
cjohnstonakgraner: I wasnt really sure what to do with the stuff that was already there.. If you tell me what to do I can... :-)00:00
cjohnstonjcastro: sometime when you get some time to talk in the next week, let me know please. :-)00:01
akgranercjohnston, oh what you added is great.. It's just a matter of voluntelling people now :-)  (I love that word)00:02
cjohnstonyou can put me down for stuff00:02
akgranerokie dokie remember you said that :-D00:02
cjohnstonim pretty good with wp... whenever we get that.00:02
* cjohnston erases the logs on akgraner's system00:03
doctormoJanC: tounge breaker == tounge twister02:13
nigelbawesome vidoe!!!02:45
nigelbdoctormo: who is that posing with a mini?02:46
nigelbI guess its doctormo in the dark working on the laptop ;)02:46
doctormonigelb: correct02:47
nigelbstrange, I can recognize most people I've worked with :D02:47
nigelbhaha, laura is runnign away from the cam02:50
jussicjohnston: you seem to say that fairly often...07:06
cjohnstonwell.. right now its 2am07:06
cjohnstonand last night i think it was around 5 am07:06
cjohnstonmaybe if i was asleep at these off times07:06
cjohnstonid be better07:06
cjohnstontv internet and phone are out07:08
cjohnstonproblem is when phone goes out, house alarm goes off because it thinks that someone is messing with the phone line07:08
jussinot fun07:08
ddecatorcjohnston: is that a home security system then? i've never heard of an alarm for someone tampering with the phone07:10
dpmgood morning everyone07:46
ddecatormorning dpm07:48
dpmmorning ddecator :)07:50
dpmheya dholbach!07:51
dholbachgood morning07:51
ddecatormorning dholbach07:51
dholbachhey dpm07:51
dholbachhi ddecator07:52
czajkowskinigelb: aye running as I told him at the begining I didnt want to be on his camera and he still did it. very annoyed08:38
czajkowskihmm just seen my old job advertise 2/3 of my old job08:53
popeywere you made redundant?09:22
popeyI didnt think you could do that, get rid of someone so you could re-advertise the same job for less money09:22
AlanBellconstructive dismissal09:25
czajkowskipopey: aye I was.09:25
czajkowskiI'd like some good news please :(09:25
popeydrop $potential_new_job a mail?09:26
popey23:22:36 < doctormo> Nice work, ben was stuggeling to get people to smile all week ;-)09:27
popeymaybe if he'd told people what he was going to do with it.. he might have had more takers :)09:27
* jussi wasnt consulted... but still appeared in the videa10:10
jussimind, its not like I mind or anything :P10:11
popeyi think I am in it for a brief second :)10:13
jussiI actually got a decent shot, with AureliƩn showing me something10:14
czajkowskiit would be nice if he actually listened to folks if they didnt want to be on video, rather than him giving them to 2 fingers on their opinion and doing his own thing10:16
AlanBellyes that is not cool10:17
PendulumBen failed at the basic "ask permission" bit of journalism10:58
Pendulumhi cjohnston11:42
cjohnstonddecator: ya, its a security system.. so when the phone line breaks it thinks someone cut the phone so that the alarm cant send the signal to the alarm co11:42
jussicjohnston: hows you? tired?11:47
akgranerhey what is a good RSS Feed reader that you can query by date range oh and that is not text based (me loves my GUI's)12:26
jussiakregator... oh wait... maybe not for you...12:29
akgranerjussi, yeah :-(12:29
jussi<3 kde12:29
akgranerjussi, I like my GNOME comfort zone.. :-)12:30
jussiakgraner: I watched your interview with mark - nice work12:30
akgranerjussi, thanks!12:31
akgranerI enjoy interviewing people at UDS (or anytime) there were a few of the interviews where I could tell I was tired... (me should write down stuff instead of just winging it)12:32
jussiakgraner: :D12:33
jussiakgraner: was funny when you turned away from the mike sometimes tho  :D12:33
akgranerjussi, my favorite line in the Mark Interview  - light through the clouds...12:33
akgranerjussi, yeah I didn't wait for them to move the mic before I started asking questions.. they were using a "boom" mic? (I think that is what they called it)12:34
akgranerI think the week before UDS I am going to ask for questions and pick some from the community (well if I get to go again)12:36
akgranerahh dang it .. brb I just lost icons on my panel :-(   they just leave for no reason hmmm12:38
jussiI can just hear you say that "ahh dang it..."12:38
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== JFo-afk is now known as JFo
jturekakgraner: http://www.rssowl.org/  - its java based... but has tons of search features14:02
