
micahgarand: BTW, abiword 2.8.4 just hit maverick00:00
crimsunthank goodness :-)00:01
ajmitchdoes 2.8.4 fix a few problems?00:01
crimsunajmitch: yes00:03
arandIt fixes the crash-on-help one, although that should hopefully be fixed with my svn cherrypick.00:03
arand...In lucid as well00:04
crimsunnot least of which is the xmlCleanupParser() madness00:04
crimsunwhich historically makes pulse look bad, but it's in fact people not bloody reading the libxml2 API00:04
ajmitchhow does that have anything to do with pulse? :)00:04
arandUh, what? Was pulse involved in this?00:05
crimsuncalling xmlCleanupParser() multiple times tramples all over the pulse client's TLS vars00:05
crimsunas a result, the offending pulse client (the program abusing xmlCleanupParser()) segfaults, with the stack trace pointing to pulse00:05
ajmitchoh that must have been a bundle of fun00:06
crimsunI combed through the archive toward the end of the Lucid cycle to fix this00:06
arandOne good thing with a new abiword is that 2.8.2 seems to FTBFS on my MM system as well :/00:13
crimsunwould a member of ~ubuntu-release please unsub the team from bug 568619 so I won't spam everyone?01:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568619 in gorm.app "FFe: Sync gorm.app 1.2.10-1 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861901:01
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AnAntHello, how can I fix this bashism: echo -e "text text \n text text \t text ..." ?03:33
AnAntif I remove -e, it would work fine with dash, but not with bash03:33
crimsunAnAnt: check the xpg_echo shell option and act appropriately03:58
crimsunAnAnt: in bash, that is03:58
AnAntcrimsun: thanks, I used printf instead03:59
imbrandonevening all05:07
ajmitchhi imbrandon05:13
imbrandonheya ajmitch05:14
imbrandonso its kinda cool, i picked up this tiny 11inch dell from like 1999, its funny its like its got all the features of the new "mini"s just slower05:17
imbrandongot lucid loaded on it, but it dosent like gnome/unity much , toooooo slugish , like firefox takes 2 minutes to load05:18
imbrandonso i got lucid but i apt-get installed fluxbox + a few other lighter apps and its great little mobile machine to use to ssh into other boxes etc05:18
imbrandonfor free ;)05:19
imbrandonits 700mhz, so its not "terrible"05:20
ajmitchnot bad05:22
imbrandoni think most of the slowness is the only 128mb ram, it maxes out at 256 says dells website if i can run accross a 256mb pc-100 sodimm at somepoint05:24
imbrandonsooo whats new in motu ?05:25
imbrandonajmitch: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/latl400/en/ug/specs.htm05:27
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_AndrewAnyone know why when I do "dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp --fail-missing" and inside my install script it has the following.. "usr/bin" my package fails to find something installed in debian/tmp/usr/bin/xyz ?07:00
persia_Andrew: I may be mistaken, but I believe --fail-missing only fails if there are things in the temporary directory that are unallocated to any package, rather than if there are things missing from the temporary directory.07:11
_AndrewHere's the error message.. "debian/tmp/usr/bin/cpack exists in debian/tmp/ but is not installed to anywhere"07:13
dholbachgood morning07:14
_AndrewI'm using compatibility level 6 and have tried "debian/tmp/usr/bin", "debian/tmp/usr/bin/*", "usr/bin", "usr/bin/*" and probably some other combinations.07:14
_AndrewIt never seems to find it in the .install file07:15
persiaOne of the changes in compatibility level 7 was some new logic to make the .install files make more sense :)07:16
persiaI tend to list stubborn files explicitly and individually.07:17
_AndrewCan't because this package is for hardy07:18
_AndrewOtherwise yes, I'd bump up the compat in a heartbeat :D07:19
persiaHow did it work before you started fixing it?07:19
_AndrewI specifically lists all the programs.. I think I already tried that. but I'll give it another go07:20
persiaThat seems about right, from my memory.  Best practice when working with older packages is to touch the absolute minimum.07:20
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GIt's been a while since I've done Debian style packaging, but I'm looking to get back into it, I've got a package that has downloaded as: foo-0.2.1-source.tar.gz and extracts as foo-0.2.1-source, the example at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/PackagingFromScratchHelloDebhelper shows 'tar -xf hello-x.y.tar.gz hello-x.y' so my question is, does the -source matter, or is that something I have to rename out?10:27
persiaThe name of the directory in the upstream tarball matters not at all.10:28
RhondaIt neither matters for dpkg-source, it though issues a warning which can get ignored. :)10:29
RhondaWhen packaging inside a VCS I usually have the directory only named VCS for consistency issues.10:30
