
=== kai_kracker is now known as kai_62656
GeekSquiddevdz: to answer your question, not really, ... while it can be done, very limited in what you can do, the libraries are crippled00:00
Dawn_Of_DreamsWhere is C:?00:01
bobo123daniel, panel?00:01
bobo123hello JayB92200:02
JayB922is anyone available to help me with something?00:02
sebsebseb!ask | JayB92200:02
markus_<Dawn_Of_Dreams> https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/device-names.html00:02
ubottuJayB922: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:02
Luija1006Is there a way to try gnome without reinstalling?00:02
sebsebsebLuija1006: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:02
tomatto_please, do you know about program to manipulating phonebook/addressbook and etc. for sony ericsson mobile?00:02
sebsebseb!ot | tomatto_00:03
ubottutomatto_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:03
bobo123Dawn_Of_Dreams: your c:\ is named after what its label is named, so if your c: have label "mydisk" it will be found at "/media/mydisk/" in ubuntu00:03
Luija1006sebsebseb: and If i wanna later desinstall it?00:03
duffydacktomatto_, try wammu00:03
sebsebseb!purekde | Luija100600:03
ubottuLuija1006: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »00:03
LjL!info gammu | tomatto_00:03
markus_<Luija1006> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde00:03
ubottutomatto_: gammu (source: gammu): mobile phone management utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.26.1-2 (lucid), package size 274 kB, installed size 708 kB00:03
duffydackwhat LjL saud :)00:03
sebsebsebtomatto_: ok looks like I misunderstood your question00:04
LjL'multisync' might also work00:04
tomatto_duffydack: have you some better app?00:04
aarHi, suspend is broken in my Dell Inspiron 1525 (Kubuntu Hardy 8,04). Has anyone started experiencing similar issues, or is it just me?00:04
duffydacktomatto_, no, gammu is the gui version of wammu00:05
JayB922I am trying to upgrade from 9.04 jaunty to 10.04 lTS.  I completed the upgrade to 9.10 first.  It seems to work, however here are a few things not working. The biggest of which my update manager will not launch.  I click on it to launch it and nothing happens and I cannot launch it from command line either.  How can I fix it?00:05
morticidecould someone please tell me how to disable my computer from interacting with ubuntu-one service (10.04) ?00:05
sebsebsebmorticide: you can easilly remove Ubuntu One00:05
tomatto_duffydack: i know gammu and wammu. but it is not so good for se mobile00:05
sebsebsebmorticide: you can also disable it  in.  system > preferences > startup applications00:06
duffydacktomatto_, tried it in lucid?  there is also a ppa for bleeding edge versions https://launchpad.net/~nijel/+archive/ppa00:06
morticidesebsebseb: ok thanks, silly question. thx anyways.00:06
danielbobo123 yes panel00:07
Wandererhow do I make autofs start automatically?  I can "service autofs start" and it starts fine but it won't start after a reboot00:07
tomatto_duffydack: exactly on lucid no.00:08
Some_PersonCould I potentially share an internet connection that requires a proxy server to other computers without configuring anything on the other computers?00:09
MACscrhow can i remote into a windows server using RDP, but from my ubuntu box?00:09
sebsebseb!rdp | MACscr00:09
bobo123I'm not sure what you mean by panel with custom image daniel00:09
tomatto_duffydack: it is not in main repo?00:09
sebsebsebbobo123: I think daniel  means, they have replaced the Ubuntu logo, with something else00:10
MACscrsebsebseb: i didnt get anything00:10
duffydacktomatto_, probably is, but a ppa usually contains a newer version....00:10
sebsebsebMACscr: yes there isn't a factoid00:10
* bobo123 goes to bed, tries to find out how to get smb working tomorrow instead00:11
sebsebsebMACscr: you can VNC with Windows, and maybe FreeNX00:11
fredrik_I've just installed ubuntu server edition on my laptop. I want my computer to boot into cli, but also have an option to start a GUI00:11
sebsebseb!vnc > MACscr00:11
ubottuMACscr, please see my private message00:11
duffydacktomatto_, if all that fails then I guess a windows VM with SE software is the next best thing...00:11
tomatto_duffydack: windows VM?00:11
MACscrsebsebseb: im not looking for other remote admin options, im looking how to use RDP00:11
sebsebsebMACscr: ok00:12
sebsebsebMACscr: look in the Ubuntu repo00:12
duffydack!virtualbox | tomatto_00:12
ubottutomatto_: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:12
sebsebsebMACscr: there is stuff00:12
fredrik_Also, when I try to 'iwconfig wlan0 essid' I get the error "Network is down" - how do I put it up?00:12
icerootMACscr: install rdesktop and usw rdsektop host00:12
duffydacktomatto_, you`ll need the non-free version with usb support though.00:13
danielbobo123, sebsebseb i just right clicked on the panel and went to properties>background>background image and changed the image... but everytime i turn the computer off and on again it goes away and changes back to the default theme panel00:13
sebsebsebdaniel: not sure about that, but the theme will decide which image is used00:13
dtohi. i have an older hauppauge wintv pvr card and the ivtv driver module appears to have loaded itself. how do I go about recording video from it? what program should I use?00:13
MACscriceroot: thanks for the tip, but as i already mentioned, im not interested in running a different host/server00:14
sebsebsebtomatto_: both versions are free as in price00:14
sebsebsebtomatto_: the one in Ubuntu repo is open source, and the other version is closed source00:14
icerootMACscr: rdesktop is a client for rdp and the command rdesktop hostname  will coonnect to the rdp-server00:14
evonkjele: how do i find the uuid? and do i replace the /dev/sdd1 section with the uuid?00:14
dana_ hi there, i have a prob... ubuntu wont boot anymore after updating it.. it says "grub rescue>" ... 'ls' says "(hd0)" .. i am desperate00:15
sebsebsebduffydack: would be good if that factoid was updated to explain that, the amount of times I have done it in here now00:15
icerootdana_: have a look at mythtv or vdr if you want a real video-recorder with many nice features00:15
duffydacksebsebseb, a few factoids need updating..00:15
sebsebsebduffydack: we can suggest it to the ops, and it can be done with ubottu in pm,  altough I am not sure how to do that00:16
dana_i booted a liveCD... what to do?00:16
tomatto_export LC_MESSAGES="en_US.ISO-8859-1"00:16
tomatto_-bash: varovn: setlocale: LC_MESSAGES: cannot change locale (en_US.ISO-8859-1): No such file or directory00:16
dana_(win7 on partition 1, ubuntu on second partition)00:16
icerootdto: have a look at mythtv or vdr if you want a real video-recorder with many nice features00:16
icerootdana_: sorry wrong nick before00:16
evondana_ iam not understanding your prob coompletely00:17
duffydackdana_, my win7 has 2 partitions.. 1 small boot and another for win700:17
dtoiceroot: i can't seem to use the device with anything despite modules being loaded. like ivtv, v4l2_common, tuner00:17
dtodo i need to set somethin gup?00:17
fullmetalgHey guys, any ideas on why won't my second hard drive appear under "places"? ^^'00:17
fullmetalg(It used to be there)00:17
dana_evon: the problem is that i am a noob i think and the MBR is fucked up ;(00:17
sebsebseb!language | dana_00:18
ubottudana_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:18
evondana_ sound like you need to reinstall grub200:18
coz_ok guys...  I notice that several things have not been fixed in lucid... wallpaper rendering options.... multiple partition external has no right click unmount ....any news?00:18
sebsebsebcoz_: wall paper rendering options ?00:18
busydoinnothinHey guys, is there a server app that will allow me to access my music on my xbox 360 AND my Android phone? So far I can only find apps that'll do one or the other.00:18
dana_evon: and how do i do reinstall it?00:19
duffydackcoz_, unmount is there in  my beta install updated to final, but not my fresh final install... It needs to be fixed :)00:19
dana_sebsebseb: sorry for my mistake :-)00:19
evondana_ this is the guide i used yesterday to solve a similar problem http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html00:19
coz_sebsebseb,  yeah on dual monitors  all of the options put the wallpaper centered between both monitors and  nothing for stretching the wallpaper across both monitors00:19
evondana_ remember you have to refer to your linux partition00:19
coz_duffydack,   I thought so ok   thanks guy00:19
sebsebsebcoz_: yeah  uhmm don't really know about this, but I think 10.04 has some issues with monitors for true geeks, since they have a dual instead of a standard :D00:20
JayB922to do a fresh install of Lucid over Karmic do you have to format the hd first or will it overwrite?00:20
coz_sebsebseb,   yeah  I can only get mirrored or centered wallpapers   ok thanks00:20
dana_evon: thanks, i will read it first ;-)00:20
sebsebsebcoz_: maybe something in the notes00:20
sebsebsebcoz_: or if not for that, other issues you have00:21
teclikhi, i am trying to make own live cd in Virtualbox. I have chrooted edited cd and started X server. It started fine, but mouse don't work. Any tips to get mouse working? Thanks-00:21
sebsebseb!notes | coz_00:21
ubottucoz_: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100400:21
coz_JayB922,  it should overwrite   generall i use  Dban to write zeros to the drive first00:21
onetinsoldieranyone else having trouble with access to http://www.ubuntu.com/ ?00:21
coz_sebsebseb,  thanks00:21
sebsebsebteclik: your trying to make your own Ubuntu ISO?00:21
DILnah justgot on00:21
openbravodoes anyone knoq how to install java\00:22
sebsebseb!java | openbravo00:22
openbravoon ubuntu00:22
ubottuopenbravo: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)00:22
DILyes on ubutu00:22
duffydack!remastersys | teclik00:22
sebsebseb!remaster | teclik00:22
ubottuteclik: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility00:22
sebsebsebduffydack: I was going to do that, but then you nearly beat me to it00:22
sebsebsebduffydack: well you would have, if you hadn't messed up :D00:22
duffydacksebsebseb, its called remasterSYS!  well ok00:23
sebsebsebduffydack: what the program that does it?  well the factoid is remaste00:23
osmosishelp, headphone jack not working on lucid.00:23
duffydacksebsebseb, its the best one I have tried, by far...00:23
lengendHow can I repair grub through the live cd?00:23
sebsebsebduffydack: I have never done a remaster00:24
teclikI am advancing as written at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization but somehow mouse don't work in KDE...00:24
duffydacksebsebseb, its sweet...00:24
sebsebseblengend: Grub 2 you mean?00:24
sebsebseblengend: Which version of Ubuntu?00:24
lengendWell I have troubles booting, since I have "No Kernel" and the live cd is 10.04 LTS I believe00:24
sebsebseb!grub2 | lengend00:24
ubottulengend: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:24
lengendAt the moment, I have no problems reformatting long as I can back up my files...00:25
sebsebseblengend: so this is an upgrade from 9.10 or?00:26
lengendI believe so, yes...00:26
sebsebseblengend: belive so?  you would know if you upgraded00:26
* toilet turd00:27
teclikduffydack: thx remastersys looks like something what could help me. i'll try it.00:27
lengendIt was a while ago, and yes it was 9.10. And I do not remember what updates I install via the Update Manager. All I did was reboot my laptop and I got GNU Grub 1.97 Beta4 with options of 2.6.31-14 through to 2100:28
lengendWhich none of them work including recovery ones00:28
duffydackteclik, its quite awesome.  it can make an iso of your current install, which is installable also.  providing you dont have 500gig of stuff it makes a nice personal livecd/dvd00:29
classvoidhas anyone gotten gnustep-devel package to install under 10.04? It keeps complaining about gorm.app missing from the repository00:29
onetinsoldiergorm.app eh? hehe00:30
classvoidI think it might only be an 64-bit version problem but I'm not sure00:30
onetinsoldierhas me thinking of the Gorn from the origina Star Trek00:30
classvoidlol damn those vile gorn ...00:31
onetinsoldierclassvoid: are you trying to install a .deb package?00:31
sebsebseblengend: ok I guess re install00:31
sebsebseblengend: as for data as long as the partitions are still there, which they probably are00:32
sebsebseblengend: then stick in the Live CD, and access the partition, and get hold of data00:32
teclikduffydack: yeah. i would like to create my personalized ubuntu portabal distro and this looks like the easiest and most sophisticated way to do that. that.00:32
classvoidonetinsoldier, i'm trying to install the gnustep-devel package through synaptic manager from the repos - it can't find gorm.app so it complains00:32
R3cur51v3Why were the Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons moved in 10.04? Can they be restored back to the upper right hand corner of windows?00:32
sebsebseb!controls | R3cur51v300:32
R3cur51v3Via a config setting or something?00:32
ubottuR3cur51v3: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d600:32
onetinsoldierclassvoid: you using lucid? i'll try the package00:32
sebsebsebR3cur51v3: do the above, or just change theme, to one that isn't the default black or default grey00:33
lengendsebsebseb, yea I tried but it froze once I put in my external. I guess I will just use usb sticks.00:33
classvoidonetinsoldier, yes00:33
R3cur51v3sebsebseb, thanks00:33
sebsebsebR3cur51v3: np :)00:33
sebsebsebR3cur51v3: and yay another one asking about that :)00:33
sebsebsebR3cur51v3: here's the simple explination00:33
R3cur51v3Changes piss people off. Change for the sake of itself is no good.00:33
=== ceed is now known as Jeeet
sebsebsebR3cur51v3: they did it in 10.04, because they are starting to make Ubuntu more Mac OS X like, and  there will be a feature in 10.10 where the buttons are meant to be00:34
R3cur51v3So that's not surprising that lots of people asked about it.00:34
classvoidonetinsoldier, you running 32 or 64 bit? I only saw one complaint about it on the bug list and it was from an 64-bit install too00:34
R3cur51v3"where the buttons are meant to be" what?00:34
onetinsoldierclassvoid: i started up 'aptitude' and then check out the gnustep-devel package in there. yep, gorm.app shows as 'unavailable'00:34
sebsebsebR3cur51v3: also when they did it when 10.0r4 was in development,  loads of people complaiend on Launchpad in a bug thread00:34
onetinsoldierclassvoid: 64-bit here00:35
sebsebsebR3cur51v3: according to upstream Gnome, the buttons for open windows, are still meant to be on the right00:35
classvoidonetinsoldier,  yea exactly - i found the package and downloaded but it's not a deb package it's a tar.gz and i can't figure out what to do with it lol00:35
classvoidonetinsoldier, gorm.app_1.2.8.orig.tar.gz00:35
sebsebsebR3cur51v3: however distro's  that use Gnome, don't always do what upstream does00:35
duffydacksebsebseb, I dont get peoples bitching about buttons.  for 1 thing, I use a decent window manager so never use them, and another.. you can Gosh What? change them.00:35
onetinsoldierclassvoid: oh.. well, i can probably help you 'try' to install it, lol00:35
R3cur51v3Anyway, gotta run, thanks sebsebseb00:35
sebsebsebR3cur51v3: np00:35
=== Noob`s is now known as McPeter
sebsebsebduffydack: right, but it was a change that was done, without a proper reason00:36
jcgs1hi, is there anybody here who has pango-graphite installed?00:36
classvoidonetinsoldier, I think cause it's a dev package it's supposed to be source but god only knows where ubuntu what's me to put it lol I'm not new to linux or cmdline stuff just to ubuntu not installing stuff lol00:36
sebsebsebduffydack: that a feature will go on the right in 10.10 where the buttons are meant to be, no that's not a good proper erason00:36
sebsebsebduffydack: really they should have waited untill 10.10 and then done it with that new feature.00:36
onetinsoldierclassvoid: roger. sounds good. well... unpack it somewhere. perhaps somewhere in your /home00:37
duffydacksebsebseb, true..  but in 10.04 I guess is 'get used to it for 6 months' :)00:37
classvoidonetinsoldier, if you extract the tar.gz file it just extracts a gorm-1.2.8 folder which doesn't help to explain where to put it or tell apt that it is there00:37
sebsebsebduffydack: well that was the idea, but quite a lot of people have come in here, asking how to put back on the right00:37
onetinsoldierclassvoid: well, once you'vd unpacked it, then go into the gorm-1.2.8 folder00:37
duffydacksebsebseb, yes I have seen them.  I dont get the problem myself.  They are irrelevant with my compiz setup.00:38
classvoidonetinsoldier, o good readme's and install help... now to figure out how to get it to compile lol00:38
onetinsoldierclassvoid: in there, is there a file named, 'configure'?00:38
classvoidonetinsoldier, no ./configure on this build - it just says make && make install in the install00:38
onetinsoldierclassvoid: roger00:38
sebsebsebduffydack: even my older brother complained about buttons being on the left,  in the human clear looks theme, the brown theme.  after I upgraded other computer.  and things weren't set up properly.  Anyway off topic!00:38
classvoidonetinsoldier, but it crashes right away00:38
duffydacksebsebseb, like Mark said tho, this aint a democracy.  but you aint stuck with it either.. the one good side of it...00:38
onetinsoldierwhat crashes? the make?00:39
osmosishelp, headphone jack not working on lucid.00:39
onetinsoldierclassvoid: it won't compile? pastebin the error if you can00:39
MACscris there anyway for me to shutdown ubuntu, but store all current open apps to memory or something? I basically need to boot back into windows, but i want ot be able to come back to ubuntu where i left off00:40
classvoidonetinsoldier, ok I think I got why's not working - it wants gnustep-make, gnustep-base (got that), gnustep-gui, and gnustep-back packages - crossing fingerrs that those install right lol00:40
duffydackosmosis, join the club00:40
MACscrobviously my internet connections would be lost, but you get the idea00:40
sebsebsebduffydack: also those buttons are in an odd order on the left00:40
sebsebsebduffydack: by default00:40
onetinsoldierclassvoid: roger00:40
coz_MACscr,  sounds like some sort of seesion management   I have never tried00:41
onetinsoldierclassvoid: i recommend you use 'checkinstall'... rather than 'make install' ...you'll probably need to install 'checkinstall' first if you want to use it. it makes a .deb debian package00:41
classvoidonetinsoldier, yea the only one I was missing was the gnustep-make and that's the one it wanted so crossing fingers for no compile errors lol00:41
classvoidonetinsoldier, o gotcha00:42
onetinsoldierclassvoid: lol, roger00:42
duffydacksebsebseb, I dont use them, but I guess they are 'different' and probably hard for some to get used to.  With the wallpaper choice its clear ubuntu likes the mac.00:42
premi use ubuntu netbook remix , the system does not prompt me for the password restarted ......00:42
=== alema0ff is now known as alema0
premwhat do i do00:42
coz_MACscr,   try here   http://library.gnome.org/users/user-guide/2.27/prefs-sessions.html.en00:42
onetinsoldierclassvoid: just make sure you run checkinstall as root if you use it00:42
dtoi can't add myself to a group. i check the little box under Users and Groups, then press Close, but when i reopen the dialog, I'm still unchecked on that group.00:42
classvoidonetinsoldier, I don't know why it's such a big prob to fix - all they gotta do is put the gorm.app file in the 64 bit repos right lol - ok installed checkinstall going to try that as root00:42
sebsebsebduffydack: Also Unity for the net book, it's clear they like the Mac, and so on.00:43
classvoidonetinsoldier, so make && checkinstall?00:43
duffydacksebsebseb, I do like that actually.. its not done yet but, hell its a lot better than UNR00:43
classvoidonetinsoldier, damn same error00:43
onetinsoldierclassvoid: yeah. i don't know why it's not in the repos yet. it'll probably show up in there in a week or two. maybe. i don't know00:43
onetinsoldierclassvoid: what's the error?00:43
sebsebsebduffydack: I haven't tried it in a vm yet, but from what I saw, looks interesting00:44
duffydacksebsebseb, on a netbook, it works a lot better..00:44
sebsebsebduffydack: well sure, but I also don't have a netbook00:44
classvoidonetinsoldier, GNUmakefile:29: /common.make: No such file or directory; GNUmakefile:179: /aggregate.make: No such file or directory; GNUmakefile:180: /application.make: No such file or directory00:44
osmosisif I create a new  /etc/modprobe.d/file.conf   , what command to I run to have it installed ?00:45
mdpatrickIm installling ubuntu on an asus 1000h netbook00:45
mdpatrickshould I use one of the special netbook installs?00:45
duffydacksebsebseb, has a touch of gnome-shell about it with the show running windows feature.. good for non compiz people00:45
=== alema0 is now known as alema0ff
mdpatrickwhat difference does it make?00:45
sebsebsebmdpatrick: yes do UNR00:45
sebsebseb1unr | mdpatrick00:45
onetinsoldierclassvoid: hmm, don't know. those are in the gnustep-make package00:45
sebsebseb!unr | mdpatrick00:45
ubottumdpatrick: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu00:45
sebsebsebduffydack: Windows feature?00:46
classvoidonetinsoldier, I'm feeling I have to put it in some directory I guess - like the gnustep source or something00:46
onetinsoldierclassvoid: perhaps00:47
sebsebsebduffydack: I never got that far with Compiz at all, basic effects that's it.  Also Gnome Shell apparantly isn't compatible with Compiz, but it has it's own  3D thing or whatever.   You made me go off topic in here :D00:47
Luija1006People whats your opinion about ubuntu installed in Macbook 13 inch?00:47
classvoidonetinsoldier, bah all I wanna play with gnustep to make apps lol00:47
duffydacksebsebseb, on a netbook if you click the top left icon (applications/places etc but is only an icon) normally it will show you the netbook interface, but with unity it shows you like a gnome-shell preview of windows00:47
sebsebsebduffydack: oh ok00:48
classvoidNetbook guys - how's the battery life with ubuntu installed?00:48
UrdaQuestion: Anyway in *Ubuntu 10.04 SERVER* to change the color of the terminal from white on black?00:48
sebsebsebUrda: That's a good question for #ubuntu-server00:48
Urdasebsebseb: Well I did not know there was a channel for that! thanks00:48
sebsebsebUrda: np00:49
duffydacksebsebseb, I cant live without compiz on my main pc..  without it, its like using win700:49
mdpatrickubottu: Thanks00:49
sebsebseb!thanks | mdpatrick00:49
classvoidduffydack, I do love my 3d cube :)00:49
mdpatrickclassvoid: Excellent at this point, but of course, not what advertised :)00:49
mdpatrickMy laptop is old and I get ~2 hours out of it.00:49
sebsebsebwhere's the bot?00:50
sebsebsebslow again?00:50
onetinsoldierclassvoid: i'll download it here in a couple minutes and see if i can see anything00:50
classvoidonetinsoldier, thanks00:50
duffydackclassvoid, cube is just eye candy,  not really productive...  having desktop wall, scale and expo set buttons is ftw00:50
HomeSlixenod @ duffydack00:51
duffydackwith top left edge set to show desktop at a flick of the mouse, ftw00:51
airtonixduffydack, i keep telling my college teachers that they need the compiz zoom function on the machines they have connected to projectors00:51
Luija1006People whats your opinion about ubuntu installed in Macbook 13 inch?00:51
airtonixduffydack, they keep failing to understand how to properly present stuff on the ten foot interface00:51
duffydackairtonix, also, scroll wheel is set to zoom :)00:51
histoIs there some reason why you can't add a printer in lucid?  I add it and then it disapears.  Its a network printer hooked up to my server on CUPS.00:52
histoPrinter worked fine before.00:52
duffydackairtonix, the zoom in compiz with linear filter/bicubic filter is superior to any graphical zoom in any app00:52
classvoidI'm not really productive but pressing ctrl+alt and switching between cube sides with different servers or code is fun lol00:53
mdpatrickCan ubuntu utilize 8gb of memory?00:53
airtonixduffydack, i prefer to have no filtering. onlyreason i use it is to see the pixel edges of graphics i create00:53
histoIf I close the system > admin > printer dialog after adding the printer, it's gone.  There is no way to add a printer.00:53
mdpatrickI read online only 64 windows can do that00:53
histomdpatrick: with the pae kernel00:53
sebsebsebmdpatrick: Ubuntu can be used with less than 8GB hard disk space00:53
histomdpatrick: thats untrue linux can use it with the kernel compiled the appropriate way.00:53
duffydackI love having expo, scale, wall, zoom in out set as buttons, with no keys involved at all..00:53
airtonixhisto, what happens when you run the printer config as root ?00:53
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histoairtonix: that could be its not asking for password.  whats the command to launch the app as root?00:54
classvoidhisto, yea but his question was if ubuntu's default kernel I guess can utilize 8gb - I assume00:54
exsone question00:54
histoairtonix: nvm I found it i'm trying now00:54
youknowwhoI have a questio: I've install vlc-nox and now the video plays on ascii colored art, is there a way to playback video the "normal" way?00:54
sebsebseb!ask | exs00:55
airtonixhisto, don't mistaked policy-kit requests for passwords and gksudo requests for passwords00:55
histoclassvoid: mdpatrick well in that case no the default ubuntu kernel cannot utilize 8gb. You ahve to use the server kernel to get that. Which you can install from the repos00:55
sebsebsebexs: yes go on, what question?00:55
duffydackyouknowwho, thats a feature you have to enable...cool as it is, just change back to xv00:55
histoairtonix: well then how would you suggest I add the printer?00:55
markus_<youknowwho> Why don't you install the normal vlc package?00:56
classvoidhisto, is there a diff between the 64bit kernel and the 32bit kernel on max memory or just between server and desktop?00:56
exsits about thunderbird. my inbox file is one gb great. thats not possible. i guess thunderbird doesnt move emails really moving in the gui00:56
airtonixhisto, but for the record, i have a standard lucid install i tried at college last week and was able to print to samba and ipp printers.00:56
histoairtonix: I can't click add printer either with gksu system-config-printer or just clicking on it in admin00:56
ubottuexs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:56
youknowwhoI don't want a gui...00:56
histoairtonix: Yeah somethign is wrong here I just isntalled the other day.00:56
sebsebsebexs: uhmm00:56
youknowwhoI had mplayer installed withput the gui...00:56
sebsebsebexs: don't know00:56
histoairtonix: the add button is greyed out. i have to click connect and then choose my cups erver then the printer shows up but it won't stay. If the app is closed the printer is gone.00:57
ubuntuCEOhi it is me again, i still got problem with my alsamixer00:57
airtonixhisto, try reading the page for cups maybe you could remove cups and reinstall it. use synaptics to complety remove it. but you'd need to be sure which pacakages to totally remove00:57
ubuntuCEOi still have no sound :(00:57
markus_<youknowwho> How should it display graphics without x support?00:57
iromliis there a bug on pidgin-musictracker for rhythmbox? i don't see any status change even i have been activated the plugin00:57
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airtonixhisto, wait. you click connect, then your server then the printer shows up without manually adding it ?00:58
youknowwhooh, i thought it was like mplayer-nogui00:58
histoairtonix: correct00:58
hihihi100GEM leak00:58
hihihi100I need help with that00:58
youknowwhoyou're right I didn't think it through00:58
hihihi100GEM leak00:58
FloodBot2hihihi100: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:58
hihihi1001.4 GLX00:58
airtonixhisto, and i suppose you right click the printer and do something like "add printer" ?00:58
onetinsoldierclassvoid: well, i just installed a bunch of gnustep stuff00:59
ubuntuCEOhow to install alsamixer or to check if i have the right sound driver?00:59
classvoidonetinsoldier, lol yea there's a lot00:59
onetinsoldierit's actually still unpacking00:59
youknowwhoso to use vlc and be able to playback videos the "normal" way i have to install vlc with the gui and then use it from the command line?00:59
histoairtonix: after I connect ot he server I can add it, select a driver, make it default etc... But it still won't show on any application as being availibe. Also when I go back in admin > printers its gone. its no longer connected to the server.00:59
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hihihi100i need help with this: grep: /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/gem_objects: No such file or directory01:00
histoairtonix: I'm installing a bunch of updates right now. Lot of printer stuff. Perhaps its a bug thats been fixed since release.01:00
classvoidonetinsoldier, I installed gnustep-base,gnustep-make,gnustep-gui,gnustep-back - then tried gnustep-devel when I got the gorm.app error01:00
airtonixhisto, wait its still not clear how you are adding the printer. there is two ways.01:00
Luija1006Hello please I need help while I was installing Ubuntu desktop my laptop got discharged and the installation was interrumped, now they are some missing dependencies in some programs, what i can do to fix this?01:00
mickster04Luija1006: in terminal try sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade01:01
classvoidonetinsoldier, then I downloaded gorm-1.2.8.tar.gz from an online repository01:02
markus_<youknowwho> Try calling it like this: vlc -Irc01:02
airtonixhisto, you connect to the remote computer (the one having your printer) and then you see the printers that computer has connected. at this point do you 1) click the add button in the toolbar, or 2) do something with the printer icon you see that has appeared in the printer list ?01:02
mickster04Luija1006:it will prolly tell u what to do to fix it, alternatively reinstall01:02
m_tadeuhi...is there any development documentation on the ubuntuone daemon?01:02
sebsebseb!one | m_tadeu01:02
ubottum_tadeu: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone01:02
DILon samba restart getting the following errors in part - Unknown parameter encountered: "passdb backend"01:02
DILIgnoring unknown parameter "passdb backend"01:02
classvoidonetinsoldier, ok I'm looking at the make file - include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make is what is says - now why can't it find that lol01:02
airtonixhisto, might i suggest you expose cups on your server via avahi?01:03
histoairtonix: correct the behavior you described is whats happening.01:03
onetinsoldierclassvoid: hehe... you're looking at exactly the same thing i ma right now! :-)01:03
airtonixhisto, what happens when you connect to localhost instead01:04
histoairtonix: there is nothing wrong withthe server. It works perfectly for other clients prior to lucid. I'm thinking its just a bug. 200+mb of updates01:04
histoairtonix: there is nothing on localhost01:04
airtonixhisto, thats because you have no printers01:04
histoairtonix: correct01:04
histoairtonix: I'm saying I can't add them.01:04
airtonixhisto, on localhost.... can you click add when at localhost ?01:04
youknowwhomarkus_: still ascii art01:04
histoairtonix: No I can't click add on localhost01:04
classvoidonetinsoldier, ah where is include GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES defined - it's not anywhere in the preamble lol01:04
classvoidonetinsoldier, or in the make file lol01:05
onetinsoldierclassvoid: roger... guess we need to put it in there01:05
markus_<youknowwho> Guess you have to deinstall vlc-nox first and install the normal package01:05
onetinsoldierclassvoid: /usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles01:05
chdso I installed virtualbox but how do I run it?01:05
airtonixhisto, what about using this in the connect text field : /var/run/cups/cups.sock01:05
youknowwhomarkus_: yes, it seems like that, thanks for the help anyway01:05
markus_<chd> Click it in the Menu???01:06
chdnot showing up01:06
chddo I have to restart?01:06
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markus_<chd> try logging out and back it01:06
Omen_20Leo is almost too good at this01:07
histoairtonix: after updates i will try01:07
A_nd3PI'm writing a little python script and I need to execute it through menu which I get clicking on a file right mouse button. How can I pass a path of the file which I selected to my script?01:07
airtonixA_nd3P, it tells you if you select show scripts folder01:08
classvoidonetinsoldier, bah why is it constantly trying to make this more difficult01:08
markus_<A_nd3P> This is a nonprogrammers channel. You will not get help here. Imho01:08
onetinsoldierclassvoid: i don't know.. you get the same thing i did? make: *** No rule to make target `/common.make'.  Stop.01:09
youknowwhook people, installing vlc, thanks for everything, bye01:09
A_nd3PI can make my program appear on the menu, but I don't know how to pass the path of selected file :-S01:10
classvoidonetinsoldier, nah I added to the top of GNUmakefile: GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES = /usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles01:10
airtonixA_nd3P, i just told you how to find that out!01:10
onetinsoldierclassvoid: yes.. so did i01:10
classvoidonetinsoldier, hmmm I wonder why you got the same error01:10
onetinsoldierclassvoid: then i ran 'make' again01:10
classvoidonetinsoldier, well mine worked - got up to Compiling file NSScanner+OCHeaderParser.m ...01:10
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A_nd3Poh, sorry01:11
onetinsoldierclassvoid: ohh... hmm01:11
classvoidonetinsoldier, then exited on gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1obj': execvp: No such file or directory; make[3]: *** [obj/NSScanner+OCHeaderParser.m.o] Error 1 && make[2]: *** [internal-library-all_] Error 2; make[1]: *** [libGormObjCHeaderParser.all.library.variables] Error 2 && make: *** [internal-all] Error 201:11
mcl0vinwhen i use top, i have 178 sleeping process ?!! how can i get rid of that01:12
histomcl0vin: they are fine01:12
classvoidmcl0vin, yea I got 165 - it's all good lol01:12
histomcl0vin: they sleep when they are not being used01:12
histomcl0vin: that way your processes your using have more mem and cpu01:12
classvoidmcl0vin, wait what's a zombie lol01:13
lauren_There was a spot where things like transmission and rythembox would "hide" with a small icon on the task bar when I closed them (convienent). I accidentaly hit "remove from panel" so can someone tell me which item that was so I can add it back?01:13
histomcl0vin: classvoid now zombied processes are different01:13
classvoidhisto, well I only have one but I assume I should not be concerned...01:13
histolauren_: notification area01:14
iflemalauren_ indicator applet01:14
airtonixA_nd3P, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/180039/screenshots/ubuntu/2010-05-17-094128_1920x1848_scrot.png01:14
xangualauren_: indicator applet01:14
histolauren_: the place that holds rythmbox and those apss is the notification area01:14
histolauren_: the indicator applet is different01:14
onetinsoldierclassvoid: ok, got my compile to run... think i just got same error as you.01:14
iflemalauren_ add indicator applet to the panel01:15
classvoidonetinsoldier, so now to locate what execvp/cclobj is for, from I guess - this is not fun lol?01:15
lauren_histo, it was the indicator applet01:15
hihihi100hi again01:15
histolauren_: my bad I had them backwards01:15
hihihi100IBUS this time01:15
hihihi100In the combo box, I can see the installed languages, and change the inupt method, but there is no way I can see the icons that are supossed to be on the left01:15
lauren_histo, no problem01:15
onetinsoldierclassvoid: nope. i didn't get the same error as you. i think my compile might have gotten further before bombing out01:15
xanguahisto: indicator applet does in lucid01:15
A_nd3Pairtonix: I assume u use kde? I'm gnome user and I don't have such menu option01:15
hihihi100for instance, in japanese anthy, there is supossed to be a crown01:15
hihihi100there is no crown01:15
airtonixA_nd3P, no. i use gnome.01:16
airtonixA_nd3P, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/180039/screenshots/ubuntu/nautilus-scripts-variables.png01:16
classvoidonetinsoldier, oh what did you get up to lol - mine stopped on library libGormObjCHeaderParser01:16
airtonixA_nd3P, are you using nautilus-actions or just plain nautilus scripts ?01:16
onetinsoldierclassvoid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/434631/01:17
airtonixA_nd3P, well you should have 1) ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts  , and 2) that menu entry01:17
A_nd3Pmaybe there's another way, cuz I've tried nautilus variables with no luck01:17
CkhiKuzadyet again, i have a question. but this one requires no messing around in GRUB! :D01:18
CkhiKuzadis it possible to make virtualbox install an OS that it is running to a physical partition?01:18
onetinsoldierclassvoid: maybe yours got further.. i'm not sure, lol01:18
mickster04CkhiKuzad: apparently i heard it is01:18
airtonixA_nd3P, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/180039/screenshots/ubuntu/Screenshot-nautilus-scripts%20-%20File%20Browser.png01:18
histoCkhiKuzad: I'm pretty sure you can01:18
mickster04CkhiKuzad: apparently, i heard it is*01:19
classvoidonetinsoldier, nah I don't think so - *shakes fist at the gorn*01:19
histoCkhiKuzad: there is #vbox  for virtualbox supprot. I know i've booted xp off a physical partition before.01:19
CkhiKuzadmickster04 and histo: i need to know how01:19
CkhiKuzadoh thanks01:19
onetinsoldierclassvoid: i hear it. i'm starting to mix up some gunpowder01:19
airtonixCkhiKuzad, which os do you plan on booting in your VM ?01:20
classvoidonetinsoldier, and your cannon out of bamboo or something lol?01:20
onetinsoldierclassvoid: our version of gnustep might be too new for this source01:20
CkhiKuzadi am going to boot ubuntu 10.04 to install it01:20
classvoidonetinsoldier, yea that's what I was thinking...01:21
classvoidonetinsoldier, how am I supposed to code in gnustep without a gnustep devel package lol01:21
onetinsoldierclassvoid: now.... you know why it's not in the repo yet01:21
kerdalLooking for any games that can be played with minimal diffuculty of installing01:21
airtonixCkhiKuzad, ok just as long as you dont plan on booting a windows system partition in a virtual machine.... windows will think its been moved to another machine and begin asking you for verification all over again01:21
kerdalany suggestion?01:22
classvoidonetinsoldier, indeed01:22
airtonixCkhiKuzad, read this and see if it applies to your desires : http://blarts.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/how-to-run-virtualbox-using-a-physical-partition-using-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/01:22
classvoidonetinsoldier, so what are you upto?01:22
A_nd3Pairtonix: ok, I've added one script to the hidden nautilus scripts folder. Let me check if I can get that variable to my script01:22
onetinsoldierclassvoid: nothing much. just got done with putting some stuff in the shed and then eating before i came upon you and your gnustep problem :)01:23
airtonixA_nd3P, did you open the "more details" expander?01:23
vockSAMBA question: If I made my smb.conf through gadmin-samba, and am pretty sure all the user names, netbios names and workgroup names are right and proper, probably means any problems I'm having connecting are firewall related? anything else anyone can think of?01:24
classvoidonetinsoldier, o wait I think i found what caused my error01:24
histoairtonix: yeap it was a bug. Updates solved the issue.01:24
onetinsoldierclassvoid: oh? roger01:24
classvoidonetinsoldier, well I think - that error is like you don't have an objc compiler - crossing fingers...01:25
airtonixhisto, although im not using remote printers from other cups servers, i didnt have problems of not being able to add printers to localhost01:25
A_nd3Pairtonix: yes, now trying to make use of it :)01:25
zaidahi all, I have a problem with my microphone I have two audio card and don't work for capture audio here is my settings http://nopaste.info/f9c64cefff.html please help me01:25
histoairtonix: after the printer updates that were installed I can add to localhost now as wel..01:25
onetinsoldiercoldboot: could be it. i don't have that installed01:26
classvoidonetinsoldier, I hear you lol01:26
onetinsoldierclassvoid: oh wait... it looks like i do have that installed.01:27
classvoidonetinsoldier, o so that's why you got farther01:27
onetinsoldierclassvoid: yep.. i have it installed01:27
harovalihi !  As soon as I load OOCalc trying to 'copy' a cell or block of them, terminates OOCalc with a com::sun::star::ucb::InteractiveAugmentedIOException . In another user in the same machine , it does not happen. If I delete the former's user profile, OOo recreates it when I load OOCalc and if I 'copy' again, it breaks the same.01:28
classvoidonetinsoldier, ok well this is being a pain - I'm thinking now it's because of not having the rest of the source01:28
A_nd3Pairtonix: it's working, thank you allot01:29
CkhiKuzada partition i want to install an OS to is my second partition on my master drive, what would that be as a /dev/hda format? would it be /dev/hda1 or hda2?01:29
classvoidonetinsoldier, is there a way to install gnustep-devel and ignore that one package and just place this where it's supposed to go01:29
dunasHaving an issue with flash player. It's not registering my clicks on anything. Any known fix? I was hoping this'd be dealt with between 9.10 and 10.0401:29
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dunas10.04 x64, sorry, meant to add01:29
classvoiddunas, nah it's a common problem - it's alot more stable in with 10.04 though on 64 on my computer anyway01:30
histodunas: yeah known issue01:30
onetinsoldierclassvoid: i think so... it's a bit of fiddling. i can try it and then let you know how i did it01:30
classvoiddunas, it has something to do with 64bit flash being crappy I believe01:30
dunasIt hasn't crashed, but it's almost unusable like this :(01:30
classvoidonetinsoldier, k thanks brb01:30
studentzdunas try this link http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html01:31
exshi again01:31
exsive deinstalled evolution with apt-get purge evolution. now i want the notifynotice use to handle with thunderbird. is this possible?01:32
dunasstudentz, I'll give it a shot01:32
dunasWorst case scenario, it doesn't work either01:32
studentzIt is working in my pc01:32
xanguastudentz dunas better to add the PPA https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash flash 64 bits01:32
exsive tested already flash64bit will function under ubuntu 10.401:32
studentzsorry I'm saying in my box,01:33
CkhiKuzada partition i want to install an OS to is my second partition on my master drive, what would that be as a /dev/hda format? would it be /dev/hda1 or hda2?01:33
exsbut whats with my ndicator-applet?01:33
studentzxangua , yep that is other way .01:33
histoCkhiKuzad: /dev/hda2    but you can double check with sudo fdisk -l01:33
histoCkhiKuzad: will show you all the partitions01:33
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evonhow does one figure out the uuid of a specific device?01:34
histoevon: blkid01:35
evonhisto, is that something i type in the terminal?01:35
histoevon: yes sudo blkid   will list the uuid's01:36
chdis there a program available for ubuntu that's similar to symantec's "ghost" I want to make a mirror copy of a networked computer and store the image on my pc. anything like that?01:36
evonhisto, can you give me an example of using uuid in fstab please01:37
Teknochd: clonezilla01:37
chdthank you Tekno01:37
classvoidok back wanted to see who got kicked off survivor - figures lol01:38
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chdTekno, if I'm working on ubuntu 9.10 and the computer I want to clone is windows xp, this will work for that too correct?01:39
histoevon: what do you mean?01:39
histo!fstab | evon01:39
ubottuevon: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:39
evonhisto, i want to use the uuid in fstab rather than /dev/sdh1, but i don't know the syntax01:39
onetinsoldierclassvoid: hello. i'm still working on it :-)01:40
histoevon: that page from ubottu shows examples01:40
classvoidonetinsoldier, no prob lol01:40
folsomI want to use my ipod touch with a windows install running in KVM, but I cannot get the USB to work . . . any pointers?01:40
histoevon: the help.ubuntu.com/community/fstab01:40
classvoiddunas, mine works ok - sometimes it'll glitch out and speed up the video and no sound or something like that with 64bit flash01:40
Devrethmanevon /dev/disks/by-uuid/whatever01:40
classvoiddunas, the only real problem I have is at full screen with anything above 640x480 - it gets cranky with 720p and 1080p youtube vids - like 1 frame a sec01:41
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airtonixevon,  ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -oa01:41
* airtonix thinks thats best way to get uuid of a drive so far01:42
evonairtonix, thanks but i got the uuid already.  Now i just want to know how to use it in the fstab01:42
classvoidonetinsoldier, always remember -> apt-get -> This APT has Super Cow Powers.01:43
onetinsoldierclassvoid: ok, lol. i will01:43
airtonixevon, just be careful that blkid will read the uuid from fstab instead. which means if you put an incorrect uuid in the fstab then blkid will happily report that one01:43
airtonixevon, instead of /dev/blah you put UUID=xxx.yyy.zzz01:43
evonairtonix, thanks that's exactly what i want01:44
airtonixevon, ie : UUID=77f37e19-6a98-499f-8355-542e323786a6 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 101:44
airtonixevon, or what ever the UUID is of your partition/block device01:44
classvoidonetinsoldier, this is not reassuring either lol https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-March/030509.html01:45
classvoidonetinsoldier, gorm.app is on that list lol01:45
DevrethmanI'm trying to install ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop, and when I boot the liveCD, my screen just displays garbage01:45
onetinsoldierclassvoid: i'll have a look at that in a minute.. thanks01:46
airtonixDevrethman, do you get to the boot menu ?01:47
onetinsoldierclassvoid: i got it installed without the gorm.app installed01:47
DevrethmanYeah, and as soon as it tries to go past that, (like, when it would normally display the progress bar or whateer) it tweaks out01:47
classvoidonetinsoldier, ok I think I figured it out - http://www.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gorm.app/ - amd64 package and then what you did so then w00t hopefully01:47
evonairtonix, is this line correct? "UUID=46F40811F40805C1    /media/datadisk ntfs    defaults 0 0"01:47
onetinsoldierclassvoid: hang on.. let me look at that new link you just put up01:48
airtonixevon, do you have this partition already mounted ?01:48
jteknetI'm trying to get KVM bridged so that I can run servers that are accessible from the internet. I'm surprised there hasn't been a script or even a program that works with KVM that will bridge your network connection like VMWare does? Why doesn't KVM allow you to bridge within the program anyway?01:48
onetinsoldierclassvoid: no. i brute forced installed without the gorm.app. but i'll grab that .deb now01:49
classvoidonetinsoldier, yea I know lol I just didn't want you to feel bad about all that work  lol01:50
onetinsoldierclassvoid: lol.. ok, well. i threw out all the work. then installed the .deb you linked to... then gnustep-devel installed fine01:52
rossyhey guys, whats the name of the ubuntu spanish channel?01:53
* ogen is really really hoping for help on this FREEZE issue. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/eNaPLec2 -- 9.1001:53
ugliefrogdoes anyone know how to change the colors in pidgin01:53
compaqanyone a video expert.  i cannot start desktop effects01:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:53
xangua#ubuntu-es rossy01:53
evonairtonix, yes01:53
xanguaugliefrog: change the color of what¿01:54
Salvad1Hello. Is there some way to set the system to not ask for a password after I resume the computer from Sleep mode?01:54
* ogen pats self on back. First time I ever did a !01:54
ugliefrogxangua- the background and foreground colors01:54
daveWilkyhi In software sources in ubuntu 10.04 should i have it set on sever for united kingdom or Main Server?01:54
BabalabonWhen was ubuntu 10.4 released? Or is not released YET?01:54
folsomAny pointers for using usb in a kvm guest?01:54
macoBabalabon: 29 april01:54
FlannelBabalabon: 10.04 was released in April, so it's been out for a few weeks now01:55
macoBabalabon: if not yest it wouldnt be .04 :P01:55
rossyhey there, I just installed Lucid and all is good, but I cant get the scrolling wheel of my USB mouse to work. Is there any fix for that?01:55
ogenHelp me I am too often frozen. I dont know why. I'm going to cry. There aint no rhyme for frozen/silver/orange.01:55
rossyhey there, I just installed Lucid and all is good, but I cant get the scrolling wheel of my USB mouse to work. Is there any fix for that?01:56
Zippohey guys! does anyone know if its possible to install the 32bit version of flash on ubuntu 64bit?01:58
rossyhey there, I just installed Lucid and all is good, but I cant get the scrolling wheel of my USB mouse to work. Is there any fix for that?01:58
xangua!repeat | rossy01:59
ubotturossy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:59
eriscoI am connecting over LAN in Red Alert 3. The Windows computer can see me in the game lobby, and read my messages, but my Ubuntu computer cannot see the Windows computer in the lobby, or any messages01:59
eriscoand ideas on what could be going wrong?01:59
dunasOkay, easiest way to remove the flash player that comes in the nonfree package?01:59
xanguaZippo: install 64 bit flash, yu can use this PPA https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash01:59
arandZippo: That's what's normally done anyways, through a wrapper (ndiswrapper afaik)01:59
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arandZippo: And that is also why flash is comonly bad on 64bit.02:00
lasmeuDoes Empathy MSN video/voice work yet?02:01
Zippoxangua thaks for helping, but is that package the alpha version of flash 64bit?02:01
daveWilkyhi is my text visible in here??02:01
tonsofpcsit's only visible there02:01
Zippoarand what do you mean?02:01
xangualasmeu: no, only for xmpp i believe02:01
daveWilkylol ty ton... to funny...02:02
sxycodebabeI upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10 and i had no problem before with 9.10 but now my screen glitches every so often with 10.0402:02
lasmeuxangua: Which IM clients have the feature?02:02
xangualasmeu: pidgin, empathy, not sure if kopete also or other xmmp cliente02:03
sxycodebabecan anybody help me?02:03
lasmeuxangua: Pidgin doesn't.02:03
lasmeuxangua: I mean MSN webcam support.02:04
xangualasmeu: pidgin supports voice and video for xmpp since 2.602:04
daveWilkyin software sources is it better to download from united kingdom server or main server??02:04
xanguaooh that, emesene, amsn maybe¿¿02:04
ShawnRiskEverytime I wakup from sleep on my laptop, Ubuntu 10.04 freezes.  How do I fix this?02:06
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classvoidonetinsoldier, sorry my dls conked out *shakes fist at verizon run by Gorns*02:07
onetinsoldierclassvoid: lol, roger02:08
dominicdinadahow can i keep these files installed it keeps trying to remove them after i removed a crappy piece of software http://pastebin.com/zcxHkNSh02:08
onetinsoldierclassvoid: lol.. ok, well. i threw out all the work. then installed the .deb you linked to... then gnustep-devel installed fine :-)02:08
cobra3can somebody help me fix my screen from glitching?02:08
cobra3I upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10 and i had no problem before with 9.10 but now my screen glitches every so often with 10.0402:08
onetinsoldierclassvoid: now, what i wonder is, why is the package in an ubuntu archive repo or whatever that was, and not in lucid's repo?02:09
classvoidonetinsoldier, I know that's what i was thinking02:09
classvoidonetinsoldier, our minds clearly have some sort of vulcan mindmeld going on02:09
markus_<cobra3> I already gave up with upgrading. It just NEVER works :(02:09
onetinsoldierclassvoid: hehe, yeah... no doubt :)02:10
classvoidmarkus_, what was your upgrading problems?02:10
cobra3i think i might switch to mint or reinstall ubuntu 9.10 my main concern is getting my wireless NIC to work02:10
chdhas anyone tried running sc2 beta on ubuntu 9.10?02:10
dunaswhat's the easiest way of removing the flashplayer that ubuntu-restricted-extra installs on x64?02:10
demifurorhey guys, can anyone recommend me a book on ubuntu? preferably one that uses lucid for examples? basically, i want to become what some would call a "pro"02:10
demifurorat linux. i want to understand all about modding the software im running, all about the different layers of the operating system, i want to be able to handle problems on my own02:10
demifurorinstead of running off to google every 5 minutes...02:10
FloodBot2demifuror: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:10
markus_<classvoid> There are always issues. Different ones. I avoid having data on my harddisk now. So installing is pretty quick thanks to ubuntu :)02:11
classvoidcobra3, yea I feel you - what nic are you running? I only have problems with my linksys when I upgrade the kernel - everytime I have to reinstall the driver, just like my proprietary nvidia driver for02:12
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dominicdinadahow can i keep these files installed it keeps trying to remove them after i removed a crappy piece of software http://pastebin.com/zcxHkNSh02:12
cobra3I got a brodcom or something02:12
ShawnRiskcan anyone help me?02:12
cobra3I will have to look up how to find it again02:12
chrisbdaemonis there a way to install a previous version of a package with apt-get if its never been installed?02:12
classvoidcobra3, my linksys prob runs on the same broadcom driver lol02:13
cobra3But Linux just doesn't support laptops reall good yet02:13
markus_!ask | ShanRisk02:13
ubottuShanRisk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:13
classvoidcobra3, I was using b43-fwcutter I believe to install the driver02:13
markus_<cobra3> I had luck with all my recent laptops. Everything just works. Even my special keys I have on them :)02:13
Scuniziclassvoid: not sure if it will work.. but typically does with the nvidia driver.. install dkms02:14
chrisbdaemonI'm having some trouble with an application that isn't working correctly.. I had an older version installed an another box that worked fine but I can't get the current one working on my new ubuntu box. is there a way to install an old version of an application?02:14
cobra3you know whats weird, I got my internal NIC to work after trying to install an external one that I have not even been able get to work on windows02:14
xplicit313[ICAN]If anyone has time and can help me with a Samba issue xp/ubuntu 9.10 share please PLEASE query me before I go insane =)02:14
chrisbdaemonon a new bo02:14
cobra3I thought it was the external NIC working intill I pulled it out02:14
Scuniziclassvoid: after that you might have to install the nvidia driver with the next kernel upgrade but you shouldn't after that02:14
BabalabonIm running windows7 right now, if I want a dual boot with latest ubuntu, how do I do that?02:15
cobra3well markus I'm glad it works for you02:15
Scunizixplicit313[ICAN]: do it in the channel so others can learn.. what's up with your samba setup?02:15
markus_<Babalabon> Insert the cd and restart. Ubuntu will take care of everything02:15
classvoidScunizi, I'm running dkms - I just meant that everytime the kernel upgrades, since I install the newest driver off nvidia, everytime I gotta reinstall it02:15
Scuniziclassvoid: I do to.. unfortunately.. so I just keep a copy in the downloads folder02:16
xplicit313[ICAN]I had Samba set up to share with my windows xp home box a while ago. Haven't had to use it in a while. I am trying to use it now, and it will not connect. I have restarted the Samba deamon to no avail02:16
xplicit313[ICAN]I checked with the windows side of things to make sure it was all correct02:16
kuhliefumdenhey guys, is anyone having ubuntu (9.10 or 10.04) running inside a vmware virtual machine and having comparably bad performance? i installed the vmware tools already, but this is frustrating (host: win7 x64, 8gb ram, core i7 860)02:16
classvoidScunizi, lol yea mine's in my root folder at all times so I can drop to a shell and just install it02:16
Scunizixplicit313[ICAN]: so you can't see a windows share from the linux side?02:17
markus_<kuhliefumden> I could not even get it installed :( So I used an older version.02:17
onetinsoldierclassvoid: same thing here. if kernel is upgraded to new version, i have to reinstall ati fglrx driver. it's normal02:17
xplicit313[ICAN]I can see the windows "server" but It will not connect to it02:17
classvoidxplicit313[ICAN], both have the same workgroup?02:18
kuhliefumdenmarkus: installation was not the problem (except the missing keyboard recognition after upgrading to 10.04)02:18
xplicit313[ICAN]yes both have the same workgroup of the name "workgroup"02:18
onetinsoldierclassvoid: you use ms windows at all?02:18
studentzxplicit313[ICAN] what findsmb command shows?02:18
classvoidonetinsoldier, yea I got xp 64-bit for games02:18
xplicit313[ICAN]it just shows my Ubuntu not windows machine via findsmb02:19
Scunizixplicit313[ICAN]: that's typically not a setup issue on the linux side.. unless samba isn't installed.. if there's no answer here try ##windows02:19
classvoidonetinsoldier, I have a trial version of windows 7 - but's it's sneaky, and somehow when I installed it, it radically slowed my xp system02:19
Scunizixplicit313[ICAN]: xp home or pro?02:19
xplicit313[ICAN]xp home02:19
onetinsoldierclassvoid: oh... hmm, roger02:19
Scunizixplicit313[ICAN]: yea.. with home sometimes you have to jump through a couple of hoops to make it visible.. check in ##windows.. just mention that your shares on xp home aren't visible on the network..02:20
classvoidonetinsoldier, as much as that sound's ridiculous - something about dual booting both confuses xp and causes it to lag - no idea why though lol02:20
onetinsoldierclassvoid: weird02:20
classvoidonetinsoldier, Why are you a windows fan?02:20
xplicit313[ICAN]thanks scunizi i'll try that and hope for the best =)02:20
classvoidonetinsoldier, I think it has something to do with windows 7 boot loader - it's different then xps02:21
onetinsoldierclassvoid: no... just curious i guess. not a windows fan really. i only use it for gaming also02:22
onetinsoldierclassvoid: anyway... you got your gnustep development environment installed now i hope ;-)02:22
classvoidonetinsoldier, what do you use usually play? Steam is aggrevating in xp 64 for some reason, works 50% of the time - not the games just the launcher02:22
onetinsoldierclassvoid: we should talk about this in #ubuntu-offtopic really02:23
ScuniziI have a Java Console window open that won't close/exit.. doing pidof java and killall java doesn't make it go away.. how do I make it go away?02:23
classvoidonetinsoldier, concur lol02:23
ShawnRiskseems no one really wants to help me :(02:23
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histoScunizi: hit alt+f2 and run xkill then just click on it02:23
histoScunizi: or you can find the pid and kill the pid02:23
ScuniziShawnRisk: you have to ask a question.. not "Will someone help me" ... be more specific02:24
taitahi, I've just entered ubuntu and every window don't have the top bar, the one with the close window button and the other two02:24
Scunizihisto: that did it... :)  Thanks!02:24
ShawnRiskScunizi: I did ask a question before I left this channel.02:24
Scunizihisto: couldn't find the pid using pidof :(02:24
Darkquarterertaita:  ALT + F2 and run metacity02:24
histoScunizi: ps aux | grep java02:24
tony_New to Ubuntu, video problem. Please help!02:25
histo!ask | tony_02:25
ubottutony_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:25
xplicit313[ICAN]one last question which would also resolve my issue if I could get this to work. I have a western digital 120gig my passport external drive. It will show up, mount, and allow me to view the first page. As soon as i try to navigate, it unmounts and remounts continuously02:25
demifurorguys can someone tell me the best book to learn about ubuntu from?02:26
Darkquartererwhat is the WD formatted as, what filesystem02:26
xplicit313[ICAN]ntfs I believe02:26
Darkquartererdo you have the ntfs-3g drive installed02:26
ShawnRiskEverytime I wakeup my laptop from suspend, the laptop freezes using Ubuntu 10.04.02:26
tony_Not familiar with this chatting at all02:26
xplicit313[ICAN]I have no idea o.O02:26
tony_Where can I get help to solve video problem02:27
ScuniziShawnRisk: I don't have the answer but typically it's because your swap isn't large enough.... suspend is implemented differently on various machines.02:27
sebsebseb!details | tony_02:27
ubottutony_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:27
ShawnRiskScunizi: how do I fix this?02:27
ShawnRiskI am using Dell Inspiron 150102:28
ScuniziShawnRisk: someone else more versed in laptops or the suspend function will have to pick this up. Sorry I don't know.02:28
tony_Ubuntu 10.4 netbook. video does not move smothly02:28
KentrelAre the user privileges of an MySQL database related to Linux privileges. Is there a danger in just using the root account to connect, if I'm the only user?02:28
MariusAZIs there a repo where you can get Maverick Meerkat?02:28
sebsebsebtony_: video does not move smothly?02:28
sebsebsebMariusAZ: no02:28
chdis ubuntu already setup to be a samba server?02:28
ShawnRiskScunizi: no one will I know.02:28
DarkquartererWhat netbook is it? Is it one with the new Intel N450 chip?02:29
sebsebseb!maverick | MariusAZ02:29
ubottuMariusAZ: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - See http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/336 for announcement - Developer summit: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS02:29
MariusAZSo you guys have no bleeding repo?  How does development take place on it then?02:29
ScuniziShawnRisk: ask again making the question concise and on one line.. do that every 5 minutes02:29
macoMariusAZ: current development version is maverick02:29
sebsebsebMariusAZ: there are daily builds now, but alpha 1 will be on the 3rd June02:29
MariusAZIs there a public repo for that?02:29
macoMariusAZ: i dont know if "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" will work yet02:29
macoMariusAZ: yes of course :)02:29
ShawnRiskScunizi: spam :P02:29
sebsebsebmaco: and #ubuntu+1 is the channel for it02:30
sebsebsebmaco:  no not you02:30
sebsebsebMariusAZ: see above ^02:30
steven__Why do you want to use Maverick? Its in heavy development atm02:30
MariusAZAhh, cool, thank you02:30
macosteven__: to help with development maybe?02:30
steven__if you want bleeding edge, use Debian sid, or something02:30
ScuniziShawnRisk: not every 5 minutes.. there's people all over the world in here coming and going.. if you asked every minute it would be spam02:30
MariusAZI'm just wanting to work on patches/packages/etc02:30
tony_Movie is working but it stop and start02:30
macoMariusAZ: if do-release-upgrade isnt ready for it yet, you can modify sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade02:30
macosteven__: dont discourage volunteers ;-)02:30
ShawnRiskScunizi: okay02:30
miniCruzerI'm writing a script that needs each line prefixed with the same thing (print FILENAME ") and then suffixed with the same thing (\n";). I believe there is a shell command to do this?02:31
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miniCruzerBecause copying and pasting on each line is a pain02:31
tony_I have Dell Inspiron mini02:31
steven__tony_ What kind of movie? Is it a .avi file?02:31
macominiCruzer: sed -i 's/^/print FILENAME/g;s/$/\n/g' foo02:31
tony_Yes it is02:31
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miniCruzerty maco02:31
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steven__did you install all the gstreamer plugins?02:32
sebsebsebMariusAZ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule02:32
steven__I recommend you use VLC player anyways, it have better video decoding and handles hardware acceleration/subtitles much better02:32
tony_I am a beginner, have no knowledge of ubuntu02:33
tony_Is there any site that I can go to for help?02:34
sark666ok wasting time trying to get samba working with windows 7 and ubuntu.  trying to access files on the win box from ubuntu.  i've had samba working before but i assume this is something with windows 702:35
sark666is there an alternative to sharing files besides samba?02:35
ShawnRiskHow do I get my laptop from locking when I wakeup my laptop from suspend, using Dell Inspiron 150102:36
Flannelsark666: actually, if you're only using Windows 7 (and no earlier versions of windows) you can use NFS, since Microsoft finally decided it was useful02:36
ShawnRiskand Ubuntu 10.04.02:36
mansahow do i unset the previously set proxy02:37
sark666flannel, thx i'll look into that02:37
Flannel!nfs | sark66602:37
ubottusark666: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:37
Flannelsark666: Previously it was just for OSX/Linux, but I see an article here saying Win7 supports it too02:37
sark666Flannel, hmm from what i'm reading windows 7 has nfs client support.  i was attempting to share the files from windows 7 accessing them from my ubuntu box02:39
steven__ShawnRisk....hit ALT + F2  enter 'gconf-editor' go to apps > gnome-screensaver and unclick 'lock_enabled'02:39
Dr_Willisall this time to actually get a NFS CLIENT in windows? :)  its proberly only in the win-7-uber-mega-colossals-light-supreme edition02:40
steven__opps my bad Shawn02:40
steven__go to apps > gnome-power-manager > lock and unclick the checkmark under suspend02:40
ShawnRisksteven__: yes but someone told me this was a swap issue02:41
steven__do you mean your laptop locks up (like freezes?) or lock, as in it locks the screen and asks you for a password02:41
eriscomy vista computer can see my ubuntu computer, but my ubuntu cannot see my vista computer... it is like it doesn't exist! how can I troubleshoot this problem?02:42
a94060any body know the keyboard shortcut for switching rooms in xchat? i know its not really ubuntu but..02:42
ShawnRisksteven__: locks and freezes02:42
a94060erisco, could deal with firewall on vista02:42
Dr_Willisxchat had some decnt docs last i checked also.. - i dont rember the keyboard shortcuts a9406002:43
nawst2Ok so I have an issue... My gtk themes don't load for openbox-session until I launch gnome-appearance-properties.... Anyojne know why/work around?02:43
gtpitchHi  I have a ATI radeon 4350 HD video card but ubuntu 10.04 keeps wanting to install ati firegl drivers which won't allow desktop effects to work02:43
eriscoa94060, it could, but what do I look for?02:43
stone1343Is there a name for the condition when your Ubuntu system starts getting a message about unsufficient resources, where icons in the top panel become "no entry" or 'X', and the shutdown dialog text is not actually text, but just a bunch of rectangles?02:43
Dr_Williserisco:  for a share. try entering the full url to the share the first tile on the ubuntu box in the gnome file manager address.02:43
Dr_Williserisco:  ie:  smb://server/sharename02:44
a94060stone1343, seems like a memory issue02:44
eriscoI am trying to see it through the network browser in Ubuntu02:44
mansai dont understand how do i unset my proxy setting02:44
eriscoI also tried linking them in a LAN game, same problem! the vista computer can see me in the game lobby, the ubuntu computer cannot see the vista computer02:44
Dr_Williserisco:  try entering the full path to the share in the browsers address bar (hit ctrl-l to enter a path)02:44
mansais there something like http_proxy=unset02:45
mansahttp_proxy unset02:45
a94060mansa, system->preferences->network proxy02:45
Dr_Williserisco:  that sounds like more of a window sfirewall issue02:45
eriscoDr_Willis, I do not have any particular share02:45
nickzxcvso I'm trying to add a line like ls /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* || /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server to /etc/init/ssh.conf02:45
stone1343a94060: yes but I don't even know the slang name for the condition to even start figuring it out02:45
nickzxcvI haven't used upstart much, and it used to work in /etc/init.d/ssh but not with lucid02:45
mansaa94060: i had tried that..02:45
eriscoI am not sure what to do. I've disabled the firewall, added exceptions to the games I've tried, enabled file sharing...02:45
nickzxcvin /etc/init/ssh.conf it works but dpkg-reconfigure never finishes after making the keys02:45
a94060stone1343, maybe the free command will help02:45
mansait is not working02:45
eriscoI don't know what is left02:45
mansai am trying to reset the proxy settings of the terminal02:46
a94060mansa, does it use your proxy in multiple programs or only one?02:46
mansais there some command http_proxy02:46
nickzxcvhow can I figure out what upstart is doing? If I just run it on the command line its fine02:46
mansaa94060: well i suppose when i try to update my system it says cant resolve the proxy02:46
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mansaa94060: well i am not using the proxy at the moment02:47
a94060mansa, you have it set as apply system wide right?02:47
mansayes i have02:47
a94060mansa, what are you using via the terminal? wget,etc02:48
mansaa94060: sudo apt-get update02:48
ShawnRiskwhen I wakeup my laptop from suspend, the laptop freezes, using Ubuntu 10.04 and Dell Inspiron 1501.02:48
cobra3any of you good at programming in python? I have a problem with this code after you look at it I will tell you my problem02:48
a94060in synaptic go to settings->options->network02:48
a94060check there02:48
a94060mansa, ^^02:49
KentrelShawn, I get the same on my desktop, with hibernate02:49
dassoukii'm thinking of freelancing; how can i block my self from certain websites ? applicatios02:49
histocobra3: /j #python ???02:49
cobra3so this place just gives away your IP address when you log in?02:49
ShawnRiskKentrel: what to do?02:49
histodassouki: what do you mean?02:49
a94060cobra3, yes i guess,but why worry? and /j #python as said above02:50
KentrelShawnRisk, I don't know. I haven't found an answer yet. I wondered if it was a diskspace issue02:50
cobra3my problem is that the code is supposed to add the sums from 10 numbers entered by the user02:50
cobra3but it only sums up 902:50
histo!ot | cobra302:50
ubottucobra3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:50
dassoukihisto: i think if i end up freelancing at home; i'll end up browsing the net instead of working on boring jobs02:50
a94060cobra3, off topic but make sure your loop starts from the correct point. the one which collects data02:51
trismcobra3: range(1, 10) is equivalent to 1 to 9, if you want 1 to 10 it is range(1, 11)02:51
cobra3what about 0,10?02:51
ShawnRiskKentrel: someone told me this is a swap issue02:51
cobra3will that work?02:51
nawst2I'm trying to figure out why gtk apps under openbox-session don't load the theme I have set in gnome... until I open gnome-appearance-properties :(02:51
trismcobra3: yes, 0 to 10 would be fine too02:51
a94060ShawnRisk, was your problem with the laptop freezing?02:52
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ShawnRiska94060: yes02:52
a94060ShawnRisk, do you have swap on?02:53
ShawnRiska94060: not sure02:53
nickrudwhat's the command to turn off join/part messages in xchat? I've forgotten :(02:55
ShawnRiska94060: how do I tell02:55
a94060ShawnRisk, do sudo fdisk -l,see if a partion with Id 82 is listed. it should read "Linux Swap /Solaris"02:55
ShawnRiska94060: I can't check as the laptop is in another room where people are sleeping02:56
unkmarI'm running 8.04 wasnt goint to install svgatextmode but hit a conflict on install.  Please advise to reasonable solution.02:56
unkmar*was going to*02:56
histounkmar: can you pastebin the conflict?02:57
histo!paste | unkmar02:57
ubottuunkmar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:57
histonickrud: does it have ignore options?02:57
a94060ShawnRisk, Alrighty. Well my guess is to check if swap is on because I think that when you put the computer into hibernate,the ram is written into the swap,or maybe something is written into the swap. Since I am assuming your swap isnt on,the system is freezing02:57
ShawnRiska94060: if this isn't on, how do I fix this?  If this is on, what could I do to fix this?02:58
Kentrelswap should be on by default when you install, right?02:58
ShawnRiskI believe so02:58
histonickrud: Preferecnes > chatting > general > hide join/part   ?02:59
misc---if a big sata hard disk is not detected on a sata card, is it because the motherboard can't handle it or is it because the sata card can't handle it?02:59
unkmarhisto: it conflicts with ubuntu-minimal @ console-tools.02:59
Agu10where can I find virtualbox when it's installed?02:59
histomisc---: like in the sata cards bios?02:59
Agu10I can't find it in the menu02:59
a94060Agu10, Applications->Accesories02:59
misc---histo: yeah the sata card bios can't detect it02:59
histomisc---: does it detect other drives?03:00
Agu10a94060: what name?03:00
a94060ShawnRisk, I am not sure how to go about it exactly,was trying to provide a starting point for diagnosis03:00
Agu10can't find it!03:00
a94060Agu10, virtualbox from the command line03:00
misc---histo: yeah it detects the current ones that are in there (320gb) but I bought a couple of 2tb disks and it hangs there. The actual motherboard currently has 1.5tb disks in there no problem03:00
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a94060Agu10, you may need to enable it from the menu you right clicking the ubuntu symbol and clicking edit menu03:00
Agu10virtualbox: command not found03:00
a94060it may not be installed03:01
AlexandraHey there, updated to 10.04 and vlc makes trouble every time when I have dual screen running. Fine without second screen. Have a look at vlc: http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/5862/vlcnarrow.png03:01
misc---histo: I'm thinking it's the sata card that can't detect it (an old s112a card)03:01
james-a-wagner3Agu10: Try "VirtualBox"03:01
a94060Agu10, sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose03:01
xplicit313[ICAN]is there a way to get itunes to work with ubuntu karmic? I've tried a few things that google told me but no dice still03:01
histomisc---: maybe look for a firmware upgrade for the card if its doing it with both disks.03:01
Agu10BUT I did install it from the virtualbox webpage03:01
histomisc---: I'd start there03:01
Agu10a94060: virtualbox-ose-qt ???03:01
a94060Agu10, you may want to try as reccomended above,VirtualBox03:02
misc---histo: yeah ok cool thanks. Definitely not the disks as I've tried both of them, they both do the same thing. Anyway will hunt around for a bios upgrade03:02
james-a-wagner3Agu10: It was always named that way on my boxes. YMMV.03:02
histoAgu10: apps > system tools03:02
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a94060Agu10, Try typing in virtual and tabbing,or Virtual and tabbing03:02
histounkmar: can you just specify grub vga modes instead?03:03
histounkmar: if not You may have to contact the package maintaner or file a bug report03:03
Agu10I have it as "VirtualBox" but I don't have it in the menu!03:03
Evolutionokay, I've been reading over https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone#Ubuntu%2010.04%20Lucid%20Lynx:%20Support%20out%20of%20the%20box and http://marcansoft.com/blog/2009/10/iphone-syncing-on-linux-part-2/ on syncing the iphone under ubuntu 10.04, and the music bits work flawlessly.03:03
novaryan1hey is how do i set up my email03:03
Evolutionhas anyone got the iphone syncing with the calendar though?03:03
unkmarhisto: not without rebooting.03:03
novaryan1Can some one help me?03:04
unkmarhisto: I mean, I can specify and it might work. but not until a reboot.03:04
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histounkmar: Yeah just trying to figure out why you are trying to use that . Its usually only used for really old hardware that doesn't work with framebuffer drivers03:05
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unkmarhisto: because I sometimes like to use the tty and having more that 80x25 is nice.03:06
slideIs there any way to tell what kind of sata hard drive a computer has via dmesg or some come command line?03:07
alketI have problems playing Games like Glest, Yo Frankie! and Penumbra (they are very slow) but not Urban Terror, World of Goo..03:07
jingis support for mini install in here?03:07
Flanneljing: Yes03:08
novaryan1hey can some one please tel me how to setup the email on this?03:08
a94060novaryan1, email?03:08
histounkmar: yeah you can do that with vga cods03:08
novaryan1ya there is an email thing?03:09
jingokay i can put in eubiqity but i dont know what is the command to install to hard disk orit would be asier with server?03:09
unkmarhisto: it helps to know what command and which vga code to use.03:09
a94060novaryan1, i dont know of any email thing,maybe someone else can assist you03:09
markus_<novaryan1> Please try to ask real questions. Nobody will help you like this.03:10
a94060markus_, he already parted03:11
djveerHey guys, anybody know a wifi network scanner for Ubuntu that works well?03:11
macomarkus_: i think that was an evolution quesiton03:11
markus_<a94060> There are people out there. looool03:11
jujudjveer: iwlist03:11
macomarkus_: you dont need to type the < >03:12
histounkmar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto search for vga it shows to edit hte /boot/grub/menu.lst and add a vga=??? tot he defoptions line03:12
macomarkus_: in fact, i find it likely that their client *won't* highlight if you do03:12
histounkmar: depending on what resolution you want.03:12
djveerjuju: I've been using that a little bit... do you know of a graphical one also?03:12
a94060how do we know if there are ops/halfops in the room?03:12
markus_<maco> I use xchat. And when I am copying a name the <> appears automatically03:12
macoa94060: break a rule and find out ;-)03:12
BitEncryptin the software center where does the programs go to that have the box icon next to them.03:12
macomarkus_: copying? just start typing and hit tab03:12
a94060maco,great answer03:13
jujudjveer: network-manager and wicd and whatever replaced those03:13
macoa94060: for the record, i'm an op03:13
macothis channel has probably 3003:13
nickrudstill not enough03:14
djveerjuju: thank you03:14
histoa94060: and there is an ops trigger for everyone else that is watching to alert them.03:14
a94060maco, oh ok if you say. I dont understand how I can tell. I see a green dot next to floodbot,but thats all,im guessing names with ^also?03:14
macoa94060: policy is that ops shouldnt keep their +o on at all times.  looks a bit "standing army"-ish03:15
macoa94060: hostile03:15
BitEncryptin the software center where does the programs go to that have the box icon next to them.03:15
macoa94060: so we just go +o when we need to do something op-y03:15
markus_maco: okay. will do it this way. I am not an irc geek yet :)03:15
a94060ohhh,alrighty maco03:15
a94060maco, I never knew it was like that honestly =]03:15
a94060usually people just keep op on03:15
Agu10how can I make my ubuntu look like mac? als03:15
jingokay i can put in eubiqity but i dont know what is the command to install to hard disk or it would be easier with server?03:15
macoa94060: not in ubuntu channels. i cant remember right now whether thats an ubuntu guideline/rule or a freenode one03:16
a94060Agu10, http://maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-hardy-to-mac-osx-leopard/2008/07/2303:16
maconickrud: thanks03:16
a94060alrighty maco thats pretty intresting. I need to hangout on freenode more03:16
a94060I am trying to become more open sorce,but let me not get off topic03:16
unkmarso there are a large number of ops lurking in here as regular folks?  If so, I'm not all that surprised.03:16
bsmith0931a94060 how so?03:17
BitEncryptin the software center, where do the programs go to that have the box icon next to them.03:17
unkmarI use to do the same with another channel I frequented as an op.03:17
BitEncryptin the software center where does the programs go to that have the box icon next to them when installrd03:17
Agu10and how can I get a better theme than MAC ?03:17
a94060bsmith0931, by using linux first and less windows03:17
fabioboa noite gente03:18
markus_Agu10, Guess tastes are different?03:18
nickrudBitEncrypt, all ubuntu apps get scattered around the filesystem; some in /usr/bin/, some bits in /usr/share, some in /usr/lib most commonly03:18
fabioto precisando de uma ajuda03:18
Agu10markus_: :-(03:18
fabiotenho instalado o ubuntu 9.10 em um noot e comprei um outro not novo e instalei o 10.04 como copiar todos os meus arquivos para o novo notebook03:19
Loshki!pt | fabio03:19
mikelifeguardTo totally start a package install from scratch, I need to apt-get purge && apt-get clean && apt-get install, right?03:19
ubottufabio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:19
nickrudBitEncrypt, if you start up synaptic (system->admin) you can find all the bits and where they are, right click an installed one and look at properties03:20
snof!nl | snof03:20
ubottusnof, please see my private message03:20
Loshkimikelifeguard: if you want to RE-install from scratch, you need all that. If it's never been installed before, just apt-get install is sufficient03:20
mikelifeguardLoshki: Yeah, I've somehow bungled gedit :'(03:21
nickrudmikelifeguard, no ....   each apt-get run is independent. I'm not sure what you're thinking in terms of ...03:21
nickrudah. forgot that apt-get has added some aptitude commands.03:21
DoyleQ: When trying to install Pango, I get the error message: libtool: link: unsupported hardcode properties03:25
poi77Hi! Can I boot an ubuntu live cd on my mac?03:25
IdleOnepoi77: yes03:25
poi77IdleOne: how? It's not auto-booting03:25
IdleOnepoi77: ppc?03:26
macopoi77: hold down the option key03:26
poi77IdleOne: intel03:26
IdleOneeither the option key or the c KEY03:26
IdleOneerr C key*03:26
a94060also poi77 you have the i386 version right?03:26
dominicdinadawhat the fricking hell this shut is ticking me off :( :(03:26
LUCIDementiaFirefox closes whenever I try to maximize YouTube videos (and only youtube videos). Any suggestions?03:27
Kentreli'm running apache, but I can only access it through http://localhost - no-one else on the web can reach it, and I can't access parts of it by replacing localhost with my IP03:27
IdleOnedominicdinada: if you are going to curse do it with the correct spelling BTW NO swearing please03:27
a94060Kentrel, your dns is set correctly right? along with /etc/nameservers.conf?03:28
hanasakihow's the encrypt your home directory thing work?03:28
DoyleLUCIDementia: Uninstall firefox, run apt-get update, apt-get autoremove to cleanup, then install firefox again.03:28
dominicdinadaIdleOne i didnt curse :) but Ebox is the WORST peice of software ever written... not only that the support is >= 0 :(03:28
KentrelI don't know.. this is what error.log says03:28
Kentrel[Mon May 17 03:25:47 2010] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/conor/www/test.txt03:28
histohanasaki: it encrypts your home directory03:28
LUCIDementiathanks Doyle!03:28
KentrelBut I don't think my server is configured to deny it..03:28
poi77a94060: 64 bit03:28
a94060Kentrel, maybe want to do a /j #apache?03:29
hanasakihisto:  lol what kinda encryption?  how do you make sure if you reinstall it still works?03:29
hanasakidominicdinada:  what's better?03:29
bsmith0931is there something that will scan through a whole bunch of pictures and weed out the duplicates (these are camera pics so they have names lik dc24785742592 so not just a name search but actual content)03:29
IdleOnedominicdinada: there is only one meaning for fricking. obfuscated swearing is the same as the real thing. Please don't do it.03:29
LUCIDementiawait...how do I run apt-get update/apt-get autoremove?03:29
histohanasaki: let me find you documentation03:29
a94060LUCIDementia, you need a sudo in front of it03:29
DoyleLUCIDementia: from the terminal. You can access it from Accessories under your ubuntu menu03:29
histohanasaki: it gives you a key at install time encrypting your home. You need that key if you want to mount the drive elsewhere or reinstall etc....03:29
nerxgashow do i install the linux kernel source code from command line?03:30
NaynayNEW OFIS!03:30
hanasakihisto:  Ubuntu only?03:30
dominicdinadahanasaki: actually even with Webmin not supporting samba anymore it is still way better.... Ebox trys to control and bind everything to the system, it breaks it... even when you remove it it doesnt relenquish control...03:30
DoyleLUCIDementia: a94060 is right, I forget cuz I run everything from root... that's not smart though03:30
ARandomNubHi :]03:31
histohanasaki: http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html03:31
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a94060LUCIDementia, you can also press ALT+F2 to pull up a run dialog from gnome03:31
a94060and then check the box for run in terminal03:31
leagrisLUCIDementia, before purging firefox with apt, you should try it in safe mode. Quit Firefox, the open a console and type firefox -safe-mode and try in this mode if it crash again. If it does not, disable extensions one by one and find which one cause trouble03:31
bsmith0931any answer to this? is there something that will scan through a whole bunch of pictures and weed out the duplicates (these are camera pics so they have names lik dc24785742592 so not just a name search but actual content)03:31
DoyleQ: When trying to install Pango, I get the error message: libtool: link: unsupported hardcode properties, anyone have a solution for me?03:31
ARandomNubQ: I just installed Ubuntu and now it's not detecting my windows installation :(. How can I get *both* to work?03:31
dominicdinadaebox thinks it is so  good so it killed my firewall, samba files, interfaces, etc... :) good think i removed the POS again but it still killed the default samba file with my addition of like 70 shares03:32
acerimmerARandomNub: how did u install?  wubi or dual boot?03:32
a94060bsmith0931, you could try looking for files which are sized exactly the same. not sure how to go about this though03:32
ARandomNubacerimmer: I burnt it to a disc, and selected 200gb of the only partition available to select, which said it didn't have an o/s on it.03:32
bsmith0931so no picture dupl;icate search03:32
DoyleARandomNub: do you get the option to boot to windows at least? In Ubuntu, are you able to see your windows folder/partition when browsing your hard drive?03:33
histobsmith0931: you could do it by file hashes03:33
ARandomNubDoyle: Yes, my windows HDD is named ''HDD1'' and it's fully displayable in ubuntu.03:33
JabberWalkieso I get the error "Error storing directory block information (inode=538973, block=0, num=335607657): Memory allocation failed" when running gparted repair on a parition....help?03:33
ARandomNubDoyle: All System files are displayed too.03:33
acerimmerARandomNub: so u can see the windows partition?03:34
histobsmith0931: well i'm trying to figure that out.03:34
DoyleARandomNub: good stuff. looks like you just need to setup your boot loader. grub I assume...03:34
ARandomNubacerimmer: I can see the FILES, I just don't get the option to boot into winndows.03:34
j3rghey recently installed XP on my cousin's computer03:34
j3rgbut i can't identify which drivers which03:34
ARandomNub/boot/grub/menu.lst file <-?03:34
acerimmerARandomNub: agree with doyule - looks like a grub thingy.  login as root, run terminal sudo update-grub03:34