jturekakgraner: i just installed it on a fresh 10.04 vm, and it seems to work just fine with openJDK14:04
jturekwho handles planet.ubuntu.com ? seems that there are some invalid characters in the feed that is causing rss readers to barf14:09
popeyjturek: #canonical-sysadmin14:20
doctormoi noticed that on the video,14:24
akgranerjturek, thanks!14:26
jturekpopey: thanks, i opened a ticket on their RT14:46
nigelbczajkowski: didn't think you were camera shy15:07
JFonigelb, she just likes making faces to people when they are on camera15:17
nigelbJFo: haha15:17
* popey expects JFo will shortly be informed that he is a "brat" by cz<tab>15:17
nigelbpopey: haha15:18
nigelbwhat is the background music for the video?15:18
nigelbI can't place the name, I've heard it before too15:18
jcastrothe music is great!15:18
popeyi bought it on the u1 music store last night :)15:19
nigelbwhat is it called!15:19
popeyMGMT Oracular Spectacula15:19
jcastrothat's made up15:19
popeyMGMT is the band, Oracular Spectacula is the CD name15:19
popeyits the first track15:19
nigelbseems correct on a quck google15:19
popeytrack 5 "Kids" is also quite good - and similar15:20
nigelbcrap, not available via u1 for me15:21
* nigelb needs to go shopping tomorrow15:21
popeysilly record companies, missed a purchase there15:21
nigelbjcastro: any time frame of when we can see the unedited videos and help edit them?15:24
jcastronigelb: popey submitted a ticket, I am unsure of it's state right nowe15:25
popeyeek, i havent submitted a ticket15:25
popeyi sent a mail15:25
* popey submits a ticket15:25
nigelbahhh :)15:25
nigelbawesome, I forgot my password and answer to secret question for my cellphone web account15:27
Pendulumwin 2015:35
nigelbfail ;)15:35
AlanBell20 is full of win15:35
jono_dpm, dholbach, jcastro do you guys have any topics for our call?15:55
jono_I just wanted to ensure that you all get your actions completed this week15:55
dholbachjono_: I have a very few questions for a few blueprints, but I'm happy to resolve them via email15:56
dholbachother than that nothing from my end15:56
dpmjono_ apart from a general roundtable, there's nothing from me that we cannot discuss on our 1 to 1 tomorrow15:56
jcastrojono_: I am set, I just need clarification from you at some point wrt. that TB action I received15:57
jcastrojono_: (I sent a mail)15:57
jono_ok,m lets cancel, it seems most teams are canceling their team calls this week anyway15:57
jcastroyeah it's kind of WI city over here15:57
dholbachjono_: how do you feel today?15:57
jcastrocan I have a pony?15:57
jono_cool, I am happy to resolve outstanding questions over mail, or ping me and I can hop on the phone with you15:57
jcastroI would very much like a pony15:57
jono_dholbach, feeling a bit better today :)15:57
jono_jcastro, sure, just expense it15:57
* jcastro took vitamin C boosters all week during UDS15:58
jcastroYou need those to stave off the sladen-fllu!15:58
* dpm should have done as well15:58
dholbachsee, I told everybody it's always sladen15:58
akgranerjono_, if jcastro gets a pony can I have one too :-D...  (I just had to ask)16:00
jcastrojono_: if my stuff isn't showing up in the work items graph it means you haven't approved it yet right?16:00
jono_akgraner,aure :)16:01
jono_jcastro, yep16:01
* akgraner goes to tell Pete I'm getting a pony :-D hehe16:02
Pendulumakgraner: do tell us his reaction :P16:02
doctormojcastro: did the vit c work?16:05
popeyugh, ubuflu?16:05
jcastrodoctormo: I am not sick if that's what you're asking. :D16:05
doctormojcastro: Next time, we need more Vit B complexes for Jono :-D16:07
dholbachLOL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz0z90KLP-816:07
dholbachvery nice16:07
qensegood afternoon16:08
qensedholbach: omg16:09
akgranerPendulum, he was not amused.. :-(16:10
Pendulumakgraner: aww :(16:11
nigelbPendulum: I finally made it.  Last day tomorrow!16:12
nigelbdholbach: bejamin does some nice editing ;)16:13
akgranerPendulum, he was very colorful in describing his "amusement"...  and said don't you have work todo..and mumbled something needed a separate office building..*shrugs*16:14
nigelbakgraner: aww16:14
akgranerit's funny.. you all should be a fly on the wall  - you'd laugh all day16:14
akgranermy house should be a sitcom16:15
nigelbakgraner: in that case every house would be one ;)16:15
akgranerand you should see it when JFo stops by - it's a laugh a minute16:16
nigelblol, how come?16:16
akgranerpopey, can you describe JFo?16:16
* JFo is always serious16:16
PendulumJFo is undescribable16:16
Pendulumbut well worth meeting16:17
akgranerI can't do justice to that description16:17
JFoawww thanks Pendulum :-)16:17