umangHi, I maintain a package on Debian that entered sid after the Lucid DIF. If I want it to be imported into maverick then do I have to file a bug or will it automatically happen after MM's DIF?10:31
Gpersia: Rhonda: great, thats for that (and thanks for the hint abotu the warning)10:31
persiaumang: It ought enter the NEW queue automatically.10:32
Rhondaumang: It hopefully will automatically happen _before_ MM's DIF. :)10:33
Rhonda… because after DIF there isn't any automatism for that anymore.10:33
umangpersia, Rhonda: so I don't need do anything for it to be included in maverick?10:34
persiaumang: It wouldn't hurt to track the progress through https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+queue but it ought require no action on your part.10:35
umangpersia, I'm not able to find it under any of the statuses. So I presume it will enter one of those queues later?10:37
persiaRight.  The archive admins usually wait until the current packages sync has made significant progress before syncing the new packages.10:37
umangpersia, Thanks! :)10:38
persiaI'd recommend checking again in a week or so.  if you still haven't seen it in any of the queues by a few weeks before DIF, then it may merit investigation.10:38
persiaWith luck, you'll only ever notice it in DONE.10:38
umangpersia, Sure, I'll do that. :)10:40
* Rhonda still waits for packages.ubuntu.com to display maverick …10:45
Rhonda… and for wesnoth-1.8 syned into maverick. ;)10:45
mok0Any schroot users? I am getting loads of messages of the following type, and it is starting to annoy me. I already tried to edit /etc/schroot/schroot.conf, but to no avail.12:15
mok0W: line 19 [karmic-0f03ab72-3520-4df4-a561-e3d55c218892]: Deprecated key 'run-exec-scripts' used12:15
mok0I: This option will be removed in the future; please update your configuration12:15
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azeemmok0: yeah, it's pretty annoying12:20
gesermok0: do you have a "run-exec-scripts" line in your schroot.conf?12:20
mok0I removed it12:20
geserand still this warning?12:21
azeemmok0: karmic-0f03ab72-3520-4df4-a561-e3d55c218892 means it's from a session12:21
persiaThe only way I found to make that go away was to regenerate the schroots.12:21
azeemmok0: so umount those bind mounts and close all sessions12:21
mok0Lemme see12:21
azeem(I don't understand why schroot needs sessions anyway)12:21
persia`schroot -e -c ${SESSIONID}` automates that.12:21
persiaazeem: Because sometimes you want to run several in parallel, or you might want to have persistent schroots for some reason, etc.12:22
mok0There are no mounted work volumes12:22
mok0persia: what is SESSIONID?12:22
persiamok0: I'm not entirely sure.  When I use schroot with lvm, the necessary magic value appears in the lvs output.12:23
azeemmok0: probably karmic-0f03ab72-3520-4df4-a561-e3d55c218892 or without the karmic-12:23
* persia is still learning about schroot-without-lvm12:23
persiaI think it's with the karmic12:23
azeempersia: those should be a specially requested operation though, not the default12:23
azeemI assume sbuild is to blame here12:23
persiaazeem: Kinda.  So, when sbuild crashes, the schroot doesn't close.  this can be useful in many ways, but also annoying sometimes.12:24
mok0There are similar lines for my jaunty builder12:24
persiaBy default, schroot opens a session, and closes it when complete.  This is essential if one has configured schroots to be used on a multiuser box, or if one wants to do parallel builds with sbuild, etc.12:25
mok0You think I should enter the schroots, and make the change to /etc/schroot... etc there?12:25
persiaKeeping the session open after exit requires a special command-line argument.12:25
persiamok0: That may work: regeneration is likely cleaner.12:25
mok0persia: yeah, sometimes the roots stay around even after the build finishes, but that's not the case for me now12:25
mok0persia: I'm not sure I understand "regenerate"... run mk-sbuild again?12:27
persiaWhat I did was remove the stanzas from schroot.conf, remove the storage (either LV or /var/lib/schroot/... ) and then rebuild them from scratch.12:27
persiaThis is not necessarily the optimal solution.12:28
mok0persia: I have so many schroots12:28
* persia wrote one-line wrapper script around mk-sbuild that day12:28
mok0Hmm :-)12:29
persiafor i in dapper hardy jaunty karmic lucid maverick; do for j in amd64 armel i386 powerpc; do mk-sbuild --arch=$j $i; done; done takes care of Ubuntu.  Debian is similar.12:30
* persia may have mistyped syntax12:30
persiaNote that this will take a while, and it is advised to be network-near a mirror of at least the buildd stuff.12:31
persia(and use --debootstrap-mirror=...)12:31
mok0persia: fortunately, I have an apt-proxy12:31
mok0on the local network12:32
persiaThat works too, at least for some subset :)12:32
mok0persia: can't remember... do you need to edit schroot.conf first?12:32
persiaI just deleted everything that I was replacing from there.12:33
