
Keybukoops, wrong button15:20
sadmacKeybuk: what'd you do? >:(15:22
KeybukAlt+F4'd the wrong window ;p15:22
Keybukam tediously going through gobby saving all the discussions from UDS15:22
Keybukthen I have to embarassingly watch all the videos again, and make more notes15:22
sadmacKeybuk: DAMNIT! You ruined everything!15:22
Keybukand put that all together into a roadmap15:23
Keybukbut, most importantly today, I have to go to the gym! :p15:28
sadmacKeybuk: what sort of workout are you doing?15:39
Keybukcardio mostly, including a 5km run15:40
Keybukthen basic weights and resistance on the intermediate days15:40
sadmacI do karate, but I need to be doing more15:40
KeybukI have a very funny voice15:42
Keybukit doesn't sound anything like it does in my head15:42
sadmacYou sound british15:42
KeybukI sound squeaky15:48
sadmacI don't thin so15:49
sadmacWhen I hear myself recorded its always "Oh god I'm a nerd."15:49
sadmacKeybuk: watching your Q&A session finally. So if I want a job to be in manual mode when I boot single user and automatic mode otherwise how do I do it?16:11
Keybukthe job would have something saying "while not single user" in it16:52
sadmacKeybuk: so its more complicated to have a sort of runlevel analogue for multiple "system states"16:53
Keybukhow do you mean?16:55
sadmacKeybuk: I can't have one file that defines a "single user mode" and one that defines a headless mode and one that defines the usual mode and one that defines a minimal multi-user mode...16:57
sadmacI can't have runlevels.16:57
Keybukyou shouldn't need them?16:57
Keybuksorry, not quite following you16:58
sadmacprobably not. I'm just not excited to explain that to people16:58
Keybukhow do you mean?16:59
sadmacKeybuk: the way you'd described it at one point there were several "profiles" where you could list the jobs that would be in automatic mode with the rest being manual (or the other way around)17:00
sadmacKeybuk: That's much more analagous to runlevels, where you get numbered profiles17:00
sadmacKeybuk: I don't know if most sane people would use that additional functionality, but I don't get paid to deal with the sane :(17:01
Keybukboth ways should work17:01
Keybukyou should be able to define a profile .conf as a list of named jobs17:01
Keybukand you should also be able to inherently define a profile by naming it in lots of jobs (without needing a .conf for it)17:01
Keybukor a mixture of both17:01
Keybukso whichever works better for the distro17:02
sadmacKeybuk: doing it with the conventional while mechanism makes life dangerous if you implement the dependency solving thing17:02
KeybukI don't see how17:03
sadmacKeybuk: "apache depends on runlevel 5, so start runlevel 5, then start apache"17:03
Keybukfair point17:05
sadmacKeybuk: the enable/except thing we discussed is my preferred solution. I may offer the patch later on.17:06
* sadmac goes back to grinding on that last nih_parse_tool bug17:09
=== gregcoit_afk is now known as gregcoit
gregcoitok, in lucid server, how do startup scripts in init.d and init interact?20:57
gregcoitie, if there is a mysql in both....20:57
sadmacgregcoit: that's an ubuntu question, not an upstart question, since its entirely dependent on how ubuntu configures upstart20:59
gregcoitsadmac: kk - thanks.20:59

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