j3rgwell which is needed03:35
j3rgany suggestion03:35
histobsmith0931: yeah md5sum hashes shuold be the same even if the names are different03:35
IdleOnej3rg: ##windows can help03:35
a94060ARandomNub, yes,you would need to check out that file and if its grub and not grub2, you can edit that file03:35
greezmunkeydominicdinada: you made a full backup, of course...03:35
ubottuarandomnub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:35
dominicdinadagreezmunkey: somewhere... I have it ....03:35
ARandomNubacerimmer: it's complete.03:35
JabberWalkiecan anyone help??? I have tried google, it was not helpful03:35
acerimmerARandomNub: wait 103:35
lordedenhi, is anyone having problems with xconf and ATI drivers?03:36
ARandomNubacerimmer: Okay :D03:36
lordedenwith 10.403:36
histobsmith093: okay i guess digikam is an app that does it and gqview also there is findupeimage  or something like that.03:36
greezmunkeydominicdinada: is this a production box, or experimental?03:36
LUCIDementiahow do I uninstall a program?03:36
histobsmith093: but you could write a shell script to do it.03:36
a94060JabberWalkie, you may want to try checking the partition for errors03:36
dominicdinadagreezmunkey: home network box :)03:36
j3rgIdleOne: thanks03:36
IdleOneLUCIDementia: sudo apt-get remove package03:36
JabberWalkiea94060, thats what gparted was doing03:36
logi`I'm trying to install and the installer is picking the wrong video card, I have the primary video adapter set to pci in the bios, can someone help?03:36
JabberWalkieand it failed03:36
LUCIDementiaand that gives me a list of every program? How do I select the one I want?03:36
dominicdinadagreezmunkey: fileserver/etc :)03:36
DoyleARandomNub: look over ubottu 's info on Grub2, it's good. You can also check out http://www.eloff.se/tutorials.php?ubuntu_vista_dualboot... always be careful when editing files...03:36
leagrisAre there an up to date (Lucid) instructions/howto properly setup LTSP fat clients?03:36
acerimmerARandomNub: bookmark that url i sent.  then reboot to see if u got the fix.03:37
IdleOneLUCIDementia: replace package with the actual package name03:37
a94060JabberWalkie, maybe its a problem with permissions?03:37
greezmunkeydominicdinada: ok, experimental - at least you can beat on it without worying about your job :)03:37
JabberWalkieseems to be running out of memory03:37
JabberWalkiebut I have like 4gb...03:37
LUCIDementiabut if I'm uninstalling it there is no actual package name...03:37
ARandomNubDoyle: Okay, thanks. I'm just gonna go check that menu.lst file a sec =D03:37
JabberWalkiemaybe if I make a huge swap drive it will be quiet...03:37
dominicdinadagreezmunkey: even if it was at work :) ;) if they dont pay enough haha03:37
IdleOneLUCIDementia: not sure what you mean by there is no package name if you are uninstalling03:37
logi`anyone know how to solve my problem?03:38
greezmunkeydominicdinada: they never do ;)03:38
dominicdinadagreezmunkey: fair Days work for a fair days pay03:38
a94060logi`, can you disconnect the otherone somehow?03:38
ARandomNub@Anyone: is it a bad thing when I can't see a menu.lst file?03:38
Doylelogi`: you're trying to install Ubuntu?03:39
dominicdinadagreezmunkey: opps they forgot my raise ? opps i forgot the backups the last month03:39
logi`a94060: it's an onboard chipset03:39
poi77Hi! Can I mount my Macintosh hard drive as a writable dir?03:39
logi`it's vga, and I only have DVI monitors03:39
IdleOnedominicdinada: oops you're fired03:39
histo!mount | poi7703:39
ubottupoi77: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount03:39
dominicdinadaIdleOne: opps theres 30 more jobs03:39
ARandomNub@Anyone: is it a bad thing when I can't see a menu.lst file?03:39
moesARandomNub, menu.lst file is not in grub 203:40
a94060ARandomNub, it must be there somewhere. you have grub2?03:40
IdleOneARandomNub: not if you are running 9.10 and up03:40
poi77histo: yes it is mounting but it's reporting "read only file system"03:40
ARandomNubI'm running latest version =D03:40
histologi`: so it boots and the vga is active but not the dvi?03:40
a94060ARandomNub, its stored in a different file03:40
a94060!grub2 | ARandomNub03:40
ubottuARandomNub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:40
logi`a94060: when it boots to the CD, it shows the purple screen for a second or two, then goes black03:40
a94060logi`, im not too familar with the installer process03:40
logi`histo: yes, that's what happens03:40
DoyleARandomNub: do a "locate menu.lst"03:40
histopoi77: what type of filesystem is it?03:41
leagrislogi`, You may have more success installing from the alternate CD in text mode.03:41
poi77histo: it's a mac os x03:41
lordedenhas anyone had a problem with upgrading to 10.4 and losing display settings with ATI cards?03:41
IdleOnehe will not find a menu.lst if he is running 10.0403:41
acerimmerIdleOne: what u said03:41
IdleOneit is called grub.cfg now03:41
histopoi77: okay how did you mount the hard drive?03:41
ARandomNubDoyle: Basically, I just want the option to boot between Windows and Ubuntu, and since the files from windows are clearly displayed on the HDD, I just need to know *how* to make them both bootable.03:41
poi77histo: it automounted03:41
a94060ARandomNub, maybe this helps you? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringWindows03:42
acerimmerARandomNub: Places>Search for files>grub.cfg03:42
DoyleIdleOne: ew, OK. ARandomNub better read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 then. Ignore me!03:42
logi`there isn't a button combination I can press to switch displays?03:42
IdleOneDoyle: indeed he should :)03:42
severnayaHello, can someone help me get yum working in ubuntu? I already did "apt-get install yum" but it doesn't see any packages.  Thanks :)03:42
a94060severnaya, yum is not the package management program for ubuntu03:42
histopoi77: I guess people are saying not to write to a mac parititon but i'm lookign for why. It probably got moutned readonly for your user.03:42
kyubutsusevernaya: thats probably because ubunt uses apt not yum03:43
ARandomNubacerimmer: nothing found =[03:43
severnayaa94060, then why does it let me install yum? i can do yum --help fine, it just doesnt see any packages03:43
poi77histo: who's saying that?03:43
leagrislogi`, there used to be an option to setup screen mode with F2 during boot of the CD but if your screen switch to black before that, it won't help.03:43
logi`nvm, I got it working03:43
acerimmerARandomNub: ? waaa?03:43
histopoi77: some articles i'm reading hold up let me see03:43
IdleOneARandomNub: have you read the !grub2 factoid you were given?03:43
logi`I haven't used ubuntu in forever, didn't realize I had to press "delete" to go to the loader03:43
ARandomNubIdleOne: I was given that? O_O03:44
a94060severnaya, maybe some respositries need to be added? sorry,not really knowledgeable about it03:44
histopoi77: if its a journaled hfs volume you can't write to it.03:44
severnayakyubutsu there has to be a way to get it to work or else ubuntu wouldnt have yum in the repositories03:44
nickrudsevernaya, take a look at /usr/share/doc/yum03:44
IdleOne!grub2 | ARandomNub03:44
ubottuARandomNub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:44
histopoi77: if you turn off journaling you can mount it with write suport.03:44
* logi` facepalms03:44
Evolutionokay, I've removed gwibber from the system, logged out and logged back in again, but the indicator applet still shows the envelope icon. Is there a way to get rid of just that icon, without cooking off the volume button?03:44
kyubutsu!apt > severnaya03:44
ubottusevernaya, please see my private message03:44
acerimmerARandomNub: suggest u slow up and read the factoid.  the recovery options are laid out in that document and should'nt be rushed.03:44
moesARandomNub, grub 2 equivalent to menu.lst is.../etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme03:44
poi77histo: thanks for your help03:45
severnayakyubutsu i dont want to use apt, it sucks compared to yum03:45
histologi`: you shouldn't have to push anything to get a menu. Maybe the monitor went to sleep?03:45
trismEvolution: uninstall indicator-messages03:45
histopoi77: np03:45
IdleOnesevernaya: use aptitude03:45
Evolutiontrism: gracias03:45
kyubutsuubuntu repositories use apt.. no way around that03:45
logi`histo: nope... the monitor was saying there wasn't any signal03:46
ARandomNubWell, I'm not actually sure I understand *exactly* what I'm supposed to do.. I'm new to this =[03:46
LUCIDementiafirefox closes whenever I try to maximize youtube videos, but only youtube videos. I have already tried reinstalling firefox but without success03:46
jon23how can i update jaunty into lucid lynx03:46
MACscrim new to ubuntu, any theme recommendations that really show the power of ubuntu?03:46
jon23compiz :p03:46
IdleOneARandomNub: that is why you need to go to the link ubottu gave you and read it carefully03:46
acerimmerARandomNub: slow up.  read the grub2 issue.  then carefully fix.  you're on teh right path.03:47
severnayaIdleOne i want to use yuj03:47
MACscrjon23: afaik, compiz isnt a theme =P03:47
acerimmerARandomNub: trying to rush a grub fix is 90% guaranteed to trash the installation03:47
jon23do i have to just grab the iso and do a clean install03:47
maxagazblogger is closed in china, do you know some goo blog I could use ?03:47
kyubutsufurthermore, if you want to hack a way to do so, severnaya , you might want to go ask in #linux03:47
IdleOnesevernaya: I don't know how you can but there is probably a way03:47
jon23MACscr: but it shows the power03:47
jon23or the fun ;p03:48
ARandomNubacerimmer: Can I PM you for a moment, please?03:48
DoyleMACscr: the power of ubuntu is revealed to those who know the power of themselves...03:48
MACscrjon23: but isnt it on by default?03:48
leagrislogi`, unfortunately, the ubuntu boot process totally ignore bios settings and unfortunately it start in a graphic framebuffer with the first graphic displays it finds. By the way, te alternate CD dos not switch to framebuffer and process the installation all in default text mode, so you should be ok with that alternat boot cd.03:48
karrotCan anyone tell me why my computer will lock up for 5 minutes unless I press a keyboard button?03:48
acerimmerARandomNub: yeah03:48
jon23yes it is03:48
jon23just not the advanced features03:48
dominicdinadajon23: macscr compiz is used to modify the theme :/03:48
logi`leagris: I got it working03:48
logi`histo: ^03:48
logi`a94060: ^03:48
a94060:) good job03:49
a94060what was the problem?03:49
jon23can i update to lucid from jaunty?03:49
LUCIDementiafirefox crashes whenever I fullscreen youtube videos. I tried reinstalling firefox but that didn't work. Help?03:49
leagrisLUCIDementia, did you try safe mode ?03:49
CaptainTrekmight check in #firefox too03:50
LUCIDementiano. But even if that worked it wouldn't be solving the problem03:50
ZykoticK9jon23, 9.04 to 9.10 then to 10.0403:50
karrotwhy does my computer freeze for 5 minutes until I hit a keyboard button?03:50
kyubutsufile a bug, LUCIDementia03:50
leagrisLUCIDementia, uninstalling Firefox does not get ride of you user profile and if that profiles calkls problematics extensions you will get them back when you reinstal firefox03:50
LUCIDementiaah, I didn't know there was a #firefox   I'll try that03:50
jon23i  will ease up03:50
jon23would it be easiar to just grab the iso03:50
jon23i have nothing deftly important, i dont mind losing03:51
jon23just some programming junk03:51
ZykoticK9jon23, clean installs are usually "easier" then upgrading (especially twice, in your case)03:51
jon23i know i misspelled that :p03:52
jon23and I is capitalized03:52
jon23im a lil lazy on typing skills03:52
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:52
kissmyassthmahey all03:53
Izinucs!enter | jonathaN03:53
ubottujonathaN: please see above03:53
DoyleQ: Has anyone seen the error message: libtool: link: unsupported hardcode properties? Any ideas?03:53
Izinucssorry jonathaN .. that wasn't for you..03:53
a94060haha,i like the dont use enter as puncuation03:53
kyubutsutab complete ftw03:53
a94060i know i spell like a noob,but sorry for using enter as punctuation03:54
a94060!enter | a9406003:54
IdleOne!msgthebot > a9406003:54
ARandomNubCan anyone walk me through updating my video drivers? xD03:54
KentrelHow do I open up port 80 for incoming connections using iptables?03:54
a94060IdleOne, what does that do? I didnt get anything03:54
airtonixjon23, a94060, its annoying to try and piece together someones request of r help with information that is fragmented over four thousand seperate messages which are then interspersed with three hundred other peoples messages03:54
IdleOnea94060: the bot is tired lately03:55
=== gospch_ is now known as gospch
kyubutsuARandomNub: system>adminitration>hardware drivers   easy does it03:55
a94060Alrighty,apologies airtonix03:55
IdleOnea94060: basically it tells you to use /msg ubottu !factoid03:55
ARandomNubkyubutsu: Thx :D03:55
IdleOnea94060: when you are searching for yourself that is03:55
leagrisKentrel usually iptable -A INPUT -dport 80 -j ACCEPT03:55
airtonixa94060, so apart from being facists, there is a practical reason for desiring messages on one line.03:55
IdleOneairtonix: heh03:56
Kentrelleagris, OK, thanks I ad something similar but was giving me errors. I'll try that03:56
ubottua94060, please see my private message03:56
a94060alrighty,thanks IdleOne . Ill keep messages on one line. And alright airtonix ,that makes sense. Finally got the private message03:56
airtonixa94060, not just you.03:56
corpseim planing on building a box with all my hard drives in it and run it as a file server for all my other computers in the house. Is this a possible/good idea?03:57
ARandomNubacerimmer: Hey :D03:57
Kentrelleagris, that doesn't work, even when I fix iptable->iptables03:57
Doylecorpse: it's a great idea. Read up on file servers and hard drive redundancy to ensure you don't put yourself in a situation where you can loose all your data. The question isn't really ubuntu related though.03:58
a94060corpse, of course this is possible. You can make it into a raid (make it appear as one drive, or you can make them multiple network shares03:58
kyubutsui believe there is a #server channel03:58
Doylecorpse: hint: google "linux raid 10 file server" and you should get some interesting stuff.03:59
corpsea94060:  yeah i have 6 harddrives (3tb total) that will be seperated for differnt storage use03:59
corpseDoyle: thank you, ill go look around on that. Is ubuntu server ed somthing i would want to use for this?03:59
a94060corpse, if you plan to use them all, then you may not want to RAId or anything, ubuntu server would work since its nice and stripped down04:00
heizenburghi guys04:00
IdleOnehey heizenburg04:00
BabalabonI am really impressed with windows 7 taskbar, in ubuntu can you make it respond in the same way??04:00
heizenburgthanks making sure everyone could hear me04:00
corpsea94060: exelent. downloading it now. is it ok running applications off a file server?04:00
a94060corpse, you can. But it would add "clutter" to it04:01
leagrisKentrel iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT04:01
alketBabalabon: what do you mean by "respond" ?04:01
a94060you may also want to look on how to set up samba. sorry for multi spacing message04:01
corpsea94060: got ya, i was hoping to have nothing but the OS on each computer then everything installed and backed up on the server04:01
whiterabbit1337Might want to use the state option with that04:01
IdleOnea94060: may I message you?04:02
a94060sure IdleOne04:02
Babalabonalket: well, grouping of the applications you have opened.04:02
alketBabalabon: yes i think there is Docky and AWN that act same04:02
leagrisKentrel, whiterabbit1337 is right, add state and so on. Bette use a script like Shorewall that keeps your configuration in readable and organized config files.04:03
masclic¿alguien habla castellano?04:05
alkethello masclic04:05
masclicestoy en españa04:05
Doylecorpse: depends on you. Do the research. If you want, you can also look into other distros like freeBSD or openSUSE, though they have a bit of a learning curve above ubuntu04:05
leagris!es > masclic04:05
ubottumasclic, please see my private message04:05
kyubutsudocky depends on mono.. i prefer awn04:05
vicsarhello my internet connection is extremely slow and i don know why. Ideas on troubleshooting?04:05
karrotDoes anyone have any ideas why my computer will just freeze up for like 5 minutes?04:05
alketkyubutsu: me too04:05
vicsar@maslic aqui no pero en #ubuntu-es si04:06
karrotque guapo!!04:06
masclicestoy usando el xchat ¿es lo mejor que hay para linux?04:06
IdleOne!es | masclic04:06
ubottumasclic: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:06
masclicyo usaba mirc para el windows04:06
xanguano please, don't bring them to u-es :S04:07
Doylekarrot: Viruses! PC-bola... no cure, format now to save yourself. When it freezes up, what process does the system monitor indicate is using the most cpu cycles?04:07
masclicok, i now speak en english04:07
masclicis the xchat the better irc client for linux04:07
a94060Compared to what masclic ?04:08
NewWorldmasclic:  Most popular graphical one04:08
masclici intall ubuntu finish now mi first04:08
karrotDoyle: I don't believe that it is a virus, I've reformatted it at least 8 times with the same problem04:08
kyubutsu!best | masclic04:08
Doylemasclic: depends on your preference... ir use irssi04:08
ubottumasclic: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:08
vicsar@maslic try Smuxi, i use it04:08
masclici use mirc in windows and i see most complete than xchat04:08
IdleOnemasclic: depends what you need in a irc client. xchat is what most people use for a GUI client. there is also irssi ( text client ) and a few others04:08
a94060karrot, maybe an internet problem? firewal possibly?04:08
alketmasclic: i prefer pidgin with some plugins for IRC04:08
karrotalket: you can use pidgin for irc? That's awesome!!04:08
masclicwhat is this server? the xchat connect automatic, i use the irchispano server always04:09
masclicbut i see this is a bigger english server04:09
karrota94060: I dunno, it's within my LAN, and it's weird because If I am copying a file through samba i can see it stop on the client, and then looking at the server with iptraf going, i can see the server stop, until I hit a keyboard button04:09
IdleOnemasclic: this network is called Freenode04:09
NewWorldmasclic:  You mean channeL?04:09
alketkarrot: even empathy, but i prefer pidgin04:09
vicsarMy internet connection is extremely slow and i don't know why. Ideas on troubleshooting?04:09
karrotalket: is there some way to get empathy out of my message center?04:10
NewWorldvicsar:  Maybe you using IPv6? Before I disabled that my internet was ultra slow04:10
buttons840hi, i have the latest blender binary (alpha version) in my local folder, i put a sym link (which i don't know a lot about) to the binary in the local folder, but it wont run because it's not running in the right path (if that makes sense, i'm not good with the terms); any suggestions?04:10
Doylekarrot: it could be anything. Your logs may indicate something, but if you can replicate the freeze, try having the system monitor open so you can see what process is taxing your system.04:10
alketkarrot: I didn't removed it, so sorry i don't know04:11
vicsar@NewWorld i will double check but i don't think so04:11
a94060karrot, May sound random,but this used to happen to me. Make sure your heatsink is sitting properly on your processor, it could be that it was overheating as in my case04:11
karrotDoyle: which logs? I tried looking in /var/syslog or something like that, i cannt remember04:11
buttons840what's a symbolic vs a regular (i guess?) link?04:11
vicsar@NewWorld not it is ignored04:12
a94060buttons840, the two types are symbolic and hard links. From my knoweledge a sym link is like the way windows links04:12
karrota94060: I'm starting to think it might be something like that, because it's a nettop that has no fan...04:12
Doylekarrot: google "ubuntu log view" you'll get a list of the logs somewehre in the first few results04:12
MACscri know this might sound like of dumb, but is there a system restore like feature that windows has, but for ubuntu04:12
histobuttons840: symbolic vs hard link04:12
NewWorldvicsar:  Was it faster before?04:12
MACscrbasically im going to try to get my third monitor to work and if i screw things up, im hoping to be able to restore my configs/settings04:12
vicsar@NewWorld yes, 800+ up 250+ down04:12
histobuttons840: let me get you a link explaining04:13
histoa94060: that is not correct04:13
ZykoticK9MACscr, not currently really - the file system by Sun/Oracle xfs does have a very similar restore option however (so maybe someday)04:13
NewWorldMACscr:  Can't think of anything like that... you could backup the relevant files though04:13
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NickyBhey so why would my router have a different mac address listed than what I see in ifconfig?04:13
karrothow can I install gnome on 10.04 server.  I can just do apt-get install gnome, or should I get some modified gnome or something?04:13
vicsar@NewWorld i just cant understand what changed04:13
Doylevicsar: does the system monitor indicate a high amount of network bandwidth all the time? Are you using torrent software? Do you use Electric Sheep? If it's wireless, login to your routers webmin and make sure no one is stealing bandwidth.04:13
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ZykoticK9MACscr, sorry that ZFS not XFS04:13
a94060buttons840, ln -s <destination> <linkname> should be the way the link should be created,googled it04:13
NewWorldvicsar:  What did you do recently to do with system settings? Or with the router/network-interface?04:14
a94060if you are trying to make symlink04:14
buttons840a94060, yes, i read the man page04:14
Izinucskarrot: for a full desktop.. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop .. that'll get you gnome and all the associated programs04:14
a94060alrighty buttons84004:14
histobuttons840: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=310834 look at kpatz description04:14
NewWorldvicsar:  Have you tried another operating system on the same connection?04:14
brucehelp! anybody here w/ grub2 experience?04:14
karrotIzinucs: thanks so much..... I suspected I needed some package04:14
a94060!grub2 | bruce04:14
ubottubruce: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:14
vicsar@NewWorld that is the weird part, i did not change anything. No one else is using my bandwith it is wired.04:14
Jordan_U!anyone | bruce04:14
ubottubruce: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:14
NewWorldvicsar:  Have you tried any other OS on this network?04:15
vicsar@NewWorld nope, i only use linux04:15
Doylevicsar: done any bandwidth tests lately? May be an ISP issue.04:16
bruceok. did a stupid thing...load 10.04 on my laptop (great). then loaded it on a usb drive. grub joined them both on a single menu. how do i separate them?04:16
leagrisAre there any up to date (Lucid) howto/documentation on setting up LTSPs fat clients?04:16
vicsar@NewWorld but i have used other browsers, i use Firefox primarily04:16
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NewWorldvicsar:  You could try booting to a livecd of a linux distro... or a windows Live CD (they exist) and seeing if it's an issue with your primary OS or the network.04:16
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buttons840histo, thanks; that was my problem, i was using hard links04:16
NewWorldvicsar:  Did you try measuring your speed quantifiably, like with speedtest.net?04:16
buttons840can i undo a apt-get build-dep ?     like an uninstall or purge?04:17
vicsar@Doyle when i teest the speed it gives me the expected results but that speed is not reflect on normal browsing04:17
classvoidvicsar, mine had that problem too - my dsl router was causing the problem04:17
anthony_hi how can i install skype on my ubuntu 9.1004:17
alketbruce: does it make problems, or is just listing ?04:17
Josesordohello all04:17
classvoidvicsar, errr well I run a 4 router setup - so really my dsl modem04:17
classvoidis there a universal keyboard shortcut in ubuntu gnome that opens the terminal app04:18
Doylevicsar: I have the same issue, often I have to power cycle my router, or do a browser refrsh.04:18
Josesordoat least I could install ubuntu 10.04 LTS with the CD cuz the upgrade from 9.10 failed.. haha04:18
paranoidandroidHey guys could I get some help with mounting an external hdd04:18
brucealket: i want to be able to boot from the usb drive yes, but independent of the laptop04:18
Doyleclassvoid: checkout guake terminal04:18
NewWorldvicsar:  I had that and it was because IPV6 was enabled. Try disabling it in Firefox via about:config04:18
classvoidDoyle, mine is because of the verizon firmware, I was going to flash it with actiontecs - i reset it and I got 3mb/s then a day later it started garbage again04:19
vicsar@Doyle Aclassvoid, i have recycled my router/modem... probably a reset is in place04:19
anthony_do we have skype on ubuntu04:19
a94060anthony_, yes04:19
brucealket: i currently cannot boot the laptop w/out the usb drive present04:19
anthony_how can i install it04:19
Jordan_Ubruce: Add "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true" to /etc/default/grub04:19
a94060sudo apt-get install skype04:19
vicsar@Doyle @Aclassvoid, bummer i might need to call my ISP04:19
a94060paranoidandroid, what type of filesystem?04:19
classvoidvicsar, yes I had to physically connect to my dsl after resetting modem/router and reconfigure it and it worked fine04:19
anthony_it wont work04:20
paranoidandroidi can pm the error message04:20
Josesordoa question, to Install ATI driver (from their web page) here..I need to uninstall the ATI Linux Proprietary Driver?04:20
bruceJordan_U: Lemme look. hold on...04:20
alketanthony_ go to www.skype.com/en04:20
classvoidthen I just used my original router connected to the dsl router/modem to handle the network via internet port04:20
arandanthony_: a94060: That will require medibuntu, I think, but you could use the deb provided on the skype homepage.04:20
leagrisNewWorld, when I had no IPv6 I used to alias net-pf-10 off and got ride of IPv6 system wide. Now using Sixxs IPv6 ayiya tunels and radvd on my lan, so I now need and use IPv6 :)04:20
anthony_ok thx04:20
Jordan_Ubruce: Reading your other comments it seems that may not be what you want (and certainly isn't all you want)04:21
ChaorainHi, I have a problem. When I installed Ubuntu I added a patition to /usr/lib/mythtv it was supposedto go to /var/lib/mythtv There is data in both directories. Is there a good way to fix this?04:21
alketanthony_ here is complet link http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/post-download/04:21
bruceJordan_U: what do u mean?04:21
vicsarWELL I thnak you all for the time. i have to go to bed now but i will call my ISP tomorrow. Might see you again04:21
a94060arand, im pretty sure its included04:21
DoyleChaorain: for convenience you might consider simply making a link04:22
classvoidvicsar, k sometimes it's me, sometimes it's verizon so eh04:22
a94060I lied,just checked04:22
Doylevicsar: good luck04:22
Jordan_Ubruce: The problem is that the system on the flash drive installed grub to the mbr of your internal drive, and is still configured to do so when there are grub updates.04:22
fluorineChaorain: do you mean to say that you had meant to mount your partition on /var/lib/mythtv? then just edit your fstab.04:22
NewWorldleagris:  I just experienced and read that IPv6 can have a problem where it takes ages to resolve DNSs.. so it appears that you're internet is slower, but it's only that DNS issue. I disabled it and voiila; all good04:22
vicsar@classvoid yup, that would be RACSA in my case04:22
vicsar@Doyle Thank you04:22
justinlillyanyone familiar with an issue in byobu which prevents ctrl+s from working?04:23
justinlillyworks in emacs from normal terminal, but doesn't work in emacs from within byobu. thoughts?04:23
Jordan_Ubruce: Since grub needs both the portion in the MBR, and the portion in /boot, when you try to boot without the external plugged in grub looks for its /boot and can't find it (because it isn't there)04:23
bruceJordan_U: that's correct. So I need to add grub to the usb drive and change the entry on the internal drive...04:23
Jordan_Ubruce: First, boot into the system that's on the flash drive and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc". That will ask a few questions, leave all but "install devices" at their default (some will be blank, that's fine).04:24
paranoidandroidi have a problem mounting an external hdd, could someone help?04:25
bruceJordan_U: are you going to be here for a bit? I'd like to try that now....04:25
Jordan_Ubruce: Then, boot into the system on the hard drive and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc -pcritical" which will just re-install grub to the internal drive.04:25
Jordan_Ubruce: Yes, I will be (though I may be in and out, so if I don't answer for a few minutes just wait).04:26
bruceJordan_U: cool. will be back in a few... cya...04:26
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DatTapewhat is the ubuntu default l/p04:27
DatTapewhen u install it04:27
DatTapeto get on it04:27
pinPointman! its nice to have my dell mini running 9.10. I just looks cool!!!04:27
alketDatTape what is I/p04:28
quiescensand, its whatever you entered when it asked you to choose a login and password04:28
alketDatTape it's what you have choosen, but in live cd username is ubuntu and there is no password04:29
JosesordoHow I can change root password?.. I just recently installed this ubuntu :D04:29
bastid_raZor!root | Josesordo04:29
ubottuJosesordo: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:29
alketpinPoint i really like to have dell mini with ubuntu but i can't get it beacuse i live in the country where it's not shipped04:30
Josesordomm I see.. but in older distro.. I could change root user password.. xD04:30
bastid_raZorJosesordo: it is not support in this channel.04:30
alketJosesordo: If you have root previleges and want to change your password, just go to System / Preferences / About me04:31
brandon__how do i open a rar file with linux04:31
alketbrandon__ sudo apt-get install rar04:31
bastid_raZor!rar | brandon__04:31
ubottubrandon__: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:31
fodder70use synaptic search unrar, two options one is free04:31
Talelohijos de puta04:32
Izinucs!language | Talelo04:34
ubottuTalelo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:34
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JackStoner!rules | JackStoner04:35
Sp0tterif you had 4  500gig hard drives to setup your linux desktop, what raid or configuration w ould you use, and what file system(s)?  mainly for development usage04:35
ubottuJackStoner, please see my private message04:35
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alket!rules | alket04:35
ubottualket, please see my private message04:35
alketjust curios :P04:36
DoyleSp0tter: 10 if your card supports it... my preference04:36
Sp0ttersoftware raid04:36
Sp0ttersorry shold of specified04:36
Doyle!rules | Doyle04:37
ubottuDoyle, please see my private message04:37
Babalabonis there any way to put the window buttons on the other side in ubuntu 10.404:37
bastid_raZor!controls | Babalabon04:37
ubottuBabalabon: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d604:37
alketBabalabon yes there is an easy way with http://ubuntu-tweak.com/04:37
todkonanyone know if there's a way to enable "genius" for iPhone through Rhythmbox?04:38
IdleOnealket: http://alturl.com/x5d6 just as easy and no need to install anything04:38
alketIdleOne yes of course but i prefer ubuntu tweak04:39
NiteSnowHello, I'm having an issue with the RTL8185 Wireless card in my laptop I ran lsmod and it's using the wrong driver and it won't let me connect to wifi I'm running 10.04 x6404:40
karrothow can I use irc through pidgin?04:41
todkonkarrot: go to accounts  and enable an irc login04:41
todkonits pretty straight forward with pidgin04:42
Izinucskarrot: why would you want to .. it's a good IM client but is terrible at IRC04:42
todkonI agree with Izinucs04:42
NiteSnowyeah xchat is far better04:42
todkonor irssi04:42
Izinucsor iriis04:42
Izinucswhat todkon said :)04:42
NiteSnoweh irssi is a bit primitive and hard to use for most users04:43
alketIzinucs: it's not that badd  , it's has pluggins that make it better : Xchat Chats, IRC More, IRC Helper. ..04:43
bsmith093is there something that will md5sum a crapload of files and delete the dupes04:43
todkonit is the "the client of the future" according to their website header04:43
karrotIzinucs: just gonna give it a try? See if I like it04:43
bsmith093or in some way find the dupes04:43
pinPointalket: that sucks04:43
bruce_Jordan_U: u still here?04:43
IzinucsNiteSnow: primitive no. but hard for most users .. yea.. you have to get use to it.04:43
bsmith093quick please its alomost mignight in new york and i want to get to bed04:44
todkonand like most open source/free software, there's endless documentation, tutorials, and howtos04:44
Jordan_Ubruce_: Yes04:44
NiteSnowIzinucs, by primitive i mean it's command line based04:44
todkoncommand line will nevar dieeee!104:44
NiteSnowDoes anyone know anything about the RTL8185 on Ubuntu 10.0404:45
bruce_Jordan_U: I'd like to let everyone here know that Jordan_U is a freakin' genius! (in other words...it worked) Thanks.04:45
NiteSnowcause it is giving me issues04:45
IzinucsNiteSnow: ah.. yes.. I don't consider that primitive though.. irssi with screen is unbeatable when you're diagnosing things and need to shut down the gui04:45
Jordan_Ubruce_: You're welcome :)04:45
NiteSnowyeah true04:45
karrot1haha! I'm using pidgin!04:45
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karrot1that's karate right there04:45
NiteSnowIzinucs, i use irssi through putty when im not at my home pc :D04:45
bruce_Jordan_U: how is it that you know how to do that, but when I looked it up on the ubuntu.org they didn't....04:45
bastid_raZor!cookie | Jordan_U04:46
ubottuJordan_U: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:46
bruce_ubottu: was that sarcasm?04:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:46
NickyBwould anyone know why my hwaddr in ifconfig is different than what I am seeing on the router?04:46
NiteSnowubottu know nothing !04:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:46
NiteSnowubottu knows nothing !*04:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:46
braydenIzinucs, the problem with running irssi if your'e in a console is it takes up the whole screen and consoles cannot multi task, you'd have to connect to your PC through another PC via SSH or telnet to be able to multi task, or else irssi will steal your whole screen and you can't diagnose anything04:47
karrot1that bot knows far more than I04:47
Flannelbrayden: screen04:47
Flannel!screen | brayden04:47
ubottubrayden: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen04:47
braydenFlannel, ohhh04:47
Izinucsbrayden: that's why you use "screen"..04:47
braydenI never heard of it, i only ever used putty for that sort of stuff04:47
sinei cant find my trashcan04:47
sineon kk04:47
karrot1Can anyone help me with why my computer just freezes until I press a key on the keyboard?04:47
Izinucs!screen | brayden04:47
Flannelbrayden: This runs serverside, so you'll still use PuTTy04:47
braydenI barely use linux anymore. only for running IRCds. it's so sad, i used to be fairly good with it.04:48
NickyBwould anyone know why my hwaddr in ifconfig is different than what I am seeing on the router?04:48
alketsine: right click on gnome panel and then Add to Panel and search for Trash04:48
sinealket: thanks pal i got it04:49
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shayisaacemm ... let see today ... anyone with FireWire and KINO knowledge?04:50
shayisaacthere are few solutions given yesterday to me ... but still failed04:50
Izinucsshayisaac: yea.. mine hasn't worked since 8.04 :(04:50
shayisaacIzinucs, erk ... adoi ... urs one is external card or built-in bro?04:52
Izinucsshayisaac: 3rd party internal04:52
shayisaacIzinucs, i believe that it is a PC - rite coz my one is external card as i'm using a notebook04:53
shayisaacIzinucs, i juz want to make this ubuntu able to read the hardware04:53
todkonI noticed in the last 2 Ubuntu releases, they obliterated ctrl+alt+del to restart Xorg04:54
todkonwhat's the new binding, if there is one? I keep accidentally pressing it every few months04:54
Izinucsshayisaac: it's a VIA VT630604:54
bastid_raZortodkon: you could use alt+SysRq+K04:55
NiteSnowDoes anyone know anything about wireless cards here ?04:55
JosesordoWhere is the menu.lst of the GRUB 2 in ubuntu 10.04 LTS?04:55
Izinucs!wireless | NiteSnow all I know about them --->04:55
ubottuNiteSnow all I know about them --->: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:55
NiteSnowi checked their already04:55
todkonbastid_raZor: sweet, thanks, I must have pressed that a few times.. >_>04:55
NiteSnowjoeshowradio, /boot/ look there04:56
JosesordoI did it already.. /boot/grub/ but dont exit the menu.lst file o_O... weird04:56
shayisaacIzinucs, owh. anything that u did try and can suggest for me to try?04:57
NiteSnowJosesordo, you would think it should be where it's suposed to be04:57
rednFLHi anyone have errors on exiting - lucid l04:58
LoshkiJosesordo: menu.lst is gone, 10.04 runs grub2, the config is completely different...04:58
Loshki!grub | Josesordo04:58
ubottuJosesordo: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.04:58
karrotI have the worst, most unsolvable problem ever04:58
Izinucsshayisaac: It's been several months since I've tried and my memory has faded.. I seem to remember a package in the repos.. search ieeee139404:58
Loshki!grub2 | Josesordo04:58
ubottuJosesordo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:58
Josesordomm let me test with sudo upgrade-grub ..04:59
RProgrammerDoes anyone's firefox crash when going to this site?: http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/string/node15.html05:00
Josesordoanother question, I installed the ATI driver from ati.com, but after reboot.. there is message about Propietary drivers for Linux.. and sais is not activated05:00
LoshkiRProgrammer: works fine in my 3.0.16 on 8.04 LTS05:01
RProgrammerHow about 10.0405:01
LoshkiRProgrammer: I couldn't tell you, I'm running 8.04...05:02
LoshkiRProgrammer: usually it's due to some add-on. The only way to tell is to remove them one by one, sorry...05:02
RProgrammerI get "Segmentation Fault" on stdout05:02
rednFLrprogrammer nope seems to work fine on mine - opened in LL05:02
RProgrammerAnd some message from glib about str array asserts failing05:03
rednFLrprogrammer - I am using 3.6.3 -05:03
MACscris there a gui that works for p7zip on a 64bit system?05:03
Aji-DahakaI have motorokr headphones.  They are working great as output devices, but the control buttons aren't doing anything.  Is there a way to get the controls working?05:03
RProgrammerI think it's an OpenJDK/IcedTea problem05:04
rednFLrprogrammer - have you seen what updates may be available - I dont know - but I link fine - wireless - on an old p405:05
MACscralso, what the name of ubunto 10.4? I see people talking about stuff like hardy and intrepid, etc, but i have no idea what the name is for the current version05:05
RProgrammerAnyone using 10.04 with the latest Firefox and OpenJDK from the official repositories?05:05
RProgrammerMACscr: Lucid05:05
MACscrRProgrammer: thanks05:06
rednFLmacscr  Ubuntu 10.04 LTS05:06
rednFL                - the Lucid Lynx - released in April 2010 and supported until April 2013.05:06
rednFLseems faster than 19.0405:06
RProgrammerThis site also does it: http://www.kccommunications.com/htdocs/oui.htm05:07
rednFLlittle slower loading but faster otherwise05:07
DevrethmanIs there a way to input funny characters (i.e. ä) in a terminal?05:07
MACscrsry, i should have noted the answer last night, but what is the recommended way for unraring files?05:08
caprajaxneed help with openoffice05:08
MACscri thought 7zip would be the answer, but it doesnt have a gui =/05:08
RProgrammerapt-get install unrar-free05:09
RProgrammeror apt-get install unrar05:09
Izinucs!unrar | MACscr05:09
ubottuMACscr: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free05:09
fodder70MACscr use synaptic search unrar, use the free one05:09
LoshkiMACscr: the names go alphabetically, which helps to remember them...05:09
MACscrLoshki: thanks05:09
caprajaxneed help with openoffice!05:10
enavhello.... im learning about UWF...   but i got a quick question... all ports are blocked by default???05:10
=== omar is now known as Shoruken
cc_willhi all, may I ask if anyone else using ubuntu 10.04 LTS has noticed that the icons situated right on the main panel bar (top right) drift to the left resulting in a visible gap ...05:12
Loshkienav: I think so, to make it easier to configure, but I don't use it myself...05:13
ARandomNubCan anyone direct me to a guide for installing wine/ or tell me how to do it?05:13
enavi dont even understand the meaning of gap... i google it but i still not understanding that term05:13
Loshki!wine | ARandomNub05:13
ubottuARandomNub: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:13
enavARandomNub  why you want to use wine?05:14
cc_will... a significant space on the panel between the (time/date/calendar) utility and the (icons/power buttom metaphor)05:15
ARandomNubenav: I've got various different windows appications I may or may not find useful05:15
=== dk_lunch is now known as datakid
wasabi_is there anyway to rebind empathy's window close key from ctrl+w to esc?05:15
wasabi_i've been googling this and the only thing i've seen are comments about how absurd that request is05:16
datakidI've checked out a django app from github. can I just put it into /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages? or is it better form to change my python path?05:16
enavARandomNub  my personal opinion is that wine is unstable... i just install virtualbox to run windows app onder win Xp... everithing work like a charm05:16
enavARandomNub but the final choise is yours05:16
wasabi_btw why did empathy become the native client for ubuntu instead of pidgin?05:16
ARandomNubenav: I'll try wine, see what goes :)05:17
datakidwasabi_, I think it was with 9.1005:17
enavARandomNub  alright to install wine is easy... just open software centre and type wine05:17
ARandomNubI did :)05:17
wasabi_yea it was05:17
ARandomNubenav: for instance, I just ran Steam and it loaded without error :)05:18
ARandomNubNo font issues, or anything :D05:18
BlurpeaceHello, I'd like to install a virtual OS of Windows XP on my Ubuntu 10.04 system05:18
genmaximathunderbird does not seem to open on Lucid upgrade05:18
BlurpeaceCan anyone point me in the right direction?05:18
genmaximait was working for a while05:18
CogitoErgoSam!virtualbox | Blurpeace05:18
ubottuBlurpeace: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox05:18
wasabi_datakid, i saw that with 9.10 but at the time it didn't matter cause i wasn't chatting as much. but now that i start to use empathy more and more, i find it a bit annoying to have to ctrl+w to close window instead of the normal esc prevalent with many im clients05:18
enavARandomNub steam is already coding a version for ubuntu05:18
ARandomNubenav: I know, but this is just one of many apps :)05:19
Blurpeace<3 CogitoErgoSam I'll take a look05:19
enavARandomNub very good05:19
aendrukCan I turn my 32-bit Ubuntu installation into 64-bit without having to do a fresh installation?05:19
wasabi_datakid, so i guess the only way to remap it is to edit the source and compile my own version right?05:19
Tw|sTGood evening everyone.   On Ubuntu 8.04.3-LTS, I had XDMCP & vnc4server configured to push GDM logins to VNC connections.  For some reason, I can't seem to get this to work under Ubuntu 10.04-LTS.  Does anyone know what the differences are in respects to getting that going again?05:19
enavARandomNub  after install wine you will se a new chose on your menu relat to wine05:19
bastid_raZoraendruk: no.05:19
ARandomNubenav: Is Winetools the thing where I get a list of stuff, like direct x and etc?05:19
enavARandomNub   yep05:20
ARandomNubenav: Thought so; I'm checking thatn ow.05:20
wasabi_datakid, the empathy channel didn't seem very happy when i asked about this so it leads me to believe that there isn't any options for it05:20
enavARandomNub but up to DX9.b05:20
CogitoErgoSamTw|sT, what kind of error are you getting.  Authentication error at GDM login, or xauth error?05:20
zoran119hey people05:20
emprameenhello person05:20
enavwasabi_"the empathy channel didn't seem very happy "  LOL05:20
wasabi_well i did ask05:20
wasabi_and they said why? ctrl+w works fine05:21
zoran119i have a ubuntu 8.04lts running as a virtual machine under hyper-v and a couple times a day the time would get stuck in a 5 second loop05:21
zoran119any idea on how to fix this?05:21
wasabi_i asked if there's a way to remap it and the answer was deal with it05:21
wasabi_it's not pidgin05:21
datakidwasabi_, you will note that ctrl-w is also how to close windows in IE, Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Xchat....05:21
datakidit's also pretty standard05:21
datakidyou may not have come across it before, but the empathy mob didn't just pull it out of nowhere05:21
enavwasabi_   i read some where that pidgin is hardcoded and unstable... that is the main reason of the chenge...  any way i think empathy is kinda ugly in many ways  i just stay with pidgin... indeed  im using pidgin to IRC right now05:22
CogitoErgoSamwasabi_, I assume you only want it remapped for that one program, right?  Otherwise you can remap it for the system in the control panels05:22
wasabi_no i understand, but usually there's a way to remap the function to another key05:22
voss749enav, I just use chatzilla05:22
wasabi_yea i just want to remap empathy05:22
wasabi_enav, pidgin has a filled called accels and that as gives you remapping functionality05:23
wasabi_oops has a file*05:23
CogitoErgoSamwasabi_, I think the problem here is that a lot of these programs delegate the control of window-management functions to gtk libraries05:23
CogitoErgoSamso you probably can't remap it in empathy because empathy isn't managing that functionality05:24
wasabi_CogitoErgoSam, understood05:24
enavARandomNub  ok let continue... after install wine you will be able to install windows program with a simple and dangerous double click ... like M$ does05:24
ARandomNubenav: I know05:25
ARandomNubenav: When I run wine tools, it tells me to direct it to a file to install05:25
mihirhello friends05:25
ARandomNubenav: Last time I used wine tools, I opened it through Terminal and I got a big list05:25
CogitoErgoSamwasabi_, you could do a kind of work-around by hooking a script to the key combo, like through compiz.  Within the script you could probably find the right window and close it.05:25
hmwi moved partitions with the live cd but tha first partition is now "sda2" - is this just a bug / how can I manipulate the MBR to make the partitions appear in order (i want to dd a system and would like to prevent adjusting fstab, etc)05:26
wasabi_CogitoErgoSam, that is a good suggestion. i will give that a try05:26
Tw|sTCogitoErgoSam: It's simply refused to connect (I'm using UltraVNC Client v1.0.6.4)05:26
mihiri am getting message of malware affected your system and the virus is of windows05:27
paketehi all05:27
CogitoErgoSamTw|sT, which vnc server are you using05:27
emprameenhello, pakete05:27
paketemihir: it is because you haven't upgraded via new update kit05:27
enavhey wasabi_  check this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkHJKakHMpo05:27
paketecan anyone suggest what should i do with crazy plymouth?05:28
mihirhow to upgrade05:28
paketehow to reconfigure it?05:28
wasabi_enav, lol05:28
enavwasabi_  Wazaaaaaaaaabeeee05:28
paketemihir: just type in your console" sudo -s do update kit malware delete05:28
paketei forgot the command to reconfigure plymouth, please help!05:29
CogitoErgoSamTw|sT, pm me and I can try to help05:29
paketeit doesn't show any splashy screens on boot up!!! what a...05:30
paketeplease suggest what can be done with plymouth05:30
ynkhello people.05:31
danielhello do you guys know if its possible to get a stack like mac os in docky for ubuntu05:31
alkethello ynk05:31
CogitoErgoSamdaniel:  I'm pretty sure theres a docky one, and I am positive there is for AWN (Avant window manager)05:31
CogitoErgoSamdaniel:  err that's avant window navigator, not manager05:32
paketeDaniel: yes it is possible, but first you will have to upgrade your update kit05:32
paketebecause if you have malware, you can'r use a dock05:32
ynkanyone have experience with installing eclipse? it seems it doesn't really "install" per say. you just download the tar.gz and extract it to a folder. i'd like to INSTALL it.. but i don't want the version from Synaptic.05:32
pifferanyone here running snort 2.8.6 on Karmic?05:33
paketeynk: try update kit05:33
CogitoErgoSampakete stop giving out crap advice05:33
danielpakete can you show me how to upgrade the update kit.....i thought linux was malware safe for the most part05:33
paketeCogito: well maybe anyone can finally give me ANY advice on plymouth?05:33
CogitoErgoSamdaniel:  Don't listen to him he's spouting the same gibberish crap to everyone's question05:34
alket!ban | pakete05:34
ubottupakete: If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops05:34
danielCogitoErgoSam ok thanks05:34
ynkpakete: excuse my ignorance, but you'll have to be a little more descriptive than that. what did you want me to do?05:34
CogitoErgoSamynk:  Ignore him.05:34
pinPointis it possible for me to migrate my settings from gnome to like flux/black-box? Like in gnome my wifi automatically connects upon login but fluxbox/blackbox fails05:34
mihirwhat to type in terminal root@mihir-laptop:~#05:34
CogitoErgoSamynk he was giving wrong advice because he was getting emo over not having his question answered05:34
paketecan anyone advice ANYthing on plymouth????05:35
ynkCogitoErgoSam: haha, that's hilarious.05:35
ynkthanks for the heads up.05:35
paketeseems like you just watch for trolls, no real support on this channel so far05:35
CogitoErgoSampakete if someone knew they'd say it.  Deal with it and either wait for someone or go elsewhere05:35
enavpakete troll are normal some times here... they login here just for fun05:36
paketeCogito: join windows05:36
BlurpeaceAlright, CogitoErgoSam, I've got the VM software up, but I've hit a snag.05:36
CogitoErgoSam!kick pakete05:36
paketeenav: agree 100%05:36
paketeBan CogitoErgoSam!05:36
mihirwhat to type in terminal root@mihir-laptop:~#05:36
BlurpeaceHow do I eject the CD Drive during installation, Cogito?05:37
paketeCogito is hidden fan of #windows channel05:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:37
enavmihir what is your question ???05:37
=== dennis_ is now known as DCGstudios
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, what's the snag?05:37
paketeplymouth...what is the command in console to reconfigure it? please advice - it is so simple05:37
paketebut i forgot...TIA05:37
mihiri want to update malware kit and for that i have typed sudo -s in terminal and it asked me password after that it asked me root@mihir-laptop:~#05:39
CogitoErgoSampakete http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+configure+plymouth05:39
BlurpeaceCogitoErgoSam, because I have an upgrade disc, I need to insert my old OS's disc.05:39
BlurpeaceBut the drive won't eject.05:39
BlurpeaceProbably because it's mounted on the virtual machine.05:39
pifferwhat is a good hashing tool for ubuntu? I want to hash some files, so that I can verify that they have not changed later on..05:39
paketeCogito you link me to malware site05:39
BlurpeaceAny way to rectify this? :)05:39
paketeBan Cogito!05:40
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, you can mount an iso05:40
BlurpeaceBTW, someone should probably kick him.05:40
paketeCogito spreading windows malware...it is why we have to upgrade update kit urgently05:40
BlurpeaceSo I'd have to convert my discs into ISOs, Cogito?05:40
alketMANY BOTS HERE05:40
BlurpeaceHuh, that's bothersome. :\05:40
paketeby the way, some kreepy dev changed the ability to sudo -s, as i promised before lynx release. but noone actually solved Plymouth problem....05:41
paketeanyone give simple advice without malware please?05:42
mihiri want to upload screenshot how i can05:42
piffer.. nevermind just found md5sum05:42
hmwpakete: because you payed to little05:42
paketepiffer: use update kit05:42
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, its just one possible fix; I'm sure there are other ways.  I don't think I have the best picture of your full setup though05:42
tony_Hey, cool guys. What's the terminal command for replacing directories, even those under /usr/?05:42
alketpakete: you are malware here, please ban your self.05:42
Flannelpakete: Please stay ontopic and helpful, thanks.05:42
paketehmw: payment's under way, use update kit!05:42
mneptokalket: please be polite.05:42
FlannelCogitoErgoSam: Please be polite.  Linking to that site, or even to google, as support is not helpful.05:43
hmwtony_: what are you trying to achieve?05:43
tony_I am trying to update /mozilla/ in Supertuxkart.05:43
paketeCogito is undercover troll from #windows05:43
mihircan anyone help me how to upgrade malware kit05:43
CogitoErgoSamFlannel:  That was in response to his repeated spamming of people with questions, and after I asked him to wait for someone who knew the answer and not spam.05:43
CogitoErgoSamFlannel:  Regardless though, I stopped even talking to him, so its a moot point05:44
andypeaIs anyone here familiar with preseed/automated installs?05:44
FlannelCogitoErgoSam: I don't care whether he's spamming or not, it doesn't allow you to be rude to anyone.05:44
paketemihir: just type as i said before...but don't think it is possible anymore...if you use Lynx05:44
paketetry Koala - may help05:44
tony_hmw: I'm updating /mozilla/ in Supertuxkart. I tried mv -u but that didn't really work.05:44
Flannelpakete: Stop being misleading and offtopic.05:44
hmw!sudo | tony_: you might need permissions. You can always use sudo to get elevated rights, but you need to take care.05:44
ubottutony_: you might need permissions. You can always use sudo to get elevated rights, but you need to take care.: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo05:44
paketeLynx is getting as much malware as windows now05:44
=== FrankLv_ is now known as FrankLv
alketthank you Flanel05:45
Flannelmihir: What is "malware kit"?05:45
BlurpeaceCogitoErgoSam, trying to install Windows XP Pro with an upgrade disc on Ubuntu 10.0405:45
mihiri have typed as you said but what to write at root@mihir-laptop:~#05:46
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, the win xp disc is an upgrade one?05:46
Flannelmihir: What are you trying to do?05:46
BlurpeaceYeah, but I have my prior OS disc.05:46
paketemihir: there is no malware kit - there is update kit that eliminates malware05:46
BlurpeaceSo I just need to insert that and I can install.05:46
tony_ubottu and hmw: Sorry, sorry, yes, I used sudo as well, but the command didn't work, it told me that the directory was already there, so I think I am supposed to use a different command for replacing a directory. I'm alright, though, I'm only doing this to replace a directory under a game.05:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:46
CogitoErgoSamflannel and mihir:  Ignore that, it was the bad advice from pakete05:46
paketeubottu sucks05:46
CogitoErgoSamflannel and mihir:  he keeps telling people that all their problems are malware and they need some kit05:46
tony_ubottu: Awww, don't insult yourself!05:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:46
hmwtony_: i see. I am not sure, how to do it properly, but moving the old directory out of the way (perhaps dirname.OLD) and then simply using cp -r should do the trick then.05:47
BlurpeaceShould probably +b him. :\05:47
BlurpeaceCogito, yeah, it's an upgrade disc, but if I can insert my prior OS disc, it'll install fine.05:47
mihircogitoergosam: how to upload screenshot05:48
BlurpeaceWorks the same as a regular install.05:48
tony_hmw: I'll give it a shot. Thanks very much, I'll report back later.05:48
CogitoErgoSam!pb | mihir05:48
ubottumihir: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:48
paketeis there anyone who is a spec in Plymouth?05:48
paketeplease no link to malware sites05:48
Flannelpakete: Its best to just ask your question.05:48
paketei did ask a question: type it again: no boot splash on restart05:49
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, quickest and surest bet is to probably just burn one of them to an image so you dont' need to swap at all05:49
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, it wouldn't take very long05:49
Blurpeacehow do you mean no swap?05:49
Blurpeaceid theoretically have to use two ISOs, regardless05:50
paketeswap is for malware kits only05:50
paketewho knows anything on plymooth malware? please advice05:50
enavpakete what are you talkinga bout05:51
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, I think I'm misunderstanding your situation.  Which OS is installed on the disk right now?  How many cd drives, etc05:51
=== dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen
alketpakete I know plymouth malware05:51
DevrethmanAwesome, ubuntu just installed GRUB with an incorrect video configuration.05:51
Devrethmanand now my desktop can't boot05:51
paketeenav, do you know how to reconfig plymouth - i have no boot splash since i installed final lts05:51
Jordan_Ualket: Please don't feed the troll05:51
alketJordan_U I'm trying him to focus on me so can leave others alone05:52
mihirthis is my pastebin url http://pastebin.com/aSXdibC205:52
enavpakete http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+forums+plymouth+configuration05:52
FlannelHe's taken care of guys, go back to your regularly scheduled support :)05:52
brah-Jordan_U calling someone a troll is hardly productive, if anything you're only making the situation worse, this individual is a person just as you are05:52
mihirit was a screenshot of malware attack05:52
BlurpeaceCogito, I am currently running Ubuntu 10.04. I have one CD drive. I have installed VirtualBox and am attempting to install Windows XP Professional. Because I own an upgrade disc, during installation, I must insert my prior OS disc (I own a Windows 98 full install disc) to continue. I cannot eject my CD drive to replace the XP disc with the 98 disc so I cannot continue with the installation.05:52
DevrethmanOkay seriously, ubuntu just melted my desktop's bootloader.05:52
BlurpeaceHow do I eject the drive so that I can swap the discs, Cogito?05:53
DevrethmanLike, I can't see anything.05:53
DevrethmanI installed with the alternate CD, cause I figured "what kind of linux distro is going to be arrogant enough to think it can tetect my video settings in the bootloader"05:53
Devrethmanand lo and behold, grub loads, and my screen starts flashing pink and broken05:54
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace:  You can burn one of the windows cd's to an image on your computer.  Then, it gets mounted as if it was in a cd drive.  That way, both cd's will appear to your system to be mounted.05:54
Devrethmanand I can't do anything05:54
hmwBlurpeace: did you try the "Devices" menu?05:54
DevrethmanI can hear little "you can't scroll this far" if I mash arrow keys05:54
mihirhow to delete malware from ubuntu05:54
enavmihir  where are you from05:54
Shorukenhow to shot web05:54
CogitoErgoSammihir:  There really isn't any.  Pakete was making that stuff up.05:54
hmw!virus | mihir05:54
ubottumihir: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:54
Blurpeacehmw, I have not. :\05:54
mihirubottu: i am getting error while using firefox05:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:55
Flannelmihir: Which error?05:55
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BlurpeaceCogito, how would I go about converting my 98 disc into an ISO?05:56
mihiri have a screeshot tell me how to upload05:56
enavim pretty sure "mihir  and other 3 user"  are bot just spaming stupid questions05:56
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Urda#ubuntu-server is dead tonight, but real quick. Would anybody know why I would be unable to boot into a fresh ubuntu-server install?05:56
hmwBlurpeace: you should be able to unmount the disk in said menu05:56
adamkexwhere is the password file for the chromium browser? .config/chromium/Default/databases/Databases.db ?05:57
enavUrda  lol  is not dead  they are busy05:57
Flannelmihir: Go to http://imagebin.org/ and upload it there05:57
alketUrda: It's not dad, the majority is Idle05:57
Blurpeacehmw, presumably not while the installation is running. Besides, I attempted that and it would not unmount.05:57
Urdaenav: well fark. alket :\05:57
hmwBlurpeace: i see... hmm...05:57
UrdaI've never seen an install do this before05:57
binareUrda: mayb some hw probs...05:57
alketUrda: does it display error05:58
DevrethmanHow do I make ubuntu not think that it knows what kind of graphics setup I have05:58
Devrethmanbecause it clearly has no idea, but thinks it does.05:58
Urdaalket: nope blinks an underscore for a secod then nothing05:58
Devrethmanin the bootloader no less05:58
hmwBlurpeace: you should be able to mount a second disk, perhaps you have 2 drives and windows accepts the disk on another drive. If that will not work, I doubt making ISOs will help05:58
enavUrda  what version of USE are you installing05:58
hmwBlurpeace: you should be able to unmount, as far as the drive is not in use, and since you are asked to insert another disk, it's quite weird05:58
Urdaenav: sorry, 10.0405:58
ayiA message popped up on my boot splash screen and quickly disappeared. The message was something like: "One of the entries in fstab failed to mount". Everything seems to be in working order though, and all entries in fstab are mounted(/, /var, /home/)05:59
binareUrda What's the hw specs?05:59
enavUrda on a real machine or virtual machine?05:59
Devrethmanalso, whose idea was it to get rid of ctrl-alt-F1-6?05:59
shawnboyAnybody know how to fix MPlayer errors "initializing video filters (-vf) and video output (-vo)"?05:59
Urdaenav: real machines, identical dell desktops05:59
enavUrda intel a guess05:59
Urdaboth boxes are doing it, but I can reach a recovery kernel I think05:59
mihirok i have uploaded in imagebin and nickname is mihir05:59
UrdaP4 enav05:59
UrdaGot a recovery kernel online now05:59
ayishawnboy: those are errors?05:59
Urdajust kidding it died06:00
hmwDevrethman: it has not been disabled. perhaps your GPU has crashed seriously.06:00
lallahow do i change the boot up? i've customised ubuntu using uck!06:00
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, I think I found a link that might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21652306:00
Devrethmanhmw: huh, cause I can hear things from X, and when I try to open vitrual consoles, it turns black06:00
shawnboyayi, yes when I try to play H264 video. The same video works in Movie Player.06:00
Devrethmanand that's it.06:00
enavUrda it runs the installation process normally or jsut is dead after installation?06:00
Devrethmanmaybe my graphics card has crashed... it's been acting a little odd lately06:00
Urdaenav: install goes great, then it reboots and nothing shows06:00
demonsporkIn Ubuntu 9.10, the longer I run Xorg, the more memory it uses. All the way to the point my system starts reaching Oom conditions and I just simply have to restart. How can I fix this?06:00
Urdaenav: can't SSH, can't get into it, just a dead screen (monitor goes into powersaving) and on both Dell's06:01
crunchbangserver irc.webchat.org06:01
enavUrda did you check disk integriti?06:01
adamkexdemonspork: restart X?06:01
ayishawnboy: are you using mplayer from command line or GUI like gmplayer?06:01
hmwDevrethman: you might be able to solve your current issue by using SSH from outside?06:01
DevrethmanIf I could get the IP address O_o06:01
shawnboyGUI from Apps/Sound-Video06:01
inhalehi, i only have a 256mb thumb drive and i want to put netbook remix 10 on to my netbook.   how can i use the 256mb thumb drive then pull the image off an ftp with the netbook on the network over a network cable?06:01
Urdaenav: I did, and it said it was fine. I'm actually running it again. Memtests on both machines checked out fine too06:01
BlurpeaceCogito, I just hope that it recognizes the disc. I'll attempt this tomorrow.06:01
lallahow do i change the boot up? i've customised ubuntu using uck!06:01
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, I just found my win xp CD; I'm gonna double check the right process for makin an image06:01
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, if you wanna wait a few mins I'm tryin to make one now so I can give you a step-by-step06:02
shawnboyayi, and I have ubuntu-restriced-extras installed, by the way.06:02
enavUrda  but my question is did you check the integrity of the CD before intall?06:02
Urdaenav: I've installed lots of ubuntu servers, but never have I seen computers act like this towards it06:02
BlurpeaceReally, it's fine, Cogito. Just point me out the program name and I can take it from there. ;)06:02
demonsporkadamkex, that isn't fixing the problem, it only restarts the entire process. It takes about 48 hours of Xorg running to for it to fill my memory and cause this06:02
BlurpeaceI'm not a total "newbie", anyway.06:02
xorwhyI installed the nvidia restricted driver, and half of the times I boot into Ubuntu it gives me the low graphics mode troubleshooter window. The other half it loads the driver just fine.06:02
ayishawnboy: In you open the preferences/options in the mplayer gui, you can select video out device. Try "xv"06:02
Urdaenav: matched checksum, and on the one box I checked it before hand.06:02
Urdaonly burnt one disk tonight06:02
inhaleah nm06:02
CogitoErgoSamBlurpeace, sorry if it sounded trite; just wanted to grab your attention before ya logged off06:03
xorwhyI have tried installing the driver from Nvidia's website, the results were exactly the same.06:03
* Blurpeace hugs Cogito.06:03
enavUrda very good... that is weird... i never had that problem before... i just got that problem with a beta version06:03
BlurpeaceIt's cool. :)06:03
BlurpeaceThanks for the help so far! I'm off for the night.06:03
* Blurpeace waves.06:03
ynkhow do i view the files that a package contains before i try to "apt-get insall" it?06:04
Urdaenav: I might start fresh again tomorrow, and check all the hardware out again. But these boxes are barely used :\ not identical but close06:04
lallahow do i change the boot up during installation? i've customised ubuntu using uck!06:04
CogitoErgoSamwas gonna ask for his email so I could drop him a line if I found a good solution06:04
* emprameen pats himself on the back.06:04
enavUrda try to remove problematic hardware like RAID cards or extra video cards06:04
Urdaenav: I've installed lots of 8.04 LTS copies, and was wishing to run 10.04 on these new boxes here at home. No RAID on these guys and the video is onboard06:04
UrdaI yanked all extra PCI and other drives06:05
lallahow do i change the boot up during installation? i've customised ubuntu using uck!06:05
adamkexdemonspork: well, if it is a memory leak try upgrading version, or upgrade to 10.4 and see if that solves the problem, or you could do the enviroment a favour and switch off your computer once in a while ;)06:05
xorwhyThe error provided by the low graphics mode prompt is "failes to initialize the nvidia graphics device"06:05
adamkexdemonspork: 10.04*06:05
shawnboyayi, When I go to Video tab in Prefs, and highlight xv, I get error: "interrupted by signal 11 in module: unknown" then crash.06:05
enavUrda well maybe something was wrong on installation process because im running USE 10.04 so far so good06:05
Urdaenav: maybe the disk it is on wasn't burnt right? but that wouldn't make sense if the integrity test was OK06:05
enavUrda let me chek something on google06:05
ayishawnboy: that's very odd, try opengl06:06
Urdaenav: that would be nice, but I've been googling and browsing super user all night :(06:06
enavUrda normally when disk are bad burned linux installation show some I/O errors  a lot of them06:06
CogitoErgoSamwell...found the fix for Blur about 3 minutes after he logged06:06
Urdaenav: I'm not getting that and I can't reach recovery kernel06:06
ARandomNubWell this is annoying >_>06:06
enavUrda but i recommend to bur important disk at 8X or lower  just to ensure a proper burn06:06
Urdaenav: I'll try that again tomorrow I suppose06:07
shawnboyayi, exact same result.06:07
ARandomNubWhy can't I boot from DVD into Windows setup?  Constantly says "Bootmngr misssing", even though I can see it inside the DVD -.-06:07
enavUrda hang on let me chek something i saw at google06:07
Urdaenav: sometimes if I boot the LIVE CD, enter the kernel there, and reboot it works for a brief moment06:07
adamkexdemonspork: i am off, have a good day!06:08
enavUrda btw is a PC really?06:08
ayishawnboy: what if you pick x11?06:08
Urdaenav: these are going to be re-purposed dell PC's06:08
shawnboyayi, actually now it does that after a few seconds of being open, without changing anything. I didn't know it was this bad!06:09
shawnboyayi, I tried a different format just for test--an avi. same erro about initializing video filters and video output.06:11
ayishawnboy: try from command line, e.g: "mplayer -vo xv myvideofile.mpg"06:12
shawnboyayi, it successfully played an OGV file using that method. Now I'll try H26406:13
dragontechhello i am very new to ubuntu and linux06:14
dragontechi am having problems getting my gf's laptop to work online06:14
dragontechit was working before06:14
Urdaenav:  last thing I see is running /scripts/init-bottom ... Done. Then 9 times out of 10 nothing happens. But now I do have a recovery console up06:15
dragontechbut now it won't recognize my wireless network06:15
shawnboyayi, HEY. It works. That's something. But does that give you a clue what's going on when I start from GUI or how to fix?06:15
enavUrda i think the console and sheel is good... maybe is a bug related with graphics06:15
dragontechi tried to plug in the ethernet cable to see if that works but no luck06:15
Urdaenav: :( darn06:15
enavUrda im reading this on launchepad logs06:16
ayishawnboy: your mplayer GUI is segfaulting for some reason, i.e writing outside it's memory. You could try a different mplayer GUI06:16
Urdaenav: well I was able to go through recovery kernel and now I have a login06:16
dragontechit received an ip address on the ethernet cable but i am still unable to view web pages06:16
enavUrda recovery kernell give you a crappy grapich performance really?06:16
shawnboyayi, I thought that GUI was MPlayer. So the GUI is separate? MPlayer is CLI?06:16
dragontechher laptop is using ubuntu 9.1006:17
dragontechcan anyone help06:17
enavUrda i mean recovery mode give you a low video performance like lag video or somthing like that?06:17
Urdaenav: no06:17
Urdaenav: normal console but it seldom boots into it right06:17
Urdaenav: I usually get a blank screen and the system halts06:18
enavgive your grapic card model06:18
todkonis there an actual command to allow the update manager systray icon popup within a systray external of Gnome? (ie. Docker within Openbox)06:18
Urdaenav: it's on board so IDK06:18
aurillianceWhen I updated to ubuntu 10.04 my touchscreen is no longer detected - touching the screen makes the cursor jump all over the place and System > Administration > calibrate touchscreen has disappeared. Anyone know how to fix this?06:18
enavUrda give me your graphic card model06:18
enavUrda give me your mother board model06:19
crdlbtodkon: there is no icon by default anymore, but the notifier process is update-notifier06:19
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ayidragontech: are you able to ping your router?06:19
Prez00weird, whenever I used to build kernels for Ubuntu I would get initrd.img.. file created when I used, sudo make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers i tried now in 10.04 with latest kernel, not initrd.img and kernel panic when trying to boot on Ubuntu 10.0406:19
todkoncrdlb: if I put that within my autostart.sh, would it do anything useful for me?06:19
Urdaenav: it is a DELL e21088206:19
shawncm217I'm starting to build a dedicated Linux box. Is Intel or AMD more friendly to the Linux community, either in compatibility or support of the community?06:19
ayidragontech: are you able to ping an internet address like google.com?06:20
Tidusshawncm217, either or06:20
Tidusdepends on your tastes and budget06:20
crdlbtodkon: it will pop up the update-manager when there are updates, just like it does in gnome06:20
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Tidusintel...amd... chances are its going to work06:21
todkoncrdlb: sweet, that's exactly what I wanted. Thanks a lot! :)06:21
ayidragontech: are you able to ping ?06:21
adamkexshawncm217: i prefer intel06:21
Tidusi'm more of an AMD person, due to budget restraints06:21
dragontechno i receive a host unreachable error06:22
ActionParsnipYo yo yo06:22
enavye ye ye06:22
aurillianceWhen I updated to ubuntu 10.04 my touchscreen is no longer detected - touching the screen makes the cursor jump all over the place and System > Administration > calibrate touchscreen has disappeared. Anyone know how to fix this?06:22
ayidragontech: but other machines on the LAN is able to ping internet addresses?06:22
RProgrammerI can ping it06:22
=== crunchbang is now known as ceh421
dragontechyes the computer i am on is on the same network06:23
ceh421crunchbang help here?06:23
ActionParsnip!crunchbang | ceh42106:23
ubottuceh421: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)06:23
JackStonerceh421: ask06:23
ayidragontech: type "route -n" paste output on pastebin and post link06:23
enavUrda  dude give the the hardware specifications from a web site of your mainboard because i cant see where this is.... i hate those complicated websites to fin hardware related information06:24
dragontechhow do i do that06:24
Urdaenav: I'll see what I can digg up06:24
enavUrda good boy06:24
ActionParsnipJackstoner: crunchbang isn't supported here :)06:24
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ActionParsnipHowdy dcgstudios06:25
ayidragontech: check the title06:25
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ceh421i installed crunchbang on sdb1 (bootable and active) it seems as though it did not install a boot loader - sda1 (win7) boots fine if i tell bios to boot it, 2 questions, is there a way to boot to the installed crunchbang from the bootable cd, 2 can i install lilo from the bootable cd or do i need to boot to the installed crunchbang06:25
dragontechwhen i typed "route -n" i received a kernal routing table06:25
CaptainTrekayi: try !topic next time06:26
Urdaenav: I have no idea what board this DELL box has, I'll start my troubleshooting up in the morning again with a clea rmind06:26
disappearedng_hey if I do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<usbkey> and it still says device not found is it gone?06:26
Urdaenav: thanks for the help though06:26
ActionParsnipCeh421: crunchbang support is in #crunchbang ,not here06:26
Flannelceh421: #crunchbang can help you06:26
shawncm217Thank you for your responses. I wasn't sure if either company had shown support or opposition to the Linux community. It sounds like they're about the same.06:26
enavUrda you need to find out that information to check incompatibility issues06:26
enavUrda bye bye06:26
starnostarcan anyone here actually recommend preload, i got 8gb ram...never use any of it06:27
ayidragontech: yes, it tells you where the packets go06:27
ActionParsnipStarnostar: sure, may as well put it to use06:27
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ayiCaptainTrek: thanks for pointing that out06:27
CaptainTrekayi: no problem06:28
starnostardoes it work allright in lucid, are there any problems i should know about it before i install, do i have to start it manually?06:28
ActionParsnipStarnostar: or you can not use preload and use more ram as disk cache06:28
ActionParsnipStarnostar: nope just install it and it works06:28
dragontechok i have destination gateway genmask flags U metric 1 ref 0 use 0 iface eth006:28
dragontechthats the first line06:28
naveen519FlexiStation application is crashing in Ubuntu...06:28
starnostarcool, i think ill give it a shot, and im interested because its automagic, have to set up disk cashes06:29
starnostardont want to set them up06:29
slimjimflimhi, i'm trying to use my webcam in flash w/ firefox. it works except every other frame blinks a frame of random pixels.  using flexcam 100 and using 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so firefox' to start firefox.  can anyone help?06:29
alketHello emprameen06:29
Rondohi I'm having trouble figuring out how to empty trash in inserted media. I delete .Trash-1000 but still the device is lacking the free space it should have06:29
dragontechdestination gateway genmask flags UG metric 0 ref 0 use 0 iface eth006:29
starnostaror i "heard" it was automagic, like vnstat is supposed to be, it didnt add a cron tab to cron.d when i installed it06:29
dragontechis the second line06:29
ayidragontech: it would be helpful to see all the lines, preferably on the pastebin06:30
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:30
dragontechhow do i pastebin06:30
ActionParsnipRondo: did you saftely eject the device properly or just rip it out?06:30
enavdragontech http://pastebin.com/06:30
CogitoErgoSam!pb | dragontech06:30
ubottudragontech: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:30
RondoActionParsnip: I have tried several methods ;P06:30
starnostarwill preload make that much of a difference in my performace, im using regualr spinning disks (drooling over a 30gb ssd for os though)06:30
dragontechoh ok06:30
ActionParsnipRondo: if you safetly remove it syncs the partitions and the space will be released, as well as syncing the trash. I'd try an fsck06:31
enavdragontech that is to paste long text output and jsut give us the web link to chek it out06:31
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dragontechdo i paste the route -n from her laptop or mine06:31
ayion the broken one06:31
dragontechok thank you06:31
ayiactually, do both06:31
ActionParsnipStarnostar: sure. Hdds are mega slow compared to ram06:31
RondoActionParsnip: had no problems in ubuntu 9.10 but now kubuntu 10.04 the "safely eject" option does not do this06:32
enavActionParsnip about 100 times06:32
starnostarand one final question, once i get my ssd for os only, will i even need it anymore, or will it make it even more godly faster (or ssd = fast, ssd+preload = uber faster?)06:32
ActionParsnipEnav: unless you get one of those pci-x sd card readers ;)06:33
starnostarand if anything goes wrong with preload, i can just apt-get remove --purge it right? its not one of those services that are a giant pain to get rid of?06:34
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ActionParsnipRondo: i'd ask in #kubuntu too then. Not sure what kde does with stuff like that. Could try the eject command on the disk after unmounting the partition (will need sudo)06:35
dragontechthats hers06:35
QuiltPantsHi all, I've just set up my first ubuntu home server and tried to follow this tutorial: http://tuxtweaks.com/2009/07/how-to-configure-apache-linux/. I seem to be having some issues when trying to access any of the test sites from my dev machine. anyone know why?06:35
ActionParsnipStarnostar: indeed, its just a package and service06:35
Tidusso I like what they have done with the ubuntu netbook launcher06:35
ayiwouldn't it be both cheaper and faster to buy lots of RAM and put the OS and applications on a ramdisk?06:35
Tidusexcept one small thing06:35
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
ayi30gb ssd sounds expensive06:36
starnostarkk, thank you actionparsnip, you have been incredibly helpful06:36
enavQuiltPants acces using hat SSH?06:36
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dragontechthis is my computers "route -n" http://paste.ubuntu.com/434722/06:36
enavQuiltPants acces using what SSH? **06:36
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RondoActionParsnip: yes the kubuntu channel is generally pretty dead. fsck might be the key, reading man now \(@_@)/06:36
ActionParsnipAyi: you can, puppy has an option for that ;) there's also a guide on how to do it in ubuntu too but its more involved06:36
Tiduson 9.10 i liked how external volumes (like external hdd, cdrom devices, etc...) were in their own column on the right side of the screen instead of under "Files and Folders"06:36
ayidragontech: is that the broken one?06:36
QuiltPantsenav: hi, do you mean accessing the site via ssh? or the server? I'm accessing the server via ssh06:37
aurillianceWhen I updated to ubuntu 10.04 my touchscreen is no longer detected - touching the screen makes the cursor jump all over the place and System > Administration > calibrate touchscreen has disappeared. Anyone know how to fix this?06:37
enavQuiltPants  very good what is the problem then?06:37
dragontechhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/434721/ is the broken one06:37
QuiltPantsenav: but just trying to type http://site1/ into my browser06:37
ActionParsnipStarnostar: np man. Its fun to try stuff :)06:37
enavQuiltPants and?06:38
enavQuiltPants i mean what happens next?06:38
QuiltPantsenav: well i've done everything on the server, but when typing in http://site1/ into the browser i get the error connection has timed out and the address changed to http://www.site1.com06:38
QuiltPantsenav: sorry typing slowly here :)06:38
QuiltPantsenav: i'm also a linux noob06:39
enavQuiltPants  dont worry06:39
enavQuiltPants i guess apache is ready, and no firewalls right ?06:39
ayidragontech: See, the default gateway is different on the two..06:39
starnostarjust googled it, appearently preload hasnt worked since like 9.10, this post was from 3 weeks ago06:39
QuiltPantsenav: nope don't think so06:39
dragontechyes i just realized that and went into the connection manager06:40
enavQuiltPants  lets go privatechat06:40
QuiltPantsenav: cool06:40
dragontechi am resetting her ip address configuration06:40
ayidragontech: good idea06:40
dragontechi am still trying to figure out why her wireless is not working06:40
ayidragontech: use the same approach to diagnose it06:40
dragontechher system doesn't even show the ssid06:41
[mike]anyone out to help someone with open ati driver and kms settings?06:41
dragontechit doesn't connect to the router06:41
dragontechit shows the wireless is turned on06:42
mneptokQuiltPants: do you have a local DNS ebtry for "site1?"06:42
ayidragontech: what does "iwlist wlan0 scan" give you?06:43
dragontechit just says no scan results06:43
ayidragontech: has wifi ever worked?06:43
mneptokdragontech: does the WAP broadcast the SSID? you can "see" the access point from other machines?06:44
ilianhello, I recently upgraded from 8.04 to 10.0406:45
ilianencountered a problem06:45
ayidragontech: do you have an idea of what made i stop working? distro upgrade perhaps?06:45
ilianflash could not install06:45
ilianthis is the message that I get when I try to install/upgrade06:45
dragontechi have no clue but she doesn't update unless i am around06:45
dragontechand she called me at work to let me know she couldn't get online06:46
mikelifeguardIs an ubuntu desktop supposed to have sshd installed and running?06:46
dragontechis there a way to reset the wifi adapter06:46
bobbyyuHey guys, anyone here still using Ubuntu 9.10?06:46
emprameendoes anyone mind helping me figure out how to access usb connected arduino?06:47
ilianIt says I have broken package and needs to be fixed06:47
ayidragontech: you could reload the driver.. or reboot? :p06:48
ilianalso that flashplugin-nonfree is in very bad state and needs to be reinstalled06:48
dragontechi have rebooted 4 times no luck06:48
ayidragontech: what does "iwconfig" output?06:48
ilianCan anyone help with a problem with flash.  It occured when I upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04?06:49
ayiilian: what occurred?06:50
ilianEverything was good except for flashplugin06:50
ilianit says there's a broken package and that it needs to be fixed.  Also, flashplugin-nonfree is in very bad state and needs to be reinstalled.06:51
ayiilian: reinstall it then06:51
ilianI'm not an experienced user and don't know how to do this other than with the package manager.  It doesn't work!06:52
mikelifeguardilian: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename06:52
ayiwhere packagename is flashplugin-nonfree06:53
CogitoErgoSamilian:  You can also manage packages from Synaptic if you're not comfortable with the command line.06:53
MeXTuXI'm trying to configure the ethernet card with a static IP address. I edited the /etc/network/interfaces file and when I rebooted Ubuntu got the IP address from my 2WIRE router. For some reason it is not using /etc/network/interfaces settings : ( . I'm using Lucid Lynx06:54
willvarfara clean install on a laptop (previously used ubuntu on same laptop without any problems); every time the machine starts, it defaults to a us keyboard, I have to go add my native mapping using a keyboard layout button in the tray in the top-right; how do I get it to realise I don't have a US keyboard?06:54
SwedeMikeMeXTuX: set the static address in network manager instead, if you edit the files you need to disable network manager.06:55
dragontechthats the iwconfig on the broken laptop06:55
ilianit does not work...I get the same error as always06:56
ayidragontech: silly question: is wireless enabled when right clicking network manager applet icon?06:57
[Screamo]Anyone having problems with 10.4 Randomly logging you off?06:57
ilianWhat is the "Broken" filter06:58
ilianhow do I locate broken packages06:58
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ilianInstalling, reinstalling, nothing works, very frustrating06:59
ayiilian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:59
ayithere's a section on broken packages07:00
enavilian calm down buddy07:00
ilianI try to calm but it's frustrating when you're new to something07:00
jumbersI'm having an odd problem with my server. I'm getting overheating warnings printed to my console, but the CPU is at a reasonable temperature07:01
[Screamo]Anyone else? having problems with 10.4 Randomly logging you off?07:01
jumbersThe other odd thing is that it says it's overheated and then says the temperature is normal within the same second. Also, it prints this exactly every 5 minutes07:02
SwedeMike[Screamo]: you're sure that it's not something crashing? and it's 10.04, not 10.407:02
dragontechthe broken laptop is using the broadcom B43 wireless driver07:02
[Screamo]SwedeMike, its happened like 5 times in the past hour, everytime i was using a different app07:03
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ilianI have an error that I can't fix.07:05
SwedeMike[Screamo]: so it could be the X server or window manager crashing, you have no idea?07:05
ilianAny way that I try to install flash gives me the same error.07:05
[Screamo]not really SwedeMike07:06
[Screamo]its like if i had just hit the log out button07:06
ilianEven the package manager has a do not enter sign on the task bar with an error message07:06
[Screamo]i can log right back in, tho everything i had open gets closed07:06
bullgardWhat does »mmc« stand for in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32/drivers/mmc/? Meet-Me_Conference, Microchannel_to_Mainframe_Connection, Microsoft_Management_Console, Mobile_to_Mobile_Call, MultiMedia_Card, Multimedia_Collaboration, multimedia_command_set, Multimedia_Memory_Card?07:07
kyubutsu[Screamo]: update your system07:07
ilianPreconfiguring packages ...07:08
iliandpkg: error processing flashplugin-nonfree (--remove):07:08
ilian Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should07:08
ilian reinstall it before attempting a removal.07:08
ilianErrors were encountered while processing:07:08
