
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
=== cooloney is now known as cooloney-sick
* apw waves08:38
* smb waves back08:38
apwbah this UDS-lag sucks08:39
smbLike a week of travel. :)08:39
* apw pokes lag08:39
smbapw, lag?08:40
smbapw, Or you look for naga08:40
smbWhich seems to be the same08:41
* apw watches the cogs turn08:41
lagapw: I thought you called me =:-(08:42
lagapw: Oh, you did!08:42
lagHello all08:42
smblag, Indeed he did. Hello08:42
lagsmb: Hello yourself :)08:43
apwcalled is a little overstated, i more jiggled the cage to see if you lived08:43
lagI assumed you were reminded of my existence by your UDS comment 08:43
apwheh, no, it was on my mind anyhow... after t08:44
lagYes, I've been here since 7:30hrs (ish)08:44
apwthe discussion at UDS of how hungover we all will be after UDS08:44
apwthe week which follows is always low energy08:44
lagI had a similar week on my holiday 08:45
lagThis week will be de-tox 08:45
* apw needs a cuppa ... this is going to be hard day08:50
amitkwelcome lag 08:53
lagamitk: Thank you - It's good to be here08:54
lagall: How did UDS go?08:54
apwlag, a log hard slog, but i for one thought i had a very productive week08:57
smbHey amitk and cking 08:58
apwif you are interested in the sessions you can see the schedule: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-m/08:58
apwcking, lag (lee), lag, cking (colin troll)08:59
* apw does intros08:59
apwnot so easy to grok without the hand to wave about08:59
lagI believe we've met08:59
lag(I called him eking =;-) )08:59
lagcking: Good morning 09:00
ckinglag, good morning! and welcome!09:00
apwlag, you'll be interested in the stuff on the Kernel track and Ubuntu_on_ARM tracks i be reconing09:00
amitkhey smb, apw, cking09:00
* apw smiles at amitk 09:01
apw(thats about the only bit of me which is working)09:01
lagapw: Looking at the schedule now09:01
ckinglag, you got the necessary info to get up and running?09:01
lagcking: Not yet - waiting on IS09:02
ckinglag, that sounds familiar09:02
amitkthey're probably backed up because of UDS09:02
apwlag, the root of our team documentation is (currently) here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KnowledgeBase09:03
apwif you run out of things to do/read on your list you can start reading on there09:03
apwwe try and get all new people to learn the basics so they know why we do things09:03
* lag thanks apw09:03
cking..and please ask us questions!09:04
lag"A very good place to start..."09:04
lagcking: Don't fear. I am not adverse to asking (stupid) questions 09:04
apwyep.  our docs are crap, you are expected to not find the information you need, and ask for help, and _required_ to update the docs to fix them09:04
apwit being a wiki and all09:05
Davieyapw: Talking of things to do.. :)  At UDS i spoke to you about Bug #576601, it's got 24 "me too's" and would like to try and get it moving - but not sure how to proceed.09:05
ubot3Malone bug 576601 in linux "mcp89 sata not detected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57660109:05
* lag shudders at the thought of documentation 09:05
* apw curses apple under his breath09:05
* Daviey curses louder.09:06
apwDaviey, does this machine work on Lucid ?09:09
Davieyapw: no09:10
Davieyapw: Boooting via non-SATA works.. ie USB.. 09:10
* apw dropships you a fast usb stick :)09:11
DavieyThe COMRESET in the BootDmesg seems the interesting part.09:11
Davieyapw: Yeah.. that sucks :)09:11
apwDaviey, yep, looks a lot like a broken sata chipset09:12
apw[   61.181006] applesmc:  - Model with 12 temperature sensors09:12
apwwhat a waste of h/w09:12
Davieyand a light on the lid isn't a waste of electricity either! :)09:15
apwand you bought this bundle of joy why?09:15
DavieyIBM/Lenovo annoyed with aftersales of my current laptop, Dell wouldn't deliever until June, and a friend told me it would be the BEST descision i had ever made..  Oh, and it's shiny!09:16
DavieyDoesn't mean i'm sold on the idea. :)09:17
ckingDaviey, tried libata.force=1.5Gbps?09:17
Davieycking: purely that option?09:18
ckingit's just a guess09:18
* apw suspects the friend needs a macbook sepository09:19
apwcking, didn't know you could do that, interesting09:19
apwsmb, rember those ones which do something similar, where 'waiting for a bit' makes the issue go away09:20
apwDaviey, i think we saw that if you waited long enough you get to a busy box prompt09:20
apwwe have found in some cases that simply asking the machine to boot from there sometimes works, and it would be good to try that test09:20
Davieyapw: i tried rootwait and rootsleep=260  , however it was09:20
smbapw, You mean the rootdelay stuff?09:20
apwsmb, yeah09:21
Davieyoh yes, rootdelay, not rootsleep09:21
