
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro3005
haywireI'm having a desktop problem in xubuntu 9.10... panels have all disappeared...01:38
KipHey folks. New Ubuntu sci-fi game under development for those interested: https://www.avaneya.com02:33
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Phreahttp://i.imgur.com/y7Zuf.jpg why is my Nautilus and rightclick menu so unlike Lucid? :? [the rest is like it should be, including app/etc menus]03:29
=== The67terminator is now known as smeag0l
Phreasorry for the big picture, I've got dualscreen03:30
ChesamoCome again, Phrea? That looks like the normal menu to me.03:31
Phreait should be like the applications menu etc03:31
Phreaand Nautilus looks rediculously outdated03:32
Phreait does NOT look like this on my other box03:32
Phreaat all03:32
ChesamoThe Applications menu doesn't come up on right-click in GNOME.03:32
Appl6Phrea: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=930738003:32
PhreaChesamo: talking about different things here, see screenshot03:33
PhreaAppl6: having a look :)03:33
PhreaI'm not sure about this...03:34
Phreashould I blindly c/p those commands?03:34
ChesamoPhrea: They won't do any damage03:34
Phreayou didnt even understand what I meant03:35
Chesamophrea: But only do one or the other. I reccomend the second one.03:35
PhreaI'm not sure...03:35
ChesamoPhrea: It's explained in the post ;-)03:35
Phreathen I have to reboot... :x03:35
Appl6Phrea: I think he did.  To the point, you can mv that directory out of the way if rm makes you uncomfortable.03:35
PhreaI hate rebooting03:35
ChesamoPhrea: Why? The boot time on Ubuntu is negligible, if anything03:36
Appl6Phrea: And no, you just have to restart nautilus.03:36
Phreaif something goes wrong, you dudes are to blame !03:36
ChesamoPhrea: We live with that risk every day ;-)03:36
Phreathank you so much... :x03:40
Phreait DID reboot my wole damn computer03:40
Phreayou can imagine how happy I was about that...03:41
* Chesamo blinks03:41
ChesamoShoot. Guess I don't know how to trigger that after all.03:42
ddecatorChesamo: you need voice03:42
ZachK_!language | Phrea03:42
VotebotPhrea: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:42
Phreait rebooted my system03:42
ZachK_Chesamo: you have to be voiced03:42
PhreaI asked about that03:42
ChesamoYeah, I heard :P03:42
ChesamoPhrea: [22:36]  <Appl6> Phrea: And no, you just have to restart nautilus.03:43
PhreaI didnt get the chance did I03:43
Appl6Phrea: Has the problem been resolved?03:43
Phreaas soon as I entered that command, my computer rebooted03:43
PhreaAppl6: yes03:43
Appl6Phrea: You mean the "reboot" command?  It tends to do that.03:43
PhreaI was going to say that03:43
ChesamoPhrea: Yeah, that's why it's generally advisable to read the entire post03:43
PhreaAppl6: I asked about it03:43
Phreaoh well, it solved the 'problem'03:44
Phreabut please, be more careful next time03:44
Phrearead the commands, know what they do03:44
ChesamoPhrea: We did and do. We gave you the simplest command and did something before I had time to react :/03:44
Phreait did however work :)03:45
PhreaI asked about the reboot command03:45
Phreait doesnt matter03:45
Phreait worked03:45
Appl6Phrea: You only needed to run _one_ of the commands.  One of the commands did _not_ require you to reboot.  The post clearly explains that you only needed one of them.03:45
Phreathanks :)03:45
ChesamoPhrea: Yes, and I asked if rebooting was a problem...03:45
PhreaAppl6: one of 103:46
Phreaone of 2 that is03:46
Phrea2 were posted03:46
Phreathe second one was reccommended to me03:46
Phreait worked, but it did reboot my system03:46
Phreait's ok, it worked, it's not a server :)03:46
Phreastill, be a bit more careful03:46
Appl6Phrea: I did not recommend the second one, and your blaming me for that is ridiculous.03:47
ChesamoAppl6: I did.03:47
Phrea^ :)03:47
PhreaI thought he said that it only meant that Nautilus would reboot03:47
Phreaiso the complete system03:47
ChesamoAppl6, Phrea: In my defense, I asked if there was a specific _problem_ with rebooting03:47
Phreastill, it worked03:47
PhreaChesamo: I missed that03:48
ChesamoPhrea: You only use the term "reboot" with system-level restart...03:48
Phreaand there was NO problem rebooting03:48
Phreait's not a server :)03:48
Appl6Phrea: The problem is with your ludicrous accusations, not whether you were mildly inconvenienced by having to reboot your computer.03:49
PhreaI'm too lazy to dive into logs, so, I'll take it as is :)03:49
PhreaI'm sorry03:50
Phreathanks for helping me out03:50
ChesamoAppl6, Phrea: I'm willing to let dead dogs lie, personally03:50
Appl6(10:34:28 PM) Phrea: then I have to reboot... :x03:50
Appl6(10:34:34 PM) Phrea: I hate rebooting03:50
Appl6(10:34:58 PM) Appl6: Phrea: And no, you just have to restart nautilus.03:50
Phreait's all ok03:50
Appl6Phrea: If any part of that was unclear, I'm afraid I cannot help you.03:51
PhreaAppl6: it was unclear as in that I thought you said that I only needed to restart nautilus03:51
