looking at this the wrong way. old releases will be getting security updates in the same way they always have been, if they are supported as such for getting them17:26
chrisccoulsoni think thats the plan for TB anyway17:26
chrisccoulsondieki, for mozilla, yes17:26
diekiOh, okay. This doesn't affect other applications, say GIMP, then?17:27
dobeydieki: this new thing from UDS is about allowing "opportunistic developers" and such, easier methods for shipping software to ubuntu users17:27
chrisccoulsondieki, see https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-new-firefox-support-model17:27
dobeydieki: it doesn't affect anything already in ubuntu17:27
diekiOkay, I get it. Thanks.17:27
diekiBut will there be any method to upgrade all the other applications? In Maverick, that is.17:28
diekiMy understanding was that that couldn't be done because it would require the upgrades of system components, which would break other stuff. But adding new apps would do that too.17:29
dobeydieki: if your question is 'how do i always run bleeding edge' i think the answer is 'always run bleeding edge' :)17:30
diekiI always run bleeding edge anyway.17:31
dobeydieki: new gnome/gimp/etc... will not get pushed to older versions of ubuntu17:31
dobeywould sort of defeat the purpose of having an LTS and such at that point :)17:32
diekiYeah. But then what do we do with the people who want the newest version of OpenOffice\GIMP\Chrome\Whatever, and Ubuntu doesn't have it in it's repos?17:33
diekiIs that what PPAs are supposed to be for?17:33
dobeythe answer is "build it yourself, subscribe to a PPA that has it, or run the devel ubuntu"17:34
dobeyor "install via some other means, because you're likely to anyway"17:35
dobeyfor example the firefox install script they give you from getfirefox.com, etc...17:35
diekiWell, I suppose that is the only way to do it and keep the system stable.17:35
dobeyif you care about keeping the system stable, you're not running the "latest" of those anyway17:35
dobeyand you're probably only running LTS releases17:36
diekiIn which case the situation gets worse, though, since you have to wait two years to get a modern version of OpenOffice.17:37
diekiAnd the stable versions released inbetween were probably sstable.17:37
dobeyif you care that much about openoffice, it's probably because you're doing a lot with it, and your corporate IT support infrastructure probably has some plan for you to get it17:38
dobeyor you don't care about stability as much as you claim, and you're not going to stick on LTS for 2 years :)17:38
vishseb128: hi.. for Maverick , could you update lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release ? fixes a few minor problems/bugs17:38
diekiI'm thinking more about the non-techie users I'm setting up systems for.17:39
diekiWhat I have seen, and this may not at all be typical, is that the user's friend will say "Hey, have you checked out the latest version of <insert app name here>? It's totally cool"17:39
diekiAnd then the user says "No, I haven't, let me run the update manager and get that"17:40
diekiAnd then... they can't.17:40
diekiBut then this may not be a normal scenario, I haven't done any real studies on it.17:40
diekiAnd the only applications I've seen this for were the Mozilla ones, which will now be updated to stable releases. :)17:43
dobeythat's a harder problem to solve17:46
dobeybecause in windows you don't have update manager and standard distribution channels, you have random exe or msi downloads17:46
diekiYeah. They took the easy way out. :)17:47
dobeythe right solution is getting <randomapp> that's latest and cool to provide packages for ubuntu17:47
dobeywell, apple took the easy way out17:47
dobeythey just control everything that you can install on the ipad/ipod/iphone :)17:47
diekiBut even if they do, won't <randomapp>'s packages not be included until the next release?17:48
dieki:D I don't see how that makes it much easier, but I'm not too familiar with how their system works.17:48
dobeydieki: they won't necessarily be included at all17:49
dobeydieki: but that's what PPAs and apt repos are for17:49
diekiEven if <randomapp> was already in?17:49
dobeyand this is how we delivered ubuntu one to jaunty users for example17:49
dobeyubuntu one is in ubuntu17:50
dobeybut we also provide some PPAs for nightlies or newer stable builds for karmic for example17:50
dobeythey'll be a bit better organized soon, but it's the only way to do what you're suggesting17:51
dobeywell, only good way17:51
dobeywe could also put .deb files on random web servers and have people just install them instead17:51
sash_nice idea :)17:52
diekiMy thought was that new stable versions might be included in the software center next to the old stable version. That way, if the user wants the new stable version, the can install it. (Dependencies would of course be set up so as to remove the old stable version if installed)17:52
sash_"Dependencies would of course be set up so as to remove the old stable version if installed" <- thats not that easy17:53
dobeydieki: PPAs show up in the software center17:53
dobeysash_: it is that easy. just put them in a PPA. problem is new dependencies might end up removing a lot of other things the user cares about :)17:54
diekisash_: How hard is it? I had thought that dependencies could specify packages to be removed.17:55
sash_but what if appA from ppa depends on libXY0-1.1 and appB from standard-repos depends on libXY0-1.0817:56
sash_and both libs cannot be installed at the same time?17:56
diekiHm. That is a problem. But how does the new system of adding applications after release get around that?17:57
diekiMight one of the new applications depend on libXY0-1.1?17:57
diekiOr will apps like that not be allowed?17:57
sash_in a stable release, that should not happen. and even doesnt afaik ;)17:58
dobeydieki: the new system doesn't get around it. it's not a way to subvert the existing system, it's a way to deploy new apps to it17:58
sash_dieki: in a stable-releases, programs have no upgrades, except safety17:59