smb260 "should" be long enough09:21
ckinghrm, another heck to remember09:22
Davieyok, i'll try the speed force.09:22
apwcking, i suspect that is not going to work as we claim to be doing after a bit09:26
apw[ 56.122620] ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-16)09:26
apw[ 56.122680] ata1: limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps09:26
Davieycking: no dice on the speed limit.09:27
Davieyapw: I do get a busybox.. but no sata09:27
apwbusy box just means no disks in this context09:28
apwhow is the disk controller described in lspci (if busy box has it)09:28
Davieybah.. i just crapped out of it.. /me reboots09:29
apwman this machine is a living nightmare h/w wise, how much closed unsupported components can you put in one box09:31
apwshiney or not09:31
Davieyapw: booting via usb, everything does seem to work except sata09:32
Davieylspci isn't in busybox :(09:33
lagdaviey: Is this any good to you? ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/software/utils/pciutils/09:35
lagSorry "Daviey" - Is the nick alert case sensitive? 09:36
Davieynah :)09:39
lagDaviey: It's not good to you, or nick alert isn't case sensitive? 09:39
apwLag ...09:40
lagapw: Nothing09:40
Davieynick alert not case sensative09:40
Davieyapw: networking isn't up, is BusyBox gaining me anything that i wouldn't get in a live enviroment?09:41
Davieyapw: Sorry, i went afk09:41
apwDaviey, probabally not no09:41
Davieyapw: In that case, isn't lspci the same as the one on the bug report?09:42
apwDaviey, maybe maybe not, you didn't put it in right?  i don't trust your two apples to be one and the same09:50
Davieyapw: Hmm.. ok. I'll compare it with mine today, and upload it if it diff's09:51
apwi have learned not to trust any vendors to tell us when they skew a machine09:51
* smb is slowly waking and congratulates cking for having no critical mass incidents on his way home09:51
Davieyapw: I do know someone else bought one on the same day, from the same supplier.. so we can certainly prove them identical.. Unless one of them includes special Jobs fairy dust. :)09:51
ckingsmb, we had a delay of 50 mins, but no asteroid strike or earthquake - so it was a good return trip09:52
smbcking, Good to hear.09:53
smb(actually knew since apw was home by the time I was)09:53
apwheh, i could have been home, though i was out at a pub as it was a friends hen-do09:54
ckingsmb, thanks again for driving us to the station09:54
smbapw, Isn't that "sort of" home :-P09:54
apwyeah much appreciated, specially the 1.40 beers09:54
smbcking, apw No worries. Was a good time, too. :)09:55
smbapw, I was hiding. Not sure who you hit. ;-)09:55
amitkapw: hen-do?09:56
apwamitk, womans stag-do09:56
smbamitk, Don't ask. It will certainly involve funny dressing and lots of beer09:57
ckingthat's infinitely clearer09:57
apwcelebration/commisseration of the upcoming lack of freedom engendered by marriage.  generally as indicated by playing games and getting very drunk and falling over09:59
apwyay the ask is back10:01
jk-.. or something10:02
ckingapw, the ask?10:02
smbjk-, Definitely .... something10:02
ckingjk-, good [morning|aftenoon|evening]10:02
amitkmore like, good whatever10:03
jk-or maybe good `warning: enumeration value not handled in switch`10:05
apwcking, ash10:06
apwjk-, erm, what you doing up at this time10:06
apwjk-, heh10:06
jk-apw: so UK hen's dos include men too?10:06
apwjk-, not commonly, but this one did include all her friends10:06
smbjk-, Or apw is honours woman (or whatever thats called)10:07
apwhonary woman10:08
smbapw, Ah ok. :) At least there now should be enough wigs around, too. 10:08
apwsmb, and boobies10:09
smbThere is no limit on what one does for free beer. :-P10:09
popeyDaviey / apw I do have my mbp with me here, so if there's anything I can do to test, lemme know :)10:24
Davieypopey: fancy seeing what freebsd are doing differently? :)10:24
* popey looks for a live freebsd iso10:25
popeylivecd-1.2.4.tar.gz (24.2KB) <- looks like a very heavily optimised kernel they have there.10:26
Davieypopey: try your left coat pocket.10:26
* apw wonders whether these machines have bios modes for the sata controller, AHIC and something else?10:26
Davieyapw: it's EFI, which means that bios modes are a PITA to change.. /me is an EFI n00b, so i may be mistaken.10:27
apwthis is a tricky one, the co10:27
Davieyfrom my reading, i wanted to change the SATA compatability mode.. but nfi if you can.10:27
popeyDaviey: learn FORTH :)10:28
apwthe controller appears to be an early one in the series, and supported for some time10:28
apwso its somewhat enexpected it doesn't work10:28
apwsmb, is there a general way to disable MSI ?10:29