FloodBot2ilian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:08
ilian flashplugin-nonfree07:08
ilianE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)07:08
dragontechany ideas on how to fix the wireless?07:08
dragontechtried rebooting07:08
SwedeMike[Screamo]: did you do any checking in dmesg or X-server logs or something?07:08
dragontechand tried removing and reloading the drivers07:09
kyubutsuSwedeMike: i think it's an xserver bug07:09
ActionParsnipYo yo yo07:09
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
slimjimflimhi, i'm trying to use my webcam in flash w/ firefox. it works except every other frame blinks a frame of random pixels.  using flexcam 100 and using 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so firefox' to start firefox.  can anyone help?07:10
=== NZB6949 is now known as rumsyum
shaiHi :) I'm using Ubuntu on as a VirtualBox guest, and for some reason, some tabs on my GNOME Terminal don't have the cursor flashing (can't see it at all), so it is very hard to know where I am on the command line. Tried to use 'reset' and 'clear' and those don't work. What else can I try?07:11
ActionParsnipSlimjimfilm: is there a newer driver for it online?07:11
slimjimflimActionParsnip: idk07:11
slimjimflimit's kind of a no name brand07:11
ilianCan someone check http://paste.ubuntu.com/434732/ and help me out...that is the error I get in terminal or anywhere else when I try to install flashplugin...I haven't been able to use flash since my upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04?07:11
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ActionParsnipSlimjimfilm: lsusb ,will tell you what it is exactly07:12
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slimjimflimActionParsnip: Bus 002 Device 008: ID 04fc:0561 Sunplus Technology Co., Ltd Flexcam 10007:12
slimjimflimalso known as flexicam i think07:13
[Screamo]SwedeMike, i get this right before it logs me out: [ 1813.181053] nautilus[1824]: segfault at 38 ip 00ba0d5a sp bff80900 error 4 in libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.2000.0[b22000+3cd000]07:13
ActionParsnipIlian: tried reinstalling the package? Or force installing the deb? You may have to edit some files in /etc/apt to make ubuntu forget its installed so you can reinstall it07:13
ActionParsnipSlimjimfilm: ok use the hex id to find guides and/or bugs07:13
SwedeMike[Screamo]: segfault is an indication of a bug or memory error. if you get this in different applications it's most likely a hardware problem.07:14
ActionParsnipSlimjimfilm: tried a different browser?07:14
[Screamo]well actually i get this right before ragnarok-desktop kernel: [ 2108.133961] [drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: nouveau_channel_free: freeing fifo 107:15
Mskplease any one please help me to configure yahoo server in empathy and pidgin ..07:15
[Screamo]then it kills my pppd the same second then logs me off07:15
slimjimflimActionParsnip: yea i tried opera.  it works fine with cheese, but and if i do the LD_PRELOAD business, it works in camorama too07:15
slimjimflimso i know the camera is running07:16
slimjimflimseems like a problem with flash compatibility07:16
slimjimflimalso works in vlc07:16
cocoa117how can i use tar --exclude="$RECYCLE.BIN"?07:16
cocoa117<cocoa117> i tried above, but didn't work07:16
dragontechwould upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 possibly fix the wireless issue?07:17
SwedeMike[Screamo]: I wouldn't use the term "logging off", it indicates intention, this is rather a program crash.07:17
Mskplease any one please help me to configure yahoo server in empathy and pidgin .. i am using ubuntu 10.0407:18
kyubutsusounds like nautilus is crashing the xserver07:18
SwedeMike[Screamo]: and if I were you I'd dial back the performance settings in my BIOS to see if that helped, could be a cpu/memory problem.07:18
[Screamo]i cant get into the bios07:18
ActionParsnipSlimjimfilm: i'd see if there are any bugs logged. Maybe its firefox being bad with ram causing the flicker07:18
gnuskoolzambezi vulture07:18
[Screamo]this is a custom built comp07:18
ActionParsnipSlimjimfilm: if you use a 64bit OS you could try 64bit flash, may help07:19
slimjimflimActionParsnip: what did you mean by hex id?07:19
[Screamo]before i put ubuntu on it had a intel splash screen, now it just boots right into ubuntu, cant get into ios at all07:19
slimjimflim[Screamo]: did you try del and F1-F12?07:20
kyubutsu[Screamo]: do  ubuntu-bug nautilus  and see if you can file a bug report on launchpad07:20
[Screamo]slimjimflim yea i tried everything for about 25 reboots07:20
slimjimflim[Screamo]: you might want to check the docs for your motherboard07:21
ActionParsnipSlimjimfilm: read the output, it says ID: e3ad:45aa ,or somesuch. That identifys the chip uniuely and can be used in websearches07:21
slimjimflimmake sure you're hitting the right key07:21
[Screamo]ive only had it for about 2 hours, it was made by a local computer store, judging by the p4 im guessing its at least 5 years old =/07:21
slimjimflimActionParsnip: ok07:21
ActionParsnipSlimjimfilm: yours will be different. I just puched a random hex value as an example07:22
slimjimflim[Screamo]: look up the model number of the motherboard to find out the cmos/bios key07:22
slimjimflimor brute force it07:22
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: P4 is a nice chip range07:22
kyubutsuwell.. thats not too ubuntu specific now07:22
gnuskoolzambezi vulture07:23
[Screamo]well a 1.7ghz single core is sorta outdated =/07:23
CogitoErgoSam[Screamo], my 1.6 centrino laptop seems to handle lynx ok :)07:23
freeunixding ni ge fei!!07:24
shazbotmcnasty[Screamo], this computer is brand new and it's 1.6 centrino07:24
shazbotmcnastyand it's a desktop :<<<07:24
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: outdated means nothing. If it does its task at a reasonable speed and is faultless then its fine07:24
[Screamo]shazbotmcnasty how many cores?07:24
shazbotmcnasty[Screamo], centrino07:24
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: if all its for is web browsing then its more than enough, isn't it?07:24
KittyBootsHello all!  Please don't haze me as I am not a total noob, but not an expert either.  I have difficulty wording my questions in a way that is not offensive to technical experts.  I don't want to waste your time with unclear questions, just please try and resist being a jerk to me.07:24
wildbatis there is any good C interpreter in the repos?07:25
[Screamo]well really this is just to serve music+video and interwebz to my other comps/xboxs07:25
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: therefore outdated is nonesense. Its up to the job it needs to do.07:25
MononaHow well is real-time kernel working in 10.04?  I'm doing audio production, and still using Hardy cuz I heard real-time kernel wasn't working.07:25
kyubutsuyou could just ask KittyBoots07:25
FlannelKittyBoots: you won't need to worry about that here.  Just ask your question :)07:25
[Screamo]now all i have to do is remeber how to automount these hdds at boot07:25
Flannelwildbat: gcc is the 'standard' C compiler07:26
CogitoErgoSam[Screamo], what file system07:26
ActionParsnipWildbat: install build-essential ,you now have a c and c++ compiler07:26
ActionParsnip!fstab | [screamo]07:26
ubottu[screamo]: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:26
wildbatFlannel, ActionParsnip no i wana a interpreter not compiler ;p07:26
_mike_Hello, can someone have a quick look at my graphics setup and see if this looks right?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/434737/07:26
intok9.10, can't get external ntfs volume mounted via usb or 139407:26
ActionParsnipMonona: try it. You can always choose the regular kernel and uninstall the real-time one if its bad07:27
[Screamo]why cant someone write a ntfs-config tool for ext* =/07:27
CogitoErgoSamintok here's a line from one of my ntfs lines in fstab if you wanna try to emulate it07:28
CogitoErgoSam/dev/sda2 /media/vista ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 007:28
KittyBootsI am trying to view HD video files that my camecorder is recording, I want to edit them as well.  I either do not have the proper codec to view them, or my lappy just doesn't have enough processing cycles to do what I want to do.  I have been googling and looking on forums (I have not posted anything) but I have not been able to pinpoint any specific information that will get me on the right path.  I am here for advice on what I should do?07:28
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: you can mount them using /etc/fstab .its a well documented file07:28
MononaActionParsnip:  Real-time kernel works fine under 8.04.  I could upgrade then downgrade if it's not working, I suppose.  I just don't want to fix what isn't broken.07:28
[Screamo]ActionParsnip, lol yes i know, this would the 5th time i think of having to do this for 3-4 hdds at once, and all this year =/07:29
ActionParsnipIntok: there are ntfs config tools in the repos07:29
[Screamo]im just to damn lazy/cant concentrate07:29
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: then have a backed up fstab file you can copy bits out of then, makes sense07:29
CogitoErgoSamKittyBoots:  There are a lot of options out there...I'm not a media type necessarily, but a large amount of codecs can be found bundled in the repositories.  A question, though: is your laptop the only computer, or do you have a faster desktop?07:30
[Screamo]ActionParsnip, how about ill give you the UUID's of them they are all ext4 and you output them for me =/07:30
ActionParsnip[Screamo]: because I'm on a G1 phone so it'd take me forever. Can you please cease punctuating with =/ ,its really redundant07:31
KittyBootsCogitoErgoSam, my lappy is all I've got.07:31
[Screamo]oh muffins..07:31
ActionParsnip[Screano] if its ext4 then just copy a line which is currenly in the file and change the uud and mount point, should be ok07:32
MononaKittyBoots: Have you installed the restricted video codecs?  The howto is here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats07:33
KittyBootsCogitoErgoSam, I have just recently upgraded to Lucid.  When I was on 9.10 I remember trying towatch some HD video and I found a codec that emabled me to, but I have not been able to find it this time around.07:33
Pr0ject-Rec0nhave a question : I want my gnome terminal in ubuntu07:33
Pr0ject-Rec0nto use keybindings of a unix box07:34
CogitoErgoSamKittyBoots, check out the link Monona posted; that package incorporates a whole bunch of different codecs07:34
Pr0ject-Rec0nlike just a right-click for copy and left click to paste07:34
KittyBootsMonona, I have but I think I need another one specific to the format I am trying to view that is not included.  The format is *.mts which is AVCHD.07:34
Pr0ject-Rec0nDo I use gconf-editor to change key mappings for gnome-terminal?07:34
=== ThinkCigar is now known as iXchat
dragontechanyone have any ideas on fixing wireless problems07:35
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KittyBootsCogitoErgoSam, Monona; I already have them installed.07:36
Pr0ject-Rec0nany answers ?07:37
Hidden!register > ThinkCigar07:38
MononaKittyBoots:  Do you have "libavcodec" specifically?07:38
KittyBootsCogitoErgoSam, Monona; I have been using FFMPEG to convert from *.mts to *.avi, but it is a grossly long process, and if I can find a way to just work with *.mts that would be great.  Some of my friends have been telling me to give up and go to Windows or Mac, but I cant bring myself to giving up on Linus.07:39
neurohack222hey all, am real new to ubuntu, just installed it the other day and set up an ampache server today... would like to do other things like webhosting and email server, was wondering if anyone could recommend any good sites to learn about how to do these things07:39
ayiKittyBoots: handbrake is awesome07:39
KittyBootsCogitoErgoSam, Monona; Let me check.07:39
CogitoErgoSamKittyBoots, right now I'm checkin "apt-cache search codec" to see if any of em match what you need07:39
CogitoErgoSamyou can run it too though07:39
KittyBootsCogitoErgoSam, What is that?07:40
CogitoErgoSamKittyBoots, a list of packages in the repository, as of the last time your system checked.07:41
Flannelneurohack222: https://help.ubuntu.com/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/community, specifically for webserver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  and the help page (first link) has a "server guide" section, that talks about a lot of server stuff (including email)07:41
j800rhey guys, i have an issue regarding messengers. I substituded Empathy for Pidgin cause Empathy was too buggy, however, whenever i use the indicator applet to change my status it disables my accounts in pidgin saying i signed in from another location. :|07:41
CogitoErgoSamKittyBoots:  Try running this: "apt-cache search codec | grep video" and see if any of em look like what you need07:41
tony__Yeah everything worked out!07:41
=== Hidden is now known as HiddenInCN
j800ranyone know how to fix that problem :\07:41
CogitoErgoSamKittyBoots, specifically "libdv4" looks like it might be helpful07:42
tony__hmw: If you're there I'm now I'm working with xpadder to set up my Wired Mad Catz controller. I followed all instructions but I can't get the buttons to type letters in gedit.07:42
BunnyFFHello all, I currently have a RAID 5 setup using IDE SATA, can I change my BIOS setting to AHCI without loosing my data?07:42
j800rno one? :|07:43
tony__I have set up the buttons, given them assignments, and saved all profiles and key sets.07:43
KittyBootsMonona; I did not have it installed and I am installing it now.07:43
tony__Mm, I'll start over.07:43
MononaKittyBoots:  Also, what program are you using?  I don't know so much video editing, but I hear Blender is good.07:43
uczen hahaha07:45
uczen ale dupa07:45
uczennie chuja07:45
uczen nie ad siew07:45
FloodBot2uczen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:45
schenghi, anybody ever install some FX docuCentre c3000 printer driver on ubuntu?07:46
dragontechdoes anyone know how to get a kodak esp7 to work with ubuntu07:47
`blackmk4`linuxdoes anyone know how to view an x11 ssh connection on osx07:47
clarnisthello guys07:48
clarnistI have a trouble in qtcreator in ubuntu 10.0407:48
schengFX -> Fuji Xerox07:48
clarnistwhen I launch it its start a big while07:48
clarnisthow can i speed this app?07:49
KittyBootsMonona, I am using VLC for viewing, I am trying Cinelerra, Open Shot Video Editor, and Kdenlive for editing, I have not tryed Blender ( I thought it was just for CG?), I am using FFMPEG for video conversion, and WinFF which is a GUI for FFMPEG but I don't know how to customize presets so that the terminal command I use can be one of the options in the GUI (are you able to  teach me how to make it a preset?).07:49
* MACscr_lappy starts day 3 of trying to get 3 monitors to work on my ubuntu system =/07:50
tonyb_Nope. Didn't work.07:50
coz_KittyBoots,  if the presets require commands  take a look at this text file I put together for ffmpeg    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/FFMPEG07:50
tonyb_May I have some more help with my Xbox controller, please?07:51
Fireking300Is there going to be a 10.04 release of that soon?07:52
j800rdoes no one know how to fix this issue with pidgin? :| empathy is just way too buggy to use, even though it's better intergrated :\07:52
KittyBootsCogitoErgoSam, Monona; libavcodec & libdv4 are both already installed .07:52
FlannelFireking300: I imagine there would be.07:53
dragontechdoes anyone know how to get a kodak esp7 to work with ubuntu07:53
Fireking300Alright I hope so.07:53
Fireking300Has multiseat become deprecated?07:54
FlannelFireking300: No07:54
Fireking300oh alright good. :)07:54
ChangeOfHeartHello :)07:54
KittyBootscoz_; Thank's!07:54
ChangeOfHeartDoes anyone know how to access your ubuntu files while in windows? i can access my windows from ubuntu but i have not found the filepath for ubuntu within windows !07:55
coz_dragontech,   not sure actually  but take a look here   http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/openprinting07:55
coz_KittyBoots,  was that something you wanted  those commands ??07:55
tonyb_There are known Linux mounters, but my attempts to get them to work were unsuccessful.07:55
tonyb_(Linux mounters as in programs in Windows mounting Linux filesystems)07:56
dragontechalso i am having problems with my gf's computer it won't recognize my wireless router but my laptop works fine07:56
coz_tonyb_,  I also have found none that work as described  on windows07:56
intokCogitoErgoSam http://pastebin.com/m23TKzpy07:56
dragontechher system is using ubuntu 9.10 with the broadcom b43 drivers07:56
=== evidenceof_____ is now known as fake_messiah
MACscr_lappyis anyone in here succesfully running 3 monitors with ati video cards?07:57
ChangeOfHeart3 D:07:57
tonyb_I guess I just use Ubuntu to move files back and forth. It's tedious. Maybe someone else can develop something that helps with doing this.07:57
coz_MACscr_lappy,  not me :)07:57
Jordan_UChangeOfHeart: I don't think that windows supports ext4 (Ubuntu's default filesystem).07:57
ChangeOfHeartThanks Jordan_U :)07:57
tonyb_Can anyone help me with my Xpadder (Xbox 360 controller) issue?07:58
schenghi, i'm installed the printer driver ,but i couldn't get colored page print. somebody know why?07:58
[Screamo]how do i add things to the boot menu in 10.04?07:59
tonyb_Boot menu?07:59
tonyb_As in Startup applications?07:59
tonyb_What kind of things?08:00
KittyBootscoz_; It helps, but I am trying to use WinFF, which is a GUI frontend for FFMPEG, and I want to add the following preset: ffmpeg -i input.mts -vcodec libxvid -b 18000k -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320k -deinterlace -s 1440x1080 output.avi  I am trying to make it generic by replacing the input and out put file with wild cards so that the GUI will do this action to anyfile I put into it.08:00
[Screamo]yeah wasnt sure if it still used grub, in 9.10 it always flashed grub loading, doesnt do that now08:00
[Screamo]like i have 2 9.10 installed on 2 other hard dirves08:00
[Screamo]would like the option to boot into them if this istall messes up or something08:01
quiescensscreamo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#User-defined%20Entries08:01
coz_KittyBoots,  mm I will have to study this a bit... I have not put presets into winff before08:01
quiescensoh, and you have to either hold shift while its booting to show the menu08:01
tonyb_It doesn't show boot options for filesystems on other hard drives?08:01
Fireking300This is one and only reason a person needs to switch to ubuntu. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3d1T-FvMtY08:01
quiescensor change /etc/default/grub08:01
KittyBootscoz_; I don't really know how to do that.  I was told to go learn how to script, but I have gotten nowhere with that.08:01
quiescensand make it so that it doesn't hide the timeout08:01
coz_KittyBoots,  I see in winff under "Edit"  is the Presets option08:02
coz_KittyBoots,   it looks as though the  commands would be put there  along with other info   exluding some parts of the commands like -i etc08:02
KittyBootscoz_; Yeah, but I don't know how to manipulate the command so that it is compatible with WinFF.08:02
ftabMy Gnome Network Manager icon won't show in Sys tray how do I get that display?08:03
[Screamo]quiescens i cant concentrate worth a crap right now, care to help me?08:03
CogitoErgoSamFireking300, did you hear something?  THat sound?  That was my jaw dropping08:03
ftabI tried to run nm-applet, but it says it's already running08:03
quiescens[screamo]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Where%20did%20my%20Grub2%20boot%20menu%20go!?!?!08:03
Fireking300:P Awesome aint it?08:03
coz_KittyBoots,  well it seems for example if I wanted to set     ffmpeg -i something.ogg   something.avi   the coomand would seem to be for that preset     ffmpeg something.ogg08:03
dragontechwill upgrading to 10.04 help the wifi problem i am having?08:03
ftabso I am using /etc/network/interfaces to make my networking work any idea please?08:03
tyler_d4I am in the process of rebuilding a fakeraid via the bios util, how can I watch this process.... the command dmraid -ay gives me errors in opening(due to the rebuild process?)08:04
coz_KittyBoots,  then the output file   would be  .avi  category would be  video etc etc08:04
KittyBootscoz_; It would only work with the file named something.ogg.'08:04
coz_KittyBoots,   no that was just an example     probably   ffmpeg  *.ogg08:05
coz_KittyBoots,  not sure exactly... I have not played around with this before08:05
KittyBootscoz_; I want it to take anyfile that I throw at it and convert it into the same name just different file type.08:05
coz_KittyBoots,  hold on let me check something08:05
hiwifiwhen you install a package that runs as a daemon in ubuntu does it enable it by default?08:05
KittyBootscoz_; Sure, you have been great help so far, thanks a lot.08:05
[Screamo]yay! sudo update-grub found and auto added both the other installs :D08:06
[Screamo]Thank you quiescens08:06
ftabMy Gnome Network Manager icon won't show in Sys tray how do I get that display?08:06
KittyBootsWhenever I come on here I usually only have a question.  I never really converse much, is this the place for that?08:06
dnivraHello. I know this is the wrong channel to ask this. but can someone tell me how to play tracks randomly in amarok 2.3.0? there used to be an option in the menus in 2.2.2 but it's not there in 2.3.0. I asked in #amarok; no use.08:07
hiwififtab: try to remove the notification area and add it back08:07
ftabhiwifi, nopes that won't take it back08:07
coz_KittyBoots,  ok here is  a google link  http://code.google.com/p/winff/wiki/HowToMakePresets  amybe that will help  and no this is not the channel for anything but support bu you could go to #ubuntu-offttopc for chatting :)08:08
ftabhiwifi, now even my xchat icon disappeared08:08
coz_KittyBoots,  rather  #ubuntu-offtopic08:08
abuayyoubhi, I have a small problem. For some reason when using VLC on my lucid X64 install i can't click dvd menu items. I had the same problem with flash. I fixed the non-responsive clicks in flash but can't figure what the problem is with VLC08:08
KittyBootscoz_; Hey, this is awesome!  Thanks for not being a jerk to me for not being able to find this on my own!08:10
coz_KittyBoots,   well that should give you a start anyway08:11
abuayyoubanyone else had that problem? not being able to select menu items in VLC?08:11
abuayyoubwhen playing a dve08:11
coz_abuayyoub,  sorry guy I never use VLC08:11
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abuayyoubcoz_ what do you use?08:12
coz_abuayyoub,  I  only use mplayer for video here08:12
Busaglulthttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! Busaglult Guest41515 abrakazam syn-ack lelamal mezzovento farhad MblKiTA Wisteso madLyfe ubottu vasiph abuayyoub lieter larsig Quintz Mintz AmberJ C-S-B anders_ Multi naquan mergus aMVadder hiwifi ftab tyler_d4 q_ Shoobdidoo tobago dbum [Screamo] k3rn Zensursula CraHan_work Fireking300 grizly murrayc Kakkar pat5star oddley bergman Gnea ronaldo_ l_r Finnish coz_ BunnyFF imcsk8 lyr08:12
Busaglulthttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! Pr0ject-Rec0n DarkDigitalDream pjotr NEXUS-6 adio intok SandGorgon_ o1e9 ChaosR disappearedng_ Monona BlackBinary Znuff mozer _iron Mud neurohack222 vadim waan Guest70889 abhiSri Wolphie Otacon22 mayavi Morten_ zy3g0_ Ronald lambrecht FXS tumenjargal squizzy PhilippeD KittyBoots rumsyum eycel cocoa117 hippychick Callum__ HiddenInCN m_tadeu SiaCo euro_neuro basix holmser jasonjang08:12
Busaglulthttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! Simon-MPFH EagleWatch MightyTweek devkhadka karthik BeWolF arturiusx lukefeil valorin RainbowEyes ntH dukz QuiltPants jun slimjimflim schatan HomeSlixe naveen519 JackStoner jofo Blou_Aap lapion psalmer free_loader_ Lo2E juxta dragontech padeBoi Omen_20 hateball herbert commander_ xxploit marts EgYPaRaDoX ericm inhale radioman-lt Ipeer Dreaming adamkex SolarisBoy ayi lwells openSo08:12
FloodBot2Busaglult: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
Busaglulthttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! wet Sp0t cdoublejj|afk SmallR2004 kgs_ ynk edoceo pure_hate Andorin mdel tn90_ mawst U-b-u-n-t-u Phurl cc_will MartyMcFly kcg minjoo Random832 balas pvh_sa|wrk kooer CogitoErgoSam Amaranth bullgard bullgard4 Loshki jakkalster FullFlannelJacke Doyle cwraig isnoop rgreening doleyb sutch mkquist leetsweden keenken drmartin justinlilly Soul_Sample gip_ jenkinbr ajwak95 Jonbo Roasted 08:12
Busaglulthttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! Slart oblu ThomasG33K revygttam corpse Canti_ mikey_ data0faust maxagaz fisted_ gospch Zhwazi kamokow ramontayag matx ZykoticK9 larryAmen j3rg JabberWalkie bbelt16ag Walzmyn AaronCampbell Naynay das_maze mickster04 mede cabrey jhesketh_ dgm[wech] StrangeCharm Evolution adalal Nordiques CrEddy_ irk evaluser DURgod Ertyle nickzxcv caplink811_log sick0 zanguoli rjharv a94060 xnix Dr08:12
bko96http://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! bko96 Busaglult Guest41515 abrakazam syn-ack lelamal mezzovento farhad MblKiTA Wisteso madLyfe ubottu vasiph abuayyoub lieter larsig Quintz Mintz AmberJ C-S-B anders_ Multi naquan mergus aMVadder hiwifi ftab tyler_d4 q_ Shoobdidoo tobago dbum [Screamo] k3rn Zensursula CraHan_work Fireking300 grizly murrayc Kakkar pat5star oddley bergman Gnea ronaldo_ l_r Finnish coz_ BunnyFF imcsk8 lyrae Vakz Hund _teflo08:12
bko96http://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! Pr0ject-Rec0n DarkDigitalDream pjotr NEXUS-6 adio intok SandGorgon_ o1e9 ChaosR disappearedng_ Monona BlackBinary Znuff mozer _iron Mud neurohack222 vadim waan Guest70889 abhiSri Wolphie Otacon22 mayavi Morten_ zy3g0_ Ronald lambrecht FXS tumenjargal squizzy PhilippeD KittyBoots rumsyum eycel cocoa117 hippychick Callum__ HiddenInCN m_tadeu SiaCo euro_neuro basix holmser jasonjang chrono__ nikolam__ cozzi08:12
bko96http://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! EagleWatch MightyTweek devkhadka karthik BeWolF arturiusx lukefeil valorin RainbowEyes ntH dukz QuiltPants jun slimjimflim schatan HomeSlixe naveen519 JackStoner jofo Blou_Aap lapion psalmer free_loader_ Lo2E juxta dragontech padeBoi Omen_20 hateball herbert commander_ xxploit marts EgYPaRaDoX ericm inhale radioman-lt Ipeer Dreaming adamkex SolarisBoy ayi lwells openSourcedNick FyreFoX Granis_ Faithful g08:12
FloodBot2bko96: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:12
Flannelhow fun08:12
jpdsFlannel: Indeed.08:13
Soul_Samplefirst time in months somebody actually talks to me, and it's a pedo bot08:13
pallgoneabuayyoub: I dimmly recall some issue like that... I'm not sure but I think it was something with encryption, do you have the dvdcss library on your system?08:13
intokanontalk... the pissers in the ocean of piss08:13
tsimpsonplease just ignore the spam08:13
tobagobloody motherfucker....08:13
Flanneltobago: That's unnecessary08:13
tobagoFlannel, i kno. ;)08:13
AndorinIf the spam bothers you, just /clear08:14
Flanneltobago: So, refrain.08:14
hiwifiyea, my virgin ears are bleeding08:14
fruinuimahttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! fruinuima wortbit Guest41515 abrakazam syn-ack lelamal mezzovento farhad MblKiTA Wisteso madLyfe ubottu vasiph abuayyoub lieter larsig Quintz Mintz AmberJ C-S-B anders_ Multi naquan mergus aMVadder hiwifi ftab tyler_d4 q_ Shoobdidoo tobago dbum [Screamo] k3rn Zensursula CraHan_work Fireking300 grizly murrayc Kakkar pat5star oddley bergman Gnea ronaldo_ l_r Finnish coz_ BunnyFF imcsk8 lyrae08:14
fruinuimahttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! DarkDigitalDream pjotr NEXUS-6 adio intok SandGorgon_ o1e9 ChaosR disappearedng_ Monona BlackBinary Znuff mozer _iron Mud neurohack222 vadim waan Guest70889 abhiSri Wolphie Otacon22 mayavi Morten_ zy3g0_ Ronald lambrecht FXS tumenjargal squizzy PhilippeD KittyBoots rumsyum eycel cocoa117 hippychick Callum__ HiddenInCN m_tadeu SiaCo euro_neuro basix holmser jasonjang chrono__ nikolam__ cozz08:14
fruinuimahttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! MightyTweek devkhadka karthik BeWolF arturiusx lukefeil valorin RainbowEyes ntH dukz QuiltPants jun slimjimflim schatan HomeSlixe naveen519 JackStoner jofo Blou_Aap lapion psalmer free_loader_ Lo2E juxta dragontech padeBoi Omen_20 hateball herbert commander_ xxploit marts EgYPaRaDoX ericm inhale radioman-lt Ipeer Dreaming adamkex SolarisBoy lwells openSourcedNick FyreFoX Granis_ Faithful g08:14
fruinuimahttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! SmallR2004 kgs_ ynk edoceo pure_hate Andorin mdel tn90_ mawst U-b-u-n-t-u Phurl cc_will MartyMcFly kcg minjoo Random832 balas pvh_sa|wrk kooer CogitoErgoSam Amaranth bullgard bullgard4 Loshki jakkalster FullFlannelJacke Doyle cwraig isnoop rgreening doleyb sutch mkquist leetsweden keenken drmartin justinlilly Soul_Sample gip_ jenkinbr ajwak95 Jonbo Roasted NickyB axi allx cappicard debio2608:14
fruinuimahttp://AnonTalk.se/ JOIN THE BEST PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS! revygttam corpse Canti_ mikey_ data0faust maxagaz fisted_ gospch Zhwazi kamokow ramontayag matx ZykoticK9 larryAmen j3rg JabberWalkie bbelt16ag Walzmyn AaronCampbell Naynay das_maze mickster04 mede cabrey jhesketh_ dgm[wech] StrangeCharm Evolution adalal Nordiques CrEddy_ irk evaluser DURgod Ertyle nickzxcv caplink811_log sick0 zanguoli rjharv a94060 xnix Dr_Willis Elv13 Kentrel BrendenB w08:14
FloodBot2fruinuima: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:14
coz_also ignore the "inappropriate language"08:14
FXSBecause everyone wants to join a bbs of pedophiles. hurrrrrr08:14
FXSKimmo is a fucktard08:14
tobagommmh. who gonna stop this?08:14
intokAndorin or unleash the phone spiders upon them08:14
pat5starSoul_Sample: LOL, I got all excited too. I was doing something else when a msg popped up (because my name was entered) and thought Wow...someone needs me! *sniff* ;)08:14
FlannelFXS: No.  Stop now.08:15
Soul_Samplepat5star: yup, totally :D08:15
BlackBinary-.- IRC spam?08:15
AndorinFor me it was "Gotta be spam, nobody legitimately and randomly beeps me in #ubuntu"08:15
intokBlackBinary they also spamed 4chan, if that's even possible08:15
FXSThat would be kimmo alm08:16
tobagoso everyone can calm and get back into agony...08:16
FXSHe's some pedo who believes people will join his board if he spams it everywhere08:16
AndorinFXS: I'd amend that to "He's a troll"08:17
boritekhello. I installed aTunes on Ubuntu. But the tabs on the left side looks like this: http://imgur.com/HRwyz08:18
tsimpsonplease just ignore it08:18
boritekwhy is it?08:18
coz_what?  no more ubuntu issues ??08:18
boritekon windows it looks correct08:18
Soul_Samplemaybe it's due to language or font08:18
boritekSoul_Sample: tx, i will try to change and see08:19
boritekon English its the same08:19
MACscr_lappyam i getting this right, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver, the ati radeon HD 3000 and 4000 series cards only have 2d support? thats seems completely retarded08:20
boriteki cant see option for changing fonts08:20
boritekin aTunes08:20
Soul_Sampleboritek: i'm not familiar with that player at all, can the panels be resized or something?08:20
Soul_Sampleboritek: i meant the system font08:21
boritekSoul_Sample: yeah, but it doesnt help :S08:21
Soul_Sampleboritek: but it's probably not that either08:21
boritekit always looked this way on ubuntu on my machine, on earlier ubuntu versions too08:21
boriteknow, its a fresh ubuntu lucid lynx08:22
Flannelboritek: That sounds like you've found a bug08:22
dragontechcan anyone help with a broadcom b43 wireless problem08:22
Soul_Sampleboritek: just a sec, i'll install it now08:22
MultiHey, anyone in here that got some skills in LikeWise open?08:22
boritekSoul_Sample: ok, tx08:22
boritekits quite good player though08:22
MightyTweekMulti, I've played with it a little, not for a while though08:23
boriteki have seen other bloggers making screenshot under ubuntu, there the tabs looked right08:23
Soul_Sampleboritek: yup, looks the same here08:23
boritekwhat i have thought yet:08:24
Soul_Sampleboritek: i'll play with it a bit and see08:24
boritekcould it be the cause of a different java engine?08:24
tripelbI want to use gparted. I cant find it. ((For instance, on Ubuntu, you will find GParted under System > Administration > Partition Editor.))08:24
boriteki mean there are two kind of, sun's official and an earlier open source one08:24
Soul_Sampleboritek: i changed the look and feel to "System" in preferences, and now tabs are horizontal, but they look normal08:25
SmokeyDHey everyone. I am running into a problem upgrading karmic to lucid. After reading all the package lists and stuff, I get the message that ubuntu-desktop is marked for removal but that it (fortunately) is on a removal blacklist. How can I see which package causes the problem that the upgrade wants to remove ubuntu-desktop?08:25
gotttotripelb: that's on the live cd - it doesn't get installed08:25
boritekSoul_Sample: where did u change it?08:25
boritekor what did u change?08:25
Soul_Sampleboritek: Edit>Preferences>General>Look and feel... it has 3 options, i chose System08:26
tripelbgottto, I have 2 physical drives on my machine and I want to use gparted on the slave drive. should I install gparted?08:26
boritekah yeah, thats better08:26
gotttotripelb: to use it yes you'll need to08:26
dragontechwould the drivers for mac os 10 be compatible with ubuntu linux?08:27
tripelbgottto, like this:  sudo apt-get install gparted08:27
Soul_Sampleboritek: i don't know how else to fix it... and btw it killed pulseaudio lol08:27
gotttotripelb: that's how it's done08:28
tripelbhas anyone else had flash fail while using chrome?08:28
SmokeyDah wait, I found it: in /var/log/dist-upgrade/<date>/apt.log is a log of which packages are installed, reinstalled and removed, and which dependencys cause it. With me it seemts to be a problem with libsdl-debian-alsa/pulseaudio08:28
loopiditywhen installing lamp, shouldnt the groups www-data and apache be creted by default? i do not see them though08:29
=== lresende_ is now known as lresende
dragontechdoes anyone know why my gf's laptop doesn't see any wireless networks?08:29
Flannelloopidity: www-data (user) and www-data (group) are, yes.08:29
dragontechi verified that the wireless is turned on08:29
loopidityFlannel so should i reinstall lamp then?08:29
Flannelloopidity: No, How are you checking that www-data doesn't exist?08:30
tyler_d4gparted has ntfs unselected(greyed out)08:30
loopidityFlannel groups08:31
dragontechalso is there a way to let ubuntu read my windows files?08:32
loopidityFlannel and yesterday I had problem setting up virtual hosts also, e.g if I setup a servername then the localhost was down for some reason08:32
dragontechi have a dual boot system and i can't access my windows files08:32
SirCluelesshi guys, i was wondering if ubuntu is supposed to be much larger after updating to 10.0408:32
[Screamo]dragontech yeahh, just mount the windows partition08:32
boritekSoul_Sample: pulseworks here. The system engine doesnt let u change themes, though08:32
dragontechhow do i see the partition?08:33
[Screamo]dragontech goto Places> compter08:33
dragontechubuntu was installed via wubi08:33
BunnyFFI have an SATA disk attached to my desktop, what is the CLI command to see if ubuntu can see the drive?08:33
Soul_Sampleboritek: yup, i've noticed... but there's always something with java apps :D08:33
dragontechwhen i goto computer all i see is file system and cdrom08:33
[Screamo]BunnyFF, dragontech, you could just open the disk utility08:33
loopiditydragontech $ ls /dev/sd<tab> do you see all your partitions?08:34
[Screamo]Syatem> Administration> Disk utiltiy08:34
DASPRiDloopidity, it'd probly easier to look unter /dev/disk/by-id/08:34
=== Granis_ is now known as Granis
BunnyFFyea, not there. I think this is one dead disk08:35
boritekalso, i cant use the net, behind a proxy server....:(08:35
boritekso no net radio and lyrics08:35
BunnyFF[Screamo], no GUI on this machine ;)08:35
dragontechusing the disk utility it shows the partition for windows is already mounted08:35
BunnyFFfdisk -l should see it too, correct?08:35
dragontechbut i still cant figure out how to view the files08:36
[Screamo]dragontech the look in /media08:36
lambrechtanyone can help me  i have ubuntu server 9.10 and some services dont start but they are configured to start08:37
dragontechok i found it08:37
slimjimflimhi, i'm trying to use my webcam in flash w/ firefox. it works except every other frame blinks a frame of random pixels.  using flexcam 100 and using 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so firefox' to start firefox.  can anyone help?08:37
MightyTweekdragontech, just FYI, if you're using Wubi, it's not technically dual-boot in the traditional sense08:38
[Screamo]slimjimflim, have you tried not using FF?08:38
Multidoes anyone have any experience in using FUSE and samba with Likewise open?08:38
slimjimflim[Screamo]: i tried opera08:38
slimjimflimdidn't work08:38
slimjimflimi tried cheese, did work08:38
slimjimflimi think it's flash08:38
BunnyFFanyone know of a good raid 5 tutorial to get the array back up after one of the disks fails?08:39
g3dhi, I had some random update and now my X server starts on display :1. I used to have awesome set up as window manager in gnome and now it doesn't start at all, falling back to default gnome wm. When I start Xephyr on display 0, I am able to run awesome on it. When I select it manually when loggin in into gdm, it tries to run and goes back to login screen in gdm. Is there any way I can see why it does this?08:39
g3dAnd/or how to make it to start on display 0 again?08:39
gnuyenI'm trying to disable a soundcard, but when i try to remove the module it says "Fatal module in use"08:39
[Screamo]slimjimflim hmm, what exactly are you using the webcam for?08:39
gnuyenis there anyway to force it to remove08:39
slimjimflimlive streaming video through ustream.com08:40
slimjimflimdepends on flash08:40
slimjimflimor justin.tv08:40
slimjimflimbut the same happens on both sites08:40
schenghi, question about printer in ubuntu.08:41
slimjimflimscheng: don't ask to ask, just ask08:41
schengwhy i couldn't select color model under it ?08:41
Multiam I the only one in here who´s playing with likewise? =)08:42
schengi'v installed the printer driver. but there only Grayscale in color model option.08:42
schengslimjimflim: yeah. thanks.:)08:43
slimjimflimscheng: you need to be more specific08:43
slimjimflimlike printer model number and ubuntu release08:44
boritekSoul_Sample: uhm, it seems like, that it it works behind proxy, the default radios linke could be wrong, i tested.08:44
TenhiShadow hi, question about webcam in ubuntu08:45
schengslimjimflim: ubuntu 10.0.4 and printer is FX docu-center C3000, but i didn't find the driver for it , so i installed 'Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printe' driver.08:45
TenhiShadowi`v tasted it in kopete08:45
TenhiShadowit works08:46
TenhiShadowa see image08:46
shoonyadoes any knows how to specify font in xcowsay08:46
DASPRiDi knew it, there is a month between december and january!08:46
TenhiShadowbut i dont need webcam always switch on08:46
TenhiShadowhow can i off it?08:46
TenhiShadownetbook webcam08:46
schengslimjimflim: the driver is worked. but i couldn't select the color model for it. so there is no color. :(08:47
slimjimflimlike printer model number and ubuntu release08:47
TaluHow do i open a folder trough terminal that uses 2 lines. For example Azureus Downloads.08:47
SkyNetMasterany clues in which packet implementations of dlfcn is on ubuntu?08:47
TenhiShadowchange dir08:47
slimjimflimscheng: you need to be more specific08:47
TenhiShadowhelp me08:48
slimjimflimTalu: you mean with a space?08:48
Taluslimjimflim: Yeah, if theres a space in the name of the folder08:49
lambrechtanyone can help me  i have ubuntu server 9.10 and some services dont start but they are configured to start08:49
slimjimflimTalu: just use quotes08:49
slimjimflimuse quotes around the whole path Talu08:49
Taluslimjimflim: How do i do that?08:49
digitalfizso i have lucid installed and fully updated. Every so often I'll be working or playing and then all of a sudden its like gnome dies or x11 whichever and i get sent back to the login screen where i have to login again and none of the programs i had open are open anymore is this a known issue?08:49
TenhiShadowTalu: ""08:50
FlannelTalu: Just escape the space (foo bar becomes /foo\ bar/).  Using tab complete in your pathswill do this automatically08:50
loopidityagain, I made a virtual host, and added it to the /etc/hosts file - now my localhost is down -  FF says Unable to Connect - why?08:50
gotttolambrecht: might help to say which don't start08:50
lambrechtgotto apache2 webmin zabbix-server zabbix agent08:50
slimjimflimTalu: mkdir 'foo bar'; cd 'foo bar'08:50
schengslimjimflim:hi, i'm sorry if i missed something. but i didn't get what your mean 'specific'?08:51
gotttolambrecht: and why do you think they are set to start?08:51
lambrechtgotto i look in webmin08:51
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
slimjimflimscheng: tell us the model number of your printer08:52
slimjimflimscheng: also tell us the version of ubuntu you are using08:52
TenhiShadowcould u help me with my webcam??????????08:52
stekarndoes anyone have any experience in using FUSE and samba with Likewise open?08:52
gotttolambrecht: are there links for them in  /etc/rc2.d?08:52
lambrechti look08:52
schengslimjimflim:2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux08:52
theunsgisi am using ubuntu 10.04, when using the laptop with  a projector, and i starting to type, the "connection" to the projector is lost? Any ideas?08:52
slimjimflimTenhiShadow: if nobody answers you it's not because they don't like you.  it's because they don't know.  try waiting 1/2 hour and try again.  maybe somebody new will have arrived08:53
pr0tonhi everybody08:53
lambrechtgottu yes there are08:53
pr0toni'm planning to buy an AMD64 PC08:53
TenhiShadowslimjimflim: thanks08:53
gotttolambrecht: what does   sudo /etc/init.d/apache start   return?08:54
pr0tonAMD Phenom II 555 BE actually08:54
TenhiShadowpr0ton: good choise08:54
pr0tonso, i should install the 64-bit version right?08:54
theadmingottto: That won't return a thing.08:54
TenhiShadowpr0ton es08:54
gotttotheadmin: hes on 9.1008:54
pr0tonso now, are there any issues running the 32-bit stuff on it?08:54
theadmingottto: It'd be /etc/init.d/apache2 or service apache208:54
schengslimjimflim:and the print is 'FX DocuCentre C3000 PCL6'.08:54
gotttook thnx theadmin08:54
slimjimflimscheng: hmm, i'm not sure about that one, maybe somebody else knows08:55
pr0toni can run it as if it is a normal thing only right, no problems installing a 64-bit version, is ti?08:55
gotttolambrecht: it is   sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start08:55
navawho is admin here ? :)08:55
theadminnava: Sec08:55
navacan i ask you smth sr :)08:55
TenhiShadowpr0ton yes thats it08:55
slimjimflimtheadmin is theadmin ;)08:55
silv3r_m00nhow to convert audio cd to mp3 ?08:55
adamkexpr0ton: all open source software has a 64bit version of it08:55
slimjimflimsilv3r_m00n: ffmpeg08:55
pr0tonadamkex: what if it doesnt?08:55
schengslimjimflim:Yeah. maybe, but actually,i didn't find the driver for that printer. so i installed the driver for 'Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer'.08:55
lambrechtgottu sudo /etc/init.d/ command not found08:56
pr0tonand what about codecs and all, will the 32 bit versions work?08:56
theadminpr0ton: Codecs, codecs, just use VLC and forget about em08:56
silv3r_m00nslimjimflim: anything easier ?08:56
gotttolambrecht: it is a path to the link   /etc/init.d/apache2 start08:56
TenhiShadowinstall ubuntu-restrickted08:56
adamkexpr0ton: flash does not officially work, but ubuntu should automatically do a workaround so it works08:57
pr0toni use default Movie Player08:57
TenhiShadowand thats is codecs08:57
pr0tonok, so ubuntu-restricted works right?08:57
pr0tonFlash doesnt work?08:57
pr0tonit doesnt even use the 32-bit version?08:57
TenhiShadowit works08:57
pr0tonok, cool08:57
theadminpr0ton: Flash on x64 is kind of buggy08:57
adamkexpr0ton: yes with a 32bit version, it does something weird so it works08:57
TenhiShadowubuntu0restricted-extras have flash08:57
lambrechtgottu apache 2 could not determine the servers fqdn using and some virtual host shit08:57
pr0tonadamkex: so no issues right?08:58
schengslimjimflim: And the color module  couldn't work until now. that's my question...08:58
adamkexpr0ton: don't ask me, i don't use 64bit, but it should work08:58
gotttolambrecht: it might still run - do   ps aux | grep apache08:58
pr0tonoh ok08:58
TenhiShadowscheng what is your printer?08:58
TenhiShadowwhat the firm08:58
slimjimflimscheng: i don't know08:59
theadminslimjimflim: Might be listed in "lspci | less" output.08:59
adamkexpr0ton: don't worry, install the 64bit version08:59
pr0tonok cool!08:59
slimjimflimsilv3r_m00n: there's grip08:59
adamkexpr0ton: 64bit version of ubuntu*08:59
pr0toni'll go and but it then!08:59
schengTenhiShadow the printer is 'FX DocuCentre C3000 PCL6', but i installed  the driver for 'Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer'.08:59
lambrechtgottu /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start09:00
pr0tonbuy the processor :)09:00
TenhiShadowisnt it free?09:00
slimjimflimtheadmin: you mean my webcam?09:00
schengslimjimflim: anyway...thanks."_"09:00
pr0toni hope it was :D09:00
theadminlambrecht: wtf? You don't do that... You do "sudo apache2ctl start" these days09:00
pat5starapache2ctl start09:00
glen___anyone up with the "Startup applications preferences'? I have a problem where the system is ignoring them.  Like network manager etc..09:01
theadminslimjimflim: The printer09:01
pat5startheadmin: u beat me09:01
gotttolambrecht: so it is running - in /etc/rc2.d   does the apache link have a k or s at the begginning?09:01
jpdstheadmin: wtf? You don't do that; you do sudo service apache2 start ;)09:01
pr0tonany good guide for why people should switch to ubuntu?09:01
lambrechtthats whats returnd the ps aux09:01
pr0toni want to convince more and more people to use it!09:01
theadminglen___: you'd better use some advanced update-alternatives GUI09:01
pr0tonso far 4 converts!09:01
slimjimflimpr0ton: show them windows ads09:01
gotttotheadmin: lambrecht> thats whats returnd the ps aux09:01
slimjimflimpure comedy09:02
glen___the gui is configured.  the system is starting without most of it though09:02
schengTenhiShadow: any idea?09:02
slimjimflimwindows ads are total suck09:02
lambrechtsorry hehe i know its only monday :=p09:02
digitalfizhey now windows 7 was my idea09:02
TenhiShadowscheng: discribe the situation09:02
pr0tonwindows are a total suck09:02
TenhiShadowsorry for bad english09:02
stekarnwindows has it bright sides, just like women :D09:02
slimjimflimwindows was my idea...i helped write it09:02
slimjimflimer i mean xwindows09:03
stekarnslimjimflim: cool09:03
slimjimflimno jk09:03
stekarnso i can blame u for every problem i got with windows? :09:03
schengTenhiShadow: the printer is 'FX DocuCentre C3000 PCL6', i didn't find the driver ,so i installed  the driver for 'Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer'. and now, i could print the page, but have no color configure option.09:03
glen___I have to manually start network to get connected here09:03
slimjimflimi'd never work for windows09:03
silv3r_m00nsound in headphone is very less , how do I increase it further , increased all mixer settings09:04
lambrechtgottu i changed somthing in rc-sysinit.conf http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1393573 but it still dont work09:04
TenhiShadowscheng: in ubuntu i`ve no ideas about solution09:04
schengTenhiShadow: So sad to hear that. but anyway, thanks.09:04
TenhiShadowslimjimflim: i`ve 9 years working with windows09:05
TenhiShadowand linux is wery difficult to start09:05
atokadso anybody got suggestions for how i should go about turning my old ibm thinkpad into a media server for my ps3? ubuntu server and an external 1tb drive are the equipment09:05
atokadim not sure i can accomplish what im looking for with samba09:05
schenghey, guys, i'm wondering is it possible to print color page under ubuntu? anybody ever try ?09:06
[Screamo]ps3 suport UnPn?09:06
pat5staratokad: mythbuntu?09:06
Peddymy router ping looks like this: http://pastebin.com/n73dxmRT and internet is super-slow. What could be the problem?09:06
atokadmythbuntu? havnt heard of it... im a recent return to the linux scene currently only running a web/mail/dns server09:07
glen___I will try again tomorrow09:07
DASPRiDatokad, you didnt beceue it's a myth!09:07
pat5staratokad: I don't know a lot about it, don't use media server here...but I keep hearing a lot of good things about it09:07
TenhiShadowPeddy:  try to change firmware09:08
PeddyTenhiShadow, for the router?09:08
TenhiShadowdd-wrt if chip is railink09:09
atokadmy hope is to be able to use my server as a headless bit torrent client then access file from my ps3 in the living room and stream to the desktop in the office09:09
TenhiShadowand this router is in database09:09
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
PeddyTenhiShadow, running tomato 1.2 on wrt54gl09:09
gotttolambrecht: afaik those services should be in the 2nd runlevel - run sysvinit-rc-conf again and check pls09:10
adamkexatokad: why do you use bit torrent?09:10
pat5staratokad: oh, well you don't need mythbuntu for that09:10
atokadcompletely legit indy music and film downloads....... plus im to cheap to subscribe to usenet09:10
TenhiShadowPeddy: i`ve never used tomato09:10
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lambrechtgottu ok09:11
adamkexatokad: i think you can use VLC to strem to your office09:11
adamkexatokad: my cousin does that to stream music09:11
TenhiShadowmaybe ping is long because of your provider?09:11
richdelatokad: ive heard good things about this as well http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver/09:11
lambrechtgottu they are in rc2.d09:11
PeddyTenhiShadow, ping is to my router from my PC, not going through internet09:11
TenhiShadowreboot it09:12
stekarnPeddy: check the condition of your cables and as TenhiShadow says, reboot09:12
lambrechtgottu http://nopaste.info/bd62e0df50.html my syslog09:12
stekarnmaybe u got a small round robin?09:12
mohan_hi, how to make windows recognise grub of ubuntu?09:13
TenhiShadowwery simple09:13
pat5starmy download is almost done, upgrading to lucid, if not back soon things went horribly wrong ;)09:13
theadminmohan_: No way09:13
atokadrichdel: doesnt look installabe on a non gui system... and id rather not rebuild my server and or install a gui on it as its also delivering web content09:13
TenhiShadowsudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:13
theadminmohan_: You do it the other way, install GRUB instead of ntloader09:13
atokadcareful lucid may kill your wireless drivers09:13
TenhiShadowuncomment strings with discription windows load09:14
pat5staratokad: ohoh, has that been a common problem?09:14
atokadhappened to me a few others had the same issue09:14
atokadalso lost my windows boot entry in grub09:14
atokadhad to rebuld my grub conf09:14
pat5staratokad: as much as I love ubuntu, I never have luck upgrading. sounds like I may not be back for awhile ;)09:15
mohan_theadmin: i was having two hard disks, now my first harddisk is taken away, after that it started giving me Grub loading error 15,09:15
atokadjust have another internet source ready, had it all fixed in about 10 minutes09:15
mohan_theadmin: so i googled for answers booted using windows cd, and repaired using fixmbr command.09:16
TenhiShadowit was installed on this disc09:16
mohan_after that it booting windows only, it not showing ubuntu at all.09:16
mohan_theadmin: after that it booting windows only, it not showing ubuntu at all.09:16
SloYAny can help me? ;D i need a recover my Grub after reinstallation a XP but now i dont have a LiveCD09:16
TenhiShadowubuntu in first disk?09:16
DJones!grub | mohan_09:16
ubottumohan_: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.09:16
pat5starlucid is lts isn't it? if so, this should be my last upgrade for a long time anyways, so I can take it. Bring on the pain ;)09:16
[Screamo]SloY, what about using a usb stick?09:17
mohan_ubottu: i am using 8.1009:17
SloYi dont have time to download new. :P09:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:17
SloYcan i do that from a XP ?09:17
TenhiShadowSloY: no09:17
TenhiShadowlive cd09:17
TenhiShadowlive usb09:17
SloYUm. : /09:17
SloYReally? :/09:17
BunnyFFanyone know how to mount a raid5 array in degraded mode?09:18
[Screamo]just download and burn a live cd =/09:18
atokadSloY: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub09:18
[Screamo]or if your comp suports booting from usb, live usb =/09:18
SloYi dont have time now to donwloading a new Karmic : /09:18
TenhiShadowSloY: u may install any utilites for loading OS under xp09:18
TenhiShadowfor example acronis os selector09:19
pat5starin this day and age I don't understand why windows still insists on overwriting the mbr and assuming no one would ever want another os on the same hdd!09:19
PeddyTenhiShadow, looks like it was badly configured QoS on my router. thanks for your help!09:19
SloYits soemthing like a bootloader?09:19
TenhiShadowPeddy:  ok)09:19
lambrechtgotto http://nopaste.info/bd62e0df50.html my syslog09:19
TenhiShadowSloY: yes thats it09:19
theadminpat5star: Because Microsoft is stupid09:19
dragontechi agree theadmin09:20
pr0toneverybody does!09:20
TenhiShadowmicrosoft isn`t stupid09:20
TenhiShadowthey have very smart marketing strategy09:20
TenhiShadowthats why they still alive09:20
pat5stari could understand with 95 even up to 2k, but since xp and now 7...that's just crazy09:20
dragontechif microsoft isn't stupid then why does windows have so many problems09:21
atokadhave to disagree with the microsoft statement i have an equal amount of love for apple microsoft and linux09:21
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pat5starI wouldn't say they're stupid either...just a big bully ;)09:21
atokadi consider myself versed well enough in windows to not have problems09:21
TenhiShadowi will try to discribe it09:21
atokadevery os has flaws09:21
atokadif ubuntu were perfect none of us would be in this channel09:22
theadminatokad: Well, due to malware on Windows it gets quite hard to avoid it09:22
TenhiShadowwhen something isnt` working microsoft say: buy next version, in next version all will work09:22
adamkexi am here for fun09:22
theadminatokad: No, there would be people who just don't get how to do it :D09:22
adamkexso i'd be here09:22
pat5stari seldom use it, but gotta admit I do like my win 7 os, and actually didn't mind xp that much either...but my karmic runs so well and now I'm about to ruin it, oops, I mean improve it ;)09:22
TenhiShadowthats only earning money09:22
atokadanother thing ive gone for about a year now with a windows xp install with no antivirus without a bit of malware09:23
theadminpat5star: eh, why stay on Karmic? Update to Lucid...09:23
stevecamseems to be a bug in ubuntu, if a program is using a disk and you click to eject it, it will tell you that it safe to umount even when the disk hasnt been unmounted09:23
pat5startheadmin: that's what I'm doing...still downloading it09:23
dragontechi have been using windows for many years i just recently started getting into linux and i find linux to be much more stable09:23
atokadit stumps the heck out of me when i get on someones computer to do a clean up/virus removaal wondering how you could possibly mess a computer up so bad09:23
pat5staratokad: we're all here because we're like the maytag man. We're waiting to offer support to others but nobody is coming with complaints ;)09:23
TenhiShadowdragontech: me too09:24
theadmindragontech: It is, and know why? Anybody of billions of people who live on earth may join the development. It's funny, but even Microsoft contributed some code to Linux09:24
TenhiShadowit`s more stable and doesnt demand big resources09:24
atokadmicrosoft hosts internal intranets on unix based web servers09:24
stevecamdragontech, hopefully you will find that there is so much more to linux then stability09:24
gotttolambrecht: nothing in there to indicate why you have your trouble09:25
TenhiShadowatokad: cause it`s more safe)09:25
dragontechi have already found many uses to linux and i am trying to get my company to find linux compatible cctv capture cards09:25
TenhiShadowthey afraid hackers09:25
atokadwhen it comes down to it though im a male in my mid twenties and i love video games and my computer thus... i still use windows09:26
pat5starbill g uses ubuntu with a windows theme09:26
atokadas well as for photoshop, after effects, dreamweaver09:26
theadminpat5star: No, he uses a Mac, and that's quite well known09:26
dragontechi would love to switch from the windows capture cards to linux i always run into problems with windows09:26
The_L0neWlfanyone here able to help me figure out a problem with Skype??09:26
atokadand pretty much all other major design applications09:26
pat5startheadmin: I'm just being silly, you serious?09:26
theadminpat5star: Yeah. He was seen with a Macbook on a presentation of some Windows version09:27
pat5startheadmin: lol09:27
TenhiShadowit`s difficult chating in english...09:27
pat5staryeah...done my download, now installing Lucid...soon comes the greatness :)09:27
TenhiShadowi`ve install superOS09:28
atokadlucid killed my compiz fusion :(09:28
Trota Sono Felice di essere tra voi,Ciao Bella gente  ;)09:28
TenhiShadow9.04 but with programms09:28
DASPRiDatokad, sue him!09:28
tyler_d4how do I remove the asr tags from drives(raid)09:28
pat5stari haven't even read the changelogs, any big changes I can expect?09:28
TenhiShadowTrota:  what?09:28
lambrechtgotto are you still there09:28
gottto!it | Trota09:28
ubottuTrota: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:28
The_L0neWlfwell I guess I guess not09:28
atokadi dont think you can sue an open source project for anything other then copyright issues09:29
lambrechtsorry didnt see09:29
theadminpat5star: Quicker boot (sysvinit and HAL completely gone out of boot proces) is pretty big already09:29
gotttolambrecht: nothing in there to indicate why you have your trouble09:29
lambrechtgotto yes i see there is no problem weird09:29
dragontechi feel that if i could convince the owner of the company i work for to switch to linux for our pc based equipment we would beable to grow with out as many complaint of the common windows bsod problems09:29
lambrechthow come they dont start then09:29
atokadi have not bsod's in years09:29
pat5starquicker boot would be nice. mine's been getting horribly slow lately. on the other hand, seldom need to reboot anyways ;)09:30
gotttolambrecht: but it wouldn't show apps not starting - that ubuntuforums link suggested editing a file - did you do that?09:30
pr0tonatokad, how often do you use Windows?09:30
atokadwhen it does happen its on the hardware / bios level09:30
atokadmain os09:30
theadminatokad: I have them every day, too lazy to make Windows shutdown normally so I just hit Ctrl+ScrollLock twice and it BSoDs on me and reboots lol09:30
TenhiShadowi`ve no problems with bsods on windows09:30
lambrechtgotto yes i did that09:30
stevecamhaha, bsods09:30
gotttolambrecht: when did this prob start?09:31
dragontechwhen using windows for cctv recording you have to remember data is constantly being written and rewritten09:31
stevecamthere is a screensaver that will simulate bsods on windows09:31
dragontechthat causes major fragmentation09:31
stevecamdragontech, why re-written?09:31
atokadthen defragment regularly09:31
pat5staratokad: same with me. also I don't use virus scanners or any of that other protection crap. just keep windows updates up to date and use common sense when browing or reading email09:31
lambrechtgotto dont know realy mybe installig squid bur removed it now still the sam09:31
theadminKernel panic is oh so much more scary then BSoD09:31
TenhiShadowbsods it`s problem that have people who can`t configure their windows well09:31
atokadset up a triple redundent hot swapable raid array and defragment in single drive stages09:31
Lazy^Hello, i've small problem. I'm using gnome on ubuntu, when i set panel to transparent, application place and place where i have clock aren09:32
Lazy^t transparent, panel is only transparent in the middle09:32
gotttolambrecht: you could try an apt-get update && upgrade maybe09:32
lambrechtgotto ok i try and then reboot ?09:32
theadminLazy^: Some applets are not transparent, maybe people in #gnome have a fix09:32
c0l2ewhat's wrong with my ubuntu 10.04... when I access the desktop via vncviewer from an ubuntu 9.10 machine.. it only display the initial screen then whatever action made is not displayed anymore09:33
dragontechunfortunately defraging when a system is recording video doesn't work to well and customers don't like to have to stop recording just to defrag09:33
pat5startheadmin: so true, and in fact I've had that more than bsod last couple of years...but still I could count # of panics on one hand so neither is really a factor for complaining anymore09:33
atokadi like this channel... honna have to hang out here more often09:33
gotttolambrecht: yep :]09:33
stevecamatokad, so do 1504 other chatters09:33
Lazy^theadmin: but gnome-menu (Applications/Place/System) arent transparent, on 9.10 they were...09:33
lambrechtgotto upgrade 0 so wont change anything i think09:33
theadminpat5star: I didn't understand what you just said.09:33
atokadthats why its tripple redundent and hot swapable you pull one drive to defrag it still rrecordss on the other two09:33
TenhiShadowwhere are u from?09:34
c0l2eusing vncviewer from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 not working09:34
gotttolambrecht: k09:34
c0l2eit just show the first screen then freeze to it09:34
karrotcan anyone please tell me why in the world my home server (running 10.04 server) freezes when making a transfer through samba.  Also, to get it to unfreeze I have to press a keyboard button, on the server...09:34
EgYPaRaDoXI installed grub and ran update grub , but it doesn't detect Windows09:34
gotttolambrecht: is there a file   /etc/innittab   ?09:34
gotttolambrecht: is there a file   /etc/inittab   ?09:35
pat5startheadmin: u said something about kernel panics being worse than bsod, I'm just agreeing. Actually, I'm just being chatty to pass time while lucid is installing :)09:35
lambrechtgotto i look wait09:35
AnxiousNuthow can i restart my sound system in 10.0409:35
atokadtype vi /etc/inittab and find out09:35
atokadif its blank then nope09:35
TenhiShadowxfc lyz gjxnb09:35
gotttowish he'd get my name right...09:35
karrothow can i restart into command line?09:35
atokadkarrot: just open a terminal lol09:36
pat5starkarrot: anything in your /var/log/samba/ logs?09:36
lambrechtgotto no there isnt09:36
stevecamkarrot, you dont restart into command line09:36
stevecamkarrot, you press ctrl+F1 up to f6 for different terminals09:36
pat5starkarrot: alt F1 will switch you over to command line09:36
karrotpat5star: alt F1?09:37
stevecami mean ctrl+alt f1-f609:37
pat5staroops, or I mean ctrl, my bad09:37
pat5staroops, I mean ctrl, alt, F109:37
stevecamand ctrl+alt f7 to go back to your gui09:37
pat5starum, don't pay attention to me ;)09:37
lambrechtgotto when i look in web min all services are there and are enabled to start  and it worked before its strange09:37
EgYPaRaDoXI installed grub and  then ran update-grub , but it doesn't detect Windows.09:37
atokadrebuild your grub conf09:38
theadminatokad: That's what update-grub does :/09:38
karrotpat5star: I see now, thanks09:38
pat5starI got 2 GHz dual core with 4G's ram, upgrade says 1 hour 40 mins still to finish installing!?! wow09:39
ns5Why is ssh daemon running?  It's not enabled in rc2.09:39
TenhiShadowhow stopp using ipv6 adress09:39
TenhiShadowusing command line09:39
gotttolambrecht: it sure is strange09:40
TenhiShadowpat5star: downloading packets09:40
atokadid consider myself an power linux user not an expert mainly because of my general lapses of common sense09:40
pat5starTenhiShadow: nope, all downloaded...this is just installing09:40
dragontechi just finished updateing my gf's laptop to ubuntu 10.04 and it is still having problems with the wireless card09:40
atokaddragon what kind of laptop09:41
TenhiShadowpat5star: its` intresting)09:41
dragontechthe card is enabled but it is not seeing my network09:41
atokadis it running a broadcom card09:41
lambrechtgotto afther the ssh is started it doenst load more things09:41
dragontechits a hp pavilion zd800009:41
pirlohi all, can anyone comment on ubuntu lucid 64bit? i would like to know if there are any problems with it.09:41
pat5starpirlo: ask me in a few minutes :)09:41
dragontechi have the broadcom b43 drivers already enabled09:41
pat5starpirlo: in the process of installing right now09:41
atokaddid you re download your drivers and blacklist ssb and such?09:41
TenhiShadowi`ve acer aspire d250-0bw and 3 OS: ubuntu, winxp, win709:42
dragontechhow do i do all that09:42
pirlo<pat5star> good luck!09:42
atokadone moment had to do this earlier today ill find you a link09:42
dragontechok thank you09:42
gotttolambrecht: I'm outta ideas sorry09:42
lambrechtgotto is there a way to restart the init files all at once09:42
pat5starpirlo: you too...I've been asking same as you and the only warning I keep getting is wireless drivers, which sadly is the norm09:43
Galerienpat5star: what's your problem ?09:43
dragontechpirlo: i am running lucid 64bit on my laptop without any dificulties09:43
pirlo<pat5star> so if i want to install, i better install it on a desktop.09:43
Fireking300You like Compiz Fusion dragontech ?09:43
dragontechnever used it09:44
TenhiShadowand dont use it09:44
dragontechi am very new to linux09:44
lambrechtgotto ok thanks for the help09:44
pat5starpirlo: I'm installing on my laptop, but I got an ethernet cable nearby :)09:44
Fireking300TenhiShadow, why not? Its awesome09:44
gotttolambrecht: not an easy way that i know of09:44
pat5starGalerien: huh?09:44
Jordan_Udragontech: Just to rule it out, have you made sure that the wireless switch isn't in the off position?09:44
pirlowell last time i installed karmic 64bit and it ran slower than karmic 32bit, weird09:44
pat5starGalerien: is that a friendly "what's your problem?" or a sarcastic one? lol09:45
ns5Why openssh server is always started?09:45
TenhiShadowi dont need compiz09:45
Galerienpat5star: friendly :D09:45
TenhiShadowit`s just a little game09:45
GalerienI just arrived09:45
Fireking300I never said you did need it. But its very cool app.09:45
lambrechtgotto mybe if you login to my system you can see the problem ?09:45
TenhiShadowit`s individualy09:45
pat5starGalerien: oh ok...my paranoia level is up a bit, earlier I was stating that I didn't mind windows lol09:45
dragontechon her laptop the wireless has a button and it has the light on showing that its on09:46
Fireking300Why do you keep on doing ) ?09:46
StdDoubtI installed lucid 32 bit and when it boots it displays the splash screen and than the screen goes black. How can I acess a shell in the boot?09:46
Galerienpat5star: and from what i've read, you got problem with your wireless, just like me earlyer...09:46
dragontechwhen i push the button it turns off then i have to reboot to turn it back on09:46
atokaddragontech: did you follow all of these steps? http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt09:47
pat5starGalerien: no, not yet. It works fine (course I use wicd, not that stupid default network manager) but I'm right in the middle of installing lucid...so I'm been forewarned about the wireless problems. I'll know shortly ;)09:47
Jordan_Udragontech: Could you pastebin the output of "iwlist scan; dmesg"?09:47
atokadremove b43 ssb and wl09:47
dragontechthe wireless used to work just fine09:47
Galerienpat5star: ok, so, see you then :p09:47
pat5starGalerien: hopefully :)09:48
pat5starGalerien: thanks :)09:48
atokadso did mine i had to reinstall all drivers from scratch09:48
Jordan_UStdDoubt: ctrl+alt+F1 or hold shift during boot and choose recovery mode.09:48
TenhiShadowwhere i can upload screenshot to show it09:49
dragontechhow do i remove ssb and wl09:49
llutz!paste | TenhiShadow09:49
ubottuTenhiShadow: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:49
kuato-ARhello, greetings from Argentina, i need some help with sox and audio sincronization using tvtime, any help ?09:49
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StdDoubtJordan_U: thanks09:50
Jordan_UStdDoubt: You're welcome.09:50
atokadits a long process lol you have to re make you wl.ko file from the broadcom drivers then slap it into your modules folder then remove a bunch of mods09:51
atokadits all in the readme i linked09:51
StdDoubtdoes intel 855gm have problems with lucid?09:51
dragontechok ill try it and let you know what happens09:51
atokadgood luck friend09:51
ashuhiiiiiii any f is thr09:52
Jordan_Udragontech: Does "locate ucode5.fw" give any results?09:52
jandecomo faço para entrar em outro canal?09:52
atokadthe statue of liberty is the ugliest french chick ive ever seen09:52
jandesou do brazil09:52
Jordan_U!ot | atokad09:53
ubottuatokad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:53
TenhiShadowi have a problem with fstab, in last ubuntu i`ve no problems with it, it works wery good, but now it dublicate disks http://imagebin.org/9718309:53
atokadsorry lol09:53
gottto!pt | jande09:53
ubottujande: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.09:53
Fireking300I possibly heard ubuntu is going to switch to google chrome?09:53
dragontech/lib/firmware/b43/ucode5.fw  and  /lib/firmware/b43legacy/ucode5.fw09:54
Jordan_UFireking300: Only Netbook Remix, and Chromium (Google Chrome is a closed source build of Chromium)09:54
Fireking300Oh alright09:54
Fireking300thank you09:54
Jordan_UFireking300: You're welcome.09:55
TenhiShadowbut in fstab file it`s always true http://paste.ubuntu.com/434786/09:55
StdDoubtI am not able to able to log into X and my graphic card is a intel 855gm09:55
NubRyan_hey i was hopeful that someone might be able to help trouble shooting my error with installing the ATI Radeon 9600 Drivers this is the error i got http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/vPm8w3az09:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:58
TenhiShadowNubRyan_:  install ati catalist09:59
NubRyan_@tenhi the catalist drivers are there but they dont work because driver isnt installed10:00
TenhiShadowas i know linux have problems with ati10:01
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TenhiShadowis graphic card new?10:01
NubRyan_no it was made in 2k3 i think10:01
TenhiShadowthats why u have problems10:01
TenhiShadow2k3 what is that?10:02
Galerienk = 100010:02
konmanI seek to download all of NPTELs video lessons from which mirror i don't care it just has to be up to date. NPTEL uploads directly to youtube. I could go through each of the 250+ videos and request a MP4 in FireFox. is there a better solution?10:02
TenhiShadowi have bad english10:02
NubRyan_So even though i have a driver package from ati im hosed?10:03
Etere___ho un problema con i driver nvidia proprietari e plymouth10:03
GalerienTenhiShadow: It's international language :D When I was working in a bank, we had 200K $ each days (or stuff like that :D)10:03
TenhiShadowNubRyan_: search for the driver on linux forums, or if u are very smart write driver чВ10:03
TenhiShadowGalerien: thanks)10:04
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:04
adamkex!it Etere___10:04
adamkexEtere___: !it10:05
StdDoubthow to put "i915 modeset" in the booting parameters?10:05
llutzStdDoubt: edit /etc/default/grub10:05
atokadjust booted back into 10.04 it feels so good10:05
TenhiShadowGalerien: i`m economist but i didn`t know it10:05
TenhiShadowllutz: gedit10:05
GalerienTenhiShadow: where are you from?10:06
llutzStdDoubt: add your parameter to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=...   and run sudo update-grub when finished10:06
TenhiShadowGalerien: Russia10:06
llutzTenhiShadow: ?10:06
TenhiShadowllutz: nothing)10:06
diskinhi all, is there a way to downgrade a program using PPA? I have pidgin 2.7.0 from PPA, and due to a bug it segfaults. How to downgrade to the previous one?10:07
llutzdiskin: you need a repo with an older version, then "sudo aptitude install pidgin=2.x.x"10:07
diskinllutz, so it depends on PPA owner, to include or to not include the previous version?10:08
llutzdiskin: yes10:08
rodhi, I've got a question.. there seems to be some problem with the automatic regulation of notebook's fan speed, is it possible to start and let the fan spinning from ubuntu?10:08
TenhiShadowrod: u mean program?10:10
TenhiShadowuse it and manage your fans?10:10
rodsomething like that... just to start the fan on boot for sure and let is spinning10:11
rod...let it...10:11
TenhiShadowrod: search on google)10:11
TenhiShadowsudo apt-get install xsensors10:12
stekarndoes anyone have any experience in using FUSE and samba with Likewise open?10:12
TenhiShadowit can help u see situation with fans10:12
rocket16Is there any Edubuntu Addon- Iso for Ubuntu 10.04?10:13
TenhiShadowlaunch software center10:13
rocket16I mean, like what used to be back during 9.04? Or should we just download it from Software-Centre?10:13
TenhiShadowand click bookmach education10:14
visofterminal gnome give me: visof@cniha:~$  when it start , can i change cniha ??10:14
stekarnthats your hostname10:15
llutz!hostname | visof10:15
stekarnTenhiShadow: time to take a break from the computer? ;)10:16
llutzbot died?10:16
rodTenhiShadow, thanx10:17
TenhiShadowi have a problem with fstab, in last ubuntu i`ve no problems with it, it works wery good, but now it dublicate disks http://imagebin.org/9718310:17
rocket16What is the size of Edubuntu addon from Software Centre?10:17
TenhiShadow but in fstab file it`s always true http://paste.ubuntu.com/434786/10:17
rocket16Is it around 1 GB?10:17
llutz!hostname | visof10:17
ubottuvisof: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.10:17
TenhiShadowstekarn: to break from computer? what for?10:18
rocket16Anybody? I need help about edubuntu addon,10:18
TenhiShadow rocket16: u have limited internet?10:19
rocket16TeniShadow: Yes, I have a limit for 2 GB10:19
kogepancan someone tell me how to change my cursor in ubuntu?10:19
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TenhiShadowkogepan: i can10:20
TenhiShadowrocket16: it`s bad10:20
Jordan_Urocket16: Many ISPs have local mirrors that they run that don't count toward bandwidth.10:20
rocket16Jordan_U: Thanks10:21
ktogias-officehi, I am giving a try to gnome-shell on ubuntu 10.04 . It works and is usable, but I have a visual distortion at the corners of the windows decoration: http://imagebin.org/97185 . Does anyone knows if this is a known bug and if there is any workarround?10:21
Jordan_Urocket16: You're welcome.10:21
kogepanTenhiShadow: i changed the cusor but it doesnt work everywhere, for example it looks ok over some windows, but resets to default on the background.10:21
TenhiShadowkogepan: click right mouse button on clear space on desktop/change image/bookmach theme/change theme/cursor10:21
TenhiShadowkogepan: i have no ideas about it10:22
TenhiShadowi sitting near computer 15 hours10:22
TenhiShadowi will go to eat10:22
mmarc__hi! I'm wondering how my netbook with lucid happened to get showing the wifi connection to be very bad, while the router is just in 1 meter? Reboot does not help. How can I reset the wifi applet known connections? It is possibly causing a problem itself, router is OK.10:23
TenhiShadowmmarc__ reinstall wifi driver10:24
Galerienmmarc__: no, wait10:24
Galerientry that10:24
Galerienservice network-manager stop10:24
Galerienrm /var/lib/NetworkManager/networkManager.state10:24
Galerienservice network-manager start10:24
FloodBot1Galerien: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:24
mmarc__TenhiShadow: ugh, what? That's not windows10:25
TenhiShadowmmarc__: xD10:25
Galerienmmarc__: ... You have to use wifi drivers on ubuntu...10:25
Galerienmmarc__: It's just that normally it's using some generic ones...10:26
mmarc__yes, and it should be fine all the time, just as 9.10 was10:26
Galerienmmarc__: Yes, just try what I posted earlier10:27
Skyravenhello guys, I'm having a weird issue :) I just joined an Ubuntu 10 to a domain using likewise, have modified /etc/samba/lwiauthd.conf to include winbind use default domain = yes10:28
mmarc__stupid network manager10:28
Skyravenbut still I can't log in without the domain part10:28
SkyravenI restarted the services, I even rebooted the server10:28
SkyravenI browsed the forums..seems that for everyone but me ..it works10:28
Skyravencan you help ..what might I be missing ?10:28
llutzmmarc__: try wicd, works better for some people10:29
mmarc__nah, state file removing does not help10:29
Galerienmmarc__: I did for me, sorry :x10:29
AhmedBHactually i have downloaded some updates by synaptics for my ATI's graphic card including crystal center and now i cant set my appearce as EXTRA Card doesnt seem to be detected WHY ? :)10:30
* mmarc__ thinking of throwing away the lucid crap and switch back to 9.1010:30
Galerienmmarc__: +110:30
AhmedBHPLease anyone help me out >_<10:30
JPSmanso....... I just installed KmPlot and it hasn't shown up on the applications menu anywhere.10:30
GalerienAhmedBH: don't promise you anything but : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=921881610:31
Galerientry that out10:31
diskinllutz, the old version is here as well: http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pidgin/, but I can not install it, tried different ways to specify version in apt-get install..10:31
AhmedBHOKay :)10:31
GalerienAhmedBH: the 2nd part10:31
AhmedBHYeah ?10:31
dragontechi still cant get the wireless to work10:32
llutzdiskin: sudo apt-get install pidgin=2.x.x                where 2.x.x = the version you want10:32
heikehow does one configure the locales with ubuntu? dpkg-reconfigure -p low locales just generates them but i cant configure *which* get generated10:32
tadoi have a problem with my wireless: when downloading high amounts of data (torrents), nm disconnects and doesn't pick up any more, reboot is needed10:33
diskinllutz, yes, tried that: E: Version '2.6.6' for 'pidgin' was not found - but it i there..10:33
tado(ps it's not the router, as it works with windows computers)10:33
dragontechdoes anyone know how to fix broadcom wireless problems10:33
erUSULtado: install linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic10:34
erUSULtado: maybe anew driver helps10:34
erUSULdragontech: what problems ?10:34
ragsHi...I need a packet generator for sctp packets...any recommendations?..I tried hping, but not sure if it supports sctp...10:34
tadoerUSUL: should i do it also if using lucid?10:34
erUSULtado: why not ?10:34
dragontechi cant get it to detect any wireless networks10:34
tadoerUSUL: just the karmic part of the package :)10:34
dragontechi made sure the switch is on10:35
erUSULdragontech: how did you enabled it ?10:35
tadoerUSUL: i'll give it a shot10:35
erUSULtado: s/karmic/lucid/10:35
konmantado: does this fix the problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/434822/10:35
dragontecherUSuL: i removed and reinstalled the drivers10:35
erUSULdragontech: did you used System->Admin...->hardware drivers ?10:35
dragontecherUSUL: yes10:36
erUSULdragontech: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan10:36
llutzdiskin: check available versions with apt-cache policy pidgin and then apply the complete ver-string to apt-get10:36
marekw2143how to remove nginx from system startup?10:36
tadokonman: i'll try that too10:36
erUSULmarekw2143: sudo update-rc.d -f nginx remove10:36
marekw2143erUSUL: thanks :)10:37
dragontecherUSUL: wlan0 no scan results10:37
konmanok but try the backports first10:37
erUSULdragontech: « sudo rfkill list »10:38
dragontecherUSUL: soft blocked:no    hard blocked:no10:39
judwhenever i download pdf or some other files i can only save them on the main drive otherwise i get permission denied errors. likewise, if i save them then move them off the main drive, i get permission denied when i try to open it.10:39
erUSULdragontech: it seems like your card do not see any network around ...10:39
konmanok then I'm going to download these 250+ videos from yt manually10:40
llutzjud: then adjust permission of the other drives10:40
dragontechi take it the card went bad?10:40
erUSULjud: user only have permissions on their home folders....10:40
erUSULdragontech: not sure can be bad drivers...10:41
vakWhy does my midnight commander have no colors anymore?..10:41
juderUSUL: I thought it was10:41
erUSULdragontech: try updating it installing linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic10:41
dragontecherUSUL: apt-get?10:41
erUSULdragontech: or aptitude; or synpatic. whichever you prefer10:42
vake.g., mc doesn't show directories and files in the same color10:42
vakthere were no problem with the previous mc :-/10:42
diskinllutz, http://pastebin.com/p6DSgkvs - it's not here. But it is listed: http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pidgin/10:42
llutzdiskin: try getting the deb manually and install it with dpkg10:44
diskinllutz, yes, thats obvious, but then I will have to get all dependencies.. and I'd like to find "correct" way10:44
diskin(suppose I had to explain what to do to a non-tech user)10:45
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llutzdiskin: then you'll have to find a repo with the older version available for your distro10:45
diskinllutz, but the fact that the old version is listed on the page, means nothing?10:45
judllutz: so, I use chmod?10:47
djmooreI have a question:  I have a Toshiba A505 laptop, and have managed to install Lucid Lynx and boot into it with changing a few boot parameters.  I took out silent boot and added acpi=off, and it booted up. The wireless will not work still.  Anyone got any ideas?  I am VERY new to all of this.10:47
AhmedBHThanks a lot for ATI'S graphic card helping :)10:48
hellyeahanyone knows conversation between rbg and cmyk10:48
AhmedBHIt really works now thanks a million10:48
llutzdiskin: https://launchpad.net/~pidgin-developers/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid10:48
GalerienAhmedBH: with my link?10:49
llutzdiskin: only 2.7.0 listed for lucid10:49
diskinllutz, I'm on Jaunty, but probably the same... thanks10:49
diskinI will contact PPA admin10:49
llutzdiskin: https://launchpad.net/~pidgin-developers/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=jaunty10:49
senderHi, anyone any ideas on how to a panel with windows on both my monitors in a dual monitor setup? Thanks.10:50
AhmedBHGalerien: Yes :) And now all i wanna ask is i am not into so many graphic just a new user tho...Should i use the default appearence or Compiz ?10:50
AhmedBHGalerien: Thank :)10:50
senderIs it possible to have separate workspaces on my 2 monitors in a dual monitor setup?10:50
abliHi! I am trying to connect a gigE camera to a computer running ubuntu lucid, and I am having the following problem: when I run "ifdown eth1 && ifup eth1" _after_ the camera is connected and turned on, It works, but if I reconnect the camera (or bring up eth1 with the camera being off) it doesn't.10:51
djmooreCan someone help me?10:52
abliLooking at 'ifconfig' output, it appears that eth1 only gets ipv4 settings ( inet addr, Bcast, Mask) if 'ifup' is run when the camera is connected. Does lucid not set ipv4 settings? How can I force it to do so?10:52
AhmedBHdjmoore: yeah ?10:52
abliI have an ipv4 address, netmask set in /etc/network/interfaces10:52
djmooreAhmedBH THanks.10:52
llutzabli: do you have "allow-hotplug eth1" in your /e/n/interfaces ?10:52
AhmedBHdjmoore: So what is it .10:52
ablillutz, no. Where do I put that? in the 'iface eth1' section?10:53
xorishi if didn't download the language pack during hte installation will i be able to write / read with a deffenerent language other than english10:53
llutzabli: just add a line above the iface eth1...10:53
abliOk, I did so but it doesn't appear to have solved it. I'll do some checks10:54
djmooreAhmedBH: Well, I finally got Lucid Lynx installed on my laptop, but now I'm having a problem getting the wifi to work properly. It seems to detect the networks and connect to mine, but the internet will not work. I have a Toshiba A505. I don't remember the exact model number beyond that right now. It took me a while to boot it because I learned I had to boot it wil APCI=OFF and take out the boot paramter, "silent boot."  Know anything I can try and do?10:55
GalerienAhmedBH: You should be abble to use compiz10:55
ablillutz, correction, it appears to work. Thanks!10:55
jarrod_any body know application of this photo http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/6779/asdtv.png10:56
AhmedBHGalerien: Thanks10:56
GalerienGuys, I have a problem with some popup informations bubble : I get a loob of 'power information, laptop battery is charged'10:56
GalerienAhmedBH: np10:56
erUSULjarrod_: the one used to make the diagram? or what? a honeypot ?10:57
AhmedBHdjmoore: Actually Lucid has  some issues with wifi even tho it doesnt even seem to be working on mine, But on Karmic it was just so fine, try connected with open network or change it to WEP or WPA instead or WPA210:57
AhmedBHAnd see if that connected10:57
jarrod_erUSUL diagram10:57
AhmedBHdjmoore: PLus have you updated ? your system10:58
jarrod_erUSUL: you know this ?10:59
djmooreAhmedBH: It's hard to update it without a connection to the internet. (Wireless is my only resource.) You think WPA would be fine? I don't want to go without security at all because I live in a congested area.10:59
LowKeyhello, ubuntu can support i386 arc ?10:59
erUSULjarrod_: no i dunno; sorry10:59
jarrod_erUSUL ok thx mayby others see this http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/6779/asdtv.png11:00
viliny__jarrod_: what are you trying to find out?11:01
jarrod_viliny__: DIA isn't for me good11:01
AhmedBHdjmoore: Yeah i see, I give you a piece of advice, try to simply update and upgrade your laptop by ethernet (since its not getting connected by a wifi so) and once you are done try to connect it again and if not change up the security or password , Linux is typical you know :) and about crowded area you got with a lot of peoples who might be after your wifi i guess only Linux can break a 502 Bit WPA2 security11:01
jarrod_viliny__: i kivio alsow11:01
viliny__jarrod_: ??11:02
jarrod_viliny__: draf a diagram my net11:02
viliny__jarrod_: the image you linked earlier looks like it's done in photoshop or similar by hand - not by a program11:02
jarrod_viliny__: hmm,11:03
djmooreahmedBH: I am dualbooting it with Windows 7 at the moment, so I can jump there and download a package and come back and update Lucid with a flash drive. Is there a package I can download for all the updates?11:03
anodesniUbuntu does not control my brightness (ATI mobility 4330) please help, my batteries are drained in no time11:03
djmooreahmedBH: I will try to get the ethernet to work tonight and see if that helps me get the updates.  What options do I have if the updates don't worry and the password and network name changes don't work?11:04
AhmedBHdjmoore: I guess the only best source is by ethernet or you wont get a COMPLETE update, Your system need to be updated that might help and like you said you can CONNECT to wifi but something maybe blocking it ? so you cant access the internet11:04
djmooreupdates don't work and*11:04
* SirClueless waves 11:04
* anodesni scratches his eyes out11:05
llutzjarrod_: looks like inkscape or similar. just putting together some cliparts, lines and text11:05
anthony_hi to everyone11:05
djmooreahmedBH: I remember there being at once time a connection to wirelss, but I don't remember exactly what boot parameters I initiated.  I might try to add extra parameters in again and see if that works.11:05
