
CaptainTrekTDP_Ack:  FYI: be polite when asking to be unbanned00:15
CaptainTrek90% of all chanops prefer respect over being demanding00:16
CaptainTreksorry to intrude, just a heads up (I read messages in #freenode xD)00:16
ubottuSpaceGhostC2C called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (heisei asked for a kick)01:10
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:15
IdleOnerm-f`whoami` <--- isn't that a dangerous command?01:38
mneptoknot when typo'ed like that01:39
IdleOnejust making sure01:41
IdleOnealso what is Pärsk! in english? I believe that is swedish01:42
IdleOnegoogle translate is failing01:42
funkyHatIt's not especially dangerous even if it's not typo'd, might be moreso if you were in /home but even then01:43
IdleOnebtw thanks to whoever gave ubottu a shot of B12. she is back!01:47
mneptokIdleOne: you might want to add an ident to koanen_t's ban and remove the dynamic bit from the hostmask.01:48
IdleOnewhat good is having a script that doesn't set proper bans :/01:49
mneptokIdleOne: i don;t use scripts to set bans. this is why.01:49
funkyHatIdleOne: for non dynamic IPs autobleh does a good job01:49
mneptokIdleOne: and remove the previous ban to keep the banlist from filling ;)01:50
IdleOneI am using chanserv.py01:50
IdleOnemneptok: yup01:50
funkyHatAh. Well I think chanserv.py is based on autobleh, or maybe the other way around01:51
funkyHats/based on/inspired by/01:51
Jordan_UThat last flood by ebhakt in #ubuntu was spam.04:31
Jordan_Unvm, I see he was banned from freenode entirely.04:32
IdleOneJordan_U: he got klined04:32
IdleOnethank you though04:33
ubot3In #ubuntu-ni, Angeltronix said: !n0rman is gay05:41
macoFlannel: i just went in and told him/her off for using gay as a pejorative05:48
macothough i cant say "pejorative" in spanish so im just gonna hope that if they know "is gay" in english theyll know that much too05:48
elky"as an insult" is probably better understood06:01
Jordan_Uin #ubuntu: 22:16 < ryder`> how come yall niggaz so gay?06:16
dholbachgood morning07:14
jussiJordan_U: did you need anything else?08:29
elkyFlannel, i asked someone to stop the potty mouth, so someone else responded by pinging me to say more potty mouth.08:33
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from kevr)08:44
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
jussiRight, Ill send a ML post also, but just so no-one gets crazy, we have changed the bots around a little. there are now "lubotu" bots for loco chans and and ubot5. see the w.u.c/IRC/Bots for more info on which bots are where.09:59
elkythat sounds almost dirty.10:08
persiabreaks nick completion :(10:10
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !forget !recon-#ubuntu-offtopic11:27
bazhangBacta, how can we help you11:29
BactaI joined #ubuntu and I ended up in here11:29
BactaHow can I help you?11:29
bazhangthen best to take #ubuntu off your auto-join list in your irc client11:30
persiaWell, or resolve whatever is causing the forwarding.11:30
Bactapersia: Sounds like a plan11:31
bazhangBacta, you were banned by ikonia , you should speak to him about your ban11:31
Bactaikonia won't speak to me about my ban11:31
BactaHe then started banning me on site from other *buntu channels11:32
BactaObviously it's convenient to keep me on this merry go round but as a code contributor I think it's in everyones interest that this is sorted out .. it's been going on for months now11:34
funkyHatBacta: being a code contributor doesn't grant you immunity to the IRC guidelines11:35
bazhang #ubuntu: 2010-02-14T10:13:37 <Bacta> Bacta's the name, trollin's the game!11:35
bazhangthat was the last entry before your ban in #ubuntu11:35
Bactaover three months ago11:35
Bactayep, and then I got banned in #ubuntu+1 not having said a word11:36
bazhang!forget recon-#ubuntu-offtopic11:40
ubottuI'll forget that, bazhang11:40
Tm_Mis someone taking care of things with bacta?11:42
BactaNope but if you're willing to step in I'll be happy11:42
Tm_Msorry not possible at this time, t9 is not suitable for that11:43
=== Seeker`_ is now known as seeker
bazhangI'm a bit busy at the moment as well, if someone else would like to discuss with Bacta11:51
BactaI know you can't idle in here so if someone wants to PM me about this that's cool too11:52
ikoniaBacta: please don't lie12:47
ikoniaBacta: I will speakt o you about your ban, allow me to update the channel publicly12:47
ikoniaBacta: you are currently banned form ubuntu core channels, due to your long term behaviour. We have exausted any futher resolution in #ubuntu-ops and you have been instructed to follow the appeals process12:48
ikoniaincase you have forgoton the appeals process I'll get the bot ot remind you12:49