Davieyapw: yeah.. i understand some COMRESET issues were introduced after 2.6.24, so i tried hardy.. but i don't think hardy supported the chipset yet.. so rock and hard place.10:29
smbapw, nomsi I believe10:29
apwapple are the pits10:29
apwDaviey, may be worth booting nomsi to see if that changes thigns10:29
* Daviey checks his notes10:29
Davieyhmm, that is one i haven't yet tried.10:30
Davieypopey: If you have a few moments, fancy doing that?  Booting with the kernel line, s/quiet splash/nomsi/ ?10:30
popeyhold C to boot from CD, then press something at the accessibility prompt?10:31
popeystill getting the COMRESET failed 10:33
popeyand then it still can't find /dev/sda sadly10:36
Davieypopey: ah well... worth a try10:37
apwDaviey, popey what you running bits wise?  32/64?10:41
popeythat was a 32-bit official shipit cd10:42
apwDaviey, you have a USB install i think yes?10:42
popeyi do, but it wont boot on this machine10:42
popeydue to it needing refit / efi stuff10:42
Davieyapw: yes.. can boot to a live enviroment via usb10:43
popeyhmm, could I use the cd and usb together?10:43
Davieypopey: yes10:43
* popey needs learning how to do that10:44
popeyroot=something initrd=something? 10:44
Davieypopey: insert usb pendrive, insert cd.. boot from CD and select Try Ubuntu without installing.10:44
popeythat it? :)10:46
Davieyyeah, when the cd fails, it'll hand over to the USB... ugly but easy.10:46
popeyseriously, no interaction required, just boot off cd with usb attached?10:46
Davieypopey: yes10:46
apwnormally in this kind of mess i install from the CD to the USB, so that whats on the USB is a bootable real root image, that then lets you replace the kernel and test10:48
apwas the next step is going to be test kernels me thinks and someone has to be able to test them for them to be of use10:48
popeyif i can get it to boot off usb then i can certainly do that testing10:50
apwi've turned on ata debug and added some specfic debug for the EBUSY that is being reported, hope that can provide some clues to someone10:50
popeyDaviey: I'm just getting a blinking cursor after choosing try ubuntu. no flashing on the usb stick.10:50
popeyah, spoke to soon, patience10:51
Davieyapw: yeah, in order to have a non-casper usb.. would need to sort of the UEFI stuff; which i haven't yet done10:53
apwDaviey, how much spondoolies does this heap cost ?10:55
Davieyapw: don't ask :)10:55
apwcking, do you have any uefi platforms for testing?10:55
Davieyapw: around £1k10:55
ckingapw, I have an intel box with reference UEFI firmware10:56
Daviey"Best decision you'll ever make".. still pondering that statement.10:56
popeyDaviey: jfo tweeted me saying he's building a usb stick of this type :)10:56
apw"beacuse you will be forced to run Mac OSX, and we will get you" perhaps10:56
Davieyapw: Lucid might LOOK like OSX.. but you shouldn't confuse the two :P10:57
ckingapw, the Mac has non standard firmware that'sfor sure10:57
apwDaviey, if it boots from a USB install of the live CD, could you not make the USB real-root on another machine?10:57
apwcking, so no value in you having one then10:57
apwand damned expensive either way10:57
ckingapw, indeed10:57
Davieyapw: yeah, but the hack i was using to get a live env', was the cd failing - and happening to find the casper on the usb stick by luck.10:58
Davieyso, i could be wrong; but i think booting real root USB requires EFI support.10:58
popeyyup, i believe so too10:58
Davieydunno why it supports legacy CD, but not legacy USB from boot.10:58
* apw tries to understand ... there is no 'F12' to chose where to boot?10:58
popeyyou hold down C to boot from CD10:59
* apw puts this machine in the 'not suitable for purpose' bucket10:59
Davieyapw: to set a "bios password", you need to use a graphical app in the OS!10:59
popeyor learn FORTH :)10:59
apwin the 'other' OS i assume10:59
apwwell forth is pretty easy10:59
apwits just reverse polish10:59
Davieyi am pretty new to this EFI voodoo tbh.10:59
* popey decides not to teach his mum FORTH10:59
apwi had a reverse polish calculator once10:59
Davieyapw: That is on my xmas stocking list, for sure.11:00
ckingdoesn't everone do math in reverse polish?!11:00
apwintelligent people only of course11:00
apwDaviey, popey, so its not clear you are going to be able to test a kernel will your current 'access' to this h/w11:02
popeywell, jfo said he was making an efi bootable usb image for kernel testing11:02
popeywhich would help11:02
Davieyapw: Given a kernel, i can either re-create a casper image, or learn EFI support... either i'm keen to do if it helps speed a resolution.11:02
Davieyor what popey said.11:03
apwwe have next to no information other than the links are deemed not up, so i've turned on all the debug there is and added some for the errors you are reporting11:03