dobeydieki: the system you're deploying to is the sdk, you need to work with what's in ubuntu, not replace it17:59
diekiOkay. Wow. This is far more complicated than I could have imagined.17:59
dobeyno, it's really rather simple17:59
dobeyyou're just trying to make it complicated :)17:59
diekiI mean, what I'm trying to do is complicated. :)18:00
diekiI wonder how Apple does it.18:00
dobeyyou don't ship new windows applications to users by sending them an upgrade disc :)18:00
dobeyapple doesn't do it18:00
diekiiPhone apps don't get major upgrades?18:01
dobeyapple controls what is shipped in their OS18:01
dobeydieki: "major upgrade" is a rather inconsequential view for iphone18:02
dobeydieki: you can't replace the kernel on iphone to make your app upgrade work, no :)18:02
dobeydieki: you get to use the APIs provided by the system and nothing else18:02
diekiOhh... because they control everything, they can pretend libXY-1.1 doesn't exist.18:03
diekiBecause it doesn't.18:03
diekiWell, I thank you for explaining this all to me.18:04
rickspencer3seb128, here'18:19
rickspencer3s a draft: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/10.10/WorkItemProcess18:19
* rickspencer3 leaves for gym18:19
pittigood night everyone!18:33
rickspencer3'night pitti18:33
didrocksgood night pitti18:34
seb128'night pitti18:35
seb128vish, it's early for maverick, I've not upgraded yet, will have to wait a bit18:35
seb128rickspencer3, thanks18:35
vishseb128: np , ok.. mainly wanted to get it done for an SRU for Lucid of for  10.04.1 atleast18:36
seb128vish, doing sru is easier there18:37
seb128get the change uploaded as a sru to lucid-proposed then get it copying to maverick automatically from there18:38
seb128there is no point to do 2 uploads18:38
vishseb128: hmm, how do i get it uploaded to lucid-proposed? [  tried to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and thought +1 and then sru was the way]18:39
chrisccoulsonbah, gnome-screensaver really doesn't work at all in kvm18:39
seb128vish, do what is written on this wiki but don't bother about +118:40
vishseb128: neat thanks..18:40
seb128in practice we often do upload as a sru and copy to +1 on soyuz18:40
seb128the wikipage should perhaps get updated18:40
seb128didrocks, pitti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RobertAncell/CoreDevApplication18:56
ccheneypitti: i noticed the ddebs openoffice.org packages aren't available for amd64, is there a way to fix that, or is someone else in charge of ddebs now?19:14
Sarvattanyone interested in a *massive* speedup of xchat's scrollback reloading speed? It dropped the load time from close to a minute at 100% cpu usage down to ~4 seconds here with 32 channels worth on this atom CPU. http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/xchat_2.8.6-4ubuntu6.debdiff19:31
Sarvattit's just a backport of an upstream commit and will probably be a few more years until there's another x-chat release with it :D19:34
Sarvattthings building with dh_gconf in maverick currently are pulling in a unfulfillable gconf2 (>= 2.28.1-2) dependency when we have 2.28.1-0ubuntu1, should I file a bug against debhelper about it?19:42
Sarvatti've got maximus xchat-common mutter-common simple-scan tomboy update-notifier and update-notifier-common built in maverick all uninstallable because of it19:42
kklimondawhy not upgrade gconf to the new unstable version?19:43
Sarvattthats why I was asking if I should file a bug against debhelper or just wait for gconf to be updated, i dont think we'd ever have 2.28.1-2 anyway19:46
Sarvattthe debhelper changelog for maverick mentioned lowering the requirement in dh_gconf to fix it but it still has addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "gconf2 (>= 2.28.1-2)") unless $gconf_dep;19:47
seb128Sarvatt, I will resync gconf219:51
Sarvatt\o/ thanks seb12819:52
didrockswell, evolution 2.30 is crashy there :/ will have a look tomorrow21:03
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks21:04
didrockshey chrisccoulson21:05
chrisccoulsonhow are you doing?21:05
didrockschrisccoulson: well, evolution stack took a long time to update, apart from that, I'm fine, thanks :) You?21:05
chrisccoulsoni'm trying to make gnome-screensaver work in kvm right now21:06
chrisccoulsonlooking forward to start on maverick, but that could be a long time away ;)21:06
didrocksis there really a use case for gnome-screensaver in kvm? :)21:06
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i'm not sure. currently it crashes when you try and lock the screen21:07
chrisccoulsonbut it could crash outside of kvm if the X extensions required for fading aren't there21:07
chrisccoulson(eg, on LTSP)21:07
didrocksgrrr, I can't get my emails now as evo is crashing when clicking on any email21:08
chrisccoulsonheh, that's not good21:10
didrocksclearly not :/21:10
chrisccoulsongnome-screensaver works in kvm now though ;)21:11
chrisccoulsonthat doesn't help with your e-mails though21:11
didrocksnot at all, to be honest ;)21:12
didrocksit's not a crash, it's a hang, hence the fact it's not easy to debug21:12
* ccheney back from doctor, that took entirely too long, he prescribed medicine my insurance wouldn't cover so had to go back and have him rewrite it :-\21:38
rickspencer3hi lowje22:14
SarvattSetting up gconf2 (2.28.1-3ubuntu1) ...23:03
SarvattWARNING: Failed to parse default value `[????????? ???????;gnome-appearance-properties.desktop,????????? ???????????? ???????????;gnome-default-applications.desktop,?????????? ??????????;system-config-printer.desktop] ' for schema (/schemas/apps/control-center/cc_actions_list)23:03
lowjeI found a bug about gnome-panel on the LiveCD of Lucid but according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-panel, "Desktop panel for GNOME does not use Launchpad for bug tracking". Where am I supposed to report?23:18
lowjenoone knows? :s23:28
pochulowje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel23:39
lowjethanks pochu23:49

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