
dekenxHello, I have installed Xubuntu 10.04 on an old laptop, after a reboot I pass by the GRUB menu and the system then freezes at a blinking cursor, any ideas?03:54
dekenx(btw i have tried noacpi, noapic, nomodeset, etc...)03:55
Xenphorhello I had a question regarding the xubuntu wubi installer04:18
Xenphorit hangs at 79% complete and gives me this error: Apt configuration problem: attempt to install packages from the CD failed04:19
Xenphorit then proceeds to hang at 79% and seems to be scanning for other files04:19
Xenphorthen it crashes and said it had an unrecoverable error and reboots04:20
Xenphoris my problem that I don't have a required CD?04:20
pleia2Xenphor: /g 5704:51
pleia2Xenphor: maybe a bad burn of the cd?04:52
Xenphori dont have a cd04:52
Xenphori used the installer from the internet04:52
pleia2I'm not sure then :\04:52
Xenphorhmm ok thanks04:52
Arpad2how can be opened .m3u  file in exaile? it needs some plugin...07:43
TheSheep.m3u file is just a text file with an url inside, open that url instead08:04
Arpad2ok, thx:)08:05
xubuntu793ciao a tutti09:21
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:25
Sysiam i on wrong channel or is lucid working frigging awesomely?15:03
Sysizero problems visible15:03
Pres-GasThunar has a clicking issue, Sysi15:11
Pres-GasFortunately, I mostly use the terminal15:11
=== simplicity-_ is now known as simplicity-
Pres-GasI would also say the migration from t-bird 2 to 3 is not the smoothest...but that may be my selection of pluggins15:11
renata_hello, I use xubuntu lucid with the latest nvidia drivers. However, I have and extremely slow boot, my laptop show blinking cursor for about 15 sec, then ugly boot screen with somehow too big XUBUNTU name on it. I wonder if there any possibility to improve both the speed and the look of the startup?15:33
MTecknologyWhat tool is there for managing multiple desktops?17:32
Pres-GasMTecknology, do you mean multiple desktops for different operating systems?17:34
MTecknologyPres-Gas: monitors*17:34
MTecknologyPres-Gas: just one ubuntu system - i just got another monitor17:38
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings17:38
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1217:38
MTecknologythanks :)17:39
MTecknologyThat was amazingly easy...17:46
charlie-tcawith the correct information?17:47
Sysimy friend wrote xorg.conf for 2 days with debian and ati17:47
MTecknologycharlie-tca: ya- i used xrandr - two commands and it's working perfect17:48
charlie-tcaGreat! glad Sysi had the reference right ;-)17:49
MTecknologyme too :P17:51
meowgoesboomhello was wondering if i could get some help with xubuntu18:02
bittinask the question?18:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:02
charlie-tcaoops, the correct answer to the question is 'yes'18:02
meowgoesboomi installed xubuntu and i picked dual boot with grub and when my computer boots up i can not move my arrow up or down18:03
meowgoesboomit always picks xubuntu18:03
charlie-tcaAt the desktop, open a terminal, and then run 'sudo update-grub'18:04
charlie-tcarestart, it should let you make a selection18:04
meowgoesboomdoes it matter that i have a usb keyboard?18:05
meowgoesboomthank you18:06
meowgoesboomi will go do that now and i will let you know if it works for me18:06
meowgoesboomcharlie i got another question but its not about xubuntu18:07
meowgoesboomi have a hard drive thath wont read in windows it showes the drive but wont read the data off it if im in xubuntu is there a way i could get the data off it?18:09
charlie-tcaor samba, maybe18:11
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, is there something that I am missing with samba and reading disks?  I think this is the 2nd time you have mentioned samba to read local disks18:13
charlie-tcasamba is what they need to read the windows disks18:13
charlie-tcaIt is probably formatted ntfs, and Xubuntu does not automatically install the stuff to read it18:14
ochosisamba for local windows discs?18:14
Pres-GasI thought that was the ntfs fs drivers18:14
ochosii thought that's something like ntfs-3g18:14
Pres-Gasochosi, me too18:14
charlie-tcaIf you create the fstab entries18:14
charlie-tcabut if you use gigolo, it uses samba18:14
ochosioh, never used that for local drives18:15
Pres-GasI wonder if gigolo is using the loopback interface then?18:15
charlie-tcawindows drives do not automatically read for some reason I don't know18:15
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, do you always use gigolo to mount local devices?18:17
charlie-tcaI have no windows drives18:18
charlie-tcaI haven't had anything windows for over 10 years18:18
Pres-GasAhh, see...this is why I am asking as I have not locally attached an ntfs drive for awhile18:18
charlie-tcame neither ;-)18:19
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:20
leonard_hello i did 'sudo update-grub' and nothing happend18:20
charlie-tcathe only other suggestion I have is try different usb ports18:20
leonard_thanky ou18:20
leonard_is there a way i could remove data off a hard drive that windows can not read?18:21
Pres-GasIn the future, I think we need to mention the more typical ways to mount windows drives....samba is a pretty huge progect and opens up services and ports that should not be opened unless you know what you are doing.18:22
Pres-GasI suggest this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:22
leonard_ok i will read thank you18:22
charlie-tcasounds good to me. I will try to remember it18:23
Pres-GasYeah, I have been working on docs integrating Linux with Active Directory and samba is the key....and huge in scopt18:23
charlie-tcaI just know it works for most people18:24