apwwe'll have to see what that produces if anything11:03
Davieyapw: For the kernel autobuild?11:04
apwi am building a i386 kernel with those modifications now, and will hope you can test with it11:05
Davieypopey: any news on jfo's build?11:06
Davieyi'd rather dd, than do it myself :)11:06
popeyDaviey: http://twitter.com/jeremyfoshee/status/14135364460 is all i know11:08
=== smb is now known as smb-afk
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
eipi-1how long does it take until the new kernel 2.6.34 is in the kernel ppa?13:18
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
amitkeipi-1: probably by tomorrow if the automated scripts don't fail13:20
eipi-1amitk, thx13:20
tgardnereipi-1, it'll likely be Wednesday. ogasawara is out today.13:20
ckingthe post UDS TZ changes are killing me ;-)13:31
tgardnercking, my sympathy is limited. I made it all the way until 0430 today.13:32
apweipi-1, are you talking about the mainline kernel builds ?13:42
apwif so they will be about another 8 hours as there are a heap of other ones building13:43
eipi-1apw, yes13:43
* apw blames smb for all the 5 digit ones13:43
eipi-1apw, perfect thx13:43
smb-afkapw, Not that I have changed that much. Must be you automation. :-P13:44
apwhey lag whats your launchpad id ... we'll need that to get you on the right groups13:46
* apw pokes lag13:48
lagOh, hello13:49
lag2 secs13:49
=== smb-afk is now known as smb
lagIs there any way to change it to one that's already taken? 'lag' is used by someone who signed up in 2006 and hasn't logged on since.13:50
amitkdon't think so, unless they delete their accounts13:51
lagThat sucks13:52
lagIn which case, I'm ljones13:52
smblag, In theory it is possible but requires to convince certain people and then might mess up some other things.13:53
smblag, So probably now or never.13:54
lagNow would be good13:55
lagI don't have anything else to do 13:55
lagStill waiting on IS for other things13:55
amitklag: you could try writing to them..13:55
lagThey have an IRC channel13:56
JFoso... btrfs in Lucid... we don't support it, yes?14:00
* smb wonders whether that was a question or statement14:00
smbJFo, no14:01
apwit hink he wants it to be a stement14:01
* apw orders some keys up for his keyboard14:01
* JFo has a bug report on btrfs14:01
JFoI want it to be :)14:01
smbapw, I meant lag but was too slow14:01
apwwhats the report14:01
JFobug 57874214:01
ubot3Malone bug 578742 in linux "Btrfs device balancing does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57874214:01
apwJFo, hrm, thats a kernel panic on a userspace command, not wonderful14:02
pgranerJFo: punt to cjwatson14:03
smbapw, I am not aware that btrfs is enabled at all14:03
JFopgraner, will do14:03
apwsmb, from lucid14:04
smbapw, That much for having experimental stuff not turned on. :/14:04
apwi suspect we got asked to add that one, just so people could experiment with it, we should ahve a list of 'EXPERIMENTAL but on and NOT supported' features14:05
JFoand I had a nice "HA! but no." message all queued14:05
pgranerapw: sounds like a good topic for a wiki page14:06
* pgraner ducks14:06
* JFo giggles14:06
smbWe finally have a volunteer. >.-)14:06
apwsounds like something the kernel release manager would produce as part of a new release14:07
pgranerapw: just kneecapped ogasawara14:08
* apw hums innocently14:08
pgranerapw: thats cold bloooooded14:08
apwi have my moments :)14:08
tgardnerJFo, btrfs in Lucid was a technology preview. we are not supporting it officially until Maverick14:09
apwunison ?14:09
JFoI just wanted to make sure before I spanked the OR14:09
apwsmb, i would think an appropriate response to that problem might be to disable the ioctl it uses in the kernel :)14:09
smbapw, Rather remove the whole module. Or mark it as taint crap14:10
JFoso cjwatson says thusly: "not too bothered yet, assuming that it can be forwarded upstream and fixed in maverick; at this point, given the lack of userspace support, I only care about problems that would make it difficult for us to implement that support"14:11
amitktgardner: we're supporting btrfs in maverick? I thought it was optional at install time...14:11
apwif its not EXPERMIMENTAL its supported at the kernel level right?14:11
smbamitk, Have you listened to the wrap up talks at UDS? ;-)14:11
tgardneramitk, right, its not going to be the default FS, but it _will_ be an option.14:12
tgardnerat least that is the plan, unless its so shite that its unsupportable (which is unlikely)14:13
amitksmb: yes, with the alertness of a sloth14:13
* JFo throws up his hands14:13
* apw wonders what jfo will use to catch them14:13
* JFo calls the whole thing off14:14
* amitk relocates to the balcony14:15
* smb would freeze if he did that14:15
