
=== kamal is now known as kamal-away
=== pgraner-afk is now known as pgraner
cwillumfedyk in #btrfs has just updated the btrfs wiki with instructions for setting btrfs to build from git via dkms in ubuntu and debian;  anyone care to proofread?06:00
* smb sips some coffee08:09
* jk- remembers that he started making a coffee about 30 mins ago, and goes to finish it08:13
RAOFThat's the worst kind of morning tiredness :)08:14
smbToo true08:15
jk-unfortunately, it's 3:20pm :)08:20
smbJust a hell of a long morning then. :-P08:21
jk-heh, "for large values of 'morning'"08:24
* abogani waves08:27
* apw yawns08:29
apwmorning lag08:29
lagI have my Launchpad set-up now :D08:30
amitklag: I see you muscled-out the inactive user :)08:33
lagDamn tootin'08:33
lagHow do you lot keep tabs on everything that happens on all these channels and keep up with your work?08:34
smblag, You don't08:34
lagsmb: Phew08:35
jk-smb just tells us all to shut up until he has time to read IRC08:37
smbYou can set up a few words that trigger highlighting (potentially with sound) so it gets your attention. But otherwise you normally can only pay attention to one thing.08:37
smbjk-, No I am telling you I ignore you most of the time. :-P08:37
jk-good advice.08:38
smblag, Except your name is apw, which means you are present and chatting in all channels 24hrs a day. (joking)08:39
apwsmb, no that is master wats-o-n who will still detect his nick dispite heavy stealthing08:39
amitklag: you ignore the channels unless they are pings to you. And once in a while you scan all of them if you care...08:39
smbapw, This has the sound of you-know-who. :)08:40
* persia notes that several clients allow advanced regexes for highlighting08:41
amitknot everyone is cjwatson and can hold 12 simultaneous IRC conversations08:41
smbNo he said the name. *panic*08:41
apwthough it is claimed that irssi highlight window is the way08:41
RAOFThe irssi highlight window *is* made of awesome.08:42
* persia has started to prefer the quassel "Chat Monitor" window08:43
apwpersia, is that something in addition to your normal irc client, or do you use quassel08:43
persiaapw: Right now, I'm only using two clients (my laptop power switch broke), but I usually use several simultaneously to provide the views I prefer.08:44
persiaThe trick is to have some proxy (irssi can do this, and there are many others) so you can have single identity with multiple clients.08:45
aboganismb: May I disturb you for a minute?08:45
smbabogani, sure08:45
apwpersia, ahh, i use a bip proxy in general too08:45
persiabip+quassel+/bip blreset leaves something to be desired, but ... :)08:45
aboganismb: I have placed an update -rt kernel package for Lucid at https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/broken. How I should proceed now? Should I write a SRU justification?08:46
lagapw, persia: I was told XChat was the way to go =:-S08:48
apws'what a lot of us use, its one of the easier ones to get going in IMO, it may not be the most powerful08:49
apwyour irc client is like your editor something you grow into08:49
persialag: I like xchat a lot myself, but the key is to find the client that works best *for you*.  if you set up a proxy, you can try them all with relatively low interference.08:49
lagI think emacs does IRC *dribbles*08:49
smbabogani, I guess this can be treated a bit like the arm or ec2 packages. In that case I would welcome a short mail to kernel-team list to tell the rational for this change and point to the place on launchpad. Then its possible to discuss it and proceed.08:49
smbabogani, Being not the "main" kernel package, the SRU policy can be less strict08:51
aboganismb: The problem as you surely know is that a kernel update can contains a lot of commits so it is very hard to write a justification for each of these. :-/08:53
aboganismb: In particularly when the packaging is maintained by one only person...08:53
smbabogani, Yeah. Having a less-strict policy means, you should get away with general improvement and lots of bug fixes08:53
smbabogani, Just generally describe what you have done. Like updated to the latest rt patchset, included the latest stable patches, ...08:54
aboganismb: Could I ignore commits introduced by you (in Karmic kernel which are used as base for rt) ?08:55
smbabogani, I'd at least say that you rebased (from?) to Ubuntu-2.6.x-y.z whatever. You don't need to go into details. But it is good to know the fact which is the new base of the kernel.08:56
aboganismb: Ok, thanks.08:57
smbabogani, no problem08:58
apwsmb, abogani, we should remember that the update should be applied in maverick 'first' according to the rules.  i assume linux-rt is the same in maverick09:02
smbapw, abogani As long as it is the same maybe. The kernel package was always problematic with that. If you have individual fixes yes, but the whole package...09:05
aboganismb: I would want update -rt kernel in Maverick with 2.6.33 (the latest release by Gleixner).09:05
apwin which case its all moot and you can ignore it09:05
apwabogani, if you are going to base off of .33 then we should consider using the .33 based ogasawara did during maverick roll forward09:06
apwsmb, and stable needs to think about how we could maintain that base for ti-omap and this perhaps09:06
smbapw, The package in the repo abogani mentioned seems 2.6.31 based (for lucid)09:07
smbWe may speak of two different versions09:08
apwsmb, yeah i mean that we will have an updated ti-omap and we'd like that to be on a real ubuntu 2.6.33, and any .33-rt for maverick would like to be on the same base to get all the ubuntu goodness.  seems like an oppotunity to share the base should we do it right09:08