AhmedBHdjmoore: I meant to say that update it and do check it once without password on it when connected and internet is working then you should put a password on your wifi router and then (put that on your Lucid under your SSID name) "DO it by yourself" and see if connects and works11:06
AhmedBHdjmoore: Best of luck with that :)11:06
wesguinanodesni, did you try Fn keys or adding the panel brighness applett?11:06
=== minjoo_ is now known as minjoo
djmooreahmedBH:  Thanks much.  I will try. Later11:06
AhmedBHdjmoore: Its okay :011:06
anthony_i have a problem! how can you make the download of a program fast. because i have a slow connection.11:06
anodesniwesguin, yes it does not responds11:07
anthony_can anyone help me11:07
ns5Why in 10.04 openssh daemon is always started during system boot?  It is not listed in any runlevels.  Any idea?11:08
jpdsns5: Have you looked at /etc/init/sshd.conf?11:08
Galerienanthony_: slow connection ==> slow download... no secret11:08
anthony_you mean i can't make it fast11:08
=== ahmed is now known as Guest90933
ns5jpds: There is no /etc/init.d/sshd.conf in my system.11:09
llutzns5: /etc/init        not /etc/init.d11:10
jpdsns5: Not init.d; init.11:10
wesguinanodesni, looks like this is a problem others are having.. are you using proprietary graphics driver?11:10
anodesniwesguin, yes11:10
ns5jpds: yes I'm looking at it11:10
wesguinanodesni, did you try disabling that to see if it works then?11:10
anodesniwesguin, ok I will, but the opensource driver does not support energy saving, which means that my cpu gets 10 degrees (C) higher11:11
anodesniat least it doesnt until 2.6.3511:11
ns5jpds: so?11:12
wesguinanodesni, what temp?11:12
anodesniwesguin, 50-52 no load to 65 to 70 under load vs 42-44 no load to 50 - 60 under load11:12
jpdsns5: The 'start on' line defines when sshd is started.11:12
wesguinanodesni, well at least that's not near critical11:13
ns5jpds: What's the reason of the existence of this file?11:13
Dermobonjour :)11:13
jpdsns5: It's an Upstart configuration file?11:13
anodesniwesguin, no, but I expect that the lifetime will be shorter when the temp is increased11:13
ns5jpds: Ubuntu ignores the traditional runlevel system?11:13
jpdsns5: Yes; it uses Upstart.11:13
delonairquando apro internet non vedo più la barra chiudi iconizza ripristina. infatti per chiudere internet devo usare alt f4 da tastiere. da che dipende11:14
AhmedBHHello i got a issue with terminal before it was like 'username@hotname:~$' and now when i hit CTRL+ALT+T and it shows as 'username@hostname:/$'  so why that there's a / now ?11:14
erUSUL!it | delonair11:14
jpdsns5: Well, it loads both but Upstart is preferred.11:14
wesguinanodesni, true, but probably nothing you'd notice11:14
Dermowe need to speak in english here ? or it's allowed to speak foreign language ?11:14
wesguinanodesni, still you have to test if it works11:14
anodesniwesguin, and I prefer my lap top be 10 degrees colder too :P11:14
llutzAhmedBH: because your $PWD now is / and former was ~11:14
wesguinanodesni, yeah.. my netbook runs hot.. good in the winter time11:15
jpdsDermo: This is an English-only channel.11:15
ns5jpds: so how should I modify the file to tell ubuntu not to start it during system boot?11:15
anodesniwesguin, I'm removing the driver now11:15
jpdsns5: Comment out all of the "start on" part.11:15
KittyBootsHello, I have never emcripted files before and I have a directory I want to put a password on.  I am sure that there are many options, but what is the optimal method?11:15
wesguinanodesni, let me know how it goes11:15
anodesninow restarting X, ibb11:15
AhmedBHllutz: why i mean when i click it by accessorise>terminal it shows ~$ why with a shortcut as /$11:15
AhmedBHllutz: i dont like it >_< it wasnt like that before11:16
llutzAhmedBH: somewhere the start-path is defined different, idk why/where11:16
AhmedBHllutz: thats stupid11:16
Kilianvhello, I am (re-re-re-)installing 10.04 on my macbook pro 5,5 and the broadcom STA driver is in a perpetual state of trying to connect, and giving up after ~3 tries (both on wpa protected and open networks) does anyone know how to remedy this?11:17
llutzAhmedBH: file a bug-report11:17
AhmedBHllutz: how really11:17
Dermoty jpds ;)11:17
anodesniiwesguin, ok, it's working again, thanks11:18
anodesniiwesguin, I'll guess I have to live with higher temps for another 6 months11:19
wesguinanodesnii, maybe they'll update the driver11:19
anodesniiI hope11:19
wesguinanodesnii, I'm not sure if it's something a kernel module fix would help or not11:20
wesguinanodesnii, my little netbook has issues but I use some workarounds11:20
theom3gahi there11:20
anodesniiwesguin, I think amd has messed up their driver once again11:20
theom3gahow can I batch install a lot of fonts from command line on Ubuntu?11:21
wesguinanodesnii, could be11:21
SpaceGhostC2Ctheom3ga: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:21
SpaceGhostC2Ctheom3ga: that has a lot.11:21
theom3gaSpaceGhostC2C, I know it has a lot, but I have my own ones11:22
SpaceGhostC2Ctheom3ga: you want to install fonts you've downloaded?11:22
JulianaHello Ubuntu! I deleted mysql with "apt-get remove mysql-server". But there still are tons of files left. if found "/etc/mysql/" and "/var/lib/mysql/" for example. Why is that? How can I uninstall something?11:22
theom3gaSpaceGhostC2C, yep, I have about thirty fonts I downloaded some time ago, and I don't want to go one by one pressing Install this font11:23
SpaceGhostC2Ctheom3ga: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts11:23
llutzJuliana: check for mysql-common mysql-client11:23
theom3gaguess I'll copy them in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ and then run fc-cache11:23
theom3gaor something like that11:23
Julianallutz: ok, apt-get removing these too11:23
SpaceGhostC2CJuliana: apt-get remove --purge11:24
llutzJuliana: apt-get purge xxx11:24
JulianaSpaceGhostC2C, llutz: now apt-get says its not installed. do i have to reinstall it to uninstall it?11:24
llutzJuliana: "dpkg -l *mysql* | grep ^ii"11:25
wesguinJuliana, try looking in synaptics package manager File -> History11:25
Julianai really would like to do it with apt, if possible.11:26
ns5jpds: Thanks11:26
* Juliana reinstalls mysql-server :(11:27
wesguinJuliana, np11:27
Julianawesguin: np?11:27
wesguinno prob11:27
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nicofshello there. I just instelled 10.04 on my netbook (Acer Aspire One 532; Atom N450@1,66GHz; GMA 3150). Everything seems to work except for the touchpad which seems to be stuck at a sensitivity of about 10.000% and constantly clicks left. scaling down the sensitivity in the menu doesn't help. any ideas? thanks.11:30
hellyeahsomeone knows how to draw chromacity diagram11:34
wesguinJuliana, you could look at /var/log/dpkg.log11:34
linxehhellyeah: are you sure you have the right name? google has 1 hit for "chromacity diagram"11:35
Julianawesguin: have to go for now. somehow i repaired it meanwhile with some wild uninstalling and reinstalling.11:35
wesguinJuliana, you have to scroll to the bottom for the latest11:35
wesguinJuliana, okay good :)11:35
linxehhellyeah: ignore me, I cant type11:35
Julianathank you everybody!11:35
linxehhellyeah: I think you mean chromaticity diagram ?11:36
Juliana#ubuntu is so much more charming then #debian!11:36
hellyeahi check the google11:37
hellyeahbut i cannot find basic steps11:37
hellyeahi cant uderstand something11:37
wesguinwb anodesni11:37
hellyeahmay be someone knows11:37
linxehhellyeah: you probably need to use something like R or matlab or something11:37
Lazy^Hello, i need to use ftp trough squid. What is the good ftp-client for that ? I'm trying to use FileZilla but no sulotion11:38
uLinuxLinux rules11:38
hellyeahi eed theorotical knıowledge11:38
linxehhellyeah: this isnt the channel for that then11:38
fengfanhello everyone11:39
discozohancan someone tell me about memory usage - why my kde widget shows, that 950mb of memory in use, top shows that 1500mb in use11:39
discozohani just logged in11:39
nicofshi... me again. anyone who can help with a touchpad?11:39
discozohanhow can i get real memory usage ?11:39
fengfanwho can tell me about china WenJiaBao and North Korea11:40
ania_free -m11:40
erUSUL!ram | discozohan11:40
ubottudiscozohan: A short primer on linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html11:40
fengfana new11:40
fengfana news11:40
=== zakwilson_ is now known as zakwilson
discozohanOk, free -m, it shows, that 1600 mb in use ( i just logged in ). Top doesn't show anything, that uses so many memory11:41
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discozohanhow can i know, what process use half of my memory ?11:42
discozohantop shows nothing11:42
discozohan2 and 3 % of memory by 2 processes - the max11:42
discozohanwhy it shows, that 50% in use ?11:42
Vroomfondledoes that include the cache?11:43
erUSULdiscozohan: top orders by %cpu press "shift + M" to order by memory usage11:43
discozohan<erUSUL>, in total it will be not more than 15%11:43
wesguinnicofs, when did your touchpad problem start?11:43
ania_kernel is loading as much as possible into ram for performance11:43
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discozohani have 3,2 gb, 1600 in use11:43
erUSULdiscozohan: did you read the bot's link11:44
zakwilsonATI's latest fglrx release (8.723) appears to be the same version that comes with Ubuntu 10.04. It claims suspend/resume fixes. My laptop still doesn't resume properly. Are there known issues?11:44
discozohanah, ok. Thanks11:44
discozohanit seems to be normal behaviour11:44
discozohanand one more question - my opened windows ( kde ) lag when i drag them11:46
discozohanwhat can it be ?11:46
nicofs@wesguin: directly after installation. it never worked11:47
akashvhow can i install kivio in ubuntu Lucid? it was in karmic repos, but now disappeared.11:48
wesguinnicofs, I haven't seen any big problems mentioned with that model and lucid lynx.. there is an issue with scrolling11:49
wesguinnicofs, did you do a clean install?11:49
LjLakashv: http://www.koffice.org/kivio/ it seems that they couldn't get it fixed for KDE4 release11:50
nicofsif it were only scrolling, I'd be happy... I've had this problem with normal ubuntu and the netbook remix11:50
GryllidaHelp! I hit "switching from windows" at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/index.html and it says 404 page not found!11:50
akashvLjL: ok11:50
DJonesGryllida: Looks like that webpage is down/missing at the moment, you can get to the previous one using the link https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/switching/index.html11:51
GryllidaOh, ok11:51
nicofsI only used live/persistant USB versions... but that was one hour ago...11:51
wesguinnicofs, maybe if  you try this it will fix it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146750311:51
wesguinnicofs, even tho it's for another issue11:52
Kilianvhello, I am (re-re-re-)installing 10.04 on my macbook pro 5,5 and the broadcom STA driver is in a perpetual state of trying to connect, and giving up after ~3 tries (both on wpa protected and open networks) does anyone know how to remedy this?11:52
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wesguinnicofs, make sure you read through the whole thing first though11:53
nicofsdamn... I never thought of that multi-gesture stuff... why does it have to have that... but I'll try that...11:53
wesguinnicofs, worth a try11:53
nicofsis there a page with keyboard shortcuts? obviously I can't use the touchpad...^^11:54
=== Sor|nello is now known as sburjan
=== Guest61559 is now known as karmic_scents
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:55
kosharihow do i write a small script that will create a dev if it doesnt exist, ie, " if /dev/rfcomm0 "dontexist" bind rfcomm 0 end if  ????11:59
xuanhenis anyone here?12:00
wesguinthese used to be alot more common I gues12:00
teckyis there a way to force a upgrade of IRSSI to 0.8.15 from the repo *.14?12:00
teckyor is the package not prebuilt as of this time?12:00
erUSULkoshari: if [[ -f /dev/rfcomm0 ]]; then  bind rfcomm 0; fi12:00
erUSULkoshari: or something like that :)12:00
GryllidaerUSUL what language is that?12:01
erUSULkoshari: use -a12:01
erUSULGryllida: shell script; command line12:01
bullgardGryllida: Thank you very much for your help with bugzilla. It works now, and have sent a comment there.12:02
wesguinnicofs, oh I missed that... you could use alt+f2 and run xterm I guess12:02
m0arI'm unable to boot my windows install, is the only solution really to use a windows recovery cd? I get the bootmgr is missing-error12:04
bullgardWhat to enter in the text field of »Indicator Applet Session« 0.3.6?12:04
erUSULm0ar: maybe in ##windows they know of a different method12:04
Gryllidabullgard, you're welcome :)12:05
m0arerUSUL: Since it's about grub, here would be my bet12:05
wesguinm0ar, you mean you installed ubuntu and now you can't boot windows?12:06
m0arwesguin: Yes.12:06
m0arOh darn, I didn't mention that? lol :>12:06
wesguinm0ar, well the only problem is with the boot loader which is on the MBR12:07
wesguinm0ar, you can recover it by reinstalling grub212:07
m0arwesguin: I've reinstalled grub 2 times, with 'grub-install /dev/sda'12:07
wesguinm0ar, you might need to do a bit more.. brb12:07
xuanhenit's a grub's bug12:08
xuanhenyou can't see windows but can see linux?12:08
m0arxuanhen: I've added windows to the menu.lst and I can select it of course, otherwise I wouldn't get the "BOOTMGR is missing"-error :>12:09
xuanhenyou use grub ? why not update your grub to ver2?12:09
wesguingrub2 can do it automatically12:09
wesguinwith update-grub command12:10
hellyeahwha tis the diff between grub and grub212:10
xuanheni'm not sure . you can google it12:10
wesguinif you installed ubuntu 10.04 you have grub2 which works different than earlier version12:10
m0arOf course I've got grub2 installed :)12:10
wesguinm0ar, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527512:11
hellyeah10.04 automatically install12:11
wesguinread that12:11
xuanhentry this         sudo apt-get install gurb212:11
wesguinxuanhen, he already has grub212:11
xuanhensome version of grub2 has a bug12:12
xuanhen.. can't add windows to grub.cfg12:12
wesguinxuanhen, the info on the url I gave him worked for e12:12
wesguinwb nico12:13
m0arGuys. I can select windows in my grub, but when I try to start it i get a fatal error: "BOOTMGR is missing"12:13
histom0ar: what version of windows12:14
xuanhenhe say his grub configure file is menu.lst12:14
m0arhisto: Win712:14
xuanhenthat's grub1's config file12:14
wesguinm0ar, that could be because you tried to use grub2 wrong tho12:14
m0arwesguin: Oh?12:14
m0arwesguin: Since it didn't work after a clean install ;312:14
wesguinyes that's why I gave you that url it shows the difference between the grub versions12:14
wesguinyeah I am surprised it didn't work after a clean install though12:15
histom0ar: k let me check on something12:15
teckyi never understood why people still cling to windows installs, and able to live with a VM env.12:15
m0arI have to run some applications for work and some games :312:15
xuanhenme to12:16
sh1nygrub2 uses grub.cfg not menu.lst12:16
histom0ar: what is your drive/partitioning setup right now?12:16
wesguinuse fdisk -l12:16
xuanhencfdisk is easy to understand12:17
sh1nyeasiest way would be -> boot win7 cd, issue a repair on the bootmgr, boot a ubuntu 10.04 cd, rescue mode -> fix grub12:17
m0arfdisk is fine12:17
sh1nyworks for me12:17
sh1nyi have arch + ubuntu + win712:17
wesguinfdisk -l to just list what is where12:17
histom0ar: sometimes windows puts its boot files in a c:\boot folder especially on upgrades.12:17
m0arsh1ny: Like I've got a win7 cd? x)12:17
xuanhenit's a good idea12:17
histom0ar: but its kind of difficult to help if you won't answer questions "fdisk is fine"...12:18
sh1nym0ar, how did you install it then ?12:18
m0arsh1ny: Pirated? ..12:18
wesguinoooh pirated linux12:18
m0arNot really ;D12:18
wesguinyou cant pirate linux12:18
m0arWhat did I say then?12:19
m0arYeah, windows.12:19
FailPowahi have a question about the network connection settings, on the google settings page for ubuntu, they write to use space to seperate the dns server, however the popup/over/tooltip on the dns server in ubuntu 10.04 LTS it says to use comma to seperate the dns servers, which is right?12:19
DASPRiDm0ar, you can, when it is an enterprise ddition ;)12:19
m0arDASPRiD: ah12:19
kosharierUSUL thanks,12:20
histom0ar: Mo0unt the windows partition in windows and see if you have a boot folder in the root of the drive.  You can try copying the files out of there to the root of the drive. Should fix your issues.12:20
m0arhisto: will do12:20
histom0ar: sry meant mount the windows partition in ubuntu12:21
histom0ar: but you get the idea.12:21
m0arhisto: I understood that :D12:21
m0arhisto: Nope, no /boot12:22
augustlare there any tools (other than ncurses) for creating terminal GUIs in ubuntu? Something a bit more high level than ncurses would have been nice.12:23
gmcdonalddirect download url for ubuntu server anybody?12:23
augustlgmcdonald: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/12:24
histom0ar: basically it can't see the boot manager files for some reason. what version of ubuntu?12:24
m0arhisto: lucid12:24
wesguinm0ar, the answers in here somewhere: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1312894&page=212:24
gmcdonaldaugustl: genius, thanks!12:25
wesguinm0ar, that's windows7 right?12:25
histom0ar: yeah you have to find where the boot manager is can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l12:25
augustlgmcdonald: I wish that page was first for "ubuntu download" :)12:25
histom0ar: if its a computer that came with windows 7 from the factory it could be on a seperate smaller partition.12:26
ozerimarCan anyone help with rescue /restore ?12:26
gmcdonaldaugustl: yeah, above the stupid fancy graphic button with redirect crap12:26
m0arhisto: I've reinstalled diffrent windows versions and many linux distributions since then12:26
uLinuxCan I put Applications Places and System menus into a button? I just want to save space in panel12:27
histom0ar: okay well if you could pastebin that and the grub.cfg I'll take a look12:27
jussiozerimar: just tell your problem :)12:27
wesguinnicofs1, any luck yet?12:28
ozerimarcan anyone help restore ubuntu installation?12:28
augustlozerimar: don't ask to ask, just ask, I guess :)12:28
nicofs1I'm just starting... needed to go to my other pc to work with the netbook...12:29
iefremovHi all! Can anyone point to the right IRC channel where I can ask some question about SRU procedure?12:30
* Dr_Willis wonders what 'sru' even is12:30
iefremovstable release update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates12:30
arandiefremov: #ubuntu-motu is liekely a start12:31
Dr_Willisseems like the wiki page sould suggest an irc channel. :)12:31
uLinuxI want to save space in panel by hiding Applications Places and System menus.. How can I do this?12:32
compaqman...I am having a hell of time with ubuntu and xubuntu installing on a desktop.  Sometimes, composite graphics don't work, if it does, then mpg videos don't work, and the gmenu in cairo-dock doesn't work, I need some video drivers I guess, for my intel video car12:32
uLinuxbut keep a button for them ofc12:32
erUSULuLinux: yes; you can there is an alternate single button menu. remove the menu then right click in a panel -> add to panel -> choose the single button menu12:32
=== BengtRibba is now known as dennis__
SlartuLinux: can't you put those menus in a "drawer" ?12:33
uLinuxwhats a drawer12:33
ozerimarwhat does  mount: mounting none on/dev failed mean?12:33
ojiihi everyone12:33
uLinuxerUSUL  im gonna try that tks12:33
ojiiever since I installed SCIM I have issues with applications suddenly stopping to accept input until i right-click->input method->SCIM. how can I tell all apps to use SCIM by default?12:33
SlartuLinux: or just add the "Main menu" applet12:34
Dr_WillisuLinux:  check ou the other panel applets also. theres also some  in the repos not installed by default that can let you tweak the pannel some12:34
nicofs1@wesguin: it works! thanks a lot!12:34
nickguinon my toshiba12:34
nickguindang keyboard is too big.. compared to the eee pc12:34
ozerimaranyone know what mount: mounting none on /dev failed no such device means?????12:35
wesguinnicofs1, this is better12:35
wesguinI'm getting used to the tiny keyboard12:35
uLinuxerUSUL I remove Menu Bar and added Main Menu :)12:36
erUSULuLinux: exactly; my system is in spanish... can not be sure of the names12:36
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ozerimarI have a non working ubuntu laptop12:37
Scuttleis anyone using the Terratec H5 or H7 USB here in ubuntu?12:38
compaqhow do I change the video driver I am using?12:38
erUSULcompaq: what graphic card ?12:38
compaq82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE linux driver12:38
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compaqerUSUL, intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE linux driver12:39
erUSULcompaq: it should use the intel driver.... what is the issue with it ?12:39
compaqerUSUL, end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 012:40
vic20gmrhello, im trying to troubleshoot some sound issue[s] with my 9.10 karmic12:40
ozerimarHow can I get tech support with restoring a ubuntu laptop?12:40
compaqerUSUL, I can't play mpg videos, it show the video for a half a sec, and then I get a blank screen12:40
wesguinozerimar, what happened to it?12:40
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Scuttledev fd0? that's a floppy drive...12:41
compaqerUSUL, that is with Xubuntu, but I am not sure if I have desktop effects on or not, before when I installed Ubuntu, desktop effects wouldn't turn on12:42
Dr_Willis fd0 = floppy - disable the floppy controller in bios  - if you are having issues with that.12:42
compaqScuttle, yeah I know, but it seems to have something to do with the video driver for some reason12:42
compaqDr_Willis, I blacklisted the floppy, but the error still came12:42
Dr_WillisThat would be an interesting bug.12:42
ozerimarit was in a middle of updating to a newer version when all power was lost12:43
Dr_Willisdisable it in bios. thats the 'best' way to disable  the floppy.12:43
wesguinozerimar, maybe you could try running fsck on it12:43
erUSULcompaq: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 <<< that's floppy driver afaics12:44
\\\\\\\\Dr_Willis: the best way is to remove floppy drive from computer12:44
Dr_Willispower outage during update.. can be trivial or impossble to recover from. :()12:44
erUSULcompaq: video playback issues i duno what may be causing it12:44
Dr_Willis\\\\\\\\:  the controller is still there.  and ive seen them show a fdo device even without a actual floppy12:44
erUSULcompaq: if you have mplayer we can make a quick test12:44
vic20gmri have been having intermitten sound and/or "crackling" sound in games12:45
compaqerUSUL, ok, let me download an mpg clip12:45
wesguinvic20gmr, emulators?12:45
vic20gmri have disabled onboard sound, and plugged in a pci board12:45
vic20gmrsnes9x gives problems, i briefly heard garbled sound in nexuiz12:45
vic20gmrassaultcube also12:46
ozerimarwhen  i boot it up it displays grub loading then mount: mounting none on /dev failed no such device then 10 seconds later I get a orange screen with my user name I click on my name to log on except that once i identify myself the keyboard becomes non working12:46
wesguinvic20gmr, yeah I had all those fixed in earlier distro, but now have dosbox problems in 10.0412:46
vic20gmrive tried some solutions on net, but so far nothing helps12:46
compaqerUSUL, I guess its working, but the integrated one with firefox isn't12:46
wesguinozerimar, can you ctrl-alt-f1 into a console?12:47
vic20gmrwell i stuck with 9.10, moslty cuz i fig'd more games for it than 10.04 at this time12:47
erUSULcompaq: totem ? can you try it outside firefox ?12:47
wesguinozerimar, that error shouldnt be fatal in itself12:47
wesguinvic20gmr, well what I mainly noticed was the same fixes just don't work under 10.0412:48
tadodoes anyone know if it's possible to add the google search bar present in unity on lucid?12:48
vic20gmrmy first question i gess is shud i remove the pci card [audio card], and go back to onboard audio?, im currently seeing "dummy output" in vol tray icons balloon help12:48
wesguinbut my zsnes and xstella work fine12:48
vic20gmru have any ideas wut i might try under 9.10 karmic?12:49
wesguinvic20gmr, I'd say yes12:49
wesguinvic20gmr, you on karmic now then?12:49
wesguinwell for dosbox set freq's to 4410012:49
ozerimaryeah but i cant do anything cant get to my desktop.12:49
compaqI am using cairo-dock, but the gmenu isn't working, when I click it, all I get is "recent documents"12:49
wesguinthen it doesn't have to downmix12:49
vic20gmrok, havent installed dosbox [yet! :D]12:49
vic20gmri have nexuiz as a test app12:50
wesguinset xznes to 4800012:50
ozerimaris there a way to do a system restore?12:50
vic20gmri wonder if im having apps [games] trying to directly access alsa instead of pulse?12:50
vic20gmri read that is/was common? prob for many using 9.10 kk12:51
compaqhow do I zoom out the desktop?12:51
wesguinozerimar, I guess you can reinstall without format.. I never tried that myself12:51
wesguinozerimar, I'd try to save any important data first to a sd card or something12:51
abidIs anyone here familiar with the option in Virtualbox "-biossystemtimeoffset"12:52
wesguinvic: I tried to set everything to pulse.. earlier OS I removed pulse altogether and installed alsa12:52
ozerimardont know how ? only able to login in the terminal screen12:52
wesguinozerimar, can you do a usb install?12:53
DonScottozerimar: did that work ?12:53
vic20gmrwhere might i find instructions on how to go away from pulse, and use only alsa?12:53
ozerimarsorry did what work?12:53
wesguinvic: I found it on google12:54
DonScottgetting rid of pulsse audio and using just alsa12:54
wjtm1http://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! wjtm1 hakmn t0rc multi_io macsim compaq crazycool h32Lg abid A_nd3P sdk_lnx rogarcia ayan caac pickett vasiph vimalg2 JFo Yum Mutesounds DonScott Dink d3xter fishoneeyed \\\\\\\\ quiritius adnyxo kg4qxk euro_neuro scottmaccal vic20gmr Faran robotica AmberJ klunka_ rrittenhouse ecanto_ ajox_ sisto digitalstimulus frogdog Mike__ Milosz webturtle0 ojii dennis__ Dark_Wizard ubottu mowe styx_ pecisk G12:54
wjtm1http://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! ubuntujenkins HammerTiem Ganymede Klanticus fdz jdobrien dreacu666 JackStoner skbohra sonneveld costaeye btr u-foka debnedaebne dk_ffk MadAGu rocket16 Pitel alien260 tlab larryAmen tyler_d4 ffatman karthik drellok AntiSpamMeta micka Ronald paissad Hapsbanan canthus13 sloof3 zonum dumont jimerickson_ Riddell stovicek Vroomfondle saxin LSD|Ninja theshadowx Sedated akgraner Snomi poningru spartan07 12:54
wjtm1http://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! tavasti farhad cabrey nokia3510 Glebelg fraggle_laptop visitor1 UT8F larry1 zippy Aciid aleksil Gadget3000 Half-man icewaterman xuanhen nikolam yaaar vak Aji-Dahaka koshari Niamor magic_ninja420 finalbeta_ Mavrik_ sburjan Terminator asqq AaronCampbell__ karmic_scents sevka pepee akashv maxter Xjs|moonshine Svaje Bublik Tobbi LjL dashua nucc1 neil_d Milos discozohan MetaBot jean-claude jean-claude12:54
wjtm1http://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! sh1ny Lazylegs Oli``` ThePangolino silverra1ndog erUSUL barberan jud Mud god^ saxlap panter AmokPaule incorrect Kilianv iDope hakonber Janhouse hansan BlackFate me2resh rizzuh arinya ohir minjoo SolarisBoy Ljungmann janek ania_ LowKey ectospasm gigasoft e-DIO-t visof frandieguez iElijah sirex` Zeek corin_ [diablo] Bulldog\\ antonio_ Sinister xabrx hellp BlackBinary batasan Tuna-Fish2 bluds kcaze 12:54
wjtm1http://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! captain_ Scorpion hellyeah alessiofachechi TimeRider nilg` digitalfiz OkropNick SNAKEFORCRAPSAKE leagris Petskull SirClueless wesguin wiiguy _magez_ n8w G0SUB spydon nand tinoutinou_ dmart triengage kloeri aperson acuster dimebar konman Anubisss joaopinto drdanz laclasse kgs jimius Emry hayanbom c_arenz Milos|Laptop codecop barna Galerien Jordan_U lorenzosu ^Man ilers Devrethman themill elnur Ass12:54
wjtm1http://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! HinHin WakkaWakka Abhishek_Singh DonaldShimoda sphenxes Oer tempeldirne hebz0rl pinoyskull ubuntu craig_ Sacho DaZ^ phylock TLE gauthier magical cdpuk traveller morten__ manio kaziem bctrainers feiyu mezzovento Termana Bobrobyn _KAMI_ misnix schmidtm dotblank tripelb iflema Remixman gottto aflynn boritek vds wortbit Guest41515 lelamal MblKiTA madLyfe larsig Quintz Mintz C-S-B anders_ mergus Shoob12:54
wjtm1http://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! Kakkar bergman Gnea l_r Finnish BunnyFF Vakz oyotatano DarkDigitalDream pjotr NEXUS-6 adio intok o1e9 ChaosR mozer _iron neurohack222 waan Guest70889 Otacon22 Morten_ lambrecht PhilippeD KittyBoots rumsyum eycel holmser jasonjang shai Simon-MPFH EagleWatch devkhadka arturiusx lukefeil valorin RainbowEyes ntH dukz QuiltPants jun schatan naveen519 lapion psalmer free_loader_ juxta padeBoi Omen_20 h12:54
FloodBot4wjtm1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:54
* vic20gmr is blushing12:54
Viagrrrassahttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! juxta padeBoi Omen_20 hateball herbert xxploit ericm inhale Ipeer adamkex lwells openSourcedNick Granis Faithful grandrew FrankLv wizardyesterday cef wet cdoublejj|afk SmallR2004 edoceo pure_hate mdel mawst U-b-u-n-t-u Phurl cc_will MartyMcFly kcg Random832 balas Amaranth bullgard bullgard4 Loshki FullFlannelJacke Doyle isnoop rgreening keenken drmartin Soul_Sample gip_ jenkinbr ajwak95 Jonb12:54
Viagrrrassahttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! Babalabon Slart oblu ThomasG33K revygttam corpse Canti_ mikey_ data0faust maxagaz fisted gospch Zhwazi kamokow matx ZykoticK9 JabberWalkie bbelt16ag Naynay das_maze jhesketh_ dgm[wech] StrangeCharm Evolution CrEddy_ irk evaluser DURgod Ertyle nickzxcv caplink811_log rjharv a94060 Dr_Willis Elv13 Kentrel BrendenB wlx rifter kermit M1DLGpc waltercool eXeonical JanC Ranakah choonming arand slav12:54
sitoo5714http://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! MK-BB dougl navetz thul rob_p Haldor ersoy dubiago alexstre^ Royall rsk kentb_ red2kic_ gregl mewshi serilbye jacquesdupontd vega felixsulla jumbers imjustmatthew kennyG dtidrow oy1r beware JamesHarrison codyzapp TriMe__ cfedde behanw ZMR surgeterrix zoe xxiao Dad` ssmy grim76 netop Frosty Rhce scubacuda Visual` Balgan miracle2k nullbeat ColdFyre kancerman rdz Amnesian alastor666 firegrass law12:54
sitoo5714http://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! pinPoint castle` phr0z3n thedead91 xpot seg_fault MrNaz_yma atoi tsimpson Church danopia cjcopi ha1331 BluntObject Nakkel void9 sshc starnostar arthurjohnson DarkwingDuck douglasawh-work KiLaHuRtZ cyphase Fandekasp yeryry JamesAdams Espen-_- SuperLag npope Maarten newklear vikasap crazy6 mbarret__ seatek foxbuntu Simath pipegeek izmaelis PreZLaptop jakexks Riviera utlo Narcissus posey Masshuu 12:54
sergionhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! seg_fault MrNaz_yma atoi tsimpson Church danopia cjcopi ha1331 BluntObject Nakkel void9 sshc starnostar arthurjohnson DarkwingDuck douglasawh-work KiLaHuRtZ cyphase Fandekasp yeryry JamesAdams Espen-_- SuperLag npope Maarten newklear vikasap crazy6 mbarret__ seatek foxbuntu Simath pipegeek izmaelis PreZLaptop jakexks Riviera utlo Narcissus posey Masshuu lyric niekie mitha`notey mikel B3B301X mythi12:54
sergionhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! jrolland-ubuntu CR0W HerbMonk john__ kgrandis mguy cesar_CR i_is_broke PHLAK pths Weegee biczd avelldiroll sdx23 Rp3 cbx33 ninjai Lisimba monk80 coldboot Ed-Balto tyler_d bwebster jgrafton Scott_L vox brainproxy ricardoromao RoosterJuice InHisName conflix1 maco walmis Rockj Benagua theclaw Klapo mgolisch cwillu_at_work tapio smellynoser RaNdY `blackmk4`linux CompanionCube mlRism joh k0sh quiescens12:54
sadodyncasypehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! bipolar MikeChelen werdan7 costre _Trullo Apage43 kandinski PhilMather Ttech AndrewX192 ccooke mb_again_ sladen Zolomon_ ajith mick_laptop Alan Kraln choc Meeko kjelle Ralfm arcsky tpt jribas Martinp23 bjorge mhall119 pthsWork FeedHunter [J] acura tootroot Freek General_Shakes crdlb xOrphenochx sloopy brah- ash2dust nimrod10 Johnm happosade dennda q3aiml_ Draiden d12:54
sadodyncasypehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! rm-f`whoami` Guest68078 x3cion [SW]Dodge`oFF Azzmodan ^Zaz Jare sno puneet__ ComradeHaz` zamba mrp rayt dashavoo SwedeMike Jettis mrwick charlieS enzotib log|in ewook joschi Grepator genii ph8 monteith iridian bracki DJones Chris___ manishe sash_ the-dude LMJ achmorrison Aragon con-man dyek chordate e2rdzik nrpil_ exigraff histo kmdm_ AndyGraybeal ajeffri_ phnom bi12:54
histoozerimar: can you boot to recovery mode and set it to do an fsck?12:54
ozerimari have tried rescue with original disc but no luck12:54
nikolamwhat is going on?12:54
peciskdamn flooders12:54
DonaldShimodaboot atacks12:54
iDopethat was just a botnet flood attack12:54
pinoyskulldamn bot12:54
kermitthey just hit #bash 10 minutse ago12:55
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel12:55
DonaldShimodai cant beleive that irc dont have tools to stop this, cḿon12:55
ozerimari have not tried fsck12:55
ozerimarwhat is fsck?12:55
pinoyskullthere should be one12:55
rocket16God! Ban the flooders!12:55
kermitDonaldShimoda: it does, and they did, +q~a12:55
dubiagowell, wouldn't making this channel +R help?12:55
iDopeozerimar: its like chkdisk for linux12:55
histo!fsck | ozerimar12:55
ubottuozerimar: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot12:55
peciskDonaldShimoda, yes, there are tools, but they will cause problems for common crowd to get here12:55
kermitdubiago: they did that too (though thats mostly redundant to +q~a)12:55
kermitdubiago: er, did +r.. +q~a is the old +R12:55
wesguinozerimar, if you can get to console you might be able to set fsck to run during next boot12:57
* dubiago sighs12:57
ozerimari will try  do i need the original disc? or just do it at the prompt??12:58
Tupemararehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! Tupemarare ryg9I yotta911 malko JulianDelphiki Ronald dmart A_nd3P |Dreams| hakmn t0rc multi_io macsim compaq crazycool h32Lg abid sdk_lnx rogarcia ayan caac pickett vasiph vimalg2 JFo Yum Mutesounds DonScott Dink d3xter fishoneeyed \\\\\\\\ quiritius adnyxo kg4qxk euro_neuro scottmaccal vic20gmr Faran robotica AmberJ klunka_ rrittenhouse ecanto_ ajox_ sisto digitalstimulus frogdog Mike__ Milo12:58
Tupemararehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! pecisk GodFather_ masu3701 sipior ozerimar augustl mirsal Sky[x] ubuntujenkins HammerTiem Klanticus fdz dreacu666 JackStoner skbohra sonneveld costaeye btr u-foka debnedaebne dk_ffk MadAGu rocket16 Pitel alien260 tlab larryAmen tyler_d4 ffatman karthik drellok AntiSpamMeta micka paissad Hapsbanan canthus13 sloof3 zonum dumont jimerickson_ Riddell stovicek Vroomfondle saxin LSD|Ninja theshadowx12:58
Tupemararehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! pvh_sa|wrk tn90_ FyreFoX niti MblKiTA_ geo PeterT tavasti farhad cabrey nokia3510 Glebelg fraggle_laptop visitor1 UT8F larry1 zippy Aciid aleksil Gadget3000 Half-man icewaterman xuanhen nikolam yaaar vak Aji-Dahaka koshari Niamor magic_ninja420 finalbeta_ Mavrik_ sburjan Terminator asqq AaronCampbell__ karmic_scents sevka pepee akashv maxter Xjs|moonshine Svaje Bublik Tobbi LjL dashua nucc1 ne12:58
Tupemararehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! ftab_ ftab BuZZ-dEE tecky halvors ocellus beardydad sh1ny Lazylegs Oli``` ThePangolino silverra1ndog erUSUL barberan jud Mud god^ saxlap panter AmokPaule incorrect Kilianv iDope hakonber Janhouse hansan BlackFate me2resh rizzuh ohir minjoo SolarisBoy Ljungmann janek ania_ LowKey ectospasm gigasoft e-DIO-t visof frandieguez iElijah sirex` Zeek corin_ [diablo] Bulldog\\ antonio_ Sinister xabrx h12:58
Tupemararehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! cs278|work nilg Sp0t Zubatac lyndon pihhan benpro captain_ Scorpion hellyeah alessiofachechi TimeRider nilg` digitalfiz OkropNick SNAKEFORCRAPSAKE leagris Petskull SirClueless wesguin wiiguy _magez_ n8w G0SUB spydon nand tinoutinou_ triengage kloeri aperson acuster dimebar konman Anubisss joaopinto drdanz laclasse kgs jimius Emry hayanbom c_arenz Milos|Laptop codecop barna Galerien Jordan_U lo12:58
Tupemararehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! fcuk112 timmillwood Quan-Time hoppyite jc_ systix Odo HinHin WakkaWakka Abhishek_Singh DonaldShimoda sphenxes Oer tempeldirne hebz0rl pinoyskull ubuntu craig_ Sacho DaZ^ phylock TLE gauthier magical cdpuk traveller morten__ manio kaziem bctrainers feiyu mezzovento Termana Bobrobyn _KAMI_ misnix schmidtm dotblank tripelb iflema Remixman gottto aflynn boritek vds wortbit Guest41515 lelamal MblKi12:58
Tupemararehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! Shoobdidoo dbum Zensursula CraHan_work Fireking300 grizly murrayc Kakkar bergman Gnea l_r Finnish BunnyFF Vakz oyotatano DarkDigitalDream pjotr NEXUS-6 adio intok o1e9 ChaosR mozer _iron neurohack222 waan Guest70889 Otacon22 Morten_ lambrecht PhilippeD KittyBoots rumsyum eycel holmser jasonjang shai Simon-MPFH EagleWatch arturiusx lukefeil valorin RainbowEyes ntH dukz QuiltPants jun schatan na12:58
Tupemararehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! hateball herbert xxploit ericm inhale Ipeer adamkex lwells openSourcedNick Granis Faithful grandrew FrankLv wizardyesterday cef wet cdoublejj|afk SmallR2004 edoceo pure_hate mdel mawst U-b-u-n-t-u Phurl cc_will MartyMcFly kcg Random832 balas Amaranth bullgard bullgard4 Loshki FullFlannelJacke Doyle isnoop rgreening keenken drmartin Soul_Sample gip_ jenkinbr ajwak95 Jonbo Roasted NickyB axi cap12:58
Tupemararehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO-FRIENDLY BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE)! ThomasG33K revygttam corpse Canti_ mikey_ data0faust maxagaz fisted gospch Zhwazi kamokow matx ZykoticK9 JabberWalkie bbelt16ag Naynay das_maze jhesketh_ dgm[wech] StrangeCharm Evolution CrEddy_ irk evaluser DURgod Ertyle nickzxcv caplink811_log rjharv a94060 Dr_Willis Elv13 Kentrel BrendenB wlx rifter kermit M1DLGpc waltercool eXeonical JanC Ranakah choonming arand slavenode Kirovski FiremanE12:58
histoozerimar: You are trying to fix your ubuntu correct?12:59
pepeeoops, here comes goatse security... or 4chan.. or.. who knows12:59
kermitis there no way to boot into text mode anymore?  all i see is framebuffer mode options in current bootprompt howtos.13:00
sonnevelddoes all this botnet crap turn up in irclogs.ubuntu.com ?13:00
ozerimaryes without anyluck   I am a new user13:00
wesguinkermit, I haven't seen any good ways to do it13:00
ozerimar right now i am at the recovery menu13:00
kermitwesguin: when did text mode  go away?13:00
histoozerimar: your at a root prompt in recovery mode correct?13:00
wesguinkermit, I dunno I was outta the loop for quite awhile13:00
ozerimarblue screen13:01
histoozerimar: ?13:01
histoozerimar: what version of ubuntu is this?13:01
wesguinozerimar, I'm not familiar with that at all13:01
ozerimar recovery menu13:01
histoozerimar: a windows recovery menu?13:01
ozerimar9.10 o13:01
wesguinozerimar, that won't work13:01
histoozerimar: okay well kind of hard to fix ubuntu from the windows recovery mode.13:01
ozerimari got  resume/clean/dpkg/grub/netroot/root    choices13:02
wesguinoh that's not windows13:02
LowKeyfriends, can i install ubuntu 9.04 on i386 machine?13:02
histoozerimar: how did you get to this screen?13:02
ozerimarpower off with esc  key13:02
compaqI can't seem to zoom out my desktop, anyone know how.  Also, how do you know if you are running compiz or not?13:03
histoozerimar: okay can you select root13:03
Dr_WillisLowKey:  I think it may need 486+13:03
ozerimarok im there13:03
histoozerimar: now your at a prompt?13:03
Dr_WillisLowKey:  on that old a machine you may want to use some ultra-light disrtos.13:03
vic20gmrwesguin, im going to reboot to remove pci card, b bak wen dun13:03
LowKeyDr_Willis: such as?13:03
histoozerimar: shutdown -F -r now13:03
histoozerimar: type that in and hit enter13:03
soreaucompaq: For the latter, ps ax|grep compiz|grep -v grep13:03
Dr_WillisLowKey:  no idea. I tossed any box's that old.13:03
soreaucompaq: If there is any output from that command, it is running13:04
Dr_WillisLowKey:  thers always MINIX :)13:04
wesguinvic20gmr, 'k13:04
ozerimartype in shutdown -F -r  ??13:04
Dr_Willisbut minix is not linux13:04
histoozerimar: yes at the root prompt13:04
compaqsoreau, thanks13:04
Seitohi! can anyone help me with a question? how to get the size of cd in cdrom using console?13:04
sh1nyLowKey, depends on what you want to do with that box13:04
vic20gmrwesguin, i removed pulseausio using pkg manager, and reinstalled alsa base, and alsa utils13:04
histoozerimar: it should then reboot and after it boots back in ubuntu it will do a filesystem check13:04
vic20gmrdo u think that will do it?13:04
histoozerimar: be back in a few minutes.13:04
soreaucompaq: Try Super+Scroll to zoom13:05
wesguinvic20gmr, I don't remember if that's all of it13:05
vic20gmrok, ill b bak in a cuple mins13:05
compaqsoreau, nothing happens, although compiz is running13:05
augustlhow is the ubuntu server installer made? Just shellscripts and ncurses, or something else?13:05
wesguinozerimar, that command will reboot and force fsck13:05
=== GodFather_ is now known as GodFather
soreaucompaq: Cab you explain what you mean by zoom is stuck?13:06
ozerimarim at GNU Grub Ver 1.97 beta screen with recovery options13:06
wesguinozerimar, just to be sure you could type touch /forcefsck13:06
compaqsoreau, well, I just don't know how to get it to zoom out, so all the windows are small and arranged up, and I can click to bring them back with the one I click on top13:06
wesguinozerimar, wait for histo to come back13:07
ozerimarwill can wait13:07
Dr_Williscompaq:  thats not the zoom plugin. thats some other compiz plugin. :)  i forget what its called13:07
Mintzhello all13:07
compaqsoreau, super is the windows button between alt and ctrl right?13:08
Dr_Willissuper IS the windows key - yes compaq13:08
compaqDr_Willis, scale, but I can't get the going either13:08
Dr_Williscompaq:  how about 'expo'13:08
Dr_Willisexpo - super-e13:08
compaqDr_Willis, not sure what you mean?13:09
Dr_Williscompaq:  expo shrinks windows down and shows them all in a displayt you click on to change windows13:09
soreaucompaq: Ah, do you have the scale plugin in ccsm?13:09
soreauDr_Willis: He is trying to get scale to work13:09
compaqDr_Willis, yeah, thats what I want, let me check it, I was trying scale and zoom, but I guess expo is what I needed13:10
Dr_Willissoreau:  but he just described what he wanted to do as what 'expo' does.. and13:10
* Dr_Willis dosent like expo. it dont look very good on 2+ monitor setups13:10
compaqDr_Willis, where is this expo?13:10
soreauDr_Willis: I am pretty sure I just figured it out13:10
Dr_Williscompaq:  its a plugin in the csm tool.13:10
Dr_WillisIt uses the scale plugin i imagine also.13:10
soreaucompaq: Yes, super is what you think it is13:10
raphaHi all!13:11
soreauDr_Willis: No, it does not13:11
Dr_Willissuper-w - seems to do a similer task as expo.13:11
Dr_Willisbut not quite the same13:11
raphaI just told a friend over the telephone to let Ubuntu resize the Windows partition ands install itself alongside windows, and it didnt ask for HOW MUCH of the win part to resize - WTF?13:11
compaqsuper doesn't work for me13:11
Dr_WillisCompiz REALLY needs a tool to print out all 'in use shortcuts' for a given setup13:11
historapha: you should get a little slider to resize if I remember correctly.13:12
compaqDr_Willis, I cant find expo, I am using Xubuntu, but I remember seeing it when I tried Ubuntu13:12
histoozerimar: any luck?13:12
soreaucompaq: Try selecting Extra in sys>prefs>appearance>visual effect, or install ccsm and make sure scale is enable13:12
tn90_how long does it take until the new kernel 2.6.34 is in the kernel ppa?13:12
Dr_Williscompaq:   No idea on xubuntu.. if you are trying to use compiz on xubuntu.. you may as well just use ubuntu i figure.13:12
soreaucompaq: I dont think you want super+scroll (it is a different kind of zoom)13:12
ozerimari am at the recovery GNU GRUB screen13:13
raphahisto: thats what i remembered as well, but alas, not so with 10.04 anymore?!13:13
Dr_Williscompaq:  theres proberly some compiz packages you are missing13:13
ozerimarseveral different ver of kernal13:13
compaqsoreau, I don't have the extra option, I am using Xubuntu13:13
dailystrugglemozilla firefox error console has mozilla-pfs.ubuntu.com CVE-2009-355513:13
Picitn90_: Probably a better question for the folks that run the ppa.  It may be prudent to ask in #ubuntu-kernel13:13
soreaucompaq: Well in xfce, just look in ccsm and make sure Scale is enabled then use it by moving your mouse to the upper right13:13
Dr_Williscompaq:  you did set up xubuntu to use the compiz winmdow manager?  Without that - you gont get any effects at all.13:14
ozerimarhave not ttried fsck13:14
soreauDr_Willis: I already had him check ps ax13:14
historapha: hrm.. haven't used windows in so long I have no idea perhaps someone else may know13:14
histoozerimar: okay why not?13:14
compaqDr_Willis, yeah, that was my first question, to check if it was running, but soreau comfirmed it with me, when I do a ps -ax |grep compiz, it shows up13:15
=== tn90_ is now known as tn90
histoozerimar: did you enter that command?13:15
ozerimari dont know how to excute a FSCK13:15
james1892Hello, I'm having a problem finding my php-cli file where should it be ? im on ubuntu 8.0413:15
wesguinhisto, is there an -F option on shutdown?13:15
raphahisto: well doesnt matter now i guess ... the resize is ongoing13:15
LjLjames1892: just use "php", that's the name of the interpreter that the "php5-cli" package installs13:15
sh1nyjames1892, it' just php13:15
histowesguin: yes13:15
ozerimarI TYPE IN FSCK it displays unknown command13:16
=== tn90 is now known as eipi-1
histoozerimar: did you enter that shutdown command I gave you before?13:16
james1892cheers where is the "just php"13:16
compaqDr_Willis, you were right I think, I just install compiz-plugins-extra13:16
LjL!fsck | ozerimar13:16
ubottuozerimar: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot13:16
LjLjames1892: in /usr/bin13:16
ozerimaryes  then was taken to a grub or recovery kernal screen13:16
histoozerimar: okay then select your normal kernel and boot13:17
james1892LjL, its not for me :(13:17
histoozerimar: most likely the latest one13:17
LjLjames1892: is the package "php5-cli" installed at all?13:17
compaqyou know, I enabled wobbly windows, but it doesn't work13:17
ozerimarthe very top one?  or recovery mode ?13:17
james1892Im faily sure it is, what is the command to check?13:17
rapha~/window 513:17
LjLjames1892: apt-cache policy php5-cli13:18
compaqno man...this isn't working for me13:18
ozerimari have 10 choices13:18
wesguinozerimar, the top one13:18
histoozerimar: the highest version number of kernel is most likely your default13:18
histoozerimar: also should be the top one13:18
dailystruggleanyone know if CVE-2009-3555 has a fix for *buntu13:19
ozerimarok it says mount:mounting none on dev failed  no such device13:19
james1892Installed: (none) - ha probably y. ok so apt-get install php5-cli should sort it?13:19
soreaucompaq: Well in xfce, just look in ccsm and make sure Scale is enabled then use it by moving your mouse to the upper right of your screen13:19
LjLjames1892: i think so13:19
ozerimarnow im at a orange log screen with my name13:19
histoozerimar: when did all this start?13:19
histoozerimar: okay are you able to login?13:19
ozerimartroubles or????13:19
Galerienlol, bot fighting together :D13:20
wesguinozerimar, he lost power during update13:20
wesguinor uh13:20
histoozerimar: yes the troubles and what specifically is the trouble?13:20
wesguinhisto i mean13:20
ozerimarwhen i select my name mouse and keyboard become non responsive13:20
compaqsoreau, I did that but it doesn't work.  There is something wrong here cause even the wobbly windows isn't working.  I think I need to use the intel video driver rather than the generic13:20
wesguinozerimar, he means what caused the problem13:20
compaqHow do I switch or select the video driver to use?13:20
ozerimarthen it just blanks out and repeats with a new login screen13:20
unimatrix9how is the release cycle with the first updates of ubuntu 10.04 ?13:20
histocompaq: what type of video card?13:21
compaqhisto, intel13:21
histoozerimar: okay and you lost power during an update?13:21
judstuck on enabling permissions for an external drive.13:21
ozerimarpower outage during a upgrade to newer version of ubuntu13:21
compaqhisto, 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset13:21
histoozerimar: ugh...13:21
teckyunimatrix9: are you inquiring as to the time its going to be supported? 10.04 is a LTS (LONG TERM SUPPORT) Release13:21
ozerimaris it toast??13:21
wesguinI think he's screwed13:21
unimatrix9no, when the updates are included13:22
histoozerimar: was it downloading packages still or was it installing them?13:22
unimatrix9for example when 10.04.1 comes out?13:22
ozerimarmaybe both don't really know13:22
soreaucompaq: hm. Can you show the output of ps ax|egrep "compiz|xfwm"|grep -v grep ?13:22
unimatrix9in windows terms service pack 113:22
compaqI'm thinking of install karmic instead, and then upgrading13:22
ozerimarbut i did have backups13:22
histoozerimar: of your /home?13:22
ozerimari think yes13:23
compaqxfwm4 --display :0.0 --sm-client-id 2a2e5fe1c-9c60-42bf-91dd-7f966bdce1d513:23
rskunimatrix there's no service packs. just updates13:23
dailystrugglean I asking this in the wrong room13:23
ozerimarhow do i try fsck?13:23
histoozerimar: what type of internet do you have wifi wired ?13:23
histoozerimar: fsck is not going to help13:23
unimatrix9ozerimar, stick in a life cd and see what you can rescue13:23
unimatrix9to an usb drive or so13:23
soreaucompaq: That shows you do not have compiz running. Try compiz --replace from your Alt+F2 run dialog13:24
ozerimari tried that13:24
unimatrix9then try to rescue your partition13:24
histoozerimar: you can try hitting ctrl+alt+f1 and getting to a console.13:24
sh1nydailystruggle, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-860-113:24
ozerimarlet me try13:24
ozerimarok im at the console13:24
histoozerimar: connecting to the net and trying the upgrade from there. see if it will atleast complete. The other option is to back up /home/ozerimar and then reinstall, or move /home to a seperate partition.13:24
james1892LjL: cheer for the help but still cant find it any ideas?13:24
sh1nydailystruggle, it was the first link in google when i searched for "ubuntu CVE-2009-3555" :P13:25
james1892is there a command to search for files?13:25
ozerimarim logged in at the console now13:25
compaqsoreau, hey, you are cool, how did you notice it isn't running from that out put, anyway, when I did replace, it went back to fallback, and this was issue: Blacklisted PCI ID 8086:2562 detected13:25
histoozerimar: okay does iwconfig show you connected to the wireless?13:25
dailystruggleI have the warning in my browser13:25
unimatrix9ozerimar why not try to fix the disk first : sudo touch /forcefsck13:25
dailystruggleusing ff in 10.413:25
unimatrix9then reboot13:25
histounimatrix9: he did13:25
unimatrix9oh, i am to late then13:25
soreaucompaq: Oh yes that is because the intel driver isnt too great and neither is your gpu chipset13:26
unimatrix9keep up the good work13:26
histounimatrix9: atleast I thought he did I left for a bit. I told him to boot to recovery mode and shutdown -F r now13:26
james1892cant find my (php-cli) php file any ideas?13:26
compaqsoreau, hmm, ok, but it is 128 mb video card13:26
ozerimarnot connected13:26
compaqsoreau, how to I try another driver for my video card?13:26
mdeljames1892: you need to install it13:26
histoozerimar: is it a wep wpa2 etc... network?13:27
dailystrugglejames look at synaptic package manager and see if it is installed13:27
james1892its installed13:27
mdelsudo apt-get install php-cli13:27
james1892I think i found it, but its made of many @@@@@ is this normal?13:27
dailystrugglefile search php-cli13:27
unimatrix9ozerimar , not connected?13:28
rosco_yI'd like to install OpenSuse in a virtual machine, does anyone have any recommendations for virtual machine software?13:28
mdelrosco_y: virtualbox13:28
voxioI have 10.04 and I'm using a laptop.. how do I set my monitor to be the default screen?13:28
sh1nydailystruggle, that vulnerabilty is for the servers, not for your browser ?13:28
unimatrix9virtual bpx13:28
Galerienrosco_y: virtualbox is easy13:28
dailystrugglesun vb13:28
histoozerimar: take note of which interface is your wifi like wlan0 or eth(x) and iwconfig (interface) essid (name of net) channel (channel number) key (wep key)13:28
ozerimari tried to do fsck but get a permission denied13:28
voxioThere doesn't seem to be an option in the monitors config section13:28
histoozerimar: use sudo13:28
rosco_ymdel, Galerien--thank you very much, I appreciate that!13:28
unimatrix9ozerimar , did you use sudo?13:28
unimatrix9ozerimar why not try to fix the disk first : sudo touch /forcefsck13:28
Galerienrosco_y: no problem13:28
konmanhi! I want to get a SATA II or SATA III RAID controller for under 100 pounds ... can you recommend one that works well under ubuntu?13:28
* histo is so confused13:29
unimatrix9hehe repeating meself13:29
compaqI am gonna do some cooking, be back later, thanks for your help guys13:29
rosco_ymdel, Galerien, does virtualbox support 64 bits?13:29
Galerienrosco_y: I guess....13:29
histounimatrix9: I don't think an fsck has been performed13:29
ozerimarok fsck went thru recovering journal13:29
historosco_y: yes13:29
ozerimarnow what?13:29
rosco_yhisto: Thank you :)13:29
unimatrix9now boot13:29
unimatrix9and pray13:29
wesguinI guess fsck must have been running all that time?13:30
dailystruggleanyone know why I get the CVE-2009-3555 warning using 10.413:30
histowesguin: no it never ran13:30
dailystruggleyes ff 3.313:31
wesguinhe just said it did13:31
vakMy mc shows directories and files in the same color -- why?..13:31
unimatrix9ozerimar , does it boot normal now?13:31
ozerimartrying it now13:32
dailystruggleedit 3.6.313:32
unimatrix9does not seem to be a very fast machine.. .:)13:32
ozerimari rebooted and im at a console looking screen13:32
wesguinoh the humanity13:32
thulhmm, ubuntu isn't too happy about being installed from a SD-card :/13:32
unimatrix9ozerimar , normally you would have booted to x? Gnome?13:32
sh1nydailystruggle, what site are you opening ?13:33
unimatrix9okey, try to type startx and hit enter13:33
wesguinozerimar, you didn't get that error this time tho?13:33
sh1nydailystruggle, that CVE you're looking at is for apache2, not for firefox13:33
unimatrix9esguin, what error was it?13:33
wesguinsomething about mounting non to /dev failed13:34
ozerimarit is doing the same thing orange screen with my name when i select my name mouse and keyboard stop working13:34
wesguinyeah his X is hosed13:34
wesguinozerimar, it must have been installing packages when you lost power13:35
ozerimarwhat does that mean? good or bad?13:35
unimatrix9ozerimar , and you say a life cd does not run ?13:35
IledenHi! My system has become REALLY sluggish after upgrade to lucid. Everything was really nice and smooth before (in 9.04). I may be affected by the bug #568988, but I'm not sure - at least the provided PPA fix doesn't help at all. How can I diagnose the issue further?13:35
dailystruggleit stays in the top of the error console mozilla-pfs.ubuntu.com : potentially vulnerable to CVE-2009-355513:35
Mintzcan I do a ghost 14 restore into virtualbox...?13:35
ozerimarwhat is a life cd??13:35
MintzDoes anyone know13:35
wesguinozerimar, it could still be recoverable,  but it's not nearly as easy as if you could get into X13:36
ozerimarhow to get into x?13:36
wesguinozerimar,  a live cd means you can run linux from cd or usb stick13:36
ozerimaryes i have a live cd13:36
unimatrix9i would suggest, boot with the ubuntu install cdrom, ( live cd ) , rescue your files to an usb memory stick, and reinstall your computer with ubuntu cdrom from scratch13:36
unimatrix9does that make sense?13:36
wesguinozerimar, I don't think you can get into X because of missing files13:36
ozerimarwill live cd help?13:37
unimatrix9read the above idea13:37
unimatrix9or, give it an other try setup x again13:37
wesguinyes a either burn ubuntu iso to cd or usb stick and boot from that13:37
unimatrix9some one know the command?13:37
wesguinozerimar, were you trying to upgrade to 10.04?13:37
ozerimarwhat do u recommend a clean install?13:38
unimatrix9losing power is really bad13:38
wesguinyeah setting up X might work13:38
unimatrix9yes clean install13:38
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:38
wesguinbut I would recommend clean install13:38
Charbelhi how can i use video call in pidgin account yahoo ???13:38
wesguinozerimar, where did you backup to before?13:38
sh1nydailystruggle, so maybe the warning is about the server, not your firefox ?!?!13:38
unimatrix9first backup your data ( if important )13:38
ozerimarnot on any media13:38
ozerimarjust hdd13:39
wesguinozerimar, well if you do have anything important you should try to get it saved to something first13:39
ozerimaremail, pictures, etc13:39
wesguinozerimar, a clean install of 10.04 is better anyway13:39
histoozerimar: you need to back up your /home/(username) folder13:40
ozerimarthere is no hope?13:40
wesguinozerimar, yeah just copy your home/ozeimar or whatever should cover ost of it13:40
unimatrix9other idea : boot with ubuntu life cd, risize the drive ( partition ), copy important files to the second partition, install ubuntu clean on first partition13:40
vic20gmrwesguin, i tried the reinstall of pulse, and alsa now nexuiz poops out after a few seconds on single player "match"13:40
unimatrix9find files on the second ( that you copy copy )13:40
Galerienozerimar: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install »13:41
unimatrix9but better would be to back up from hdd to usb or so13:41
GalerienThat will help you reinstall13:41
wesguinvic20gmr, there was a tutorial on google on how to do it.. maybe  you miissed something is all13:41
unimatrix9Galerien the wizzard13:41
ozerimarmaybe canonical support might be able to help?13:41
Charbelhi how can i use video call in pidgin account yahoo ???13:41
wesguinvic20gmr, oh you tried to reinstall pulse? why?13:41
=== surajram_ is now known as surajram
tadohas anyone tried to put the google search bar present in unity on a "normal" ubuntu lucid? is it possible?13:41
unimatrix9ozerimar , do you have inportant files on the drive? or settings or so?13:42
wesguinvic: you can retrace your steps by looking in synaptic manager File -> History and undo anything you did13:42
Dr_Willistado:  is that unity feature even working yet? it wasent the other day13:42
vic20gmrwesguin, u reminded me to ask something; i have the impresion that sound has always been a problem, wut do think?13:42
unimatrix9ozerimar , and they are huge ? ( big files ? )13:42
ozerimarnot sure13:43
vic20gmro i reinstalled pulse, cuz nexuiz pooped before menu even appeared after i removed it13:43
wesguinvic20gmr, well only for the game emulators13:43
tadoDr_Willis: have to admit i don't know it. i just read about it, but haven't actually tried unity myself. if it's still a work in progress, i'll just waut13:43
vic20gmrwesguin, o i reinstalled pulse, cuz nexuiz pooped before menu even appeared after i removed it13:43
ozerimari can't find them on the console screen13:43
Dr_Willistado:  yep - not worth messing with at this time.13:43
vic20gmrwell only for games as well appearantly13:43
wesguinvic20gmr, oic so you're back to where you started then13:43
tadoDr_Willis: cool, thanks for the info :)13:43
wesguinvic20gmr, well right now my zsnes and xstella work fine under pulse.. I only have problems with dosbox13:44
vic20gmri gess so, it went from crap to worse after i removed pulse, so i reinstated it, if for no other reason than troubleshooting purposes13:44
wesguinvic20gmr, but my other laptop is fine in dosbox too13:44
unimatrix9ozerimar , be a little clearer, are these files you need or settings?13:44
unimatrix9and dont you have an usb memory stick of 4 Gig or bigger?13:45
vic20gmrdo u use nexuiz, or assaultcube, or other non emu games?13:45
wesguinvic20gmr, biggest problem is the cpu is overloaded I think13:45
ozerimarnothing important really13:45
unimatrix9or external usb drive?13:45
unimatrix9so reinstall13:45
unimatrix9with the iso , ubuntu life cd install cdrom13:45
histoozerimar: the other option is to move home to its own partition then you don't have to back it up. you can just install fresh and tell it your /home is on the other parition.13:45
vic20gmrwesguin, if the cpu overload sugg is correct, wudnt i see really low framerates as well?13:45
wesguinI am glad I installed 10.04 even with some issues I still prefer it13:45
tjingboemubuntu takes a long time to find /home and the terminal starts always in root. How can i solve this?13:46
ozerimarhow do i do that exactly?13:46
wesguinvic20gmr, well you may not notice that... just look at your load13:46
h2g2bobtjingboem: Can you access /home at all?13:46
unimatrix9ozerimar , how did you install ubuntu in the first place?13:46
ozerimarwith a  cd13:47
histoozerimar: yes13:47
ozerimara cd from canonical13:47
unimatrix9ozerimar , are you looking at the computer right now?13:47
histoozerimar: you can download the iso from ubuntu.com and burn it yourself.13:47
ozerimar2 of them13:47
wesguinozerimar, if your computer can boot from a usb drive then I recommend it13:47
unimatrix9ozerimar , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:47
histoozerimar: the install disk13:47
ozerimarwhy usb???13:47
unimatrix9( i hope its correct )13:47
vic20gmrwesguin, u said look at my load, im not sure i understand13:48
histo!who | ozerimar13:48
ubottuozerimar: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:48
tjingboemh2g2bob, yes but it takes 30 seconds to be found after logging in13:48
ozerimaryes i have the original install disc13:48
wesguinozerimar, it's faster and less hassle than the cd install13:48
tadoi had a vpn set up on karmic, installing a fresh lucid, i can't make it work. the gui has changed and it doesn't ask for a certificate any longer13:48
tadodoes someone know how to set it up properly? the infos that worked on karmic are here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/434946/13:48
wesguinvic20gmr, your cpu usage and system load.. like using top or system monitor13:48
tsyj2007linux mint is coming ..13:48
* unimatrix9 is retrieving 13:48
clone4ubuntuiam in hunt to find feature of mac13:49
IdleOne!ot | tsyj200713:49
ubottutsyj2007: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:49
ozerimarthere is noway to rescue my laptop through the console then?13:49
clone4ubuntubut i dont have mac pc13:49
wesguinozerimar, if you already have the install disk then just use that13:49
tjingboemh2g2bob, this is my line in fstab: # /home was on /dev/sda6 during installation13:49
tjingboemUUID=1d2caa50-fc5b-45db-b669-4013e652adfb /home           ext4    defaults        0       213:49
bazhangclone4ubuntu, what does that have to with Ubuntu support13:49
* histo gives up13:49
vic20gmrhow the heck wud i do that from nexuiz or assaultcube?13:49
ozerimarinsatll fresh or????13:49
twoeightoneAnyone have experience with integrated graphics INTEL 945GM?13:49
vic20gmrwesguin, how the heck wud i do that from nexuiz or assaultcube?13:49
clone4ubuntulets compare mac with ubuntu13:49
h2g2bobtjingboem: Do you get logged in as root? That would explain why you end up in /root. Can you do a whoami?13:49
ozerimarfresh install??13:49
bazhangclone4ubuntu, wrong channel for that13:50
IdleOneclone4ubuntu: let's not13:50
tsyj2007linux mint ?irc?13:50
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic clone4ubuntu13:50
wesguinvic20gmr, well system monitor is graphical so it leaves a trace13:50
bazhang!mintsupport > tsyj200713:50
ubottutsyj2007, please see my private message13:50
wesguinvic20gmr, this is just fyi tho it won't help fix it13:50
unimatrix9ozerimar , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ( last try )13:50
vic20gmro ya13:50
tjingboemh2g2bob, i see my name13:50
tsyj2007i know13:51
wesguinunimatrix9, yeah but he's not connected to the net13:51
tjingboemh2g2bob, but the term9inal starts in /13:51
unimatrix9so how is he speaking ?13:51
wesguindifferent computer13:51
ozerimarcan u send that again in private screen keeps scrolling fast13:51
wesguinI hate to say it ozerimar but you are out of any easy options13:52
h2g2bobtjingboem: Does anything appear on /var/log/syslog?13:52
tjingboemill check...13:52
clone4ubuntui got wrong answer to "how can i search all drives at once in ubuntu in launchpad"13:52
vic20gmrwesguin, u think mabe id have better results with an older version or newest13:52
clone4ubuntuubutnu doesnt really have this functionality13:53
* unimatrix9 be back later13:53
wesguinvic20gmr, older distro of ubuntu you mean?13:53
bazhangclone4ubuntu, explain what you are trying to do13:53
wesguinvic20gmr, you're in karmic now?13:53
wesguinvic20gmr, karmic should be good13:53
tjingboemh2g2bob, yes it is looking for a floppy disk that i do not have. I think that's it.13:53
clone4ubuntui want support dude bazhang13:53
Multidoes anyone have any experience in using FUSE and samba with Likewise open?13:53
wesguinvic20gmr, maybe you just need to find the right tweaks13:53
IdleOneclone4ubuntu: ask a question13:53
vic20gmrwell if i went to 10.04, u think it mabe wud giv better results?13:54
clone4ubuntuand answers to my ubuntu questions13:54
bazhangclone4ubuntu, then clarify your issue13:54
tjingboemh2g2bob, it's also in fstab, i will uncomment it13:54
wesguinvic20gmr, is that a fast cpu?13:54
cwillu_at_workanybody know how to make dkms work?  (and I don't mean "sudo dkms install";  if you don't know what dkms.conf does, please don't respond)13:54
vic20gmrnot really i gess, p4 2.533 ghz13:54
tjingboemh2g2bob, sorry, comment :)13:54
wesguinvic20gmr, it's possible 10.04 will fix your problems13:54
clone4ubuntuwhen i want to search for a file on my entire harddisk ubuntu doesnt provide me a choice13:54
h2g2bobtjingboem: cool - sounds like that would cause it to hang up for a moment13:54
wesguinwell this thing is 900MHz celeron M13:54
tjingboemh2g2bob, thanks for the tip!13:54
h2g2bobtjingboem: np13:55
wesguinworks pretty good on here13:55
histoclone4ubuntu: locate13:55
wesguinthe satellite is 64 bit dual athlon something I think13:55
ozerimarif i reinstall 9.10 will it over write all previous data13:55
wesguinbut running 32 bit ubuntu13:55
clone4ubuntucan i enable compiz effects but i doesnt have a graphic card13:55
ikoniaclone4ubuntu: nautilus can search the whole disk13:55
ikoniaclone4ubuntu: you can't enable graphics tools like compiz without a graphics card13:55
bazhangclone4ubuntu, what? how can you not have a graphics card13:55
wesguinozerimar, you could tell it not to format your /home partition13:55
histobazhang: headless13:56
vic20gmrim a ubuntu noob [im sure its a bit obvious] im really eager to get this thing working so i can hopefully soon say bb to windows13:56
soreauclone4ubuntu: You need at least an intel, ati or nvidia chipset to run compiz (also runs on some select via chipsets)13:56
ozerimarok  will try that13:56
bazhanghisto, it doesn't make sense for him to ask for compiz then13:56
wesguinozerimar, just make sureyou use the same partitions as before13:56
clone4ubuntushould i buy a graphic card then what are the requirements minimum to look out for13:56
phragwhats the ubuntu equivalent of alsaconf ?13:56
ozerimarwhat is the best option?13:56
vic20gmrwesguin, im a ubuntu noob [im sure its a bit obvious] im really eager to get this thing working so i can hopefully soon say bb to windows13:56
IdleOnehisto: well if he is running headless then he should already know that compiz is just not going to work.13:56
histoclone4ubuntu: is it a headless machine or what type of video card do you have?13:57
wesguinvic20gmr, yeah I saw13:57
vic20gmrbut its a pain13:57
ikoniaclone4ubuntu: you need a graphics card, look on the ubuntu.com and compiz websites for supported cards13:57
histoIdleOne: thats what i'd think also.13:57
wesguinyeah it is13:57
clone4ubuntui have motherboard no graphics card installed13:57
ikoniaclone4ubuntu: then buy a graphics card13:57
histoclone4ubuntu: so what is your monitor hooked to?13:57
cwillu_at_workclone4ubuntu, your motherboard has a graphics card built-in, which may or may not suffice for compiz13:57
clone4ubuntushould i buy ati or Nvidia13:57
ikoniaclone4ubuntu: read ubuntu.com and the compiz website to see which cards are supported13:58
wesguinvic20gmr, it seems to vary depending on the hardware and I can't really predict how the different versions will run13:58
clone4ubuntui doesnt have suffice video ram13:58
wesguinvic20gmr,  you just have to try it13:58
histoclone4ubuntu: lspci   will show you what type of card you have13:58
phragalsaconf equivalent in ubuntu?13:58
soreauclone4ubuntu: Can you show the output of lspci|grep VGA from your terminal?13:58
clone4ubuntuhisto i dont have a pci card13:58
clone4ubuntui have a tv tuner card13:58
wesguinvic20gmr, I upgraded my sisters to 10.04 and her karmic was flawless.. had issues with 64 bit 10.04 but we got it figured out.. but I had to reinstall grub213:59
clone4ubuntuwhich one is better ATI or Nvidia for linux13:59
phragwhat tool does ubuntu use for alsa configuration?13:59
phragclone4ubuntu: nvidia13:59
IdleOne!hardware > clone4ubuntu13:59
ubottuclone4ubuntu, please see my private message13:59
histoclone4ubuntu: yes you do have a pci card but think what you want.14:00
phragseriously, what kind of support channel is this? you guys are useless14:00
histophrag: really14:00
joaopinto!patience | phrag14:00
ubottuphrag: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:00
IdleOne!attitude | phrag14:01
ubottuphrag: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:01
sipiorphrag: you can probably still get your money back.14:01
phragwell i'm from ##slackware and have given more than 10 years of my life to IRC support..14:01
wesguinhey I did that too14:01
phragi ask a simple legit question, like what tool does ubuntu use to configure sound.. and get ignored14:01
sipiorphrag: cry somewhere else, please.14:01
wesguinthen I got tired of it14:01
phragthen some noob asking silly questions gets the attention of the full channel14:01
judany chance of getting a hand enabling permissions to open files on an external drive?14:02
phragi'm asking for a friend, would not be seen dead running ubuntu =P14:02
IdleOnephrag: nobody is ignoring you. Should we all answer " I don't know" so the channel gets 500 lines of that?14:02
vic20gmrwesguin, u think id be ok "upgrading" from within 9.10 to 10.04, or i shud do a new install from cd?14:02
wesguinvic20gmr, my son did the upgrade on his laptop with no issues and he's gaming like a champ14:03
wesguinvic20gmr, he's playing warcraft III and all kinds of stuff.. I put warcraft I on there for dosbox14:03
VarthIs there a setting to change the ugly notification placement?14:04
judthe upgrade resulted in denied permissions for an external drive that wasn't happening before14:04
wesguinvic: he has some kind of asus gaming laptop.. not sure what the model number is.. it lights up all over14:04
vic20gmrwesguin, thx for the help and input14:04
wesguinwell i hope it helps some.. I'm like 99% asleep14:04
Galerienwesguin: take a redbull...14:05
wesguinI do have some mt dew and 5 hr energy shots14:05
wesguinbut I should just get sleep14:05
vic20gmrwesguin, sleep is for windows users!14:06
histoVarth: maybe somewhere in gconf14:06
vic20gmr-get apt 5hourenergy <karmic>14:06
wesguinwhy cuz they dont have to work on their puter as much?  aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!14:06
BeeaI can't get sound when I try to play videos. ie youtube.com but not just there.14:06
judwesguin: genius is best accessed during hypnogogic or hypnopompic states. that's when you're either falling to sleep or waking up...i forget which is which but anyway14:06
Varthhisto: I couldn't find anything by searching the keys.14:06
vic20gmrcuz ther puters dont work themselves [as much]14:06
wesguinI'm hipnoootizzed14:07
wesguinman I am one loopy guy right about now14:07
vic20gmri sympathize14:07
histoVarth: i searched for notification and found a bunch of stuff14:07
wesguinI thnk I'll have one more mt dew14:07
vic20gmrwell im off to "upgrade"14:07
wesguingood luck14:07
histoVarth: apps/panel/applets/notification_area_screen0   etc...14:07
judwesguin:  you're hypnotized huh...cool...answer my question...answer my question14:08
Varthhisto: That key is for the system tray.14:08
BeeaCan someone help me. I can not get audio on the net14:08
demonaanyone else hate "smart tab completion" and find it often prevents you from tabbing out what you actually want?14:08
camarademona help me14:09
IdleOne!ask | camara14:09
camaraqubik help me14:09
ubottucamara: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:09
wesguinjud, what was yer question?14:09
sanousyHi, anyone suffering from gmail on Ubuntu 10.04?14:09
judwesguin:  how do i set permissions so i can open pdfs on an external drive?14:10
camarai want to create i workstation timer but i do not have the software14:10
wesguinjud, the file or filesystem permissions?14:10
judwesguin: everything i think?14:11
wesguinjud, seems to me that shouldn't be an issue14:11
wesguinjud, you  getting some error?14:11
BeeaNevermind bye14:11
wesguinit should only require read perms14:12
lubuntu_userHi, does anyone know when the developers are going to update the openchrome driver in lucid, so that Xv video playback is usable again?14:12
histoVarth: No idea then14:12
judwesguin: yeah, permission denied error when i try to save to the external drive or after i move a file to it i get the permission denied error trying to open it14:12
Varthhisto: Okay. Thanks.14:12
wersgwibber's so weird. it never worked on lucid on this computer, but it works on my other lucid laptop. any idea why? It doesnt show any message on my stream14:12
wesguinjud, hmm.. what's the fstab entry look like?14:13
camarais there any net timer you know people?14:13
judwesguin: ...oh man, i'm new at this, what is that?14:13
IdleOnecamara: timer to do what exactly?14:14
wesguinjud, I'm having a hard time rememberig myself.. but it's something to do with the mtab or fstab entries in /etc they govern the filesystem perms when it mounts14:14
camarato control net clients and customers14:14
mintwhy do i hear static when changing volume using 5.1 sound14:15
wesguinjud, but my knowledge is really dated.. I used linux many years but stopped for awhile and now everything has changed a bit14:15
TJ-hi guys14:15
TJ-pptpd is telling it cannot find the config files, yes I deleted them by mistake. Is there an easy way to get them back? I've tried apt-get --reinstall pptpd , no such luck... Any ideas?14:15
histoTJ-: you cn purge it then install it14:15
wesguinjud, now this external drive is that connected usb?14:15
TJ-histo how?14:15
camarado u have a software for net  control for customers pliz14:16
judwesguin:  ok....it wasn't happening before updating but then i did something just before updating that could have messed with it....yeah, usb connection14:16
lubuntu_userTJ - i think that u can use pppoeconf to remake the user generated files14:16
histoTJ-: sudo apt-get purge <packagename>   Or see what lubuntu_user has said14:16
wesguinjud, well it's probably something to do with the automounting setup14:17
TJ-great thanks guys ill look into it14:17
wesguinjud, hang on14:17
lubuntu_userTJ - sudo apt-get autoremove --purge <packagename> && sudo apt-get install <package name>14:17
judwesguin:  ok14:17
Multidoes anyone have any experience in using FUSE and samba with Likewise open?14:17
TJ-histo purge worked like a charm!14:17
TJ-thanks man14:17
=== AmberJain is now known as AmberJ
TJ-now to figure out why the router isnt forwarding GRE14:18
wesguinjud, what filesystem is on that drive?14:18
judwesguin: hmm, it may have been formatted on windows?14:19
histo!anyone | Multi14:19
ubottuMulti: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:19
MultiHisto: good pint, have some problem with FUSE in LikeWise-open, (LUCID). When im about to mount a windows share on ubuntu nothing happens and the folder i want to mount the share in is destroyed14:20
MutesoundsIs there a setting to make windows remember their position when opened?14:21
wesguinjud, can you open a terminal and check some things?14:21
histo!ask | sanousy14:22
ubottusanousy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:22
judwesguin:  yep14:22
xrohi, i'm looking for a vb decompiler.... does someone know one?14:22
sanousyehhh, sorry I am looking to that command line list...14:23
wesguinjud, first run fdisk -l and find where it is.. like maybe it'll be /dev/sdc1 or something14:23
=== quyongwei is now known as wo
sanousylong time I did not use IRC14:23
erUSULxro: mono has a VB.NET compiler.... gambas is a RAD tool based on a basic dialect but no the same as MS VB14:23
erUSUL!info gambas214:24
ubottugambas2 (source: gambas2): Complete visual development environment for Gambas. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.19.0-2 (lucid), package size 99 kB, installed size 132 kB14:24
wesguinjud, you might need to put sudo before that14:24
judwesguin: ok, just getting familiar with the command line.  i can just past that command in as is or is there more to it?14:24
wesguinjud, type: sudo fdisk -l14:25
wesguinthat's an L14:25
wesguinenter your normal password14:25
Raydiationhm, my audio stopped working on ubuntu 10.04 after an update14:25
Raydiationi got intel hda14:25
wesguinit's all this authentication stuff that really messes me up14:25
Raydiationwhen i try to run alsamixer i get: couldnt open mixer because of missing device file14:26
wesguinhere I come from slackware and now there's sysv init and pam and who knows what all14:26
Raydiationno such file or directory14:26
xroerUSUL, ok i'll try gambas214:26
judwesguin:  ok got a bit of out put14:26
wesguinjud, one of those is your external drive14:27
wesguinjud, that is if it's plugged in :)14:27
jattis there a way to configure the sound applet to show the slider vertically and not horizontally.14:27
judwesguin: yep it's plugged in ok so i think i know which one it is...now what?14:29
wesguinjud, which is it?14:29
ForgeAuswhy's ubuntu need libgweather? is that some kinda weather forecast applet?14:29
xroerUSUL, okay, i have gambas2 but there is no vb file what should i use?14:29
wesguinit's probably the one at the bottom14:29
wesguinwhichever was the last mounted14:29
erUSULxro: i do not personally use gambas2 i only know of its existence ... i'm sure gambas web site has some tutorials and how to's14:30
tatofoois it possible to install ubuntu without overriding my current grub configuration? I want to manually add an entry for it14:30
judwesguin:  actuall, how do i tell for sure, i have an internal secondary which is the same size...?14:30
rybrianhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) rybrian kittybibly victor_ cwillu_at_work puchat3k aryan karmic_scents aryan_ tpt_ DonScott micka wd4lko ForgeAus tatofoo randoms Ronald Uranellus rgreening UnknownUser56 Aidar-Nagato elyob Rudy77 lasrs kh_maxim krafty Zzenon blackratdog komputes defswork Raydiation zomGreg jatt dag_WOOD_ zaid_h fumanchu182 xro wo Chewtoy shang jcrigby blackxored mandara tizbac MenZa Destine nomnex fishoneeyed On|Off T3 Bill14:30
rybrianhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) Neo-- allu2 bfiller tju8896 TJ- juanbeach AmberJ zicho Frozenball unkmar farhad fujnky Siefny G0SUB wers sfoid kermit sanousy Qubik Darkraven natschil genti godricbrutus lubuntu_user dk_ffk_ jerone-mobile somebody__ hugli GinoMan imlad pixil zYc Stijndg eBryggis StHa acicula Omar87 cori_ groovefx Jax Dreaming FiReSTaRT soooga marjo blueghost trigrou FrankLv zedr k3ops jdobrien xray7224 radioman-lt pw-toxic_ 14:30
rybrianhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) Sky[x] jeiworth DavidLevin subzero2000 muca Kravl1n jimmy_dean jud choonming boolean bullgard marcules howlymowly c0cac00l h2g2bob DBO h00ked mactub urbanape surajram awe Beyecixramd styx_ datacrusher stevecam lanoxx jhendricks mattgyver [GuS] Zolomon emper krachny Audible StrangeCharm arinya drmclaser jcrawford Abhishek_Singh FloodBot3 pauljw FloodBot1 @FloodBot2 FloodBot4 nomasteryoda sipior the_lord Brend14:30
rybrianhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) yotta911 malko JulianDelphiki A_nd3P t0rc multi_io compaq crazycool h32Lg sdk_lnx rogarcia ayan caac vimalg2 JFo Yum \\\\\\\\ kg4qxk robotica rrittenhouse digitalstimulus frogdog Milosz dennis__ Dark_Wizard ubottu mowe GodFather masu3701 ozerimar mirsal ubuntujenkins HammerTiem Klanticus fdz dreacu666 JackStoner skbohra costaeye btr dk_ffk Pitel tyler_d4 ffatman karthik drellok AntiSpamMeta Hapsbanan canthus14:30
rybrianhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) stovicek Vroomfondle saxin LSD|Ninja theshadowx Sedated akgraner Snomi poningru spartan07 malnilion eipi-1 FyreFoX niti MblKiTA_ PeterT tavasti cabrey nokia3510 Glebelg fraggle_laptop visitor1 UT8F larry1 Aciid aleksil Gadget3000 Half-man icewaterman nikolam yaaar vak Aji-Dahaka koshari Niamor magic_ninja420 finalbeta_ Mavrik_ sburjan asqq AaronCampbell__ sevka pepee akashv maxter Xjs|moonshine Svaje LjL Mil14:30
rybrianhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) ftab BuZZ-dEE tecky halvors beardydad sh1ny Lazylegs Oli``` ThePangolino silverra1ndog erUSUL barberan Mud saxlap panter incorrect hakonber hansan BlackFate me2resh rizzuh ohir minjoo SolarisBoy Ljungmann janek ania_ LowKey gigasoft e-DIO-t visof iElijah sirex` Zeek corin_ [diablo] Bulldog\\ antonio_ Sinister hellp BlackBinary batasan bluds kcaze addeboy cs278|work nilg Sp0t Zubatac benpro Scorpion alessiofa14:30
blackjackiisrehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) blackjackiisre rybrian kittybibly victor_ cwillu_at_work puchat3k aryan karmic_scents aryan_ tpt_ DonScott micka wd4lko ForgeAus tatofoo randoms Ronald Uranellus rgreening UnknownUser56 Aidar-Nagato elyob Rudy77 lasrs kh_maxim krafty Zzenon blackratdog komputes defswork Raydiation zomGreg jatt dag_WOOD_ zaid_h fumanchu182 xro wo Chewtoy shang jcrigby blackxored mandara tizbac MenZa Dest14:30
blackjackiisrehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) Mowah alpenrose HendriXXX Neo-- allu2 bfiller tju8896 TJ- juanbeach AmberJ zicho Frozenball unkmar farhad fujnky Siefny G0SUB wers sfoid kermit sanousy Qubik Darkraven natschil genti godricbrutus lubuntu_user dk_ffk_ jerone-mobile somebody__ hugli GinoMan imlad pixil zYc Stijndg eBryggis StHa acicula Omar87 cori_ groovefx Jax Dreaming FiReSTaRT soooga marjo blueghost trigrou FrankLv zed14:30
blackjackiisrehttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) twoeightone Nature75 Sergeant_Pony bernd Sky[x] jeiworth DavidLevin subzero2000 muca Kravl1n jimmy_dean jud choonming boolean bullgard marcules howlymowly c0cac00l h2g2bob DBO h00ked mactub urbanape surajram awe Beyecixramd styx_ datacrusher stevecam lanoxx jhendricks mattgyver [GuS] Zolomon emper krachny Audible StrangeCharm arinya drmclaser jcrawford Abhishek_Singh FloodBot3 pauljw Fl14:30
FloodBot2rybrian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:30
FloodBot2blackjackiisre: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:30
ForgeAustatofoo it will save your old one14:30
Frozenballfu-ck you14:30
PiciFrozenball: Thats not needed.14:30
Zed`damn spamers on every network these days14:31
fumanchu182yeah that made x-chat blow up14:31
Zed`anyone ever click on the links?14:31
LjLFrozenball: no need to worsen the situation by swearing :(14:31
fumanchu182yeah i use lynx to follow them14:31
Zed`fumanchu182: hehe I have done that too, but I mean that how can the spamming be woorthwhile14:32
Neo--zed: somebody has to, otherwise nobody would be doing it14:32
lallahi...while installing Ubuntu, the logo that v c, where is that logo on cd...I'm unable to find it14:32
judwow, that's the first time for me14:32
a94060any ops here?14:32
benediktSince the volume control has been simplified so much, how do I edit the more low-level settings now? Like IEC958?14:32
Picia94060: Yes.14:32
deevartiavewshttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) deevartiavews spads_ RomD lalla benedikt trigrou cwillu_at_work puchat3k karmic_scents tpt_ DonScott micka wd4lko tatofoo randoms Ronald Uranellus rgreening UnknownUser56 Aidar-Nagato elyob Rudy77 lasrs kh_maxim krafty Zzenon blackratdog komputes defswork Raydiation zomGreg jatt dag_WOOD_ zaid_h fumanchu182 xro Chewtoy shang jcrigby blackxored mandara tizbac MenZa Destine nomnex fishoneeyed On|Off Bi14:32
deevartiavewshttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) Neo-- allu2 bfiller tju8896 TJ- juanbeach AmberJ zicho Frozenball unkmar farhad fujnky Siefny G0SUB wers sfoid kermit sanousy Qubik Darkraven natschil genti godricbrutus lubuntu_user dk_ffk_ jerone-mobile somebody__ hugli GinoMan imlad pixil zYc Stijndg eBryggis StHa acicula Omar87 cori_ groovefx Jax Dreaming FiReSTaRT soooga marjo blueghost FrankLv zedr k3ops xray7224 pw-toxic_ cappicard twoeightone14:32
deevartiavewshttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) DavidLevin subzero2000 muca Kravl1n jimmy_dean jud choonming boolean bullgard howlymowly c0cac00l h2g2bob DBO h00ked mactub urbanape surajram awe Beyecixramd styx_ datacrusher stevecam lanoxx jhendricks mattgyver [GuS] Zolomon emper krachny Audible StrangeCharm arinya drmclaser jcrawford Abhishek_Singh FloodBot3 pauljw FloodBot1 @FloodBot2 FloodBot4 nomasteryoda sipior the_lord BrendenB rapha rocket114:32
FloodBot2deevartiavews: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
impannabrarhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) impannabrar mezzovento deevartiavews spads_ RomD lalla benedikt trigrou cwillu_at_work puchat3k karmic_scents tpt_ DonScott micka wd4lko tatofoo randoms Ronald Uranellus rgreening UnknownUser56 Aidar-Nagato elyob Rudy77 lasrs kh_maxim krafty Zzenon blackratdog komputes defswork Raydiation zomGreg jatt dag_WOOD_ zaid_h fumanchu182 xro Chewtoy shang jcrigby blackxored mandara tizbac MenZa Destine nomnex14:32
impannabrarhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) alpenrose HendriXXX Neo-- allu2 bfiller tju8896 TJ- juanbeach AmberJ zicho Frozenball unkmar farhad fujnky Siefny G0SUB wers sfoid kermit sanousy Qubik Darkraven natschil genti godricbrutus lubuntu_user dk_ffk_ jerone-mobile somebody__ hugli GinoMan imlad pixil zYc Stijndg eBryggis StHa acicula Omar87 cori_ groovefx Jax Dreaming FiReSTaRT soooga marjo blueghost FrankLv zedr k3ops xray7224 pw-toxic_ ca14:32
impannabrarhttp://Goo.gl/4Qjv PEDO BBS (SPONSORED BY GOOGLE) Sky[x] jeiworth DavidLevin subzero2000 muca Kravl1n jimmy_dean jud choonming boolean bullgard howlymowly c0cac00l h2g2bob DBO h00ked mactub urbanape surajram awe Beyecixramd styx_ datacrusher stevecam lanoxx jhendricks mattgyver [GuS] Zolomon emper krachny Audible StrangeCharm arinya drmclaser jcrawford Abhishek_Singh FloodBot3 pauljw FloodBot1 @FloodBot2 FloodBot4 nomasteryoda sipior the_lord Brenden14:32
Zed`and does the spammers mother's know what jerks they turned out to be?14:32
jcrawfordhow lovely floodbots14:32
LzrdKingoh jeez14:32
a94060no bans for em?14:32
tizbacipban please14:32
Neo--i think this is going to be a long day...14:32
fumanchu182today seems like it is going to be a fund day14:32
PiciThey've already been taken care of.14:32
tizbacor i'll leave channel14:32
lallahi...while installing Ubuntu, the logo that v c, where is that logo on cd...I'm unable to find it14:32
Stijndgyeah great :-), what is this, stupid google popups on my desktop :p14:32
IdleOneeverybody just relax14:33
LjLops are aware14:33
LjLplease ignore the trolling14:33
zichodamn highlights14:33