* amitk relocates back to the office, damn screen is unreadable in the glare14:17
eipi-1can someone explain me why linux-headers-generic depends on linux-headers and how to resolve it? (I downloaded it from the mainstream kernel-ppa)14:17
apweipi-1, ?14:17
apwthere are two headers packages normally14:17
apwone flavour specific and one common one, you need both14:18
smbapw, He might refer to the meta packages14:18
apwwe don;t 14:18
apwwe don't have meta in the mainline builds tho.14:18
eipi-1apw, stupid, i missed that. sorry14:18
smbah right, missed the kernel-ppa part14:19
apwpgraner, i noted that ogasawara seems to have some additional blueprint foo to set goals and the like on our blueprints, i wonder if thats something we can spread around the planners14:46
apwanyhow, we have one blueprint with no owner, seems someone should own: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-arm-single-zimage14:47
ogasawaraapw:  I thought that one was ericm's?14:47
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apwit maybe, but isn't his at the mo14:48
ogasawaraapw: and I actually thought I assigned him to be the owner14:48
apwso we'd better shove it to either him or to jk imo14:48
apwogasawara, its not taken if you did14:48
ogasawaraapw: I'll follow up with them to get an owner assigned14:49
apwyay leanns problem, i like those kind14:50
=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk
apwogasawara, arn't you off today?14:55
ogasawaraapw: I am, but I woke up early and no one else is awake yet14:56
ogasawaraapw: so I figured I'd check email etc.14:56
smbogasawara, keybaddict! :)14:56
* apw slaps ogasawara 14:56
* ogasawara slowly steps away from the keyboard14:56
smbapw, Next we get told "I can stop anytime... if I want to" :-P14:57
ckinggotta pick kids up from school, back in 35-40 mins14:59
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=== cking-afk is now known as cking
* psurbhi steps out for a while to run some errands15:42
=== psurbhi is now known as psurbhi-afk
* apw pops out to get a new flus15:53
apwflush ... yes he does15:53
JFointeresting: bug 57446215:53
ubot3Malone bug 574462 in linux "udisks-probe-ata-smart causes HSM violations" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57446215:54
tgardnerJFo,  I've been sort of poking at that one. I think its drive or host controller related.15:54
manjoapw, what is a flush?15:54
apwthe bit in your loo which makes the flush occur15:55
JFotgardner, sounds interesting 15:55
tgardnerJFo, I guess thats one way to put it.15:55
pmatulison the generic kernel in lucid, what is the limit on recognized memory?15:55
tgardnerpmatulis, 32 bit?15:56
pmatulisno, this is a 64-bit system15:56
tgardnerpmatulis, I'm not aware of any practical limit. apw?15:56
pmatulissystem is supposedly seeing 16 GB but has a lot of random crashing.  was thinking it might be a limitation of generic15:57
pmatulisit's a desktop15:57
tgardnerpmatulis, no, thats well within the norm for RAM quantity15:57
pmatulisoh well, thanks15:58
tgardnerpmatulis, have you had them run the memory test? or this generic across multiple machines?15:58
tgardneris this*15:58
pmatulistgardner: funny that, memtest *fails*, the test doesn't run15:59
pmatulistgardner: i think it's a separate problem involving the BIOS15:59
tgardnerthat sounds a bit strange to me16:00
pmatulistgardner: to me too.  userspace memtest binary works however16:01
pmatulisit's a HP Z600 Workstation16:02
apwtgardner, no limits i am aware of no16:33
apwif there was a limit i would expect you to miss memory not to have crashes16:34
apwpmatulis, ^^16:34
apwdo you have a boot dmesg from it, you can tell how much ram and where it is from that16:34
pmatulisapw: https://pastebin.canonical.com/32340/16:37
ckingcnd, does ftrace work reliably over S3 suspend/resume cycles?16:40
cndcking: I would assume so, but I've not tried16:40
ckingcnd, it seems to fail on a box I'm working on - can you sanity check that it generally works for you?16:42
apwpmatulis, well its showing around 16GB of ram16:42
pmatulisapw: alright, thanks16:43
cndcking: how urgent do you need a response by?16:43
ckingsometime today if poss16:43
apwcking, does virtualbox use any kernel support for virtualisation?16:44
cndcking: ok, I'll get back to you in a bit16:45
cndJFo: no regression review today right?16:45
manjoJFo, are you going to have the regression call ? 16:46
JFogiving you guys a break, plus we will be changing the meeting around a biot16:46
JFoerrr bit16:46
JFoso I will need some time to communicate that16:46
manjoJFo, k thanks16:46
JFomy pleasure16:46
vanhoofJFo: been up since 3am working? ;)16:46
JFofeels like it16:46
vanhoofJFo: looks like we made it out just in time16:47
