
bdrungarand: ping00:01
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imbrandonhrm, i want to get a computer "fingerprint" , sugestions ?04:41
ajmitchin what sense?04:42
ajmitchsome form of hardware identifier?04:42
* ajmitch guesses maybe info from dmidecode, or other tools like that04:43
imbrandoni was thinking something like a proc serial num and some identifying number from the /boot hdd and hash it04:44
imbrandonor something04:44
imbrandonhrm dmidecode lookes intresting04:45
imbrandonwhat about systems with efi and no bios04:45
ajmitchno idea04:48
lfaraoneI see some Debian packages with Ubuntu changes in Launchpad with revision schemes like "-1build3" yet there are non-rebuild-only changes. Should I break the scheme when appling a patch and change it to "-1ubuntu1'?05:00
ajmitchlfaraone: yes05:02
imbrandonlfaraone: sounds sane05:02
lfaraoneLikewise, bug 578717 seems like something that can only effect Lucid. Does it need to be "fixed" in Maverick before being SRU'd?05:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 578717 in epiphany-browser "User Agent string says "Debian/squeeze/sid ()" instead of "Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid)"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57871705:12
lfaraoneNevermind, silly question.05:16
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kobrienhey guys, I've tried a yesterday in #ubuntu-java but got no answer. I'm packaging a java app with cdbs. I get the following error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.tools.ant.util.regexp.Jdk14RegexpRegexp. Any ideas?06:11
kobrienalso as part of the same error is a note about not being able to find a regexp matcher. Now, I have installed ant-optional, and that doesn't fix it. JAVA_HOME is also set correctly.06:12
dholbachgood morning08:17
rippsHmm... In Maverick, why is libwildmidi only 'i386', and not 'all' like in previous releases?08:28
rippserr libwildmidi-dev, that is.08:29
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DeeJay1hello! I have a small question - how can I get deb package descriptions translated?10:40
RhondaDeeJay1: If I'm not mistaken it uses the http://ddtp.debian.net/ service.10:41
Rhonda… and I still wonder when djpig will wake up to get my patches for the ubuntu-master branch of packages.git applied.  %-/10:42
DeeJay1"Real names consist of alphanumeric characters, spaces and quotes and are at least 6 letter long, thanks" - well, real names consist of UTF-8 characters LOL@ddtp10:45
RhondaDeeJay1: utf-8 characters for names are a subset of alphanumeric10:53
DeeJay1well, not for ddtp10:53
RhondaBut I'm sure that Wookey begs to differ big time here, too.10:53
RhondaHmm, but then, wookey is 6 characters.10:53
RhondaDeeJay1: I am having big issues with that interface myself too, but then it's the only thing we've got.10:54
DeeJay1eh, well it could be worse11:04
RhondaNot much. The "review" of it isn't worth the term, it's a click-through thing that happens within the minutes without much possibility to leave the "translator" any hints or message.11:09
ScottKlfaraone: WRT packages with buildX suffixes and actual changes in them, it's not rare for people to upload that way if the change is already in Debian.11:55
ScottKlfaraone: So please be careful about undoing that.11:56
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iefremovHi All! Can anyone help me with the following issue: my package (ugene) fails to start in Lucid with symbol lookup error. I suspect that this issue can be fixed in stable release by simple rebuilding of the package. But SRU process requires some fixes/patches etc. Is there a way to request a rebuild without patching anything ? For details, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ugene/+bug/56614612:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566146 in ugene "ugene crashes on start with symbol lookup error" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:38
Laneyyou should just be able to ask for a rebuild in an SRU12:38
iefremovLaney, should I create a separate bug, or request the rebuild in an existing one (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ugene/+bug/566146) ?12:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566146 in ugene "ugene crashes on start with symbol lookup error" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:39
Laneyjust do it in that one12:39
iefremovOk, thanks! I will try this.12:40
lfaraonejames_w: Oliver Tilloy reverted the @PACKAGENAME@ change per your request in lp:~osomon/ubuntu/maverick/epiphany-browser/user_agent. Do you think the branch is now ready to be merged?13:38
james_wlfaraone: I do13:38
lfaraonejames_w: okay, I've got it.13:39
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effie_jayxhello all13:59
effie_jayxdoes one need to enable backports ion order for pbuilder to know about Maverick as a release?14:00
Rhondaeffie_jayx: You can always work around by creating a lucid chroot, --login --safe-after-login and change sources.list to maverick and then do an --update14:01