* popey has copious audio recordings of JFo but no pictures16:17
JFoI like you too ;)16:17
qenseThis video is great: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxg2gjK4lHE>. Gives a nice impression of the UDS.16:17
* nigelb should really go for next uds16:17
nigelbqense: its playing right now on my playlist ;)16:17
Pendulumnigelb: duh16:17
akgranernigelb, uh yes!16:17
qenseI second that!16:18
nigelbIts so difficult to identify folks with only audio, especially folks I havent seen16:18
nigelbthe women were easy enough, but I got a lot of men mixed up, like JFo.  I think most of the brilliant stuff came from him16:19
nigelbI totally don't remember now16:19
Pendulumbtw, http://uds.ubuntu.com/audio/uds-m/ was just linked in #ubuntu-meeting, it looks to have archives of all the audio in case anyone wants to listen16:19
JFonigelb, you would be mistaken ;)16:19
nigelbyes, I should listen to stuff and separate it out16:19
nigelbJFo: most of the stuff you thought you were talking in secret were loud and clear to me :D16:20
* JFo pushes forward the great ideas of others16:20
JFonigelb, :-P16:20
JFothat is because I am loud16:20
nigelbalso you sat near the mic and tried to whisper16:20
nigelbakgraner: how far does JFo stay from you folks?16:21
akgranernigelb, 15 mins or so.. we are in the country - he lives in town :-)  he's city folk...16:22
JFofar enough where she can't hear me whispering :-P16:22
JFoI'm in high cotton16:22
nigelbakgraner: in the country, nice16:23
nigelbmy home (well in my hometown) is a quiet corner away from all the noise too16:23
nigelbjussi: haha, fought with your lawnmover? :D16:24
akgranernigelb, yep - I like it here.. I need to get out and enjoy it more often.. I was sitting on the porch earlier writing a letter and feeding all the birds...16:25
nigelbakgraner: aw, you make me miss home :(16:26
akgranernigelb, :-( sorry...16:27
cjohnstondo be do16:32
cjohnstonlets see how long my internet lasts this time16:32
qensejcastro: You are aware you still have to set a series (maverick) and a milestone (ubuntu-10.10) for <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-m-global-menu> and <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-m-app-indicator>?16:36
jcastroqense: ah, thanks16:37
jturekthe next UDS needs to be sponsored by Tamiflu16:37
cjohnston /me hides from jcastro16:37
cjohnstonlol jturek16:38
qensejturek: If they're ever going to give away goodies they should consider including that. ;)16:38
cjohnstonknocking on wood cjohnston says he hasnt gotten sick16:38
jturekmaybe they use linux i'd have to find an IT guy at Roche (the big pharma behind tamiflu) :)16:39
cjohnstonI should have my wife talk to some of the drug reps she knows... lol16:39
nigelbor add flu medicines to the conference packs ;)16:40
jtureki guess it would be illegal to hand out OTC medicine,  but maybe a http://www.fluhelp.org/ flyer :)16:42
JanCit would be very much illegal for Roche to make publicity for Tamiflu in the first place here in Belgium  ;)16:52
JanC(or for any other medicine)16:52
jcastro<-- lunching17:18
cjohnstonstupid internet!17:26
czajkowskipopey why is jfo a brat....17:47
dholbachok my friends - I call it a day, see you tomorrow!18:00
qenseOn of the required skills mentioned in a job description of Canonical: "Experience backporting cutting-edge technologies from Ubuntu to legacy platforms such as Microsoft's Windows" LOL18:24
qenseApparently Windows is already considered legacy.18:26
Technovikingmorning all18:31
qensemorning Technoviking18:34
dpmsee you all tomorrow, have a nice rest of the day!18:46
JanCqense: I think I know somebody who applied for that job...18:49
qenseJanC: Then I hope (s)he knows how to work with legacy technologies. ;)18:51
JanCI think his current job involves .NET on a "legacy platform"  ;)18:52
JanCit might be this job or a related one, not sure18:54
Technovikingnever seen the channel so quiet, that is quite the UDS hangover:)20:52
bencrisfordTechnoviking: indeed :)20:54
JanCTechnoviking: for some reason some wussies^Wpeople got sick after UDS  ;)21:05
cjohnstondo be do be do21:31
czajkowskifecking flu!21:36
JanCI doubt people have the flu21:40
JanCat least most of them21:40
JanCif you really have the flu, you're really sick for 3 days to 3 weeks21:40
JanCotherwise you have some other "bug"  ;)21:41
czajkowskiJanC: tis  a standing joke ubuflu21:41
JanCI know21:41
JanCjust wrong terminology in the joke  ;)21:41
JanCmore like an "ubucold"21:42
JanCdoesn't sound as good I guess  :P21:42
jturekakgraner: did RSSOwl work out for ya?23:10

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