BactaI won't follow the appeals process because it's stacked and lacks transparency12:49
ikonia!appeals | Bacta12:49
ubottuBacta: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.12:49
ikoniaBacta: the process is %101 transparant12:50
BactaAnd frankly if you have anything to do with it it will never be fair12:50
ikoniaI don't have anything to do with it12:50
bazhanghe doesn't12:50
ikoniaSo please follow the appeals process to get you bans removed12:51
BactaI've got logs of ikonia breaching the IRC op guidelines ... Is that admissible?12:51
Bacta./ignore ikonia12:51
ikoniayou've been trying to blackmail me with that for months, so please submit it12:51
Bactabazhang: I'll get onto it ASAP12:51
ikoniaignoring someone won't help and is an issue with your attitude in total12:51
elkyIgnoring an op isn't going to help your case, either.12:51
Bacta./ignore elky12:52
ikoniaI'm surprised with have to go through this song and dance again for the 101 time12:52
ikoniaok - enough now. Please remove bacta, it's clear his intention is to cause an issue as it has been on freenode all week (as normal)12:52
elky@mark bacta #ubuntu-ops ignoring ops, please note this when considering his appeal12:52
elky@mark bacta #ubuntu-ops ignoring ops, please note this when considering his appeal12:54
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:54
ikoniaelky: as he's ignoring me he won't see me ask him to leave can you please remove him from the channel12:55
ikoniathis discussion is as normal going nowhere and the appeals process needs to be followed12:55
elkyRight, so you're not ignoring us.12:56
ikoniaas he is ignoring the active ops please put a message informing him not to rejoin and follow the appeals process12:56
ikoniaas this is a waste of time12:56
elkyHas he ever actually followed the appeals process?12:59
elkyI mean, he's claiming it's not transparent, so obviously he doesn't mind you providing information that's not currently googleable.12:59
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !forget trolls-#ubuntu-offtopic13:08
Pici!forget trolls-#ubuntu-offtopic13:08
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici13:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, LjL said: !unforget trolls-#ubuntu-offtopic13:09
jussijpds: please make sure the auto remove is gone.13:11
jussierr autojoin13:12
jpdsjussi: hmm?13:21
jussijpds: ubot5 shouldnt be in here as I see it, unless you have a reason for it being here?13:21
jpdsjussi: I don't run it.13:21
jussitsimpson: put it up then... :D13:22
jussisorry for the disturbance13:22
jpdsNo problem.13:22
IdleOne-ot has degenerated into a troll heaven and the sad part is that there are ubuntu members and regulars who are the leaders of the trolls13:49
elkyYou're only noticing this now?13:50
elkyI'm not sure ljl is a member anymore though13:50
IdleOnehe isn't13:50
IdleOnebut knows better13:50
IdleOneway better13:50
IdleOneconsidering he helps with the bots13:50
jpdsHe is.13:50
bazhangthought he was, just switched his cloak13:50
topylii have jargon- from -ot in pm. my warnings are greeted with accusations of trying to cyber with him13:50
topylijust for the record13:51
Picioh.  Wonderful.13:51
bazhangthanks topyli !13:51
elkytopyli, you dirty old man.13:51
IdleOnethe crazyness in there is being allowed to go on for to long.13:51
PiciI was going to take him into pm, but it seemed to be getting back to 'normal'.13:51
topylielky, heh13:51
IdleOnejpds: even worse if ljl is a memeber13:52
elkyWe've been saying this for months, IdleOne. You just need to be an op to realise exactly how bad it is.13:52
bazhangthankfully I am off the highlight list in there now13:52
IdleOneelky: I have seen it for months but since I sat at my computer this morning ~45 minutes or so it has been continous and just warning after warning with no action being taken13:53
IdleOneevery now and then a little butt kicking is in order to set the regulars back into place imho13:53
elkyIt'd help if the CC didn't have a history of siding with problem makers.13:53
IdleOneI'm not trying to place blame on anyone. the CC the IRCC the ops team all work hard. just seems to me that -ot is left to do it's thing with the hopes it doesn't get to bad13:54
elkyIdleOne, I'm saying that it's hard to act because the people in there know how to "win".13:55
IdleOneok then change the playing field13:55
IdleOne"Here are the new rules" follow them!13:56
IdleOneeverybody has a vote and a say is nice and all but someone has to be the boss13:56
elkyI dream of that utopia too.13:57
topyliIdleOne, iirc you're an -ot operator, get to work :)13:58
IdleOneI am?13:58
IdleOneI am not13:58
IdleOnegive me access and I will13:58
IdleOnebazhang: :)13:59
IdleOneI like you so I would try to not kick you13:59
IdleOneI said TRY13:59