smbapw, I partially understand. Though 2.6.33 is sort of a lost thing right now. I have not looked how far that got with upstream stable releases and from now or soon its off for normal updates.09:12
apwsmb, yeah its not all clear right now09:12
apwericm|ubuntu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick perhaps ?09:24
apwor http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.html09:25
ericm|ubuntuapw, exactly these two URLs09:31
apwericm|ubuntu, in that case i have no idea :)h09:31
ericm|ubuntuapw, both are useful09:32
ericm|ubuntuthough the color "green" is making my eyes bleeding09:32
apwericm|ubuntu, its not the best colour09:39
apwericm|ubuntu, if you are adding blueprint work items remember that the work items section and the items themselves are computer readable and have a specific format09:40
ericm|ubuntuapw, so once blueprint is modified to a correct format, the work items will be automatically updated?09:44
apwericm|ubuntu, thats right, they will move to those summary pages by magic09:45
ericm|ubuntuapw, cool - thanks09:45
ericm|ubuntuapw, so for a new item, it should be something like: [eric.y.miao] xxxxx: TODO?09:47
apwand in a section09:48
apwWork items for maverick-alpha-1:09:48
ericm|ubuntuapw, I see - and I don't need to delete the original descriptions in the whiteboard, sections/workitems in such format will be scanned right?09:50
apwthat is correct09:50
apwone section per milestone though09:50
ericm|ubuntuapw, I see09:50
ericm|ubuntuapw, but we can first target for alpha-1, postpone it for alpha-2 right?09:51
apwyep, you can move then around as you see fit yes09:52
apwthough try and be realistic09:52
ericm|ubuntuapw, OK09:52
apwyou can have sections for many milestones, see https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-misc as an example09:52
ericm|ubuntujk-, mind if I assign the common clock framework in blueprint kernel-maverick-arm-single-zimage to you?10:09
ericm|ubuntuapw, got you10:09
jk-ericm|ubuntu: I already have that line item in the ARM blueprint10:46
* psurbhi eyeballing the btrfs tools code10:47
* cking does yet another S3 cycle10:47
jk-... but we can track it in two places, if that helps10:49
ericm_jk-, ok - let's track it in two places, what's the milestone target then?10:54
jk-ericm_: well, when are you looking to have the blueprint completed?10:55
amitkericm_: I could take a look at some items on that blueprint10:58
ericm_amitk, let me know which items you are interested10:58
ericm_jk-, possibly end of this week - that was what Leann suggested10:59
jk-oh, i mean the actual items on it :)10:59
* cking suffering from the uds-flubug11:10
ericm_jk-, could be any time you think appropriate, maybe target at 10.10 and postpone it? I understand it's quite a long term thing11:10
jk-cking: i'm sorry, you can't have the flu unless you have it assigned to you in a blueprint :)11:11
ckingjk-, now that's amusing!11:11
jk-ericm_: target it at 10.10 if you like, I hope to have something upstreamed before then. However, I think that there are much larger items on the blueprint that will take longer.11:11
ericm_apw, how do you think about some kernel items both in kernel-maverick-arm-kernel-as-bootloader and arm-maverick-softboot-loader11:13
ericm_jk-, yeah I fully understand11:13
apwericm_, there is no point in having the same item in two places11:13
ericm_apw, mmm.... just wondering which side to delete them from11:14
apwyou could easily make arm-maverick-softboot-loader point to kernel-maverick-arm-kernel-as-bootloader11:14
apwif it makes sens you can also just close off the kernel one and consolidate onto the other one11:14
apwif its really a single subject11:14
apwor just add a note in one saying that the kernel items are on the kernel one11:15
apwbut duplicating them will just confuse11:15
=== smb is now known as smb-afk
ericm_apw, ok - I'd prefer to make softboot-loader point back, I'll talk with NCommander on that later11:17
apwericm_, if they are items on us, feel free to put them where they make sense11:18
ericm_apw, ok11:18
apwjust leave him a note in the whiteboard saying where they are11:18
ericm_apw, and I noted that the work items should be placed in the front of the whiteboard, yeah?11:18
apwericm_, there is no requirement, i tend to put them there to make them more obvious when there is lots of text11:21
ericm_apw, got you11:21
jk-ericm_: so do you want to remove the clk stuff from the single-zimage bp then?11:23
ericm_jk-, yes I'll do that later, and point it to your DT blueprint then11:24
jk-cool :)11:24
apwjk-, can't see your blueprint on the list ?11:28
jk-apw: yeah, it seems to be somewhat invisible, want a link?11:29
apwwant to know why its not on my list yet11:29
apwwell leanns list, but hey11:29
jk-because it's an arm- one?11:29
apwdoes it have work items on you?11:29
apwthen it should appear, unless its wrong :)11:29
* jk- guesses the latter11:30
apwlink ?11:30
jk-'work items' -> 'workitems' ?11:30
apwmaybe that you need it to have a series goal of maverick11:33
jk-or "trunk"11:34
jk-those crazy arm people.11:34
ericm_jk-, heh :-)11:37
jk-apw: will either of those suit you?11:37
apwjk-, mine are pointed to maverick i think11:38
jk-i don't get a "maverick" option :/11:38
apwbut i can't point them to find out :)11:38
sunnydrakehi anyone can provide a tip how to configure udev (udisks/create_floppy_devices (default floppy creation in ubuntu 10.04) to pass codepage=866,iocharset=utf8 parameters to correctly mount floppy?11:38
jk-apw: you're coming a close second behind dave miller :)11:48