vanhoofJFo: ash cloud is back in action16:47
JFovanhoof, yeah, I am thankful16:47
* vanhoof is not ;)16:47
JFowell, you know what I mean :)16:47
apwJFo, smb, !ogasawara, apw (!), ... are we doing the regression call?16:51
JFowe are not16:51
* smb wonders where apw has been the last few minutes16:51
JFohe was dreaming of trays bangign together16:52
apwi was buying a new flush16:52
apwso ner16:52
cndppetraki: on the psmouse reset fix, the easiest way to get it into releases of Ubuntu is to send it to stable@kernel.org16:52
smbcnd, When it has hit upstream16:53
cndit will end up in one of the stable releases for 2.6.32, and the change will get merged into our kernel when it's released16:53
cndsmb, ppetraki just sent out an email saying it's been merged upstream16:53
apwdidn't it just hit upstream according to ppetraki 16:53
cndsmb: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=ef110b24e28f36620f63dab94708a17c7e26735816:53
apwso i recon send it to stable yes, but also send it out to kernel-team as it fixes something real for (pre-stable) treatment16:54
smbI guess, if it i urgent. Would even have been better if Dmitry would have added cc: stable...16:55
apwsmb, i suspect its one of those OEM things that will run us down like a train16:55
smbapw, Likely. Maybe even one of those things were they _should_ tell us if it is already used in some way16:57
apwsmb, heh yeah16:57
apwsmb, btw when did you do the 13.3 and 13.4 tags for your tree16:57
* apw is trying to work out why they are both pending together16:58
smbapw, During UDS. Maybe a bad idea16:58
apwexplains it then ...16:58
apwi had cod-execute down for a bit for maintenance16:58
* apw notes zinc has 7 more hours of builds to complete16:59
smbapw, Oh, you meant why they both are new. Not some badness as being on the same commit16:59
apwyeah, i was supprised you did both at the same time roughly17:00
smbapw, Mind that there is a commit on top of the tags as Greg had this crazyness too17:01
smbapw, Doing them together is rather normal in my workflow17:01
apwso you do like 12.3 -> 13.3, and 13.3 -> 13.4 as separate steps?17:02
apwhense two tags at 'once' there17:02
smbRight, I usually update the .32 part first but follow up with the .33 drm immediately after17:03
apwsmb, ring ring17:03
smb(at least as long as upstream/Greg makes updates at the same time)17:03
cndcking: I traced the psmouse module through a resume17:09
cndit worked fine, though the timestamps sot screwed up (like the TSC warping) and then eventually settled back to 017:09
cndso the timestamps seem relative to the last resume17:10
ckingcnd, thanks, something is screwy then with my tracing17:24
cndcking: what are you trying to do?17:24
ckingcnd, just measure func calls thru a S317:27
cndcking: what happens?17:28
cnddo you just lose trace data after the suspend?17:28
ckingcnd, yep, any idea why it evaporates?17:33
cndhrm, unfortunately no...17:34
cndcking: sounds like you should just throw the machine in the dumpster and get a new one :)17:34
cndthat's how I solve my sw problems17:34
ckingcnd, any idea of how many func calls can be captured in one test17:34
cndblame the hw17:34
cndcking: what do you mean by that?17:34
ckingcnd, that's why the H/W is on my desk :-(17:35
cndhow many func calls before some start to get deleted in favor of new ones?17:35
ckingcnd, any idea of how many func calls can be captured before the internal buffer gets full17:35
* cking notes that "no idea" is perfectly valid answer ;-)17:36
cndso first, it operates in flight recorder mode meaning that new events overwrite old events (contrary to how perf drops events if the buffer gets full)17:36
cndhowever, I don't really know how many events it can store17:36
cndit probably depends on the size of the events17:36
cndand function calls17:36
cndit's all stored as binary data17:36
ckingyeah, oh well, I will try one more time and then fall back traditional methods aka printk etc17:37
manjocking, are you trying tracepoints in suspend/resume code ?17:37
ckingmanjo, just tracking using ftrace17:37
cndcking: you can check whether it's been turned off somehow17:37
cndby loocking at trace_enabled and trace_on17:37
cndmaybe dmesg will give a hint?17:38
cndand check that current_tracer is what you set it to17:38
cndif it's nop, then no functions will be traced17:38
ckingit's set to "function"17:38
manjovanhoof, ping 17:45
vanhoofmanjo: pong17:47
ppetrakicking, apw, so what else do I need to do to close the loop on 551234?17:51
apwbg 551233417:51
apwbug 55123417:51
ubot3Malone bug 551234 in oem-priority "touchpad doesn't reconnect after resume: Synaptics ps2" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55123417:51
apwi say submit it to stable, and to kernel-team, the final form patch17:52