effie_jayxRhonda: that is a neat trick14:02
effie_jayxI am curious since I tried creating the maverick chroot and I enabled the backports and pbuilder was not updated14:02
effie_jayxwill keep that in mind thanks Rhonda14:02
RhondaThat's the one that usually works when bootstrapping a new devel version isn't working because of toolchain b0rkage. :)14:03
effie_jayxbtw the multiple pbuilders section in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto needs a maverick there14:06
effie_jayxRhonda: thanks again :)14:06
Rhondaeffie_jayx: As that is a wiki I figure you can fix it on yourself too? :)14:09
effie_jayxRhonda: well just though I needed clearace14:11
ScottKeffie_jayx: The changes for a maverick chroot were done before release, so no backports needed.14:47
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\shRainCT, pingeling15:18
\shhey ScottK15:18
ScottK\sh: Hello.15:18
\shScottK, couldn't say "good buy" on saturday morning...hope you arrived home safely without any ashcloud madness15:19
\shgood bye I mean...still not recovered15:19
ScottK\sh: Yes.  No troubles at all.15:19
ScottK\sh: Yeah, me too.15:19
* ScottK is currently staring at the cat man page trying to remember how to use it ...15:20
RainCTHeya \sh15:25
\shRainCT, check your query15:26
micahghi \sh15:26
\shhey micahg15:27
arandIf in QUILT I've got debian/patches/debian in quilt, and imported my patch to debian/patches/1.patch would "quilt rename 1.diff debian/1.diff" be the best thing to do as far as organisation?15:27
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arandAlso does it matter if it's -p0? (The original imported is.)15:29
arandAnd.. How would I reference a Fedora bug (source of fix) in the changlog?15:35
ScottKarand: How about "Fedora Bug #nnnnnn"?  There isn't a standard rule for that.15:37
AnAntif it is a patch, there is a header for this15:38
ScottKTrue.  That's the place for details like a link to the exact place you got the patch from.15:39
arandYea, I've written a header, but I thought I'd put it down in the changelog as well..15:40
AnAntah, ok15:40
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arandShould a quilt patch be refreshed to apply with -p1, or kept true to original with -p0  (lintian warns on -p0)16:00
AnAntp1 I recall16:02
_AndrewI'm building a package for hardy under compat 6. In my install file I have "usr/bin" however dh_install fails to find /usr/bin/xyz17:37
_AndrewAny ideas?17:37
_AndrewI've tried "usr/bin/*" and "debian/tmp/usr/bin", etc17:38
_AndrewI'm using "dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp --fail-missing"17:40
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* abogani waves20:26
aboganiimbrandon: Are you around?20:34
aboganiimbrandon: Sorry for delay in reply. I have placed the updated version of linux-rt package for Lucid in my PPA at: https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/broken/+packages20:38
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arandIf a patched package in -proposed fails, is it enough to simply comment on the original bug?23:29
crimsunarand: do you mean that the -proposed packages "fails" to resolve the symptom of the bug? Yes, comment.23:32
crimsun"fails" there is ambiguous, namely "fails to install", "fails to upgrade", etc. are all valid interpretations ;-)23:33
arandYes, it's Bug #526849, the hardy fix is incomplete.23:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526849 in pastebinit "pastes to pastebin.com no longer work" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52684923:33
crimsun(nonetheless they're all cause for validation-failed)23:33
ajmitch"causes irreparable data loss" is also another fail, though unlikely in this case23:34
arandYea, I've marked that as well, I was just thinking if there werer any more things to be done.23:34
arandIt's simply that the pastebinit link output is garbled23:34
arandWhere can I see the -proposed queue by the way?23:39
ajmitchI think that's what you were looking for?23:42
arandajmitch: cheers :) The queues are always a bugger to find...23:43
ajmitchyou've checked that you have the right version of pastebinit installed before testing?23:43
* ajmitch had an SRU for boost1.38 where the person testing have a self-compiled python-visual, which was linked against an old, unpatched boost version23:45
ajmitchthankfully we got that sorted23:45
arandajmitch: Yea, well, the patch is exactly the same as I tested earlier and confirmed as not working on hardy...23:47
arandSeems like someone didn't read my comments :D23:48
ajmitchright, the bit about the patch being unfinished :)23:48
ajmitchproblem is that the tags apply across all releases, so while it may be fixed on jaunty, you can only tag it as failed for all23:49
ajmitchhow annoying23:49
arandYea, well I'm marking as committed for k&j and confimed for hh, so there's at least som distinction there23:50

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