persiaAlso remember to remove the backing storage configuration, as mk-sbuild is a bit fragile about that.12:33
* mok0 procrastinates: I think I'll do it... sometime12:34
mok0In fact, I might just figure out what part of sbuild issues those messages and zap them :-)12:35
persiaI'm sure it's something inside the schroot.  if you figure out what, probably best to write an exec script that cleans up elderly schroots on intialisation.12:35
mok0Hm. Nothing inside the schroot12:39
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Gdoes lucid have a buggy autoconf?  it's generated a configure script with includedir=$PREFIX/include, instead of includedir=$PREFIX/usr/include, is there a standard fix for that?13:13
RhondaG: What's wrong with that? includedir=$PREFIX/include seems to be correct to me?13:15
Rhonda… because usually PREFIX itself is /usr13:15
Gis there any way I can verify what debuild is executing (such as -v) so I can see what it's passing to autoconf.sh?13:16
azeemG: try DH_VERBOSE=113:17
azeem(wild guess)13:17
Gazeem: ohhh thanks13:18
G(it's been a while)13:18
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Ghmmm, this is confusing I can't seem to get any debhelper logging :S13:30
pijuwhat do you think?13:32
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mok0piju, Interesting. How is HAM radio related to Ubuntu? Just curious13:51
mok0Internet over HAM?13:51
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pijumok0; join #ubuntu-hams13:53
mok0piju: I'm not a HAM operator. Just curious13:54
pijuubuntu got lots of ham radio applications13:54
pijutry apt-cache search ham radio13:54
pijushackbox is a distro for ham radio, made from ubuntu distro13:55
pijuyou can use ubuntu for ham radio13:55
pijumorse code, APRS, echolink (VOIP), etc13:55
pijudesign your antenna, and many more13:55
pijuwhere do you come from ?13:56
mok0Denmark. in this country, I think it is pretty near impossible to get a license unless you want to spend every free hour13:56
pijuyou can ask your local ham radio club, how to get a ham license13:56
pijuwe can talk over ham radio13:57
mok0piju: You need to learn morse code13:57
pijuim from Malaysia13:57
pijumok0; in the US, no more morse code test13:57
mok0piju, what's wrong with IRC :-)13:57
mok0piju: yeah I read that13:57
pijuthere is lot of open source developer who are ham radio too13:58
mok0piju: my interest in ham would be more like tunneling internet over it13:58
pijuyes, we have echolink for that13:58
pijui can talk using my pc to a man who are driving in England13:58
pijuand vice versa13:58
mok0piju, somehow I'm not impressed :-)13:59
pijuyou can talk to astronout if you a ham radio13:59
pijumok0; yes, i know that. you are generation of computer, not radio13:59
mok0piju: errh13:59
pijueven most advanced military still use radio13:59
pijuinternational space station too14:00
mok0piju: encrypted probably14:00
pijuencrypted ?14:01
pijuyes. for sure. military will use encryption14:01
mok0piju: I would assume that the military encrypt their radio communication. I may be wrong14:01
pijubut, not for ham radio14:02
mok0piju: I see14:02
pijuISS also not encrypting their broadcasting14:02
pijuyou can listen to them14:02
mok0piju: that would be research thought14:02
pijumok0; i know a ham radio from Denmark14:02
mok0piju: where?14:02
mok0where in dk  I mean14:03
pijui dont remember14:03
pijubut he is a ham14:03
mok0I think ham guys are pretty rare here14:03
mok0b/c of the steep requirements for getting a license14:04
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tarzeauhow can i get someone to have a look at a package in revu?14:10
RhondaBy dropping in a hint with more content, like URL or package name or similar.14:10
tarzeauhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/fracplanet-1005071518/fracplanet_0.4.0-1ubuntu3.dsc it's a tool to create 3d fractal planets14:11
tarzeauhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/sea-defender-1005071521/sea-defender_0.9-1.dsc is a small recreational game where you defend oil tankers being hit by torpedos14:12
tarzeauRhonda: thanks for the hint14:12
Gso, last question for now (I'm about to head to bed), should I run this 'autogen.sh' and have it as a patch to the build, or should I add it to the debian/rules file?14:13
tarzeauG: which package/software is it?14:15
Gtarzeau: it's a library (dep for an end package I'd like to do) qpixmap14:16
Gtarzeau: the tarball comes with an autogen.sh file (they released straight from git)14:16
tarzeauG: i see14:17
GDoing it as a patch would be cleaner right?14:17
tarzeauG: the cleanest would be upstream releasing without you having to run it14:17
Gtrue, but for now (while I contact upstream)14:18
tarzeauG: i don't know, all my upstreams cooperate on these things with me14:18
Gso there isn't a given standard14:18
tarzeauG: i think that's the best i know about it: http://sam.zoy.org/lectures/20050910-debian/14:22