apwjk-, heh ... joy12:02
apwjk-, see how this one has 'accepted for maverick' in the series goal section12:04
apwi suspect yours needs that12:04
jk-i just don't have that option though12:05
jk-only "ubuntu-arm m-release" and "ubuntu-arm trunk"12:06
jk-i guess becuase this blueprint is for the "ubuntu-arm" project instead of the "ubuntu" one12:06
jk-i could "retarget" it maybe?12:07
persiaUnfortunately, that's incredibly difficult, because of how LP works.12:08
jk-but then the arm folks might miss it12:08
persiaSo it's kinda stuck where it is (when we decided to never use "ubuntu-mobile" we copied the specs that seemed interesting)12:08
apwjk-, hrm thats a bit crap, work to be done by our team really should be visible.  perhaps we can make a dependant blueprint and put that in ubuntu12:38
apwthere is the concept of a depeancy tree of blueprints, persia do you know if an arm one could depend on an ubuntu one?12:39
persiaI don't know, sorry.  The conclusion of the experiment with the "ubuntu-mobile" project was to try to forget it ever happened.  Unfortunately, it seems we were successful.12:40
apwjk-, do you have an 'add dependancy' button on your blueprint details view?  if so try adding kernel-maverick-misc12:52
=== smb-afk is now known as smb
Deemhi. ive got an very curios problem with my logitech g15 keyboard. after a few minutes or sometimes hours my keyboard dies. i cant type anything. power's still there and the display works fine, too. i use the 2.6.32-22 kernel with lucid13:02
apwDeem, is that an external keybaord?13:06
smbDeem, As I have no idea what a g15 keyboard is (certainly I could look). But I assume it might be connected via usb. If you can remotely log in if that happens maybe you see some messages in dmesg13:06
smb... removing "quiet" from the kernel command line could potentially show more info13:08
smbDeem, But as apw says, if you can tell us what kind of keyboard this is. Internal, external (connected via ps2 or usb)?13:09
Deemsmb: its connected via usb13:09
Deemand its an external keyboard13:09
apwso does it come back if you pull it out and re-plug it in ?13:10
Deemapw: no. it still keeps dead13:11
smbOne other thing to test might be any other usb device. see whether thats dead as well13:11
smb(in the same port)13:12
Deemsmb: its only happen to my keyboard... if i plug it in another port it got dead too13:12
Deemive plugged my external hdd in the first port and it works fine13:13
apwDeem, does the cursor look different when the issue occurs?13:13
Deemit seems like lucid doesnt like my keyboard13:13
Deemapw: no. it all looks like always13:13
smbOk, that rules out the usb subsystem generally13:13
apwsmb, remember those cases where you had to press all the modfieres to sort out the keyboard13:13
apwbut in that case the cursor was a the normal text cursor i think, but didn't change on window boundaries any more13:14
apwsmb, its not obvious how the keybaord could not recover on removal and insertion into a different usb port and yet be ok on a reboot ...13:15
smbapw, The cases I saw would at least resolve by unplugging. And usually its not dead but repeats some keystrikes13:15
Deemmaybe its the special on my keyboard. i have such keys that ae called "g"-key and ive got an switch to disable the windows key... maybe its one of this13:15
smbapw, I could only think that there is one input device created and this might stay open... not sure13:15
apwdmesg at the time of the failure might say something, worth checkng13:16
Deemapw: how should i type dmesg if i cant type anything? :D13:17
smbDeem, ssh? Assuming there is another computer arround13:17
Deemsmb: sry. no second computer13:17
apwwell if its only the keyboard presumably you open a terminal in advance and pre-type 'dmesg | tee -a DMESG'13:18
smbDeem, I guess you are neither blessed with a second keyboard for emergencies. ;--)13:18
apwand then cut-n-paste a newline into the window to trigger the command13:18
apwafter the keyboard is dead13:18
smbDeem, but if the computer does not lock up completely there might be something in the /var/log/syslog after reboot...13:19
Deemsmb: ok. ill take a look. just a sec13:19
smbor actually as apw sais13:19
smbsays even13:19
lagOn-screen keyboard?13:20
smbOr even tail -f /var/log/syslog13:20
apwis entiryly possible, that if you can use mouse to reboot that the logs already contain the informaiton13:20
smbapw, Not sure I got this right but in my mind the stack is somewhat like usb->hid->input device->X with a lot of places to consistently go bonkers13:22
Deemsmb: cant find anything in the syslog file13:25
smbDeem, then I'd try two terminal windows13:26
Deemsmb: how do you mean that?13:26
smbin one do a tail -f /var/log/syslog and in the other13:26
smbtail -f /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:27
smbDeem, In X open two windows from applications->accesoiries->terminal13:28
smbAnd then run one of both tail commands in one of them13:28
smbThen wait until the keyboard goes doead13:28
smbdead i mean13:28
Deemsmb: ok. i'll write again. if it happens13:29
smbDeem, Sure. Hopefully one of them contains something13:29
apwtgardner, seems we can nolonger make git directories on zinc, who do we hastle?14:06
tgardnerapw: lamont14:07
* apw waits :)14:07
tgardnerapw, 3.1G available. getting pretty close14:07
apwheh yay14:07
apwtgardner, smb, how far back do you think we need 'daily' builds for linus ?14:13
tgardnerapw, I don't think they are of much use once he's released an official version.14:14
smbtgardner, apw Dunno, somehow it feels anything between 2.6.25 and 2.6.30 could go...14:14