Pres-GasNow, samba is perfect for sharing files to windows hosts as well.18:24
charlie-tcaI'm learning, I hope ;-)18:25
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, in lurking here you have taught me plenty!  :D18:26
p0aHello how can I tell X to insert a ( every time I hit the [19:46
TheSheepp0a: you can remap your keyboard19:47
charlie-tcaCreate a shortcut in Applications -> Keyboard -> shortcuts ?19:47
p0aI've did it19:52
p0ahow can I make sure xmodmap .xmodmap is run every time I log in to X?19:52
TheSheepadd it to autostarted applications19:53
TheSheepp0a: you program in lisp? :)19:53
p0aeh they got me :P19:53
TheSheepp0a: it might be more practical to only remap those keys in your editor, and if it's vim or emacs, you can even only remap them whhen editing a lisp file19:54
TheSheepok, that was silly, why would you use vim if you program in lisp19:55
p0aI know but it's confusing19:55
p0aI could have emacs do that job but in firefox I'd want to type a [ and I'd type a ( instead, etc.19:56
TheSheepI usually have no problems switching modes like this19:56
TheSheepI rarely type 'i' in firefox :P19:56
p0aI have the vimperator plugin and I'm an emacs user :]19:57
TheSheepdo you ant to talk about it?19:57
TheSheepI'm sure they have a therapy group or something19:58
p0aI talk to my mxdoctor often19:58
TheSheepsay hello to Eliza19:58
ToddDaileyHello. My Xubutnu desktop is not loading and I need to reach the console to fix it. Does Xubuntu have a "recovery mode"?20:05
ToddDaileyDoes anyone here know? I can boot the live cd but the hard disk is not mounted, so that's no help.20:09
charlie-tcado you get a grub menu?20:10
ToddDaileyNo GRUB menu when booting from HD.20:10
ToddDaileyI thought that was strange with Xubuntu. Most other distros seem to give you choices at boot.20:11
charlie-tcaYou can try holding down the right-shift key while starting, which should bring up the grub menu. There is a recovery mode option on it20:12
ToddDaileyI'll try that now ...20:12
ToddDaileyBetter. Why the heck is that hidden behind the right shift key ???20:13
charlie-tcaThat is the default for Lucid. It was confusing too many users to have the menu shown every boot20:14
ToddDailey... and then the users who expect to see it at every boot get confused when it's missing ...  <sigh>20:14
charlie-tcaIt is referenced in the release notes - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#No%20delay%20for%20boot%20menu%20with%20GRUB%20220:15
ToddDaileyThanks. I'll bookmark that.20:15
Reign25Hey everyone. I was hoping someone could help me out with a very odd issue I'm having with Xubuntu. The wireless card finds my network, but when it tries to connect, it ends up failing to connect. It's the same situation with wired. Any help would be greatly appreciated.20:16
charlie-tcais what I usually blame for such things, if both wired and wireless are affected20:18
Reign25ok I'll check that out. thank you.20:20
Reign25The Avahi mDNS is what you're referring to?20:21
charlie-tcaYes, it is worth a try. Avahi seems to grab the ethernet port somethimes, thinking there is nothing else going to use it.20:22
Reign25gotcha. I'll give it a try and see. Quick question while you're here; could you tell me how to install an Orinoco driver or link me please? I haven't been able to figure it out since the readme is blank?20:25
Reign25well, blank on instructions20:26
charlie-tcadon't know, myself. Normally, all the wireless drivers are installed automatically through the kernel.20:26
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:26
charlie-tcamay be helpful?20:26
Reign25alright. thanks again.20:28
ToddDaileyProblem fixed. Thank you charlie-tca.20:41
charlie-tcaYou are welcome20:42
charlie-tcaGlad we could help20:42
handjobHi all. I've got problem with 10.04 installed on emachine 620. eth 0 does not seems to get along with network manager. Strange thing is that desktop with does not have any problems with connection. Help.20:51
charlie-tcaIf there is no problem with the connection, what is wrong?20:52
Arpad2how can be disk ejected?20:53
charlie-tcaOpen a terminal, type "eject"20:53
Arpad2ok, thx!20:54
charlie-tcano problem20:54
handjobcharlie-tca: There is not problem with connection form desktop, but once I plug the cabel into laptop i get the message that I am disconected from wireless and nothing happens.20:54
charlie-tcabut wireless works?20:55
handjobOn deskto yes, on laptop very no, and it's a problem.20:55
handjobSorry I am wrighting such a bullstit. From the begining : I don't have wireless at all. I have only ethernet cabel connection that does work on desktop running on 10.04 but same connection does not work on laptop. When i plug the cabel into laptop I get the message boout being disconnected from wireless and nothing happens.21:00
Viking667hi all. Having trouble with a machine... how do I downgrade from ext4 to ext3?21:30
TheSheepyou backup all data, format the drive to ext3 and put the data back21:30
Viking667The machine has 512Mb memory, is a 1.3GHz Celeron and is having some trouble keeping up with Cafe World from Facebook.21:30
TheSheepthis is the safe way21:31
Viking667Any way I can get the Live installer to default to ext3 instead?21:32
TheSheepsure, you can partition manually21:32
TheSheepand choose any filesystems you want21:32
Viking667*nod*. I may have to do that then.21:36
Viking667just as well I've got two other machines I can drop stuff on.21:36
TheSheepbe careful to not lose anything in the process21:38
Viking667To create a tarball, is bz2 or lzma better? (/home, /etc, /root)22:02
dystheriajust joined to ask a quick question, is xubuntu 10.04 using gdm to handle login sessions?22:22

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