Picirgreening: We're already here.14:33
rgreeningits annoying getting the pings14:33
wesguinjud, oh n/m that doesn14:33
wesguin't work14:33
tootrootdisable in client14:33
tootrootget irssi14:33
hidensofthi every body14:33
tootrootmass hilight bloker script14:33
kh_maximhello. How to reduce the brightness of my notebook screen? Standard brightness applet not working :(14:33
lallacan anyone hear me???14:33
lallahi...while installing Ubuntu, the logo that v c, where is that logo on cd...I'm unable to find it14:33
hidensofti want create document az PDF file14:33
fumanchu182lalla, we can't hear you speak louder...14:33
wesguinjud, you can still unmount it and see if it disappears tho14:33
histokh_maxim: is there a function key shortcut?14:34
AryanAhi , i have openssh-server installed but there is no sshd in init.d. what's the problem?14:34
hidensoftanybody can help me how i can14:34
histoAryanA: what version of ubuntu?14:34
lallahidensoft, export the file as .pdf in open office14:34
histoAryanA: there should be ssh in threre14:35
hidensoftlalla, ok14:35
AryanAyeah but no sshd14:35
lallafumanchu182, so do u know the answer?14:35
AryanAdoes ssh restart, restart the sshd server too?14:35
fumanchu182I can't hear you speak louder...14:35
cs278|workAryanA, ssh is the sshd server ;)14:35
lallafumanchu182, how lame14:35
histoAryanA: yes14:35
AryanAok, tnx14:36
jpdsAryanA: It's been changed to /etc/init/sshd.conf14:36
Picilalla: Can you rephrase the question? I'm not sure we all understand what you are asking.14:36
fumanchu182No because I don't know what "v c," stands for.14:36
bastid_raZorAryanA: you may need openssh-server package14:36
kh_maximhisto: yes, but the function key don't working too.14:37
lallapici, while installing ubuntu, a logo keeps blinking right? where is that logo on cd, in which folder?14:37
judwesguin: ok, it didn't dissapear but i ran fdisk again without it and found out that way14:38
komputesheya rgreening ;)14:38
rgreeningmornin komputes14:38
rgreeningima soo beat after UDS14:39
wesguinjud, this might be all the help you need here: http://joeb454.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137361414:39
compaqalright my good people, someone tell me who to select a different video driver for my intel video card.  Also, how do I see which driver I am using and other available?14:39
komputessame, fell asleep in a movie theater...14:39
Dr_Williscompaq:  other then 'vga' im not sure there are any others available14:39
wesguinjud, basically I was just gonna have you take a look at that drives mtab entry to see if it looked okay.. but even then there's more that be causing the problem.. and I'm gonna have to get going soon14:40
compaqDr_Willis, back in the debian days, you would use dpkg-reconfigure, but now xorg is auto config.  So I guess I have to change it in xorg.conf file, but will the change be permanent even after reboot, isn't there a menu way of doing it?14:41
xroerUSUL, i play with gambas but it looks like it can't decompile vb...14:41
judwesguin: no worries, go to bed, thanks14:41
wesguinjud, but that url deals exacly with  your problem14:41
wesguinjud,  hope that helps :)14:41
judwesguin: cheers!14:41
Dr_Williscompaq:  you could still use xorg.conf i guess but other then using  the low end vga driver. Ive no idea wht other driver you would even try14:41
wesguinnite :)14:41
helpnoobneed help I need to login to unecrypt the home directory. I have messed with the login screen for me where I dont have to put in my password and since then  it wont unecrypt the home dir any ideas on how to fix this from the live cd14:42
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
compaqDr_Willis, oh, I will go google for a while then, if you here I will let you know what I find14:42
KaiForceI've got a system where the / file system has gone read only and is having errors on the SATA bus.  There is another disk exported as an NFS share that I need to keep running until 5:00PM today.  I'd like to shutdown as many services as I can to keep this box limping along until then.  Can anyone assist?14:42
KaiForcei've already stopped GDM and cron14:43
benediktI think my soundcard is using my pc speaker to output sound14:43
lallahow to use unsquash14:43
histohelpnoob: change the login screen back14:44
histohelpnoob: I would look in /etc/gdm for settings14:45
Picilalla: If you just want the image itself, it may be easier to look through our art assets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/VisualIdentity and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/14:45
histohelpnoob: or purge gdm and reinstall it.14:46
lallapici,ok thanx but where can i locate it on cd..and how is it blinking?14:48
histolalla: magic14:48
helpnoobok where in the gdm file stating for it to not ask for password located14:48
histohelpnoob: I have no idea.14:49
clone4ubuntuthanks but no thanks i wont buy a new graphic card for the sake of compiz14:49
clone4ubuntui have too limited budget14:49
histoclone4ubuntu: why not use the one you have14:49
Galerienclone4ubuntu: what is you graphic card???14:49
clone4ubuntuhisto i doesnt have a graphics card14:50
histoGalerien: he thinks he doesn't have one14:50
lallahisto: u know that magic?14:50
histoclone4ubuntu: yes you do14:50
histolalla: no idea14:50
clone4ubuntui have inbuilt graphics on 845gvsr mobo14:50
Dr_Willishelpnoob:  use the gdm config tools  is the best way to configure that14:51
clone4ubuntuwhich is four years old14:51
histoclone4ubuntu: and that is a graphics card14:51
histoclone4ubuntu: and it will run compiz14:51
clone4ubuntunot at all14:51
K|nGWhy evrytime i Reebot my NetworkManager do no:S14:51
clone4ubuntui want to renew my pc14:51
clone4ubuntubut doesnt have budget14:51
Galerienclone4ubuntu: where are you from?14:52
histoGalerien: i've given up14:52
Galerienhisto: i've got time, 'im at work so...14:52
helpnoobok here is what i did i went to user and groups and made it not ask for password and now cant get in14:52
onetinsoldierhi all14:52
histohelpnoob: ???14:52
Galerienclone4ubuntu: ok, what would be your budjet ?14:53
DrGrovHello and good day14:53
DrGrovGotta ask that can I run both KDE and GNOME on Ubuntu 10.04?14:53
DrGrovhuomenta WePanicForYou14:53
clone4ubuntu5 thousand  rupees=?14:53
DrGrovhi onetinsoldier14:53
helpnoobi figured there is a file telling it not to ask like a conf file i can delete or over write to fix this issue14:53
clone4ubuntu1 dollar is 46 rupees14:53
histohelpnoob: where in user and groups did you do that?14:53
helpnoobbut where would it be14:53
Dr_WillisDrGrov:  yes. you can Install both kde and gnome. and pick what one to use at the Login screen14:53
GalerienDrGrov: yes, but I never did...14:53
histohelpnoob: and yes there is a file you can edit14:53
K|nGWhy evrytime i Reebot my NetworkManager do not show :S14:54
DrGrovDr_Willis, cool. I kind of want to test KDE without though messing up my GNOME desktop and settings.14:54
DrGrovGalerien, ah. I perhaps understand you why not KDE 4.x... ;)14:54
Dr_WillisDrGrov:  your system will be a merger of kde and gmome. You will have kde menu items in your gnome menus then. and visa versa14:54
Galerienclone4ubuntu: that's ~100$... In france you can get a decent graphic card for 40 - 50$...14:54
DrGrovDr_Willis, ah so it works like that. But no serious issues though with compatibility etc. ?14:55
K|nGWhy evry time i reebot my PC NetworkManager do not shown :S14:55
Galerien"yum" on #ubuntu... mort de rire14:55
clone4ubuntuGalerien: i want to change my motherboard,gf card and harddisk within 7000 rupees14:55
DrGrovDr_Willis, how is it that my Workspace Switcher is completely locked on just 1 desktop? I can't scroll between the 4 ones I have there.... Any idea? Tried last night to fix this without any luck.14:56
helpnoobhisto: when i opened user and groups i did it on that screen14:56
Galerienclone4ubuntu: I don't know about idian prices, but good luck with that :x14:56
Dr_WillisDrGrov:  it shows 4? or just 1 ?14:56
histohelpnoob: okay I see no where to disable enterring a password on the login screen in users and groups.14:56
DrGrovDr_Willis, it shows 4 but I can't select either 2,3 nor 4. Just keep hanging with 1 of them. THe first14:56
DrGrovGalerien, perhaps you would like to evaluate my current computer with what I put together?14:57
helpnoobversion 10.0414:57
histohelpnoob: yeap14:57
histohelpnoob: under System > admin > login screen you can tell it to automatically login14:58
helpnoobwhere it says password aked on login  then there  is a button that says change14:58
GalerienDrGrov: well, I told you that I know we can, some of my friend did, but I don't know how...14:58
clone4ubuntui simply like to chat14:59
=== alema0ff is now known as alema0
aciculaclone4ubuntu, market prices also vary, not just the currency exchange, if you need help buying hardware the ##hardware channel is probably a good channel to ask14:59
clone4ubuntubut do nothing spl with my pc14:59
clone4ubuntuso i would like to not change my pc right now14:59
histohelpnoob: I gotcha now hold up let me see what that edits15:00
judok, beginners question. if i'm given three lines of code, do i enter them one at a time or all at once?15:00
clone4ubuntualso its four years old now15:00
DrGrovGalerien, my current computer is a 2 dual core AMD Opteron 64 model 280 CPU's, a 30GB SolidState HDD for root and swap, 250GB 2,5" laptop HDD which is insanely fast (SATA2 7200rpm), Nvidia GTS250 1GB GPU...15:00
juxtahow can I find out which package contains the 'htdigest' program?15:00
aciculajud, ussually on new lines15:00
GalerienDrGrov: yeah... so?15:01
DrGrovDr_Willis, it sort of doesn't bother me to keep just 1 workspace but surely I would prefer to have 4 to choose between. Gets a bit messy otherwise.15:01
erUSUL!find htdigest15:01
aciculajuxta, apt-cache search htdigest15:01
DrGrovGalerien, just though I'd ask what you thought.15:01
juxtaacicula: thanks :)15:01
DrGrovGalerien, since you were speaking about computer stuff....15:01
judacicula: so i enter 1 then enter, then the second etc.?15:01
GalerienDrGrov: well, ok15:01
ubottuFile htdigest found in apache2-doc, apache2-utils, cherokee-doc, jruby, jruby1.1 (and 7 others)15:01
pauljwanyone successfully using an HP Officejet 4500 wireless printer with ubuntu?15:01
clone4ubuntulot of stuff in ubuntu doesnt have a graphical interface15:01
MacHeadI have a task shown under top called "Background" that is maxing out my CPU, what does it do and is it safe for me to kill?15:01
clone4ubuntulike fstab/fdisk/grub15:01
Piciclone4ubuntu: Do you have a support question?15:02
MacHead"Backend" sorry15:02
aciculajud yeah, though some programming constructs ignore newlines so it does not really matter how you format your code15:02
clone4ubuntufdisk is fsck in ubuntu15:02
rootcutHi. I can't access my 8 Gb HP Flash Drive in Ubuntu OR Windows. How do I go about mounting it, OR at least formatting it, via Ubuntu ? GParted doesn't read it either, but it shows up in the "Places" menu.15:02
Piciclone4ubuntu: If you don't have a question you are free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic  , Please remember that Ubuntu is for support issues only.15:02
DrGrovGalerien, what you think about that setup?15:03
clone4ubunturootcut i think there is solution in windows15:03
GalerienDrGrov: Swap on your SolidState is a good idea for performances, but not for your money, It will weaken it faster... beside that, I've got nothing to say, except that you might have had a better deal with an Intel CPU15:03
judacicula: hmm, so i can string all lines together, one after the other at a single command prompt?15:03
clone4ubuntuthere is a software called mount deleted partitions in windows15:03
histohelpnoob: looks like you ahve to remove your user from the group nopasswdlogin15:03
DrGrovDr_Willis, perhaps there is somekind of conflict with Compiz that takes control of my workspaces?15:03
rootcutclone4ubuntu, i'll look it up. thought i could at least format it from ubuntu without switching to windows.15:03
DrGrovGalerien, I just paid 650 euros for that setup. 8GB ram of course.15:03
clone4ubunturootcut :which os ur using linux version15:04
clone4ubuntui think u can format using lucid lynx15:04
onetinsoldierjust use a ;15:04
histohelpnoob: do you have your drive mounted right now?15:04
ania_ 650 euros for that setup. 8GB ram hahahaha15:04
DrGrovGalerien, it is built out of a HP xw9300 Workstation15:04
GalerienDrGrov: 8 GB ram? Do you like creating heavy 3D stuff or having 4 differents of runing at the same time :D ??15:04
onetinsoldierjust use a ; after each command15:04
aciculajud, that is possible yeah15:04
Dawgmatixi managed to break my python installation in lucid. i was trying to replace the current version with a self compiled version, and removed the /usr/lib/python2.6 directory to replace it with my compiled version. needless to say this has broken a lot of things, the most important of which is the PYTHONPATH, it seems that /usr/share/pyshared etc are no longer in my pythonpath, any ideas on what sets the pythonpath in lucid ?15:04
DrGrovania_, just say what you were thinking. you can easily tell me straight.15:05
rootcutthanks clone4ubuntu, i'll take a look.15:05
DrGrovGalerien, I keep running a lot of VMWare for testing purposes. Like to really multitask stuff.15:05
GalerienDrGrov: I don't think your CPU is fast enough to use all of it with efficiency :D15:06
histohelpnoob: edit the /etc/group file and remove your user from the nopasswdlogin group15:06
GalerienBut still, a good computer...15:06
Galerienwhen did you buy it?15:06
judacicula: what's the assumed standard procedure when a forum offers a few lines to solve a problem? and, if i do string them together, do i nedd to seperate them by any character?15:06
onetinsoldierDawgmatix: you'd probably be best off just restoring the original lucid python15:06
DrGrovGalerien, thanks for telling good pointers.15:07
Dawgmatixi did a reinstall , but that didnt fix the path15:07
Dawgmatix(i mean i reinstalled the python2.6 package)15:07
clone4ubuntuwhich one is good choice to renew pc or but graphic card or install more ram15:07
onetinsoldierDawgmatix: roger.... i don't know15:08
bvalek2i used pppoeconf to set up internet connection, and the nm-applet (network manager) disappeared in gnome after a restart. how do i bring it back? the laptop needs wireless. its 10.0415:08
marienzDawgmatix: /usr/share/pyshared is not normally on your sys.path. Individual .py files from that directory are symlinked into /usr/lib/python2.x/dist-packages/ iirc.15:08
KaiForceI've got a system where the / file system has gone read only and is having errors on the SATA bus. There is another disk exported as an NFS share that I need to keep running until 5:00PM today. I'd like to shutdown as many services as I can to keep this box limping along until then. Can anyone assist?  CRON and GDM are stopped already.15:08
Dawgmatixah marienz15:08
marienzDawgmatix: give me a minute, trying to find you a tool to run to regenerate things15:08
sanousyis there anything better that python to program in?15:08
Dawgmatixthanks marienz15:08
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:08
judacicula: terminal just figures it out if i just paste the lines in all at once?15:09
marienzDawgmatix: update-python-modules (and probably its -f switch)15:10
Dawgmatixthanks :)15:10
Dawgmatixyoure a lifesaver15:10
vakMy mc shows directories and files in the same color -- why?..15:10
aciculajud, you need to indicate separations between instructions, have a look at bash programming15:11
marienzDawgmatix: you may have to do something similar with pycentral15:11
Dawgmatixokay i shall check on that15:11
aciculajud, so ls ls ls ls doesnt work, but ls;ls;ls;ls would, just like ls on every new line, etc15:11
Bisu[Shield]how do i open a port: I tried /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --destination-port 3306 -j ACCEPT  then service iptables save and i got the error message: iptables: unrecognized service15:11
Dawgmatixi was just trying to get some systemtap patches that the fedora guys have into my ubuntu python :)15:11
histojud: or if you are copying and pasting and there are returns it will work15:11
marienzDawgmatix: also, you'll have to reinstall everything that actually installed files directly into /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages (dpkg -S is your friend)15:12
judacicula:  ok i'll look at that ...the returns are just semicolons then?15:12
marienzDawgmatix: to do what you're trying to do it probably makes more sense to "apt-get source python2.6", apply your patches to that, build a .deb from it, and install it15:13
judhisto: ok i'll look at that ...the returns are just semicolons then?15:13
Dawgmatixokay marienz, will try that once this is built15:13
histojud: are you copying and pasting from a website?15:13
aciculajud, returns are not the same as semi colons15:13
judhisto: yeah15:13
histojud: you can copy and paste it then.15:13
judacicula:  oh...?15:14
histojud: it will enter it one line at a time15:14
judhisto: ok..what's the difference if it's from a website? how does it know to return after each line?15:15
jessica_my games earlier were all listed in "games" now... they are listed in separate categories like adventure/card games.. etc etc. How can i get all my games listed in one list and not in separate folders15:15
histojud: it doesn't matter where its from but if you have a list of comands seperated by returns, copy and paste will work.15:16
marienzjud: it depends on what language the lines are in.15:16
marienzerr, wait.15:16
marienzjud: sorry, I think I misparsed your question. Nevermind.15:16
judmar`no worries15:16
judhisto: ok, so the returns are indicated by semicolons?15:17
histojud: no.15:17
jessica_my games earlier were all listed in "games" now... they are listed in separate categories like adventure/card games.. etc etc. How can i get all my games listed in one list and not in separate folders? im in the Main Menu editor but when i click on games it lists all the subfolders and i cant find any option to remove them15:18
histo!patience | jessica_15:18
ubottujessica_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:18
phonicjessica: you should be able to drag and drop them into the folder(s) you want15:19
judhisto: so, the return is not indicated by a chracter? am i asking one of those questions a beginner is not likely to understand?15:19
aciculajessica_, you can drag the entries to the top folder on the left15:19
viceswhat's the easiest way to put partition tools (fdisk) onto a bootable usb drive?15:19
Dr_Willisjessica_:  you are comparing the KDE menus to the gnome ones? or is this in gnome?15:19
jessica_this is gnome15:20
jessica_like all my games where just listed before.. now there are all sorts of folders15:20
aciculajud, its like asking teach me to drive by learning you how to put the gas in, pick up a book on bash shell programming. Enter and semicolon each are just characters, a newline is (for bash) a new instruction just like ; indicates the end/start of an instruction15:20
theadminvices: I dunno, put systemrescuecd there... you'll get fdisk, gparted, parted... a lot of stuff to rescue a messed up system15:20
jessica_adventure, action, arcade15:20
phonicdid you try dragging/dropping them into the main folder15:20
helpnoobhisto:  yes15:20
Oervices use gparted iso15:20
vicesOer: can i put that onto a bootable usb?15:21
jessica_there is no main foler15:21
jessica_it wont let me drop anything in games15:21
vbabiyis there any way to use the music store on 9.1015:21
Bisu[Shield]anyone here15:21
theadminvices: You can put any image on a USB using unetbootin ;)15:21
histojud: you'd have to read about bash15:21
Oervices sure > http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:21
Chuck27can i ask someone a question?15:21
phonicjessica: it let me.15:21
h00k!ask | Chuck2715:21
ubottuChuck27: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:21
theadminChuck27: Ask it, don't ask to ask15:21
judacicula: ok, thankyou15:21
PeterNLHi, how do I install the just-released 2.6.34 kernel in Ubuntu Jaunty? I'm using 2.6.33 now...15:22
phonici was able to drag/drop Tetravex from 'Games/Logic' to 'Games'15:22
judhisto:  ok thanks15:22
RemunJ66Can any one help me with burning problems with Brasero?15:22
h00k!anyone | RemunJ6615:22
ubottuRemunJ66: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:22
vicesawesome thanks ^^15:22
histojud: the semicolon tells it execute each consecutively15:22
theadminRemunJ66: Only in brasero? Most likely it's due to it's multiple bugs15:22
jessica_when i drop them in games, it recreates the menu15:22
Chuck27I'm on x-chat and i did have buttons at the top like WhoIs what happened to them?15:23
clone4ubuntuis drag and drop available in ubuntu15:23
PeterNLHi, how do I install the just-released 2.6.34 kernel in Ubuntu Jaunty? I'm using 2.6.33 now. I really need the KMS and TV-out fixes!15:23
judhisto: ok15:23
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:23
phonicbut it should also put it in 'Games'15:23
aciculasee the second link PeterNL15:23
clone4ubuntuPeterNL: why dont u update the whole ystem15:23
theadminclone4ubuntu: Uh, yes, altough depends on where exactly15:23
phonicyou can copy them all over and then remove the sub-folder15:23
=== Remixman_ is now known as Remixman
histojud: but bash is very powerfull and you really should read a howto on it.15:23
clone4ubuntuwith lucid lynx15:24
PeterNLclone4ubuntu: do we have debs? I don't like compiling...15:24
judhisto: got a link?15:24
Piciclone4ubuntu: 2.6.34 is not in Lucid.15:24
aciculaclone4ubuntu, 10.04 uses the .32 kernel, which will not be replaced with .3415:24
clone4ubuntulucid brings good changes15:24
clone4ubuntuparticularly with internet15:24
PeterNLI am using Jaunty and I *need* .34!15:24
sipiorclone4ubuntu: just not ones that happen to help him at all15:24
vicesthanks Oer ^^15:25
histo!bash | jud15:25
ubottujud: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:25
sipiorPeterNL: i believe you're stuck rolling your own, for the time being.15:25
PeterNLsipior: how long 'till someone makes debs?15:25
sipiorPeterNL: i've no idea.15:25
=== alema0 is now known as alema0ff
sipiorPeterNL: how about you make the debs?15:25
theadminPeterNL: Until they will be rolled out in a mainstream release, which I suppose would be Maverick.15:25
theadminPeterNL: And that is October.15:26
clone4ubuntuwhat is cmd for system info in ubuntu15:26
theadminclone4ubuntu: Many of em... lshw, lspci...15:26
aciculaPeterNL, you may want to switch to lucid, since jaunty probably doesnt use any KMS at all?15:26
=== A-Rishi is now known as A-R-R
clone4ubuntuwell have u tried systeminfo in windows15:26
Pici!who | clone4ubuntu15:26
ubottuclone4ubuntu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:26
judhisto: is that a command for accessing a how to in terminal?15:26
PeterNLI'm not going to compile my own, and i'm not going to wait 5 months. KMS works (I installed .33 and xorg-edgers) but I need .34 for even more fixes...15:26
theadminclone4ubuntu: lshw is quite alike with that15:26
judubottu: thanks15:26
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:26
histojud: no I was having ubottu send you a link15:27
aciculaPeterNL, if you wont compile your own you'll have to wait for someone else to package it for you15:27
Chuck27What happened to my buttons at the top like whois can i get them back?15:27
jessica_ok so now, its deleted my menu items15:27
clone4ubuntuthanks bot u just got booted15:27
hidensoftanybody know , syntax highlighter for opensoffice ?15:27
PeterNLacicula: so I'm asking if that will happen (before 10.10), an where I could fine that.15:27
judhisto: ah that's funny15:28
theadminPeterNL: Very unlikely that it even will.15:28
theadminPeterNL: Sorry.15:28
judhisto: thanks15:28
phonicdid you delete them in the subfolder or the main one?15:28
aciculaPeterNL, people can make their own packages (PPA) similar to xorg-edgers, dunno if anyone will for jaunty, given that its eol in 5 months15:28
onetinsoldierPeterNL: check the kernel ppa15:28
theadminacicula: It is? o_O15:28
acicula18 months15:28
theadminacicula: Man, how fast time goes...15:28
aciculafor standard desktop15:28
PeterNLonetinsoldier: they only have RC's for lucid. No the final for Jaunty...15:29
jessica_is there a way to reset the menu back to normal15:29
jessica_revert isnt working15:29
theadminjessica_: What menu?15:29
sanousywhere I can find a way to learn python, it is strange!15:29
RemunJ66Burning a cd-rw  with Brasero 2.28.2 is possible but starting a new DVD project and adding some video files is not possible. It says: ¨ Please replace the disc with a supported CD or DVD. It is not possible to write with the current set of plugins.¨15:29
jessica_main menu, games15:29
theadminubottu: resetpanels | jessica_15:29
onetinsoldierPeterNL: roger. then if you're wanting it now, you'd have to compile you're own15:29
ubottujessica_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:29
FaithfulWhere did inittab go in Lucid15:29
sipiorsanousy: http://diveintopython.org/15:30
theadminFaithful: sysvinit is replaced by Upstart15:30
theadminubottu: Upstart15:30
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:30
theadminFaithful: ^15:30
Bisu[Shield]anyone know how to open port 3306 ?15:30
ikoniaBisu[Shield]: it's already open by default if something is listening on that port15:30
sanousysipior: thanks.15:31
[tla]Hi.  Installed Lucid with LVM.  I have a logical volume "data" (ext4).  Have added a blank HD (/dev/sdb) and now want to extend the logical volume "data" to include the extra space.  Think I am missing a step as the volume size has not increased.  Help please!  I ran: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 (to trash the partition table), pvcreate /dev/sdb (add the disk to LVM), vgextend...15:31
[tla]...s3 /dev/sdb (add the disk to the logical volume), lvextend /dev/s3/data /dev/sdb (extend the logical volume)15:31
PeterNLonetinsoldier: ... Not liking this... I've had grapics problem with any version of any OS and with any version of any driver (really) since I bought this beast. Does nobody care about this? (answer: appearantly not...)15:31
aciculaBisu[Shield], suudo ufw allow 22/tcp15:31
helpnoobhow do I change the groups for a mount drives users15:31
aciculaerr 3306/tcp15:31
theadminPeterNL: ...how long ago have you last used a Microsoft product? :D They care even less.15:31
histohelpnoob: edit the /etc/group file on the mounted drive15:32
PeterNLThe official Catalyst drivers on XP gave me plenty of BSOD's. I know...15:32
onetinsoldierPeterNL: well other people probably aren't going to care about it as much as you do ;-)15:32
hidensoftany body can help me for using syntax highlighter in open office ?15:32
aciculaPeterNL, this is a support channel, if you have glitches try upgrading to a newer ubuntu release rather then backporting new stuff into an old system?15:33
JasxonxPici, ??? what did u do to the room? i god kicked???15:33
SystemParadoxhi. How can I boot an ubuntu 10 CD into single user mode (or other fast-booting console mode)? There's no grub menu anymore?15:33
onetinsoldierPeterNL: but, you've had grapics problem with any version of any OS and with any version of any driver (really) since you bought the machine? seems like something might be wrong with it!15:33
histoSystemParadox: hold shift15:33
RemunJ66Just brasero burning capabilities by default install with Karmic tehadmin, sorry :)15:33
rizzuhPeterNL, ATI? ATI's drivers are known to be crap.15:33
PeterNLI don't have the drive space to do a clean install,m and i've had many problems in ten past with upgrades...15:33
dancek[tla], you've only resized the partition that the filesystem lies on, not the actual filesystem yet15:33
JasxonxHey a dutchman!  @ PeterNL15:33
theadminRemunJ66: Use gnomebaker and forget about those problems :/15:34
[tla]dancek: ok, clue please ;)15:34
PeterNLonetinsoldier, rizzuh: It were mostly driver problems (and a cooling problem, but I fixed that)15:34
dancek[tla], i'm not on linux right now so can't check but theres something like e2fsresize15:34
PeterNLJasxonx: yep. Hup Holland Hup :D :O :P ;)15:35
[tla]dancek: ah, i thought lvextend did that magic15:35
shomonhi, is there a channel for lastfm rhythmbox plugin bugs?15:35
[tla]dancek: resize2fs is a command15:35
SlartSystemParadox: not sure if the earlier boot cds allowed you to boot to a plain command line.. or did they15:35
theadminshomon: Report em to Launchpad and may peace be with you.15:36
dancek[tla], yep... they're separate entities, which really is a little unintuitive15:36
linxehI need to have a directory that will contain between 250,000 and 1,000,000 subdirectories. what filesystem should I be looking at using? reiserfs ?15:36
Arabusim looking for a tool to edit pdf files. i just wnat to make notes in it - i remember using it before ... starts with an X...15:36
[tla]dancek: what is the device i run that command on?15:36
linxehArabus: xpdf ?15:37
visofcan't i make a launcher for child process?15:37
Arabuslinxeh: nope ... you could open pdfs with it then use all kinds of colors and pen sizes and edit it then export it again...15:37
dancek[tla], iirc the logical volume, but you're definitely better reading a howto (it'se been 2 years since i last did this)15:37
SlartArabus: Xournal perhaps?15:37
Arabuslinxeh: it as mainly used with touchscreen laptops with a pen if i remember right15:37
ArabusSlart: yep thats the one1 tthanks alot15:38
[tla]dancek: ok.  i have read quite a few and many seems to be out of date / inconsistent :(15:38
dancek[tla], i think i've used this as reference: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/extendlv.html15:38
facsimilehow come I could boot ubuntu 9.10 but not 10.4?15:39
richthegeekhey, anyone got experience with breaking/testing passworded RAR files - I have a bunch (200) of possible passwords, but can't think of an easy/fast way to test them against the file...15:39
theadminWhen I print "to file", does that go trough CUPS?15:39
facsimileafter installing15:39
theadminrichthegeek: We can't help with hacking.15:39
booleanquestion: does anyone know the limitation of a 128 byte inode versus that of 256 ?15:40
facsimiletheadmin ?? cracking15:40
dancek[tla], just in case i wanna mention that the filesystem _must_ be unmounted15:40
richthegeektheadmin: not hacking, educational purposes15:40
facsimilenot hacking. cracking15:40
historichthegeek: there are apps for doing that15:40
dancek[tla], (reiserfs could be resized while mounted, but i'm not sure how safe it is either)15:40
richthegeektheadmin: that is, it's not a commercial file or anything, just a friend wanted to see if I could and gave me a few clues for what hte password might be (names of classmates etc)15:40
SystemParadoxthanks histo15:40
historichthegeek: I'd look to backtrack distro for some clues as to what apps they have present15:40
Faithfulmate... plymouth is required for X in ubuntu... where is this thing going...?15:41
FaithfulLucid that is15:41
theadminrichthegeek: However, I suppose that "for p in 'cat passwordlist.file' ; do unrar -p $p ; done" (or something. I don't remember how you specify a password for unrar. But I guess that'd work)15:41
vAd0ris there a way to log a user into the gui from an ssh session15:41
richthegeektheadmin: ok - will it return a non-zero value if the password is incorrect?15:41
PeterNLDamn ATi. Damn kernel. Damn world!15:41
acicularichthegeek, theadmin there are some gpu accelerated tools that let you test that sort of thing.15:41
[tla]dancek: Resizing the filesystem on /dev/s3/data to 580887552 (4k) blocks. :)15:41
marienztheadmin: print "to file" in gtk-based apps does not use cups, iirc.15:41
dancek[tla], good! :)15:42
Dr_WillisvAd0r:  why are you wantoing to do that?15:42
[tla]dancek: had to run 'e2fsck -f /dev/s3/data' first.15:42
vAd0ri have an ubuntu box next to me w/o a keyboard and mouse15:42
vAd0rand i want to startup synergy15:42
vAd0ri can start synergy from cli but i think user must be logged in15:43
Dr_WillisvAd0r:   the machine is on the desktop now? or on GDM?15:43
sigmonsaysWhy is landscape a paid feature and why is it enabled by default?15:43
sigmonsaysAlso why does it hang when being unisntaled?15:43
vAd0rlogin screen15:43
sigmonsaysstupid annoying thing15:43
histovAd0r: is the machine running ssh?15:43
histovAd0r: then whats the problem?15:43
Dr_WillisvAd0r:  i recall some way to make GDM start synergy.  that would be the best bet I think15:43
Megremwhy does this line: ftptest=$(ftpwho | grep idle) only put the first line of the ouput into ftptest?15:43
vAd0ri want to be able to  start synergy so i can use it15:44
guntbertvAd0r: you can call ssh -X .... (its a big X), and then start any graphical app - it will display on your computer (try with xeyes...)15:44
vAd0ri was hoping to start synergy and then drag my mouse over and use it15:44
dancek[tla], if you feel there was no good documentation on how to do this, you might consider writing what you learned to ubuntu wiki (just a thought, and i dunno about wiki policy)15:44
histovAd0r: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto15:44
Dr_Willisguntbert:  synergy is special in some ways however15:44
guntbertDr_Willis: ok - no idea :)15:45
vAd0rthanks ill read the autostart before gdm15:45
[tla]dancek: good idea.  Looks good anyway: /dev/mapper/s3-data   2.2T  241G  1.8T  12% /data15:45
Faithfulif I try to uninstall plymouth... it wants to uninstall X and every X app.15:45
[tla]dancek: thx 4 help15:46
PiciFaithful: plymouth is required for your computer to boot and mount devices in Ubuntu. Why do you want to get rid of it?15:46
RemunJ66theadmin: Use gnomebaker is not exactly fixing the Brasero problem, is it? why not helping fixing a promising tool like Brasero?15:46
Dr_WillisFaithful:  you basically cant uninstall plymouth15:46
dancek[tla], glad i could help :)15:46
FaithfulWhat doo doo15:46
FaithfulI don't want a graphical bootloader... it doesn't work with my notebook...15:47
Dr_Willistheres guides out on various ways to disable it to  achive some goals..15:47
Dr_WillisI basically have a text based login. by diabling the service and some grub options15:47
vAd0rhow do i check which is running gdm or kdm15:47
FaithfulIf fsck finds an error I can't fix it15:48
barberanhow do I integrate MS AD with my Ubuntu ?15:48
gsprWhen packaging with CDBS, what is the preferred way to control the building of multiple binary packages from the same source when each of these require different arguments to the configure script? Which rules should I override?15:48
bastid_raZorvAd0r: ps aux| grep gdm .. ps aux | grep kdm15:48
barberanhow do I work with .rar archives ?15:49
bastid_raZor!rar | barberan15:49
ubottubarberan: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free15:49
richthegeektheadmin, acicula: thanks, got a loop running on it now, checking for the return $? ostensibly but mostly keeping an eye out for a value that didn't say "CRC failed"... bleedin challenges. Time to break out the sha1 in revenge!15:49
Cayzerquelqun est sous lubuntu ?15:49
ema92Hello everybody, could please anyone sugget me a programme for GNOME to keep track of the CPU temperature?15:49
erUSUL!fr | Cayzer15:49
ubottuCayzer: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:49
Cayzerah okay sorry15:50
bastid_raZorema92: conky15:50
Dr_Willisbarberan:  install the proper rar packages and the normal acrhive tools can use rar's then15:50
ema92bastid_raZor: thank you15:50
Dr_Willis!info rar-nonfree15:50
ubottuPackage rar-nonfree does not exist in lucid15:50
FaithfulvAd0r, did anyone answer you?15:50
vAd0rthe ps worked15:50
vAd0rthanks alot15:50
shohantry sudo apt-get install rar15:52
richthegeekbarberan: the archive manager can handle them if you install package "unrar" - probably best creating either tar.gz or zip when you are writing, as winrar handles both15:53
PeagerWhat's everyone's favorite VPN client?15:53
ccmonstercisco vpn :)15:53
barberanthank you15:53
PeagerUnder Linix?15:54
compaqHow do I go about changing my sources to install some karmic packages?15:54
guntbert!poll | Peager15:54
ubottuPeager: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:54
judubottu: what do you know?15:54
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:54
KentrelHow do I found out how big my swap file size is?15:54
* leetsweden is not playing anything in iTunes.15:54
bastid_raZorcompaq: you'll probably end up with dependency issues and/or break things15:55
PeagerSorry.... no offense... new user....15:55
judubottu: commands15:55
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:55
guntbert!askthebot | jud15:55
ubottujud: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:55
bastid_raZor!factoid > jud15:55
ubottujud, please see my private message15:55
compaqbastid_raZor, I am gonna give it a try before I go buy a new video card, because I have a black listed on, and with 10.04 you can't bypass it, but you can with karmic15:55
judcheers guys15:56
compaqbastid_raZor, I am talking about compiz, blacklisted my video card, so I wanna see if I bypass it, if it works ok15:56
bastid_raZorcompaq: the guys in #compiz know some neat tricks with getting compiz working..15:57
compaqbastid_raZor, I am there too, but I can't ask them about ubuntu issue of changing sources15:58
histocompaq: what do you mean by bypass it?15:59
bastid_raZorcompaq: you have an extremely high probability of breaking things by doing so.15:59
nemoAnyone here trying to run ubuntu under VMware? looking for clues to working around https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/27647616:00
nemowhich makes ubuntu basically unusable16:00
compaqbastid_raZor, I heard you the first time, do you know how to install Karmic packages on Lucid?16:00
compaqhisto, there is a command, it bypasses the black list, one sec let me look it up again16:01
Kentrelnemo, what about under Virtualbox?16:01
nemoKentrel: gosh that'd be lovely.16:01
compaqhisto,  SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz16:01
Inviscrhow do i fix this error "render error detected, EIR: 0x00000010"16:01
nemoKentrel: except, well, our entire system here is built around ESXi 416:01
nemoso I can't just recommend they redo the architecture16:01
dcart185hi everyone16:02
mewayInviscr is that durring boot?16:02
Chuck27any body on 10.416:02
dcart185i have 10.0416:02
sh1nyme too, on it atm16:02
Inviscrmeway ya16:02
blackratdogten four good buddy16:02
gnugrto config compiz get a compiz-manager or Screenlets16:03
Chuck27anyway to make it run faster?16:03
daveWilkyi have 10.04 plus studio packs.16:03
dcart185although, i do have a problem with it at the moment, randomly it would freeze and i can't figure out why16:03
Inviscri put it in old graphic card to see if it still worked, and after i removed it this is what i now get16:03
Kentrel10.04 runs fast on my system16:03
KentrelAnd I'm only dual core16:03
histocompaq: I have no idea what you are talking about SKIP_CHECKS is not a command. Most likely a setting. Maybe if you describe the problem you are having or what you are trying to accomplish someone can help.16:03
mewayInviscr i think i read something on that one sec16:03
daveWilky10.04 runs great on my 64bit system..16:04
histodcart185: did you have 9.10 previously?16:04
compaqhisto, yeah, wierd, it doesn't look like a command, but it is, I ran it, it restarts compiz, with that setting16:04
dcart185histo: yes16:04
histocompaq: where are you running it?16:04
compaqhisto, anyway, I am trying to install karmic packages on lucid.16:04
compaqhisto, bash16:04
histocompaq: I don't think anyone here is going to be able to help with that.16:05
histocompaq: it will break stuff16:05
dcart185histo: yeah i did an upgrade from 9.10 without downloading the cds16:05
barberanHow to disable RECENT documents to log my recent docs ?16:05
histodcart185: did you have the lockups with 9.1016:05
dcart185histo: no16:06
compaqhuh, I am just gonna change the name in source.list and update, it is the long way but if no one knows a shortcut16:06
Dr_Williscompaq:  SKIP_CHECKS is not a command.. you are setting a enviroment variable THEN that line runs compiz with tha variable set16:06
histobarberan: there is a gconf key you can edit can't remember. But if you search on the forums there are numerous posts16:06
Dr_Willisfoo=100  echo foo16:06
avg_guyhisto,  thanks for the gdm help this is my mainpc I am on  (helpnoob)16:06
daveWilkycompaq i`m new to ubuntu and i know your going to break your system..16:07
compaqyeah, it is fine, this is a fresh install, I am willing to take the risk of breaking my system.  Jeeze16:07
histoavg_guy: did that work16:08
avg_guyhisto,  yes it did  opened up the drive in sudo nautilus and was able to take me out of the nopassword group16:09
Beyecixramdhow do i select the colors in Pidgin for the conversation window, and the users talking in it? (defaults are red for incoming, blue for outgoing)16:10
histoavg_guy: cool. Thats definately a critical bug. I would file a report that should not happen.16:11
macoBeyecixramd: dont believe you do16:11
Beyecixramdmaco: what?16:11
nukelacityhey i have a problem with ubuntu 10.04.. i have a CD full of drum hit samples that works on my ubuntu 9.04 laptop.. but now im on my 10.04 desktop my cd just isnt found at all.. any ideas?16:11
macoBeyecixramd: i was answering your question16:12
Chuck27i get alot of erors when i update or download new stuff any help for me16:13
Beyecixramdmaco: i never said i did16:13
macoBeyecixramd: you asked "how do i...?" and my answer is "you don't"16:13
onetinsoldierChuck27: use pastebin to post your errors for people to see. helps to see exact error messages16:13
avg_guyhisto,  well since i had the my home dir encrypted as well so with out auth( using password) i couldnt get anywhere16:14
nukelacityhey i have a problem with ubuntu 10.04.. i have a CD full of drum hit samples that works on my ubuntu 9.04 laptop.. but now im on my 10.04 desktop my cd just isnt found at all.. any ideas?16:14
Beyecixramdmaco: oooh, okay, i get it now, xD thanks16:14
macoBeyecixramd: you could of course find what part of pidgin's source code sets those colours and modify it yoursel16:14
histoavg_guy: yeah but you shouldn't be able to check that box if your home is encrypted16:14
nukelacitymy cd drive light is flashing as if its trying to do something but its been flashing for about half an hour16:14
Beyecixramdmaco: yeah, i was thinking about that16:14
avg_guyhisto, true16:15
Beyecixramdmaco: they probably have coded the colors in HTML, so all i have to do is find the codes16:15
macoBeyecixramd: right16:15
JabberWalkieso, it seems that I am getting segfaults when running e2fsck, it uses about 10GB of swap then segfaults, always in the same place. (appears that way anyways)16:15
JabberWalkieI am using the newest version aswell16:15
nukelacityno one?16:16
JabberWalkienukelacity, its broken?16:16
=== paulo is now known as PauloRicardo
JabberWalkienukelacity, mybe it is an error code or somthing?16:16
JabberWalkienukelacity, check your user manual16:16
hairican someone help me with my ubuntu ?16:16
nukelacityno some CDs work and others dont.. i have another CD drive i wouldnt mind replacing it with but when i use it it opens and closes randomly.. if you can give me a fix for that ill install the drive xD16:16
Chuck27E: libgnome-desktop-2-17: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 216:17
Chuck27E: nautilus: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured16:17
Chuck27E: gnome-settings-daemon: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured16:17
Chuck27E: libgnome-window-settings1: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured16:17
Chuck27E: compiz-gnome: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured16:17
FloodBot2Chuck27: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:17
Chuck27E: gnome-control-center: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured16:17
IdleOnehairi: ask and someone will try16:17
andronwhat with your ubuntu?)16:17
nukelacityno some CDs work and others dont.. i have another CD drive i wouldnt mind replacing it with but when i use it it opens and closes randomly.. if you can give me a fix for that ill install the drive xD (just incase the flood stopped you reding it)16:17
hairiwhen i restart my computer  all that i vave done before restarting is gone16:18
Chuck27any help16:18
JabberWalkienukelacity, dunno, see how it behaves under a live cd16:18
benkevandoes anyone know how to setup openbox to send me to native desktop when someone is clicked in the taskbar?16:18
JabberWalkienukelacity, if it is the same, it is probably broken in some manner16:18
nukelacityit works fine under live CD i onl.y installed a few weeks ago lol16:18
raymondjtothhow i change the defrault exty4 back to older ext3 that was in ubunu 8.10?16:19
nostriluuany idea why a simple perl script would fail on ubuntu  but works fine on other linuxes ? seems to be a file operation problem16:19
raymondjtothmy hard ware dont like ext4 in dell e1505 notbook16:19
raymondjtothi instralled ubuntu all ready16:19
linxehnostriluu: permissions, different version of perl, alsorts of things. you'll need to pastebin the output of the script (and ideally the script itself)16:19
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org16:19
acicularaymondjtoth, you can not downgrade a filesystem16:19
ksbalajiWhile Booting 8.04, Gnome panel used to run automatically. Now for the past 6 months or so, most of the time, I have to do ctrl+alt+f7 to see my panel. Help.16:19
acicularaymondjtoth, if you want to revert to ext3 you have to wipe and reinstall16:19
raymondjtothacicula what i do now if want that?16:19
dcart185histo: do you have an idea what my problem is?16:20
raymondjtoth!ray ext316:20
nukelacityJabberWalkie:.. ill log off now and install the other DVD drive and see how it goes.. ill be back in a bit  thanks :)16:20
raymondjtothacicula, what i do if do do that16:20
X4me1eoHhi! who know russian chanell about ubuntu?16:20
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:20
hairiwhy is it that i cannot save anything on my ubuntu (10.04 on my usb) when i restart my computer ?16:20
raymondjtothonce install ubuntu agen16:21
acicularaymondjtoth, during the ubuntu installation when asked to partition you have to choose manual partition and select ext316:21
Inviscrhdoes anyone know how to fix this error "drm:[i915_handle_error] *error* EIR stuck: 0x000000, masking"16:21
acicularaymondjtoth, why do you think ext4 is not agreeing with your laptop16:21
raymondjtothacicula i wnat to use all of the drive also can i do that16:21
acicularaymondjtoth, yeah16:21
raymondjtothacixula it slow my laptop down my dell e150516:21
raymondjtothto were it crawls with intel graphic card16:22
aciculawhy do you think the filesystem is the cause of that?16:22
=== egomosis1 is now known as egomosis
daveWilkyraymondjtoth do you go in PCTech in paltalk?16:22
raymondjtothdaveWilky,  why ask yes i do16:22
dcart185does anyone know why 10.04 keeps freezing?16:22
dcart185also very random16:23
daveWilkyi just recall the name, i also use PCTech...16:23
raymondjtothdave never seen you there16:23
acicularaymondjtoth, slow gfx performance seems unrelated to the filesystem that is in use, reverting to ext3 seems unlikely to solve whatever problem you appear to be encountering16:23
raymondjtothacicula, ok what then i do16:24
daveWilkyyou would see me under the name CaptinDave.16:24
raymondjtothi have intel centrino due proceor and intel graphic card and built in wireless16:24
raymondjtothdaveWilky, i know you as admin16:25
aciculawhat ubuntu version are you using?16:25
raymondjtothacicula,  9.10 for now16:25
raymondjtothsince ubuntu christan based off it16:25
raymondjtothhavent updated yet16:25
daveWilkyRay its been some months since i was last in, But its good to see a name from the room ...16:26
JabberWalkieubuntu christian!??16:26
raymondjtothdaveWilky, o ok16:26
aciculatry 10.04 i suppose, laggy gfx performance crops up every now and then, dont have a solution for that myself, but look on the ubuntuforums?16:26
raymondjtothJabberWalkie,  yes]16:26
=== tishroot is now known as desynch
desynchdoes anyone knows what's the prob on backtrack-linux channel?16:26
raymondjtothacicula,  i did it didnt help16:26
linxehI need to have a directory that will contain between 250,000 and 1,000,000 subdirectories - what filesystem should I be looking at using?16:27
warriorforgoddesynch: What do you mean?16:27
raymondjtothacicula,  how i fix this?16:27
desynchcan you join on the channel?16:27
desynchi can't join on it16:27
aciculadesynch, you need to be registered and identified to the server16:27
maco!register | desynch16:27
ubottudesynch: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode16:27
hairiwhen i restart my computer all the things that i have done before restarting is gone16:27
hairi for example i turn sound to mute but when i restart the sound is back on again16:27
hairi and i download gfortran but when i restart  it is gone its like  my ubuntu went back to when i first install it when i restart my computer16:27
aciculalaggy gfx performance crops up every now and then,i dont have a solution for that myself, but look on the ubuntuforums?16:27
G__81in 10.04 there were 3 new themes that were introduced which does not appear in the standard installations16:28
desynchmaco im registered16:28
figo7kabwecomment allez vous16:28
G__81can someone tell me where i could download and install it from ? i believe there was a PPA too for it16:28
macodesynch: are you identified as well?16:28
maco!fr | figo7kabwe16:28
ubottufigo7kabwe: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:28
Anarhisthairi, are you sure you don't have live cd in the cdrom?16:28
Picidesynch: They appear to have banned anyone with 'root' in their ident.16:28
Dr_Willishairi:  and how did you install ubuntu?  inside windows? unetbootin? bootable usb flash?16:28
desynchi see16:28
macoPici: wait, and we dont?16:28
Picimaco: correct.16:28
macoPici: did we used to?16:29
raymondjtothwhat i do?16:29
G__81can someone tell me the PPA?16:29
Dr_WillisG__81:  check the 'omgubuntu' and 'webupd8' ubuntu sites. they had articals on installing those in older ubuntu releases16:29
aciculamaco there is little need, youd have to do weird things to connect as root, unlike with backtrack where being root was (is?) the default16:29
hairii install ubuntu 10.04 to my  8Gb usb16:29
ksbalajiWhy do I have to key ctrl+alt+f7 most time on booting to get gnome display?16:29
barry_hairi: Yoou are trying to save changes to a .iso file that is booted o a USB. This will not save any changes you make. Its the same as trying to save to a burnt cd16:29
Dr_Willishairi:  if you used unetbootin to install to a 'hard drive' it did a live cd type install to the hard drive. not a 'normal' install.16:29
raymondjtothacicula,  what new in ubuntu 10.416:29
hairiwhat should i do ?16:30
Dr_Willishairi:  do a proper install.16:30
Dr_Willishairi:  use unetbootin to make a bootable flash drive and install from that.16:30
hairiis there a manual for proper install?16:30
Dr_Willishairi:  burn  cd, or make flash drive.. boot it.. tell it to install.. follow the 7 steps..16:31
Dr_Willis!manual | hairi16:31
ubottuhairi: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:31
raymondjtothDr_Willis,  whats new in ubuntu 10.416:31
Dr_Willisraymondjtoth:  everything...16:31
dcart185is everybody finding 10.04 stable?16:31
Dr_Willisraymondjtoth:  theres several web sites tat review it and give their oponions/'whats new' type articals.16:32
dcart185like no freezes?16:32
IdleOnedcart185: for me, yes16:32
Dr_Willisdcart185:  no issues on my 3 machines16:32
daveWilky10.04 is very stable for me .16:32
dcart185did you upgrade from 9.10 or did you install from cd?16:32
ksbalajiwhere do I get info on gnome display booting problem please?16:32
Dr_Willisdcart185:  yes. to both16:32
IdleOnedcart185: I did noth16:32
Dr_WillisRedNifreHaikuA2: ? Is ther a ubuntu support question?16:34
xand_hello everyone, is there a way to list all the packages which have more than one version available ?16:35
RedNifreHaikuA2Nope, just needed to see if the chat is working. Looked like the channel was dead. And there was this weird keyboard issue...16:35
ozerimarok i reloaded the operating system anyway to get back to my original settings????16:35
FaithfulHow can I turn my VTs back on in Lucid?16:35
RedNifreHaikuA2Now that you ask, I actually DO have an Ubuntu question.16:35
Dr_Willistoo late... :P16:35
RedNifreHaikuA2Is there a way to make my bluetooth keyboard work on the log in screen so I can enter my password?16:36
kate_is this like yahoo chat?16:36
LzrdKingit ubuntu pronounced "yoo-buntu" or "oo-buntu"?16:36
Dr_Williskate_:  irc chat has been around for a great many more years then YahooChat. or other Im chats16:36
bastid_raZorkate_: no, this is ubuntu support channel16:36
dcart185im thinking about reinstalling ubuntu from a cd16:36
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:36
dcart185because i can't trust my system from not crashing16:36
LzrdKingAnarhist: source?16:37
bastid_raZorkate_: you can go to #ubuntu-offtopic for chat16:37
kate_i just wanted to see if i could make this work.16:37
wng-Does anyone have any idea why I can't seem to get any sound from my Create Audigy SE (CA0106)16:37
bastid_raZorkate_: /join #ubuntu-offtopic16:37
AnarhistLzrdKing, when you install it there's a video of Mandela explaining the definition16:37
kate_join #ubuntu-offtopic16:37
IdleOnekate_: with the /16:37
bastid_raZorkate_: type the / part too16:37
kate_thank you16:37
LzrdKingAnarhist: i never saw that... i must have installed wrong16:37
Dr_WillisITs in the examples dir i think16:38
Jasxonxkate_,  welcome16:38
a94060if i got a windows title bar stuck outside of the viewable screen,how can i move it back?16:39
Dr_Willisa94060:  hold down alt key, click, drag16:39
Dr_Willisalt+click anywhere  in a window to move it16:39
a94060ahh thanks,thats better. i used the right click on the icon then move16:40
LzrdKinga94060: alt-space, m i think, then use arrows16:40
akashvDr_Willis: i was actually looking for that, so thanks16:40
dan_How does software get into the Ubuntu repositories?16:40
Dr_Willisakashv:  thers a tool for windows - that addes the featre to the  M$ os's also16:40
ikoniadan_: it goes through a process of review and acceptence16:40
akashvDr_Willis: ok16:40
bullgarddan_: Package maintainers load up packages to repositories.16:41
dan_How can you apply to get software into the repositories?16:41
IdleOne!packaging | dan_16:41
ubottudan_: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports16:41
ikoniadan_: there are various repositories with various criteria, so it depends on a lot of things, what are you trying to get into the repos ?16:41
bullgarddan_: See for example the channel #ubuntu-motu and ask for details.16:42
Jasxonxdual botting Win7 and Ubuntu 10.04 what should i install first??16:42
ikoniaJasxonx: windows16:42
macoJasxonx: windows16:42
dan_There is a game called Legends which I am shocked is not in the repos16:42
ikoniadcart185: it's called "windows"16:42
ksbalajiI wish to upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04. Any special precautions? (unfortunately, I cannot backup all that I have in hard drive)16:42
macodan_: check in debian. if there file a sync request. if not, file a needs-packaging bug16:43
ikonia!upgrade | ksbalaji16:43
ubottuksbalaji: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:43
JabberWalkiedan_ like the tribes clone?16:43
dcart185ikonia: i know, but i like my nickname16:43
ikoniadcart185: please call it by it's correct name16:43
ksbalajithanks ikonia16:43
dan_I don't know tribes16:43
bullgardksbalaji: To back up first and only then upgrade is your most important obligation.16:43
JabberWalkiedan_ yeah, ive played that, good game16:44
Slartdan_: is it free as in speech? or just as in beer?16:44
ksbalajiis upgrading dreadful without backup bullgard ?16:44
KentrelHow do I found out how big my swap file size is?16:44
xabrxHi, tried to dual boot winxp & ubuntu on seperate partitions. Winxp was installed first. Now ubuntu will not boot. Stops with a blinking cursor in right corner. Any ideas?16:44
Slartdan_: I vaguely recall it only being the later16:44
Anarhistksbalaji, if you haven't partitioned your home dir separately upgrading without backup is really dangerous16:44
ikoniaKentrel: swapon -s16:44
KrowHI all16:44
Loshkiksbalaji: some things are more important than others. Upgrades can and do go wrong. Is there anything you absolutely could not live without if the disk got wiped?16:44
macoksbalaji: not really. upgrades should *never* touch /home16:44
xand_hello everyone, is there a way to list all the packages which have more than one version available ?16:45
ksbalajiAnarhist, hmm. Thanks. That is important.16:45
bullgardksbalaji: As a rule, it is not. But just in case. You might loose valuable personal data.16:45
blue_annahey I'm getting blocks for characters on some web pages -- how can I set up language support in Firefox ?16:45
* maco only does backups when reinstalling16:45
* maco is bad and should do them weekly at least16:45
Krowi like english channel cuz french channel is really empty....16:45
aeon-ltdmaco: but it can render some machines unbootable16:45
Anarhistksbalaji, just to be sure, i mean if you haven't already done so, during your 8.04 install16:45
macoaeon-ltd: which doesnt destroy your data16:45
the_lordis there a way to make pidgin the main app for messaging in 10.04 without losing the integration with ubuntu?16:46
blue_annalike for example '��' U+024B62 -- this doesnt render for me16:46
ksbalajiLoshki, Yes. some big chunks of data are important. But they are in a different partition.16:46
aeon-ltdmaco: i know but its a pain in the ass to repartition then reinstall a distro again to access /home16:46
KrowThe_lord , dowload emesene16:46
macoblue_anna: possibly your font is missing those characters?16:46
KrowI use  emesene on 1.04 and it works16:46
macoaeon-ltd: repartition? why?16:46
the_lordKrow, I don't want emesene, I want pidgin16:46
macoaeon-ltd: also, language16:46
aeon-ltdmaco: move the /home partition (if it is in one) to the end and create a new partition in ext3/4 to install the distro again16:47
macoaeon-ltd: why?16:47
aeon-ltdof the table16:47
blue_annamaco: I'm in konversation now, and it might not -- but how do I tell firefox to use an appropriate font?  I have deja vu and liberation16:47
KrowOh sorry the lord ^^16:47
bastid_raZoraeon-ltd: you wouldn't re-use existing partitions?16:47
macoblue_anna: edit -> preferences lets you set the fonts16:47
aeon-ltdmaco: in case it isn't already at the end of the table16:47
KrowIt was my opinion , i don't like pidgin16:48
macoaeon-ltd: why would it need to be? why would it even need to be on its own partition at all?16:48
aeon-ltdit makes it easier to separate root and home later16:48
blue_annamaco: have you seen the page for changing the fonts there? I dont even know where to start. there's like 50 different plaes to set a font16:48
macoaeon-ltd: keep in mind ubuntu has not deleted /home when reinstalling to a single-partition system in at least 2 years16:48
Krowthe_lord , can u explain me what's ur problem?16:48
Dr_Willis(/boot)(/)(/home)(Swap) is how i normally have mine setuo16:48
the_lordKrow, i don't like emesene, and I'm the_lord16:49
aeon-ltdmaco: its just for those who dual boot, makes it easier to manage16:49
rosco_ywhat package do I need to install to get the libgtkembedmoz.so library?16:49
xabrxHi, tried to dual boot winxp & ubuntu on separate partitions. Winxp was installed first. Now ubuntu won't boot. Stops with a blinking cursor in the right corner. Any ideas?16:49
blue_annamaco: every code page has 4 different font settings16:49
macoblue_anna: code page?16:49
the_lordKrow, but If I just uninstall empathy and install pidgin, it should work, I guess16:49
Picirosco_y: kompozer: /usr/lib/kompozer/libgtkembedmoz.so16:50
rosco_yxabrx: I wonder if you can set the boot partition in your bios16:50
abstraktis there a backport of PHP 5.2 available for 10.04?16:50
rosco_yPici: Thanks!16:50
macoblue_anna: edit -> preferences -> content has 1 dropdown. advanced lets you set monospace and sans and serif fonts as well if you like16:50
Mandrewanyone here that know how to ping a web site?16:50
blue_annamaco: that setting is for the seriffont though -- what pages do you view in serif? :)16:50
xabrxok, 'll have aa look16:51
AnarhistMandrew, ping example.com16:51
aeon-ltdMandrew: ping -c 10 (insert web address here or ip)16:51
macoblue_anna: advanced lets you set sans-serif and monospace16:51
llutzMandrew: "ping <host>"16:51
=== spvensko_ is now known as spvensko
macoblue_anna: an actually no, its not16:51
blue_annamaco: even setting the sans to deja vu I dont see that character -- deja vu is supposed to be a font for every character in unicode16:51
macoblue_anna: the single dropdown is just "default font" -- you can make your default be monospace or sans if you like16:51
paketeanybody knows how to fix plymouth? i have no boot splash16:51
paketeafter install'16:51
macoblue_anna: possibly need to refresh the page after changing fonts?16:52
blue_annamaco: I mean it says "serif", and it is set bsed on whatever you set for the serif font for the page16:52
Dr_Willispakete:  does the system actually boot up to the login screen?16:52
blue_annamaco: tried that :S -- this is on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-816:52
Mandrewanyone here that know how to ping a web site?? im a newbie with computers and with linux :( maybe a bad combo but thats what i got to work with ;)16:53
JC_Denton_hello all, im in recovery mode how can i set my drive from ronly to rw?16:53
aeon-ltdMandrew: i just told you16:53
costreMandrew, star terminal, type ping website.com16:53
Mandrewok thanks16:53
MaT-dghow can I run a on startup with System > Preferences > startup applications?16:54
AnarhistMandrew, to finish press Ctrl+C16:54
mozaHi, i have a strange problem with Skype. I can call and receive calls. I can receive text messages (apparently) but i can't send text messages through Skype. The bug appeared after the update from Hardy (LTS) to Lucid (LTS).16:54
blue_annamaco: yea, you'd think that would work, but it doesnt16:54
c3lhow do I find what ID a a window has?16:54
MandrewAnarch, tnx16:54
Picic3l: run xwininfo and then click on that window16:54
MandrewAnarhist, tnx16:55
c3lPici: thanks16:55
bastid_raZor!startup > MaT-dg16:55
ubottuMaT-dg, please see my private message16:55
JC_Denton_in recovery mode, how can i mount my drive rw from ro?16:55
paketeDr Willis, well only black screen and then it logs onto gnome16:55
JC_Denton_im in the maintenance shell16:55
Dr_WillisJC_Denton_:  theres a mount /bla /bla -o remount,rw  option I recall... (ive not used it in ages)16:55
Dr_Willispakete:  i wouldent worry about it too much then. theres some sites out for 'fixing' various plymouth issues.. but  some times they break things worse16:56
SealedWithAKissI have no audio output in Ubuntu 9.10. I have tried using a variety of applications and there is still no sound, so this problem isn't specific to a particular application. I have tried using the Ubuntu audio troubleshooting guide, and this hasn't solved my problem. This is not a hardware problem, as I have tried replacing the sound card the speakers and the audio cable connecting them. Can anybody help?16:56
attishhello! when I boot up a lucid live cd, gdu-notification-daemon crashes on an assertion; this seems to be bug #568565. I checked the source, and my impression is that something delays dbus initialization on certain machines, and this makes said daemon's attempts at connecting to it fail; could you give me some hints on how to go about diagnosing a bug that is so awkward to reproduce?16:56
paketeok can you suggest one? also how to enable stand by on closing the lid?16:57
attishSealedWithAKiss, does lspci show your sound card?16:57
MaT-dgbastid_raZor: yes, I know. Problem is that my script doesn't run at startup.16:57
SealedWithAKissI believe (although cannot be sure) that the loss of sound occurred after a system update.16:57
phobbsHi, I accidentally set a keyboard shortcut using gconf-editor under root, but and now I can't change it even when I run sudo gconf-editor16:58
SealedWithAKissattish, 01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc R700 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4000 Series]  -  this is my graphics card. I usually use my on board sound card for audio. Does this mean that it's routing the audio through my graphics card? I'm confused.16:58
paketeDr Willis, please suggest one way or the other to fix plymouth from console. Also how to activate stand by on lid close. TIA16:58
phobbsit says "this key is not writable" under sudo gconf-editor... how is this possible?16:59
attishSealedWithAKiss, is this your only sound device? do you have maybe a motherboard integrated sound device?16:59
Dr_Willispakete:  i would suggest leaving plymouth alone if the system boots.   I never use hibernate/suspend either - it just causes too  many problems.16:59
Dr_Willis!tab | pakete16:59
ubottupakete: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:59
attishphobbs, do you use ubuntu netbook remix?16:59
ozerimarhow do I revert back my old system16:59
attishozerimar, the hard way -- downgrading is not officially supported, as far as I know17:00
mtskvanhello everyone What is the best freelance sites for C++ or Java projects?17:00
aeon-ltdozerimar: there isn't a system restore in ubuntu, only backup solutions and dwongrade solutions17:00
LzrdKingthere shoul dbe17:00
SealedWithAKissattish, I have a sound card build onto the motherboard. I have always used this for sound. Lspci is listing my graphics card as my audio device, it doesn't handle audio though. It doesn't have any 3.5mm audio jacks on it.17:00
bondiblueos9_what filesystem should I use for my data drives if I want to be able to pull them out and plug them into my mac and also have files >4gb17:00
ksbalajiOn upgrading, Will my applications list be lost? Say, I have openoffice 3.2, google chrome, kompozer, google earth and many more. I have removed some default  apps. which I never use17:00
Loshkimtskvan: please ask on #ubuntu-offtopic...17:00
Dr_Willisbondiblueos9_:  you may want to ask in the mac channel what linux type filesystems the macos supports.17:00
attishSealedWithAKiss, oh yes, very probably it emits sound through one of them HD video outputs (HDMI?)17:00
aeon-ltdLzrdKing: pointless since canonical isn't liable for all the things you install except the kernel, meta-packages and documentations. but yeah there should be a way to back up /home quickly and easily without rsync17:01
paketehow to enable malware protection after installing update kit?17:01
attishSealedWithAKiss, so lspci doesn't see the sound card you want to use?17:01
SealedWithAKissattish, I don't use the HDMI output. I use my on board sound card for sound, which isn't working.17:01
bondiblueos9_Dr_Willis: I guess I was wondering how good the ubuntu support for hfs+ or ufs is17:01
Dr_Willispakete:  what update-kit ? what malware?17:01
ozerimarmy system crashed would not boot right so i did another install with live cd. I located my old files in /home  is there a way to get to the back that i made?17:01
SealedWithAKissattish, no.17:01
Dr_Willisbondiblueos9_:  for hfs/hfs+ i think its readonly.. ie: proberly not good enough for your needs. I dont own a mac. i jsut see people asking in here about hfs all the time17:02
fon_I cannot use microphone  .17:02
attishSealedWithAKiss, is onboard audio enabled in BIOS?17:02
paketeit prompts via baloon in systray that i have malware protection disabled !17:02
xand_hello everyone, is there a way to list all the packages which have more than one version available ?17:02
LzrdKingaeon-ltd: or a system restore package17:02
ozerimarwhat does tmpv_x1ff  ?????  its a file thats locked with an x17:02
attishSealedWithAKiss, if no, I don't really have a clue why it doesn't show up on lspci's output17:02
SealedWithAKissattish, yeah.17:03
aeon-ltdLzrdKing: you mean like 'time machine' or more like windows restore?17:03
SealedWithAKissattish, what would the entry for an on board card look like?17:03
Dr_Willispakete:  what does? ive never seen any malware tools at all on ubuntu.   what is this 'update kit' you are refering to?17:03
ozerimarit is telling me i do not have permission to view it17:03
LzrdKingaeon-ltd: whatever gets the job done17:03
paketeupdate-kit - the one you get for free after upgrading to lynx17:03
aeon-ltdLzrdKing: actually yeah how about a backup bootable iso version of your current setup17:03
SealedWithAKissattish, it's there sorry. 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)17:03
Dr_Willispakete:  Hmm.. I think theres some confusion going on.17:04
SealedWithAKissattish, that's what I normally use. There's no sound though.17:04
=== ubuntu1 is now known as StPiere
attishSealedWithAKiss, now that's some good news; next thing to check is whether the module's there17:04
StPierehello , how do i give all permissions to one folder ?17:04
paketewhen you upgrade, you get an update kit which includes malware protection, but it is disabled for some reason DrWillis17:04
ksbalajiDoes 10.04 full installation accept a different existing folder in another partition for /home?17:04
SealedWithAKissattish, when I followed the troubleshooting guide, I discovered that the module was missing. We'll check again though, what's the command?17:05
fossconhi, do you guys know of a simple two-user command-line chat for ubuntu?17:05
LoshkiDr_Willis: pakete has been asking about this for days. No-one seems to know what he's talking about. He's been kicked for it at least once...17:05
attishSealedWithAKiss, do an lsmod | grep hda17:05
aeon-ltdStPiere: i'm not sure but i think its sudo chmod -ax (folder), don't try without googling first17:05
attishSealedWithAKiss, we're looking for a snd_hda_intel17:05
Dr_Willispakete:  You are confused. there is no such thing.  I suggest you do a reintall from a cd/iso from a regular ubuntu site.17:05
ozerimarTMPV_X1FF folder  with an x on it  It says i dont have permission rights/    How can i get permission to view the contents??17:06
blue_annafosscon: talk17:06
SealedWithAKissattish, returns no output.17:06
fossconblue_anna, thank you17:06
attishSealedWithAKiss, then try sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel17:06
Krowcan anyone tell me if i can make a dual boot with windows vista with an OEM CD , ( i am on lynx 10.04) ? and if there is a problem while the dual boot , can i boot on the live CD of linux?17:06
Dr_Willispakete:  if you really want help on the issue. make a video shot/screen shots of the tool and your screen/dialogs17:06
fosscondo you know where can I see its source code?17:06
blue_annafosscon: its not installed by default any more :S its way old, let me see if I can find info on it17:06
merniliohi all!17:06
SealedWithAKissattish, FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory17:06
attishozerimar, do an ls -ld followed by folder name (respecting case)17:06
=== CrEddy_ is now known as CrEddy
ozerimarin the console?  im in gnome17:07
paketeok i don't mind systray weather balloon, but i do mind about plymouth failure after install...Booting from usb stick has no problems by the way...which is sad...i tried sudo -s plymouth --reconfigure but it give an erroe of non existing command17:07
blue_annafosscon: its in package inetutils-talk17:07
fossconI need the source code too17:07
Krow  /nick an17:07
attishSealedWithAKiss, please do a uname -a, and then an ls /lib/modules17:07
=== bondiblueos9_ is now known as bondiblueos9
Krowoups sorry ><17:07
fossconis the source there too, blue_anna ?17:07
Dr_Willispakete:  where did you even get that plymouth command from?17:08
Kentrel!info textreader17:08
ubottuPackage textreader does not exist in lucid17:08
=== Krow is now known as an
attishSealedWithAKiss, it seems that for some reason, you don't have the kernel modules where they should be17:08
blue_annafosscon: Im not sure, I'd guess you can -d source or whatever -- do you need the chat utility or do you need to write one?17:08
KentrelAnyone know a good customizable text to speech reader with lots of features?17:08
Dr_Willispakete:  if your bvideo card is one of the ones that plymouth cant handle. then it cant handle it..17:08
=== an is now known as Guest92873
fossconI need the chat utility and its source (to see how it was done) :)17:08
SealedWithAKissattish, Linux michael-desktop 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 04:38:19 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux (uname -a)17:08
fossconto understand it17:08
attishozerimar, for that, get a terminal; alt-f2, enter "gnome-terminal", then click OK17:08
blue_annafosscon: writing one isnt that bad usually, at the example level17:08
paketesomeone said once i probably forgot its full text...video card is fine when you boot live from usb stick17:08
SealedWithAKissattish, 2.6.31-14-generic  2.6.31-21-generic (ls /lib/modules)17:09
fossconwell, I need to write one17:09
Dr_Willispakete:  http://delicious.com/dr_willis/plymouth  check the various links I guess..17:09
paketeincluding plymouth. as soon as you install on hard drive plymouth fails...17:09
fossconso I thought that I could use talk as a guideline17:09
Beyecixramdpakete, Dr_Willis: in fact, there is a way to fool Plymouth to run in non-supported cards. Just add vga=(resolution here) check framebuffer resolutions on internet17:09
caravelHi there17:09
bondiblueos9is there any software I can install that would give me a key combination I could hit and it would interupt everything that was happening and drop me to some sort of basic terminal?17:09
Loshkifosscon: apt-get source inetutils-talk should install the source code into the current directory, if your repos are set up for source code...17:10
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  i had vga= here made my consoles totally unreadable.. :)17:10
attishfosscon, it's as easy as apt-get source inetutils-talk, but I'm sure there's some kind of tutorial out there for this kind of thing, the complete source of talk may be complicated17:10
thekcdto the ttys?17:10
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Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  it could of been a wrong res i guess.. but the text was showing up as goofed up pixles.17:10
=== krow is now known as irc
BeyecixramdDr_Willis: depends on what did you actually put in the res :) it's a number17:10
thekcdctrl+alt+f4 ?17:10
irc* IRC.exe has encountered an exception in module 0843:154905. To solve the problem, hit Alt+F417:10
attishSealedWithAKiss, that's right, you don't have the modules for your kernel17:10
caravelbondiblueos9: Ctrl+Alt+F1 ? ;-)17:10
Dr_WillisI will stick with just diabling plymouth17:10
BeyecixramdDr_Willis: yep, i think it's a wrong res you got17:10
fossconlet me try17:10
=== irc is now known as Guest70947
attishbondiblueos9, umm try tilde, or something called like that17:10
SealedWithAKissattish, this means downloading and installing them?17:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:11
attishSealedWithAKiss, yes it does, looking up the package name...17:11
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  that 'startupmanager' tried to be smart and set a vga= res.. and did it wrongly. :)17:11
caravelbondiblueos9: come back with Alt+F7 to graphic mode17:11
SealedWithAKissattish, okay then take as long as you need.17:11
LoshkiDr_Willis: how do you disable plymouth?17:11
Um_cara_qualqueris it possible to cut a little part of a video and make a new one with this part?17:11
fossconthank you guys17:11
Dr_WillisLoshki:  i disabled the service,  mainly. It MIGHT actually be patched where it works now for my system. but im not going to bother to try to reenable it any time soon17:12
LoshkiUm_cara_qualquer: in general yes, depending on its format. I use avidemux for small edits on avi files...17:12
X4me1eoH_hi, who know russian chanell about ubuntu?17:12
Dr_WillisLoshki:  renamed the /etc/init/plymouth*  (may not be a good idea)17:12
LoshkiDr_Willis: thanks...17:12
llutz!ru > X4me1eoH_17:12
ubottuX4me1eoH_, please see my private message17:12
Um_cara_qualquerLoshki, it is avi... is it possible?17:13
X4me1eoH_thank, i want may chanell =)17:13
X4me1eoH_I banned on ubuntu-ru =(17:13
LoshkiDr_Willis: and it boots ok without plymouth?17:13
attishSealedWithAKiss, try this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.31-20-generic17:13
Dr_WillisLoshki:  yes. I just get a black screen for a bit . then the text messages..17:13
caravelhow to archive a usb key, contaiing a bootable live distribution with multiple partitions, in order to restore it later as simply as burning an iso file to cd ?17:13
LoshkiUm_cara_qualquer: try avidemux <file.avi> and see what it says about the file...17:14
LoshkiDr_Willis: great, thanks...17:14
Dr_WillisLoshki:  this is my 'updated 100+ times during beta to final box' so who knows what aall ive tweaked/hackes/broken on ot17:14
llutzcaravel: sudo cat /dev/sdX >stick.img17:14
Dr_WillisLoshki:  you may not be as lucky :)17:14
LoshkiDr_Willis: forewarned is forearmed :-)17:14
attishcaravel, if I understand correctly, you want to create a live CD from a bootable usb drive?17:14
attishcaravel, or just archive it, then later boot again from the same key?17:15
llutzcaravel: sudo cat stick.img >/dev/sdX           to restore later17:15
Dr_WillisLoshki:  some forum threads suggest just removeing the plymouth themes.17:15
caravelllutz: thanks, do you mean cat /dev/sdb (and not sdb1, sdb2..) ??17:15
Dr_WillisLoshki:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1457388&page=417:15
LoshkiDr_Willis: excellent, thank you...17:15
llutzcaravel: sda/sdb, you need the whole device if it has partitions on it17:15
attishcaravel, yes, you archive the whole device; just check which one is that17:15
corneliuSEX4me1eoH_: There is #ubuntu-ru  on RusNet17:16
Um_cara_qualquerLoshki, don't know what you mean... but i have avidemux here and it is running the video just fine17:16
attishcaravel, one way is do a dmesg after plugging in the device17:16
caravelattish: I have a live usb key created from a linutop -- no iso available, they have a script which downloads and patch directly the usb key17:16
Um_cara_qualquerLoshki, how can i cut a piece of it?17:16
Dr_WillisLoshki:  trying to reneable it to see it actually works now. :)17:16
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attishcaravel, but would you like to boot the image from a CD, or only from the key?17:17
squiddyoverheating on lucid. anyone have the same problem? any solution?17:17
attishsquiddy, what machine?17:17
SealedWithAKissattish, what next?17:17
caravelattish: only from the key -- I just want to use my key from something else, and be able to restore LinutopOS to a usb key whenever I need it, and without having a running LinutopOS accessible17:18
attishtry the sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel again17:18
Guest70947Kick me i'm famous \o/17:18
attishSealedWithAKiss, try the sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel again17:18
llutzcaravel: so "sudo cat /dev/sdX >stick.img" is what you want17:18
Guest71480Trouble with Pidgin status: I set the "Status to apply on startup". but the status is automatically set to last used status on startup. I am using Pidgin 2.7 on Lucid.17:18
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:18
caravelllutz: ok, thanks -- restoring will be ?17:18
llutzcaravel: sudo cat stick.img >/dev/sdX           to restore later17:19
attishcaravel, that's right. but be extremely careful when restoring! you could overwrite your hard drive if you use the wrong number for X17:19
caravelllutz: so simple, huh -- thanks a lot, cheers17:19
SealedWithAKissattish, shall I do a reboot like requested?17:19
llutzcaravel: and like i said, use the complete device (sda/sdb/sdc) and not the single partitions sdXY17:19
attishcaravel, I did that once :)17:19
caravelattish: I'm used to this stuff, I just didn't know cat could do that17:19
attishSealedWithAKiss, should not be necessary, but if it still doesn't work, it's worth a try17:20
llutzcaravel: you also can use dd, but i'f prefer cat17:20
attishcaravel, cat does it, but dd may be faster -- haven't tested, though17:20
llutzcaravel: sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=stick.img bs=4k17:20
tjingboemi have a /home but my terminal starts in /  Why?17:20
attishllutz, :))))))17:20
caravelI know dd -- but it does copy unused blocks, right?17:20
soupdragondid they change GRUB from 9.10 to 10.4?17:20
LoshkiUm_cara_qualquer: avidemux allows you to move the slider and set the beginning and end of a cut (see A and B at the bottom of the screen), and then cut away the bits you don't want and save the rest to a file. Be careful not to overwrite the original...17:20
ozerimarwhat is a initrd.img   file????17:20
llutzcaravel: both will do that17:20
caravelllutz: oh ^^ any way I can avoid it, then ?17:21
attishcaravel, llutz my guess is that the cat way wouldn't create sparse files, either; know anything about that?17:21
llutzcaravel: if you have ab 8gig stick you'll get an 8gig  image17:21
juancaHow to increase the screen resolutions available in Ubuntu Lucid? I'm only getting resolutions for 15" monitor and I have an ATI card17:21
Um_cara_qualquerLoshki, right17:21
bjlenhi can anyone help me copy a cd? i get a message from brasero saying i need cdaa2wav but i have cdparanoi and am using ubuntu 10.0417:21
tasis there an easy way to downgrade a package? I need BeautifulSoup to be an earlier version because it uses another htmlparser in the new one17:21
Inviscrwhats an easy way to install WMP54G wireless card from comand line17:21
squiddyattish: u mean the specs? AMD athlon X2 QL-67, ATi radeon 3200 HD, 3GB of RAM17:22
abhijainhello everyone17:22
PidginTroubleTrouble with Pidgin status: I set the "Status to apply on startup". but the status is automatically set to last used status on startup. I am using Pidgin 2.7 on Lucid.17:22
ozerimarinitrd.img   is this a backup file?17:22
attishcaravel, you could try cat /dev/sdX | bzip2 > drive.img17:22
private_metaSomehow there's something seriously wrong with the Ubuntu Upgrade process... everytime I upgrade to the next distribution, a feature breaks...17:22
SealedWithAKissattish, no output. Reboot then?17:22
xorwhyWhat command, if any, will tell me which version of the proprietary nvidia driver I am using17:22
Um_cara_qualquerLoshki, hahaha it worked man, thx17:22
attishozerimar, no, it's essentially an intermediate stage used when booting the system; don't touch it unless you know what you're doing17:22
attishSealedWithAKiss, ok then17:23
attishSealedWithAKiss, let's hope for the best ;)17:23
private_metaWith the last Upgrade, my touchpad stopped working, now USB Mouse Support and the local Keyboard on the notebook stopped responding17:23
LoshkiUm_cara_qualquer: very cool...17:23
caravelattish: nope, I'd have to zero the unused blocks first, or they'd be copied and compressed too.17:23
caravelSo back to square 1 ;-) how to create the equivalent to an iso, from a usb key ?17:23
ozerimari don't know what im doing17:23
SealedWithAKissattish, sure thing! Be back in a moment.......17:23
attishsquiddy, my guess would be sudo apt-get install powertop, then sudo powertop, and try the power saving tips it has17:23
tasozerimar: i got no clue what i'm doing either... you wanna join forces?17:23
atokadany way to integrate an ssh'd terminal into a windows wallpaper? similar to embedding a terminal into ubuntus desktop?17:24
jorgelinuxwhat's the best way to extract links from anchor in an html text17:24
squiddyattish: will do. i'll tell you the result. thanks17:24
ozerimari made backups of my system when it was working unfortuneatly while upgrading i lost power to the laptop and could not recove r    so i reinstalled from the cd  but now i see my old files17:24
Um_cara_qualquerLoshki, by the way is it still possible to include subtitle in it? the part that matches with the part of the video?17:24
attishcaravel, an ISO is a byte-to-byte representation of the CD; the same for an USB is what you'd get by doing the cat thing17:24
juancaHow to increase the screen resolutions available in Ubuntu Lucid? I'm only getting resolutions for 15" monitor and I have an ATI card17:24
PidginTroubleTrouble with Pidgin status: I set the "Status to apply on startup". but the status is automatically set to last used status on startup. I am using Pidgin 2.7 on Lucid. NOONE WILLING TO HELP?17:25
attishcaravel, what bothers you is that you have a 650MB installation on a 8GB key, you don't need a 8GB file17:25
attishcaravel, am I correct?17:25
jorgelinuxPidginTrouble, NO17:25
bludshi, there is any way to write data on a compact flash without any filesystem? I would like to write the first bits of the compact, any idea???17:25
sh1nyjuanca, is your monitor a widescreen one with more than one input ?17:25
ozerimarmy old files contained all drivers for my sound card  and wifi etc    is there a way to retrieve them17:25
juancash1ny: no17:26
attishozerimar, you installed over your old installation without backing up anything?17:26
tadocaptions in the cairo dock suc-docks are all blurred, but i can't find the setting that regulates it, does anyone know how to fix it?17:26
tasjorgelinux, Theres a few html parses out there... i personally use BeatifulSoup for such tasks... it's an lib for python17:26
attishbluds, you can write it just like any block device17:26
LoshkiUm_cara_qualquer: that depends on how the subtitles are stored. Usually the subs for an avi are in a separate (.srt) file and you'd have to edit that file separately and change all the timings. I use subtitleworkshop under wine to adjust subtitle timings. Nothing else works like it...17:26
sh1nyi have an ati card also and it works fine fr 1680x1050 , if we exclude the monitor not initializing the proper input sometimes17:26
ozerimaryes i backed up  but only to my hard drive..   i see all my old files. pics etc    with the new installation17:27
SealedWithAKissattish, the sound is working! I'm gonna throw some Creed on now.17:27
jorgelinuxtas, gonna take a look at it17:27
jorgelinuxtas, thanks17:27
ozerimarbut i have no wireless or sound everything is default17:27
attishSealedWithAKiss, I recommend Human Clay ;)17:27
tasjorgelinux, no problem bro :)17:27
ozerimarthere is no way of accessing the backup files i made?17:27
SealedWithAKissattish, I don't know who Human Clay are, I'll check them out though!17:28
tadole sub dock di cairo-dock mi appaiono con le scritte fuori fuoco, ma non trovo come modificarle. qualcuno sa aiutare?17:28
SealedWithAKissattish, ohhhhh.17:28
tadowrong channel :)17:28
SealedWithAKissattish, it's a Creed album.17:28
attishSealedWithAKiss, yes it is :)17:28
=== Prof_BiG_BanG is now known as prof_away
SealedWithAKissattish, Creed are a band that I have only gotten into recently so I wasn't aware. I'm listening to a few songs from that particular album now as it goes.17:29
ForgeAuswhats the best dockbar app for gnome? (other than gnome-panel of course)17:29
ForgeAusok thx :)17:29
juancaHow to increase the screen resolutions available in Ubuntu Lucid? I'm only getting resolutions for 15" monitor and I have an ATI card17:29
ForgeAuslots of options like awn cairo-dock around17:29
alketHi , I want to watch a movie with VLC but seems that subtitles are 5 second after , how do i correct this ?17:29
ForgeAusKDE has almost none17:30
timmillwoodjuanca: Sounds like a driver issue17:30
attishSealedWithAKiss, I don't know much about them either, I've only heard this one album.17:30
juancatimmillwood: how can I solve it... how can I know if my ATI is working?17:30
timmillwoodWhat's the best sub 10" netbook to run ubuntu on?17:30
m4tic@alket did u try totem?17:31
ForgeAuslots of mono behind gnome17:31
bludsattish there is any command to write blocks ??17:31
timmillwoodjuanca: Google "ati [model no.] ubuntu"17:31
jorgelinuxtas, one more question.. when you do an import from python, how do you specify the path of the file to import???17:31
attishbluds, sure, the best tool to use is dd17:31
bludsthanks attish17:31
SealedWithAKissattish, are modules the equivalent of drivers?17:32
attishbluds, a word of advice17:32