smbat least14:14
apwso i could do some hybrid of that, everything before say 'lucid' release version14:15
tgardnerapw, we cold certainly drop the 2.6.27* kernels.14:16
JFoso apw or smb or tgardner I have a bossman bug 58131214:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 581312 in linux (Ubuntu) "Unknown key fee[x] pressed (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58131214:16
ubot3Malone bug 581312 in linux "Unknown key fee[x] pressed" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58131214:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 581312 in linux (Ubuntu) "Unknown key fee[x] pressed (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Triaged]14:16
smbapw, True. Cannot think of a reason to have anything beside the rc levels of something released14:16
ubot2ubot3: Bug 581312 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/581312 is private14:16
ubot3ubot2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
ubot2ubot3: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
ubot3ubot2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
ubot2ubot3: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ubot3ubot2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ubot2ubot3: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ubot3ubot2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ubot2ubot3: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ubot3ubot2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ubot2ubot3: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ubot3ubot2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ubot2ubot3: You've given me 5 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 10 minutes.14:17
ubot3ubot2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
* smb slaps JFo 14:17
JFobot fight14:17
JFosomebody kickban one of those14:18
smbGosh, before we were happy to have one, now there are two trying to fight each other14:18
tgardnerwho is the channel op? bjf? 14:18
tgardnerI see that now14:19
apwi would but the chanserv is mute14:19
apwoh finally ... stupid thing14:19
tgardnerapw, so, you're gonna dump all the -rc candidates except maverick?14:20
apwget the hell off of my channel you argumentative bot14:20
=== apw changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ || Lucid Kernel Version: 2.6.32 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - May-17- 17:00 UTC
=== apw changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ || Lucid Kernel Version: 2.6.32 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - May-18 - 17:00 UTC
smbtgardner, I thought we keep the rc candidates but get rid of the dailies14:20
tgardnersmb, what good are the rc's for released kernels?14:21
apwyeah tend to keep the recent -rcNs for a couple of releases in case they are useful for regression-release bisect14:21
apwand drop the dailies14:21
smbtgardner, Rough bisecting if something got introduced then14:21
tgardnerI disagree. only the vanilla stable kernels are useful _after_ the release14:22
tgardnerwe don't have unlimited storage14:22
smbtgardner, There might be bugs introduced during 2.6.32 timeline...14:22
smbtgardner, Thats why we likely could dump most of pre-lucid14:23
apwtgardner, ok back to 21G14:24
apwdropped the last years dailies and some of the very old -rcNs we had14:24
apwwe can now argue more sedatly abuot where the boundary should be14:24
tgardnerapw, how about v2.6.31-rc*14:24
smbGuess those could go14:25
apwprobabally 31-rcN are now lower usefuless, on the cusp as far as i am concerned14:25
smb??? parse error14:26
apwi think 32 is deffo useful, 30 is deffo not useful, and 31 is hard to say you could convince me either way14:26
apwis intrepid off support now ?14:27
tgardnerapw, as of Lucid release14:27
apwand if so, that was .27 right ?14:27
=== kamal-away is now known as kamal
smbReminds me to move the git trees14:27
apwso i could zap most of those14:27
JFovanhoof, you around?14:27
smbtgardner, Will I step on you when I go to do that?14:27
tgardnersmb, archinving intrepid? dunno14:28
apwok 24GB available14:28
smbtgardner, I guess no, if you are not just doing the same. ;-)14:28
tgardnersmb, no, I'm not messing with it right now. go ahead14:29
tgardnerapw, are you cleaning stuff out of /home/kernel-ppa/public_html/mainline ?14:29
apwtgardner, yes14:29
smbapw, tgardner Ok, gone to ubuntu-archive now14:30
tgardnerapw, you still plan on dumping *2.6.27* kernels?14:31
tgardnerthat'll free up a bunch more space14:31
apwyeah i had previous reaped back to just every 5 of the stables, but as its dead14:31
apwi recon the last one maybe 14:31
achiangkamal: sorry i missed you yesterday. yeah, if you could clean up that tag for me, it would be great14:32
kamalachiang: I've lost the bug number14:33
kamalachiang: found it 57813814:34
kamalachiang: done14:35
achiangkamal: heh, you're faster than me.14:35
achiangthanks. 14:35
kamalachiang: np :-)14:35
smbJFo, Re bossman bug: might be useful to ask for "sudo lsinput" to see what shows up as an input device. lsinput is from input-utils iirc14:35
kamalachiang: yeah I need another cup too14:35
=== kamal is now known as kamal-away
JFosmb, cool14:36
JFohow do we feel on importance?14:36
smbJFo, Normally low to medium but...14:37
JFojust wanted to check14:37
smbapw, Would you know magic to let an input stream be ignored?14:37
apwignored in what sense?14:38
smbLike ignore all key comming from this14:38
apwi don't know of a way no, now that X handles devices direclty i suspect there might be a way there14:39
smbBut probably this is just incorrectly detected as keyboard. If _his_ guess is right. It sounds reasonable14:39