topyliIdleOne, oh you aren't, sorry13:59
bazhangyou'll get used to the controlled chaos there13:59
IdleOneno problem13:59
IdleOnetopyli: probably better off anyway. I had to stop myself from losing it earlier in there14:00
topyliit is a bit "special" in ways i can't easily describe14:03
IdleOnetopyli: you mean the channel is special?14:03
IdleOneI think that is the problem14:04
IdleOneFor to long it has had this "-ot is special" label so we need to apply the rules but differently14:05
topyliIdleOne, we should apply the same rules the same way, we simply keep failing14:09
IdleOnetopyli: "we should apply the same rules the same way" that is all I am saying14:19
topyli"we keep failing," that's all i, in turn am saying14:20
topyliwe can do better i'm sure, but it's also good for -ot to be a bit laid back. that's why we go there in the first place14:21
IdleOnewell let us focus on fixing the issues and not what we have failed at14:21
IdleOnetopyli: there is laid back and there is total disregard for any semblance of order14:22
PiciI think we should all try to uphold the rules there, regardless of whether we have access there.14:22
IdleOnePici: I try but sometimes get the feeling that well you are not an op here so who cares what you think14:22
PiciJust because someone doesn't have power there doesn't mean they can't tell someone to stop.14:22
IdleOnetopyli: my main ugh about -ot is that members are a big part of the trollish behavior14:23
IdleOneas members are they not held to higher standards?14:24
IdleOneunless I did not understand the CoC when I read it14:24
IdleOneor was the ops14:24
topyliit's a well known problem14:25
IdleOnethere is a solution14:25
PiciEveryone is held to the same standards, but members get to be told that they should know better.14:25
IdleOnePici: I am not a member and there were a couple of occasions that I got told I know should know better. I listened and understood. THEY don't care.14:26
bazhangI admire your fervor14:26
IdleOnebazhang: it's blueberry flavored14:27
IdleOneoh fervor heh14:27
IdleOnenot flavor14:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:00
* h00k reads backlog15:06
IdleOnemorning h00k15:09
h00kIdleOne: morning15:09
h00kI've been extremely busy: Finals, moving, etc15:12
IdleOneyeah, I saw you moved yesterday15:12
IdleOnehow did all that go?15:13
* IdleOne use to do moving for a living :( man I hated it15:13
h00kMeh, all of my stuff is in my car, I'm staying with Britt until she has to move back on Thursday.15:14
h00kso, I'm livin' from a bag. it's not bad.15:14
h00klook is pushin' it this morning.15:35
IdleOneclone4ubuntu ban evading in #ubuntu?15:48
PiciI don't see a ban for him, was there supposed to be one?15:48
IdleOne Match: *!*@gateway/web/*$#ubuntu-proxy-users by tsimpson in #ubuntu on Apr 06 2010 02:56:04 (ID: 24604)15:49
IdleOneerrr maybe not15:49
h00klook apologized in a /query for his behavior earlier16:07
h00kfor anyone who was following that16:07
h00kin #u-o16:07
IdleOneyeah, until next time16:11
IdleOneto be fair we did give him a couple of weeks of "look it's look" highlights16:11
h00kHe understands joking about trolling is not acceptable16:13
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
IdleOnedid I just get banned from -ot?18:05
IdleOnewindow detached lol18:06
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, LjL said: !no gps is <reply> Street mapping and GPS navigation software available for Ubuntu includes Navit, Gosmore, Roadnav (free vector maps from OSM), GpsDrive (GTK, raster maps, free), !GoogleEarth (Qt, proprietary vector maps, proprietary)18:25
ubottuStreet mapping and GPS navigation software available for Ubuntu includes !GpsDrive (GTK, raster maps, free), !Roadnav (GTK, free vector maps from Tiger and OSM, free), !GoogleEarth (Qt, proprietary vector maps, proprietary)18:25
Pici!no gps is <reply> Street mapping and GPS navigation software available for Ubuntu includes Navit, Gosmore, Roadnav (free vector maps from OSM), GpsDrive (GTK, raster maps, free), !GoogleEarth (Qt, proprietary vector maps, proprietary)18:25
ubottuI'll remember that Pici18:25
ikoniasome interesting names on there18:41
Pici!away > zYc|off19:22
ikoniasmoothopertor is making fun of the channel, he knows what he's doing, he's in ##linux20:28
ikoniahello apw20:39
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Seveas said: !pacman is <reply>(°< ·········20:46
tsimpsonapw: are you here?20:56
tsimpsonapw: please idle in #ubuntu-irc rather than here20:57
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:21
funkyHatit appears I can't banforward to here23:36
tsimpsonyou should be able to23:37
funkyHatOh, looks like I just did it wrong23:42

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