=== prof_away is now known as Prof_BiG_BanG
attishbluds, be very careful, you can ruin your hard drive; always triple-check which device you output to.17:32
ForgeAusfor ati theres an app jockey right?17:33
caravelattish: sorry was away -- yes, you are correct. I think I don't quite get what is the structure of a bootable USB key. I would use Clonezilla, but it's a bit heavy for the circumstance (I never installed it locally, I use CloneZilla live), I'd like to know how to do this without rebooting or installing extra software, if possible17:33
attishSealedWithAKiss, basically, though modules are just pluggable pieces of kernel code; they are not tied to what drivers do17:33
ForgeAusI think the ubotu link is outdated17:33
bludsattish, thanks for the advice :D17:33
madjoehello! who's a moderator of this channel?17:33
madjoenot a bot.. a real person..17:34
princecan anyone help me in installing oracle 10g in ubuntu17:34
madjoeany moderators in here?17:35
attishcaravel, I don't know much about the structure of a bootable usb key, but I'd love to; however if you do it like this: 1. erase the key completely, eg. cat /dev/zero > /dev/sdx 2. install 3. archive using cat /dev/sdx | gzip > key.img; this way, gzip will very efficiently compress away all those zeroes to a few bytes17:35
soupdragonmadjoe, you can check /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list   if nobody replies17:35
princeyes oracle 10g17:35
konmanprince: I don't want to send you away but doesn't oracle do support?17:36
m4ticwhat's oracle?17:36
spvenskohi, my icons along my top bar in gnome are hopping around between reboots, is there any way to prevent this?17:36
m4ticdo u min solaris?17:36
attishhello! when I boot up a lucid live cd, gdu-notification-daemon crashes on an assertion; this seems to be bug #568565. I checked the source, and my impression is that something delays dbus initialization on certain machines, and this makes said daemon's attempts at connecting to it fail; could you give me some hints on how to go about diagnosing a bug that is so awkward to reproduce? (or, if this is not the place to ask this, point me to the right place plea17:36
m4tic@spvensko right click the icon and lock it17:36
tasjorgelinux, how to import a file?? a html file? you can use urllib for that17:37
salilnot one f***ing distro will allow installing only the boot loader using the setup disk... You always have to install the entire thing if you messed up...17:37
madjoenhandler: ping17:37
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kub0lhi all17:38
attishsalil, you can do it17:38
princehi all17:38
kub0li've got a problem17:38
salilattish: I know you can.. But not off the setup disk17:38
kub0lhow can i remove CEDEGA?17:38
princeany one who can help me installing oracle 10g on ubuntu ?17:38
soupdragondoes anyone know why karmic boots on my computer but lucid doesn't?17:38
soupdragonhas GRUB changed17:39
blue_annahwat font do I need to view kanji ?17:39
basajaunhave problem updating grub header 00 1: Syntax error: "|" unexpected http://paste.ubuntu.com/435054/17:39
attishsalil, you boot up using a live CD, then mount the drive with the broken distro, then chroot into it17:39
attishsalil, then do a sudo grub-install /dev/sdX17:39
kub0lhow can i remove cedega? Is there somethink like UNINSTALL in windows?17:39
salili tried that... didn't work... tried sudo grub and then setup (hd0) also... nothing worked with intrepid..17:40
Actarusanyone knows if there is a cpu-cores monitor to add as gnome applet?17:40
caravelattish: thanks for the advice17:40
datacrusherhello everyone. Im working on a vm here, that if it all goes right i wanna use it as image to install ubuntu on some machines, can i do this kinda thing?17:40
skyredkroot, I have the commands here, could you modify it with gdb? http://pastebin.com/TE82zbk717:40
attishsalil, sorry then, that has always helped me17:40
phonicactarus: have you tried the system monitor applet?17:41
Actarusyes but it doesn't show all the cores, only 1 cpu17:41
salilattish: I guess i missed something.. Anyway i was only installing it on a vm..17:41
m4tickub0l: system.administration.synaptic and search for codega, untick the box and apply17:41
kub0li canot find CEDEGA in my synaptic17:42
kub0li tried 3 times17:42
AhmedBHhi, I have a problem when ever i open Log Viewer 2.30.0 it shows an error how do i reinstall it ?17:43
AhmedBHi use Gnome by the way17:43
noctiluxhi everyone17:43
m4ticthen codega not cedega17:43
Picikub0l: Thats because it is not in our repositories. It is a commercial product that you'd need to get from their website.17:43
noctiluxcedega or codega?17:43
m4tiche wants to uninstall it people17:43
salilneither is there17:44
noctiluxoh, right17:44
salildatacrusher: yes17:44
m4tickub0l: what OS are you using?17:44
dominicdinadawell where do i get templates from ?17:45
AhmedBHsudo -K ? and sudo -k ? is that a same command and what is that for ? :)17:45
datacrushersalil, for what should i search?17:45
salildatacrusher: what do you want to do? Copy this installation on multiple vms?17:45
noctiluxdoes anyone here know his/her way around maxima?17:46
warriorforgodAhmedBH: man sudo will tell you17:46
m4ticwhats maxima17:46
AhmedBHGood idea thanks17:46
noctiluxm4tic: that's a maths program17:46
m4tici use derive 6 and mathlab in wine17:46
ActarusIs there any way of adding a terminal to Nautilus so that it opens to the directory currently showed in the browser? there is somehting similar in KDE17:47
datacrushersalil, i got 10 kiosk computers here on the library, running windowx vista + gpolicies. Im testint an ubuntu to do the same job, surf the web and lock down access17:47
t6...hi how can i register my nickname .. Bit of a newb ~~hehehehe~~                                                                                                                                                                    [[ DCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 0 ]]17:47
Mrokiihello. My 10.04-partition only starts up to a grub-prompt. I have tried to rebuild the bootloader and recreated the grub.cnf-file, but that didn't help. Does anybody have tips on what else I could try?17:47
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.17:47
datacrusherbut i dont wanna install ubuntu on every single machine and do this all over again, would be nice if i have to do something like a basic install and import this configs, clone the vm to the machines.. dont know exactly17:47
LzrdKingwhat "above"?17:47
cobalt_haha kak eEeeeeeeee?17:47
LzrdKingis it talking about 3 hours ago?17:48
cobalt_botovete samo vij kak sa naredeni i izbroeni17:48
m4ticMrokii: did you try sudo update-grub217:48
noctiluxblimey, quite a bit going on here, isn't there :D17:48
cobalt_edno vreme i nie imahme takiva :)17:48
dunasI'm having a problem with the Totem plugin for Firefox. When trying to play videos, it defaults to volume:0 and I can't find a kind of preferences panel anywhere nor do I know what to configure otherwise. Help?17:48
IdleOne!english | cobalt_17:48
ubottucobalt_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:48
grishataka stava17:48
salildatacrusher: Depending on what vm you are using, you can just copy the hard disk image and vm config file to all machines and run it on all...17:48
grishakato nqkoi hora im dadesh malko vlast17:48
m4ticENGLISH please17:49
grishaprebaha vsichko17:49
salildatacrusher: What's the vm manager you are using?17:49
grishakak moje da ima tolkova user17:49
IdleOne!english | grisha17:49
ubottugrisha: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:49
FloodBot1grisha: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:49
grishana eng iskat17:49
grishafuck the english :)17:49
grishaim bulgarian17:49
AhmedBHHow do i clean the memory after upgrading or installing packages by synaptic ?17:50
AhmedBHits still in there so17:50
* zYc is away (Bis bald, bin dann mal weg)17:50
=== zYc is now known as zYc|off
sh1nymemory ?17:50
sh1nyapt-get clean cleans the caches17:50
AhmedBHi mean HDD space17:50
sh1nyapt-get clean :)17:50
datacrusherim using virtualbox, under windows vista17:50
xand_hello everyone, is there a way to list all the packages which have more than one version available ?17:50
attishhello, I'm trying to fix a bug, but I need some directions; which channel should I go asking for help in this?17:51
AhmedBHits saying unable to lock directory huh17:51
AhmedBHnothing else is runing ..17:51
sh1nyxand, you can see all the versions of a specific package with aptitude show packagename17:51
vltHello. Is anyone using Pidgin with gmail's XMPP and video calls successfully and can confirm that this works?17:51
basajaunhave problem updating grub header 00 1: Syntax error: "|" unexpected http://paste.ubuntu.com/435054/  can someone help?17:51
sh1nyAhmedBH, try rebooting , or ps xa | grep apt17:51
attishxand_, I guess you'll have to roll your own solution; check man apt-get and related commands17:51
sh1nyAhmedBH, and see what it returns and kill it17:51
=== omar is now known as Shoruken
attishxand, by the way, what do you mean? using apt, you can only install the most recent version of a package unless you use version pinning17:53
sh1nyattish, wrong :)17:53
xand_attish, so there's no way you're aware of...17:54
* noctilux failed impressively when trying to use emacs17:54
attishsh1ny, yes, now I see. you can specify versions using the equal sign17:54
attishxand_ I didn't say that, I would just like a cleaner image of what you're trying to do17:54
attishxand_ almost all the packages have multiple versions in the repos17:55
warriorforgodIs PC2 memory and DDR2 memory the same thing?17:55
dunasI'm having a problem with the Totem plugin for Firefox. When trying to play videos, it defaults to volume:0 and I can't find a kind of preferences panel anywhere nor do I know what to configure otherwise. Help?17:55
xand_attish, oh alright, i'm studying this parts on aptitude, and a listing like this would come very handy17:55
hultgrenI have a Sony Vaio VGN-SR39VN with Ubuntu 10.04.. the fan is always running like mad. I've tried the proprietary graphics drivers and vaiofand, but to no avail. Suggestions?17:56
attishxand_, aptitude lists only the newest versions of each package, no?17:56
salildatacrusher: ?17:56
sh1nyattish, wrong again17:56
sh1nyattish, don't make it a habbit ^_^17:57
attishsh1ny, good thing someone's watching over me, so I'm safe to make errors :)17:57
datacrushersalil, im using virutualbox17:57
xand_attish, not if you turn on verbosity17:57
attishsh1ny, how about you help the guy, and I watch? :)17:58
sh1nyxand, attish , just hit enter on the package, go to versions and hit the + on the version you want17:58
tebytecan someone help me plz? i cant run Nessus17:58
sh1nythat is if they are other versions available in the repos17:58
basajaunQuestion: have problem updating grub header 00 1: Syntax error: "|" unexpected http://paste.ubuntu.com/435054/  can someone help?17:58
sh1nyattish, i am helping ! :)17:59
salildatacrusher: In C:\Users\<your username>\.Virtualbox you should find a folder called "Machines" where there are folder for the machines you created... You can copy this folder to all kiosks and run them...17:59
tebytequien me ayuda no puedo correr el Nessus17:59
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:59
attishxand_, try apt-cache showpkg packagename18:00
noctiluxDoes that bot actually automatically recognise a wrong language?18:00
Picinoctilux: no, but our users here do.18:01
a94060no,i just typed in es which makes it give the spanish one18:01
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:01
xand_attish, sh1ny, hum ok, but isn't there a command thru aptitude CLI that lists all packages which have more than one version  available from lets say different repositories ?18:01
noctiluxah, right18:01
sh1nyxand, no, there isnt18:01
xand_sh1ny, alright18:02
xand_sh1ny, thanks !18:02
m4ticxand_ what specific package are you looking for?18:02
hardcorowiec!op hardcorowiec18:02
Picihardcorowiec: ?18:02
sh1nyxand, you could try writing a script to do that18:02
sh1nyxand, in a language that you know :)18:02
xand_m4tic, i can do it for a specific package with aptitude show -V18:03
xand_sh1ny, yes that should not take a lot of time18:04
alkamidany idea how to check my bluetooth mac address?18:04
caravelI've put xubuntu alternate on a usb key. It starts, but fails at the "cdrom detection" step. How to do this ?18:05
caravel(I used UnetBootIn)18:06
m4ticdo u min BIOS can't detect?18:06
mickster04wtf has happened to #ubuntu the last couple of days18:06
m4ticmickster04 its a lot better than #mandriva trust me18:07
om26ermickster04, please watch the language18:07
eamalkamid: are you joking18:08
eamom26er: rather18:08
alkamideam: no I'm not18:08
om26eream, hrm?18:08
eamalkamid: yeah, you're not18:09
sebsebsebbittin: hi18:09
BigbrumbrumHello! :) How do i get ubuntu to run my the same graphics driver as in failsafe-graphics-mode on my normal boot session?18:10
eamhey anyone know of a utility like osx's open(1), to open the given file with the appropriate application? Does gnome or any of the desktop environments have such a thing?18:10
jrtaylorivI'm following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP to install LAMP ... I just did the part where it says to do "sudo a2dissite default && sudo a2ensite mysite" and restarted Apache. But now when I go to http://localhost (or, I get a 403 error "Forbidden: You don't have permission to access / on this server." ... how do I fix this?18:10
alkamideam: was it a lame question?18:10
jrtaylorivDo I need to change permissions on the files to allow apache to access them?18:10
linxehjrtayloriv: I'm guessing your directory doesnt contain index.html, or it isnt readable by www-data18:10
eamalkamid: was a typo - I meant to address om26er18:11
attisheam, I think that'd be xdg-open18:11
eamattish: awesome, thx18:11
jrtaylorivlinxeh, OK -- it's the latter. I was looking in /etc/group and couldn't figure out which one Ubuntu used for apache -- I'm used to Gentoo. Thanks for your help18:11
Bigbrumbrumanyone who can help me? uninstalling fglrx doesnt do the trick...18:11
linxehjrtayloriv: check the user that apache is running as if in doubt ;-)18:12
jrtaylorivlinxeh, How do I do that?18:12
basajaunplease can someone help  at the update grub command I get /etc/grub.d/_00 header syntax error : " | " unexpected,?18:12
caravelm4tic: no, I mean that the installer launches correctly, but then fails while trying to detect a cdrom drive18:12
caravelit doesn't seem like the Alternate distribution is designed to be launched from a usb stick18:13
=== Prof_BiG_BanG is now known as prof_away
m4ticwhy does it have to detect cdrom? try the livecd image18:13
nano-Hi, I'm trying to install gnustep-devel on Lucid, but seems like gorm.app is missing. Any hints on what to do?18:13
caravelm4tic: I don't know why! I want to use the Alternate in order to install an encrypted system. Standard live distribution all work18:14
=== mickster14 is now known as mickster04
m4ticif they all work, why use something that doesn't?18:15
Bigbrumbrumnano -: sudo apt-get install gnustep-devel gets this message for me: Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have18:15
Bigbrumbrumrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable18:15
Bigbrumbrumdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created18:15
Bigbrumbrumor been moved out of Incoming.18:15
BigbrumbrumThe following information may help to resolve the situation:18:15
FloodBot4Bigbrumbrum: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
BigbrumbrumThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  gnustep-devel: Depends: gorm.app but it is not installable E: Broken packages18:15
attishnano- check which package has it using package.ubuntu.com18:15
AnxiousNutIs there a way to use torrent clients to download contents using http and ftp? some clients in windows can do that!18:16
Friamiedajoin #frikipedia18:16
Friamiedajoin #frikipedia18:16
FloodBot4Friamieda: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:17
phylockdo anyone know a "how to" on Ubuntu Server and thin client setup, where i can reconnect to the same session(do not close my applications when i close).18:17
a94060AnxiousNut, you may want to check out deluge18:17
sh1nyphylock, use the alternate installer cd18:17
AnxiousNuta94060, can it do that?18:17
SlartAnxiousNut: I know azureus has support for using http seeding.. not sure what it means though18:17
sh1nyphylock, it has an option at the install menu to install LTSP server18:17
a94060AnxiousNut, I am not sure . I have never used it for that purpose and dont have it installed right now18:18
sh1nyphylock, you might want to read the docs tho18:18
phylocksh1ny - :d i take a look18:18
sh1nyAnxiousNut, just use FileZilla or something for that ? or you can install azureus and see if it does that18:18
AnxiousNutthanks Slart and a94060, i'll check these apps :)18:18
sh1nyphylock, i did setup this 2 years ago for a client with 8.04 and it worked just fine18:18
a94060you are welcome AnxiousNut I love this tab feature18:19
AnxiousNuta94060, yea me too18:19
Gilghahi, I wonder if it's possible to avoid my wireless card to go to sleep mode while the lid of my laptop is closed?18:19
a94060Gilgha, no I dont think its possible to do so18:20
sh1nyphylock, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP18:20
sh1nyphylock, a lot to read ^_^18:20
a94060when the computer sleeps,everything gets turned off. If you are trying to run a server or something,computer has to stay on Gilgha18:20
phylocksh1ny - thanks18:20
jrtaylorivlinxeh, I changed the permissions, and I'm still getting the error. Any other suggestions?18:20
Gilghano you didn't understand a9406018:21
vimalg2Does Lucid work out of the box on Xen parravirt?18:21
Gilghathe computer doesn't sleep18:21
linxehjrtayloriv: what do you get in the apache error log for your site?18:21
a94060oh oh oh,my bad. you want the computer to stay on when you just close the lid Gilgha ?18:21
linxehjrtayloriv: by defualt it is in /var/log/apache2/error_log - unless your site config changes it18:21
jrtayloriv[Mon May 17 10:21:02 2010] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: access to /index.html denied18:21
Gilghawhen I close the lid, the screen turns off but the computer keep on running. Except for the wireless card which is going to sleep mode18:21
linxehjrtayloriv: then its a permissions problem still - are the directories owned/readable too?18:22
linxehjrtayloriv: the whole tree has to have execute bit set for world at least18:22
a94060oh, Gilgha ,I am not sure then. I was also going to say System -> Preferences -> Power Management and check there. Not sure about that18:22
jrtayloriv-rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 29 2010-05-17 10:01 index.html18:22
jrtaylorivdrwxr-xr-x  2 www-data www-data  4096 2010-05-17 10:01 www18:22
linxehjrtayloriv: and the parent directories above www are all world readable / owned by www-data too ?18:22
linxehjrtayloriv: btw unless you need the web server to change the contents of the www dir you should probably have the files owned by another user18:23
jrtaylorivlinxeh, No, it's in a subdir of my home directory. I was following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP, which said I could do that.18:23
RyanPI'm work for a school district. We're using an install of Ubuntu Jaunty with OpenOffice in some schools. We had some complaints about inappropriate clip art from the openclipart packages in the writer gallery. I've deleted the images, but the thumbnails still show up. The thumbnails seem to be contained in the openclipart-openoffice.org package as .sdg and .sdv snd .thm., but I don't know how to view or edit those files. Is there anyth18:24
RyanPing I can do?18:24
jrtaylorivlinxeh, (That was in response to "above www are all world readable ...")18:24
aciculavimalg2, as a guest os you mean? i should think so, maybe you have to switch to the xen kernel isnstead of the standard one18:24
linxehjrtayloriv: where does it say that ?18:24
GilghaI've already searched there a94060 , that's the way I managed to avoid the computer going to sleep mode while the lid is closed18:24
a94060Alrighty, well I dont know then,sorry Gilgha18:24
jrtaylorivlinxeh, "Change the Directory directive, replace <Directory /var/www/> to <Directory /home/user/public_html/>"18:24
xorwhyHow do I disable extra TTY's for upstart?18:24
sdkI've got a laptop that will have a dedicated use.  I need help figuring out how to do two things: 1) autologin on boot (I'll still have SSH for administration) and 2) have a script run on login (there used to be a 'Sessions' applet, but I can't find it).  Can someone lend a hand?18:24
linxehjrtayloriv: sure, but your home directory needs to have world execute at least, as well as the public_html directory18:25
GilghaOk neverming a9406018:25
aciculasdk gui autologon is set via the logon preferences under administration18:25
Gilghabut is anybody else know how to avoid the wireless card of my laptop going to sleep mode while the lid is closed?18:25
aciculasdk, startup execution  once logged in is under preferences , startup applications18:25
jrtaylorivlinxeh, OK, and there is nothing unsafe about giving those permissions on my home dir?18:26
aciculaGilgha, isnt the entire laptop going to sleep?18:26
vltHello. Is anyone using Pidgin with gmail's XMPP and video calls successfully and can confirm that this works? (Or willing to test a short video connection?)18:26
sdkacicula: Gah.. ther eit is.. duh.18:26
linxehjrtayloriv: other than people can run commands in there, no, they cant modify files etc, and as long as you make sure the other files in there have the right permissions it is fine18:26
sh1nyvlt, to be honest i tried a lot and couldnt make it work properly, so i switched to empathy for that18:26
sdkacicula: Many thanks.18:26
Gilghano that's the point acicula, the laptop keeps on running. The screen turns off but the laptop keeps on running.18:26
linxehjrtayloriv: many of the companies I've worked at have had a separate webhome directory for this reason18:27
jrtaylorivlinxeh, How come the default apache site works even though the permissions are set to root:root? Why do I have to set it to www-data elsewhere?18:27
Roasted_is medibuntu down or something? Im trying to convert some music files to mp3 but my sound converter doesnt show mp3 as a convert-able option. I googled and it said I need medibuntu. I installed but nothing changed.18:27
linxehjrtayloriv: because of the user/group/world permissions18:27
aciculajrtayloriv, ownership and access permissions are related, but not the same18:27
linxehjrtayloriv: the files are owned by root/group root, but anyone can read them18:27
aciculasomething that is owned by root but r--r--r-- is readable for everything18:28
jribRoasted_: installed what exactly?18:28
jrtaylorivI see. So it's the access permissions that I'm setting for apache, and the ownership permissions for the user who will be editing them, correct?18:28
linxehjrtayloriv: you shouldnt need to change ownership to www-data; the only cases you do are fringe ones - ie don't do it unless you understand18:28
linxehyes correct18:28
aciculaie the wwwhome user can read anything that is world readable, or readable for the wwwuser or wwwgroup18:28
linxehright, home time !18:28
aciculaer www-data user18:28
jrtaylorivExcellent. Thanks so much to both of you for explaining that to me.18:29
Snomihey do you guys know anything about integrating google calendar and windows live calendar into ubuntu calendar?18:29
Snomiusing the .ical files?18:29
Gilghacrap nobody knows hot to avoid the wireless card going to sleep mode while the lid of my laptop is closed?18:29
Roasted_jrib, the medibuntu repo. on the repository how-to page.18:29
jribGilgha: is your computer suspending when you close the lid?18:29
acicula Gilgha isnt the entire laptop going to sleep?18:29
jribRoasted_: well if you just enabled a repository, that gives you access to more software but doesn't actually install anything.18:29
m4tic how to erase a directory and its subfolders on an HDD drive connect to LAN via Ethernet?18:30
Roasted_jrib, oh, okay... how would I enable mp3 support for sound converter?18:30
GilghaNo acicula and jrib, the entire laptop stay awake, I configured it that way18:30
jribRoasted_: I don't know, but did the link you read not tell you?  What was it (the link)?18:30
Roasted_jrib, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu18:30
jribRoasted_: where does that talk about mp3 conversion?18:31
Roasted_jrib, I did the SAME thing on my desktop when I installed 10.04, and it works fine.18:31
Slartm4tic: uhmm.. you can't connect a hard drive directly to ethernet afaik.. there's probably a small file server attached to the hard drive.. use that to access the files/directories18:31
Roasted_jrib, with sound converter + mp3 or whatever.18:31
Roasted_jrib, but not my laptop *shrug*18:31
aciculaGilgha, dunno then why it flips into sleep mode18:31
m4ticslart: its an ext318:32
jribRoasted_: there isn't a single instance of "mp3" on the medibuntu page18:32
Roasted_jrib, I know. But Im not sure what else I did. I installed medibuntu by reaction on my desktop + laptop, yet laptop doesnt work. I dont know what else I need.18:33
Slartm4tic: rm -r will delete stuff recursively.. be careful when you run it though18:33
jribRoasted_: ok, so there isn't actually any link that told you to enable medibuntu to get the mp3 option now?18:33
sebsebseb!es | servidor18:33
ubottuservidor: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:33
servidorok no problem  thanks18:34
Roasted_jrib, No - I just grabbed medibuntu based on reaction since I do it for every install anyway. I just thought that medibuntu might have a connection to being the issue because up until 3 minutes ago, I didnt have it on my laptop.18:34
Roasted_jrib, so I thought, oh okay, we have a difference between laptop install vs desktop. lets match it up since desktop works. I did - laptop still dont work. hence my confusion.18:34
jribRoasted_: medibuntu is only a repository.  You need to install things from it.  Try gstreamer*-plugin* (you probably need the "ugly" and "ugly-multiverse" ones)18:35
DevilHanhi guys, any idea why double click with mouse no longer copies the content in ubuntu?18:35
Roasted_jrib, oh okay. I wonder how I got around that on my desktop then... unless something is saved in your home directory that would help, cause on my desktop I didnt format my home directory - on my laptop I started from ground up.18:36
DevilHanis there an option I need to enable?18:36
m4ticdouble click?18:36
ForgeAus!info gstreamer-plgin-ugly18:36
ubottuPackage gstreamer-plgin-ugly does not exist in lucid18:36
jribRoasted_: you probably installed those packages at some point18:36
ForgeAus!info gstreamer-plugin-ugly18:36
ubottuPackage gstreamer-plugin-ugly does not exist in lucid18:36
ForgeAushelps if I can type18:36
ForgeAuswhat? .. hmmm... that because its in metaverse?18:36
Roasted_jrib, not during the install of the desktop. Im POSITIVE of that. If I installed them earlier and something got saved in a hidden folder in my home directory, thats another matter.18:36
jrib!info gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly18:36
ubottugstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly (source: gst-plugins-ugly0.10): GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.14-1 (lucid), package size 335 kB, installed size 1280 kB18:36
jrib!info gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse18:36
ubottugstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse (source: gst-plugins-ugly-multiverse0.10): GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set (Multiverse Variant). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.10.14-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 60 kB, installed size 180 kB18:36
SlartDevilHan: double click where? files and folders? text in a terminal?18:36
Roasted_jrib, btw I have mp3 support via gstreamer installed according to software center. grrr.18:37
jribRoasted_: no, installed things do not go to your home.  Either you had it installed and did an upgrade or you installed it after18:37
ForgeAusargh did I really just say metaverse instead of multiverse?18:37
* ForgeAus thwaps himself...18:37
DCGstudiosRoasted_, your problem is just a mp3 codec problem? you guys are making it 10x harder then it needs to be if so18:37
Roasted_jrib, then it had to have com ethrough updates. I dont mean to sound like a stubborn "the computer is wrong!" type, but Im positive I installed nothing else manually.18:37
SlartForgeAus: no worries.. you said IC as well.. but you can still make it.. just fight back =)18:37
Roasted_DCGstudios, Im just trying to get sound converter to work with mp3s.18:37
jribRoasted_: often, totem prompts you to install these packages if it needs it18:38
Roasted_DCGstudios, I can PLAY mp3's fine. But sound converter doesnt give me the option to convert via mp3.18:38
DCGstudiosRoasted_, are you using ffmpeg?18:38
sipiorRoasted_: might be of some use to you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111728318:38
Roasted_DCGstudios, Im using sound converter.18:38
caravelhow to run the Alternate install from a usb stick ? it runs, but fails at cd detection step. Is there a solution ?18:38
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:39
ForgeAuslol Slart :)18:39
HoudiniManWondering if anybody has FOG installed and could assist on a slow multicasting problem?18:39
DCGstudiosRoasted_,  http://sox.sourceforge.net/18:39
edbianI'd like to connect my ubuntu computer to an audio reciever.  Are there sound cards that ouptut in a more proper way than those head-phone jack style connections?18:39
DevilHanSlart, text in console18:39
mapachai need help...18:40
DevilHandouble click on text in console should do copy and then, another mouse click should do paste, is it not?18:40
sebsebseb!ask | mapacha18:40
ubottumapacha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:40
caravelSlart: thanks a lot, I guess my answer is the option "cdrom-detect/try-usb=true". Didn't din it in French translations. Cheers18:40
aciculaedbian, what "other" proper way, you have 3.5"" jacks or optics on consumer hardware18:40
DCGstudiosRoasted_, its also in repos, 'sudo apt-get install sox'18:40
Roasted_DCGstudios, not to sound stubborn, but no thanks. I have sound converter working on my desktop. it's 10.04. sound converter. mp3. works. Theres no reason my laptop should have to use a different application.18:40
Syco54645hello all, i am having an issue that when i try to burn a dvd in ubuntu the final product is riddled with crc errors. this drive works fine in windows. i have used k3b, brasero and even xfburn with no luch18:40
sipioredbian: more expensive ones, certainly.18:40
edbianacicula, Thanks18:40
Syco54645what could the issue be?18:40
edbiansipior, Thanks18:40
jribRoasted_: have you installed those packages yet?18:40
SlartDevilHan: hmm.. I've always just marked the text and used ctrl+shift+c/v.. never tried double clicking18:40
Slartcaravel: you're welcome18:41
Roasted_jrib, No - did you say if I open totem it prompts me about them?18:41
DevilHanhmm, it should work with double click18:41
RyanPI'm work for a school district. We're using an install of Ubuntu Jaunty with OpenOffice in some schools. We had some complaints about inappropriate clip art from the openclipart packages in the writer gallery. I've deleted the images, but the thumbnails still show up. The thumbnails seem to be contained in the openclipart-openoffice.org package as .sdg and .sdv snd .thm., but I don't know how to view or edit those files. Is there anyth18:41
RyanPing I can do? Sorry if this got answered, I had some network issues.18:41
SlartDevilHan: just tried it in a gnome terminal.. middle click pastes whatever I've marked.. if that's what you mean18:41
DevilHannot double click, but a selection usually copies18:41
DCGstudiosRoasted_, lol doesnt sound 'silly'... sounds pointless and time consuming for no reason.18:41
DevilHanok, thanks18:41
Psycho_Mariohi, are there any gnome terminal emulators which i can have multiple bash sessions running in the same window, like a grid, only one window, but multiple bash prompts for me to use concurrently18:41
jribRoasted_: No, I said "often, totem prompts you to install these packages if it needs it".  This was an attempt at explaining how the packages got installed on your desktop.  On your laptop, just install the two packages I mentioned yourself and see if it resolves your issue18:42
SlartPsycho_Mario: try "terminator"18:42
Roasted_DCGstudios, that's your opinion, but I disagree. The fn thing should work. I shouldnt have to use different configs from 1 pc to another to another to another.18:42
Roasted_jrib, thanks - looking into it now18:42
Psycho_MarioSlart: perfect, thank you18:42
SlartPsycho_Mario: I'm not sure if it's an addon to gnome-terminal or something you run in a terminal.. but I think it can split windows in all kinds of ways18:42
DCGstudiosRoasted_, it works, your likley not installing correct codecs.18:42
kennyG_Could someone help me to figure out a application with I can see and edit html email?18:42
SlartPsycho_Mario: you're welcome18:42
Roasted_DCGstudios, exactly - I just need to find the differences. that's all. :P18:43
jribRoasted_: or just install "ubuntu-restricted-extras" and it will install most things you will probably want at some point18:43
Roasted_jrib, wait. that was probably it.18:43
mapachai need to make ma box a router for ip forwarding...18:43
shane2peruok, I put a php file in my public and call it with localhost/file.php and it comes up with a blank page, is my php setup right?  I know it works, because I have drupal running on my local server and it uses php.18:43
Roasted_yep - not installed. installing now18:43
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:43
mattiahi all18:43
aciculashane2peru, blank page would suggest that the php page is rendered but doesnt produce output18:44
Roasted_jrib, is ubuntu-restricted-extras one of those packages that are only legal in some countries?18:44
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jribRoasted_: I'm not a lawyer18:44
shane2peruacicula, ahh, that could be the prob, thanks, I guess I will have to look into the php code18:44
Roasted_jrib, understandable.18:45
jribRoasted_: most of these things have never actually been addressed in trial.  And I imagine canonical feels pretty comfortable with whatever it puts in the repositories18:45
aciculashane2peru, afaik restricted deals with software thats not free in some form or another18:46
DCGstudiosRoasted_, 'sudo apt-get install non-free-codecs mencoder avidemux transcode ffmpeg2theora'18:46
Roasted_jrib, I thought I remember the big argument was these things just werent allowed to be DISTRIBUTED with ubuntu, but installing them after can depend on individual laws in each country.18:46
Roasted_DCGstudios, sec - slow interweb here. restricted-extras is still cranking out. curious if that fixed it.18:47
jribRoasted_: maybe, I don't know18:47
DCGstudiosRoasted_, the FBI isnt going to come knocking at your door becuase you downloaded a file from a linux repo18:47
aar I'm running Kubuntu 9.10. Is it possible to do a system upgrade (to 10.04) using an installation CD, or must I download the files via the internet (through adept)?18:47
Roasted_DCGstudios, I never said I was even concerned about it. :P I was just curious if it was JUST medibuntu that was the iffy one depending on what country youre in or if ubuntu-restricted-extras was also another package thats in the same boat. That's all I was curious about.18:47
m4tickubuntu lternate can update your system i think18:48
jrib!alternate | aar18:48
ubottuaar: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal18:48
SwedeMikeaar: if you actually have a decent internet connection, using on-line upgrade is preferred.18:48
aarjrib, Thanks18:49
Roasted_DCGstudios, jrib, restricted-extras was it. mp3 support is now in sound converter. thanks guys18:49
nerdy_kidjust a general question here; i want kde4.4 -- which debian would i download?18:50
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, none. install it from repos.18:51
sh1nynerdy_kid, try asking that in the debian channels ? :)18:51
nerdy_kidsh1ny DCGstudios ive having trouble with kubuntu, want to test debian in a vm to see if it is effected18:52
LoniaHello, I'm the FBI, someone downloaded today from a Linux repo?18:52
m4ticnerdy_kid or try getting mandriva18:52
DaekdroomLonia: I did18:52
LzrdKingLonia: lotta people have18:52
m4ticthat's what im using18:52
Loniammmm, there's a place in Guantanamo for people like us, I guess18:52
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/           FYI kde always has problems, id get used to it.18:53
nerdy_kidm4tic like mandiva, but prefer debain based cause thats what im used to.  mandriva doesnt seems to be as popular as debain anyway, so im assuming id get less support and probably less packages.18:53
kjeleLonia: André Rivero jokes makes can hurt you18:53
duffydackHow do I get auto time sync in lucid?  I dont see the option in time/date settings18:53
maxxxcan we retrieve mails form in-box (company mail box)if the ms-office got corrupted.?18:53
nerdy_kidDCGstudios no this is a kubuntu problem, not a kde one.  chakra doesnt have the problem, niether does mandriva18:54
sh1nyduffydack, you can try ntpd or ntpdate18:54
duffydacknevermind, ive found it DUH18:54
LoniaHope they don't, jokes are an important part of my time!!18:54
m4ticnerdy_kid not entirely, i have apt-get and it works just as in debian, you install synaptic and some repos18:54
sh1nyduffydack, first one preferred, since ntpdate is "deprecated"18:54
esrI just upgraded to Lucid Lynx and don't see the much-hyped "Me Menu".  How do I enable this thing?18:54
DCGstudios!ask | nerdy_kid18:54
ubottunerdy_kid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:54
kjele!ot | lonia18:54
ubottulonia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:54
aciculaRoasted, ubuntu-restricted-extras entails a slew of programs that are not freely licensed but restricted in some way or another like mp3 technology is not "free", but libdvdcss "circumvents" a protection technology which may or may not be legal etc18:54
Inviscrhey is there a line that i can put into /etc/network/interfaces to auto recconect18:55
GeekSquidsh1ny: nope ... duffydack: sudo apt-get install ntp .... by default ntpdate is installed, which doesn't do it automatically18:55
Loniathanks ubottu18:55
nerdy_kidm4tic you can install apt in mandriva?18:55
lancesrageCan anyone help me with this cedega dependency thing18:55
Inviscrbecause my router sucks and it doesnt always connect18:55
GeekSquidsh1ny: ntpd is used to run a ntp server18:55
aciculaRoasted, its the same hubhub about x.264 thats being used now, which is free to use (now) but is not free technology18:55
sh1nyGeekSquid, and ? it syncs the time on your machine also18:56
Inviscrso unless i restart a couple of times it wont connect18:56
nerdy_kidDCGstudios: right click in dolphin/konquerer is slow, details here: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=87967&p=158583#p15858318:56
Loniagoodbye and goodluck18:56
mapachahow to chang the right permission on my ubuntu....  am new to this.... i cannot save no delete anythin from my desktop...18:56
duffydackGeekSquid, system, admin, time and date :)18:56
maxxxcan we retrieve mails form in-box (company mail box)if the ms-office got corrupted.? or will i loose my mails.?18:56
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, that a kde problem.18:56
m4ticnerdy_kid yep18:56
sh1nyGeekSquid, the point is if you don't run ntpdate every minute or so your clock can still drift and if it drifts enough you will have huge steps backwards or forward18:57
kjele!enter | Inviscr18:57
ubottuInviscr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:57
sh1nyGeekSquid, which some software doesn't like very much18:57
madjoeHow much space does it take on disk for opening just a single user account (approx.)?18:57
nerdy_kidDCGstudios nope.  like i said, neither chakera (kde4.4) or mandriva(4.3) have this issue.  THat tells me that it is a ubuntu problem.  I am going to download debian to see if it effects debian.18:57
kjelemadjoe: need like 0mb-10mb. Just remember you cannot save stuff then18:58
eddyhi all, i have a lilttle problem, i have a dual-boot Windows XP/Lucid 10.04 and right after i installed lucid, i lost my internet connection in Windows but in lucid i have it working perfectly : my connection is a ADSL18:58
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, I dont think you understand KDE, realistically.. the last STABLE release was 3.2.  Im sure if you used gnome youd never have the problem in the first place.18:58
madjoekjele: cannot save stuff?18:58
m4tici have no problem with my KDE18:59
kjelemadjoe: Like videos files you downloaded. If you notice every user setting is downloaded to your home.18:59
ForgeAus3.5.10 was pretty stable afaik18:59
maximus_HELP )= I've been having issues burning cd's and dvd's....both brasero and k3b have an error after writing about 10% of the disk  "wodim: A write error occured"  and "wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits."  "write track data: error after 32577552 bytes"18:59
=== Thoss is now known as Guest89549
maxxxAnyone ms-office expert! require some help (retrieve mails)!18:59
ForgeAusnot sure if it was technically marked as stable however18:59
kjelemadjoe: Well you asked for minimum18:59
skunxis update-manager -d enough to install lucid from a karmic ?18:59
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, What it comes down to.. it looks pretty.. and has shiny buttons.. and acts like windows. cool. Except for that its never fast, or an efficient DE.18:59
nerdy_kidDCGstudio dont start bashing kde please :) ive used 4.3.0 all the way to 4.4.3 and it is quite stable.  I am not switching back to gnome.  (i was a gnome user)19:00
ForgeAusms-office does mails?19:00
jrib!upgrade | skunx: no, that is not correct.  Please see:19:00
ubottuskunx: no, that is not correct.  Please see:: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:00
m4ticmaximus_ i think its time you start shopping for a new drive19:00
madjoekjele: I want to open an account for my sister with minimum privileges... just for surfing the Internet.. but I'm kind of short with the disk space...19:00
kjeleskunx: update-manager should just do.19:00
skunxjrib: thx19:00
ForgeAusnerdykid even gnome has some interesting things to add to kde19:00
ForgeAuslike gnome-do19:00
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maximus_m4tic: with nero i never had a problem..i'm tired of rebooting just to write a disk.so writer is not the problem. HL GH20LS1019:00
ForgeAusand/or docky19:00
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, im not bashing kde, Iv used all DEs for 6 years and im giving you the exact review any knowledgeable linux user would.19:00
kjelemadjoe: Well just make a new account for her. But her settings will take a some space. If she does not download a lot then 50mb should do.19:01
ForgeAusplus I like aislrot's games list!19:01
LjLDCGstudios: except a few other people here are not. please, this channel is not for spreading FUD. if you can't help with his KDE problem, don't, but there is no need to tell him to change car.19:01
madjoekjele: sometimes I give her a guest account, but when my screen is locked there's no way she could unlock it without a normal account...19:01
ForgeAusactually kubuntu-desktop is a far better KDE for ubuntu than ubuntu-desktop + kde is traditionally, not sure about currently,,,19:02
maximus_DCGstudios: know anything about k3b and brasero?19:02
GeekSquidmadjoe: she can switch user and login as herself, yes?19:02
nerdy_kidForgeAus yeah im not trying to start a flamewar here people, i like kde, you like gnome, everyones happy.  I've used both.  Neither is better then the other IMO.19:02
m4ticis nero free?19:02
kjeleGeekSquid: She does not have an account yet19:02
ForgeAushehe nerdy-kid thats not what I said I prefer kubuntu19:02
maxxxboth are one and the same.19:02
DCGstudiosmaximus_, They are both CD writing applications?19:02
psusim4tic: no19:02
SusanneHey People! Anyone who disabled SELINUX in ubuntu 10? It seems to be a big pain in the ass.19:02
madjoekjele: yes, if I open a normal account, but I was worried about the needed space for it19:03
m4ticnerdy_kid im wit ya19:03
ForgeAusI'm just saying I'm trying to be open-minded about gnome and there are some things it offers19:03
madjoeGeekSquid: yes, if I open a normal account, but I was worried about the needed space for it19:03
ForgeAus(aside from a default OSX-alike theme these days)19:03
kjelemadjoe: Do not. She will feel it if there is no space left. Like you would19:03
GeekSquidmadjoe: let me see how much space is created by a new account, I have plenty of space to do so19:03
madjoeGeekSquid: thanks, man19:03
maxxxmaximus_: both are the same!!19:03
maximus_DCGstudios: yeh...well I have a problem and u  said u been using for years...so...ever had a prob where nero (XP) can write disks fine but Ubuntu has constant probs writing?19:03
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, Ljl, My point is, you never see people come in here complaining about glitchy gnome enviourments, there IS a reason ubuntu dev team choose gnome natively.19:04
ForgeAusalthough Apple moved onto the green reeds look around snowleopard if not before, not sure what it is currently19:04
nerdy_kidForgeAus yeah i got what you were saying, i was kinda responding toDCGStudios.  I like and use both DEs :)  just prefer kde on my lappy :)19:04
eddyis anyone can help me about it?19:04
ForgeAusKDE is a glitchy environment?19:04
ForgeAuswhen did that happen?19:04
DCGstudiosForgeAus, Since 3.319:04
joebodomaximus_, you might want to try burning at a lower speed19:04
nerdy_kid4.4.3 is rock solid here19:04
LjLDCGstudios: of course you see people complaining about gnome, this channel is full of it. and we have a very official KDE Ubuntu, Kubuntu, which is supported. so again, that's just FUD which i don't find welcome.19:04
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, rock solid enough to come here becuase you cant even click a desktop icon?19:05
maximus_maxxx: well the problem has always been there, from 8.10 till now (10.4). I've never been able to succeed in writing a cd...19:05
m4ticKDE rocks, i dread ever starting with gnome, not saying it sucks but i hate the fact that i missed out19:05
ForgeAusDCGstudios: I've been using KDE for a while now I havn't know it to be glitchy, an glitches I've come across were mostly my own doing ..19:05
Roasted_I changed some ID tags to some of my music, but rhythmbox didnt auto update them. How can I get rhythmbox to re-sync with my music library to sort th emusic accordingly by the ID tags?19:05
madjoekjele: so there are no worries for 50MB or so.. you think I should open a normal account for her, right? and if I delete her account and her home dir, will it be some garbage left by default on my Karmic?19:05
maxxxmaximus_: Out put the error!19:05
Roasted_m4tic, that's a matter of opinion. Some users like things working.19:05
sh1nyKDE is very cool looking and very functional, i am just more used to gnome, but bashing the other one doesn't really achieve anything19:05
ForgeAusand I"m sure even gnome is far from bug-free...19:05
Roasted_Gnome has its issues, but I find KDE does some things I have to sit back and think - "Really?... REALLY?"19:06
DCGstudiosForgeAus, Ljl,  system resource wise, gnome > kde, reliability wise gnome > kde, and stability wise gnome > kde, if you want shiny icons kde > gnome19:06
m4ticroasted_ what's not working, mine works so your statement does not apply19:06
nerdy_kidDCGstudios obviously you didnt listen very well to me.  in fact you didnt even read the forum post i gave you.19:06
PiciNewsflash, different people like different desktop environments.19:06
kjelemadjoe: No. An account is just recorded in /etc/shadow /etc/passwd and /home19:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:06
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, The entire 3 posts?19:06
joebodoDCGstudios, you forgot to mention usability -19:06
Roasted_m4tic, I've had a lot of widget crahses, but those are minor, I can deal with that. My big problem is the fact that getting sound properly working can be a major cluster fk19:06
maxxxAnyone expert on MS-Exchange server-19:06
Roasted_m4tic, I've been through the motions with installing different things and adjusting the level of preferences in which KDE selects which sound controller to use or whatever. I forget what all I did.19:07
DCGstudiosjoebodo, I guess if your used to windows, then KDE would be easier to use at first them gnome, yes19:07
maximus_maxxx: there are a couple things I can post.....wodim: A write error occured.... /usr/bin/wodim: A write error occured.....write track data: error after 32577552 byte19:07
Roasted_m4tic, I just gave up, because I began to realize KDE is pretty fricken sweet, but has a way to go before I would ever "rely" on it.19:07
tatofooI've installed bazaar but it doesn't recognize the lp: abbreviation, did I forget to install something?19:07
xorwhyMy Nvidia sometimes loads, and sometimes doesn't. It's seemingly random when it will choose to work. Please help19:07
ForgeAusnerdy_kid: what was your original problem?19:07
Picimaxxx: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.  If you are looking for Exchange/Windows support, it would be better to ask in ##windows19:07
abstrakthi, so i have a conundrum :/19:07
kjelemadjoe: But if she get access to other places she might write files there. But when you delete her account you can give the option to delete all files owned by her.19:07
m4ticRoasted_ that's why there are lots of DE, you like yours i like mine no prob19:07
olskolirci ran a netstat -tn what does this mean and how come i can't host to the ip: tcp    25251      0       ESTABLISHED19:08
Roasted_m4tic, agreed there man. I love having so many choices available.19:08
abstrakti've installed 10.04 now twice19:08
DCGstudiosForgeAus, He has a 'delay when clicking konquerer icon'      a general KDE bug.19:08
abstraktand i had the same issue eventually both times19:08
maxxxPici : cool ! thanks19:08
madjoekjele: is there such thing as guest (normal) login with predefined low level permissions?19:08
m4ticroasted_ have you tried flux?19:08
sebsebsebabstrakt: What issue?19:08
thedude42xorwhy: you mean on boot/resume from sleep/standby...?19:08
olskolirc66.90.121.3 on port 10009 who is this?19:08
Roasted_m4tic, I look at it like this. DE's are like beer. I for one hate light beer. My buddy loves it. But who cares? We're all having a good time whether we're drinkin light/dark or usin kde/gnome.19:08
redis there any application for controlling a laptops touchpad settings?19:08
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netuserhi all19:08
Roasted_m4tic, I have not.19:08
abstraktmy system fully freezes (stops responding and then the mouse stops responding) and after a hard reboot i get confronted with a prompt that says (initramfs)19:08
madjoekjele: can you guide me to open something for her with some minimal requirements for the web19:09
nerdy_kidForgeAus I was looking for the debian version i should download to get kde4.4 (not familar with the release system)19:09
kjelemadjoe: All new account you make now will be normal account with no root permission19:09
ForgeAusuh you can preload konqueror in the options somewhere (it should start it quicker19:09
maximus_maxxx: any place you think i can find help? Oh, and model is a GH20LS10 (Hitachi LG)19:09
xorwhythedude42: boot yes, resume i do not use19:09
abstraktit does find grub, and i can boot into my windows half, which i'm on right now19:09
DCGstudiosred, acctually theres setting in the mouse preferences19:09
madjoekjele: oh, cool19:09
xorwhyratcheer, I only have one kernel to boot to so, yes19:09
sebsebsebabstrakt: oh19:09
ratcheerSorry about the caps - lock was on by mistake.19:09
javier__i need some help19:09
redeyedshadeFellas, I need some help.19:09
m4ticroasted_ you'd be fine with it, minimalistic, KDE's way to big for ya19:09
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, i gave you the link after your first post19:09
sebsebsebabstrakt: I think someone else had a similar issue last night, maybe19:09
abstrakti have a few ideas on what the problem is19:09
* javier__ i need help!!!19:09
ForgeAusI don't know if a delay in loading itunless its likemnutes long is much to worry abou19:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:09
thedude42xorwhy: are you using the restricted driver, or did you download and compile one from nvidia.com?19:09
sebsebseb!help | javier__19:09
ubottujavier__: please see above19:09
abstraktfirst i thought maybe it was the nvidia driver conflicting with the realtime kernel19:09
kjelemadjoe: adduser username19:09
DCGstudiosnerdy_kid, http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/        took me a total of 2 seconds to type 'debian kde' into google.19:10
redDCGstudios: well when I was setting up the installation the touchpad worked, after installation completed and Im sitting on the desktop the touchpad stopped working but the little joystick thingy in center of the keyboard still works.19:10
sebsebsebabstrakt: realtime kernel?19:10
abstraktso on next reinstall i did install the nvidia driver, but then removed it before rebooting into the realtime kernel19:10
redSo I was wondering where to toggle it back.19:10
kjelemadjoe: It is very simple command19:10
ratcheerxorwhy: I can think of no other reason for the driver to work sometimes, but not others.19:10
Roasted_m4tic, I dont know - I like gnome because I feel like its a good balance between looking decent (when you take the 14 seconds to customize it) vs just working when I need it. I'd no doubt like to try it, but it may take a bit for me to jump ship :P19:10
abstraktsebsebseb, yes it's a low latency kernel, it's what comes with Ubuntu Studio19:10
madjoekjele: and for a user deletion?19:10
redeyedshadeI have a Toshiba Satellite L505-S5984 Laptop and I can't seem to find drivers for my wireless card, any ideas?19:10
sebsebsebabstrakt: oh19:10
xorwhythedude42, I have tried both, a few different from nvidia.com and a couple versions from restricted driver manager. All have the same result19:10
abstraktsebsebseb, but i didn't isntall studio, i just installed vanilla 10.0419:10
maxxxmaximus_: what are you using k3b or brasero ??19:10
sebsebseb!studio | abstrakt19:10
ubottuabstrakt: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org19:10
painkillermy compiz not running automatically on logon19:10
xorwhythedude42, I know that's what is most frustrating of all. There seems to be no logical cause to this19:10
kjelemadjoe: then it is "deluser username"19:10
sebsebsebabstrakt: there's a channel for Ubuntu Studio19:10
abstraktand then i just manually sudo apt-get install linux-rt19:10
jack_singhi don't know why but my machine is adding a new disk as a spare in raid119:10
abstraktoh ok19:10
Roasted_How can I get rhythmbox to re-scan my music library? I changed some ID tags and rhythmbox didnt update them.19:10
xorwhyI am seriously so pissed off.19:11
DCGstudiosred, so it isnt working at all now?19:11
madjoekjele: and if I want to delete ALL files in my system created by username?19:11
jack_singhhow can i make the RAID1 without any spare19:11
abstraktsebsebseb, and what's that channel?19:11
xorwhyI would rather it not work at all than intermittent19:11
sebsebsebabstrakt: the bot just told you19:11
ForgeAusoh yeah thats right compiz comes as part of ubuntu-desktop now19:11
kjelemadjoe: But for you, you might want to user "deluser --remove-all-files usename"19:11
sebsebsebabstrakt: #ubuntustudio19:11
abstraktoh duh, lol19:11
painkillercan any assistance my compiz not running automatically on logon19:11
DCGstudiosForgeAus, Yes it does, but you need to install compiz-config-settings-manager to  tweak it19:11
llutzmadjoe: man find  (-uid)19:11
madjoekjele: excellent! I'll create one for her.. cool!19:11
jack_singhcan any one help19:12
abstraktwell i think it might be applicable here as well, i'm not using the ubuntustudio-desktop package i'm just using the realtime kernel19:12
maximus_maxxx: those errors are common to both...i use both, they both dont work. Nero in windows works PERFECTLY every time, but I'm sick of hanging onto windows just to burn19:12
abstraktanyway i'll go over there19:12
sebsebseb!ask | jack_singh19:12
ubottujack_singh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:12
madjoellutz: wasn't that enough that kjele proposed? deluser --remove-all-files usename19:12
jack_singhmy raid1 has 2 disks19:12
joebodopainkiller, system->preferences->visual effects->extra19:12
dtminskAnyone have ideas on how to install a19:12
llutzmadjoe: sorry, haven't read it, should be sufficient19:12
dtminsk 1. RTL8169S/SB/SC (Gigabit Ethernet with PCI interface)19:12
thedude42xorwhy: I've had some issues that seemed to be X/nvidia related, but when I looked in the logs it was other kernel modules that were misbehaving and causing strange memory issues that would lead to some applications segfaulting, which would of course have all kinds of side effects including X pegging one of my CPU cores to 100%19:12
jack_singhand mdadm is saying 1 is spare19:12
madjoellutz: splendid19:12
m4ticjack your flooding the channel19:12
jack_singhi do not want a spare disk19:12
jack_singhhow do i modify that19:12
kkerwinHi. I'm looking for a way to print to my CUPS printer over-the-air from my android phone. Anyone have any ideas?19:13
jack_singhi just want it to be mirrored19:13
=== sacho_ is now known as Sacho
Pici!enter | jack_singh19:13
ubottujack_singh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:13
markus_hy everybody19:13
DCGstudioskkerwin, Was a nightmare when i tryed it lol19:13
xorwhythedude42, interesting19:13
olskolirccan we use a cyborg keyboard on linux?19:13
m4ticroasted_ rythmbox if i remember has a checkbox is the pref menu to watch new files, check if t works19:13
maxxxmaximus_: what are you trying to burn!!19:13
kkerwinDCGstudios: Have a how-to?19:13
jack_singhHow do i ensure that raid is just mirroring and not using the second disk as spare19:13
xorwhyI guess I'll do an apt upgrade, take the shotgun approach19:14
Roasted_m4tic, good call - let me check that hizzy out19:14
DCGstudioskkerwin, Umm.. recently did a fresh install but ill see if i can find it19:14
Roasted_m4tic, already checked. haaa....19:14
kkerwinDCGstudios: Thanks.19:14
painkillerthank you19:14
thedude42xorwhy: in my case I have had to go and edit my upstart jobs to force things like kvm not to load at boot19:14
DCGstudioskkerwin, are you using a droid?19:14
m4ticroasted_ did it work?19:14
jack_singh!pici can you help19:14
kkerwinDCGstudios: Yes.19:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:14
DCGstudioskkerwin, kk19:14
maximus_maxxx: the last i tried was an audio cd from ogg files...conversion was successfull, started to burn and failed after the first song (about 30mb into the disk)19:14
m4ticubottu all this time i thought it was a person?19:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:15
Roasted_m4tic, so far no. I still see two instances of hte same band. I made a typo on the one album so I saw they came up twice, but even tho I changed the ID tags rhythmbox hasnt seen them as a "whole" yet19:15
madjoekjele: deluser --remove-all-files USERNAME > after that I don't have to manually delete anything and there will be no garbage left, and I'll return my 50MB, right?19:15
xorwhythedude42, I suspected upstart, killed some tty's19:15
DCGstudioskkerwin, So your thinking like a network printer right?19:15
kjelemadjoe: yes19:15
kkerwinDCGstudios: Yes.19:15
Picijack_singh: I cannot, but its not easy to track what you are asking if you press return every three words.  You may have better luck asking in #ubuntu-server though.19:15
ToothPickhi, does anyone know why the command  apt-get install tightvncserver  doesn't work?19:15
madjoekjele: sorry for double checking, but it's important for me, so I have to be sure... thanks for your help and kind support19:16
sebsebsebToothPick: sudo19:16
maxxxmaximus_: was it only the audio cd or is there data cd's too.19:16
m4ticroasted_ over the times i found that i couldn't change tags because of filetypes19:16
kjelemadjoe: You might want to user users-admin a bit more friendlier19:16
thedude42xorwhy: if your issue is anything related to what I experienced, /var/log/syslog will have things that will tell you19:16
sebsebseb!it | michele19:16
ubottumichele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:16
Loshkimaxxx: which os, which app, what burner, and what media?19:16
ToothPickI'm trying the command "sudo apt-get install tightvncserver" But it can not find the package19:16
sebsebsebToothPick: sudo apt-get install program19:16
madjoekjele: sorry I didn't get the last part?19:16
ToothPicki am root anyway19:16
xorwhythedude42, thanks I appreciate it19:17
Roasted_m4tic, I CAN change tags. the tags are changed. I just goofed on 1 set of tags so instead of "Days of the New" I have a second instance of "Days Of The New"19:17
m4tictoothpick make sure you have updated your sources19:17
kjelemadjoe: There is a gui program, users-admin, which let you add and remove user too. A bit more friendlier than the commands.19:17
sebsebsebToothPick: might need to enable a repo for it, plus there are proper ways to use VNC19:17
sebsebseb!vnc > ToothPick19:17
ubottuToothPick, please see my private message19:17
Roasted_m4tic, I adjusted the caps so I should see EVERYTHING in Days of the New now, but rhythmbox just hasnt updated.19:17
kjelemadjoe: It comes default so you do not have to install it19:17
maximus_audio and data...Over the past 2 years of using ubuntu, I've begun to think it just doesnt like my writer...though its never given any probs with Nero...19:17
maximus_maxxx: audio and data...Over the past 2 years of using ubuntu, I've begun to think it just doesnt like my writer...though its never given any probs with Nero...19:18
madjoekjele: does it offer something I could use, because those two simple lines are easy peasy enough... and I don't need to occupy extra space with applications :)19:18
brontosaurusrexmaximus_: i have similar experience here19:18
joebodomaximus_, did you try burning at a lower speed ?19:18
dtminsk1. RTL8169S/SB/SC (Gigabit Ethernet with PCI interface) sorry to repeat but is there anyone that might be able help me install this NIC?19:18
madjoekjele: oh, it's the default app... cool19:18
m4ticroasted_ change the tags (make sure you highlight all them) something like hhh then restart rythmbox, change to Days of the New19:18
maximus_brontosaurusrex: please tell me about ur problem....19:18
brontosaurusrexbrontosaurusrex: lots of coasters19:19
maximus_maxxx: could it have anyting to do with /usr/bin/wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits. and would "sudo chmod 4755 /usr/bin/wodim" help?19:19
henkboom_For some reason my indicator applet envelope icon is green, even though when I click on it there are no new notifications. Why?19:19
joebodomaximus_, did you try burning at a lower speed ?19:19
madjoekjele: how to find out exactly how many space left on my ubuntu disk drive?19:19
maximus_brontosaurusrex: I dont think I've ever had a successful burn in ubuntu...)=19:19
Loshkidtminsk: I see hits in google. People seem to have had a lot of trouble with that particular NIC...19:19
kjelemadjoe: df -h19:19
maximus_joebodo: I'll give your suggestion a try19:20
ForgeAususe k3b!19:20
mat69is there a way to create an urban terror deb with the downloaded files, so that it is installed for every user?19:20
ForgeAuswhat does gnome use for a dvd burner?19:20
caravelSlart: I could try, and I confirm -- kermel option required here, to run the Alternate off a usb stick. cheers19:20
maxxxmaximus_: try Debian servers they will fix the problems for you .19:20
m4ticmaximus_ i had the same problem, only that my drive can only burn cd/rw ,dvd/rw and not cd/r and dvd/r19:21
madjoekjele: wow! still 2G left... lol :) at least it says for /dev/loop0 mounted on /19:21
Slartcaravel: ah.. nice to know the wiki has some useful info19:21
ForgeAushehehe madjoe using wubi?19:21
hello-manhow can i configure mail?19:21
kjelemadjoe: What about /home ?19:21
madjoeForgeAus: yes :)19:22
caravelSlart: as always -- as long as you know in which wiki localisation you need to start searching19:22
ForgeAusmadjoe: me too :)19:22
Slartcaravel: indeed =)19:22
ToothPickI'm trying the command "sudo apt-get install tightvncserver" But it can not find the package, I have my apt-get updated and upgraded19:22
ForgeAusdf -h gives diskspace on commandline19:22
dookiecan i change partition-size with gparted without loosing the data and files on the harddisk?19:22
caravelgoodbye everybody19:22
ToothPickubottu didn't help because it says to install tightvnc anyway19:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:22
madjoekjele: /home is on 53% (use) avail: 1.7G19:22
barberanHow do I read files from my linux parrtition from windows-7 OS ?19:22
ForgeAusdookie thats kinda a loaded question19:22
sebsebsebToothPick: make sure it's called that, and check you have the repo enabled that it's in.  system > preferences > software sources19:22
kjelemadjoe: oh I never tried wubi. Well 1.7g is enought19:22
Slart!info tightvncserver19:22
ubottutightvncserver (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-6 (lucid), package size 727 kB, installed size 1540 kB19:22
maximus_m4tic: come to think of it, I also think i can successfully burn RW's. Did u ever find a solution?19:22
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SlartToothPick: it's in universe.. you have that repository enabled, right?19:23
ToothPickwhat do u mean?19:23
kjelemadjoe: If you delete the windows installation he get more space :)19:23
ForgeAusI'm using 20g hav only used less than half and htats with chrooting to bootstrapped full distros!19:23
sebsebsebToothPick: make sure universe is enabled19:23
madjoekjele: cool... I'll install 10.04 as my default OS, but I've heard some trash talk regarding some issues with it.. so I'll just wait for a month or two... :)19:23
m4ticnope, rw are better and cheaper compared to R's unless you plan on giving away your discs?19:23
ToothPickuniverse is on pause19:23
WakkaWakkathe discs into19:23
sebsebsebmadjoe: trash talk such as?19:24
SlartToothPick: there are different repositories for different kinds of software.. you can enable/disable them in system, administration, software sources19:24
kjelemadjoe: Can always try the livecd19:24
ForgeAuswubi seems quite stable to me19:24
sebsebsebWubi uhmm19:24
sebsebsebNo! in the long run19:24
madjoekjele: I wish I could.. I need that Photoshop and crappy IE6 to check some of my work there for losers that still use IE19:24
sebsebsebfor short term Ubuntu testing, ok19:24
ToothPickSlart: I don't have a desktop19:24
kjelemadjoe: people still use IE6?19:24
Vroomfondlea lot of people still do19:24
sebsebsebkjele: sadly a lot of businesses still do19:24
madjoesebsebseb: I dunno.. that something doesn't work as it should, stability etc.. they said it here on channel and switched back to Karmic19:25
Vroomfondleespecially workers in various businesses and governments around the world19:25
SlartToothPick: oh.. not sure if there is a tool to do it or if you have to edit your sources.list manually19:25
sebsebsebmadjoe: oh your on Karmic?19:25
abstraktso what do i need to do to restore my system19:25
joebodoroughly 23% of people use ie619:25
madjoesebsebseb: yeah19:25
sebsebsebmadjoe: ok :)19:25
abstrakti get stuck on an initramfs prompt directly after grub19:25
sebsebsebmadjoe: that's ok then19:25
abstrakti get no ubuntu, not even a "regular" login prompt19:25
sebsebsebmadjoe: you got untill the end of October  untill karmic goes end of life, no more security updates19:25
madjoekjele: no, not people.. morons use IE6. and for those morons I have to waste my life.19:25
ToothPick"repository", "sources.list" thanks, i think it should be enough for google :)19:26
ToothPickand btw19:26
sebsebsebmadjoe: morons heh?  true loads of businesss have morons setting up their IT and that, hence still using IE 619:26
amokpauleHello, i have 2 screens here and im using nvidia twin view. When i chose another wallpaper it gets steched over both screens. Can i do it that every screen has the wallpaper?19:26
kjelemadjoe: Can always change job19:26
ToothPickis this "repository" for tightvnc or for apt-get ?19:26
olivri have some trouble with Warning: Found a partial ImageMagick installation. Your operating system likely has some built-in ImageMagick libraries but not all of ImageMagick. This will most likely cause problems at both compile and runtime.19:26
SlartToothPick: this might be useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine19:26
hello-manplease help to configure email19:26
madjoesebsebseb: that's enough time for me.. this is just a wubi.. a test drive.. my new laptop will be driven by new Ubuntu on dedicated disk partition :)19:26
sebsebsebmadjoe: that and they may have intranet stuff that needs IE 6, and they can't be bothered to pay someone to re do it properly19:26
olivri dont what to do :(19:26
maximus_m4tic: looks like I can also write cd/rw's fine. Whats up with that? find a solution?19:27
abstraktknow what to do when you get stuck on (initramfs) and a black screen?19:27
madjoesebsebseb: oh well.. just a bunch of idiots.. I'm sick and tired of IE6 for the lifetime :)19:27
Loshkiolivr: You could try reinstalling imagemagick. From synaptic is probably easiest....19:28
m4ticthe drives are old i guess, mine is some 6 years19:28
sebsebsebmadjoe: same here,  one reason I didn't  get really into website creation19:28
merphyI want to run tomcat on ubuntu, I cant not connect to the manager19:28
olivrLoshki i have X install19:28
olivri dont*19:28
maximus_m4tic: no wait...i take that back...the cd/rw just failed too19:28
maximus_m4tic: this sucks so bad...my drive is only 2 years old...19:29
m4ticmaximus_ spoke too soon, wht was the max write speed19:29
kjelemadjoe: Well goo luck19:29
GeekSquidmadjoe: you were asking about space for a new user, not much really less than 100k19:29
gps23why does ubuntu uses apt-get in the backend for its update-manager when aptitude is clearly better?19:29
ActionParsnipYo yo yo19:29
maximus_m4tic: 10x19:29
icerootmerphy: then install the manager first19:29
ToothPickSlart: mind if you could copy here your repos file?19:29
merphyi have installed19:29
madjoekjele: thanks again, man19:29
sebsebsebmadjoe: 7 and 8 aren't that much bettter really, but apparantly 9 will take web standards much more seriously19:29
GeekSquidgps23: aptitude uses apt-get19:29
abstrakti've googled for this but i don't see a solution19:29
madjoeGeekSquid: wow! amazing! thanks a lot dude!19:29
Loshkiolivr: If you don't have X11, you're presumably not going to be using imagemagick much :-) so it's probably not important, but anyway, you can try: sudo apt-get install --reinstall imagemagick19:29
macogps23: theres really not a whole lot of difference nowadays. apt-get has caught up quite a bit. the only difference i can think of nowadays is that aptitude suggests ways of resolving conflicts19:29
SlartToothPick: sure.. no worries.. I'm on 64bit lucid desktop though.. but hang on let me pastebin my sources.list19:29
ActionParsnipGps23: neither is better or the other wouldn't be used or developed19:29
madjoesebsebseb: I know... :(19:30
ToothPickSlart: thank you very much :)19:30
maximus_m4tic: it got exactly half way (62mb of 124mb) and froze.19:30
ForgeAushmm i wonder if apt-rpm ('s apt-get) can work thru aptitude too ... (nothing to do with ubuntu anyway)19:30
LzrdKingaptitude is a front-end for apt19:30
ActionParsnipGps23: both have advantages and disadvantages. There is no better or best19:30
m4ticmaximus_ mine also peaks at 10x these days, i usually got around 15x, try different brands of cds you might find thats the solution, did you check the logs?19:30
madjoesebsebseb: well, I'm primarily oriented in building social networking sites and some SSL-oriented sites with money transfer, so I really feel pain when I have to deal with these browser-oriented issues :(19:30
SlartToothPick: http://pastebin.com/TmpbYuNi19:30
sebsebsebmadjoe: oh ok19:30
maximus_HELP...k3b error      cdrecorder has no permision to open the device19:30
gps23maco: ActionParsnip: i know the difference and hence i use aptitude when i install from command line but when ubuntu do auto update etc then it uses apt-get so both of these get used on my system19:31
ToothPickthanks very much :)19:31
ToothPicki hope it works19:31
olivrLoshki: its for rmagic, a ruby19:31
LoshkiLzrdKing: actually, strictly speaking, aptitude and apt-get are both front-ends for dpkg...19:31
maximus_m4tic: k3b reports a permission error?19:31
ActionParsnipMaximus_: does it work if you launch it with kdesu19:31
Loshkiolivr: never heard of rmagic, but the solution is the same....19:31
abidDoes anyone know the function of gvfsd19:31
LzrdKingm4tic: you should burn at the lowest speed you can to avoidn read errors later19:31
LzrdKingi burn at 1x19:31
maximus_ActionParsnip: I'll give it a try now, thanks19:32
ActionParsnipGp23: I've personally never used aptitude as apt-get has always been flawless19:32
Loshkimaximus_: what is the device name for your burner that k3b/cdrecorder is using?19:32
madjoesebsebseb: I only wait for some loser to call me one day and tell me that he just installed Netscape 2.9 he found in one of his boxes from 1993. and that his website is not working...19:32
Loshkigps23: what ActionParsnip said...19:32
ActionParsnipGp23: if you want an answer to your question I suggest you contact canonical directly19:33
pr0tonhi everybody19:33
m4ticmaximus_ i'm using mandriva so the commands might be diff, run k3b as root from the konsole19:33
pr0toni've got 9.10 on Hard Disk A19:33
tallulahhi guys19:33
pr0tonand a fresh install of 10.04 on Hard Disk B19:33
m4ticmaximus_ don't close the konsole19:33
tallulahquick question19:33
kjele!enter pr0ton19:33
GeekSquidmadjoe: something about backwards compatibiltiy always frightened me19:33
maximus_m4tic: trying that now19:33
ForgeAusargh this notebook is dropping keys...19:33
kjele!enter | pr0ton19:33
ubottupr0ton: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:33
pr0toni want to import stuff like torrents, bookmarks etc from older one19:33
olivrLoshki i removed the old folder in /usr/lib and installed it with --prefix=/usr from source works now19:33
ActionParsnipMaximus_: log a bug as well19:33
pr0tonany idea?19:33
madjoeGeekSquid: I know :)19:33
tallulahis there a chance to upgrade ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.4 only via command line?19:33
=== Wolphie_ is now known as Wolphie
maximus_Loshki: where do i find that19:34
Loshkiolivr: ok...19:34
SusanneHey People! How do you disable apparmor? "modprobe -r apparmor"?19:34
macotallulah: sudo do-release-upgrade19:34
abidhi everyone19:34
Slart!upgrade | tallulah19:34
ubottutallulah: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:34
ActionParsnipPr0ton: that all stored in the hidden folders in $HOME19:34
neurochromecan anyone advise me on a sane method of dual booting, whereby you share the home folder between different OSes, but have seperate settings for each distro19:34
pr0tonwhat about torrents?19:34
gps23ActionParsnip: all i am saying that i now have to forcefully use apt-get from command line so that only one program can keep of everything being installed on my system, as i clearly can't change update-manager, even though i personally like aptitude and i am used to it19:34
GeekSquidneurochrome: put the home folder on it's own partition19:34
macopr0ton: also in hidden folders. if you use the same torrent client it'll find them. if not, you need to dig them up and reimport them in the new client19:34
tallulahmaco: awesome thanks!!!19:35
neurochromeGeekSquid, erm... what?  Please re-read my post ;)19:35
GeekSquidneurochrome: actually the settings in home would screw that up19:35
pr0tonmaco: ok, i'll try with KTorrent19:35
pr0tonwhat about importing bookmarks from Chrome?19:35
SwedeMikeneurochrome: that's not really possible, you probably need to have separate /home but have the shared data on a different partition and then symlink to it from both OSes19:35
* madjoe thinks #ubuntu is the best. :)19:35
neurochromeGeekSquid, yeah.. I already have a seperate partition19:35
ActionParsnipNeurochrome: install the first OS but leave unpartitioned space (don't use 100% space for the first install) then when you install the 2nd OS point the installer to the free space. Simple19:35
maconeurochrome: put your data in a separate folder in /home19:35
Loshkimaximus_: it's somewhere in the mess of output that k3b produces. It will be something like /dev/cdrom or /dev/scd0 or /dev/sr0. Run 'ls -l /dev/scd0' and tell us the result...19:35
maconeurochrome: then symlink to it from /home/nc1/data  and from /home/nc2/data19:35
neurochromeYeah - why they don't seperate the settings is beyond me19:35
merphyI used synaptic selected "tomcat6-admin" etc I can connect to the default page successfully but cant not connect to the manager, I also have set the user and role in tomcat-users.xmla file.19:36
neurochromeActionParsnip, I don;t think yo understand19:36
maconeurochrome: set /home/nc1 as your home dir for user on one system and /home/nc2 on the ohter19:36
GeekSquidneurochrome: use different usernames between OS's then settings would be seperate19:36
xorwhyIs the performance difference between 32bit and 64bit really that noticeable?19:36
neurochromemaco, yes this isn't ideal19:36
guntbertgps23: (I only came in now) what is your issue with aptitude?19:36
Slartneurochrome: I've stopped putting any kind of documents in the local folders in home.. instead I have network mapped directory that ends up as ~/SlartsDocuments   where I put all my things.. then each distro gets it's own settings but I can share my documents between different computers/installs19:36
ActionParsnipGps23: just let update -manager do its thing. Its a nice frontend to hide the technicalities below. Whichever is used will achieve the same goal19:36
maximus_scsidev: '/dev/sr0'19:36
maximus_devname: '/dev/sr0'19:36
ActionParsnipPr0ton: again it in $HOME19:37
Loshkixorwhy: I've never thought so, but I guess it depends on what kind of work you're doing. Something cpu intensive with lots of memory access I suppose would make the biggest difference...19:37
neurochromeGeekSquid, maco, from what I gather I use different user names and symlink, but then I have to arse about with group permissions19:37
thedude42xorwhy: performance really isn't the difference between 32 and 64 bit machines19:37
joebodoxorwhy, some things are quite faster in 64bit - according to some benchmarks i have seen19:37
gps23guntbert: i am used to aptitude but update-manager uses apt-get so do i have to switch to apt-get against my wish to install from command line?19:37
Loshkimaximus_: open a terminal and type 'ls -l /dev/sr0'19:37
razassin the terminal is there a way to get a list of the root folders? The only way I seam to be able to get to them is to by cd /var  etc etc etc19:37
maconeurochrome: not if the usernames have the same UID on both systems19:37
maconeurochrome: file permissions are stored by UID not by spelled-out name19:37
xorwhythedude42, Then what is?19:37
neurochromemaco, yeah 1000 if I'm correct?19:38
Loshkirazass: not sure what you mean by 'root' folders. What problem are you trying to solve?19:38
gps23ActionParsnip: update-manager will only install updates, many time i need to install some package so that i do from command line19:38
maconeurochrome: in ubuntu/debian yes. in red hat/fedora, 50019:38
maconeurochrome: of course you can set these as you wish in /etc/passwd19:38
ActionParsnipGps23: absolutely19:38
jribgps23: how are you determining update-manager uses apt-get?19:38
m4ticrazass cd / then ls19:38
neurochromeSlart, I think creating a seperate data partition is the neatest way so far, b ut still a daft way of doing things19:38
jack_singhhi folks can anyone help me with apt-cacher19:38
GeekSquidrazass: cd /  will give you  the root then ls there19:38
razassLoshki: well I can never remember what the root folders are called so when I am looking for a file I have to hit the web to get the list19:38
maconeurochrome: for that matter, the user name could be the same on both too. nothing says the name of the dir under /home must match your username19:38
gps23jrib from system logs19:38
xorwhyjoebodo, since installing the 64bit lucid, it seems much faster. But I can't fix these problems, and they're intolerable. *cries* oh well. 32bit it is19:38
jribgps23: it just used the python-apt library last time I took a look19:38
razassoh there we go19:38
guntbertgps23: I haven't heard that before - but with updates only it will be no issue - of course you can keep to CLI with sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade (that is my way ...)19:39
razassthanks guys.....so simple :D19:39
razassI kept getting the Documents  Music etc19:39
ActionParsnipNeurochrome: just chown the home folder once you restore the data19:39
thedude42xorwhy: that's a loaded question, but one of the big differences is the size of the general purpose registers and the fact that you can store 64 bit values and work directly on them in the hardware19:39
neurochromemaco, it would be oh-so-simpler to be able to mount a settings partition as well as a home partition, that way you could share the home and have seperate setting partition... this bugs me19:39
GeekSquidrazass: that is your home i.e. /home/razass ... which is where you start when opening a new terminal session19:39
p0aHello how to change [ with ( in all applications?19:39
gps23jrib: nothing comes under aptitude entry in gnome-system-log when i do an update from update-manager, but it comes in history.log in apt folder19:40
jribp0a: "in all applications"?  What do you mean?19:40
neurochromeActionParsnip, cheers anyway but that still is not the method I'm looking for.... ;)19:40
tatofooI've installed bazaar but it doesn't recognize the lp: abbreviation, did I forget to install something?19:40
thedude42xorwhy: so in applications where that type of things is expensive on 32 bit architectures, you don't pay such a high cost in terms of executions per instruction/code bit19:40
p0ajrib, I want [ to be ( in all X apps19:40
maconeurochrome: well afaik thats not possible so.... deal with it19:40
jribgps23: I suggest you actually read the source to make sure you that's how it works19:40
jribp0a: why?19:40
=== zYc|off is now known as zYc
p0aWhy do you ask?19:40
ActionParsnipJrib: was thinking that19:40
macogps23: update-manager calls neither apt-get nor aptitude directly, by the way19:41
thedude42xorwhy: you also get over some limitations on the ammount of data you can directly reference in current address space19:41
ActionParsnipP0a: its a very obtuse request19:41
jribp0a: because I don't know how to do what you ask, so if you tell me why, maybe I know how to do what you want in another way19:41
macogps23: it uses libapt19:41
gps23guntbert: can i do automatic updates from update-manager but still use aptitude to install occasion new packages from command line?19:41
Loshkigps23: I've mixed aptitude and apt-get calls, depending on whose instructions I'm following. Doesn't seem to matter....19:41
maximus__Loshki: Will do it in a mo19:41
macogps23: of course19:41
p0ajrib, It can be done with X settings. I have done it once19:41
jribp0a: ok19:41
neurochromemaco, yeah I know that, there are a few newer distros that have reworked the current filesystem, but it would be lovely to see this minor improvement/change to the linux environment19:42
ActionParsnipP0a: but to what end or is it purely aesthetic?19:42
thedeenoWhere can I set my PATH so that both my shell and X recognize it?19:42
Loshkip0a: so you're saying that each time you type an '[' you want it to come out as '(' for all X apps?19:42
maximus__Loshki: terminal output      brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2010-05-17 20:38 /dev/sr019:42
gps23maco: sorry for not being clear, i mean of course i can do that but its is healthy in the long run if i am concerned about dependencies etc19:42
thedeeno.bashrc doesn't seem to do the trick19:42
maconeurochrome: a .profile that does those mount commands could work19:42
p0aLoshki, yes19:43
jribthedeeno: .profile19:43
ActionParsnipThedeeno: /etc/environment I think19:43
kjelethedeeno: try ~/.profile19:43
macogps23: apt-get is capable of tracking whether a package was installed by manual or automatic means these days19:43
Loshkimaximus__: those permissions look correct. What username are you logged in as?19:43
macogps23: itll alert you to run "apt-get autoremove" in the same way that aptitude would say "also removing..."19:43
maximus__m4tic: running as root has the same error19:43
guntbertgps23: thats what I've been doing for a long time now (if I forgot to aptitude update) -- no issues so far -- if you mix apt-get and aptitude you might loose track of installed dependencies only - so nothing severe either19:43
thedeenojrib, ActionParsnip, kjele: thanks. I'll try them out.19:44
ActionParsnipMaximus__: log in as a different user. Same issue?19:44
joebodothedeeno, did you log out after changing bashrc ?19:44
gps23maco: if you mean that apt-get will also remove unused dependies like aptitude do (as i read from manuals etc) then its good :)19:44
maconeurochrome: like, have it mount a settings partition onto your /home/foo then have it mount various other dirs on top of it to get your /home/foo/Documents and such19:44
kjelegps23: apt-get autoremove will do19:44
thedeenojoebodo: yeah. This has to do with vim. It's not reading .bashrc and doesn't care about running source ~/.bashrc. Thus my path is correctly set when running from the terminal but not x19:45
macogps23: it wont do it automatically. itll tell you that they exist and that you should run "apt-get autoremove" if you want them gone (some people dislike's aptitude's automatic removal)19:45
maximus__Loshki: As Maximus...but even if i run run it as root, I just get other errors    "cdrecord returned an unknown error (code 254). Sometimes using TAO writing mode solves this issue"19:45
p0aLoshki, any ideas?19:45
ActionParsnipGps23: you can also use --purge option to remove old configs too19:45
iguannahi all19:45
thedude42gps23: it prompts you if you want them removed be default, afaik19:45
ActionParsnipMaximus__: try the mode then19:45
Loshkiguntbert: are you saying apt-get or aptitude keep dependencies somewhere on the system? If so, I'd like to know where. I thought dependencies are just part of the package info, and are recalculated for each app...?19:46
maximus__ActionParsnip: will do now19:46
thedude42gps23: s/be/by/19:46
iguannaI am trying to convert from avi to divx by: transcode -i file.avi -o file.divx -y divx but it doesn't work19:46
ToothPickSlart: hey, one of the universe, multiverse repositories made tightvnc to work, thanks :)19:46
gps23means i can mix both aptitude and apt-get without worries. wow19:46
SlartToothPick: you're welcome19:46
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iguannaam I doing it well?19:46
Administrator_hi all, I got sick of windows, so I decided to give Ubuntu a try. I need some help with USB terror. Can I ask for it here?19:46
ActionParsnipGps23: there's also deborphan which removes orphaned packages but apparently it gets a bit greedy and removes ok stuff. Personally never had an issue with it19:46
maximus__ActionParsnip: It cant possibly be this intricate just to write a DVD...Ubuntu is awesome, but it has its drawbacks19:47
=== Administrator_ is now known as Energetic
thedude42gps23: yeah, they are both just tools for managing your local apt package base, plus other features19:47
Loshkip0a: was it xmodmap, by any chance? Also, gnome has keyboard layout option menus I seem to recall?19:47
ActionParsnipGps23: sure, you can use them as you like as long as the packages are not locked19:47