JForequest sent14:40
JFodo we use linux-ports (Ubuntu) package anymore?14:45
JFoI haven't been watching it and someone changed a but to that14:46
* JFo plans to change it back if we don't14:46
smbJFo, Not an explicit. The ports are build from the main package14:47
JFoyeah, apparently there are 25 bugs against the package14:48
JFothat I was unaware of14:48
smbJFo, From my feeling it would be Luke and ncommander that would need to be aware. apw ?14:50
apwlinux-ports would be old releases no?14:50
apwfor karmic on they probabally are meaningless14:50
smbapw, Was it already Karmic when the sources were combined again. Drat, were do you buy your brain extensions?14:51
JFoI'm up for doing whatever. just need to know what that is14:52
apwyeah karmic has ports in it14:52
apwand jaunty does not14:52
apwso they can only apply to hardy and jaunty i think14:53
apwdapper had them built in too right>14:53
JFothere are some old ones in there14:53
smbSo reports on linux-ports package likely is Jaunty or Intrepid. For hardy the ports were part of support14:53
smbDapper too, though maybe slightly different archs14:54
apwheh look its only jaunty now14:54
apwso any bugs which arn't jaunty can be closed outright14:54
apwJFo, you could apply the tagger thing to linux-ports and zap all that pre jaunty can go, any later than jaunty are likely on the wrong package, and move to linux14:55
JFothen my next Q is. who owns this packages bugs? I assume me14:55
smbapw, And bugs on jounty, if not killer bugs won't quilify either14:55
apwwell i'd say, anything left is not our problem, and can be stuck from our stats14:55
* JFo writes some notes14:55
JFoapw, I'm not sure they are currently on there anyway14:55
* JFo makes a note to check14:56
apwahh good14:56
apwbut yeah agressive closing seems also ok14:56
* smb desperately tries to remember which clever note he was about to write before14:56
JFoapologies smb :-/14:57
smbJFo, No worries. Maybe apw reveals where he gets his brain extensions from, then I can increase my stack size. :-P14:58
vanhoofJFo: sure, whats up14:58
JFolet me know, maybe we can get a bulk discount14:58
apwsmb, i make space by dropping useless information like names and birthdays14:58
JFovanhoof, hey man, qa is pinging me about OEM escalations14:58
aboganismb: Please don't forget me! :-)14:58
JFothink we need to come up with a good flow for now on them14:58
smbapw, Good plan, beside of girl friends...14:59
JFoon where they go so they don't get dropped14:59
apwJFo, i think those bugs belong to architecture teams by the looks of it14:59
JFothe ports ones apw?14:59
vanhoofJFo: sounds like a plan14:59
vanhoofJFo: give me 5, ill ping you14:59
apwyeah, looking at a few, they often are subscribed to like 'powerpc team'14:59
JFovanhoof, cool14:59
JFoapw, ok14:59
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
* cking-afk visits local hospital, back later15:02
JFocnd, you around?15:06
cndJFo: yep15:06
JFocare to take a look at bug 580305?15:06
cndyou better not give me any work :)15:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 580305 in linux (Ubuntu) "Version of hid-quanta in Lucid kernel is broken (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58030515:06
JFolooks like quick review/fix maybe15:06
JFocnd :-)15:07
JFoit is opt-in15:07
cndJFo: I'm actually caught up with oem work right now15:07
JFocool! :)15:07
JFobut I won't bug you15:07
JFojust saw this and wondered if you were interested15:07
cndJFo: hopefully there's some resolution soon15:07
cndso I can start working on other things15:07
cndbut not quite yet15:07
* apw has to run do an errand ... paperwork, shmaperwork15:08
JFowell, there is hope15:08
JFoenjoy apw 15:08
apwwhere did the day go i wonder15:08
cndapw, it came over to the US apparently...15:08
cndI wouldn't have minded it staying across the pond for a while ...15:08
JFosame here15:10
JFoi feel very bad15:10
JFomay take off in a bit15:10
cndI was feeling great until I got a new code drop to slog through :(15:10
JFoI've been quite sick since yesterday15:14
JFonothing seems to help15:14
JFosmb, tgardner are we having a meeting today/15:22
smbJFo, Yes,15:22
JFok, thanks15:22
Deemsmb: it happend again, my keyboard dies and these are the msg from the syslog http://paste.pocoo.org/show/215273/15:36
smbDeem, Looks useful. If there is a bug on it that should ggo in. g15daemin, hm. Not heard of that before...15:40
Deemsmb: the g15daemon is for the display, that in integrated in my keyboard. it shows time and date and other things15:41
smbDeem, While I cannot tell what exactly happens this very likely causes the keyboard to go dead15:42
Deemsmb: with 9.10 it works perfectly15:43
Deemand there i used the g15daemon,too15:43
smbDeem, That is a good data point to know. Still either the code there or the infrastructure around it can have changed15:44
Deemsmb: the package g15daemon is also in the universe repo15:45
Deemmaybe its one of the extensions for the daemon that causes the problem15:45
Deemi dont have installed all off the plugins for it under karmic. now i have all plugins integrated... i'll try without the extensions and only with the daemon, mybe it solves the problem15:46
Deemsmb: if i start the g15daemon with debug ill get this http://paste.pocoo.org/show/215281/ maybe theres a problem with the library under lucid15:49
smbThat sounds like a useful debugging step. I am not sure whether the usb_kill_urb in the backtrace is called as a part of the lockup or as a result of it. Overall it sounds like some usb communication locks up and probably because the daemon keeps the device open it will be reused whenever it is re-connected and still stays in the locked state15:49