smbppetraki, The mail has been sent. We will look at the patch and then possibly take it pre-stable17:52
ppetrakismb, cool17:52
smbppetraki, When you ask for this patch to be considered upstream stable, can you cc kernel-team along with dmitry?17:55
ppetrakismb, sure, I can do that, anyone else to copy? I saw stable... mentioned earlier17:56
smbppetraki, You will send it to stable@kernel.org (==Greg) and need to cc all on the signed-off-by list (in that case only dmitry). The mail should contain the reference to the upstream patch and saying that this is a bug fix you think should go into .32, .33 (.34?)17:58
manjoppetraki, scripts/get_maintainer.pl should help ?17:59
* abogani waves18:00
smbmanjo, ppetraki That helps too in doubt but can be over the top for stable.18:00
* apw waves back to abogani 18:00
smbHi abogani 18:00
aboganiapw, smb: Hi :)18:00
ppetrakimanjo, I'll take a look at it for future reference. Thanks.18:01
aboganiI would want bother you with one of my usual stupid questions :-D18:01
aboganiI'm just wondering if in the Lucid life-cycle management you will ever update kernel with a more recent version (that is > 2.6.32).18:01
=== pgraner-afk is now known as pgraner
aboganiIf I don't recall wrong there are time ago a blueprint about it (about updating kernel into a LTS). Sorry i don't have the link.18:02
pgranerabogani: we will have the Maverick kernel avail when its ready for server only18:02
smbabogani, There will be kernels bckported, but only supported for server18:02
apwabogani, the default kernel will not change, the backports will be an elective install only18:03
smbabogani, MAybe pgraner is also quicker in finding the link to the blueprint18:03
aboganismb: That kernel will be available in -backports?18:03
ckingcnd, how does one clear the trace log?18:03
pgranersmb: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-new-kernel-on-lts18:04
cndcking: I believe changing the current_tracer will do the trick18:04
apwthe kernels will be in main as separate packages18:04
cndcat'ing trace_pipe will too18:04
pgranerabogani: no main archive18:04
smbapw, wins over pgraner 18:04
smbabogani, But will start in a ppa before maverick is released18:04
aboganiLast thing (I promise :) Why kernel packages not present "Supported: 3/5y" line in apt-cache output?18:08
apwabogani, is that something they _can_ report?18:09
aboganiapw: I meant: If I don't recall wrong there are time ago a blueprint about it (about updating kernel into a LTS). Sorry i don't have the link.18:09
aboganiapw: apt-cache show linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic | grep -i supported18:09
apwabogani, right but that was definatly the predecessor blueprint to the one i pasted.  we always planned to do elective installs for those18:10
manjocking, have you seen http://lwn.net/Articles/290277/ ? article on ftrace has detailed info 18:10
apwabogani, hrm, that supported thing is odd18:11
* apw investigates18:11
aboganiapw: I would want let you notice than:18:11
aboganiapt-cache show linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic | grep -i supported18:12
aboganiSupported: 5y18:12
ckingmanjo, cheers18:12
aboganiapt-cache show linux-image-2.6.32-22-generic | grep -i supported18:12
aboganiNo Supported line at all18:12
apwwill ask18:12
smbabogani, Just that for -generic it would be 3y18:13
aboganiI wrong something?18:13
smbabogani, I think we don't know if that ever was possible18:13
apwsmb, i think the information is coming from outside the packages too18:13
apwam asking where it comes from now18:13
apwas we've not changed our packaging between -21 to -22 yet one has it and the other not18:14
apwi bet its cause -21 was -release and the later packages do not have it...18:14
smbapw, Strangeness. But if you find out let me know. I'd really like to see that change to 3y and only to be 5y for -server, too18:17
apwseems mvo is the man to talk to, but that there is bugs handlng -updates stuff at the mo18:17
Sarvattyuck, theres one intel pci id that is flickering in lucid because of FBC that is fixed in the maverick kernel, need to track down the commit that fixed it because it seems to be happening to all 8086:2a42 devices18:21
ubot3Malone bug 538648 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Intel GM45] Irregular sync flashes on 8086:2a42 (Needs i915.powersave quirk)" [Medium,Triaged] 18:22
aboganipgraner, smb, apw: Thanks!18:23
apwSarvatt, we could just disable FBC for that ID right?18:24
apwwe have support infrastructure for that ... rather than try and fix it i mean18:24
apwSarvatt, can put that together for testing if that would help18:25
Sarvattwe don't though, theres more than one pci id in that generation so i'm not sure how to disable it18:25