dancekLoshki, /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates19:47
p0aLoshki, thanks, that's what I was looking for19:48
guntbertLoshki: my statement was: aptitude keeps track of those apps it installs automatically to fulfill dependencies of other packages - if you remove those other packages (and nothing else depends on them) aptitude removes them again, which is something apt-get doesn't do19:48
ActionParsnipMaximus__: try a different burning app. Ubuntu defaults with brasero which I have never had any luck with and I use gnomebaker instead19:48
iguannaHow can I indicate to apt-get install to install the suggested packages as well?19:48
dancekLoshki, not dependencies per se but the status of each package and whether it was asked b user etc19:48
tweepcatHi, I am trying to boot, and hopefully install if I like it, ubuntu from a USB stick using unetbootin on a windows computer. When I reboot and go to the boot menu, F12 because I am on a dell, I select the usb drive and it says "drive without operating system". Please could I have any help or suggestions?19:48
gps23wow, i got much help19:48
neurochromemaco, yeah... There are two ways that are appealing at the moment.. Shared home with different usernames and symlinks- or - Shared Data partition with symlinks.... Only thing is the partition where all my data is is on a second internal drive, and the OSes are installed on the 1st drive.  Is there a way to automount the second drive, so the symlinks work, without having the mounted drive show up on the desktop - whilst still allowing other mou19:48
neurochromented drives to show on the desktop?19:48
xerox1if i would like to boot from an usb stick with an ubuntu iso: is usb-zip the right setting in bios?19:49
raymondjtothjust installed ubuntu 10.04 and everthing is slow on my dell e1505 notbook (laptop) what i do thanks19:49
maximus__ActionParsnip: Brasero and K3b )= will give gnomebaker a try19:49
raymondjtothi have intel graphic card also19:49
Loshkidancek: agreed, package status is different to dependency info. apt seems to rely on dpkg for that (/var/lib/dpkg/status)...19:49
neurochromexeros, probably not19:49
maconeurochrome: symlinks work fine across hard drives19:49
ActionParsnipGuntbert: the user may still want the packages installed, the user may be reinstalling the app at a later date and will require the packages to be redownloaded again when they could be just left in place19:49
raymondjtothand a intel centrino duo19:49
raymondjtothany one help me thanks19:49
maximus__ActionParsnip: TAO just had a different problem...but all fail at the same point...immediately after the first track (audio cd)19:50
xerox1neurochrome, do you mean me?19:50
ActionParsnipGps23: as you use the OS you will probably help others too, makes the world go around19:50
raymondjtothany one :(19:50
neurochromemaco, yeah I know.. .but at present the drive is not set to automount in fstab... I want to add it, BUT without showing a link on the desktop19:50
guntbertActionParsnip: don't get me wrong -- I'm not advocating - merely explaining ...19:50
tweepcatAny help guys?19:50
maconeurochrome: you can mount it in /etc/fstab. I *think* Nautilus only puts drives on the desktop if theyre external and doing the dynamic-mount-when-plugged19:50
gps23ActionParsnip: i always try to do my best when it comes to persuade others to use ubuntu19:50
neurochromexerox1, YES19:50
azmraymondjtoth, did you try google your laptop model and ubuntu ?19:50
raymondjtothaz yes19:50
* neurochrome ooops caps lock key19:51
ActionParsnipMaximus__: is the drive ok? Maybe you could use hdparm to enable dma if its not already19:51
dancekLoshki, yes... i didn't really read the conversation, but in case it wasnt clear, aptitude keeps track of which packages the user has asked for, and all others get removed if they aren't needed by some other package anymore19:51
raymondjtothazm yes but slow19:51
xerox1neurochrome, what setting should i look for?19:51
raymondjtothtake for ever to open just firefox19:51
neurochromemaco, ahhh sweet19:51
ActionParsnipGps23: ubuntu isn't always the answer ;)19:51
Loshkiguntbert: I thought apt-get also advised you when something got left with no dependencies...?19:51
tweepcatHi, I am trying to boot, and hopefully install if I like it, ubuntu from a USB stick using unetbootin on a windows computer. When I reboot and go to the boot menu, F12 because I am on a dell, I select the usb drive and it says "drive without operating system". Please could I have any help or suggestions?19:51
m4ticmaximus_ whats the latest19:51
azmraymondjtoth, tell me exact name of the laptop(model)19:51
raymondjtothazm dell e150519:51
neurochromexerox1, usb-fdd if it's there, usb-hdd possibly too19:51
ActionParsnipTweepcat: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?19:51
gps23ActionParsnip: for ones who will come out of windows 'well' for first time, it _is_ the answer19:51
xerox1neurochrome, thx usb-fdd is there19:52
neurochromexerox1, at the end of the day, it'll vary depending on manufacturer19:52
neurochromexerox1, np19:52
raymondjtothazm dell e150519:52
guntbertLoshki: I don't know about that - my choice has been aptitude :-)19:52
tweepcatMD5 test?19:52
cixahello, my harddrive has crashed and i get a login to initramfs with the following messages: couldnt find /dev/root: folder does not exist. now, i am downloading the live cd. is this (desktop cd) the same as a live cd: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/19:52
guntbert!md5 | tweepcat19:52
ubottutweepcat: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:52
EnergeticI have a laptop with USB/SATA1/SATA2. I have a woirkstation with Windows. How can I install Ubuntu?19:52
DjBiGFrench please ?19:52
azmraymondjtoth, yea, second.19:52
maconeurochrome: to automount, add "auto" to the drive's options in fstab19:52
Pici!fr | DjBiG19:52
ubottuDjBiG: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:52
neurochromexerox1, oh and cheaper flash drives can sometimes become unbootable if not dismounted correctly19:52
tweepcatthanks, i will read that now19:53
ActionParsnipGps23: maybe so but an OS is a tool for a job. Sometimes windows is more appropriate19:53
raymondjtothazm im a autstic person so sorry if inpation and did get ride of the intel 7 driver since i have a intel 9 graphic card19:53
ActionParsnip!md5 | tweepcat19:53
ubottutweepcat: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:53
xerox1neurochrome, okay19:53
gps23ActionParsnip: alright dude, i accept :)19:53
neurochromemaco, cheers, I think mounting the drive and symlinking to it from each OS is the best way then19:53
maximus__ActionParsnip: how can i quickly check if dma is enabled? THe drive works perfectly under windows with Nero....but win is not debian...so that doesnt solve my prob. Trying to burn with gbaker now19:53
dancektweepcat, some bioses don't boot some usb drives... if you've got another pendrive you could try that, or if you can get your hands on a pendrive that certainly works, you could see if it works on your machine19:53
ActionParsnipTweepcat: without md5 test you have no way of knowing the iso you downloaded is good19:54
dancekActionParsnip, i think unetbootin checks md5 automatically19:54
tweepcati downloaded it from the ubuntu site19:54
ActionParsnipMaximus__: sudo hdparm -tT /dev/cdrom19:54
raymondjtoththanks for helping azm19:54
=== CogitoErgoSam is now known as a3ist
tweepcatwhat would be wrong with it?19:54
azmraymondjtoth, if you are able to be aware of it, work to change it to be patient otherwise you may experience rejection.19:55
ActionParsnipDancek: it just moves the data. To md5 you need the hash which I'm guessing was never looked at19:55
yigalhas anyone used the poulsbo_lucid.sh script for gma 500 here?19:55
neurochrometweepcat, just md5sum the file19:55
azmraymondjtoth, np, just checking specs of laptop19:55
raymondjtothazm ok i will work19:55
guntberttweepcat: errors happen during transfer19:55
neurochrometweepcat, cross reference it with the current md5 for the file on the ubuntu site19:55
raymondjtothazm o ok thanks for understand me19:55
=== zenergi_ is now known as zenergi
azmraymondjtoth, how exactly slow it is? Did you try to turn off compiz(effects)?19:56
EnergeticDoes a windows tool exist which is able to create a bootable install HDD for Ubuntu?19:56
maximus__ActionParsnip: burning failed with gbaker too.19:56
ActionParsnipTweepcat: bad isos make bad installs19:56
yigalhas anyone used the poulsbo_lucid.sh script for gma 500 here?  I repository at dropbox that is used in that script no longer exists.  I'm wondering if there is a work around?  Is the gma500 PPA working now?19:56
Energeticcant seem to find a working one19:56
tweepcatokay, but why would it be a bad is?19:56
raymondjtothazm slow to were i crawel and how i do this azm19:56
ActionParsnipEnergetic: sure look on pendrivelinux.com19:56
dancekActionParsnip, oh, ok. I'd call that a bug.19:56
raymondjtothturn off compiz effects19:56
astra-xin ubuntu 10.04, is it possible to have more than one softraid type, and have lvm ontop of raid?19:57
ActionParsnipMaximus__: i'd suspect the drive, or settings for the drive. Does burning slower help?19:57
LoshkiEnergetic: I thought unetbootin can do that. See the 'frugal install' option: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/19:57
neurochrometweepcat, sometimes a file can be corrupt for whatever reason, your best to double-check19:57
raymondjtothazm how i turn that off never found it19:57
tweepcati cant acess the usb stick anyway, it asks me to format19:57
thedude42astra-x: yes19:57
neurochrometweepcat, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes19:57
azmraymondjtoth, man read a wiki19:57
neurochrometweepcat, here is a guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto19:57
ActionParsnipDancek: if it did it would need to download or know the md5sum of every iso you can imagine which is fairly fantastic19:57
SwedeMikeastra-x: lvm on top of raid is definitely working, yes.19:57
astra-xthedude42: did you do it with debian-installer or by hand?19:57
raymondjtothazm were that19:58
azm*did that19:58
raymondjtothazm how i turn off what sed19:58
astra-xcause arch isn't able to do that19:58
raymondjtothi coulnt finde it were that put it19:58
astra-xso i was hoping ubuntu could19:58
maximus__the command you gave me to check dma isnt working19:58
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.19:58
SwedeMikeastra-x: the alternate install image will happily do raid, lvm and crypt if you want to19:58
compaqyes yes, ubuntu rocks19:58
maximus__ActionParsnip: the command you gave me to check dma isnt working19:58
azmraymondjtoth, system-preferences-appearance-effects19:58
thedude42astra-x: by hand i guess you would say.... neither of the arrays have the OS install on them19:58
ActionParsnipMaximus__: ok then trawl the web for guides on hdparm19:58
cixacan anyone help me with my question19:59
Loshkimaximus__: that's interesting. Can you pastebin the output? I'd like to see it...19:59
dancekActionParsnip, doesn't it allow you to choose the distro you want from a menu? It knows the URIs for the images, it could know the URIs for the md5sums, too.19:59
onetinsoldiermaximus__: it would be this --> hdparm -I /dev/<device>19:59
ActionParsnipMaximus__: there are also guides to enable dma for optical drives19:59
a3ist!ask | cixa19:59
ubottucixa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:59
tweepcatlisten, i have never used an operating system other than windows and I don't have a clue about what the articles are about.  i downloaded the .iso from the ubuntu website, so why would anything be wrong with it? i am pretty confused.19:59
Energeticthose two tools dont recognize my usb disk19:59
azmraymondjtoth, would be better if you write exact problem with description on forum19:59
astra-xright, well i am going to keep trying debian-installer. it doesn't like to forget raid arrays though19:59
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/19:59
Energeticjust like another tool i tried19:59
dancekActionParsnip, I'm not saying it should md5 check any iso *you* give it19:59
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raymondjtothazm i see that off any thing eles19:59
tweepcati dont know how on earththe UbuntuHashes works19:59
neurochrometweepcat, right...20:00
a3isttweepcat, its pretty easy to follow; check out this link:20:00
cixa20:52 cixa hello, my harddrive has crashed and i get a login to initramfs with the following messages: couldnt find /dev/root: folder does not exist. now, i am downloading the live cd. is this (desktop cd) the same as a live cd: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/20:00
a3ist!hashes | tweepcat20:00
ubottutweepcat: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.20:00
yigalso no one here except me uses gma 500 on Lucid, interesting?20:00
ActionParsnipDancek: submit it on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com or just agree with my idea on there which I posted of a similar ilk. I'm tired of users not md5 testing then wondering why the install is bad. Then noticing their iso is bad20:00
g0tchais there a way to start ubuntu install from within centos desktop and without a reboot?20:00
neurochrometweepcat, each iso has a hash -  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso -- is -- d044a2a0c8103fc3e5b7e18b0f7de1c820:00
azmraymondjtoth, write this in terminal glxinfo | grep direct20:00
thedude42astra-x: try just building the array you want to mount / on, then finishing building the other array after you've installed20:00
olivrg0tcha: no20:00
olivrwith vmware or other it is...20:01
azmraymondjtoth, and post output20:01
neurochrometweepcat, if you locate the iso you downloaded - let's say the name is ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.is20:01
astra-xthedude42: i am trying to20:01
compaqg0tcha, maybe, try it, but there isn't any reason like an advantage if it were able20:01
maximus__For /dev/sr0: HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Bad address20:01
lengendhello, i am having trouble installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my laptop. It hangs at 5% where it says "Creating ext4 file system for / in parition #1 of SCSl1 (0,0,09 (sda)... I bought a new hard drive just now cause my old one is messed up with bad sectors...what seems to be  the problem? I'm using the same disk as before where it got to like 75% on my old hard drive...20:01
ActionParsnipg0tcha: you could dd the iso to the partition but its not really "installed"20:01
raymondjtothazm were i put it so i dont get booted20:01
astra-xthedude42: i have a setup, two partition on each drive, two drives. /dev/md0 is a raid0 of partition 2 of both hdds used for lvm, and md1 is a raid1 for /boot20:01
neurochrometweepcat, in terminal do "md5sum ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso" and it should spurt out "d044a2a0c8103fc3e5b7e18b0f7de1c8"20:01
maximus__For /dev/sr0: read() hit EOF - device too small Timing buffered disk reads:  read() hit EOF - device too small20:01
azmraymondjtoth, you are in windows now?20:01
astra-xyet debian-installer won't let me do this20:02
raymondjtothazm no ubuntu 10.420:02
jiffeI have applied quotas to one of my filesystems, I changed the default grace period to 0 but existing users over quota still show a grace period of 6 days accoring to repquota, anyone know how I get those to show 0 now?20:02
ActionParsnipLengend: does the media you use pass md5 test/?20:02
astra-xand there appears to be no way to forget raid20:02
tweepcati am wayy too confused20:02
raymondjtothi get this azm he program 'glxinfo' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:20:02
raymondjtothsudo apt-get install mesa-utils20:02
neurochrometweepcat, note that you have to either be in the folder where the file is or use the actual location as well in the filename20:02
maximus__For /dev/cdrom: read() hit EOF - device too small Timing buffered disk reads:  read() hit EOF - device too small20:02
lengendHow would I test that ActionParsnip?20:02
Loshkig0tcha: doubt it, but you can probably install to a hard drive without a CD using unetbootin's 'frugal install' but at some point you need to reboot.,,20:02
raymondjtothshould i add it20:02
lengendI'm burning a fresh copy of 10.04 LTS, at the moment20:02
tweepcatno offence, but i am a 14 year old who wants to install ubuntu, and i dont have a clue what you are on about20:02
tweepcatwhy would the file be bad if i downloaded it from the ubuntu site, thats what i dont get20:02
ActionParsnip!md5 | lengend20:02
ubottulengend: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:02
azmraymondjtoth, post output of lspci20:02
neurochrometweepcat, eg; "md5sum ~/Desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso"20:03
Loshkimaximus__: well, I guess it's no surprise that ubuntu doesn't like something about your burner....20:03
lengendWill give that a try ActionParsnip, thank you.20:03
azmraymondjtoth, so you have just ubuntu 10.4 and nothing else and its slow ?20:03
ActionParsnipdancek: see what I mean20:03
tweepcatthanks for the help, though, but I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE ON ABOUT20:03
raymondjtothok azm were i post it other wise get booted20:03
tweepcati do not understand20:03
raymondjtothonly ubuntu 10.0420:03
thedude42astra-x: yeah you'll need to either dd the first sector or use the mdadm command to blow away it's supernode20:03
raymondjtothi got it were i post to if do it here i get booted20:03
tweepcatwhy would the file be bad if i downloaded it from the ubuntu site, thats what i dont get20:03
neurochrometweepcat, just read the manual - "man md5sum" in a terminal20:03
TazerHello I'd like to know if Mplayer can use Electricsheep as an integrated visualizer with one of it's frontends, and if it has a sort of desktop mode you can turn off and on?20:03
ActionParsnipTweepcat: you have just downloaded a massive chunk of data over the internet20:04
thedude42astra-x: you may consider using fakeraid for your raid1 if your motherboard has it20:04
dancekActionParsnip, hmm ok... i think i'll file a bug report for unetbootin. As for your suggestion, I'd rather that torrents were suggested as the primary download and the http downloads came with a big warning about corruption and MD5s.20:04
azmraymondjtoth, I dont understand, what you mean with "get booted" ?20:04
LjLtweepcat, networks sometimes mess up data.20:04
raymondjtothazm if post what you need i get booted from chat20:04
raymondjtothor kicked20:04
tweepcatoh, okay20:04
ActionParsnipTweepcat: the data is very sensitive to error and if the data gets damaged in transit the errors and problems can arrise20:04
IdleOne!paste | raymondjtoth20:04
ubotturaymondjtoth: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:04
azmraymondjtoth, you mean kicked ?20:04
kokdelahow do I install the 32 bit gcc toolchain on a 64 bit system? (I'm trying to build an i386 kernel on amd64)20:04
Loshkitweepcat: sometimes downloads contain errors. It's not as common as it used to be, but it does happen. Also, sometimes when burning a file to a dvd, that introduces errors too. md5sum is a way of checking to make sure the copy you have is identical to the original....20:05
neurochrometweepcat, because sometimes file integrity can be compromised.. if it were an mp3 it wouldn't really be an issue, but this is an OS we're talking about.. check it to be sure your installing a 100% ok OS20:05
dancekActionParsnip, as for the basic principle of always checking md5 or sha1 etc before using an image, I *totally* agree.20:05
etatehey guys, having major issues installing 10.04 LTS on my girlfriends laptop - the livecd gets stuck whenever i press anything20:05
ForgeAuscan a loop device been partitioned?20:05
ActionParsnipTweepcat: so we use md5 testing to verify the data is good. If you use a bad image, it will give issues. You have not checked your data so you don't know if that is to blame20:05
etatei've checked bug reports etc but nothing seems to work :/20:05
raymondjtothamz http://paste.ubuntu.com/435119/20:05
neurochrometweepcat, if this is too hard to grasp, I wish you the best of luck with linux ;)20:05
azmraymondjtoth, ah, well send me message with that output20:05
yigalthis is annoying20:05
ForgeAusI mean a wubi hardfile  (/dev/loop0) partition it and put another OS on it?....20:06
etateif anyone could help i would be eternally grateful20:06
ActionParsnipTweepcat: if the iso is good we can explore other avenues but this basic check can save lots of effort20:06
sealivehi did did a major foult20:06
ActionParsnip!ask | etate20:06
ubottuetate: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:06
neurochromeyigal, what?20:06
sealivei deinstallt python2.5 and python 2.5 minimal20:06
ActionParsnipTweepcat: do you get what I mean?20:06
neurochromesealive, english.. Do you speak it?20:06
sealivea little20:07
raymondjtothazm what now20:07
neurochromesealive, what is the issue?20:07
kokdelahow do I install the 32 bit gcc toolchain on a 64 bit system? (I'm trying to build an i386 kernel on amd64)20:07
ActionParsnipTweepcat: the torrent protocol adds extra checks to data integrity but the final file should still be checked. Also bcd burners use moving parts so can be subjec to jitter and a cd tester is included if you burn to cd20:07
neurochromeyou removed python?20:07
tweepcatMD5 checks are the same20:08
kjelekokdela: libc6 something20:08
etateokay, the problem is this: booting from the livecd gets stuck at a weird box and then a human next to it, sometimes when I press a key (50% chance), it goes to the next screen which contains the options. Having tried adding i915.modeset=0 and 1, xforcevesa, nomodeset options, it still freezes whenever i choose any of the options (even memory test).20:08
tweepcati am going to format the usb drive, use the unetbootin and then try to boot it again20:08
raymondjtothazm you here\20:08
sebsebsebtweepcat: If you downloaded from the torrent your  ISO is probably fine, but according to ActionParsnip you should  still check.  There  are also two other checks similar to md5sum that can be done to check an ISO.20:08
ActionParsnipTweepcat: good and now you understand why its important20:08
tweepcatthanks for the help everyone who has helped me20:08
sealiveneurochrome: yes20:08
Energeticthis is a total disappointment20:08
tweepcati have learned something, and i appreciate it so much20:09
sealiveneuroi got the packages now manuell20:09
ubuntu__Hello people I need help: I am talking from the Live CD because I am going to fresh install ubuntu, I installed gparted and deleted my sda1 partition, and now it became free space, the thing is than when i go to the install wizard and then choose the option "use the most free space avaliable" it tosses an error: "they are too much primary partitions, cannot continue". Help??20:09
sebsebsebtweepcat: once you have Ubuntu installed ok :) and here's a good manual for you to check out20:09
kjelekokdela: libc6-i38620:09
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: its free ;)20:09
neurochrometweepcat, no worries20:09
sebsebsebtweepcat: Free PDF manual20:09
Energetic3 types of sub sticks tried, €5 to €180, none get 3 other pcs to boot using 3 tools20:09
kjelekokdela: and libc6-dev-i38620:09
sebsebseb!manual | tweepcat20:09
ubottutweepcat: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:09
neurochromesealive, sorry I don't understand20:09
kokdelakjele: ooh, so after I install that then i'll be able to use the m32 option on gcc?20:09
hello-mani have no open smtp server to configure email. Can i use any site (like yahoo or google) for smtp server?20:09
astra-xwow thanks, this is actually working20:10
kjelekokdela: yup20:10
tweepcatubottu, bookmarked20:10
m4ticubuntu_ use custom partitionong20:10
kokdelakjele: cool, thanks20:10
neurochromesealive, you got the packages and the manual??!20:10
kjelekokdela: but you need the build-essential too20:10
ActionParsnipTweepcat: ok i'd look into bootoptions to get started. You can also try disabling unnecessary hardware in bios for the duration of the install20:10
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | tweepcat20:10
ubottutweepcat: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions20:10
sebsebsebtweepcat: ubottu is not a person, it's a bot, a computer program, by the way20:10
raymondjtothazm left20:10
=== EAS_ is now known as EAS
a3isthello-man, do you mean to send mail from your ubuntu computer?  You can setup google or yahoo accounts in empathy and use that to send mail20:10
m4ticubuntu__ use custom partitionong20:10
kokdelakjele: yeah already have that.20:10
thedude42astra-x, what did you try?20:11
tweepcati am an idiot, i started to talk to the bot, ubuttu thinking he was real XD20:11
ubuntu__m4tic: what?20:11
sebsebsebtweepcat: manual can help you install Ubuntu as well, altough it's rather straight forward, once your computer is booted from the CD20:11
astra-xexact same setup, just the debian installer is a little confusing at first when you are used to use the cli tools20:11
kokdelakjele: just for future reference, how would it work if I were targetting some other platform like arm?20:11
aciculakokdela, you need an i386 compiler to build or cant you crosscompile from an amd64 kernel20:11
astra-xthedude42: thanks :)20:11
poop23Can i get a portable (user level) AMP install? (Like XAMPP on windows (the linux version isn't portable yet afaik))20:11
hello-mana3ist, yes it is ubuntu computer20:11
* neurochrome loves that people treat bots like humans20:11
raymondjtothwere azm20:11
* Energetic thanks all for the tips, but goes sees all energy going into a black hole trying to get ubuntu on his laptop20:11
azmraymondjtoth, sorry, for disconnect20:11
raymondjtothazm its ok20:11
raymondjtothazm i got a Intel 945GM Graphics Controller20:11
azmraymondjtoth, so install xserver-xorg-video-intel20:12
azmraymondjtoth, ah, wait20:12
thedude42astra-x, yeah, I first used it in 9.04 to install my desktop using LUKS LVM for encryption... it took a while to get the hang of the interface20:12
kjelekokdela: I never tried that so can't answer that20:12
GeekSquidpoop23: portable? uh, unlikely, however you can move databases between mysql servers and webroots between machines20:12
ActionParsnipEnergetic: there are other linux distros20:12
Snarksterhi i need some helping selecting several thousand files from several hundred folders. what is the best way to do this?20:12
raymondjtothazm o ok20:12
azmraymondjtoth, not yet!20:12
azmraymondjtoth,  sec20:12
jribSnarkster: use your shell?20:12
m4ticubuntu__ you have to make an extended partition20:12
ubuntu__m4tic: how20:12
ActionParsnipSnarkster: could use a find -exec pair based command ;)20:12
raymondjtothazm ok that what dell support page tell me i have20:13
neurochromem4tic, gparted is the tool you want20:13
m4tichow many partitions do you have, open gparted now20:13
LoshkiSnarkster: what are the selection criteria?20:13
Energeticits not about the distro20:13
hello-mana3ist, i mean , i want to configure my sendmail (own email like something@email.com)but i have no any server to open thie port 25 for smtp20:13
Snarksterright im in a shell.. having issues with rsync,20:13
poop23Geeksquid i basically have a usb stick with "usbwebserver" (which is like xampp but about 10x smaller) but that didn't work in wine20:13
raymondjtothazm o ok ty for helping me is this my problem?20:13
Energeticits about not being able to put _any_ distro on my pc20:13
astra-xthedude42: luks is cryptfs for linux? does it use the same code as lvm?20:13
jribSnarkster: you need to tell the channel what you actually want to do20:13
Snarksterfor example selecting 65k txt files for placemment in a another directory.20:13
poop23Geeksquid So should i install Apache and MySQL and just copy the files to the webroot? how do i change the location of the webroot or make it editable for me without sudoing all the time20:13
fastfwdI have multiple users on my system, I work in English and the other accounts are all in Dutch. On the accounts other than my own everything is translated to Dutch accept Firefox and Thunderbird (installed from the default repo), which are still English. Anyone have any idea on how to get them to Dutch?20:13
a3isthello-man you can use the mail program that comes with Ubuntu.  Click on the mail icon on your panel and click on Mail, or the menu to Applications->Office->Evolution Mail & Calender20:13
ActionParsnipEnergetic: what have you tried?20:14
Snarksternot as good as I thought in a shell. lol20:14
m4ticubuntu__ how many partitions do you have, open gparted now20:14
a3isthello-man, with that program you can set up an account like gmail or yahoo mail and send emails with it20:14
ActionParsnipA3ist: never got why it was there. I'd have put it in internet by default20:14
sebsebsebfastfwd: I think you can google an answer probably.  Also you could try the dutch channel20:14
sebsebseb!nl | fastfwd20:14
ubottufastfwd: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl20:14
thedude42astra-x, LUKS is a key manager, implemented with crypt-setup, which uses dev-mapper, the thing LVM is built on20:14
Snarksteri want to move 65,000+ txt files from several hundred folders to 1 folder on a different drive.20:15
Energeticunetbootin on flash drive 1+2 (flash3 not recognized), LinuxLive USB Creator 2.5 on flash drive 1+2 (flash drive 3 ntfs error), multiboosisos on flashdrive 1+2 (3 not supported)20:15
GeekSquidpoop23: you could make a bootable webserver on a stick, install Apache, Mysql and php, ... depending on what you are doing Apache may need write access to the webroot, you'd have to explain a little more for me to help20:15
lengendActionParsnip, it was a bad cd burn, thank you though!20:15
astra-xthedude42: ah, so is LUKS usuable with tpm?20:15
Energeticon laptop1, pc1, pc220:15
joebodoSnarkster, it would be something like this find -size xxx -exec mv {} /tmp \;20:15
a3istActionParsnip, if you think about it functionally, evolution is geared towards more of the office functions like calendar / contact management to go along with the email20:15
thedude42astra-x, it uses the dev-mapper interface to use kcryptd for writing/reading from a block device20:15
coregrlI've problem with my microphone on ubuntu lynx20:15
oCean__Snarkster: so, you have to find ALL *.txt files in several directories?20:15
fastfwdI already tried the Dutch channel and there's no solution there, furthermore, neither the documentation nor google have so far provided me with a solution20:15
hello-mana3ist, but i do not want to set gmail or yahoo. I wanna make like outlook express mail. How can i do that?20:16
ActionParsnipA3ist: I guess20:16
Snarksterocean yep20:16
SoyoSo I downloaded a file that has a space in the name... How can do anything with it from the command line? It stops after the first space. Example: Test Document.pdf It will say the folder Test does not exist20:16
coregrlI can't record anything but it seemd recognized20:16
jribSnarkster: 65000 files at random?  or based on something...?20:16
onetinsoldierSnarkster: you probably need to make a bash shell script20:16
Snarksterjrib based on extension20:16
SwedeMikeSoyo: put "" around it20:16
raphaguys i'd rly like to use my USB headset again, but nobody is responding to my bug report - what to do?20:16
fastfwdEveryone just tells me it "should work", which it unfortuneately doesn't20:16
onetinsoldierSnarkster: or perl, or whatever20:16
thedude42astra-x, I wouldn't say it's unusable, just that no one has implemented it that I know of, but I don't see that being an impossible task20:16
jribSoyo: 'file with space', or file\ with\ space20:16
poop23GeekSquid I'm teaching myself PHP&MySQL but my webhost is on the other side of the planet and often i lose connection to them, so it's nice to have something running locally20:16
guntbertSoyo: or use <tab> completion20:16
a3istActionParsnip, I agree that you can easily argue for it to go in either folder, but I think having an "Internet" folder is, in itself, kinda silly.  Its way too vague in this day and age to group programs that interact online.20:16
ubuntu__m4tic: http://i41.tinypic.com/20h258p.png20:16
ActionParsnipSnarkster mount the destination then something like: find . -iname "*.txt" -exec cp {} /path/to/dest20:16
jribSnarkster: well you can glob with something like **/*.txt or you can use find -name '*.txt', pick your poison20:16
ActionParsnipA3ist: definately agree there20:17
SoyoThanks! Gonna try all three.20:17
duffydackActionParsnip,  ;\     :)20:17
astra-xthedude42: thanks for the info, if you don't specify a keyfile, is there way (like fedora 11/12) to ask for keyphrase on boot?20:17
sebsebsebfastfwd: I dont' know, ask again in a bit, and someone else may be able to help, or try the forums20:17
maximus__ActionParsnip: Dont know if this helps, but my drive is a SATA drive..dont know how DMA affects it20:17
sebsebseb!forums | fastfwd20:17
ubottufastfwd: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.20:17
ActionParsnipDuffydack: gah!20:17
thedude42poop23, is your ssh session locking up or something like that?20:17
=== cori_ is now known as cori__AWAY
* cori__AWAY is away: AWAY20:17
ActionParsnipMaximus__: then its automagically set to on20:17
oCean__!afk > cori__AWAY20:17
ubottucori__AWAY, please see my private message20:17
poop23thedude42: "The server is not available" in browsers.20:18
mohjakHow to add otf fonts to ubuntu in order to work with open office 3.2?20:18
ActionParsnip!fonts | mahjak20:18
ubottumahjak: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer20:18
Loshkifastfwd: also try #firefox20:18
Soyotab completion FTW20:18
a3istActionParsnip, I think a better way would be to organize "browsing" and "communication" functions separately, but that's probably getting off-topic.  I'm a UI/UX nerd though20:18
ActionParsnipSoyo: its a pita here20:18
maximus__ActionParsnip: mmmmm...so back to square one )= Any other suggestions?20:18
GeekSquidpoop23: why you needed it portable, idk, if you are running on your own computer, ... gksudo nautilus is your friend, when www-data:www-data are chown'd20:18
ActionParsnipMaximus__: latest firmware in burner (risky)20:18
sebsebsebLSD|Ninja: fastfwd  Offical Firefox channel on irc.mozilla.org20:18
Loshkimaximus__: what model is your burner, btw?20:19
poop23GeekSquid: I guess my main question is this then: Why aren't there portableapps on linux yet :P20:19
sebsebsebuh hat was meant to be sent to you Loshki the above20:19
thedude42astra-x, by default that's what crypt-setup does, sets a passphrase.... you have like 10 key 'slots' for key material20:19
ActionParsnipA3ist: tbh I launch everything from guake :)20:19
raphaActionParsnip: do you have any idea who i could get the right person to look at my USB headset bug report (it was broken by 10.04 and i'm suspecting it wasn't the only one)20:19
ubuntu__m4tic: ?20:19
ubuntu__Hello people I need help: I am talking from the Live CD because I am going to fresh install ubuntu, I installed gparted and deleted my sda1 partition, and now it became free space, the thing is than when i go to the install wizard and then choose the option "use the most free space avaliable" it tosses an error: "they are too much primary partitions, cannot continue". Help??20:19
poop23GeekSquid: And isn't the binary program code compatible accross different distros anyway?20:19
maximus__hoped it wouldnt come to that....model is HL-DT_ST DVDRAM GH20LS1020:19
ActionParsnipRaphah: the bugs are reviewed with time20:19
joebodopoop23, you can just put ubuntu on a usb thumb drive and everything is portable20:19
m4ticubuntu__ im here wait20:19
maximus__and firmware version FL0020:20
raphaActionParsnip: okay, then i'll just wait20:20
Loshkirapha: if you filed a bug report (good for you) someone will triage it and it will find the right person (eventually)...20:20
astra-xthedude42: and is that the same thing as when the installer asks "would you like to encrypt your home directory?" or is that a cryptfs?20:20
poop23joebodo: Library has BIOS locked down, lol20:20
raphaLoshki: okay :)20:20
astra-xthedude42: my only experience with encrypted filesystems is netbsd/openbsd20:20
thedude42astra-x, so you can do something like yse a smart card in a secure location, but the smart card goes in a safe and when you leave the secure area you can use a passphrase to unlock the drive20:20
duffydackmaximus__, mine is a similar drive.. works ok20:20
desktop-newbiei just installed Lucid on my Compaq 6820s laptop and but there is a problem with the graphics. The screen flickers a lot. can anyone help?20:20
sh1nypoop23, stuff isnt portable, as far as distro builds go, because they're mostly not staticly build20:20
GeekSquidpoop23: due to linux's restrictive permissioning system, portable isn't possible... and no the binary is not cross compatible across different distros, because the libraries they call are different from one distro to another20:20
a3istActionParsnip, I have a console embedded in my desktop too, but I like having AWN for managing open windows and launching quickly20:20
thedude42astra-x, no, the home directory is the old loop device way of doing things20:20
joebodopoop23, open it up and short out the bios reset jumper20:21
sh1nypoop23, and you can't just take a binary from ubuntu and run it on redhat20:21
maxxxmaximus__ : LG !20:21
ActionParsnipUbuntu__: use custom partitioning and set one partition as / and a much smaller one as /swap equal to the size of your ram if you have >2gb ram20:21
compaqubuntu's integration with proprietary is sweet20:21
poop23joebodo: Lock. (the metal kind)20:21
Snarksteri dont have any experience with -exec.. keeps telling me im missing an argument20:21
compaqdesktop-newbie, try changing the resolution20:21
maximus__maxxx: yea LG...why? I all the pc's I sell i use LG coz i've never had one die on me20:21
ActionParsnipA3ist: trued, I just tend to alt-tab as all I do is chat and browse ;)20:21
joebodopoop23, blowtorch ?20:21
oCean__Snarkster: see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/435127/20:21
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: I cannot resize linux swap20:21
Snarksterlet me RTFM and get back to ya20:21
nimrod10When I resume back from suspend sometimes I get a black screen.(ubuntu 10.04 32bit ati radeon 3650hd) is there a fix for this ?20:21
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: its mounted20:21
poop23joebodo: Armed security :P20:22
unopSnarkster, what was the command you used?  does it have a \; at the end?20:22
astra-xthedude42: rogertive, thanks for the fill-in20:22
maxxxmaximus__ : I am using the same work fine for me.20:22
kjeleubuntu__: swapoff20:22
m4ticubuntu__ delete both the swap and extended. note that to delete the extended you have to first delete its swap, then move the sda3 to the far left, its goin to take about 5 minutes20:22
duffydackmaximus__, what trouble are you having20:22
thedude42astra-x, you'd be getting LUKS if you used the installer manual partitioning to do a crypto volume20:22
GeekSquidpoop23: libraries in linux are files that are called by binaries that allow things like hardware to be accessed.... different kind of library20:22
ActionParsnipUbuntu__: then you can use: sudo swapoff /swap20:22
Loshkimaximus__: got a spare sata port? If so, change ports and see if it helps. You never know...20:22
ActionParsnipUbuntu__: look online for the swapoff syntax. Its something like that20:22
ubuntu__m4tic: my sda3 its the partition with the home, sda1 is the one for the ubuntu programs20:23
ActionParsnipUbuntu__: the livecd has spotted the swap space and started using it20:23
maximus__duffydack: can read cd/dvd perfectly...but have never been able to burn...brasero or k3b or gnomebaker...)= been this way since i started with ubuntu 8.1020:23
poop23GeekSquid: lol.... i know, but the library's one place I use my windows portableapps :P20:23
etatewhat could cause the livecd to freeze when choosing an option? is there some way of getting a usable terminal from the livecd menu?20:23
ActionParsnipUbuntu__: so you will need to swapoff then unmount it20:23
unopSnarkster,  find . -name "*.txt" -type f -exec cp -vi {} dest/ \;20:23
ActionParsnipUnop: nice -type switch use ;)20:24
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo swapoff /swap20:24
ubuntu__swapoff: /swap: swapoff failed: No such file or directory20:24
LoshkiSnarkster: you need quotes round the {} i.e. '{}'20:24
compaqmaxiepax, what happens, I burn fine20:24
unopLoshki, actually, no, you don't20:24
=== cori__AWAY is now known as cori_
desktop-newbiethe screen flickers like crazy even in console mode. it renders the screen totally unreadable20:24
m4ticubuntu__ you currently have no sda1 since you deleted it, after moving sda3 to far left, create a swap next to it and try installing ubuntu on the free space20:24
maximus__duffydack: all the burners report "wodim: A write error occured" and die within the first 100mb of writing. also k3b states " Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits." and says there's a permissions problem20:24
PennStateJoe74i'm having some problems with my shift key not working during x11vnc sessions.  it's very annoying because i can only type a capital letter if i use caps lock, and i have no way of using secondary symbols such as the at symbol, unless i google 'at symbol' and then find one, and copy and paste it20:24
Loshkiunop: you don't? I always did? Aren't {} special characters to the shell?20:25
VirusTBdoes ext3 allow file sizes larger than 4GB ??20:25
ActionParsnipUbuntu__: like I said. Check online for correct syntax20:25
astra-xthedude42: have you ever had /boot on an md with raid1?20:25
ojiiI installed SCIM on my lucid, but now in some apps (eclipse, flash, chrome, firefox) the keyboard stopps working in the middle of typing until I explicitely switch the input method to SCIM using right click menu. How can I tell all apps that they should just use SCIM?20:25
LjLVirusTB: yes20:25
maximus__Loshki: will give another sata port a try too20:25
ActionParsnipVirustb: yes20:25
VirusTBLjL,  ActionParsnip  up to what max file size does ext3 allow?20:25
duffydackmaximus__, mine isnt dvdram, its a HL-DT-ST' 'DVD+-RW GA31N  and works nearly perfect.. it worked 100% in beta lucid but in final it goes through the motions and looks as if its writing (to a dvd-rw) but its empty afterwards.. does ok for dvd-r and dvd+r tho..  this is with brasero mind.. growisofs works 100%20:25
Loshkimaximus__: a long shot, but harmless and easy to try...20:25
ActionParsnipVirustb: the larget filesize is something stupendous20:25
astra-xthedude42: failed20:25
astra-xthis pos machine must be changing uuid's20:25
LjLVirusTB: i'm not sure, probably the size of a 64bit integer20:25
m4ticubuntu__ to turn off swap, right click the swap partition in gparted or system monitor in system>admin20:25
thedude42astra-x, no, just fakeraid20:25
=== Sereph[school] is now known as Sereph
ActionParsnipVirustb: wikipedia has an article on it20:25
unopLoshki, only if you fill stuff up within {} - e.g. {0..1}  - also, newer shells don't have the problem you describe20:25
astra-xthedude42: fakeraid are md devices20:26
astra-xthedude42: softraid1 for boot20:26
thedude42astra-x, negavitve20:26
Loshkiunop: learn something new every day, thanks...20:26
ubuntu__ActionParsnip: oh20:26
VirusTBActionParsnip,  lol ok.... well is it a good thing to install  a dual boot  Win7 on NTFS and Untun 10.04 on NTFS?? ( i want windows to be able to see my ubuntu files)20:26
ubuntu__m4tic: oh ok20:26
ManDayis it just me or is the youtube video player totally messed up in ubuntu?!?20:26
ManDayit hardly works20:26
VirusTBManDay, just you..20:26
ManDaycant even pause or play the video20:26
guntbertVirusTB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Size_limits20:26
m4ticmanday what happens20:27
astra-xthough i am still getting "/dev/mapper/array-root does not exist20:27
kjeleManDay: using 64 bit?20:27
duffydackmaximus__, try making an iso and then try growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd=image.iso20:27
ManDaykjele, yep20:27
ManDay64b indeed20:27
Snarksterit does now20:27
maximus__BRB after updating firmwware and changing sata port20:27
VirusTBkjele,  im using 64bit, and youtube works fine for me ManDay20:27
jiffeI have applied quotas to one of my filesystems, I changed the default grace period to 0 but existing users over quota still show a grace period of 6 days accoring to repquota, anyone know how I get those to show 0 now?20:27
ManDayppl warned me about it... someone said then that it works just fine20:27
lallahow to view .so file20:27
ManDayVirusTB, what package did you get?20:27
guntbertVirusTB: bad idea20:27
m4ticmanday check your connection speed20:27
desktop-newbiei can not execute any commands, the screen flickers like crazy and can not read it.20:27
thedude42astra-x, fakeraid uses the block device driver for communicating with the onboard softraid controller, but the md devices are purely in the kernel module20:27
ManDaym4tic, ?!20:27
VirusTBguntbert,  so leave ubuntu on ext3 ???  but how can i get Win7 to sdee the partion in ext3  and read files from it?20:28
guntbert!md5sum | etate did you check?20:28
ubottuetate did you check?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:28
Snarksterits working beautifully now, wanna thank you guys a whole lot.. next time your in phoenix beer is on me20:28
m4ticits giving me probs 220:28
maxxxVirusTB : Vise-versa is possible.!20:28
kjeleManDay: Try this ppa https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash20:28
karthikhi .. echo karthikwork | sed 's/work/dontwork/' => karthikdontwork  ... how do I do  echo karthikwork | sed 's/^work/dontwork/'    ^=NOT   ....??20:28
duffydackIve also seen this added to fstab help some people out.   /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 iso9660,udf user,noauto 0 0 (obviously make sure /media/cdrom0 exists, and you might have to swap the iso9660,udf around also..)20:28
Snarkstergtg. ttyl20:28
desktop-newbiei think i it is a Lucid bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux/+bug/54682720:29
etateguntbert: no, i will try burning a new CD but i doubt this is the problem20:29
lucid_lynxis there a way to make a script run everytime a user logs on?20:29
ubuntu__m4tic: thanks dude20:29
VirusTBmaxxx,  but can windows read ext3 ??20:29
guntbertVirusTB: you don't need w7 to see the system files - you *can* have /home on another partition (even on NTFS, i guess)20:29
skrite99any 64 bit users having trouble with quake engine based games?20:29
ubuntu__m4tic: by the way whats the function of the linux-swap?20:29
astra-xthedude42: oh i see, fakeraid and softraid differences. i thought ubuntu didn't support fakeraid, else i would just use that20:29
ManDaykjele, ppa's bah...20:29
guntbertetate: please check the image before burning20:29
danceketate, burning a new cd doesn't help if the iso file is corrupt20:29
kudkillioughtahey guys, i've got a few questions about media players and a2dp in ubuntu20:30
m4ticubuntu__ swap acts like a substitute for your RAM memory20:30
maxxxVirusTB : Not a chance!20:30
kudkillioughtaspecifically ubuntu netbook remix20:30
thedude42astra-x, well, softraid is a term that seems to get thrown around.... usually ambiguity is removed by calling them 'fakeraid' and 'md raid'20:30
ruben-The bitlbee fix has been released for maverick, can I get it for hardy too then?20:30
VirusTBastra-x,  ohh RAID??  what u doing, i wanted to get my two 1TB HDD  on my dual boot system as one..20:30
kjeleManDay: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-nonfree20:30
astra-xsoftraid+lvm doesn't like to play ball too easily20:30
oCean__!swap | ubuntu__20:30
ubottuubuntu__: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:30
astra-xi haven't been able to find my lvm's on boot, nothing in /dev/mapper20:31
Piciruben-: You can try to see if it can get backported, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports20:31
ubuntu__thanks :)20:31
ruben-thanks Pici.20:31
thedude42astra-x, but I actually did a fakeraid install on a raid1, and it worked well until one of the disks dies.... then all I had to do was change the kernel image location and boot from the remaining good disk because the bad one was causing the system to hang20:31
m4ticubuntu__ how is the installation going?20:31
kudkillioughtamy netbook has a bluetooth dongle attached and i'm using a sony headunit in my car that supports a2dp, i was wondering if there's a media player that uses a2dp and actually recognizes the remote commands from my headunit (play, pause, next track, etc.)20:31
ubuntu__m4tic: good20:31
astra-xi might just have to create 4 md partitions and just forget about lvm20:31
etateguntbert: okay i'll burn the cd again with a md5 checked iso20:32
ManDaykjele, you sure it works? dont wanna mess up more than it already is - somone once mentioned a config setting that can fix certain problems too20:32
guntbertetate: Good luck :-)20:32
astra-xthedude42: yeah, this system needs performance, hence my desire for raid020:32
neurochromemaco, back again.. I've added the disk to fstab, but now on boot the drive is there on the desktop... I don;t want to turn off showing mounted disk altogether.. just for this particular disk.. any ideas?20:32
ManDaykjele, am i required to uninstall the current flashplugin before i do sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-nonfree20:32
kjeleManDay: It will do everything for you20:32
desktop-newbiecan anyone help this newbie?20:33
duffydackManDay, yup20:33
lengendIs there any way I can download 9.10?20:33
jiffeI have applied quotas to one of my filesystems, I changed the default grace period to 0 but existing users over quota still show a grace period of 6 days accoring to repquota, anyone know how I get those to show 0 now?20:33
thedude42astra-x, well, if you want performance + low cost, build the raid 0 set in bios then install with fakeraid20:33
astra-xi am guess i am going to try gentoo and see if that works, although it could be a problem with my board as i have card readers installed, and grub hates those20:33
lallahow to view .so file20:33
ManDayduffydack, yup?20:33
maxxxlengend : torrent sites.20:33
m4ticubuntu__ good to hear, setting your /home to the far left is a good move since if you were to shrink it in the near future it won't have to be moved and will save you the risk of losing data and such20:33
astra-xthedude42: i was going to do that, but debian-installer said that was unsupported20:33
lengendBesides torrents? Like an http link?20:34
duffydackManDay, I`d uninstall, personally.. as it has all the ia32 rubbish with it as well..20:34
neurochromelengend, the ubuntu site?!20:34
thedude42astra-x, yeah, in debian it's not supported20:34
kjeleManDay: How did you install the current flash?20:34
FloodBot3clausclausclaus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
macoclausclausclaus: not appropriate. stop or leave20:34
ManDaykjele, erm just aptitude and the repos20:34
VirusTBclausclausclaus, Stop :D20:34
koanen_tclausclausclaus: /j #fedora20:34
maconeurochrome: there should be some way to mark a drive as being an internal one. thats what you need to do. somehow.20:34
lengendCan't seem to find it there, but I wil search more...20:34
kjeleManDay: The new one will uninstall the old one for you20:34
macokoanen_t: dont do that20:34
thebrucehey guys i have a question about the sound icon in the top status bar. mine is missing. how can i bring it back20:35
thedude42astra-x, if you want a desktop system that's slick and fast then you are at an impass, but if you want a headless system then consider ubuntu server20:35
koanen_tclausclausclaus: /j #fedora meet mr idiot called "ryan werber"20:35
ManDayhm ill better take it the safe way but thanks20:35
macokoanen_t: sharing the trolls around is no good20:35
neurochromemaco, yeah, somehow ;0)  I read through the man for fstab.. nothing20:35
koanen_tclausclausclaus: /j #fedora meet mr idiot called "nirik"20:35
ManDayill uninstall first20:35
astra-xthedude42: thanks for the help, though i'd really like to know what is causing all my boot attempts to fail20:35
macokoanen_t: STOP20:35
neurochromelengend, http://releases.ubuntu.com/20:35
HaeginHi, I'm getting some rather odd display artifacts on my second screen since updating a few days ago. anyone have any idea why? http://i.imgur.com/CMlQ1.png20:35
astra-xthedude42: this is my workstation for testing thigns before they hit production, so run vmware and a lot of linux apps at a time20:35
ManDaykjele, i dont even know the name of the current one - is it flashplugin installer?!20:35
lengendThanks neurochrome!!!20:36
kjeleManDay: I am telling you. you can just install the new one. It will remove the old one. The package too.20:36
thedude42astra-x, i have seen issues with the initrd not getting built right for funky configurations of the /boot location20:36
neurochromelengend, no worries.. next time just search google ;)20:36
astra-xthedude42: yeah, that is why i've always liked bzImages as opposed to ramfs images20:37
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ManDaykjele, tried to get it from the PPA (after uninstalling flashplugin-installer :/ ) i get ... an error: E: Couldn't find package flashplugin64-nonfree20:37
kjeleManDay: sudo apt-get flashplugin64-installer20:38
desktop-newbieit seems this is the bug that is causing me grief: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/57746020:38
desktop-newbiecan anyone help me overcome this?20:38
agentgasmaskHi all! My remotely connected employee can't ping my ip address. could there ISP have blocked it?20:38
astra-xthough i guess i could always stick /boot on a sata cf card, but i fear that may cause as many problems as it solves20:38
ManDaykjele, you are a genius20:38
thedude42astra-x, well, if you want you can try and install /boot on a CF card with an ide adapter20:38
m4ticthat's it, i'm hitting the sack! bye pippol20:39
etateguntbert: i checked the md5sum of the iso that i used to burn the cd, its fine20:39
agentgasmaskm4tic: what time is it there?20:39
m4ticits 21:40 in south africa20:39
kjeleManDay: You need to restart the browser to take effect20:39
ManDaymy internet is AW-FULLY slow  - any idea how to figure out WHY? I assume its my WLAN connection but I'm not 100 sure. Only thing I'm certain of is that from my router on its blazing fast20:39
agentgasmaskm4tic: Ah, well best get to bed then! good night!20:40
ManDaykjele, stop it ! im flattered by your igeniuity20:40
karthikI know to remove all the tags we do   sed 's/<[^>]*>//g  ..   What if I had two characters following ^(not) ?  [^ab] would be OR.. how to do Negate+And20:40
guntbertetate: good, now it makes sense to burn again :-)20:40
ManDayrestart firefox, gosh - thats so... :D20:40
kudkillioughtawhat would you guys recommend, i have my laptop running ubuntu 10.04 and want to mess around with KDE, should i install kubuntu or just put KDE on the existing install?20:40
astra-xthedude42: sata/ide doesn't matter, uuid's can change without warning. That is why i wish sata devices had universal id numbers like SAS20:40
neurochromeManDay, ipv6?20:40
adeola0405I'm lookin for help with my sound in Lucid20:40
thedude42ManDay, have you tried with a wired connection to see if it makes a difference?20:40
jiffeI have applied quotas to one of my filesystems, I changed the default grace period to 0 but existing users over quota still show a grace period of 6 days accoring to repquota, anyone know how I get those to show 0 now?20:40
ManDayneurochrome, nope20:40
ManDaythedude42, no man i have no wires arround - but im 100% sure its not the router20:41
ManDayit must be something in the air20:41
etateguntbert: should i limit the speed or just leave it on max?20:41
Aji-DahakaI have a bluetooth headset with controls.  The pause button works when I am logged in, but when the screen is locked, I cannot use the pause button.  Is there a way to "fix" that?20:41
VCooliokudkillioughta: install kubuntu-desktop and choose from login; you'll have the same home folder and can switch whenever you want20:41
guntbertetate: by all means - limit it20:41
thedude42ManDay, well, if it might be your wireless card then you need some way to figure that out.... maybe try connecting to some other open network?20:42
ManDayeh kjele works great ! thanks !20:42
Rivierakarthik: that's very tricky. Two strategies: Use a regex engine that supports non-greedy matching (you could use perl as a filter), convert the multi-byte patterns to single characters (after escaping those single characters), then use your original approach on that and undo the escaping. Also, there's channels like ##sed, #regex, #perl, etc.20:42
kjeleManDay: Good it works20:42
neurochromeManDay, what chipset is your wifi card? Is the network protected?20:42
astra-xthedude42: have you used 10.04 on fakeraid? ubuntu is getting angry and is not able to partition20:42
dlynesworkAre there any recent updates to wireshark for ubuntu jaunty?  It only seems to ship with a crusty old 1.07 version20:42
Rivierakarthik: And: For handling data like xml and html, there often are better ways.20:42
ManDaythedude42, im even kind of confidedt that it IS my wifi card (which is rather a piece of junk) - but i wonder whether i can help it - neurochrome20:43
thedude42astra-x, i was suggesting the CF card so you could get the rest of the install in the md0, and the md0 doesn't need to have the boot sector20:43
ManDayneurochrome, yep WPA2 the card is -- dunno. removed the plastic cover20:43
dlynesworkAnd for various reasons, not the least of which is nfs, we can't jump to 9.1 or 10.0420:43
ManDayits some cheap one20:43
ManDayah wait i remember the company is called HAMA neurochrome20:43
thedude42ManDay, yeah, depends what kind of card it is, you may have options to tweak it20:43
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Vital{ReBorN}Hey, Is there anyway to establish a dialup connection, Without using something like wvdial that awaits you to try and access a webpage? I can't use any applications20:43
neurochromeManDay, just sudo lshw   -- and sudo lspci  -- pleaes20:44
ManDaythedude42, i would prefer a way of figuring that out the analytical way and not try out random tweaks20:44
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, you're wanting to use the command line?20:44
karthikRiviera: okay . I ll try #sed / #regex .. thanks20:44
Vital{ReBorN}I wanna mainly get on pidgin20:44
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, ah...so you do have a gui....you just said you can't use any applications20:44
thedude42astra-x, I had 9.10 on fakeraid install of server, and I have no reason to doubt 10.04 would have any issues.... all my problems with 10.04 I have had thus far are related to nvidia drivers, and stuff that I knew could cause issues (ie virtualbox and kvm living side by side)20:45
ManDayneurochrome, lshw, hey didnt know this one! cool20:45
neurochromeManDay, you need to find out the chipset... lshw (list hardware) and lspci will give you a breakdown about hardware20:45
neurochromeManDay, welcome to linux20:45
Vital{ReBorN}dlyneswork, Well I mean only apps that use the internet, Like pidgin, bittorrent clients, IRC.. wetc20:45
ManDayi just dont keep a list of a million tools in my head20:45
neurochromeManDay, is it a broadcom by chance? -- do sudo lshw -class network20:45
ManDaybut thanks for the welcome - a little late that comes but eh.20:45
thedude42ManDay, well the problem is that most wireless cards are implemented with driver-loaded firmware and so the tools you may have are highly dependant on your card manufacturer20:45
Vital{ReBorN}But I can connect with wvdial, and gnome-ppp but all I can use is software manager and firefox20:45
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, apt-get install diald20:45
desktop-newbieCompaq 6820s with ATI Mobility Radeon X135020:46
neurochromeManDay, this is basics, but nevermind ;)20:46
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dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, it's a dial on demand daemon for ppp and slipo20:46
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, it's a dial on demand daemon for ppp and slip20:46
ManDayneurochrome, lspci is basics20:46
astra-xthedude42: yeah i don't even know how to debug this, i don't really get an error message other than "fail"20:46
ManDaylshw never needed it20:46
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, it's just a pain in the ass to use...you'll have to edit some text files to configure it20:46
handjobHi all. I just installed 10.04 on friend's laptop (emachine 620) and I can't get local internet connection to work. It's not detected by network manager which is kind a strange since desktop runing ubuntu does not have any problem with it.20:46
neurochromeManDay, lspci is very handy though!20:46
Vital{ReBorN}dlyneswork- Uh, Dial on demand, Like it waits for me to access something then retrieves it? like gnome-ppp?20:46
neurochromeManDay, sooo... what is the results of lshw - class network20:47
neurochromes/- class/-class20:47
abstraktwhere can i download Ubuntu 9.10 ?20:47
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, it monitors your dialup internet connection, and when it goes down, automatically dials back up to reconnect you20:47
ManDayneurochrome, gotta disappoint you, lshw is as telling as /dev/zero20:47
maximus_new sata port and new firmware....same issue )= However i did find that i can write data disks fine, but audio cd's fail after writing the first track or 220:47
neurochromeabstrakt, search google its about the thrid link down20:47
ManDayneurochrome, i can paste it for you, see yourself20:47
adeola0405i need help fixing my sound in Lucid20:48
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, basically, it's a SLIP/PPP client20:48
thedude42astra-x, well if you want to give it a  shot, 10.04 will definitely detect the raid controller and give you the option to install on that20:48
neurochromeManDay,  ok ... did you run it as super-user?20:48
alket1why OpenSuse has 4GB Iso and Ubuntu has just 700 MB ?20:48
ManDayneuro_damage, http://codepad.org/Wnxgydb120:48
neurochromeabstrakt, http://releases.ubuntu.com/20:48
Vital{ReBorN}dlyneswork, It keeps me connected at all times, rather then wait for me to browse the web?20:48
Vital{ReBorN}just like DSL would?20:48
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, You're not on dialup?  You're on DSL?20:48
Vital{ReBorN}Nope, I'm on dialup20:48
agentgasmaskwhat would cause my ip to not be ping-able but I can use the internet?20:49
erUSULalket1: ubuntu desings the iso to fit in a CD-R20:49
thedude42alket1, because opensuse includes a lot of extra things that ubuntu assumes you will get from the repos online20:49
etateguntbert: didn't make a difference :-(20:49
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, why would you have to browse the web to trigger a connection?20:49
Vital{ReBorN}but I want it to stay connected at all times like dsl would, rather then wait for me to browse the web and retrieve it20:49
neurochromeManDay, possibly a realtek,  you'll need to get the code from lspci to be sure20:49
abstraktagentgasmask, does your IP start with 192 ?20:49
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, that sounds like something stupid microsoft would make you do20:49
Vital{ReBorN}dlyneswork, I don't know, wvdial and gnome-ppp seems like that's what they do20:49
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etatestill gets stuck at the livecd screen after pressing a key and getting to the menu :'(20:49
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, diald doesn't do that20:50
agentgasmaskabstrakt: no, it's the outside one, I have a static address20:50
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, it attempts to maintain a constant connection20:50
Vital{ReBorN}dlyneswork, Okay thanks, I'm gonna reboot in linux and try it, I'll come back and let you know how it goes20:50
U-b-u-n-t-umy cd rom isnt working since upgrading to 10.04 what can be done about it20:50
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, as long as your isp doesn't have any timeouts20:50
etatethe hardrive LED blinks and the cd drive seems to have some activity, but it just doesn't progress from there20:50
thedude42agentgasmask: firewall20:50
agentgasmaskthedude42: even for just pining?20:50
joebodoagentgasmask, icmp has to be allowed through firewall20:50
xerox1just created a live usb stick with unetbootin; didn't seem to work, so i would like to look at the content of the stick: now i can't mount the stick any more...20:50
dlynesworkVital{ReBorN}, you might need to cruise the net, or check out the documentation on diald to figure out how to configure it...and i'm at work, so I don't have the time to teach you how to use it20:51
guntbertetate: do you get the menu where you can choose "test without changing"  "install" "check..." ?20:51
thedude42agentgasmask, drop means drop20:51
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: Are you sure it is not defected?20:51
dlynesworkDoes anyone know if I can install a debian wireshark backport?  Jaunty doesn't seem to have one20:51
agentgasmaskthedude42: what do you mean "drop"20:51
etateguntbert: no, i have to press a key then i get a language menu, then a menu with "Try ubuntu before installing" "Install ubuntu ... etc"20:51
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, when I put a cd in it does nothing when I try to click on it in "computer" I can't open it etc20:52
ManDayneurochrome, its not a realtek20:52
thedude42agentgasmask, drop packets... the default drop policy on ufw is drop, i believe20:52
ManDayits HAMA20:52
etateguntbert: if i select any of the options the hard drive and cd drive spin, and then nothing happens20:52
b01iHello, I bougth a HP Prolaint ML150G6 server, and I want to install Ubuntu server on it.  In the HP list of supported linux S.O for this model (ML150G6) say Suse Enterprise or RedHat Enterprise.  Someone knows if is posible to install Ubuntu in this HP model (ML150G6)?20:52
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: Have you tried to put a livecd and check if it works there?20:52
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, that works20:52
thedude42agentgasmask, sorry, that was ambiguous... the default policy is drop, is what I meant to say20:52
neurochromeManDay, on the left-hand side there will be a alpha-numeric code like "00:1d.7" which will tell you the exact hardware "0000:00:1d.7"20:52
erUSULb01i: #ubuntu-server20:53
agentgasmaskthedude42: ok, I'll check the settings20:53
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, ill try a music cd too20:53
guntbertetate: that was what I was referring to - badly worded --- that issue is really strange20:53
neurochromeManDay, are you 100% sure?20:53
agentgasmaskjoebodo: what is icmp?20:53
unclemantiswhat is the easiest way to upgrade 8.10?20:53
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, actually I am not sure live cd works since I install via upgrade20:53
joebodoagentgasmask, protocol for ping20:53
neurochromeManDay, try installing hardinfo, as that is a GUI based tool that gives you a complete breakdown of your system20:53
greezmunkeyInternet Control Message(ing) Protocol20:53
agentgasmaskjoebodo: ok, thanks20:54
SwedeMikeunclemantis: you have two choices, upgrade step by step, or re-install from scratch.20:54
guntbertetate: rereading your statement one thing comes to my mind: a CD drive gone bad20:54
joebodoagentgasmask, if you are looking in router configuration, it should have an option to allow icmp traffic20:54
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: Do you have an old livecd?20:54
Jordan_Uunclemantis: Why do you want to upgrade to such an old version? The current release is 10.04.20:54
thedude42!ufw > agentgasmask20:54
unclemantisblah, can't do a reinstall, i have stuff on there that has taken me months to get the way i wanted.... MySQL, etc..20:54
ubottuagentgasmask, please see my private message20:54
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, actually just tried live cd and a music cd and nothing happen20:54
etateguntbert: indeed, i've been looking for a solution on the net for hours, and most point to a graphics problem, something to do with the driver being out of synch. However, i tried the fixes in launchpad and on the forums but nothing has worked so far.20:54
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: ok20:54
b01ierUSUL:  when i try with ubuntu server cd, an error occur:  no common cd-rom drive was detected20:54
unclemantisI ment to say FROM 8.10 TO 10.0420:54
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: Can you open a terminal and type "gksudo /etc/fstab"20:55
ojiiI installed SCIM on my lucid, but now in some apps (eclipse, flash, chrome, firefox) the keyboard stopps working in the middle of typing until I explicitely switch the input method to SCIM using right click menu. How can I tell all apps that they should just use SCIM?20:55
guntbertetate: how about testing it in another machine?20:55
b01iMaybe isn't an ubuntu think, but i dont know what can i do...20:55
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, done20:56
etateguntbert: okay i'll test it on here and get back to you once i find out if it works20:56
etatebrb in 5 mins20:56
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: save and close it20:56
adeola0405No sound from my HP desktop, lspci gives audio card: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02). I'm running Lucid20:56
adeola0405can anyone help20:56
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: Sorry20:56
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: Add this add the bottom "/dev/cdrom  /media/cdrom  auto  ro,noauto,user,exec  0 0"20:57
joebodo!sound | adeola040520:57
ubottuadeola0405: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:57
agentgasmaskubottu: sorry, kinda new to irc, I'm on irssi, do you know how I do that?20:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:57
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: Without the quotes20:57
unclemantisso how do i upgrade to the recent version? I have a Rackspace Cloud Server20:57
AhmedBHhi, i wanna ask that can i install ubuntu on a macbook pro 17" ? without any third party application involving the installation but right from a bootup ?20:58
pynchon?DCC SEND "GayNiggerAssociationofAmerica" 0 0 020:58
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FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.20:58
dlynesworkCan debian packages be installed on jaunty?  How about karmic packages on jaunty?20:58
rooster14HI please20:58
aquilottohi all20:58
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, done20:58
koanen_tMåste-Gå-Å-Bajsa-BRB :)20:58
erUSULdlyneswork: better not to mix repos/deb packages20:58
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: save the file and check if you cdrom works now20:58
aquilottothere is someone italian?20:58
onetinsoldierunclemantis: if you running 8.10, you'd have to upgrade one version at a time all the way to 10.04. you'd need to be running 8.04 in order to upgrade straight to 10.0420:58
erUSUL!it | aquilotto20:58
ubottuaquilotto: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:58
mneptok!it > aquilotto20:58
ubottuaquilotto, please see my private message20:58
unclemantisdamn it that sucks20:59
unclemantiswhere do i go to read how to do this?20:59
dlynesworkerUSUL, So I guess my only solution is to download wireshark sources, compile and install (after removing wireshark packages)?20:59
mneptokerUSUL: ai caralho.20:59
rooster14привет всем20:59
etateguntbert: yeah it loads on this computer20:59
dlynesworkerUSUL, the wireshark on jaunty is ancient....that's why I'm having to do this20:59
mneptok!ru | rooster1420:59
ubotturooster14: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:59
erUSUL!backports | dlyneswork21:00
ubottudlyneswork: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging21:00
onetinsoldierunclemantis: not sure. there may be a guide, but you pretty must just run... sudo update-manager -c21:00
erUSULdlyneswork: also check out !ppa21:00
rooster14ПИТУХИ В ЧЯТЕ21:00
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: Does it work?21:00
dlynesworkerUSUL, no backports for it for jaunty...only karmic21:00
FloodBot3rooster14: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
FloodBot1rooster14: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
FloodBot2rooster14: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:00
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.21:00
guntbertetate: then it seems to be a hardware problem - my guess: 1) CD, 2) RAM21:00
luis_I need a simple sound recorder that works from a terminal, thanks21:00
unclemantisfloodbot it flooding LOL21:00
dlynesworkerUSUL, thanks....didn't know about that21:00
unclemantisso just keep typing sudo update-manager -c21:00
etateguntbert: isn't there some ramfs that gets loaded at some point in booting the livecd?21:01
donavan01any one know if there is a way to keep ubuntu from asking for my password everytime I update or ‌install a new program ?21:01
xerox1fdisk -l does not list my usb stick; what can i do?21:01
neurochromemanday, post results of lspci -nn21:01
guntbertetate: yes, I think so21:01
etateguntbert: the computer i'm talking about has ben iffy installing the previous version of ubuntu too - but i managed to get sabayon installed21:01
Condoulois there any reason as to why I cannot move a panel (gnome-panel) over to my second monitor? I had no issue doing this in 9.10 (with GNOME 2.28), but can't seem to do this in Ubuntu 10.04 (GNOME 2.30)21:02
etateguntbert: well, the previous version installed fine but wouldn't load correctly after boot21:02
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: If not then you need to make the folder "sudo mkdir -p /media/cdrom"21:02
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, nothing21:02
ManDayneurochrome, http://codepad.org/mQdZtwzT21:03
guntbertetate: to test the RAM: there are several live CDs with memtest, I guess it could be even put onto an usb stick21:03
U-b-u-n-t-uok I changed fstab and issued the command to make the dir with sudo mkdir -p /media/cdrom21:03
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kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: type mount and pastebin it for me21:04
etateguntbert: i'll run memtest86 on it and see what happens21:05
etateguntbert: thing is if the ram was broken i would have expected some form of corruption in the past whilst using it21:05
neurochromeManDay, looks like your wifi card isn't supported that well at all http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145794721:05
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, http://paste.ubuntu.com/435149/21:05
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guntbertetate: be sure to let at least one pass complete (only the later tests do get the nasty errors :-))21:06
Guest77675after upgrade cursor doesn't display itself on screen.  i can get it back by running display properties and selecting anything..is there anyway to reconfigure X automatically?21:06
CondouloSo any reason why I can't get a panel to my second monitor properly in GNOME 2.30 in UBuntu 10.04?21:06
GletobCan anyone help me out I'm trying to get my friend's wifi working from here it's a BCM4318 PCI and he just installed ubuntu, and has no way to get internet access in ubuntu.21:06
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: And what do wodim --devices says?21:06
v0lksmandual screen setup.  in karmic my desktop wall paper would stretch across both screens.  in lucid each monitor gets its own copy of the wallpaper...anyway to set a different wall paper per screen?21:06
guntbertetate: I think you made a fine observation with your statement about a ramdisk ...21:06
neurochromeGletob, try madwifi21:06
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, wodim: Overview of accessible drives (0 found) :21:07
greezmunkeyv0lksman: I think you need compiz to do that...21:07
Condoulov0lksman, as far as I know that function isn't in GNOME by default21:07
v0lksmangreezmunkey, yes...compiz is installed and running21:07
tamircan i speak my problem here ?21:07
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: That is very bad.21:07
neurochrome!ask | tamir21:08
ubottutamir: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:08
unclemantisi have a new friend that I will have upgrade the server.21:08
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele, thats my luck21:08
paddyhttp://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=hQ0ub3qK,  I have this wierd problem where I can access only one row of a table, you will see what i mean if you look at the output21:08
unclemantisThanks folks21:08
zaida ho appena installato ubuntu lucid e non riesco a far funzionare il microfono potete trovare la descrizione del mio hardware e i livelli del mio mixer a questo indirizzo http://nopaste.info/f9c64cefff.html  comunque premetto che ho due schede audio e con nessuna delle due risco a far funzionare il microfono mentre con entrambe riesco a far funzionare perfettamente audio e dolbysurround21:08
CondouloGNOME's support for dual-monitor configs in terms of stuff like wallpaper and Panels21:08
kjeleU-b-u-n-t-u: You might check if the hardware is faulty. See if the plug is connected correctly and that the bios detect it.21:08
U-b-u-n-t-ukjele,  ok21:08
neurochromezaida, no worries!21:08
razassHi I had vista and ubuntu on a dual boot but when I upgraded vista to 7 it erased the bootloader.....do I need to re-install ubuntu or can I fix this some how?21:08
guntbert!it | zaida21:09
ubottuzaida: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:09
joebodo!grub | razass21:09
ubotturazass: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:09
neurochromerazass, you need to install grub from a livecd21:09
dlynesworkerUSUL, Perfect...got a bleeding edge svn version, but at least it's better than something that doesn't work period, because it's so old :)21:09
razassok this iwas ubuntu 10.0421:09
erUSULdlyneswork: glad it worked for you21:09
hendrixskianybody know how to read the result of a cost estimate using "complexity points" and has 4 numbers at the total cost, which doesn't make much sense?21:09
tamirok - i want to watch a .mkv with softsubs from right to left... i tried : totem vlc MPlayer SMPlayer with no luck21:09
razassdoes it stll use grub?21:09
wrapsterim unable to play any  youtube videos.. i just reinstalled my machine..21:09
neurochromerazass, yes grub221:10
hendrixskior even which IRC channel I might go to that someone could know?21:10
wrapsteri know im missing some pkg.. not sure what it is...21:10
duffydackrazass, boot livecd/usb and do sudo grub-install /dev/sda (if its sda)21:10
wrapstercan anyone pls tell me.21:10
lamefunwewt :D21:10
CondouloIs there any reason why in Ubuntu 10.04 using GNOME 2.30, I cannot create/drag over a panel to my second monitor?21:10
neurochromehendrixski, this is the IRC channel for an operating system... ;)21:11
Gletobneurochrome, I thought that was for Atheros?21:11
costrewrapster, install flashplugin-nonfree21:11
Dev^Nullhey all I am trying to install inb and outb but I cannot figure out what package there are in anyone have any idea21:11
hendrixskineurochrome, I know, it's also the first one that opens up when I open IRC, so I figured someone could direct me to the right channel21:11
neurochromeGletob, certain broadcom chipsets yes....  You'd have to double check21:11
Dev^NullI am running 9.1021:11
guntberthendrixski: #freenode is the general help channel of this network21:11
neurochromehendrixski, erm, no21:11
hendrixskiguntbert, ah, good to know21:12
thedude42Condoulo, i installed 9.04 on this box, upgreded to 9.10 and 10.04, and that functionality never existed for me... is there a chance you had to do something to get that working in the first place?21:12
poop23how do i open LZO file21:12
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poop23gui-based preferably21:12
eshiis the 64 bit lucid release noticeably faster than the 32-bit version?21:12
Condoulothedude42, Didn't have to do anything. In 9.10/GNOME 2.28, I just had to create a panel on my main monitor, un-expand it, and then I was able to drag it from monitor 0 to monitor 1. Now I can't even do that.21:12
Gletobneurochrome, I don't think madwifi will work21:12
a3istCondoulo, do you have nvidia-settings?  You need to run them in a TwinView configuration, not as separate X screens21:12
etateguntbert: I think I just embarked on a lengthy process, this memtest86 may take the better part of my life to complete :-)21:12
Condouloa3ist, I'm using fglrx.21:13
tamiri use ubuntu 10.04 and I want to watch a .mkv with softsubs from right to left... i tried : totem vlc MPlayer SMPlayer with no luck Im pretty sure i got it working on 9.10 cant remember how ...21:13
* Condoulo is on AT.21:13
GletobCan anyone help me out I'm trying to get my friend's wifi working from here it's a BCM4318 PCI and he just installed ubuntu, and has no way to get internet access in ubuntu.21:13
v0lksmanif I figure out how to setup compiz to have a different background per desktop does it still have a bug that kills desktop icons21:13
donavan01i used WUBI to install 10.04 in windows 7 is there a way to get access to my windows files ?21:13
lamefunuh.... same Nautilus bug like in ArchLinux :(21:13
aciculaetate it runs increasingly more complex test, it can take a looong time to do them all21:13
neurochromeCondoulo, yes because you need to tell the panel to no stretch then drag it.. I have no idea why Gnome devs have been smoking wacky shit recently21:13
guntbertetate: sorry - forgot to mention that - but you can safely let it run over night, it will record any errors21:13
thedude42Condoulo, odd, I just did exactly that and it works fine21:13
ManDayneurochrome, hm thanks. so you suggest that this is the cause for my netspeed being so slow at many times?21:14
soreauv0lksman: It's not a bug, it's just that compiz (rightfully) does not do a file managers of drawing icons21:14
Condouloneurochrome, I'm personally on the verge of going to XFCE.21:14
neurochromeManDay, more than likely21:14
Condoulothedude42, what graphics do you have?21:14
etateacicula, guntbert: is it supposed to return 0 errors or are a few errors acceptable?21:14
neurochromeCondoulo, I'm lost as to where to go next21:14
soreauv0lksman: Also, a desktop without icons is much cleaner looking IMHO21:14
mohjakAfter Upgrading to 10.04 I can't start vuze anymore how to start it again?21:14
thedude42Condoulo, nvidia, but it also works on my laptop with an ati card21:14
neurochromeCondoulo, gnome is/was my favourite, but they're starting to treat users like idiots21:15
v0lksmansoreau, is there a way to force it?  I use my desktop icons to remind me what I'm doing... :)21:15
guntbertetate: I usually get 0 errors - I never kept a stick which had errors21:15
ManDayneurochrome, ok, i shouldnt have bought a wifi card that was in a box with plastic watches and fake sunglasses...21:15
ManDayi think21:15
kjelesoreau: You can disable the desktop icons if you like that21:15
Condoulothedude42, Weird. =/ this is driving me nuts because I can't to create a panel on my second monitor to have two taskbars.21:15
soreauv0lksman: Force what? Compiz Does Not do any icons21:15
neurochromeManDay, lol, perhaps not21:15
etateguntbert: okay so if any errors occur then the ram is bad, good to know21:15
neurochromeManDay, linux emporium is a great palce for compatible cards21:15
thedude42Condoulo, try disabling compiz?21:16
GletobCan anyone help me out I'm trying to get my friend's wifi working from here it's a BCM4318 PCI and he just installed ubuntu, and has no way to get internet access in ubuntu.21:16
ManDayneurochrome, empori-what?21:16
neurochromeCondoulo, do as I said21:16
a3istCondoulo, here's a pastebin of my working xorg.conf.  I run two monitors with the desktop stretching across both so I can drag things around:      http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/hKZJ3cM421:16
v0lksmansoreau, ok compiz doesn't do it but is there a way to get the icons to display over compiz backgrounds?21:16
soreaukjele: v0lksman is the one with the problem, I already have my linux installs configured21:16
joebodomohjak, try starting it from command line - you may have java issues21:16
duffydackI use compiz scale to remind me what Im doing.21:16
Condouloneurochrome, lately both KDE and XFCE have been looking attractive to me. And both have much more configuration options for dual monitors.21:16
neurochromeManDay, linuxemporium21:16
Condoulothedude42, I tried disabling compiz.21:16
timyeunghey I have a 250gb external harddrive. every time I plug it in and try to put files onto it it tells me it is read-only. So I am trying to reformat it using gparted but it keeps telling me I am getting some error. Any Ideas/??21:16
Condouloneurochrome, lemme scroll up quick. o_O21:16
soreauv0lksman: There was some hack to do it in the past but that has long been destroyed by nautilus and/or libeel changes21:16
greezmunkeyetate: also, it's good to power down, and reseat things prior to running a memtest :021:16
* Cayzer testing irc 21:16
Condouloneurochrome, thats what I tried doing. Un-expanding the panel when I create it, and then I try dragging it, and it won't let me drag the panel.21:17
v0lksmansoreau, damn...I hate the way lucid is displaying my background...21:17
guntbertetate: mostly there are either no errors or many :-)21:17
neurochromecondoulo go into panel prefs by right clicking it then select the don't stretch option (or w/e)21:17
ManDayneurochrome, never heard of it - what is it good for?21:17
BeWolFlol Cayzer21:17
joebodotimyeung, do you dual boot with windows using the external drive ?21:17
a3istCondoulo, check out my pastebin and look at the section for "Screen" which enumerates the Twinview options necessary to combine the screens as one desktop21:17
* Cayzer is leaving 21:17
neurochromeManDay, it ash a list of hardware that works with linux21:17
kjelesoreau: Do you have a beautiful wallpaper?21:17
neurochromeManDay, *has21:17
Condouloneurochrome, you mean unchecking Expand, right?21:17
Condouloa3ist, isn't Twin-view an nVidia option though?21:17
neurochromeCondoulo, yeah - for some reason I can't do it right now!?21:18
a3istCondoulo, I honestly have no idea :p21:18
neurochromeCondoulo, now grab the edges and you can move it21:18
Condouloneurochrome, thats exactly what I'm having a problem with.21:18
ManDayneurochrome, right im fine so far. nothing out of the ordinary here. amd64 and ps35 is nothing that a normal distro wouldnt handle out of the box21:18
neurochromeCondoulo, what you can't go to preferences?21:18
xorwhyMy mouse movement is jerky and choppy.21:18
vltHello. I'm trying to setup pidgin on Ubuntu and am looking for someone using it with gmail's XMPP for video calls successfully (willing to test my connection for a few seconds). Anyone?21:18
ManDayjust that cheap wifi card is not that good of a deal21:18
Condouloneurochrome, no, I can go into preferences. What I've been trying to do is drag the panel over (with the edges once its not expanded).21:18
neurochromemanday, I'm talking about a site that can sell you a wifi card that works21:19
ahasalesman detected!21:19
neurochromeCondoulo, why can't we go to preferences, has it been removed?21:19
timyeungjoebodo, no i am just using it for backup21:19
CondouloI changed a setting in ATI CCC. I'll brb.21:20
kjelevlt: Can't you just make two account and test it yourself?21:20
Energeticsomehow, i fail to create a bootable usb device. Iv tried LinuxLive USB Creator 2.5, Unetbootin and MultiBootIso21:20
EnergeticAnything I may be forgetting?21:20
timyeungjoebodo, gparted lists it as ms filesystem....21:20
vltkjele: Only have one camera :(21:20
koanen_twilliams: kde is gay21:20
kjelevlt: That is bad then. :(21:20
nexsja'ello. I have a weird problem. I'm connecting to one server using putty and an rsa key. I try to connect to that same server but only using a password - nothing happens. When i change the password and try again - nothing happens again. I just get Access denied. Why?21:21
koanen_twilliams: Its shitcrap and horMoSlyr My Friend21:21
Dev^Nullanyone know what package to find inb and outb on ubuntu 9.1021:21