Deemerm.. ok.. sudo helps :D15:50
Deemnow the daemon runs in debug15:50
Deemi'll do the same like a few hours ago. if it dies again i look what the debugging says and tell it to you, ok?15:51
smbDeem, Is the old one (PID 911) still hanging around?15:51
smbDeem, Ok, also answers sort of my last question. :)15:52
Deemsmb: it was there, yea. i killed it with "sudo g15daemon -k"15:52
Deemsmb: it happend again, but nothing in the debugging msg of the g15daemon16:04
smbDeem, *sigh* probably not expected that it can tell when it is about to get locked up.16:05
smbDeem, Was this with the new plugins removed?16:06
Deemsmb: yes. its only the daemon16:07
smbDeem, So its either changes in the daemon (if there were any) or maybe something changed around the used ioctls in the kernel. I wonder whether stracing the daemon would reveal anything...16:10
Deemsry, my english is not so good =)16:10
smbsudo strace g15daemon16:11
smbits producing  a lot of output16:11
Deemyes. "lot" is the right word :D16:12
smbbut the last line(s) when it hangs would be what syscall locks up16:12
Deemyou mean "socket" "connect" and "sendto" ?16:12
Deemi think i just paste it http://paste.pocoo.org/show/215295/16:14
smbDeem, already locked up again?16:15
Deemerm.. no16:15
Deemshould i do this when its looked up? =)16:15
* JFo goes to try and eat16:16
smbHeh, actually it might be good to attach to its pid after it has gone into the background. Doh!. That would be sudo strace -p <pid>. And then, yes wait what would be the last thing when the keyboard locks.16:16
Deemmaybe its an issue if the daemon is running by the user "nobody" ?16:18
smbimo that would either be an immediate fail or does not matter16:19
lamontapw: or any of the other sysadmins for zinc dir-fixing16:31
JFoogasawara, not sure what they are asking for here, but thought I'd show you: bug 49315616:37
JFoeven though it is "WONTFIX"16:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 493156 in linux (Ubuntu) "Please enable CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT (affects: 26) (dups: 3) (heat: 70)" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49315616:37
ogasawaraJFo: I'll take a look16:37
tgardnerJFo, this config option has run time impact which we deemed unacceptable16:38
JFotgardner, I was sure there was a reason, but I didn't want their complaint to go unanswered16:38
JFoand I have no idea what the config is for16:38
JFothanks for giving it a quick once over ogasawara 16:39
tgardnerIIRC the code does some math for each task switch16:39
manjoI think my calendar is messed up for some reason, how many hrs do you have on your calendar for the meeting? so that I can fix it... 16:39
smbmanjo, how many would be one. start is 5pm UTC (whatever that means for you)16:48
lagTrying to create KERNEL/debian/control with kernel-wedge, but it dies with: kernel-versions: No such file or directory at /usr/share/kernel-wedge/commands/gen-control line 2216:51
lagDo I need to setup some environment variables or such?16:52
tgardnerlag, do you have kernel-wedge installed ?16:52
lagYes :)16:52
lagHalf way there16:52
tgardnerlag, try 'fakeroot debian/rules clean' first16:53
lagSame error16:54
lagThis kernel comes from a brand new clone16:54
tgardnerlag, lucid ?16:54
lag*and branch16:55
lagti-omap branch (or head)16:55
apwkernel-versions minssing classically means you didi not clean the tree with fdr clean16:56
apwif you think you did fdr clean, then could you see if you have a kernel-versions file anywhere in debian*16:56
tgardnerapw, he's doing armel, so you also need to specify an arch IIRC16:57
tgardnerfdr clean arch=armel16:57
smbnever did that16:57
tgardner_and_ have the cross compile tools installed.16:57
apwi prolly always build in a chroot, and fdr clean in the chroot 16:57
Deemsmb: and now it happend again, bit i cant strace the deamon cause i cant type in my sudo password :D16:57
tgardnerapw, what chroot has arch==armel ?16:58
apwlag, where did you try and build it16:58
apwtgardner, i use an i386 chroot, with some env mangling16:58
lagI don't have the fdr script yet16:58
apw        echo "Setting environment for armel cross-compile"16:58
apw        export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-16:58
apw        export PATH=$HOME/toolchains/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH16:58
apw        export DEB_BUILD_ARCH=armel16:58
tgardnerapw, bad boy16:58
apw        export DEB_HOST_ARCH=armel16:58
lagI haven't tried to build anything yet16:58
lagDoes the kernel-wedge command insinuate a build?16:58
tgardnerlag, fdr is an alias that we all use as shorthand. it refers to 'fakeroot debian/rules'16:59
apwclean insinuates a lots of building of required files16:59
tgardnerkernel-wedge is used when processing the debian installer bits under the d-i directory16:59
apwbut if you arn't trying to build, what produces the error16:59
smbtgardner, apw I don't use any armel chroot for the source package processing. And it used to work17:00
lagI guess I'd better install my cross-tools at some point then17:01
apwyeah i just use the i386 chroot to do source builds normally17:01
apwnever had any issues that i know of17:01
smbAnd lucid does not sufffer from stabe debian/debian.env that used to cause some trouble17:01
lagI'm just trying to create the 'control' directory 17:01
lagI'm not at the compile stage yet17:02
apwdebian/control is made by fdr clean17:02
smbcontrol should be a file, no?17:02
apwor do you mean something else17:02