Sarvattcan't just remove has_fbc from that generation's struct without affecting all of the others, thats why I'm trying to find where it was actually fixed in .3418:26
apwSarvatt, yeah we could, we could clone that ones entry to a new structure and drop it there18:26
apw        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x2a42, &intel_gm45_info),18:27
apwchange that to:18:27
apw        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x2a42, &intel_gm45_nofbc_info),18:27
apwand copy the structure and drop .fbc=1 ... no?18:27
pgranerJFo: damn! Your blowing up my mailbox dude...18:28
apwSarvatt, and anyhow thats the only id using that specific structure18:28
JFopgraner, sorry :-/18:28
apwJFo, you expiring bugs?18:28
Sarvattit is?! awesome18:28
pgranerJFo: I can tell you're so tore up about it18:28
JFoapw, not yet18:29
apwSarvatt, at a cursory look yes it is, even if not we could make that one id use a new one18:29
JFoneed to check that the fixes are in so I can18:29
apwSarvatt, so 2a42 is the one yes?18:29
Sarvattwish i had one so I could bisect it down18:29
apwso that seems to be the only one which uses that structure18:29
apwdrivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_drv.c:const static struct intel_device_info intel_gm4518:30
apwdrivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_drv.c:        INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x2a42, &intel_gm45_inf18:30
apwso i recon we can just rip it out for now18:30
apwyou want me to spin a test kernel for the bug with it torn out?18:30
Sarvattit's still setting up the fbc registers and stuff for all is_i965 (or whatever it is, dont have it open) though, not sure if thats a problem18:31
Sarvattif you could that'd be great18:31
Sarvattquite a lot of people are hit by that problem since thats one of the more common devices these days18:31
JFoneed food, bbiab18:37
apwSarvatt, no worries18:38
apwSarvatt, building now, will update the bug when they are available18:38
Sarvattthanks a bunch apw!18:41
* cking enters a new level of S3 weirdness. /me thinks it's time to call it a day18:41
apwcking, its time to call it a day18:44
ckingapw, yeah, made some progress, but it's just gonna have to wait 'til tomorrow now18:45
JFok, back18:59
=== pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk
apwSarvatt, those kernels are uploading now, i've updated the bug asking for testing19:42
Sarvattawesome, thanks apw!19:43
Sarvattneed to find out if the people saying it was fixed in 2.6.34 were still using powersave=0..19:44
popeyDaviey: dont suppose you have a guide to respinning an iso with a modified kernel do you?19:53
popeyor indeed if anyone has such a guide, for bug 57660119:54
ubot3Malone bug 576601 in linux "[MacBookPro 7,1]mcp89 sata link reset fails, no disks detected" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57660119:54
manjopopey, ping bjf for a script that does that19:55
manjojfo, might know  if it is publicly available 19:55
JFopopey, I don't have any docos written, but I plan to wikify the script manjo is talking about19:55
JFomanjo, it isn't yet19:55
JFothere are some bugs in it19:55
JFoand I need to hash them out19:55
JFosorry popey, but it is on my list much like the uEFI one19:56
popey:) no worries19:56
Davieypopey: it's on the wiki20:01
popeyo rly? ou est la?20:01
Davieypopey: potted guide, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization20:02
Davieyie, the cheats way :)20:02
* JFo bookmarks for a review :)20:08
* popey tries this magic20:12
JFobug 58131220:42
ubot3Malone bug 581312 in linux "Unknown key fee[x] pressed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58131220:42
cndapw: thanks for the broadcom fix!21:07
popeyapw: are you about? I've got the mac booted to your new kernel and could open an ssh port to it if you want to poke it with a stick?21:19
popeyapw: ran an apport-collect for bug 576601 :)21:33
ubot3Malone bug 576601 in linux "[MacBookPro 7,1]mcp89 sata link reset fails, no disks detected" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57660121:33
achiangugh, can't figure out how to remove tags from a LP entry22:06
achiangnotably, i want to remove the needs-upstream-testing tag from bug 57813822:07
ubot3Malone bug 578138 in linux "Thinkpad T400 (model 2765-TDG) fails to resume after second suspend" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57813822:07
kamalachiang: I have a pencil icon at the end of the Tags: list I think I can remove it -- want me to?23:21
kamals/list I think/list, therefore I think/23:21
kamalachiang: I suppose this is because I'm a member of ubuntu-bugcontrol23:23

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