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lamontslangasek: when the need arises, you have maverick-live chroots20:01
ScottKslangasek: Is it possible to remove images from the Kubuntu ports releases page?20:07
slangasekScottK: I'm a little uncomfortable removing them after the fact - are they completely unusable?20:11
ScottKslangasek: I think it's reasonable to say the sparc one is.20:11
ScottKOur status is: powerpc - somewhat tested and believed to work, ia64 - untested, but may work, sparc - the entire port is broken, so no point in testing.20:12
slangasekhowso?  I heard that the conclusion last week was that sparc is busted and not going to get better, but I don't have details20:12
ScottKI didn't hear details beyond the kernel doesn't work.20:12
ScottKThat was enough for me.20:12
ScottKMaybe lamont knows.20:12
slangaseklamont: do you know?20:12
ScottKperhaps more relevant, perhaps lamont will admit to knowing....20:13
lamontso... the conclusion of the "what about ia64/sparc (and ppc)?" session:  keybuk to go to tech board for ratification and mailing under their from address that sparc is clearly (1) broken and (2) not being loved, therefore all y'all have until feature freeze to make it work, or it'll be removed and lucid will be the last sparc release until such time as revived.20:28
slangaseklamont: clearly broken how?20:28
lamontre: ia64:  clearly neglected, but basically working.  Needs a new toolchain champion (as does sparc), doko won't be spending time on it other than vetting patches and uploading for the champion(s).20:28
lamontslangasek: upgrading from jaunty to karmic causes a reboot in a state where the machine is unbootable.  lucid lacks a kernel, I'm not sure of the state of installability from media in even karmic.20:29
slangasek"lacks a kernel"?20:30
slangasekthere is one in the archive20:30
lamontppc: has a strong community, seems to be doing ok, we'll address that one sometime between now and whatever will expire after the next LTS20:30
lamontslangasek: if only it booted20:30
slangasekwhy doesn't it boot, what range of hardware has this been verified on, is there a bug #?20:30
lamontslangasek: nfc here.  pure hearsay20:31
slangasekwell, hmm.  Hearsay from whom?20:32
slangasekI'm not willing to nuke images from the release that we won't be able to get back afterwards, based on hearsay alone20:32
lamontmy sparc box is not very happy (at least according to the guy I loaned it to last), and I haven't played with it in forever20:32
slangasek(well, ok, we can get those back afterwards by rebuilding from the release pocket, but)20:32
lamontslangasek: I don't see any reason to nuke them, given that they're clearly not supported in any case20:33
slangasekthe reason to nuke them is that they're kubuntu images and the kubuntu folks (in person of ScottK) are asking for the nukage20:34
ScottKIt's not essential to have it removed, but if we're going to point people at the ports directory, it would seem CoC friendly not to point them at known broken stuff.20:35
ScottKOTOH, the odds of anyone caring about sparc and a desktop are low enough, meh.20:36
lamontat least add a header to the html in the directory saying "known broken, fixes welcome"???  dunno20:40

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