eipi-1_anyone else got the problem that gnome-panel is visible while impress presentation mode?21:21
erUSUL!find outb21:21
joebodotimyeung, i remember seeing this discussed before, if you cant get an answer here - you might want to google: mount read only usb drive21:21
ubottuFile outb found in aft, ampache, asterisk-sounds-extra, avr-libc, awesome (and 66 others)21:21
williams#ubuntu spanish21:21
koanen_tJaevvla Shiiit asso21:21
erUSUL!es | williams21:21
ubottuwilliams: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:21
neurochromeCondoulo, ooops I'd locked down the panel! haha!  I can drag mine about now21:21
vltkjele: And I want to make sure it works between two machines even behind NAT routers. This is hard to test locally ;-)21:21
mohjakjoebodo I have just started vuze from the terminal it gave me a warning that swt is not found do you know about this?21:22
williamsjoin #ubuntu-es21:22
dedWhat's an easy way to upgrade automatically giving the default answer to all questions?21:22
neurochromeCondoulo so can you drag it around on the first monitor but not the second?21:22
raymondjtothhow you do restart x in ubuntu 10.0421:22
joebodomohjak, swt is what it uses for the UI components21:22
timyeungjoebodo, thanks for the keywords....21:22
nexsjaumm.. anybody? :/21:23
caseywIs there a better way to downgrade PHP to 5.2 in 10.4 than: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9080474&postcount=721:23
erUSUL!dontzap | raymondjtoth21:23
ubotturaymondjtoth: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap21:23
timyeunghey I have a 250gb external harddrive. every time I plug it in and try to put files onto it it tells me it is read-only. So I am trying to reformat it using gparted but it keeps telling me I am getting some error. Any Ideas/??21:23
wng-is there a way to edit the GNOME menus from the command line?21:23
g0tchahmm how can i install kernel modules?21:23
dedraymondjtoth: logout and back in?21:23
kjelevlt: Without portforward you will not get anything21:23
neurochromeraymondjtoth, ctrl+alt+sys-req-k21:23
mohjakjoebodo should I reinstall java in order to solve this problem?21:23
joebodomohjak, how did you install vuze initially ?21:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:23
jribwng-: sure, are you the masochistic type?21:24
neurochromeraymondjtoth, ctrl + alt + sysreq + K21:24
mohjakjoebodo I installed it using synaptic I guess21:24
williamsPlease, does anyone can tell me how to enter the Ubuntu IRC channel in Spanish?21:24
DavidTrubyi have a problem with sound on ubuntu 10.04, the only sounds that work are the system sounds and rhythmbox, I cannot get any other application (media players, web browsers, etc.) to produce any sounds at all21:24
joebodomohjak, then i believe the command is apt-get install --reinstall vuze21:24
jribwilliams: /join #ubuntu-es21:24
aaroncampbell_I'm trying to share files back and forth between Ubuntu and Windows 7.  I can see my Ubuntu files from the Windows 7 machine, but not the other way around.21:24
erUSULg0tcha: many come already installed by default in the kernel package21:24
joebodomohjak, you can also try java --version to see if that is installed correctly21:24
handjobWhat is the command to activate gui tool that lets You switch between alsa and pulse?21:24
raymondjtothdeb im trying to reconfig since didnt have a xorg.conf, azm gave me site how to do it but tell me in one comand after i hit alt+f121:25
aaroncampbell_However, my other Windows machines (XP & Vista) can see the files on the Windows 7 machine fine21:25
g0tchaerUSUL, i want to uninstall vmware kernel moduls21:25
raymondjtothto do a restart x21:25
raymondjtothin comand line21:25
neurochromehandjob, gstreamer-properties21:25
dedwng-: Look at man gconftool21:25
dedwng-: I haven't used it but I've been meaning to.21:25
raymondjtothneurochrome,  im doing it in command window how i run the restar x21:25
jribwng-: that was an honest question.  There's no nice tool that I know of.  You'd have to read the freedesktop specs on menus and .desktop files I assume.  Peruse alacarte's source too if you want21:25
handjobneurochrome: Thank You.21:26
jribded: menus aren't stored in gconf21:26
neurochromeraymondjtoth, sudo pkill X21:26
tripelbQuestion re gparted. I have a disk that's NTFS and it has over a Gig of stuff on it (I added more to make sure it showed) on a 40G disk. I cant see anything "colored" in Gparted and there is a dash -- in both Used and Unused. There is also a brown triangle with  ! in it by the /dev/sdb1  --- What's going on? Why cant gparted see it?  ((I'm trying to learn how to repartition a drive that's had windows xp installed on it, as a dry run.))21:26
timyeunghey I have a 250gb external harddrive. every time I plug it in and try to put files onto it it tells me it is read-only. So I am trying to reformat it using gparted but it keeps telling me I am getting some error. Any Ideas/??21:26
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu21:27
kjelewng-: alacarte21:27
dedjrib: ok, noted.21:27
adeola04052I have an HP Desktop with no sound in Lucid. lspci registers audio as : 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)21:28
neurochrometimyeung, and the error is?21:28
ForgeAusis software centre based off packagekit?21:29
CondouloI changed a setting in CCC, and now I'm able to drag a panel over to my second monitor! :D21:29
kjelewng-: But if you really want to edit from the command line it is a bit of hard. You need to edit some files in ~/.local/share/application and ~/.config21:29
CondouloAlthough, I just wish they would make it easy and painless like they do in XFCE.21:29
timyeungneurochrome, i didn't unmount. I will try again21:29
neurochrometripelb, have you installed the ntfsprogs package?21:29
wng-kjele: thanks21:30
* ForgeAus <3 wubi!21:30
neurochromegotta go folks, have fun21:30
kjeleadeola04052: and aplay -l ?21:31
adeola04052just a sec21:31
a3istHmm...anyone know if I have an unmounted ntfs hd with 2 partitions, is it possible to use gparted or something to move the MBR on it from one of the partitions to the other?  The system I'm running on right now is on a different HD.21:31
enavhi all21:31
bendsinisterNiskServ identify 1234521:31
adeola04052**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****21:31
adeola04052ALSA lib conf.c:1645:(snd_config_load1) _toplevel_:12:0:Unexpected char21:31
adeola04052ALSA lib conf.c:3425:(snd_config_hook_load) /etc/asound.conf may be old or corrupted: consider to remove or fix it21:31
adeola04052ALSA lib conf.c:3286:(snd_config_hooks_call) function snd_config_hook_load returned error: Invalid argument21:31
adeola04052ALSA lib conf.c:3671:(snd_config_update_r) hooks failed, removing configuration21:31
FloodBot3adeola04052: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
adeola04052aplay: device_list:232: control open (0): Invalid argumen21:31
kjeleadeola04052: listen to bot :)21:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:32
llutza3ist: "sudo dd if=/dev/sdX2 of=sdX2-bootrecord count=1" "sudo dd if=/dev/sdX1 of=sdX1-bootrecord count=1" to read the bootrecords, use dd too to write them back and ruin your data :)21:32
enliHi, I need more control over Gnomes power manager preferences, I want to define my own "critically low" battery value. How do I do that? Other than comping the whole thing again?21:33
tulli have the well known problem of memory usage of kernel 2.6.32-21, also in kernel 2.6.32-2221:34
a3istllutz, will writing the mbr to the second partition ruin the data on the second drive?21:34
llutza3ist: it shouldn't21:34
CrazyTux[w]Hey guys -- I can not recall how to setup a "new panel" for my second screen..... like the taskbar on the normal one but one for the second screen so items on that screen remain on that taskbar21:34
a3istmind if I PM you?21:34
Jordan_Ua3ist: What are you actually trying to accomplish?21:34
=== alema0 is now known as alema0ff
llutza3ist: but it's always dangerous to work with partitions and parts of it. pls no pm21:35
enlilike on windows machines, you can define what battery % is considered as critical and low.. can we do that in gnome/ubuntu?21:35
adeola04052kjele: i have pasted it21:35
Dev^Nullanyone know what package to find inb and outb on ubuntu 9.1021:35
kjeleadeola04052: Did you upgrade to lucid or is it upgraded? Need the link to it21:35
adeola04052kjele: didn't upgrade21:36
xorwhyWith AMD64, windows drag smoothly. With i386, they drag choppy.21:36
adeola04052here is the pastebin link21:36
a3istJordan_U, llutz, what I have is an SATA drive on my computer with two partitions in NTFS format.  Partition one covers most of the drive and contains stored files, but also has the MBR.  Partition two has a windows install on it that I'd like to manage via Virtualbox.  If I create a vmdk for just partition two, it doesn't get the MBR and can't boot, but I don't want to add partition one to the vmdk because i use it often from linux.21:37
kjeleadeola04052: This does not looks like the one you paste earlier21:37
adeola04052there was an error21:37
kjeleadeola04052: aplay says it is fine21:38
adeola04052i created a asound.conf file that i got online from a forum then removed it21:38
adeola04052i thought so21:38
llutza3ist: i'm not sure if that works, but try "sudo dd if=/dev/sdX1 of=/dev/sdX2 count=1"  after making a backup copy of both bootrecords to another disk21:39
kjeleadeola04052: Why did you have to create a asound.conf file?21:39
erUSULllutz: count without a bs ?21:40
llutza3ist: and btw: the MBR always is sdX, not on a partition21:40
SolarisBoyhas anyone else had an issue where the indicator applet in my gnome-panel does not open the applications in the menu? it produces a pid but the application is not visible on any desktop (with and without compiz and desktop effects enabled)21:40
llutzerUSUL: bs=512 default21:40
adeola04052kjele: i was trying to see from this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1450964&page=221:40
erUSULllutz: ok21:40
soreauSolarisBoy: No one else has had issues with your gnome-panel, no21:41
dlublinkHey, I am having troubled with saslauthd. Postfix says connection refused, but testsaslauth works perfectly. What am I missing ?21:41
SolarisBoysoreau: ?21:41
soreauSolarisBoy: Do you have expland enabled in gnome-panel prefs?21:41
kjeleadeola04052: I see21:42
SolarisBoyand just another addition,, one time,,, one odd time where i didn't really change anything,, the indicator-applet worked it opened pidgin,gwibber,evolution absolutely fine,,21:43
bendsinisterNickServ identify 1234521:43
aliciapgdoes anyone know how to remove all tags from an mp3? rhythmbox won't let me overwrite one of the tags21:43
Wavesonicshi, i need a .cvspass file, how can i generate one?>21:43
ForgeAusdoes ubuntu-desktop install gnome-do?21:43
compaqmy video card has two connectors, and regular video, and then this new style21:43
SolarisBoyi guess you could dpks -S gnome-do and find out21:44
kjeleForgeAus: no21:44
compaqis that dvi?21:44
ForgeAusI'm using kubuntu and I couldn't find it in the list of packages its adding21:44
adeola04052something like this fixed my installation of 9.10 but i'm not too sure it was exactly this - http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1374025 didnt work for Lucid tho21:44
ForgeAuskjele interesting... its one of the best parts!21:44
LuisJaHello people can you help me make my sda3 partition than contains my home the sda1 home21:44
SolarisBoysoreau: should i have expand off?21:44
ForgeAusof course a little too reliant on mono but...21:44
perhamlinuxI'm getting more than 50% of cpu usage and hard disk activity on a dualcore laptop, starting at 1:00 am. after a little search I found out that a package named "tiger" is checking for some security stuff everyday at that time. now, I don't need any program to use that much of resources on my laptop. can I safely remove the tiger package? and if I remove it, does these checks stop from happening?21:44
djkrikkeHi, how do I change my default output audio card on ubuntu?21:44
kjeleForgeAus: It is not in main so not really supported21:44
koanen_tForgeAus: Avoid applications made by Microsoft/Morons like "GNOME-DO", BEAGLE or some GAY shit like that. Fuckin moorons.21:45
SolarisBoyperhamlinux: yes21:45
ForgeAuskjele I guess its for the best...21:45
dxtrOkay, so how do I add custom fonts in 10.04?21:45
SolarisBoytigecron runs periodically and the full job is intensive depending on resources21:45
dxtrThere's no xorg.conf :P21:45
ForgeAushehe koanen gnome-do is not so much microsoft morons as Apple its a direct Quicksilver ripoff!21:45
SolarisBoyif you remove and purge the package that should remove the cron entries and files and it shouldn't run21:45
ForgeAus(but it was programmed using the mono framework)21:45
perhamlinuxSolarisBoy: is it safe to remove them? it does not break anyhting, right?21:45
sroeckerhi, my usb camera doesn't mount anymore. i only get "usb connected", but no storage device. anyone know how to debug this?21:45
LuisJaHello people can you help me make my sda3 partition than contains my home the sda1 home21:46
LuisJaHello people can you help me make my sda3 partition than contains my home the sda1 home21:46
norlraliciapg: mplayer -dumpaudio file.mp3    test new file stream.dump    rename to file.mp3 if satisfied21:46
perhamlinuxSolarisBoy: great , thanks for the help21:46
LuisJasorry for double21:46
FloodBot3LuisJa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
SolarisBoyperhamlinux: tiger is a security auditing program afaik it isn't installed by default so i dont think you will have an issue with removing it21:46
ForgeAusgnome itself uses some mono-cli chunks21:46
ForgeAus(KDE doesn't)21:46
compaqmy video card has two connectors, I think the new one is called dvi.  Its better right?  How do you use it?21:46
Wavesonicsanyone know anything about .cvspass files?21:47
ForgeAusyes compaq sounds right21:47
ForgeAusDVI for digital video in21:47
vltkjele: Ok, we have two Ubuntu machines here, pidgin on both, both connected to gmail. But we don't see anything.21:47
ForgeAus(you plug a digital device (say blu-ray player) into it...21:47
SolarisBoyso anyplace i can go for help on my indicator-applet issues? i've been on launchpad and the issues are so random i can hardly find mine,, and the couple of sites which exist don21:48
compaqForgeAus, did you ever use that connector?  When I plug it in to the monitor it doesn't show21:48
lyraeHi. In my toolbars, the address bar is under all the toolbar icons. how can i put it next to the icons?21:48
ForgeAusthats because its VIDEO IN not video out21:48
compaqForgeAus, oh, its not for the monitor21:48
ForgeAusif it was out it would show on the monitor21:48
LuisJaHello people can you help me make my sda3 partition than contains my home the sda1 home, i just make a fresh install and i dont remember the steps21:48
aliciapgthanks norlr :D21:48
ForgeAusif your monitor was supplying it with digital video then yes it would be working :)21:49
vltkjele: I don't even see any IP packets (except the XMPP traffic) leaving my network card. Where to look first?21:49
LuisJajust made}21:49
compaqwhy would I want to plug in a blue ray to it?21:49
SolarisBoy+t provide much info... also the logs under  ~/.cache/indicator* really dont say much for anything,, i've even run dbus-monitor while im opening the applciation from indicator applet,, the messages flowing in session show the apps should be open,, but i have no idea where they go or why that happends,,,21:49
llutz!home > LuisJa21:49
ubottuLuisJa, please see my private message21:49
ForgeAuscompaq it was just an example21:49
ForgeAus(one possible digital video data source)21:49
norlraliciapg: np21:49
g0tchais 10.04 not good as a guestos?21:49
g0tchaits very slow21:50
compaqForgeAus, I know, I was just wondering what it is for, do you have some more examples.  Who uses it, not too many people eh?21:50
g0tchaeven after installing vmware tools21:50
ForgeAuscompaq not sure what its main use is21:50
kiruhi all21:50
ubdis it possible to install ubuntu from usbdisk?21:50
compaqForgeAus, I was thinking that it would make a better picture, like it was a new way to connect to the monitor21:50
kirucan anyone help me with a networking problem in ubuntu?21:51
compaqKiru, you gotta ask first, then if we can we will reply21:51
compaqkiru, I will try go for it, ask21:52
kiruI installed a 3 g modem but my wired network doesn't work anymore21:52
compaqkiru, huh a 3 g modem.  thats a tough one, never heard of it.  But your wired should still work21:53
=== serdar is now known as Guest43294
kiruI'll explain what I did21:53
dementorhy can i install cpanel on my ubuntu server21:54
edmont_i just upgraded to 10.04, keeping the old home folder, and now the theme is not the default one, probably because it tries to load Human, as in my gnome conf file. what can I do to set the new default theme? thanks21:54
compaqForgeAus, do you know by chance, if there is a device that I could connect my tv cable to dvi, and into my video card, and then watch tv on my monitor?21:54
rosco_yHas anyone had any luck using MS Web Developer Express in an XP Machine in virtualbox?21:54
ubdis it possible to install ubuntu from usbstick, i have the iso but i dont have any cd or dvd - i am asking this for the latest ver. of ubuntu21:54
kiruI opened a console21:54
kirugksu gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/ZTE.rules21:54
git__has there been review on Ubuntu 10.04?21:55
edmont_well, i did not upgrade, just made a new installation keeping the old /home21:55
kiruand placed this command:21:55
kiru SYSFS{idVendor}=="19d2", SYSFS{idProduct}=="2000", RUN+="/usr/bin/eject %k", OPTIONS+="last_rule"21:55
rosco_ygit__: I've seen a number of reviews21:55
=== alema0ff is now known as alema0
kiruthis switched the system in modem mode21:55
DavidTrubyubd: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/21:55
git__rosco_y, can you share a few links/link21:55
rosco_ygit__: one second please ....21:56
git__appreciate you taking the effort seek the link/s, rosco_y21:56
ubdty very much DavidTruby, i hope itll work21:56
caseywAnyone on 10.4 who has to work in PHP 5.2?21:56
Vital{ReBorN}Couldn't figure out how diald worked21:57
Dev^Nullanyone know what package to find inb and outb on ubuntu 9.1021:57
rosco_ygit__: here's one I just noticed in Linux Magazine:  https://mail.google.com/mail/?hl=en&shva=1#search/label%3Alinux-magazine+ubuntu+10.04/128a6a4b51fefc3321:58
ubdbtw is a DAILY build, the updated version of the release or its something else like beta?21:58
MACscr_lappyenvolution or thunderbird?21:58
Dev^NullI am running ubuntu desktop 9.10 and I need to write to an IO port so I need outb util but I cannot find it anywhere21:58
rosco_ygit__: scroll down to pcm_man21:58
norlrDev^Null: packages usually contain programs callable from the command line, not single cpu instructions21:58
rosco_y(in the forums)21:58
velociostrichdoes anyone know how I can use a "read -p" statement inside a "while read line" loop? I'm writing a bash script and it doesn't work21:59
Dev^Nullnorlr, I used it on cent os from command line on friday. now I need it on my dev machine that runs ubuntu21:59
velociostrichI don't see the read prompt21:59
Dev^Nullit is a command.21:59
justinhgot a little problem on a new lucid install here - I've installed xfsprogs but can't seem to mount xfs partitions.  e.g. mount -t xfs /dev/sdd mountpoint reports unknown fs type21:59
Dev^Nulldo cpu instructions have man pages.21:59
norlrDev^Null: a small wrapper then. you should be able to port it over from cent os22:00
erUSULvelociostrich: /join #bash22:00
velociostricherUSUL: will do22:00
slajfohi all :)22:00
emmaAre any of you experts when it comes to putting Ubuntu on a mac?22:00
ubottugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/22:00
xixorHowdy everyone.  I only have remote access to my machine right now, and need to boot it to windows from ubuntu, which it is currently running.  I currently have GRUB_DEFAULT=saved, and would like to set GRUB_DEFAULT=X to the windows partition.  How do I determine the number to use that corresponds to the windows partition?22:00
aciculaDev^Null, no, but maybe there is some info in the nasm pages22:00
jgcampbell300Hello, I am trying to find free jukebox software i can use on ubuntu 10 something that will work with touch screen ... any ideas22:01
ubdis a daily build an updated version of the current release or its something else like beta?22:01
emmaI'm not sure the author of that factoid was using the word symbiotic correctly.22:01
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.22:01
adi1hi all. how to make my wireless connection connect automatically on start up ubuntu 10.04 on dell laptop. now i need to write down avery time the wpa pass.22:01
ubderkan daily build nedir kardesim22:01
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:02
slajfowhat´s go in here?22:02
thenick24356hi grub says "" try (hd0,2-3) extended or non ms skip ""22:02
adi1i mistakenly deleted the kye ring from startup apps22:02
OerDev^Null, spew http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/spew.1.html or epoll http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man7/epoll.7.html22:02
adi1that app used to do that for me once22:02
thenick24356do anyone has some suggestions about what we can do ?22:02
ne7workhow to redirect ports with iptable?22:03
hmwhow can I change the UUID of my SWAP partition?22:03
=== DavidTruby_ is now known as DavidTruby
ne7workplease someone help me :)22:03
Cork[home]anyone know what mught cause gnome-system-monitor to go to40-70% cpu + causing Xorg to go whild and take 70-86%? (10.04)22:03
erUSUL!iptables > ne7work22:03
ubottune7work, please see my private message22:03
=== alema0 is now known as alema0ff
tripelbneurochrome, no I have not installed the ntfsprogs package. It was not mentioned to me anywhere.22:03
thedude42ne7work, with the REDIRECT target....?22:03
thenick24356redirect ips with iptables ?22:03
thenick24356i dont know may be you need a router ?22:03
thenick24356or a virtual router :P22:03
Cork[home]it only happens when i plug the power cord into my laptop, and it started last friday22:04
thenick24356thats the technical explanation22:04
thedude42thenick24356, he said ports, not ips22:04
tripelbQuestion re gparted. I have a disk that's NTFS and it has over a Gig of stuff on it (I added more to make sure it showed) on a 40G disk. I cant see anything "colored" in Gparted and there is a dash -- in both Used and Unused. There is also a brown triangle with  ! in it by the /dev/sdb1  --- What's going on? Why cant gparted see it?  ((I'm trying to learn how to repartition a drive that's had windows xp installed on it, as a dry run.))  ---> neurochrome has qui22:04
tripelbt can someon else answer please?, no I have not installed the ntfsprogs package. It was not mentioned to me anywhere.22:04
AbuBadrhi there22:04
AbuBadrhow to get in root directory in the terminal?22:05
thenick24356hehe ok . anyway some think can be used . .. may be22:05
g0tchaso anyone know why 10.04 is running slow as a guest os?22:05
tripelbthe gparted tutorial shows it understanding a windows drive22:05
thenick24356ie create a software reads at spesific ip .22:05
thenick24356and send it to your desired ip .22:05
thenick24356and port.22:05
thenick24356so the work is done.22:05
thenick24356in theory :P22:05
FailPowahit seems nautilius cant find correct harddrive/partition size for me, it says i have 128 TB22:06
thedude42thenick24356, iptables does that already via the REDIRECT taget in the NAT table22:06
hmwne7work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/435178/22:06
AbuBadrhow to install .run files in terminal?22:06
ssnis keyserver.ubuntu.com down again?22:07
thenick24356 128 TB is far more for a random user imao :P22:07
erUSULso it seems22:07
thedude42AbuBadr, to run any file names <filename> in your current direction, execute the command './<filename>'22:07
FailPowahthenick24356: my / is only 20 GB when i partitioned it up22:07
thedude42AbuBadr, if the file is not marked as executable, you will need to run 'chmod 755 <filename'22:08
AbuBadrthedude42, the file is in root directory   how to get in there?22:09
minibeardeathanybody here have any expierence with connecting a windows and an ubuntu computer directly via ethernet?22:09
norlrAbuBadr: better yet, 'chmod 755 >filename'22:09
hmwhow can I change the UUID of my swap partition? tune2fs wont let me and some forum entries claim, there was none, still my Ubuntu is upset about a _wrong_ uuid22:09
eboyjrHello. I lost the password to my wireless network on my Windows computer, but I can access it fine on my Ubuntu computer. Is there a way to find out the password that Ubuntu uses to connect to the network?22:10
tripelbQuestion re gparted. I have a disk that's NTFS and it has over a Gig of stuff on it (I added more to make sure it showed) on a 40G disk. I cant see anything "colored" in Gparted and there is a dash -- in both Used and Unused. There is also a brown triangle with  ! in it by the /dev/sdb1  --- What's going on? Why cant gparted see it?  ((I'm trying to learn how to repartition a drive that's had windows xp installed on it, as a dry run.))22:10
erUSULhmw: do not change the partition uuid; update /etc/fstab to match it22:10
fredrik_just installed 10.04. I have played with the me menu. In all screenshots I have seen  there is a statusrow but not in my menu. I have added Facebook, MSN and ICQ.22:10
hmwerUSUL: it is in my partition image, i would like to find out how to change the UUID22:11
erUSULhmw: i.e. do not change rality to match conf files but do the other way around :)22:11
AbuBadr how to access root dir from terminal?22:11
hmwgah... i dont want to burn another image cd just because of a uuid22:11
zanzibar82hi! how do I install xbox controller on karmic? I can not install jscalibrator :(22:11
erUSULhmw: you can not change it afaics. it is generated (libuuid source has the details)22:11
hmwoh. thanks for the pointer!22:11
alketAbuBadr: Open terminal and write: gksudo nautilus22:11
alketAbuBadr: And navigate to that folder22:11
ForgeAusabu try cd /22:12
jribAbuBadr: why do you want to?22:12
tripelbeboyjr, hope this helps.  How to: Reset your Windows password using an Ubuntu LiveCD22:12
tripelbApr 9, 2010 ... It's easy, you only need an Ubuntu LiveCD and a program called chntpw. ... and there's an easy way to reveal this password in Firefox: ...22:12
mattgyverfredrik_, was this a fresh install or an upgrade?22:13
ForgeAus(to modify it you need to use sudo and enter a password but only do this if you know what your doing,)22:13
AbuBadri downloaded ati driver but it is in  .run format22:13
jrib!ati | AbuBadr22:13
ubottuAbuBadr: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:13
zanzibar82hi! how do I install xbox controller on karmic? I can not install jscalibrator :(22:13
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
ForgeAusjrib I think thats out of date22:13
daveWilkycan anyone tell me why i can recieve emails in evolution ,but i cannot send them to my contacts or to myself?22:14
eboyjrtripelb: Sorry I was referring to the wireless network/router access password, not the login password but thanks!22:14
tripelbHas anyone used gparted on a Windows disk? It cant show what is used, has a ! in a warning triangle22:14
ForgeAustry using the gnome version of jockey (jockey-gtk I think)22:14
jribForgeAus: why?22:14
erUSULdaveWilky: your smtp server is missconfigured ?22:14
SwedeMikedaveWilky: outgoing mail server is wrong somehow. Look for settings for sending email in there.22:14
ForgeAusthat can install your ATI or NVidia restricted drives22:14
ForgeAusgrr drivers22:14
ForgeAus(keyboard dropping keys)22:14
ForgeAusjrib jockey is far simpler for one22:14
erUSULtripelb: probably you have to check it in windows (unclean shutdown)22:14
tripelbeboyjr there is a program for macintosh that will reveal the ***** field.22:14
ibqncan someone explain me, why cat 7proc/mounts shows that /dev/shm is mounted even it is not shown in /etc/fstab?22:14
ForgeAusand for 2 I don't think anything after karma is mentioned on that site last I looked22:15
jribForgeAus: well doesn't that page recommend jockey?22:15
daveWilkyi`ve tried following all the setting from 2 websites and still no luck.22:15
erUSULibqn: some other script mounted it during init22:15
ForgeAusjrib, not sure I dont think it does22:15
twoeyhello world22:15
jribForgeAus: it does22:15
LzrdKingjockey for her?22:15
ForgeAusoh ok22:15
ForgeAusjrib thats kewl then22:15
ibqnerUSUL, and which one?22:15
eboyjrtripelb: I figured it out. If you go to the connection settings, you can click on the Wireless Security Tab and hit Show Password22:16
ibqnerUSUL, or how to find it out?22:16
tripelberusul - it was a failed win installation (wrong secret codes) But ubuntu knows how much is on the drive, why not gparted?22:16
fredrik__mattgyver: A fresh install (but I didn't format /home, just removed most of the hidden folders)22:16
erUSULibqn: i dunno. « grep -R "/dev/shm" /etc/ » ?22:16
cybrocopHi all. How can I build packages from source. Is there a manual somewhere?22:16
jrib!source > cybrocop22:16
ubottucybrocop, please see my private message22:16
tripelbeboyjr, thanks for telling me the solution.22:16
AbuBadri got in terminal    bash: cd: root: Permission denied22:16
jrib!packaging > cybrocop22:16
erUSULtripelb: gparted is more carefull ? try installing ntfsprgos package22:16
eboyjrtripelb: No problem22:16
jribAbuBadr: why are you ignoring what we tell you?22:16
minibeardeathhow do i transfer files over ethernet from windows to ubuntu?22:16
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AbuBadri'm not ignoring22:17
rolsworthi get better sound running a hackintosh than ubuntu. why are the sound drivers still so bad? I am using the ALC889A and I also have a Creative x-fi22:17
ForgeAusAbu forget that for now try runinng jockey-gtk22:17
jribAbuBadr: use Hardware Drivers in your System -> Administration menu22:17
twoeyhas anyone installed LibertyBasic for linux for their system?22:18
eipi-1_anyone else got the problem that gnome-panel is visible while impress presentation mode?22:18
ForgeAustwoey I hope not! lol22:18
AbuBadrjrib, i tried that but i want the last updated driver from ati website22:18
daveWilkyif you had to choose between evolution or thunderbird for your emails, which would you pick?22:19
cybrocopThanks jrib22:19
twoeyreason I ask is because I'm trying to get the feel of programming but only played around with LibertyB22:19
jribAbuBadr: why?22:19
* ForgeAus hugs his lightning extension22:19
erUSUL!samba | minibeardeath22:20
ubottuminibeardeath: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:20
lyraeHow can i fix this: http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/5948/90748967.png ? it should be -really- simple. like a matter of drag and drop. but its not22:20
tripelberUSUL, thanks. I look into the ntfsprogs22:20
AbuBadrjrib, what why!!?22:20
ForgeAushmm how about serving windows shares?22:20
daveWilkyit seems t-bird gets the vote, i`m new to ununtu so all help is welcome ...ty22:20
minibeardeathokay. i will try that. the only reason i asked is that yesterday it worked perfectly without samba installed and suddenly it doesnt22:20
=== alema0ff is now known as alema0
chrisbinghi leute22:20
jribAbuBadr: why do you not want to use the version in the repository?22:21
BitEncryptOpera Unite.......Host your own webpage22:21
=== Guest5652 is now known as brizzio
mickster04oh if i install /boot to a usb pendrive will that render the harddrive unbootable without the pen drive?22:22
azmminibeardeath, Samba must be overkill for just connecting pcs this way22:22
minibeardeathwhat do you mean by serving windows shares forgeaus?22:22
minibeardeathi agree azm22:22
Daekdroommickster04, if you don't have /boot on your HD, yes.22:22
ForgeAusmickster it can22:22
ForgeAusdoesn't have to22:22
CamSo many floodbots.22:22
ForgeAusif there is also a /boot on the harddrive for example22:23
azmminibeardeath, Would not be better to setup local ip and mask in win box like and same in linux and open eg gnome comander for tranfering files?22:23
bootstrapAs of 10.04 I am no longer able to play .m4a in songbird22:23
minibeardeaththats exactly what i had going last night, but it was automaticly done, and i cant figure out how to do it automamticly now22:24
dsl1194I cant get support at Damn small linux irc maybe somone here can say how i can install java on DSL?22:24
=== Weebs is now known as Weebs`
RedXIIII have several audio tracks (wav) and I want to normalize all their peak volumes to another audio track22:25
RedXIIIIs there a program that allows this?22:25
KikelaHi, somebody use Rhythmbox on Lucid Lynx to dowload and manage podcast ?22:25
mickster04back, ok, so is there anyway of getting the file table onto the usb so the drive is unreadable without it?22:25
erUSUL!info normalize22:25
ubottuPackage normalize does not exist in lucid22:25
ZykoticK9!info normalize-audio22:26
ubottunormalize-audio (source: normalize-audio): adjusts the volume of WAV, MP3 and OGG files to a standard volume level. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.7-6 (lucid), package size 55 kB, installed size 204 kB22:26
lateniteHow do I use gconftool-2 in a script so I can turn of "terminal close waring"?22:26
dxtrI'm STILL having problem installing fonts in 10.0422:26
dxtrartwiz to be more specific22:26
dxtrdpkg-reconfigure fontconfig or fontconfig-config doesn't give me a configuration screen22:26
jriblatenite: do you know how to answer your question if you delete the "in a script" part?22:26
dxtrand fc-cache deosn't even cache the fonts even though I've put them in /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc22:26
latenitejrib, no. my problem is that gconftool-2 does not react on tabcompletion when I tyoe /apps<TAB>22:28
jriblatenite: yeah... type it out, don't rely on tab22:28
zanzibar82hello! what can I use on karmic instead of jscalibrator?22:29
Noble_I have added my user to the group "power" using gpasswd, how come I cant use poweroff etc?22:29
latenitejrib, oh ok. And how do I find out what to change? is true and false as string or 0 | 1 and how would my cammand look like?22:29
onetinsoldierdxtr: i don't know if this will help or not, but you're welcome to check it out --> http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Fonts/Font-Manager-10798.shtml22:30
LinuxGuy2009I'm having big issues with doing Screencasts using GtkRecordMyDesktop. Set it up to record video and audio and it records and plays just fine as an OGV file afterwards. Problem is nothing wants to transcode it into MP4 so its YouTube compatible. Any suggestions?22:30
LinuxGuy2009All the apps I have tried see the audio just fine but have no video.22:30
jriblatenite: well choose the right type (bool in your example) first.  Look at existing keys of type bool to see what the are set to.  I believe it's True and False22:30
latenitejrib, /apps/gnome-terminal/global/confirm_window_close is the path. but what esle?22:31
jriblatenite: you need to give the type and what you want to set it as22:31
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: you might try ffmeg/winff22:31
alktorsHello, I'm using skype on ubuntu 10.04 and I have a question. It seems like a skype bot has contacted me and advertised a link and by mistake I clicked it. Will I be fine?22:31
LinuxGuy2009onetinsoldier: Ok Ill give that one a go too. Thanks22:31
nothingnowalktors yes you will be fine dont worry about it just ignore the bot and go on with life22:32
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: you're welcome. good luck22:32
mickster04hey is there anyway to specify the file table location? when formatting a drive...22:32
latenitejrib, "gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/gnome-terminal/global/confirm_window_close False" did the trick. thx for your help :)22:32
jriblatenite: usually False would precede the path, but ok22:32
[tla]Hi.  I have installed Lucid server (64 bit) and have decided I want a window system.  The server has an nVidia card.  I fancy trying compiz for the window manager.  what packages do i need to install?  Thanks.22:33
alktorsnothingnow,  I think it might be a virus or something, clicked the link and I'm asked to join a social network....didn't joined it:P22:33
dsl1194I cant get support at Damn small linux irc maybe somone here can say how i can install java on DSL?22:33
ZykoticK9LinuxGuy2009, to get screencast video only (in avi format) you could use something like "fmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec huffyuv -sameq screencast.avi" just customize to suite.  Good luck.22:33
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: you might need to follow this guide to have full x264 and ffmpeg functionality --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609522:33
jriblatenite: or maybe I misremember22:33
mickster04[tla]: try ubuntu-desktop, but xserver + gnome i think are basics?22:33
linuxdccan i get help here22:33
latenitejrib, mybe both. mine worked though22:33
jriblatenite: doesn't matter now :)22:33
nothingnowalktors: im pretty positive you dont have to worry about getting a virus on a *nix box from a spam bot on skype22:33
dxtronetinsoldier: Doesn't really help me22:34
mickster04dsl1194: wrong channel?22:34
latenitejrib, indeed :)22:34
mickster04!ask | linuxdc:22:34
ubottulinuxdc:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:34
blastimirhi all, I've just installed SCIM and all the stuff needed for chinese input.. it seems to be working, but it looks like I need to set SCM as the input method every time. Is there a way to make SCIM a global input method for gnome? As a preference?22:34
onetinsoldierdxtr: roger. sorry. was hoping it might22:34
Wavesonicshey whats the best program for diffing text files?22:34
dsl1194no because dsl chanel none support22:34
compaqdo some computers download faster than others.  I mean if you use the same internet connection?22:34
mickster04dsl1194: oh ok...good luck22:34
[tla]mickster04: wow, yes, ubuntu desktop pulls in 1.9GB of packages :o22:34
alktorsnothingnow,  Ubuntu isn't affected by windows viruses? I ask because I'm a beginner. Don't gnu/linux distros have viruses?22:34
mickster04compaq: nope...22:35
linuxdcThe requested URL could not be retrieved22:35
linuxdcWhile trying to retrieve the URL: /22:35
linuxdcThe following error was encountered:22:35
linuxdcInvalid URL22:35
linuxdcSome aspect of the requested URL is incorrect. Possible problems:22:35
FloodBot4linuxdc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
mickster04!virus | alktors22:35
ubottualktors: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2122:35
[tla]mickster04: not sure i want it now! :s22:35
alktorsmickster04,  thank you22:35
LinuxGuy2009onetinsoldier: Well it seems more like the OGV format doesnt get read correctly or something. HandBrake was the only app so far that could see the video and audio but the start was cut off and made the audio out of sync as a result.22:35
onetinsoldier!pastebin | linuxdc22:35
ubottulinuxdc: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:35
mickster04[tla]: i think u can prolly do without most of it, mostly xserver and some other stuffd...22:35
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: roger. sorry, but don't know how to help much really22:36
compaqmickster04, thats what I thought too, but usually when I download using my laptop its way faster than what I am downloading at right now22:36
linuxdcworking amsn , transmission but i cant surf i got this erorr22:36
linuxdcany ideas22:36
linuxdcmy english is bad22:36
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: you can try ther link i gave you to get the bleeding edge x264 and ffmpeg. it's all i can think of22:36
blastimirI've just installed SCIM and all the stuff needed for chinese input.. it seems to be working, but it looks like I need to set SCIM as the input method every time for every text box. Is there a way to make SCIM a global input method for gnome? As a preference?22:37
mickster04compaq: there is a difference between wireless and wired22:37
LinuxGuy2009 onetinsoldier: Thats cool man, I appreciate it.22:37
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: you're welcome22:37
etatearg, still same error, no RAM errors with memtest86, md5 cd checked ... livecd options still get stuck, how can i install ubuntu?22:37
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: i've noticed there are people drooling for a version of handbrake for lucid22:38
mickster04onetinsoldier: theres a what now?! ;P'''''22:38
lyraeis it possible to choose which icons to show on the toolbar in the file explorer?22:38
lyraelike, the back arrow, refresh button, etc22:38
compaqmickster04, my wireless goes really fast22:39
onetinsoldiermickster04: hehe22:39
LinuxGuy2009onetinsoldier: Why drool when you can just go download it at www.getdeb.net ? Its sitting right there and works perfectly. I found it there just the other day. hehe22:39
etateis there a way to get a terminal from the livecd? or to install ubuntu without a livecd / usb, and without having to create a new partition on the drive?22:39
LjungmannIn nautilus, i can click on my windows partition or my raid, and it gets mounted in /media/<label>. What is the equivalent for mounting in the terminal ?22:39
mickster04compaq: yeah well...basically there shouldnt be, there may be a difference between operating systems etc tho....22:39
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: ahh, roger. didn't know there was one out.. thanks22:39
etateLjungmann: mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/<label>22:40
compaqmickster04, maybe its just peek time right now, at night I will see22:40
erUSUL!wubi | etate22:40
ubottuetate: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.22:40
LinuxGuy2009onetinsoldier: Welcome. Also if you were waiting for VirtualBox there is a new build available of the non-free with USB support.22:40
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unop!mount | Ljungmann22:40
ubottuLjungmann: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:40
etateerUSUL: i only run linux, i don't have windows22:40
brah-sorry to hear that22:40
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etateLjungmann: or just type man mount22:40
harjothow do i hide everything on one virtual dekstop?22:41
LjungmannBut isn't there an equivalent where I don't have to specify device and mount point ? But just someting like 'mount raid' (where raid is the label of my raid)22:41
etateLjungmann: type df in your console or look at /etc/fstab to figure out what your device is22:42
unopLjungmann,  try.  pmount /dev/sdXX  # where sdXX is your device22:42
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etateLjungmann: mount is pretty useful you should probably read the man page22:43
LjungmannWill do.22:43
etateso still no one has had the problem that they get stuck at the livecd screen when trying to install ubuntu 10.04?22:44
Ambedrakeneed help - Toshiba l505D-S6948 Insyde H2O BIOS - Wireless is controlled on/off by ACPI and is default off. I do not care if Fn keys work so long as the wifi can be turned on either perminently or a new switch control can be created. Does anyone know how this can be done?22:45
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: roger.. thanks! but, the site didn't download and install Handbrake. it bombed out. it said the handbrake-gtk file was not found on the server :-\22:45
rmatteCould anyone please help me out with this: http://fpaste.org/VOM3/ - I'm stumped.22:45
etateAmbedrake: make an initscript ?22:46
ojiiI installed SCIM on my lucid, but now in some apps (eclipse, flash, chrome, firefox) the keyboard stopps working in the middle of typing until I explicitely switch the input method to SCIM using right click menu. How can I tell all apps that they should just use SCIM?22:46
rmatteExplanation of the issue is in the paste22:46
LinuxGuy2009onetinsoldier: Did you add the repo to your sources?22:46
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: it offered to let me use 'apturl', which is what i was trying22:46
rmatteactually, hmmm, maybe it's these funky characters in /etc/issue22:46
LinuxGuy2009onetinsoldier: Yeah you still need the repo added for that.22:47
Ambedrakehow can initscript work if the fn over ACPI is not functional? and if that can be done is there a tut?22:47
rmattehmmm, nope, apparently not22:47
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: ok, roger22:47
LinuxGuy2009onetinsoldier: http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/all#how_to_install22:47
etateAmbedrake: by not functional you mean in an off state?22:48
timyeunghow long should it take to create a 250gb partition on an external hard drive?22:48
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: yeah.. thanks. i'm on that page already :-)22:48
CarbX4I am having trouble getting control of my gpu fan on 10.04 ubuntu, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.22:48
LinuxGuy2009timyeung: Bout 5-10 seconds guessing22:49
CarbX4nvidia gts 25022:49
miki4242hi all. i've installed bughugger, what permissions do i have to give it on launchpad?22:49
etatetimyeung: use time to find out how long it takes and then you'll know :)22:49
timyeungLinuxGuy2009, its been running for at least an hour and a half22:49
rmatteaha, I fixed it22:49
rmattebug in the code22:49
LinuxGuy2009timyeung: Yeah thats froze or not working right. What are you using? Gparted?22:50
AmbedrakeDefault for wireless is off by hard code BIOS setting and has to be enabled via Fn-F8 of which Fn over ACPI is not useable. So I can not enable the wireless device due to this. This is the only issue that I care about on this LT.22:50
mcaruthersIs there a way to run "do-release-upgrade" without interaction?22:50
SolarisBoycan anyone help me with troubleshooting my indicator applet issues? its creating a pid for applications that im opening from it but the window is not visible.22:51
etateAmbedrake: well you can definitely "call Fn-F8" without having to press those buttons, and then put that in an initscript22:51
timyeungLinuxGuy2009, yeah gparted. The hard drive is still making noise like it is working22:51
twoeyany recommendations for learning to program for linux?22:52
vltHello. I'm trying to setup pidgin on Ubuntu and am looking for someone using it with gmail's XMPP for video calls successfully (willing to test my connection for a few seconds). Anyone?22:52
Ambedrakeok, is there a tut for writing such a script?22:52
LinuxGuy2009timyeung: Hour and a half is insane amount of time for any drive.22:52
etatetwoey: yeah, go to www.opendylan.org22:52
TetnisAnyone here experienced with GRUB?22:52
twoeythank you etate22:52
kjelemcaruthers: with the -q option22:53
mcarutherskjele: Thanks, no manpage ;)22:53
SolarisBoyis there a different room i should go to for support on indicator-applet issues?22:53
vlt!anyone | Tetnis22:53
ubottuTetnis: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:53
kjelemcaruthers: -h22:53
mcarutherskjele:  Well that I must be having a case of the Mondays :P22:54
TetnisNot a bad idea. GRUB keeps giving Error 17: Can't mount Selected Partition!22:54
etatetwoey: what i meant to say was more, learn any programming language that you like, and then you can program in linux... for linux specific things i would recommend following the freebsd manual (its not about linux but its amazing as a starting point)22:54
vltTetnis: Is that after having read menu.lst?22:55
timyeungLinuxGuy2009, I have a feeling the hard drive is dead. it keeps making this clicking sound. I'm not sure. I think I will let it run all night. If it ain't done by morning I'm going to call the time of death and bury the poor old bastard22:55
TetnisI don't use the menu.lst, Using the CLI22:55
etatetwoey: also on ubuntu most stuff is written in python fwiw, but i would recommend starting with a functional language if you can (it will save you years of headaches down the road)22:56
kjelevlt: Did you fix your problem? Was having a long shower22:56
LinuxGuy2009timyeung: It may just be Gparted stuck or froze. I know gparted in Parted magic live CD hangs forever like that.22:56
dErzOnkis there a way to see the downloaded size in Ktorrent in MB and not GB?22:56
timyeungLinuxGuy2009, any suggestions?22:56
LinuxGuy2009dErzOnk: 1GB is roughly 1000MB22:56
SolarisBoyim using lucid the indicator applet version is 0.3.7 , im using gnome-panel when i click on an application in the messaging menu,, it creates a pid but the application doesn't run,, strace on all the pids started from applet (pidgin,gwibber,evolution) show they are all hanging on some (-read) call, can someone help me fix it? it works on my laptop on lucid as well where only difference is that laptop is 64 bit22:57
bsmith093is there a mirror for keyserver.ubunto.com22:57
etatewho wrote this channels annoying bot? please delete him from cyberspace22:57
vltkjele: No :(   I tried to solve any STUN/NAT problems by putting the machines into the same IP subnet. No success. I found pidgin's Debug window (but now the one I wanted to call is offline ...)22:57
LinuxGuy2009timyeung: stop gparted, close it, retry it again maybe.22:57
sebsebsebbsmith093: shes a lovely bot22:57
sebsebseb!gender | bsmith09322:57
ubottubsmith093: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)22:57
sebsebsebbsmith093: oh not you22:58
bsmith093what does that have to do with anything22:58
dErzOnkwell LinuxGuy2009 - i want to know how much MB is left... and atm it says 1,2GB of 1,2GB done.... crappy info :(22:58
vltTetnis: grub version 1 or 2?22:58
LoshkiSolarisBoy: Er, which read call?22:58
Ambedrake can the fn key be remapped to another key?22:58
Mba7ethhi guys i have a usb printer. can i turn my box as a printserver and allow other PCs to print though my ubuntu Print server ?22:58
sebsebsebetate: see above :)22:58
vltAmbedrake: I don't think so. This seems to be hardware dependant22:58
etateMba7eth: yes, you should have a CUPS server running if its installed correctly22:58
LinuxGuy2009dErzOnk: Oh your after an ETA or more accurate data representation.22:58
FirstSgtI just installed ubuntu (latest) onto a laptop (Dell Lattitude).  It recommended driver install for Nvidia and my PCMCIA Wireless card.  I downloaded and installed both.  Now when I start the lappy, I get a black screen shortly after seeing the ubuntu logo... how do i get to a shell to fix?22:58
TetnisGrub version 0.9722:58
vltMba7eth: Yes, CUPS can do that fine.22:59
bsmith093so anyway... the ubuntu keyserver is being really slow, and timeing out when i try to add a ppa that i know for a fact exists. is there a mirror for it where i can download the key22:59
Ambedrakehmmm seem to be in a pickle then22:59
SolarisBoyall the pids are doing this which get started from me messaging menu...' read (14, '22:59
ChogyDan!tty | FirstSgt22:59
ubottuFirstSgt: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.22:59
FirstSgti just realized that as I said that ChogyDan22:59
Mba7ethetate, do i need to follow guide title "install print server on ubuntu" and that solve my issue ?22:59
sebsebsebTetnis: ok that's the old good version of Grub22:59
sebsebseb!grub | Tetnis22:59
ubottuTetnis: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:59
LinuxGuy2009dErzOnk: Estimated Time of Arival22:59
etateAmbedrake: its definitely possible to do i'm just not sure how you call a key chord directly since i haven't done it before23:00
FirstSgtChogyDan: any suggestions on killing the nvidia driver?23:00
dErzOnkWell i just want to see how much is left... in anything less than GB...23:00
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kjelevlt: That is bad. You just need to configure your router23:00
ChogyDanFirstSgt: maybe just remove nvidia-current23:00
Ambedrakekk im still looking around while we spk23:00
vltTetnis: That's version 1 ;-)   Type `root`23:00
LinuxGuy2009dErzOnk: Check the programs options or preferences.23:00
deviusHello. I have a problem with netbook-launcher. Anyone can help me out on this?23:00
LinuxGuy2009!ask | devius23:01
ubottudevius: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:01
vltkjele: My router? No NAT involved here. I can (or rather could) reach the other machine just fine.23:01
Mba7ethvlt, etate thanks a lot guys :)23:01
mcarutherskjele:  I don't seem to have the "-q" option available on do-release-upgrade23:01
TetnisI've read all the online FAQ's and info. Sadly none of them fix my problem.23:01
TetnisI've also tried setting the root, with no luck :-)23:01
etateFirstSgt: CTRL + ALT + F1, then in the terminal do sudo modprobe -r23:01
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: ok, got the getdeb repo added. now, if my lucid crashes i'm going to be looking for you :D   j/k23:01
TetnisComing was a last resort.23:01
etateFirstSgt: oops, sudo modprobe -r nvidia23:01
kjelemcaruthers: Guess you need to wait for maverick then23:01
mcarutherskjele:  Sigh. Thanks.23:02
deviusToday netbook-launcher on  10.04 stopped launching itself at startup. If I use a terminal to manually start it it returns a segmentation fault. Any ideas? I'm looking in Launchpad for bugs but so far no much luck...23:02
LinuxGuy2009onetinsoldier: Ive already finished ripping my DVD collection with that package. Its good.23:02
vltTetnis: Don't _try_ to set it, just set it :)23:02
FirstSgtetate: okay, I actually ran the nvidia-xconfig tool via sudo, and it said the file was messed up, and re-wrote it.23:02
vltTetnis: What does `root` say?23:02
onetinsoldierLinuxGuy2009: cool, good deal!23:02
FirstSgtetate: how would I kill the xserver?23:02
SolarisBoyi have also tried reinstalling indicator-applet indicator-applet-session gnome-panel and dbus,, that only appears to fixed the fact that my chosen username icon wouldn't persist reboots,, after i reinstalled those apps my icon now stays and even shows in the log in window =)23:02
etateAmbedrake: so am i, i would like to know so tell me if you find out :)23:02
dxtrOkay.. I kind of got it working now with some fonts.conf hacking23:02
dxtrBut I still wanna do this: xterm -font "-*-nu.se-*-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"23:02
dxtrdoesn't work23:02
dxtrHow come+23:02
etateFirstSgt: CTRL + C once you do CTRL + ALT + F123:03
FirstSgti tried ctrl+alt+backspace, but I see black still.... is there a way I can kill it from a different tty23:03
Ambedrakeseems from specification not possibe as its not controlled by the os atm23:03
FirstSgtetate: I will try that.23:03
SolarisBoybut indicator-applet is still broken,, even i see the dbus messages that show that the application opens i can see my buddy lists active and folks loggin in and out of jabber in dbus-monitor --session...23:03
etateFirstSgt: if it doesn't kill X, you can always do CTRL + ALT + F7 to bring you back to the desktop23:03
dErzOnkahh okay - no ETA cause it's not important... but hey loaded1,2GB of 1,2 and then having 876B/s is senseless info :( - and i checked Settings - can't find it...23:03
RenjiHi guys:) Can u please help me with a link to a folder i want to create ? Looks like i cant understand something :)23:03
etateFirstSgt: that way you can still speak on IRC or w/ever23:03
Tetnisroot on grub i assume, and it says the possible disks are fd0 & hd023:03
Ambedrakeand fnfxd requires toshiba_acpi.ko which I cant for the life of me force enable23:03
=== GlobalPlayer_ is now known as tobias_
vlt!who | Tetnis23:04
ubottuTetnis: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:04
FirstSgtetate: I'm at the office, I have irssi opened via screen and ssh tunnel to house23:04
etateRenji: you can use ln -s /blah/src /blah/dest to create a symbolic link to a folder or file (they are the same in unix)23:05
vltTetnis: What partition is grub on?23:05
FirstSgtetate: so we are good there.23:05
FirstSgtetate: f7 was still blank, so I restarted computer, if this doesn't work, i will use the modprobe -r nvidia23:05
Tetnisvlt: partition 023:05
Colonel-RosaThe Ubuntu keyserver is dead (for me)23:05
ChogyDan!X | FirstSgt23:05
ubottuFirstSgt: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:05
vltTetnis: Then it's "(hd0,0)", not "hd0"23:06
etateFirstSgt: usually its sudo service gdm stop for gnome based desktops ... kdm for kde, and xdm in some other systems, you can find out by looking in /etc/init.d/...23:06
Tetnisvlt: I know ;-), root (hd0,0) doesn't work - and i know for a fact it's on partition 023:07
etateFirstSgt: thats incase ctrl + c didn't kill it23:07
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Renjietate: so.. umm lets say i want to make a link from /var/www/site to /media/SharedDisk/site  so, its something like ln -s /var/www/test-site /media/SharedDisk/test-site ?23:07
ircnowhello, I have installed ubuntu 10.04, but I can logging only on tty, on tty I have the message: mountall: Plymouth command failed and mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth. Who can give me instruction for to do?23:07
FirstSgtetate: nope23:07
RenjiSorry for dump questions, im abit new to those :)23:07
FirstSgtModprobe could not find Nvidia23:07
dunasWhat's the easiest, safest way to completely remove the Flash Plugin that's installed by the nonfree package?23:07
LoshkiTetnis: wanna pastebin your menu.lst, And also, the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' ?23:08
FirstSgtI am noticing also that my eth0 is no longer in my ifconfig23:08
sebsebsebdunas: sudo apt-get purge  flashplugin-nonfree   I think23:08
etateFirstSgt: lsmod shows you modules that are currently loaded... if nvidia isn't there then its not loaded as a module23:08
FirstSgtbut it was directly after the install.23:08
Ambedraketried omnibook but it wont compile compleatly, I have all its dependants23:08
FirstSgtetate: okay, hardware linux is all new to me23:08
vltTetnis: After setting `root (hd0,0)` type `kernel <tab>`. Does it show files from hd0,0?23:08
dunassebsebseb Will give it a try, thanks23:08
sebsebsebdunas: sudo apt-get purge flashpluing-installer maybe even23:09
sebsebsebdunas: why you want to remove Flash anyway?23:09
etateRenji: yeah that works, you can also do cd /media/SharedDisk, ln -s /dest/file .23:09
FirstSgtetate: modprobe says its not there, lsmod says it is.23:09
TetnisLoshki: As stated before I'm using the command line interface & yes i can give me a moment23:09
sebsebsebdunas: flashplugin-installer  or you can remove in software centre or synaptic23:09
etateRenji: also the source path must be absolute23:09
Tetnisvlt: Comes up with error 123:09
dunassebsebseb, I want to install the alpha from Adobe due to lolx64 :(23:09
etateRenji: and its ln -s /src/file . (made a mistake in last comment)23:09
FirstSgtetate: I did modprobe|grep nvidia and 2 results came up23:09
sebsebsebdunas: what's lolx64 ?23:10
Renjietate: Thanks, ill give it a shot :)23:10
FirstSgtbut they are red23:10
MACscr_lappylol, im going to pull my hair out. It shouldnt be this hard to get 3 monitors to work with ubuntu23:10
SolarisBoyis there a way to reinstall gnome-desktop and use all defaults?23:10
etateRenji: you can always do man ln to get more info on this23:10
minedmindhi, i want to buy a computer with an i5 cpu and a h55 intel chipset on the mb, is it compatible with the last linux kernels?23:10
kjeledunas: The one that you install from rep is 32bit with ndiswrapper23:10
dunaskjele, yeah23:10
Tetnisvlt: Also, i have to use rootnoverify in order bypass error 13 and get to the error 17 stage.23:10
MACscr_lappyif they all 3 can work on their own, why the hell cant they all 3 work at the same time23:10
FirstSgtSolarisBoy: i am guessing use aptitude and uninstall it, then reinstall it. (making sure to remove all conf files).23:10
Tetnisvlt: to get the*23:10
etateFirstSgt: try doing sudo modprobe -r <nvidia-...>23:10
K350How to launch a perlscript placed in Autostart in a terminal?23:10
dunasIt doesn't recognize mouseclicks as it is right now, and keeps dropping audio (although so does DivX web plugin, which is making me wonder if there's not a better way of handling that)23:10
vltTetnis: Is there a grub or boot/grub directory in that file system?23:11
FirstSgtetate: okay.  does the # that shows up with lsmod do anything?23:11
Tetnisvlt: yes23:11
SolarisBoyFirstSgt: is that equal to sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-desktop?23:11
etateFirstSgt: the #? I don't get that running lsmod so not sure23:11
kjeledunas: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer23:11
FirstSgtSolarisBoy: yes, assuming reinstall removes conf files :)23:12
etateis there an IRC channel where people can help with hard problems?23:12
FirstSgthmm... hard to see on the little display, i get like a 4x4 inch box inside my 17'' lcd23:12
FirstSgtbut yeah, it says nvidia                48237721523:12
FirstSgtI am just going to do a fresh reinstall I think.23:12
FirstSgtwouldn't hurt right?23:13
etateFirstSgt: thats the size of the module23:13
FirstSgtim very surprised its saying it doesn't exist23:13
FirstSgtbut lsmod shows it23:13
etateFirstSgt: what was your problem in the first place? as in why are you trying to kill nvidia? :)23:13
ChogyDanSolarisBoy: what defaults do you want?23:13
SolarisBoywhichever ones come when i installed ubuntu23:13
SolarisBoyas if it was a fresh install,, but ONLY gnome-desktop23:13
Loshkietate: it depends on the problem. And 'hard' is kind of subjective...23:13
etateLoshki: hard as in have searched for hours and tried multiple fixes none of which work23:14
ChogyDanSolarisBoy: what are you trying to remove?23:14
Tetnisvlt: I'm just going to scrap the system and start over. Thanks for your help :-)23:14
etateLoshki: hard also as in its a bug in launchpad that has fixes that don't work23:14
SolarisBoyChogyDan: my problem is indicator-applet is not opening applications correctly when i try opening from messaging menu,,, and _one_ time,, it randomly worked on the 32 bit desktop running lucid,, and it works absolutely fine on my 64 bit laptop on lucid23:15
FirstSgtits weird, i dont think ubuntu likes my lappy screen at all23:16
SolarisBoynow i just found that 2 instances of the indicator-* processes are running on the not working system...23:16
FirstSgteven on the install there are virticle lime-green lines (1px wide) every 10 pixles.  going through the blue.23:16
FirstSgtthen the white text produces pixilized green dots.23:16
SolarisBoyim trying to find the cause but i can't,, i dont know what else calls those apps into process table but the entry in gnome panel,, which i already removed,, and added back.. so it appers gnome-panel could possibly be playing a role in this,,,23:17
Ambedrakeok so Fn-F3 suspends, (its labled to suspend RAM) but the others dont work hmmm interesting23:17
indioAnyone using ratpoison in Lucid Lynx? Can you listen to your music CDs?23:17
etateFirstSgt: you're using the nvidia drivers? Is the resolution the native res for your screen?23:17
Loshkietate: to be honest, if there's a bug entry for it in launchpad, the chances that there's a channel somewhere with someone hiding just waiting to give you the answer, but who won't put it in the bug entry, seems vanishingly small, to say the least. The right thing to do is to update the bug entry and let the people responsible know that there's still a problem....23:17
MACscr_lappywhats a easy solution for imaging/backing up my system so that i can easy restore it on the fly should i break something, etc?23:17
etateLoshki: what i really would like would be for a way to find out for myself how to fix the problem, rather than needing to ask for help. however i don't know how to modify the livecd23:19
FirstSgtetate: even during install (fresh copy) i am getting that (without any drivers)23:19
SolarisBoynow if i kilall -9 -r indicator the process pops up a notification saying it died and if i want to reload,, when i reload,,, there is 1 instance of each indicator-* process,, but still apps dont open,, but i think it has something to do with this weirdness which looks like its due to gnome-panel23:19
corin_hi, not sure if this is the best channel to ask this in but... I've got a piece of software that runs from /usr/local/bin/ and is run by a non-root user. I'd like to make it a service, so it automatically starts when the server reboots, and it can be started/stopped/etc with "/etc/init.d/XX ..." - could anyone point me towards how to do that?23:19
etateFirstSgt: the text based install?23:19
Ambedrakeis there an on screen keyboard that i can use to test some theories?23:19
wizard_Ambedrake: yes there is, I believe it is installed by default, too.  I forget the name of it, something like OnBoard23:20
jribcorin_: if you want to do it right using upstart, see ubottu23:20
FirstSgtetate: TUI yes23:20
jrib!upstart > corin_23:20
ubottucorin_, please see my private message23:20
Loshki!backup | MACscr_lappy23:20
ubottuMACscr_lappy: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:20
wizard_Remastersys is the best for backing up a debian or Ubuntu system, in my opinion.23:21
blackratdoghow do you get the currently installed version of a package?23:21
gnugrhey hackers23:21
SolarisBoydpkg -L <package>23:21
jribblackratdog: apt-cache policy  is one way23:21
corin_thanks jrib, ill take a look23:21
onetinsoldierblackratdog: dpkg -l <package>23:21
etateFirstSgt: has this occured before in any other system?23:21
wizard_blackratdog: you can open Synaptic and see which version is installed.23:21
ircnowhello, I have installed new ubuntu 10.04 and I have this message on tty7: mountall: Plymouth command failed, mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth. What can I do now?23:22
FirstSgtetate: nope.  It was running centos23:22
blackratdogokies thanks guys ill try those!23:22
SolarisBoyoops lowercase l23:22
etateFirstSgt: and it happens in and out of the desktop?23:22
Ambedrakeis there an onboard layout with Fn key?23:22
Ambedrakeand f1-1223:22
jribAmbedrake: why out of curiousity?23:23
glenn_How may I hot-remount my / as rw? filesystem: ext323:23
etateFirstSgt: so when you do ctrl + alt +f1 the screen still has problems?23:23
sebsebsebircnow: when do you get that?23:23
sebsebsebiceroot: when you try boot up Ubuntu you get that?23:23
FirstSgtetate: yeah.  the display even in tty is small, and i see random green dots/lines (1px verts)23:23
jribglenn_: why isn't rw?  Anyway, you can pass remount,rw to the mount command23:23
ircnowsebsebseb: yes now on tty723:23
corin_jrib: are the any guides on doing it the wrong way, to be more traditional?23:23
sebsebsebiceroot: clean install or upgrade from 9.10 or 8.04  of 10.04?23:23
glenn_jrib: "mount: cannot remount block device read-write: it is write-protected"23:23
Ambedrakerunning some tests in Fn over ACPI for this Toshiba L505D-S694823:24
indioAnyone using ratpoison in Lucid Lynx? Can you listen to your music CDs with Rhytmbox?23:24
jribcorin_: ubuntu doesn't use sysv-init anymore, you really should write an upstart script. In the past there was something like /etc/init.d/skeleton23:24
kinksit appears I have no /etc/asound.conf, or ~/.asoundrc. for that matter.. any idea which package should be installing it? I am running 10.04.23:24
Ambedrakeseems unable to tur wifi card on with phys keyboard23:24
ircnowsebsebseb: installed from cd 10.0423:24
Luija1006Hello people please I need help: Kate is having error opening .js greasemonkey scripts: when I click edit with greasemonkey this error windows appears http://i39.tinypic.com/24msuna.png , but in 9.10 kate opened the greasemonkey scripts perfectly, whats going on?23:24
jribglenn_: you didn't answer my first question23:24
sebsebsebircnow: ok and you haven't even logged in to it yet?23:24
kinksor, even better, is having an asound.conf even necessary? pulseaudio is showing application playback, but my speakers produce no sound; no channels are muted.23:24
ircnowsebsebseb: yes on tty123:25
corin_jrib: all the software currently on there (apache mysqld etc) uses /etc/init.d/apache2(etc), cant I just add it like that?23:25
jribcorin_: what version of ubuntu?23:25
sebsebsebiceroot: you have logged in on tty1, and then it's just in the terminal yeah?23:25
sebsebsebircnow: ^23:25
sebsebsebiceroot: wrong one23:25
corin_jrib: 8.04.2 LTS23:25
glenn_jrib: apologies. dmesg has a line reporting: error: ext3fs (sda1) error: remounting filesystem read-only23:25
jribcorin_: sure, but just note that ubuntu is moving to upstart23:26
etateFirstSgt: thats weird... i mean my guess would have been a problem with the framebuffer if it was just in the terminal, but on desktop as well would mean it renders incorrectly everywhere .. I would guess its a resolution issue but i don't know23:26
sebsebsebircnow: so  your able to give Ubuntu commands, but that's it?23:26
ircnowsebsebseb: on tty7 message is: mountall: Plymouth command failed, mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth.23:26
jribglenn_: don't know then23:26
FirstSgtetate: right after i installed ubuntu it ran beautifully ... the drivers messed that up.23:26
sebsebsebircnow: Plymouth is the boot up23:26
corin_jrib, 8.04.2 LTS has support until 2015 I think, so I have 5 years to learn upstart? ;D23:26
Luija1006Hello people please I need help: Kate is having error opening .js greasemonkey scripts: when I click edit with greasemonkey this error windows appears http://i39.tinypic.com/24msuna.png , but in 9.10 kate opened the greasemonkey scripts perfectly, whats going on?23:27
sebsebsebLuija1006: I remember you,  I belive23:27
sebsebsebLuija1006: and yeah #kubuntu23:27
Jordan_Ucorin_: Unless everyone switches to systemd :)23:27
jribcorin_: 8.04 has support until 2011 on the desktop, 2013 on the server23:27
Luija1006sebsebseb: do I know you?23:27
sebsebsebLuija1006: no just23:27
etateFirstSgt: you could remove the nvidia driver altogether and see what happens then (it will default to nv i think)23:27
sebsebsebLuija1006: I remember someone having a kate and greasemonkey issue, I guess it was you23:28
corin_jrib, i can live with 3 years23:28
corin_so err, any guides on the init.d way? :(23:28
SharkPantsHey man23:28
jribcorin_: read /etc/init.d/skeleton23:28
Luija1006oh... yeah it was me, sebsebseb and I didnt find solution yet, so I am triying in this channel too, sorry for the bother23:28
SharkPantsyou guys are all hosers unless you use xmonad as a window manager!23:28
corin_ok thanks23:28
sebsebsebLuija1006: anyway since Kate is a KDE app  #kubuntu is a good channel to try, but you can also continue here  trying to get help for your issue23:28
Luija1006ok :)23:29
koanen_tsebsebseb: We love me23:29
sebsebsebkoanen_t: what?23:29
sebsebsebircnow: yes you get that message, is that it?  you can't log in to  your user account, and put in some commands or something?23:29
ircnowsebsebseb: yes i can23:29
sebsebsebircnow: Have you used Ubuntu before?23:30
ircnowsebsebseb: yes 9.0423:30
sebsebsebircnow: ok and you skipped 9.10?23:30
koanen_tsebsebseb: Now we like GNOME. Its the best thing in the world. The one who are liking KDE ... Death23:30
ircnowsebsebseb: yes 9.1023:30
sebsebsebkoanen_t: uhmm23:30
sebsebsebkoanen_t: KDE is ok as well, and some of the apps are rather nice indeed, and they can be run in Gnome as well23:31
koanen_tsebsebseb: Google Hells Angels23:31
oxymoronHello guys I am on my girls computer and need help with graphics on a SiS 671MX where I cannot change resolution higher than 800x600 and plymouth shows flimmer and ant wars on bootup, the desktop effects doesnt work turning on23:31
koanen_tsebsebseb: I love you bro23:31
xokhello all...23:31
_blackwater_ot! | koanen_t23:31
ircnowsebsebseb: but I have changed grubconf default, that was hard23:31
xokI am trying to install kubuntu over NFS...23:31
sebsebseb!ot | koanen_t23:31
ubottukoanen_t: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:31
xokhas anyone done such thing before?..23:32
xokI've got problems...23:32
sebsebsebircnow: you changed Grub?23:32
ircnowsebsebseb: then I must installed new23:32
sebsebsebircnow: maybe23:32
sebsebsebircnow: What have you changed? from default install?23:32
ircnowsebsebseb: it was not possible to boot grub error 1523:33
sebsebsebircnow: when you did your clean install of 10.04 what happended?  you got the Plymouth message?23:33
Luija1006Hello people please I need help: Kate is having error opening .js greasemonkey scripts: when I click edit with greasemonkey this error windows appears http://i39.tinypic.com/24msuna.png , but in 9.10 kate opened the greasemonkey scripts perfectly, whats going on?23:33
xokcan anyone tell me why kubuntu may say "Please provide a name for this Disc, such as 'Debian 5.0.3 Disk 1' : " when I try to install kubuntu over NFS?..23:33
sebsebsebxok: try #kubuntu23:33
GrujahGot a small problem.. I tried to add a pannel to the bottom of the screen.. but it didn't apear and instead when I maximize a window bottom 20 or so pixels do are not used .. like in this picutre http://i42.tinypic.com/295eh3o.png23:33
xoksebsebseb, thanks, will try...23:33
ubuntu01hello #ubuntu !23:33
ircnowsebsebseb: yes after installed 10.04 I have this message on tty723:34
sebsebsebircnow: ok23:34
etateLuija1006: have you tried something other than kate ?23:34
sebsebsebircnow: Which graphics card you got?23:34
sebsebsebircnow: Old or new computer?  How old?23:34
ircnowsebsebseb: nvidia23:34
sebsebsebircnow: I thought you said you had to change Grub or something?23:34
ircnowsebsebseb: yes on 9.1023:35
sebsebsebircnow: Why?23:35
Luija1006etate: I cannot :( when I click the button edit, if you click it for the first time it lets you select your favorite text editor, but now than I choosed kate, when I click the edit button again it tosses the kate error windows, dont know how to get greasemonkey to default, because I desinstalled it and it keeps splashing the kate error!23:35
ircnowsebsebseb: for checking23:35
sebsebsebircnow: By default 9.04 uses Grub the old version,  by default 9.10 and 10.04 use the newer Grub 2, which also isn't really as good as the old one for many of us23:35
sebsebsebircnow: Do you have Windows on the computer as well or??23:36
ircnowsebsebseb: yes23:36
sebsebsebircnow: ok and Windows boots up no problem?23:36
Jordan_Usebsebseb: What do you prefer about grub legacy?23:37
etateLuija1006: you can always start a terminal and type: <editor> file.js23:37
sebsebsebJordan_U: it does the trick for me,  I don't need this Grub 2 rubbish23:37
Ambedrakeok if i want to see the interrupt that is given by the Fn-X key how can I do this?23:37
ircnowsebsebseb: now after installed 10.04 is ok23:37
etateLuija1006: where <editor> is something other than kate... or am i missing the point?23:37
Luija1006etate: oh cool, let me try that23:37
sebsebsebircnow: what's ok after installing 10.04?23:37
ircnowsebsebseb: yes23:37
=== themill_ is now known as themill
ircnowsebsebseb: but before upgrading to 10.04 was error 1523:38
sebsebsebircnow: error 15,  and Ubuntu woudn't load or?23:38
sebsebsebircnow: I thought you said you did a clean install of 10.04 not an upgrade from previous version?23:38
sebsebsebircnow: if a previous version didn't boot up, and you clean isntalled, well then sure, the new install should boot up23:39
ircnowsebsebseb: no I have intalling new 10.04 now23:39
etateLuija1006: fwiw there are plenty of editors capable of handling javascript.. my favourite is emacs23:39
ubuntu01i am having a small problem with ubuntu 10.04 and my Dell Latitude CPi. when i try to connect to my wireless network (buffalo, which it sees), it fails to connect. it even asks me for the key. ifconfig shows that i have two devices: eth0 and loopback. does anyone have any experience with ubuntu not seeing networks?23:39
sebsebsebircnow: so the install with teh Plymouth error message was an upgrade from a previous version?23:39
etateLuija1006: emacs has a great mode that interacts and loads javascript into firefox automatically too23:39
Luija1006etate: ok but now greasemonkey is stuck with that kate error forever? -_-23:39
ircnowsebsebseb: no its from the cd 10.0423:39
sebsebsebircnow: ok23:40
sebsebsebircnow: and on your clean install your getting that message, which is odd23:40
etateLuija1006: what command did you type in the terminal?23:40
ircnowsebsebseb: yes23:40
spizkapa@Ambedrake: use xev from the command prompt. Anything you type will print its keycode etc "live" for you23:40
ircnowsebsebseb: I think I must install some packages, but plymouth I dont know23:41
=== ubuntu01 is now known as Ubuntu1
Ubuntu1i am having a small problem with ubuntu 10.04 and my Dell Latitude CPi. when i try to connect to my wireless network (buffalo, which it sees), it fails to connect. it even asks me for the key. ifconfig shows that i have two devices: eth0 and loopback. does anyone have any experience with ubuntu not seeing networks?23:41
sebsebsebircnow: not sure what to suggest,  there is a way to get a text boot instead, well if it will work,  instead of people having the working plymouth graphical boot up, which  your not getting.   There are a few different issues when it comes to Plymouth in 10.04,  however I haven't seen people saying about your issue in here before.23:41
sebsebsebircnow: What was wrong with 9.04, why did you want to upgrade to 10.04?23:42
Luija1006etate: pretty pretty rare23:42
_blackwater_Ubuntu1 what wireless chipset is in your dell23:42
GrujahGot a small problem.. I tried to add a pannel to the bottom of the screen.. but it didn't apear and instead when I maximize a window bottom 20 or so pixels do are not used .. like in this picutre http://i42.tinypic.com/295eh3o.png23:42
Luija1006etate: luis@Acer:~/.mozilla/firefox/viyfxqf2.default/gm_scripts/lockerz_unplayd$ kate lockerz_unplayd.user.js23:42
Luija1006etate: it opens the .js without any problem23:42
Ubuntu1_blackwater_: sorry i am not sure, how would i check that ?23:43
Luija1006but the greasemonkey kate doesnt... etate23:43
ircnowsebsebseb: on 9.04 was good, but after upgrading to 10.04 I have shot my grub down, then I couldent boot again, then I istalled complet new23:43
_blackwater_Ubuntu1 drop to console screen, type lspci23:43
etateLuija1006: one sec i'm just looking at what these tools you're using actually are :)23:44
Luija1006etate: ok lol :D23:44
sebsebsebircnow: so you upgraded 9.04 to 9.10 and then to 10.04?   then after problems tried a clean install of 10.04?23:44
histoUbuntu1: look in System > admin > hardware drivers  see if its listing your wifi card as a restricted23:44
_blackwater_Ubuntu1 broadcomm23:44
Ubuntu1sorry lol23:44
Ubuntu1im a bad typist23:44
ircnowsebsebseb: yes exactly23:44
histoUbuntu1: open a terminal and you can copy and paste the line23:44
sebsebsebircnow: after the upgrade from 9.10, what problem did you get in 10.04?23:44
histoUbuntu1: nvm.23:44
carlosfrghola donde esta el cana de ubunu en epañol???23:45
sebsebseb!es | carlosfrg23:45
ubottucarlosfrg: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:45
_blackwater_Ubuntu1 ok so can you hardwire your lan connection temporarily, will need to optain broadcom firmware.23:45
ircnowsebsebseb: on 10.04 I get this on tty7: mountall: Plymouth command failed, mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth.23:45
sebsebsebircnow: ok you  got this error message, after upgrading from 9.10 as well as with a clean install from CD?23:45
Ubuntu1_blackwater_: our laptop does not have an ethernet jack. is there any way of transfering it possibly ?23:46
ircnowsebsebseb: not upgrading, I have installed complet new 10.0423:46
_blackwater_there is - could get the .deb file on usb stick.23:46
sebsebsebircnow: ok23:46
=== kylezoa is now known as kylezoa_away
sebsebsebircnow: have you ever used a text editor in the terminal?23:46
sebsebsebircnow: nano  or vi/vim23:47
ircnowsebsebseb: yes vim23:47
Ubuntu1ok great ill try that, thanks _blackwater_23:47
etateLuija1006: my guess would be greasemonkey has trouble parsing that particular js file23:47
_blackwater_Ubuntu1 sure, you're looking for the bwcutter firmware btw.23:47
sebsebsebircnow: right Plymouth is new for Ubuntu,  Fedora and Mandriva have had for a while.  however yes Plymouth is new in Ubuntu with 10.04 being the first version to have it.  As a result only  some of us know about Plymouth that come here.  Also there are quite a few issues that can happen with it.23:47
AmbedrakeOK so the Fn for toggling the wifi card looks like it cant be mapped is there a terminal way to enable the wifi card?23:48
etateLuija1006: does it work with other scripts? have you tried with a simpler script maybe?23:48
sebsebsebircnow: I have an idea though, something that might work23:48
histo!broadcom | Ubuntu123:48
ubottuUbuntu1: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:48
ircnowsebsebseb: yey?23:48
sebsebsebircnow: on two computers now or?23:48
histoAmbedrake: how'd you disable it?23:49
ircnowsebsebseb: on one23:49
Ambedrakeits disabled on boot automatically23:49
sebsebsebircnow: now I am not really sure what that error message means,  I think it is saying that,  for whatever reason it can't boot up the graphical Plymouth boot up23:49
Ambedrakeand Fn over ACPI is not supported for this LT23:49
Peteinwhy a FAT fs would be undesirable for a500GB hdd used to record and play back large video files?23:49
etateLuija1006: try it with a script from here: http://userscripts.org/ and see if it makes a difference23:49
sebsebsebircnow: right, but maybe you can set up the text only boot up, and have that working instead23:49
fredrik_I have a Asus Eee 901 which I have installed Ubuntu Server Edition on. I23:50
ChogyDanPetein: doesn't fat have a 4g file limit?23:50
PeteinChogyDan: yeah it does so?23:50
ircnowsebsebseb: how can I configure my graphiccard now, maybe its this23:50
sebsebsebircnow: that's something else23:50
sebsebsebircnow: if you install the propritary NIvida driver, and the  graphical boot up works properly,  it won't work proerly23:50
histoChogyDan: fat16 does23:50
g0thhow do I install sage for kubuntu lucid?23:50
histo!info sage | g0th23:51
ubottug0th: Package sage does not exist in lucid23:51
fredrik_I have also installed xfce4 for a light desktop enviroment. I want to pair my bt-device (a phone) with the computer. My computer have BT (I've used it before on another OS), but I can't get it to work now23:51
sebsebsebircnow: it won't work properly with propritary NIvida driver.  However it should really be working with the open source driver for Nivida23:51
sebsebsebircnow: that comes with 10.0423:51
ircnowsebsebseb: I think from cd was not installed nvidia driver23:51
sebsebsebircnow: 10.04 comes with a driver for NIvida which works fine with Plymouth,  if you install the propritary driver you get a boot up problem23:51
etateso does anyone know how to get past the livecd first boot screen without it failing?23:51
harjothow do i format a drive?23:52
macoharjot: mkfs23:52
macoharjot: or install gparted23:52
sebsebsebircnow: for some reason Plymouth won't boot up on your computer like it's meant to23:52
gnugrUbuntu1: to start eith0 try " dhclient eth0 "   to stop it use  " ifdown eth0 "  to config use " ifconfig eth0 "23:52
harjota usb drive23:52
fredrik_I have followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup, but when I run hcitool dev I do not get any devices?23:52
=== martin___ is now known as martinst
macoharjot: gparted if you want a gui, mkfs if you're fine with the command line23:52
etateharjot: you can use fdisk on your drive23:52
macoharjot: fdisk is for partitioning. mkfs is for formatting23:52
Luija1006etate: lol the scripts are from userscripts.org23:53
etatemaco: you can format with fdisk, and partition, 2 birds, 1 stone23:53
macoharjot: assuming your flash drive has a suitable partition table already you just need mkfs23:53
harjotim trying to format a flash drive so i should use mkfs?23:53
Mintzstill looking for a UBUNTU CAM driver for ACER ASPIRE 8940G23:53
sebsebsebircnow: so even if you get the graphical boot up working,  you would then get another problem, after installing propritary NIvida driver23:53
macoetate: really? O_O dang it23:53
g0thwhy is there no sage for kubuntu anymore?23:53
macoetate: clearly i do things the stupidly long way round :P23:53
g0ththe website offers ubuntu packages23:53
macog0th: sage?23:53
MintzWEBCAM driver,,,?23:54
ircnowsebsebseb: I dont know, how I can reconfigure now my nvidia?23:54
macog0th: ubuntu and kubuntu share a repository...23:54
etatemaco: not sure i haven't used mkfs :)23:54
sebsebsebircnow: you don't not yet anyway23:54
etatemaco: but it sounds like its a util to make a filesystem... which is a bad start really23:54
ircnowsebsebseb: no23:54
etatemaco: unless it makes a filesystem of a type you want...23:54
g0thsage is very important, so I am really surprised to learn that it is no longer included23:54
sebsebsebircnow: you only install the Nivida driver, if you want to 3D game or run Compiz,  and also only if well you can boot in to Ubuntu23:54
sebsebsebircnow: and at the moment you can't even boot it up properly23:55
macoetate: yeah you tell it which format you want ;-)23:55
macog0th: what are you talking about?23:55
ircnowsebsebseb: ok compitz I will do23:55
macog0th: if theres an ubuntu package then theres a kubuntu package23:55
sebsebsebircnow: right, but you can't at the moment23:55
macog0th: theyre the same thing23:55
sebsebsebircnow: since you can't boot up Ubuntu like your meant to23:55
sebsebsebircnow: since Plymouth is not working like it's meant to23:55
daveWilkysage is very nice with onions...23:55
Luija1006etate: every script from GM comes from userscripts.org23:56
ircnowsebsebseb: and xserver-xorg23:56
etatemaco: if you want the whole device to be of one filesystem i can understand that... but either way he has to partition at some point :/23:56
sebsebsebircnow: I think  your 10.04 CD is fine23:56
Bizzehhi, im trying to install an RPM package, but it just opens in archive manager, it used to install from click... am i missing something?23:56
superjoehas anyone else had the problem after upgrading to Lucid where some scripts don't return after they're done executing?23:56
ircnowsebsebseb: I dont know23:56
macoetate: i said "assuming you have a suitable partition table" didnt i?23:56
sebsebsebircnow: if you still have the ISO you could check to see if it's a good ISO or not, but I don't think that you have a bad ISO is the problem23:56
g0thmaco: I never said otherwise23:57
macoetate: way ive learned (from sysadmin books/classes) is fdisk to partition, then mkfs to format the partitions you just made23:57
macog0th: and sage is still in the repo as of lucid and maverick23:57
g0thhmm but I dont find it23:57
g0thwhich repo?23:57
ircnowsebsebseb: yes I have the iso on an other pc23:57
sebsebsebircnow: I think it would probably be a good idea to,  maybe try 10.04 again another clean install,  make sure your installing from a good ISO first in this case as well.   Or put 9.04 or 9.10 on.  However there's something you could try first23:57
etatemaco: oh yeah you did. yeah i guess we just looked at things in different ways23:57
Bizzehhow do i install rpm's on ubuntu now?23:58
sebsebseb!alien | Bizzeh23:58
ubottuBizzeh: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)23:58
macog0th: universe23:58
g0thmaco: it is not in my universe repo23:58
etatemaco: i always use fdisk to create partitions and format the disk how i like, then i use the specific fs tool to create the filesystem23:58
sebsebsebBizzeh: not so sure about alien being dangerous, but yes you woudn't normally do RPM's or try to do them, on Ubuntu23:58
macog0th: the two binary packages generated by the sage source package are libsage-dev and libsage223:58
g0thdeb http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid universe23:58
macoetate: i think mke2fs, for example, is just an alias for mkfs telling it to use ext223:59
Bizzehhmmn, dont know why i was tring to install an rpm23:59
macog0th: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sage/0.2.0-4/+build/140945723:59
sebsebsebircnow: maybe you can do a text boot. and then load up 10.04, worth a try I guess23:59
etatemaco: yeah, though it doesn't seem to have reiser23:59
GrujahGot a small problem.. I tried to add a pannel to the bottom of the screen.. but it didn't apear and instead when I maximize a window bottom 20 or so pixels do are not used .. like in this picutre http://i42.tinypic.com/295eh3o.png23:59
harjothow do i put a bootable iso onto a usb stick?23:59

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