tarzeauG: what does your autogen.sh do?14:23
eagles0513875hey guys i have a question relating to a piece of software that has made some others in the current lucid repos obsolete14:24
eagles0513875can anyone point or direct me as to the proper procedure in getting something into the next release14:24
tarzeaueagles0513875: what is it, url?14:24
eagles0513875tarzeau: mysql workbench14:24
eagles0513875it has replace mysql admin and query browser which are still in the repos14:24
eagles0513875those have reached their eol14:25
eagles0513875http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/5.2.html#downloads tarzeau14:25
eagles0513875im more then willing to repackage it if need be as i need to learn about packaging and want to learn about it14:26
tarzeaueagles0513875: i have no idea. i wonder what the debian people do with the mysql packages...14:26
eagles0513875tarzeau: that package was created upstream at mysql14:26
tarzeaui really don't know14:27
Gtarzeau: basically everything except clean the kitchen sink (generates ./configure, Makefile's etc14:27
eagles0513875G: any idea then how i should go about getting a new package into the new release and possibly backported to lucid14:28
tarzeaueagles0513875: i don't think backporting it to lucid makes sense here?14:28
eagles0513875ill be back later to continue working on this14:29
Rhonda\o/ - seems like maverick sync is open, bug #109434 sent me a mail :)14:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 109434 in wesnoth-1.8 "Installing a server for a game automatically auto-inits and runs every boot." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10943414:44
tarzeauRhonda: they already synced on 9.5 if not earlier14:49
Rhondatarzeau: Well, there was an ubuntu diff in lucid, so I guess that might be the reason for the "delay".14:54
tarzeauRhonda: aha. any idea what happens with sea-defender and fracplanet now?14:54
RhondaNo clue, I don't have the time for that myself, sorry.14:55
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faganDoes anyone package any vala apps for the repo?16:34
faganIm looking for guidance about how to do the vala ppa stuff for quickly16:35
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MTecknology!info php517:08
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.1 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB17:08
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Riddellslangasek: you uploaded bug 519541 but didn't accept it or note your SRU approval?17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519541 in abiword "Abiword 2.8.1 freezes with document lost when help is clicked or F1 is pressed" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51954117:23
slangasekRiddell: I uploaded it in a sponsor capacity, would prefer a second vote of confidence from another SRU team member for the acceptance17:23
benstehi, this channel was fullfilled by those who do some packaging work right ? - I'm trying the latest gnome-power-manager from git master but didn't finish to compile it becuase autogen quotes it needs gnome-keyring0 but there is no such package in ubuntu - what can I do ?17:45
benstesomeone here ?17:47
benstesolved - hidden in libgnome-keyring-dev17:51
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fabrice_spmannyv, will you take care of libclass-trait-perl merge/sync?19:59
micahgari-tczew: i'll try to get to libjdic-java early next month20:00
mannyvfabrice_sp, yeah I can look into that20:00
fabrice_spmannyv, you're the one that last touched it :-)20:01
ari-tczewmicahg: I'm glad and amazed of yours memory and solidity :))20:02
micahgari-tczew: I noticed all the merges you were doing so I figured it would be on you mind ;)20:03
ari-tczewmicahg: yea, I'll try to merge libjdic-java if you'll have done fix ftbfs on debian :>20:04
micahgari-tczew: I was going to merge in ubuntu first and then push the fixes up to debian20:05
ari-tczewmicahg: feel free, your choice :)20:06
micahgari-tczew: k, thanks20:06
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MTecknologyhow can I see if I have any packages that were installed that werent' from the repos that are currently running21:02
carstenhask google about ask-listrepository and grep for dpkg/status in its output21:03
MTecknologycarstenh: thanks21:04
MTecknologycarstenh: hm?? I'm not finding anything useful21:23
carstenhMTecknology: sorry, a typo ...21:27
carstenhMTecknology: bugs.debian.org/50446021:28
carstenhMTecknology: download it, run chmod a+x apt-listrepository and then ./apt-listrepository | grep dpkg/status21:29
MTecknologycarstenh: thanks21:43
ari-tczewfta: are you planning merge chromium-browser with debian unstable?22:05
ftaari-tczew, no. please read the bug(s) as for why22:05
ftaari-tczew, and remember debian used our package, not the opposite22:06
ari-tczewfta: ok thanks for information22:08
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