apw# ONE HOUR TO TEAM MEETING IN #ubuntu-meeting17:02
lagsmb: A directory I think?17:02
smbDeem, Naturally I meant attach to the daemon _before_ it hangs... :-P17:02
Deemsmb: thats the problem i dont know when the daemon is going to hanf17:03
smbDeem, You can just let the strace run and wait. Ok, the output is a bit mind blurring but you could minimize the window17:03
JFocrap apw, I don't have the metrics pulled together17:03
apwgood job you have an hour then :)17:04
smbJFo, I haven't prepared either. Yet17:04
Deemsmb: i cant let the strace run. it terminates always17:04
smbDeem, Even if using the -p <pid> variant?17:05
lagapw: Do we have cross-tools available, or should I build my own?17:05
apwsmb i bet its a deamon so you need to use the follow thing, strace -f17:05
Deemsmb: ive only got this Process 1273 attached - interrupt to quit17:05
apwDeem, try starting it strace -f17:06
smbapw, Or isn't pause jaust the daemon waiting17:06
Deemapw: with -f it gives allways the same output17:06
apwpause would be wait8ing for a signal, which implies its waiting for a child i suspect17:06
Deemagain and again17:06
apwwhich is probabally the child being a piece of crap and polling all the time17:07
smbDeem, That is called polling. :P17:07
apwDeem, what does the g15 daemon do, just allow you to update the screen part of the keyboard?17:07
apwie if its not running can you type?  if so have you tried running without it for some time to see if that is the trigger?17:07
Deemapw: its for the plugins. it makes an clock on my lcd :D17:08
tgardnersmb, where are you link KernelTeam/StableHandbook/UpstreamStableReview from?17:08
Deeman no. i doesnt tried without it17:08
tgardnergonna link*17:08
apwwell first test should be to turn that off and confirm its that that breaks things17:08
apwthen at least we can file a bug on the right thing17:08
smbtgardner, To the non-existent-yet StableHandbook and that somewhere into Team docs17:08
tgardnersmb, good, just so long as I can find it without having to search the name space17:09
Deemapw: ok. i killed the daemon.17:09
apwit seems likely this will be the cause17:09
smbtgardner, No, its just that I started sort of bottom up17:10
apwyou don't happen to have another keyboard lying about do you?  a usb one?  you could add and see if that one continues past the failure mode -- a next step once confirmed that no hangs without daemon17:10
Deemapw: maybe. but then something should be different from lucid to karmic. because on karmic it works properly17:10
Deemapw: sry. got no other keyboard17:10
apwDeem, right, yuo have about 20k differences between the two17:10
apwknowing exactly which bit cuts it down17:11
apwDeem, you may find you need to find a friend either to borrow a keyboard or to borrow their machine to login from to diagnose this further ... but do confirm the daemon not running works17:13
Deemapw: but, when the daemon is the problem. how would you find out, which difference will harm the daemon?17:13
apwwell the daemon itself has changes from karmic to lucid, so that is suspect one17:13
apw g15daemon | | karmic/universe | source, amd64, i38617:13
apw g15daemon | | lucid/universe | source, amd64, i38617:13
smbDeem, That was the intention of letting it follow the trace17:14
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
aboganismb: Did you read my email? :)17:14
smbDeem, It should at least give a hint what the daemon did last17:14
smbabogani, email, I guess no17:14
smbOh, actually yes17:14
smbabogani, the answer is looks good17:15
Deemsmb: but when i start a strace with -f it attaches 6 processes17:15
smbabogani, sorry17:15
aboganismb: Don't mention it! Thank you instead!17:15
apwsmb, i wonder if he could boot back to the karmic kerenl if its still there as a test later too17:17
smbDeem, This would be 6 childs that the daemon has forked (or threads)... If this are real childs, you see multiple g15daemons in "ps ax|grep g15daemon" ?17:18
Deemsmb: no, theres only 1 g15daemon17:18
smbthen I guess those are threads oly17:18
apwDeem, ps -efT | grep g15daemon17:20
smbWell I guess first running without the daemon. This will prive it is the daemon17:20
apwhow many does that list17:20
apwright, that has to be the first test, can you get 5x the normal time without it17:21
apwDeem please record everything you test and the outcome clearly in the bug17:21
Deemapw: what bug? o.O17:22
* apw suggests we ignore you until you have one :)17:22
smbDeem, The one you will open17:22
apwfile one against g15daemon i recon17:22
Deemah... ok. then i will do this. but i think i should wait if it happens again without the daemon, then its not the daemon who causes the error =)17:23
apwyou can move the bug from g15daemon to something else once you find out it is something else no problem17:24
apwbut with a bug there you can record these facts as you discover them, i bet you have forgotten the first ones already ... i know i have17:24
Deemapw: no. i dont think i forgot it :D im logging all channls so i have the msg from tail :D17:25
=== kamal-away is now known as kamal
apw# meeting in 30 mins in #ubuntu-meeting17:33
Deemapw: smb: do you want the bug id?17:33
apwDeem, sure17:33
Deem582352 17:33
apwbug 58235217:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 582352 in g15daemon (Ubuntu) "keyboard dies when using g15daemon (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58235217:34
apwsmb, have a look at the syslog, did you know about these backtraces :17:35
smbapw, If those are the same I saw them earlier. It is obvious that the daemon is stuck. Did not seem to be obvious where and whether its the only problem17:36