Phreamaybe I'm not really familiar with all this computer talk then eh03:52
Phreaalso the first AND last time that I take advice from people I dont know03:53
Phreamind you it DID work, thanks for that03:53
* Chesamo blinks03:53
Phreayou should just be a bit more clear, this is a beginners channel03:54
ChesamoWe asked questions, and generally expect answers03:54
ChesamoListen, why are you dragging this out>03:54
PhreaI have no idea03:54
Phreawell, I was a bit pissed03:54
Phreabut that has passed03:55
Phreait worked03:55
Phreaand I'm happy03:55
Phreawhat caused this behaviour?03:55
ChesamoMisconfiguration of GCONF03:55
Phreathis is a clean Lucid install03:55
ChesamoIt happens sometimes.03:55
PhreaChesamo: aha03:55
Phreaso nothing I did?03:55
ChesamoFiles get corrupt off the CD, things get accidentally run03:56
Phreanever knew things could get corrupted from cd to pc :o03:56
PhreaI checked the iso against the md5, etc03:57
ChesamoJust happens sometimes.03:57
* Chesamo shrugs03:57
Phreaok :)03:57
PhreaI believe you :)03:57
Phreasorry that I was a bit pissed03:57
* Phrea licks Chesamo and Appl6 :P04:00
* Chesamo meeps04:01
* Chesamo blinks and looks at her hands. "FurNet? Why have you invaded my behavior on FreeNode?"04:01
Phreaah, her no less, well, then I'm extra sorry04:02
Phrea[Snow - Informer]04:02
* Chesamo wonders what the words inside the braces mean.04:02
Phreaoh, sorry, it's a song in this case :)04:03
PhreaI use brackets iso ()04:03
ChesamoOh dear. A Now Playing script? I don't think we can be friends anymore.04:03
Phreait's easier04:03
Phreait's NOT a script04:03
PhreaI type that by hand, and hardly ever do04:03
Phreabut I like this song, so I thought I'd post it :)04:03
PhreaI HATE scripts of any kind04:04
PhreaI ban people for using scripts :D04:04
PhreaI use a scriptless Xchat04:06
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
Akosgood morning team07:06
ddecatormorning Akos07:07
tdnHow do I automatically copy files from my CF-card into ~/incoming upon insertion?11:57
ibuclawtdn, maybe an autorun.sh file in the top directory of the CF_card?13:07
ibuclawidk ... that may only work for cdrom's13:07
ibuclawtdn, yep, looks like that works for external storage too13:14
ibuclawif you open gconf-editor (Press Alt+F2 and type that into the runbox)13:14
ibuclawbrowse to: /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount13:14
ibuclawand ensure it is checked13:14
ibuclawthen close and insert your CF-card13:15
ibuclawopen the folder location of it, and create a file named autorun.sh13:15
mrxtianhow do people do the zoom in and out of a window when recording a screen cast is there something with more facilities than recordmydesktop? or is it an X/compbiz feature ?13:15
ibuclawopen it for editting, and put:13:15
ibuclawfollowed by the scripting commands you will use to cp the data from one location to another.13:16
ibuclawsave, close, and ensure it is executable13:16
ibuclaw(Right Click -> Properties. Then under the Permissions tab)13:17
ibuclawthen unmount / remove and reinsert the CF-Card reader and it should prompt you that the device has software intended to be automatically started, just press OK to run it.13:19
ibuclawtdn, ^^13:19
ibuclawmrxtian, zoom in/out whilst the screencast is running ?13:20
mrxtianwhilst recording13:21
ibuclawI think recordmydesktop allows you to have a "select area" to record before starting.13:21
ibuclawif you are zooming in and out, sounds like compiz at work. ;)13:21
ibuclawmrxtian, look for "Zoom Desktop" as a plugin, and I think it is Super+Mouse scroll to control it13:22
ibuclawSuper == WinKey (for the Unix illiterate ;)13:23
=== ZachK_ is now known as Guest14775
Lady_MadonnaNot every keyboard has a windows key on it.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103773113:56
=== Guest14775 is now known as ZachK_
ZachK_welcome bilalakhtar13:59
bilalakhtar!welcome | ZachK_14:00
bilalakhtarhuh? where is ubottu?14:00
ZachK_bilalakhtar, ah it only works if you have voice...which you don't14:00
bilalakhtarZachK_: ohk. I just came here to help any beginners. As you can see, I am a debian mentor, so I am not a beginner to come here to ask questions !14:01
ZachK_very cool14:01
ZachK_welcome to the beginners team14:01
=== Guest51672 is now known as compiledkernel
Lady_MadonnaHey CK14:31
JoeKHi, what is the best Latex editor?16:31
ChesamoJoeK, that's a very subjective question. Graphical, command-line, what?16:33
JoeKgraphical that can do e.g. tables easily, but also reveals the Latex code16:34
ChesamoJoeK: Something like gummi? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gummi-simple-latex-editor-written-in-pythongtk.html16:35
JoeKsounds good, I will try it, thx16:35
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paultagCONGRATS PabloRubianes!!!!!!!21:29
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* drubin missed something21:50

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