* psurbhi quitting for today.. have to run to a dr17:44
apw# 5 mins to meeting in #ubuntu-kernel17:55
kamalapw: is the meeting here or #ubuntu-meeting then?17:57
apw#ubuntu-meeting 17:58
apw<- tool17:58
smb!apw /query location meeting17:58
ubot2smb: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:58
apwsmb: i am only a tool, expect nothing useful17:59
=== jjohansen1 is now known as jjohansen
* JFo is gonna go to sleep now. I need to take some meds and rest methinks18:18
jjohansenJFo: take care, that ubuflu sucks18:19
* ogasawara tucks JFo into bed18:19
manjosmb, if you have a wiki on sru policy can you please add a link to the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KnowledgeBase ?18:19
JFothanks ogasawara :)18:19
JFothanks jjohansen 18:19
JFothis sucks18:19
=== JFo is now known as JFo-afk
* cking thinks JFo burnt himself singing at the end of UDS18:19
JFo-afkI think so too cking 18:19
smbmanjo, There is one I will point to you as soon as I find it again18:20
manjosmb, sure I can add a link to the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KnowledgeBase18:20
* cking grabs some food and ponders on a msleep() hang18:20
ogasawaraapw: bug 571980 confirms that re-enabling KMS for i855 allows the reporter to boot successfully once again.  I presume we're suggesting these reporters use the workaround rather than us backing out the blacklist patch.18:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 571980 in linux (Ubuntu) "crash on boot with kernel 2.6.32-21 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57198018:21
jjohansenapw: when doing work items is there a way to do conditional items.  ie. only do this item if investigation/testing of item X fails?18:22
apwno there is no way to express that, i would say just add them and they go DONE if they arn't needed18:22
smbmanjo, Its is linked though not obvious. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelUpdates And probably needs more explicitely mention bug fixes at the beginning18:23
smbmanjo, But its contained in the "make it available in upstream stable"18:24
manjosmb, probably needs a new wiki 18:25
manjoie cut & paste info18:26
* smb hands manjo the task18:26
smbmanjo, But serious, yes. I already thought of that being part of the new things I do18:27
smbEspecially as I need minutes to dig through to it everytime18:27
manjosmb, I can put together a page from the 2 pages you pointed me to and you can fix it up ? 18:28
manjosmb, coz it really bugs me everytime I look at a bug and I need to figure out if will make sru or not ... if not what I need to do ... if it does what is the process .. 18:29
manjooften I am wrong .. 18:29
ckingcnd, can one make ftrace start tracking function calls once it's hit a specified function?18:29
cndcking: yep!18:29
cndsay the function is "blah"18:30
cndecho ":blah:traceon" > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_ftrace_filter18:30
cndI think that's right18:30
cndyou can cat set_ftrace_filter and it will tell you if it set it properly18:30
smbmanjo, Thanks. Though atm I only remember me pointing you at one. And probably I should rework it better and not only merging two pages. 18:30
cndcking: it's an undocumented functionality, but I sent a patch upstream to add it to the docs, and I assume it will make it into .3518:31
smbmanjo, Assume for the moment SRU is allowed for real bugs which have a lp report. And the preferred way if not critical is to go via stable18:32
ckingcnd, no wonder I could not see it in the docs18:33
cndcking: this is where I tried to send a patch upstream to turn off tracing when you hit schedule_bug and other bugs18:33
cndand I got smacked down when it was pointed out that the functionality already exists18:34
cndthough no one bothered to note how to find the functionality18:34
* smb feels a little flu-ish too, atm. Guess I call it a day18:34
* cnd feels like the last man standing...18:35
cndtime for some lunch me thinks18:35
ckingcnd, I'm getting Invalid argument on that, does it work on 2.6.32?18:36
cndcking: it should18:37
cndlet me find the upstream docs :)18:37
cndcking: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/rostedt/linux-2.6-trace.git;a=blob;f=Documentation/trace/ftrace.txt;h=557c1edeccaf72535464298743cddd3c8eb01bea;hb=refs/heads/tip/tracing/core-6#l183018:38
cndcking: looks like it should be: 'blah:traceon'18:39
ckingcnd, yep - that matches the docs and works too18:39
ckingcnd, seems to fail on my kernel when coming out of S3 with the console still blank. Oh well, you never know until you try18:51
cndcking: rats...19:06
ckingcnd, no worries - I will fall back to my devious tricks19:07
* cking calls it a day19:54
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
braintorchHello. I can't find any lucid packages of kernel sources with ubuntu patches applied on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ . There is just dummy package (size 2.2Kb). Where can I get 2.6.34 kernel source with ubuntu patches applied?21:47
ogasawarabraintorch: do you need lucid (ie 2.6.32 based) or maverick (ie 2.6.34 based) ?21:50
ogasawarabraintorch: you can find the git repo's for either at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git21:51
braintorchoh. Thank you. I completely forgot about git.21:52
ogasawarabraintorch: I should clarify maverick is currently 2.6.34 based but we'll be rebasing to 2.6.35 for final21:53
=== kamal is now known as kamal-afk
=== TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso
=== kamal-afk is now known as kamal

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